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Lessons Learned in an Introspective Year
Rebooting the Team
Fran Fabrizio
IT Director, Minnesota Population Center
Twitter: @franfabrizio Email:
Motivation for Rebooting the Team
This is not a talk specific to scalability.
So, why am I here?
It goes like this...
Motivation for Rebooting the Team
The Surge organizers contacted me and
said “We came across your talk about
rebooting your team. We’re filling out our
organizational scalability track - would
your talk work well there?”
This was an interesting question. I
embarked upon a “pondering walk”...
In the next 50 minutes we’ll review our
case study, including:
• Why we need reboots
• Gut feelings --> specific symptoms
• The collaborative process used to get to
the root causes
• Leveraging the insight to build consensus
for change and action
• Where we are and what we learned
• Q&A
Audience Takeaway
Techniques, tools, activities, processes,
ideas, sparks.... stuff you can use to help
figure out what’s ailing your team, whether
your team needs a reboot, and how to
collaboratively enact lasting change.
Not going to be a silver bullet - I’m giving
you design patterns. You will have
What’s a Reboot?
What’s a reboot?
A conscious decision to engage in deeper,
more radical change than just incremental
A reboot typically impacts staff structure,
work processes and communication
patterns for your team and organization.
Why Do We Need Reboots?
Team firing on all cylinders, shipping
great code, everyone contributing, team
greater than sum of its parts!
Why Do We Need Reboots?
Enlightened organizations keep
the needle at 100% by proactively
anticipating the changes in their
environment and responding to
them gracefully over time.
Why Do We Need Reboots?
Most organizations are not that enlightened.
The needle begins to slide as the org is slow
to respond to changes in their environment.
Why Do We Need Reboots?
By the time there is awareness and consensus
for change, the amount of change needed is often
too great to achieve incrementally.
Wetware Reboots are Hard!
• Wetware is wonderfully, messily analog,
nondeterministic, and mysterious - it
doesn’t respond predictably to change.
• Reboots are costly and disruptive - we
wouldn’t do them if we didn’t have to
• An engineer’s wetware skillset is typically
less developed than their software/
hardware skills
The Dev Manager’s Mission
Something feels wrong. The team’s not
working as well as it used to. You’re not
quite sure what it is yet, or more
importantly why it’s happening, or how to
fix it. But you’re the one everyone’s
looking to for a fix.
How do you get to the whats, whys, and
hows? You need...
Organizational Debugging
A framework for turning observed behaviors
and stakeholder input into a clear
understanding of where your team has
deficiencies and how to address them.
1.Observe behavior and get stakeholder views
2.Distill into themes
3.Dig until you converge on root causes
4.Execute action plans for each root cause
Do we need a reboot?
Symptoms Smells Root Causes Actions
Diagnosis Treatment
How is this Different than
Normal Management?
It’s amplified.
How to Approach a Reboot
• Respect the day job
• Change is scary. Be consistent,
overcommunicate, and check in often
• You are a facilitator: listen more than talk
• HRT - Humility, Respect and Trust - is
essential. (from the book Team Geek)
Why HRT is so Important
• When organizational debugging is done
collaboratively and with HRT, it produces
momentum for change.
• When it’s not, it produces resentment and
friction, and gets in the way of the organization
executing needed change.
Observing the Symptoms
Observing the Symptoms
• Recall this typically starts as a gut feeling
that “something’s not right”
• Start by writing down a list of symptoms
that are giving you this gut feeling.
• Then put on your facilitator hat and start
asking others (inside and outside your
team) targeted but open-ended questions
Good Questions to Ask
• How did your week go?
• What are your biggest pain points right
• What do you think are the most important
things for us to be doing / thinking about?
• Do you need anything from me?
• How are things with <insert customer>?
Listen Mindfully
As you’re having these conversations,
listen for symptoms...
“Well, I spent the first half of the week setting up
my dev environment on my new system, and then
I had to put out a lot of fires on that one project.
By the time I had any breathing room it was Friday
and I couldn’t get any time with Mark, so I didn’t
do any new feature development on my main
project. Have you heard from the product team? I
was wondering whether they want that new UI
widget now, or if they want us to work on
optimizing the query performance first?...” 35
• What do you think is wrong with the team?
– Sets off alarm bells and people feel compelled
to answer even if they weren’t thinking it
• Try to avoid diving into solutions just yet
– Suggestions fine, but there’s risk of treating
symptoms and not the root cause at this stage.
• Don’t go too deep
–First pass over your stakeholders, just getting
a feel for things right now. Should feel casual.
You’ve been committed to things without your knowledge
Ship dates slip
Expected to do 5 things at once
No 1:1 meetings
Small changes take longer than they should
Setting up a dev environment takes 3 days
No one person knows how to do a full deployment
Every deployment results in a big mess
People miss key pieces of info
Sick time is spiking
You get a pit in your stomach when you walk in the door
New requirements appear late in projects
Staff working on similar problems not collaborating
I can’t move code between projects easily.
Staff members reluctant to share knowledge
Documentation is out of date
Status meetings turn into bitchfests
People lament the quality of their work
People are quitting!
Can’t say no to anything
Customers don’t trust what IT says.
Estimates are unreliable
Projects getting later and later
Secondary projects fall through the cracks
Build is always broken!
You’re on a death march, and everyone knows it.
People are struggling with their tools.Every decision is made by committee
No consensus on priorities
Nobody knows what ‘done’ means
Team focusing on peripheral issues
Job descriptions no longer match reality
Surprises are common
Uptime is decreasing
Recruitment is getting more difficult
Long term goals aren’t getting closer
Exploratory work has stopped
I cannot determine the status of our systems.
I’m doing all the same things I was a year ago.
Vacations are disruptive
It’s too quiet!
Grouping Symptoms
• Go back to your symptom list and see if
they group into related themes.
• Themes are “anchors” for discussion -
rather than focusing on specific
symptoms, which can get bogged down in
the weeds
You’ve been committed to things without your knowledge
Ship dates slip
Expected to do 5 things at once
No 1:1 meetings
Small changes take longer than they should
Setting up a dev environment takes 3 days
No one person knows how to do a full deployment
Every deployment results in a big mess
People miss key pieces of info
Sick time is spiking
You get a pit in your stomach when you walk in the door
New requirements appear late in projects
Staff working on similar problems not collaborating
I can’t move code between projects easily.
Staff members reluctant to share knowledge
Documentation is out of date
Status meetings turn into bitchfests
People lament the quality of their work
People are quitting!
Can’t say no to anything
Customers don’t trust what IT says.
Estimates are unreliable
Projects getting later and later
Secondary projects fall through the cracks
Build is always broken!
You’re on a death march, and everyone knows it.
People are struggling with their tools.Every decision is made by committee
No consensus on priorities
Nobody knows what ‘done’ means
Team focusing on peripheral issues
Job descriptions no longer match reality
Surprises are common
Uptime is decreasing
Recruitment is getting more difficult
Long term goals aren’t getting closer
Exploratory work has stopped
I cannot determine the status of our systems.
I’m doing all the same things I was a year ago.
Vacations are disruptive
It’s too quiet!
Teams are too silo’ed
You’ve been committed to things without your knowledge
Ship dates slip
Expected to do 5 things at once
No 1:1 meetings
Small changes take longer than they should
Setting up a dev environment takes 3 days
No one person knows how to do a full deployment
Every deployment results in a big mess
People miss key pieces of info
Sick time is spiking
You get a pit in your stomach when you walk in the door
New requirements appear late in projects
Staff working on similar problems not collaborating
I can’t move code between projects easily.
Staff members reluctant to share knowledge
Documentation is out of date
Status meetings turn into bitchfests
People lament the quality of their work
People are quitting!
Can’t say no to anything
Customers don’t trust what IT says.
Estimates are unreliable
Projects getting later and later
Secondary projects fall through the cracks
Build is always broken!
You’re on a death march, and everyone knows it.
People are struggling with their tools.Every decision is made by committee
No consensus on priorities
Nobody knows what ‘done’ means
Team focusing on peripheral issues
Job descriptions no longer match reality
Surprises are common
Uptime is decreasing
Recruitment is getting more difficult
Long term goals aren’t getting closer
Exploratory work has stopped
I cannot determine the status of our systems.
I’m doing all the same things I was a year ago.
Vacations are disruptive
It’s too quiet!
Ops Tools Deficient
You’ve been committed to things without your knowledge
Ship dates slip
Expected to do 5 things at once
No 1:1 meetings
Small changes take longer than they should
Setting up a dev environment takes 3 days
No one person knows how to do a full deployment
Every deployment results in a big mess
People miss key pieces of info
Sick time is spiking
You get a pit in your stomach when you walk in the door
New requirements appear late in projects
Staff working on similar problems not collaborating
I can’t move code between projects easily.
Staff members reluctant to share knowledge
Documentation is out of date
Status meetings turn into bitchfests
People lament the quality of their work
People are quitting!
Can’t say no to anything
Customers don’t trust what IT says.
Estimates are unreliable
Projects getting later and later
Secondary projects fall through the cracks
Build is always broken!
You’re on a death march, and everyone knows it.
People are struggling with their tools.Every decision is made by committee
No consensus on priorities
Nobody knows what ‘done’ means
Team focusing on peripheral issues
Job descriptions no longer match reality
Surprises are common
Uptime is decreasing
Recruitment is getting more difficult
Long term goals aren’t getting closer
Exploratory work has stopped
I cannot determine the status of our systems.
I’m doing all the same things I was a year ago.
Vacations are disruptive
It’s too quiet!
Overpromising / Underdelivering
Themes that We Found
Unfulfilled team members
Bad office vibe
Routine things are complicated
Something’s always on fire
Lack of trust in the developers
Every day is a surprise party
Ops Tools Deficient
Single points of failure abound
Leadership is distracted
The team is too silo’ed
Getting to Root Causes
and Solutions
Rooting out Root Causes
Second, much deeper pass with
1. Build awareness that these problems exist
2. Achieve consensus re: root causes
3. Create momentum for change
Peeling off the Layers
• “IT isn’t good at estimates” really meant
“We need to work towards more
transparency and communication with our
customers and management.”
• Deeper problem: communication
disconnect between dev, management,
and our customers. We need to treat this
problem, not the “IT isn’t good at
estimates” symptom.
The (Not So) Big Secret!
When you dig into a wetware problem,
you’re always going to find at least one of
these things:
But “We suck at communicating”
is not actionable.  
Get to more specific root causes.
Engaging the Stakeholders
To get the insight you need, people must be
engaged in a way that’s meaningful to them.
Tailor approach, content and detail.
Understand their motivations, what
they can uniquely contribute, and
meet them there!
Engaging the Dev Team
• Their motivations:
– Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose
– Daniel Pink’s 2009 TED talk
– Build awesome stuff with awesome people
• What they can contribute:
–They do root cause analysis all the time
–Evidence-based view of the world
–And of course, deep understanding of tech bits
Engaging the Dev Team
• Your Goals:
–Give the team as much ownership of the
reboot as possible
• Only fair, this is where the brunt of reboot change
will land
–Give visibility to long term strategy and
external dependencies on the team
• “State of the Outside World”
Dev Team Engagement Tactics
• Create dedicated time/space to foster group
dialogue about the themes and root causes
– Focus Friday
– Forums/chat rooms
• “Squishy” book discussion. Example:
Team Geek
• Meet privately with individuals regularly
(should be doing thisalready).
Engage Management
• Their motivations: Exploiting market
opportunities, mitigating risk, efficient use
of resources - “macro things”
• What they can contribute:
–org strategy
–deep understanding of what other areas of the
org are doing
–better awareness of external opportunities and
Engage Management
• Your goals: Provide visibility to issues,
incorporate their big picture perspectives,
obtain support for change
• Example Activities:
– Roundtables - ask the “macro” questions
– Vision & perception interview with key people
– Use concise, powerful tools, such as...
Q1+ Q2+ Q3+ Q4+
IPUMS+ TerraPop+ Miscellaneous+MulMple+Projects+
Minimal+AggregaMon+Nominal+IntegraMon+ InterpolaMon+
Management Engagement Tactics
Management Engagement Tactics
Develop a Product Vision Picture
Engaging the Customer
• Their Motivations:
–Want solutions which solve their problems
–Want to have transparency into the process
• What they can contribute:
–User centric design and prioritization
–More honest feedback - they don’t have as
many relationships or as much baggage to
Engaging the Customer
• Your Goals:
–Bring the customer closer into the team
–Get them to help your org prioritize
–Make them happy :-)
Customer Engagement Tactics
• Roundtables with our customer teams
• Retrospectives after each major release
• Example tool:  Mapping the
communication flow
Example of a
Communications Map
Converging on Root Causes
Dev Team Insight: “We get a lot of requests that pull
us away from our core projects.”
Management Insight: “We want to help campus folks
who are doing demographic research, but we don’t
have a process for vetting or prioritizing requests.”
Customer Insight: “The MPC agreed to do my
research web site, but when I call over there it seems
that there’s always something more pressing.”
Suggests root causes might be
Lack of Focus on Mission
Why do we think “Something’s Always on Fire?”
Some of our Root Causes
• Lack of Focus on Core Mission
• Team Poorly Aligned with Strategy
• Operational Deficits
• Lack of Customer-Developer
Getting to Solutions
• For each root cause, collaboratively
design an action plan that mixes easy
wins with longer-term fixes
Quick sampling of our reboot action plans...
Solutions: Lack of Focus on Mission
• Early Wins:
– Defined the mission!
– Made all hidden work visible to management
– Outsourced or killed fringe projects and other
distractions and aligned effort to the core mission
• Long-term Work
–Align projects to org vision, not vice-versa
–Team structure realignment
Solutions: Poor Alignment with Strategy
• Early Wins:
– Product Vision document
– Some early hires not tied to specific projects
• Long-term Work
– Conway’s Law and its application
Conway’s Law
Align to the thing you want to build...
Solutions: Operational Deficits
• Early Wins:
–Evolve tools: SVN → Git, TeamCity → Jenkins,
Chef, Vagrant
–Management support for 20% tech debt time
• Long-term Work:
–Ongoing technical debt reduction
–System Monitoring API
Solutions: Lack of Customer-Developer
• Early Wins:
–Formalize a quarterly planning process
–Open work tracking tool to customers
• Long-term Work:
–Refactoring the communications model
Messier, but more effective!
New Comm Model
Measuring Outcomes
• Probably the most important one is
qualitative: “Hey, things feel better now!”  
• Quantitative indications will eventually
come. Focus on measures that have
meaning to your org’s culture (KPIs?)
• Share metrics and results widely to keep
momentum going
Unintended Consequences
Be prepared to iterate! 71
Where are we now?
• We feel good about...
–Management support for the development team
–Long term vision and goals
–Awareness of the need to prioritize/focus efforts
–Communication patterns
• We are still working on...
–Acting holistically within a project-specific funding model
–Aligning the staff to best support the desired product
–More effective use of ops tools to automate routine work
Lessons Learned
• Know who you are as an organization
– History, context, strengths, weaknesses, constraints, strategy
• An Org-first AND People-first approach is possible
• People are messy
– HRT underlies successful org change
– Assume that everyone has good intentions
– Don’t hide behind technology - wetware issues require face
• Change is scary. Expect resistance. This is a process of
influence - you can’t make others change directly.
• Don’t fear going against the grain - do what’s right for
your org, don’t be a slave to any particular process,
system, methodology
Lessons Learned
Avoid reboots if at all possible!
Incorporate your newfound tools and techniques into your
daily workflow to pay more attention to how change is
impacting your team, engage your colleagues, and
respond to it proactively before you need another reboot!
They’re expensive, disruptive and tricky to execute.
Thank You!
Continue the conversation...
Twitter: @franfabrizio
Special thanks to Peter Clark (@pclark) for his
contributions to an earlier version of this presentation.

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Rebooting the Team - Surge 2013

  • 1. Lessons Learned in an Introspective Year Rebooting the Team Fran Fabrizio IT Director, Minnesota Population Center Twitter: @franfabrizio Email:
  • 2. Motivation for Rebooting the Team DISCLAIMER This is not a talk specific to scalability. So, why am I here? It goes like this... 2
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  • 12. Motivation for Rebooting the Team SCALABILITY EDITION! The Surge organizers contacted me and said “We came across your talk about rebooting your team. We’re filling out our organizational scalability track - would your talk work well there?” This was an interesting question. I embarked upon a “pondering walk”... 12
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  • 17. In the next 50 minutes we’ll review our case study, including: • Why we need reboots • Gut feelings --> specific symptoms • The collaborative process used to get to the root causes • Leveraging the insight to build consensus for change and action • Where we are and what we learned • Q&A 17
  • 18. Audience Takeaway Techniques, tools, activities, processes, ideas, sparks.... stuff you can use to help figure out what’s ailing your team, whether your team needs a reboot, and how to collaboratively enact lasting change. Not going to be a silver bullet - I’m giving you design patterns. You will have homework! 18
  • 20. What’s a reboot? A conscious decision to engage in deeper, more radical change than just incremental improvements. A reboot typically impacts staff structure, work processes and communication patterns for your team and organization. 20
  • 21. Why Do We Need Reboots? 21 DEV TEAM POWER METER100% 0% Team firing on all cylinders, shipping great code, everyone contributing, team greater than sum of its parts!
  • 22. Why Do We Need Reboots? 22 DEV TEAM POWER METER100% 0% Enlightened organizations keep the needle at 100% by proactively anticipating the changes in their environment and responding to them gracefully over time.
  • 23. Why Do We Need Reboots? 23 DEV TEAM POWER METER100% 0% Most organizations are not that enlightened. The needle begins to slide as the org is slow to respond to changes in their environment.
  • 24. Why Do We Need Reboots? 24 DEV TEAM POWER METER100% 0% By the time there is awareness and consensus for change, the amount of change needed is often too great to achieve incrementally.
  • 25. Wetware Reboots are Hard! • Wetware is wonderfully, messily analog, nondeterministic, and mysterious - it doesn’t respond predictably to change. • Reboots are costly and disruptive - we wouldn’t do them if we didn’t have to • An engineer’s wetware skillset is typically less developed than their software/ hardware skills 25
  • 26. The Dev Manager’s Mission Something feels wrong. The team’s not working as well as it used to. You’re not quite sure what it is yet, or more importantly why it’s happening, or how to fix it. But you’re the one everyone’s looking to for a fix. How do you get to the whats, whys, and hows? You need... 26
  • 27. Organizational Debugging A framework for turning observed behaviors and stakeholder input into a clear understanding of where your team has deficiencies and how to address them. 1.Observe behavior and get stakeholder views 2.Distill into themes 3.Dig until you converge on root causes 4.Execute action plans for each root cause 27
  • 28. Do we need a reboot? Symptoms Smells Root Causes Actions Concrete Abstract Diagnosis Treatment Decision Point Themes
  • 29. How is this Different than Normal Management? 29 It’s amplified.
  • 30. How to Approach a Reboot • Respect the day job • Change is scary. Be consistent, overcommunicate, and check in often • You are a facilitator: listen more than talk • HRT - Humility, Respect and Trust - is essential. (from the book Team Geek) 30
  • 31. Why HRT is so Important • When organizational debugging is done collaboratively and with HRT, it produces momentum for change. • When it’s not, it produces resentment and friction, and gets in the way of the organization executing needed change. 31
  • 33. Observing the Symptoms • Recall this typically starts as a gut feeling that “something’s not right” • Start by writing down a list of symptoms that are giving you this gut feeling. • Then put on your facilitator hat and start asking others (inside and outside your team) targeted but open-ended questions 33
  • 34. Good Questions to Ask • How did your week go? • What are your biggest pain points right now? • What do you think are the most important things for us to be doing / thinking about? • Do you need anything from me? • How are things with <insert customer>? 34
  • 35. Listen Mindfully As you’re having these conversations, listen for symptoms... “Well, I spent the first half of the week setting up my dev environment on my new system, and then I had to put out a lot of fires on that one project. By the time I had any breathing room it was Friday and I couldn’t get any time with Mark, so I didn’t do any new feature development on my main project. Have you heard from the product team? I was wondering whether they want that new UI widget now, or if they want us to work on optimizing the query performance first?...” 35
  • 36. Avoid • What do you think is wrong with the team? – Sets off alarm bells and people feel compelled to answer even if they weren’t thinking it • Try to avoid diving into solutions just yet – Suggestions fine, but there’s risk of treating symptoms and not the root cause at this stage. • Don’t go too deep –First pass over your stakeholders, just getting a feel for things right now. Should feel casual. 36
  • 37. You’ve been committed to things without your knowledge Ship dates slip Expected to do 5 things at once No 1:1 meetings Small changes take longer than they should Setting up a dev environment takes 3 days No one person knows how to do a full deployment Every deployment results in a big mess People miss key pieces of info Sick time is spiking You get a pit in your stomach when you walk in the door New requirements appear late in projects Staff working on similar problems not collaborating I can’t move code between projects easily. Staff members reluctant to share knowledge Documentation is out of date Status meetings turn into bitchfests People lament the quality of their work People are quitting! Can’t say no to anything Customers don’t trust what IT says. Estimates are unreliable Projects getting later and later Secondary projects fall through the cracks Build is always broken! You’re on a death march, and everyone knows it. People are struggling with their tools.Every decision is made by committee No consensus on priorities Nobody knows what ‘done’ means Team focusing on peripheral issues 37 Job descriptions no longer match reality Surprises are common Uptime is decreasing Recruitment is getting more difficult Long term goals aren’t getting closer Exploratory work has stopped I cannot determine the status of our systems. I’m doing all the same things I was a year ago. Vacations are disruptive It’s too quiet!
  • 38. Grouping Symptoms • Go back to your symptom list and see if they group into related themes. • Themes are “anchors” for discussion - rather than focusing on specific symptoms, which can get bogged down in the weeds 38
  • 39. You’ve been committed to things without your knowledge Ship dates slip Expected to do 5 things at once No 1:1 meetings Small changes take longer than they should Setting up a dev environment takes 3 days No one person knows how to do a full deployment Every deployment results in a big mess People miss key pieces of info Sick time is spiking You get a pit in your stomach when you walk in the door New requirements appear late in projects Staff working on similar problems not collaborating I can’t move code between projects easily. Staff members reluctant to share knowledge Documentation is out of date Status meetings turn into bitchfests People lament the quality of their work People are quitting! Can’t say no to anything Customers don’t trust what IT says. Estimates are unreliable Projects getting later and later Secondary projects fall through the cracks Build is always broken! You’re on a death march, and everyone knows it. People are struggling with their tools.Every decision is made by committee No consensus on priorities Nobody knows what ‘done’ means Team focusing on peripheral issues 39 Job descriptions no longer match reality Surprises are common Uptime is decreasing Recruitment is getting more difficult Long term goals aren’t getting closer Exploratory work has stopped I cannot determine the status of our systems. I’m doing all the same things I was a year ago. Vacations are disruptive It’s too quiet! Teams are too silo’ed
  • 40. You’ve been committed to things without your knowledge Ship dates slip Expected to do 5 things at once No 1:1 meetings Small changes take longer than they should Setting up a dev environment takes 3 days No one person knows how to do a full deployment Every deployment results in a big mess People miss key pieces of info Sick time is spiking You get a pit in your stomach when you walk in the door New requirements appear late in projects Staff working on similar problems not collaborating I can’t move code between projects easily. Staff members reluctant to share knowledge Documentation is out of date Status meetings turn into bitchfests People lament the quality of their work People are quitting! Can’t say no to anything Customers don’t trust what IT says. Estimates are unreliable Projects getting later and later Secondary projects fall through the cracks Build is always broken! You’re on a death march, and everyone knows it. People are struggling with their tools.Every decision is made by committee No consensus on priorities Nobody knows what ‘done’ means Team focusing on peripheral issues 40 Job descriptions no longer match reality Surprises are common Uptime is decreasing Recruitment is getting more difficult Long term goals aren’t getting closer Exploratory work has stopped I cannot determine the status of our systems. I’m doing all the same things I was a year ago. Vacations are disruptive It’s too quiet! Ops Tools Deficient
  • 41. You’ve been committed to things without your knowledge Ship dates slip Expected to do 5 things at once No 1:1 meetings Small changes take longer than they should Setting up a dev environment takes 3 days No one person knows how to do a full deployment Every deployment results in a big mess People miss key pieces of info Sick time is spiking You get a pit in your stomach when you walk in the door New requirements appear late in projects Staff working on similar problems not collaborating I can’t move code between projects easily. Staff members reluctant to share knowledge Documentation is out of date Status meetings turn into bitchfests People lament the quality of their work People are quitting! Can’t say no to anything Customers don’t trust what IT says. Estimates are unreliable Projects getting later and later Secondary projects fall through the cracks Build is always broken! You’re on a death march, and everyone knows it. People are struggling with their tools.Every decision is made by committee No consensus on priorities Nobody knows what ‘done’ means Team focusing on peripheral issues 41 Job descriptions no longer match reality Surprises are common Uptime is decreasing Recruitment is getting more difficult Long term goals aren’t getting closer Exploratory work has stopped I cannot determine the status of our systems. I’m doing all the same things I was a year ago. Vacations are disruptive It’s too quiet! Overpromising / Underdelivering
  • 42. Themes that We Found Unfulfilled team members Bad office vibe Routine things are complicated Something’s always on fire Lack of trust in the developers Every day is a surprise party Ops Tools Deficient Single points of failure abound Overpromising/Underdelivering Leadership is distracted The team is too silo’ed 42
  • 43. Getting to Root Causes and Solutions
  • 44. Rooting out Root Causes Second, much deeper pass with stakeholders. Goals: 1. Build awareness that these problems exist 2. Achieve consensus re: root causes 3. Create momentum for change 44
  • 46. Peeling off the Layers • “IT isn’t good at estimates” really meant “We need to work towards more transparency and communication with our customers and management.”    • Deeper problem: communication disconnect between dev, management, and our customers. We need to treat this problem, not the “IT isn’t good at estimates” symptom. 46
  • 47. The (Not So) Big Secret! When you dig into a wetware problem, you’re always going to find at least one of these things: TRUST But “We suck at communicating” is not actionable.   Get to more specific root causes. COMMUNICATION PROCESS 47
  • 48. Engaging the Stakeholders To get the insight you need, people must be engaged in a way that’s meaningful to them. Tailor approach, content and detail. Understand their motivations, what they can uniquely contribute, and meet them there! 48
  • 49. Engaging the Dev Team • Their motivations: – Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose – Daniel Pink’s 2009 TED talk – Build awesome stuff with awesome people • What they can contribute: –They do root cause analysis all the time –Evidence-based view of the world –And of course, deep understanding of tech bits 49
  • 50. Engaging the Dev Team • Your Goals: –Give the team as much ownership of the reboot as possible • Only fair, this is where the brunt of reboot change will land –Give visibility to long term strategy and external dependencies on the team • “State of the Outside World” 50
  • 51. Dev Team Engagement Tactics • Create dedicated time/space to foster group dialogue about the themes and root causes – Focus Friday – Forums/chat rooms • “Squishy” book discussion. Example: Team Geek • Meet privately with individuals regularly (should be doing thisalready). 51
  • 52. Engage Management • Their motivations: Exploiting market opportunities, mitigating risk, efficient use of resources - “macro things” • What they can contribute: –org strategy –deep understanding of what other areas of the org are doing –better awareness of external opportunities and pressures 52
  • 53. Engage Management • Your goals: Provide visibility to issues, incorporate their big picture perspectives, obtain support for change • Example Activities: – Roundtables - ask the “macro” questions – Vision & perception interview with key people – Use concise, powerful tools, such as... 53
  • 54. INFRASTRUCTURE+PROCESS+FEATURE+DEV+ Q1+ Q2+ Q3+ Q4+ 2013+MPC+IT+MAJOR+PROJECT+ROADMAP+ NHGIS+ Rails+2+>>+3+Conversions+ Ruby+1.8+>>+1.9+ ATUS+>>+IPUMS+IntegraMon+ TerraPop+Prototype+ IPUMS+ TerraPop+ Miscellaneous+MulMple+Projects+ Minimal+AggregaMon+Nominal+IntegraMon+ InterpolaMon+ Solaris+>>+Linux+ Storage+Upgrade+ Bibliography+Rewrite+ Admin+Core+Database+ Archive+Upgrade+ Subversion+>>+Git+Conversions+ TeamCity+>>+Jenkins+Conversions+ Separate+Webapp+from+Extract+ IDHS+Metadata+Tools+ Time+Series+Support+ TerraPop+ProducMon+ IDHS+Webapp+Development+ User+AuthenMcaMon+&+AuthorizaMon+Service+ MDT+Metadata+Tool+Development+ General+IPUMS+Feature+Development+ StaMc+>>+Drupal+MigraMons+ Column>Store+Database+MigraMon+ SDA+Extensions+&+ModificaMons+ NHGIS+Data+Ingest+ v1.0+[2/19/2013]+ 1960+ StaMc+Asset+Management+ Systems+Monitoring+and+ReporMng+ Hadoop+&+Big+Data+Technologies+R&D+ 54 Management Engagement Tactics
  • 55. 55 Management Engagement Tactics Develop a Product Vision Picture
  • 56. Engaging the Customer • Their Motivations: –Want solutions which solve their problems –Want to have transparency into the process • What they can contribute: –User centric design and prioritization –More honest feedback - they don’t have as many relationships or as much baggage to protect 56
  • 57. Engaging the Customer • Your Goals: –Bring the customer closer into the team –Get them to help your org prioritize –Make them happy :-) 57
  • 58. Customer Engagement Tactics • Roundtables with our customer teams • Retrospectives after each major release • Example tool:  Mapping the communication flow 58
  • 60. Converging on Root Causes Dev Team Insight: “We get a lot of requests that pull us away from our core projects.” Management Insight: “We want to help campus folks who are doing demographic research, but we don’t have a process for vetting or prioritizing requests.” Customer Insight: “The MPC agreed to do my research web site, but when I call over there it seems that there’s always something more pressing.” Suggests root causes might be Lack of Focus on Mission 60 Why do we think “Something’s Always on Fire?”
  • 61. Some of our Root Causes • Lack of Focus on Core Mission • Team Poorly Aligned with Strategy • Operational Deficits • Lack of Customer-Developer Transparency 61
  • 62. Getting to Solutions • For each root cause, collaboratively design an action plan that mixes easy wins with longer-term fixes Quick sampling of our reboot action plans... 62
  • 63. Solutions: Lack of Focus on Mission • Early Wins: – Defined the mission! – Made all hidden work visible to management – Outsourced or killed fringe projects and other distractions and aligned effort to the core mission • Long-term Work –Align projects to org vision, not vice-versa –Team structure realignment 63
  • 64. Solutions: Poor Alignment with Strategy • Early Wins: – Product Vision document – Some early hires not tied to specific projects • Long-term Work – Conway’s Law and its application 64
  • 65. Conway’s Law “Organiza)ons  which  design  systems  are  constrained  to   produce  designs  which  are  copies  of  the  communica)on   structures  of  these  organiza)ons.” Melvin  Conway 1968 65
  • 66. 66 Align to the thing you want to build...
  • 67. Solutions: Operational Deficits • Early Wins: –Evolve tools: SVN → Git, TeamCity → Jenkins, Chef, Vagrant –Management support for 20% tech debt time –HipChat • Long-term Work: –Ongoing technical debt reduction –System Monitoring API 67
  • 68. Solutions: Lack of Customer-Developer Transparency • Early Wins: –Formalize a quarterly planning process –Open work tracking tool to customers • Long-term Work: –Refactoring the communications model 68
  • 69. Messier, but more effective! 69 New Comm Model
  • 70. Measuring Outcomes • Probably the most important one is qualitative: “Hey, things feel better now!”   • Quantitative indications will eventually come. Focus on measures that have meaning to your org’s culture (KPIs?) • Share metrics and results widely to keep momentum going 70
  • 72. Where are we now? • We feel good about... –Management support for the development team –Long term vision and goals –Awareness of the need to prioritize/focus efforts –Communication patterns • We are still working on... –Acting holistically within a project-specific funding model –Aligning the staff to best support the desired product –More effective use of ops tools to automate routine work 72
  • 73. Lessons Learned • Know who you are as an organization – History, context, strengths, weaknesses, constraints, strategy • An Org-first AND People-first approach is possible • People are messy – HRT underlies successful org change – Assume that everyone has good intentions – Don’t hide behind technology - wetware issues require face time • Change is scary. Expect resistance. This is a process of influence - you can’t make others change directly. • Don’t fear going against the grain - do what’s right for your org, don’t be a slave to any particular process, system, methodology 73
  • 74. Lessons Learned Avoid reboots if at all possible! 74 Incorporate your newfound tools and techniques into your daily workflow to pay more attention to how change is impacting your team, engage your colleagues, and respond to it proactively before you need another reboot! They’re expensive, disruptive and tricky to execute. Instead...
  • 75. Thank You! Continue the conversation... Twitter: @franfabrizio Email: Special thanks to Peter Clark (@pclark) for his contributions to an earlier version of this presentation. 75