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Teen Birth Control
Teen Birth Control: An Ounce of Prevention Can Prevent Seven pounds and Four Ounces
"Most people, almost everyone knows of a teenage mom. Teen pregnancy rates are growing, and we
need to bring awareness to that." There are many statistics when it comes to teen pregnancy and
teens using birth control. Many people fight that teenagers have to have their parents with them to
receive birth control, because it takes away their control over their teenager. Many teenagers find it
hard to talk to their parents when it comes to birth control. Teenagers should be able to get birth
control without parental consent. There are many statistics when talking about teenage pregnancies
and the amount of teenagers that use birth control. Statistics show ... Show more content on ...
Tucker, Kristine. "Pros and Cons of Giving Birth Control to Teenagers." LIVESTRONG.COM.
LIVESTRONG.COM, 22 Aug. 2015. Web. 05 May 2016. teenagers . A lot of schools do not teach
the importance of using birth control and condoms to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted
diseases. A variety of teenagers would face harm if they asked their parents for consent for birth
control. "Parental Consent and Notice for Contraceptives Threatens Teen Health and Constitutional
Rights." Center for Reproductive Rights. Web. 05 May 2016. . Teens that would face harm from
their parents for seeking birth control would just use no birth control at all and it would then put
them at harm for sexually transmitted infections. One and five teens would use no birth control if
parental consent were required by law. Vesely, Rebecca. "Teens Opt for Unsafe Sex, Not Parents'
Consent." Womens ENews. 2005. Web. 05 May 2016. . There is a variety of reasons why teenagers
would use no birth control if it was required by law to have parental consent. One reason teens
would use no birth control is that a lot of teens that are afraid of what their parents are going to say
when they ask for permission to get birth control and this makes teens feel uncomfortable talking
about birth control with their parents. Another reason is most teens are afraid to talk to their parents,
because they are scared of the consequences that would come with asking for their
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Should Teenagers Be Allowed To Get Birth Control Without...
Should Teenagers Be Allowed to Get Birth Control without the Permission of Parents?
KaTrina Bacon
English 215
February 2, 2012
Dr.Sharonda Johnson
Should Teenagers Be Allowed to Get Birth Control without the Permission of Parents?
Of all the many controversies that have affected the United States in the past decades, birth control
has been one of the more important topics. Some popular birth control methods are the female and
male condoms, and the birth control pill. Even though both of these help protect against pregnancy
and the female and the male condoms help protect against HIV and sexually transmitted diseases
(STD). This raises the question, should teenagers be allowed to receive birth control methods
without their ... Show more content on ...
My religion which is Christianity, instructs us to wait until they are married to have begun to have
sex. But not only in churches is abstinence being preached, but public schools is adding this to their
curriculum, and teaching the teenagers about the greatness of keeping their virginity. Teenagers
having sex before marriage is a growing issue among teenagers. Sex before marriage is the cause of
teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and emotional distress.
Sexually transmitted diseases show in a society of teenagers that are having premarital sex, because
teenagers have so many different sex partners. Therefore, a result to teenagers having sex is the
different disease which is becoming more common in the teenage population. Because, for this is
that the teenagers don not know how to use the different birth control methods. Many teenagers
believe that the pill or condoms stop the spread of AIDs, other diseases, and herpes so, the
contraceptives do not prevent these diseases from spreading. Three million new cases of sexually
transmitted diseases among teenagers are reported each year. (
There are so many teens that feel that there is nothing wrong in having sex before marriage, but
having sexual relations with numerous people from age 15 and 19 doubles the diseases that have
been spreading to different people every time. Because teenagers are having
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Persuasive Essay On Birth Control
In the United States, twenty six states allow minors, defined as children twelve and older, to consent
to contraceptive services; Michigan allows some minors, such as those who are married or have
previously been pregnant, to consent; four states have no standing laws or policy ("An Overview"
1–2). The contraceptive access also varies across the country. Some states require comprehensive
sexual education and for teens to be able to access contraceptives. Some lean more towards
abstinence only education in the hopes teens will steer away from sexual activities. There are also
scattered clinics where teens can receive birth control. For many parents, this term conjures up
images of teenage sex or pregnancy, which can cause them to ignore its ... Show more content on ...
The parents have since partnered with a conservative nonprofit legal organization, Pacific Justice
Institute, in hopes of pulling the program from the schools as they suspect Planned Parenthood is
attempting to coerce the teens into having sex in order to receive more funding for abortions (Culp–
Ressler 5–6). They are convinced access to contraceptives will increase the rates and risks of
teenage sex. The parents believe they should be able to opt their children out of sex education and
prevent them from accessing birth control. They decide that removing the ability for safe sex will
force children into abstinence.
In truth, contraceptive access will not increase the rates of teen sex, according to a 2017 paper co–
authored by five John Hopkins doctors and pediatricians (Gebelhoff 7). The pamphlet used to help
teens decide if they are ready should be viewed as a good thing because it gives students reasons not
to proceed (Culp–Ressler 4). Additionally, John Hopkins says, teenagers on the pill or other
hormonal birth control options are more likely to be protected from pregnancy than those who use
condoms because the pill has a lower rate of failure and is not influenced by pressures in the
moment (Gebelhoff 8). Hormonal birth control is more effective at preventing pregnancy, but it
would be impossible for most teen girls with reluctant parents to obtain if states require parental
permission due to the scarcity of clinics and lack of over the counter
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Media Coverage Of Afric The True Nature Of The Culture And...
Media coverage of Africa has exponentially increased in recent times, but the information is rarely
completely accurate and objective. Initiatives to fund global health projects has resulted in the
creation of genius advertising campaigns that appeal to the emotions and humanity of privileged
citizens in first world countries. This campaign has also led to grave misconceptions about the true
nature of the culture and lifestyle that Africans live. The first misconception being that every person
on the whole continent has the same religious beliefs, socioeconomic status, and environmental
surroundings. A satirical article named "How to Write about Africa" draws attention to the
exaggerated usage of the wild landscape, naked mothers, starving children, and white heroes who
come in and save all of the dying babies in Africa (Wainaina, 1992). Anthropologists refer to this
idea of portraying Africa in a certain light in media to elicit a desired public reaction as a "single
story." A majority of media articles in general only present a single story to appeal to their target
audience, but articles about Africa in particular are notorious for painting the picture of a poverty
stricken continent that needs to be saved and few people have enough knowledge about Africa to
contest the media they see everyday. A recent articled named, "Mothers and babies at risk in
Apostolic church birth camps, where modern healthcare seen as 'heathen'" is an example of a piece
of media that tells a
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Benefits Of Birth Control
of 3
Kaysun GreerJustin ArmstrongENG Comp. II TR 9:2528 September 2017Double TroubleYoung
teen girls today usually like to be confidential about the personal effects in their life. As they grow
older they start to keep more and more secrets. Underage girls cannot always do things without their
parent's approval. It can be rules around the house or federal rules. For example, not being able to
access birth control at a young age. In most cases it is a 50/50 decision. People do not always agree
with that, but does not always disagree either. There is a different judgement for many different
reasons.The legal ability of minors to consent reproductive health care has gotten bigger. Underage
teenage girls being able to ... Show more content on ...
Most teens do not like talking to their parents about sex or anything in that matter. Everyone knows
that they are going to do it anyways, so they need to have access to proper protection. This
preference can also keep down teen pregnancy. Now and days young girls end up getting pregnant
because they are scared to talk their parents about birth control. Another reason young teens should
be able to access birth control without consent is because is not just for sex. It helps with girl's
periods, cramps, acne, and more. This recommendation shows how teens can be more responsible at
a younger age.On the other hand, there are many reasons teens should not have consent to birth
control underage. Today young girls think that means a free pass. Just because they get on birth
control does not mean they cannot end up pregnant. They also must realize that there are STD's and
birth control does not control that. Teens should be definitely saving themselves for marriage or at
least to where they are of age. Some parents are religions and would be furious if they knew their
underage teen was able to access birth control without having to go through them first. Many
parents today feel as if they already have extremely little power in their child's privacy when it
comes to decisions like this. If a teen is not comfortable talking to
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Should Teenagers Have Access To Birth Control
"By 2014, the teen birth rate had fallen to an historic low of 24.2 live births per one thousand
females aged fifteen–nineteen" (Birth Control 1). Alice had been feeling ill the past couple of weeks,
she didn't think anything of it until it was the second week she had been feeling ill. After school one
day she went to the store and bought a home pregnancy test, when she took it, it was positive. All of
the issues of telling her parents she was pregnant could have been avoided if birth control was
available without parental consent. Birth control should be available to teenagers without parental
consent because teenagers have a right to their privacy, it's used for other reasons than safe sex, and
not having access to it could put their health at risk.
Teenage girls have a right to their privacy when it comes to birth control. Some adults believe that
they should have a say in their daughter's decision when it comes to them having access to
contraceptives. Parents believe this because they think that making teenagers ask their parents first
before having access to any contraceptives will create better communication between the family.
However, many other adults say that it will not ... Show more content on ...
However, some people believe that when teenage girls are on birth control it's because they are
having sex. They believe this because in today's society a lot of teenagers are sexually active at a
young age. But, research shows that there are many reasons to be on birth control other than it being
for safe sexual activity. That being said, a lot of girls are on birth control for reasons such as having
polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The Center for Young Women's Health says that teenage girls
who have polycystic ovary syndrome can get on birth control to lower the hormones in their body to
help with acne, hair growth, and lighter periods. (Center for Young Women's
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Schools Providing Contraception For Children
Schools Providing Contraception
When a teenage girl sees that small pink plus sign on a pregnancy test, many things begin to run
through her mind. "What am I going to tell my parents and boyfriend? How is this going to affect
me? How will my friends and family react? What about my education and future? How did this
happen to me? What could I have done to prevent this?" Most teenagers have sex without being
protected. Whether they're embarrassed or afraid of being seen, it results in a lot of teenage
pregnancies. However, there is a way teenage girls can get the needed protection without being seen
or embarrassed. High schools should provide condoms, birth control, sex education classes, and
individual counseling to students who ask for them, thus giving private access to the students who
need it. The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) states: "birth control is a term that
includes all methods used to regulate or prevent the birth of children. For thousands of years, birth
control received little public attention. Death rates were extremely high in infancy and children.
Overpopulation is what spurred an interest in birth control. Condoms are used to prevent sexually
transmitted diseases. Condoms also had very little public attention until the amount of sexually
transmitted diseases in the United States increased by eighty percent from the year 1987 to the late
1990's" (Legislatures, 2015). The world was becoming a bigger place and many children were being
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Peggy Sturmfels 's Birth Parents
Peggy Sturmfels was adopted in the early 1990's when she was two weeks old. Her birth parents
were just teenagers and couldn't even take care of themselves therefore they felt it would be in
Peggi's best interest if they allow her to get the best life possible with someone who could provide
for her. They opted for a closed adoption because at the time no one knew she was even pregnant.
Her adoptive parents John and Gabrielle Sturmfels agreed with Peggy's birth parents and vowed not
to tell her about the adoption. To her birth parent's wishes John and Gabrielle gave Peggy the best
life a child could imagine, she was their little princess and they treated her like royalty. Peggy was
sent to the best schools and graduated high school as valedictorian. After graduation John and
Gabrielle had a huge surprise for Peggy; they were going to allow her to attend the college of her
dreams: UCLA. Peggi had dreamed to go there but her parents did not feel comfortable with her
being so far away from home. Three months later Peggi had packed up and had started her first
semester of college. She was doing very well and passing all her classes so she felt it was time for
her to have a night to just relax and have some fun. Her friend Abby suggested that they go to one of
the Frat parties close to their dorm. Peggy agreed and they went. At the party there was drugs and
alcohol everywhere and Peggi didn 't feel comfortable but Abby insisted she stayed and referred to
her as a "party pooper".
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My Parents Gave Birth At A Pretty Amazing Daughter, Myself...
On August 2nd, 1998; David and Christine Bouchard who are amazing parents gave birth to a pretty
awesome daughter, myself: Alison Elaine Bouchard. I mean I must be awesome if they only needed
one child. We lived in a small trailer in Oakland, Maine with a springer spaniel named Colbie who
would soon become my best friend. At this time my dad was working long hard hours, the night
shift at the local paper plate mill. My mom worked for the hospital at odd hours as well. They tried
to go to college to better themselves and although they took an alternative path I am so proud of
them for getting their degrees. I even got to attend their graduation ceremonies. This lead to my
grandparents acting as my second set of parents since they took care of me so often. Both my
parents and grandparents made me the young woman that I am today through many life skills that
they taught me even if it was hard to learn. Although this is just the beginning of a lifelong story we
are all faced with hardships just like the board game LIFE. From a young age to my current self I
have had to work through the same disadvantages time after time. These disadvantages are generally
based on things that I cannot change even if I tried because it is shown through sexisim against my
gender, economic hardships, and even prejudice against my race. When I was three I attended Kid's
Corner for nursery school and later, at age four moved into preschool. They helped me figure out
that I had an interest in
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Persuasive Essay On Birth Control
Have you ever wondered how many how many women are using some form of birth control? Today
more than 12 million women use birth control,(oral contraceptives), meaning this many girls are
taking early precautions. This oral contraceptive is 99% effective, still at that between 2–8% of
women will get pregnant while using it– being from misuse by the consumer. ("Five Reasons
Women Get Pregnant While on the Pill." Fox News, FOX News Network,–reasons–women–get–pregnant–while–on–pill.html.) This
being said many teen girls are still not on birth control because they are fearful of their parents
reactions. Other's opinions should not matter, but as humans emotions are always in the way of a
seemingly easy answer. All teenage girls really want from their mothers is acceptance and for their
mothers to not look down on them, but they are afraid that this idea will do the exact opposite.
Most teenagers will have sex no matter the risks. Pregnancies and transmitted diseases are all
connected directly to unprotected sex. Teenagers have the highest risk of pregnancy and HIV among
all other age groups, statistics being 900,000 teenage girls get pregnant each year. That means 4 out
of 10 girls will end up pregnant before the age of 20. Over half of all HIV infections are in people
under 20 years old. ("Preventing Teenagers from Getting Contraceptives Unless They Tell a Parent
Puts Teens at Risk." American Civil Liberties Union,
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Negative Effects On Teenage Pregnancy
of 4
Deanna SangsterMr. ArmstrongEnglish Composition 219 September 2017RepercussionIn this
generation, people do not take responsibility for their actions anymore. More pre–teens are having
sex; therefore, they are having more babies than adults. In response, a child is basically raising
another child. The young females do not understand the negative outcome sexual intercourse may
have on them. Something needs to be forced to stop young females from having babies at a young
age, and birth control may be the best answer for the crisis of teenage pregnancies.Birth control has
been around for many years, and it is constantly improving to help out our upcoming teens. Once
the young girls start their first menstrual cycle, their bodies start changing, and birth control can be
prescribed. It can be prescribed by the doctor, the clinic, or the health department. The girls should
get them because there are too many teenagers having babies, and they cannot afford to take care of
them.Most parents do not want their child on birth control because they think they are giving their
child permission to have sex. Once the girls get on birth control, they are going to feel like they are
mature. Their attitudes may change because they think do not have to listen to their parents. Parents
feel as if birth control will boost their daughters' hormones, and
Sangster 2they will want to have sex. In most cases, sexual activity may not be the only reason birth
control is
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Should Birth Parents Receive Adoption?
When a baby is born their birth parents keep the new baby. In some cases the birth parents cannot or
will not keep their new baby. Some children later in their young lives are without parents. These
babies and children can be put in foster care or can be adopted. Adoption is when another family
legally becomes their new parents. There are appropriate ways to let a child know they are adopted
and to answer their following questions as well as address their feelings. Children can believe they
were not wanted because they may have done something bad and heir parents did not want them. It
is up to the adoptive parents to answer any and all questions. Some children from another country
are adopted. The parents have to tell the child about their adoption and answer their questions. As a
child reaches teen years they may have more questions that need to be answered. This can be a
difficult time for all children. When and if the child wants to learn about their birth parents the
adoptive parent need ... Show more content on ...
Ella was a too young of a child to understand what adoption meant. She was not able to understand
that here adoptive parents were going to stay with her and not abandon her like her birth parents.
Her analysis said, "it became apparent that her parents' inability to understand the emotional needs
of a young child led to psychological abandonment and severe breaches in their role..." (Kaufman,
2013) Ella's parents told her when she was too young to understand that they were going to be with
her forever and that her birth parents were temporary. The child did not understand the difference
between permanent and temporary and that made her feel like she would be abandoned again. Being
told to young confused the child because she was not capable of understanding everything she was
being told. The confusion from her early age made her emotional development troubled and she
thought she was
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Birth Order In Canada
Literature Review
Birth order refers to the order in which children are born into their families. Common examples of
this include the first–born, second–born, youngest and the only child. Birth order is considered to
have profound lasting effects on the psychological and behavioural development of children. For
this reason, it is essential to study birth order and its impacts on children within families in Canada
because it reveals more about the individual in society. A child's birth order is incredibly influential
in regards to their upbringing, shaping their personality and how they grow up to be as individuals.
First–born children generally have a great amount of pressure and responsibility placed on them.
The youngest children of families ... Show more content on ...
Younger children are used to getting what they want as children and grow up knowing the ability to
charm and manipulate others to their advantage. They also generally less uptight and more carefree
since the family rules are usually loosened by the time of their arrival. Parents are already confident
in their role as caregiver, and therefore are more lenient (Gross, 2014). They excuse behaviour that
was deemed unacceptable for the older children since the parents have already dealt with such
situations in the past and are not as stern with younger children. However, younger children may
feel neglected by their older siblings and may feel inadequate in comparison to the older siblings'
achievements. Youngest children can also be bullied by older siblings. Furthermore, since parents
are less restrictive over younger children, they may be misguided and more reckless than their older
siblings who may have had to play it safe. These children can then grow up to be irresponsible and
lack direction and the ability to prioritize in their lives. This can lead to mental confusion, emotional
instability and depressive symptoms. It may result in a dependence on harmful addictive substances
to turn to as an outlet. Likewise, younger siblings are also more prone to addiction, according to
Medical Daily, and take up smoking and drinking more frequently than older siblings
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800 Word Essay Birth Control for Teens
Giving Birth Control to Teens
Birth control for teens has always been a very controversial subject for parents, teachers and teens.
Some believe that the government should mandate birth control for teens. There are some that are
concerned with the government overstepping the lines of freedom.
Due to the rise of teenage pregnancy and the heavy costs that is incurred, legislature should enact a
law making it mandatory that teens receive birth control. Early teenage pregnancy risks the teens
educational future and other life opportunities. In addition, taxpayers now are paying an estimated
$20 billion a year to take care of the infants that our teens are now having.
Teens that have become pregnant have found it difficult to ... Show more content on
Stereotyping is not as prevalent as in previous decades, although parents do worry of this happening.
As parents, people do not want to see their teen become pregnant and put that life on hold to raise a
baby, birth control by legislation would help this situation. Reports show that teen pregnancy is
declining compared to twenty years ago. Therefore, some lives are not disrupted, remain intact and
are allowed to go on.
Government plans and programs seem to be making a small step in birth control for teens. In
Baltimore, Jr. High students found that if a school passes out prescription birth control, the
government will not pay for the sex education class that is so desperately needed. It is either one
program or the
Smelser 4
other and it cannot be used in combination to each other. Our government should help take the
burden off of our overworked parents and enable a program such as this. With the worlds population
at over six billion, and a projected population of nine billion by the year 2048, birth control and sex
education is sorely needed for our teens.
Braine, Teresa "Adolescent pregnancy: a culturally complex issue." Bulletin World Health
Organization 2009;87;410–411
Lyons, Linda "Assessing the Patterns That Prevent Teenage Pregnancy" Health Source–Consumer
Edition Spring 99, Vol. 34 Issue 133, p.221,
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Why It Is Important To Locate Birth Parents
One of the many services we offer as a private investigation firm is locating biological parents.
There are are wide range of reasons why you may want to locate your birth parents. We find the
following to be among the most common.
To find out why you were put up for adoption
This is a question that many adoptees have, and they believe that they will find the answer if they
can locate one or both of their birth parents. There are many reasons why a child is placed for
adoption, and you must be prepared to find out the answer. Regardless of what you have been told
about the situation surrounding your adoption, the truth can be quite different. It may be a simple
case of two people being too young to raise a child, but there can be other circumstances relating to
an adoption that are not pleasant to discover. Make sure you want to know the truth, before you hire
a private investigator.
Medical reasons
You may have had the greatest upbringing imaginable and love your adoptive parents immensely,
but genetics can come into play for reasons of health. Knowing your genetic family's history can
make a difference in preventing certain ailments. For example, if heart disease runs in your family,
you can take extra precautions to prevent the development of heart disease that you may be
susceptible to. Your medical history can also ... Show more content on ...
The desire to know what a biological mother or father is like seems to be innate in many people.
What do they look like? What type of personality do they have? How much of you can you see in
them? These types of questions are natural, but keep in mind, that they can go unanswered. It is
possible that your biological parents are no longer living, but if they are, they may not want to meet
with you. Our services are not simply to locate a missing person, but we can also find out if the
person wants to meet with you. We always respect the privacy of the birth
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Obtain Birth Control Without Parent Consent Essay
Teens being able to get birth control without parent consent.
Teens should be able to get birth control without parent consent because it prevents teen pregnancy,
parents and their kids lack necessary communication skills and other reasons birth control is used
for. teen pregnancy is prevented, in 2014 Oklahoma reported 400792 births to females ages 15 to 19,
fifty–eight of those births occurred to girls 10 to 14 years old. one and every 5 teen births were a
young female who was already a parent, child (www.tulsaworld .com). This question is
controversial teenage pregnancies are on the rise without birth control, pregnancy rates are high and
the lives of mother, father, and child are affected. One reason they should be able to get birth control
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many believe that girls under the age 18 are too immature to make this decision( parents
often think of their teens as babies, they think that their little girl is not mature to make decisions
about sex. They think by denying birth control they are preventing the possibility of pregnancy. girls
often fail to realize their parents are there to help them ( they are embarrassed and want
to avoid the whole conversation and don't want to disappoint their parents. religious beliefs prohibit
premarital sex ( requiring consent doesn't stop teen pregnancy, religious
groups believe that it's the moral obligation to the parents to teach their children to follow religious
rules. the role of parents and the decision of their daughters to have birth control is unclear. The
denial of birth control does not prevent teen pregnancy and the knowledge of the parent is
understood. teens should be able to get birth control without parental consent. teen pregnancies
prevented, by preventing pregnancy teens are prevented from being parents. teen pregnancy can
adversely affect many lives and should be prevented at all
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Analysis Of Teenage Births For Young Parents
In the article "Teenage Births: Outcomes for Young Parents and their Children "the Schuyler Center
touches on many important topics concerning teenage pregnancy and parenting. The foundation
speaks on how teenage pregnancy is a global issue and explains why teens often get pregnant along
with the hardships that come with it. Although, according to them "teen pregnancy rates are at the
lowest level in 20 years. . . " (page 3) it is very apparent that being a young mother will defiantly
effect your education and your child future. The author begins the article by explaining how a teen
mother's education is affected. It is stated that "Only 41% of mothers who have a child before age 18
ever complete high school" (page 4). With that begin said mothers who become pregnant at such a
young age are also at greater risk for become pregnant again within at least 24 months from their
first born. Raising one child is hard enough however adding another ... Show more content on ...
Beginning with their education it is said that mothers who have their children when they are younger
than 17 are putting their kids at risk for having lower test grades in math and reading; along with
communication and social skills. (page10)Schuyler points out that "Children of teen mothers are
[also] more likely to repeat a grade [and] are less likely to complete high school . . ." (page10). The
lists of reputations the children will face are long but their education and health are the two main
ones discussed. While reading this article I learned that sons of teen mothers are about three times
more likely to become incarcerated and their daughter are at a higher risk of being teen mothers
them. As for the health, children of teen mothers are more likely to have a lower birth weight;
having lower a low birth weight under 5 pounds and 8 ounces put a child at risk for respiratory
problems, development delays and long life
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The Importance Of Teens On Birth Control
In today's generation one of the biggest issues in the teenage population is that it is more common
for them to start having intercourse at a young age. That could lead to an unplanned pregnancy.
Most teens would prefer to be on birth control but some parents might not allow them to be and
because they are minors they need the consent from a legal guardian. Therefore, teens should be
allowed to access birth control without parents consent due to teens being embarrassed to ask their
parents, having responsibility and birth control also helping with internal issues. Not all teens have a
good relationship with their parents and it could be difficult for them to ask for permission to be on
birth control. The reason for this could be because the child is too uncomfortable and doesn't want to
talk about their sex–life with their parents. However, it's just not the teenagers fault, "another reason
the distribution of conceptive to teenage girls without parental consent is important because some
parents refuse to talk to their child about birth control" (Larisa), this leads to teens not having the
access to birth control plus parents aren't informing them since it too of an uncomfortable topic to
talk about. Not having good communitive skills with their parent's leads to the teen feeling like they
can't tell their parents anything, especially when parents have different opinions it makes them feel
embarrassed so they then have sex without protection which then leads to unplanned
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Birth Control: Should Parents Talk With Their Kids
Birth Control
With the average age of people having sex going down every year, the amount of accidental
pregnancies is going up which means more abortions. I believe that parents should talk to their kids
about the use of birth control because most parents shun the use of it which endangers their kids. a
majority of parents don't find the need to talk about birth control because they don't think their kids
are sexually active. Its time for christian parents to have the follow up sex talk with their kids. The
average age group for parents having the birds and the bees talk with their kids is six to twelve
however the real question should be whether the parents have a follow up talk with their kids and
when. If the parents are christian and
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Adoptive v. Birth Parents' Legal Rights Essay
Adoptive v. Birth Parents' Legal Rights
This issue hits home with me, I am adopted. I believe that a child's parents are the people who raise
them and take care of them. I do not believe that birth parents have any rights to their children after
the child has been adopted and living with their adoptive parents. The biological parents made a
decision when they put the child up for adoption, for whatever the reason may have been. Just
because they feel that their lives are more "stable" and "together" does not give them the right to rip
a child from the only parents that child knows. By doing this the biological parents destroy not only
the life of the child but also the lives of the adoptive parents who have worked so hard to have ...
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Confronted with this decision, The DeBoers successfully persuaded a Michigan state trial judge to
enter a custody order in their favor, only to have the Michigan court of Appeals declare that the
court in Michigan was without jurisdiction to act. The publicity abruptly halted when the Michigan
Supreme Court entered its order on July 2, 1993, requiring that "Baby Jessica" be returned to her
biological parents. (Baron, 72) In the Baby Jessica case, the birthmother intentionally identified the
wrong man as the birth father. The adoptive parents took custody believing they had the consent of
the birthfather, only to find out later that the real birthfather objected to the adoption. As a result of
this case, state courts are recognizing that even when there is consent from a man who pretends to
be a child's father, greater efforts must be made to identify others that may claim to be the father and
steps must be taken to terminate their rights. (Gray, 18) Baby Richard's Case was riddled with even
more deception than Baby Jessica's was. When Daniela Kirchner gave up her newborn son in March
of 1991, she was angry that her then boyfriend (and now husband), Otakar, had left her two weeks
before the baby was born and returned to Czechoslovakia. She believed rumors that he had run off
with an old girlfriend. He believed her story that the baby was dead, even though Oto and Daniela
had lived together for the first eight and a half months of her pregnancy. She refused to disclose
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Birth Control Essay
Caitlin Mcadam
English 3
April 16, 2013
Birth Control, Why be Frowned Upon?
Birth control is a way to prevent your daughter from having a kid as a kid, not a statement telling
her that it is okay to freely have sex. If you know and understand that your daughter is having sex,
wouldn't you want the peace of mind that she is being safe, and protected? There are several ways to
take birth control, and the doctor will choose the best method for the patient. Birth control has a
99% protection rate when taken as directed and also helps prevents some diseases such as certain
types of cancers and endometriosis. Some parents don't agree with birth control because they believe
abstinence is 100% effective, but it is not always ... Show more content on ...
If the child has to hide the fact that they are on birth control or sexually active, it can become unsafe
and may not be the most effective to prevent pregnancy. A parent's involvement and support will
broaden teen girl's resources as well as her options for methods of contraception–(Haley). Instead of
telling your daughter she is wrong for having sex, or yelling at her for being stupid, help her and
support her. Yes, having the talk is hard, but the fact that some parents know the teen is doing it
unprotected anyways, and doesn't help, is very wrong. The parent should understand, and try to help
the child be safe. When the teen becomes pregnant because she had no options available or her
parents condemned her from having sex, her innocence and childhood is over. So as a parent, you
should have these options available before it's too late. Birth control actually has many benefits, and
should not be feared by parents. One of the most common forms of contraception is the birth control
pill. Taking the pill will offer a constant and consistent amount of protection against pregnancy
when taken regularly and as prescribed–(Haley). Birth control comes in many forms, and the doctor
will prescribe to you what's best for your body and style. The pill is not a bad thing, and can be
controlled by the girl taking it. The pill has also been shown to decrease the risk of osteoporosis,
cervical cancers, and pelvic inflammatory
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The Pros And Cons Of Birth Control
In the United States, twenty six states allow minors, defined as children twelve and older, to consent
to contraceptive services; Michigan allows some minors to consent; four states have no standing
laws or policy ("An Overview" 1–2). The contraceptive access is also varied across the country.
Some states require comprehensive sexual education and for teens to be able to access
contraceptives. Some lean more towards abstinence only education in the hopes that teens will steer
away from sexual activities. There are also scattered clinics where teens can receive birth control.
For many parents, it conjures up images of teenage sex or pregnancy, which can cause them to
ignore its other uses. However, birth control is a broad and misrepresented term.
Birth control has many more uses than commonly known. There are physical forms of birth control
for the prevention of STDs and pregnancy as well as many types of hormonal birth control available
for women such as the patch, the pill or an implant. Birth control has many health benefits. Students
should not be denied access to something that will help their health due to their parents' aversion to
contraceptives. Additionally, students that are having sex will have it with or without protection.
Teenagers should be able to access birth control without parental consent.
Individual parents are the majority of the opposition to sex education and easy access to birth
control. These parents often band together to remove sex education or
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Birth Is A Time For Parents
Birth is a time for parents to start a family. When thinking about birth and labor there are many
things to think about before the child is here and the mother is in the hospital getting ready to have
the child. There are many different types of labor to bring your new joy into this world. My position
on this is medicated birth is better for the mother not to struggle with the pain during birth.
Medicated births are better for the reasons of medication lessening the pain for the mother,
medication also gives the mother less time in pain calling for a faster labor. As well as, medications
give the mother 's time to be comfortable before they begin the pushing process.
Parents meaning both the mother and the fathers need to care about the labor of the child because
this is a topic that they have to decide on before the child is born. There are more than just two ways
to bring the child into the world. The parents have to, and should, ask the doctor about the options
they have to consider before the mother is in labor. Their minds may change while in labor, but that
is fine. Having a general idea before the birth and changing it on the fly may help the mother getting
through the intense pain. In Ohio, there were 139,034 births in 2010. In Licking County during 2010
there were 1,991 births. Six out of ten women in the county use the method of medication during
One reason medicated births are better is because medicated births lessen the pain for the experience
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Teenage Pregnancy : The Birth Rates Of Teen Parents
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "in 2015, a total of 229,715 babies were born
to women aged 15–19 years, for a birth rate of 22.3 per 1,000 women in this age group. This is
another record low for U.S. teens and a drop of 8% from 2014. Birth rates fell 9% for women aged
15–17 years and 7% for women aged 18–19 years." Teenage pregnancy is characterized as an
adolescent girl, for the most part between the ages of thirteen and nineteen, conceiving a child. The
term in everyday context for the most part alludes to girls who have not achieved the legal age of
adulthood, which fluctuates across the world, who end up pregnant. Teenage pregnancy is
something that affects more than one million teenagers in the United States. For a few these
pregnancies are planned, yet eighty–five percent of these pregnancies are unplanned. Although there
are many pregnancies still occuring, teenage pregnancy rates are decreasing each year, the
relationship between child and parent is much stronger in teen parent relationships, and there are
several stereotypes against teen mothers.
Although there are a vast amount of teen pregnancies, the rates of teenage pregnancy are steadily
decreasing each year. The birth rate has dropped by nine percent since the year of 2015 and it has
dropped sixty–seven percent since 1991 (Scutti). Teenage pregnancy rates are steadily decreasing
due to there being more, "access to contraceptives and use of contraceptives" (Berlan). Another
reason for
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Teenage Birth Control Essay
Repercussion In this generation, people do not take responsibility for their actions anymore. More
pre–teens are having sex; therefore, they are having more babies than adults. In response, a child is
basically raising another child. The young females do not understand the negative outcome sexual
intercourse may have on them. Something needs to be forced to stop young females from having
babies at a young age, and birth control may be the best answer for the crisis of teenaged
pregnancies. Birth control has been around for many years, and it is constantly improving to help
out our upcoming teens. Once the young girls start their first menstrual cycle, their bodies start
changing, and birth control can be prescribed. It can be prescribed by the doctor, the clinic, or the
health department. The girls should get them because there are too many teenagers having babies,
and they cannot afford to take care of them. Most parents do not want their child on birth control
because they think they are giving their child permission to have sex. Once the girls get on birth
control, they are going to feel like they are mature. Their attitudes may change because they think do
not have to listen to their parents. Parents feel as if birth control will boost their daughters'
hormones, and they will want to have sex. In most cases, sexual activity may not be the only reason
birth control is prescribed. Birth control may not have a positive effect on the pre–teens. The girls
may experience
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Birth Parents Vs. Non Adopted People
A number of studies have found that, while adopted persons are similar to non–adopted persons in
most ways, they often score lower on measures of self–esteem and self– confidence (Borders,
Penny, & Portnoy, 2000; Sharma, McGue, & Benson, 1996). This result may reflect the fact that
some adopted persons may view themselves as different, out–of–place, unwelcome, or rejected.
Some of these feelings may result from the initial loss of birth parents and from growing up away
from birth parents, siblings, and extended family members. They also may be caused by an ongoing
feeling of being different from non–adopted people who know about their genetic background and
birth family and who may be more secure about their own identity as a result. Additionally, ... Show
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Whichever way the disclosure occurs it almost invariably gives rise to a mix of intense feelings, this
may include any or each of the following; first is disbelief, one may feel that there has been a
mistake, that he could not possibly be adopted; that there has been a mix–up of identities. Second is
confusion, one may feel as though "the carpet has been pulled out from under his feet". There may
be a feeling that one doesn't know who he is any more, that he has no real identity and that nothing
makes sense. Third reaction is anger; one may feel that he has been living a lie and that his family
and others around him has deceived him. This can result in a loss of trust in one's adoptive parents
or other family members who have known, and a feeling of bitterness and hostility towards them.
Finally comes sorrow and loss; one may feel that all his relationships are irretrievably altered by the
knowledge, that he will never be able again to relate to people, nor they to him, as in the
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Personal Narrative Essay : My Birth Father And Your Parents
Your parents– your father and I– we are the reason you are here. My parents weren't. My birth
mother bore me and in doing so she created a new life. A life that she held dominion over for only a
brief moment. A life that she neither understood, nor cared to understand. My parents are the ones
who didn't make me, but rather allowed me to make myself. They didn't inhibit me. They raised me
the only way they knew how with the best of intentions, which is a good start. It's simple and it's
What is a parent's role? I know I've struggled to figure that out as I raised you and your brothers. I
gave you all as many opportunities as I could and I hope it has made all the difference. There are
some people that can never be parents, but nevertheless conceive a child. That was my birth mother–
Chris. She was too young– fifteen or sixteen at most– when she had me. She was younger than you
are now. Imagine that. I couldn't.
If I had remained with her, you would never have been born. If I had remained with her, I'm sure the
amount of turmoil she created would have overcome me by now. I would not be in a place of such
security and comfort. She was a pagan, a smoker, and she always wore a frown that plastered itself
onto her face like a mask of aged cement. My most vivid memory of her was when she used to stand
on the back porch of our first house in San Antonio looking out to the low trees and the tiny puffs of
clouds in the mostly blue Texas sky. Her eyes seemed to hang like
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Birth Control's Access To Teenagers
Birth control should have free access to teenagers because having sexual relationships and looking
after their bodies and health do not have to be seen as unusual. In fact, birth control prevents teenage
pregnancies and abortions, teach teenagers about sexual education and how to use them in their
daily lives and sexual relationships do not have to be seen as a Tabu, so everyone should have access
to it.
Young women in the 21st century must have the available rights to protect themselves with any sort
of birth control they choose without parents consent. At first, having a good birth control has never
been a bad idea. They prevent us to have a not–wanted pregnancy and illegal abortions, and also
prevent us to not suffer overpopulation problems and some diseases such as AIDS, Chlamydia and
Genital herpes. The main effect of not using birth control while you are having a sexually active life
is more chance to get pregnant, and at the same time, to increase the rate of illegal abortions,
because most young mothers choose to not keep the baby due to all the responsibilities that having a
child has. As a current example, a statistical tables show that girls who gave birth while are ... Show
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This percentage is really alarming because unplanned births may lead to poverty and joblessness,
can make teen mothers change their minds and stop studying in order to satisfy their necessities
firstly and can cause several economic and home problems which may lead to a worst one.
Furthermore, having a baby growing inside you and starting a family, or a new life, have to be a
personal decision that must be based on knowledge and confidence instead of being
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Birth Order Effects More Than Thought
Birth order is nothing to take lightly. Weather being a first born child or a last born child is a prime
factor in an adolescent's maturing. Being a first born child might make you more cautious rather
than a last born child may make you an attention seeking child. To few people's knowledge, birth
order determines many distinctive characteristics of an adolescent.
There has been a Norwegian study that has found the average IQ of young men and has concluded
that first born children and only children have the highest IQ. This study started with the men taking
IQ tests and stating information about their age and birth order. The test results were then plotted
and the average was found for each order of birth. The first child in the family was found to have an
average of 100.3 IQ points. The second born child had an average of 100.2 IQ points and the third
child had an average of 99 IQ points. While these scores may seem to have only minor differences,
the one point difference may be the deciding factor in passing an exam or class and failing an exam
or class. The explanation for this difference is rather simple; it is hard to fully understand the
concept because of the variation of families. With a first or only born child, the kid has the full
attention of his or her parents. The attention that the child receives is a rather large factor in the
personality forming process. The parents always talk and play with the first child more than the
second or third. This creates a
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Should Teens Have Access Of Birth Control Without Parents?
Should teens have access to birth control without parents?
Today, sexually active teenagers can get contraceptives to protect themselves from unplanned
pregnancies or sexual diseases without a parent's permission. In some states federal lawmakers have
taken away the ability for teens to protect themselves, they want to prevent sexually active teenagers
from getting birth control and condoms unless they get parents permission. Preventing teens from
getting contraceptives unless they tell a parent will not stop them from having sex. It will drive them
away from the services they need to protect themselves, leading to higher rates of unplanned
pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases
Allowing teenagers to get contraceptives without parents' permission encourages them to become
sexually active. Teenagers do not become sexually active because they can get contraceptives.
Young woman in the U.S. Have been sexually active for at least 22 months before they visit a family
planning provider. 47 percent sexually active teenage girls said they would not get health services
from clinics if they could not get contraceptives without parent's permission. Teenage girls have the
highest reported rates of chlamydia and other diseases. Close to 900,000 teenagers get pregnant each
year. Four out of ten girls get pregnant at least once before they turn twenty. Teenage girls that do
not use contraception has a 90 percent chance of getting pregnant within a year.
Some forms of
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Teen Pregnancies : Children And Teens About Sex
Ginger Rogers
Professor Rivers
ECN 1101
24 November 2015
Teen Pregnancies
Many parent today are afraid to talk with their children and teens about sex and the importance of
safe sex. With teen pregnancy dropping it is important for teen to know about safe sex, prevention of
pregnancy and what options they have if they become pregnant. Center of Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) show that "in 2013 there was a total of 273,105 babies born to teens ages 15–19
but this is a drop of 10% from 2012" (Reproductive) It is very important for parents to get involved
with their teens both girls and boys, and talk to them about sex, relationships and prevention; even
though, many parents are relying on our school systems, doctors, nurses and other resources, to
teach our children about these topics. "Parents that get involved in their teens lives, and talk with
their teens about sex, relationships, contraceptives, and child birth are having sex at a later age, more
likely to use contraceptives and have sex less often." (Parent) Sex Education is taught in middle and
high school today, and in many places of the world as young as age 4 and about sexuality. Most sex
education classes taught today do not cover contraceptive and are mainly abstinence–only–till–
marriage programs. "89% of Americans believe that contraception should be taught in sex
education," (Effective Sex) as no abstinence–only–till–marriage programs have shown proof that
they help to prevent teens having sex.
"Yet the
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Birth Control : Who Controls?
Birth Control: Who Controls?
"Should teenagers be allowed to get birth control without the permission of their parents?"
–Thesis Statement– Teenagers should not be required to have permission from their parents to
receive birth control.
Religious Beliefs:
–Sex before marriage
–Encouraging the child to have sex
–Against God's will (IT'S A SIN)
Communications with teens/parents
–Wanting to know from a parent's perspective
–Asking the teen "why"
–Social problems leading to crisis & explosion with both sides
Rejection from parents
–Making the decision for the teenager
–Not listening to the child
–Causing the teenager to make their own decision
Ready for intercourse
–Unwanted pregnancy
–STDs, HIV, Syphilis
–Types of birth control
–Pros and Cons of birth control
Mia Dent
Beth Mitchell
DS 098
10 November 2015
Birth Control: Who Controls?
Should teenagers be allowed to get birth control without the permission of their parents?
Birth control is defined as the practice of preventing unwanted pregnancies, typically by use of
contraception. In today's society, teenagers typically do not feel comfortable talking to their parents
about birth control or sex because parents will think that they are having sex. Having the "desire"
feeling is normal for adolescence, but talking to the parents is the scary part. Some parents put the
pressures on a child by neglecting the conversation, arguing about no sex until a certain age or
marriage, and even go as far as no birth
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Should Parents Be Allowed To Obtain Birth Control Research
I have mixed feelings whether a parent should be required to be notified when their teenage child is
attempting contraception, because there are pros and cons to both sides. Going to get contraception
can be a sign of responsibility. Which can be respected by some parents while others will find it to
be irresponsible not to come to their parents them first. Ultimately the outcome of a teenager
attempting to get contraception lies on what kind of parent they have, and the relationship between
the parent and child.
Firstly, I believe that parents should be notified if their child is attempting to get birth control. It's a
grown–up thing to do and with it lies grown up responsibilities that parents should be aware of. It's
better to talk to
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Daphne's Birth Parents Wants To Fix Analysis
1) Daphne's birth parents wants to "fix" immediately...Do you agree or disagree with them? Why?
I personally disagree with them. John and Katherine saw Daphne as someone who was disabled and
they assumed she wanted to hear. There is nothing wrong with someone if they are deaf, as they are
capable of do anything a hearing person can do. From our various culture discussions, it obvious to
me that a deaf person does not need to be fix because they have their own way of communicating.
2) Why do you think the birthparents are feeling the urgency to "fix" Daphne?
There urgency in trying to "fix" Daphne was because John and Katherine thought the only way to
connect with Daphne was for her to be hearing. However, if they learned ASL, communication
would still be like hearing conversations except for the fact that they will be signing.
3) How do you think the dynamics of the family has changed after three episodes?
In the beginning, both families were just trying to adjust to the whole situation and feel comfortable
with one another. When the Vasquez family moves into the Kennish's guest house, the family
relationships shift. Now, all the parents are criticizing each other parenting job and questioning their
judgement, this causes tension. The values and social norms for each family is ... Show more content
on ...
One of the main reasons why Daphne wants to attend the hearing school because she wants to be on
the Kennish's good side. Emmett understands that going to a hearing school will be difficult for her
because she will feel isolated as none of her friends go there. Also, it will be hard to her to make
new friends having an interpreter constantly following her around. I l agree with Emmett, that
Dephne should stay at Carlton. The overall atmosphere in a Deaf school will allow Daphne to use
ASL with other students under the same conditions and fit more in with the other
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Birth Control: Helpful Or Harmful?
Birth Control Availability
Birth control, also known as contraception and fertility control, is a method or device used to
prevent pregnancy. It is also an effective way to help women reduce acne, make periods regular, and
easing menstrual cramps. The ones who are less informed about sex or birth control are teenagers,
who usually have to deal with consequences and pay a big price for that. That's way it is very
important to inform our society, especially teenagers about sex, sexual transmitted diseases, birth
control and more. A famous quote by Sun Tzu says, "If you know the enemy and yourself, you will
never fear the result of hundred battles". Not knowing the consequences and not being informed
may lead to many problems. In our case, a teenager who was not informed about sex, condoms,
birth control may end up pregnant or with sexual transmitted disease.
Teenagers ... Show more content on ...
Also, the distribution of condoms and availability of birth control will not cause teens have sex, only
will stop from unwanted pregnancy. In addition, informing teenagers about sex, condoms and make
birth control available will prevent teens from becoming young and inexperienced parents. Any
measure that can be taken to prevent pregnancy and disease among teens should be utilized, and
offering birth control in schools is one of the ways to do this. It offers an option to those kids who,
for example, may not feel comfortable going to their parents or into a drug store to buy condoms. An
amazing solution to this problem is Baltimore's program. The city has mounted a major public
information campaign to educate teens about the choices they have and how to access
contraceptives. Health officials are working with the school system, planned parenthood and health
clinics to implement an evidence–based sex education curriculum that was standardized across the
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Arnold Palmer Case
Arnold Palmer Hospital Case Study
1. The case study indicates that the approach to match capacity to demand utilized by Arnold Palmer
Hospital must be approach (a), leading demand with an incremental expansion. The reason for this is
that it is evident that Arnold Palmer Hospital is attempting to acquire capacity to stay ahead of
demand, or in other words by leading capacity, on account of the fact that the opening of the new
11–store hospital building will increase yearly birthing capacity to 16,000, which is far above the
estimated 13,600 births expected during 2007, as shown by Table S7.3. Furthermore, the fact that
the hospital and Swanson in particular is choosing to follow a multi–stage approach in terms of the
hospital's ... Show more content on ...
That is to say, the population in the area may for example be aging and thus birth rates may fall, etc.
Also, they need to look at the economic situation in the area as well. By that I mean looking at
whether young couples/families are continuing to move into the area? Are there enough job
opportunities in the area that will fuel growth of this demographic group? All this may affect
population growth and subsequently birth rates. 3. Using Excel's data analysis regression tool, the
follow data was found by plugging in the years (coded from 1 through 13) in column A and the
number of births in column B and then substituting column A for input X range and column B for
input Y range:
SUMMARY OUTPUT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Regression Statistics | | | | | | | | |Multiple R |0.984835305
| | | | | | | | |R Square |0.969900578 | | | | | | | | |Adjusted R Square |0.967164267 | | | | | | | | |Standard
Error |473.2824687 | | | | | | | | |Observations |13 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |ANOVA | | | | | | | | | | |df |SS |MS
|F |Significance F | | | | |Regression |1 |79396723.52 |79396723.52 |354.455521 |1.02108E–09 | | | |
|Residual |11 |2463959.247 |223996.2952 | | | | | | |Total |12 |81860682.77 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|Coefficients |Standard Error |t Stat |P–value |Lower 95% |Upper 95% |Lower 95.0% |Upper 95.0% |
|Intercept |4679.884615 |278.4549858 |16.80661096 |3.42384E–09 |4067.009324 |5292.759906
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The Theory Of The Birth Territory Theory Essay
The theory I selected to apply to the above situation is the Birth Territory theory. This theory was
created from empirical data collected by the authors who serve as both midwives and researchers. It
has a critical post–structural feminist undertone and elaborates on the ideas of Michel Foucault. The
Birth Territory theory predicts and elaborates on the relationships between jurisdiction (use of
authority and influence), terrain (the birthing environment), and personal emotional and
physiological experience by the mother. This nurse–midwifery theory was chosen because both of
the major concepts directly correlate with the incident and are critical aspects of labor and delivery
situations. MAYBE ELABORATE A diagram of the Birth Territory theory can be seen in Appendix
A. Key concepts included in this theory are terrain and jurisdiction. Sub–concepts listed under
terrain include ' 'surveillance room' and sanctum'. Sub–concepts listed under jurisdiction include
'midwifery guardianship', 'integrative power', 'midwifery domination', and 'disintegrative power'.
'Terrain' signifies the aspects of the birth environment. These include physical and geographical
features such as the birthing furniture, as labor and birthing accessories, and personal support
systems (birthing partner). 'Terrain' includes two sub–concepts: 'sanctum' and 'surveillance room'. A
'sanctum' is a homely birthing environment optimally designed to promote a private, healthy labor
and birth. Amenities included
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The Article ' Birth Control For Kids '
The article "Birth Control for Kids?" was published in 2007 by Time Magazine, and despite being
several years old it offers an excellent analysis of sex education in U.S. schools. A middle school in
Portland, Maine decided to take a vote on whether it should offer birth control pills to students
through the school's health center. If passed, the vote would allow children as young as eleven–
years–old access to contraceptives aside from the traditional condom. In addition, although parental
consent would be needed to allow access to the healthcare center, the parents would not necessarily
be informed about the nature of the health center visit. Therefore students could obtain birth control
without the information ever being disclosed to parent/guardians.
Such a controversial vote ignited a great debate throughout the community: among parents, school
officials, government officials, and religious leaders. It forced the community to discuss a topic that
is still uncomfortable for many confer ––youth sex education. "How should we go about teaching
sex education to children?" When should children be exposed to this type of information?" These
are the types of questions the community pondered while weighing in on the debate. Despite the
sexual revolution of the 1900's and into the 2000's, discussing sex education is still a contentious
topic even in 2015. The author Nancy Gibbs does a extraordinary job examining the various
perspectives of the debate in "Birth Control for Kids?
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Teen Birth Control

  • 1. Teen Birth Control Teen Birth Control: An Ounce of Prevention Can Prevent Seven pounds and Four Ounces "Most people, almost everyone knows of a teenage mom. Teen pregnancy rates are growing, and we need to bring awareness to that." There are many statistics when it comes to teen pregnancy and teens using birth control. Many people fight that teenagers have to have their parents with them to receive birth control, because it takes away their control over their teenager. Many teenagers find it hard to talk to their parents when it comes to birth control. Teenagers should be able to get birth control without parental consent. There are many statistics when talking about teenage pregnancies and the amount of teenagers that use birth control. Statistics show ... Show more content on ... Tucker, Kristine. "Pros and Cons of Giving Birth Control to Teenagers." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 22 Aug. 2015. Web. 05 May 2016. teenagers . A lot of schools do not teach the importance of using birth control and condoms to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. A variety of teenagers would face harm if they asked their parents for consent for birth control. "Parental Consent and Notice for Contraceptives Threatens Teen Health and Constitutional Rights." Center for Reproductive Rights. Web. 05 May 2016. . Teens that would face harm from their parents for seeking birth control would just use no birth control at all and it would then put them at harm for sexually transmitted infections. One and five teens would use no birth control if parental consent were required by law. Vesely, Rebecca. "Teens Opt for Unsafe Sex, Not Parents' Consent." Womens ENews. 2005. Web. 05 May 2016. . There is a variety of reasons why teenagers would use no birth control if it was required by law to have parental consent. One reason teens would use no birth control is that a lot of teens that are afraid of what their parents are going to say when they ask for permission to get birth control and this makes teens feel uncomfortable talking about birth control with their parents. Another reason is most teens are afraid to talk to their parents, because they are scared of the consequences that would come with asking for their ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Should Teenagers Be Allowed To Get Birth Control Without... Should Teenagers Be Allowed to Get Birth Control without the Permission of Parents? KaTrina Bacon English 215 February 2, 2012 Dr.Sharonda Johnson Should Teenagers Be Allowed to Get Birth Control without the Permission of Parents? Of all the many controversies that have affected the United States in the past decades, birth control has been one of the more important topics. Some popular birth control methods are the female and male condoms, and the birth control pill. Even though both of these help protect against pregnancy and the female and the male condoms help protect against HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (STD). This raises the question, should teenagers be allowed to receive birth control methods without their ... Show more content on ... My religion which is Christianity, instructs us to wait until they are married to have begun to have sex. But not only in churches is abstinence being preached, but public schools is adding this to their curriculum, and teaching the teenagers about the greatness of keeping their virginity. Teenagers having sex before marriage is a growing issue among teenagers. Sex before marriage is the cause of teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and emotional distress. Sexually transmitted diseases show in a society of teenagers that are having premarital sex, because teenagers have so many different sex partners. Therefore, a result to teenagers having sex is the different disease which is becoming more common in the teenage population. Because, for this is that the teenagers don not know how to use the different birth control methods. Many teenagers believe that the pill or condoms stop the spread of AIDs, other diseases, and herpes so, the contraceptives do not prevent these diseases from spreading. Three million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers are reported each year. ( There are so many teens that feel that there is nothing wrong in having sex before marriage, but having sexual relations with numerous people from age 15 and 19 doubles the diseases that have been spreading to different people every time. Because teenagers are having ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Birth Control In the United States, twenty six states allow minors, defined as children twelve and older, to consent to contraceptive services; Michigan allows some minors, such as those who are married or have previously been pregnant, to consent; four states have no standing laws or policy ("An Overview" 1–2). The contraceptive access also varies across the country. Some states require comprehensive sexual education and for teens to be able to access contraceptives. Some lean more towards abstinence only education in the hopes teens will steer away from sexual activities. There are also scattered clinics where teens can receive birth control. For many parents, this term conjures up images of teenage sex or pregnancy, which can cause them to ignore its ... Show more content on ... The parents have since partnered with a conservative nonprofit legal organization, Pacific Justice Institute, in hopes of pulling the program from the schools as they suspect Planned Parenthood is attempting to coerce the teens into having sex in order to receive more funding for abortions (Culp– Ressler 5–6). They are convinced access to contraceptives will increase the rates and risks of teenage sex. The parents believe they should be able to opt their children out of sex education and prevent them from accessing birth control. They decide that removing the ability for safe sex will force children into abstinence. In truth, contraceptive access will not increase the rates of teen sex, according to a 2017 paper co– authored by five John Hopkins doctors and pediatricians (Gebelhoff 7). The pamphlet used to help teens decide if they are ready should be viewed as a good thing because it gives students reasons not to proceed (Culp–Ressler 4). Additionally, John Hopkins says, teenagers on the pill or other hormonal birth control options are more likely to be protected from pregnancy than those who use condoms because the pill has a lower rate of failure and is not influenced by pressures in the moment (Gebelhoff 8). Hormonal birth control is more effective at preventing pregnancy, but it would be impossible for most teen girls with reluctant parents to obtain if states require parental permission due to the scarcity of clinics and lack of over the counter ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Media Coverage Of Afric The True Nature Of The Culture And... Media coverage of Africa has exponentially increased in recent times, but the information is rarely completely accurate and objective. Initiatives to fund global health projects has resulted in the creation of genius advertising campaigns that appeal to the emotions and humanity of privileged citizens in first world countries. This campaign has also led to grave misconceptions about the true nature of the culture and lifestyle that Africans live. The first misconception being that every person on the whole continent has the same religious beliefs, socioeconomic status, and environmental surroundings. A satirical article named "How to Write about Africa" draws attention to the exaggerated usage of the wild landscape, naked mothers, starving children, and white heroes who come in and save all of the dying babies in Africa (Wainaina, 1992). Anthropologists refer to this idea of portraying Africa in a certain light in media to elicit a desired public reaction as a "single story." A majority of media articles in general only present a single story to appeal to their target audience, but articles about Africa in particular are notorious for painting the picture of a poverty stricken continent that needs to be saved and few people have enough knowledge about Africa to contest the media they see everyday. A recent articled named, "Mothers and babies at risk in Apostolic church birth camps, where modern healthcare seen as 'heathen'" is an example of a piece of media that tells a ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Benefits Of Birth Control Page 1 of 3 ZOOM Kaysun GreerJustin ArmstrongENG Comp. II TR 9:2528 September 2017Double TroubleYoung teen girls today usually like to be confidential about the personal effects in their life. As they grow older they start to keep more and more secrets. Underage girls cannot always do things without their parent's approval. It can be rules around the house or federal rules. For example, not being able to access birth control at a young age. In most cases it is a 50/50 decision. People do not always agree with that, but does not always disagree either. There is a different judgement for many different reasons.The legal ability of minors to consent reproductive health care has gotten bigger. Underage teenage girls being able to ... Show more content on ... Most teens do not like talking to their parents about sex or anything in that matter. Everyone knows that they are going to do it anyways, so they need to have access to proper protection. This preference can also keep down teen pregnancy. Now and days young girls end up getting pregnant because they are scared to talk their parents about birth control. Another reason young teens should be able to access birth control without consent is because is not just for sex. It helps with girl's periods, cramps, acne, and more. This recommendation shows how teens can be more responsible at a younger age.On the other hand, there are many reasons teens should not have consent to birth control underage. Today young girls think that means a free pass. Just because they get on birth control does not mean they cannot end up pregnant. They also must realize that there are STD's and birth control does not control that. Teens should be definitely saving themselves for marriage or at least to where they are of age. Some parents are religions and would be furious if they knew their underage teen was able to access birth control without having to go through them first. Many parents today feel as if they already have extremely little power in their child's privacy when it comes to decisions like this. If a teen is not comfortable talking to ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Should Teenagers Have Access To Birth Control "By 2014, the teen birth rate had fallen to an historic low of 24.2 live births per one thousand females aged fifteen–nineteen" (Birth Control 1). Alice had been feeling ill the past couple of weeks, she didn't think anything of it until it was the second week she had been feeling ill. After school one day she went to the store and bought a home pregnancy test, when she took it, it was positive. All of the issues of telling her parents she was pregnant could have been avoided if birth control was available without parental consent. Birth control should be available to teenagers without parental consent because teenagers have a right to their privacy, it's used for other reasons than safe sex, and not having access to it could put their health at risk. Teenage girls have a right to their privacy when it comes to birth control. Some adults believe that they should have a say in their daughter's decision when it comes to them having access to contraceptives. Parents believe this because they think that making teenagers ask their parents first before having access to any contraceptives will create better communication between the family. However, many other adults say that it will not ... Show more content on ... However, some people believe that when teenage girls are on birth control it's because they are having sex. They believe this because in today's society a lot of teenagers are sexually active at a young age. But, research shows that there are many reasons to be on birth control other than it being for safe sexual activity. That being said, a lot of girls are on birth control for reasons such as having polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The Center for Young Women's Health says that teenage girls who have polycystic ovary syndrome can get on birth control to lower the hormones in their body to help with acne, hair growth, and lighter periods. (Center for Young Women's ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Schools Providing Contraception For Children Schools Providing Contraception When a teenage girl sees that small pink plus sign on a pregnancy test, many things begin to run through her mind. "What am I going to tell my parents and boyfriend? How is this going to affect me? How will my friends and family react? What about my education and future? How did this happen to me? What could I have done to prevent this?" Most teenagers have sex without being protected. Whether they're embarrassed or afraid of being seen, it results in a lot of teenage pregnancies. However, there is a way teenage girls can get the needed protection without being seen or embarrassed. High schools should provide condoms, birth control, sex education classes, and individual counseling to students who ask for them, thus giving private access to the students who need it. The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) states: "birth control is a term that includes all methods used to regulate or prevent the birth of children. For thousands of years, birth control received little public attention. Death rates were extremely high in infancy and children. Overpopulation is what spurred an interest in birth control. Condoms are used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms also had very little public attention until the amount of sexually transmitted diseases in the United States increased by eighty percent from the year 1987 to the late 1990's" (Legislatures, 2015). The world was becoming a bigger place and many children were being ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Peggy Sturmfels 's Birth Parents Peggy Sturmfels was adopted in the early 1990's when she was two weeks old. Her birth parents were just teenagers and couldn't even take care of themselves therefore they felt it would be in Peggi's best interest if they allow her to get the best life possible with someone who could provide for her. They opted for a closed adoption because at the time no one knew she was even pregnant. Her adoptive parents John and Gabrielle Sturmfels agreed with Peggy's birth parents and vowed not to tell her about the adoption. To her birth parent's wishes John and Gabrielle gave Peggy the best life a child could imagine, she was their little princess and they treated her like royalty. Peggy was sent to the best schools and graduated high school as valedictorian. After graduation John and Gabrielle had a huge surprise for Peggy; they were going to allow her to attend the college of her dreams: UCLA. Peggi had dreamed to go there but her parents did not feel comfortable with her being so far away from home. Three months later Peggi had packed up and had started her first semester of college. She was doing very well and passing all her classes so she felt it was time for her to have a night to just relax and have some fun. Her friend Abby suggested that they go to one of the Frat parties close to their dorm. Peggy agreed and they went. At the party there was drugs and alcohol everywhere and Peggi didn 't feel comfortable but Abby insisted she stayed and referred to her as a "party pooper". ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. My Parents Gave Birth At A Pretty Amazing Daughter, Myself... On August 2nd, 1998; David and Christine Bouchard who are amazing parents gave birth to a pretty awesome daughter, myself: Alison Elaine Bouchard. I mean I must be awesome if they only needed one child. We lived in a small trailer in Oakland, Maine with a springer spaniel named Colbie who would soon become my best friend. At this time my dad was working long hard hours, the night shift at the local paper plate mill. My mom worked for the hospital at odd hours as well. They tried to go to college to better themselves and although they took an alternative path I am so proud of them for getting their degrees. I even got to attend their graduation ceremonies. This lead to my grandparents acting as my second set of parents since they took care of me so often. Both my parents and grandparents made me the young woman that I am today through many life skills that they taught me even if it was hard to learn. Although this is just the beginning of a lifelong story we are all faced with hardships just like the board game LIFE. From a young age to my current self I have had to work through the same disadvantages time after time. These disadvantages are generally based on things that I cannot change even if I tried because it is shown through sexisim against my gender, economic hardships, and even prejudice against my race. When I was three I attended Kid's Corner for nursery school and later, at age four moved into preschool. They helped me figure out that I had an interest in ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Persuasive Essay On Birth Control Have you ever wondered how many how many women are using some form of birth control? Today more than 12 million women use birth control,(oral contraceptives), meaning this many girls are taking early precautions. This oral contraceptive is 99% effective, still at that between 2–8% of women will get pregnant while using it– being from misuse by the consumer. ("Five Reasons Women Get Pregnant While on the Pill." Fox News, FOX News Network,–reasons–women–get–pregnant–while–on–pill.html.) This being said many teen girls are still not on birth control because they are fearful of their parents reactions. Other's opinions should not matter, but as humans emotions are always in the way of a seemingly easy answer. All teenage girls really want from their mothers is acceptance and for their mothers to not look down on them, but they are afraid that this idea will do the exact opposite. Most teenagers will have sex no matter the risks. Pregnancies and transmitted diseases are all connected directly to unprotected sex. Teenagers have the highest risk of pregnancy and HIV among all other age groups, statistics being 900,000 teenage girls get pregnant each year. That means 4 out of 10 girls will end up pregnant before the age of 20. Over half of all HIV infections are in people under 20 years old. ("Preventing Teenagers from Getting Contraceptives Unless They Tell a Parent Puts Teens at Risk." American Civil Liberties Union, ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Negative Effects On Teenage Pregnancy Page 1 of 4 ZOOM Deanna SangsterMr. ArmstrongEnglish Composition 219 September 2017RepercussionIn this generation, people do not take responsibility for their actions anymore. More pre–teens are having sex; therefore, they are having more babies than adults. In response, a child is basically raising another child. The young females do not understand the negative outcome sexual intercourse may have on them. Something needs to be forced to stop young females from having babies at a young age, and birth control may be the best answer for the crisis of teenage pregnancies.Birth control has been around for many years, and it is constantly improving to help out our upcoming teens. Once the young girls start their first menstrual cycle, their bodies start changing, and birth control can be prescribed. It can be prescribed by the doctor, the clinic, or the health department. The girls should get them because there are too many teenagers having babies, and they cannot afford to take care of them.Most parents do not want their child on birth control because they think they are giving their child permission to have sex. Once the girls get on birth control, they are going to feel like they are mature. Their attitudes may change because they think do not have to listen to their parents. Parents feel as if birth control will boost their daughters' hormones, and Sangster 2they will want to have sex. In most cases, sexual activity may not be the only reason birth control is ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Should Birth Parents Receive Adoption? When a baby is born their birth parents keep the new baby. In some cases the birth parents cannot or will not keep their new baby. Some children later in their young lives are without parents. These babies and children can be put in foster care or can be adopted. Adoption is when another family legally becomes their new parents. There are appropriate ways to let a child know they are adopted and to answer their following questions as well as address their feelings. Children can believe they were not wanted because they may have done something bad and heir parents did not want them. It is up to the adoptive parents to answer any and all questions. Some children from another country are adopted. The parents have to tell the child about their adoption and answer their questions. As a child reaches teen years they may have more questions that need to be answered. This can be a difficult time for all children. When and if the child wants to learn about their birth parents the adoptive parent need ... Show more content on ... Ella was a too young of a child to understand what adoption meant. She was not able to understand that here adoptive parents were going to stay with her and not abandon her like her birth parents. Her analysis said, "it became apparent that her parents' inability to understand the emotional needs of a young child led to psychological abandonment and severe breaches in their role..." (Kaufman, 2013) Ella's parents told her when she was too young to understand that they were going to be with her forever and that her birth parents were temporary. The child did not understand the difference between permanent and temporary and that made her feel like she would be abandoned again. Being told to young confused the child because she was not capable of understanding everything she was being told. The confusion from her early age made her emotional development troubled and she thought she was ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Birth Order In Canada Literature Review Birth order refers to the order in which children are born into their families. Common examples of this include the first–born, second–born, youngest and the only child. Birth order is considered to have profound lasting effects on the psychological and behavioural development of children. For this reason, it is essential to study birth order and its impacts on children within families in Canada because it reveals more about the individual in society. A child's birth order is incredibly influential in regards to their upbringing, shaping their personality and how they grow up to be as individuals. First–born children generally have a great amount of pressure and responsibility placed on them. The youngest children of families ... Show more content on ... Younger children are used to getting what they want as children and grow up knowing the ability to charm and manipulate others to their advantage. They also generally less uptight and more carefree since the family rules are usually loosened by the time of their arrival. Parents are already confident in their role as caregiver, and therefore are more lenient (Gross, 2014). They excuse behaviour that was deemed unacceptable for the older children since the parents have already dealt with such situations in the past and are not as stern with younger children. However, younger children may feel neglected by their older siblings and may feel inadequate in comparison to the older siblings' achievements. Youngest children can also be bullied by older siblings. Furthermore, since parents are less restrictive over younger children, they may be misguided and more reckless than their older siblings who may have had to play it safe. These children can then grow up to be irresponsible and lack direction and the ability to prioritize in their lives. This can lead to mental confusion, emotional instability and depressive symptoms. It may result in a dependence on harmful addictive substances to turn to as an outlet. Likewise, younger siblings are also more prone to addiction, according to Medical Daily, and take up smoking and drinking more frequently than older siblings ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. 800 Word Essay Birth Control for Teens Giving Birth Control to Teens Birth control for teens has always been a very controversial subject for parents, teachers and teens. Some believe that the government should mandate birth control for teens. There are some that are concerned with the government overstepping the lines of freedom. Due to the rise of teenage pregnancy and the heavy costs that is incurred, legislature should enact a law making it mandatory that teens receive birth control. Early teenage pregnancy risks the teens educational future and other life opportunities. In addition, taxpayers now are paying an estimated $20 billion a year to take care of the infants that our teens are now having. Teens that have become pregnant have found it difficult to ... Show more content on ... Stereotyping is not as prevalent as in previous decades, although parents do worry of this happening. As parents, people do not want to see their teen become pregnant and put that life on hold to raise a baby, birth control by legislation would help this situation. Reports show that teen pregnancy is declining compared to twenty years ago. Therefore, some lives are not disrupted, remain intact and are allowed to go on. Government plans and programs seem to be making a small step in birth control for teens. In Baltimore, Jr. High students found that if a school passes out prescription birth control, the government will not pay for the sex education class that is so desperately needed. It is either one program or the Smelser 4 other and it cannot be used in combination to each other. Our government should help take the burden off of our overworked parents and enable a program such as this. With the worlds population at over six billion, and a projected population of nine billion by the year 2048, birth control and sex education is sorely needed for our teens. WORKS CITED Braine, Teresa "Adolescent pregnancy: a culturally complex issue." Bulletin World Health Organization 2009;87;410–411 Lyons, Linda "Assessing the Patterns That Prevent Teenage Pregnancy" Health Source–Consumer Edition Spring 99, Vol. 34 Issue 133, p.221, ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Why It Is Important To Locate Birth Parents One of the many services we offer as a private investigation firm is locating biological parents. There are are wide range of reasons why you may want to locate your birth parents. We find the following to be among the most common. To find out why you were put up for adoption This is a question that many adoptees have, and they believe that they will find the answer if they can locate one or both of their birth parents. There are many reasons why a child is placed for adoption, and you must be prepared to find out the answer. Regardless of what you have been told about the situation surrounding your adoption, the truth can be quite different. It may be a simple case of two people being too young to raise a child, but there can be other circumstances relating to an adoption that are not pleasant to discover. Make sure you want to know the truth, before you hire a private investigator. Medical reasons You may have had the greatest upbringing imaginable and love your adoptive parents immensely, but genetics can come into play for reasons of health. Knowing your genetic family's history can make a difference in preventing certain ailments. For example, if heart disease runs in your family, you can take extra precautions to prevent the development of heart disease that you may be susceptible to. Your medical history can also ... Show more content on ... The desire to know what a biological mother or father is like seems to be innate in many people. What do they look like? What type of personality do they have? How much of you can you see in them? These types of questions are natural, but keep in mind, that they can go unanswered. It is possible that your biological parents are no longer living, but if they are, they may not want to meet with you. Our services are not simply to locate a missing person, but we can also find out if the person wants to meet with you. We always respect the privacy of the birth ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Obtain Birth Control Without Parent Consent Essay Teens being able to get birth control without parent consent. Teens should be able to get birth control without parent consent because it prevents teen pregnancy, parents and their kids lack necessary communication skills and other reasons birth control is used for. teen pregnancy is prevented, in 2014 Oklahoma reported 400792 births to females ages 15 to 19, fifty–eight of those births occurred to girls 10 to 14 years old. one and every 5 teen births were a young female who was already a parent, child (www.tulsaworld .com). This question is controversial teenage pregnancies are on the rise without birth control, pregnancy rates are high and the lives of mother, father, and child are affected. One reason they should be able to get birth control ... Show more content on ... many believe that girls under the age 18 are too immature to make this decision( parents often think of their teens as babies, they think that their little girl is not mature to make decisions about sex. They think by denying birth control they are preventing the possibility of pregnancy. girls often fail to realize their parents are there to help them ( they are embarrassed and want to avoid the whole conversation and don't want to disappoint their parents. religious beliefs prohibit premarital sex ( requiring consent doesn't stop teen pregnancy, religious groups believe that it's the moral obligation to the parents to teach their children to follow religious rules. the role of parents and the decision of their daughters to have birth control is unclear. The denial of birth control does not prevent teen pregnancy and the knowledge of the parent is understood. teens should be able to get birth control without parental consent. teen pregnancies prevented, by preventing pregnancy teens are prevented from being parents. teen pregnancy can adversely affect many lives and should be prevented at all ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Analysis Of Teenage Births For Young Parents In the article "Teenage Births: Outcomes for Young Parents and their Children "the Schuyler Center touches on many important topics concerning teenage pregnancy and parenting. The foundation speaks on how teenage pregnancy is a global issue and explains why teens often get pregnant along with the hardships that come with it. Although, according to them "teen pregnancy rates are at the lowest level in 20 years. . . " (page 3) it is very apparent that being a young mother will defiantly effect your education and your child future. The author begins the article by explaining how a teen mother's education is affected. It is stated that "Only 41% of mothers who have a child before age 18 ever complete high school" (page 4). With that begin said mothers who become pregnant at such a young age are also at greater risk for become pregnant again within at least 24 months from their first born. Raising one child is hard enough however adding another ... Show more content on ... Beginning with their education it is said that mothers who have their children when they are younger than 17 are putting their kids at risk for having lower test grades in math and reading; along with communication and social skills. (page10)Schuyler points out that "Children of teen mothers are [also] more likely to repeat a grade [and] are less likely to complete high school . . ." (page10). The lists of reputations the children will face are long but their education and health are the two main ones discussed. While reading this article I learned that sons of teen mothers are about three times more likely to become incarcerated and their daughter are at a higher risk of being teen mothers them. As for the health, children of teen mothers are more likely to have a lower birth weight; having lower a low birth weight under 5 pounds and 8 ounces put a child at risk for respiratory problems, development delays and long life ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Importance Of Teens On Birth Control In today's generation one of the biggest issues in the teenage population is that it is more common for them to start having intercourse at a young age. That could lead to an unplanned pregnancy. Most teens would prefer to be on birth control but some parents might not allow them to be and because they are minors they need the consent from a legal guardian. Therefore, teens should be allowed to access birth control without parents consent due to teens being embarrassed to ask their parents, having responsibility and birth control also helping with internal issues. Not all teens have a good relationship with their parents and it could be difficult for them to ask for permission to be on birth control. The reason for this could be because the child is too uncomfortable and doesn't want to talk about their sex–life with their parents. However, it's just not the teenagers fault, "another reason the distribution of conceptive to teenage girls without parental consent is important because some parents refuse to talk to their child about birth control" (Larisa), this leads to teens not having the access to birth control plus parents aren't informing them since it too of an uncomfortable topic to talk about. Not having good communitive skills with their parent's leads to the teen feeling like they can't tell their parents anything, especially when parents have different opinions it makes them feel embarrassed so they then have sex without protection which then leads to unplanned ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Birth Control: Should Parents Talk With Their Kids Birth Control With the average age of people having sex going down every year, the amount of accidental pregnancies is going up which means more abortions. I believe that parents should talk to their kids about the use of birth control because most parents shun the use of it which endangers their kids. a majority of parents don't find the need to talk about birth control because they don't think their kids are sexually active. Its time for christian parents to have the follow up sex talk with their kids. The average age group for parents having the birds and the bees talk with their kids is six to twelve however the real question should be whether the parents have a follow up talk with their kids and when. If the parents are christian and ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Adoptive v. Birth Parents' Legal Rights Essay Adoptive v. Birth Parents' Legal Rights This issue hits home with me, I am adopted. I believe that a child's parents are the people who raise them and take care of them. I do not believe that birth parents have any rights to their children after the child has been adopted and living with their adoptive parents. The biological parents made a decision when they put the child up for adoption, for whatever the reason may have been. Just because they feel that their lives are more "stable" and "together" does not give them the right to rip a child from the only parents that child knows. By doing this the biological parents destroy not only the life of the child but also the lives of the adoptive parents who have worked so hard to have ... Show more content on ... Confronted with this decision, The DeBoers successfully persuaded a Michigan state trial judge to enter a custody order in their favor, only to have the Michigan court of Appeals declare that the court in Michigan was without jurisdiction to act. The publicity abruptly halted when the Michigan Supreme Court entered its order on July 2, 1993, requiring that "Baby Jessica" be returned to her biological parents. (Baron, 72) In the Baby Jessica case, the birthmother intentionally identified the wrong man as the birth father. The adoptive parents took custody believing they had the consent of the birthfather, only to find out later that the real birthfather objected to the adoption. As a result of this case, state courts are recognizing that even when there is consent from a man who pretends to be a child's father, greater efforts must be made to identify others that may claim to be the father and steps must be taken to terminate their rights. (Gray, 18) Baby Richard's Case was riddled with even more deception than Baby Jessica's was. When Daniela Kirchner gave up her newborn son in March of 1991, she was angry that her then boyfriend (and now husband), Otakar, had left her two weeks before the baby was born and returned to Czechoslovakia. She believed rumors that he had run off with an old girlfriend. He believed her story that the baby was dead, even though Oto and Daniela had lived together for the first eight and a half months of her pregnancy. She refused to disclose ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Birth Control Essay Caitlin Mcadam English 3 April 16, 2013 Birth Control, Why be Frowned Upon? Birth control is a way to prevent your daughter from having a kid as a kid, not a statement telling her that it is okay to freely have sex. If you know and understand that your daughter is having sex, wouldn't you want the peace of mind that she is being safe, and protected? There are several ways to take birth control, and the doctor will choose the best method for the patient. Birth control has a 99% protection rate when taken as directed and also helps prevents some diseases such as certain types of cancers and endometriosis. Some parents don't agree with birth control because they believe abstinence is 100% effective, but it is not always ... Show more content on ... If the child has to hide the fact that they are on birth control or sexually active, it can become unsafe and may not be the most effective to prevent pregnancy. A parent's involvement and support will broaden teen girl's resources as well as her options for methods of contraception–(Haley). Instead of telling your daughter she is wrong for having sex, or yelling at her for being stupid, help her and support her. Yes, having the talk is hard, but the fact that some parents know the teen is doing it unprotected anyways, and doesn't help, is very wrong. The parent should understand, and try to help the child be safe. When the teen becomes pregnant because she had no options available or her parents condemned her from having sex, her innocence and childhood is over. So as a parent, you should have these options available before it's too late. Birth control actually has many benefits, and should not be feared by parents. One of the most common forms of contraception is the birth control pill. Taking the pill will offer a constant and consistent amount of protection against pregnancy when taken regularly and as prescribed–(Haley). Birth control comes in many forms, and the doctor will prescribe to you what's best for your body and style. The pill is not a bad thing, and can be controlled by the girl taking it. The pill has also been shown to decrease the risk of osteoporosis, cervical cancers, and pelvic inflammatory ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Pros And Cons Of Birth Control In the United States, twenty six states allow minors, defined as children twelve and older, to consent to contraceptive services; Michigan allows some minors to consent; four states have no standing laws or policy ("An Overview" 1–2). The contraceptive access is also varied across the country. Some states require comprehensive sexual education and for teens to be able to access contraceptives. Some lean more towards abstinence only education in the hopes that teens will steer away from sexual activities. There are also scattered clinics where teens can receive birth control. For many parents, it conjures up images of teenage sex or pregnancy, which can cause them to ignore its other uses. However, birth control is a broad and misrepresented term. Birth control has many more uses than commonly known. There are physical forms of birth control for the prevention of STDs and pregnancy as well as many types of hormonal birth control available for women such as the patch, the pill or an implant. Birth control has many health benefits. Students should not be denied access to something that will help their health due to their parents' aversion to contraceptives. Additionally, students that are having sex will have it with or without protection. Teenagers should be able to access birth control without parental consent. Individual parents are the majority of the opposition to sex education and easy access to birth control. These parents often band together to remove sex education or ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Birth Is A Time For Parents Birth is a time for parents to start a family. When thinking about birth and labor there are many things to think about before the child is here and the mother is in the hospital getting ready to have the child. There are many different types of labor to bring your new joy into this world. My position on this is medicated birth is better for the mother not to struggle with the pain during birth. Medicated births are better for the reasons of medication lessening the pain for the mother, medication also gives the mother less time in pain calling for a faster labor. As well as, medications give the mother 's time to be comfortable before they begin the pushing process. Parents meaning both the mother and the fathers need to care about the labor of the child because this is a topic that they have to decide on before the child is born. There are more than just two ways to bring the child into the world. The parents have to, and should, ask the doctor about the options they have to consider before the mother is in labor. Their minds may change while in labor, but that is fine. Having a general idea before the birth and changing it on the fly may help the mother getting through the intense pain. In Ohio, there were 139,034 births in 2010. In Licking County during 2010 there were 1,991 births. Six out of ten women in the county use the method of medication during childbirth. One reason medicated births are better is because medicated births lessen the pain for the experience for ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Teenage Pregnancy : The Birth Rates Of Teen Parents According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "in 2015, a total of 229,715 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years, for a birth rate of 22.3 per 1,000 women in this age group. This is another record low for U.S. teens and a drop of 8% from 2014. Birth rates fell 9% for women aged 15–17 years and 7% for women aged 18–19 years." Teenage pregnancy is characterized as an adolescent girl, for the most part between the ages of thirteen and nineteen, conceiving a child. The term in everyday context for the most part alludes to girls who have not achieved the legal age of adulthood, which fluctuates across the world, who end up pregnant. Teenage pregnancy is something that affects more than one million teenagers in the United States. For a few these pregnancies are planned, yet eighty–five percent of these pregnancies are unplanned. Although there are many pregnancies still occuring, teenage pregnancy rates are decreasing each year, the relationship between child and parent is much stronger in teen parent relationships, and there are several stereotypes against teen mothers. Although there are a vast amount of teen pregnancies, the rates of teenage pregnancy are steadily decreasing each year. The birth rate has dropped by nine percent since the year of 2015 and it has dropped sixty–seven percent since 1991 (Scutti). Teenage pregnancy rates are steadily decreasing due to there being more, "access to contraceptives and use of contraceptives" (Berlan). Another reason for ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Teenage Birth Control Essay Repercussion In this generation, people do not take responsibility for their actions anymore. More pre–teens are having sex; therefore, they are having more babies than adults. In response, a child is basically raising another child. The young females do not understand the negative outcome sexual intercourse may have on them. Something needs to be forced to stop young females from having babies at a young age, and birth control may be the best answer for the crisis of teenaged pregnancies. Birth control has been around for many years, and it is constantly improving to help out our upcoming teens. Once the young girls start their first menstrual cycle, their bodies start changing, and birth control can be prescribed. It can be prescribed by the doctor, the clinic, or the health department. The girls should get them because there are too many teenagers having babies, and they cannot afford to take care of them. Most parents do not want their child on birth control because they think they are giving their child permission to have sex. Once the girls get on birth control, they are going to feel like they are mature. Their attitudes may change because they think do not have to listen to their parents. Parents feel as if birth control will boost their daughters' hormones, and they will want to have sex. In most cases, sexual activity may not be the only reason birth control is prescribed. Birth control may not have a positive effect on the pre–teens. The girls may experience ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Birth Parents Vs. Non Adopted People A number of studies have found that, while adopted persons are similar to non–adopted persons in most ways, they often score lower on measures of self–esteem and self– confidence (Borders, Penny, & Portnoy, 2000; Sharma, McGue, & Benson, 1996). This result may reflect the fact that some adopted persons may view themselves as different, out–of–place, unwelcome, or rejected. Some of these feelings may result from the initial loss of birth parents and from growing up away from birth parents, siblings, and extended family members. They also may be caused by an ongoing feeling of being different from non–adopted people who know about their genetic background and birth family and who may be more secure about their own identity as a result. Additionally, ... Show more content on ... Whichever way the disclosure occurs it almost invariably gives rise to a mix of intense feelings, this may include any or each of the following; first is disbelief, one may feel that there has been a mistake, that he could not possibly be adopted; that there has been a mix–up of identities. Second is confusion, one may feel as though "the carpet has been pulled out from under his feet". There may be a feeling that one doesn't know who he is any more, that he has no real identity and that nothing makes sense. Third reaction is anger; one may feel that he has been living a lie and that his family and others around him has deceived him. This can result in a loss of trust in one's adoptive parents or other family members who have known, and a feeling of bitterness and hostility towards them. Finally comes sorrow and loss; one may feel that all his relationships are irretrievably altered by the knowledge, that he will never be able again to relate to people, nor they to him, as in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Personal Narrative Essay : My Birth Father And Your Parents Your parents– your father and I– we are the reason you are here. My parents weren't. My birth mother bore me and in doing so she created a new life. A life that she held dominion over for only a brief moment. A life that she neither understood, nor cared to understand. My parents are the ones who didn't make me, but rather allowed me to make myself. They didn't inhibit me. They raised me the only way they knew how with the best of intentions, which is a good start. It's simple and it's true. What is a parent's role? I know I've struggled to figure that out as I raised you and your brothers. I gave you all as many opportunities as I could and I hope it has made all the difference. There are some people that can never be parents, but nevertheless conceive a child. That was my birth mother– Chris. She was too young– fifteen or sixteen at most– when she had me. She was younger than you are now. Imagine that. I couldn't. If I had remained with her, you would never have been born. If I had remained with her, I'm sure the amount of turmoil she created would have overcome me by now. I would not be in a place of such security and comfort. She was a pagan, a smoker, and she always wore a frown that plastered itself onto her face like a mask of aged cement. My most vivid memory of her was when she used to stand on the back porch of our first house in San Antonio looking out to the low trees and the tiny puffs of clouds in the mostly blue Texas sky. Her eyes seemed to hang like ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Birth Control's Access To Teenagers Birth control should have free access to teenagers because having sexual relationships and looking after their bodies and health do not have to be seen as unusual. In fact, birth control prevents teenage pregnancies and abortions, teach teenagers about sexual education and how to use them in their daily lives and sexual relationships do not have to be seen as a Tabu, so everyone should have access to it. Young women in the 21st century must have the available rights to protect themselves with any sort of birth control they choose without parents consent. At first, having a good birth control has never been a bad idea. They prevent us to have a not–wanted pregnancy and illegal abortions, and also prevent us to not suffer overpopulation problems and some diseases such as AIDS, Chlamydia and Genital herpes. The main effect of not using birth control while you are having a sexually active life is more chance to get pregnant, and at the same time, to increase the rate of illegal abortions, because most young mothers choose to not keep the baby due to all the responsibilities that having a child has. As a current example, a statistical tables show that girls who gave birth while are ... Show more content on ... This percentage is really alarming because unplanned births may lead to poverty and joblessness, can make teen mothers change their minds and stop studying in order to satisfy their necessities firstly and can cause several economic and home problems which may lead to a worst one. Furthermore, having a baby growing inside you and starting a family, or a new life, have to be a personal decision that must be based on knowledge and confidence instead of being ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Birth Order Effects More Than Thought Birth order is nothing to take lightly. Weather being a first born child or a last born child is a prime factor in an adolescent's maturing. Being a first born child might make you more cautious rather than a last born child may make you an attention seeking child. To few people's knowledge, birth order determines many distinctive characteristics of an adolescent. There has been a Norwegian study that has found the average IQ of young men and has concluded that first born children and only children have the highest IQ. This study started with the men taking IQ tests and stating information about their age and birth order. The test results were then plotted and the average was found for each order of birth. The first child in the family was found to have an average of 100.3 IQ points. The second born child had an average of 100.2 IQ points and the third child had an average of 99 IQ points. While these scores may seem to have only minor differences, the one point difference may be the deciding factor in passing an exam or class and failing an exam or class. The explanation for this difference is rather simple; it is hard to fully understand the concept because of the variation of families. With a first or only born child, the kid has the full attention of his or her parents. The attention that the child receives is a rather large factor in the personality forming process. The parents always talk and play with the first child more than the second or third. This creates a ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Should Teens Have Access Of Birth Control Without Parents? Should teens have access to birth control without parents? Today, sexually active teenagers can get contraceptives to protect themselves from unplanned pregnancies or sexual diseases without a parent's permission. In some states federal lawmakers have taken away the ability for teens to protect themselves, they want to prevent sexually active teenagers from getting birth control and condoms unless they get parents permission. Preventing teens from getting contraceptives unless they tell a parent will not stop them from having sex. It will drive them away from the services they need to protect themselves, leading to higher rates of unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases Allowing teenagers to get contraceptives without parents' permission encourages them to become sexually active. Teenagers do not become sexually active because they can get contraceptives. Young woman in the U.S. Have been sexually active for at least 22 months before they visit a family planning provider. 47 percent sexually active teenage girls said they would not get health services from clinics if they could not get contraceptives without parent's permission. Teenage girls have the highest reported rates of chlamydia and other diseases. Close to 900,000 teenagers get pregnant each year. Four out of ten girls get pregnant at least once before they turn twenty. Teenage girls that do not use contraception has a 90 percent chance of getting pregnant within a year. Some forms of ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Teen Pregnancies : Children And Teens About Sex Ginger Rogers Professor Rivers ECN 1101 24 November 2015 Teen Pregnancies Many parent today are afraid to talk with their children and teens about sex and the importance of safe sex. With teen pregnancy dropping it is important for teen to know about safe sex, prevention of pregnancy and what options they have if they become pregnant. Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that "in 2013 there was a total of 273,105 babies born to teens ages 15–19 but this is a drop of 10% from 2012" (Reproductive) It is very important for parents to get involved with their teens both girls and boys, and talk to them about sex, relationships and prevention; even though, many parents are relying on our school systems, doctors, nurses and other resources, to teach our children about these topics. "Parents that get involved in their teens lives, and talk with their teens about sex, relationships, contraceptives, and child birth are having sex at a later age, more likely to use contraceptives and have sex less often." (Parent) Sex Education is taught in middle and high school today, and in many places of the world as young as age 4 and about sexuality. Most sex education classes taught today do not cover contraceptive and are mainly abstinence–only–till– marriage programs. "89% of Americans believe that contraception should be taught in sex education," (Effective Sex) as no abstinence–only–till–marriage programs have shown proof that they help to prevent teens having sex. "Yet the ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Birth Control : Who Controls? Birth Control: Who Controls? "Should teenagers be allowed to get birth control without the permission of their parents?" Outline: –Thesis Statement– Teenagers should not be required to have permission from their parents to receive birth control. Religious Beliefs: –Sex before marriage –Encouraging the child to have sex –Against God's will (IT'S A SIN) Communications with teens/parents –Wanting to know from a parent's perspective –Asking the teen "why" –Social problems leading to crisis & explosion with both sides Rejection from parents –Making the decision for the teenager –Not listening to the child –Causing the teenager to make their own decision Ready for intercourse –Unwanted pregnancy –STDs, HIV, Syphilis –Types of birth control –Pros and Cons of birth control Mia Dent Beth Mitchell DS 098 10 November 2015 Birth Control: Who Controls? Should teenagers be allowed to get birth control without the permission of their parents?
  • 64. Birth control is defined as the practice of preventing unwanted pregnancies, typically by use of contraception. In today's society, teenagers typically do not feel comfortable talking to their parents about birth control or sex because parents will think that they are having sex. Having the "desire" feeling is normal for adolescence, but talking to the parents is the scary part. Some parents put the pressures on a child by neglecting the conversation, arguing about no sex until a certain age or marriage, and even go as far as no birth ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Should Parents Be Allowed To Obtain Birth Control Research I have mixed feelings whether a parent should be required to be notified when their teenage child is attempting contraception, because there are pros and cons to both sides. Going to get contraception can be a sign of responsibility. Which can be respected by some parents while others will find it to be irresponsible not to come to their parents them first. Ultimately the outcome of a teenager attempting to get contraception lies on what kind of parent they have, and the relationship between the parent and child. Firstly, I believe that parents should be notified if their child is attempting to get birth control. It's a grown–up thing to do and with it lies grown up responsibilities that parents should be aware of. It's better to talk to ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Daphne's Birth Parents Wants To Fix Analysis 1) Daphne's birth parents wants to "fix" immediately...Do you agree or disagree with them? Why? I personally disagree with them. John and Katherine saw Daphne as someone who was disabled and they assumed she wanted to hear. There is nothing wrong with someone if they are deaf, as they are capable of do anything a hearing person can do. From our various culture discussions, it obvious to me that a deaf person does not need to be fix because they have their own way of communicating. 2) Why do you think the birthparents are feeling the urgency to "fix" Daphne? There urgency in trying to "fix" Daphne was because John and Katherine thought the only way to connect with Daphne was for her to be hearing. However, if they learned ASL, communication would still be like hearing conversations except for the fact that they will be signing. 3) How do you think the dynamics of the family has changed after three episodes? In the beginning, both families were just trying to adjust to the whole situation and feel comfortable with one another. When the Vasquez family moves into the Kennish's guest house, the family relationships shift. Now, all the parents are criticizing each other parenting job and questioning their judgement, this causes tension. The values and social norms for each family is ... Show more content on ... One of the main reasons why Daphne wants to attend the hearing school because she wants to be on the Kennish's good side. Emmett understands that going to a hearing school will be difficult for her because she will feel isolated as none of her friends go there. Also, it will be hard to her to make new friends having an interpreter constantly following her around. I l agree with Emmett, that Dephne should stay at Carlton. The overall atmosphere in a Deaf school will allow Daphne to use ASL with other students under the same conditions and fit more in with the other ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Birth Control: Helpful Or Harmful? Birth Control Availability Birth control, also known as contraception and fertility control, is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. It is also an effective way to help women reduce acne, make periods regular, and easing menstrual cramps. The ones who are less informed about sex or birth control are teenagers, who usually have to deal with consequences and pay a big price for that. That's way it is very important to inform our society, especially teenagers about sex, sexual transmitted diseases, birth control and more. A famous quote by Sun Tzu says, "If you know the enemy and yourself, you will never fear the result of hundred battles". Not knowing the consequences and not being informed may lead to many problems. In our case, a teenager who was not informed about sex, condoms, birth control may end up pregnant or with sexual transmitted disease. Teenagers ... Show more content on ... Also, the distribution of condoms and availability of birth control will not cause teens have sex, only will stop from unwanted pregnancy. In addition, informing teenagers about sex, condoms and make birth control available will prevent teens from becoming young and inexperienced parents. Any measure that can be taken to prevent pregnancy and disease among teens should be utilized, and offering birth control in schools is one of the ways to do this. It offers an option to those kids who, for example, may not feel comfortable going to their parents or into a drug store to buy condoms. An amazing solution to this problem is Baltimore's program. The city has mounted a major public information campaign to educate teens about the choices they have and how to access contraceptives. Health officials are working with the school system, planned parenthood and health clinics to implement an evidence–based sex education curriculum that was standardized across the ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. Arnold Palmer Case Arnold Palmer Hospital Case Study 1. The case study indicates that the approach to match capacity to demand utilized by Arnold Palmer Hospital must be approach (a), leading demand with an incremental expansion. The reason for this is that it is evident that Arnold Palmer Hospital is attempting to acquire capacity to stay ahead of demand, or in other words by leading capacity, on account of the fact that the opening of the new 11–store hospital building will increase yearly birthing capacity to 16,000, which is far above the estimated 13,600 births expected during 2007, as shown by Table S7.3. Furthermore, the fact that the hospital and Swanson in particular is choosing to follow a multi–stage approach in terms of the hospital's ... Show more content on ... That is to say, the population in the area may for example be aging and thus birth rates may fall, etc. Also, they need to look at the economic situation in the area as well. By that I mean looking at whether young couples/families are continuing to move into the area? Are there enough job opportunities in the area that will fuel growth of this demographic group? All this may affect population growth and subsequently birth rates. 3. Using Excel's data analysis regression tool, the follow data was found by plugging in the years (coded from 1 through 13) in column A and the number of births in column B and then substituting column A for input X range and column B for input Y range: SUMMARY OUTPUT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Regression Statistics | | | | | | | | |Multiple R |0.984835305 | | | | | | | | |R Square |0.969900578 | | | | | | | | |Adjusted R Square |0.967164267 | | | | | | | | |Standard Error |473.2824687 | | | | | | | | |Observations |13 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |ANOVA | | | | | | | | | | |df |SS |MS |F |Significance F | | | | |Regression |1 |79396723.52 |79396723.52 |354.455521 |1.02108E–09 | | | | |Residual |11 |2463959.247 |223996.2952 | | | | | | |Total |12 |81860682.77 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Coefficients |Standard Error |t Stat |P–value |Lower 95% |Upper 95% |Lower 95.0% |Upper 95.0% | |Intercept |4679.884615 |278.4549858 |16.80661096 |3.42384E–09 |4067.009324 |5292.759906 |4067.009324 ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Theory Of The Birth Territory Theory Essay The theory I selected to apply to the above situation is the Birth Territory theory. This theory was created from empirical data collected by the authors who serve as both midwives and researchers. It has a critical post–structural feminist undertone and elaborates on the ideas of Michel Foucault. The Birth Territory theory predicts and elaborates on the relationships between jurisdiction (use of authority and influence), terrain (the birthing environment), and personal emotional and physiological experience by the mother. This nurse–midwifery theory was chosen because both of the major concepts directly correlate with the incident and are critical aspects of labor and delivery situations. MAYBE ELABORATE A diagram of the Birth Territory theory can be seen in Appendix A. Key concepts included in this theory are terrain and jurisdiction. Sub–concepts listed under terrain include ' 'surveillance room' and sanctum'. Sub–concepts listed under jurisdiction include 'midwifery guardianship', 'integrative power', 'midwifery domination', and 'disintegrative power'. 'Terrain' signifies the aspects of the birth environment. These include physical and geographical features such as the birthing furniture, as labor and birthing accessories, and personal support systems (birthing partner). 'Terrain' includes two sub–concepts: 'sanctum' and 'surveillance room'. A 'sanctum' is a homely birthing environment optimally designed to promote a private, healthy labor and birth. Amenities included ... Get more on ...
  • 75.
  • 76. The Article ' Birth Control For Kids ' The article "Birth Control for Kids?" was published in 2007 by Time Magazine, and despite being several years old it offers an excellent analysis of sex education in U.S. schools. A middle school in Portland, Maine decided to take a vote on whether it should offer birth control pills to students through the school's health center. If passed, the vote would allow children as young as eleven– years–old access to contraceptives aside from the traditional condom. In addition, although parental consent would be needed to allow access to the healthcare center, the parents would not necessarily be informed about the nature of the health center visit. Therefore students could obtain birth control without the information ever being disclosed to parent/guardians. Such a controversial vote ignited a great debate throughout the community: among parents, school officials, government officials, and religious leaders. It forced the community to discuss a topic that is still uncomfortable for many confer ––youth sex education. "How should we go about teaching sex education to children?" When should children be exposed to this type of information?" These are the types of questions the community pondered while weighing in on the debate. Despite the sexual revolution of the 1900's and into the 2000's, discussing sex education is still a contentious topic even in 2015. The author Nancy Gibbs does a extraordinary job examining the various perspectives of the debate in "Birth Control for Kids? ... Get more on ...