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Statement of Purpose
It was just another day at work when the topic came up about the economic crisis of the Middle East and downsizing of
employees. My senior engineers started discussing what strategy to adapt to survive in this time of crisis. One of the
senior colleagues in the company brought up the topic about globally renown mega projects, among which was One
Belt One Road project and all of them were convinced that there would be many jobs opening in the region Asia.
This conversation somehow stayed with me, and given my curious nature, on the same day, I ended up searching about
the current trends and limitation concerning construction industry, but this time my vision was different it was not
related to learning, it was not for finding a solution to problem at workplace, but it was to analyze myself for
competencies of future. The more I searched the more I realized that my undergraduate and passion for this field isn’t
enough. All the information I found was interesting and exciting to think about, and that night I made up mind to
pursue my higher studies earlier than I had previously planned.
In the near future, I foresee civil engineering being used as the tool as it has not been before, advancing construction
automation technology, and designing programs. My interest in civil engineering developed as soon I was introduced to
this field practically right after my high school. I joined my uncle’s construction firm during summer vacations before
applying for an undergraduate program. It was a small contracting company that dabbled in residential houses, that
was where I developed the interest in designing and planning, and started learning about Transportation, Hydrology,
Urban Planning and Architectural designing. I found that this industry alone is linked to several other industries and if
any advancement is being made in civil engineering industry it will lead to advancement in all of them. In that period, I
started supervising and managing the procurement department without any knowledge of it. As my vacations were
coming to an end, I already had decided that Civil Engineering was going to be my choice for bachelor’s degree.
Ambition and academic background
If I look back before graduate, I completed year 12 ((grade C) and year 10 (grade B) in 2012 and 2009 respectively with
science stream. I earned my undergraduate degree in Civil Technology from Indus University Karachi, with 3.00 CGPA in
2017. During my first year in the undergraduate program, I was among the founding members the Indus University Civil
Society, I was a focal person of the organization during my junior and senior years, worked on several positions and
events; these events generated huge funds which were donated to flood affected victim. Over the course of my
undergraduate program, I participated in various Technology contests and project displays, and also volunteered at one
of the biggest events at our university that is the “Convocation Ceremony”. I always enjoyed the practical aspects of my
studies, and that is why my marks in lab exercises, term work, practical examinations, and projects averaged above
80%. I also headed our final year project which was titled “Project Management Knowledge Area Applied on Bahria
Grand Mosque”.
During the 2nd year of my undergraduate degree, I served as an intern at Al Haramain Company, where I was assigned
in Laboratory for soil testing and concrete mix design. I was hired by Al Mashi Br. Contracting Est. company from 2017-
2018 as an Associate Civil Engineer once I graduated. This experience gave me an in-depth understanding of various
aspects of building large projects drawings, designing of Box Culvert for efficient and secure flood water drainage
without affecting agricultural and residential areas, creating and designing of road alignment. I have also learned about
land survey using equipment such as Total Station, GPS, and auto level.
Designing of alignment and profile using collected data through the survey; in addition to preparing reports based on
Concrete Mix Design, Survey and Feasible Study for Project. Here is the link to view my Reports and Presentation:
I have varied interests as I am a type of a person who can be found enjoying cooking someday and on other day making
presentations on Automatic Power Management System for my friend pursuing electronics engineering. Most of my
time I practice designing houses and learning about standards in the construction industry or maybe just creating a
landscape layout. The most prominent facets of my personality are the go-getter attitude and altruistic nature and I
always believe sharing even the minimal knowledge that I have with someone is the basis of constant progress and
development both personally & professionally. My vision is to establish a construction company back in my home
country at some point which in addition to contributing my skills in the field, will also serve the purpose to train
undergraduate students, so as soon as they graduate they find a vision and acceptance and not just strive to earn
superficial work experience but truly understand the practical aspects of the field and gain the confidence as I believe if
fresh graduates find the right direction their productiveness will reach new heights which results in defined vision to
work on their idea and to create start-ups related to the construction field.
Studies abroad-Australia
To achieve my vision and goals, I realized that I need to gain more experience and exposure to an excellent advanced
and research environment. Thus, I decided to pursue a master’s degree. I decided to pursue higher studies in an
institute that fosters my skills to achieve my goals. I am looking for a school that has the world-class study and research
atmosphere, the best faculty, exceptional peers, and excellent infrastructure, an institute that can facilitate resources
to help attain my ambitions and help me in learning the complexities of civil engineering so that when I return to
Pakistan I can play my part in building infrastructure and be a part of globally renowned projects such as “One Road
One Belt” initiative of China.
Why not Pakistan?
One of the main reasons for not choosing Pakistan for my further studies is the impractical approach in education of
Pakistan. About higher education in Pakistan, there are 61,000 researchers with 10,670 PhDs, and most of them have
completed their degrees in Pakistan, which is an insignificant figure and they are not seriously contributing to the
country's technological development. Higher Education Commission’s current criterion of promotion emphasizes only
on quantity, with little or no emphasis on quality. This is, perhaps, the major reason as to why not even
a single Pakistani research journal in the field of engineering has received international exposure. Pakistan's
educational progress is also lacking the collaboration between universities and industries. Though there are good
universities as like COMSATS, LUMS, NUST, BZU and many others because of the above facts, I do not consider them for
higher studies I have also searched some universities, and I would like to share some concerns.
Master of Science in Civil Engineering from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan
The COMSATS is considered to be world-class quality education provider for the IT courses in Pakistan along with
multiple campuses across the country, but for the Engineering programs there was no specific curriculum, I found it
very generic, there were no special courses as compared to U of W and no practical exposure. It is providing 2 years
master’s program with core electives along with a thesis.
However, it does not provide the attributes which I am looking for to excel my master’s program such as soft skills
along with hard technical skills in comparison with Australian universities. That is why; I have not preferred this
institute despite its ranking in the country.
M-Eng. Civil Engineering from NED University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan
There is no international accreditation for the Civil Engineering program nor any industrial partnership that offer any
hands-on experience, the only recognition I found is its engineering degrees are recognized by PEC and Washington
accord policy. However, the major focus of the university is on the theoretical aspect which is not befitting with my
desires to achieve excellence. I have therefore decided to pursue my degree overseas, as the expertise and facilities
offered in my country’s educational institutions are limited and thus unable to match the diversity and multiculturalism
available in Australia.
Australia for higher studies
I have particularly chosen an Australian university by researching that Australia is in fore front of engineering and
adopting latest technologies. Australia is very serious in delivering high class quality education and has been investing
huge money to achieve this goal. That is the reason that Australia is fast becoming a preferred destination in terms of
education among Pakistani students. Currently Australia attracts the third largest number of international students
after the US and the UK. Australia offers an educational experience that makes a real difference. It provides a unique
kind of education and a learning style that encourages one to be innovative, creative and think independently.
Graduates from Australia are very successful in finding jobs and hold prominent positions worldwide. Australia is a
dynamic, vibrant country with energetic, friendly people. Multicultural Australia is English-speaking and a safe and
friendly society in which students can gain education with peace of mind. Australia also offers excellent value for
money and a standard of living that is among the highest in the world. Living expenses and tuition costs in Australia are
less expensive than the UK and USA. I researched to know why Australia has international students from over 140
countries in disciplines at every level of education, including short-term English language courses, Bachelor and Masters
Degrees right through to Doctoral Degrees. My primary objective is to obtain quality education and expertise in my
Furthermore, the engineering degrees for PEC certified Engineers is recognized in Australia by a Washington Accord
Policy. Australia promotes innovation, research, proficiency and professional growth throughout its universities.
Australia offers education experience that makes a real difference.
One of the greatest advantages of studying in Australia is that it will give me the chance to continue my education while
letting me to absorb different norms and cultures of the country of a society that is different from my environment.
Based on my search over the Internet and correspondence with conversance, the safe environment, religious freedom
and sound economic conditions all speak about the country for themselves.
Similar Courses in Australia and reasons not to consider them
Swinburne University of Technology- Master of Engineering Science (Civil Engineering)
Swinburne University of technology is offering this course with duration of 2 years. Its program is comprised of total
200 credit points including 4 core units, two option units, 6 specialization units. However, University of Wollongong’s
curriculum attracts me more in term of practical learning. Besides this, the program structure is very simple and
RMIT University- Master of Engineering Civil Engineering
RMIT University is also offering the course for 2 years for full-time students. The university is a renowned university in
Melbourne, and worldwide the university comes under the top-ranked universities, and the fee structure is
comparatively higher than U of W, though I belong to a financially sound family, this is also a point of consideration for
me. Therefore, I have dropped this option. other universities like Torrens University Australia, Victoria university and
many others are also offering my course of study. Among all I found that CQUniversity offers one of the best mixes of
classroom and workplace learning across any of the Australian universities.
University of Wollongong
After months of research, I found University of Wollongong (UOW). I realized it has the unique distinction of being at
the forefront of innovation, producing high tech engineers, providing exceptional faculty and world-class research labs
and great study infrastructure. I am convinced that this is going to be right choice thus UOW is my choice for the
graduate studies. I am very optimistic about the future of my start-up, about my passion to be a part of visionary
projects. At UOW, I hope to get an opportunity to meet the top management of some international high-tech projects
and gain hands-on experience for being a part of such big enterprise. It would help me understand the issues and
policies that affect the climate for innovative and sustainable construction success around the world. The university has
earned a place among the top 20 modern universities in the world through world-class research and teaching and it
sustains its ranking among the top Australian universities in key areas including graduate satisfaction and starting
salaries. The University’s strong international outlook is demonstrated by partnerships with peers and industry,
government, and community-based organizations around the world.
The Course Contents and Structure
The duration of course is two years and the estimated per session fee is AUD 18,384. The course comprises of total 96
credit points. The course is offered at Wollongong in New south wales. I have completely gone through the academic
requirements of the course and its structure from the source:
Some of the courses are:
• Professional Practice
• Sustainability for Engineers, Scientists and Professionals
• Innovation and Design
• Structural Design Based on Australian Standards
• Engineering Research Methods
• Engineering Project Management
• Engineering Computing
Upon successful completion of this program I will be having the abilities to apply innovative solutions, incorporate
research findings into project plans, incorporate appropriate technologies into project plans and apply advanced
management principles in to my workplace.
Travel History
At present I have a valid family visa of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which is commonly known as Residence Permit, I have it
since 1993 as my father is an employer in a private construction company there for more than 30 years now. I was
about two years old when I first moved to Saudi Arabia. I spent my early childhood there on and off, before we
permanently moved back to Pakistan in 1999 for education purpose, after which we travel every year during our
summer vacations to KSA to spend time with our father & for renewal of our Residence Permit. During this entire time,
my father was posted in several cities of KSA due to project’s need, from remote countryside villages to most populous
city of Saudi Arabia such as, Taif, Jeddah & etc. I enjoyed my father frequent movements to different cities, as it was
whole experience and adventure every time & I got to make new friends every few years and to enjoy their culture and
food. The most memorable experience for me was living the camp life during vacations due to my father’s work
obligations. This also helped me in learning Arabic language and to adjust with people who have totally different
culture & background, also it taught me acceptance of every individual irrespective of their likes, dislike and religious
differences. Over the course of this time we have been law abiding citizen in KSA, and have paid yearly taxes on time,
furthermore I gained my driving license in 2013 and never had any fine or penalty during those years.
In addition to above, I have also travelled to Egypt, UAE and Oman. The most interesting and shortest trip started by
applying for an on arrival transit visa during my 14-hour layover in Muscat, I visited the city’s old fish market, harbor
area and city attractions during those few hours. Apart from this, I don’t have any other immigration or international
travel history.
Accommodation arrangements and Visa Conditions
As per my knowledge and my fellow colleagues’ experiences, I came to know that Wollongong has impressive
accommodation facilities which are easier to arrange. To contribute in this aspect, I also conducted a thorough research
upon accommodation facilities and as a result, I find that I have various options available to arrange my
accommodation such as living in apartment, shared-accommodations or might be a home-stay. In addition, I inquired
about the cost as well and came to know that accommodation can be arranged in between AUD 200 to AUD 500 per
week. Further I would like to share some of the links that reflects my contribution in research for accommodation
Besides this, I have also undertaken a detailed research regarding the visa conditions for international students in the
subclass 500. Some of these conditions are
• Must maintain my attendance about 80-85% (Need to study as a full-time student)
• If I change my address during my stay in Australia, I must notify such an event to my respective course provider as
well as the Department of Immigration within 7 days.
• Must maintain my OSHC during my entire stay in Australia
• I can work as a part-time employee i.e. 40 hours per fortnightly (Can only work as a part-time employee)
Sponsor and Family details
Having a sound financial background, my father backed my decision to pursue higher studies in Australia and ready to
provide funds for my tuition and entire expense during stay. As he is a Project Manager in KSA. Through this he earns a
handsome amount annually. I will present all the sources as per the requirement for the financials. My family members
include my father my mother is a housewife and she take a good care of our family. Both sisters are studying at the
moment, pursuing post graduate and undergraduate respectively.
Altogether we are 5 family members and my whole family is educated and we have strong bonding in our home
country. My family is a reason to comeback after completion of my studies.
Career Prospects
The vast application potential and tremendous scope for high career in civil engineering is fascinating me and I am keen
to continue my academic pursuit in this field. Civil engineering as I believe is the only field where one’s work can be
seen and felt directly by the senses and anything done stays forever to the credit. I feel that this is the field which
requires lot of patience, perseverance and management skills to be successful. These are qualities which need to be
nurtured with lot of motivation and hard work. Now at this junction of my career, I am confident that when I make the
transition into master’s program, I will be building on a strong foundation gained in the past years. My strategy for
graduate study will, therefore, be a prolonged one where in I shall be consolidating my knowledge in a more specialized
way and acquire the skills used for the research. I am applying for your esteemed university on an account of its
excellent research facilities combined with distinguished and dedicated faculty. My admission into your esteemed
university is of extreme importance for my career.
The Master’s program will surely unclose a lot of career opportunities as the job vacancies pool in the field of Civil
Engineering and construction management are highly conducive in Pakistan, Middle East and all around the world as
well. Employment can be found many industries, such as Engineering, Business, IT, Construction, Health, Government,
Mining, Transportation and many others. As I will get a privilege of having an international degree, there will be more
opportunities for me to get a good job in many well reputed companies in Pakistan and in KSA. I wish to work with the
top rank Construction companies such as
• Saudi Bin Ladin Group
• Al Rashid Trading & Contracting Co. (RTCC)
• Al Ayuni Investment & Contracting Co.
• Al Harbi Trading & Contracting Co. Ltd.
• Arabian Bemco Contracting Co.
• Process Dynamics
• AMCE Private Limited
And many other projects operating in Pakistan related to my field. Furthermore, as I have described above that I would
like to start my construction company as well that would require lot of hard work and initial experience of at least 5
years. The course will boost my career advancement prospects after completion of my degree I will be hired as;
• Site Engineer
• Building Control Surveyor
• Contracting Civil Engineer
• Design Engineer
• Project Manager
• Structural Engineer
• Construction Manager
• Building Services Engineer
• Project Scheduler
On an average Pakistani Civil Engineers with International degree earns an average around PKR: 100,000 – 150,000/
month plus package with numerable fringe benefit I believe that University of Wollongong would mark a touchstone in
my life as it will enable me to accomplish my future goals of excelling in the field of Civil Engineering.
I believe that after few years of getting a good job I can easily gain the return on investment. Above all, I have a
responsibility to look after my family. So, after the completion of my masters, I will prefer to continue my professional
career in my country so that I can live with my family. Further, I would like to share some of the current market
openings for Civil Engineers as below;
With my theoretical knowledge and practical skills, I am well equipped to meet university expectations. I am confident
that I would surely synchronize to the high standards of the university. Having made this statement of my objectives it
is my belief that what your university looks for, in a prospective student, is a strong academic background and the will
to perform and deliver. An extremely distinguished faculty, a milieu replete with academic activity and the state-of-the-
art research facilities in the field of Civil Engineering are the most important factors, which motivated me to choose
your university.
All knowledge is in human mind, it requires only an awakening. Since I strongly believe that your university would be an
ideal place for me to pursue my graduate studies, I wish to advance my knowledge and make my life significant by
joining your university.
Ahmed Zakaria
November 14, 2018

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Statement of Purpose

  • 1. Statement of Purpose Introduction It was just another day at work when the topic came up about the economic crisis of the Middle East and downsizing of employees. My senior engineers started discussing what strategy to adapt to survive in this time of crisis. One of the senior colleagues in the company brought up the topic about globally renown mega projects, among which was One Belt One Road project and all of them were convinced that there would be many jobs opening in the region Asia. This conversation somehow stayed with me, and given my curious nature, on the same day, I ended up searching about the current trends and limitation concerning construction industry, but this time my vision was different it was not related to learning, it was not for finding a solution to problem at workplace, but it was to analyze myself for competencies of future. The more I searched the more I realized that my undergraduate and passion for this field isn’t enough. All the information I found was interesting and exciting to think about, and that night I made up mind to pursue my higher studies earlier than I had previously planned. In the near future, I foresee civil engineering being used as the tool as it has not been before, advancing construction automation technology, and designing programs. My interest in civil engineering developed as soon I was introduced to this field practically right after my high school. I joined my uncle’s construction firm during summer vacations before applying for an undergraduate program. It was a small contracting company that dabbled in residential houses, that was where I developed the interest in designing and planning, and started learning about Transportation, Hydrology, Urban Planning and Architectural designing. I found that this industry alone is linked to several other industries and if any advancement is being made in civil engineering industry it will lead to advancement in all of them. In that period, I started supervising and managing the procurement department without any knowledge of it. As my vacations were coming to an end, I already had decided that Civil Engineering was going to be my choice for bachelor’s degree. Ambition and academic background If I look back before graduate, I completed year 12 ((grade C) and year 10 (grade B) in 2012 and 2009 respectively with science stream. I earned my undergraduate degree in Civil Technology from Indus University Karachi, with 3.00 CGPA in 2017. During my first year in the undergraduate program, I was among the founding members the Indus University Civil Society, I was a focal person of the organization during my junior and senior years, worked on several positions and events; these events generated huge funds which were donated to flood affected victim. Over the course of my undergraduate program, I participated in various Technology contests and project displays, and also volunteered at one of the biggest events at our university that is the “Convocation Ceremony”. I always enjoyed the practical aspects of my studies, and that is why my marks in lab exercises, term work, practical examinations, and projects averaged above 80%. I also headed our final year project which was titled “Project Management Knowledge Area Applied on Bahria Grand Mosque”. During the 2nd year of my undergraduate degree, I served as an intern at Al Haramain Company, where I was assigned in Laboratory for soil testing and concrete mix design. I was hired by Al Mashi Br. Contracting Est. company from 2017- 2018 as an Associate Civil Engineer once I graduated. This experience gave me an in-depth understanding of various aspects of building large projects drawings, designing of Box Culvert for efficient and secure flood water drainage without affecting agricultural and residential areas, creating and designing of road alignment. I have also learned about land survey using equipment such as Total Station, GPS, and auto level.
  • 2. Designing of alignment and profile using collected data through the survey; in addition to preparing reports based on Concrete Mix Design, Survey and Feasible Study for Project. Here is the link to view my Reports and Presentation: I have varied interests as I am a type of a person who can be found enjoying cooking someday and on other day making presentations on Automatic Power Management System for my friend pursuing electronics engineering. Most of my time I practice designing houses and learning about standards in the construction industry or maybe just creating a landscape layout. The most prominent facets of my personality are the go-getter attitude and altruistic nature and I always believe sharing even the minimal knowledge that I have with someone is the basis of constant progress and development both personally & professionally. My vision is to establish a construction company back in my home country at some point which in addition to contributing my skills in the field, will also serve the purpose to train undergraduate students, so as soon as they graduate they find a vision and acceptance and not just strive to earn superficial work experience but truly understand the practical aspects of the field and gain the confidence as I believe if fresh graduates find the right direction their productiveness will reach new heights which results in defined vision to work on their idea and to create start-ups related to the construction field. Studies abroad-Australia To achieve my vision and goals, I realized that I need to gain more experience and exposure to an excellent advanced and research environment. Thus, I decided to pursue a master’s degree. I decided to pursue higher studies in an institute that fosters my skills to achieve my goals. I am looking for a school that has the world-class study and research atmosphere, the best faculty, exceptional peers, and excellent infrastructure, an institute that can facilitate resources to help attain my ambitions and help me in learning the complexities of civil engineering so that when I return to Pakistan I can play my part in building infrastructure and be a part of globally renowned projects such as “One Road One Belt” initiative of China. Why not Pakistan? One of the main reasons for not choosing Pakistan for my further studies is the impractical approach in education of Pakistan. About higher education in Pakistan, there are 61,000 researchers with 10,670 PhDs, and most of them have completed their degrees in Pakistan, which is an insignificant figure and they are not seriously contributing to the country's technological development. Higher Education Commission’s current criterion of promotion emphasizes only on quantity, with little or no emphasis on quality. This is, perhaps, the major reason as to why not even a single Pakistani research journal in the field of engineering has received international exposure. Pakistan's educational progress is also lacking the collaboration between universities and industries. Though there are good universities as like COMSATS, LUMS, NUST, BZU and many others because of the above facts, I do not consider them for higher studies I have also searched some universities, and I would like to share some concerns. Master of Science in Civil Engineering from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan ID=36&DepartmentID=47 The COMSATS is considered to be world-class quality education provider for the IT courses in Pakistan along with multiple campuses across the country, but for the Engineering programs there was no specific curriculum, I found it very generic, there were no special courses as compared to U of W and no practical exposure. It is providing 2 years master’s program with core electives along with a thesis. However, it does not provide the attributes which I am looking for to excel my master’s program such as soft skills along with hard technical skills in comparison with Australian universities. That is why; I have not preferred this institute despite its ranking in the country.
  • 3. M-Eng. Civil Engineering from NED University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan There is no international accreditation for the Civil Engineering program nor any industrial partnership that offer any hands-on experience, the only recognition I found is its engineering degrees are recognized by PEC and Washington accord policy. However, the major focus of the university is on the theoretical aspect which is not befitting with my desires to achieve excellence. I have therefore decided to pursue my degree overseas, as the expertise and facilities offered in my country’s educational institutions are limited and thus unable to match the diversity and multiculturalism available in Australia. Australia for higher studies I have particularly chosen an Australian university by researching that Australia is in fore front of engineering and adopting latest technologies. Australia is very serious in delivering high class quality education and has been investing huge money to achieve this goal. That is the reason that Australia is fast becoming a preferred destination in terms of education among Pakistani students. Currently Australia attracts the third largest number of international students after the US and the UK. Australia offers an educational experience that makes a real difference. It provides a unique kind of education and a learning style that encourages one to be innovative, creative and think independently. Graduates from Australia are very successful in finding jobs and hold prominent positions worldwide. Australia is a dynamic, vibrant country with energetic, friendly people. Multicultural Australia is English-speaking and a safe and friendly society in which students can gain education with peace of mind. Australia also offers excellent value for money and a standard of living that is among the highest in the world. Living expenses and tuition costs in Australia are less expensive than the UK and USA. I researched to know why Australia has international students from over 140 countries in disciplines at every level of education, including short-term English language courses, Bachelor and Masters Degrees right through to Doctoral Degrees. My primary objective is to obtain quality education and expertise in my field. Furthermore, the engineering degrees for PEC certified Engineers is recognized in Australia by a Washington Accord Policy. Australia promotes innovation, research, proficiency and professional growth throughout its universities. Australia offers education experience that makes a real difference. One of the greatest advantages of studying in Australia is that it will give me the chance to continue my education while letting me to absorb different norms and cultures of the country of a society that is different from my environment. Based on my search over the Internet and correspondence with conversance, the safe environment, religious freedom and sound economic conditions all speak about the country for themselves. Similar Courses in Australia and reasons not to consider them Swinburne University of Technology- Master of Engineering Science (Civil Engineering) Swinburne University of technology is offering this course with duration of 2 years. Its program is comprised of total 200 credit points including 4 core units, two option units, 6 specialization units. However, University of Wollongong’s curriculum attracts me more in term of practical learning. Besides this, the program structure is very simple and understandable.
  • 4. RMIT University- Master of Engineering Civil Engineering requirements RMIT University is also offering the course for 2 years for full-time students. The university is a renowned university in Melbourne, and worldwide the university comes under the top-ranked universities, and the fee structure is comparatively higher than U of W, though I belong to a financially sound family, this is also a point of consideration for me. Therefore, I have dropped this option. other universities like Torrens University Australia, Victoria university and many others are also offering my course of study. Among all I found that CQUniversity offers one of the best mixes of classroom and workplace learning across any of the Australian universities. University of Wollongong After months of research, I found University of Wollongong (UOW). I realized it has the unique distinction of being at the forefront of innovation, producing high tech engineers, providing exceptional faculty and world-class research labs and great study infrastructure. I am convinced that this is going to be right choice thus UOW is my choice for the graduate studies. I am very optimistic about the future of my start-up, about my passion to be a part of visionary projects. At UOW, I hope to get an opportunity to meet the top management of some international high-tech projects and gain hands-on experience for being a part of such big enterprise. It would help me understand the issues and policies that affect the climate for innovative and sustainable construction success around the world. The university has earned a place among the top 20 modern universities in the world through world-class research and teaching and it sustains its ranking among the top Australian universities in key areas including graduate satisfaction and starting salaries. The University’s strong international outlook is demonstrated by partnerships with peers and industry, government, and community-based organizations around the world. The Course Contents and Structure The duration of course is two years and the estimated per session fee is AUD 18,384. The course comprises of total 96 credit points. The course is offered at Wollongong in New south wales. I have completely gone through the academic requirements of the course and its structure from the source: Some of the courses are: • Professional Practice • Sustainability for Engineers, Scientists and Professionals • Innovation and Design • Structural Design Based on Australian Standards • Engineering Research Methods • Engineering Project Management • Engineering Computing Upon successful completion of this program I will be having the abilities to apply innovative solutions, incorporate research findings into project plans, incorporate appropriate technologies into project plans and apply advanced management principles in to my workplace.
  • 5. Travel History At present I have a valid family visa of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which is commonly known as Residence Permit, I have it since 1993 as my father is an employer in a private construction company there for more than 30 years now. I was about two years old when I first moved to Saudi Arabia. I spent my early childhood there on and off, before we permanently moved back to Pakistan in 1999 for education purpose, after which we travel every year during our summer vacations to KSA to spend time with our father & for renewal of our Residence Permit. During this entire time, my father was posted in several cities of KSA due to project’s need, from remote countryside villages to most populous city of Saudi Arabia such as, Taif, Jeddah & etc. I enjoyed my father frequent movements to different cities, as it was whole experience and adventure every time & I got to make new friends every few years and to enjoy their culture and food. The most memorable experience for me was living the camp life during vacations due to my father’s work obligations. This also helped me in learning Arabic language and to adjust with people who have totally different culture & background, also it taught me acceptance of every individual irrespective of their likes, dislike and religious differences. Over the course of this time we have been law abiding citizen in KSA, and have paid yearly taxes on time, furthermore I gained my driving license in 2013 and never had any fine or penalty during those years. In addition to above, I have also travelled to Egypt, UAE and Oman. The most interesting and shortest trip started by applying for an on arrival transit visa during my 14-hour layover in Muscat, I visited the city’s old fish market, harbor area and city attractions during those few hours. Apart from this, I don’t have any other immigration or international travel history. Accommodation arrangements and Visa Conditions As per my knowledge and my fellow colleagues’ experiences, I came to know that Wollongong has impressive accommodation facilities which are easier to arrange. To contribute in this aspect, I also conducted a thorough research upon accommodation facilities and as a result, I find that I have various options available to arrange my accommodation such as living in apartment, shared-accommodations or might be a home-stay. In addition, I inquired about the cost as well and came to know that accommodation can be arranged in between AUD 200 to AUD 500 per week. Further I would like to share some of the links that reflects my contribution in research for accommodation facilities; Besides this, I have also undertaken a detailed research regarding the visa conditions for international students in the subclass 500. Some of these conditions are • Must maintain my attendance about 80-85% (Need to study as a full-time student) • If I change my address during my stay in Australia, I must notify such an event to my respective course provider as well as the Department of Immigration within 7 days. • Must maintain my OSHC during my entire stay in Australia • I can work as a part-time employee i.e. 40 hours per fortnightly (Can only work as a part-time employee) Sponsor and Family details Having a sound financial background, my father backed my decision to pursue higher studies in Australia and ready to provide funds for my tuition and entire expense during stay. As he is a Project Manager in KSA. Through this he earns a handsome amount annually. I will present all the sources as per the requirement for the financials. My family members
  • 6. include my father my mother is a housewife and she take a good care of our family. Both sisters are studying at the moment, pursuing post graduate and undergraduate respectively. Altogether we are 5 family members and my whole family is educated and we have strong bonding in our home country. My family is a reason to comeback after completion of my studies. Career Prospects The vast application potential and tremendous scope for high career in civil engineering is fascinating me and I am keen to continue my academic pursuit in this field. Civil engineering as I believe is the only field where one’s work can be seen and felt directly by the senses and anything done stays forever to the credit. I feel that this is the field which requires lot of patience, perseverance and management skills to be successful. These are qualities which need to be nurtured with lot of motivation and hard work. Now at this junction of my career, I am confident that when I make the transition into master’s program, I will be building on a strong foundation gained in the past years. My strategy for graduate study will, therefore, be a prolonged one where in I shall be consolidating my knowledge in a more specialized way and acquire the skills used for the research. I am applying for your esteemed university on an account of its excellent research facilities combined with distinguished and dedicated faculty. My admission into your esteemed university is of extreme importance for my career. The Master’s program will surely unclose a lot of career opportunities as the job vacancies pool in the field of Civil Engineering and construction management are highly conducive in Pakistan, Middle East and all around the world as well. Employment can be found many industries, such as Engineering, Business, IT, Construction, Health, Government, Mining, Transportation and many others. As I will get a privilege of having an international degree, there will be more opportunities for me to get a good job in many well reputed companies in Pakistan and in KSA. I wish to work with the top rank Construction companies such as • Saudi Bin Ladin Group • Al Rashid Trading & Contracting Co. (RTCC) • Al Ayuni Investment & Contracting Co. • Al Harbi Trading & Contracting Co. Ltd. • Arabian Bemco Contracting Co. • DESCON • Process Dynamics • AMCE Private Limited And many other projects operating in Pakistan related to my field. Furthermore, as I have described above that I would like to start my construction company as well that would require lot of hard work and initial experience of at least 5 years. The course will boost my career advancement prospects after completion of my degree I will be hired as; • Site Engineer • Building Control Surveyor • Contracting Civil Engineer • Design Engineer • Project Manager • Structural Engineer • Construction Manager • Building Services Engineer • Project Scheduler
  • 7. On an average Pakistani Civil Engineers with International degree earns an average around PKR: 100,000 – 150,000/ month plus package with numerable fringe benefit I believe that University of Wollongong would mark a touchstone in my life as it will enable me to accomplish my future goals of excelling in the field of Civil Engineering. I believe that after few years of getting a good job I can easily gain the return on investment. Above all, I have a responsibility to look after my family. So, after the completion of my masters, I will prefer to continue my professional career in my country so that I can live with my family. Further, I would like to share some of the current market openings for Civil Engineers as below; • • • Conclusion With my theoretical knowledge and practical skills, I am well equipped to meet university expectations. I am confident that I would surely synchronize to the high standards of the university. Having made this statement of my objectives it is my belief that what your university looks for, in a prospective student, is a strong academic background and the will to perform and deliver. An extremely distinguished faculty, a milieu replete with academic activity and the state-of-the- art research facilities in the field of Civil Engineering are the most important factors, which motivated me to choose your university. All knowledge is in human mind, it requires only an awakening. Since I strongly believe that your university would be an ideal place for me to pursue my graduate studies, I wish to advance my knowledge and make my life significant by joining your university. Regards Ahmed Zakaria November 14, 2018