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Reflection On Group Work
Teamwork is a key component of any job, but it is especially vital in health care. Teamwork in
health care employs the practices of collaboration and enhanced communication to expand the
traditional roles of health workers and to make decisions as a unit that works toward a common
goal (Manser, 2009). It is important for students to build an effective set of group work skills
while attending school in order to be prepared and successful for a career in health care. Initially,
my group and I thought creating a presentation on how unconscious bias impacts health care
would be an easy task, but we quickly realized the difficulties of working in a group. By
definition, team dynamics are the unconscious, psychological forces that influence the direction
of a team's behavior and performance (Myers, 2013). Team dynamics are crucial when working
on a project because each team member is dependent on each other in order to be successful. I
believe our team dynamics were positive from the beginning since we all understood the task at
hand and knew it would take a lot of work to get it done. Each team member was able to express
their thoughts, ideas, and opinions without any interruptions or judgement, which provided an at
ease work environment. Due to the fact that I had plans to go out of town before this project was
assigned, I felt responsible for making sure our project had a detailed and solid outline before I left,
along with my portion of the research completed. The team
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Reflective Report on Group Work Essay
Reflection on group work Project
|Content |Page |
|Content |2 |
|Introduction |3 |
|The Group |3 |
|My role in the Group |4 | more content...
At this stage emotion was shown and excitement expressed towards the work we had to do. A
timetable for regular meetings was given to each individual of the group by the project director and
at each meeting's 'minutes' were taken by one member of the group in order to keep track of the
work that had been done. Then comes the performing where the team knew each other and
structure and guideline were clear and cohesive. The team now focused on a common goal of
developing the ideas for the 'Lush' event. At the beginning of this stage, all members of the group
were getting together regularly and were constructing and expanding ideas for the project as well as
for the presentation. However, unfortunately the group did not stay this way for very long.
Distraction and lack of interest emerged bringing the whole group down to anxiety and
disagreement. I as group leader was rather unsuccessful in putting the team together and in
demanding more of a serious commitment from them. At this stage, the group should have been able
to have delivered a successful project in the form of a presentation. Instead, all the hard work that
had been done was diverted into a lack of interest and commitment resulting in a negative
consequence. The final stage is the adjourning, where 'Essence Events' group disbanded. The idea
should be that the group
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Reflection Paper On Group Work
COMS2103 was a great experience for me. In the past, I have had very negative group experience.
This was from a lack of attendance by other group members, lack of communication, and simply a
lack of work ethic. I was hesitant before joining COMS2103 because of my past experiences, but I
am so glad I stuck with it. My group was very pleasant to work with and I felt less stressed than
before in other group settings. As this course comes to an end, I am pleased with how our group
worked together and I cannot wait to work with them again in COMS2105. With this being a
Community Studies course, it was assumed that there was going to be a lot of group work. Of
course, this turned out to be true. Like I have said above, I was really nervous to be thrown into
group work again. This time was different, though. On the first day of class, we spent some time
getting to know each other. It turned out that many of us were from the same area and focusing
on the same aspects in school. I even knew Patti and Sam from COMS1100, but there was still
some catching up to do. A few of our group members are from other parts of the province, and
even as far as Ontario. This fact was interesting during discussions as we had a few "cultural
differences". Beginning any project with this group was never an issue. Somebody was always
ready to start the conversation and the rest of the group was always just as willing and comfortable
to contribute to the conversation. In our group contract, we had an
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Personal Reflection On Group Work
Personal Reflection
"Group work is a form of voluntary association of members benefiting from cooperative learning that
enhances the total output of the activity than when done individually".
Working in a group can be very difficult at times. Different people with different views may not
always agree which one another. Throughout the various task I played the communicator. I made
sure everyone was on track on what we wanted to do. I also made sure people was okay and
happy in the role they was playing in the group. My group worked together in collecting ideas
from one another and making it into one. My feelings about the group process was a little mix at
first but, at the end I felt like we actually brought it together. Beginning of the group member were
all over the place and had no direction, when we were able to take a breather in just think ideas
started to flow. I felt like that took the communicator to make it happen. By reinsuring the other
group members that everything will go smoothly if we just don't overthink everything. The things
I will have done differently in the group was to use my time wisely. I believe because we were on
a time frame, I tended to rush things just to say okay where done. Also, more support and trust at a
point of time I was kind of second guessing another idea. I feel that you have to have trust in your
group member to make it effective.
Group Dynamics
"Social integration can be seen as a dynamic and structured process in which all
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Reflection On Group Processes And Dynamics Essay
A Reflection on Group Processes and Dynamics
Working within a group or team is unavoidable for most people. We are involved in sports teams,
assignment groups, work teams, social groups and a variety of other groups and teams. Each of
these groups share one thing in common, that is each requires us to communicate in some way in
order to reach a shared goal or target. Therefore, it is imperative to know and understand how to
work and communicate effectively with others to maximise outcomes and productivity.
Tuckman proposes that groups develop via five stages; forming, storming, norming, performing and
finally adjourning (Archee, Gurney, & Mohan, 2013a). The first stage, known as forming, involves
clarifying the task and purpose of the group, and identifying boundaries of both the task and
interpersonal behaviour (Archee et al., 2013a). For the presentation task we were randomly
allocated into groups. This worried me greatly as I have struggled in the past with group members
who do not contribute equally or see the task as important as other group members. To avoid this
problem, the group collectively determined and agreed upon a number of ground rules. For
example, we decided that all group members were expected to contribute equally to the presentation,
all group members were expected to attend and contribute at all group meetings, and all group
members would adhere to agreed upon deadlines. Having failed to do this in previous group
assignments, this clarification stage
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Reflection on Social Work Group Work Processes
i1. Introduction
Group work is an integral part of life, and in particular, an essential component of social work
practice. Group work provides a myriad of benefits that individual work cannot provide, such as the
synergy among members that group work provides over case work (Corey & Corey, 2006), and
it is precisely why group work is applied in the social work setting.
Various theories affect how group work is practiced, affecting bothgroup dynamics and the different
stages of the group (Hepworth, 2013). In my paper, I will be sharing my experiences as a member
of a group, focusing on the various stages, interaction patterns observed and my personal reflections
on the entire process.
2. Group transition
Initial more content...
Termination stage
With any group, there has to come a point where groups have to end. In our group, this stage was
reached towards the conclusion of our group proposal.
Dealing with feelings of separation and any unfinished issues is key in this stage (Corey &
Corey, 2006). On one hand, members felt happy that the whole ordeal was over, as it was taxing
to come up with a group work proposal that deals directly with youths who have esteem issues. On
the other hand, although unspoken, I could sense that the group felt a tinge of sadness at the
termination of the group as the process, albeit tedious, was an enjoyable one. However, the very
fact that we still had success in the project with our proposal was a result of active steps
undertaken (Corey & Corey, 2006), and this allowed us to take pride in our work, softening the
blow of separation.
3. Group Culture and Leadership patterns
Communication and Interaction Patterns
With all of us being equipped with knowledge coming into the group, it was inevitable our
communication pattern was that of a group–centered open communication pattern, with ideas being
shared freely and discussed openly (Toseland & Rivas, 1984). Conflicting ideas were aired out
in the open with no withholding of feelings and concerns, which made the group work process
easier, key characteristics of open communication among members.
In addition, it was worthy to note the ease of communication was
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Reflection On Group Work
This paper will reflect upon the experience of working in a group to produce a poster in
partnership with Lloyd and Kemi. The difficulties and challenges faced will be outlined along
with the advantages and disadvantages of group work. I will seek to be honest about how I felt
and will reflect on the final outcome of our project. Difficulties and Challenges By nature, I am
an introvert and deeply reflective. This at times can be an advantage, allowing me to look at the
diamond nature of truth from different angles. For Group work, however, this is a noticeable
hindrance. Working in a group is the last thing I expected for the first assignment, but I was
prepared to take on this challenge and set aside my negative preconceptions. We began strong,
meeting in the Library and immediately delegating tasks. I arranged to travel to Aylesbury in
order to make progress on the project with Lloyd and discovered he lived five minutes away from
my mum! Kemi was unable to join us on this occasion, but we updated her via Face Time. The
project seemed to be gaining traction: we had done research, we had a rough idea of the content
and we were all encouraged by the progress. The first difficulty, however, came in week 2. I had
begun Greek on Mondays and was immediately thrust into a world previously unknown. It was a
thrilling challenge that opened up scores of exegetical insights, but the weekly translation exercises
began to eat away at my time. One of my great weaknesses is the inability
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Essay On Group Work
Toseland and Rivas (2012) describes group work as a goal directed process, where planned and
orderly worker activities are carried out in the context of professional practice with people. These
authors also describe a dual focus of group work, both on the individual tasks and on the group
tasks. In my experience, group work is collaborating with others to create something meaningful.
It is necessary in group work, in my opinion, to utilize your strengths in a purposeful way to best
complete the task at hand. Thus far in our group work project, it has been invaluable to witness
these processes unfold first hand; it has also been just as easy to see the confusion and difficulties
that accompany such endeavours both on an individual level and on a group level. For our group
work project, we are assigned to complete both a task group and a treatment group. Our task group
is responsible for the development of a plan for a self care treatment group. Then, we are to
facilitate the self care group in conjunction with the development of a treatment group where the
premise for our self care group unfolds. It was easy to see, at the initial 'forming' stage of our
process, that this project would require us to work closely and creatively with our group members
and would open up the opportunity for growth in knowledge and in conflict resolution. In our initial
group meetings, we focussed on gathering information in order to contribute ideas for the
composition of our self care
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Critical Reflection On Group Work
Critical Reflection Group work is an important part of work. In many jobs, group work is a
function that is required. Therefore it's important to develop the skills and practices at University.
In this essay I critically analyse my own experiences against the literature. Groups generally cannot
have a high number of members. Its noted groups generally work better when there are less than
six members . This is because as participant numbers increase, it becomes more difficult to meet
making members less likely to participate . In my experience, our group of five members struggled
to organise meeting times due to each other's schedule however we wrote in our group contract a
meeting clause which I believed did help ensure people attended. more content...
This adds its own challenges. Our group overcame this obstacle by utilising resources available to
us. We used the file exchange for our documents and scheduled in skype sessions weeks before
they were to happen. I appreciated the large effort most of the team made to make it to skype
meetings and as discussed earlier, although I had my technological difficulties, other member's
did too but the group was responsive and empathetic. Our group reaped the benefits of forming
social connections and performing better which Rundle summarised. As I am only in my first
year, there is a high probability there will be more group work in future years and as such, some
recommendations need to be made. The main recommendation is to make an assessment
timeframe includes what needs to be done by certain dates, including times for editing
/proofreading. This timeframe would also include dates and times of when the group would meet.
This essay has provided a limited number of group work principles. I have critically assessed my
experience of group work against these limited principles. I have shown although our team was at a
disadvantage due to the fact we were external students, we have still formed a strong group and
have used to create a polished end
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Reflective Essay On Group Work
If you want a job done right, do it yourself. I have been guilty of approaching my job and many
aspects of my personal life with this philosophy. I also enjoy the camaraderie of the team
environment and enjoy working in a team environment, but it needs to be the right team. A
critical assessment of my attitude towards group work is reflected in both philosophies.
Teamwork is necessary but has always seemed flawed and ineffective. Someone still had to carry
the burden and do most of the work. Looking back to when I first began this course, I was hopeful
to learn more about the mechanics of groups and possible ways to promote positive teamwork. I
expected to learn the theories behind organizational work groups regarding management, perhaps
by doing case studies. I was not expecting to complete a group project; I had not previously heard
of working collaboratively online to produce a combined paper. Value in Group Learning Our
collaborative group project was frightening when I first realized this was part of the course. I had not
completed a group academic project in years as I have been an online degree–seeking student. I
wavered between being confident my fellow team members would be fantastic as we are all in the
same degree program and worried we would have some conflict. Marks and O'Connor researched
undergraduate business students regarding collaborative learning that states precisely the concerns
rolling through my mind. They understand that it can enhance and increase
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Reflective Essay On Teamwork
Nowadays, teamwork is an incredibly important part of an organization. As defined in "Fundamental
of management", work teams are "groups whose members work intensely on specific, common goals
using there positive synergy, individual and mutual accountability, and complementary skills"
(Robbins, DeCenzo and Coulter, 2015, p.311). To simply understand, every time when we share a
specific job with other people, we participate in a work team. For myself, working in a team bring
about many interesting experiences of the way we interact with other members and deal with work
to achieve the last target. Therefore, the chance to cooperate with three other students in my class
during the group presentation assignment in last fortnight has left me numerous significant lessons. more content...
However, for each time, I always had a new feeling, a new experience because of different
colleagues, different styles of work and, especially, different roles of mine in my team. For this
cooperation, I worked with three completely strange people who I had never met before. They were
Ngoc, a boy with the same age as me, Thao, a girl who was one–year older than me, and Quang, the
oldest one in my group who was four–year older than me. This was the first time I had been a leader
of the team where I was the youngest person, which really put me under pressure and was one of
my most challenges of connecting team members together. It required me to always move forward
and improve my personal qualities more as a leader which were mentioned in Robbins text book:
drive, desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self–confidence, intelligence, job –relevant knowledge
and extraversion (P.Robbins, 2015, p.361). Sometimes, I felt myself so incompetent when I got
troubles in arranging works as well as control the effectiveness and efficiency. However, with the
help of my coworkers, I finally overcome those
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Reflection On Group Work
Reflective Journal According to IAC (no date) that "reflection is a process of exploring and
examining ourselves, our perspectives, attributes, experiences and actions". It helps us gain
insight and see how to move forward. States on Moon (2016) "we reflect in order to learn
something, or we learn as a result of reflecting". Before beginning a reflection it is worth
mentioning that group work is one of the possible learning means that is used at all levels in
educational system. The main purpose of group work in educational practice is to develop and
maintain the willingness to cooperate and learn together. Thus, group presentations might serve as
an incentive for learning and discovering new things (Gillies and Boyle, 2010). According to
Thornton (2011) "team–work ensures the ability to learn from others". Our group task has been to
demonstrate academic style presentation. I was disappointed when realized that, as I am pretty
sure that I am naturally an individualist and group work sounded already somewhat irksome to me.
To be honest I did not try to find positive sides of the task, as I have been sure I can do better on
my own. I wished I could do my work on my own without unnecessary undertaking with the group.
Later I realized that my primordial mood and attitude was inappropriate, because team work give
us a chance to learn from each other and get support. The way of working was the important
aspect that was worth mentioning. Underwood (2003) suggested 2 possible ways: working in a
group or working as a group. Thus, situations where students are learning together but every
member of the group is doing its own task are referred to as working in a group. Working as a
group, however, refers to as "real group work" utilizing the group members' skills and working
together to achieve a common goal. Taking into consideration our group composition it would be
better to work in a group. All of my "could be" and "might be" were unanimous accepted. We
divided responsibilities among all group members, arranged time and period for "task deadline" and
started to prepare for demonstration. I could not even imagine that the structure and detailed
planning of our presentation can give such a good results. First of all,
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Reflection On Group Work
With this recent group project I feel like I have a better understanding of group work. I noticed
with group assignments I came across a plethora of conflicts. Most of these cons diminish the
value of group work. First, I want to get the good things out of the way. When you work in a
group, you're able to bounce ideas off each other. For example, in a group I can come up with a
unique idea, and one of my group mates can follow up with another. This in turn makes coming up
with ideas very efficient and quick. With ideas coming left and right you're bound to stumble upon
a pot of gold. What I mean is that exceptional ideas are introduced and relish your presentation. For
example, in my group we came across many ideas. We envisioned a video on self–love, self–love
based art, and a story on self–love. These ideas were all incorporated into our Tom Finder
presentation, and definitely spiced things up. Next, work is evenly segregated amongst the entire
group. In theory, this should allow everyone in the group to focus on their own sections and tailor
it to the best of their ability. Also, with group assignments, data and new info can be analyzed and
understood better than lessons in class. For example, my group was doing a project on self–love in
Tom Finder. With each of our group meetings we were able to articulate and piece together new
information and thus allowing us to have a better understanding of self–love in the novel, Tom
Finder. Now, I'm going to move on to
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Reflection On Group Work
Reflection #4: Group Work & Collaboration
Overall our group is working fairly well on this project. We used the end of class on the 15th to
divide up our tasks. In setting out our timelines, Chris had the idea that we should work backwards
from our first deadline, the in–class presentation, to allow us to figure out the rest of out group
deadlines. In order to have the presentations ready for a run through on the 29th, we all had to make
notes that will allow us to populate the slides with information that, while not necessarily our final
draft, at least allows the presenters to begin preparing.
The roles in the group were also divided up during class. I think the division of work is largely fair.
Victoria and I will be more content...
Of the members of our group, at least the MAP students who I am more familiar with, I think
people see me as the most out spoken and it often results in people assuming that I want to be the
presenter. Most recently this happened during one of Dr. Malloy's workshops where all the
members of my group decided that I was going to be the spokes person for the group (role playing a
minister responding to media questions) despite me saying that I did not want to do it. No one in
the group asked me to be the speaker this time, but I felt like I was expected to do it.
If I had taken a more direct role in trying to lead the group, I think that I might have been able to
facilitate a dynamic where people, other than Jackey were more willing to participate, and had
the space to do so. This is something that I am hesitant to do, however, as it makes me feel like I
am inappropriately taking over. While it might result in a more equitable space, I am often
reminded that if I am not careful, I can very easily take over conversations, as I am loud and speak
with a lot of conviction. Even if I was trying to create more space for other people, I am generally
worried about doing exactly the opposite.
I need to work on my ability to foster a productive group discussion while not taking over and
perpetuating the same problems I am trying to address. While I have generally tried to be quiet in
groups, to give
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Reflective Essay On Group Work
Without a plan, nothing will be accomplished. My group was responsible for creating a poster and
we developed a plan that led to a successful product. This assignment was a great way for me to gain
new knowledge and experience a different way of group work. I am happy that my group did well,
and I was pleased with the outcome of the poster after all of the hard work that we put in. I always
feel happy and motivated after achieving any type of success. I struggled during the process but I
always reminded myself to keep pushing and that the end result will be worth all of the effort. My
group was organized, creative, and got the job done. I look forward to working with people that
have the same mindset as myself in the future.
There were three members in our group and each one had a task. I was the one that led the group
and started the project. I was also the one that divided the tasks upon all of us that were in the
group. During this experience, I learned a lot about group work. I faced a lot of problems during
the creation of the poster, and I had to sacrifice my own time in order for the poster to be successful.
I felt like I carried most of the weight during the process and I didn't mind doing that because I
wanted the poster to be finished in a beautiful way. I was satisfied with how our group worked
together, and how each member had an effective role. We were always organized from the
beginning, and we had deadlines set in order for us to achieve certain goals. We started our project
early and we also finished on time. I give most of the credit to my buddy that helped me out and
taught me how to create a poster that looked beautiful. I was lost most of the time, and my buddy
was the one that led me to the right path.
Although the end of the project was a success, I felt like there was a place for improvement. I
truly believe that we could have done a better job during our presentation. I was not satisfied with
how our group did, and I was personally disappointed of how I presented my part of the poster.
After my speech, I realized that I left out things that were important in my presentation. I also felt
like I didn't look at the audience and that really bothered me. Overall, my group did a great job
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Reflection On Group Dynamics
When you look at group dynamics, you see how individuals can work together as a team working
together to obtain a common goal in a group setting (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011).
When in a group setting you want to remember these five rules of be committed to the group,
keep discussion on track, complete your individual assignment, encourage input from others, and
manage the conflict among members in the group. If you break these down the individuals need
to be committed to the group by using everyone's expertise in reaching the goal of the group
(Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011). When discussing the goal make sure that the team stays
on track and if they tend to steer away someone needs to remind them kindly to stay on track
(Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011). Make sure that the work is divided among the group and
that each individual completes the task that they were assigned (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow,
2011). Sometimes there are those in a group that do not say much, but may have some good
insight that needs to be encouraged to share (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011).The last step
is to there may be some conflict in the group and could be beneficial, but it needs to be handled
correctly (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011). The group dynamic that I studied was The View
that aired on May 25, 2017 (The View, 2017). In the first few minutes of the show the group speak
over each other. For example Jedadiah talks over top of what Joy
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Reflection On Virtual Group Work
The purpose of this reflective essay is to detail the insights I experienced working in a virtual team
(VT) as part of the EHR208 Business Communication course. Our VT consisted of three individuals,
Corey Allum–Walsh, Mark Vangeli and myself, where we were tasked with completing a short
1500–word report based on interpersonal effectiveness and understanding and working in teams.
Collaboratively, we decided to write about –understanding diversity within virtual group work.
Throughout this experience, our multi gendered and geographically dispersed team was able to
operate in an efficient and effective manner, thus completing our task well before the due date,
using only email as our primary means of communication. Therefore, as a result of the positive
interactions I observed, I will analyse contemporary literature to examine what particular behaviours
and characteristics contributed to our VT cohesion, in addition to identifying how we could have
further boosted our teams success and recommendations for improvement, specific to our VT
experience. VT are becoming increasingly common amongst global contemporary workplaces and
are frequently used as a learning tool for those, like myself, who study online. Essentially, a virtual
team relies on electronic communication and generally consists of members who are
geographically dispersed, who are then coordinated to achieve a shared objective (Alsharoa, Gregg,
& Ramirez, 2017). Due to the remote nature of VT, factors such as age, cultural diversity, gender,
language, and life experiences can affect the dynamic of those who work remotely. Research from
Zander, Zettinig, and Mäkelä (2013), cautions managers to expect "goal alignment", "knowledge
sharing", and "motivation" as typical challenges experienced within a VT environment (pg. 228).
However, when managed successfully, a high performing VT can provide an organisation or group
with a significant competitive advantage (Dube & Marnewick, 2016). Literatue suggests that the key
aspects of a successul VT include acknnolwgedment, cooperation, cultural awareness,
communication and social skills, reliability, trust, and objective understanding (Dube & Marnewick,
2016; Brandt, England, & Ward, 2011). In addition to
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Reflective Essay On Group Work
It's universally known that group assignments can be a headache to deal with. Working in a group
can be very complicated whether they are at school or at work. However, group assignments do not
have to be difficult. There are many ways one can make this situation more desirable. Through test
and trials, many people have learned ways to deal with groups in ways that can lead to new and
exciting relationships with your group members. The point of group work is to help you as an
individual understand that in life you never go in alone. There will always be someone besides
you whether you like them or not you should be able to work together to reach your goal. I was
paired with a group for one of my courses and I learned through our interactions how to deal with
my group and found that it becomes easier with these simple steps.
First interaction: In my group's first interaction I immediately felt as though this was going to be
difficult. I couldn't help but think of all the negative things about my group due to my past
complications with groups. My frame of reference which consists of my perspective and view on
things such as belief, value, gender, and attitude. I thought that since there were 5 boys in the group
and I was the only girl it was going to be hard to communicate with them. Men and women tend to
have a different way of communication to others. Women are more likely to try and maintain
harmony in groups while men are more likely talk over others and conversate in a more competitive
manner pg101. I felt as though because my group was mainly male–oriented my group members
would unintentionally ignore my comments in our soon to come meetings. But the mere thought
that this would be difficult simply because I was a girl is the issue, the gender expectations that
women and men hold are what causes issues. Also, I was analyzing their body language, I assumed
that this group was going to be a burden because half of the boys were either unprepared for the
course or simply didn't care enough to try. So, to counteract that thought a good way to get a decent
feel for each member's characteristics is through introductions. Introducing yourself Is a good start
for getting to know your members, things you're
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Reflection On Group Work
Teamwork can be complex and challenging given task and interpersonal issues, level of group
motivation and expected performance standards. The concrete experience spoken about in this
reflection piece is in reference to the effectiveness of myself as a group member and the group,
working to write a report outlining the organisation and structure of Volkswagen. Dennison (2009)
applies Kolb's learning cycle (1981, 1984) which suggests that learning moves through a
continuous cycle, between having an experience, and then reflecting on that action. This cycle has
been developed from Lewin's (1951) model for experiential learning. Reflection termed by Boud,
Keogh and Walker (1985) 'is a forum of response to the learner to experience'(p. 18). On reflection,
the early set group dynamics was a defining factor in the experience, and how the team conducted
themselves throughout the task. Meyerson, Wick and Kramer (1996) note that 'such rapidly
converging groups require methods for developing "swift trust"' (p. 8), which can explain why
initial group dynamics are so important. I took on multiple team roles, including group leader,
which could be translated into the team not performing collectively on a high level, however, I
could view this as a personal ineffectiveness of my leadership style.
The effectiveness of working in a team varied between members. My personal experience, academic
theorists, and further critical analysis can be used to discuss this. According to Ket De Vries
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Reflective Essay On Group Work

  • 1. Reflection On Group Work Teamwork is a key component of any job, but it is especially vital in health care. Teamwork in health care employs the practices of collaboration and enhanced communication to expand the traditional roles of health workers and to make decisions as a unit that works toward a common goal (Manser, 2009). It is important for students to build an effective set of group work skills while attending school in order to be prepared and successful for a career in health care. Initially, my group and I thought creating a presentation on how unconscious bias impacts health care would be an easy task, but we quickly realized the difficulties of working in a group. By definition, team dynamics are the unconscious, psychological forces that influence the direction of a team's behavior and performance (Myers, 2013). Team dynamics are crucial when working on a project because each team member is dependent on each other in order to be successful. I believe our team dynamics were positive from the beginning since we all understood the task at hand and knew it would take a lot of work to get it done. Each team member was able to express their thoughts, ideas, and opinions without any interruptions or judgement, which provided an at ease work environment. Due to the fact that I had plans to go out of town before this project was assigned, I felt responsible for making sure our project had a detailed and solid outline before I left, along with my portion of the research completed. The team Get more content on
  • 2. Reflective Report on Group Work Essay Reflection on group work Project |Content |Page | |Content |2 | |Introduction |3 | |The Group |3 | |My role in the Group |4 | more content... At this stage emotion was shown and excitement expressed towards the work we had to do. A timetable for regular meetings was given to each individual of the group by the project director and at each meeting's 'minutes' were taken by one member of the group in order to keep track of the work that had been done. Then comes the performing where the team knew each other and structure and guideline were clear and cohesive. The team now focused on a common goal of developing the ideas for the 'Lush' event. At the beginning of this stage, all members of the group were getting together regularly and were constructing and expanding ideas for the project as well as for the presentation. However, unfortunately the group did not stay this way for very long. Distraction and lack of interest emerged bringing the whole group down to anxiety and disagreement. I as group leader was rather unsuccessful in putting the team together and in demanding more of a serious commitment from them. At this stage, the group should have been able to have delivered a successful project in the form of a presentation. Instead, all the hard work that had been done was diverted into a lack of interest and commitment resulting in a negative consequence. The final stage is the adjourning, where 'Essence Events' group disbanded. The idea should be that the group Get more content on
  • 3. Reflection Paper On Group Work COMS2103 was a great experience for me. In the past, I have had very negative group experience. This was from a lack of attendance by other group members, lack of communication, and simply a lack of work ethic. I was hesitant before joining COMS2103 because of my past experiences, but I am so glad I stuck with it. My group was very pleasant to work with and I felt less stressed than before in other group settings. As this course comes to an end, I am pleased with how our group worked together and I cannot wait to work with them again in COMS2105. With this being a Community Studies course, it was assumed that there was going to be a lot of group work. Of course, this turned out to be true. Like I have said above, I was really nervous to be thrown into group work again. This time was different, though. On the first day of class, we spent some time getting to know each other. It turned out that many of us were from the same area and focusing on the same aspects in school. I even knew Patti and Sam from COMS1100, but there was still some catching up to do. A few of our group members are from other parts of the province, and even as far as Ontario. This fact was interesting during discussions as we had a few "cultural differences". Beginning any project with this group was never an issue. Somebody was always ready to start the conversation and the rest of the group was always just as willing and comfortable to contribute to the conversation. In our group contract, we had an Get more content on
  • 4. Personal Reflection On Group Work Personal Reflection "Group work is a form of voluntary association of members benefiting from cooperative learning that enhances the total output of the activity than when done individually". Working in a group can be very difficult at times. Different people with different views may not always agree which one another. Throughout the various task I played the communicator. I made sure everyone was on track on what we wanted to do. I also made sure people was okay and happy in the role they was playing in the group. My group worked together in collecting ideas from one another and making it into one. My feelings about the group process was a little mix at first but, at the end I felt like we actually brought it together. Beginning of the group member were all over the place and had no direction, when we were able to take a breather in just think ideas started to flow. I felt like that took the communicator to make it happen. By reinsuring the other group members that everything will go smoothly if we just don't overthink everything. The things I will have done differently in the group was to use my time wisely. I believe because we were on a time frame, I tended to rush things just to say okay where done. Also, more support and trust at a point of time I was kind of second guessing another idea. I feel that you have to have trust in your group member to make it effective. Group Dynamics "Social integration can be seen as a dynamic and structured process in which all Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection On Group Processes And Dynamics Essay A Reflection on Group Processes and Dynamics Working within a group or team is unavoidable for most people. We are involved in sports teams, assignment groups, work teams, social groups and a variety of other groups and teams. Each of these groups share one thing in common, that is each requires us to communicate in some way in order to reach a shared goal or target. Therefore, it is imperative to know and understand how to work and communicate effectively with others to maximise outcomes and productivity. Tuckman proposes that groups develop via five stages; forming, storming, norming, performing and finally adjourning (Archee, Gurney, & Mohan, 2013a). The first stage, known as forming, involves clarifying the task and purpose of the group, and identifying boundaries of both the task and interpersonal behaviour (Archee et al., 2013a). For the presentation task we were randomly allocated into groups. This worried me greatly as I have struggled in the past with group members who do not contribute equally or see the task as important as other group members. To avoid this problem, the group collectively determined and agreed upon a number of ground rules. For example, we decided that all group members were expected to contribute equally to the presentation, all group members were expected to attend and contribute at all group meetings, and all group members would adhere to agreed upon deadlines. Having failed to do this in previous group assignments, this clarification stage Get more content on
  • 6. Reflection on Social Work Group Work Processes i1. Introduction Group work is an integral part of life, and in particular, an essential component of social work practice. Group work provides a myriad of benefits that individual work cannot provide, such as the synergy among members that group work provides over case work (Corey & Corey, 2006), and it is precisely why group work is applied in the social work setting. Various theories affect how group work is practiced, affecting bothgroup dynamics and the different stages of the group (Hepworth, 2013). In my paper, I will be sharing my experiences as a member of a group, focusing on the various stages, interaction patterns observed and my personal reflections on the entire process. 2. Group transition Initial more content... Termination stage With any group, there has to come a point where groups have to end. In our group, this stage was reached towards the conclusion of our group proposal. Dealing with feelings of separation and any unfinished issues is key in this stage (Corey & Corey, 2006). On one hand, members felt happy that the whole ordeal was over, as it was taxing to come up with a group work proposal that deals directly with youths who have esteem issues. On the other hand, although unspoken, I could sense that the group felt a tinge of sadness at the termination of the group as the process, albeit tedious, was an enjoyable one. However, the very fact that we still had success in the project with our proposal was a result of active steps undertaken (Corey & Corey, 2006), and this allowed us to take pride in our work, softening the blow of separation. 3. Group Culture and Leadership patterns Communication and Interaction Patterns With all of us being equipped with knowledge coming into the group, it was inevitable our communication pattern was that of a group–centered open communication pattern, with ideas being shared freely and discussed openly (Toseland & Rivas, 1984). Conflicting ideas were aired out in the open with no withholding of feelings and concerns, which made the group work process easier, key characteristics of open communication among members. In addition, it was worthy to note the ease of communication was
  • 7. Get more content on
  • 8. Reflection On Group Work This paper will reflect upon the experience of working in a group to produce a poster in partnership with Lloyd and Kemi. The difficulties and challenges faced will be outlined along with the advantages and disadvantages of group work. I will seek to be honest about how I felt and will reflect on the final outcome of our project. Difficulties and Challenges By nature, I am an introvert and deeply reflective. This at times can be an advantage, allowing me to look at the diamond nature of truth from different angles. For Group work, however, this is a noticeable hindrance. Working in a group is the last thing I expected for the first assignment, but I was prepared to take on this challenge and set aside my negative preconceptions. We began strong, meeting in the Library and immediately delegating tasks. I arranged to travel to Aylesbury in order to make progress on the project with Lloyd and discovered he lived five minutes away from my mum! Kemi was unable to join us on this occasion, but we updated her via Face Time. The project seemed to be gaining traction: we had done research, we had a rough idea of the content and we were all encouraged by the progress. The first difficulty, however, came in week 2. I had begun Greek on Mondays and was immediately thrust into a world previously unknown. It was a thrilling challenge that opened up scores of exegetical insights, but the weekly translation exercises began to eat away at my time. One of my great weaknesses is the inability Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Group Work Toseland and Rivas (2012) describes group work as a goal directed process, where planned and orderly worker activities are carried out in the context of professional practice with people. These authors also describe a dual focus of group work, both on the individual tasks and on the group tasks. In my experience, group work is collaborating with others to create something meaningful. It is necessary in group work, in my opinion, to utilize your strengths in a purposeful way to best complete the task at hand. Thus far in our group work project, it has been invaluable to witness these processes unfold first hand; it has also been just as easy to see the confusion and difficulties that accompany such endeavours both on an individual level and on a group level. For our group work project, we are assigned to complete both a task group and a treatment group. Our task group is responsible for the development of a plan for a self care treatment group. Then, we are to facilitate the self care group in conjunction with the development of a treatment group where the premise for our self care group unfolds. It was easy to see, at the initial 'forming' stage of our process, that this project would require us to work closely and creatively with our group members and would open up the opportunity for growth in knowledge and in conflict resolution. In our initial group meetings, we focussed on gathering information in order to contribute ideas for the composition of our self care Get more content on
  • 10. Critical Reflection On Group Work Critical Reflection Group work is an important part of work. In many jobs, group work is a function that is required. Therefore it's important to develop the skills and practices at University. In this essay I critically analyse my own experiences against the literature. Groups generally cannot have a high number of members. Its noted groups generally work better when there are less than six members . This is because as participant numbers increase, it becomes more difficult to meet making members less likely to participate . In my experience, our group of five members struggled to organise meeting times due to each other's schedule however we wrote in our group contract a meeting clause which I believed did help ensure people attended. more content... This adds its own challenges. Our group overcame this obstacle by utilising resources available to us. We used the file exchange for our documents and scheduled in skype sessions weeks before they were to happen. I appreciated the large effort most of the team made to make it to skype meetings and as discussed earlier, although I had my technological difficulties, other member's did too but the group was responsive and empathetic. Our group reaped the benefits of forming social connections and performing better which Rundle summarised. As I am only in my first year, there is a high probability there will be more group work in future years and as such, some recommendations need to be made. The main recommendation is to make an assessment timeframe includes what needs to be done by certain dates, including times for editing /proofreading. This timeframe would also include dates and times of when the group would meet. This essay has provided a limited number of group work principles. I have critically assessed my experience of group work against these limited principles. I have shown although our team was at a disadvantage due to the fact we were external students, we have still formed a strong group and have used to create a polished end Get more content on
  • 11. Reflective Essay On Group Work If you want a job done right, do it yourself. I have been guilty of approaching my job and many aspects of my personal life with this philosophy. I also enjoy the camaraderie of the team environment and enjoy working in a team environment, but it needs to be the right team. A critical assessment of my attitude towards group work is reflected in both philosophies. Teamwork is necessary but has always seemed flawed and ineffective. Someone still had to carry the burden and do most of the work. Looking back to when I first began this course, I was hopeful to learn more about the mechanics of groups and possible ways to promote positive teamwork. I expected to learn the theories behind organizational work groups regarding management, perhaps by doing case studies. I was not expecting to complete a group project; I had not previously heard of working collaboratively online to produce a combined paper. Value in Group Learning Our collaborative group project was frightening when I first realized this was part of the course. I had not completed a group academic project in years as I have been an online degree–seeking student. I wavered between being confident my fellow team members would be fantastic as we are all in the same degree program and worried we would have some conflict. Marks and O'Connor researched undergraduate business students regarding collaborative learning that states precisely the concerns rolling through my mind. They understand that it can enhance and increase Get more content on
  • 12. Reflective Essay On Teamwork Nowadays, teamwork is an incredibly important part of an organization. As defined in "Fundamental of management", work teams are "groups whose members work intensely on specific, common goals using there positive synergy, individual and mutual accountability, and complementary skills" (Robbins, DeCenzo and Coulter, 2015, p.311). To simply understand, every time when we share a specific job with other people, we participate in a work team. For myself, working in a team bring about many interesting experiences of the way we interact with other members and deal with work to achieve the last target. Therefore, the chance to cooperate with three other students in my class during the group presentation assignment in last fortnight has left me numerous significant lessons. more content... However, for each time, I always had a new feeling, a new experience because of different colleagues, different styles of work and, especially, different roles of mine in my team. For this cooperation, I worked with three completely strange people who I had never met before. They were Ngoc, a boy with the same age as me, Thao, a girl who was one–year older than me, and Quang, the oldest one in my group who was four–year older than me. This was the first time I had been a leader of the team where I was the youngest person, which really put me under pressure and was one of my most challenges of connecting team members together. It required me to always move forward and improve my personal qualities more as a leader which were mentioned in Robbins text book: drive, desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self–confidence, intelligence, job –relevant knowledge and extraversion (P.Robbins, 2015, p.361). Sometimes, I felt myself so incompetent when I got troubles in arranging works as well as control the effectiveness and efficiency. However, with the help of my coworkers, I finally overcome those Get more content on
  • 13. Reflection On Group Work Reflective Journal According to IAC (no date) that "reflection is a process of exploring and examining ourselves, our perspectives, attributes, experiences and actions". It helps us gain insight and see how to move forward. States on Moon (2016) "we reflect in order to learn something, or we learn as a result of reflecting". Before beginning a reflection it is worth mentioning that group work is one of the possible learning means that is used at all levels in educational system. The main purpose of group work in educational practice is to develop and maintain the willingness to cooperate and learn together. Thus, group presentations might serve as an incentive for learning and discovering new things (Gillies and Boyle, 2010). According to Thornton (2011) "team–work ensures the ability to learn from others". Our group task has been to demonstrate academic style presentation. I was disappointed when realized that, as I am pretty sure that I am naturally an individualist and group work sounded already somewhat irksome to me. To be honest I did not try to find positive sides of the task, as I have been sure I can do better on my own. I wished I could do my work on my own without unnecessary undertaking with the group. Later I realized that my primordial mood and attitude was inappropriate, because team work give us a chance to learn from each other and get support. The way of working was the important aspect that was worth mentioning. Underwood (2003) suggested 2 possible ways: working in a group or working as a group. Thus, situations where students are learning together but every member of the group is doing its own task are referred to as working in a group. Working as a group, however, refers to as "real group work" utilizing the group members' skills and working together to achieve a common goal. Taking into consideration our group composition it would be better to work in a group. All of my "could be" and "might be" were unanimous accepted. We divided responsibilities among all group members, arranged time and period for "task deadline" and started to prepare for demonstration. I could not even imagine that the structure and detailed planning of our presentation can give such a good results. First of all, Get more content on
  • 14. Reflection On Group Work With this recent group project I feel like I have a better understanding of group work. I noticed with group assignments I came across a plethora of conflicts. Most of these cons diminish the value of group work. First, I want to get the good things out of the way. When you work in a group, you're able to bounce ideas off each other. For example, in a group I can come up with a unique idea, and one of my group mates can follow up with another. This in turn makes coming up with ideas very efficient and quick. With ideas coming left and right you're bound to stumble upon a pot of gold. What I mean is that exceptional ideas are introduced and relish your presentation. For example, in my group we came across many ideas. We envisioned a video on self–love, self–love based art, and a story on self–love. These ideas were all incorporated into our Tom Finder presentation, and definitely spiced things up. Next, work is evenly segregated amongst the entire group. In theory, this should allow everyone in the group to focus on their own sections and tailor it to the best of their ability. Also, with group assignments, data and new info can be analyzed and understood better than lessons in class. For example, my group was doing a project on self–love in Tom Finder. With each of our group meetings we were able to articulate and piece together new information and thus allowing us to have a better understanding of self–love in the novel, Tom Finder. Now, I'm going to move on to Get more content on
  • 15. Reflection On Group Work Reflection #4: Group Work & Collaboration Observe: Overall our group is working fairly well on this project. We used the end of class on the 15th to divide up our tasks. In setting out our timelines, Chris had the idea that we should work backwards from our first deadline, the in–class presentation, to allow us to figure out the rest of out group deadlines. In order to have the presentations ready for a run through on the 29th, we all had to make notes that will allow us to populate the slides with information that, while not necessarily our final draft, at least allows the presenters to begin preparing. The roles in the group were also divided up during class. I think the division of work is largely fair. Victoria and I will be more content... Of the members of our group, at least the MAP students who I am more familiar with, I think people see me as the most out spoken and it often results in people assuming that I want to be the presenter. Most recently this happened during one of Dr. Malloy's workshops where all the members of my group decided that I was going to be the spokes person for the group (role playing a minister responding to media questions) despite me saying that I did not want to do it. No one in the group asked me to be the speaker this time, but I felt like I was expected to do it. If I had taken a more direct role in trying to lead the group, I think that I might have been able to facilitate a dynamic where people, other than Jackey were more willing to participate, and had the space to do so. This is something that I am hesitant to do, however, as it makes me feel like I am inappropriately taking over. While it might result in a more equitable space, I am often reminded that if I am not careful, I can very easily take over conversations, as I am loud and speak with a lot of conviction. Even if I was trying to create more space for other people, I am generally worried about doing exactly the opposite. Evaluate: I need to work on my ability to foster a productive group discussion while not taking over and perpetuating the same problems I am trying to address. While I have generally tried to be quiet in groups, to give Get more content on
  • 16. Reflective Essay On Group Work Without a plan, nothing will be accomplished. My group was responsible for creating a poster and we developed a plan that led to a successful product. This assignment was a great way for me to gain new knowledge and experience a different way of group work. I am happy that my group did well, and I was pleased with the outcome of the poster after all of the hard work that we put in. I always feel happy and motivated after achieving any type of success. I struggled during the process but I always reminded myself to keep pushing and that the end result will be worth all of the effort. My group was organized, creative, and got the job done. I look forward to working with people that have the same mindset as myself in the future. There were three members in our group and each one had a task. I was the one that led the group and started the project. I was also the one that divided the tasks upon all of us that were in the group. During this experience, I learned a lot about group work. I faced a lot of problems during the creation of the poster, and I had to sacrifice my own time in order for the poster to be successful. I felt like I carried most of the weight during the process and I didn't mind doing that because I wanted the poster to be finished in a beautiful way. I was satisfied with how our group worked together, and how each member had an effective role. We were always organized from the beginning, and we had deadlines set in order for us to achieve certain goals. We started our project early and we also finished on time. I give most of the credit to my buddy that helped me out and taught me how to create a poster that looked beautiful. I was lost most of the time, and my buddy was the one that led me to the right path. Although the end of the project was a success, I felt like there was a place for improvement. I truly believe that we could have done a better job during our presentation. I was not satisfied with how our group did, and I was personally disappointed of how I presented my part of the poster. After my speech, I realized that I left out things that were important in my presentation. I also felt like I didn't look at the audience and that really bothered me. Overall, my group did a great job Get more content on
  • 17. Reflection On Group Dynamics When you look at group dynamics, you see how individuals can work together as a team working together to obtain a common goal in a group setting (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011). When in a group setting you want to remember these five rules of be committed to the group, keep discussion on track, complete your individual assignment, encourage input from others, and manage the conflict among members in the group. If you break these down the individuals need to be committed to the group by using everyone's expertise in reaching the goal of the group (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011). When discussing the goal make sure that the team stays on track and if they tend to steer away someone needs to remind them kindly to stay on track (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011). Make sure that the work is divided among the group and that each individual completes the task that they were assigned (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011). Sometimes there are those in a group that do not say much, but may have some good insight that needs to be encouraged to share (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011).The last step is to there may be some conflict in the group and could be beneficial, but it needs to be handled correctly (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011). The group dynamic that I studied was The View that aired on May 25, 2017 (The View, 2017). In the first few minutes of the show the group speak over each other. For example Jedadiah talks over top of what Joy Get more content on
  • 18. Reflection On Virtual Group Work The purpose of this reflective essay is to detail the insights I experienced working in a virtual team (VT) as part of the EHR208 Business Communication course. Our VT consisted of three individuals, Corey Allum–Walsh, Mark Vangeli and myself, where we were tasked with completing a short 1500–word report based on interpersonal effectiveness and understanding and working in teams. Collaboratively, we decided to write about –understanding diversity within virtual group work. Throughout this experience, our multi gendered and geographically dispersed team was able to operate in an efficient and effective manner, thus completing our task well before the due date, using only email as our primary means of communication. Therefore, as a result of the positive interactions I observed, I will analyse contemporary literature to examine what particular behaviours and characteristics contributed to our VT cohesion, in addition to identifying how we could have further boosted our teams success and recommendations for improvement, specific to our VT experience. VT are becoming increasingly common amongst global contemporary workplaces and are frequently used as a learning tool for those, like myself, who study online. Essentially, a virtual team relies on electronic communication and generally consists of members who are geographically dispersed, who are then coordinated to achieve a shared objective (Alsharoa, Gregg, & Ramirez, 2017). Due to the remote nature of VT, factors such as age, cultural diversity, gender, language, and life experiences can affect the dynamic of those who work remotely. Research from Zander, Zettinig, and MГ¤kelГ¤ (2013), cautions managers to expect "goal alignment", "knowledge sharing", and "motivation" as typical challenges experienced within a VT environment (pg. 228). However, when managed successfully, a high performing VT can provide an organisation or group with a significant competitive advantage (Dube & Marnewick, 2016). Literatue suggests that the key aspects of a successul VT include acknnolwgedment, cooperation, cultural awareness, communication and social skills, reliability, trust, and objective understanding (Dube & Marnewick, 2016; Brandt, England, & Ward, 2011). In addition to Get more content on
  • 19. Reflective Essay On Group Work It's universally known that group assignments can be a headache to deal with. Working in a group can be very complicated whether they are at school or at work. However, group assignments do not have to be difficult. There are many ways one can make this situation more desirable. Through test and trials, many people have learned ways to deal with groups in ways that can lead to new and exciting relationships with your group members. The point of group work is to help you as an individual understand that in life you never go in alone. There will always be someone besides you whether you like them or not you should be able to work together to reach your goal. I was paired with a group for one of my courses and I learned through our interactions how to deal with my group and found that it becomes easier with these simple steps. First interaction: In my group's first interaction I immediately felt as though this was going to be difficult. I couldn't help but think of all the negative things about my group due to my past complications with groups. My frame of reference which consists of my perspective and view on things such as belief, value, gender, and attitude. I thought that since there were 5 boys in the group and I was the only girl it was going to be hard to communicate with them. Men and women tend to have a different way of communication to others. Women are more likely to try and maintain harmony in groups while men are more likely talk over others and conversate in a more competitive manner pg101. I felt as though because my group was mainly male–oriented my group members would unintentionally ignore my comments in our soon to come meetings. But the mere thought that this would be difficult simply because I was a girl is the issue, the gender expectations that women and men hold are what causes issues. Also, I was analyzing their body language, I assumed that this group was going to be a burden because half of the boys were either unprepared for the course or simply didn't care enough to try. So, to counteract that thought a good way to get a decent feel for each member's characteristics is through introductions. Introducing yourself Is a good start for getting to know your members, things you're Get more content on
  • 20. Reflection On Group Work Teamwork can be complex and challenging given task and interpersonal issues, level of group motivation and expected performance standards. The concrete experience spoken about in this reflection piece is in reference to the effectiveness of myself as a group member and the group, working to write a report outlining the organisation and structure of Volkswagen. Dennison (2009) applies Kolb's learning cycle (1981, 1984) which suggests that learning moves through a continuous cycle, between having an experience, and then reflecting on that action. This cycle has been developed from Lewin's (1951) model for experiential learning. Reflection termed by Boud, Keogh and Walker (1985) 'is a forum of response to the learner to experience'(p. 18). On reflection, the early set group dynamics was a defining factor in the experience, and how the team conducted themselves throughout the task. Meyerson, Wick and Kramer (1996) note that 'such rapidly converging groups require methods for developing "swift trust"' (p. 8), which can explain why initial group dynamics are so important. I took on multiple team roles, including group leader, which could be translated into the team not performing collectively on a high level, however, I could view this as a personal ineffectiveness of my leadership style. The effectiveness of working in a team varied between members. My personal experience, academic theorists, and further critical analysis can be used to discuss this. According to Ket De Vries Get more content on