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YEAR 2010-11
For my the Comenius project that organizes the EU (European Union) along with all member countries, and in which
participate students of 2nd cycle of secondary Education, is a great occasion to practice the English language that is its great
assignment, but it is also a form that gives us the occasion of knowing other countries’ life, gastronomy, traditions… And we
also have the chance to introduce our country, SPAIN. There, we must live with other families to whom we must thank for
opening us the doors of their houses and we must also give thanks to the school that receive us in their classrooms for some
days. For all this I am delighted for being one of the selected ones for this trip to ITALY ¨THANKS¨
Marina Garre García, 4th A ESO
At present the society of all the countries is very diverse culturally, that is to say that, in the same country there are people of
different origins, with different ways of seeing the world, with different religions, different ways of thinking, of speaking,
with different customs … This cultural diversity is fantastic for people because this way we know other forms of living the
life and it helps us to open our mind to other perspectives, to improve as a person. The students' exchanges are a way of
stimulating a more multicultural society because we, the students, see these cultural differences that we differ to people of
different areas. Another advantage of the cultural exchanges is that it helps us to speak English better because if we want to
communicate we have to use this language because it is the common language of the world. The students' exchanges make us
more independent, that we are able of taking decisions assuming the responsibility; therefore this helps us to mature, to be
more responsible, independent, self-confident… Besides all the advantages that have the exchanges it is an only and
unforgettable experience for the student because I will meet new people, and I will change the daily routine to travel to a
country to live for one week in the house of someone unknown to me, and I have to speak to this unknown person in English
to be able to communicate with him or her, therefore it is something unusual in anyone’s life.
From this trip to Italy I expect it to be unforgettable; I hope to make many friends. I expect to learn diverse customs and ways
of seeing the life different from mine that help me to mature and to enrich my knowledge about people. I expect to enjoy the
trip very much, to laugh, to see spectacular things (as the most emblematic monuments of Italy …). I would also like this trip
not to finish here but I would like to continue in touch with all the students that I will meet in the trip.
I am very satisfied to have been chosen to form a part of this project and sincerely I am going to try to enjoy it to the
maximum so that the memories of my experience as an exchange student are unforgettable in all of my life.
Inma Ros Madrid, 4th B ESO
In our school there is multiculturalism. In classes students from all countries come together and we exchange many things,
they give us many things from their countries to learn. Now I’ve been selected for a project called Comenius; it’s about
We are going to Italy, Naples, and we are staying at someone’s home with their family and what they do everyday. We will
take their habits and we will eat with them too. Their families will teach us new manners, for example: going to the
bathroom, sleeping and typical things from their country.
I think that we will learn a lot and the most important thing is that we’ll practice our English.
In my village there are Moroccans, Indians, Ecuadorians, etc. And there is a huge exchange of cultures. There are some that
take it bad and say that there are many foreigners, but I like multiculturalism because we learn more about other cultures and
other countries.
Francisco Madrid Martínez, 4th B ESO
Comenius is a cultural project in which the 14 -17 year-old pupils do exchanges with other countries of the European Union.
This project is done every two years and it is about a topic, this year is about the use of the T.I.C. to promote reading and
writing. With this project teachers want to promote the use of the international language, English, because of it to any country
where students go away for an exchange they have to communicate by means of this one.
From this exchange, I expect an unforgettable experience, which makes me see world and be able to learn from this
experience, to be able to meet people from other countries, coexist with them, with their customs, their families … well, to
learn from them and that they could learn from me and of my culture.
Also I want to take advantage of this opportunity that they give me, to be able to practice my English since it is a very
important language because with it, you can go everywhere, so much cultural as to work. And I would even like to be able to
learn a bit of their mother language since I’m interested in learning other languages.
Beatriz Calín García, 4th B ESO
A new way to exchange customs, hobbies, ways is THE cultural exchanges. These are essential for human beings as they
share new experiences such as how to dress and eat. We must learn or know a few languages in our life and these trips that
are made to learn how to develop the language, not only written but also oral understanding with others. In this trip we will
learn to live with people of other traditions with whom we share their way of living day to day and spend most of the time
and for sure we will make a variety of friends. We will go to different places and visit a school. In it we will learn to live with
others, i.e. within the same space we will exchange different cultures, such as Spanish, English, Italian...
In summary, we will not only establish a relationship with others, but we will also start a comprehensive tour, which is more
than images, stories, signs, information, customs...
Computer action games have more disadvantages than advantages. The only advantage of action games is
that they are entertaining. Currently, they are trendy.
Part of the crowd that plays computer action games is children and they do everything that they can see.
Computer action games are a bad example for children. In addition another disadvantage is that theses
computer action games are very addictive and many children much time playing these games and the
children break the habit of playing educational games.
I believe that children now do not have the same education as previously because now children play
computer action games and before they played educational games.
Tatiana Robles Manrique, 2nd Bachillerato
Play station and video games are trendy. It is a new fashion to meet friends at home to play video games.
However it is not good at all.
On the one hand, playing video games or computer action games makes yourself be entertained and if you
play with a friend or with your family you will have more emotion than if you play alone.
On the other hand, playing video games in the computer or in the play station could be a very bad influence
on people. When you are playing video games you are inside, you do not have social relationships and it
could produce a very bad influence in your mind. For example, a few years ago I saw on the news that a
boy, about 17 years old had killed his family with a sword because of the video games. That boy spent his
time playing action video games which showed a man killing people. Then, the boy went crazy and killed
his family.
In short, sometimes a pastime could be a very bad influence on people and it could cause a disaster, but,
normally it is a pastime that you can use with friends.
Miriam Martínez Castejón, 2nd Bachillerato
An Endangered Animal: The blue whale
The blue whale is one of the most endangered animals in the world. These animals are the biggest of the
animals, because it is 30 meters long. Today there are only between 5 thousand and 12 thousand specimens
of this animal.
Why is the blue whale endangered? The blue whale lives in the ocean. Years before, the hunting of whales
was excessive, because people make use of all parts of the whale. The blubber is used for making oil, the
bones and the meat are used for eating. Also the blue whales suffer impacts with the ships in the high seas
and they can stay caught in the networks of fishing. In addition, the increase of the noise produced by the
human in the ocean (for example the sound) impedes the communication of the whales. The blue whales are
migratory and they spend the summer in high latitudes, where they feed in waters in abundance of krill. In
winter they move to hotter latitudes, where they form a pair and give birth. Their migration is based on the
temperature of the ocean, a change would alter everything. The change of the temperature of the ocean
would also concern their supply of food, since it would provoke a change in situation and abundance of the
How can people help the Blue Whale survive? In 1967 the hunting of the Blue whale was prohibited for an
international agreement. It is necessary to reduce the poaching with more vigilance in the sea. It is
necessary to try to do that to sound damages less to the whales, controlling where they move to, that people
don’t catch them with the networks of fishing, and to try that the global warming doesn’t increase more.
To sum up, together with the associations of protection of animals in danger of extinction, with more
vigilance in the sea and avoiding increase the global warming, the number of whales will increase.
Endangered Animals
The main reasons there are so many
endangered species in the wild now are
due to:
Habit Destruction-When changes occur
in a fast time individual animals don’t
have time to adjust to those changes.
Human activity usually causes habit
destruction (pollution, hunting…) Soils
in forests are lacking nutrition’s that
grow plants and therefore many animals
die from hunger.
Introduction of exotic species-These
species are introduced into new
environments because of human activity,
either intentionally or accidentally.
Introducing exotic species put native
species in jeopardy by preying on them.
Overexploitation- There is a strong
market for such things like: rhino horns,
zebra skin, tiger bones …etc .Some of
these things make traditional medicines
and are on constant demand.
Diseases and Pollution- If plants don’t
grow and animals go hungry their
immune systems break down as well,
letting certain diseases take disastrous
affects on animals.
The most common zebras (found in Africa) are the
Burchell’s zebra. They are closely related to
horses and donkeys however have white and
black stripes and are unique to each individual.
The black and white stripes on the body
camouflages them and their legs are great for
running away from or injuring anything that
might threaten them. There diet consists of grass,
herbs, twigs, leaves and bark. Zebras are an
endangered species because hunters hunt them for
their skin and lions kill them to eat. They are also
endangered animals due to climate change and
There are many reasons why wolves are
endangered animals. Many people were afraid of
wolves and annoyed that they ate people’s cattle
and sheep, therefore, received money for hunting
them. This was called “Bounty Hunting”. Some
people still receive money for bounty hunting
these days. They also used to poison wolves,
which is one of the main reasons there are so few
left. There are great debates over wolves. While
some people think that they should be hunted to
the point of extinction, others thing it should be
forbidden. Though many people don’t realise,
wolves help little animal by keeping their
predator in check and by letting eat the wolves
It was a dark night and it was raining heavily. The wind was blowing
loudly. My friends and I were in a camp in Granada, in a beautiful valley
that by night turns into a gloomy and terrifying place. We couldn’t sleep
and it was very cold, our group leaders had decided to get into the forest for
firewood to set fire to a bonfire and to try to relax a little until we were very
tired and we were sleepy. We managed to rise to the high of the trees to be
protected from what it could happen. Meanwhile, we were speaking about
diverse topics, but we were bored very much, therefore we decided to tell
terror stories. My friend Fran started telling a really terrifying story, the
environment of the night helped him to increase the fear in all of us, while
he was telling the most terrifying part of the story we heard a noise close to
our tents, we were very frightened, some of them got into the tents and
others climbed to the high of the trees to protect ourselves from what could
happen. Suddenly the group leaders appeared, they were the cause of that
noise, and they told us that zone was monitored every day and that we
didn’t have to worry about anything. Later we lit the bonfire and we played
to very entertaining games, ultimately the night was unforgettable for
Inma Ros Madrid, 4th B ESO
At present the society of all the countries is very diverse culturally, that is to say that, in the same
country there are people of different origins, with different ways of seeing the world, with different
religions, different ways of thinking, of speaking, with different customs … This cultural diversity is
fantastic for people because this way we know other forms of living the life and it helps us to open our
mind to other perspectives, to improve as a person. The students' exchanges are a way of stimulating a
more multicultural society because we, the students, see these cultural differences that we differ to
people of different areas. Another advantage of the cultural exchanges is that it helps us to speak
English better because if we want to communicate we have to use this language because it is the
common language of the world. The students' exchanges make us more independent, that we are able
of taking decisions assuming the responsibility; therefore this helps us to mature, to be more
responsible, independent, self-confident… Besides all the advantages that have the exchanges it is an
only and unforgettable experience for the student because I will meet new people, and I will change
the daily routine to travel to a country to live for one week in the house of someone unknown to me,
and I have to speak to this unknown person in English to be able to communicate with him or her,
therefore it is something unusual in anyone’s life.
From this trip to Italy I expect it to be unforgettable; I hope to make many friends. I expect to learn
diverse customs and ways of seeing the life different from mine that help me to mature and to enrich
my knowledge about people. I expect to enjoy the trip very much, to laugh, to see spectacular things
(as the most emblematic monuments of Italy …). I would also like this trip not to finish here but I
would like to continue in touch with all the students that I will meet in the trip.
I am very satisfied to have been chosen to form a part of this project and sincerely I am going to try to
enjoy it to the maximum so that the memories of my experience as an exchange student are
unforgettable in all of my life.
Inma Ros Madrid
Torre-pacheco hace un video para proporcionar el municipio.
Este video habla sobre torre-pacheco hablando sobre que no quieren famosos en el pueblo. En el video
participan ciudadanos del municipio (padres ,niños, personas mayores, etc.…). Los ciudadanos se volcaron
con el video para proporcionar el municipio. En este video aparecen los lugares más emblemáticos del
pueblo como: La biblioteca municipal, el parque del ayuntamiento, la iglesia del Pasico, y los molinos. Este
video está siendo muy visto en internet, ha recibido en menos de un mes más de 1300 visitas.
El ministerio chileno rescata de una forma impresionante a los 33 mineros de la mina en la que
trabajaban “Mina San José”.
Los mineros que permanecieron durante 70 días atrapados a 700 metros de profundidad en la mina
San José, en el norte de Chile, afirmaron que el pasado 5 de agosto avisaron del peligro tres horas antes
del derrumbe que los sepultó y los ejecutivos de la empresa no les dejaron salir de profundidad en la
mina San José.
La mina se vino abajo y los mineros quedaron atrapados, por surte ninguno quedo mal herido ya que se
refugiaron en una galería que había en la mina en caso de derrumbe.
(la edad media de inicio de consumo se sitúa en los 14.9 años)
Que el abuso del alcohol es totalmente contraproducente para nuestra salud, no es ninguna novedad, sin
embargo siempre es bueno recordar que puede hacer este mal hábito en ti.
En realidad, se sabe que el abuso del alcohol puede provocar hasta 60 diferentes enfermedades,
comprometiendo principalmente a los sistemas cardiovascular y respiratorio, y pudiendo incidir de forma
negativa sobre la salud no sólo física sino también mental.
El alcohol en Europa: una perspectiva de salud pública, es un estudio que fue elaborado por el Instituto
para el Estudio del Alcohol, del Reino Unido y que advierte, en especial, sobre estos riesgos que no son
para nada insignificantes. Además de poder afectar al corazón, pulmón, el aparato gastrointestinal, o incluso
aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer, también puede elevar, en el caso de mujeres embarazadas, el
riesgo de daño prenatal y de parto prematuro.
La accesibilidad de los jóvenes a las bebidas alcohólicas es cada vez mayor, a pesar de las prohibiciones
impuestas de su venta a menores. La edad media de inicio en el consumo de alcohol entre los escolares,
según los datos de la Encuesta sobre Drogas a la Población Escolar 1998 (Delegación del Gobierno para el
Plan Nacional sobre Drogas), es de 13.6 años, y la edad media de inicio de consumo semanal se sitúa en los
14.9 años, según esta fuente las chicas registran mayor prevalencia de consumo de alcohol, aunque en
cantidades menores.
En España hay muchos centros de desintoxicación del alcohol y uno de ellos es CITA (Centro de
investigación y tratamiento de adicciones)
En CITA mantenemos un protocolo de desintoxicación alcohólica de gran eficacia y confort. Entendemos
que, aunque el alcohol es una droga legal, su síndrome de abstinencia requiere la presencia de personal
altamente cualificado.
Por ultimo lo más importante de todo es el autocontrol personal. Eso es más importante que luego tener que
curar esa adicción.
Consumo de alcohol

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  • 5. MULTICULTURALISM AND COMENIUS PROJECT. For my the Comenius project that organizes the EU (European Union) along with all member countries, and in which participate students of 2nd cycle of secondary Education, is a great occasion to practice the English language that is its great assignment, but it is also a form that gives us the occasion of knowing other countries’ life, gastronomy, traditions… And we also have the chance to introduce our country, SPAIN. There, we must live with other families to whom we must thank for opening us the doors of their houses and we must also give thanks to the school that receive us in their classrooms for some days. For all this I am delighted for being one of the selected ones for this trip to ITALY ¨THANKS¨ Marina Garre García, 4th A ESO At present the society of all the countries is very diverse culturally, that is to say that, in the same country there are people of different origins, with different ways of seeing the world, with different religions, different ways of thinking, of speaking, with different customs … This cultural diversity is fantastic for people because this way we know other forms of living the life and it helps us to open our mind to other perspectives, to improve as a person. The students' exchanges are a way of stimulating a more multicultural society because we, the students, see these cultural differences that we differ to people of different areas. Another advantage of the cultural exchanges is that it helps us to speak English better because if we want to communicate we have to use this language because it is the common language of the world. The students' exchanges make us more independent, that we are able of taking decisions assuming the responsibility; therefore this helps us to mature, to be more responsible, independent, self-confident… Besides all the advantages that have the exchanges it is an only and unforgettable experience for the student because I will meet new people, and I will change the daily routine to travel to a country to live for one week in the house of someone unknown to me, and I have to speak to this unknown person in English to be able to communicate with him or her, therefore it is something unusual in anyone’s life. From this trip to Italy I expect it to be unforgettable; I hope to make many friends. I expect to learn diverse customs and ways of seeing the life different from mine that help me to mature and to enrich my knowledge about people. I expect to enjoy the trip very much, to laugh, to see spectacular things (as the most emblematic monuments of Italy …). I would also like this trip not to finish here but I would like to continue in touch with all the students that I will meet in the trip. I am very satisfied to have been chosen to form a part of this project and sincerely I am going to try to enjoy it to the maximum so that the memories of my experience as an exchange student are unforgettable in all of my life. Inma Ros Madrid, 4th B ESO
  • 6. In our school there is multiculturalism. In classes students from all countries come together and we exchange many things, they give us many things from their countries to learn. Now I’ve been selected for a project called Comenius; it’s about multiculturalism. We are going to Italy, Naples, and we are staying at someone’s home with their family and what they do everyday. We will take their habits and we will eat with them too. Their families will teach us new manners, for example: going to the bathroom, sleeping and typical things from their country. I think that we will learn a lot and the most important thing is that we’ll practice our English. In my village there are Moroccans, Indians, Ecuadorians, etc. And there is a huge exchange of cultures. There are some that take it bad and say that there are many foreigners, but I like multiculturalism because we learn more about other cultures and other countries. Francisco Madrid Martínez, 4th B ESO Comenius is a cultural project in which the 14 -17 year-old pupils do exchanges with other countries of the European Union. This project is done every two years and it is about a topic, this year is about the use of the T.I.C. to promote reading and writing. With this project teachers want to promote the use of the international language, English, because of it to any country where students go away for an exchange they have to communicate by means of this one. From this exchange, I expect an unforgettable experience, which makes me see world and be able to learn from this experience, to be able to meet people from other countries, coexist with them, with their customs, their families … well, to learn from them and that they could learn from me and of my culture. Also I want to take advantage of this opportunity that they give me, to be able to practice my English since it is a very important language because with it, you can go everywhere, so much cultural as to work. And I would even like to be able to learn a bit of their mother language since I’m interested in learning other languages. Beatriz Calín García, 4th B ESO A new way to exchange customs, hobbies, ways is THE cultural exchanges. These are essential for human beings as they share new experiences such as how to dress and eat. We must learn or know a few languages in our life and these trips that are made to learn how to develop the language, not only written but also oral understanding with others. In this trip we will learn to live with people of other traditions with whom we share their way of living day to day and spend most of the time and for sure we will make a variety of friends. We will go to different places and visit a school. In it we will learn to live with others, i.e. within the same space we will exchange different cultures, such as Spanish, English, Italian... In summary, we will not only establish a relationship with others, but we will also start a comprehensive tour, which is more than images, stories, signs, information, customs... By: MIGUEL TORRICO BERNAL, 4th B ESO
  • 7. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF VIDEOGAMES AND COMPUTER ACTION GAMES. Computer action games have more disadvantages than advantages. The only advantage of action games is that they are entertaining. Currently, they are trendy. Part of the crowd that plays computer action games is children and they do everything that they can see. Computer action games are a bad example for children. In addition another disadvantage is that theses computer action games are very addictive and many children much time playing these games and the children break the habit of playing educational games. I believe that children now do not have the same education as previously because now children play computer action games and before they played educational games. Tatiana Robles Manrique, 2nd Bachillerato Play station and video games are trendy. It is a new fashion to meet friends at home to play video games. However it is not good at all. On the one hand, playing video games or computer action games makes yourself be entertained and if you play with a friend or with your family you will have more emotion than if you play alone. On the other hand, playing video games in the computer or in the play station could be a very bad influence on people. When you are playing video games you are inside, you do not have social relationships and it could produce a very bad influence in your mind. For example, a few years ago I saw on the news that a boy, about 17 years old had killed his family with a sword because of the video games. That boy spent his time playing action video games which showed a man killing people. Then, the boy went crazy and killed his family. In short, sometimes a pastime could be a very bad influence on people and it could cause a disaster, but, normally it is a pastime that you can use with friends. Miriam Martínez Castejón, 2nd Bachillerato
  • 8. ENDANGERED ANIMALS. An Endangered Animal: The blue whale The blue whale is one of the most endangered animals in the world. These animals are the biggest of the animals, because it is 30 meters long. Today there are only between 5 thousand and 12 thousand specimens of this animal. Why is the blue whale endangered? The blue whale lives in the ocean. Years before, the hunting of whales was excessive, because people make use of all parts of the whale. The blubber is used for making oil, the bones and the meat are used for eating. Also the blue whales suffer impacts with the ships in the high seas and they can stay caught in the networks of fishing. In addition, the increase of the noise produced by the human in the ocean (for example the sound) impedes the communication of the whales. The blue whales are migratory and they spend the summer in high latitudes, where they feed in waters in abundance of krill. In winter they move to hotter latitudes, where they form a pair and give birth. Their migration is based on the temperature of the ocean, a change would alter everything. The change of the temperature of the ocean would also concern their supply of food, since it would provoke a change in situation and abundance of the krill. How can people help the Blue Whale survive? In 1967 the hunting of the Blue whale was prohibited for an international agreement. It is necessary to reduce the poaching with more vigilance in the sea. It is necessary to try to do that to sound damages less to the whales, controlling where they move to, that people don’t catch them with the networks of fishing, and to try that the global warming doesn’t increase more. To sum up, together with the associations of protection of animals in danger of extinction, with more vigilance in the sea and avoiding increase the global warming, the number of whales will increase.
  • 9. Endangered Animals The main reasons there are so many endangered species in the wild now are due to: Habit Destruction-When changes occur in a fast time individual animals don’t have time to adjust to those changes. Human activity usually causes habit destruction (pollution, hunting…) Soils in forests are lacking nutrition’s that grow plants and therefore many animals die from hunger. Introduction of exotic species-These species are introduced into new environments because of human activity, either intentionally or accidentally. Introducing exotic species put native species in jeopardy by preying on them. Overexploitation- There is a strong market for such things like: rhino horns, zebra skin, tiger bones …etc .Some of these things make traditional medicines and are on constant demand. Diseases and Pollution- If plants don’t grow and animals go hungry their immune systems break down as well, letting certain diseases take disastrous affects on animals.
  • 10. ZEBRA The most common zebras (found in Africa) are the Burchell’s zebra. They are closely related to horses and donkeys however have white and black stripes and are unique to each individual. The black and white stripes on the body camouflages them and their legs are great for running away from or injuring anything that might threaten them. There diet consists of grass, herbs, twigs, leaves and bark. Zebras are an endangered species because hunters hunt them for their skin and lions kill them to eat. They are also endangered animals due to climate change and contamination. Wolves There are many reasons why wolves are endangered animals. Many people were afraid of wolves and annoyed that they ate people’s cattle and sheep, therefore, received money for hunting them. This was called “Bounty Hunting”. Some people still receive money for bounty hunting these days. They also used to poison wolves, which is one of the main reasons there are so few left. There are great debates over wolves. While some people think that they should be hunted to the point of extinction, others thing it should be forbidden. Though many people don’t realise, wolves help little animal by keeping their predator in check and by letting eat the wolves leftovers.
  • 11. A TERRIFYING NIGHT It was a dark night and it was raining heavily. The wind was blowing loudly. My friends and I were in a camp in Granada, in a beautiful valley that by night turns into a gloomy and terrifying place. We couldn’t sleep and it was very cold, our group leaders had decided to get into the forest for firewood to set fire to a bonfire and to try to relax a little until we were very tired and we were sleepy. We managed to rise to the high of the trees to be protected from what it could happen. Meanwhile, we were speaking about diverse topics, but we were bored very much, therefore we decided to tell terror stories. My friend Fran started telling a really terrifying story, the environment of the night helped him to increase the fear in all of us, while he was telling the most terrifying part of the story we heard a noise close to our tents, we were very frightened, some of them got into the tents and others climbed to the high of the trees to protect ourselves from what could happen. Suddenly the group leaders appeared, they were the cause of that noise, and they told us that zone was monitored every day and that we didn’t have to worry about anything. Later we lit the bonfire and we played to very entertaining games, ultimately the night was unforgettable for everybody. Inma Ros Madrid, 4th B ESO
  • 12. WRITING FOR THE AUDIO BOOK MULTICULTURALISM AND STUDENTS' EXCHANGES At present the society of all the countries is very diverse culturally, that is to say that, in the same country there are people of different origins, with different ways of seeing the world, with different religions, different ways of thinking, of speaking, with different customs … This cultural diversity is fantastic for people because this way we know other forms of living the life and it helps us to open our mind to other perspectives, to improve as a person. The students' exchanges are a way of stimulating a more multicultural society because we, the students, see these cultural differences that we differ to people of different areas. Another advantage of the cultural exchanges is that it helps us to speak English better because if we want to communicate we have to use this language because it is the common language of the world. The students' exchanges make us more independent, that we are able of taking decisions assuming the responsibility; therefore this helps us to mature, to be more responsible, independent, self-confident… Besides all the advantages that have the exchanges it is an only and unforgettable experience for the student because I will meet new people, and I will change the daily routine to travel to a country to live for one week in the house of someone unknown to me, and I have to speak to this unknown person in English to be able to communicate with him or her, therefore it is something unusual in anyone’s life. From this trip to Italy I expect it to be unforgettable; I hope to make many friends. I expect to learn diverse customs and ways of seeing the life different from mine that help me to mature and to enrich my knowledge about people. I expect to enjoy the trip very much, to laugh, to see spectacular things (as the most emblematic monuments of Italy …). I would also like this trip not to finish here but I would like to continue in touch with all the students that I will meet in the trip. I am very satisfied to have been chosen to form a part of this project and sincerely I am going to try to enjoy it to the maximum so that the memories of my experience as an exchange student are unforgettable in all of my life. Inma Ros Madrid
  • 13. SIN FAMOSEO – NO TYPICAL Torre-pacheco hace un video para proporcionar el municipio. Este video habla sobre torre-pacheco hablando sobre que no quieren famosos en el pueblo. En el video participan ciudadanos del municipio (padres ,niños, personas mayores, etc.…). Los ciudadanos se volcaron con el video para proporcionar el municipio. En este video aparecen los lugares más emblemáticos del pueblo como: La biblioteca municipal, el parque del ayuntamiento, la iglesia del Pasico, y los molinos. Este video está siendo muy visto en internet, ha recibido en menos de un mes más de 1300 visitas. ARTICLES FOR A DIGITAL NEWSPAPER
  • 14. LA ODISEA El ministerio chileno rescata de una forma impresionante a los 33 mineros de la mina en la que trabajaban “Mina San José”. Los mineros que permanecieron durante 70 días atrapados a 700 metros de profundidad en la mina San José, en el norte de Chile, afirmaron que el pasado 5 de agosto avisaron del peligro tres horas antes del derrumbe que los sepultó y los ejecutivos de la empresa no les dejaron salir de profundidad en la mina San José. La mina se vino abajo y los mineros quedaron atrapados, por surte ninguno quedo mal herido ya que se refugiaron en una galería que había en la mina en caso de derrumbe.
  • 15. EL ALCOHOL Y LOS JOVENES. (la edad media de inicio de consumo se sitúa en los 14.9 años) Que el abuso del alcohol es totalmente contraproducente para nuestra salud, no es ninguna novedad, sin embargo siempre es bueno recordar que puede hacer este mal hábito en ti. En realidad, se sabe que el abuso del alcohol puede provocar hasta 60 diferentes enfermedades, comprometiendo principalmente a los sistemas cardiovascular y respiratorio, y pudiendo incidir de forma negativa sobre la salud no sólo física sino también mental. El alcohol en Europa: una perspectiva de salud pública, es un estudio que fue elaborado por el Instituto para el Estudio del Alcohol, del Reino Unido y que advierte, en especial, sobre estos riesgos que no son para nada insignificantes. Además de poder afectar al corazón, pulmón, el aparato gastrointestinal, o incluso aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer, también puede elevar, en el caso de mujeres embarazadas, el riesgo de daño prenatal y de parto prematuro. La accesibilidad de los jóvenes a las bebidas alcohólicas es cada vez mayor, a pesar de las prohibiciones impuestas de su venta a menores. La edad media de inicio en el consumo de alcohol entre los escolares, según los datos de la Encuesta sobre Drogas a la Población Escolar 1998 (Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas), es de 13.6 años, y la edad media de inicio de consumo semanal se sitúa en los 14.9 años, según esta fuente las chicas registran mayor prevalencia de consumo de alcohol, aunque en cantidades menores. En España hay muchos centros de desintoxicación del alcohol y uno de ellos es CITA (Centro de investigación y tratamiento de adicciones) En CITA mantenemos un protocolo de desintoxicación alcohólica de gran eficacia y confort. Entendemos que, aunque el alcohol es una droga legal, su síndrome de abstinencia requiere la presencia de personal altamente cualificado. Por ultimo lo más importante de todo es el autocontrol personal. Eso es más importante que luego tener que curar esa adicción. Consumo de alcohol