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The Gentrification Process
Introduction The gentrification process is a trend in urban neighborhoods, which results in increased
property values and the displacing of lower–income families and small businesses(Sims1994–1999).
Many cities around the world have begun to adapt in order to bring in new revenue. This process is
being done blindly, because the apparent change is not quite noticeable but the damage is being
done. The fact that there is damage being done speaks volumes at the fact that this process is being
done in a way that harms many children and schools. The toll that this process is taking on public
education and minority families is rather clear. Families are being displaced from their homes and
relocated to god knows where. Displacement is problematic ... Show more content on ...
To see what people grew up loving being destroyed must be really be painful to watch. Apart from
residential and commercial redevelopment, other infrastructural projects that are closely related to
rising property values and displacement are implemented as well. (Ahrens 2012). The homes that
people grew up in are no longer what they remembered it to be and because of the displacement they
can no longer visit their childhood home because it was no longer affordable. When the
redevelopment occurred they were thrown out with no chance to ever come back because the prices
sky rocketed. This gentrified process occurs because the communities are strongly associated with
gang violence and street crime in the past, the Hollenbeck Community Police Station was expanded
in 2009. (Ahrens 2012). In an effort to help the community they "urbanize" it because they want the
people to be safe. The idea of Gentefy is to try and fix the community, middle–class Latinos aim to
improve the neighborhood (Ahrens 2012). The working middle class doesn't want to lose their
community so they are trying to keep the Boyle heights community just as it is. The issue the people
of Boyle Heights don't want what happened in Highland park to happen to them. A young woman
who at a point lived
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What´s Gentrification Inoffensive?
Smith insist that gentrification is actually a powerful intent within the urban regeneration strategies
and to mount a critical challenge to the idea that gentrification is inoffensive even though the scale
of the process becomes more threatening and the absorption of gentrification into a wider neoliberal
urbanism becomes more tangible. The author finds ways that gentrification has evolved as a
competitive urban strategy within the same global economy. This has resulted into the same process
of capital centralization that has accentuated the contradictions between production and social
reproduction which enhances the process of gentrification that works out differently in different
places. The author mentions the fact that gentrification as
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The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification
Everyday buildings and shops seem to be coming to a rust and becoming of age. There is a process
in which it gives the neighborhood or streets a fresh new sense to the community. In doing this
brings in a variety of different people from different customs and making the community more
diverse. This process is called gentrification which is urban change, particularly, the transformation
of a low income or economically depressed area of a city into a higher–income more economically
prosperous. Gentrification is not tied to race and ethnicity but social class. Although it seems like all
negatives to the community because they have lost their childhood store or restaurant, there are
positives to gentrification. Gentrification is beneficial to our community because of the
displacement of not only the buildings but of the people, urban renewal, and property value. During
gentrification there are certain displacements that improve and benefit our community as a whole.
The displacement of people coming from all different races and culture increasing the diversity in
the communities and not only create a diversity but also benefits the citizens around that community.
Although some people believe the increase of diversity is a negative and will cause harm, studies
found "no evidence of displacement or harm"( Buntin). In 2010, a university examined
gentrification across the nation as whole and they saw that when african americans are living with a
more diverse community (with whites
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Thesis On Braamfontein
This paper is the result of a research gap regarding the topic of Braamfontein from an information
architecture point–of–view. What Terence and I concluded, after wildly searching for relevant
sources that would subsequently inform my Interaction Design (IxD) dissertation, was that credible
information pertaining to Braamfontein is undeniably few and far between. Well, no, it's there, but
the information wasn't exactly what we were looking for. In fact there has been extensive research
done around the topic of urban planning, the shift from public to private, the ongoing urban renewal
initiative, the over–arching theme of gentrification, and so on, but there was little to do with role of
information in Braamfontein. Writing about the history of Braamfontein was just as scarce. It's no
wonder that there is a general lack of interest within the informational scope of Braamfontein, where
on earth do you start?
Briefly describe the focus of the overall paper and its main points
This study contemplates ... Show more content on ...
Explain the procedures used for analyzing the sources
The study is based on an inductive qualitative method of analysis using literature within the scope of
the topic. The analysis of this data is the result of an overlapping of key theories and concepts:
place–making; pervasive information architecture and; Hassenzahl's 10 Psychological Needs, with
insights from primary sources pertaining to the informational ecology of Braamfontein.
Section heading
Present evidence and ideas from sources. Concepts are organized under Section and subsection
A Pluralistic approach to Information Architecture
Space, place and time
To understand the inner–workings of a place, it is integral that we unpack the very foundation on
which this place occurs, we're talking about the concept of space. Without space, place ceases to
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Argumentative Essay On Gentrification
Gentrification. What comes to mind when you hear this word? What connotations are associated
with this term? Most people associate this word with a negative connotation, while others believe it
to be positive. However, gentrification is an inevitable process that cities go through and it brings
about positive and negative changes because it can improve the lifestyle of the residents of the
communities, but it can also result in the displacement of lower income residents, and spurs
socioeconomic conflicts between long–time residents, new–time residents, and even the government
in the city.
Communities that are becoming more gentrified have already seen an improvement of life, and
positive lasting changes in those communities. Patrick Gillespie ... Show more content on ...
Spike Lee asked in his rant "why does it take an influx of [wealthy] white New Yorkers ... for the
facilities to get better?" Communities that have not gentrified have poor facilities and services for
the resident living there, but when people with wealth move in, the city government wants to turn its
attention onto the community to make it better. In San Francisco, the Fillmore district was one of the
worst places in the city to be in. Crime flourished throughout this neighborhood. Now with the
influx of stores and wealthy residents coming in, the city turned one of the worst neighbors into one
of the best neighborhoods. Julia Wong accurately described a situation about the lasting effect
gentrification had on the community. In San Francisco, it became a new hub for tech companies and
many of the wealthy tech employees were moving into immigrant neighborhoods. Landlords were
driving up the cost of rent because of increased incentives to evict longtime tenants. Some tech
workers paid a fee to have the soccer field for an hour and got into an argument with the
neighborhoods kids because they followed a different set of rules; rules that were in place for years
in the community. She stated that the government was renting out parks and quoted Mark Buell who
said "it's a way of trying to provide a service to the community". Why does it take money to provide
a free
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A Study Of Gentrification On Economically Vulnerable...
Jackson State University Department of Public Policy and Administration Research Paper A Study
of Gentrification on Economically Vulnerable Populations: A Case Study for the Jackson,
Mississippi May 5, 2017 by Essilyn Milton Submitted to: Dr. Johnny Gilleylen Advanced Research
Methods Ph.D. Program PPAD 796 Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction 3 Problem Statement
3 Research Objectives 4 Rational of the
Study.......................................................................................4 Significance of
Study.................................................................................... 4 Chapter 2: Overview of Gentrification
6 Causes of Gentrification...................................................................................10 Vulnerable
Population/Characteristics 12 Chapter 3: Effects of Gentrification 12 Chapter 4: ... Show more
content on ...
The mixed methodology of quantitative and qualitative studies will be examined for the statistical
values of rate of with urban areas in the United States are being gentrified and also the rate of which
the vulnerable population is being displaced and affected. If valid, the studies could prove that a
specific and trending demographic is being affected the majority of time, and new policies should be
put in place to protect this demographic or vulnerable population. Problem Statement Gentrification
systematically displaces the most vulnerable population from their resident communities. It is not
matter of relocation for the vulnerable population, but in most instances, the exposure to a more
exacerbated disparaging community and shelter source, homelessness and/or, health and behavioral
issues. The costs of gentrification is that it displaces the poor and unstable along with small and
unique businesses located in the community and replaces them with the wealthy. Research
Objectives The objective of this study is to: 1. Define and discussion the meaning of gentrification.
2. To discuss gentrification and its effects locally, statewide, and globally. 3. To disclose and discuss
the vulnerable population affected by gentrification. 4. State and expound on the consequences of
gentrification, and the direct causes and consequences if not resolved. 5. To
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The Benefits Of Gentrification
I am writing this letter not only as a call to action, but as a proposal to compromise on a domestic
issue that seems to be spreading across urban areas of New York City. Unfavorably connotated as
the displacement of poor people by well off newcomers, gentrification can be illustrated as the
influx of richer people in a predeveloped urban region, a rise in rent and estate rates, and
modifications in regions cultural identity. If I may remind you of a statement you made prior to
obtaining a seat in office: "I see people suffering and feeling like they're losing their grip on the
place, and my job is to help New Yorkers live in New York." (Goldberg) Is it really fair to place out
individuals that, in most cases, have occupied their home and ... Show more content on ...
Gentrification has brought conflict in numerous major cities in America, including New York City,
usually involving issues of race and finance. The alteration of communities has been viewed as the
malfunction of society, where rich predominantly white folk are praised for making a district
"better". It is in these same neighborhoods where minority occupants are forced to leave their homes
due to inflamed rents. People should not be forced to move out of their homes with the intent of
"improving" the neighborhood. (Flag Wars) Gentrification also gives rise to a moral standpoint for
poor communities: is it really humane to knock down a building occupied by the working and lower
income families with the intent to build a business that you are so certain will be a success? If you
want to bring in more businesses into the area, do not do it at the cost of residents. Evacuating
residents leads to retracting them from the culture built within the city. The bond formed between
neighbors, business owners, and local pedestrians all makeup the identity the city carries. By
accepting an influx of newcomers and forcing the evacuation of longtime residents, the cultural
recognition of the city will definitely be changed. Probably the most vital question to ask yourself
before approving increased rates of gentrification within New York City is where is everyone going
to live? New York City, specifically the Manhattan borough topping the list just above the Brooklyn
borough and San Francisco,CA, is the most expensive city to live in in United States. Displacing
residents would definitely not guarantee them housing and increasing property taxes on homes and
businesses would belittle the city. Businesses and dwellers that once thrived as a
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Pros And Cons Of Gentrification
The world is always changing whether it is technology or medicine. Within these changes there are
mixed views and controversy. This happens especially when the topic is about gentrification.
According to the definition from Merriam–Webster, gentrification is "the process of renewal and
rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle class into deteriorating area that often displaces
poorer residents". Now the concept itself is like a mathematical equation economic increase plus a
safer neighborhood equals a positive reputation. Still there are those who believe the idea of
gentrification is bad for the community, causing family oriented shops to go out of business and a
loss of culture within the city. There are cons to gentrification, but, one ... Show more content on ...
A positive reputation is what many visitors often look at when deciding where to explore. If one is
living in the L.A county in cities such as Calabasas or Westwood, where there is a safe community
with economic status, the reaction from non residents is positive because of its reputation. California
is commuter state, everyone is always on the go using multiple sources of transportation. So, it is
common to see Californians often visiting neighboring cities. Its rare for someone to want to visit a
run down neighborhood. For those who drive through non gentrified areas in Los Angeles such as
South Central think dirt and smog. Unfortunately this has created a negative image of homelessness
and gang members. No one honestly wants to take a stroll in a neighborhood where they often have
to be alert for danger. Those who come out of state to visit California often go to the places where
gentrification has taken over. Therefore people much rather visit places with a positive and
welcoming atmosphere where one can feel safe. The more visitors, the more money goes towards
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Gentrification Pros And Cons
A question that many people who live in an urban community have been asking is "What exactly is
gentrification?". Gentrification is a general term for the arrival of wealthier people in an existing
urban district, a related increase in rents and property values, and changes in the district's character
and culture. The term is often used negatively, suggesting the displacement of poor communities by
rich outsiders. But the effects of gentrification are complex and contradictory, and its real impact
varies. Although many aspects of the gentrification process are desirable. Who wouldn't want to see
reduced crime, new investment in buildings and infrastructure, and increased economic activity in
their neighborhoods? Unfortunately, the benefits of these ... Show more content on
You can possibly argue for both sides and have completely valid point. The uprising of
gentrification in multiple cities around the United States has been very detrimental to everyone's
way of living. Gentrification begins when a neighborhood begins to continually get worse and worse
over time. The majority of the time abandoned neighborhoods appeal to housing speculators because
they see it as an opportunity to make something out of nothing. Initially, buildings may change
hands several times before they are renovated. Eventually, these various buildings will undergo
renovation, and units are sold for high prices, rather than rented. Around the same time that
economic revitalization of the area begins. Both the pace of gentrification and the displacement of
the poorer residents and the renters accelerates. The gentrification process is not one that is very
universal throughout the United States. The suburban growth still tends to be much greater than the
inner city gentrification. Many observers of this subject say that without gentrification, various
vibrant inner cities would cease to exist. Do this mean gentrification could be
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Post Ww2 Compare And Contrast
Compare and Contrast: Urban Redevelopment and Housing in the U.S., Europe, and Asia This paper
is written to compare and contrast urban redevelopment and housing in the U.S., Europe, and Asia in
the post–WWII era. Being aware of the fact that housing was indeed an integral part of urban
redevelopment in the postwar era, the following analysis of urban redevelopment will focus on the
larger picture, while that of housing would pay more attention to the details. Specifically, for urban
redevelopment, planning ideas and the level of inequality in different countries are examined, and
with regard to housing, I would like to analyze their architectural features. First of all, the planning
ideas that guided the process of urban redevelopment in different countries vary to a significant
extent. In Japan, priority was given to improve the urban road network. As a consequence, broad
arterial roads were planned, and green areas were provided at the fringe. The redevelopment of the
city of Nagoya revealed ambitious efforts. In this city, two 100–meter wide boulevards that served
as the axes was constructed, and a large number of parks were established. While according to the
Tokyo plan, an extensive network of ring and radial parkways, greenbelts, and corridors were built
in order to restructure Tokyo and subdivide it into many smaller sub–cities. On the outskirts, a
permanent greenbelt would be formed where development would be constrained. Additionally, most
of the population were
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Biography and Book Report on Shaul Magid
Shaul Magid is a professor of religious studies and the Jay and Jeannie Schottenstein Chair of
Jewish Studies in Modern Judaism at Indiana University. In addition, on the site he says that he
grew up in a secular Jewish household in New York and then become serious about religion at the
age of 20 in which he dove deeply into the world of Hasidism. He says that he is fascinated by the
"complex nexus of Judaism and American counterculture" of his youth and writes about the topic as
a scholar rather then an observer. In the introduction he states that, "proximity does not by definition
produce bias. Investment does not necessarily yield apologetics. The best critic, perhaps, is one who
is open... about what is at stake, collectively and personally, in his or her scholarly projects"
(confirm that!!)
Magid's brilliant introduction really sets the tone for the rest of his book. American Jews or Jewish
Americans? American Judaism or Judaism in America? One is; the other describes. It is without
question that America has offered Jews the most loving society in the Jewish Diaspora, but at the
same time it is also proving to be problematic. Jews are in a current state of transition in that they
have to figure out a way to adapt their Jewishness beyond their ethnicity. The Jewish leaders in
America have been wondering how to handle the sky rocketing assimilation and intermarriage rates,
because they are fearful that it will lead to the end of not
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Historical Development Of Urban Development
Introduction "In the context of urban history, infrastructure can make or break a community. In the
United States, the historical development of urban infrastructure has both formed and followed the
inscriptions of race, class, and gender on the urban landscape. Ample in more affluent communities,
usually absent or minimal in historic concentrations of urban poverty, infrastructure does not serve
its public equally. Some cities have a more equitable distribution of infrastructure than others, but
many urban neighborhoods remain woefully underserved," (Avila 4–5). My hometown of Tolleson,
Arizona is a small city of six thousand, five hundred residents with a predominantly Mexican
population, with nearly 78% of the residents declaring themselves as Mexican in the 2010 census.
The focus of my research will be on the power of Latinx representation Latinx–majority cities'
governments, using Tolleson as a special case study, whose city council is majority Mexican.
Tolleson has been making great strides to fix up the town and provide more jobs and opportunities
to its residents, and in doing so, the city has asserted itself as a major example for its innovation and
strengthening infrastructure. For example, Tolleson was the only city in Arizona to not lay off
employees during the 2008 Great Recession, and the Paseo de Luces (Path of Lights), which was
created by Mayor Adolfo F. Gámez, who also fought to keep highways such as the Interstate 10 and
South Mountain Freeway from
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Pros And Cons Of Far Rockaway Beach Gentrification
Gentrification means renewable or renovation. Far Rockaway Beach has been a hidden gem of New
York City. Far Rockaway has become the most recent hotspot to undergo gentrification. Two things
that have turned Rockaway in the recent years are Arvene By The Sea and the surfing culture. The
development popularity of surfing in the Rockaways has created a resurgence, attracting large beach
crowds and developing rather economic interesrs.
The gentrification process produces both pros and cons in the long run for Far Rockaway. Results
that may cause concern for these decision makers are that this modernization is going to leave many
residents in Far Rockaway with housing that they cannot afford. As a result, many of these residents
are going to ... Show more content on ...
By identifying their assets that offer the best opportunities for growth, it will help them develop
strategies to support their business and living. Examples of common assets would be investing in
natural beauty products and stores and outdoor recreation such as daycare and summer camp
centers. The opportunity relies on teamwork and support amongst the community. Engaging all
members, residents, business owners and stakeholders in planning for the future will result into a
vision for the communities wellbeing and also the surety of survival in the newly renovated Far
Rockaway. Including stakeholders into the planning process opens doors to generating public
support that can maintain momentum for implementing changes through election cycles. Another
powerful tactic is taking advantage of outside funding. Funding applied strategies include yard sales,
bake sales, cookouts etc. Even a small amount of outside funding applied strategically to support a
community's vision and plans can help increase local interest and commitment in the area and spur
investment. Creating incentives for redevelopment is a strategic tactic because it encourages
investment in the community. This way, businesses and developers who are interested will invest
into the cause to support the community's long–term communities.
Small businesses that are unable to physically flourish can take
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Parking Lots, the Story of Urban Redevelopment in Callowhill
As I drive southbound from Trenton into Philadelphia on I95 South it is impossible to avoid
potholes, constant construction and terrible drivers. The frustration seems to mount significantly
throughout the journey until off in the distance the jutting of skyscrapers can be seen cutting through
the clouds, Philadelphia, it's so close now. I take the Callowhill exit and I know I've made it home,
from the exit to my apartment is merely a ten minute drive. Those ten minutes are more than enough
to take in the sights and sounds of the beauty that is Callowhill Street and the neighborhood
surrounding it. The surface of Callowhill is rough with its abandoned factories, rusted fences, over
grown parking lots and overall gray scale color scheme ... Show more content on ...
How and why then did a plan with such socioeconomic promise fail? It is the aim of this research
paper to examine, inform and discover how and why a failure of this nature occurred and the
ramifications that followed. Callowhills decline was the result of deindustrialization in Philadelphia
and a failed urban renewal effort, but the neighborhood is making a comeback as a residential
In August of 1962 Gustave Amsterdam, Goldie Hoffman, Robert Gray, Walter Livingston and
Stewart Walker submitted the Survey and Planning Application for the Callowhill East Urban
Renewal Area Project to the Redevelopment Authority of Philadelphia . This application was no
more than thirty pages and outlined a plan for redevelopment then plan would later be resubmitted
in earnest. In the opening letter to James Leigh, the Regional Director for the Urban Renewal
Administration, Amsterdam outlines the reasons behind the need for urban renewal in the area and
the significant role that it will have for the future of Callowhill and the city of Philadelphia. Urban
renewal efforts had begun all of the city all the post–industrial era had been realized, these efforts
were met with success and the Callowhill East area was to be no different.
The Callowhill East area was characterized as a neighborhood blighted by
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American Factfinder Case Study
Nestled quietly only an hour and a half train ride upstate from Manhattan is the Town of Southeast.
You may have heard the name from the esteemed "Red Rooster," a 50's themed drive–up burger and
ice cream joint located right of NY–22 ("Historic Buildings" | Brewster NY). Otherwise, you may
have heard of the (in)famous Kelly's Corner, where you will find some of the best wings you have
ever tasted, and occasionally, a Trump child after a long day of skiing at none other than Thunder
Ridge Ski Lodge (Buono, Jess. "Trump Brothers Spotted in Brewster."). Conveniently situated
around two train stations along the Harlem Line to Grand Central, the town is a popular home for
commuters. Over 50% of residents work outside of Putnam County, and almost 20% of workers
travel 60 minutes or more to their place of work. More than 1/3 of residents are employees in the
Management, Business, Science, and Arts, making it by far the largest industry employing Town of
Southeast residents ("American FactFinder." American FactFinder). The mean income of Town of
Southeast Residents being $114,000/year, with almost 50% of residents earning incomes of over
$100,000/year ("American FactFinder." American FactFinder), this town greatly impacts Putnam
Counties standing as one of the wealthiest counties in the country (Levy, Francesca. "America's 25
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We would rent out their facilities and support their mission to complete the renovation of the "Old
Town Hall Theater," where we would be able to present our performing arts pieces. We would ask
visual artists presenting their artwork in TOSCAC's facilities to come in and give a lecture to
students and talk about their exhibit. Since there is already such an abundance of amazing art
happening with TOSCAC, partnering would bring amazing opportunities to students, and fulfill
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Fredrick Taylor And Its Contributions
About Fredrick W. Taylor:
Fredrick Taylor was a significant figure in operation management history. He played a major part in
innovations during the industrial revelation through his scientific methods that made great
improvements when it came to productivity and efficiency. The improvements that he made were
highly criticized for being to harsh on workers and dehumanizing factories.
He was born in 1856 in Philadelphia and attended Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire in
1872. He was forced to leave plans to attend Harvard due to his eyesight weakening from night
study. He apprenticed to understand the trades of patternmaker and machinist when he got his
eyesight restored in 1875. ... Show more content on ...
The monograph is a collection of his life's work and incorporated some cases from his work
Scientific Management was comprised of four principles:
– Every step of individuals work is analyzed in a scientific method to come up with the most
effective way for getting the work done. It is the way to develop and come up with the best possible
approach for an individual to preform a task by examining instruments needed and by measuring the
maximum amount of work a worker can do in a day.
– Matching workers with the job that is best suited for them in a scientific method. According to
Taylor everyone was able to do his or her best in a specific job that was devised. The management's
role was to match the job with the worker that has the capability to do it and train them accordingly.
– Managers should provide supervision and cooperate with workers to make sure the job is done in
an effective way.
– Mangers and workers responsibilities are divided, managers spend their time supervising and
planning while workers continue their work productively.
The difference between scientific management and the traditional way of doing
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The Preservation Of Chinatown Chicago
Phillip Fok
David Walls
English 0802
September 16, 2015
The Preservation of Chinatown in Philadelphia
In order for Philadelphia to maintain its rich culture and diversity, Chinatown must be preserved.
Chinatown has become a centerpiece of Philadelphia for tourist and residents alike to experience
eastern culture. The people are friendly, there are plenty of strangers on the streets, and plenty late
night business and as Jane Jacobs would describe it, successful (35). Therefore as a public space that
is suitable to the public it should be preserved. However, it is the target for many developers. In the
past there have been numerous attempts to develop the Chinatown district, all of which would have
compromised the integrity of Chinatown, which has been around since the late 1800s. The
Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation, or the PCDC, was founded because of these
threats to Chinatown and has constantly fought off development threats to Chinatown (Lechner).
However, the developments that were constructed including the Vine Street Expressway and several
urban renewal projects south of Chinatown have effectively stopped growth in those areas. Because
of limited space and growing population further developments have been shot down rather quickly
by residents including the Foxwood Casino and in 2004 the construction of the new Phillies
One of the first of many barrages of developmental destructions of Chinatown was the
reconstruction of the Vine Street
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The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification
Rough Draft Gentrification is a type of modernization that causes the culture to be forgotten for new
ideas and experimental ways. Gone are the bustling downtown areas where culture thrives and a
place where people relax with music and food and income distinguished coffee shops and hangouts
that the younger generation is so interested in. Austin used to be a place where people can come to
enjoy the scenery and live next to the past, but because of gentrification, the culture is declining at a
rapid pace due to the vast increase of affordable housing, interstate splits, and a more modern
setting. This all started with the rise of "Affordable housing", where a local nonprofit buys a piece of
land and build a house for the needy in it. Now that might sound like a great idea for those who are
faced with rising house prices in the downtown area, but it is just what those builders want. To push
the poor ... Show more content on ...
With this method, it would divide the traffic of people more evenly throughout the downtown area
but not at a remove all and rebuilt type of manor. This also helps in that the businesses that are
currently there hipster or jazz included doing not have to compete with new ideas. We all know that
the movement of "hipster" will be phased out and a new trend will come in and take over so either
way, a spread of different ideas is better than a concentrated area. Also with this method, people can
choose their favorite section and not waste time going across downtown to get to their other
destination. The more one has to move to acquire what they need is going to tire them out and cause
them to no go to the next area. Or the opposite can happen it could force consumers out of their
comfort zone, and make them explore a new area because their favorite shop is there, like an
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The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification
Gentrification is the extensive process of rejuvinating a specific part of a city and or town that has
been soddened with poverty and deterioration, due to an underlying neglect. These attempts at re–
birth of a city are becoming more and more prevalent, so it draws out the overwhelming question, is
it helpful or harmful to developing neighborhoods? Gentrification can not be topical with kitchy
coffee shops where you pay for the ambience which includes pretty foliage potted in whimsical
objects that are all being re–purposed, sitting on rustic wooden tables that are adorned with
industrial furnishings. As well as the overpriced fair trade cup of coffee that the pretentious barista
contrieves. And the ostentatious frozen yougurt shops will walls ... Show more content on ...
There are quite a few more downfalls to gentrification and they are, the realtor and investor sharks
who prowl and pry around for these opportunities to pounce on the broken and defenseless. The
process of taking a tarnished building and turning it into something more habitable is costly and
could be fiscal suicide if their investments fall short, then if that happens the city will be full of half–
hearted attempts that sit for years and never get completed. Let's not forget that having these
aristocratric schmucks meandering around giving people ultimatuims left and right. Would be like
mixing bleach and ammonia together and rendering everyone unconcious from the potent
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Gentrification Pros And Cons
Gentrification is the process of renovating a city or neighborhood to offer modern places to work,
play, and eat. Supporters argue that it brings economic growth and prosperity to the city, while
decreasing poverty in the area. However, residents of these areas claim that gentrification has ruined
the culture of the neighborhood while driving out low–income residents. While it is important to
maintain cities and prevent them from wearing down over time, gentrification provides too many
burdens on the citizens for it to be effective. Avid supporters of gentrification believe that it brings
safety and increased revenue to the cities, making them more attractive to outsiders and bringing in
more residents as a result. Unfortunately, gentrification does not have that desired effect on
neighborhoods. According to Source C, a data review examined 114 examples of gentrification over
a five year period, studying several signs of a city's growth. ... Show more content on ...
Source D examines gentrification from a satirical perspective. Most gentrification supporters believe
property owners of a neighborhood to be, as Source D describes, "clueless." While it may seem that
gentrification revitalizes a neighborhood, it actually damages the unique culture of a neighborhood.
It is important to respect the traditions of an area rather than cite "renovation" and "business
endeavors" as a just motive for destroying the culture of a neighborhood. The political cartoon in
Source F depicts the culture change Brooklyn experienced after gentrification. Spike Lee, the man
speaking in the comic, grew up in Brooklyn and has supported the culture there for many years.
Meanwhile, Brooklyn, like many other neighborhoods including Harlem and other urban areas, has
lost its original culture as a result of gentrification. When renovating a city, retaining the culture and
traditions must be a
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Gentrification Essay
Gentrification has become a common phenomenon throughout many major cities in the United
States and it is impacting millions. Gentrification can be dated back to the urban renewal and slum
clearance, and post war reconstruction programs implemented during the 1950s and 1960s Schaffer
and Smith 1986). Although the main idea of gentrification is to, from an economic standpoint,
rebuild the city and redevelop its urban core, some people are in fact negatively impacted. There
seems to be a trend on the groups of people effected. Many families are being displaced from their
homes due to the fact that the city is redeveloping the "urban core" and attracting many young,
affluent people to live in areas surrounding it. Although, the benefits of gentrification are seemingly
attractive to the governments and cities do they really outweigh the benefits of those being unable to
afford the housing and being moved out of areas they have lived in for generations just to be
displaced into just as impoverished of an area as before.
Public Debates Tackling Gentrification:
In the 1970s the Carter administration encouraged the revitalization of cities and The U.S
department of Housing and Urban Development saw displacement as a problem. Due to unofficial
data claiming unofficially only 2% of people were displaced they saw it as an insignificant problem
and sought nothing to attempt to eliminate displacement with the onset of redevelopment. (Schaffer
& Smith, 1986) The common notion of
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The Problems Of Urban Rot
For many years, Detroit has been described as the "Come Back City". A presumption will be made
that the significant reasons for urban rot are, among potential others are evolving demographics,
deindustrialization, political disappointment, poor urban arranging, and racial separation. Detroit can
still be viewed as a beautiful city full of culture and art, both in its stately decay and in its growing
natural abundance. Indeed, Detroit remains to be one of the finest sights to be seen with a little
investing from the people. Chartier (2005) of Cambridge University make a valid point by stating
"people will not invest the requisite level of care into their resources if they believe their
investments will be lost". (p 374).
In 1701 the ... Show more content on ...
Around 1910 and 1980 Detroit 's African American populace expanded in excess of 100 times. Ryan
(2008) a faculty member of Harvard University reports that "The City of Detroit, Michigan was a
natural subject for the study. Like many other cities in the American Midwest and West, Detroit
grew rapidly, expanding from a population of essentially in 1850 to over 1,800,000 by 1950". (p 2)
The breakdown of the Big Three automakers has quickened Detroit 's decay, and occupants have
been consistently escaping since the 1950s. In that time, the populace has dwindled from around 2
million to somewhat more than 700,000 individuals; aside from that, there are more than 70,000
deserted structures and numerous empty lots. Individuals have been relentlessly streaming out of the
city for quite a long time, leaving behind empty homes and scantily populated neighborhoods,
leaving vacant neighborhoods an invitation to more crime and other wrongdoing.
By the mid–twentieth century, real changes in the American economy were underway, and the auto
business was on the front line. It wasn 't the automotive industry alone that demolished Detroit. It
was urbanization that also played its hand in the demise of Detroit. The city was destroyed by
deindustrialization, and decentralization amid the post–World War II spread and when the
interstates, and disinvestments in the urban communities started to dissolve. The auto makers such
as Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, drove almost
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The Housing Act Of 1949
In 1934, Congress created the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) to assist citizens with their
housing needs. According to "Department of Housing and Urban Development" on, "In
July 1947, the Housing and Home Finance Agency was established to help people buy homes
following World War II. Two years later, the Housing Act of 1949 was enacted to help eradicate
slums and promote redevelopment in urban areas." The Department of Housing and Urban
Development Act began with the Housing Act of 1949. According to The Department of Housing
and Urban Development written by John B. Willmann, "The Act of 1949 added new prestige to the
Housing and Home Finance Agency by authorizing broader public housing activity." The Housing
Act of 1949 also promoted urban redevelopment and research on housing and development
Housing programs and redevelopment continued to expand and finally the United States passed the
Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD for short, in 1965. The establishment of
the eleventh Cabinet–level agency sparked controversy between Democrats and Republicans in the
House and Senate. The arguments "were based on the need for managerial improvement and greater
efficiency and coordination of programs, but there was, also, general recognition that the prestige of
Cabinet status would benefit housing and urban programs both in Congress and outside
government" (Willmann 22).
The current Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban
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Gentrification Of Young Families With Managerial Positions
Gentrification as a hypothetical idea is a process lead by middle to high–income class people. In
general they are represented under the label of young families with managerial positions, people that
work in real estate investment firms, or the beginning of the rise of the entrepreneur class. It started
with the partial integration of these "elite" groups into lower–income class neighborhoods that lived
in the inner city. The integration of these higher income class people that were attracted to live in
these urban clusters, triggered the shift of the local communities' social structure. The end result was
the constant rise of the prices that affected the people's rents and the commercial services in the area
which forced the original residence to leave their own homes. Gentrification is a practice that
cultivates social displacement. This change is revealed in the change of the neighborhoods
environmental aesthetics, engrossed by the belief that a rebirth of the older city was in the making.
No one wants to be a part of a low income community. Some of peoples life goals are to simply stay
out of it. Others try to improve it and some try to prevent it all together. These groups of people can
be recognized as local, state, and the federal government. Gentrification has to do with the
"vanishing" of these neighborhoods. While on the other hand urban renewal has to do with the
"vanishing" of the people. The problem with both of these is how the families once
they are
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Effects Of Gentrification
Gentrification is characterized as a struggle of power through the process of neighborhood change
taking place in three stages; entry, exit, and restoration. Gentrification is driven by private
developers, landlords, businesses, and corporations, and supported by the government through
policies. (Hang) The "rehabilitation" of depressed urban areas leads to the inevitable exile of it's
lifelong residents. As wealthy interest in less affluent neighborhoods increases, it causes a
sociocultural change to occur in those communities. These changes send a shock wave of economic
effects. The average income increases and the average family size decreases. The economic eviction
of lower income families will result because of increased rent, property
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Urban Renewal Of Green Investment
As cities across the country continue to age and show signs of deterioration, planning boards and
city councils push for urban renewal projects that, not only updates existing infrastructure and city
amenities, but also sets aside land for cleanup and conversion into parks and greenspace. This wave
of green investment is just the latest turn that "urban renewal" has taken since its conception during
the 1940s by master builders such as Robert Moses. However, the various stages that are reflected in
Atlanta's own built environment go back further than the 1940s.
Willoughby Way, a small col–de–sac street that rest on the eastern boundary of the Old Fourth Ward,
underwent several waves of development and redevelopment. Today, greeting the ... Show more
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Parcels surrounding the springs reportedly sold for "fabulous" rates, up to a thousand dollars an
acre. Believed to have reached its height in popularity in 1890, the development of electric streetcar
lines had spurred new development interest in an adjacent section of the city, Inman Park. In 1903,
over a decade after the alleged height of the springs, 47 acres surrounding the mineral spring was
purchased by the Ponce de Leon Amusement Company. The amusement company began
construction immediately, re–opening the mineral springs as "Ponce de Leon Amusement Resort. A
theater was the first constructed element of the resort, followed by a merry–go–round, casino and
smaller buildings that included scores of "modern" mechanical games.
Thousands came to enjoy the grand opening of the amusement resort on June 7, 1903 and after just a
year in operation the resort had recorded over a million visits. The amusement resort was accessed
by a majority of Atlantans by streetcar, which ran from the city center along Peachtree Street and
then across Ponce de Leon Avenue. The amusement resort greeted streetcar passengers along a 600
foot platform, which overlooked the resort and offered "brilliant sights" after sunset. The resorts
developers subsequently opened amusement resorts in Montgomery, Alabama and other cities across
the country.
As the thrills of the Ponce de Leon Amusement resort settled, and crowds began going elsewhere for
leisure and entertainment, the area
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Loss Of Diversity In Film 2.0
"San Francisco is a microcosm for what is happening not only in the US, but all over the world. It is
places that increasingly desirable to live in that are becoming gated communities. I'm worried about
a city that is becoming uniformly wealthy, out of reach and out of touch."– Robert Reich
Robert Reich, a professor of public policy at UC Berkeley and former labor of secretary states it's
worries for a city that is slowly changing due to the boom of technology. Reich expresses his
thoughts about the change San Francisco is facing in the documentary Version 2.0. In this
documentary, directed by Alexandra Pelosi, we see both sides of the coin that San Francisco is
facing. One of them being the technology boom, the numerous fancy buildings and ... Show more
content on ...
Although some might argue that the neighborhoods that are becoming gentrified are safer, there are
many other problems. The neighborhoods that are becoming whitewashed have a lot more security
but this doesn't include Black or Latino. The SFPD keeps these gentrified neighborhoods clean by
criminalizing and removing Black and Latino young men from these upgraded areas. As a result of
this many Black and Latino young men suffer from police brutality. A clear case of this is Alex
Nieto, his death was due to gentrification. He was 28 years old when he was killed,in the
neighbourhood where he had spent his whole life. Like we see he was killed by the SFPD because
of two calls they got saying that there was a young Latino, probably a gang member, with his hand
resting on a gun. This two calls were from two white men that were walking their dogs, not knowing
that Alex was in the neighboorhood he grew up in.After the violent death of Alex the police got
acquitted.It's really sad that this is happening and that we can no longer feel safe in our own
neighborhood. Based on what I experienced, I also feel the different vibe when I hang out with my
friends. All of the friends I hang out on the weekends are Latino and they live in the same
neighborhood, but when a group of new neighbors pass by they think that we are some sort of gang.
I'm just really sad and overwhelmed by all the gentrification
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Compare and Contrast of the Three Faces of Power
Some theorists believe that 'power is everywhere: not because it embraces everything, but because it
comes from everywhere... power is not an institution, nor a structure, nor possession. It is the name
we give to a complex strategic situation in a particular society. (Foucault, 1990: 93) This is because
power is present in each individual and in every relationship. It is defined as the ability of a group to
get another group to take some form of desired action, usually by consensual power and sometimes
by force. (Holmes, Hughes &Julian, 2007) There have been a number of differing views on 'power
over' the many years in which it has been studied. Theorist such as Anthony Gidden in his works on
structuration theory attempts to integrate basic ... Show more content on ...
Luke's one–dimensional view of power is centred on this concept and in order to develop
understanding as to how power is achieved and maintained within society, an analyses of decision–
making in the public arena must be made. It also contests that the group that holds and maintains
power can be determined by looking at who succeeds when there is political conflict. (Lukes,
1974:12) It emphasises the importance of the observed behaviour of those in power and analyses the
effects on the wider community when making decisions (Lukes 1974:25) Lukes spends a lot of time
discussing Dahl's theory of power through his own theory. The power held by a specific group may
be either, 'overt' or 'covert' but the triumph of power is at the point is during the decision–making
process and when these decision have been made, especially, those of the controversial nature of
ones centred around the most conflict (Lukes, 1974:13) The one dimensional view of power
proposed by Lukes is the most straightforward of the three dimensions. In a way, it is also the easiest
to observe, as the power structure through decision–making is more translucent and has a lot of clear
definable features.
The two–dimensional view or second face of power discusses the non–decision making and how the
group or individual controls what is put on the political agenda. This form of power is power
through agenda setting. The perspective of the
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The Enron : Organizational Renewal Theory And Situational...
There were several causes for the Enron collapse as we mentioned earlier in the paper. If the
organization had a clear–thought out plan, then the company could have managed to save itself from
bankruptcy and damaging lives. After reviewing the aftermath of this crisis from several articles it is
evident that Enron handle this poorly from start to finish. In this section, we will be focusing on two
crisis communication theories as they related to the event. It is actually difficult to properly gauge
the theories, as Enron did not recover for their scandal. The two most evident theories that we were
able to conclude was the Organizational Renewal Theory and Situational Crisis Communication
If Enron did not collapse and bounced ... Show more content on ...
They chose to lie." The image of Enron is not looking so well in the public eye and chances of
gaining back public support is fading away. The company could have been learning and growing
from the situation, but instead chose to lie still. This could have been a step in the right direction in
starting the company over from an honest perspective, but choose not to. Even though it's a crisis,
some of the best opportunities are gain from it. There many ways in where a crisis can go, but a well
prepared one will speak volumes.
Next is the ethical communication aspect of this whole situation taking place. This important to do
before, during and after a crisis to ensure maximum communication for all those being affected by it
because it's their life. Enron needed to do several key aspect to ensure they were being ethical
throughout this whole process. According to, "Ethics and integrity are at the core of
sustainable long term success... Without them, no strategy can work and, as Enron has demonstrated,
enterprises will fail. That's despite having some of the 'smartest' guys in the room." Organizations
who have not prepared for a crisis adequately will surely be exposed to the public once the crisis
does come to light. It's better to be prepared and honest. Being unethical in this day and age is
unacceptable from any company. It is important to be ethical in all aspects of life because it could
make or break a
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Editor's Note: Guiding change may be the ultimate test of a leader – no business survives over the
long term if it can't reinvent itself. But, human nature being what it is, fundamental change is often
resisted mightily by the people it most affects: those in the trenches of the business. Thus, leading
change is both absolutely essential and incredibly difficult. Perhaps nobody understands the
anatomy of organizational change better than retired Harvard Business School professor John P
Kotter. This article, . originally published in the spring of 1995, previewed Kotter's 1996 book
Leading Change. It outlines eight critical success factors – from establishing a sense of
extraordinary ... Show more content on ...
Sometimes executives underestimate how hard it can be to drive people out of their comfort zones.
Sometimes they grossly overestimate how successful they have already been in increasing urgency.
Sometimes they lack patience: "Enough with the preliminaries; let's get on with it." In many cases,
executives become paralyzed by |
the downside possibilities. They worry that employees with seniority will become defensive, that
morale will drop, that events will spin out of control, that short–term business results will be
jeopardized, that the stock will sink, and that they will be blamed for creating a crisis. A paralyzed
senior management often comes from having too many managers and not enough leaders.
Management's mandate is to minimize risk and to keep the current system operating. Change, by
definition, requires creating a new system, which in turn always demands leadership. Phase one in a
renewal process typically goes nowhere until enough real leaders are promoted or hired into senior–
level jobs. Transformations often begin, and begin well, when an organization has a new head who
is a good leader and who sees the need for a major change. If the renewal target is the entire
company, the CEO is key. If change is needed in a division, the division general manager is key.
When these individuals are not
Lawrence Zeegen
January 2007
Harvard Business Review 97
Leading Change: Why
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Gentrification At Temple University
Gentrification is defined as, "the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of
middle–class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents"
("Gentrification"). Gentrification usually occurs when a neighborhood goes through a decline,
old/run down buildings are left to deteriorate, income levels decline, and businesses leave the area.
The gentrification at Temple University is a controversial topic that generates negative and positive
opinions, from neighborhood revitalization to displacing residents. Gentrification is considered to be
highly positive in many different ways that benefit the community. As the wealthier citizens move
into the low–income areas, they bring higher incomes ... Show more content on ...
In the project overview they state that "Temple will not buy any homes to make way for this
project," ensuring that all land being used to build the stadium is owned by Temple. From looking at
the illustrations they have on the project overview, the stadium is not too big, the overall renovation
makes the area look more appealing to the eye, and more businesses and jobs will be created. But,
with all of these positives come negatives, when the stadium is built, how will this affect the
residents property taxes and rent, and what happens when soon they can't afford those taxes? This
stadium may look and sound great, but the residents who have lived in the community for years may
soon be forced out due to this increase of property taxes and rent which is not
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Poverty Is The Outcome Of Economic Inequalities
Poverty is the outcome of economic inequalities that are sustained by the social problems prevalent
in our society. The lack of equal opportunities has created social margins where people in crisis are
expelled to the economic edge. In a society where members are stratified by wealth and status, those
who live in poverty are seen as deservingly powerless and ultimately abandoned to comply with
their temporary crises as permanent. Economic segregation reinforces the unequal separation
amongst social classes to keep the poor living in poverty. These are people who do not have the
means to fix the conditions of their environment, therefore they remain stagnant in a state of
submission and dehumanization, while those who are better off act ... Show more content on ...
Detroit, the Motor City, was once an icon of our national industrial prowess, the home of an
innovative automobile industry that played a key role in the development of the modern middle
class. Because of its specialization in the production of heavy equipment during World War II, the
city earned the label Arsenal of Democracy.1 Throughout the postwar boom, Detroit was known as a
city where blue–collar workers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds could prosper. However, Detroit
no longer symbolizes industrial might or technological advancement. Rather, the city is frequently
seen as leading the nation in unemployment, poverty, deindustrialization, blight, high crime, and
bitter racial strife. It seems to have become the quintessential underclass city with 50% of Detroit
families making less than $25,000, 15.5% of the population unemployed, and 35.5% of families
living below the poverty line (USA Govt 2010c). Although the deterioration of the city is inevitable,
it is on the road to recovery and many have chosen to embrace a new beginning of rebuilding.
Detroit is unlikely to rise again as the Motor City, however, some planners envision the reinvention
of the city as a haven for artists, cultural producers, and hipsters. According to urbanist Richard
Florida nurturing urban spaces, such as Midtown, with vibrant street life are key to spreading the
success of the creative economy in Detroit.8 He argues that the key to urban revitalization is a city's
ability to attract
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Argumentative Essay On Gentrification
The U.S. Federal Government should end gentrification. Gentrification is defined as "the process of
renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to middle–class taste". Dating back
to the early 20th century Gentrification has been around for a while, yet it wasn't until the 1970's
when gentrification really started shaping our American metropolis. The middle to the upper middle
class swooped in to change poverty ridden neighborhoods all throughout the United States. From
cities on the west coast such as Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco to the east coast cities such
as Boston, New Orleans, New York city, Georgetown, and Washington DC. These cute hipster
neighborhoods we all shop at, drink local coffee, and get our clean eating fill at seem like a great
benefit to the city. Yet what ... Show more content on ...
15 years ago my father worked at Oakwood, an apartment complex in Burbank, when the
neighborhood was gentrified, due to the rent control laws at the time, his company could not raise
the rent. Some residents owned multiple units and could live happily, those with low income could
continue their lives peacefully. Although this wasn't good for his company it benefited the renters.
These residents were lucky enough to have the situation they had, yet most aren't that lucky.
Although gentrification has many benefits such as increasing property values, improving school
systems, and a decrease in crime. The downside lies in the displacement of so many people due to
the unaffordable housing cost. My team has found a plan which we believe will make everyone
happy and end all gentrification. Our plan is this; Developers will have to leave 50% of locally
owned businesses and developers have to provide affordable housing. For however much living
space is destroyed there will be affordable housing to replace
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Modular Housing : Problems And Housing Problems
Modular Housing
The contemporary world is burdened with the increased housing demands. Every city in the world is
suffering from housing problems. During these difficult times, Modular housing can actually act as a
remedy to these problems. The modular houses actually p
Modular housing is seriously being considered as a remedy to some housing problems. It has certain
advantages over conventional construction which are derived from a systematic process. Many
problems will have to be overcome in order to achieve largescale production.
Besides being able to supply housing in large quantities. modular systems are capable of solving
parts of complex problems including urban renewal. relocation housing land use. pockets of blight,
and rejuvenation of gray areareas. The advantages of modular systems are due to elements inherent
in the modular process which include short construction time,non–permanence, flexibility, and
smaller costs. Modular systems will change the concept of housing. Instead of being permanent,
monolithic structures, housing will become flexible, changeable, and non–permanent. The same idea
applies to whole neighborhoods and sections of cities.
Modular housing should be able to help solve some of the complex problems facing urban areas,
such as urban renewal, relocation, neighborhood conservation and preservation, and the gray areas,
plus the ensuing social reactions. But it must be noted that the employment of modular systems to
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Disadvantages Of Gentrification
Gentrification has become a common phenomenon throughout many major cities in the United
States and it is impacting millions. Gentrification can be dated back to the urban renewal and slum
clearance, and post–war reconstruction programs implemented during the 1950s and 1960s Schaffer
and Smith 1986). Although the main idea of gentrification is to, from an economic standpoint,
rebuild the city and redevelop its urban core, some people are in fact negatively impacted. There
seems to be a trend of the groups of people affected. Many families are being displaced from their
homes due to the fact that the city is redeveloping the "urban core" and attracting many young,
affluent people to live in areas surrounding it. Although, the benefits of ... Show more content on ...
(Greenbalt,2015). To go along with Katz, researchers found that higher poverty communities that
did not become gentrified fell deeper into poverty and lost 40% of their population. (Hertz, 2016)
Jennifer Ritter executive director of ONE Northside disagrees with those statements for
gentrification and the idea that displacement is not as significant of a problem as it seems. She
claims that affordable housing is non–existent and where a housing unit once helps 100 units for
low–income people it now only holds 60 for affluent people. She discusses how because for this
displacement people are being concentrated in areas of poverty where those who can 't find
affordable housing seek shelters or other alternatives (Greenbalt, 2015). So in that case, how can one
benefit from the resources in the redeveloped areas if they are getting put back into areas lacking
investments. With redevelopment comes the fact that the area becomes more attractive and housing
prices will increase. Therefore, if many areas become redeveloped that causes an increase in market
price all around causing unaffordable housing to those once living there and displacing them into
areas with lack of resources. On top of that population, the loss becomes a major factor in regards to
gentrifying an area in part because the gentrifiers are under–occupying their property. They are
taking the once sub–divided units and turning them into single larger units
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The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification
Everyday buildings and shops seem to be coming to a rust and becoming of age. There is a process
in which it gives the neighborhood or streets a fresh new sense to the community. In doing this
brings in a variety of different people from different customs and making the community more
diverse. This process is called gentrification which is urban change, particularly, the transformation
of a low income or economically depressed area of a city into a higher–income more economically
prosperous. Gentrification is not tied to race and ethnicity but social class. Although it seems like all
negatives to the community because they have lost their childhood store or restaurant, there are
positives to gentrification. Gentrification is beneficial to our community because of the
displacement of not only the buildings but of the people, urban renewal, and property value. During
gentrification there are certain displacements that improve and benefit our community as a whole.
The displacement of people coming from all different races and culture increasing the diversity in
the communities and not only create a diversity but also benefits the citizens around that community.
Although some people believe the increase of diversity is a negative and will cause harm, studies
found "no evidence of displacement or harm"( Buntin). In 2010, a university examined
gentrification across the nation as whole and they saw that when african americans are living with a
more diverse community (with whites
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How successful has the regeneration of urban areas been...
How successful has the regeneration of urban areas been given the variety of ways it has been
undertaken (40 marks)
Urban regeneration is defined as improving an area that has been experiencing a period of decline
due to a variety of reasons, such as lack of employment, lack of investment in the CBD,
suburbanisation etc. Ways that this can be resolved include property led regeneration, prestige
project developments and partnership development schemes. These have all been carried out in the
UK recently due to urban decline in some areas, and some have been more successful in others, in
terms of its effectiveness on the location, effectiveness on problems that existed beforehand and the
effect on the local community. Most importantly, the ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, lack of affordable housing has become an issue for additional reasons. 50,000 new
homes were built since 1981 but only 8000 were local authority housing, and only 2000 were low
income houses. This was worsened by the implementation of the 'right to buy' scheme, creating a
surge in house prices (a 1 bedroom apartment now costs around £500,000). It could be suggested
that this issue counteracts successes of the scheme, as issues still exist including 3500 homeless
people in the area and the housing prices are significantly above the UK average, so they have not
achieved their aim to 'make housing affordable to all.' However, I believe that the Docklands has
been a successful example of regeneration as it is now such a significant part of the capital, with it
being London's finance capital providing not only important economic contributions, but also
employment to many people in the skilled sector.
Prestige development initiatives aim to create sustainable communities. An example of this is
Holdback Urban Village (HUV). Holbeck was developed during the 18th and 19th century during
the industrial revolution, where steam powered mills produced machinery, cloths and cast iron.
However this industry eventually declined, leaving hundreds of families who lived close to the mill
in poor conditions in 'back–to–back' terraced housing. This was subject to a
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Gentrification Research Paper
I was shocked by the subject matter of this paper. Gentrification has been a focus of my studies as a
geographer, and it has always been described as a negative element of human geography. It
displaces historical residents by importing households of higher income brackets, which
subsequently increases the price of housing to levels affordable to historical residents. Furthermore,
it displaces historical residents, more abruptly, by introducing unfamiliar races and faces to the
neighborhood, which may make historical residents feel uncomfortable or alienated from their own
neighborhood of origin. To imply a global policy of "gentrification as regeneration" the same as
saying it is all right to avoid helpful neighborhood redevelopment projects,
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The Strategies Of Finding A Mate
Lauren Soentgen Approach: 1, Source: Buss, 1994
In his article, The Strategies of Finding a Mate, David M. Buss discusses the act of finding a mate
and the characteristics that people are drawn to in a mate. He begins the article with a brief look at
the history of mating and the theories that have previously been proposed. In particular he addressed
Charles Darwin's theory of sexual evolution and belief in preferential mate choice. Buss proposes
that there are three components to human mating. He states that "human mating is inherently
strategic... mating strategies are context–dependent... [and that] men and women have faced
different mating problems over the course of human evolution and, as a consequence, have evolved
different strategies" (Buss, 1994, p. 241). He uses this theory to propose nine different hypotheses to
prove that despite humans being varied and different from each other, all humans look for similar
characteristics when trying to find a mate (Buss, 1994). To investigate his research hypotheses, Buss
collected data from two sources. His first source was college students in the United States. For his
second source, Buss (1994) worked with 50 other scientists in order to survey over 10,000 men and
women from around the world. This was his greatest strength in the article. He had collected so
much research that it made the data seem credible, and the fact that the participants came from
diverse backgrounds means it is a better representation of the
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The Gentrification Process

  • 1. The Gentrification Process Introduction The gentrification process is a trend in urban neighborhoods, which results in increased property values and the displacing of lower–income families and small businesses(Sims1994–1999). Many cities around the world have begun to adapt in order to bring in new revenue. This process is being done blindly, because the apparent change is not quite noticeable but the damage is being done. The fact that there is damage being done speaks volumes at the fact that this process is being done in a way that harms many children and schools. The toll that this process is taking on public education and minority families is rather clear. Families are being displaced from their homes and relocated to god knows where. Displacement is problematic ... Show more content on ... To see what people grew up loving being destroyed must be really be painful to watch. Apart from residential and commercial redevelopment, other infrastructural projects that are closely related to rising property values and displacement are implemented as well. (Ahrens 2012). The homes that people grew up in are no longer what they remembered it to be and because of the displacement they can no longer visit their childhood home because it was no longer affordable. When the redevelopment occurred they were thrown out with no chance to ever come back because the prices sky rocketed. This gentrified process occurs because the communities are strongly associated with gang violence and street crime in the past, the Hollenbeck Community Police Station was expanded in 2009. (Ahrens 2012). In an effort to help the community they "urbanize" it because they want the people to be safe. The idea of Gentefy is to try and fix the community, middle–class Latinos aim to improve the neighborhood (Ahrens 2012). The working middle class doesn't want to lose their community so they are trying to keep the Boyle heights community just as it is. The issue the people of Boyle Heights don't want what happened in Highland park to happen to them. A young woman who at a point lived ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. What´s Gentrification Inoffensive? Smith insist that gentrification is actually a powerful intent within the urban regeneration strategies and to mount a critical challenge to the idea that gentrification is inoffensive even though the scale of the process becomes more threatening and the absorption of gentrification into a wider neoliberal urbanism becomes more tangible. The author finds ways that gentrification has evolved as a competitive urban strategy within the same global economy. This has resulted into the same process of capital centralization that has accentuated the contradictions between production and social reproduction which enhances the process of gentrification that works out differently in different places. The author mentions the fact that gentrification as ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification Everyday buildings and shops seem to be coming to a rust and becoming of age. There is a process in which it gives the neighborhood or streets a fresh new sense to the community. In doing this brings in a variety of different people from different customs and making the community more diverse. This process is called gentrification which is urban change, particularly, the transformation of a low income or economically depressed area of a city into a higher–income more economically prosperous. Gentrification is not tied to race and ethnicity but social class. Although it seems like all negatives to the community because they have lost their childhood store or restaurant, there are positives to gentrification. Gentrification is beneficial to our community because of the displacement of not only the buildings but of the people, urban renewal, and property value. During gentrification there are certain displacements that improve and benefit our community as a whole. The displacement of people coming from all different races and culture increasing the diversity in the communities and not only create a diversity but also benefits the citizens around that community. Although some people believe the increase of diversity is a negative and will cause harm, studies found "no evidence of displacement or harm"( Buntin). In 2010, a university examined gentrification across the nation as whole and they saw that when african americans are living with a more diverse community (with whites ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Thesis On Braamfontein Introduction This paper is the result of a research gap regarding the topic of Braamfontein from an information architecture point–of–view. What Terence and I concluded, after wildly searching for relevant sources that would subsequently inform my Interaction Design (IxD) dissertation, was that credible information pertaining to Braamfontein is undeniably few and far between. Well, no, it's there, but the information wasn't exactly what we were looking for. In fact there has been extensive research done around the topic of urban planning, the shift from public to private, the ongoing urban renewal initiative, the over–arching theme of gentrification, and so on, but there was little to do with role of information in Braamfontein. Writing about the history of Braamfontein was just as scarce. It's no wonder that there is a general lack of interest within the informational scope of Braamfontein, where on earth do you start? Briefly describe the focus of the overall paper and its main points This study contemplates ... Show more content on ... Explain the procedures used for analyzing the sources The study is based on an inductive qualitative method of analysis using literature within the scope of the topic. The analysis of this data is the result of an overlapping of key theories and concepts: place–making; pervasive information architecture and; Hassenzahl's 10 Psychological Needs, with insights from primary sources pertaining to the informational ecology of Braamfontein. Section heading Present evidence and ideas from sources. Concepts are organized under Section and subsection headings. A Pluralistic approach to Information Architecture Space, place and time To understand the inner–workings of a place, it is integral that we unpack the very foundation on which this place occurs, we're talking about the concept of space. Without space, place ceases to ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Argumentative Essay On Gentrification Gentrification. What comes to mind when you hear this word? What connotations are associated with this term? Most people associate this word with a negative connotation, while others believe it to be positive. However, gentrification is an inevitable process that cities go through and it brings about positive and negative changes because it can improve the lifestyle of the residents of the communities, but it can also result in the displacement of lower income residents, and spurs socioeconomic conflicts between long–time residents, new–time residents, and even the government in the city. Communities that are becoming more gentrified have already seen an improvement of life, and positive lasting changes in those communities. Patrick Gillespie ... Show more content on ... Spike Lee asked in his rant "why does it take an influx of [wealthy] white New Yorkers ... for the facilities to get better?" Communities that have not gentrified have poor facilities and services for the resident living there, but when people with wealth move in, the city government wants to turn its attention onto the community to make it better. In San Francisco, the Fillmore district was one of the worst places in the city to be in. Crime flourished throughout this neighborhood. Now with the influx of stores and wealthy residents coming in, the city turned one of the worst neighbors into one of the best neighborhoods. Julia Wong accurately described a situation about the lasting effect gentrification had on the community. In San Francisco, it became a new hub for tech companies and many of the wealthy tech employees were moving into immigrant neighborhoods. Landlords were driving up the cost of rent because of increased incentives to evict longtime tenants. Some tech workers paid a fee to have the soccer field for an hour and got into an argument with the neighborhoods kids because they followed a different set of rules; rules that were in place for years in the community. She stated that the government was renting out parks and quoted Mark Buell who said "it's a way of trying to provide a service to the community". Why does it take money to provide a free ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. A Study Of Gentrification On Economically Vulnerable... Jackson State University Department of Public Policy and Administration Research Paper A Study of Gentrification on Economically Vulnerable Populations: A Case Study for the Jackson, Mississippi May 5, 2017 by Essilyn Milton Submitted to: Dr. Johnny Gilleylen Advanced Research Methods Ph.D. Program PPAD 796 Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction 3 Problem Statement 3 Research Objectives 4 Rational of the Study.......................................................................................4 Significance of Study.................................................................................... 4 Chapter 2: Overview of Gentrification 6 Causes of Gentrification...................................................................................10 Vulnerable Population/Characteristics 12 Chapter 3: Effects of Gentrification 12 Chapter 4: ... Show more content on ... The mixed methodology of quantitative and qualitative studies will be examined for the statistical values of rate of with urban areas in the United States are being gentrified and also the rate of which the vulnerable population is being displaced and affected. If valid, the studies could prove that a specific and trending demographic is being affected the majority of time, and new policies should be put in place to protect this demographic or vulnerable population. Problem Statement Gentrification systematically displaces the most vulnerable population from their resident communities. It is not matter of relocation for the vulnerable population, but in most instances, the exposure to a more exacerbated disparaging community and shelter source, homelessness and/or, health and behavioral issues. The costs of gentrification is that it displaces the poor and unstable along with small and unique businesses located in the community and replaces them with the wealthy. Research Objectives The objective of this study is to: 1. Define and discussion the meaning of gentrification. 2. To discuss gentrification and its effects locally, statewide, and globally. 3. To disclose and discuss the vulnerable population affected by gentrification. 4. State and expound on the consequences of gentrification, and the direct causes and consequences if not resolved. 5. To ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Benefits Of Gentrification I am writing this letter not only as a call to action, but as a proposal to compromise on a domestic issue that seems to be spreading across urban areas of New York City. Unfavorably connotated as the displacement of poor people by well off newcomers, gentrification can be illustrated as the influx of richer people in a predeveloped urban region, a rise in rent and estate rates, and modifications in regions cultural identity. If I may remind you of a statement you made prior to obtaining a seat in office: "I see people suffering and feeling like they're losing their grip on the place, and my job is to help New Yorkers live in New York." (Goldberg) Is it really fair to place out individuals that, in most cases, have occupied their home and ... Show more content on ... Gentrification has brought conflict in numerous major cities in America, including New York City, usually involving issues of race and finance. The alteration of communities has been viewed as the malfunction of society, where rich predominantly white folk are praised for making a district "better". It is in these same neighborhoods where minority occupants are forced to leave their homes due to inflamed rents. People should not be forced to move out of their homes with the intent of "improving" the neighborhood. (Flag Wars) Gentrification also gives rise to a moral standpoint for poor communities: is it really humane to knock down a building occupied by the working and lower income families with the intent to build a business that you are so certain will be a success? If you want to bring in more businesses into the area, do not do it at the cost of residents. Evacuating residents leads to retracting them from the culture built within the city. The bond formed between neighbors, business owners, and local pedestrians all makeup the identity the city carries. By accepting an influx of newcomers and forcing the evacuation of longtime residents, the cultural recognition of the city will definitely be changed. Probably the most vital question to ask yourself before approving increased rates of gentrification within New York City is where is everyone going to live? New York City, specifically the Manhattan borough topping the list just above the Brooklyn borough and San Francisco,CA, is the most expensive city to live in in United States. Displacing residents would definitely not guarantee them housing and increasing property taxes on homes and businesses would belittle the city. Businesses and dwellers that once thrived as a ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Pros And Cons Of Gentrification The world is always changing whether it is technology or medicine. Within these changes there are mixed views and controversy. This happens especially when the topic is about gentrification. According to the definition from Merriam–Webster, gentrification is "the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle class into deteriorating area that often displaces poorer residents". Now the concept itself is like a mathematical equation economic increase plus a safer neighborhood equals a positive reputation. Still there are those who believe the idea of gentrification is bad for the community, causing family oriented shops to go out of business and a loss of culture within the city. There are cons to gentrification, but, one ... Show more content on ... A positive reputation is what many visitors often look at when deciding where to explore. If one is living in the L.A county in cities such as Calabasas or Westwood, where there is a safe community with economic status, the reaction from non residents is positive because of its reputation. California is commuter state, everyone is always on the go using multiple sources of transportation. So, it is common to see Californians often visiting neighboring cities. Its rare for someone to want to visit a run down neighborhood. For those who drive through non gentrified areas in Los Angeles such as South Central think dirt and smog. Unfortunately this has created a negative image of homelessness and gang members. No one honestly wants to take a stroll in a neighborhood where they often have to be alert for danger. Those who come out of state to visit California often go to the places where gentrification has taken over. Therefore people much rather visit places with a positive and welcoming atmosphere where one can feel safe. The more visitors, the more money goes towards the ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Gentrification Pros And Cons A question that many people who live in an urban community have been asking is "What exactly is gentrification?". Gentrification is a general term for the arrival of wealthier people in an existing urban district, a related increase in rents and property values, and changes in the district's character and culture. The term is often used negatively, suggesting the displacement of poor communities by rich outsiders. But the effects of gentrification are complex and contradictory, and its real impact varies. Although many aspects of the gentrification process are desirable. Who wouldn't want to see reduced crime, new investment in buildings and infrastructure, and increased economic activity in their neighborhoods? Unfortunately, the benefits of these ... Show more content on ... You can possibly argue for both sides and have completely valid point. The uprising of gentrification in multiple cities around the United States has been very detrimental to everyone's way of living. Gentrification begins when a neighborhood begins to continually get worse and worse over time. The majority of the time abandoned neighborhoods appeal to housing speculators because they see it as an opportunity to make something out of nothing. Initially, buildings may change hands several times before they are renovated. Eventually, these various buildings will undergo renovation, and units are sold for high prices, rather than rented. Around the same time that economic revitalization of the area begins. Both the pace of gentrification and the displacement of the poorer residents and the renters accelerates. The gentrification process is not one that is very universal throughout the United States. The suburban growth still tends to be much greater than the inner city gentrification. Many observers of this subject say that without gentrification, various vibrant inner cities would cease to exist. Do this mean gentrification could be ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Post Ww2 Compare And Contrast Compare and Contrast: Urban Redevelopment and Housing in the U.S., Europe, and Asia This paper is written to compare and contrast urban redevelopment and housing in the U.S., Europe, and Asia in the post–WWII era. Being aware of the fact that housing was indeed an integral part of urban redevelopment in the postwar era, the following analysis of urban redevelopment will focus on the larger picture, while that of housing would pay more attention to the details. Specifically, for urban redevelopment, planning ideas and the level of inequality in different countries are examined, and with regard to housing, I would like to analyze their architectural features. First of all, the planning ideas that guided the process of urban redevelopment in different countries vary to a significant extent. In Japan, priority was given to improve the urban road network. As a consequence, broad arterial roads were planned, and green areas were provided at the fringe. The redevelopment of the city of Nagoya revealed ambitious efforts. In this city, two 100–meter wide boulevards that served as the axes was constructed, and a large number of parks were established. While according to the Tokyo plan, an extensive network of ring and radial parkways, greenbelts, and corridors were built in order to restructure Tokyo and subdivide it into many smaller sub–cities. On the outskirts, a permanent greenbelt would be formed where development would be constrained. Additionally, most of the population were ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Biography and Book Report on Shaul Magid BACKGROUND OF SHAUL MAGID Shaul Magid is a professor of religious studies and the Jay and Jeannie Schottenstein Chair of Jewish Studies in Modern Judaism at Indiana University. In addition, on the site he says that he grew up in a secular Jewish household in New York and then become serious about religion at the age of 20 in which he dove deeply into the world of Hasidism. He says that he is fascinated by the "complex nexus of Judaism and American counterculture" of his youth and writes about the topic as a scholar rather then an observer. In the introduction he states that, "proximity does not by definition produce bias. Investment does not necessarily yield apologetics. The best critic, perhaps, is one who is open... about what is at stake, collectively and personally, in his or her scholarly projects" (confirm that!!) INTRODUCTION: Magid's brilliant introduction really sets the tone for the rest of his book. American Jews or Jewish Americans? American Judaism or Judaism in America? One is; the other describes. It is without question that America has offered Jews the most loving society in the Jewish Diaspora, but at the same time it is also proving to be problematic. Jews are in a current state of transition in that they have to figure out a way to adapt their Jewishness beyond their ethnicity. The Jewish leaders in America have been wondering how to handle the sky rocketing assimilation and intermarriage rates, because they are fearful that it will lead to the end of not ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Historical Development Of Urban Development Introduction "In the context of urban history, infrastructure can make or break a community. In the United States, the historical development of urban infrastructure has both formed and followed the inscriptions of race, class, and gender on the urban landscape. Ample in more affluent communities, usually absent or minimal in historic concentrations of urban poverty, infrastructure does not serve its public equally. Some cities have a more equitable distribution of infrastructure than others, but many urban neighborhoods remain woefully underserved," (Avila 4–5). My hometown of Tolleson, Arizona is a small city of six thousand, five hundred residents with a predominantly Mexican population, with nearly 78% of the residents declaring themselves as Mexican in the 2010 census. The focus of my research will be on the power of Latinx representation Latinx–majority cities' governments, using Tolleson as a special case study, whose city council is majority Mexican. Tolleson has been making great strides to fix up the town and provide more jobs and opportunities to its residents, and in doing so, the city has asserted itself as a major example for its innovation and strengthening infrastructure. For example, Tolleson was the only city in Arizona to not lay off employees during the 2008 Great Recession, and the Paseo de Luces (Path of Lights), which was created by Mayor Adolfo F. Gámez, who also fought to keep highways such as the Interstate 10 and South Mountain Freeway from ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Pros And Cons Of Far Rockaway Beach Gentrification Gentrification means renewable or renovation. Far Rockaway Beach has been a hidden gem of New York City. Far Rockaway has become the most recent hotspot to undergo gentrification. Two things that have turned Rockaway in the recent years are Arvene By The Sea and the surfing culture. The development popularity of surfing in the Rockaways has created a resurgence, attracting large beach crowds and developing rather economic interesrs. The gentrification process produces both pros and cons in the long run for Far Rockaway. Results that may cause concern for these decision makers are that this modernization is going to leave many residents in Far Rockaway with housing that they cannot afford. As a result, many of these residents are going to ... Show more content on ... By identifying their assets that offer the best opportunities for growth, it will help them develop strategies to support their business and living. Examples of common assets would be investing in natural beauty products and stores and outdoor recreation such as daycare and summer camp centers. The opportunity relies on teamwork and support amongst the community. Engaging all members, residents, business owners and stakeholders in planning for the future will result into a vision for the communities wellbeing and also the surety of survival in the newly renovated Far Rockaway. Including stakeholders into the planning process opens doors to generating public support that can maintain momentum for implementing changes through election cycles. Another powerful tactic is taking advantage of outside funding. Funding applied strategies include yard sales, bake sales, cookouts etc. Even a small amount of outside funding applied strategically to support a community's vision and plans can help increase local interest and commitment in the area and spur investment. Creating incentives for redevelopment is a strategic tactic because it encourages investment in the community. This way, businesses and developers who are interested will invest into the cause to support the community's long–term communities. Small businesses that are unable to physically flourish can take ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Parking Lots, the Story of Urban Redevelopment in Callowhill As I drive southbound from Trenton into Philadelphia on I95 South it is impossible to avoid potholes, constant construction and terrible drivers. The frustration seems to mount significantly throughout the journey until off in the distance the jutting of skyscrapers can be seen cutting through the clouds, Philadelphia, it's so close now. I take the Callowhill exit and I know I've made it home, from the exit to my apartment is merely a ten minute drive. Those ten minutes are more than enough to take in the sights and sounds of the beauty that is Callowhill Street and the neighborhood surrounding it. The surface of Callowhill is rough with its abandoned factories, rusted fences, over grown parking lots and overall gray scale color scheme ... Show more content on ... How and why then did a plan with such socioeconomic promise fail? It is the aim of this research paper to examine, inform and discover how and why a failure of this nature occurred and the ramifications that followed. Callowhills decline was the result of deindustrialization in Philadelphia and a failed urban renewal effort, but the neighborhood is making a comeback as a residential hotspot. In August of 1962 Gustave Amsterdam, Goldie Hoffman, Robert Gray, Walter Livingston and Stewart Walker submitted the Survey and Planning Application for the Callowhill East Urban Renewal Area Project to the Redevelopment Authority of Philadelphia . This application was no more than thirty pages and outlined a plan for redevelopment then plan would later be resubmitted in earnest. In the opening letter to James Leigh, the Regional Director for the Urban Renewal Administration, Amsterdam outlines the reasons behind the need for urban renewal in the area and the significant role that it will have for the future of Callowhill and the city of Philadelphia. Urban renewal efforts had begun all of the city all the post–industrial era had been realized, these efforts were met with success and the Callowhill East area was to be no different. The Callowhill East area was characterized as a neighborhood blighted by ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. American Factfinder Case Study Nestled quietly only an hour and a half train ride upstate from Manhattan is the Town of Southeast. You may have heard the name from the esteemed "Red Rooster," a 50's themed drive–up burger and ice cream joint located right of NY–22 ("Historic Buildings" | Brewster NY). Otherwise, you may have heard of the (in)famous Kelly's Corner, where you will find some of the best wings you have ever tasted, and occasionally, a Trump child after a long day of skiing at none other than Thunder Ridge Ski Lodge (Buono, Jess. "Trump Brothers Spotted in Brewster."). Conveniently situated around two train stations along the Harlem Line to Grand Central, the town is a popular home for commuters. Over 50% of residents work outside of Putnam County, and almost 20% of workers travel 60 minutes or more to their place of work. More than 1/3 of residents are employees in the Management, Business, Science, and Arts, making it by far the largest industry employing Town of Southeast residents ("American FactFinder." American FactFinder). The mean income of Town of Southeast Residents being $114,000/year, with almost 50% of residents earning incomes of over $100,000/year ("American FactFinder." American FactFinder), this town greatly impacts Putnam Counties standing as one of the wealthiest counties in the country (Levy, Francesca. "America's 25 ... Show more content on ... We would rent out their facilities and support their mission to complete the renovation of the "Old Town Hall Theater," where we would be able to present our performing arts pieces. We would ask visual artists presenting their artwork in TOSCAC's facilities to come in and give a lecture to students and talk about their exhibit. Since there is already such an abundance of amazing art happening with TOSCAC, partnering would bring amazing opportunities to students, and fulfill their ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Fredrick Taylor And Its Contributions About Fredrick W. Taylor: Fredrick Taylor was a significant figure in operation management history. He played a major part in innovations during the industrial revelation through his scientific methods that made great improvements when it came to productivity and efficiency. The improvements that he made were highly criticized for being to harsh on workers and dehumanizing factories. He was born in 1856 in Philadelphia and attended Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire in 1872. He was forced to leave plans to attend Harvard due to his eyesight weakening from night study. He apprenticed to understand the trades of patternmaker and machinist when he got his eyesight restored in 1875. ... Show more content on ... The monograph is a collection of his life's work and incorporated some cases from his work experience. Scientific Management was comprised of four principles: – Every step of individuals work is analyzed in a scientific method to come up with the most effective way for getting the work done. It is the way to develop and come up with the best possible approach for an individual to preform a task by examining instruments needed and by measuring the maximum amount of work a worker can do in a day. – Matching workers with the job that is best suited for them in a scientific method. According to Taylor everyone was able to do his or her best in a specific job that was devised. The management's role was to match the job with the worker that has the capability to do it and train them accordingly. – Managers should provide supervision and cooperate with workers to make sure the job is done in an effective way. – Mangers and workers responsibilities are divided, managers spend their time supervising and planning while workers continue their work productively. The difference between scientific management and the traditional way of doing ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Preservation Of Chinatown Chicago Phillip Fok David Walls English 0802 September 16, 2015 The Preservation of Chinatown in Philadelphia In order for Philadelphia to maintain its rich culture and diversity, Chinatown must be preserved. Chinatown has become a centerpiece of Philadelphia for tourist and residents alike to experience eastern culture. The people are friendly, there are plenty of strangers on the streets, and plenty late night business and as Jane Jacobs would describe it, successful (35). Therefore as a public space that is suitable to the public it should be preserved. However, it is the target for many developers. In the past there have been numerous attempts to develop the Chinatown district, all of which would have compromised the integrity of Chinatown, which has been around since the late 1800s. The Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation, or the PCDC, was founded because of these threats to Chinatown and has constantly fought off development threats to Chinatown (Lechner). However, the developments that were constructed including the Vine Street Expressway and several urban renewal projects south of Chinatown have effectively stopped growth in those areas. Because of limited space and growing population further developments have been shot down rather quickly by residents including the Foxwood Casino and in 2004 the construction of the new Phillies stadium. One of the first of many barrages of developmental destructions of Chinatown was the reconstruction of the Vine Street ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification Rough Draft Gentrification is a type of modernization that causes the culture to be forgotten for new ideas and experimental ways. Gone are the bustling downtown areas where culture thrives and a place where people relax with music and food and income distinguished coffee shops and hangouts that the younger generation is so interested in. Austin used to be a place where people can come to enjoy the scenery and live next to the past, but because of gentrification, the culture is declining at a rapid pace due to the vast increase of affordable housing, interstate splits, and a more modern setting. This all started with the rise of "Affordable housing", where a local nonprofit buys a piece of land and build a house for the needy in it. Now that might sound like a great idea for those who are faced with rising house prices in the downtown area, but it is just what those builders want. To push the poor ... Show more content on ... With this method, it would divide the traffic of people more evenly throughout the downtown area but not at a remove all and rebuilt type of manor. This also helps in that the businesses that are currently there hipster or jazz included doing not have to compete with new ideas. We all know that the movement of "hipster" will be phased out and a new trend will come in and take over so either way, a spread of different ideas is better than a concentrated area. Also with this method, people can choose their favorite section and not waste time going across downtown to get to their other destination. The more one has to move to acquire what they need is going to tire them out and cause them to no go to the next area. Or the opposite can happen it could force consumers out of their comfort zone, and make them explore a new area because their favorite shop is there, like an ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification Gentrification is the extensive process of rejuvinating a specific part of a city and or town that has been soddened with poverty and deterioration, due to an underlying neglect. These attempts at re– birth of a city are becoming more and more prevalent, so it draws out the overwhelming question, is it helpful or harmful to developing neighborhoods? Gentrification can not be topical with kitchy coffee shops where you pay for the ambience which includes pretty foliage potted in whimsical objects that are all being re–purposed, sitting on rustic wooden tables that are adorned with industrial furnishings. As well as the overpriced fair trade cup of coffee that the pretentious barista contrieves. And the ostentatious frozen yougurt shops will walls ... Show more content on ... There are quite a few more downfalls to gentrification and they are, the realtor and investor sharks who prowl and pry around for these opportunities to pounce on the broken and defenseless. The process of taking a tarnished building and turning it into something more habitable is costly and could be fiscal suicide if their investments fall short, then if that happens the city will be full of half– hearted attempts that sit for years and never get completed. Let's not forget that having these aristocratric schmucks meandering around giving people ultimatuims left and right. Would be like mixing bleach and ammonia together and rendering everyone unconcious from the potent ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Gentrification Pros And Cons Gentrification is the process of renovating a city or neighborhood to offer modern places to work, play, and eat. Supporters argue that it brings economic growth and prosperity to the city, while decreasing poverty in the area. However, residents of these areas claim that gentrification has ruined the culture of the neighborhood while driving out low–income residents. While it is important to maintain cities and prevent them from wearing down over time, gentrification provides too many burdens on the citizens for it to be effective. Avid supporters of gentrification believe that it brings safety and increased revenue to the cities, making them more attractive to outsiders and bringing in more residents as a result. Unfortunately, gentrification does not have that desired effect on neighborhoods. According to Source C, a data review examined 114 examples of gentrification over a five year period, studying several signs of a city's growth. ... Show more content on ... Source D examines gentrification from a satirical perspective. Most gentrification supporters believe property owners of a neighborhood to be, as Source D describes, "clueless." While it may seem that gentrification revitalizes a neighborhood, it actually damages the unique culture of a neighborhood. It is important to respect the traditions of an area rather than cite "renovation" and "business endeavors" as a just motive for destroying the culture of a neighborhood. The political cartoon in Source F depicts the culture change Brooklyn experienced after gentrification. Spike Lee, the man speaking in the comic, grew up in Brooklyn and has supported the culture there for many years. Meanwhile, Brooklyn, like many other neighborhoods including Harlem and other urban areas, has lost its original culture as a result of gentrification. When renovating a city, retaining the culture and traditions must be a ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Gentrification Essay Gentrification has become a common phenomenon throughout many major cities in the United States and it is impacting millions. Gentrification can be dated back to the urban renewal and slum clearance, and post war reconstruction programs implemented during the 1950s and 1960s Schaffer and Smith 1986). Although the main idea of gentrification is to, from an economic standpoint, rebuild the city and redevelop its urban core, some people are in fact negatively impacted. There seems to be a trend on the groups of people effected. Many families are being displaced from their homes due to the fact that the city is redeveloping the "urban core" and attracting many young, affluent people to live in areas surrounding it. Although, the benefits of gentrification are seemingly attractive to the governments and cities do they really outweigh the benefits of those being unable to afford the housing and being moved out of areas they have lived in for generations just to be displaced into just as impoverished of an area as before. Public Debates Tackling Gentrification: In the 1970s the Carter administration encouraged the revitalization of cities and The U.S department of Housing and Urban Development saw displacement as a problem. Due to unofficial data claiming unofficially only 2% of people were displaced they saw it as an insignificant problem and sought nothing to attempt to eliminate displacement with the onset of redevelopment. (Schaffer & Smith, 1986) The common notion of ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Problems Of Urban Rot For many years, Detroit has been described as the "Come Back City". A presumption will be made that the significant reasons for urban rot are, among potential others are evolving demographics, deindustrialization, political disappointment, poor urban arranging, and racial separation. Detroit can still be viewed as a beautiful city full of culture and art, both in its stately decay and in its growing natural abundance. Indeed, Detroit remains to be one of the finest sights to be seen with a little investing from the people. Chartier (2005) of Cambridge University make a valid point by stating "people will not invest the requisite level of care into their resources if they believe their investments will be lost". (p 374). In 1701 the ... Show more content on ... Around 1910 and 1980 Detroit 's African American populace expanded in excess of 100 times. Ryan (2008) a faculty member of Harvard University reports that "The City of Detroit, Michigan was a natural subject for the study. Like many other cities in the American Midwest and West, Detroit grew rapidly, expanding from a population of essentially in 1850 to over 1,800,000 by 1950". (p 2) The breakdown of the Big Three automakers has quickened Detroit 's decay, and occupants have been consistently escaping since the 1950s. In that time, the populace has dwindled from around 2 million to somewhat more than 700,000 individuals; aside from that, there are more than 70,000 deserted structures and numerous empty lots. Individuals have been relentlessly streaming out of the city for quite a long time, leaving behind empty homes and scantily populated neighborhoods, leaving vacant neighborhoods an invitation to more crime and other wrongdoing. By the mid–twentieth century, real changes in the American economy were underway, and the auto business was on the front line. It wasn 't the automotive industry alone that demolished Detroit. It was urbanization that also played its hand in the demise of Detroit. The city was destroyed by deindustrialization, and decentralization amid the post–World War II spread and when the interstates, and disinvestments in the urban communities started to dissolve. The auto makers such as Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, drove almost ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Housing Act Of 1949 In 1934, Congress created the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) to assist citizens with their housing needs. According to "Department of Housing and Urban Development" on, "In July 1947, the Housing and Home Finance Agency was established to help people buy homes following World War II. Two years later, the Housing Act of 1949 was enacted to help eradicate slums and promote redevelopment in urban areas." The Department of Housing and Urban Development Act began with the Housing Act of 1949. According to The Department of Housing and Urban Development written by John B. Willmann, "The Act of 1949 added new prestige to the Housing and Home Finance Agency by authorizing broader public housing activity." The Housing Act of 1949 also promoted urban redevelopment and research on housing and development problems. Housing programs and redevelopment continued to expand and finally the United States passed the Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD for short, in 1965. The establishment of the eleventh Cabinet–level agency sparked controversy between Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate. The arguments "were based on the need for managerial improvement and greater efficiency and coordination of programs, but there was, also, general recognition that the prestige of Cabinet status would benefit housing and urban programs both in Congress and outside government" (Willmann 22). The current Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Gentrification Of Young Families With Managerial Positions Gentrification as a hypothetical idea is a process lead by middle to high–income class people. In general they are represented under the label of young families with managerial positions, people that work in real estate investment firms, or the beginning of the rise of the entrepreneur class. It started with the partial integration of these "elite" groups into lower–income class neighborhoods that lived in the inner city. The integration of these higher income class people that were attracted to live in these urban clusters, triggered the shift of the local communities' social structure. The end result was the constant rise of the prices that affected the people's rents and the commercial services in the area which forced the original residence to leave their own homes. Gentrification is a practice that cultivates social displacement. This change is revealed in the change of the neighborhoods environmental aesthetics, engrossed by the belief that a rebirth of the older city was in the making. No one wants to be a part of a low income community. Some of peoples life goals are to simply stay out of it. Others try to improve it and some try to prevent it all together. These groups of people can be recognized as local, state, and the federal government. Gentrification has to do with the "vanishing" of these neighborhoods. While on the other hand urban renewal has to do with the "vanishing" of the people. The problem with both of these is how the families once they are ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Effects Of Gentrification Gentrification is characterized as a struggle of power through the process of neighborhood change taking place in three stages; entry, exit, and restoration. Gentrification is driven by private developers, landlords, businesses, and corporations, and supported by the government through policies. (Hang) The "rehabilitation" of depressed urban areas leads to the inevitable exile of it's lifelong residents. As wealthy interest in less affluent neighborhoods increases, it causes a sociocultural change to occur in those communities. These changes send a shock wave of economic effects. The average income increases and the average family size decreases. The economic eviction of lower income families will result because of increased rent, property ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Urban Renewal Of Green Investment As cities across the country continue to age and show signs of deterioration, planning boards and city councils push for urban renewal projects that, not only updates existing infrastructure and city amenities, but also sets aside land for cleanup and conversion into parks and greenspace. This wave of green investment is just the latest turn that "urban renewal" has taken since its conception during the 1940s by master builders such as Robert Moses. However, the various stages that are reflected in Atlanta's own built environment go back further than the 1940s. Willoughby Way, a small col–de–sac street that rest on the eastern boundary of the Old Fourth Ward, underwent several waves of development and redevelopment. Today, greeting the ... Show more content on ... Parcels surrounding the springs reportedly sold for "fabulous" rates, up to a thousand dollars an acre. Believed to have reached its height in popularity in 1890, the development of electric streetcar lines had spurred new development interest in an adjacent section of the city, Inman Park. In 1903, over a decade after the alleged height of the springs, 47 acres surrounding the mineral spring was purchased by the Ponce de Leon Amusement Company. The amusement company began construction immediately, re–opening the mineral springs as "Ponce de Leon Amusement Resort. A theater was the first constructed element of the resort, followed by a merry–go–round, casino and smaller buildings that included scores of "modern" mechanical games. Thousands came to enjoy the grand opening of the amusement resort on June 7, 1903 and after just a year in operation the resort had recorded over a million visits. The amusement resort was accessed by a majority of Atlantans by streetcar, which ran from the city center along Peachtree Street and then across Ponce de Leon Avenue. The amusement resort greeted streetcar passengers along a 600 foot platform, which overlooked the resort and offered "brilliant sights" after sunset. The resorts developers subsequently opened amusement resorts in Montgomery, Alabama and other cities across the country. As the thrills of the Ponce de Leon Amusement resort settled, and crowds began going elsewhere for leisure and entertainment, the area ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Loss Of Diversity In Film 2.0 "San Francisco is a microcosm for what is happening not only in the US, but all over the world. It is places that increasingly desirable to live in that are becoming gated communities. I'm worried about a city that is becoming uniformly wealthy, out of reach and out of touch."– Robert Reich Robert Reich, a professor of public policy at UC Berkeley and former labor of secretary states it's worries for a city that is slowly changing due to the boom of technology. Reich expresses his thoughts about the change San Francisco is facing in the documentary Version 2.0. In this documentary, directed by Alexandra Pelosi, we see both sides of the coin that San Francisco is facing. One of them being the technology boom, the numerous fancy buildings and ... Show more content on ... Although some might argue that the neighborhoods that are becoming gentrified are safer, there are many other problems. The neighborhoods that are becoming whitewashed have a lot more security but this doesn't include Black or Latino. The SFPD keeps these gentrified neighborhoods clean by criminalizing and removing Black and Latino young men from these upgraded areas. As a result of this many Black and Latino young men suffer from police brutality. A clear case of this is Alex Nieto, his death was due to gentrification. He was 28 years old when he was killed,in the neighbourhood where he had spent his whole life. Like we see he was killed by the SFPD because of two calls they got saying that there was a young Latino, probably a gang member, with his hand resting on a gun. This two calls were from two white men that were walking their dogs, not knowing that Alex was in the neighboorhood he grew up in.After the violent death of Alex the police got acquitted.It's really sad that this is happening and that we can no longer feel safe in our own neighborhood. Based on what I experienced, I also feel the different vibe when I hang out with my friends. All of the friends I hang out on the weekends are Latino and they live in the same neighborhood, but when a group of new neighbors pass by they think that we are some sort of gang. I'm just really sad and overwhelmed by all the gentrification ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Compare and Contrast of the Three Faces of Power Some theorists believe that 'power is everywhere: not because it embraces everything, but because it comes from everywhere... power is not an institution, nor a structure, nor possession. It is the name we give to a complex strategic situation in a particular society. (Foucault, 1990: 93) This is because power is present in each individual and in every relationship. It is defined as the ability of a group to get another group to take some form of desired action, usually by consensual power and sometimes by force. (Holmes, Hughes &Julian, 2007) There have been a number of differing views on 'power over' the many years in which it has been studied. Theorist such as Anthony Gidden in his works on structuration theory attempts to integrate basic ... Show more content on ... Luke's one–dimensional view of power is centred on this concept and in order to develop understanding as to how power is achieved and maintained within society, an analyses of decision– making in the public arena must be made. It also contests that the group that holds and maintains power can be determined by looking at who succeeds when there is political conflict. (Lukes, 1974:12) It emphasises the importance of the observed behaviour of those in power and analyses the effects on the wider community when making decisions (Lukes 1974:25) Lukes spends a lot of time discussing Dahl's theory of power through his own theory. The power held by a specific group may be either, 'overt' or 'covert' but the triumph of power is at the point is during the decision–making process and when these decision have been made, especially, those of the controversial nature of ones centred around the most conflict (Lukes, 1974:13) The one dimensional view of power proposed by Lukes is the most straightforward of the three dimensions. In a way, it is also the easiest to observe, as the power structure through decision–making is more translucent and has a lot of clear definable features. The two–dimensional view or second face of power discusses the non–decision making and how the group or individual controls what is put on the political agenda. This form of power is power through agenda setting. The perspective of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Enron : Organizational Renewal Theory And Situational... There were several causes for the Enron collapse as we mentioned earlier in the paper. If the organization had a clear–thought out plan, then the company could have managed to save itself from bankruptcy and damaging lives. After reviewing the aftermath of this crisis from several articles it is evident that Enron handle this poorly from start to finish. In this section, we will be focusing on two crisis communication theories as they related to the event. It is actually difficult to properly gauge the theories, as Enron did not recover for their scandal. The two most evident theories that we were able to conclude was the Organizational Renewal Theory and Situational Crisis Communication Theory. If Enron did not collapse and bounced ... Show more content on ... They chose to lie." The image of Enron is not looking so well in the public eye and chances of gaining back public support is fading away. The company could have been learning and growing from the situation, but instead chose to lie still. This could have been a step in the right direction in starting the company over from an honest perspective, but choose not to. Even though it's a crisis, some of the best opportunities are gain from it. There many ways in where a crisis can go, but a well prepared one will speak volumes. Next is the ethical communication aspect of this whole situation taking place. This important to do before, during and after a crisis to ensure maximum communication for all those being affected by it because it's their life. Enron needed to do several key aspect to ensure they were being ethical throughout this whole process. According to, "Ethics and integrity are at the core of sustainable long term success... Without them, no strategy can work and, as Enron has demonstrated, enterprises will fail. That's despite having some of the 'smartest' guys in the room." Organizations who have not prepared for a crisis adequately will surely be exposed to the public once the crisis does come to light. It's better to be prepared and honest. Being unethical in this day and age is unacceptable from any company. It is important to be ethical in all aspects of life because it could make or break a ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Kotter THE TESTS OF A LEADER | BEST OF HBR | 1995 Editor's Note: Guiding change may be the ultimate test of a leader – no business survives over the long term if it can't reinvent itself. But, human nature being what it is, fundamental change is often resisted mightily by the people it most affects: those in the trenches of the business. Thus, leading change is both absolutely essential and incredibly difficult. Perhaps nobody understands the anatomy of organizational change better than retired Harvard Business School professor John P Kotter. This article, . originally published in the spring of 1995, previewed Kotter's 1996 book Leading Change. It outlines eight critical success factors – from establishing a sense of extraordinary ... Show more content on ... Sometimes executives underestimate how hard it can be to drive people out of their comfort zones. Sometimes they grossly overestimate how successful they have already been in increasing urgency. Sometimes they lack patience: "Enough with the preliminaries; let's get on with it." In many cases, executives become paralyzed by | the downside possibilities. They worry that employees with seniority will become defensive, that morale will drop, that events will spin out of control, that short–term business results will be jeopardized, that the stock will sink, and that they will be blamed for creating a crisis. A paralyzed senior management often comes from having too many managers and not enough leaders. Management's mandate is to minimize risk and to keep the current system operating. Change, by definition, requires creating a new system, which in turn always demands leadership. Phase one in a renewal process typically goes nowhere until enough real leaders are promoted or hired into senior– level jobs. Transformations often begin, and begin well, when an organization has a new head who is a good leader and who sees the need for a major change. If the renewal target is the entire company, the CEO is key. If change is needed in a division, the division general manager is key. When these individuals are not |
  • 60. Lawrence Zeegen January 2007 Harvard Business Review 97 THE TESTS OF A LEADER | BEST OF HBR | Leading Change: Why ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Gentrification At Temple University Gentrification is defined as, "the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle–class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents" ("Gentrification"). Gentrification usually occurs when a neighborhood goes through a decline, old/run down buildings are left to deteriorate, income levels decline, and businesses leave the area. The gentrification at Temple University is a controversial topic that generates negative and positive opinions, from neighborhood revitalization to displacing residents. Gentrification is considered to be highly positive in many different ways that benefit the community. As the wealthier citizens move into the low–income areas, they bring higher incomes ... Show more content on ... In the project overview they state that "Temple will not buy any homes to make way for this project," ensuring that all land being used to build the stadium is owned by Temple. From looking at the illustrations they have on the project overview, the stadium is not too big, the overall renovation makes the area look more appealing to the eye, and more businesses and jobs will be created. But, with all of these positives come negatives, when the stadium is built, how will this affect the residents property taxes and rent, and what happens when soon they can't afford those taxes? This stadium may look and sound great, but the residents who have lived in the community for years may soon be forced out due to this increase of property taxes and rent which is not ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Poverty Is The Outcome Of Economic Inequalities Poverty is the outcome of economic inequalities that are sustained by the social problems prevalent in our society. The lack of equal opportunities has created social margins where people in crisis are expelled to the economic edge. In a society where members are stratified by wealth and status, those who live in poverty are seen as deservingly powerless and ultimately abandoned to comply with their temporary crises as permanent. Economic segregation reinforces the unequal separation amongst social classes to keep the poor living in poverty. These are people who do not have the means to fix the conditions of their environment, therefore they remain stagnant in a state of submission and dehumanization, while those who are better off act ... Show more content on ... Detroit, the Motor City, was once an icon of our national industrial prowess, the home of an innovative automobile industry that played a key role in the development of the modern middle class. Because of its specialization in the production of heavy equipment during World War II, the city earned the label Arsenal of Democracy.1 Throughout the postwar boom, Detroit was known as a city where blue–collar workers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds could prosper. However, Detroit no longer symbolizes industrial might or technological advancement. Rather, the city is frequently seen as leading the nation in unemployment, poverty, deindustrialization, blight, high crime, and bitter racial strife. It seems to have become the quintessential underclass city with 50% of Detroit families making less than $25,000, 15.5% of the population unemployed, and 35.5% of families living below the poverty line (USA Govt 2010c). Although the deterioration of the city is inevitable, it is on the road to recovery and many have chosen to embrace a new beginning of rebuilding. Detroit is unlikely to rise again as the Motor City, however, some planners envision the reinvention of the city as a haven for artists, cultural producers, and hipsters. According to urbanist Richard Florida nurturing urban spaces, such as Midtown, with vibrant street life are key to spreading the success of the creative economy in Detroit.8 He argues that the key to urban revitalization is a city's ability to attract ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Argumentative Essay On Gentrification The U.S. Federal Government should end gentrification. Gentrification is defined as "the process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to middle–class taste". Dating back to the early 20th century Gentrification has been around for a while, yet it wasn't until the 1970's when gentrification really started shaping our American metropolis. The middle to the upper middle class swooped in to change poverty ridden neighborhoods all throughout the United States. From cities on the west coast such as Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco to the east coast cities such as Boston, New Orleans, New York city, Georgetown, and Washington DC. These cute hipster neighborhoods we all shop at, drink local coffee, and get our clean eating fill at seem like a great benefit to the city. Yet what ... Show more content on ... 15 years ago my father worked at Oakwood, an apartment complex in Burbank, when the neighborhood was gentrified, due to the rent control laws at the time, his company could not raise the rent. Some residents owned multiple units and could live happily, those with low income could continue their lives peacefully. Although this wasn't good for his company it benefited the renters. These residents were lucky enough to have the situation they had, yet most aren't that lucky. Although gentrification has many benefits such as increasing property values, improving school systems, and a decrease in crime. The downside lies in the displacement of so many people due to the unaffordable housing cost. My team has found a plan which we believe will make everyone happy and end all gentrification. Our plan is this; Developers will have to leave 50% of locally owned businesses and developers have to provide affordable housing. For however much living space is destroyed there will be affordable housing to replace ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Modular Housing : Problems And Housing Problems Modular Housing The contemporary world is burdened with the increased housing demands. Every city in the world is suffering from housing problems. During these difficult times, Modular housing can actually act as a remedy to these problems. The modular houses actually p Modular housing is seriously being considered as a remedy to some housing problems. It has certain advantages over conventional construction which are derived from a systematic process. Many problems will have to be overcome in order to achieve largescale production. Besides being able to supply housing in large quantities. modular systems are capable of solving parts of complex problems including urban renewal. relocation housing land use. pockets of blight, and rejuvenation of gray areareas. The advantages of modular systems are due to elements inherent in the modular process which include short construction time,non–permanence, flexibility, and smaller costs. Modular systems will change the concept of housing. Instead of being permanent, monolithic structures, housing will become flexible, changeable, and non–permanent. The same idea applies to whole neighborhoods and sections of cities. PROBLEMS Modular housing should be able to help solve some of the complex problems facing urban areas, such as urban renewal, relocation, neighborhood conservation and preservation, and the gray areas, plus the ensuing social reactions. But it must be noted that the employment of modular systems to provide ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Disadvantages Of Gentrification Gentrification has become a common phenomenon throughout many major cities in the United States and it is impacting millions. Gentrification can be dated back to the urban renewal and slum clearance, and post–war reconstruction programs implemented during the 1950s and 1960s Schaffer and Smith 1986). Although the main idea of gentrification is to, from an economic standpoint, rebuild the city and redevelop its urban core, some people are in fact negatively impacted. There seems to be a trend of the groups of people affected. Many families are being displaced from their homes due to the fact that the city is redeveloping the "urban core" and attracting many young, affluent people to live in areas surrounding it. Although, the benefits of ... Show more content on ... (Greenbalt,2015). To go along with Katz, researchers found that higher poverty communities that did not become gentrified fell deeper into poverty and lost 40% of their population. (Hertz, 2016) Jennifer Ritter executive director of ONE Northside disagrees with those statements for gentrification and the idea that displacement is not as significant of a problem as it seems. She claims that affordable housing is non–existent and where a housing unit once helps 100 units for low–income people it now only holds 60 for affluent people. She discusses how because for this displacement people are being concentrated in areas of poverty where those who can 't find affordable housing seek shelters or other alternatives (Greenbalt, 2015). So in that case, how can one benefit from the resources in the redeveloped areas if they are getting put back into areas lacking investments. With redevelopment comes the fact that the area becomes more attractive and housing prices will increase. Therefore, if many areas become redeveloped that causes an increase in market price all around causing unaffordable housing to those once living there and displacing them into areas with lack of resources. On top of that population, the loss becomes a major factor in regards to gentrifying an area in part because the gentrifiers are under–occupying their property. They are taking the once sub–divided units and turning them into single larger units ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification Everyday buildings and shops seem to be coming to a rust and becoming of age. There is a process in which it gives the neighborhood or streets a fresh new sense to the community. In doing this brings in a variety of different people from different customs and making the community more diverse. This process is called gentrification which is urban change, particularly, the transformation of a low income or economically depressed area of a city into a higher–income more economically prosperous. Gentrification is not tied to race and ethnicity but social class. Although it seems like all negatives to the community because they have lost their childhood store or restaurant, there are positives to gentrification. Gentrification is beneficial to our community because of the displacement of not only the buildings but of the people, urban renewal, and property value. During gentrification there are certain displacements that improve and benefit our community as a whole. The displacement of people coming from all different races and culture increasing the diversity in the communities and not only create a diversity but also benefits the citizens around that community. Although some people believe the increase of diversity is a negative and will cause harm, studies found "no evidence of displacement or harm"( Buntin). In 2010, a university examined gentrification across the nation as whole and they saw that when african americans are living with a more diverse community (with whites ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. How successful has the regeneration of urban areas been... How successful has the regeneration of urban areas been given the variety of ways it has been undertaken (40 marks) Urban regeneration is defined as improving an area that has been experiencing a period of decline due to a variety of reasons, such as lack of employment, lack of investment in the CBD, suburbanisation etc. Ways that this can be resolved include property led regeneration, prestige project developments and partnership development schemes. These have all been carried out in the UK recently due to urban decline in some areas, and some have been more successful in others, in terms of its effectiveness on the location, effectiveness on problems that existed beforehand and the effect on the local community. Most importantly, the ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, lack of affordable housing has become an issue for additional reasons. 50,000 new homes were built since 1981 but only 8000 were local authority housing, and only 2000 were low income houses. This was worsened by the implementation of the 'right to buy' scheme, creating a surge in house prices (a 1 bedroom apartment now costs around £500,000). It could be suggested that this issue counteracts successes of the scheme, as issues still exist including 3500 homeless people in the area and the housing prices are significantly above the UK average, so they have not achieved their aim to 'make housing affordable to all.' However, I believe that the Docklands has been a successful example of regeneration as it is now such a significant part of the capital, with it being London's finance capital providing not only important economic contributions, but also employment to many people in the skilled sector. Prestige development initiatives aim to create sustainable communities. An example of this is Holdback Urban Village (HUV). Holbeck was developed during the 18th and 19th century during the industrial revolution, where steam powered mills produced machinery, cloths and cast iron. However this industry eventually declined, leaving hundreds of families who lived close to the mill in poor conditions in 'back–to–back' terraced housing. This was subject to a ... Get more on ...
  • 75.
  • 76. Gentrification Research Paper I was shocked by the subject matter of this paper. Gentrification has been a focus of my studies as a geographer, and it has always been described as a negative element of human geography. It displaces historical residents by importing households of higher income brackets, which subsequently increases the price of housing to levels affordable to historical residents. Furthermore, it displaces historical residents, more abruptly, by introducing unfamiliar races and faces to the neighborhood, which may make historical residents feel uncomfortable or alienated from their own neighborhood of origin. To imply a global policy of "gentrification as regeneration" the same as saying it is all right to avoid helpful neighborhood redevelopment projects, ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. The Strategies Of Finding A Mate Lauren Soentgen Approach: 1, Source: Buss, 1994 In his article, The Strategies of Finding a Mate, David M. Buss discusses the act of finding a mate and the characteristics that people are drawn to in a mate. He begins the article with a brief look at the history of mating and the theories that have previously been proposed. In particular he addressed Charles Darwin's theory of sexual evolution and belief in preferential mate choice. Buss proposes that there are three components to human mating. He states that "human mating is inherently strategic... mating strategies are context–dependent... [and that] men and women have faced different mating problems over the course of human evolution and, as a consequence, have evolved different strategies" (Buss, 1994, p. 241). He uses this theory to propose nine different hypotheses to prove that despite humans being varied and different from each other, all humans look for similar characteristics when trying to find a mate (Buss, 1994). To investigate his research hypotheses, Buss collected data from two sources. His first source was college students in the United States. For his second source, Buss (1994) worked with 50 other scientists in order to survey over 10,000 men and women from around the world. This was his greatest strength in the article. He had collected so much research that it made the data seem credible, and the fact that the participants came from diverse backgrounds means it is a better representation of the ... Get more on ...