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The Spanish Inquisition Essay
The Spanish Inquisition became an infamous event in history that would interest and shock people
for centuries to come. King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella of Spain started the Spanish
Inquisition in September of 1480; however, it was two years earlier in the November of 1478 that
Pope Sixtus IV actually authorized the two monarchs to set up and start the Inquisition. (The
Spanish Inquisition, n.d.) The Inquisition mostly dealt with the conversos, or "Jews who had
converted either under duress or out of social convenience, and were suspected of secretly practicing
the Jewish faith." (The Spanish Inquisition, n.d.) While this is given as a definition of conversos,
some people believe that the majority of conversos were more content...
("The Spanish Inquisition:," n.d.) Isabella looked upon this removal of about 170,000 of her
subjects as a "pious duty". (The Spanish Inquisition, 2007) Under Torquemada's reign the
Inquisition spread. By about 1538 there were 19 courts in cities such as Seville, Cordova,
Villareal, and Toledo. They began in Seville and arrested conversos, where more than 700 were
burned and 5,000 repented. Trials, or tribunals were held in Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia. An
"Inquisition Tribunal" was set up in Toledo in 1485 and between the years 1486 and 1492, 25
auto–da–fГ©s were held and 467 people were burned at the stake and more were imprisoned. (The
Inquisition, 2007) When a person was accused, they had a "term of grace" for thirty to forty days
where they could voluntarily confess their sin and atone for that sin. After that grace period was
used up, they had a trial and if the judges found the accused guilty of the offense, the person was
imprisoned. The accused's trial occurred only in the presence of two disinterested priests and the
defense was in the hands of a lawyer. Witnesses were sworn in and if one lied they would be
seriously punished– death being a possibility. (Blotzer, 1910) If a person was found guilty at the
trial they could be burned at the stake. (Madden, 2003) These trials were called auto–da–fГ©, or Act
of Faith, and would happen in a public place such as the main square in a town. After
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The Spanish Inquisition Essay
Over the years in history, there have been many formidable executions that were caused by the
aspect of different faiths and races. Period after period there have been many leaders who lashed out
onto others because of what they believed in. All of these incidents have never been forgotten; one
very infamous one would be the Spanish Inquisition. The Spanish Inquisition was started to
"cleanse" the Church of heretics and purify Spain. They executed Jews, Muslims, and other
minorities not of Christian faith. Ferdinand and Isabella were in crown of Spain and appointed the
Church to start the Spanish Inquisition. These cases will be discussed in the fallowing paper.
Isabella promised whenever she reaches the throne she would devote herself more content...
She appointed the main inquisitor, Thomas of Torquemada. Thomas was the one who had Isabella
vow that she would purify Spain. Besides her vow, she already wanted "one country, one ruler, one
faith." (Slade, 1996)
The Inquisition executed Jews and Muslims. However, even the ones who converted to
Christianity or born Christian were tortured if they once were of another faith or if it could be
traced back in their roots. The ones who had the Jewish blood, or of any other faith and were born
Christian, were tortured more severely. Theaccused was not allowed to have a lawyer or counsel for
their defense.
They tortured people to gain confessions. The church handled all confessions, however could not
witness the bloodshed that they caused to get the accused to confess. All punishments were vary
physical two of the most infamous were the strappado and aselli. The strappado, meaning pulley,
was a device containing ropes to strap a person down from their arms and legs and weights were
attached on the ropes. The person would be raised and their body would stretch causing mass
amounts of pain and sometimes–immediate death. The aselli was a water torment. A person would
lie down and be drowned rapidity until it looked like their veins would explode.
According to the Church's law: if a torture was stopped then you could not start it again with the
same person but a break could be taken. Once a person confesses the Spanish
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Spanish Inquisition Dbq
In 1478 an independent Spanish Inquisition was created by pope Sixtus in response to King
Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Castile. The Spanish Inquisition had independence from Papal
control and was created to consolidate authority and secure religion in a unified government
organization in New Spain. By 1570 there were Holy Offices in Mexico and Lima and by 1579 an
office was built in Brazil as well. The Inquisition of New Spain lasted from 1569–1821 consisting of
hierarchical official and processes.
Ludovicus de paramo, De Origine et Progressu Officii Sanctae Inquisitionis, in 1598 states "God was
the first inquisitor". The Spanish Inquisition mainly dealt with acts of Heresy, crimes that went
against the faith and crimes that did not match with how the crown wished to structure society.
Crimes against the more content...
The instruction were a detailed outline of the strict rules and regulation of what must come before
and after the steps of the trial and acquisition process stating " the council of the general inquisition
decided and is in accordance that all of the inquisition should observe the following order". The
process consists of 81 parts and normally begins with an examination and qualification of
propositions, which is followed by a denunciation ana an agreement of imprisonment which is
reviewed together (and not without the other)(60) . These rules attempted to limit abuse by sharing
the power and making sure no part of the inquisitorial process was determined by one person. For
example in Remission to the council in discord when the matter is qualified it states " they should
consult with the council before they execute their opinion and again in WHo Should assist the Arrest
it states" the receptor of the inquisition or his lieutenants should assist the constable (alguacil) along
with the notary of sequester"
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The Spanish Inquisition Essay examples
Political power acts as a foundation for society through persuasion. This influential ability controls
the thoughts and actions of society as a whole, and who is in control heavily determines how
successful their influences will be. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were the political rulers of
Spain during the late 15th century, and remained in control up until the early 16th century. They
craved unity for their country, and would do anything they could to achieve their desired conformity.
Spain was to be united under one flag, one form of ruler, and one religion; those who did not oblige,
became targets. For more than three hundred years, the Spanish Inquisition hovered over Spain,
inciting fear and inflicting brutality upon more content...
They claimed that those of the Jewish faith were responsible for Jesus' death, and therefore they were
unable to be trusted. The expansion of Jewish communities infuriated the Christian society, pushing
them towards their breaking point. In 1391, anti–Semitic violence broke out in Castile, and spread
across many other areas in Spain such as Barcelona, Saragossa, and Valencia. Mobs entered the
Jewish communities to burn synagogues, invade homes, rape the women, and kill the dominant
Jewish rulers that were recognized. The Jews of Spain were given an ultimatum; evacuate, or convert
to Christianity. Nearly half of them agreed to convert their faith, and they were baptized in order to
show their true commitment to the Church. Those who converted were referred to as Conversos or
"New Christians". This ultimatum that those of the Jewish faith were given satisfied Christian
societies, but it soon became apparent that the Conversos were not acting accordingly in respect to
the Christian belief system. Although they attended church and participated in Christian traditions,
behind closed doors, it was believed that they continued to practise the traditions, beliefs, and holy
days outlined by the Jewish faith. They refrained from eating pork, and supposedly celebrated the
Jewish Sabbath which lasted from Friday's sundown until Saturday's nightfall. This realization
caused Christians to become furious, and those who had been deemed
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Spanish Inquisition Dbq
The Spanish Inquisition lasted from 1478 to 1834. The goal of the Spanish Inquisition was to expel,
convert or kill all Non–Catholics from Spain in Spain. When people were accused heresy they
would be pit on trial, but before they could be on trial they had to sit in jail which most of them were
unsanitary and people were given little food to eat. The punishments people received if they were
found guilty were: torture, public humiliation, and death. The trials were unfair, unjustified and not
necessary. The SpanishInquisition did not help spread Catholicism and in fact slowed the spread
because of the fear that it instilled in Non–Catholics. The Spanish Inquisition started was when Pope
Sixtus the IV approved it in 1478. Their early more content...
There were three main punishments to trials in the Spanish Inquisition. The punishments were
being relaxed, reconciled, and penanced. The most minor punishment was being penanced.
People were fined, banished from the country or forced to wear an embarrassing hat called
Sanbenito to show to the public that they have sinned. After the person's time of wearing the hat
it was hung up so the public humiliation would continue for many years to come. Being
reconciled was the second worst punishment. People were sentenced to different punishments if
they were reconciled. They were sentenced to row the galleys for extensive periods of time,
flogging, or serve long prison terms. All of the person's property and goods were taken if they
were reconciled. Being relaxed is ironically the most serious punishment involving death. People
were burned at the stake alive. If they died or escaped while awaiting their trial they were burned
in effigy, which is a sculpture of a person. This punishment was for heretics that didn't repent or
those who had been on trial before. Auto da fe was a special form of being relaxed. There was a
ceremony that took place in public. It was a big event and was planned ahead of time.
"After the prisoners had processed through the streets to the square, mass was celebrated, and they
then went up on to the scaffold and read out their sins. Their punishments were pronounced, after
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The Spanish Inquisition Essay
The Spanish Inquisition
The word "inquisition" means to examine. Inquisitors would "examine" suspected Heretics, people
whose ideas do not match those of the Roman Catholic Church, and punish them accordingly. This
included torture and burning. The great inquisition movement that took place in Spain, or Hispania as
it was called before Spain united. It was called The Spanish Inquisition. It took place for
approximately five hundred years, from the late 15th century to mid 19th century. Many ironic
elements were involved in the history of the Inquisition. The Spanish Inquisition lasted longer than
any other preceding it, and was the most cruel, bloodthirsty, and festive of all. The objective of the
inquisition, in its early state, was more content...
This was the start of the first inquisition. After that, it was a common practice in much of Europe to
take Heretics before a trial, then inflict torture on them forcing them to convert. Those that did not
convert were sent to a public burning or hanging. In 1252 AD, Pope Innocent IV agreed to use
inquisitors to torture sinners who would not repent their sins and confess. By the fifteen hundreds,
the Inquisition became corrupt, powerful, and greedy.
In the late 15th century, Spain gained its freedom from the Moors. They were Islamic North
African people that were and controlled much of Spain. The wealthy, educated Jewish population
financially assisted the monarchy to regain Spain from the Moors. Large prosperous Jewish
communities existed in Spain. They were respected, unlike other areas of Europe where the Jews
were persecuted and victims of organized massacres. In Spain, they remained the financial and
scientific leaders in the 15th century. Many of Jews married into Catholic families, consequently,
many of Spain's Christian leaders were of Jewish descent. As Spain became a unified country, many
Hispanics forgot the services from which the Jewish had provided them. The economy plummeted,
and to many, the Jews became a scapegoat. They became targets for bigotry. Stories were created to
lessen the Jews image. These stories included Jews murdering innocent Christian children. Such
legends fueled the expulsion of the Jews from
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Spanish Inquisition
As you mature in life, you are likely to find that you may dislike a certain group of people more
than others. Most of the time, this is an innocent distrust or dislike, however it can lead to
worsening conditions between you and this group or individual. Over the ages, a group that has
been put into the role of the hated group in such a petty disagreement repeatedly are the Jews. Since
the rise of Catholicism, Jews have, at more points in history than just one, been hunted and
slaughtered. In this paper, we will take a closer look into a time when Jews were killed by the
thousands, known simply as the Spanish Inquisition.
Many centuries ago, Spain was split into 6 major parts; the kingdoms of Castile, Aragon, Granada,
Navarre, Portugal, and Majorca, with Castile being this largest. For a long period of time, the
Islamic kingdom of the Moors had been attempting to invade the southern Iberian peninsula, the more content...
In the 15th century, they got their wish, but not in the way they may have expected. At the time, the
Pope of the Catholic church was Pope Sixtus IV, and he knew that Spain was be the crown jewel of
Catholic expansion, if he could remove the Jews. The Jewish population at the time was still
dominating the country, and for a while, the Jews were already being prosecuted by the Catholics
for not converting. This was a very slow process however, especially as it was still illegal in the
Spanish empire. Pope Sixtus understood this, and he also understood that Ferdinand and Isabella had
huge ties to the church and would listen to anything the Pope had to say. Using this to his advantage,
he enacted a bull papal, or official document, saying that the King and Queen of Spain could name
inquisitors to hunt down any Jews who had not converted, and have them killed in the 'name of
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Spanish Inquisition Essay

  • 1. The Spanish Inquisition Essay The Spanish Inquisition became an infamous event in history that would interest and shock people for centuries to come. King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella of Spain started the Spanish Inquisition in September of 1480; however, it was two years earlier in the November of 1478 that Pope Sixtus IV actually authorized the two monarchs to set up and start the Inquisition. (The Spanish Inquisition, n.d.) The Inquisition mostly dealt with the conversos, or "Jews who had converted either under duress or out of social convenience, and were suspected of secretly practicing the Jewish faith." (The Spanish Inquisition, n.d.) While this is given as a definition of conversos, some people believe that the majority of conversos were more content... ("The Spanish Inquisition:," n.d.) Isabella looked upon this removal of about 170,000 of her subjects as a "pious duty". (The Spanish Inquisition, 2007) Under Torquemada's reign the Inquisition spread. By about 1538 there were 19 courts in cities such as Seville, Cordova, Villareal, and Toledo. They began in Seville and arrested conversos, where more than 700 were burned and 5,000 repented. Trials, or tribunals were held in Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia. An "Inquisition Tribunal" was set up in Toledo in 1485 and between the years 1486 and 1492, 25 auto–da–fГ©s were held and 467 people were burned at the stake and more were imprisoned. (The Inquisition, 2007) When a person was accused, they had a "term of grace" for thirty to forty days where they could voluntarily confess their sin and atone for that sin. After that grace period was used up, they had a trial and if the judges found the accused guilty of the offense, the person was imprisoned. The accused's trial occurred only in the presence of two disinterested priests and the defense was in the hands of a lawyer. Witnesses were sworn in and if one lied they would be seriously punished– death being a possibility. (Blotzer, 1910) If a person was found guilty at the trial they could be burned at the stake. (Madden, 2003) These trials were called auto–da–fГ©, or Act of Faith, and would happen in a public place such as the main square in a town. After Get more content on
  • 2. The Spanish Inquisition Essay Over the years in history, there have been many formidable executions that were caused by the aspect of different faiths and races. Period after period there have been many leaders who lashed out onto others because of what they believed in. All of these incidents have never been forgotten; one very infamous one would be the Spanish Inquisition. The Spanish Inquisition was started to "cleanse" the Church of heretics and purify Spain. They executed Jews, Muslims, and other minorities not of Christian faith. Ferdinand and Isabella were in crown of Spain and appointed the Church to start the Spanish Inquisition. These cases will be discussed in the fallowing paper. Isabella promised whenever she reaches the throne she would devote herself more content... She appointed the main inquisitor, Thomas of Torquemada. Thomas was the one who had Isabella vow that she would purify Spain. Besides her vow, she already wanted "one country, one ruler, one faith." (Slade, 1996) The Inquisition executed Jews and Muslims. However, even the ones who converted to Christianity or born Christian were tortured if they once were of another faith or if it could be traced back in their roots. The ones who had the Jewish blood, or of any other faith and were born Christian, were tortured more severely. Theaccused was not allowed to have a lawyer or counsel for their defense. They tortured people to gain confessions. The church handled all confessions, however could not witness the bloodshed that they caused to get the accused to confess. All punishments were vary physical two of the most infamous were the strappado and aselli. The strappado, meaning pulley, was a device containing ropes to strap a person down from their arms and legs and weights were attached on the ropes. The person would be raised and their body would stretch causing mass amounts of pain and sometimes–immediate death. The aselli was a water torment. A person would lie down and be drowned rapidity until it looked like their veins would explode. According to the Church's law: if a torture was stopped then you could not start it again with the same person but a break could be taken. Once a person confesses the Spanish Get more content on
  • 3. Spanish Inquisition Dbq In 1478 an independent Spanish Inquisition was created by pope Sixtus in response to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Castile. The Spanish Inquisition had independence from Papal control and was created to consolidate authority and secure religion in a unified government organization in New Spain. By 1570 there were Holy Offices in Mexico and Lima and by 1579 an office was built in Brazil as well. The Inquisition of New Spain lasted from 1569–1821 consisting of hierarchical official and processes. Ludovicus de paramo, De Origine et Progressu Officii Sanctae Inquisitionis, in 1598 states "God was the first inquisitor". The Spanish Inquisition mainly dealt with acts of Heresy, crimes that went against the faith and crimes that did not match with how the crown wished to structure society. Crimes against the more content... The instruction were a detailed outline of the strict rules and regulation of what must come before and after the steps of the trial and acquisition process stating " the council of the general inquisition decided and is in accordance that all of the inquisition should observe the following order". The process consists of 81 parts and normally begins with an examination and qualification of propositions, which is followed by a denunciation ana an agreement of imprisonment which is reviewed together (and not without the other)(60) . These rules attempted to limit abuse by sharing the power and making sure no part of the inquisitorial process was determined by one person. For example in Remission to the council in discord when the matter is qualified it states " they should consult with the council before they execute their opinion and again in WHo Should assist the Arrest it states" the receptor of the inquisition or his lieutenants should assist the constable (alguacil) along with the notary of sequester" Get more content on
  • 4. The Spanish Inquisition Essay examples Political power acts as a foundation for society through persuasion. This influential ability controls the thoughts and actions of society as a whole, and who is in control heavily determines how successful their influences will be. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were the political rulers of Spain during the late 15th century, and remained in control up until the early 16th century. They craved unity for their country, and would do anything they could to achieve their desired conformity. Spain was to be united under one flag, one form of ruler, and one religion; those who did not oblige, became targets. For more than three hundred years, the Spanish Inquisition hovered over Spain, inciting fear and inflicting brutality upon more content... They claimed that those of the Jewish faith were responsible for Jesus' death, and therefore they were unable to be trusted. The expansion of Jewish communities infuriated the Christian society, pushing them towards their breaking point. In 1391, anti–Semitic violence broke out in Castile, and spread across many other areas in Spain such as Barcelona, Saragossa, and Valencia. Mobs entered the Jewish communities to burn synagogues, invade homes, rape the women, and kill the dominant Jewish rulers that were recognized. The Jews of Spain were given an ultimatum; evacuate, or convert to Christianity. Nearly half of them agreed to convert their faith, and they were baptized in order to show their true commitment to the Church. Those who converted were referred to as Conversos or "New Christians". This ultimatum that those of the Jewish faith were given satisfied Christian societies, but it soon became apparent that the Conversos were not acting accordingly in respect to the Christian belief system. Although they attended church and participated in Christian traditions, behind closed doors, it was believed that they continued to practise the traditions, beliefs, and holy days outlined by the Jewish faith. They refrained from eating pork, and supposedly celebrated the Jewish Sabbath which lasted from Friday's sundown until Saturday's nightfall. This realization caused Christians to become furious, and those who had been deemed Get more content on
  • 5. Spanish Inquisition Dbq The Spanish Inquisition lasted from 1478 to 1834. The goal of the Spanish Inquisition was to expel, convert or kill all Non–Catholics from Spain in Spain. When people were accused heresy they would be pit on trial, but before they could be on trial they had to sit in jail which most of them were unsanitary and people were given little food to eat. The punishments people received if they were found guilty were: torture, public humiliation, and death. The trials were unfair, unjustified and not necessary. The SpanishInquisition did not help spread Catholicism and in fact slowed the spread because of the fear that it instilled in Non–Catholics. The Spanish Inquisition started was when Pope Sixtus the IV approved it in 1478. Their early more content... There were three main punishments to trials in the Spanish Inquisition. The punishments were being relaxed, reconciled, and penanced. The most minor punishment was being penanced. People were fined, banished from the country or forced to wear an embarrassing hat called Sanbenito to show to the public that they have sinned. After the person's time of wearing the hat it was hung up so the public humiliation would continue for many years to come. Being reconciled was the second worst punishment. People were sentenced to different punishments if they were reconciled. They were sentenced to row the galleys for extensive periods of time, flogging, or serve long prison terms. All of the person's property and goods were taken if they were reconciled. Being relaxed is ironically the most serious punishment involving death. People were burned at the stake alive. If they died or escaped while awaiting their trial they were burned in effigy, which is a sculpture of a person. This punishment was for heretics that didn't repent or those who had been on trial before. Auto da fe was a special form of being relaxed. There was a ceremony that took place in public. It was a big event and was planned ahead of time. "After the prisoners had processed through the streets to the square, mass was celebrated, and they then went up on to the scaffold and read out their sins. Their punishments were pronounced, after Get more content on
  • 6. The Spanish Inquisition Essay The Spanish Inquisition The word "inquisition" means to examine. Inquisitors would "examine" suspected Heretics, people whose ideas do not match those of the Roman Catholic Church, and punish them accordingly. This included torture and burning. The great inquisition movement that took place in Spain, or Hispania as it was called before Spain united. It was called The Spanish Inquisition. It took place for approximately five hundred years, from the late 15th century to mid 19th century. Many ironic elements were involved in the history of the Inquisition. The Spanish Inquisition lasted longer than any other preceding it, and was the most cruel, bloodthirsty, and festive of all. The objective of the inquisition, in its early state, was more content... This was the start of the first inquisition. After that, it was a common practice in much of Europe to take Heretics before a trial, then inflict torture on them forcing them to convert. Those that did not convert were sent to a public burning or hanging. In 1252 AD, Pope Innocent IV agreed to use inquisitors to torture sinners who would not repent their sins and confess. By the fifteen hundreds, the Inquisition became corrupt, powerful, and greedy. In the late 15th century, Spain gained its freedom from the Moors. They were Islamic North African people that were and controlled much of Spain. The wealthy, educated Jewish population financially assisted the monarchy to regain Spain from the Moors. Large prosperous Jewish communities existed in Spain. They were respected, unlike other areas of Europe where the Jews were persecuted and victims of organized massacres. In Spain, they remained the financial and scientific leaders in the 15th century. Many of Jews married into Catholic families, consequently, many of Spain's Christian leaders were of Jewish descent. As Spain became a unified country, many Hispanics forgot the services from which the Jewish had provided them. The economy plummeted, and to many, the Jews became a scapegoat. They became targets for bigotry. Stories were created to lessen the Jews image. These stories included Jews murdering innocent Christian children. Such legends fueled the expulsion of the Jews from Get more content on
  • 7. Spanish Inquisition As you mature in life, you are likely to find that you may dislike a certain group of people more than others. Most of the time, this is an innocent distrust or dislike, however it can lead to worsening conditions between you and this group or individual. Over the ages, a group that has been put into the role of the hated group in such a petty disagreement repeatedly are the Jews. Since the rise of Catholicism, Jews have, at more points in history than just one, been hunted and slaughtered. In this paper, we will take a closer look into a time when Jews were killed by the thousands, known simply as the Spanish Inquisition. Many centuries ago, Spain was split into 6 major parts; the kingdoms of Castile, Aragon, Granada, Navarre, Portugal, and Majorca, with Castile being this largest. For a long period of time, the Islamic kingdom of the Moors had been attempting to invade the southern Iberian peninsula, the more content... In the 15th century, they got their wish, but not in the way they may have expected. At the time, the Pope of the Catholic church was Pope Sixtus IV, and he knew that Spain was be the crown jewel of Catholic expansion, if he could remove the Jews. The Jewish population at the time was still dominating the country, and for a while, the Jews were already being prosecuted by the Catholics for not converting. This was a very slow process however, especially as it was still illegal in the Spanish empire. Pope Sixtus understood this, and he also understood that Ferdinand and Isabella had huge ties to the church and would listen to anything the Pope had to say. Using this to his advantage, he enacted a bull papal, or official document, saying that the King and Queen of Spain could name inquisitors to hunt down any Jews who had not converted, and have them killed in the 'name of Get more content on