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Compare And Contrast Cinderella
Cinderella Compare & Contrast Rough Draft
The tale of Cinderella is universally known, yet every telling of the story is tweaked ever so slightly.
Changes, even if subtle, can create differences in the meaning or characteristics of the story. Some
more popular versions, such as the Little Golden Book edition, the Grimm Brothers version, and
Disney's 2015 film adaptation have distinct traits of their own, along with some parallels between
them. Despite the ostensible tedium of the three interpretations, each of them has its own theme,
archetypes, and plot, which are occasionally shared between versions.
Initially, despite the handful of similarities between the three versions of Cinderella, the three have
largely differing themes. Analyzing the Grimm Brothers' version first, there is a clear message of
karma, or as famously coined, the concept of "an eye for an eye". Cinderella endures a long period
of abuse at the hands of her family, but eventually marries the prince. At the end of the story, her evil
stepsisters, "for their wickedness and falsehood...[,] were punished with blindness as long as they
lived" ("Cinderella" Par 65). Thus, it is shown that no act will go unnoticed. In stark contrast, the film
adaptation truly drills home the moral of "having courage and being kind", as this line is repeated an
innumerable amount of times throughout the movie. Cinderella remains kindhearted in spite of the
harrowing situations she is shunted into, and has the courage to go to the
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Comparison and contrast of the education systems in the United Kingdom and the United States of
Table of Contents
Page No.
Section 1. Similarities and differences between the UK and the USA regarding types of schools2
Section 2. Similarities and differences between the UK and the USA regarding university entrance
Education is widely accepted to be an essential part of people's lives. It is generally agreed that
education helps people to develop their own personalities, by acquiring new knowledge, using
different sources. An American philosopher John Dewey (n.d) claimed: "Education is a social
process. more content...
Students in the USA are dissimilar to students of the UK that they start high school right away after
middle school, when they reach 14 years. American high school consists of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th
grades, which are also known as freshman, sophomore, junior and senior. In the USA there are also
Honours, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate classes that are more rigid and the
load of homework is much greater (USA Study Guide, 2007). The transition from middle to high
school is challenging indeed because the type of education that is used in each institution is very
different. At high school students not only acquire knowledge, but also get some experience, which
is very useful for them in future.
Secondly, the UK and the USA have totally different examinations for the students. GCSE and
A–level are the main exams in the UK, whereas the USA has its own method of assessment, which
is called GPA. GCSE is the General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is a two–year study
course for 15–16 years students. Usually British students pass GSCE exam when they reach the age
of 16. GCSE is essential for students who want to take further examinations, such as AS/A–levels
and enter the university or a college of higher education (Kozma, 2010).
Besides, GCSE gives you a chance to assess your knowledge and skills and help you to define your
weak points and how you can
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A Comparative Analysis of Eating Out vs. Eating at Home
Eating is essential part of our lives, and it is a necessity for human survival as it is for all other
living species. While all living organisms need to eat to survive human race has more ways on how
to satisfy their eating necessity. Two ways that humans can satisfy their hunger is by making a
choice whether they prefer to eat out or stay at home and cook. Eating out has become popular trend
in today's society, especially among younger generations. With wide variety in deliciousfood
offered, and chance to enjoy it with your loved ones, eating out has become primary choice for
many busy adults. Eating at home gives us an opportunity to enjoy diverse food choices as well,
and it can be also enjoyed with family and friends alike. Cooking is one of the oldest crafts that
has been passed down from our older generations, and is still popular among many that enjoy
preparing food at home. While eating out and eating at home are similar in variety of delicious
foods offered, and chance to share it with our families and friends, nutritional health value choices
are different for each of them. Eating out offers less control on nutritionally healthy food choices,
and eating at home gives you more control on what kind of nutritional foods are we consuming.
Eating out and eating at home are similar in variety of delicious foods offered. Eating out has large
selection of diverse delicious food offered from all over the world.
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Compare: Sibling and Body Paragraph
Compare and Contrast Essay Topic: My sister and I
It has been said that many siblings are very similar; However my sister and I are nothing alike we
are actually very different. When two people have the same blood type and genotype is not insured
that you will be exactly the same. Having same parents increases the chances of having the same
genes though. All Siblings have various behaviors and personalities that make them dissimilar.
Siblings have a genetic and physical closeness that connect them together. It is reasonable that not all
sisters resemble each other. My sister and I are completely opposite.
Understanding genetics may be a little confusing. Sharing one half of genetic material from the
mother and the other half more content...
Despite having the same genes in common, difference between siblings is the rule not the exception
. Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Topic: My sister and I
Introduce my topic get the readers attention by starting the essay with a good catching attention
getter, and follow through with background information about the topic
First Body Paragraph: Being the first body paragraph by talking about our differences
Second Body Paragraph: Second boday paragraph focus on our likes and dislikes
Third Body Paragraph: Talk about our behaviors
Conclude this essay by restating everything and summing it up and adding other facts or opinions
Barnable, A., Gaudine, A., Bennett, L. & Meadus, R. (2006) Having aSibling with
Schizophrenia: A Phenomenological Study. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An
International Journal, 20(3) 247–264 Cicerelli, V. (1991) Sibling relationships in middle and old age.
In G.H. Brody (Ed) Sibling relationships: Their causes and consequences, 47–73. Norwood, N.J:
Curson,D. & Sharkey, S.(2006) 'Out of the mouths of babes': Drawing upon siblings'
experiences to develop a therapeutic board game for siblings and children with a chronic illness.
Clinical Psychology Forum, 159, 36–38
Fisher, H., Tobitt, S., Saleem, S. and Steele, S. (2004a) Siblings' and mothers' grief reactions to the
diagnosis of psychosis in a young family member.
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Comparison And Contrast In Research Paper
Comparison and contrast is when you compare two alternatives in order to decide which one is
better by finding the differences or similarities between them. In comparison you will find the
differences between two or more things, and in contrast you will find the similarities.
Depending on what type of paper you are writing, many times the subject will be chosen for you.
However, in other situations you have to choose your own; when choosing the subjects keep in mind
that they need to have obvious differences or similarities.
A comparison and contrast essay can be structured in three ways: subject–by–subject, that is good for
short essays; separating the subjects in different paragraphs, for example: write the subject A in one
or two paragraphs and subject B in the next more content...
Subject A point 2, subject B, point 2 and so on. This type is good for long essays and also make it
easier for the reader to follow.
And the third way is the mixed sequence that includes both ways, subject–by–subject and
point–by–point, is good for a diversity on your paper.
When writing a comparison you will be constructing an analogy, which means using an unusual
subject related to something more usual to better help the reader understand the subject. There is
two common forms in analogy: metaphor, which is a figure of speech where one thing is
compared to an object or action but no literally, is just a way so the reader can better comprehend,
and simile that differs from metaphor because of the use of the words ''like'' or ''as'' when comparing,
for example: my internet today is slow like a snail.
Neat People vs. Sloppy
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Compare And Contrast Two Friends
We all have friends that are alike or different from each other. My friend Nicole and Amy are also
friends. Both of them are alike in some ways, but at the same time unlike from each other. For
example, they both dress to their comfort, but the clothes they choose to wear are different. They
both have similar taste in music and television shows. However, Nicole and Amy are more
different than alike. Nicole and Amy have different appearance and style. Nicole is five feet and
two inches with medium brown wavy hair that is shoulder length. She has big eyes and also
freckles on her face. Nicole tends to dress very casually. For an instant, she would wear jean with a
graphic tee or a blouse and navy blue classic vans. She occasionally keeps up with the latest fashion
trend. On the other hand, Amy is just 5 feet tall more content...
Nicole's personality is super shy and, quiet when it comes to new people or people she rarely
talks to. However, when it comes to people she likes and enjoys talking to, she is a social butterfly.
Amy was never in any a team sport. However, she plays tennis with her cousins for fun. Amy is
really sociable and blunt at the same time. I remember a time during lunch there was a table across
from us were talking super loud and she shout "shut up". Amy is not afraid to speak her mind while
Nicole is more shy and quiet. Nicole cannot stand watching gory, horror and supernatural movie. For
example, during summer, our friend, Julie, invited Nicole, Amy, and Iwatch Green Inferno. Nicole
did not want to come along due to the fact that when she watched the trailer of that movie she
found it super gory and disgusting. However, Amy did not find that trailer gory and disgusting and
came long to watch the movie with us. Amy enjoys watching horror or supernatural movie or
shows. For example, during the month of October, there was a movie call Crimson Peak and Amy
wanted to watch it while Nicole did not want
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Ellis Island and Angel Island Immigration Essay
Ellis Island is a small island located in the Upper New York Bay. Angel Island is the largest island
in the San Francisco Bay in the state of California. Ellis Island served as a national immigration
station from 1892–1924. Angel Island was an immigration station from 1910–1940. Both Islands
helped America grow by opening their doors to the world. Immigrants who came to America now
had a chance to achieve their own dreams and to start new lives. The country was new, the
government was rising up and it gave immigrants an opportunity to succeed. Life was still going to
be hard but people now had a chance to accomplish their dreams. Some immigrants came to America
because other governments were failing or because they saw potential more content...
In the book Life on Ellis Island, Rebman says, "Most immigrants could afford to purchase only
steerage, or third–class, tickets. The steerage area comprised the decks below sea level where the
steering mechanisms were located" (Rebman, 18). It was not cheap to come to America. Some of
immigrants had to sacrifice a lot to make the trip but they took the risk that life would be better in
America. Ellis Island and Angel Island presented an opportunity for success. People that wouldn't
normally have a chance to succeed got to come to America and start a new life. Carl L Bankston
talks about the travel to Ellis Island, "Doctors took one glance while immigrants go to the second
floor. This was known as the "Six–Second exam" (Bankston, Carl L, 179). Rebman also talks about
Coded Chalk Marks, she says, "A chalk mark drawn on the shoulder of an immigrant's jacket or
on his lapel indicated a wide variety of abnormalities. This system of coded chalk marks quickly
identified immigrants needing further examination. Illness and medical problems were the most
frequent causes of deportation. More than a dozen letters were used to indicate possible problems;
for example, B: back, CT: trachoma, E: eyes, H: heart, L: lameness, Pg: pregnancy, Sc: scalp, X:
suspected mental illness (a circled X meant definite signs of mental disease had been observed)"
(Rebman, 24). There were a lot of problems with the boat travel, environmental changes, and
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What Is The Conclusion Of Fahrenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451 is an important book about the perception of the future if books were inaccessible.
This book is also a valuable piece of literature because it explains to the readers that after reading a
book you can gain more knowledge and everyone else.
This book displays how our futuristic world would be without all the books in the world being
accessible to us. "You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture; just get people to stop reading
them." The destruction of books shows how the authoritative people are trying to manipulate their
nation's thoughts and the past. 'We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the
constitution says. But everyone made equal... a book is a loaded gun in the house next door." This
quote from Beatty indicates that they do not want their people to know about history and they want
everyone to see the same things, hear the same things, and do the same things. These characters all
believed in living the same lives oblivious to the world before them.
In Fahrenheit 451 they have televisions, radios, robots, and bigger technology to displace their
interest in books. "It's not books you need, it's some of the things that were once in books. The
same things could be in the 'parlor families' today. The same infinite detail and awareness could be
projected through the more content...
This book also describes Montag's inner conflict with himself, how our society would drastically
change without information provided in books, and the difference in technology we would face in
the future. In the end this book teaches us how important it is to keep books around until the end
on time so we don't repeat the past or keep our people as smart as they can be because books impact
our lives every single
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Compare And Contrast Tornadoes And Hurricanes
Numerous people would agree that tornadoes and hurricanes are both dangerous and frightening.
They may occur almost any time and produce severe damage and injury. The two storms may have
days' worth of notice, however on other occasions, there's no notice at all. We call these storms,
natural disasters, geohazards, and even state of emergencies. These catastrophic occurrences cause
distress in people residing in the storms general vicinity. While, tornadoes and hurricanes are very
similar because of their high winds and ability to do extreme damage, they are tremendously
Tornadoes are capable of transpiring nearly anywhere; tornadoes have been recognized on every
continent except, Antarctica. However, tornadoes are most common more content...
However, the Caribbean Sea is the most disturbed by hurricanes. Winds from these storms reach 74
mph or higher. Although, these storms normally only occur every 10 to 15 years, there are several
storms that follow and could last days. Subsequently, hurricanes form in the water before moving to
land, most warnings offer sufficient notice. Hurricanes start in the most conventional time for
hurricanes is in the fall months, however they can happen as early as June. These storms go on a
scale of 1 to 5, with 1 causing minimal damage and 5 causing catastrophic damages.
Although, tornadoes and hurricanes are very different they do share some of the same
characteristics. For instance, both tornadoes and hurricanes have strong winds and they both
produce a significant amount of rain. A matter of a fact, hurricanes can produce tornadoes in their
storms when they come onto land. They equally have abilities to cause a magnificent amount of
damage due to their high winds. Both storms are considered natural disasters and caused by drops in
barometric pressure. In addition, both storm systems do not generally form within 5 degrees north or
south of the
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Compare And Contrast Essay On Social Media
Today, social media is greatly utilized. In this essay I'll explain the similarities and differences
between Andrea Shea and Josh Rose of how each feel about social media. Social media is
impacting and changing people's everyday lives. Social media now a day is used in everyday
lifestyle, and is easy to connect with others no matter how far they are. In Andrea Shea, Shea
expresses how Facebook isn't real. Andrea talks about how people take so much time to make to
take a picture perfect images that its almost fake. People of Facebook try and pretend that their
lives are so perfect, and doing that bringing others down because they want to be just like the
person. How people try to make it seem like their having so much fun so they could have more
friends and likes. Andrea expresses the negative and positive about Facebook now a day pretty well.
She explains how the good in Facebook could be bad for some. Like having access to other people's
photos being able to trigger emotional pain more content...
They both explain the research and personally from other people about the title. I believe that
these two articles are different because of how many differences and negatives about social
media that Andrea had. While Josh Rose explain many more positives about social media then
Andrea did. These two articles also have many similarities though, such as both articles believe
that social media is very time consuming. Overall I feel like the two authors had a strong and
support details to their arguments about social media. Social media every day is changing and
more and more people are starting to get connect due to all the positives it has. In our era I
believe that people would always want Facebook because of the face of how many people you
meet a how much closer you feel to someone no matter the distance they are. Facebook and social
media will continue to upgrade and become a reliably site for all
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Compare And Contrast Two Places
Compare & Contrast Essay
Imagine two places where you could choose with the outcome of receiving new life experiences.
You could choose two places that have different settings, where you could visit for vacation or
simply choose to live there depending on your decision. But which of these places would you
choose? It could be so difficult to decide. Each place have their own environment that has its pro's
and con's along with it. Many of you may be asking yourself "What places could the narrator be
talking about?" Pretty funny how I can relate to your thoughts, the two places we have come too, to
listen to their seminaries & differences are the lovely two states named Florida & North Carolina
located in the United States of America.
Florida, more content...
North Carolina is home for a famous NFL team known as the North Carolina panthers, along with
famous attractions such as the Nascar hall of fame. It's mainly known for land, along with small
towns. North Carolina has a different surrounding as of Florida. North Carolina has a very
historical event where the actual Wright Brother's officially flew a plane, outside the outer banks
by popular beaches. North Carolina, has great college's too choose from for example you have
Duke University, North Carolina State University that provide excellent educational plans to
study for a major of your future careers. Here's the fact the minimum wage for North Carolina is
way less then Florida currently they're providing $7.25 while in Florida they provide $8.05. Sure
Eighty five cent's sounds small but it's a big difference. Along with economic differences. The
main differences between Florida & North Carolina is considered an always hot environment
while in north Carolina is different, mainly seasonal changes occur, Experiencing all of the
changes in your surroundings. If you're looking for a more satisfying place to live in, it depends
on your taste but if you'd like to experience many things I'd recommend Florida as I listed the
reasons before by experiencing certain aspects such as the state provides more
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To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? Essay
"Standard immunization currently averts an estimated two to three million deaths every year in all
age groups" ("General Information"). Children along with adults should be vaccinated because these
Inoculations prevent diseases, even deaths, from going around, along with keeping the environment
a safer place. As people know, kids get vaccinated from the time born to about the time the child
reaches teen years, although getting immunized does not precisely stop at any age. In fact, required
vaccinations continue throughout the years. Of course these medical treatments must be tested in
order to be given to anyone. In spite of the fact many people themselves argue that inoculations are
not safe for children, others are thoroughly certain more content...
"Proponents argue that vaccination is safe and one of the greatest health developments of the 20th
century. They point out that illnesses, including rubella, diphtheria, and whooping cough, which
once killed thousands of infants annually are now prevented by vaccination" ("Vaccines"). Many
deaths occur simply because children, along with adults, do not get the required shots needed.
Medical treatments are not given to do a person any harm, but to keep a person and environment
safe. Kids being vaccinated will give them less of a possibility to obtain a disease that could lead
to death. Benefits outweigh any possibility of risking accumulating a disease. When people say
that vaccinations are harmful, does not necessarily mean to develop a deadly disease, simply
means some small risks. "Vaccines are not entirely harmless, but the small risks are outweighed by
the benefits of a disease prevention" (Offit). Indeed flu shots must be tested in order to be able to
give anyone the shot. Receiving vaccinations is only meant to help people prevent many illnesses
and deaths. Although some small risks could be accumulated, those small risks are very small
possibilities of anything happening to anyone. Getting immunized is not a one–time thing; people
must follow up on required dates to receive them. To maintain a longer life span the body must be
taken care of and well oriented in facts about
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Colombia vs. United States of America
Most of us are familiar with these global terms "American dream" and "drugs cartels". These
thoughts exemplify one the differences between United States of America and Colombia. Despite
United States of America and Colombia are located in the same hemisphere significant differences in
food, natural resources and tourist attractions make each country quite distinct from the other. To
begin with, food is perhaps the first difference that people notice between these countries. For
example, Americans eat turkey and mash potato for Thanksgiving dinner while Colombians eat
"ajiaco" as a typical dish. Cheeseburger is a traditional lunch for Americans. However, a traditional
lunch in Colombia is called "bandeja paisa". Americans love hot dogs, nothing complements a
baseball game better than a hot dogs. In contrast, Colombian enjoys their games with "arepas"
which is a mix of flour and cheese. In addition, neither American nor Colombian has a better food
than the other; they are simply different. A second difference is natural resources. One example of
this is more content...
United States boasts an amazing amount of tourist attractions. New York city is famous for the
Empire State building, the Statue of Liberty and more. Washington D.C. is famous for the White
House, Capitol Building and museums. Also, Florida Keys which is a log chain of tropical
islands with the most spectacular bridge, the Seven Miles Bridge in the lower keys. In contrast,
Colombian attractions are more affordable than United States. Bogota, the capital city offers the
fantastic Gold Museum and Botero Museum (both are extremely impressive). Cartagena is one of
the oldest capitals of the Spanish Empire. Walking inside of the old city is a different world. Also,
Medellin is a beautiful city. The culture's city is amazing as everyone is friendly and willing to
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Compare and Contrast
The Compare/ Contrast Essay
First, let's explain compare and contrast:
When we compare, we show our readers a subject's similarities.
When we contrast, we show our readers a subject's differences.
Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject as you
gather and organize information.
This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this organizational process, this gathering of
facts, that helps you learn as you go.
You will create lists of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will
discover insights to your subject that, at first glance, you may not have realized were there.
It's like buying a new shirt. The moment you spread it out more content...
And you will either compare or contrast, not both. Be careful, sometimes going point by point can
make your writing sound tedious and repetitive. Watch your language and transition words. Use
several points at a time.
Ending: As in the argumentative essay, bring it all together. Allow your ending to go back to your
thesis. Use the transitional words on the next page to help your paper's coherence. Transitions and
other connecting words and connecting sentences should be used throughout.
Remember: There are no hard and fast rules as to how many comparisons or contrasts you should
offer. For a thorough look into your subject, you must offer enough comparisons or contrasts or both
to make a valid statement.
Transitional Words (Conjunctival Adverbs)
Use these words to help you connect your thoughts, your sentences, and your paragraphs:
(Lest you wish to sound pedantic, tiptoe with caution through words such as "indeed," and "of
addition again, also, and, and then, besides, equally important, finally, first, further, furthermore, in
addition, in the first place, last, moreover, next, second, still, too
comparison also, in the same way, likewise, similarly
concession granted, naturally, of course
contrast although, and yet, at the same time, but at the same time, despite that, even so, even though,
for all that, however, in contrast, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, notwithstanding, on the contrary,
on the
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A Brief Comparison Of Grace And Jo-Anne
Grace and Jo–Anne Are to completely different people for example Grace is a Calm person who is
more to herself and is shy where Jo–Anne Has to have all the attention and does not like to be
ignored and a person that I would find annoying where Grace is a Person who is quite and to her self
that is cooler to be around because Jo–Anne sounds like the person who would put you down so she
can look better in front of people she is a people pleaser that can't go one second without someone
talking to her. But of course this is how I would compare them to Now–a–days people. This is not
the Real them I'm the story but it is close to their
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Compare And Contrast Doctors And Nurses
Doctors and Nurses: Comparing Careers Have you ever wondered what really distinguishes
nurses from doctors? Most people see the name and already think that doctors are more qualified.
Others think that nurses are the big deal and do most of the work. Doctors have been around long
before there were nurses. Doctors rely on nurses to help the hospital run smoothly. Both careers
have different job levels which differ from each other but are all just as important. Both jobs have
many similarities like basic skills, and medicine and diagnosis treatment, but they also have
differences, like the amount of field study, income, and rigorous years of schooling. In the first
place, both careers have to develop basic skills such as communication and people skills. They
have to be able to communicate with their patients and their family members. Along with this skill,
both have to be able to treat patients with respect, even if they come across a difficult patient. On
top of having to communicate with people, they must be able to work on the technology. Doctors
and nurses must have the ability to operate the machinery. They must also know how to read the
data that appears on the screen. Another similarity that both careers have is that they are allowed to
legally prescribe medicine and to give a diagnosis. Doctors are normally the ones that prescribe the
necessary medication. Nurses are also allowed to determine the best medication for the patient's
treatment. Nurses are the first to
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There are two types of learning systems most commonly used in the world, Online learning and
Traditional classroom teaching. Online learning is basically a system which involves electronic
media and information. In simple it is getting training and communication research through
electronic media. It would not be wrong to call online learning, the 'future of education'. Online
learning does have some weak points, but the solutions that have been provided are more than
enough to cover up the cons. Online learning system is not perfect, it has some deficiencies, but
it's definitely the system of the future. Many people still prefer traditional universities as the best
way to get knowledge and a degree but online education is also a good proven alternative. Through
online education students can study in the environment they find comfortable and the time they are
free. All of this is for free as most online course which universities offer don't have any fee or if
some courses have then that is very less as compared to the price of normal course at a university.
This is the reason which gives online education an edge over traditional classroom learning. By using
online education students more content...
First, rather than being tethered to a specific time allotment, the online degree seeker is able to learn
with complete flexibility. This is ideal for those with unconventional work hours, those working full
time, serving in the military or those raising a family. Moreover, the traditional method of lectures,
books and desks may not be the optimum learning environment for every student. In a New York
Times article, experts declared that the real promise of online education is "providing learning
experiences that are more tailored to individual students than is possible in classrooms," which in
turn fosters the concept of "learning by doing." Many students find this engagement more useful and
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Compare And Contrast The Health Care System
Is it possible for two countries which are thousands of kilometers away from each other to have
some similarities in their health care system? Health care system is one of the most important and
fundamental sectors in any country or region all around the world. Many countries pour a major
amount of their overall income to support the health care system. And the main reason behind this
tremendous effort provided by the countries all around the world for the health care system is that
each country wants to provide a good and high standard health care services for all the population
occupying the land whether they were local citizens or Non– local citizens . This essay will compare
and contrast the health care system in two wonderful more content...
One of the biggest issues in the medical field sector in United Arab Emirates is the lack of work
forces such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists (Gov of the UAE). According to Ministry of
health statistics, the number of doctors in United Arab Emirates is 1.75 per 1000 people which
is a very low ratio. While the nurses represent 2.7 per 1000 people ( MOH of the UAE,2014 ) .
The country had realized the huge gap that impaire the health care system. Thus , the priority was
set on its agenda for the plan of the year 2030. where it focuses on the issue and state the
following " The Authority is also working on a comprehensive plan to attract, train and retain
health care professionals with the focus on increasing the number of Emirati work force"
(HAAD,2014).On the other hand the main obstacle that is facing Singapore heath care system is
finance . The government is only responsible for the basic health care services. Therefore each
individual is expected to take responsibility for his/her own health requirements (Lee & Wong ,2008
).This issue has the major impact on the health care system of Singapore .However an outstanding
country as Singapore would not stay still while such a problem exists in its system
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Basketball vs. Soccer Essay
Comparison and Contrast Essay Basketball and soccer are two of the most played and enjoyable
sports in the world. They both have professional leagues that attract millions of audience. People
can watch both of them on television, but also play them for recreation and health. Basketball
and soccer games are interesting, good for the body, and healthy, but they are also different in
many ways. In both Soccer and Basketball the game is played with teams. Soccer has eleven
players on the field at one for each team, whereas in basketball you only have five on the court for
each team. (1) There are only five positions for a basketball games that includes two guards, two
forwards, and one center.(1) On the other hand, soccer has more content...
Another aspect between these two sports is equipment. The first difference is the field these two
sports play in. Soccer is played on a natural or artificial grass that is 120 yards long and 80 yards
wide. (1) Basketball is played on a wooden floor 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. (1) These two
sports are played with a ball; however, the ball is different in each sport. Soccer regularly uses a
thickly padded, smooth leather ball with black and white spots on it; basketball typically uses an
orange leather ball. (2) Soccer and basketball require different equipment for athletes to compete.
These two sports are similar in many ways. People love basketball and soccer because it contains
competitiveness. Both of these sports motivate people to stay healthy and fit. (2) Also both
sports have one objective and that is to score more points than the opposing team to win games.
(1)Every league has playoffs for the best teams to compete against each other. Competing in the
playoffs will show the best team and the best team is rewarded with a championship trophy. In
conclusion, soccer and basketball are good sports to play. Some might say basketball is only for
tall people; however people of all heights can enjoy it if they put in the extra effort in any sport.
Also some might say soccer leads to many injuries; nevertheless our technology is so advanced that
it can help
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Compare and Contrast: Christmas and Thanksgiving
Holidays are always celebrated no matter religion, beliefs, or culture. Some are recognized more
than others but none two are as highly recognized like the cherished Christmas and Thanksgiving
holidays. The pair may seem vastly different, as they are two completely separate occasions, but in
actuality they do share very similar attributes. Many of the similarities and differences are about to
be explained, so here goes. Christmas like Thanksgiving believe it or not, do happen to share many
traits. One major factor that the two own is the warmth and love of bringing family and close
friends together. It's the few times a year that everyone has a reason to all gather around
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Like Thanksgiving, Christmas also has their main dish and it's a huge oven cooked ham that is
complimented by very many side dishes but never the less followed up by the famous Christmas
time eggnog. Both wonderful holidays put up magnificent feasts for family and loved ones to
gather around and enjoy. Of course receiving gifts is nice, but only one of these two occasions to
gifts get brought in the picture. Christmas claims the attribute as every year gifts are exchanged
among family, friends, co–workers, etc. Every Christmas morning kids and adults alike rush to
unwrap presents that are specially marked with their names on it. As where Thanksgiving takes a
little different approach, no gifts but instead just grasp what you're thankful for. Being only one
month apart in date, Christmas and Thanksgiving have two very different seasons. In November,
when its considered fall, leaves have changed colors, the temperature has dropped some and the
air brings crisp breezes. Often than not, you'll see hay rides being offered, corn mazes and folks
not quite in their full winter attire. But when Christmas time rolls around snow has fallen, not a
trace of leaves on the trees and a bit too cold for hay rides and corn mazes. This would be one
month later, in December, where you will see town's people bundled up in their warmest winter gear,
building snowmen or making snow angels. Two individual seasons that are
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Conclusion Paragraph For Compare And Contrast Essay

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  • 4. A Comparative Analysis of Eating Out vs. Eating at Home Eating is essential part of our lives, and it is a necessity for human survival as it is for all other living species. While all living organisms need to eat to survive human race has more ways on how to satisfy their eating necessity. Two ways that humans can satisfy their hunger is by making a choice whether they prefer to eat out or stay at home and cook. Eating out has become popular trend in today's society, especially among younger generations. With wide variety in deliciousfood offered, and chance to enjoy it with your loved ones, eating out has become primary choice for many busy adults. Eating at home gives us an opportunity to enjoy diverse food choices as well, and it can be also enjoyed with family and friends alike. Cooking is one of the oldest crafts that has been passed down from our older generations, and is still popular among many that enjoy preparing food at home. While eating out and eating at home are similar in variety of delicious foods offered, and chance to share it with our families and friends, nutritional health value choices are different for each of them. Eating out offers less control on nutritionally healthy food choices, and eating at home gives you more control on what kind of nutritional foods are we consuming. Eating out and eating at home are similar in variety of delicious foods offered. Eating out has large selection of diverse delicious food offered from all over the world. Get more content on
  • 5. Compare: Sibling and Body Paragraph Compare and Contrast Essay Topic: My sister and I It has been said that many siblings are very similar; However my sister and I are nothing alike we are actually very different. When two people have the same blood type and genotype is not insured that you will be exactly the same. Having same parents increases the chances of having the same genes though. All Siblings have various behaviors and personalities that make them dissimilar. Siblings have a genetic and physical closeness that connect them together. It is reasonable that not all sisters resemble each other. My sister and I are completely opposite. Understanding genetics may be a little confusing. Sharing one half of genetic material from the mother and the other half more content... Despite having the same genes in common, difference between siblings is the rule not the exception . Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Topic: My sister and I Introduction: Introduce my topic get the readers attention by starting the essay with a good catching attention getter, and follow through with background information about the topic First Body Paragraph: Being the first body paragraph by talking about our differences Second Body Paragraph: Second boday paragraph focus on our likes and dislikes Third Body Paragraph: Talk about our behaviors Conclusion: Conclude this essay by restating everything and summing it up and adding other facts or opinions References: Barnable, A., Gaudine, A., Bennett, L. & Meadus, R. (2006) Having aSibling with Schizophrenia: A Phenomenological Study. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 20(3) 247–264 Cicerelli, V. (1991) Sibling relationships in middle and old age. In G.H. Brody (Ed) Sibling relationships: Their causes and consequences, 47–73. Norwood, N.J: Ablex. Curson,D. & Sharkey, S.(2006) 'Out of the mouths of babes': Drawing upon siblings' experiences to develop a therapeutic board game for siblings and children with a chronic illness. Clinical Psychology Forum, 159, 36–38 Fisher, H., Tobitt, S., Saleem, S. and Steele, S. (2004a) Siblings' and mothers' grief reactions to the diagnosis of psychosis in a young family member. Get more content on
  • 6. Comparison And Contrast In Research Paper Comparison and contrast is when you compare two alternatives in order to decide which one is better by finding the differences or similarities between them. In comparison you will find the differences between two or more things, and in contrast you will find the similarities. Depending on what type of paper you are writing, many times the subject will be chosen for you. However, in other situations you have to choose your own; when choosing the subjects keep in mind that they need to have obvious differences or similarities. A comparison and contrast essay can be structured in three ways: subject–by–subject, that is good for short essays; separating the subjects in different paragraphs, for example: write the subject A in one or two paragraphs and subject B in the next more content... Subject A point 2, subject B, point 2 and so on. This type is good for long essays and also make it easier for the reader to follow. And the third way is the mixed sequence that includes both ways, subject–by–subject and point–by–point, is good for a diversity on your paper. When writing a comparison you will be constructing an analogy, which means using an unusual subject related to something more usual to better help the reader understand the subject. There is two common forms in analogy: metaphor, which is a figure of speech where one thing is compared to an object or action but no literally, is just a way so the reader can better comprehend, and simile that differs from metaphor because of the use of the words ''like'' or ''as'' when comparing, for example: my internet today is slow like a snail. Neat People vs. Sloppy Get more content on
  • 7. Compare And Contrast Two Friends We all have friends that are alike or different from each other. My friend Nicole and Amy are also friends. Both of them are alike in some ways, but at the same time unlike from each other. For example, they both dress to their comfort, but the clothes they choose to wear are different. They both have similar taste in music and television shows. However, Nicole and Amy are more different than alike. Nicole and Amy have different appearance and style. Nicole is five feet and two inches with medium brown wavy hair that is shoulder length. She has big eyes and also freckles on her face. Nicole tends to dress very casually. For an instant, she would wear jean with a graphic tee or a blouse and navy blue classic vans. She occasionally keeps up with the latest fashion trend. On the other hand, Amy is just 5 feet tall more content... Nicole's personality is super shy and, quiet when it comes to new people or people she rarely talks to. However, when it comes to people she likes and enjoys talking to, she is a social butterfly. Amy was never in any a team sport. However, she plays tennis with her cousins for fun. Amy is really sociable and blunt at the same time. I remember a time during lunch there was a table across from us were talking super loud and she shout "shut up". Amy is not afraid to speak her mind while Nicole is more shy and quiet. Nicole cannot stand watching gory, horror and supernatural movie. For example, during summer, our friend, Julie, invited Nicole, Amy, and Iwatch Green Inferno. Nicole did not want to come along due to the fact that when she watched the trailer of that movie she found it super gory and disgusting. However, Amy did not find that trailer gory and disgusting and came long to watch the movie with us. Amy enjoys watching horror or supernatural movie or shows. For example, during the month of October, there was a movie call Crimson Peak and Amy wanted to watch it while Nicole did not want Get more content on
  • 8. Ellis Island and Angel Island Immigration Essay Ellis Island is a small island located in the Upper New York Bay. Angel Island is the largest island in the San Francisco Bay in the state of California. Ellis Island served as a national immigration station from 1892–1924. Angel Island was an immigration station from 1910–1940. Both Islands helped America grow by opening their doors to the world. Immigrants who came to America now had a chance to achieve their own dreams and to start new lives. The country was new, the government was rising up and it gave immigrants an opportunity to succeed. Life was still going to be hard but people now had a chance to accomplish their dreams. Some immigrants came to America because other governments were failing or because they saw potential more content... In the book Life on Ellis Island, Rebman says, "Most immigrants could afford to purchase only steerage, or third–class, tickets. The steerage area comprised the decks below sea level where the steering mechanisms were located" (Rebman, 18). It was not cheap to come to America. Some of immigrants had to sacrifice a lot to make the trip but they took the risk that life would be better in America. Ellis Island and Angel Island presented an opportunity for success. People that wouldn't normally have a chance to succeed got to come to America and start a new life. Carl L Bankston talks about the travel to Ellis Island, "Doctors took one glance while immigrants go to the second floor. This was known as the "Six–Second exam" (Bankston, Carl L, 179). Rebman also talks about Coded Chalk Marks, she says, "A chalk mark drawn on the shoulder of an immigrant's jacket or on his lapel indicated a wide variety of abnormalities. This system of coded chalk marks quickly identified immigrants needing further examination. Illness and medical problems were the most frequent causes of deportation. More than a dozen letters were used to indicate possible problems; for example, B: back, CT: trachoma, E: eyes, H: heart, L: lameness, Pg: pregnancy, Sc: scalp, X: suspected mental illness (a circled X meant definite signs of mental disease had been observed)" (Rebman, 24). There were a lot of problems with the boat travel, environmental changes, and Get more content on
  • 9. What Is The Conclusion Of Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451 is an important book about the perception of the future if books were inaccessible. This book is also a valuable piece of literature because it explains to the readers that after reading a book you can gain more knowledge and everyone else. This book displays how our futuristic world would be without all the books in the world being accessible to us. "You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture; just get people to stop reading them." The destruction of books shows how the authoritative people are trying to manipulate their nation's thoughts and the past. 'We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the constitution says. But everyone made equal... a book is a loaded gun in the house next door." This quote from Beatty indicates that they do not want their people to know about history and they want everyone to see the same things, hear the same things, and do the same things. These characters all believed in living the same lives oblivious to the world before them. In Fahrenheit 451 they have televisions, radios, robots, and bigger technology to displace their interest in books. "It's not books you need, it's some of the things that were once in books. The same things could be in the 'parlor families' today. The same infinite detail and awareness could be projected through the more content... This book also describes Montag's inner conflict with himself, how our society would drastically change without information provided in books, and the difference in technology we would face in the future. In the end this book teaches us how important it is to keep books around until the end on time so we don't repeat the past or keep our people as smart as they can be because books impact our lives every single Get more content on
  • 10. Compare And Contrast Tornadoes And Hurricanes Numerous people would agree that tornadoes and hurricanes are both dangerous and frightening. They may occur almost any time and produce severe damage and injury. The two storms may have days' worth of notice, however on other occasions, there's no notice at all. We call these storms, natural disasters, geohazards, and even state of emergencies. These catastrophic occurrences cause distress in people residing in the storms general vicinity. While, tornadoes and hurricanes are very similar because of their high winds and ability to do extreme damage, they are tremendously different. Tornadoes are capable of transpiring nearly anywhere; tornadoes have been recognized on every continent except, Antarctica. However, tornadoes are most common more content... However, the Caribbean Sea is the most disturbed by hurricanes. Winds from these storms reach 74 mph or higher. Although, these storms normally only occur every 10 to 15 years, there are several storms that follow and could last days. Subsequently, hurricanes form in the water before moving to land, most warnings offer sufficient notice. Hurricanes start in the most conventional time for hurricanes is in the fall months, however they can happen as early as June. These storms go on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 causing minimal damage and 5 causing catastrophic damages. Although, tornadoes and hurricanes are very different they do share some of the same characteristics. For instance, both tornadoes and hurricanes have strong winds and they both produce a significant amount of rain. A matter of a fact, hurricanes can produce tornadoes in their storms when they come onto land. They equally have abilities to cause a magnificent amount of damage due to their high winds. Both storms are considered natural disasters and caused by drops in barometric pressure. In addition, both storm systems do not generally form within 5 degrees north or south of the Get more content on
  • 11. Compare And Contrast Essay On Social Media Today, social media is greatly utilized. In this essay I'll explain the similarities and differences between Andrea Shea and Josh Rose of how each feel about social media. Social media is impacting and changing people's everyday lives. Social media now a day is used in everyday lifestyle, and is easy to connect with others no matter how far they are. In Andrea Shea, Shea expresses how Facebook isn't real. Andrea talks about how people take so much time to make to take a picture perfect images that its almost fake. People of Facebook try and pretend that their lives are so perfect, and doing that bringing others down because they want to be just like the person. How people try to make it seem like their having so much fun so they could have more friends and likes. Andrea expresses the negative and positive about Facebook now a day pretty well. She explains how the good in Facebook could be bad for some. Like having access to other people's photos being able to trigger emotional pain more content... They both explain the research and personally from other people about the title. I believe that these two articles are different because of how many differences and negatives about social media that Andrea had. While Josh Rose explain many more positives about social media then Andrea did. These two articles also have many similarities though, such as both articles believe that social media is very time consuming. Overall I feel like the two authors had a strong and support details to their arguments about social media. Social media every day is changing and more and more people are starting to get connect due to all the positives it has. In our era I believe that people would always want Facebook because of the face of how many people you meet a how much closer you feel to someone no matter the distance they are. Facebook and social media will continue to upgrade and become a reliably site for all Get more content on
  • 12. Compare And Contrast Two Places Compare & Contrast Essay Imagine two places where you could choose with the outcome of receiving new life experiences. You could choose two places that have different settings, where you could visit for vacation or simply choose to live there depending on your decision. But which of these places would you choose? It could be so difficult to decide. Each place have their own environment that has its pro's and con's along with it. Many of you may be asking yourself "What places could the narrator be talking about?" Pretty funny how I can relate to your thoughts, the two places we have come too, to listen to their seminaries & differences are the lovely two states named Florida & North Carolina located in the United States of America. Florida, more content... North Carolina is home for a famous NFL team known as the North Carolina panthers, along with famous attractions such as the Nascar hall of fame. It's mainly known for land, along with small towns. North Carolina has a different surrounding as of Florida. North Carolina has a very historical event where the actual Wright Brother's officially flew a plane, outside the outer banks by popular beaches. North Carolina, has great college's too choose from for example you have Duke University, North Carolina State University that provide excellent educational plans to study for a major of your future careers. Here's the fact the minimum wage for North Carolina is way less then Florida currently they're providing $7.25 while in Florida they provide $8.05. Sure Eighty five cent's sounds small but it's a big difference. Along with economic differences. The main differences between Florida & North Carolina is considered an always hot environment while in north Carolina is different, mainly seasonal changes occur, Experiencing all of the changes in your surroundings. If you're looking for a more satisfying place to live in, it depends on your taste but if you'd like to experience many things I'd recommend Florida as I listed the reasons before by experiencing certain aspects such as the state provides more Get more content on
  • 13. To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? Essay "Standard immunization currently averts an estimated two to three million deaths every year in all age groups" ("General Information"). Children along with adults should be vaccinated because these Inoculations prevent diseases, even deaths, from going around, along with keeping the environment a safer place. As people know, kids get vaccinated from the time born to about the time the child reaches teen years, although getting immunized does not precisely stop at any age. In fact, required vaccinations continue throughout the years. Of course these medical treatments must be tested in order to be given to anyone. In spite of the fact many people themselves argue that inoculations are not safe for children, others are thoroughly certain more content... "Proponents argue that vaccination is safe and one of the greatest health developments of the 20th century. They point out that illnesses, including rubella, diphtheria, and whooping cough, which once killed thousands of infants annually are now prevented by vaccination" ("Vaccines"). Many deaths occur simply because children, along with adults, do not get the required shots needed. Medical treatments are not given to do a person any harm, but to keep a person and environment safe. Kids being vaccinated will give them less of a possibility to obtain a disease that could lead to death. Benefits outweigh any possibility of risking accumulating a disease. When people say that vaccinations are harmful, does not necessarily mean to develop a deadly disease, simply means some small risks. "Vaccines are not entirely harmless, but the small risks are outweighed by the benefits of a disease prevention" (Offit). Indeed flu shots must be tested in order to be able to give anyone the shot. Receiving vaccinations is only meant to help people prevent many illnesses and deaths. Although some small risks could be accumulated, those small risks are very small possibilities of anything happening to anyone. Getting immunized is not a one–time thing; people must follow up on required dates to receive them. To maintain a longer life span the body must be taken care of and well oriented in facts about Get more content on
  • 14. Colombia vs. United States of America Most of us are familiar with these global terms "American dream" and "drugs cartels". These thoughts exemplify one the differences between United States of America and Colombia. Despite United States of America and Colombia are located in the same hemisphere significant differences in food, natural resources and tourist attractions make each country quite distinct from the other. To begin with, food is perhaps the first difference that people notice between these countries. For example, Americans eat turkey and mash potato for Thanksgiving dinner while Colombians eat "ajiaco" as a typical dish. Cheeseburger is a traditional lunch for Americans. However, a traditional lunch in Colombia is called "bandeja paisa". Americans love hot dogs, nothing complements a baseball game better than a hot dogs. In contrast, Colombian enjoys their games with "arepas" which is a mix of flour and cheese. In addition, neither American nor Colombian has a better food than the other; they are simply different. A second difference is natural resources. One example of this is more content... United States boasts an amazing amount of tourist attractions. New York city is famous for the Empire State building, the Statue of Liberty and more. Washington D.C. is famous for the White House, Capitol Building and museums. Also, Florida Keys which is a log chain of tropical islands with the most spectacular bridge, the Seven Miles Bridge in the lower keys. In contrast, Colombian attractions are more affordable than United States. Bogota, the capital city offers the fantastic Gold Museum and Botero Museum (both are extremely impressive). Cartagena is one of the oldest capitals of the Spanish Empire. Walking inside of the old city is a different world. Also, Medellin is a beautiful city. The culture's city is amazing as everyone is friendly and willing to Get more content on
  • 15. Compare and Contrast The Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let's explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subject's similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subject's differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will discover insights to your subject that, at first glance, you may not have realized were there. It's like buying a new shirt. The moment you spread it out more content... And you will either compare or contrast, not both. Be careful, sometimes going point by point can make your writing sound tedious and repetitive. Watch your language and transition words. Use several points at a time. Ending: As in the argumentative essay, bring it all together. Allow your ending to go back to your thesis. Use the transitional words on the next page to help your paper's coherence. Transitions and other connecting words and connecting sentences should be used throughout. Remember: There are no hard and fast rules as to how many comparisons or contrasts you should offer. For a thorough look into your subject, you must offer enough comparisons or contrasts or both to make a valid statement. Transitional Words (Conjunctival Adverbs) Use these words to help you connect your thoughts, your sentences, and your paragraphs: (Lest you wish to sound pedantic, tiptoe with caution through words such as "indeed," and "of course.") addition again, also, and, and then, besides, equally important, finally, first, further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, last, moreover, next, second, still, too comparison also, in the same way, likewise, similarly
  • 16. concession granted, naturally, of course contrast although, and yet, at the same time, but at the same time, despite that, even so, even though, for all that, however, in contrast, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, notwithstanding, on the contrary, on the Get more content on
  • 17. A Brief Comparison Of Grace And Jo-Anne Grace and Jo–Anne Are to completely different people for example Grace is a Calm person who is more to herself and is shy where Jo–Anne Has to have all the attention and does not like to be ignored and a person that I would find annoying where Grace is a Person who is quite and to her self that is cooler to be around because Jo–Anne sounds like the person who would put you down so she can look better in front of people she is a people pleaser that can't go one second without someone talking to her. But of course this is how I would compare them to Now–a–days people. This is not the Real them I'm the story but it is close to their Get more content on
  • 18. Compare And Contrast Doctors And Nurses Doctors and Nurses: Comparing Careers Have you ever wondered what really distinguishes nurses from doctors? Most people see the name and already think that doctors are more qualified. Others think that nurses are the big deal and do most of the work. Doctors have been around long before there were nurses. Doctors rely on nurses to help the hospital run smoothly. Both careers have different job levels which differ from each other but are all just as important. Both jobs have many similarities like basic skills, and medicine and diagnosis treatment, but they also have differences, like the amount of field study, income, and rigorous years of schooling. In the first place, both careers have to develop basic skills such as communication and people skills. They have to be able to communicate with their patients and their family members. Along with this skill, both have to be able to treat patients with respect, even if they come across a difficult patient. On top of having to communicate with people, they must be able to work on the technology. Doctors and nurses must have the ability to operate the machinery. They must also know how to read the data that appears on the screen. Another similarity that both careers have is that they are allowed to legally prescribe medicine and to give a diagnosis. Doctors are normally the ones that prescribe the necessary medication. Nurses are also allowed to determine the best medication for the patient's treatment. Nurses are the first to Get more content on
  • 19. There are two types of learning systems most commonly used in the world, Online learning and Traditional classroom teaching. Online learning is basically a system which involves electronic media and information. In simple it is getting training and communication research through electronic media. It would not be wrong to call online learning, the 'future of education'. Online learning does have some weak points, but the solutions that have been provided are more than enough to cover up the cons. Online learning system is not perfect, it has some deficiencies, but it's definitely the system of the future. Many people still prefer traditional universities as the best way to get knowledge and a degree but online education is also a good proven alternative. Through online education students can study in the environment they find comfortable and the time they are free. All of this is for free as most online course which universities offer don't have any fee or if some courses have then that is very less as compared to the price of normal course at a university. This is the reason which gives online education an edge over traditional classroom learning. By using online education students more content... First, rather than being tethered to a specific time allotment, the online degree seeker is able to learn with complete flexibility. This is ideal for those with unconventional work hours, those working full time, serving in the military or those raising a family. Moreover, the traditional method of lectures, books and desks may not be the optimum learning environment for every student. In a New York Times article, experts declared that the real promise of online education is "providing learning experiences that are more tailored to individual students than is possible in classrooms," which in turn fosters the concept of "learning by doing." Many students find this engagement more useful and more Get more content on
  • 20. Compare And Contrast The Health Care System Is it possible for two countries which are thousands of kilometers away from each other to have some similarities in their health care system? Health care system is one of the most important and fundamental sectors in any country or region all around the world. Many countries pour a major amount of their overall income to support the health care system. And the main reason behind this tremendous effort provided by the countries all around the world for the health care system is that each country wants to provide a good and high standard health care services for all the population occupying the land whether they were local citizens or Non– local citizens . This essay will compare and contrast the health care system in two wonderful more content... One of the biggest issues in the medical field sector in United Arab Emirates is the lack of work forces such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists (Gov of the UAE). According to Ministry of health statistics, the number of doctors in United Arab Emirates is 1.75 per 1000 people which is a very low ratio. While the nurses represent 2.7 per 1000 people ( MOH of the UAE,2014 ) . The country had realized the huge gap that impaire the health care system. Thus , the priority was set on its agenda for the plan of the year 2030. where it focuses on the issue and state the following " The Authority is also working on a comprehensive plan to attract, train and retain health care professionals with the focus on increasing the number of Emirati work force" (HAAD,2014).On the other hand the main obstacle that is facing Singapore heath care system is finance . The government is only responsible for the basic health care services. Therefore each individual is expected to take responsibility for his/her own health requirements (Lee & Wong ,2008 ).This issue has the major impact on the health care system of Singapore .However an outstanding country as Singapore would not stay still while such a problem exists in its system Get more content on
  • 21. Basketball vs. Soccer Essay Comparison and Contrast Essay Basketball and soccer are two of the most played and enjoyable sports in the world. They both have professional leagues that attract millions of audience. People can watch both of them on television, but also play them for recreation and health. Basketball and soccer games are interesting, good for the body, and healthy, but they are also different in many ways. In both Soccer and Basketball the game is played with teams. Soccer has eleven players on the field at one for each team, whereas in basketball you only have five on the court for each team. (1) There are only five positions for a basketball games that includes two guards, two forwards, and one center.(1) On the other hand, soccer has more content... Another aspect between these two sports is equipment. The first difference is the field these two sports play in. Soccer is played on a natural or artificial grass that is 120 yards long and 80 yards wide. (1) Basketball is played on a wooden floor 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. (1) These two sports are played with a ball; however, the ball is different in each sport. Soccer regularly uses a thickly padded, smooth leather ball with black and white spots on it; basketball typically uses an orange leather ball. (2) Soccer and basketball require different equipment for athletes to compete. These two sports are similar in many ways. People love basketball and soccer because it contains competitiveness. Both of these sports motivate people to stay healthy and fit. (2) Also both sports have one objective and that is to score more points than the opposing team to win games. (1)Every league has playoffs for the best teams to compete against each other. Competing in the playoffs will show the best team and the best team is rewarded with a championship trophy. In conclusion, soccer and basketball are good sports to play. Some might say basketball is only for tall people; however people of all heights can enjoy it if they put in the extra effort in any sport. Also some might say soccer leads to many injuries; nevertheless our technology is so advanced that it can help Get more content on
  • 22. Compare and Contrast: Christmas and Thanksgiving Holidays are always celebrated no matter religion, beliefs, or culture. Some are recognized more than others but none two are as highly recognized like the cherished Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays. The pair may seem vastly different, as they are two completely separate occasions, but in actuality they do share very similar attributes. Many of the similarities and differences are about to be explained, so here goes. Christmas like Thanksgiving believe it or not, do happen to share many traits. One major factor that the two own is the warmth and love of bringing family and close friends together. It's the few times a year that everyone has a reason to all gather around more content... Like Thanksgiving, Christmas also has their main dish and it's a huge oven cooked ham that is complimented by very many side dishes but never the less followed up by the famous Christmas time eggnog. Both wonderful holidays put up magnificent feasts for family and loved ones to gather around and enjoy. Of course receiving gifts is nice, but only one of these two occasions to gifts get brought in the picture. Christmas claims the attribute as every year gifts are exchanged among family, friends, co–workers, etc. Every Christmas morning kids and adults alike rush to unwrap presents that are specially marked with their names on it. As where Thanksgiving takes a little different approach, no gifts but instead just grasp what you're thankful for. Being only one month apart in date, Christmas and Thanksgiving have two very different seasons. In November, when its considered fall, leaves have changed colors, the temperature has dropped some and the air brings crisp breezes. Often than not, you'll see hay rides being offered, corn mazes and folks not quite in their full winter attire. But when Christmas time rolls around snow has fallen, not a trace of leaves on the trees and a bit too cold for hay rides and corn mazes. This would be one month later, in December, where you will see town's people bundled up in their warmest winter gear, building snowmen or making snow angels. Two individual seasons that are Get more content on