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SASH Leaflet
I created a leaflet so that I could put a lot more information on at least one of the products I made instead of having the same small
bit of information on SASH written over and over again on each of the products I created.
The product is a suitable representation of a leaflet for SASH as it gives all the information either a homeless youth or a possible
volunteer might need. It informs people what SASH does, what services they provide, an example of someone they helped and
breakdown how much money does what from the donations they receive. This is all communicated clearly through the structured
paragraphs that line the pages of the leaflet.
The leaflet that I created doesn’t really have one specific target audience, as it could be for either a 16-24 year old or a possible
volunteer. It appeals to 16-24 year olds as it doesn’t look very formal and also gives information on what they should do if they find
themselves without a stable home. It also tells them what SASH actually does so that they feel more confident about using the
service if they need to. The appeal for possible volunteers would be the inclusion of how they can help the organisation, what the
organisation actually does and finally an example of how their service has helped a homeless youth.
I never really thought about making a leaflet when I first started planning. However, after struggling to find a bus advert template to
go through with some original ideas, I chose to consider different ideas, one of them being a leaflet. I feel like this was a good
choice as it gave me a wider range of products to choose from and it actually turned out better then I thought. The images, the text,
the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together in my opinion. The colours are simple, eye catching and
also feature in the SASH logo so it wasn’t just a random selection. As for the images, they fit really well and I managed to make the
text flow around them so that it looked more natural and almost as if they were created for the product.
I feel like the green front of the leaflet with catch people’s eye so that they pick it up and read it. From here, it should help people
understand that there is help for homeless youths and how people can do their partto help, whether it involves giving up a room in
their house or donating to help ahomeless youth.
All in all, I feel that the leaflet works really well and could have a huge impact on
improving youth homelessness. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH so
that young people will know what to do if they find themselves in that situation.
However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could
have got the exact green from the logo to use on the front and back page of the
leaflet. Apart from that I really like this product.

An example of SASH’s leaflet compared
to mine.
‘I’m not invisible’ Billboard

was the first actual billboard poster that I created for this project. I created this billboard so that I could get the point across that a lot of people pretend that they
can’t see homeless people so they don’t have to stop and help them. It should make people realise that there is more than one way to help homeless people
without giving them money on the street and that even a smile could give them more hope for the future, maybe even motivation to go and get help from a
charity such as SASH.
The product is a suitable representation of a billboard for SASH as it gives a new perspective for the charity. This is because they generally try and keep things
positive where as this poster is rather negative and determined to make a difference with a short and snappy statement. The font All Ages
( is different from the usual SASH san serif font as it jumps out more to get the point across to anyone, even if they are just passing by,
you can’t really fail to miss it.
The billboard that I created is more aimed at possible volunteers and people who will donate/fundraise for SASH. It could also be for anyone who’s not
homeless, basically telling them don’t ignore them, offer help, even if it is just telling them about SASH so they can go on their own from there.
I never really thought about making a billboard poster when I first started planning, it was only really A4 portrait posters and bus adverts I concentrated on.
However, after struggling to find a bus advert template, I chose to consider different ideas and chose to do a billboard poster as this is a popular form of
advertising. I feel like this was a good choice as it gave me a wider range of products to choose from and it actually turned out to give me more ideas and
inspiration. The images, the text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together in my opinion. The poster is black and white, adding
to the negative feel the poster. The only bit of colour on the product is the green of the SASH logo. As for the image, the one that I chose to fill the background
worked better than I originally thought as the legs that are out of focus in the foreground give the impression that he is invisible. Adding to the feeling of being
invisible, I played around with the opacity of the picture to give it a more ghostly feel. The text is situated around the homeless person in the image so that the
audience can see what the text is talking about and so that the person is center focus of the poster. The information on SASH is placed at the bottom of the
poster so that it isn’t the main focus but it’s still there if needed.
I feel like the bold and interestingly styled font makes the poster stand out from the rest. From here, it should help people understand that homeless youths and
homeless people in general are not invisible and where people can find out more information about helping homeless youths.
However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have played around with the text a bit more so that it went better around the
picture. For example, the word ‘invisible’ could have had it’s opacity lowered to make it seem like it’s fading away and actually becoming invisible. This would
have also helped the bottom of the image become available to see.
Compared to other billboard style posters (or A5 landscape posters) it fits in with being negative but the background
ure is lighter and the main focus. (Compared to Porchlight’s ‘Don’t Just Walk Past’ poster) I feel like mine could
more effective as the text and picture go together hand in hand whereas the other poster doesn’t have any link
ween the text and the image.
All in all, I feel that the billboard poster works well and could have an impact on improving youth
homelessness. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH so that people have an idea of what to do if
they come across a homeless youth. It could also improve the way homeless people are treated and the help
they receive as these are both the main points of the poster.
Statistic Poster
This was the first A4 poster that I created for this project. I created this poster so that I could get the point across that being homeless is a
lot more dangerous than people think. It gives a fact that will shock people and hopefully want to make people help homeless people. It
could also help 16-24 year olds think about the possibilities of them becoming homeless which could then hopefully prevent future
homeless cases.
The product is a suitable representation of a poster for SASH as it gives a new perspective for the charity. This is because they generally
try and keep things positive where as this poster is rather negative and determined to make a difference with a shocking statistic and then
a strong but short statement at the end. It also differs from any other homeless charity campaign poster I came across as there is no
image used and the colours are extremely different as they are two solid colours that fill the entire page and the only feature is the text.
One of my original intentions was to create this style of poster. The text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well
together in my opinion. The poster is black and green, making the poster seem serious and simple. The green of the text is the green of
the SASH logo. I chose to do this so that I wasn’t just choosing a random colour. The text is situated throughout the entire poster and is
the main focus of the poster. There is no images as there is no room for one without it looking out of place, which would lose some of the
effectiveness of the poster.
The poster that I created doesn’t really have one specific target audience, as it could be for either a 16-24 year old or a possible volunteer.
It appeals to 16-24 year olds as it doesn’t look very formal and also gives a shocking fact that will put them off the idea of becoming
homeless even more. This way they will seek out help rather then ‘sofa surfing’. It could also appeal to possible volunteers as the fact
used could shock them into giving up a room to decrease the amount of deaths that youth homelessness creates every year.
I feel like the style of the text adds even more simplicity to the poster as it is a plain san serif font and the green
really brings it off the page. This will hopefully catch the eye of the audience and because the text stands out a
lot and is the only thing to concentrate on people will be able to read it from quite a distance. Then they will get
hooked in by the statistic used and read the smaller print (information on how to contact the charity).
All in all, I feel that the A4 poster works really well and could have a huge impact on improving youth
homelessness. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH and make people want to prevent
homelessness in youths so it can be eliminated altogether. Also this will help prevent needless deaths amongst
young people.
However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have made the ‘die’ look
more threatening and make it stand out more. Apart from this I feel like this poster would have a huge impact
on youth homelessness.
‘Turn your back’ Negative Billboard

eated this billboard so that I could get the point across that a lot of people pretend that they can’t see homeless people so they don’t have to stop
and help them. It should make people realise that there is more than one way to help homeless people without giving them money on the street
and that even a smile could give them more hope for the future, maybe even motivation to go and get help from a charity such as SASH. In this
respect this billboard is just like the ‘I’m not invisible’ billboard because it makes people realise that there is more than one way to help homeless
The product is a suitable billboard for SASH and it gives a new perspective for the charity. This is because they generally try and keep things
positive where as this poster is rather negative and determined to make a difference but instead of having something short and snappy, the text
feels quite desperate and encouraging. This way, the audience gets lured into helping rather then demanded, so to speak. This contradicts the
negative image and makes it a sad topic of the poster but suggests a way that people can help improve the situation.
The billboard that I created is more aimed at possible volunteers and people who will donate/fundraise for SASH. It could also be for anyone
who’s not homeless, basically telling them don’t ignore them, offer help, even if it is just telling them about SASH so they can go on their own
from there. Nonetheless it is mainly aimed at possible volunteers so that SASH can get more rooms available for the homeless youth as they
desperately need volunteers, especially as homelessness becomes a bigger problem.
I never really thought about making a billboard poster when I first started planning, it was only really A4 portrait posters and bus adverts I
concentrated on. However, after struggling to find a bus advert template, I chose to consider different ideas and chose to do a billboard poster as
this is a popular form of advertising. I feel like this was a good choice as it gave me a wider range of products to choose from and it actually
turned out to give me more ideas and inspiration. The images, the text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together
in my opinion. The poster is black and white, adding to the negative feel the poster. The only bit of colour on the product is the green of the
SASH logo and the blue text at the bottom of the billboard that is SASH’s contact information so it stands out. As for the image, the one that I
chose to fill the background worked well with my choice of words. The homeless person has their back turned to the camera alongside the
caption ‘Don’t turn your back on the homeless’. The information on SASH is placed at the bottom of the poster so that it isn’t the main focus but
it’s still there if needed. I have also lowered the opacity on the image so that the text can stand out more against it.
Compared to other billboard style posters (or A5 landscape posters) it fits in with being negative but the background picture is lighter and the
main focus. (Compared to Porchlight’s ‘Don’t Just Walk Past’ poster) I feel like mine could be more effective as the text and picture go together
hand in hand whereas the other poster doesn’t have any link between the text and the image. Also, the tone of the text contrasting from the
negative image is another difference, making it stand out even more.
The play on words of this poster should create a good impact as people will remember it better. Also,
fact that it doesn’t look like any of the homeless campaign products that already exist, not even
that I have designed, will help it stand out in people’s heads. The use of white writing makes it
nd out and no other poster that I have seen uses only white writing.
All in all, I feel that the billboard poster works well and could have an impact on improving youth
homelessness. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH so that people have an idea of what
they could do if they come across a homeless youth. It should also increase the amount of volunteers
that SASH get, improving the amount of homeless youths that get off the streets. However, I also feel
like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have played around with the smaller
text to make it stand out. To do this I could try placing it somewhere else, making it bigger or changing
the colour again.
‘Prevent youth homelessness’ Positive

reated this billboard so that I could get the point across that a lot of people pretend that they can’t see homeless people so they don’t have to stop
and help them. It should make people realise that there is more than one way to help homeless people without giving them money on the street
and that even a smile could give them more hope for the future, maybe even motivation to go and get help from a charity such as SASH. In this
respect this billboard is just like the ‘I’m not invisible’ and the ‘Turn your back’ billboard because it makes people realise that there is more than
one way to help homeless people.
The product is a suitable billboard for SASH because it keeps with their theme of positivity. This way, the audience gets lured into helping rather
then demanded, so to speak. This goes well with the warm feeling you get from the background image and the colours used in that.
The billboard that I created is more aimed at possible volunteers and people who will donate/fundraise for SASH. It could also be for anyone
who’s not homeless, basically telling them don’t ignore them, offer help, even if it is just telling them about SASH so they can go on their own
from there. Nonetheless it is mainly aimed at possible volunteers so that SASH can get more rooms available for the homeless youth as they
desperately need volunteers, especially as homelessness becomes a bigger problem.
I never really thought about making a billboard poster when I first started planning, it was only really A4 portrait posters and bus adverts I
concentrated on. However, after struggling to find a bus advert template, I chose to consider different ideas and chose to do a billboard poster
as this is a popular form of advertising. I feel like this was a good choice as it gave me a wider range of products to choose from and it actually
turned out to give me more ideas and inspiration. The images, the text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together
in my opinion. The poster is in full colour making the poster seem very welcoming and positive in general. The image, the one that I chose to fill
the background, worked well as a contrast from the ‘Don’t turn your back’ billboard poster from the last slide. The information on SASH is placed
at the bottom of the poster so that it isn’t the main focus but it’s still there if needed. I have also lowered the opacity on the image and faded
some of the girl’s hair out so that the text can stand out more against it.
Compared to other billboard style posters (or A5 landscape posters) it straight away stands out for being quite a positive poster with lots of
colours used in it. The general overall tome of the campaign poster stands out too as many of them are negative and sound rather demanding
whereas this one feels welcoming.
The fact that it doesn’t look like any of the homeless campaign products that already exist, not even any that I have designed, will help it stand
out in people’s heads against the rest. The use of green writing with a backdrop shadow makes it
nd out and no other poster that I have seen uses the same technique as this.
All in all, I feel that the billboard poster works well and could have an impact on improving youth
homelessness. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH so that people have an idea of
at they could do if they come across a homeless youth. It should also increase the amount of
unteers that SASH get, improving the amount of homeless youths that get off the streets. Also
e positivity of this poster could spread through to people and make them want to change a
meless youth’s life by giving them a room and helping them get back on their feet.
However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have played
ound with the smaller text to make it stand out. To do this I could try placing it somewhere else,
aking it bigger or changing the colour again. I feel that the smaller text would have stood out more
was white, even more if their was a backdrop shadow.
‘You’d want to be helped’ Poster
I created this poster so that I could get the point across of the whole ‘treat others as you want to be treated’. The smaller text should
make people realise that there is more than one way to help homeless people without giving them money on the street. This poster
has more information on then the rest of them do, including the billboards. This is because I wanted to make this poster very different
and I had a lot of plain space to fill.
The poster that I created is aimed at possible volunteers and people who will donate/fundraise for SASH. It could also be for anyone
who’s not homeless, basically telling them don’t ignore them, offer them help, even if it is just telling them about SASH so they can
go on their own from there. Nonetheless it is mainly aimed at possible volunteers so that SASH can get more rooms available for the
homeless youth as they desperately need volunteers, especially as homelessness becomes a bigger problem. It is very emotive in
the way it gets people in.
The product is a suitable poster for SASH as it focuses on getting more rooms for the charity. This is because they generally try and
keep things positive where as this poster is rather negative and determined to make a difference but instead of having something
short and snappy, the text feels quite desperate and encouraging. This way, the audience gets lured into helping rather then
demanded, so to speak. This contradicts the negative image and makes it a sad topic of the poster but suggests a way that people
can help improve the situation. It also suggests that people should put themselves into the shoes of a homeless youth to see how
bad it really is. This way they will hopefully get more volunteers.
Creating A4 posters was one of my initial ideas as they can be featured in many magazines or even enlarged to create bus stop
adverts etc. The images, the text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together in my opinion. The image
used in the poster was a good selection as there was a lot of ‘plain’ space before the main focus of the image (the homeless person).
This way I could fill the top up with more information than my other posters to make it more unique then my other posters and even
some of the posters that already existed. The image also has the opacity turned down so that the text is clearer to read.
Being straight to the point of the poster’s aim could have an impact as it’s not really avoiding what the poster is
campaigning for. This direct approach will show that the charity doesn’t mess around and is serious about what it
does. This way people will trust them and be willing to give their services to help the charities cause.
All in all, I feel that the poster works well and could have an impact on improving youth homelessness as it puts
the audience in the shoes of a homeless person. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH so that people
have an idea of what they could do if they come across a homeless youth. It should also increase the amount of
volunteers that SASH get, improving the amount of homeless youths that get off the streets.
However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have played around with the
smaller text to make it stand out. To do this I would have probably made it bigger so that it jumps off of the page
more. I would have also probably put the website information and phone number up along with the information so
it fits all together and isn’t scattered around and it would also make the colour palette used smaller and more
‘There’s no place like home’ bookmark

This was another very different product that I designed. I created the bookmark so that it was more transportable and easier to
access than the posters, billboard and leaflets that I have also created. By doing this I have reached out to an even wider audience.
Also, the bookmarks can be sold, raising money for SASH so not only are they getting volunteers, they are getting money to supply
the homeless youth with life essentials.
I never really thought about making a bookmark when I first started planning, it was only really A4 portrait posters and bus adverts I
concentrated on. However, after struggling to find a bus advert template, I chose to consider different ideas and chose to do a
bookmark as it isn’t very popular but it is still useful in a couple of ways (such as being easily transportable and getting donations
from people buying them). I feel like this was a good choice but I had very limited space to create something effective. The images,
the text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together in my opinion.
The product is a suitable bookmark for SASH and it gives a different approach for the charities campaign products. This is because
they generally just have things that contain more information but by doing a bookmark, people can constantly have it available due
to its small size. This way, if the person with the bookmark is made homeless or know someone that is homeless they have contact
information so they can get help.
The bookmark is more aimed at the people who SASH help, 16-24 year olds. This is because it’s offering help and contact details.
However, it could also reach out to possible volunteers too since it say’s there’s no place like home, reminding them that not
everyone has a stable home and that they could improve someone’s living situation.
The layout is pretty simple and everything is laid out in uniform. The text is simple and in the colour of SASH’s logo so it keeps the
colour palette small and simple as it is the main thing on the bookmark. The image I used is of a little cartoon house.
I chose to do this as it made SASH seem like a friendly and welcoming charity, rather than an intimidating one. This is so
t homeless youths would be willing to go and seek their help.
The phrase on this bookmark is a common phrase that is well known and many people will be familiar with it. This will
hopefully make people think that home is the best place to be so that if they find themselves homeless then they can go to
SASH andthey can join a new home and become safe again.
Compared to other charities campaign products, I haven’t come across another homeless charity bookmark. Therefore,
s is a very unique product, making it stand out more. This would also be a good way to promote SASH as they will have the
more unique products that should stick in people’s heads.
All in all, I feel that the bookmark works well and would probably have an impact on decreasing the amount of homeless
uths. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH so that more youths have an idea of what to do and who to
contact if they become homeless. However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have
ved the SASH logo down a bit so that it’s not as close to the contact information. This will make the contact information
arer to read and separate the different things out more.

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Idea Generation and Development
Idea Generation and Development Idea Generation and Development
Idea Generation and Development
Task 1 Irn bru research
Task 1 Irn bru researchTask 1 Irn bru research
Task 1 Irn bru research
Initial ideas
Initial ideasInitial ideas
Initial ideas
Task 10 Pitch
Task 10 PitchTask 10 Pitch
Task 10 Pitch
Task 9 Scheduale
Task 9 SchedualeTask 9 Scheduale
Task 9 Scheduale
Task 8 Final plan
Task 8 Final planTask 8 Final plan
Task 8 Final plan

Task 11 and 12 Final Products and Evaluation

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  • 10. SASH Leaflet I created a leaflet so that I could put a lot more information on at least one of the products I made instead of having the same small bit of information on SASH written over and over again on each of the products I created. The product is a suitable representation of a leaflet for SASH as it gives all the information either a homeless youth or a possible volunteer might need. It informs people what SASH does, what services they provide, an example of someone they helped and breakdown how much money does what from the donations they receive. This is all communicated clearly through the structured paragraphs that line the pages of the leaflet. The leaflet that I created doesn’t really have one specific target audience, as it could be for either a 16-24 year old or a possible volunteer. It appeals to 16-24 year olds as it doesn’t look very formal and also gives information on what they should do if they find themselves without a stable home. It also tells them what SASH actually does so that they feel more confident about using the service if they need to. The appeal for possible volunteers would be the inclusion of how they can help the organisation, what the organisation actually does and finally an example of how their service has helped a homeless youth. I never really thought about making a leaflet when I first started planning. However, after struggling to find a bus advert template to go through with some original ideas, I chose to consider different ideas, one of them being a leaflet. I feel like this was a good choice as it gave me a wider range of products to choose from and it actually turned out better then I thought. The images, the text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together in my opinion. The colours are simple, eye catching and also feature in the SASH logo so it wasn’t just a random selection. As for the images, they fit really well and I managed to make the text flow around them so that it looked more natural and almost as if they were created for the product. I feel like the green front of the leaflet with catch people’s eye so that they pick it up and read it. From here, it should help people understand that there is help for homeless youths and how people can do their partto help, whether it involves giving up a room in their house or donating to help ahomeless youth. All in all, I feel that the leaflet works really well and could have a huge impact on improving youth homelessness. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH so that young people will know what to do if they find themselves in that situation. However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have got the exact green from the logo to use on the front and back page of the leaflet. Apart from that I really like this product. An example of SASH’s leaflet compared to mine.
  • 11. ‘I’m not invisible’ Billboard was the first actual billboard poster that I created for this project. I created this billboard so that I could get the point across that a lot of people pretend that they can’t see homeless people so they don’t have to stop and help them. It should make people realise that there is more than one way to help homeless people without giving them money on the street and that even a smile could give them more hope for the future, maybe even motivation to go and get help from a charity such as SASH. The product is a suitable representation of a billboard for SASH as it gives a new perspective for the charity. This is because they generally try and keep things positive where as this poster is rather negative and determined to make a difference with a short and snappy statement. The font All Ages ( is different from the usual SASH san serif font as it jumps out more to get the point across to anyone, even if they are just passing by, you can’t really fail to miss it. The billboard that I created is more aimed at possible volunteers and people who will donate/fundraise for SASH. It could also be for anyone who’s not homeless, basically telling them don’t ignore them, offer help, even if it is just telling them about SASH so they can go on their own from there. I never really thought about making a billboard poster when I first started planning, it was only really A4 portrait posters and bus adverts I concentrated on. However, after struggling to find a bus advert template, I chose to consider different ideas and chose to do a billboard poster as this is a popular form of advertising. I feel like this was a good choice as it gave me a wider range of products to choose from and it actually turned out to give me more ideas and inspiration. The images, the text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together in my opinion. The poster is black and white, adding to the negative feel the poster. The only bit of colour on the product is the green of the SASH logo. As for the image, the one that I chose to fill the background worked better than I originally thought as the legs that are out of focus in the foreground give the impression that he is invisible. Adding to the feeling of being invisible, I played around with the opacity of the picture to give it a more ghostly feel. The text is situated around the homeless person in the image so that the audience can see what the text is talking about and so that the person is center focus of the poster. The information on SASH is placed at the bottom of the poster so that it isn’t the main focus but it’s still there if needed. I feel like the bold and interestingly styled font makes the poster stand out from the rest. From here, it should help people understand that homeless youths and homeless people in general are not invisible and where people can find out more information about helping homeless youths. However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have played around with the text a bit more so that it went better around the picture. For example, the word ‘invisible’ could have had it’s opacity lowered to make it seem like it’s fading away and actually becoming invisible. This would have also helped the bottom of the image become available to see. Compared to other billboard style posters (or A5 landscape posters) it fits in with being negative but the background ure is lighter and the main focus. (Compared to Porchlight’s ‘Don’t Just Walk Past’ poster) I feel like mine could more effective as the text and picture go together hand in hand whereas the other poster doesn’t have any link ween the text and the image. All in all, I feel that the billboard poster works well and could have an impact on improving youth homelessness. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH so that people have an idea of what to do if they come across a homeless youth. It could also improve the way homeless people are treated and the help they receive as these are both the main points of the poster.
  • 12. Statistic Poster This was the first A4 poster that I created for this project. I created this poster so that I could get the point across that being homeless is a lot more dangerous than people think. It gives a fact that will shock people and hopefully want to make people help homeless people. It could also help 16-24 year olds think about the possibilities of them becoming homeless which could then hopefully prevent future homeless cases. The product is a suitable representation of a poster for SASH as it gives a new perspective for the charity. This is because they generally try and keep things positive where as this poster is rather negative and determined to make a difference with a shocking statistic and then a strong but short statement at the end. It also differs from any other homeless charity campaign poster I came across as there is no image used and the colours are extremely different as they are two solid colours that fill the entire page and the only feature is the text. One of my original intentions was to create this style of poster. The text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together in my opinion. The poster is black and green, making the poster seem serious and simple. The green of the text is the green of the SASH logo. I chose to do this so that I wasn’t just choosing a random colour. The text is situated throughout the entire poster and is the main focus of the poster. There is no images as there is no room for one without it looking out of place, which would lose some of the effectiveness of the poster. The poster that I created doesn’t really have one specific target audience, as it could be for either a 16-24 year old or a possible volunteer. It appeals to 16-24 year olds as it doesn’t look very formal and also gives a shocking fact that will put them off the idea of becoming homeless even more. This way they will seek out help rather then ‘sofa surfing’. It could also appeal to possible volunteers as the fact used could shock them into giving up a room to decrease the amount of deaths that youth homelessness creates every year. I feel like the style of the text adds even more simplicity to the poster as it is a plain san serif font and the green really brings it off the page. This will hopefully catch the eye of the audience and because the text stands out a lot and is the only thing to concentrate on people will be able to read it from quite a distance. Then they will get hooked in by the statistic used and read the smaller print (information on how to contact the charity). All in all, I feel that the A4 poster works really well and could have a huge impact on improving youth homelessness. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH and make people want to prevent homelessness in youths so it can be eliminated altogether. Also this will help prevent needless deaths amongst young people. However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have made the ‘die’ look more threatening and make it stand out more. Apart from this I feel like this poster would have a huge impact on youth homelessness.
  • 13. ‘Turn your back’ Negative Billboard eated this billboard so that I could get the point across that a lot of people pretend that they can’t see homeless people so they don’t have to stop and help them. It should make people realise that there is more than one way to help homeless people without giving them money on the street and that even a smile could give them more hope for the future, maybe even motivation to go and get help from a charity such as SASH. In this respect this billboard is just like the ‘I’m not invisible’ billboard because it makes people realise that there is more than one way to help homeless people. The product is a suitable billboard for SASH and it gives a new perspective for the charity. This is because they generally try and keep things positive where as this poster is rather negative and determined to make a difference but instead of having something short and snappy, the text feels quite desperate and encouraging. This way, the audience gets lured into helping rather then demanded, so to speak. This contradicts the negative image and makes it a sad topic of the poster but suggests a way that people can help improve the situation. The billboard that I created is more aimed at possible volunteers and people who will donate/fundraise for SASH. It could also be for anyone who’s not homeless, basically telling them don’t ignore them, offer help, even if it is just telling them about SASH so they can go on their own from there. Nonetheless it is mainly aimed at possible volunteers so that SASH can get more rooms available for the homeless youth as they desperately need volunteers, especially as homelessness becomes a bigger problem. I never really thought about making a billboard poster when I first started planning, it was only really A4 portrait posters and bus adverts I concentrated on. However, after struggling to find a bus advert template, I chose to consider different ideas and chose to do a billboard poster as this is a popular form of advertising. I feel like this was a good choice as it gave me a wider range of products to choose from and it actually turned out to give me more ideas and inspiration. The images, the text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together in my opinion. The poster is black and white, adding to the negative feel the poster. The only bit of colour on the product is the green of the SASH logo and the blue text at the bottom of the billboard that is SASH’s contact information so it stands out. As for the image, the one that I chose to fill the background worked well with my choice of words. The homeless person has their back turned to the camera alongside the caption ‘Don’t turn your back on the homeless’. The information on SASH is placed at the bottom of the poster so that it isn’t the main focus but it’s still there if needed. I have also lowered the opacity on the image so that the text can stand out more against it. Compared to other billboard style posters (or A5 landscape posters) it fits in with being negative but the background picture is lighter and the main focus. (Compared to Porchlight’s ‘Don’t Just Walk Past’ poster) I feel like mine could be more effective as the text and picture go together hand in hand whereas the other poster doesn’t have any link between the text and the image. Also, the tone of the text contrasting from the negative image is another difference, making it stand out even more. The play on words of this poster should create a good impact as people will remember it better. Also, fact that it doesn’t look like any of the homeless campaign products that already exist, not even that I have designed, will help it stand out in people’s heads. The use of white writing makes it nd out and no other poster that I have seen uses only white writing. All in all, I feel that the billboard poster works well and could have an impact on improving youth homelessness. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH so that people have an idea of what they could do if they come across a homeless youth. It should also increase the amount of volunteers that SASH get, improving the amount of homeless youths that get off the streets. However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have played around with the smaller text to make it stand out. To do this I could try placing it somewhere else, making it bigger or changing the colour again.
  • 14. ‘Prevent youth homelessness’ Positive Billboard reated this billboard so that I could get the point across that a lot of people pretend that they can’t see homeless people so they don’t have to stop and help them. It should make people realise that there is more than one way to help homeless people without giving them money on the street and that even a smile could give them more hope for the future, maybe even motivation to go and get help from a charity such as SASH. In this respect this billboard is just like the ‘I’m not invisible’ and the ‘Turn your back’ billboard because it makes people realise that there is more than one way to help homeless people. The product is a suitable billboard for SASH because it keeps with their theme of positivity. This way, the audience gets lured into helping rather then demanded, so to speak. This goes well with the warm feeling you get from the background image and the colours used in that. The billboard that I created is more aimed at possible volunteers and people who will donate/fundraise for SASH. It could also be for anyone who’s not homeless, basically telling them don’t ignore them, offer help, even if it is just telling them about SASH so they can go on their own from there. Nonetheless it is mainly aimed at possible volunteers so that SASH can get more rooms available for the homeless youth as they desperately need volunteers, especially as homelessness becomes a bigger problem. I never really thought about making a billboard poster when I first started planning, it was only really A4 portrait posters and bus adverts I concentrated on. However, after struggling to find a bus advert template, I chose to consider different ideas and chose to do a billboard poster as this is a popular form of advertising. I feel like this was a good choice as it gave me a wider range of products to choose from and it actually turned out to give me more ideas and inspiration. The images, the text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together in my opinion. The poster is in full colour making the poster seem very welcoming and positive in general. The image, the one that I chose to fill the background, worked well as a contrast from the ‘Don’t turn your back’ billboard poster from the last slide. The information on SASH is placed at the bottom of the poster so that it isn’t the main focus but it’s still there if needed. I have also lowered the opacity on the image and faded some of the girl’s hair out so that the text can stand out more against it. Compared to other billboard style posters (or A5 landscape posters) it straight away stands out for being quite a positive poster with lots of colours used in it. The general overall tome of the campaign poster stands out too as many of them are negative and sound rather demanding whereas this one feels welcoming. The fact that it doesn’t look like any of the homeless campaign products that already exist, not even any that I have designed, will help it stand out in people’s heads against the rest. The use of green writing with a backdrop shadow makes it nd out and no other poster that I have seen uses the same technique as this. All in all, I feel that the billboard poster works well and could have an impact on improving youth homelessness. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH so that people have an idea of at they could do if they come across a homeless youth. It should also increase the amount of unteers that SASH get, improving the amount of homeless youths that get off the streets. Also e positivity of this poster could spread through to people and make them want to change a meless youth’s life by giving them a room and helping them get back on their feet. However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have played ound with the smaller text to make it stand out. To do this I could try placing it somewhere else, aking it bigger or changing the colour again. I feel that the smaller text would have stood out more was white, even more if their was a backdrop shadow.
  • 15. ‘You’d want to be helped’ Poster I created this poster so that I could get the point across of the whole ‘treat others as you want to be treated’. The smaller text should make people realise that there is more than one way to help homeless people without giving them money on the street. This poster has more information on then the rest of them do, including the billboards. This is because I wanted to make this poster very different and I had a lot of plain space to fill. The poster that I created is aimed at possible volunteers and people who will donate/fundraise for SASH. It could also be for anyone who’s not homeless, basically telling them don’t ignore them, offer them help, even if it is just telling them about SASH so they can go on their own from there. Nonetheless it is mainly aimed at possible volunteers so that SASH can get more rooms available for the homeless youth as they desperately need volunteers, especially as homelessness becomes a bigger problem. It is very emotive in the way it gets people in. The product is a suitable poster for SASH as it focuses on getting more rooms for the charity. This is because they generally try and keep things positive where as this poster is rather negative and determined to make a difference but instead of having something short and snappy, the text feels quite desperate and encouraging. This way, the audience gets lured into helping rather then demanded, so to speak. This contradicts the negative image and makes it a sad topic of the poster but suggests a way that people can help improve the situation. It also suggests that people should put themselves into the shoes of a homeless youth to see how bad it really is. This way they will hopefully get more volunteers. Creating A4 posters was one of my initial ideas as they can be featured in many magazines or even enlarged to create bus stop adverts etc. The images, the text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together in my opinion. The image used in the poster was a good selection as there was a lot of ‘plain’ space before the main focus of the image (the homeless person). This way I could fill the top up with more information than my other posters to make it more unique then my other posters and even some of the posters that already existed. The image also has the opacity turned down so that the text is clearer to read. Being straight to the point of the poster’s aim could have an impact as it’s not really avoiding what the poster is campaigning for. This direct approach will show that the charity doesn’t mess around and is serious about what it does. This way people will trust them and be willing to give their services to help the charities cause. All in all, I feel that the poster works well and could have an impact on improving youth homelessness as it puts the audience in the shoes of a homeless person. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH so that people have an idea of what they could do if they come across a homeless youth. It should also increase the amount of volunteers that SASH get, improving the amount of homeless youths that get off the streets. However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have played around with the smaller text to make it stand out. To do this I would have probably made it bigger so that it jumps off of the page more. I would have also probably put the website information and phone number up along with the information so it fits all together and isn’t scattered around and it would also make the colour palette used smaller and more simple.
  • 16. ‘There’s no place like home’ bookmark This was another very different product that I designed. I created the bookmark so that it was more transportable and easier to access than the posters, billboard and leaflets that I have also created. By doing this I have reached out to an even wider audience. Also, the bookmarks can be sold, raising money for SASH so not only are they getting volunteers, they are getting money to supply the homeless youth with life essentials. I never really thought about making a bookmark when I first started planning, it was only really A4 portrait posters and bus adverts I concentrated on. However, after struggling to find a bus advert template, I chose to consider different ideas and chose to do a bookmark as it isn’t very popular but it is still useful in a couple of ways (such as being easily transportable and getting donations from people buying them). I feel like this was a good choice but I had very limited space to create something effective. The images, the text, the colours and the general design of the pages work really well together in my opinion. The product is a suitable bookmark for SASH and it gives a different approach for the charities campaign products. This is because they generally just have things that contain more information but by doing a bookmark, people can constantly have it available due to its small size. This way, if the person with the bookmark is made homeless or know someone that is homeless they have contact information so they can get help. The bookmark is more aimed at the people who SASH help, 16-24 year olds. This is because it’s offering help and contact details. However, it could also reach out to possible volunteers too since it say’s there’s no place like home, reminding them that not everyone has a stable home and that they could improve someone’s living situation. The layout is pretty simple and everything is laid out in uniform. The text is simple and in the colour of SASH’s logo so it keeps the colour palette small and simple as it is the main thing on the bookmark. The image I used is of a little cartoon house. I chose to do this as it made SASH seem like a friendly and welcoming charity, rather than an intimidating one. This is so t homeless youths would be willing to go and seek their help. The phrase on this bookmark is a common phrase that is well known and many people will be familiar with it. This will hopefully make people think that home is the best place to be so that if they find themselves homeless then they can go to SASH andthey can join a new home and become safe again. Compared to other charities campaign products, I haven’t come across another homeless charity bookmark. Therefore, s is a very unique product, making it stand out more. This would also be a good way to promote SASH as they will have the more unique products that should stick in people’s heads. All in all, I feel that the bookmark works well and would probably have an impact on decreasing the amount of homeless uths. It should hopefully get the word out about SASH so that more youths have an idea of what to do and who to contact if they become homeless. However, I also feel like I could have improved some aspects, for example, I could have ved the SASH logo down a bit so that it’s not as close to the contact information. This will make the contact information arer to read and separate the different things out more.