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Management 4.0:
An Innovative
Approach to a
Presented by
Lome Koekemoer &
Debbie Craig
About us….
80% of CEO’s globally believe the biggest
challenge their organization faces in meeting their
strategic objectives is having a sufficiently agile
Top Human Capital risks
Source: Mercer Global Talent Trends 2019
Excessive time
to fill positions
Low or
Thin leadership
hiring decisions
Talent 3.0 Framework
Risks & responses
• Disruptors
• Shifts required
to move to 4.0
• HR professionals spend 11 hours a week creating reports.
• Competitive advantage for any HR team: the art to mine data,
identifying relationships, patterns, hypothesis and testing them
• HR needs to be agile in harnessing big data for business
performance and results.
What HR Managers do
What HR Managers should do
Talk about human capital in business terms
Use data and analytics to help make workforce decisions
Use an accurate and complete view of workforce costs to evaluate decisions
Better BI Process Maturity
More Manager Access toAnalytics
More Categories of Metrics
More Data Sources
BI ProcessMaturity
Managers with BI access
Metrics categories Tracked
BI Sources
BI Sources
Managers with BI access
Metrics categories Tracked
BI ProcessMaturity
• Create pools of on-demand talent that
can be tracked and tapped into at any
• See key risk areas in your teams with
advanced warnings that action might be
• Helps leaders to think internal first and tap
into talent that they may not have
considered previously
• Arrange your data to train algorithms, feed analytics and power AI
• How will you predict behavior (e.g. who will leave the business?
• Who will be in conflict? Who will perform best in the financial
year? Who will gain most from a new project challenge?)
• Powerful tool to predict future needs
Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0
• Strategy, philosophy & principles
Business case
• Process & calendar
• Workforce planning and
• Succession planning
Evolving thinking
Agile organisation design … teams … HR
Plan for capabilities vs plan for roles
Rapid re-alignment capability
• Do we know what the organisation of the
future will look like?
• How do you plan for roles and skills that may
not exist yet?
• How do we enable the gig economy – and
align to culture, EVP and brand?
• Levels of work, performance standards, roles
and jobs architecture - still relevant?
• How do we manage different needs and
levels of maturity – fit for purpose
• Clarity, consistency, equity vs constraint to
flexibility, innovation and playing to strengths
Risks & responses
Globally, up to 375 million workers need to switch
occupational categories and learn new skills
Nr of workers needing to move out of current occupational category to go find work (2016-2030)
Up to 375 million workers (14% of all workers affected) by 2030
Source: McKinsey future of jobs report
Agile Organisations - New Paradigm
Source: McKinsey: The Five Trademarks of Agile Organizations
Performance management 4.0
In 2018, 76% of companies were in the process of reinventing their performance management
Research (Korn Ferry, Bersin & Deloitte, Mercer, ATD) shows that traditional performance
• Is highly ineffective (does not improve actual employee performance)
• Is not trusted by executives or employees to deliver business value
• is damaging employee engagement, alienating high performers, and costing managers
valuable time.
• Majority of rated top performers were not actually the most valuable to the company
Leading organizations are scrapping the annual evaluation cycle and replacing it with ongoing
feedback and coaching designed to promote continuous employee development. (e.g Deloitte,
FedEx, Adobe, Zappos, Microsoft, IBM, Unilever, Netflix)
The purpose of performance management has changed:
Traditional: comparison assessment –
put people in 9 box grid, decide who
should get biggest bonus, who was
ready for promotion etc.
Now: the main focus is growth and
development. Research showed lowest
performing companies were 50% more likely to
say their performance process was focused on
compensation and promotion
The changed focus of performance management
In the past Evolving to …
Annual appraisal and ratings Continuous feedback and coaching
Forced ranking No forced ranking
Annual goals and objectives that are rigid
and unclear
Quarterly goal setting with flexible goals that are clear and simple
Annual talent reviews by team (feedback
once a year)
Continuous talent reviews by peers and manager (frequent
Development as afterthought
Development as core, manager rewarded for talent production
not talent hoarding
Focus on growth Focus on delivery
Recognition by manager Recognition by manager, peers, team leaders
Career plan for promotion and HiPo’s Career plan for everybody, open movement and mobility
Focus on moving up or out Focus on moving across, down, up, around (internal mobility)
Compensation based on ratings
Compensation based on performance, growth, market demand
for position, customer impact
Bell-curve distribution of raises and financial
High performers receive higher level of compensation than
median and middle
Individual focus
Companies that include team, project or company objectives in
their process far outperform those that focus only on individuals
Manager training: disciplinary process,
accountability and judgement
Manager training: giving good feedback and coaching
Relying on a new science
• Mindsets: Encourage Growth vs
fixed mindset (Dweck)
• Neuroscience: Minimize threat,
maximise reward - SCARF model.
• Positive psychology: positive
encouragement is 3 x more
impactful. Use terms such as not yet
• Coaching to facilitate insight: Allow
solution to appear from the
subconscious using powerful
questions, reflection, mindfulness
Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0
• Performance philosophy
• Performance standards
• Role profiles
• Performance contracts
• Link to reward
Evolving thinking
Strategic alignment, agile goals, check-ins,
focus on development, multiple feedback
and recognition sources, career mobility, key
person/mentor/manager as chief engager,
measured on talent value, compensation on
talent value
• How do we reinvent performance
management that is agile, relevant,
developmental, brain friendly, strategically
aligned AND holds people accountable, plays
to strengths, focuses on positive affirmations
and informs relative reward?
• How do we balance clarity, fairness and
reward for performance with freedom to
innovate and adapt quickly?
• How do we balance time vs employee
experience OR clarity and accountability vs
Risks & responses
Unintended outcomes – no ratings
1. Manager conversation quality declines by 14% because managers struggle
to explain to employees how they performed in the past and what steps to
take to improve future performance.
2. Time spent on informal conversations decrease by 10 hours because
managers do save time, but don’t shift that time to ongoing, informal
performance conversations
3. Top performers are less satisfied (by 8%) with pay differentiation, because
managers have trouble explaining how pay decisions are made and linked
to individual contributions
4. Employee engagement drops by 6% because managers are unable to do
the very things that are proven to engage employees – setting expectations,
holding clear performance and development conversations, and providing
appropriate rewards and recognition.
Manage performance on a continuum
• Formal performance
• Focus on
measurement and
historical ratings
• Rated by manager
• No formal
• Informal conversations
with leaders
• Agile performance
• Linked to projects or
work packets
• Rated by team or
squad leader
Time Costs: HR and managers spend way too much time on
them that could be well spent elsewhere.
ROI: Companies are not seeing them have enough of a
positive impact on performance.
Morale: Lack of capability for crucial conversations means
PM reviews can end up causing more harm than good.
Group discussion
• Formal performance
• Focus on
measurement and
historical ratings
• Rated by manager
• No formal
• Informal conversations
with leaders
• Agile performance
• Linked to projects or
work packets
• Rated by team or
squad leader
1. Where are we as an organisation on this continuum
2. Where do we need shift from and to
3. What is one thing that I can do to influence this
Using AI to bring “intelligence” to the talent
acquisition process
• Highest performing companies are 90% more
likely to use “non-resume” factors in selection
• We’re seeing an increase in the need for
personal communication skills, divergent
thinking and learning agility – none of which
can be assessed through traditional selection
• Enter:
• Volume based AI/ predictive assessments
(Assessfirst, Pymetrics etc.)
• Video interviewing (Hirevue, Talegent etc.)
• Gamified assessments and simulations
(Zyvo, Cut-e, Revelian etc.)
• AI-driven predictive models
• This provides reliable indicators
about an individual’s capacity to
succeed and to thrive over the
long term
• Using AI to identify the best person
for the (very specific) job
Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0
• Levels of work
Competency standards
Identification of potential
• Assessment
• Talent pools
Evolving thinking
Shifting definitions of potential
Talent readiness & capabilities vs role succession
Personalisation vs segmentation (both)
Expansion of talent – internal, external, gig
Gamified assessment - employee experience
Enabling recognition of talent at all levels
Talent data validity – manager, person, assessments
Just in time updates of data
• How do we assess for potential in a way that is
fast, friendly, fun (mobile, gamified) AND
• Which attributes or skills will enable success
regardless of the environment or role?
• How do we attract and access the talent of
the contractors in the gig economy?
• How do we look broader and deeper to find
the talent gems that have been overlooked
before through poor education or opportunity
but that have the potential to shine?
Risks & responses
How do we identify talent?
New tools to segment talent
Talent Risk
New tools to segment talent
Talent Leverage Matrix©
PerformancevsPassion talent matrix
Talents to avoid using Potential talent
Investment talent
Grow this
Marketable talent Emerging talent Motivated talent
Marketable talent Talent to leverage Talent sweet spot
Passion “I love to do this”
Group discussion
1. Where are we as an organisation in terms of identifying and
segmenting talent
2. Where do we need shift from and to
3. What is one thing that I can do to influence this
• Powerful way of enhancing
engagement in the recruitment process
and selling your unique EVP for
potential talent as a innovative
• Especially useful for graduate talent
& tech talent
• Especially useful to assess neuro-cognitive
capabilities as well as response under
pressure (agility, resilience, adaptability,
problem solving etc.)
• Gauge the behavioral & cognitive
fit of candidates in real-life
• Built on spatial data structures and
the latest academic research in
the fields of neuroscience,
psychology and machine learning
• Monitors candidate output
collecting thousands of data
• Apply deep learning methodologies
to classify structured data into
essential insights for recruiters( eg
personality traits, cognitive and
managerial skills etc.)
Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0
• Strategic sourcing
• Head hunting
• Staff incentives to recruit
• Attraction and EVP
• External talent pipelines
• On-boarding
Evolving thinking
Differentiated and personalize EVP – Comm Bank
Talent mapping external talent pipelines (alumni/Gig
Social sourcing
AI and gamification in filtering top candidates
• How can we utilise sourcing technologies,
social media and search algorithms in an
appropriate and ethical manner? Data
validity and bias?
• How deep and wide do we invest in building
our future pipelines of critical skills?
• Does it help to communicate an EVP promise
… when the reality is often different and
Risks & responses
• AI analysis of success profiles
• Volume screening of candidates
using assessments
• Automatic ranking of candidates
against success profile
• Assists recruiter to make objective
decisions about best-fit candidates
• 87% of millennials cite access to professional development and
career growth as the most important factor in a job
• Video will be responsible for 80 percent of the Internet traffic
around the world by 2020
• This places video at the heart of modern eLearning strategies
since 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and
visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.
• Studies have also shown that viewers reported retaining 95% of
a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10%
when reading it in text.
• Utilizing the power of technology to
create platforms
• Allow people to share content,
experiences, thoughts, discuss topics
and collaborate
• Learning Management Systems with
Social Learning and Knowledge
Collaboration tools like Discussion
Forums, Communities, Blog, Twitter
etc. will be the stars in the coming
• We have devolved from a 12 second average attention span
in the year 2000 to an 8 second average attention span in
• It just makes more sense to deliver content to learners as small
chunks of information rather than huge chunks of data.
• By providing learning in small,
specific bursts of learning, it has
been proven to improve the
“Sticking Factor” of the learning by
a factor of 10
• Micro learning also offers
advantages to the organisation as
it decreases the time learners are
away from their jobs while
attending training
• Employees don’t want to wait for the company
to send them on training – they want to learn all
the time and want to control how and when
they learn
• Modern learning systems can now essentially
learn the way people learn, and adapt learning
material to each learner.
• As you go through a course, the learning
technologies in place track which elements of
the course you work well with, and which ones
are more challenging, so that it can adjust the
course path and course materials based on
your performance.
• Engaging training games that improve comprehension, engagement and
changes behavior.
• Each game is designed to marry learning with game play.
• Used for: new-employee on-boarding, sales and product training, leadership
development, safety, security, compliance, systems & processes, customer
service, and many other training topics.
Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0
• Talent pool management
Accelerated talent programs -
Deployment/mobility options
Planned learning
• Coaching & mentoring
• Succession management
Evolving thinking
• FROM: a transactional, siloed, controlled,
reactive, face-to-face, prescriptive, unquantified
impact learning function (with pockets of
• TO: an agile, digitally enabled, collaborative and
facilitated learner driven experience that focuses
on performance and impact at scale
• To what extent can you accelerate
development when it takes time and
experience to learn the really important
leadership lessons?
• How can we provide access to learning,
equip learners to be self-directed and build
leadership capability to encourage and
support continuous learning?
• How do we address the social aspect of
learning in a busy digital world?
Risks & responses
Learning Design Principles
Real-life, real-work challenges
Self-driven, personalised learning
Learning readiness
Leadership DNA
Learning culture
Commitment and accountability
Collaboration and co-creation
Challenge comfort zones
Accelerated learning design
Optimal mix of activities
Digital learning
Access to learning
Skills or identity shifts required
Critical thinker
Change influencer
From indifferent spectator…
To curious explorer
From cautious dreamer …
To possibility connector
From passive hitch hiker …
To maze navigator
From status consumer …
To community builder
From independent competitor
… To trust cultivator
From default thinker …
To meaning maker
From controlled critic …
To courageous adventurer
From distracted operator …
To wise discerner
The move from talent management to talent
Move away from end-to-end talent management systems (designed for HR) to platforms
that help employees manage their own talent experience
What employees want:
• Assess their skills, and take training to grow &
• Find cool projects that will help them grow/
progress their career
• Understand what they need to do to get
promoted to the job they really want and
apply when they’re ready
• Share their goals and aspirations with their
managers and team
• Get feedback from others on how they’re
• Give feedback to their managers and peers
What HR wants:
• Aggregate talent needs and plans to
determine budget needs
• Data analytics (risk, planning, decision-
• Process tracking
• Record keeping (job levels, benefits,
performance scores etc.)
• Integration with entire HR value chain
The evolution of talent systems
(adapted from Josh Bersin)
• Employees want to manage their own
careers and volunteer for gigs or
assignments to develop their skills and
broaden their careers
• Companies with best-in-class career
development practices see 3x more
revenue per employee and up to 50%
reduction in employee churn.
• Use the aspirations, talents, skills, and
interests, of your employees and
match them to career path
opportunities within the business.
• Powerful gap analysis enables
employees to clearly see what skills
they currently have and the areas
they need to
Focus on employee experience
(source: Bersin by Deloitte)
as an
citizenship &
Listen to your
at all levels
your HR
practices –
focused on
teams, agility
and inclusion
Adopt a
mindset and
enable every
employee at
any age to
Act local,
t to do what’s
right in every
Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0
5 greats:
• Great Company
• Great Rewards
• Great Leaders
• Great Culture
• Great Careers
Evolving thinking
• Employee experience
• Integrated and life stage flex
• Design thinking – personas (personalization)
• Social recognition and rewards
• Purpose, contribution, flexibility
• How can we use design thinking to develop
retention strategies focused on the
“user/talent experience”?
• Reward is just a hygiene factor. How can we
utilise the other aspects of retention such as a
great reputation, an enabling, inclusive
culture, inspirational leaders and challenging
roles to really keep people interested,
motivated and engaged?
Risks & responses
Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0
• Strategic Talent Review
• Talent Data
• Accountability
• Technology
Evolving thinking
• Systems enablement
• Data and trend analysis
• Self-driven data with validation
• Leaders accountable for talent value
• Talent risk response strategies
• Integrated talent management
• How can we utilise technologies to review
talent continuously without the annual
strategic talent review that requires loads of
time and attention
• How do we still get the leadership attention on
talent risks and decision (not becoming an HR
data and numbers exercise)?
• Is there a future Facebook for talent?
Risks & responses
Lome Koekemoer
Head of People Development
+27 82 453 8132
Debbie Craig
CEO of Catalyst Consulting
+27 82 872 5429

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Talent management 4.0 - An innovative approach to a changing workforce

  • 1. Talent Management 4.0: An Innovative Approach to a Changing Workforce Presented by Lome Koekemoer & Debbie Craig
  • 3. 80% of CEO’s globally believe the biggest challenge their organization faces in meeting their strategic objectives is having a sufficiently agile workforce.
  • 4. Top Human Capital risks Source: Mercer Global Talent Trends 2019 Excessive time to fill positions Low or declining employee engagement Inadequate diversity Thin leadership pipeline Ineffective hiring decisions Slow decision- making Lagging productivity
  • 5. EVOLUTION FROM TALENT 3.0 – 4.0
  • 6. Talent 3.0 Framework Identify Retain Review Manage Analytics Risks & responses Accountability Capability Technology • Disruptors • Shifts required to move to 4.0
  • 8. THE BIG DATA REVOLUTION – CHANGING EXPECTATION FOR HR LEADERS • HR professionals spend 11 hours a week creating reports. • Competitive advantage for any HR team: the art to mine data, identifying relationships, patterns, hypothesis and testing them • HR needs to be agile in harnessing big data for business performance and results. What HR Managers do What HR Managers should do Talk about human capital in business terms Use data and analytics to help make workforce decisions 78 69 34 70 Use an accurate and complete view of workforce costs to evaluate decisions 33 31
  • 9. ORGANISATIONS WHO MAKE USE OF CUTTING-EDGE HR ANALYTICS HAVE A 79% GREATER RETURN ON EQUITY QUANTIFIED ORGANIZATION Better BI Process Maturity More Manager Access toAnalytics More Categories of Metrics More Data Sources BI ProcessMaturity 3.2 Effective Managers with BI access 74% Metrics categories Tracked 4.2 BI Sources 4.8 BI Sources 2.4 Managers with BI access 20% Metrics categories Tracked 2.8 BI ProcessMaturity 1.8 Efficient NOT QUANTIFIED
  • 10. TALENT DATA ANALYTICS • Create pools of on-demand talent that can be tracked and tapped into at any time • See key risk areas in your teams with advanced warnings that action might be required • Helps leaders to think internal first and tap into talent that they may not have considered previously
  • 11. FUTURE DRIVEN ANALYSIS USING AI & MACHINE LEARNING • Arrange your data to train algorithms, feed analytics and power AI • How will you predict behavior (e.g. who will leave the business? • Who will be in conflict? Who will perform best in the financial year? Who will gain most from a new project challenge?) • Powerful tool to predict future needs
  • 12. Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0 PLAN • Strategy, philosophy & principles Business case • Process & calendar • Workforce planning and segmentation • Succession planning Evolving thinking Agile organisation design … teams … HR Plan for capabilities vs plan for roles Rapid re-alignment capability Questions • Do we know what the organisation of the future will look like? • How do you plan for roles and skills that may not exist yet? • How do we enable the gig economy – and align to culture, EVP and brand? • Levels of work, performance standards, roles and jobs architecture - still relevant? • How do we manage different needs and levels of maturity – fit for purpose • Clarity, consistency, equity vs constraint to flexibility, innovation and playing to strengths Plan Identify Perform Develop Retain Find Review Manage Analytics Risks & responses Accountability Capability Technology
  • 13. Globally, up to 375 million workers need to switch occupational categories and learn new skills Nr of workers needing to move out of current occupational category to go find work (2016-2030) Up to 375 million workers (14% of all workers affected) by 2030 Source: McKinsey future of jobs report
  • 15. Agile Organisations - New Paradigm Source: McKinsey: The Five Trademarks of Agile Organizations
  • 17. Performance management 4.0 In 2018, 76% of companies were in the process of reinventing their performance management process Research (Korn Ferry, Bersin & Deloitte, Mercer, ATD) shows that traditional performance management: • Is highly ineffective (does not improve actual employee performance) • Is not trusted by executives or employees to deliver business value • is damaging employee engagement, alienating high performers, and costing managers valuable time. • Majority of rated top performers were not actually the most valuable to the company Leading organizations are scrapping the annual evaluation cycle and replacing it with ongoing feedback and coaching designed to promote continuous employee development. (e.g Deloitte, FedEx, Adobe, Zappos, Microsoft, IBM, Unilever, Netflix) The purpose of performance management has changed: Traditional: comparison assessment – put people in 9 box grid, decide who should get biggest bonus, who was ready for promotion etc. Now: the main focus is growth and development. Research showed lowest performing companies were 50% more likely to say their performance process was focused on compensation and promotion
  • 18. The changed focus of performance management In the past Evolving to … Annual appraisal and ratings Continuous feedback and coaching Forced ranking No forced ranking Annual goals and objectives that are rigid and unclear Quarterly goal setting with flexible goals that are clear and simple (OKR) Annual talent reviews by team (feedback once a year) Continuous talent reviews by peers and manager (frequent feedback) Development as afterthought Development as core, manager rewarded for talent production not talent hoarding Focus on growth Focus on delivery Recognition by manager Recognition by manager, peers, team leaders Career plan for promotion and HiPo’s Career plan for everybody, open movement and mobility Focus on moving up or out Focus on moving across, down, up, around (internal mobility) Compensation based on ratings Compensation based on performance, growth, market demand for position, customer impact Bell-curve distribution of raises and financial returns High performers receive higher level of compensation than median and middle Individual focus Companies that include team, project or company objectives in their process far outperform those that focus only on individuals Manager training: disciplinary process, accountability and judgement Manager training: giving good feedback and coaching
  • 19. Relying on a new science • Mindsets: Encourage Growth vs fixed mindset (Dweck) • Neuroscience: Minimize threat, maximise reward - SCARF model. • Positive psychology: positive encouragement is 3 x more impactful. Use terms such as not yet • Coaching to facilitate insight: Allow solution to appear from the subconscious using powerful questions, reflection, mindfulness
  • 20. Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0 PERFORM • Performance philosophy • Performance standards • Role profiles • Performance contracts • Link to reward Evolving thinking Strategic alignment, agile goals, check-ins, focus on development, multiple feedback and recognition sources, career mobility, key person/mentor/manager as chief engager, measured on talent value, compensation on talent value Questions • How do we reinvent performance management that is agile, relevant, developmental, brain friendly, strategically aligned AND holds people accountable, plays to strengths, focuses on positive affirmations and informs relative reward? • How do we balance clarity, fairness and reward for performance with freedom to innovate and adapt quickly? • How do we balance time vs employee experience OR clarity and accountability vs free-loaders Plan Identify Perform Develop Retain Find Review Manage Analytics Risks & responses Accountability Capability Technology
  • 21. Unintended outcomes – no ratings 1. Manager conversation quality declines by 14% because managers struggle to explain to employees how they performed in the past and what steps to take to improve future performance. 2. Time spent on informal conversations decrease by 10 hours because managers do save time, but don’t shift that time to ongoing, informal performance conversations 3. Top performers are less satisfied (by 8%) with pay differentiation, because managers have trouble explaining how pay decisions are made and linked to individual contributions 4. Employee engagement drops by 6% because managers are unable to do the very things that are proven to engage employees – setting expectations, holding clear performance and development conversations, and providing appropriate rewards and recognition.
  • 22. Manage performance on a continuum • Formal performance management • Focus on measurement and historical ratings • Rated by manager • No formal performance management • Informal conversations with leaders • Agile performance management • Linked to projects or work packets • Rated by team or squad leader EITHER OR? BOTH AND? WHY?? Time Costs: HR and managers spend way too much time on them that could be well spent elsewhere. ROI: Companies are not seeing them have enough of a positive impact on performance. Morale: Lack of capability for crucial conversations means PM reviews can end up causing more harm than good.
  • 23. Group discussion • Formal performance management • Focus on measurement and historical ratings • Rated by manager • No formal performance management • Informal conversations with leaders • Agile performance management • Linked to projects or work packets • Rated by team or squad leader EITHER OR? BOTH AND? Questions 1. Where are we as an organisation on this continuum 2. Where do we need shift from and to 3. What is one thing that I can do to influence this
  • 25. Using AI to bring “intelligence” to the talent acquisition process • Highest performing companies are 90% more likely to use “non-resume” factors in selection • We’re seeing an increase in the need for personal communication skills, divergent thinking and learning agility – none of which can be assessed through traditional selection interviews • Enter: • Volume based AI/ predictive assessments (Assessfirst, Pymetrics etc.) • Video interviewing (Hirevue, Talegent etc.) • Gamified assessments and simulations (Zyvo, Cut-e, Revelian etc.)
  • 26. PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS (THE MOVE AWAY FROM NORM GROUPS) • AI-driven predictive models • This provides reliable indicators about an individual’s capacity to succeed and to thrive over the long term • Using AI to identify the best person for the (very specific) job
  • 27. Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0 IDENTIFY • Levels of work Competency standards Segmentation Identification of potential • Assessment • Talent pools Evolving thinking Shifting definitions of potential Talent readiness & capabilities vs role succession Personalisation vs segmentation (both) Expansion of talent – internal, external, gig Gamified assessment - employee experience Enabling recognition of talent at all levels Talent data validity – manager, person, assessments Just in time updates of data Questions • How do we assess for potential in a way that is fast, friendly, fun (mobile, gamified) AND credible? • Which attributes or skills will enable success regardless of the environment or role? • How do we attract and access the talent of the contractors in the gig economy? • How do we look broader and deeper to find the talent gems that have been overlooked before through poor education or opportunity but that have the potential to shine? Plan Identify Perform Develop Retain Find Review Manage Analytics Risks & responses Accountability Capability Technology
  • 28. How do we identify talent?
  • 29. New tools to segment talent Performance Potential High Potential Talent Risk Subject Matter Expert Valued Contributor Leadership Pipeline
  • 30. New tools to segment talent Talent Leverage Matrix© PerformancevsPassion talent matrix Talents to avoid using Potential talent Investment talent Grow this Marketable talent Emerging talent Motivated talent Marketable talent Talent to leverage Talent sweet spot Performance“Iamgoodatthis” Passion “I love to do this”
  • 31. Group discussion Questions 1. Where are we as an organisation in terms of identifying and segmenting talent 2. Where do we need shift from and to 3. What is one thing that I can do to influence this
  • 33. GAMIFIED ASSESSMENTS • Powerful way of enhancing engagement in the recruitment process and selling your unique EVP for potential talent as a innovative employer • Especially useful for graduate talent & tech talent • Especially useful to assess neuro-cognitive capabilities as well as response under pressure (agility, resilience, adaptability, problem solving etc.)
  • 34. VIRTUAL REALITY & SIMULATIONS • Gauge the behavioral & cognitive fit of candidates in real-life simulations • Built on spatial data structures and the latest academic research in the fields of neuroscience, psychology and machine learning • Monitors candidate output collecting thousands of data sources • Apply deep learning methodologies to classify structured data into essential insights for recruiters( eg personality traits, cognitive and managerial skills etc.)
  • 35. Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0 FIND • Strategic sourcing • Head hunting • Staff incentives to recruit • Attraction and EVP • External talent pipelines (alumni) • On-boarding Evolving thinking Differentiated and personalize EVP – Comm Bank Talent mapping external talent pipelines (alumni/Gig economy/outsource) Social sourcing AI and gamification in filtering top candidates Questions • How can we utilise sourcing technologies, social media and search algorithms in an appropriate and ethical manner? Data validity and bias? • How deep and wide do we invest in building our future pipelines of critical skills? • Does it help to communicate an EVP promise … when the reality is often different and individual? Plan Identify Perform Develop Retain Find Review Manage Analytics Risks & responses Accountability Capability Technology
  • 36. VOLUME SCREENING & AI-ENABLED PREDICTION • AI analysis of success profiles • Volume screening of candidates using assessments • Automatic ranking of candidates against success profile • Assists recruiter to make objective decisions about best-fit candidates
  • 38. LATEST TECHNOLOGY TRENDS: THE AGE OF VIDEO • 87% of millennials cite access to professional development and career growth as the most important factor in a job • Video will be responsible for 80 percent of the Internet traffic around the world by 2020 • This places video at the heart of modern eLearning strategies since 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text. • Studies have also shown that viewers reported retaining 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text.
  • 39. LATEST TECHNOLOGY TRENDS: SOCIAL LEARNING • Utilizing the power of technology to create platforms • Allow people to share content, experiences, thoughts, discuss topics and collaborate • Learning Management Systems with Social Learning and Knowledge Collaboration tools like Discussion Forums, Communities, Blog, Twitter etc. will be the stars in the coming years.
  • 40. LATEST TECHNOLOGY TRENDS: MICRO LEARNING • We have devolved from a 12 second average attention span in the year 2000 to an 8 second average attention span in 2015. • It just makes more sense to deliver content to learners as small chunks of information rather than huge chunks of data. • By providing learning in small, specific bursts of learning, it has been proven to improve the “Sticking Factor” of the learning by a factor of 10 • Micro learning also offers advantages to the organisation as it decreases the time learners are away from their jobs while attending training
  • 41. LATEST TECHNOLOGY TRENDS: ADAPTIVE LEARNING • Employees don’t want to wait for the company to send them on training – they want to learn all the time and want to control how and when they learn • Modern learning systems can now essentially learn the way people learn, and adapt learning material to each learner. • As you go through a course, the learning technologies in place track which elements of the course you work well with, and which ones are more challenging, so that it can adjust the course path and course materials based on your performance.
  • 42. TRAINING GAMES • Engaging training games that improve comprehension, engagement and changes behavior. • Each game is designed to marry learning with game play. • Used for: new-employee on-boarding, sales and product training, leadership development, safety, security, compliance, systems & processes, customer service, and many other training topics.
  • 43. Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0 DEVELOP • Talent pool management Accelerated talent programs - elite Deployment/mobility options Planned learning • Coaching & mentoring • Succession management Evolving thinking • FROM: a transactional, siloed, controlled, reactive, face-to-face, prescriptive, unquantified impact learning function (with pockets of excellence) • TO: an agile, digitally enabled, collaborative and facilitated learner driven experience that focuses on performance and impact at scale Questions • To what extent can you accelerate development when it takes time and experience to learn the really important leadership lessons? • How can we provide access to learning, equip learners to be self-directed and build leadership capability to encourage and support continuous learning? • How do we address the social aspect of learning in a busy digital world? Plan Identify Perform Develop Retain Find Review Manage Analytics Risks & responses Accountability Capability Technology
  • 44. Learning Design Principles Real-life, real-work challenges Self-driven, personalised learning journeys Learning readiness Leadership DNA Learning culture Commitment and accountability Collaboration and co-creation Challenge comfort zones Accelerated learning design Optimal mix of activities Digital learning Access to learning
  • 45. Skills or identity shifts required Curious Creative Courage Conscious Critical thinker Collaborative Change influencer Contributor CHOICE From indifferent spectator… To curious explorer From cautious dreamer … To possibility connector From passive hitch hiker … To maze navigator From status consumer … To community builder From independent competitor … To trust cultivator From default thinker … To meaning maker From controlled critic … To courageous adventurer From distracted operator … To wise discerner
  • 47. The move from talent management to talent experience Move away from end-to-end talent management systems (designed for HR) to platforms that help employees manage their own talent experience What employees want: • Assess their skills, and take training to grow & develop • Find cool projects that will help them grow/ progress their career • Understand what they need to do to get promoted to the job they really want and apply when they’re ready • Share their goals and aspirations with their managers and team • Get feedback from others on how they’re performing • Give feedback to their managers and peers What HR wants: • Aggregate talent needs and plans to determine budget needs • Data analytics (risk, planning, decision- making) • Process tracking • Record keeping (job levels, benefits, performance scores etc.) • Integration with entire HR value chain
  • 48. The evolution of talent systems (adapted from Josh Bersin)
  • 49. LATEST TECHNOLOGY TRENDS: CAREER PATHING FOUSED ON EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE • Employees want to manage their own careers and volunteer for gigs or assignments to develop their skills and broaden their careers • Companies with best-in-class career development practices see 3x more revenue per employee and up to 50% reduction in employee churn. • Use the aspirations, talents, skills, and interests, of your employees and match them to career path opportunities within the business. • Powerful gap analysis enables employees to clearly see what skills they currently have and the areas they need to
  • 50. Focus on employee experience (source: Bersin by Deloitte) 1 Reimagine your organisation as an institution with citizenship & purpose 2 Listen to your employees and stakeholders at all levels 3 Reinvent your HR practices – focused on teams, agility and inclusion 4 Adopt a growth mindset and enable every employee at any age to grow 5 Act local, empowering managemen t to do what’s right in every community
  • 51. Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0 RETAIN 5 greats: • Great Company • Great Rewards • Great Leaders • Great Culture • Great Careers Evolving thinking • Employee experience • Integrated and life stage flex • Design thinking – personas (personalization) • Social recognition and rewards • Purpose, contribution, flexibility Questions • How can we use design thinking to develop retention strategies focused on the “user/talent experience”? • Reward is just a hygiene factor. How can we utilise the other aspects of retention such as a great reputation, an enabling, inclusive culture, inspirational leaders and challenging roles to really keep people interested, motivated and engaged? Plan Identify Perform Develop Retain Find Review Manage Analytics Risks & responses Accountability Capability Technology
  • 52. Evolution of Talent: 3.0 – 4.0 REVIEW & MANAGE • Strategic Talent Review • Talent Data • Accountability Capability • Technology Evolving thinking • Systems enablement • Data and trend analysis • Self-driven data with validation • Leaders accountable for talent value • Talent risk response strategies • Integrated talent management Questions • How can we utilise technologies to review talent continuously without the annual strategic talent review that requires loads of time and attention • How do we still get the leadership attention on talent risks and decision (not becoming an HR data and numbers exercise)? • Is there a future Facebook for talent? Plan Identify Perform Develop Retain Find Review Manage Analytics Risks & responses Accountability Capability Technology
  • 54. Contact us Lome Koekemoer Head of People Development +27 82 453 8132 Debbie Craig CEO of Catalyst Consulting +27 82 872 5429