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User Experience
Janice Anne Rohn
Vice President, User Experience
Wynyard Group
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Slides from Janice Rohn and Arnie Lund
•  Introduction and Background
•  UX Management Framework
•  Motivation
•  Goals
•  Value Proposition
•  Elevator Pitch
•  Persuasion and Storytelling
•  Vision Statement
•  Mission
•  Leadership Qualities
•  Summary
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  Combination of lectures and exercises
•  Feel free to ask questions throughout
•  If time does not allow for all questions, may be time at
the end of sections and the tutorial
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Session Survey:
Janice’s Background
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  Early pioneer in the field
•  Founding Board member and past President of UXPA
•  Founded UXPA Outreach program
•  Presented at most CHI conferences for over 20 years
•  Management and Usability Co-Chairs at 5 conferences
•  Founded and led UX departments at 8 companies
•  Over 23 years of UX management experience
•  Over 10 years at VP level
•  Hired hundreds of UX professionals
•  Built over 15 usability labs and design rooms
•  Products have received awards and high ratings from users,
press, and analysts
•  Numerous publications, presentations, lectures, keynote
Janice’s Background
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  Decades of personal experience
•  One of my specialties in the field is UX Management
research and teaching
•  Co-chaired Management Community at CHI Conference
for 4 years
•  Led many Management panels and SIGs
•  Led multiple full-day workshops of experienced
executives in the field to discuss the most important
management topics
•  UX management publications
•  Executive Program at Stanford Graduate School of
UX Management Background
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  This course is a combination of a course that Arnie Lund
has created, plus some of my course
•  I teach a full-day course on Leading Highly Effective UX
Teams for Nielsen/Norman group, which is quite different
and complementary to this course
•  Course is based on hundreds of years of experience
cumulatively over the past 35 years, with an emphasis on the last
5 years
•  Providing a UX Management Framework
•  Best practices
•  Certain elements are true regardless of the organization
•  Some are more contextual
•  Think about your situation and what will work best
UX Management Framework
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  Course for aspiring, first-time, and experienced leaders
•  Will cover topics of interest to all
•  Tutorial applies to new and existing organizations
•  Advantageous to employ strategies and tactics sooner
rather than later
•  Sometimes more obvious to employ when manager or
group is new
•  Even if the UX group is not new, still need to employ
these and update on a regular basis—never too late!
Management Journey
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  Management experience
•  None
•  Less than 5 years
•  5 or more years
•  Executives at the Director level or above
•  Function
•  UX
•  Product
•  Engineering
•  UX Team
•  Just starting
•  Existing
•  Less than 15
•  15 or more
Your Experience
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  UX is more widely recognized as a necessary function
•  Some top challenges
•  Managing creative individuals while still creating a
consistent user experience across features and
•  Field has matured greatly, but is still not seen as
critical as functions such as Engineering
•  Skirmishes of responsibilities and ownership can
occur with Product, Marketing, and Engineering
•  Some new trends, such as Agile, have impacted UX
teams’ ability to deliver great solutions
Why do you want to lead UX?
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  Ask yourself:
•  Why do you want to manage a UX team?
•  What is driving you?
•  Valid reasons
•  Broaden your influence
•  Mentor others
•  Personal growth
•  Question if:
•  Only path for career growth
•  Should be a parallel individual contributor path to
support career growth for non-managers
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  Can be very rewarding, and can also be very
challenging, so important to understand your motivation
•  Ensure you have an internal driver that steers you
through the challenges
•  Core value system of what you will and won’t do
•  Will keep information confidential when necessary,
even though the information may benefit team
•  Won’t spend the vast majority of time jockeying for
position or control
•  Won’t prioritize personal benefit to the detriment of
•  Need to have a strong moral compass
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Goals and Questions
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Have a POV
Find Big Ideas
Be Passionate
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Keep your eye
on the goal
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Focus on Goals
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
User Experience in Business
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
What is your value proposition?
The value proposition is
a description of how the
benefits of what you are
offering outweigh
competitive alternatives.
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Session Survey:
Save Costs (e.g., support)
Increase Revenue
Total Cost of Ownership
Represent Customers
Deliver Brand
Create Excitement and
Grow Design Thinking
Drive Innovation (patents,
product concepts)
Value Proposition Factors
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Session Survey:
Value Proposition Example Process
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Value Proposition Example Process
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Value Proposition Exercise
•  Each table introduce yourselves
•  Discuss management challenges
•  Pick one person for whom you’ll create a value
proposition for their organization
•  Think about how their value proposition would compare
to yours
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
What is your elevator pitch?
An elevator pitch (or
elevator speech or
statement) is a short
summary used to
quickly and simply
define your team and
its value proposition.
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Tell Stories
Keep it Simple and Concrete
Stir Emotions
Be Credible
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Elevator Pitch Exercise
•  Within your table, pick a team to coach.
•  Explore context and corporate/organizational strategic
•  Brainstorm elevator pitches about the heart of the special
value their team brings to to the company or organization.
(The answer to “What do you do?”)’
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Find Them
Win Them
Support Them
Celebrate Them
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Persuasion and Storytelling
•  Successful leaders provide
•  Vision
•  Plan for how to achieve vision
•  Ability to influence and persuade
•  As important as the vision and the plan is the ability to
influence and persuade people
•  Stories + Data is the strongest influencer
•  Jennifer Aaker at Stanford Graduate School of
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
What is your vision?
The purpose of your
vision statement is to
give shape to the future
you are creating, and to
provide the organization
with a sense of what
could be. It is rallying call
to energize the team, not
a prophecy.
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
The best way to predict the
future is to create it.
– Peter Drucker
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Creating Them
Goal is to energize and engage, and to provide identity.
Short and crisp (one or two sentences, at most a paragraph or
Should capture something unique about what you want to do.
It should be aspirational, an ideal, a destination for the journey.
It should answer the question “Where are we heading?” It often
completes “We want to…” or “We want to be…”
It needs to be plausibly attainable. It should pass a “red faced
When you can, build it collaboratively.
Collect phrases.
Organize through affinity.
Iterate to closure.
Revisit it periodically as a team.
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Disneyland: Create a place for people to find happiness
and knowledge.
Ford: Produce a car that everyone can afford.
Girl Scouts: Help a girl reach her highest potential.
Cirque du Soleil: Invoke the Imagination; Provoke the
Senses; Evoke the Emotions.
Zappos: The online service leader.
Microsoft (original): A personal computer in every home
running Microsoft software.
AT&T (original): One policy, one system, and universal
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Vision Statement Exercise
•  Within your table, choose the same or a different team
•  Create a vision statement for that team
•  Prepare to present to the class, along with your rationale
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
What is your mission?
The mission is the
organization’s reason for
existence, and the vision is
what it wants to be.
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
A mission statement is a statement of purpose.
It speaks to how you will accomplish your vision.
It speaks to how you are different. It should
guide the actions of the organization, spell out its
overall goal, provide a path, and guide decision-
making. It provides the context of your strategy.
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Creating Them
Goal is to energize and engage, and to provide identity.
Short, precise, easily understood
Who, what, how and why
Not a vision
What makes you unique
What you do
For who
Use for shaping strategy and prioritizing work
Revisit periodically to provide context for plans
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Mission Statement Examples
The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone it
touches. The basic proposition of our business is simple, solid, and
timeless. When we bring refreshment, value, joy and fun to our
stakeholders, then we successfully nurture and protect our brands,
particularly Coca-Cola. That is the key to fulfilling our ultimate obligation
to provide consistently attractive returns to the owners of our business.
The Jeremiah Program, a broad-based collaborative community
initiative, assists low-income mothers and their children to help
themselves complete their education and achieve economic self-
sufficiency through empowerment skills, access to affordable housing,
child development services, health care, support services and
meaningful employment. The Jeremiah Program mothers and children
develop positive self-esteem and clarify their values on which to build a
successful life.
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an
impartial, neutral and independent organization whose
exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and
dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of
violence and to provide them with assistance. The ICRC also
endeavors to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening
humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles.
At IBM, we strive to lead in the invention, development and
manufacture of the industry’s most advanced information
technologies, including computer systems, software, storage
systems and microelectronics. We translate these advanced
technologies into value for our customers through our
professional solutions, services and consulting businesses
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Mission Statement Exercise
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
What is your strategy?
A strategy is a plan of
action designed to
achieve a vision as you
execute your mission.
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Helpful Harmful
Strengths Weaknesses
SWOT Analysis
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Strategy Example
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Strategy Exercise
A strategy is a plan
of action designed to
achieve a vision as
you execute your
Identify one or two
strategic initiatives
that are consistent
with the mission, and
will advance the
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Change the
Transform the Assumptions
Alter the Motivation
Create the Language
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
What is your brand?
Team Name
Influence Plan
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Influence Plan
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Make Wow
Create Compelling
Engage Empathy
Stimulate Insight
Cause a Parade
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Top Leadership Skills
What skills do you think are the most important for being
an effective leader?
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  Honesty
•  Trust your team
•  Being ”in the know”
•  Ethical
•  Delegate
•  Prepare to be surprised
•  Multiple minds are better than one
•  Clear communication
•  Particularly important when managing globally with
different native languages
•  Many people are better with written communication
•  Good to follow up with written to ensure everyone is on the same page
Top Leadership Skills
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  Confidence
•  Provide stability and direction
•  Avoid communicating all of your concerns
•  Shield the group when possible
•  Have faith in your abilities
•  Particularly important with more junior members of
the team
•  Commitment
•  Lead by example
•  Lead with passion and energy
Top Leadership Skills
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  Positive Attitude
•  Optimistic realist or a realistic optimist
•  Can-do attitude while being realistic
•  Creativity
•  Think about the realm of possibilities to address challenges
•  Involve your team in generating solutions
•  Intuition
•  Learn to trust your instincts based on your experience
•  Inspire
•  Make it clear how everyone’s work impacts the company
and its customers
•  Provide a vision for everyone’s contributions
Top Leadership Skills
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  Customized Approach
•  Everyone has different levels of experience, needs, and
•  Also different cultures, languages, and educational backgrounds
•  In addition to a foundation of principles by which to manage, it’s
important also to have a customized approach
•  More junior members require more skills development
•  More senior members require more leadership and
management development
•  Vary in how they accept feedback and what types of rewards
work best
Top Leadership Skills
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  Honesty
•  Trust your team
•  Being ”in the know”
•  Ethical
•  Delegate
•  Prepare to be surprised
•  Multiple minds are better than one
•  Clear communication
•  Particularly important when managing globally with
different native languages
•  Many people are better with written communication
•  Good to follow up with written to ensure everyone is on the same page
Top Leadership Skills
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
•  In thinking about these different leadership
qualities, which would you like to work on?
•  Honesty
•  Delegation
•  Clear Communication
•  Confidence
•  Commitment
•  Positive Attitude
•  Creativity
•  Intuition
•  Inspire
•  Customized Approach
Leadership Exercise
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
• Keep your eye on the goals
• Create a strategic framework with and for
your group
• Communicate your goals and framework
• Provide stability and guidance
• Be a visionary leader for your group
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:
Any Questions?
www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey:
Session Survey:

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Strategic User Experience Management

  • 1. Strategic User Experience Management Janice Anne Rohn Vice President, User Experience Wynyard Group #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey: Slides from Janice Rohn and Arnie Lund
  • 2. •  Introduction and Background •  UX Management Framework •  Motivation •  Goals •  Value Proposition •  Elevator Pitch •  Persuasion and Storytelling •  Vision Statement •  Mission •  Leadership Qualities •  Summary Agenda #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 3. •  Combination of lectures and exercises •  Feel free to ask questions throughout •  If time does not allow for all questions, may be time at the end of sections and the tutorial Format #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 4. 4 Janice’s Background #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 5. •  Early pioneer in the field •  Founding Board member and past President of UXPA •  Founded UXPA Outreach program •  Presented at most CHI conferences for over 20 years •  Management and Usability Co-Chairs at 5 conferences •  Founded and led UX departments at 8 companies •  Over 23 years of UX management experience •  Over 10 years at VP level •  Hired hundreds of UX professionals •  Built over 15 usability labs and design rooms •  Products have received awards and high ratings from users, press, and analysts •  Numerous publications, presentations, lectures, keynote speeches Janice’s Background #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 6. •  Decades of personal experience •  One of my specialties in the field is UX Management research and teaching •  Co-chaired Management Community at CHI Conference for 4 years •  Led many Management panels and SIGs •  Led multiple full-day workshops of experienced executives in the field to discuss the most important management topics •  UX management publications •  Executive Program at Stanford Graduate School of Business UX Management Background #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 7. •  This course is a combination of a course that Arnie Lund has created, plus some of my course •  I teach a full-day course on Leading Highly Effective UX Teams for Nielsen/Norman group, which is quite different and complementary to this course •  Course is based on hundreds of years of experience cumulatively over the past 35 years, with an emphasis on the last 5 years •  Providing a UX Management Framework •  Best practices •  Certain elements are true regardless of the organization •  Some are more contextual •  Think about your situation and what will work best UX Management Framework #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 8. •  Course for aspiring, first-time, and experienced leaders •  Will cover topics of interest to all •  Tutorial applies to new and existing organizations •  Advantageous to employ strategies and tactics sooner rather than later •  Sometimes more obvious to employ when manager or group is new •  Even if the UX group is not new, still need to employ these and update on a regular basis—never too late! Management Journey #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 9. •  Management experience •  None •  Less than 5 years •  5 or more years •  Executives at the Director level or above •  Function •  UX •  Product •  Engineering •  UX Team •  Just starting •  Existing •  Less than 15 •  15 or more Your Experience #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 11. •  UX is more widely recognized as a necessary function •  Some top challenges •  Managing creative individuals while still creating a consistent user experience across features and products •  Field has matured greatly, but is still not seen as critical as functions such as Engineering •  Skirmishes of responsibilities and ownership can occur with Product, Marketing, and Engineering •  Some new trends, such as Agile, have impacted UX teams’ ability to deliver great solutions Why do you want to lead UX? #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 12. •  Ask yourself: •  Why do you want to manage a UX team? •  What is driving you? •  Valid reasons •  Broaden your influence •  Mentor others •  Personal growth •  Question if: •  Only path for career growth •  Should be a parallel individual contributor path to support career growth for non-managers Motivation #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 13. •  Can be very rewarding, and can also be very challenging, so important to understand your motivation •  Ensure you have an internal driver that steers you through the challenges •  Core value system of what you will and won’t do •  Will keep information confidential when necessary, even though the information may benefit team members •  Won’t spend the vast majority of time jockeying for position or control •  Won’t prioritize personal benefit to the detriment of others •  Need to have a strong moral compass Motivation #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 14. Goals and Questions #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 15. 5 Have a POV Find Big Ideas Be Passionate #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 16. 5 Keep your eye on the goal #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 17. Focus on Goals #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 18. Value Proposition Business Goals User Requirements User Experience in Business #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 19. What is your value proposition? The value proposition is a description of how the benefits of what you are offering outweigh competitive alternatives. #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 20. ROI Save Costs (e.g., support) Increase Revenue Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Represent Customers Deliver Brand Create Excitement and Emotion Grow Design Thinking Drive Innovation (patents, product concepts) Quality Vision more… Value Proposition Factors #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 21. Value Proposition Example Process #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 22. Value Proposition Example Process #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 23. Value Proposition Exercise •  Each table introduce yourselves •  Discuss management challenges •  Pick one person for whom you’ll create a value proposition for their organization •  Think about how their value proposition would compare to yours #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 24. What is your elevator pitch? An elevator pitch (or elevator speech or statement) is a short summary used to quickly and simply define your team and its value proposition. #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 25. 5 Tell Stories Keep it Simple and Concrete Stir Emotions Be Credible #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 26. Elevator Pitch Exercise •  Within your table, pick a team to coach. •  Explore context and corporate/organizational strategic goals. •  Brainstorm elevator pitches about the heart of the special value their team brings to to the company or organization. (The answer to “What do you do?”)’ #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 27. 5 Cultivate Champions Find Them Win Them Support Them Celebrate Them #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 29. Persuasion and Storytelling •  Successful leaders provide •  Vision •  Plan for how to achieve vision •  Ability to influence and persuade •  As important as the vision and the plan is the ability to influence and persuade people •  Stories + Data is the strongest influencer •  Jennifer Aaker at Stanford Graduate School of Business • 29 #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 30. What is your vision? The purpose of your vision statement is to give shape to the future you are creating, and to provide the organization with a sense of what could be. It is rallying call to energize the team, not a prophecy. #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 31. The best way to predict the future is to create it. – Peter Drucker #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 32. Creating Them Purpose Goal is to energize and engage, and to provide identity. Hints Short and crisp (one or two sentences, at most a paragraph or two). Should capture something unique about what you want to do. It should be aspirational, an ideal, a destination for the journey. It should answer the question “Where are we heading?” It often completes “We want to…” or “We want to be…” It needs to be plausibly attainable. It should pass a “red faced test.” When you can, build it collaboratively. Collect phrases. Organize through affinity. Iterate to closure. Revisit it periodically as a team. #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 33. Examples Disneyland: Create a place for people to find happiness and knowledge. Ford: Produce a car that everyone can afford. Girl Scouts: Help a girl reach her highest potential. Cirque du Soleil: Invoke the Imagination; Provoke the Senses; Evoke the Emotions. Zappos: The online service leader. Microsoft (original): A personal computer in every home running Microsoft software. AT&T (original): One policy, one system, and universal service. #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 34. Vision Statement Exercise •  Within your table, choose the same or a different team •  Create a vision statement for that team •  Prepare to present to the class, along with your rationale #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 35. What is your mission? The mission is the organization’s reason for existence, and the vision is what it wants to be. #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 36. A mission statement is a statement of purpose. It speaks to how you will accomplish your vision. It speaks to how you are different. It should guide the actions of the organization, spell out its overall goal, provide a path, and guide decision- making. It provides the context of your strategy. #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 37. Creating Them Purpose Goal is to energize and engage, and to provide identity. Hints Short, precise, easily understood Who, what, how and why Not a vision Elements What makes you unique What you do For who How Use for shaping strategy and prioritizing work Revisit periodically to provide context for plans #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 38. Mission Statement Examples The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches. The basic proposition of our business is simple, solid, and timeless. When we bring refreshment, value, joy and fun to our stakeholders, then we successfully nurture and protect our brands, particularly Coca-Cola. That is the key to fulfilling our ultimate obligation to provide consistently attractive returns to the owners of our business. The Jeremiah Program, a broad-based collaborative community initiative, assists low-income mothers and their children to help themselves complete their education and achieve economic self- sufficiency through empowerment skills, access to affordable housing, child development services, health care, support services and meaningful employment. The Jeremiah Program mothers and children develop positive self-esteem and clarify their values on which to build a successful life. #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 39. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance. The ICRC also endeavors to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles. At IBM, we strive to lead in the invention, development and manufacture of the industry’s most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, storage systems and microelectronics. We translate these advanced technologies into value for our customers through our professional solutions, services and consulting businesses worldwide. Examples #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 40. #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 41. #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 42. Mission Statement Exercise #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 43. What is your strategy? A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a vision as you execute your mission. #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 44. Internal Helpful Harmful External Opportunities Strengths Weaknesses Threats SWOT Analysis #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 47. Strategy Exercise A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a vision as you execute your mission. Identify one or two strategic initiatives that are consistent with the mission, and will advance the mission. #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 48. 5 Change the DNA Transform the Assumptions Alter the Motivation Create the Language #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 49. What is your brand? Team Name Influence Plan Identity #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 50. Channels TargetsofInfluence Influence Plan #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 51. 5 Make Wow Create Compelling Design Engage Empathy Stimulate Insight Cause a Parade #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 52. Top Leadership Skills What skills do you think are the most important for being an effective leader? #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 53. •  Honesty •  Trust your team •  Being ”in the know” •  Ethical •  Delegate •  Prepare to be surprised •  Multiple minds are better than one •  Clear communication •  Particularly important when managing globally with different native languages •  Many people are better with written communication •  Good to follow up with written to ensure everyone is on the same page Top Leadership Skills #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 54. •  Confidence •  Provide stability and direction •  Avoid communicating all of your concerns •  Shield the group when possible •  Have faith in your abilities •  Particularly important with more junior members of the team •  Commitment •  Lead by example •  Lead with passion and energy Top Leadership Skills #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 55. •  Positive Attitude •  Optimistic realist or a realistic optimist •  Can-do attitude while being realistic •  Creativity •  Think about the realm of possibilities to address challenges •  Involve your team in generating solutions •  Intuition •  Learn to trust your instincts based on your experience •  Inspire •  Make it clear how everyone’s work impacts the company and its customers •  Provide a vision for everyone’s contributions Top Leadership Skills #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 56. •  Customized Approach •  Everyone has different levels of experience, needs, and capabilities •  Also different cultures, languages, and educational backgrounds •  In addition to a foundation of principles by which to manage, it’s important also to have a customized approach •  More junior members require more skills development •  More senior members require more leadership and management development •  Vary in how they accept feedback and what types of rewards work best Top Leadership Skills #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 57. •  Honesty •  Trust your team •  Being ”in the know” •  Ethical •  Delegate •  Prepare to be surprised •  Multiple minds are better than one •  Clear communication •  Particularly important when managing globally with different native languages •  Many people are better with written communication •  Good to follow up with written to ensure everyone is on the same page Top Leadership Skills #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 58. •  In thinking about these different leadership qualities, which would you like to work on? •  Honesty •  Delegation •  Clear Communication •  Confidence •  Commitment •  Positive Attitude •  Creativity •  Intuition •  Inspire •  Customized Approach Leadership Exercise #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 59. • Keep your eye on the goals • Create a strategic framework with and for your group • Communicate your goals and framework • Provide stability and guidance • Be a visionary leader for your group Summary #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey:
  • 60. • sessionid=72679 Any Questions? #UXPA2016 www.uxpa2016.orgConference Survey: Session Survey: