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Tendermint in a nutshell
Brought to you by Tyr Chen
What is Tendermint
• software to securely and consistently replicating an application on many
• securely: works even if 1/3 or machines failed
• consistently: every non-faulty machine sees the same tx log and compute the same state
• two parts:
• blockchain consensus engine: Tendermint Core, ensures that same tx are reordered on every
machine in same order
• generic application interface: ABCI, enables the tx to be processed in any programming language
Tendermint vs zookeep / etcd / consul
• untrust env vs trust env
• trust env cannot tolerant a single Byzantine fault
• BFT vs paxos / raft
• can survive < 1/3 failure vs < 1/2 failure
• state machine replication vs kv store on top of classical consensus algo
Tendermint vs bitcoin / ethereum
• PoS vs PoW
• focus on hosting arbitrary application states in a p2p BFT env
• can be used as PnP replacement for consensus engine
• other blockchain codebase could be run as an ABCI application using tendermint
• e.g. ethermint, cosmos
Tendermint vs fabric / burrow
• fabric: similar idea on consensus
• burrow: EVM + tendermint + name registry / permission / …
Application BlockChain Interface (ABCI)
Components in a blockchain app
• networking: for p2p connectivity and data replication
• mempool: for broadcasting tx
• consensus: for agreeing on most recent block
• storage: account states
• VM: for executing turning-complete contracts
• app logic: e.g. permissions
ABCI to decouple Tendermint core from app logic 8
What is ABCI?
• An interface that connects Tendermint consensus engine with application
• Socket based protocol
• types are defined in protobuf: ABCI
ABCI interface: API
service ABCIApplication {
rpc Echo(RequestEcho) returns (ResponseEcho) ;
rpc Flush(RequestFlush) returns (ResponseFlush);
rpc Info(RequestInfo) returns (ResponseInfo);
rpc SetOption(RequestSetOption) returns (ResponseSetOption);
rpc DeliverTx(RequestDeliverTx) returns (ResponseDeliverTx);
rpc CheckTx(RequestCheckTx) returns (ResponseCheckTx);
rpc Query(RequestQuery) returns (ResponseQuery);
rpc Commit(RequestCommit) returns (ResponseCommit);
rpc InitChain(RequestInitChain) returns (ResponseInitChain);
rpc BeginBlock(RequestBeginBlock) returns (ResponseBeginBlock);
rpc EndBlock(RequestEndBlock) returns (ResponseEndBlock);
ABCI interface: Block header
message Header {
// basic block info
string chain_id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname)="ChainID"];
int64 height = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false, (gogoproto.stdtime)=true];
int64 num_txs = 4;
int64 total_txs = 5;
// prev block info
BlockID last_block_id = 6 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
// hashes of block data
bytes last_commit_hash = 7; // commit from validators from the last block
bytes data_hash = 8; // transactions
// hashes from the app output from the prev block
bytes validators_hash = 9; // validators for the current block
bytes next_validators_hash = 10; // validators for the next block
bytes consensus_hash = 11; // consensus params for current block
bytes app_hash = 12; // state after txs from the previous block
b t l t lt h h 13 // t h h f ll lt f th t f th i bl k
• DeliverTx
• Each tx is delivered with this message
• application need to validate the tx received from DeliverTx against current state
• application then update the app state based on the tx
• CheckTx
• same as DeliverTx, but only do tx validation
• used by Tendermint Core
• mempool check the validity of tx with CheckTx
• relay valid tx to its peers
• Commit
• compute a cryptographic commitment to the current application state
Being deterministic
• without deterministic on tx processing on the p2p network, no consensus could be
• Things to consider:
• random number generators (without deterministic seeding)
• race conditions on threads (or avoiding threads altogether)
• the system clock (you can’t rely on it, e.g. the seed)
• uninitialized memory (in unsafe programming languages like C or C++)
• floating point arithmetic: floating point determinism
• same compiler
• same platform
• same CPU instruction set
• language features that are random (e.g. iteration on map)
Tendermint Consensus
Consensus State Transition 15
• validators: the node who participants in the protocol, take turns proposing blocks
of transactions and voting on them
• height: the number of the block
• round: a turn that a validator gets to propose a block for the height
• propose: a validator generate a block for the height and broadcast it out for
• prevote: if the proposed block is valid, the validator prevote the block and
broadcast prevote message out and also listen and accumulate the prevotes from
• precommit: if 2/3 of validators prevoted the block, the validator precommit the
block and broadcast precommit message out and also listen and accumulate the
precommits from others
• commit: if 2/3 of validators precommitted the block, the block is in committed state
• voting power: not all validators will have the same “weight” in the consensus protocol
• Proof-of-Stake: voting power is denominated in a native currency
Finally, tendermint in a nutshell 18
Tendermint: a close look
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
make get_tools && make get_vendor_deps
make install
$ tendermint version
$ tendermint init
I[10-16|15:56:12.579] Generated private validator module=main path=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/config/priv_va
I[10-16|15:56:12.580] Generated node key module=main path=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/config/node_ke
I[10-16|15:56:12.580] Generated genesis file module=main path=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/config/genesi
priv validator
"address": "CE925800DC1F3AF72721343A0FE67F18291632F7",
"pub_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
"value": "lWqXKs4MwvRk9XUo94ozMt/togD4rVrVNOBKHzCMO9g="
"last_height": "0",
"last_round": "0",
"last_step": 0,
"priv_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519",
"value": "r2iHwBHUyBVnpQCq+4SHYm42MJbF9ZCdy3XlHvlCnEqVapcqzgzC9GT1dSj3ijMy3+2iAPitWtU04EofMIw72A=="
After running a while…
cat .tendermint/config/priv_validator.json
"address": "CE925800DC1F3AF72721343A0FE67F18291632F7",
"pub_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
"value": "lWqXKs4MwvRk9XUo94ozMt/togD4rVrVNOBKHzCMO9g="
"last_height": "19",
"last_round": "0",
"last_step": 3,
"last_signature": "uPhO3W577w04CxJQ2G7TAO2mJk5k4uGbDGrHnGkxYOqmMtqsDRYA4NQCwWsOxORGOHWoUlS8F24MdASyBJalAA==",
"last_signbytes": "7B2240636861696E5F6964223A227479726368656E222C224074797065223A22766F7465222C22626C6F636B5F6964223A7B22
"priv_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519",
"value": "r2iHwBHUyBVnpQCq+4SHYm42MJbF9ZCdy3XlHvlCnEqVapcqzgzC9GT1dSj3ijMy3+2iAPitWtU04EofMIw72A=="
node key
"priv_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519",
"value": "EgYVYbHnrqwucutP99yQ1ZN6i+xGfRn2AI576dZ0/uU/8a2XVgvwfc87vKSvUX49qS1uy6xrk35k3hPQKoHlQg=="
• genesis_time: official time of blockchain start
• chain_id: unique id for the blockchain. Shall be less than 50 symbols
• validators: list of initial validators. Could be override by app
• pub_key: validator’s pubkey
• power: voting power
• app_hash: expected application hash (returned by ResponseInfo ABCI message), upon
genesis if app’s hash does not match, Tendermint will panic.
• app_state: application state, e.g. initial distribution of tokens
genesis le example
"genesis_time": "2018-10-16T22:56:12.580361Z",
"chain_id": "test-chain-iUo2E1", // must be unique
"consensus_params": {
"block_size_params": {
"max_bytes": "22020096",
"max_gas": "-1"
"evidence_params": {
"max_age": "100000"
"validators": [
"address": "CE925800DC1F3AF72721343A0FE67F18291632F7",
"pub_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
"value": "lWqXKs4MwvRk9XUo94ozMt/togD4rVrVNOBKHzCMO9g="
"power": "10",
" " ""
Start tendermint
• cmd: tendermint node
• by default it connect to ABCI app on
• for unix domain socket: do: `tendermint node –proxy_app/var/run/your-app.sock
• in-process app: counter , kvstore , nil
• apps provided by ex_abci: counter, simple_chain
Start tendermint example
$ tendermint node --proxy_app=kvstore // the in-process app
I[10-16|16:01:06.946] Starting multiAppConn module=proxy impl=multiAppConn
I[10-16|16:01:06.946] Starting localClient module=abci-client connection=query impl=localClient
I[10-16|16:01:06.946] Starting localClient module=abci-client connection=mempool impl=localClient
I[10-16|16:01:06.946] Starting localClient module=abci-client connection=consensus impl=localClient
I[10-16|16:01:06.946] ABCI Handshake module=consensus appHeight=0 appHash=
I[10-16|16:01:06.946] ABCI Replay Blocks module=consensus appHeight=0 storeHeight=0 stateHeight=0
I[10-16|16:01:06.947] Completed ABCI Handshake - Tendermint and App are synced module=consensus appHeight=0 appHash=
I[10-16|16:01:06.947] This node is a validator module=consensus addr=CE925800DC1F3AF72721343A0FE67F1829
I[10-16|16:01:06.952] P2P Node ID module=p2p ID=e7f354ef522497ba97722bf6658b4e06b1f390ab f
I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting Node module=main impl=Node
I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting EventBus module=events impl=EventBus
I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting RPC HTTP server on tcp:// module=rpc-server
I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting P2P Switch module=p2p impl="P2P Switch"
I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting MempoolReactor module=mempool impl=MempoolReactor
I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting BlockchainReactor module=blockchain impl=BlockchainReactor
I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting ConsensusReactor module=consensus impl=ConsensusReactor
I[10-16|16:01:06.953] ConsensusReactor module=consensus fastSync=false
I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting ConsensusState module=consensus impl=ConsensusState
I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting baseWAL module=consensus wal=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/data/cs.wa
I[10 16|16 01 06 954] St ti Ti tTi k d l i l Ti tTi k
What is WAL?
• Write-Ahead Logging
• Usage:
• to ensure data integration, usually used in database
• changes to data files must be written only after those changes has been logged (and flushed to
permanent storage)
• Pros:
• reduce disk writes significantly - we don’t need to flush data pages to disks every time something
• easy and efficient to sync
• any changes to the data can be redone from the WAL
Tendermint consensus
I[10-16|16:01:07.954] Timed out module=consensus dur=997.249ms height=1 round=0 step=Round
I[10-16|16:01:07.955] enterNewRound(1/0). Current: 1/0/RoundStepNewHeight module=consensus height=1 round=0
I[10-16|16:01:07.955] enterPropose(1/0). Current: 1/0/RoundStepNewRound module=consensus height=1 round=0
I[10-16|16:01:07.955] enterPropose: Our turn to propose module=consensus height=1 round=0 proposer=CE925800DC1F3
I[10-16|16:01:07.962] Signed proposal module=consensus height=1 round=0 proposal="Proposal{1/0
I[10-16|16:01:07.963] Received proposal module=consensus proposal="Proposal{1/0 1:1A00E597FAD3
I[10-16|16:01:07.964] Received complete proposal block module=consensus height=1 hash=C896B7C7ACBB819C762F29BF
I[10-16|16:01:07.964] enterPrevote(1/0). Current: 1/0/RoundStepPropose module=consensus
I[10-16|16:01:07.964] enterPrevote: ProposalBlock is valid module=consensus height=1 round=0
I[10-16|16:01:07.965] Signed and pushed vote module=consensus height=1 round=0 vote="Vote{0:CE925800D
I[10-16|16:01:07.965] Added to prevote module=consensus vote="Vote{0:CE925800DC1F 1/00/1(Prevot
I[10-16|16:01:07.965] enterPrecommit(1/0). Current: 1/0/RoundStepPrevote module=consensus height=1 round=0
I[10-16|16:01:07.966] enterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted proposal block. Locking module=consensus height=1 round=0 hash=C896B7C7
I[10-16|16:01:07.966] Signed and pushed vote module=consensus height=1 round=0 vote="Vote{0:CE925800D
I[10-16|16:01:07.967] Added to precommit module=consensus vote="Vote{0:CE925800DC1F 1/00/2(Precom
I[10-16|16:01:07.967] enterCommit(1/0). Current: 1/0/RoundStepPrecommit module=consensus height=1 commitRound=0
I[10-16|16:01:07.968] Commit is for locked block. Set ProposalBlock=LockedBlock module=consensus height=1 commitRound=0 blo
I[10-16|16:01:07.968] Finalizing commit of block with 0 txs module=consensus height=1 hash=C896B7C7ACBB819C762F29BF
Tendermint generate block
I[10-16|16:01:07.968] Block{
ChainID: test-chain-iUo2E1
Height: 1
Time: 2018-10-16 23:01:07.955323 +0000 UTC
NumTxs: 0
TotalTxs: 0
LastBlockID: :0:000000000000
Validators: 40B38DD6331AA92F194295AE613E13109D0B019B
NextValidators: 40B38DD6331AA92F194295AE613E13109D0B019B
Consensus: 0E520AF30D47BE28F293E040E418D0361BFB5370
Proposer: CE925800DC1F3AF72721343A0FE67F18291632F7
Data folder
$ ls -l ~/.tendermint/data/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 9 tchen staff 288 Oct 16 16:01 blockstore.db
drwx------ 3 tchen staff 96 Oct 16 16:01 cs.wal
drwxr-xr-x 8 tchen staff 256 Oct 16 16:01 evidence.db
drwx------ 3 tchen staff 96 Oct 16 16:01 mempool.wal
drwxr-xr-x 10 tchen staff 320 Oct 16 16:01 state.db
drwxr-xr-x 8 tchen staff 256 Oct 16 16:01 tx_index.db
RPC status
$ curl -s localhost:26657/status |jq
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "",
"result": {
"node_info": {
"id": "e7f354ef522497ba97722bf6658b4e06b1f390ab",
"listen_addr": "tcp://",
"network": "test-chain-iUo2E1",
"version": "0.25.0-0c9c3292",
"channels": "4020212223303800",
"moniker": "",
"other": {
"amino_version": "0.12.0",
"p2p_version": "0.5.0",
"consensus_version": "v1/0.2.2",
"rpc_version": "0.7.0/3",
"tx_index": "on",
"rpc_address": "tcp://"
Send transaction
curl -s 'localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx="abcd"'
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "",
"result": {
"check_tx": {
"gasWanted": "1"
"deliver_tx": {
"tags": [
"key": "YXBwLmNyZWF0b3I=", // app.creator
"value": "amFl" // jae
"key": "YXBwLmtleQ==", // app.key
"value": "YWJjZA==" // abcd
"h h" "88D4266FD4E6338D13B845FCF289579D209C8978"
Transaction in block
I[10-16|16:20:37.273] Timed out module=consensus dur=997.228ms height=114 round=0 step=Ro
I[10-16|16:20:37.273] enterNewRound(114/0). Current: 114/0/RoundStepNewHeight module=consensus height=114 round=0
I[10-16|16:20:37.273] enterPropose(114/0). Current: 114/0/RoundStepNewRound module=consensus height=114 round=0
I[10-16|16:20:37.273] enterPropose: Our turn to propose module=consensus height=114 round=0 proposer=CE925800DC
I[10-16|16:20:37.276] Signed proposal module=consensus height=114 round=0 proposal="Proposal{
I[10-16|16:20:37.277] Received proposal module=consensus proposal="Proposal{114/0 1:8A667F8EB44D
I[10-16|16:20:37.278] Received complete proposal block module=consensus height=114 hash=CFDA9B2C639A5F974A62287
I[10-16|16:20:37.278] enterPrevote(114/0). Current: 114/0/RoundStepPropose module=consensus
I[10-16|16:20:37.278] enterPrevote: ProposalBlock is valid module=consensus height=114 round=0
I[10-16|16:20:37.279] Signed and pushed vote module=consensus height=114 round=0 vote="Vote{0:CE92580
I[10-16|16:20:37.280] Added to prevote module=consensus vote="Vote{0:CE925800DC1F 114/00/1(Prev
I[10-16|16:20:37.280] enterPrecommit(114/0). Current: 114/0/RoundStepPrevote module=consensus height=114 round=0
I[10-16|16:20:37.280] enterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted proposal block. Locking module=consensus height=114 round=0 hash=CFDA9B
I[10-16|16:20:37.281] Signed and pushed vote module=consensus height=114 round=0 vote="Vote{0:CE92580
I[10-16|16:20:37.282] Added to precommit module=consensus vote="Vote{0:CE925800DC1F 114/00/2(Prec
I[10-16|16:20:37.282] enterCommit(114/0). Current: 114/0/RoundStepPrecommit module=consensus height=114 commitRound=0
I[10-16|16:20:37.282] Commit is for locked block. Set ProposalBlock=LockedBlock module=consensus height=114 commitRound=0
I[10-16|16:20:37.283] Finalizing commit of block with 1 txs module=consensus height=114 hash=CFDA9B2C639A5F974A62287
I[10-16|16:20:37.283] Block{
Ch i ID t t h i iU 2E1
Query the tx
$ curl -s 'localhost:26657/abci_query?data="abcd"' | jq
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "",
"result": {
"response": {
"log": "exists",
"index": "-1",
"key": "YWJjZA==",
"value": "YWJjZA=="
Send tx with key/value
$ curl -s 'localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx="name=satoshi"'
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "",
"result": {
"check_tx": {
"gasWanted": "1"
"deliver_tx": {
"tags": [
"key": "YXBwLmNyZWF0b3I=",
"value": "amFl"
"key": "YXBwLmtleQ==",
"value": "bmFtZQ=="
"h h" "57D835FBBA0DBF922D8A2EDA56922C9B24E77609"
Query the key
$ curl -s 'localhost:26657/abci_query?data="name"'
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "",
"result": {
"response": {
"log": "exists",
"index": "-1",
"key": "bmFtZQ==", // name
"value": "c2F0b3NoaQ==" // satoshi
Stopping tendermint
captured interrupt, exiting...
I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping Node module=main impl=Node
I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping Node module=main
I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping EventBus module=events impl=EventBus
E[10-16|16:31:39.538] Not stopping PubSub -- have not been started yet module=pubsub impl=PubSub
I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping IndexerService module=txindex impl=IndexerService
I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping P2P Switch module=p2p impl="P2P Switch"
I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping ConsensusReactor module=consensus impl=ConsensusReactor
I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping ConsensusState module=consensus impl=ConsensusState
I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping TimeoutTicker module=consensus impl=TimeoutTicker
I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping baseWAL module=consensus wal=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/data/cs.wa
I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Stopping EvidenceReactor module=evidence impl=EvidenceReactor
I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Stopping PEXReactor module=p2p impl=PEXReactor
I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Stopping AddrBook module=p2p book=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/config/addrboo
I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Stopping MempoolReactor module=mempool impl=MempoolReactor
I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Stopping BlockchainReactor module=blockchain impl=BlockchainReactor
E[10-16|16:31:39.544] Not stopping BlockPool -- have not been started yet module=blockchain impl=BlockPool
I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Saving AddrBook to file module=p2p book=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/config/addrboo
E[10-16|16:31:39.544] Stopped accept routine, as transport is closed module=p2p numPeers=0
I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Closing rpc listener module=main listener="&{Listener:0xc0017362d8 sem:0xc000
I[10 16|16 31 39 544] RPC HTTP t d d l " t t [ ] 26657 f l
Real world application: Build a simpli ed ethereum
• just replicate ethereum’s MPT based account system
• A wallet consists of a key pair that user can send tokens
• Tendermint as the consensus layer
• no EVM to execute smart contracts
• the whole app state is changed tx after tx, and the app state of the last tx of a block is
committed back to tendermint as app root
• ex_abci
• gen_server for handling: info, check_tx, begin_block, deliver_tx, end_block, commit,
• merkle_patricia_tree to handle MPT (using LevelDB)
• keccakf1600_orig for sha3
• libsecp256k1 for signing and verifying
Data structure
message Transaction {
bytes from = 1;
bytes to = 2;
uint64 nonce = 3;
uint64 total = 4;
bytes pub_key = 5;
bytes signature = 6;
message AccountState {
uint64 balance = 1;
uint64 nonce = 2;
uint64 num_txs = 3;
• Purpose: Maintain the Merkle Patricia Tree
• Interfaces:
• open: open a level db and restore last committed root_hash, if any
• put: update a state for a key (account address) to the trie
• get: get a state from a key from the trie
• update_block: update last_block height, and put the root_hash for the height
• get_app_hash: get the root_hash for the last block
• get_info: retrieve last_block, last_block_hash
• Purpose: Maintain account system
• Interfaces:
• get: get the state of the account in the world state
• put: update the state to the account in the world state
• Purpose: sign and verify transactions
• Interfaces:
• sign: calculate the sha3 of the tx and then do ecdsa sign
• verify: calculate the sha3 of the tx and then verify against the signature
• Purpose: create wallet, create tx and retrieve the state from the chain, acting as a
client library
• Interfaces:
• new: create a new wallet with key pair and wallet address, using sha3 and ecdsa
• declare: a special transaction that could get 10000 genesis tokens. For test purpose.
• transfer: move tokens between accounts, tx will be signed by sender. Validator will verify the
signature and make sure these conditions are satisfied:
• from / to are not the same address
• nonce is expected
• balance is greater or equal to the total tokens in the tx
• balance: get balance of an address
• nonce: get nonce of an address
• info: get info of an address
• chain_info: get the status of the chain
Tendermint callbacks: Server
Handle info
def handle_call({:handle_info, request}, _from, %{trie: trie} = state) do
last_block = Mpt.get_last_block(trie)
app_hash = Mpt.get_app_hash(trie)
"Tendermint version: #{request.version}, last_block: #{last_block}, app_hash: #{
response = %Abci.ResponseInfo{
data: "Elixir SimpleChain",
version: "1.0.0",
last_block_height: last_block,
last_block_app_hash: app_hash
{:reply, response, state}
Handle check_tx
def handle_call({:handle_check_tx, request}, _from, %{trie: trie} = state) do
%Abci.RequestCheckTx{tx: data} = request
tx = data |> Base.decode64!() |> Transaction.decode()
Logger.debug(fn -> "Check tx: #{inspect(tx)}" end)
response = struct(Abci.ResponseCheckTx, verify(tx, trie, data))
{:reply, response, state}
Handle deliver_tx
def handle_call({:handle_deliver_tx, request}, _from, %{trie: trie} = state) do
%Abci.RequestDeliverTx{tx: data} = request
tx = data |> Base.decode64!() |> Transaction.decode()
Logger.debug(fn -> "Deliver tx: #{inspect(tx)}" end)
response = struct(Abci.ResponseDeliverTx, verify(tx, trie, data))
trie =
case response.code == 0 do
true -> update_state(tx, trie)
_ -> trie
{:reply, response, %{state | trie: trie}}
Handle end_block
def handle_call({:handle_end_block, request}, _from, %{trie: trie} = state) do
height = request.height
Logger.debug(fn -> "End block: #{height}" end)
Mpt.update_block(trie, request.height)
response = %Abci.ResponseEndBlock{
validator_updates: [],
tags: []
{:reply, response, state}
Handle commit
def handle_call({:handle_commit, request}, _from, %{trie: trie} = state) do
Logger.debug(fn -> "Commit block: #{inspect(request)}" end)
response = %Abci.ResponseCommit{
data: Mpt.get_app_hash(trie)
{:reply, response, state}
How do we update world state?
defp update_state(%Transaction{from: from, to: to, nonce: n1, total: total}, trie) do
acc1 = Account.get(trie, from)
trie =
Account.put(trie, from, %AccountState{
| nonce: n1 + 1,
balance: acc1.balance - total,
num_txs: acc1.num_txs + 1
acc2 =
case Account.get(trie, to) do
nil -> %AccountState{nonce: 0, balance: total, num_txs: 1}
v -> %AccountState{v | balance: v.balance + total, num_txs: v.num_txs + 1}
Account.put(trie, to, acc2)
Demo: Final Chapter

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Tendermint in a nutshell

  • 1. Tendermint in a nutshell Brought to you by Tyr Chen 1
  • 2. What is Tendermint • software to securely and consistently replicating an application on many machines • securely: works even if 1/3 or machines failed • consistently: every non-faulty machine sees the same tx log and compute the same state (deterministic) • two parts: • blockchain consensus engine: Tendermint Core, ensures that same tx are reordered on every machine in same order • generic application interface: ABCI, enables the tx to be processed in any programming language 2
  • 3. Tendermint vs zookeep / etcd / consul • untrust env vs trust env • trust env cannot tolerant a single Byzantine fault • BFT vs paxos / raft • can survive < 1/3 failure vs < 1/2 failure • state machine replication vs kv store on top of classical consensus algo 3
  • 4. Tendermint vs bitcoin / ethereum • PoS vs PoW • focus on hosting arbitrary application states in a p2p BFT env • can be used as PnP replacement for consensus engine • other blockchain codebase could be run as an ABCI application using tendermint consensus • e.g. ethermint, cosmos 4
  • 5. Tendermint vs fabric / burrow • fabric: similar idea on consensus • burrow: EVM + tendermint + name registry / permission / … 5
  • 7. Components in a blockchain app • networking: for p2p connectivity and data replication • mempool: for broadcasting tx • consensus: for agreeing on most recent block • storage: account states • VM: for executing turning-complete contracts • app logic: e.g. permissions 7
  • 8. ABCI to decouple Tendermint core from app logic 8
  • 9. What is ABCI? • An interface that connects Tendermint consensus engine with application • Socket based protocol • types are defined in protobuf: ABCI 9
  • 10. ABCI interface: API service ABCIApplication { rpc Echo(RequestEcho) returns (ResponseEcho) ; rpc Flush(RequestFlush) returns (ResponseFlush); rpc Info(RequestInfo) returns (ResponseInfo); rpc SetOption(RequestSetOption) returns (ResponseSetOption); rpc DeliverTx(RequestDeliverTx) returns (ResponseDeliverTx); rpc CheckTx(RequestCheckTx) returns (ResponseCheckTx); rpc Query(RequestQuery) returns (ResponseQuery); rpc Commit(RequestCommit) returns (ResponseCommit); rpc InitChain(RequestInitChain) returns (ResponseInitChain); rpc BeginBlock(RequestBeginBlock) returns (ResponseBeginBlock); rpc EndBlock(RequestEndBlock) returns (ResponseEndBlock); } 10
  • 11. ABCI interface: Block header message Header { // basic block info string chain_id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname)="ChainID"]; int64 height = 2; google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false, (gogoproto.stdtime)=true]; int64 num_txs = 4; int64 total_txs = 5; // prev block info BlockID last_block_id = 6 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false]; // hashes of block data bytes last_commit_hash = 7; // commit from validators from the last block bytes data_hash = 8; // transactions // hashes from the app output from the prev block bytes validators_hash = 9; // validators for the current block bytes next_validators_hash = 10; // validators for the next block bytes consensus_hash = 11; // consensus params for current block bytes app_hash = 12; // state after txs from the previous block b t l t lt h h 13 // t h h f ll lt f th t f th i bl k 11
  • 12. ABCI: Core APIs • DeliverTx • Each tx is delivered with this message • application need to validate the tx received from DeliverTx against current state • application then update the app state based on the tx • CheckTx • same as DeliverTx, but only do tx validation • used by Tendermint Core • mempool check the validity of tx with CheckTx • relay valid tx to its peers • Commit • compute a cryptographic commitment to the current application state 12
  • 13. Being deterministic • without deterministic on tx processing on the p2p network, no consensus could be formed. • Things to consider: • random number generators (without deterministic seeding) • race conditions on threads (or avoiding threads altogether) • the system clock (you can’t rely on it, e.g. the seed) • uninitialized memory (in unsafe programming languages like C or C++) • floating point arithmetic: floating point determinism • same compiler • same platform • same CPU instruction set • language features that are random (e.g. iteration on map) 13
  • 16. Concepts • validators: the node who participants in the protocol, take turns proposing blocks of transactions and voting on them • height: the number of the block • round: a turn that a validator gets to propose a block for the height • propose: a validator generate a block for the height and broadcast it out for validating • prevote: if the proposed block is valid, the validator prevote the block and broadcast prevote message out and also listen and accumulate the prevotes from others • precommit: if 2/3 of validators prevoted the block, the validator precommit the block and broadcast precommit message out and also listen and accumulate the precommits from others • commit: if 2/3 of validators precommitted the block, the block is in committed state 16
  • 17. Stake • voting power: not all validators will have the same “weight” in the consensus protocol • Proof-of-Stake: voting power is denominated in a native currency 17
  • 18. Finally, tendermint in a nutshell 18
  • 20. Installation go get cd $GOPATH/src/ make get_tools && make get_vendor_deps make install 20
  • 21. Initialization $ tendermint version 0.25.0-0c9c329 $ tendermint init I[10-16|15:56:12.579] Generated private validator module=main path=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/config/priv_va I[10-16|15:56:12.580] Generated node key module=main path=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/config/node_ke I[10-16|15:56:12.580] Generated genesis file module=main path=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/config/genesi 21
  • 22. priv validator { "address": "CE925800DC1F3AF72721343A0FE67F18291632F7", "pub_key": { "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519", "value": "lWqXKs4MwvRk9XUo94ozMt/togD4rVrVNOBKHzCMO9g=" }, "last_height": "0", "last_round": "0", "last_step": 0, "priv_key": { "type": "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519", "value": "r2iHwBHUyBVnpQCq+4SHYm42MJbF9ZCdy3XlHvlCnEqVapcqzgzC9GT1dSj3ijMy3+2iAPitWtU04EofMIw72A==" } } 22
  • 23. After running a while… cat .tendermint/config/priv_validator.json { "address": "CE925800DC1F3AF72721343A0FE67F18291632F7", "pub_key": { "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519", "value": "lWqXKs4MwvRk9XUo94ozMt/togD4rVrVNOBKHzCMO9g=" }, "last_height": "19", "last_round": "0", "last_step": 3, "last_signature": "uPhO3W577w04CxJQ2G7TAO2mJk5k4uGbDGrHnGkxYOqmMtqsDRYA4NQCwWsOxORGOHWoUlS8F24MdASyBJalAA==", "last_signbytes": "7B2240636861696E5F6964223A227479726368656E222C224074797065223A22766F7465222C22626C6F636B5F6964223A7B22 "priv_key": { "type": "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519", "value": "r2iHwBHUyBVnpQCq+4SHYm42MJbF9ZCdy3XlHvlCnEqVapcqzgzC9GT1dSj3ijMy3+2iAPitWtU04EofMIw72A==" } } 23
  • 24. node key { "priv_key": { "type": "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519", "value": "EgYVYbHnrqwucutP99yQ1ZN6i+xGfRn2AI576dZ0/uU/8a2XVgvwfc87vKSvUX49qS1uy6xrk35k3hPQKoHlQg==" } } 24
  • 25. Genesis • genesis_time: official time of blockchain start • chain_id: unique id for the blockchain. Shall be less than 50 symbols • validators: list of initial validators. Could be override by app • pub_key: validator’s pubkey • power: voting power • app_hash: expected application hash (returned by ResponseInfo ABCI message), upon genesis if app’s hash does not match, Tendermint will panic. • app_state: application state, e.g. initial distribution of tokens 25
  • 26. genesis le example { "genesis_time": "2018-10-16T22:56:12.580361Z", "chain_id": "test-chain-iUo2E1", // must be unique "consensus_params": { "block_size_params": { "max_bytes": "22020096", "max_gas": "-1" }, "evidence_params": { "max_age": "100000" } }, "validators": [ { "address": "CE925800DC1F3AF72721343A0FE67F18291632F7", "pub_key": { "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519", "value": "lWqXKs4MwvRk9XUo94ozMt/togD4rVrVNOBKHzCMO9g=" }, "power": "10", " " "" 26
  • 27. Start tendermint • cmd: tendermint node • by default it connect to ABCI app on • for unix domain socket: do: `tendermint node –proxy_app/var/run/your-app.sock • in-process app: counter , kvstore , nil • apps provided by ex_abci: counter, simple_chain 27
  • 28. Start tendermint example $ tendermint node --proxy_app=kvstore // the in-process app I[10-16|16:01:06.946] Starting multiAppConn module=proxy impl=multiAppConn I[10-16|16:01:06.946] Starting localClient module=abci-client connection=query impl=localClient I[10-16|16:01:06.946] Starting localClient module=abci-client connection=mempool impl=localClient I[10-16|16:01:06.946] Starting localClient module=abci-client connection=consensus impl=localClient I[10-16|16:01:06.946] ABCI Handshake module=consensus appHeight=0 appHash= I[10-16|16:01:06.946] ABCI Replay Blocks module=consensus appHeight=0 storeHeight=0 stateHeight=0 I[10-16|16:01:06.947] Completed ABCI Handshake - Tendermint and App are synced module=consensus appHeight=0 appHash= I[10-16|16:01:06.947] This node is a validator module=consensus addr=CE925800DC1F3AF72721343A0FE67F1829 I[10-16|16:01:06.952] P2P Node ID module=p2p ID=e7f354ef522497ba97722bf6658b4e06b1f390ab f I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting Node module=main impl=Node I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting EventBus module=events impl=EventBus I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting RPC HTTP server on tcp:// module=rpc-server I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting P2P Switch module=p2p impl="P2P Switch" I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting MempoolReactor module=mempool impl=MempoolReactor I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting BlockchainReactor module=blockchain impl=BlockchainReactor I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting ConsensusReactor module=consensus impl=ConsensusReactor I[10-16|16:01:06.953] ConsensusReactor module=consensus fastSync=false I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting ConsensusState module=consensus impl=ConsensusState I[10-16|16:01:06.953] Starting baseWAL module=consensus wal=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/data/cs.wa I[10 16|16 01 06 954] St ti Ti tTi k d l i l Ti tTi k 28
  • 29. What is WAL? • Write-Ahead Logging • Usage: • to ensure data integration, usually used in database • changes to data files must be written only after those changes has been logged (and flushed to permanent storage) • Pros: • reduce disk writes significantly - we don’t need to flush data pages to disks every time something changes • easy and efficient to sync • any changes to the data can be redone from the WAL 29
  • 30. Tendermint consensus I[10-16|16:01:07.954] Timed out module=consensus dur=997.249ms height=1 round=0 step=Round I[10-16|16:01:07.955] enterNewRound(1/0). Current: 1/0/RoundStepNewHeight module=consensus height=1 round=0 I[10-16|16:01:07.955] enterPropose(1/0). Current: 1/0/RoundStepNewRound module=consensus height=1 round=0 I[10-16|16:01:07.955] enterPropose: Our turn to propose module=consensus height=1 round=0 proposer=CE925800DC1F3 I[10-16|16:01:07.962] Signed proposal module=consensus height=1 round=0 proposal="Proposal{1/0 I[10-16|16:01:07.963] Received proposal module=consensus proposal="Proposal{1/0 1:1A00E597FAD3 I[10-16|16:01:07.964] Received complete proposal block module=consensus height=1 hash=C896B7C7ACBB819C762F29BF I[10-16|16:01:07.964] enterPrevote(1/0). Current: 1/0/RoundStepPropose module=consensus I[10-16|16:01:07.964] enterPrevote: ProposalBlock is valid module=consensus height=1 round=0 I[10-16|16:01:07.965] Signed and pushed vote module=consensus height=1 round=0 vote="Vote{0:CE925800D I[10-16|16:01:07.965] Added to prevote module=consensus vote="Vote{0:CE925800DC1F 1/00/1(Prevot I[10-16|16:01:07.965] enterPrecommit(1/0). Current: 1/0/RoundStepPrevote module=consensus height=1 round=0 I[10-16|16:01:07.966] enterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted proposal block. Locking module=consensus height=1 round=0 hash=C896B7C7 I[10-16|16:01:07.966] Signed and pushed vote module=consensus height=1 round=0 vote="Vote{0:CE925800D I[10-16|16:01:07.967] Added to precommit module=consensus vote="Vote{0:CE925800DC1F 1/00/2(Precom I[10-16|16:01:07.967] enterCommit(1/0). Current: 1/0/RoundStepPrecommit module=consensus height=1 commitRound=0 I[10-16|16:01:07.968] Commit is for locked block. Set ProposalBlock=LockedBlock module=consensus height=1 commitRound=0 blo I[10-16|16:01:07.968] Finalizing commit of block with 0 txs module=consensus height=1 hash=C896B7C7ACBB819C762F29BF 30
  • 31. Tendermint generate block I[10-16|16:01:07.968] Block{ Header{ ChainID: test-chain-iUo2E1 Height: 1 Time: 2018-10-16 23:01:07.955323 +0000 UTC NumTxs: 0 TotalTxs: 0 LastBlockID: :0:000000000000 LastCommit: Data: Validators: 40B38DD6331AA92F194295AE613E13109D0B019B NextValidators: 40B38DD6331AA92F194295AE613E13109D0B019B App: Consensus: 0E520AF30D47BE28F293E040E418D0361BFB5370 Results: Evidence: Proposer: CE925800DC1F3AF72721343A0FE67F18291632F7 }#C896B7C7ACBB819C762F29BF541B8FE00CDCC8D0 Data{ }# 31
  • 32. Data folder $ ls -l ~/.tendermint/data/ total 0 drwxr-xr-x 9 tchen staff 288 Oct 16 16:01 blockstore.db drwx------ 3 tchen staff 96 Oct 16 16:01 cs.wal drwxr-xr-x 8 tchen staff 256 Oct 16 16:01 evidence.db drwx------ 3 tchen staff 96 Oct 16 16:01 mempool.wal drwxr-xr-x 10 tchen staff 320 Oct 16 16:01 state.db drwxr-xr-x 8 tchen staff 256 Oct 16 16:01 tx_index.db 32
  • 33. RPC status $ curl -s localhost:26657/status |jq { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "node_info": { "id": "e7f354ef522497ba97722bf6658b4e06b1f390ab", "listen_addr": "tcp://", "network": "test-chain-iUo2E1", "version": "0.25.0-0c9c3292", "channels": "4020212223303800", "moniker": "", "other": { "amino_version": "0.12.0", "p2p_version": "0.5.0", "consensus_version": "v1/0.2.2", "rpc_version": "0.7.0/3", "tx_index": "on", "rpc_address": "tcp://" } } 33
  • 34. Send transaction curl -s 'localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx="abcd"' { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "check_tx": { "gasWanted": "1" }, "deliver_tx": { "tags": [ { "key": "YXBwLmNyZWF0b3I=", // app.creator "value": "amFl" // jae }, { "key": "YXBwLmtleQ==", // app.key "value": "YWJjZA==" // abcd } ] }, "h h" "88D4266FD4E6338D13B845FCF289579D209C8978" 34
  • 35. Transaction in block I[10-16|16:20:37.273] Timed out module=consensus dur=997.228ms height=114 round=0 step=Ro I[10-16|16:20:37.273] enterNewRound(114/0). Current: 114/0/RoundStepNewHeight module=consensus height=114 round=0 I[10-16|16:20:37.273] enterPropose(114/0). Current: 114/0/RoundStepNewRound module=consensus height=114 round=0 I[10-16|16:20:37.273] enterPropose: Our turn to propose module=consensus height=114 round=0 proposer=CE925800DC I[10-16|16:20:37.276] Signed proposal module=consensus height=114 round=0 proposal="Proposal{ I[10-16|16:20:37.277] Received proposal module=consensus proposal="Proposal{114/0 1:8A667F8EB44D I[10-16|16:20:37.278] Received complete proposal block module=consensus height=114 hash=CFDA9B2C639A5F974A62287 I[10-16|16:20:37.278] enterPrevote(114/0). Current: 114/0/RoundStepPropose module=consensus I[10-16|16:20:37.278] enterPrevote: ProposalBlock is valid module=consensus height=114 round=0 I[10-16|16:20:37.279] Signed and pushed vote module=consensus height=114 round=0 vote="Vote{0:CE92580 I[10-16|16:20:37.280] Added to prevote module=consensus vote="Vote{0:CE925800DC1F 114/00/1(Prev I[10-16|16:20:37.280] enterPrecommit(114/0). Current: 114/0/RoundStepPrevote module=consensus height=114 round=0 I[10-16|16:20:37.280] enterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted proposal block. Locking module=consensus height=114 round=0 hash=CFDA9B I[10-16|16:20:37.281] Signed and pushed vote module=consensus height=114 round=0 vote="Vote{0:CE92580 I[10-16|16:20:37.282] Added to precommit module=consensus vote="Vote{0:CE925800DC1F 114/00/2(Prec I[10-16|16:20:37.282] enterCommit(114/0). Current: 114/0/RoundStepPrecommit module=consensus height=114 commitRound=0 I[10-16|16:20:37.282] Commit is for locked block. Set ProposalBlock=LockedBlock module=consensus height=114 commitRound=0 I[10-16|16:20:37.283] Finalizing commit of block with 1 txs module=consensus height=114 hash=CFDA9B2C639A5F974A62287 I[10-16|16:20:37.283] Block{ Header{ Ch i ID t t h i iU 2E1 35
  • 36. Query the tx $ curl -s 'localhost:26657/abci_query?data="abcd"' | jq { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "response": { "log": "exists", "index": "-1", "key": "YWJjZA==", "value": "YWJjZA==" } } } 36
  • 37. Send tx with key/value $ curl -s 'localhost:26657/broadcast_tx_commit?tx="name=satoshi"' { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "check_tx": { "gasWanted": "1" }, "deliver_tx": { "tags": [ { "key": "YXBwLmNyZWF0b3I=", "value": "amFl" }, { "key": "YXBwLmtleQ==", "value": "bmFtZQ==" } ] }, "h h" "57D835FBBA0DBF922D8A2EDA56922C9B24E77609" 37
  • 38. Query the key $ curl -s 'localhost:26657/abci_query?data="name"' { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "response": { "log": "exists", "index": "-1", "key": "bmFtZQ==", // name "value": "c2F0b3NoaQ==" // satoshi } } } 38
  • 39. Stopping tendermint captured interrupt, exiting... I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping Node module=main impl=Node I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping Node module=main I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping EventBus module=events impl=EventBus E[10-16|16:31:39.538] Not stopping PubSub -- have not been started yet module=pubsub impl=PubSub I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping IndexerService module=txindex impl=IndexerService I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping P2P Switch module=p2p impl="P2P Switch" I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping ConsensusReactor module=consensus impl=ConsensusReactor I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping ConsensusState module=consensus impl=ConsensusState I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping TimeoutTicker module=consensus impl=TimeoutTicker I[10-16|16:31:39.538] Stopping baseWAL module=consensus wal=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/data/cs.wa I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Stopping EvidenceReactor module=evidence impl=EvidenceReactor I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Stopping PEXReactor module=p2p impl=PEXReactor I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Stopping AddrBook module=p2p book=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/config/addrboo I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Stopping MempoolReactor module=mempool impl=MempoolReactor I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Stopping BlockchainReactor module=blockchain impl=BlockchainReactor E[10-16|16:31:39.544] Not stopping BlockPool -- have not been started yet module=blockchain impl=BlockPool I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Saving AddrBook to file module=p2p book=/Users/tchen/.tendermint/config/addrboo E[10-16|16:31:39.544] Stopped accept routine, as transport is closed module=p2p numPeers=0 I[10-16|16:31:39.544] Closing rpc listener module=main listener="&{Listener:0xc0017362d8 sem:0xc000 I[10 16|16 31 39 544] RPC HTTP t d d l " t t [ ] 26657 f l 39
  • 40. Real world application: Build a simpli ed ethereum 40
  • 41. Requirement • just replicate ethereum’s MPT based account system • A wallet consists of a key pair that user can send tokens • Tendermint as the consensus layer • no EVM to execute smart contracts • the whole app state is changed tx after tx, and the app state of the last tx of a block is committed back to tendermint as app root 41
  • 42. Implementation • ex_abci • gen_server for handling: info, check_tx, begin_block, deliver_tx, end_block, commit, flush • merkle_patricia_tree to handle MPT (using LevelDB) • keccakf1600_orig for sha3 • libsecp256k1 for signing and verifying 42
  • 43. Data structure message Transaction { bytes from = 1; bytes to = 2; uint64 nonce = 3; uint64 total = 4; bytes pub_key = 5; bytes signature = 6; } message AccountState { uint64 balance = 1; uint64 nonce = 2; uint64 num_txs = 3; } 43
  • 44. MPT • Purpose: Maintain the Merkle Patricia Tree • Interfaces: • open: open a level db and restore last committed root_hash, if any • put: update a state for a key (account address) to the trie • get: get a state from a key from the trie • update_block: update last_block height, and put the root_hash for the height • get_app_hash: get the root_hash for the last block • get_info: retrieve last_block, last_block_hash 44
  • 45. Account • Purpose: Maintain account system • Interfaces: • get: get the state of the account in the world state • put: update the state to the account in the world state 45
  • 46. Tx • Purpose: sign and verify transactions • Interfaces: • sign: calculate the sha3 of the tx and then do ecdsa sign • verify: calculate the sha3 of the tx and then verify against the signature 46
  • 47. Wallet • Purpose: create wallet, create tx and retrieve the state from the chain, acting as a client library • Interfaces: • new: create a new wallet with key pair and wallet address, using sha3 and ecdsa • declare: a special transaction that could get 10000 genesis tokens. For test purpose. • transfer: move tokens between accounts, tx will be signed by sender. Validator will verify the signature and make sure these conditions are satisfied: • from / to are not the same address • nonce is expected • balance is greater or equal to the total tokens in the tx • balance: get balance of an address • nonce: get nonce of an address • info: get info of an address • chain_info: get the status of the chain 47
  • 49. Handle info def handle_call({:handle_info, request}, _from, %{trie: trie} = state) do last_block = Mpt.get_last_block(trie) app_hash = Mpt.get_app_hash(trie) "Tendermint version: #{request.version}, last_block: #{last_block}, app_hash: #{ Base.encode16(app_hash) }" ) response = %Abci.ResponseInfo{ data: "Elixir SimpleChain", version: "1.0.0", last_block_height: last_block, last_block_app_hash: app_hash } {:reply, response, state} end 49
  • 50. Handle check_tx def handle_call({:handle_check_tx, request}, _from, %{trie: trie} = state) do %Abci.RequestCheckTx{tx: data} = request tx = data |> Base.decode64!() |> Transaction.decode() Logger.debug(fn -> "Check tx: #{inspect(tx)}" end) response = struct(Abci.ResponseCheckTx, verify(tx, trie, data)) {:reply, response, state} end 50
  • 51. Handle deliver_tx def handle_call({:handle_deliver_tx, request}, _from, %{trie: trie} = state) do %Abci.RequestDeliverTx{tx: data} = request tx = data |> Base.decode64!() |> Transaction.decode() Logger.debug(fn -> "Deliver tx: #{inspect(tx)}" end) response = struct(Abci.ResponseDeliverTx, verify(tx, trie, data)) trie = case response.code == 0 do true -> update_state(tx, trie) _ -> trie end {:reply, response, %{state | trie: trie}} end 51
  • 52. Handle end_block def handle_call({:handle_end_block, request}, _from, %{trie: trie} = state) do height = request.height Logger.debug(fn -> "End block: #{height}" end) Mpt.update_block(trie, request.height) response = %Abci.ResponseEndBlock{ validator_updates: [], tags: [] } {:reply, response, state} end 52
  • 53. Handle commit def handle_call({:handle_commit, request}, _from, %{trie: trie} = state) do Logger.debug(fn -> "Commit block: #{inspect(request)}" end) response = %Abci.ResponseCommit{ data: Mpt.get_app_hash(trie) } {:reply, response, state} end 53
  • 54. How do we update world state? defp update_state(%Transaction{from: from, to: to, nonce: n1, total: total}, trie) do acc1 = Account.get(trie, from) trie = Account.put(trie, from, %AccountState{ acc1 | nonce: n1 + 1, balance: acc1.balance - total, num_txs: acc1.num_txs + 1 }) acc2 = case Account.get(trie, to) do nil -> %AccountState{nonce: 0, balance: total, num_txs: 1} v -> %AccountState{v | balance: v.balance + total, num_txs: v.num_txs + 1} end Account.put(trie, to, acc2) end 54
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