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Goethe Gymnasium
Düsseldorf, Germany
Liceo Statale A. Volta – F. Fellini
Riccione, Italy
Draudzīgā aicinājuma Liepājas pilsētas 5. vidusskola
Liepaja, Latvia
IES San Martín
Talayuela, Spain
Hasan Sabri Çavuşoğlu Fen Lisesi
Bartin, Turkey
This Comenius Multilateral School partnership project has been funded with support
from the European Commission.
Project Number: 2011-1-TR1-COM06-24009-1
The document reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there.
Printed by Spain
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
Preface …..……………………………………………………… 5
German guidebooks ………………………………………………… 7
Italian guidebooks ………………………………………………….. 11
Latvian guidebooks ………………………………………………… 15
Spanish guidebooks ………………………………………………… 21
Turkish guidebooks ………………………………………………… 29
Authors ……………………………………………………………… 33
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
Spain was in charge of this final Comenius product: ‘Construction of online and
printed guidebook about teenagers and future life’. In the Spanish meeting held in
March 2013, it was decided to ask all the students from the five countries to create a text
(tale, short story or comic) about their future expectation. The final text would serve as
a comparison; to see if they had changed t
and after the project. At the end they should summarize their expectations in just one
Each country should choose two final texts, one written by a boy and one written
by a girl, and send them to the Spanish coo it and publish them online and
to be printed.
After this first stage, published on the private
Facebook Group called ‘Ge on the Spanish website
he way they saw their future before, during
rdinator to ed
the finished work has been
t ready for e Future’ andth
) before being gathered
here for this third product.
The educational texts and seeing how
each student has taken o rent point of view.
Here you will be able to read the German texts written by Lisa Birk and Jan-
Niklas Droefke and their desire to improve their skills on languages to get a better
knowledge of foreign people and culture; the great Italian sentences ‘One has all the
time in the world to predict their future but the best way to predict the future is to create
it. Because, time doesn' t, clocks do’ (by Si ‘You have great powers
when you expect the u meet’ (Alessandro
Forlani); the superb Latvian comic made of real pictures and the reflections on her
future prospects done by Sindija Bora; the great comic by Javier Núñez and Ana Morón
and the statement: ‘Dreams are only ideas. To make something come true, it only
depends on you’; and finally, the things that will remain forever from this international
project like the friendships started amongst our students, serves as an example we can
see from the great friendship of ‘Quique, the King’ from Spain and his Turkish guest
Ahmet Çağrı Durkaya.
Now I’ll leave you with the guidebook about teenager's and future life. I’m sure
it will put a smile on all of our faces when we read it in the years to come.
It has been a real pleasure to be part of this project with all of you.
I wish you all a successful and happy future.
Sonia Isabel Pita Villares
Spanish coordinator of the project.
community has enjoyed reading all the
n the final project from a completely diffe
t exis lvia Vargas) or
best. Expect the best from everyone yo
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
The future is something unpredictable that we can only influence indirectly. But
nevertheless it is the most important part of a teenager's life.
ight way and that I gave
my best to achieve what I want to achieve. I want to have a good job to earn enough
good job it is necessary to be able to speak many foreign languages to
communicate with different people all around the world. This is a really important thing
that ca
hat is important in
's life, care about the
others and learn to express yourself. These things can change your personality and
during our time in Spain can never be
taken away from us again. It was interesting to see how families in other countries live
and ho
bs do not only concern our home
country but also people of other countries and their cultures.
project. So it is really difficult to say how much and in which ways it changed my
o be able to speak with people all around the world. But this was not a new
idea for me as it is taught in school as well.
my time in Spain is that I want
to trav lot
my mind and learn more about
differe eopl
l in
one of mos for a teenager's future.
In the future I want to be able to say that I decided the r
for my family but I want to have some free time as well as I want to spend as
much time as possible with my friends and my family.
For a
me to my mind while participating in the Comenius-project. We all saw that
especially English is very important.
In my opinion the Comenius-project is a good chance to see w
You have to be open minded, interested in other people
ce your further development.
Furthermore the experience we made
w other cultures are like. This is also very important for our future because the
world is in a process of globalization so that many jo
The problem is that I only participated in one of the exchanges of the
tions for the future. This experience encouraged my idea of learning different
languages t
But another important thing that I realized during
el a in my future. For me it is very interesting to talk to other people from
abroad and to exchange ideas. I want to broaden
nt p e and their cultures.
Al all I would say that my expectations for the future did not change
completely during the Comenius-project but that we all saw that learning languages is
the t important things in life and especially
Lisa Birk
but that there is something that connec ne of us. Even if the several cultures
separated us we found out that we often have the same hobbys, listen to the same music
and lik
e all inspired each other to think about it again and
realize that there is a real future perspective in our hobbys.
ting people I have never seen before and have a
well paid job. To achieve these goals and to be able to live my future like I want, I have
to work
I want to go to university and start studying the English language, because after
the trip
s a good experience that we will
remember for a long time.
r thought 2 months that I would fly to Spain!
is/her future.
Jan-Niklas Droefke
The Comenius Project showed me that we all may come from different countrys,
ts each o
e the same sport.
Before we went to Spain I never thought about making my hobby a job, like
most of the other students I met. W
In my future I will have my “Abitur” and will have a job that I will feel
comfortable with.
I may live somewhere else, mee
hard and study a lot to get the educational qualification I need.
Because of the Comenius-Project I thought about playing golf professionally or
becoming a teacher, it was the first time I thought about it. But my future plans are
different and will include golf only as a hobby.
I know how important English is to communicate with other people.
Meeting the students from another country was an exciting event, because they
often don’t have future plans like I do and they make me see the things from a different
Being in Spain for a period of time wa
A couple of days after the trip to Talayuela I still thought about how my future
will look like and how the decisions I make now can influence it.
You will never know what will happen, you can only influence it with certain
decisions you make, like I neve
My final opinion is that the Comenius Project is a very good idea to learn more
about different cultures and to get in contact with very interesting persons, which every
student should be able to experience to expand their knowledge about h
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
Keep Going. There is no way you can fail. People are born to succeed - not to
I have always loved travelling. In my opinion it's the perfect way to visit
different places, discover new cultures and make new friends.
Up to now I thought that travelling abroad meant just a holiday, but after I tried
the beautiful experience of the Comenius project I started thinking that the other
European countries may be the places where I could study, work and live in the next
future years.
In fact thanks to the European Union cultural travelling exchanges have become
the way to make European young people's dream come true, because if someone can't
fulfil his or her dreams in his/her own country, he or she can easily move to another EU
country and try to start a new life there, following his or her dreams
Exchange projects are really useful for students today, because in this way they
can experience how other people behave in everyday challenges.
By knowing each other students can learn how to study and work together in a
single team, I think this is very important because to work together it is the best way to
create new businesses, and fulfil great dreams.
Unfortunately still a lot of people think that to move to another country is
useless, but they should understand that it is not true.
In fact Europe can give us the possibilities to do what we would like to and I
think we should be prepared for these new opportunities, not to loose them.
What I want to share with European teenagers getting ready for the future is the
− try to encourage yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror, beat your chest
and say, "I can make it and I can stand the test of time ;
− always try to face your worst fear because nothing good comes easy. you
must be uncomfortable to get to your comfort zone;
− there are others in this life that need you. You have a great responsibility
in your living.
− put value in every day. There are plans to make, goals to realize, and
work to be completed. Your service is required;
− go forward with fervour and passion;
− be happy for others along your way. It'll bring you joy in your own living;
− you have great powers when you expect the best. Expect the best from
everyone you meet;
− you carry the seed of great dreams. Let yours grow and blossom today;
− there are so many people out there who will tell you that you can't make
it. What you have to do is turn around and say, "Watch me!”.
Alessandro Forlani
To get something you never had before, y omething you never did
The Comenius is a project created and aimed to help young people, like
European students, who will be the future of our society, to understand that there are
many different jobs and life possibilities, not only in their own country but all over
Europe and the rest of the world.
The cultural exchange can increase the prospects of employment and personal
achievement. You have the opportunity to develop new and exciting interests that aren't
available in your country. In this way you can observe and learn but specially make
practise which isn't always possible or easy to do. Because there are many things you
can learn only through the experience.
The Comenius is also important because it can "open your mind", you have the
opportunity to meet people from other countries, and it's useful not only to improve and
practise the English language, but to observe different places, ways of life, habits and
cultures and learn from them. You don't have to stop to be curious, because there are
always new things, that you may not even know them to exist, but which you will be
glad to know.
For a lot of people it is difficult to get away from family, friends and habits; they
don't want to change their vision of the world seen only through their culture; but this
attachment can lead to narrow-mindedness and limit their real possibilities, abilities and
skills, depriving themselves of numerous life opportunities which can be interesting and
exciting. I think that this is a big mistake because this kind of project can really make
you a better person from all points of view and can help you to find security in dealing
with different lifestyles and way of thinking.
The Comenius has really changed my point of view. During the different
meeting we have reasoned about what kind of work we want to do, how we could
combine sports or hobbies with a future work and how to behave to get a satisfactory
life. In fact now I think, even if I won't have the perfect job l will do my best, with
commitment and perseverance and I will face the obstacles life will put on my way with
a smile and positive attitudes.
I don't know what the future will bring but the more knowledge I get and
instruments I have, the more easily will be to face the challenges that will arise along
my way, so I strongly believe that hard work is never a waste of time.
“One has all the time in the world to predict their future but the best way to
predict the future is to create it. Because, time doesn't exist, clocks do.”
Silvia Vargas
ou will have to do s
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
My future prospects
Every day people are thinking about future, opportunities, about progress,
basically about future prospects. Also I am thinking about my future and that is the
reason why I am taking part in many competitons, events, projects and of course in
Firstly, and one of the hardest is the language barrier. In this project take a part
five different countries: Turkey, Latvia, Germany, Spain and Italy. Each of these
countries have different language accent, pronunciation and language basics. For me it
was not a big surprise to hear easy words in different pronunciation. That forced me to
listen more carefully and ask for to repeat it again, but slower. Furthermore, I think this
project gives each of the participants an opportunity to understand how it is when a
person wants to say you something, but it must be done in language and also in a kind
of sign language.
Secondly, and also important is the cultural mix. In international projects people
can learn more about the etiquette, architecture, behaviour, manners, beliefs. Of course
these all students learn at different lessons but in this project I understand that it is really
interesting only when a person really enjoys and sees all this things in real life. I began
to take an interest about project countries history, what I never do in lessons, and I am
proud of that I can teach something new to my friends. And I know that this man will
have a big plus in life.
Also experience is living in different cultural family, try to make a contact, eat
different meals all this stuffs give a great experience in my future, because nowadays it
is very popular go to trip or live in other countries, but without any experience it could
be more harder to use to this differences. Every person should take a part international
project, especially because it makes friends in other countries and they can help if
person is in unknown place.
On the whole, I really believe that in my future prospects my activities and
participation in many projects can make contacts and get to know people out of my
country. This type of projects like ‘’Comenius’’ provides people opportunities to new
interests and passions what most of us not discovered yet.
Sindija Bora
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
Andrejs Snipkis
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
All people have a dream must always set a clear target
at any moment.
lp her in everything.
scholarship, she should get good marks.
ok. S doesn't know the theme of the book but
she wo
ough she has a little plan for her future, S
always guides by her likes. She doesn't mind what people tell.
he faces all her obstacles with decision, effort and optimism.
The Comenius hasn’t change t has helped her to realize that the
languages are very important in life. ove meeting new kind people from
others countries. She likes the Comenius because it has made her relate to other
teenagers and be more self-confident.
The dreams are only ideas. To make something come true only depends on you.
Ana Mª Morón Morón
in their life. To get it, you
This story begins in a small town with a girl's dream. The name of the girl is
Silvia but her friends called her ‘S’.
She's 16 years old. S doesn't worry about her future. She meets her friends, goes
to party, studies with the radio on… She is a daydreamer. Sometimes she would like
living in another place, for example, in a city but then S remembers that living in a town
is better because it is more relaxing than a city.
Her family and her friends are her main support and they he
This year S should choose if she takes science or arts. It's a difficult decision but
she has decided to take a degree that she likes.
She has an only concern: S knows that her parents can’t afford to pay for the
degree. So if she wants to get a college
In her town there aren't many possibilities to develop her hobbies and S is
resolute to leave the town to look for new opportunities.
S has some targets: the first is to go to the University when she finishes
Secondary Education and to get a halftime job to earn money for her basic needs. The
second target is to travel around the world and to know other cultures. She also wants to
work in the future in a job that helps the society and S won't give up learning new things.
S also dreams about writing a bo
uld love having a book written by herself.
Her main aim is to be happy and alth
d her life but i
Now S would l
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
Javier Núñez Sánchez
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
My Future Expectations
Hi, I’m a typical teenager from Turkey, a little city called Bartın. Being a student,
my life is normally boring and monotonous as my friends’. Maybe I’ll do something
different with this essay.
Future expectations! Well, Actually I don’t expect much from life, just small
expectations like a good job, a big house, a luxury car etc. like everybody does. I want
to graduate from high school with a good degree and continue my academic life with an
elegant university education. I want to be an engineer and work in another country and
this is my personal ambition. For the whole world, as a world citizen, I know I cannot
make many changes because I don’t think I have that pottential power own my own.
However I know and always tell myself: I can’t make a difference that can change the
world, but I’ll impress somebody who can. Small steps help the bigger ones. So I
believe that I won’t be a man who is just working for his own life but for my country
and for the humanity.
I want to talk about my experiences with Comenius.I have been involved in
Comenius project twice and at first I thought Comenius was like a school a trip, a good
time to be abroad and skip the school life for one week.I was very young and my
English was not good enough. After that trip I realized that I needed to improve my
My second experience has been “Get Ready For The Future” Project. I feel
myself really lucky to attend the project meeting in Talayuela, Spain this March. It was
really good , I had great time there and Spanish people were very friendly. My host was
“King Kike I.” We are still in touch with him and now he is one of my best friends.
Comenius means vision for me. It means friendship, cooperation and dialogue.
After Comenius my vision has changed. The project activities as well as mobilities
helped me to see the life and the future in a different aspect. If I hadn’t been abroad with
the Comenius Project, I would have worried when someone talked about being abroad.
Now I dream about living in another country. I saw different places and met different
people and cultures which gave opportunity to make several comparisions. It
encouraged me to have bigger dreams and goals. I have meet my peers from different
countries and discussed what they expect from life and shared my expectations. We may
have different interests and different aims but we have one thing in common: We want a
peacefull world to live!
Many thanks to the teachers who created this project for such an amazing and
memorable experience.
Ahmet Çağrı Durkaya
What I expect from future
I’m a sixteen year old teenager from Turkey. I’m a student at Bartin Science
High School and like my friends I have an ordinary and a monotonous life. I have to
study hard to graduate succesfully and more importantly to go to a good university. In
my country, it’s a big race and millions of students try to find a place in universities. My
highest aim for my future is to pass university exam and study medicine at one of the
best universities in Turkey. I want to be a doctor and live in good conditions. The
doctors are well-paid and respected by the society however they work long hours and
can not take long holidays as teachers. I’m aware of its prons and cons and I know for
sure that I want this job and I feel I’m getting closer step by step!
Because of hard school life, I can’t spend enough time for my hobbies and
interest. I In the future, I want to have a lively and active life. I want to do some
volunteer activities and take part in social events. I may be a member of assosiations
and help children, animal, women or environment. The world is ours and I think we
must protect it for future generations.
The most exciting event in my life until now has been ‘Get Ready For The
Future!’ project and the trip to Spain. It was my first experience and I had great time
there. First of all, I met new friends from different European countries. I could share my
future expectations, ideas and feeling about life and future with them. This also helped
me to practise English. Now I feel that I should improve it more. Secondly we were
hosted by Spanish families and they were very friendly. I could observe their family life,
learn their traditions and taste local food which I liked a lot. Finally I want to say that
being abroad is like going beyod borders. Now I dream about having holidays in
different countries, even working there!
For me, Comenius is a key to life! It has opened my eyes for other opportunities
around and enlarged my expactations of life.
Thank you Comenius.
Yasemin Çelik
XXL European vision of the teens
Get ready for the future!
Guidebook about teenagers and future life
These works have been made by the following students
Goethe Gymnasym
Düsseldorf, Germany
Lisa Birk
Jan-Niklas Droefke
Liceo Statale A. Volta – F. Fellini
Riccione, Italy
Alessandro Forlani
Silvia Vargas
Draudzīgā aicinājuma Liepājas pilsētas 5. vidusskola,
Sindija Bora
Andrejs Snipkis
IES San Martín
Talayuela (Cáceres), Spain
Ana Mª Morón Morón
Javier Núñez Sánchez
Hasan Sabri Çavuşoğlu Fen Lisesi
Bartin, Turkey
Ahmet Çağrı Durkaya
Yasemin Çelik

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Guidebook about teenagers and future life

  • 2. PARTNERS Goethe Gymnasium Düsseldorf, Germany Liceo Statale A. Volta – F. Fellini Riccione, Italy Draudzīgā aicinājuma Liepājas pilsētas 5. vidusskola Liepaja, Latvia IES San Martín Talayuela, Spain Hasan Sabri Çavuşoğlu Fen Lisesi Bartin, Turkey This Comenius Multilateral School partnership project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Project Number: 2011-1-TR1-COM06-24009-1 The document reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there. Printed by Spain 2
  • 3. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 3 … INDEX Preface …..……………………………………………………… 5 German guidebooks ………………………………………………… 7 Italian guidebooks ………………………………………………….. 11 Latvian guidebooks ………………………………………………… 15 Spanish guidebooks ………………………………………………… 21 Turkish guidebooks ………………………………………………… 29 Authors ……………………………………………………………… 33
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  • 5. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 5 PREFACE Spain was in charge of this final Comenius product: ‘Construction of online and printed guidebook about teenagers and future life’. In the Spanish meeting held in March 2013, it was decided to ask all the students from the five countries to create a text (tale, short story or comic) about their future expectation. The final text would serve as a comparison; to see if they had changed t and after the project. At the end they should summarize their expectations in just one sentence. Each country should choose two final texts, one written by a boy and one written by a girl, and send them to the Spanish coo it and publish them online and to be printed. After this first stage, published on the private Facebook Group called ‘Ge on the Spanish website ( he way they saw their future before, during rdinator to ed the finished work has been t ready for e Future’ andth ) before being gathered here for this third product. The educational texts and seeing how each student has taken o rent point of view. Here you will be able to read the German texts written by Lisa Birk and Jan- Niklas Droefke and their desire to improve their skills on languages to get a better knowledge of foreign people and culture; the great Italian sentences ‘One has all the time in the world to predict their future but the best way to predict the future is to create it. Because, time doesn' t, clocks do’ (by Si ‘You have great powers when you expect the u meet’ (Alessandro Forlani); the superb Latvian comic made of real pictures and the reflections on her future prospects done by Sindija Bora; the great comic by Javier Núñez and Ana Morón and the statement: ‘Dreams are only ideas. To make something come true, it only depends on you’; and finally, the things that will remain forever from this international project like the friendships started amongst our students, serves as an example we can see from the great friendship of ‘Quique, the King’ from Spain and his Turkish guest Ahmet Çağrı Durkaya. Now I’ll leave you with the guidebook about teenager's and future life. I’m sure it will put a smile on all of our faces when we read it in the years to come. It has been a real pleasure to be part of this project with all of you. I wish you all a successful and happy future. Sonia Isabel Pita Villares Spanish coordinator of the project. community has enjoyed reading all the n the final project from a completely diffe t exis lvia Vargas) or best. Expect the best from everyone yo
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  • 7. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 7 OOKS GERMAN GUIDEB GOETHE GYMNASIUM, DÜSSELDORF
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  • 9. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 9 The future is something unpredictable that we can only influence indirectly. But nevertheless it is the most important part of a teenager's life. ight way and that I gave my best to achieve what I want to achieve. I want to have a good job to earn enough money good job it is necessary to be able to speak many foreign languages to communicate with different people all around the world. This is a really important thing that ca hat is important in life: 's life, care about the others and learn to express yourself. These things can change your personality and influen during our time in Spain can never be taken away from us again. It was interesting to see how families in other countries live and ho bs do not only concern our home country but also people of other countries and their cultures. Comenius- project. So it is really difficult to say how much and in which ways it changed my expecta o be able to speak with people all around the world. But this was not a new idea for me as it is taught in school as well. my time in Spain is that I want to trav lot my mind and learn more about differe eopl l in one of mos for a teenager's future. In the future I want to be able to say that I decided the r for my family but I want to have some free time as well as I want to spend as much time as possible with my friends and my family. For a me to my mind while participating in the Comenius-project. We all saw that especially English is very important. In my opinion the Comenius-project is a good chance to see w You have to be open minded, interested in other people ce your further development. Furthermore the experience we made w other cultures are like. This is also very important for our future because the world is in a process of globalization so that many jo The problem is that I only participated in one of the exchanges of the tions for the future. This experience encouraged my idea of learning different languages t But another important thing that I realized during el a in my future. For me it is very interesting to talk to other people from abroad and to exchange ideas. I want to broaden nt p e and their cultures. Al all I would say that my expectations for the future did not change completely during the Comenius-project but that we all saw that learning languages is the t important things in life and especially Lisa Birk
  • 10. 10 but that there is something that connec ne of us. Even if the several cultures separated us we found out that we often have the same hobbys, listen to the same music and lik e all inspired each other to think about it again and realize that there is a real future perspective in our hobbys. ting people I have never seen before and have a well paid job. To achieve these goals and to be able to live my future like I want, I have to work I want to go to university and start studying the English language, because after the trip s a good experience that we will remember for a long time. r thought 2 months that I would fly to Spain! is/her future. Jan-Niklas Droefke The Comenius Project showed me that we all may come from different countrys, ts each o e the same sport. Before we went to Spain I never thought about making my hobby a job, like most of the other students I met. W In my future I will have my “Abitur” and will have a job that I will feel comfortable with. I may live somewhere else, mee hard and study a lot to get the educational qualification I need. Because of the Comenius-Project I thought about playing golf professionally or becoming a teacher, it was the first time I thought about it. But my future plans are different and will include golf only as a hobby. I know how important English is to communicate with other people. Meeting the students from another country was an exciting event, because they often don’t have future plans like I do and they make me see the things from a different perspective. Being in Spain for a period of time wa A couple of days after the trip to Talayuela I still thought about how my future will look like and how the decisions I make now can influence it. You will never know what will happen, you can only influence it with certain decisions you make, like I neve My final opinion is that the Comenius Project is a very good idea to learn more about different cultures and to get in contact with very interesting persons, which every student should be able to experience to expand their knowledge about h
  • 11. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 11 I GUIDEBOOKS LICEO STATALE A. VOLTA – F. FELLINI, RICCIONE TALIAN
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  • 13. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 13 Keep Going. There is no way you can fail. People are born to succeed - not to fail! I have always loved travelling. In my opinion it's the perfect way to visit different places, discover new cultures and make new friends. Up to now I thought that travelling abroad meant just a holiday, but after I tried the beautiful experience of the Comenius project I started thinking that the other European countries may be the places where I could study, work and live in the next future years. In fact thanks to the European Union cultural travelling exchanges have become the way to make European young people's dream come true, because if someone can't fulfil his or her dreams in his/her own country, he or she can easily move to another EU country and try to start a new life there, following his or her dreams Exchange projects are really useful for students today, because in this way they can experience how other people behave in everyday challenges. By knowing each other students can learn how to study and work together in a single team, I think this is very important because to work together it is the best way to create new businesses, and fulfil great dreams. Unfortunately still a lot of people think that to move to another country is useless, but they should understand that it is not true. In fact Europe can give us the possibilities to do what we would like to and I think we should be prepared for these new opportunities, not to loose them. What I want to share with European teenagers getting ready for the future is the following: − try to encourage yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror, beat your chest and say, "I can make it and I can stand the test of time ; − always try to face your worst fear because nothing good comes easy. you must be uncomfortable to get to your comfort zone; − there are others in this life that need you. You have a great responsibility in your living. − put value in every day. There are plans to make, goals to realize, and work to be completed. Your service is required; − go forward with fervour and passion; − be happy for others along your way. It'll bring you joy in your own living; − you have great powers when you expect the best. Expect the best from everyone you meet; − you carry the seed of great dreams. Let yours grow and blossom today; − there are so many people out there who will tell you that you can't make it. What you have to do is turn around and say, "Watch me!”. Alessandro Forlani
  • 14. 14 To get something you never had before, y omething you never did before. The Comenius is a project created and aimed to help young people, like European students, who will be the future of our society, to understand that there are many different jobs and life possibilities, not only in their own country but all over Europe and the rest of the world. The cultural exchange can increase the prospects of employment and personal achievement. You have the opportunity to develop new and exciting interests that aren't available in your country. In this way you can observe and learn but specially make practise which isn't always possible or easy to do. Because there are many things you can learn only through the experience. The Comenius is also important because it can "open your mind", you have the opportunity to meet people from other countries, and it's useful not only to improve and practise the English language, but to observe different places, ways of life, habits and cultures and learn from them. You don't have to stop to be curious, because there are always new things, that you may not even know them to exist, but which you will be glad to know. For a lot of people it is difficult to get away from family, friends and habits; they don't want to change their vision of the world seen only through their culture; but this attachment can lead to narrow-mindedness and limit their real possibilities, abilities and skills, depriving themselves of numerous life opportunities which can be interesting and exciting. I think that this is a big mistake because this kind of project can really make you a better person from all points of view and can help you to find security in dealing with different lifestyles and way of thinking. The Comenius has really changed my point of view. During the different meeting we have reasoned about what kind of work we want to do, how we could combine sports or hobbies with a future work and how to behave to get a satisfactory life. In fact now I think, even if I won't have the perfect job l will do my best, with commitment and perseverance and I will face the obstacles life will put on my way with a smile and positive attitudes. I don't know what the future will bring but the more knowledge I get and instruments I have, the more easily will be to face the challenges that will arise along my way, so I strongly believe that hard work is never a waste of time. “One has all the time in the world to predict their future but the best way to predict the future is to create it. Because, time doesn't exist, clocks do.” Silvia Vargas ou will have to do s
  • 15. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 15 LATVIAN GUIDEBOOKS DRAUDZĪGĀ AICINĀJUMA LIEPĀJAS PILSĒTAS 5. VIDUSSKOLA, LIEPAJA
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  • 17. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 17 My future prospects Every day people are thinking about future, opportunities, about progress, basically about future prospects. Also I am thinking about my future and that is the reason why I am taking part in many competitons, events, projects and of course in ‘’Comenius’’. Firstly, and one of the hardest is the language barrier. In this project take a part five different countries: Turkey, Latvia, Germany, Spain and Italy. Each of these countries have different language accent, pronunciation and language basics. For me it was not a big surprise to hear easy words in different pronunciation. That forced me to listen more carefully and ask for to repeat it again, but slower. Furthermore, I think this project gives each of the participants an opportunity to understand how it is when a person wants to say you something, but it must be done in language and also in a kind of sign language. Secondly, and also important is the cultural mix. In international projects people can learn more about the etiquette, architecture, behaviour, manners, beliefs. Of course these all students learn at different lessons but in this project I understand that it is really interesting only when a person really enjoys and sees all this things in real life. I began to take an interest about project countries history, what I never do in lessons, and I am proud of that I can teach something new to my friends. And I know that this man will have a big plus in life. Also experience is living in different cultural family, try to make a contact, eat different meals all this stuffs give a great experience in my future, because nowadays it is very popular go to trip or live in other countries, but without any experience it could be more harder to use to this differences. Every person should take a part international project, especially because it makes friends in other countries and they can help if person is in unknown place. On the whole, I really believe that in my future prospects my activities and participation in many projects can make contacts and get to know people out of my country. This type of projects like ‘’Comenius’’ provides people opportunities to new interests and passions what most of us not discovered yet. Sindija Bora
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  • 19. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 19 Andrejs Snipkis
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  • 21. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 21 SPANISH GUIDEBOOKS IES SAN MARTÍN, TALAYUELA
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  • 23. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 23 All people have a dream must always set a clear target at any moment. lp her in everything. scholarship, she should get good marks. ok. S doesn't know the theme of the book but she wo ough she has a little plan for her future, S always guides by her likes. She doesn't mind what people tell. he faces all her obstacles with decision, effort and optimism. The Comenius hasn’t change t has helped her to realize that the languages are very important in life. ove meeting new kind people from others countries. She likes the Comenius because it has made her relate to other teenagers and be more self-confident. The dreams are only ideas. To make something come true only depends on you. Ana Mª Morón Morón in their life. To get it, you This story begins in a small town with a girl's dream. The name of the girl is Silvia but her friends called her ‘S’. She's 16 years old. S doesn't worry about her future. She meets her friends, goes to party, studies with the radio on… She is a daydreamer. Sometimes she would like living in another place, for example, in a city but then S remembers that living in a town is better because it is more relaxing than a city. Her family and her friends are her main support and they he This year S should choose if she takes science or arts. It's a difficult decision but she has decided to take a degree that she likes. She has an only concern: S knows that her parents can’t afford to pay for the degree. So if she wants to get a college In her town there aren't many possibilities to develop her hobbies and S is resolute to leave the town to look for new opportunities. S has some targets: the first is to go to the University when she finishes Secondary Education and to get a halftime job to earn money for her basic needs. The second target is to travel around the world and to know other cultures. She also wants to work in the future in a job that helps the society and S won't give up learning new things. S also dreams about writing a bo uld love having a book written by herself. Her main aim is to be happy and alth S d her life but i Now S would l
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  • 25. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 25
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  • 27. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 27 Javier Núñez Sánchez
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  • 29. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 29 TURKISH GUIDEBOOKS HASAN SABRI ÇAVUŞOĞLU FEN LISESI, BARTIN
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  • 31. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 31 My Future Expectations Hi, I’m a typical teenager from Turkey, a little city called Bartın. Being a student, my life is normally boring and monotonous as my friends’. Maybe I’ll do something different with this essay. Future expectations! Well, Actually I don’t expect much from life, just small expectations like a good job, a big house, a luxury car etc. like everybody does. I want to graduate from high school with a good degree and continue my academic life with an elegant university education. I want to be an engineer and work in another country and this is my personal ambition. For the whole world, as a world citizen, I know I cannot make many changes because I don’t think I have that pottential power own my own. However I know and always tell myself: I can’t make a difference that can change the world, but I’ll impress somebody who can. Small steps help the bigger ones. So I believe that I won’t be a man who is just working for his own life but for my country and for the humanity. I want to talk about my experiences with Comenius.I have been involved in Comenius project twice and at first I thought Comenius was like a school a trip, a good time to be abroad and skip the school life for one week.I was very young and my English was not good enough. After that trip I realized that I needed to improve my English. My second experience has been “Get Ready For The Future” Project. I feel myself really lucky to attend the project meeting in Talayuela, Spain this March. It was really good , I had great time there and Spanish people were very friendly. My host was “King Kike I.” We are still in touch with him and now he is one of my best friends. Comenius means vision for me. It means friendship, cooperation and dialogue. After Comenius my vision has changed. The project activities as well as mobilities helped me to see the life and the future in a different aspect. If I hadn’t been abroad with the Comenius Project, I would have worried when someone talked about being abroad. Now I dream about living in another country. I saw different places and met different people and cultures which gave opportunity to make several comparisions. It encouraged me to have bigger dreams and goals. I have meet my peers from different countries and discussed what they expect from life and shared my expectations. We may have different interests and different aims but we have one thing in common: We want a peacefull world to live! Many thanks to the teachers who created this project for such an amazing and memorable experience. Ahmet Çağrı Durkaya
  • 32. 32 What I expect from future I’m a sixteen year old teenager from Turkey. I’m a student at Bartin Science High School and like my friends I have an ordinary and a monotonous life. I have to study hard to graduate succesfully and more importantly to go to a good university. In my country, it’s a big race and millions of students try to find a place in universities. My highest aim for my future is to pass university exam and study medicine at one of the best universities in Turkey. I want to be a doctor and live in good conditions. The doctors are well-paid and respected by the society however they work long hours and can not take long holidays as teachers. I’m aware of its prons and cons and I know for sure that I want this job and I feel I’m getting closer step by step! Because of hard school life, I can’t spend enough time for my hobbies and interest. I In the future, I want to have a lively and active life. I want to do some volunteer activities and take part in social events. I may be a member of assosiations and help children, animal, women or environment. The world is ours and I think we must protect it for future generations. The most exciting event in my life until now has been ‘Get Ready For The Future!’ project and the trip to Spain. It was my first experience and I had great time there. First of all, I met new friends from different European countries. I could share my future expectations, ideas and feeling about life and future with them. This also helped me to practise English. Now I feel that I should improve it more. Secondly we were hosted by Spanish families and they were very friendly. I could observe their family life, learn their traditions and taste local food which I liked a lot. Finally I want to say that being abroad is like going beyod borders. Now I dream about having holidays in different countries, even working there! For me, Comenius is a key to life! It has opened my eyes for other opportunities around and enlarged my expactations of life. Thank you Comenius. Yasemin Çelik
  • 33. XXL European vision of the teens Get ready for the future! Guidebook about teenagers and future life 33 AUTHORS These works have been made by the following students Goethe Gymnasym Düsseldorf, Germany Lisa Birk Jan-Niklas Droefke Liceo Statale A. Volta – F. Fellini Riccione, Italy Alessandro Forlani Silvia Vargas Draudzīgā aicinājuma Liepājas pilsētas 5. vidusskola, Liepaja,Latvia Sindija Bora Andrejs Snipkis IES San Martín Talayuela (Cáceres), Spain Ana Mª Morón Morón Javier Núñez Sánchez Hasan Sabri Çavuşoğlu Fen Lisesi Bartin, Turkey Ahmet Çağrı Durkaya Yasemin Çelik
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