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Making Your Science Mini-Web Page
As promised, you will now have the wonderful opportunity to design your
own mini-web page to be an added component to the SAIS Science
Webpage for Middle Students. Please pay careful attention to all parts
outline below.

Why Are You Making This?
There are 3 important reasons-

   1. Self-Presentation- This page will serve as a way to present yourself and your feelings of science
      to the class. You will be encouraged to include various profile elements and can also add other
      personal items. Keep in mind though that this mini-web page is for science class so try to make
      your items relevant as much as possible.

   2. Communication – this page will also be another way for you, your parents, the other students
      and the teacher to communicate with each other. For instance, your ongoing grades will be
      accessed here (with password protection). As well, in time, you can create widgets that allow
      people to post messages and read your messages.

   3. File Sharing – eventually, you will also be able to share files both privately with the teacher and
      your parents and also more publicly with other students. For instance, your teacher may send
      rubric files or activity handout files to your blog. Also, you will be able to submit certain
      assignments to your page for your teacher to obtain.

      How to make your mini-web page?
      Mr. Zions’ SAIS science web page uses a free web page provider called Yola. Consequently, you
      will be required to create your web page through Yola as well so that everything can be
      synchronized with each other.

      --> If you wish you could view a tutorial video such as the one at

      Follow the instructions below and ask others including the teacher when you don’t understand.

Part 1 – Creating Your Yola Account
      To make a web page, your first need an account with Yola. It is easy and you can just use your
      email account.

      1. Go to
      2. Click login and then signup (in the top right corner)
      3. Fill out the online form and click Get Started Now

Part 2 – Creating Your Site
After you click Get Started Now, you will immediately enter a screen titled, Create a new site.
1. Enter your name on the top line (where it says Enter your business name)
   2. Check the box at the bottom left labeled Start with only a blank page and then click Build it
      (Just ignore choosing any website category. You will choose later)
   3. You are now in your web page. Find and click the Style icon at the top (second one from the left)
   4. Select Change Style .
   5. Scroll through and select any (free) style to decide on the look of your web page (You can always
      change it later at any time you wish!)

Part 3 – Creating the Basic Items for your Web Page-
You are now ready to design the core elements of your web page. You have various elements to choose
from as follows-

   A. Making Textboxes – you can put various text writings in your web page.

   1.   Simply click and drag the text widget (on the right side) into the main area of your web page.
   2.   Click anywhere on the text box to type in a message.
   3.   You can also cut and paste text from other sources if you wish.
   4.   To edit your text, notice the template appears when you click on your text box. There are various
        actions you can take to edit your text such as bolding, changing the font size or colour, centering
        text etc.

   B. Inserting Images – you can also put various images into your webpage.

        1. First you need to save an image (that you uploaded or got from the web) as a jpeg file on your
           --> Use another program such as
           --> Open or pasted your image in that program
           --> Then save the image on your computer with the extension .jpg

        2.   Next, click and drag the picture widget in the main area of your web page
        3.   When prompted, choose Upload new image and then select the jpg image file you saved.
        4.   Your picture will then be uploaded to you web page.
        5.   You can also adjust the size of your picture by dragging a corner of it with the mouse.

   C. Images in Textboxes Combined- You can also add pictures directly into your text as follows:

   1.   Follow the directions for making textboxes (A.)
   2.   When the template appears, click the insert image icon.
   3.   Upload your image as you did in step 3 for inserting images (B.)
   4.   You can also choose to the wrap or center the picture. Click the icon for the desired effect in the
        above template (to the very right)

   D. Dividing Columns – This is a very USEFUL widget. It will allow you to arrange all your text and
      picture boxes in a neat an artistic fashion.

        1.   Click and drag the column divider widget into the main area of your web page.
        2.   Notice there are two columns divided a line.
        3.   Click and move the dividing line to decide on the column sizes.
        4.   Now you can click and drag and text boxes into your columns to arrange two items side by
5. Add more column dividers as you desire. You can even put a column divider into another
           column divider to arrange more than two items side by side. Have fun!

   E. Other Widgets – You can also add horizontal lines and custom colour panels by dragging their
      widgets into the main area of your web page if desired.

Part 4 – Saving, Previewing and Publishing Your Mini-Web Page-
These are three very important steps. Otherwise, you will lose all the important work you did!

   1.   To save your mini-web page online, simply click save (in the top right corner of the main window)
   2.   To preview your mini-web page at any time, click preview (in the top corner of the main window)
   3.   To publish your mini-web page online, simply click publish to the web (at the very top)
   4.   Be sure to note (ex. write down) the name of your web page so you and others can access it later!

                            Science Mini-Web Page Assignment
Note! All middle school students are required to make a mini-web page for their science class.
Mini-web pages will be marked and the score will be used as part of your project score.

When designing the web-page, all of the following items must be met-

   1.   _____ you created an account with Yola
   2.   _____ your web page has your name for at least part of its title
   3.   _____ you have chosen an appropriate style for your webpage
   4.   _____ your web page has at least 2 text boxes with text relating to yourself and/or science
   5.   _____ your web page has at least 2 images relating to yourself and/or science
   6.   _____ you have used the column divider at least once to help arrange your widgets (your text
              boxes and images)
   7. _____ you have published your webpage to the Internet
   8. _____ you have emailed Mr. Zions the address for your webpage
   9. _____ you have created a “My Grades” section for you teacher to upload your grades
      ** See Below for creating this section
      *** Also note, you will not be able to do this step until after you have emailed your
          webpage’s address to Mr. Zions

**** Also, remember you are encouraged to do something insightful or additional to the above for a
higher grade. (For instance, you scan in your own photos or even make your avatar such as by using
the free website program at

* Creating My Grades Section

--> Follow all steps carefully. It is important to do so if you wish to view your grades online.

   1.   _____ Create a text box somewhere on your webpage.
   2.   _____ Double click the textbox to make the textbox editing template visible
   3.   _____ Click the HTML icon (the last icon on the right in the template)
   4.   _____ Cut and Paste in the HTML text that you received in an email from your teacher

Note: To view your grades, simply go to your web page. You will be able to login with your email and
password in the section of your page you create for your grades.
Grade 7 Winter Break Project
Science Topic: Earth’s History
Project Name: Research Report on Earth’s History
Project Tentative Due Date: Wednesday, January 11

For Parent-

 I have read and understand my child has to complete the project outlined below by the tentative due
date given above.
저는 이프로젝트 개요를 읽었으며 제 아아가 위에 명시 된 날짜가찌프로젝트를 완성해야 됨을

__________________________________              (Parent’s Signature   학부모님 서명)

Section 1 – Background Summarizing
    In this section, you will do things:
             1. Review / Practice your summarizing skills
             2. Learn important background information about your assignment’s topic


1. Read a whole chapter (3 sections) from chapter 13 or chapter 14 on Earth’s History

    So, you have a choice here! Check only one blank below.

____ I will read Chapter 13 (Sections 1,2 and 3, page 362 – 381)
____ I will read Chapter 14 (Sections 1,2 and 3, page 392 – 413)

2. Use the summary organizer format below (page ___ of this handout) to summarize each section
   for your chosen chapter.

3. Important! You must write 3 summaries (one for each section)

4. After you finish writing, check all items below:

_____ I have written one summary for Section 1 of my chapter using the organizer below
_____ I have copied the organizer format on other paper two more times
_____ I have written 2 more summaries for Section 2 and 3 of my chapter using my copied
      organizers on the other paper
SUMMARY – Organizer Handout
 Part 1- Read for the Main Idea (Thesis)
 Reading Notes

Main Idea (1-2 sentences) - ________________________________________________________



 Part 2- READ FOR SUPPORTING IDEAS (Divisions of Thought)

Supporting Idea 1 (1-2 sentences)

    Supporting Details 1 (1+ sentences)

Supporting Idea 2 (1-2 sentences)

    Supporting Details 2 (1+ sentences)

Supporting Idea 3 (1-2 sentences)
Supporting Details 3 (1+ sentences)

Supporting Idea 4 (1-2 sentences)

    Supporting Details 1 (1+ sentences)

Supporting Idea 5 (1-2 sentences)

    Supporting Details 2 (1+ sentences)

Supporting Idea 6 (1-2 sentences)

    Supporting Details 7 (1+ sentences)

   ** CONTINUE ON OTHER A4 paper for readings with more than 6 supporting ideas !!!
Section 2 – Choosing Your Report’s Topic
In this section, you will do things:

    Learn or review what a report is
    Choose your report’s topic


1. At the SAIS science webpage, find your grade (under Our Classes) and then find Research Report
   (under Our Units)
2. Scroll through the embedded handouts to page 1 that is titled, What is the Research Report?
3. Read carefully page 1 and 2.
4. Fill in the blanks for the note below-

What is the ______________________________________?

The research report is a ____________________________________ usually about a
_________________________________. The writer obtains the information by first researching a topic. Then,
he/she organizes the information in a special way to make a report of the information.

The research report is a ________________________ writing piece. It has
__________________________________. It has different kinds of paragraphs. Also, it is usually

The purpose of a research report is to learn about some topic and to report information on the topic in an easy to
understand format.

           How to Write a Research Report- Understanding the Basic Organization-

** Most research reports (but not all) can be broken down into three basic parts:

1) _________________________________ - contains the thesis (main idea of the report)

2) 2 or more _______________________________- each contains a main topic for the

  report and other supporting details.

3) __________________________________- contains the re-thesis (summary of the report)
Research Report Format

                                                 First to the Top

    Mount Everest is the world’s tallest mountain. It stand 29 035 feet above sea
Level, between Nepal and Tibet. Avalanches and the cold climate make it scary to                     _____________
climb. Its summit is a dangerous place. It is cold all year, and the wind and                        ____________
snowstorms can be extreme. Also, the air high on Everest is so thin that climbers
can hardly breathe. Many people have died there in the cold, yet climbers keep
trying to reach the top.
    Some say George Leigh Mallory was the first to reach the summit of Mount                            ___________
Everest. After two unsuccessful trips, Mallory tried again. In early June of 1924,
his group reached Camp Six on the north pass. Next, Mallory and Sandy Irvine,
another climber, tried for the summit. The last time they were seen, they were
almost there, but they never returned.
    For a long time, it seemed Mallory and Irvine had disappeared forever in the                      ___________
snow and ice. Then, in 1933 an ice ax was found. In 1975, Wang Hongbao, a
Chinese climber, found a man in 1920s clothing dead on the slopes of Everest,                         ____________
but he could not bring the body down before losing his own life in an avalanche.
In May of 1999, climbers following Mallory and Irvine’s route found that body
again. Labels in the clothing were marked “G. L. Mallory.” Did Mallory and Irvine
reach the summit before they died? The answer is still a mystery.
    Edmund Hillary, of New Zealand, also wanted to climb the highest mountain in                     ____________
the world. In 1953, he set out with a climbing party led by John Hunt, an
Englishman. Hunt’s group was guided by Sherpas, the mountain people of                               _____________
Nepal. The group was going up from the south instead of the north. Hunt picked
Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa, to try for the summit. Soon after 11:30 am
on May 29, 1953, Hillary and Tenzing stood triumphant at the top of the world.                        _____________
They shook hands, hugged, and took pictures. When Hillary and Tenzing
returned form Mount Everest, they were honored greatly.                                               _____________

 5. So you hopefully now have an idea of what a research report is!
      Now, you are going to learn how to write it. This means you will explain ideas about some topic
       using the special paragraph format that you read on pages 1 and 2.
      But first you need a topic and your topic must be connected to your textbook chapter that you
       read in Section 1 before

 6. To choose your topic, first look at and review the blue headings that you read in your chapter
    (Example- In chapter 13 of grade 7 textbook, section1, The first blue heading is Traces of the Distant Past. The second
     blue heading is Formation of Fossils.. etc. In chapter 14, section 1, the first blue heading is Geologic Time. The second
     blue heading is Organic Evolution etc. Every chapter of any textbook will be similar in format)

 7. Write down any three blue headings that seemed interesting for your chapter below

 ____________________________________________________________ (Blue Heading 1)

 ____________________________________________________________ (Blue Heading 2)

 ____________________________________________________________ (Blue Heading 3)

 8. Now look at what you write. Which one seems to be the best to write about? Circle it. Then write it on
 the blank below:
My Chosen Research Report Topic: _________________________________________________
(choose one blue heading to write from step 7)

9. Last, get your teacher’s approval. In an email, tell your teacher your chosen topic and why. Your
teacher will email you back to confirm your topic

10. After you finish this stage, check all items below:

_____ I have complete the note about the research report
_____ I emailed my topic to my teacher and received confirmation for my topic.

Section 3 – Planning Your Report
In this section, you will do things:

    Brainstorm questions to research about your topic
    Learn how to take jot notes to find answers to your brainstorm questions


   1. One good way to get more information about your topic is to make a KWS (What I Know, What I
      Want to Know, Sources). Complete the KWS handout below on the next page of this handout.

   2. Next, use your KWS chart to find out information for your topic.

    You should write down information for your topic using a special format called jot notes.

       How to write jot notes
        Write each of your questions (from the W column of your KWS chart) at the top of a small note
       card (or ½ size A4 paper)
       Then, read a possible source about your question .
        If you find some good information, write the source name under your question.
        Then, write down the information last (see the sample jot notes below)
       ** Important! Don’t write the whole sentences from the source. Instead just write the main words.
       You can even use your own words to explain. Also, you can put bullets (dots) next to your words.
       Don’t worry about punctuation either. What you are doing is making jot notes!
        Sample Jot Notes-
                       What causes cancer?
                Source 1-
                Grade 9 Science Textbook,
                 Certain viruses can infect your cells and cause changes that
                    lead to cancer
                 One example virus is the Hepatitus- C virus which can cause
                    liver cancer and failure and then death
                Source 2 -
             Smoking tobacco
             DNA can be a factor
             Exposure to UV rays from the sun
                Source 3 – ETC.
Make sure you repeat step 2 for many question. You should have at least 5 or 6 jot notes. Also,
       make sure you try to write a lot of information for each jot note. Of course, some sources will give
       you more information than others.
4. After you finish writing, check all items below:

_____ I have complete the KWS chart for my topic
_____ I have made 5 or 6 jot notes for my topic
Section 4 – Writing Your Report
In this section, you will do things:

    Write a Brainstorm for your report
    Write a first draft for your report


   1.Use the Brainstorm Organizer below to write out a brainstorm for your report.
    The hardest parts may be to change your research questions into Supporting ideas.
    Sometimes, you can just reword your question.
    Sometimes, you can read your jot notes to create a sentence that tells the main idea for your jot
    Also, consider the kind of information you wrote for your jot note. Are they…examples? Reasons?
     Causes? Strategy steps? Other?
     Try to do something similar to the 3 examples below.
                     My Question                      Supporting Idea
Example 1 – What causes cancer?                     Cancer is caused by many thing.
Example 2 – How does cancer kill you?         Cancer can cause serious damage to you body cells.
Example 3 – Can we fight cancer?                    There are few ways we can stop or at least slow

         Brainstorm Organizer:
 Use this handout to organize your research.
 Be sure to complete at least three supporting paragraphs below in full.
Introduction Paragraph-
 Basic Background Information- (try to make interesting to hook your reader’s attention)

 Your topic – (write your topic using a good statement)

Support Paragraph 1: (Explanation Paragraph 1)
 ** Use one your jot not questions for the supporting idea. Change it into a
 Supporting Details (examples, reasons, causes, solutions, strategy steps, etc. )
 1. ___________________________________________________________________
 2. ___________________________________________________________________

Support Paragraph 2: (Explanation Paragraph 2)

 ** Use one your jot not questions for the supporting idea. Change it into a
 Supporting Details (examples, reasons, causes, solutions, strategy steps, etc. )
 1. ___________________________________________________________________
 2. ___________________________________________________________________
Support Paragraph 3: (Explanation Paragraph 3)
 ** Use one your jot not questions for the supporting idea. Change it into a
 Supporting Details (examples, reasons, causes, solutions, strategy steps, etc. )

 1. ___________________________________________________________________

 2. ___________________________________________________________________
 Conclusion Paragraph-
  Review your topic again- (use a good statement)

  Closing Information- (try to give some relevant closing information to satisfy your reader)

   2. Now take some clean A4 paper and write everything from the organizer again on this paper.
      You should also double space and remember to include a title!

                                                                  3. After you finish section 4,
Section 5 – Finalizing Your Report                                   check all items below:

In this section, you will do things:                              _____ I have completed all
                                                                  sections of the brainstorm
    Revise your report _____ (check here when done)              organizer
    Write a final for your report _____ (check here)             _____ I have written a first draft


   1. Have someone read your first draft carefully and give corrections or suggestions.
   2. Make changes to your first draft by following your reader’s advice.
      Write your report again as a final draft.       The End!
The Research Report

What is the Research Report?

The research report is a collection of
information usually about a particular topic.
The writer obtains the information by first
researching a topic. Then, he/she organizes
the information in a special way to make a
report of the information.

The research report is a more complex
writing piece. It has multiple paragraphs. It
has different kinds of paragraphs. Also, it is
usually non-fiction.

The purpose of a research report is to learn
about some topic and to report information
on the topic in an easy to understand format.
How to Write a Research Report-
       Understanding the Basic

** Most research reports (but not all) can be
broken down into three basic parts:
   1) Introduction paragraph –
      contains the thesis (main idea of
     the report)
   2) 2 or more body support
      paragraphs- each contains a
     main topic for the report
     and other supporting details.
   3) conclusion paragraph- contains
      the re-thesis (summary of the
Research Report Format
                                 First to the Top

   Mount Everest is the world’s tallest mountain. It stand 29 035 feet above sea level,
between Nepal and Tibet. Avalanches and the cold climate make it scary to climb. Its       Introduction
summit is a dangerous place. It is cold all year, and the wind and snowstorms can be
extreme. Also, the air high on Everest is so thin that climbers can hardly breathe. Many    Paragraph
people have died there in the cold, yet climbers keep trying to reach the top.

    Some say George Leigh Mallory was the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
After two unsuccessful trips, Mallory tried again. In early June of 1924, his group         Support
reached Camp Six on the north pass. Next, Mallory and Sandy Irvine, another climber,
tried for the summit. The last time they were seen, they were almost there, but they
                                                                                           Paragraph 1
never returned.

     For a long time, it seemed Mallory and Irvine had disappeared forever in the snow and
ice. Then, in 1933 an ice ax was found. In 1975, Wang Hongbao, a Chinese climber,
found a man in 1920s clothing dead on the slopes of Everest, but he could not bring the    Support
body down before losing his own life in an avalanche. In May of 1999, climbers following
Mallory and Irvine’s route found that body again. Labels in the clothing were marked “G. Paragraph 2
L. Mallory.” Did Mallory and Irvine reach the summit before they died? The answer is
still a mystery.

    Edmund Hillary, of New Zealand, also wanted to climb the highest mountain in the
world. In 1953, he set out with a climbing party led by John Hunt, an Englishman. Hunt’s
group was guided by Sherpas, the mountain people of Nepal. The group was going up         Support
from the south instead of the north. Hunt picked Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa,
to try for the summit. Soon after 11:30 am on May 29, 1953, Hillary and Tenzing stood    Paragraph 3
triumphant at the top of the world. They shook hands, hugged, and took pictures. When
Hillary and Tenzing returned form Mount Everest, they were honored greatly.

   In 1975, two expeditions raced to put the first woman on the summit. In one group, a    Conclusion
Japanese expedition leader named Junko Tabei was trapped under ice when an
avalanche slammed into her tent. Sherpas rescued her and her ten mates. Even though        Paragraph
she was injured, Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the summit of Mount
Jot Notes

What are They?

Jot notes are a convenient way of recording
information when you are researching.

Jot notes have the following features:

 1. Start with a bullet, a dash (-), a tilde (~)
    or a dot
 2. Do not need punctuation including
 3. Use only main words or phrases - no
    sentences. This is called writing in point
When and How Do we Use Them?

When researching, jot notes are useful for
answering your questions through multiple
sources as follows:

  1. Write your question.
  2. Write a possible source
  3. List many points about your question
   in point form
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 again and again
   for each next source.
                   What causes cancer?
            Source 1-
            Grade 9 Science Textbook,
             Certain viruses can infect your cells and cause changes that
                lead to cancer
             One example virus is the Hepatitus- C virus which can cause
                liver cancer and failure and then death
            Source 2 -
           Smoking tobacco
           DNA can be a factor
           Exposure to UV rays from the sun

            Source 3 – ETC.

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  • 1. Your title page for the other section
  • 2. Making Your Science Mini-Web Page As promised, you will now have the wonderful opportunity to design your own mini-web page to be an added component to the SAIS Science Webpage for Middle Students. Please pay careful attention to all parts outline below. Why Are You Making This? There are 3 important reasons- 1. Self-Presentation- This page will serve as a way to present yourself and your feelings of science to the class. You will be encouraged to include various profile elements and can also add other personal items. Keep in mind though that this mini-web page is for science class so try to make your items relevant as much as possible. 2. Communication – this page will also be another way for you, your parents, the other students and the teacher to communicate with each other. For instance, your ongoing grades will be accessed here (with password protection). As well, in time, you can create widgets that allow people to post messages and read your messages. 3. File Sharing – eventually, you will also be able to share files both privately with the teacher and your parents and also more publicly with other students. For instance, your teacher may send rubric files or activity handout files to your blog. Also, you will be able to submit certain assignments to your page for your teacher to obtain. How to make your mini-web page? Mr. Zions’ SAIS science web page uses a free web page provider called Yola. Consequently, you will be required to create your web page through Yola as well so that everything can be synchronized with each other. --> If you wish you could view a tutorial video such as the one at Follow the instructions below and ask others including the teacher when you don’t understand. Part 1 – Creating Your Yola Account To make a web page, your first need an account with Yola. It is easy and you can just use your email account. 1. Go to 2. Click login and then signup (in the top right corner) 3. Fill out the online form and click Get Started Now Part 2 – Creating Your Site After you click Get Started Now, you will immediately enter a screen titled, Create a new site.
  • 3. 1. Enter your name on the top line (where it says Enter your business name) 2. Check the box at the bottom left labeled Start with only a blank page and then click Build it (Just ignore choosing any website category. You will choose later) 3. You are now in your web page. Find and click the Style icon at the top (second one from the left) 4. Select Change Style . 5. Scroll through and select any (free) style to decide on the look of your web page (You can always change it later at any time you wish!) Part 3 – Creating the Basic Items for your Web Page- You are now ready to design the core elements of your web page. You have various elements to choose from as follows- A. Making Textboxes – you can put various text writings in your web page. 1. Simply click and drag the text widget (on the right side) into the main area of your web page. 2. Click anywhere on the text box to type in a message. 3. You can also cut and paste text from other sources if you wish. 4. To edit your text, notice the template appears when you click on your text box. There are various actions you can take to edit your text such as bolding, changing the font size or colour, centering text etc. B. Inserting Images – you can also put various images into your webpage. 1. First you need to save an image (that you uploaded or got from the web) as a jpeg file on your computer. --> Use another program such as --> Open or pasted your image in that program --> Then save the image on your computer with the extension .jpg 2. Next, click and drag the picture widget in the main area of your web page 3. When prompted, choose Upload new image and then select the jpg image file you saved. 4. Your picture will then be uploaded to you web page. 5. You can also adjust the size of your picture by dragging a corner of it with the mouse. C. Images in Textboxes Combined- You can also add pictures directly into your text as follows: 1. Follow the directions for making textboxes (A.) 2. When the template appears, click the insert image icon. 3. Upload your image as you did in step 3 for inserting images (B.) 4. You can also choose to the wrap or center the picture. Click the icon for the desired effect in the above template (to the very right) D. Dividing Columns – This is a very USEFUL widget. It will allow you to arrange all your text and picture boxes in a neat an artistic fashion. 1. Click and drag the column divider widget into the main area of your web page. 2. Notice there are two columns divided a line. 3. Click and move the dividing line to decide on the column sizes. 4. Now you can click and drag and text boxes into your columns to arrange two items side by side.
  • 4. 5. Add more column dividers as you desire. You can even put a column divider into another column divider to arrange more than two items side by side. Have fun! E. Other Widgets – You can also add horizontal lines and custom colour panels by dragging their widgets into the main area of your web page if desired. Part 4 – Saving, Previewing and Publishing Your Mini-Web Page- These are three very important steps. Otherwise, you will lose all the important work you did! 1. To save your mini-web page online, simply click save (in the top right corner of the main window) 2. To preview your mini-web page at any time, click preview (in the top corner of the main window) 3. To publish your mini-web page online, simply click publish to the web (at the very top) 4. Be sure to note (ex. write down) the name of your web page so you and others can access it later! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Science Mini-Web Page Assignment Note! All middle school students are required to make a mini-web page for their science class. Mini-web pages will be marked and the score will be used as part of your project score. When designing the web-page, all of the following items must be met- 1. _____ you created an account with Yola 2. _____ your web page has your name for at least part of its title 3. _____ you have chosen an appropriate style for your webpage 4. _____ your web page has at least 2 text boxes with text relating to yourself and/or science 5. _____ your web page has at least 2 images relating to yourself and/or science 6. _____ you have used the column divider at least once to help arrange your widgets (your text boxes and images) 7. _____ you have published your webpage to the Internet 8. _____ you have emailed Mr. Zions the address for your webpage 9. _____ you have created a “My Grades” section for you teacher to upload your grades ** See Below for creating this section *** Also note, you will not be able to do this step until after you have emailed your webpage’s address to Mr. Zions **** Also, remember you are encouraged to do something insightful or additional to the above for a higher grade. (For instance, you scan in your own photos or even make your avatar such as by using the free website program at * Creating My Grades Section --> Follow all steps carefully. It is important to do so if you wish to view your grades online. 1. _____ Create a text box somewhere on your webpage. 2. _____ Double click the textbox to make the textbox editing template visible 3. _____ Click the HTML icon (the last icon on the right in the template) 4. _____ Cut and Paste in the HTML text that you received in an email from your teacher Note: To view your grades, simply go to your web page. You will be able to login with your email and password in the section of your page you create for your grades.
  • 5. Grade 7 Winter Break Project Science Topic: Earth’s History Project Name: Research Report on Earth’s History Project Tentative Due Date: Wednesday, January 11 For Parent- I have read and understand my child has to complete the project outlined below by the tentative due date given above. 저는 이프로젝트 개요를 읽었으며 제 아아가 위에 명시 된 날짜가찌프로젝트를 완성해야 됨을 이해합니다. __________________________________ (Parent’s Signature 학부모님 서명) Section 1 – Background Summarizing  In this section, you will do things: 1. Review / Practice your summarizing skills 2. Learn important background information about your assignment’s topic Instructions- 1. Read a whole chapter (3 sections) from chapter 13 or chapter 14 on Earth’s History  So, you have a choice here! Check only one blank below. ____ I will read Chapter 13 (Sections 1,2 and 3, page 362 – 381) OR ____ I will read Chapter 14 (Sections 1,2 and 3, page 392 – 413) 2. Use the summary organizer format below (page ___ of this handout) to summarize each section for your chosen chapter. 3. Important! You must write 3 summaries (one for each section) 4. After you finish writing, check all items below: _____ I have written one summary for Section 1 of my chapter using the organizer below _____ I have copied the organizer format on other paper two more times _____ I have written 2 more summaries for Section 2 and 3 of my chapter using my copied organizers on the other paper
  • 6. SUMMARY – Organizer Handout  Part 1- Read for the Main Idea (Thesis) Reading Notes Main Idea (1-2 sentences) - ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________  Part 2- READ FOR SUPPORTING IDEAS (Divisions of Thought) Supporting Idea 1 (1-2 sentences) Supporting Details 1 (1+ sentences) Supporting Idea 2 (1-2 sentences) Supporting Details 2 (1+ sentences) Supporting Idea 3 (1-2 sentences)
  • 7. Supporting Details 3 (1+ sentences) Supporting Idea 4 (1-2 sentences) Supporting Details 1 (1+ sentences) Supporting Idea 5 (1-2 sentences) Supporting Details 2 (1+ sentences) Supporting Idea 6 (1-2 sentences) Supporting Details 7 (1+ sentences) ** CONTINUE ON OTHER A4 paper for readings with more than 6 supporting ideas !!!
  • 8. Section 2 – Choosing Your Report’s Topic In this section, you will do things:  Learn or review what a report is  Choose your report’s topic Instructions- 1. At the SAIS science webpage, find your grade (under Our Classes) and then find Research Report (under Our Units) 2. Scroll through the embedded handouts to page 1 that is titled, What is the Research Report? 3. Read carefully page 1 and 2. 4. Fill in the blanks for the note below- ______________________________________ What is the ______________________________________? The research report is a ____________________________________ usually about a _________________________________. The writer obtains the information by first researching a topic. Then, he/she organizes the information in a special way to make a report of the information. The research report is a ________________________ writing piece. It has __________________________________. It has different kinds of paragraphs. Also, it is usually _____________________________________. The purpose of a research report is to learn about some topic and to report information on the topic in an easy to understand format. How to Write a Research Report- Understanding the Basic Organization- ** Most research reports (but not all) can be broken down into three basic parts: 1) _________________________________ - contains the thesis (main idea of the report) 2) 2 or more _______________________________- each contains a main topic for the report and other supporting details. 3) __________________________________- contains the re-thesis (summary of the report)
  • 9. Research Report Format First to the Top Mount Everest is the world’s tallest mountain. It stand 29 035 feet above sea Level, between Nepal and Tibet. Avalanches and the cold climate make it scary to _____________ climb. Its summit is a dangerous place. It is cold all year, and the wind and ____________ snowstorms can be extreme. Also, the air high on Everest is so thin that climbers can hardly breathe. Many people have died there in the cold, yet climbers keep trying to reach the top. Some say George Leigh Mallory was the first to reach the summit of Mount ___________ Everest. After two unsuccessful trips, Mallory tried again. In early June of 1924, ____________ his group reached Camp Six on the north pass. Next, Mallory and Sandy Irvine, another climber, tried for the summit. The last time they were seen, they were almost there, but they never returned. For a long time, it seemed Mallory and Irvine had disappeared forever in the ___________ snow and ice. Then, in 1933 an ice ax was found. In 1975, Wang Hongbao, a Chinese climber, found a man in 1920s clothing dead on the slopes of Everest, ____________ but he could not bring the body down before losing his own life in an avalanche. In May of 1999, climbers following Mallory and Irvine’s route found that body again. Labels in the clothing were marked “G. L. Mallory.” Did Mallory and Irvine reach the summit before they died? The answer is still a mystery. Edmund Hillary, of New Zealand, also wanted to climb the highest mountain in ____________ the world. In 1953, he set out with a climbing party led by John Hunt, an Englishman. Hunt’s group was guided by Sherpas, the mountain people of _____________ Nepal. The group was going up from the south instead of the north. Hunt picked Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa, to try for the summit. Soon after 11:30 am on May 29, 1953, Hillary and Tenzing stood triumphant at the top of the world. _____________ They shook hands, hugged, and took pictures. When Hillary and Tenzing returned form Mount Everest, they were honored greatly. _____________ 5. So you hopefully now have an idea of what a research report is!  Now, you are going to learn how to write it. This means you will explain ideas about some topic using the special paragraph format that you read on pages 1 and 2.  But first you need a topic and your topic must be connected to your textbook chapter that you read in Section 1 before 6. To choose your topic, first look at and review the blue headings that you read in your chapter (Example- In chapter 13 of grade 7 textbook, section1, The first blue heading is Traces of the Distant Past. The second blue heading is Formation of Fossils.. etc. In chapter 14, section 1, the first blue heading is Geologic Time. The second blue heading is Organic Evolution etc. Every chapter of any textbook will be similar in format) 7. Write down any three blue headings that seemed interesting for your chapter below ____________________________________________________________ (Blue Heading 1) ____________________________________________________________ (Blue Heading 2) ____________________________________________________________ (Blue Heading 3) 8. Now look at what you write. Which one seems to be the best to write about? Circle it. Then write it on the blank below:
  • 10. My Chosen Research Report Topic: _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ (choose one blue heading to write from step 7) 9. Last, get your teacher’s approval. In an email, tell your teacher your chosen topic and why. Your teacher will email you back to confirm your topic 10. After you finish this stage, check all items below: _____ I have complete the note about the research report _____ I emailed my topic to my teacher and received confirmation for my topic. Section 3 – Planning Your Report In this section, you will do things:  Brainstorm questions to research about your topic  Learn how to take jot notes to find answers to your brainstorm questions Instructions- 1. One good way to get more information about your topic is to make a KWS (What I Know, What I Want to Know, Sources). Complete the KWS handout below on the next page of this handout. 2. Next, use your KWS chart to find out information for your topic.  You should write down information for your topic using a special format called jot notes. How to write jot notes  Write each of your questions (from the W column of your KWS chart) at the top of a small note card (or ½ size A4 paper) Then, read a possible source about your question .  If you find some good information, write the source name under your question.  Then, write down the information last (see the sample jot notes below) ** Important! Don’t write the whole sentences from the source. Instead just write the main words. You can even use your own words to explain. Also, you can put bullets (dots) next to your words. Don’t worry about punctuation either. What you are doing is making jot notes! Sample Jot Notes- What causes cancer? - Source 1- Grade 9 Science Textbook,  Certain viruses can infect your cells and cause changes that lead to cancer  One example virus is the Hepatitus- C virus which can cause liver cancer and failure and then death Source 2 -  Smoking tobacco  DNA can be a factor  Exposure to UV rays from the sun  Source 3 – ETC.
  • 11. Make sure you repeat step 2 for many question. You should have at least 5 or 6 jot notes. Also, make sure you try to write a lot of information for each jot note. Of course, some sources will give you more information than others. 4. After you finish writing, check all items below: _____ I have complete the KWS chart for my topic _____ I have made 5 or 6 jot notes for my topic
  • 12. Section 4 – Writing Your Report In this section, you will do things:  Write a Brainstorm for your report  Write a first draft for your report Instructions- 1.Use the Brainstorm Organizer below to write out a brainstorm for your report.  The hardest parts may be to change your research questions into Supporting ideas.  Sometimes, you can just reword your question.  Sometimes, you can read your jot notes to create a sentence that tells the main idea for your jot notes.  Also, consider the kind of information you wrote for your jot note. Are they…examples? Reasons? Causes? Strategy steps? Other? Try to do something similar to the 3 examples below. My Question Supporting Idea Example 1 – What causes cancer? Cancer is caused by many thing. Example 2 – How does cancer kill you? Cancer can cause serious damage to you body cells. Example 3 – Can we fight cancer? There are few ways we can stop or at least slow cancer. Brainstorm Organizer:  Use this handout to organize your research.  Be sure to complete at least three supporting paragraphs below in full.
  • 13. Introduction Paragraph- Basic Background Information- (try to make interesting to hook your reader’s attention) Your topic – (write your topic using a good statement) Support Paragraph 1: (Explanation Paragraph 1) Supporting Idea**:_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ** Use one your jot not questions for the supporting idea. Change it into a statement. Supporting Details (examples, reasons, causes, solutions, strategy steps, etc. ) 1. ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Support Paragraph 2: (Explanation Paragraph 2) Supporting Idea**:_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ** Use one your jot not questions for the supporting idea. Change it into a statement. Supporting Details (examples, reasons, causes, solutions, strategy steps, etc. ) 1. ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
  • 14. Support Paragraph 3: (Explanation Paragraph 3) Supporting Idea**:_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ** Use one your jot not questions for the supporting idea. Change it into a statement. Supporting Details (examples, reasons, causes, solutions, strategy steps, etc. ) 1. ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Conclusion Paragraph- Review your topic again- (use a good statement) Closing Information- (try to give some relevant closing information to satisfy your reader) 2. Now take some clean A4 paper and write everything from the organizer again on this paper. You should also double space and remember to include a title! 3. After you finish section 4, Section 5 – Finalizing Your Report check all items below: In this section, you will do things: _____ I have completed all sections of the brainstorm  Revise your report _____ (check here when done) organizer  Write a final for your report _____ (check here) _____ I have written a first draft Instructions- 1. Have someone read your first draft carefully and give corrections or suggestions. 2. Make changes to your first draft by following your reader’s advice. Write your report again as a final draft. The End!
  • 15. The Research Report What is the Research Report? The research report is a collection of information usually about a particular topic. The writer obtains the information by first researching a topic. Then, he/she organizes the information in a special way to make a report of the information. The research report is a more complex writing piece. It has multiple paragraphs. It has different kinds of paragraphs. Also, it is usually non-fiction. The purpose of a research report is to learn about some topic and to report information on the topic in an easy to understand format.
  • 16. How to Write a Research Report- Understanding the Basic Organization- ** Most research reports (but not all) can be broken down into three basic parts: 1) Introduction paragraph – contains the thesis (main idea of the report) 2) 2 or more body support (explanation) paragraphs- each contains a main topic for the report and other supporting details. 3) conclusion paragraph- contains the re-thesis (summary of the report)
  • 17. Research Report Format First to the Top Mount Everest is the world’s tallest mountain. It stand 29 035 feet above sea level, between Nepal and Tibet. Avalanches and the cold climate make it scary to climb. Its Introduction summit is a dangerous place. It is cold all year, and the wind and snowstorms can be extreme. Also, the air high on Everest is so thin that climbers can hardly breathe. Many Paragraph people have died there in the cold, yet climbers keep trying to reach the top. Some say George Leigh Mallory was the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest. After two unsuccessful trips, Mallory tried again. In early June of 1924, his group Support reached Camp Six on the north pass. Next, Mallory and Sandy Irvine, another climber, tried for the summit. The last time they were seen, they were almost there, but they Paragraph 1 never returned. For a long time, it seemed Mallory and Irvine had disappeared forever in the snow and ice. Then, in 1933 an ice ax was found. In 1975, Wang Hongbao, a Chinese climber, found a man in 1920s clothing dead on the slopes of Everest, but he could not bring the Support body down before losing his own life in an avalanche. In May of 1999, climbers following Mallory and Irvine’s route found that body again. Labels in the clothing were marked “G. Paragraph 2 L. Mallory.” Did Mallory and Irvine reach the summit before they died? The answer is still a mystery. Edmund Hillary, of New Zealand, also wanted to climb the highest mountain in the world. In 1953, he set out with a climbing party led by John Hunt, an Englishman. Hunt’s group was guided by Sherpas, the mountain people of Nepal. The group was going up Support from the south instead of the north. Hunt picked Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa, to try for the summit. Soon after 11:30 am on May 29, 1953, Hillary and Tenzing stood Paragraph 3 triumphant at the top of the world. They shook hands, hugged, and took pictures. When Hillary and Tenzing returned form Mount Everest, they were honored greatly. In 1975, two expeditions raced to put the first woman on the summit. In one group, a Conclusion Japanese expedition leader named Junko Tabei was trapped under ice when an avalanche slammed into her tent. Sherpas rescued her and her ten mates. Even though Paragraph she was injured, Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
  • 18. Jot Notes What are They? Jot notes are a convenient way of recording information when you are researching. Jot notes have the following features: 1. Start with a bullet, a dash (-), a tilde (~) or a dot 2. Do not need punctuation including capitals 3. Use only main words or phrases - no sentences. This is called writing in point form.
  • 19. When and How Do we Use Them? When researching, jot notes are useful for answering your questions through multiple sources as follows: 1. Write your question. 2. Write a possible source 3. List many points about your question in point form 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 again and again for each next source. Example- What causes cancer? - Source 1- Grade 9 Science Textbook,  Certain viruses can infect your cells and cause changes that lead to cancer  One example virus is the Hepatitus- C virus which can cause liver cancer and failure and then death Source 2 -  Smoking tobacco  DNA can be a factor  Exposure to UV rays from the sun Source 3 – ETC.