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Space Travel Essay
Embarking on the task of composing an essay on the vast subject of space travel is undeniably a
formidable challenge. The sheer magnitude and complexity of the topic demand not only a
thorough understanding of the scientific principles underlying space exploration but also an
ability to articulate these concepts in a coherent and engaging manner.
One of the inherent difficulties lies in the multifaceted nature of space travel. Addressing aspects
ranging from the history of space exploration to the intricacies of advanced propulsion systems
requires a comprehensive grasp of various disciplines, including physics, astronomy, and
engineering. Moreover, staying abreast of the latest developments and breakthroughs in the field
adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process.
Crafting a compelling narrative around such a topic requires more than just technical knowledge.
It necessitates a delicate balance between conveying the awe-inspiring wonders of the cosmos
and delving into the practical challenges faced by astronauts and scientists. Achieving this
balance involves honing not only one's research skills but also the ability to convey scientific
information in a manner accessible to a diverse audience.
Furthermore, the essay must grapple with ethical considerations and explore the potential societal
impacts of space exploration. From the question of resource allocation to the potential for
international collaboration, navigating the ethical landscape surrounding space travel adds
another layer of intricacy to the writing endeavor.
In conclusion, tackling a space travel essay demands a blend of scientific acumen, research
prowess, and the ability to communicate complex ideas in a compelling manner. It is a task that
requires dedication, time, and a passion for unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos through the
written word.
If you find yourself overwhelmed or in need of assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays
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Space Travel EssaySpace Travel Essay
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Carl Brashear And Chief Sunday Comparison
From a little kid who drops out of school to help his father with the farm to a
master navy diver. Carl Brashear endures bravery, courage, and makes anything
desirable in order to achieve his navy and diving goals. Sunday trains Brashear in
diving school to reach his goal as a successful master diver; therefore he does
anything possible to make him fail. No one wants a victorious African American.
Chief Sunday ends up helping Brashear getting his career back. Both Carl and
Chief Sunday display honor and will always be appreciated for their amazing
courage and desire for doing what they love. They share similarities like having
courage. Brashear and Chief Sunday oppose by the way people view them and the
way they resolve conflict.Courage means being brave and having the ability to do
something difficult. Chief Sunday and Carl both hold a lot of courage. Sunday
never gives up on his job, although Captain Hanks demotes and punishes for his
misbehavior. He never gives up on Carl. While everyone wants Brashear to fail
Sunday helps him achieve his goal at the end of the film. Carl sacrifices a few things
to finish his career. Brashear rescues two people from getting hurt and loses his foot,
which... Show more content on ...
Sunday is a short tempered and impulsive man while Carl persists his anger and
does not take it out on people. While Sunday stays in the hospital, he loses control
unconditionally and throws things around. Hanks flirts with his wife and
immediately blows up trying to fight him. On the other hand, Carl lets Sunday
mistreat him without fighting or disrespecting him. During the time Carl remains
at the hospital, he doesn t disrespect his wife while she notifies Carl she doesn t
want to keep their relationship going anymore for choosing his career over his
family and keeps his anger inside. When Carl calmly tells the doctors to remove the
rest of his leg he doesn t yell at them or says it in a furious
Cuban Revolution Research Paper
The Cuban Revolution was an armed conflict against the Western backed dictator of
Cuba, Fulgencio Batista by Fidel Castro s 26 July movement. The revolution began in
1953, and continued sporadically until Batista got outsted in 1959, and his
government was replaced by a revolutionary Socialist State. This revolution had
strong domestic, and international consequences, such as completely changing Cubas
relationship with the United States, and started a period of political consolidation
where the Cuban economic and civil society were transformed. The revolution also
heralded an era of Cuban intervention in foreign military conflicts, such as the
Angolan Civil War and the Nicaraguan Revolution. Although Batista was seen as a
relatively progressive figure in the beginning of... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the Cuban military was struggling, especially thanks to the U.S arms
embargo, which significantly decreased the power of Batista s army. In addition to
armed resistance, the revolutionaries launched their own rebel radio station, which
promoted the Castroist cause. Thanks to this, Castro grew to be very popular
among some Cubans. The revolution continued to rage after Castro defeated Batista
s forces on the Battle of La Plata and the Battle of Las Mercedes. After this success,
the revolutionaries started planning their own offensives against the military. Castro
s forces started sweeping around the country, gaining control of most of the island.
The final battle of the revolution was the Battle of Santa Clara, were the 26 July
movement brought a decisive victory, and caused Batista to flee for the Dominican
Republic on 1 January 1959. The revolutionaries then victoriously marched into
Havana, establishing a one party socialist rule of Cuba, and nationalizing the
economy. The leader of the reformed Cuba was to be Fidel
Cultural Diversity During The 1920s
Spencer Chrinko
Mrs.Flagg Detwiler
Cultural Diversity
November 15, 2016
During the 1920s in an effort to reduce crime and corruption the prohibition on
alcohol was passed, little did these law makers know they were only worsening the
situation. The streets started to run rampant with crime, and bootleggers rose to
power as organized raised as well. As organized crime rose so did the Mafiosas.
Throughout the 20th century the mafia has controlled the organized crime scene
with an unwavering fist only for its rule to be challenged by other families. The
mafia s bosses give each family its own unique style whether they be a media
persona like Al Capone, A brutal killer like Charles Luciano, or completely insane
like George Moran.
Alphonse Capone is perhaps one of the most notorious gangsters of all time being
remembered in infamy as a very successful businessman and a stone cold killer.
Before Capone would become a mob boss he lived in a run down part of New York
city. Capone went to a Catholic school, where he showed academic promise, but due
to the violent nature of Catholic school Capone was expelled from school at the age
of fourteen for assaulting a female teacher (A E Television Networks). After that
incident the young Capone picked up odd jobs until he met the gangster Johnny Torrio
. Torrio had a huge impact on Capone s life, giving him a look at how organized
crime were transforming from gangs, into empires. Capone bounced around from
different gangs and ended up in a
Aesthetics Of Kant And Hegel
Dr. Prashanta Chakravarty
M.A. English (I Semester)
2nd November 2015
The Aesthetics of Kant and Hegel
The theories of art put forward by Immanuel Kant (1724 1804) and G.W.F. Hegel
(1770 1831) have long been seen to represent two rival positions which nonetheless
arise from a distinctive tradition of German philosophy. In both cases, a concern with
problems of art and beauty represents only one part of their respective philosophical
systems. It is this larger, theoretical framework which lends both theories their
characteristic breadth and range of interest. Whilst Kant s name has principally been
associated with the development of a formalist aesthetics, Hegel is seen to represent
an ... Show more content on ...
Central to his view of aesthetic judgment is the concept of purposiveness. This refers
to the fact that we must assume a certain coherence and connection among the
appearances of the external world or nature so that we can reflect coherently upon it.
We presuppose a harmony between nature and our cognitive powers, as if they were
suited or adapted to each other. It is this presumed harmony, which Kant calls
purposiveness, which gives us pleasure. According to Kant, when we make an
aesthetic judgment, we make a judgment about the form of an object (not its content
as given through our senses); the object s form gives rise to pleasure because it
exhibits a harmony with our cognitive powers, namely our understanding and
imagination. We then call the object
beautiful and our ability to judge the object by such a pleasure is taste . An
aesthetic judgment is not a judgment of cognition; it does not refer to the object
and gives us no knowledge of it. It refers only to the perceiving subject, to our self
and its feeling of pleasure or displeasure. It tells us only about how we, as subjects,
are affected by our mental representation of the
White Noise Death Quotes
In the novel White Noise, the protagonist Jack Gladney copes with his fear of
death very often, and frequently through power. The power Jack seeks is not
completely obvious to his friends and family or in his personality, like wanting
power over the world for example, but revolves more around power over his own
death and his fearof it. Jack finds the idea of being remembered after death takes
away from you actually dying, and believed that this is what Hitler did; and many
other well known people, too. Delillos use of Jack s first person point of view also
helps to understand and analyse how Jack is truly feeling in many situations. Jack
uses power as a tactic to distance himself and forget his fear of death. He gains this
power by leading... Show more content on ...
Gray), Jack felt powerful and farther from death even as he almost caused it.
Before this incident, Jack s friend Murray tells him about the concept of killers and
diers: In theory, violence is a form of rebirth. The dier passively succumbs. The
killer lives on.. (290). Jack kind of takes this theory to heart, and sees it as more
encouragement to face Mr. Gray, as he had already been contemplating finding
him after finding out what happened with his wife, Babette, between the two. Jack
eventually goes through with shooting Mink, and even looking through his point
of view, he does not express feeling much guilt at all: I tried to see myself from
Minks viewpoint. Looming, dominant, gaining life power, storing up life credit...I
was pleased to see how well it was going (312). His point of view shows how even
from a dying person s perspective, he believes he is powerful. He finds comfort in
the fact that being able to shoot Mink supposedly helped him distance himself from
death, shown when saying ...gaining life power, storing up life credit (312). Jack
expresses feeling very little guilt whilst shooting Mink. He feels powerful behind the
gun, he feels powerful being in control of the
Compare And Contrast Bye Beautiful And Southern Cop
Upon reading Bye, Beautiful by Julia Lawrinson and Southern Cop by Sterling A.
Brown, it is obvious that there are distinct similarities and differences between the
texts. By exploring the themes evident in both texts, multiple characters who clearly
share traits and the settings which have as many differences as they do similarities, it
can be concluded that the two texts, different as they may seem, have several shared
Although the two texts seem very different, upon analysing the themes in more depth
we can see that they share ideas. Racism is the most distinct similarity. In Bye,
Beautiful, this is one of the main themes and is represented in several ways
throughout the novel, ultimately resulting in the murder of an Aboriginal boy Billy
Read. Although racism in Southern Cop is not continuously demonstrated in the
same way, it is also the main issue in the text and is the cause of a murder based on
race. The murder of an African Americanimmediately paints a picture of an area
with intensely negative views of Africans. Both Billy Read and the unnamed African
American are both victims of murder due to racist views and this is apparent to the
reader. Although the two texts do not seem to have much in common, they
demonstrate racism in strikingly similar ways. However, in Bye, Beautiful, the
theme of sexism is just as prominent. Examples of sexism are peppered throughout
the novel and an unmissable aspect of the story. There are multiple characters such
as Bill, Laurence and Frank, who view women as the inferior gender and do not
allow them the same privileges they receive. By contrast, Southern Cop has an
absence of this theme, and instead there is an emphasis on the conflicting emotions of
human nature. While the reader naturally grieves for the deceased individual, the
speaker clearly has racist views and instead chooses to forgive and understand the
killer. The focus of racism connects Bye, Beautiful and Southern Cop despite their
differences in secondary themes.
The characters in Bye, Beautiful and Southern Cop are remarkably similar despite
some of their critical differences. After being introduced to Frank Lansing and Ty
Kendricks it can be concluded that these characters share many traits.
Essay On Capgras Delusion
There are lots of interesting stories regarding people who had Capgras delusion, but
here are a few examples. A 74 year old woman thought that her husband had been
replaced by another unrelated man. She became agitated by this, and, She refused to
sleep with the impostor, locked her bedroom door at night, asked her son for a gun,
and finally fought with the police when attempts were made to hospitalize her (
Capgras Delusion). This particular woman resorted to violence when she was unable
to find out the truth about her husband, even though it was standing right in front of
her. Sometimes the woman thought that her husband s replacement was her long,
deceased father ( Capgras Delusion). This is an interesting interpretation she
experienced because it is... Show more content on ...
This woman may have had visions like this, herself, when she was thinking about
something. It is like she had two personalities that were good and evil with no in
between, and if she made a decision, it would either be viewed as good or evil.
After all, it is all about perspective. Nothing bad happened in these specific cases, but
some other cases have resulted in awful outcomes.
Some cases have caused patients to resort to violence and even murder some of their
own family. The main case that I found when I was researching was from a Criminal
Minds episode where a former Navy Seal named Luke Dolan was in a car accident
and woke up with Capgras delusion ( Dorado Falls ). When he woke up with Capgras
syndrome, his brain went into mission mode, and he wanted to figure out more
information on who was behind a mission he went on called Dorado Falls and why it
went wrong ( Dorado Falls ). Given his background as a Navy Seal, he was highly
trained, and was capable of killing lots of people easier than the average man would
be able to ( Dorado Falls ). This was what he resorted to when he saw people that he
believed were impostors, that, in all reality, had not been changed or
The Role Of Labelling Theory And Differential Association...
INTRODUCTION The focus of this paper will be on two contemporary
criminological theories and their application to the crime film, Eastern Promises.
The two theories to be discussed, and subsequently applied to the film, are
labelling theory and differential association theory. Labelling theory falls under
the symbolic interactionist approach, and the primary level of analysis of this
theory is micro, as it tends to focus on the effect of labels on an individual s sense
of self . The basis of labelling theory is that no act is inherently deviant; it is only
when the act is labelled deviant that it becomes so. When someone is labelled as
deviant, they begin to see themselves as the label they have been assigned. This can
cause the behaviour to happen more frequently, as the individual who has been
labelled begins to see themselves as they label they have been given. A criticism
of labelling theory is that it lacks empirical validity, and is deterministic. There is
no way to effectively test this theory, so there is no way to know for sure how
accurate the concept of labelling is and the effect it has on an individual and their
propensity towards criminality. This and other aspects of labelling theory will be
broken down and discussed later on in the paper. The second theory to be discussed
in this paper is Edwin Sutherland s theory of differential association. This theory is
an extension of social learning theory, and it follows the positivist approach. It also
uses a micro
The Collapse Of Enron Corporation
When a company ascends to the number seven spot on the Fortune 500 and then
collapses in weeks into a smoking ruin, its stock worth pennies, its CEO, a confidante
of presidents, more or less evaporated, there must be lessons in there somewhere.
Daniel Henninger, The Wall Street Journal
The collapse of Enron Corporation has created many discussions about the structure
of corporate governance. The question of this essay first calls to examine some of the
strengths and weaknesses of the shareholder model of corporate governance and how
the fundamental principles of this model were instrumental in the disintegration of
Enron. In particular, I will discuss Deakin s article about the third position
addressing how Enron s profit driven culture and the executive focus on short term
profitability hindered them from being an ethically and legally driven company for
long term investments (Deakin and Konzelmann). Enron, at its early stages was a
success for the shareholder model but it was that same model that is to blame for the
demise of Enron. I will argue that the adoption of the theoretical characteristics of the
shareholder model helps us identify what could have prevented the downfall of
Enron and how future corporations can learn from what was done and be dissimilar
to Enron.
The Enron case created a reevaluation of corporate governance and a revolution of
accountability between corporation and shareholder. Many theorists believe that the
Enron case showcases the
Speech On The Oppressed By Paulo Freire
Mohamad Afiq Md Daud
Conversation Plan
In Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire describes about what the education
system supposedly need to be. He critiques that the education during his era is almost
as similar as dictatorship. In this style of education, teacher has the superiority over
their students. The teacher is the one who know everything, while the students are
considered to know nothing, and that is absolutely unfair towards the students
because they do not have the chance to learning . Furthermore, based on Kirp s
excerpt entitled Make School a Democracy , he reveals the solution towards the
education system problem during Freire s era. The solution is also known as
Escuela Nueva (New School) model. Hence, what do I realize is the education is a
process of teaching and learning between the teacher and the students. An effective
education system leads the students in becoming a person with a good thinking skills
who able to understand the facts rather than memorizing it. Based on what I have
read, I recognized that both Freire and Kirp have a similar main idea in fighting for
the education rights. They suggest that education needs to be an interactive learning.
Both teacher and students need to communicate by making discussion or sharing
opinions; this theory is also called as problem posing education. For example, a
teacher is posing a question for the students, and he or she has already prepared the
answer; however, the students independently
The Risks Of A Sporting Accident
Risk management by definition basically means reducing the chances of injury,
damage or loss by taking steps to identify and control possible, consequential risks.
Such risks include the possibility of facing tort laws. This basically means that it is
the duty of the sports manager and other members within the organization to take the
time to think about probable risky situations, come up with circumstances that may
pose a serious riskand then make an arbitrary decision on what steps can be taken to
potentially minimize those risks. The costs of a sporting accident can be extreme,
considering both financial and emotional factors. This doesn t only apply to the
victim but to sports events organisers, officials, coaches, athletes and sports
administrators as well, are finding themselves legally liable for accidents in sports.
Consequences like these can be avoided though. With a good risk managementplan it
can essentially increase the safety for both the participants and the spectators. When
it comes to school basketball teams, a risk management plan must be in effect in
order to reduce probable accident consequences.
Generally, elements of risk management include identification, evaluation, treatment
and implementation. Regarding identification, before travelling to a competition or
competing in any activity clubs should identify the risks associated with that activity.
This is known as foreseeability, which is in simpler words the tactic to anticipate
What Is The Temperature On The Behavior Of The Low
According to the manufacturer, the type of SiC particles is green hexagonal,
which means they are of the type О± SiC. Therefore, I think we need to look at the
properties for this type of SiC only. Before this, for choosing the value of CTE for
SiC, I used the room temperature values declared on Table 3 of the 1997
publication by R.G. Munro, which is attached to this message. For room
temperature the value 1.1 and for 500В°C the value 4.4 is given. I noticed that for
all other experimental CTEs as well as theoretical assumptions, I am using CTE
values that are averaged between room temperature and elevated temperatures.
Therefore, it makes sense to me to average these two values and use the number 2.75
for CTE of this type of SiC particles.... Show more content on ...
Do you think you possess any information that we can assimilate to our work? Is
that plot referring to the same matrix which is described in this draft? If so, I would
appreciate if you provide that plot and its relevant raw data to me.
P.S.: For your further information, in the present work, CS stands for NLI 122, CZ
for NLI 110, and CSZ for NLI 123.
I absolutely agree with you that this idea could make our work more powerful. Not
only because it can provide an extra control, also because the impact of the severity
of the thermal shock response of (comparable) refractories has not been well
explored in the literature, to my best knowledge. I proposed the same idea as a
research topic in the past, however, our time and resources have always been
limited, and based on the available resources it was decided to explore other aspects
of the thermal shock phenomena. This experimental research could be generally
designed in three ways:
1 Apply one temperature profile to multiple types of refractory and characterize the
response of the refractories.
2 Apply multiple temperature profiles to one type of refractory and characterize the
impact of the temperature profile.
3 Apply multiple temperature profiles on multiple types of refractory and
characterize the response of the refractories as well as the impact of the temperature
For the present research we chose the
Who Was The Most Responsible For Macbeth s Downfall
In 1603, William Shakespeare wrote a tragedy that took place in 1066, called
Macbeth. A tragedy is when a good man brings about his own downfall due to a
tragic flaw. The play is about an ambitious man, willing to do anything to get to the
top. This man goes by the name of Macbeth. Macbeth comes up with the idea to kill
the King with the help of some people. The witches were the first people to plant the
idea of becoming king in his mind and Lady Macbethmanipulates Macbeth into
killing Duncan. Although Lady Macbeth and the Witches played a huge part in
Macbeth s downfall, Macbeth was the one in the end who gave the orders to kill the
people and is the most responsible for his downfall. Some character that caused the
downfall of Macbeth were
Idiopathic Interstitial Pulmonary Firosis ( Ipf ) Essay
Idiopathic interstitial pulmonary firosis (IPF) is considered the most common form
of interstitial lung disease (ILD). Its course is a progressive of and its cause is
unknown. Idiopathic interstitial pulmonary firosis aٶect the gas exchange as it
results in chronic inflmmation and progressive firosis of lung parenchyma. Рќe signs
and symptoms of this disease consist of progressive dyspnea, hypoxia, clubbing and
crepitations at the lung bases [1]. IPF is a fatal lung disease; the natural history is
variable and unpredictable: Most patients with IPF demonstrate a gradual worsening
of lung function over years; a minority of patients remains stable or declines rapidly.
Some patients may experience episodes of acute respiratory worsening despite
previous stability. РќH ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT 2011 Revised Diagnostic Criteria Р
diagnosis of IPF is based on the absence of a known cause of lung firosiscomputed
tomography (CT) fidings and, in cases with CT abnormalities that are not classical
for IPF, the use of pathological criteria [2]. An 2Щ№FLDO ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT
Statement IPF is defied as a specifi form of chronic, progressive firosing interstitial
pneumonia of unknown cause, occurring primarily in older adults, limited to the
lungs, and associated with the histopathologic and/or radiologic pattern of unspecifid
interstitial pneumonia (UIP) [3]. РќH Diagnosis of IPF Requires 1. Exclusion of
other known causes of interstitial lung disease (ILD) Рќe presence of a unspecifid
Essay On Similarities Between The Rome And Han Dynasty
Rome and China were some of the oldest and most well known countries in the
ancient world. The Han dynasty was a long lasting dynasty in China s history, and
the Roman Empire had a long and strong rule. Like the rules of these empires, the
falls of these empires were very impressive. Several similarities to the falls of these
empires are apparent. One is the fact that they were both invaded by other tribes that
threatened their power. Another was the government corruption that weakened them
from the inside. And the last, yet very common is historical societies was taxes and
economic reasons.
Apparent strongly in both empires near the end was invading tribes. The Roman
Empire had been suffering from intrusions by German tribes for many centuries.
They had both endured many wins and defeats until one force would scatter and
weaken the roman empire once and for all. The deciding force in this scenario was
the Huns. Afraid that the Huns would attack them, the Germans sought refuge in the
Roman Empire, with Rome begrudgingly agreeing to let them settle on some empty
land. Neither side held up the bargain, however, and they ended up fighting in 378
C.E. in the battle of Adrianople. This battle was considered as one of the most
decisive battles in history. The Huns also effected the Chinese in the Han dynastyas
well, in a way. These battles took place in the Han Xiongnu War. Starting around 133
B.C.E., the Xiongnu fought the Han in the western area for nearly 2 centuries until
Definitions and Terms
Define the following terms:
(in terms of cabling infrastructure)How cabling should be installed and it use.
Unshielded Twisted PairA popular type of cable that consists of two unshielded wires
twisted around each other.
Shielded Twisted PairA type of copper telephone wiring in which each of the two
copper wires that are twisted together are coated with an insulating coating that
functions as a ground for the wires.
Fiber Optic CableA type of cable that has a central glass core with cladding to prevent
light loss and dielectric strengthening material which protects the core. They come in
single, dual or multi strand.
Dark FiberDark fiber refers to unused fiber optic cable. Often time s companies lay ...
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HeadroomIn the digital and analog audio, headroom refers to the amount by which
the signal handling capabilities of an audio system exceed a designation level
known as Permitted Maximum Level (PML). It can be thought of as a safety zone
allowing transient audo peaks to exceed the PML without exceeding the signal
capabilities of an audio system.
ANSIAcronym for the American National Standards Institute. Founded in 1918,
ANSI is a voluntary organization composed of over 1,300 members (including all the
large computer companies) that creates standards for the computer industry.
NFPANational Fire Protection Association (NFPA) A nonprofit organization that is
concerned with fire prevention and safety. They are responsible for publishing the
(NEC) National Electrical Code which has been adopted into law by many
municipalities and states.
FCCAbbreviation of Federal Communications Commission. Among its duties in
regulating public airwaves in the United States, the FCC is responsible for rating
personal computers and other equipment as either Class A or Class B
NISTShort for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST is a non
regulatory federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce.
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an agency of the
United States Department of Labor. OSHA s mission is to assure safe and healthful
working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards
and by providing
Essay The Invention and Impact of The Computer Mouse
The Invention and Impact of The Computer Mouse
If you ask people to name one of the most important technologies of the twentieth
century, one of the answers would most certainly be the computer. A computer,
however, is not a technology all to itself. Many other technologies went into the
modern home computers of today, including the mouse. Douglas C. Engelbart, a
worker at the SRI (Stanford Research Institute), invented the mouse in 1964.
However, the process of the invention of the mouse was not instantaneous and
without effect on the realm of computing and society. In this paper I will be
examining the problems that had to be overcome and the technologies that had to be
invented for the mouse to become a reality. It also ... Show more content on ...
That is when Bob Taylor, a representative of NASA, stepped in and collected enough
money from NASA to keep the lab running. Bob Taylor once again helped the lab by
getting more than adequate funding from ARPA (Advanced Research Projects
Agency) to support the work of Engelbart to its conclusion.
During the time when the mouse debuted computers had just arrived into the small
business market. They were still costly and not economically viable for home
computer users. Because of the great expense involved there was no need to cater to
the needs of the general public, which requires user friendly computers. User friendly
means that the computer s operating system and interface are easy to learn. The
change to using the mouse was also uneconomical for computer manufacturers of the
time because there was no demand for them except for the editing of text. Some
computers of the time were equipped with mouse support, specifically the Amstrad
PC 1512, but the mouse remained unpopular due to its limited uses. The first
commercial mouse was not released until 1982.
Hardware and software support is another problem the mouse had to overcome. As
mentioned previously, the mouse was released before most computer systems had
hardware support for it. Therefore, even if the computer used a program that
incorporated a mouse, there was nowhere to connect the mouse with the motherboard.
Also there was no code for the CPU (central processing unit) to understand the signals
Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Essay
In Act II of William Shakespeare s famous play titled Hamlet, Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern seem to have built a relationship with King Claudius and Queen
Gertrude, as well as a separate relationship with Hamlet. Rosencrantz and
Guildenstern are childhood friends of Hamlet as they went to the same school. When
comparing their relationships with Hamletto their relationships with the King and
Queen, it is pretty similar in the sense that they all have some form of respect for
each other. Claudius and Gertrude invite Rosencrantz and Guildensternto Denmark to
check on Hamlet, as they are concerned with Hamlet s wellbeing. Claudius and
Gertrude flatter them by saying that Hamlet has affection towards them and will
bring them goods if they obey... Show more content on ...
Especially Claudius, as he obviously has ulterior motives and his own reasoning
for bringing them to check on Hamlet. Despite this, it still shows that Claudius and
Gertrude have a little bit of respect for both Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, as they
trust them to do their jobs. Likewise, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern show a decent
amount of respect towards the king and queen and recognize their authority, as
they are still able to obey them to spy on Hamlet despite being Hamlet s friends.
Guildenstern states, But we both obey And here give up ourselves, in the full bent,
To lay our service freely at your feet To be commanded (II.ii. 27 34). This suggests
that they are willing to be dishonest towards Hamlet, which proves they are not as
loyal to Hamlet as they could be (i.e., Horatio is much more of a friend and loyal to
Hamlet than Rosencrantz and Guildenstern). Although Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
are spying on Hamlet in order to get back to the king and queen, I believe that they
still do respect and care for Hamlet and are not intentionally trying to cause any
Ancient Egypt Research Paper
Ancient Egypt Egypt is located on the northeast corner of Africa. Egyptians are the
population who lived in Egypt. They created an advanced civilization, with cutting
edge systems such as medicine, writing, farming and irrigation. The Egyptian
priests knew a lot about anatomy. Priests cut open the Pharaoh s body and took out
the organs, four of the organs were put in Canopic Jars, each jar has a different
head of gods shown on it: Imsety, Duamutef, Hapy, Qebehsenuef. The heart,
however, was taken out of the body, covered with spices and wrapped with linen.
The Egyptians believed that, in the afterworld, the heart was going to be weighed
by the god Osiris. A heavy heart was full of sin and a monster would eat it, but a
light heart meant it was good and it s owner could keep on going with the journey
in happiness. The body was put in coffins and brought to the pyramids, where it was
buried in a stone sarcophagus which contained two more coffins in it. Egyptians had
tools for making the pyramids, they used chisels, mallets, drills, saws, and plumb
rules. The Great Pyramid took twenty years to build; The other pyramids took five
ten years to build because those pyramids were smaller than the Great Pyramid....
Show more content on ...
They made measurements of the body and other living things and objects. They
solved algebra equations, and they did multiplication problems, they used fractions
too. There are still papyruses with medicine and math systems in
Arkham Knight Research Paper
The Knight Is Darkest Just Before The Dawn
When I reached the conclusion of Batman: Arkham Knight after 12 hours of solid
pacing, I literally stood behind my chair like a five year old cheering for his favorite
superhero, biting my nails as I could no longer wait to see how it would all end. Not
only does the finale of Batman: Arkham Knight grant the legendary Arkham series
the ending it deserves, but it also introduces so many new gameplay mechanics that it
manages to outdo the previous installments in the series, thus becoming the very best
comic book game in existence. If I am to be completely honest here, I have to say that
Batman: Arkham Knight is possibly one of the best video games I ever got to play,
Hold my hand, honey. Now push. Come on, push!Hold my hand, honey. Now push.
Come on, push!
Whereas previous Arkham titles told their stories by implementing as many iconic
super villains as humanly possible, that of Batman: Arkham Knight is much more
focused and centered. The menacing ... Show more content on ...
In these separate side missions, you will mostly be spending your time beating up
thugs while chasing villains like Firefly, Two Face and Penguin, which doesn t
always work in the game s favor. Most side missions end with you confronting the
villain behind it all, and instead of it going down with a good old fashioned boss
fight, villains are easily knocked out by performing a Takedown of sorts (e.g.
Stealth Takedown, Vehicle Takedown and Dual Takedown). This is probably my
biggest complaint with Batman: Arkham Knight, because I for one truly enjoyed the
recurrent boss fight in previous Arkham games. In any case, almost all of these side
missions are varied enough that they will keep you interested, and if not, you can
always choose to chase another villain and come back to the initial mission later
thanks to the simple and clear Mission
Body Building Research Papers
Large, bulging muscles like those found on the models of body building magazine
covers are often what people associate with strength training. Of course, building
muscles is part of this type of training program. There are other benefits that even
women who don t want to bulk up can appreciate. Stronger muscles can reduce your
risk of injury to your back and other parts of your body. Since your metabolism
increases when you strength train, you can also maintain a healthy weight. Body
building that results in large muscles typically involves long, strenuous workouts. To
experience the results just mentioned, you would just need to perform body building
exercises for 30 minutes, 3 times a week. What makes the difference in results you
experience with strength training exercises is the body building equipment you use.
If you are interested in a moderate workout, ... Show more content on
Within this market there are numerous kinds of body building equipment for light
to moderate body building exercises. A good starter piece of equipment that you
can purchase anywhere is a chin up bar. This equipment costs as little as $10 and fits
in any doorway of your home. Push ups are perfect for any type of exercise program.
Although you can perform pushups without special equipment, purchasing a pair
of pushup stands can provide extra support for your wrists. This equipment is also
great for traveling. Dip stands may not fit in your suitcase, but you can easily slide
them in a corner of a room when they are not in use. Dip stands are used to perform
exercises that work the arms and abdominals. If you re creative you can easily
design other upper and lower body exercises. The equipment listed here is only a
percentage of what is available on the market. You can find more detailed information
about body building equipment at
The Hunt For Bullwinkle
The Hunt For Bullwinkle Are you going hunting today or not Buck ? Father had
asked. In just a minute, I am getting ready right now . Buck has been on the trail
for a huge buck for nearly four years now. The deer has earned the nickname of
Bullwinkle. Trail cameras that had been set out to try and capture this humongous
beast, has only captured his picture one time...and only half of his body. It could be
seen that he was the largest buck around the place. Well I am going to the woods
now, I can feel it in my blood and bones that Bull will come out today exclaimed
Buck. Buck was so excited to go hunting more today than any other day, he knew
that today would be the day. As Buck walked to the woods, he began to move faster
than he started off and was soon almost in a jog, all of his adrenaline was pumping
full steam; he realized this... Show more content on ...
As he walked up to the green field that was planted with clover and soy bean, along
with some other thrown in ingredients; corn, mustard, and collards. Buck thought It
is December 24, middle of the rut, he had better show his butt up. Buck walked
over to a humongous tree and set down and positioning himself to shoot where he
thought the buck would walk. If buck is still enough he just might get a shot of a
lifetime to kill Bullwinkle. Now to settle my mind, so that I can concentrate and
time will fly, but oh my lord it is getting cold. he thought to himself. Two hours had
passed by, 2 does had walked onto the field and good sized ones to. I know I can
take a shot at either of them, and it would be a lot of meat but I need to wait . Buck
sat there patiently, awaiting the arrival of Bullwinkle. Another hour has passed and it
is 6:40, about twenty minutes of daylight left, Buck was starting to get discouraged
knowing that not much time was left as well of his chance of killing the monster
buck was
Black Rook In Rainy Weather And The Darkling Thrush
Birds of Hope: Black Rook in Rainy Weather and The Darkling Thrush
In the two poems, Black Rook in Rainy Weather by Sylvia Plath and The Darkling
Thrush by Thomas Hardy, both speakers share their experiences about an encounter
with a bird
during the winter. In the poems, the speakers share their experiences about a bird that
helps the
speaker come to a realization about their lives.
The thrush in Hardy s The Darkling Thrush is inspiring hope. Even though everything
is looking bleak for the speaker due to the environment he is in, when he sees and
hears the
thrush singing after being beaten up by the winter storm the night before. The
speaker is shocked
to see that even though the thrush has been beaten down ... Show more content on ...
When she sees the black
rook, she realizes that her miracle is coming at an undefined time and even though
she does not
know when it will happen, she is willing to wait as long as it takes to receive her
miracle. The
tone of the poem is sadness and gloom. An example of the tone of this poem is
Although, I
admit, I desire,/Occasionally, some backtalk/ From the mute sky, I can t honestly
(Line 11 13). This quote helps to show the sadness that the speaker is feeling due to
the fact that
she feels like she doesn t have a reason to have hope or to be happy. An example of
the use of
imagery in the poem is In my eye, not seek/Any more in the desultory weather some
design,/But let spotted leaves fall as they fall, (Line 7 9). This quote helps to show
the gloomy
mood that is associated with winter, yet it seems that the speaker is used to the gloomy
environment of winter.
The elements that I found to be similar in the poem is the bleak environment of the
in both of the poems. Both of the poems talk about winter and how the environment
has brought
about and overall gloomy feel to the environment. Also, it showed the winter
helped to influence that speaker s feeling that life has no meaning and there is no
reason to hope.
Another element of the poems that I found to be similar is how the birds represent
some type of
hope to the speakers. In The Darkling
Global Climate Change And Creating A Sustainable
Energy efficiency is a key step in reducing our impact on global climate change and
creating a sustainable energy future. Electricity production is the number one source
of greenhouse gases and the leading cause of industrial air pollution in the United
States. Most of our electricity comes from coal, nuclear, and other non renewable
power plants. Producing energy from these types of sources takes a severe toll on the
environment by polluting the air, land, and water supply. In order to stop polluting
the atmosphere and the environment around us, we must take action and implement
the use of renewable resources into our electricity grid and overall economy.
Renewable energycan be used to produce electricity with less environmental impacts
... Show more content on ...
Power plants that use coal leak toxic metals into local groundwater and produce a lot
of additional waste. Gasoline that is burned in combustion engines emits large
amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere thus contributing to climate change.
Natural Gas is mostly made up of methane, which is a lot more effective at trapping
heat than carbon dioxide, making it more problematic as a greenhouse gas (What
Are Non, 2013). There are also the impacts of nonrenewable resources in terms of
health risks for individuals living across the globe. Uranium, which is used in nuclear
power plants, can cause numerous health issues. Including, major birth defects and
abnormal heart, liver and kidney functions with overexposure (What Are Non,
2013). Also, coal miners that inhale dust can contract black lung disease, which
kills around 4,000 miners per year in the United States. Finally, there is the issue
of supply and demand as they are nonrenewable resources; once they are gone there
is no way to create new ones. Thus, they are more and more expensive as they are
used. Due to this and the price increase, the technologies that we use to make our
lives easier will become useless if the fuel that is used to power them ceases to exist.
If alternatives are not pursued and perfected, a shortage would result in chaos.
However, in order to achieve the switch from nonrenewable resources to renewable
resources, it is important to understand what it is. Renewable energy is energy
Andrew Jackson An American President
Emma Lynch
Mr. Holland
US History I H
Chapter 13 Assessment
The People s President Andrew Jackson, the nation s seventh president, was elected
president in 1828. During the election, Jackson s followers presented him as a
roughhewn frontiersman and a stalwart champion of the common man. Jackson was
a president of firsts: first president from the West and the first nominated at a formal
party convention. Interestingly, he was only the second without having received a
college education. Although there are many reasons that confirm Andrew Jackson
belonging in the pantheon of great American presidents, it was his strong compassion
for the common man that distinguishes him from the rest, and justly places him
among the great American presidents. Once Jackson was elected as President,
Washington was flooded with his supporters, known as Hickyorites. As a result of the
White ... Show more content on ...
He did not like the idea of nullification. He believed states should follow federal
laws. He helped avoid an early civil war when certain states, especially South
Carolina, threatened to secede. Jackson, along with Clay and Calhoun, ended the
Nullification Crisis with the compromise Tariff of 1833. In addition, Jackson strongly
disapproved of the Bank of the United States, The Bank of the United States acted
like a branch of government. It was the principal depository for the funds of the
Washington government and controlled much of the nation s gold and silver. The
bank, which was a private bank, had grown too large and had gained far too much
power and control. When Henry Clay and Daniel Webster presented Congress with a
bill to renew the Bank of the United States charter, Jackson exercised his presidential
veto power, and squashed the bank bill. Jackson believed the bank s charter was
unfair, and found it harmful to the nation. As a result, Jackson had destroyed the
The Pros And Cons Of The United States Postal Service
In the modern world, electronic ways of communicating have become the normal
way to contact someone. With the advancements in this technology, we ve been
able to send messages and e mails to someone all the way across the world;
however, this technology originated from postal services, one being the United
States Postal Service. The United States Postal Service,(USPS) was a pioneer for
bringing mail to people all over the U.S. The key difference between these two
services is the physicality of the USPS. If you wanted to send a love letter to your
girlfriend or boyfriend across the country, an email can still be heartfelt, but also
easily missed and disregarded. If a physical letter was sent, it s less likely for it to be
thrown away. If the... Show more content on ...
Junk mail is mail that a person receives without the want to receive it. A good
example of junk mail would be magazines you didn t sign up for or invites to
colleges you have no interest in. As stated in Source E, 44 percent of marketing or
junk email is never opened by the people who receive it, making it wasted paper. If
the USPS wants people to stop receiving this junk mail, they need to be more direct
with their customers. Someone should be able to walking a USPS post office and
request that they don t receive this kind of mail. The USPS has been throwing
away money by sending this mail to people without their knowledge. Source E also
states, The Postal Service lost $1.1 Billion in it s last quarter. That number would be
even larger if it weren t for direct mailings, which now constitute 52% of mail
volume... but 89% of consumers say in polls that they prefer not to receive direct
marketing mail. If the USPS would stop sending these mailbox filling letters, then
their reputation as a postal service will increase, therefore increasing their amount of
The Nightmare Before Christmas Research Paper
Did you know that it took Tim Burton and 15 stop motion animators 10 years to
The Nightmare Before Christmas argument come up with the whole plot and then 3
years to film The Nightmare Before Christmas? There is a huge controversy
surrounding this movie. Some people believe that this great movie was more of a
Christmas movie. I believe that The Nightmare Before Christmas is more of a
Halloween Movie than a Christmas movie. My first reason for my thoughts on this
movie being a Halloween movie is that the main setting of The Nightmare Before
Christmas is Halloweentown. In my opinion I would say that only about 1/5 of the
movie The Nightmare Before Christmas is in a different setting. Jack Skelington, the
main character, lives in Halloweentown. In Halloweentown their is pumpkins,
people celebrate Halloween, and everyones scares on Halloween .Everything in
Halloweentown is scary and Halloween themed. Those points are evidence for my
first reason and so it now brings me to my second reason. ... Show more content on ...
Jack Skelington lives in Halloweentown and is know as the pumpkin. People call
him the pumpkin king because of his outstanding ability to scare anyone. Every
Halloween everyone in the town goes and scares people but Jack is the best one at
it according to the everyone in town. Jack loves halloween and always celebrates it
with the town on Halloween night. These last few sentences are all evidence for my
second reason about how the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas is more of a
Halloween movie than a Christmas movie. Now it brings me to my third and final
point that I will be
Fall Of Icarus Essay
depiction of the fall of Icarus was similar in the painting by Pieter Brueghel and the
poem by William Carlos Williams in tone, theme, mood, and imagery. The painting
and the poem had a similar tone in their depictions of the fall of Icarus. Both had a
tone that was calm, merry, but also dark. In the painting, it showed an farmer
plowing his fields, a man herding his sheep, a man looking into the water, all on a
hot, sunny day. Meanwhile, while these people are merry and living their lives, Icarus
is drowning in the water right near them. The poem states, It was spring, the whole
pageantry of the year was awake tingling... This shows a calm mood, in how it was
spring, the pageantry was awake and tingling, people were happy and joyful. All of
this was happening while Icarus was drowning, and it was a, splash quite unnoticed.
Both the painting and the poem showed people calmly and joyfully living their lives,
selfishly, while not even noticing Icarus drowning right in front of them.... Show more
content on ...
The painting gives off an mood that is calm and dark, with people working in the hot
son, near the sounds of the ocean waves, but there is someone dying in the midst of
all of all of it. The poem gives an mood that is merry, calm, and gloomy. The poem
talks about the pageantry and that it s awake and joyful, people are out working in
the sun, all while Icarus is drowning, and he goes unnoticed. Both depictions give an
happy, calm mood, but also dark at the same time. People are calm and happy, but
then Icarus is dying, and no one notices.
Both depictions of the Fall of Icarus had similar ideas. Both mention people happily
working, living their lives, but they are so concerned with themselves that they e don
t even see someone drowning right near them. The poem and the painting both
display Icarus death being unnoticed, when he could have been seen and had been
saved. But, people are too busy too see him, and they wouldn t care about being
Obama Political Power
People were jumping excitedly around, pumping their fists as they chanted USA.
Blue party streamers flew in the air as his supporters flooded the streets cheering.
Millions were sitting on the edge of their couches as Wolf Blitz announces the
predicted President Elect in 2008: Barack Obama. After an 8 year Republican led
presidency riddled with turmoil and heartbreaks, the people breathe a sigh of relief
as they ready themselves to write the next chapter of their country s history. The way
in which power is obtained and maintained differs greatly depending on the country.
In our democratic America, political power can only be obtained and maintained
through a perfect balance of pleasing both the general public and special interest
groups, due to the fact that they both influence the decisions of political figures in
separate ways. While Obama may have come into power through the support of
Americans in 2008, it would be an uphill battle to maintain his power in an
increasingly divisive country controlled by extreme special interest groups.
In democratic states such as America, citizens pride themselves in ... Show more
content on ...
The American Constitution, written in 1787, is rooted in the belief that the right of
citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged . As a result, for
a politician to gain power in a democratic manner, it is essential that the general
public votes for that politician in an election, because the person who wins the
majority of the votes has the right to preside over matters in America. Historically,
this can be seen in the establishment and subsequent removal from a position of
power in Haiti after the Haitian Revolution. Once the French were expelled from
Haiti, General Jean Jacques Dessalines decreed that all Haitians were black; this
created a strong sense of nationalism that was used to persuade people to approve
Fast And Slow By Daniel Kahneman
In selected chapters of Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman challenges the
traditional economic utility model by presenting the prospect theory, where pecuniary
variables are no longer the only determinants. George A. Akerlof and Richel E.
Kranton support this challenge by providing two economic analysis models that
include identity as an important variable. While Kahneman focuses primarily on
individuals inability to make decisions based on profit determined utility values,
Akerlof and Kranton emphasize that motivation associated with identity is the
missing component of the traditional utility model.
In order to demonstrate flaws of the traditional view, Kahneman supports three
principles of prospect theory with various examples. First, by pointing out errors in
Bernoulli s model and the indifferent model, Kahneman emphasizes the broad range
of the reference point, that it is not only the change of wealth, but also the context
and the mindset. Second, Kahneman analyzes loss aversion, one of the dominant
mindsets. Third, Kahneman argue that sensitivity has great impact on decision
making by providing gambling cases of rare and risky events. With the knowledge of
these three principles, Kahneman further implies that people can be trained to against
these intuitive system one thinking patterns.
While acknowledging the limitation of the prospect theory, that it fails to deal with
disappointment and regret, Kahneman neglects the effect of emotions that human
Montessoris Sensitive Periods and Their Effect on Child...
| | |Briefly outline the stages of growth (planes of development) (10) | | | |Define the
term sensitive periods and give full details of the six main periods, together with
examples to show your understanding. (6 x 5) ie 30 marks in| |total... Show more
content on ...
This is known as the spiritual embryonic stage and represents the intellectual
development of the child. The child s personality unfolds and a unique human being
emerges. This child unconsciously acquires his/her basic abilities i.e. gain control
of hands, walk, talk etc and tries to be independent. Around three the child moves
onto the next stage i.e. social embryonic. Here the child learns consciously
becoming aware of the people around hence he/she becomes socialised. The child is
able to exist independently, develops an identity/personality and becomes sensitive
to people around him/her. The social aspects of life such as culture, friendships etc
are highlighted. The child begins to understand that he/she belongs to a unit be it
family or friends at school. After being bombarded with his/her environment the
child is enthusiastic and driven by impulses during this adjustment. According to
Montessori, adjustment doesn t occur unaided, there seems to be a perfect time
frame for optimal adjustment to occur. She says A child learns to adjust himself and
make acquisitions in his sensitive periods (Montessori, 2007b, Ch7, p40). A
sensitive period relates to the child s mental growth. This period lasts for a short
time which is long enough for the child to gain a particular trait/skill. It seems that
the child is predisposed for acquiring
ASDA Security Essay
The other option of payment that ASDA has was customer can choose to use self
scan checkouts machine, which is customer require to scan the barcode themselves,
input the types of items, weight them and place all scanned items into a bagging area
. The weight observed in the bagging area is verified against previous stored
information to ensure that customer put the correct item in bag, and allowing
customer to proceed only if the observed and expected weights match.
In some cases the shoppers are trying to purchase an item through self scan tills,
and does not scan the item, and directly put the item in bagging area, the system
will not be proceed. And the error message of please contact staff will appear.
There are members of staff on hand to oversee each till and make sure people pay
for all their items and to ensure young people are not buying alcohol.
There are also ... Show more content on ...
Firstly, customer who brings their own bag can put their unpaid item inside their bag.
There were no security staffs that checked any suspected customers who try to steal
any item inside the bag.
Secondly, what has been noticed in the ASDA is they used high stacked shelves to
put the groceries item. This means, their customers able sneak any items without
being seen by staff. It is because robbers often have a loitering period before they
strike when they are getting comfortable inside the store. Since the stacked shelves in
ASDA are high, the robbers feel invisible to employees. Thus, ASDA should use
lower shelves that can reduce incidences of shoplifting.
Thirdly, it has been noticed that there were advertisement posted on window. it is
important to remain visible from in and out of store. Therefore when there are
intruders inside intended to harm anyone in the store, they can be clearly seen by
people from outside the store. That is the reason why ASDA payment section is
placed at the very front of the
The Aztecs Werelocated In Mexico, Built On A Series Of
The aztecs were located in Mexico, Built on a series of islets in Lake Texcoco , and
was divided in four cities. Itzcoatl successor Montezuma who took power in 1440 By
the early 16th century founded in 1428. (found in the 13th century) Mexico
Tenochtitlan, commonly known as Tenochtitlan was a Mexica located on an island in
Lake Texcoco, in the Valley of Mexico.Aztec
Economy Trade and Currency. the aztec
trade everything, it was really important to them they relied heavily on agriculture
and farming.Like other Mesoamerican religions, it had elements of human sacrifice
in connection with a large number of religious festivals which were held according to
patterns of the Aztec calendar.The Aztecs followed a strict social hierarchy in which...
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Maya of Yucatan and Guatemala exhibited a cultural continuity spanning more
than 2,000 years (1000 BC AD 1542), and many aspects of their culture continue to
the present. Mesoamerica had three major time periods: preclassic (2000 BC AD
300), classic (300 900), and postclassic (900 1500). A temple in Tikal, one of the
Maya city states. The ancient Maya city of Tikal, in modern day Guatemala,
flourished between roughly 600 B.C. and A.D. 900. ... Tikal is a recent Maya
name that means at the waterhole. It was named this long after its collapse.
Ancient Mayan Economics. The Mayan economy was largely based on food and
agriculture, this form is the same as the other earlier civil countries, like China and
Egypt. Farming was the main labor resources, and usually consisted of men. The
Mayans religion involved several aspects of nature, astronomy and rituals. Most
Gods represented a form in nature, for example, Sun God, Kinich Ahau, or Maize
God, Yum Kaax. The Mayans were known for their calendars and astronomical
buildings. These were used during their religious rituals. The Maya social classes is
a system of political organization. It is divided in ahau (king), nobles, priests,
merchants and artisans, and peasants and slaves. At the head of each Maya polity,
there was halach uinic, also called the ajau. The Mayans developed a hierarchical
government ruled by kings and priests. They
The Strangers Critique
The Strangers, by Christopher Oscar Pena, gives the audience a truthful perspective
of the many struggles that minorities in the United States face during these chaotic
times. As the story unfolds, we not only get a glimpse of a romantic love story and
the unveiling of multiple relationships, but it all takes a cryptic turn when the
destruction of humanity manifest itself before our eyes. I attended the Clarence
Brown Theatre performance of The Strangers on February 21, 2018 and witnessed
extraordinary lighting design, which helped express the world of the play in an
insightful manner. In this performance of The Strangers, the lighting design helped
tell the story by providing excellent visibility, and by creating mood through color
and special... Show more content on ...
Kenton Yeager mentioned that lighting a thrust stage can be difficult because it is
essential for every audience member from all different angles of the stage to be able
to clearly see everything that is unfolding during the performance. I was impressed
by how clear the visibility was throughout the production because there was never a
moment where I felt that I could not see the faces of any of the actors. Another
quality of lighting which helped with the visibility was the intensity of the lights. I
noticed that the intensity of the lighting changed based on the locations where the
scenes took place. Whenever Dave and Cris where having their date in the restaurant,
the intensity of the lights was significantly lower to create an indoor restaurant
atmosphere. On the other hand, in the scene where the two girls were playing
soccer, the intensity of the lights dramatically increased to portray the idea that they
were outside on a soccer field. The lights did not only get extremely bright, but also a
lot warmer to give the illusion that the source of lighting was the
Essay about Clancy of the Overflow
Clancy of the Overflow Analysis
Bush poetry gives people a unique and interesting prospective into the people who
made this country the way it is today and the history behind it. Clancy of the
Overflow is a well known bush poem by poet AB Banjo Paterson. Clancy of the
overflow is about a person from the city who met a drover/ shearer named Clancy.
After meeting him he becomes jealous of Clancy s lifestyle which is better than his
city life. In this poem Banjo uses a variety of poetic devices to get his message
across like the use of suggestive language, descriptive language and imagery. Banjo
uses suggestive language to make the reader realise that country life is much better
than city life where it ... Show more content on ...
Banjo does this to persuade the reader in believing that the country lifestyle which
is portrayed as free, clean and laid back is better than the city lifestyle which is
portrayed as dirty, hot and boring. Banjo also makes the reader believe that the
attractiveness of living off the land and idealizing the country life as a drover
making the quality of life in the country seems greater than in the city. Banjo uses
imagery and the first person point of view to help the reader imagine what it
would be like to be a drover. The person living in the city imagines what Clancy the
drover is doing and feeling while he is stuck in a hot office all day. As the stock are
slowly stringing, Clancy rides behind them singing and also He sees the vision
splendid of the sunlit plains extended and at night the wondrous glory of the
everlasting stars. The city living character is conveying what Clancy the drover is
doing and how peaceful it would be if he could do the same. He also says And I
somehow fancy that I d like to change with Clancy. This suggests that the city living
character is somewhat jealous of Clancy, his job and his lifestyle. The city living
character furthermore explains the city life as Of the tramways and the buses making
hurry down the street, and the language uninviting of the gutter children fighting .
This suggests that the he doesn t like his life in the city and considers it as busy and
You Think Cyrano s Conduct Towards Roxane Is Admirable
Anmol Burmy
Mrs. Avon
Eng. 10, Period 4
6 Mar. 2016
Cyrano In Class Essay
Do you think Cyrano s conduct toward Roxane is admirable or foolish? Is he a
tragic hero suffering loss or a comic buffoon getting for our amusement?
Cyrano de Bergerac is, first and last, an idealist and he does not expect tangible
rewards for his idealistic behaviour.Cyrano s conduct towards Roxanne can be
admirable as well as foolish but he is a tragic hero not a comic buffoon. In some
situations he is foolish and in some he is brave and admirable. For example he ran
through enemy line to give letter to his love Roxanne on the behalf of Christian. In
this case he is foolish as he could be killed by his enemies and Roxanne was
expecting Christian, She did ... Show more content on ...
Roxane was so in love with her mystery man that she overlooked the immoral lies
and loved Cyrano for his big heart.
An example is when Cyrano is asked Will you be his friend? (Hooker 65) This is
important because Cyrano shows how good of a friend and person he is by saying
he will befriend Christian even though his love Roxanne wants Christian instead of
him. An example when Cyrano shows his self doubt it when he says Say it I shall
not be hurt, Ugly! (Hooker 65) This is an example where Cyrano thinks of himself as
this hideous person that no one can love.
Cyrano s conduct toward Roxane can be foolish as he let his physical appearance
impact his confidence and his opinion of himself. Instead of trying to win Roxane
over as himself, he gave up and decided to help Christian win the woman he loved.
Cyrano was foolish to use his charming personality to give away the only woman
he loved. He should have trusted that his personality alone would win Roxane
over. Cyrano said, Knowing myself so ugly, so alone...She might laugh at me
(Hooker 42). His fear of embarrassment resulted in him giving up easily. If he had
tried to overcome his fear earlier, instead of wasting time helping Christian, he
would have been with his love for a longer period of
The Legacy Of The American Civil War
The American Civil War was the South s to lose, even though they lacked the
firepower needed and had far less men, the win was within their grasp after the first
shot at Fort Sumter. The reason for this was simple, they had a cause and they were
willing to fight for it until the very end. They also had a few men who stood out as
some of the most intelligent and militarily inclined leaders ever to have control of an
army. Of those masterminds included Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, James
Longstreet, and George Pickett. Unlike the other three Generals listed here, George
Pickett is the only one to be remembered for failure rather than for great achievement.
Pickett s Charge as it s known history was the final push for the South at... Show
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His personal courage shows in times like that, facing danger and fear to fulfil his
duty. It was said that he, unfurled it [the flag] over the castle with bullets whistling
all around him (Tagg 47). He would keep that same mentality throughout that war
and into the Civil War. Between the Mexican American War and the Civil War,
Pickett was involved in a lesser known crisis known as the Pig War. One of the
most confusing, and unusual conflicts from that time, the Pig War was fought over
a black pig roaming on someone s land without permission. A man named Lyman
Cutlar shot and killed the pig for being on his land, and was then arrested by the
British. The Americans wanted a military backing for this man because they did
not believe he broken any laws. Capt. George Pickett was brought in settle this
conflict. Not one to take any battle lightly, Pickett was quoted with saying, We ll
make a Bunker Hill of it (Tagg 47). Another very strong point to his leadership
credentials, Pickett had a lot of honor to live up to the values he was taught, even if
that meant fighting a battle over a pig. Given only 68 men Pickett stood up against
the British force of over 1000. It was his duty to carry out his orders and he did that
to the very end of this conflict. Though there was no actual fighting, Pickett remained
at his post until a resolution could be reached. A weird but noteworthy point
Main Reasons For The Abolition Of The Slave Trade In
History Assessment
What was the main reason for the abolition of the slave trade in Britain?
The Atlantic slave trade was a historical period that started in the 15th century and
the slave trade was abolished in the year 1807. The nature of the Atlantic slave trade
could be described as brutal because of the conditions that the captured Africans were
forced to endure both during the journey from Africa to the Americas and their time
on the plantations. During the journey from Africa to the Americas the captured
Africans were put into the ship s hold and kept on small shelves with no ventilation
or anywhere to defecate.
The triangular trade was a key part of the Atlantic slave trade as it was the main
process used to trade for Africans and for trading Africans. The triangular trade
started in Europe and went to Africa to trade manufactured goods such as: pots, guns
and fabric. The traders would then take the traded Africans to the Americas to be
traded in exchange for products such as: sugar, cotton and tobacco. The journey
would end in Europe then the same cycle would be repeated many times over.
The abolition of the slave trade in Britain was a process that took several years to
be a success because of the strong opposition from the MPs and others who were
benefitting off the slave trade. The main reason for most of the opposition was
because of the amount of wealth the slave trade was creating for Europe, this made
people believe that they needed the slave trade for
How Does Isis Influence The World
Isis skills are so beneficial to our world today She is such an influential and
powerful women and she so influenced our modern world today. Isis s name means
throne and with a name like that you just know that this girl is going to be an awe
inspiring queen. She was often referred as a beautiful woman wearing a sheath
headdress; very intimidating look she had. Isiswas also the daughter of the earth god
Geb. Making her, a goddessherself. So much power she had in Egyptduring her reign.
Isis has many skills and to name 3 very influential and beneficial skills are baking,
weaving and brewing beer. Baking is not only a skill you need for a food source but
it s also a greatly profitable skill. Today this skill influenced our world because...
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Which again is a highly profitable business. Lastly, beer. The best on this skill list.
Easily a billion dollar industry and without beer we wouldn t even be civilized and
probably be drinking unfiltered water and the human race will probably not be at a
population of 7 billion. Some might say that Queen of Sheba was the most
influential because she was the ruler of Sheba and always possessed gold, jewels
and spices. Others might say Tiye because she comes from a provincial priest
family and was the first queen to actually have her name on official acts.
Hatshepsut oversaw trades, and building projects and she also did trading
expeditions. Which brought back ivory, ebony, gold and leopard skins and incense.
Nefertiti and her husband made the cult of Aten and promoted artwork. And she was
also shown smiting enemies in battle, so you could say that she was a tough woman.
Queen of Sheba wasn t all that great she mostly just ruled Sheba and then randomly
decided to test King Solomon and ask him riddles. She possessed materialistic things
and those things aren t influential at all. Tiye wasn t even all that either. She came
from a high institute of power in a catholic
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
In recent years Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) have been steadily becoming
a favorite among clinicians as the treatment model of choice to use with families,
couples and individuals, to find solutions to their own problems its time limited
future oriented and client driven (Gingerich Eisengart, 2004). The basic tenet of
SFBT is the client(s) is held responsible for the solutions and not there problems.
Solution focused therapy was developed in 1982 at The Brief Family Therapy Center
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (). SFBT was inspired by Milton Erickson and MRI
models, both Insoo and Steve de Shazer Kim Berg had worked on the MRI models
which SFBT is created from (Mo Yee Lee, 2011). Solution Focused Brief Therapy is
theoretically ... Show more content on ...
Dawn: She hardly ever talks to me anymore. We use spent a lot of time together and
now its all about her friends.
Jay: Your never around and when you or you never listens to anymore either.
Sam: So, there have been times when Jay does not speak to you mom?
Dawn: Yes, a lot more now since she became a teenager; she would get upset about
something silly or come mad then go to her room and shut me out.
Sam: When was the last time that Jay had a conversation with you about anything?
Sam: Hmm, yesterday, when she got the part playing Juliet (Romeo and Juliet) for
the Spring play sires at her school. (..silence [staring at Jay with tears in her eyes]
silence ended with I love you Jay.
Jay: Yeah I love you too mom, I was so excited that I got the part and I wanted to
share the good news with her so bad. I have audition twice before for a leading role
and I never got it until now. Sam: Wow, congratulations Jay that must have been a
great feeling to get something you worked so, hard for?
Artemisia Gentileschi Essay
Artemisia Gentileschi
(1593 1653)
Considered one of the most important artists of the Baroque movement in Early
Modern Europe, Artemisia Gentileschi, had to prove herself and break down the
boundaries for a woman in a male dominated field. Artemisia was born in Rome on
July 8, 1953 to Orazio and Prudentia Monotone Gentileschi, who died when the
artist was only twelve years of age. Her upbringing was left to her father, who was
also a well known painter. He trained her since she was not permitted to learn in the
studios of successful artists of the moment. Orazio introduced his daughter to the
working artists of Rome including Caravaggio, whose tenebrism technique and
chiaroscuro style had a great influence on her paintings. ... Show more content on ...
Tassi denied all the accusations and brought several witnesses to testify on his
behalf, but possibly the most infuriating part of his testimony for Artemisia was
when he stated that on the day of the rape he was teaching her the rules of
perspective because her skills were pathetic. Nevertheless, Tassi was found guilty but
regrettably only served under a year in prison.
After the trial was over, Artemisia was married off to a Florentine artist by the
name of Pietro Antonio di Vincenzo Stiattesi in order to regain some of her
reputation. It is believed that the couple moved to Florence shortly after their
marriage, because Rome proved to be a very difficult place for them to live due to
the public notoriety Artemisia had received from the trial. During her marriage to
Pietro it is believed that the couple parented a daughter by the name of either
Prudentia or Palmira. Regrettably, the marriage did not last long, but there is
evidence that the couple worked at the Academy of Design in Florence and in 1616
Artemisia received the extraordinary honor of becoming an official member, most
likely due to the support of her patron, the Grand Duke Cosimo II member of the
notable and influential Medici family, whom had commissioned several of her
Even though Artemisia had to struggle with many difficulties early in her life she
was able to draw strength from them and turn them into unique pieces of art. In the
words of John Loughery, Exacting craft is one
Effects Of Pollution And Environmental Degradation
Pollution and Environmental Degradation are things that the large majority of
humans contributes to some small or large way on the daily. Whether it is our
mode of transportation, throwing a piece of trash on the ground, buying products
made from trees, and to be perfectly honest the concentration in which we live, by
which I mean the proximity of the average residents in which we reside. These all
seem like regular everyday things that are just normal. But in the past things like
these were so beyond the norm that they would seem alien and impossible. The
first matter that I pointed out, our mode of transportation, differs from person to
person. There are those that have decided to either not use any fossil fuel burning
vehicular modes of transportation, such as walking and riding bikes; while others
have decided to greatly decrease their ecological footprint by using various forms
of carpooling, whether it being literal carpooling with friends or coworkers, or
taking modes of mass transportation such as buses and subways or underground
railways. According to a survey 91% of people drive to work in their personal
vehicles; and 204 million personal vehicles are regularly used. And though not
everyone throws their trash directly on to the ground, and most that do don t do it
completely intentionally. I do have to say that a large amount of Americans do not
take the time to make sure that their trash and garbage is disposed of properly. Some
do not invest in having both
Essay on Zadie Smith s White Teeth
Zadie Smith s White Teeth
Zadie Smith s novel, White Teeth, is chock full of potential deconstruction ideas;
however, an exciting scene to deconstruct is in The Final Space chapter when the
Iqbals and the Jones are on the public bus heading towards the FutureMouse exhibit.
The most obvious binary opposite is that of parent or adult and child. Adults are
without doubt the privileged binary. They signify knowledge, wisdom, teaching, and
training of young ones along with patience and selflessness, and are allowed to use
bad words without penalty. They have all the answers. Children signify selfishness,
constant bickering, needing to be taught to not interrupt, to share, to play nicely with
others, and are always contrary. In ... Show more content on ...
She explains that one of the theories is so that people can t cheat the bus
companies by paying less than they should for their journey (426). While these
binaries generally hold when children are younger, as children get older they see
their parents in a different light. Parents become less knowledgeable and are seen
more as people with faults who make mistakes. Kids begin to separate from their
parents, and yet still want to hold on to the illusion that adults are more
knowledgeable. Ultimately, their relationship to adults transforms into more of a
relationship with adults. This is perfectly captured in the continued conversation
between Archie and Irie. Now, I never thought of that, says Archie, in reply to this
new revelation coming from his daughter. They become less parent and child, less a
reversal of those roles and more like two people having a normal discussion. Staying
with Irie, since she s such a fascinating character, through Feminist Mimetic Criticism
in the chapter entitled The Miseducation of Irie Jones we see Irie falling into the age
old traps of unrequited love, being overweight and low self esteem. The concept of
a perfect figure solving the problems of low self esteem and unrequited love is
flawed. Smith has labeled the chapter using the term miseducation to remind us that
Irie s thinking is skewed because it is based on male concepts of beauty and the
female form, not on
Research Paper On The Count Of Monte Cristo
When someone wants revenge, nobody knows how far one will go to complete he
or she s vengeance. The characters of The Count of Monte Cristo did not know there
would even be vengeance to be taken until Dantes, the main character, shows up after
many years. That is when all the trouble and malevolence happens. This novel written
by Alexander Dumas is about a man whom gets wrongfully thrown in jail and, after
gaining a fortune, plans and sets action to long term revenge. The Count of Monte
Cristowas originally published in the Journal des Debats, a French newspaper in
eighteen parts. It was then published as a book by Petion, running in two editions.
The English book translation was published by Geo Pierce in January 1846. The
book is with fictional characters, but the events are based on a prisoner scientist
named Deodat de Dolomieu. GoodReads rates it a 4.5 out of 5 stars, while a
similar book due to the scandalous plots in it named Les Liaisons Dangereuses, is
rated 4 out of 5 stars. Another classic novel, named Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ,
was inspired by The Count of Monte Cristo. The part that was inspired by the novel
was the revenge plot that leads to love. The Guardian exclaims, Monte Cristo is the
acme of Alexander Dumas pere s oeuvre, demonstrating his inimitable mastery of
high adventure, deadly intrigue, revenge, and general derring do (Williams, The
Guardian). One may choose this book because it becomes... Show more content on ...
The book is long, but worth the read if readers love books that gofurther than just
text on a page. Everyone should have the chance to read this book. People who
love adventure, drama, or telenovelas should read this book because it has drama
and mishaps that readers would not believe. Many rate this 4 out of 5 stars because,
even though it is long, it is a classic that can teach morals and the psychology of
some people, such as

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  • 1. Space Travel Essay Embarking on the task of composing an essay on the vast subject of space travel is undeniably a formidable challenge. The sheer magnitude and complexity of the topic demand not only a thorough understanding of the scientific principles underlying space exploration but also an ability to articulate these concepts in a coherent and engaging manner. One of the inherent difficulties lies in the multifaceted nature of space travel. Addressing aspects ranging from the history of space exploration to the intricacies of advanced propulsion systems requires a comprehensive grasp of various disciplines, including physics, astronomy, and engineering. Moreover, staying abreast of the latest developments and breakthroughs in the field adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process. Crafting a compelling narrative around such a topic requires more than just technical knowledge. It necessitates a delicate balance between conveying the awe-inspiring wonders of the cosmos and delving into the practical challenges faced by astronauts and scientists. Achieving this balance involves honing not only one's research skills but also the ability to convey scientific information in a manner accessible to a diverse audience. Furthermore, the essay must grapple with ethical considerations and explore the potential societal impacts of space exploration. From the question of resource allocation to the potential for international collaboration, navigating the ethical landscape surrounding space travel adds another layer of intricacy to the writing endeavor. In conclusion, tackling a space travel essay demands a blend of scientific acumen, research prowess, and the ability to communicate complex ideas in a compelling manner. It is a task that requires dedication, time, and a passion for unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos through the written word. If you find yourself overwhelmed or in need of assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and a myriad of academic writing services can be explored at They offer a wealth of resources and professional support to aid you in your academic journey. Space Travel EssaySpace Travel Essay
  • 2. Questions On The Facebook Shares 28. Increase your Facebook shares Facebook shares are more similar to backlinks having a stronger influence on SEO. On Page Optimization 29. Has a keyword in URL Keyword in URL is an important relevancy SEO signal. 30. Add secondary keyword on H2 H3 Add h2,h3 etc to break up your page copy into a small portion of paragraphs. Accordingly, these H2 and H3 tags receive a positive SEO influence. 31. Write a reader friendly H1 headline Google once gave greater weights to text. In 2015, you re writing page headline for users first and foremost, which means that you want to tell them as soon as possible what your page is about through a clear headline. 32. Have 56 characters in the Title tag Try to include an SEO keyphrase ... Show more content on ... 34. Have a correct anchor text link Well written text links not only support Google but also provide a clue to human what the incoming web page is about. Here s a bad example of anchor text link click here Here s a good example of anchor text link learn more about Baidu Search Engine Optimization 35. Use bold and italic keyword sparingly Within paragraphs, Google prioritizes text contained with the and tags. These usually produce a minor effect on rankings. 36. Choose the correct word to achieve your maximize click through rate You know that higher rankings mean more search traffic, so you probably already focus on that. But have you ever focused on your click through rates? Just because people see your listing in the search engine result page doesn t mean they are going to click on it. By using the right word can maximize your click through
  • 3. rate. How to List related numbers Free You Blog post Why Best Tricks Great By using the words above within your tag and meta description, you can start running few A/B tests to try maximizing your click through rate. Source: 37. Have a 301 redirect A redirect is a way to send both users and search engines to a different URL from the one they originally requested. A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect which passes between 90 99% of link juice (ranking
  • 4. Carl Brashear And Chief Sunday Comparison From a little kid who drops out of school to help his father with the farm to a master navy diver. Carl Brashear endures bravery, courage, and makes anything desirable in order to achieve his navy and diving goals. Sunday trains Brashear in diving school to reach his goal as a successful master diver; therefore he does anything possible to make him fail. No one wants a victorious African American. Chief Sunday ends up helping Brashear getting his career back. Both Carl and Chief Sunday display honor and will always be appreciated for their amazing courage and desire for doing what they love. They share similarities like having courage. Brashear and Chief Sunday oppose by the way people view them and the way they resolve conflict.Courage means being brave and having the ability to do something difficult. Chief Sunday and Carl both hold a lot of courage. Sunday never gives up on his job, although Captain Hanks demotes and punishes for his misbehavior. He never gives up on Carl. While everyone wants Brashear to fail Sunday helps him achieve his goal at the end of the film. Carl sacrifices a few things to finish his career. Brashear rescues two people from getting hurt and loses his foot, which... Show more content on ... Sunday is a short tempered and impulsive man while Carl persists his anger and does not take it out on people. While Sunday stays in the hospital, he loses control unconditionally and throws things around. Hanks flirts with his wife and immediately blows up trying to fight him. On the other hand, Carl lets Sunday mistreat him without fighting or disrespecting him. During the time Carl remains at the hospital, he doesn t disrespect his wife while she notifies Carl she doesn t want to keep their relationship going anymore for choosing his career over his family and keeps his anger inside. When Carl calmly tells the doctors to remove the rest of his leg he doesn t yell at them or says it in a furious
  • 5. Cuban Revolution Research Paper The Cuban Revolution was an armed conflict against the Western backed dictator of Cuba, Fulgencio Batista by Fidel Castro s 26 July movement. The revolution began in 1953, and continued sporadically until Batista got outsted in 1959, and his government was replaced by a revolutionary Socialist State. This revolution had strong domestic, and international consequences, such as completely changing Cubas relationship with the United States, and started a period of political consolidation where the Cuban economic and civil society were transformed. The revolution also heralded an era of Cuban intervention in foreign military conflicts, such as the Angolan Civil War and the Nicaraguan Revolution. Although Batista was seen as a relatively progressive figure in the beginning of... Show more content on ... Additionally, the Cuban military was struggling, especially thanks to the U.S arms embargo, which significantly decreased the power of Batista s army. In addition to armed resistance, the revolutionaries launched their own rebel radio station, which promoted the Castroist cause. Thanks to this, Castro grew to be very popular among some Cubans. The revolution continued to rage after Castro defeated Batista s forces on the Battle of La Plata and the Battle of Las Mercedes. After this success, the revolutionaries started planning their own offensives against the military. Castro s forces started sweeping around the country, gaining control of most of the island. The final battle of the revolution was the Battle of Santa Clara, were the 26 July movement brought a decisive victory, and caused Batista to flee for the Dominican Republic on 1 January 1959. The revolutionaries then victoriously marched into Havana, establishing a one party socialist rule of Cuba, and nationalizing the economy. The leader of the reformed Cuba was to be Fidel
  • 6. Cultural Diversity During The 1920s Spencer Chrinko Mrs.Flagg Detwiler Cultural Diversity November 15, 2016 During the 1920s in an effort to reduce crime and corruption the prohibition on alcohol was passed, little did these law makers know they were only worsening the situation. The streets started to run rampant with crime, and bootleggers rose to power as organized raised as well. As organized crime rose so did the Mafiosas. Throughout the 20th century the mafia has controlled the organized crime scene with an unwavering fist only for its rule to be challenged by other families. The mafia s bosses give each family its own unique style whether they be a media persona like Al Capone, A brutal killer like Charles Luciano, or completely insane like George Moran. Alphonse Capone is perhaps one of the most notorious gangsters of all time being remembered in infamy as a very successful businessman and a stone cold killer. Before Capone would become a mob boss he lived in a run down part of New York city. Capone went to a Catholic school, where he showed academic promise, but due to the violent nature of Catholic school Capone was expelled from school at the age of fourteen for assaulting a female teacher (A E Television Networks). After that incident the young Capone picked up odd jobs until he met the gangster Johnny Torrio . Torrio had a huge impact on Capone s life, giving him a look at how organized crime were transforming from gangs, into empires. Capone bounced around from different gangs and ended up in a
  • 7. Aesthetics Of Kant And Hegel Shashikant Dr. Prashanta Chakravarty M.A. English (I Semester) 2nd November 2015 The Aesthetics of Kant and Hegel The theories of art put forward by Immanuel Kant (1724 1804) and G.W.F. Hegel (1770 1831) have long been seen to represent two rival positions which nonetheless arise from a distinctive tradition of German philosophy. In both cases, a concern with problems of art and beauty represents only one part of their respective philosophical systems. It is this larger, theoretical framework which lends both theories their characteristic breadth and range of interest. Whilst Kant s name has principally been associated with the development of a formalist aesthetics, Hegel is seen to represent an ... Show more content on ... Central to his view of aesthetic judgment is the concept of purposiveness. This refers to the fact that we must assume a certain coherence and connection among the appearances of the external world or nature so that we can reflect coherently upon it. We presuppose a harmony between nature and our cognitive powers, as if they were suited or adapted to each other. It is this presumed harmony, which Kant calls purposiveness, which gives us pleasure. According to Kant, when we make an aesthetic judgment, we make a judgment about the form of an object (not its content as given through our senses); the object s form gives rise to pleasure because it exhibits a harmony with our cognitive powers, namely our understanding and imagination. We then call the object beautiful and our ability to judge the object by such a pleasure is taste . An aesthetic judgment is not a judgment of cognition; it does not refer to the object and gives us no knowledge of it. It refers only to the perceiving subject, to our self and its feeling of pleasure or displeasure. It tells us only about how we, as subjects, are affected by our mental representation of the
  • 8. White Noise Death Quotes In the novel White Noise, the protagonist Jack Gladney copes with his fear of death very often, and frequently through power. The power Jack seeks is not completely obvious to his friends and family or in his personality, like wanting power over the world for example, but revolves more around power over his own death and his fearof it. Jack finds the idea of being remembered after death takes away from you actually dying, and believed that this is what Hitler did; and many other well known people, too. Delillos use of Jack s first person point of view also helps to understand and analyse how Jack is truly feeling in many situations. Jack uses power as a tactic to distance himself and forget his fear of death. He gains this power by leading... Show more content on ... Gray), Jack felt powerful and farther from death even as he almost caused it. Before this incident, Jack s friend Murray tells him about the concept of killers and diers: In theory, violence is a form of rebirth. The dier passively succumbs. The killer lives on.. (290). Jack kind of takes this theory to heart, and sees it as more encouragement to face Mr. Gray, as he had already been contemplating finding him after finding out what happened with his wife, Babette, between the two. Jack eventually goes through with shooting Mink, and even looking through his point of view, he does not express feeling much guilt at all: I tried to see myself from Minks viewpoint. Looming, dominant, gaining life power, storing up life credit...I was pleased to see how well it was going (312). His point of view shows how even from a dying person s perspective, he believes he is powerful. He finds comfort in the fact that being able to shoot Mink supposedly helped him distance himself from death, shown when saying ...gaining life power, storing up life credit (312). Jack expresses feeling very little guilt whilst shooting Mink. He feels powerful behind the gun, he feels powerful being in control of the
  • 9. Compare And Contrast Bye Beautiful And Southern Cop Upon reading Bye, Beautiful by Julia Lawrinson and Southern Cop by Sterling A. Brown, it is obvious that there are distinct similarities and differences between the texts. By exploring the themes evident in both texts, multiple characters who clearly share traits and the settings which have as many differences as they do similarities, it can be concluded that the two texts, different as they may seem, have several shared aspects. Although the two texts seem very different, upon analysing the themes in more depth we can see that they share ideas. Racism is the most distinct similarity. In Bye, Beautiful, this is one of the main themes and is represented in several ways throughout the novel, ultimately resulting in the murder of an Aboriginal boy Billy Read. Although racism in Southern Cop is not continuously demonstrated in the same way, it is also the main issue in the text and is the cause of a murder based on race. The murder of an African Americanimmediately paints a picture of an area with intensely negative views of Africans. Both Billy Read and the unnamed African American are both victims of murder due to racist views and this is apparent to the reader. Although the two texts do not seem to have much in common, they demonstrate racism in strikingly similar ways. However, in Bye, Beautiful, the theme of sexism is just as prominent. Examples of sexism are peppered throughout the novel and an unmissable aspect of the story. There are multiple characters such as Bill, Laurence and Frank, who view women as the inferior gender and do not allow them the same privileges they receive. By contrast, Southern Cop has an absence of this theme, and instead there is an emphasis on the conflicting emotions of human nature. While the reader naturally grieves for the deceased individual, the speaker clearly has racist views and instead chooses to forgive and understand the killer. The focus of racism connects Bye, Beautiful and Southern Cop despite their differences in secondary themes. The characters in Bye, Beautiful and Southern Cop are remarkably similar despite some of their critical differences. After being introduced to Frank Lansing and Ty Kendricks it can be concluded that these characters share many traits.
  • 10. Essay On Capgras Delusion There are lots of interesting stories regarding people who had Capgras delusion, but here are a few examples. A 74 year old woman thought that her husband had been replaced by another unrelated man. She became agitated by this, and, She refused to sleep with the impostor, locked her bedroom door at night, asked her son for a gun, and finally fought with the police when attempts were made to hospitalize her ( Capgras Delusion). This particular woman resorted to violence when she was unable to find out the truth about her husband, even though it was standing right in front of her. Sometimes the woman thought that her husband s replacement was her long, deceased father ( Capgras Delusion). This is an interesting interpretation she experienced because it is... Show more content on ... This woman may have had visions like this, herself, when she was thinking about something. It is like she had two personalities that were good and evil with no in between, and if she made a decision, it would either be viewed as good or evil. After all, it is all about perspective. Nothing bad happened in these specific cases, but some other cases have resulted in awful outcomes. Some cases have caused patients to resort to violence and even murder some of their own family. The main case that I found when I was researching was from a Criminal Minds episode where a former Navy Seal named Luke Dolan was in a car accident and woke up with Capgras delusion ( Dorado Falls ). When he woke up with Capgras syndrome, his brain went into mission mode, and he wanted to figure out more information on who was behind a mission he went on called Dorado Falls and why it went wrong ( Dorado Falls ). Given his background as a Navy Seal, he was highly trained, and was capable of killing lots of people easier than the average man would be able to ( Dorado Falls ). This was what he resorted to when he saw people that he believed were impostors, that, in all reality, had not been changed or
  • 11. The Role Of Labelling Theory And Differential Association... INTRODUCTION The focus of this paper will be on two contemporary criminological theories and their application to the crime film, Eastern Promises. The two theories to be discussed, and subsequently applied to the film, are labelling theory and differential association theory. Labelling theory falls under the symbolic interactionist approach, and the primary level of analysis of this theory is micro, as it tends to focus on the effect of labels on an individual s sense of self . The basis of labelling theory is that no act is inherently deviant; it is only when the act is labelled deviant that it becomes so. When someone is labelled as deviant, they begin to see themselves as the label they have been assigned. This can cause the behaviour to happen more frequently, as the individual who has been labelled begins to see themselves as they label they have been given. A criticism of labelling theory is that it lacks empirical validity, and is deterministic. There is no way to effectively test this theory, so there is no way to know for sure how accurate the concept of labelling is and the effect it has on an individual and their propensity towards criminality. This and other aspects of labelling theory will be broken down and discussed later on in the paper. The second theory to be discussed in this paper is Edwin Sutherland s theory of differential association. This theory is an extension of social learning theory, and it follows the positivist approach. It also uses a micro
  • 12. The Collapse Of Enron Corporation When a company ascends to the number seven spot on the Fortune 500 and then collapses in weeks into a smoking ruin, its stock worth pennies, its CEO, a confidante of presidents, more or less evaporated, there must be lessons in there somewhere. Daniel Henninger, The Wall Street Journal The collapse of Enron Corporation has created many discussions about the structure of corporate governance. The question of this essay first calls to examine some of the strengths and weaknesses of the shareholder model of corporate governance and how the fundamental principles of this model were instrumental in the disintegration of Enron. In particular, I will discuss Deakin s article about the third position addressing how Enron s profit driven culture and the executive focus on short term profitability hindered them from being an ethically and legally driven company for long term investments (Deakin and Konzelmann). Enron, at its early stages was a success for the shareholder model but it was that same model that is to blame for the demise of Enron. I will argue that the adoption of the theoretical characteristics of the shareholder model helps us identify what could have prevented the downfall of Enron and how future corporations can learn from what was done and be dissimilar to Enron. The Enron case created a reevaluation of corporate governance and a revolution of accountability between corporation and shareholder. Many theorists believe that the Enron case showcases the
  • 13. Speech On The Oppressed By Paulo Freire Mohamad Afiq Md Daud WR115 Conversation Plan In Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire describes about what the education system supposedly need to be. He critiques that the education during his era is almost as similar as dictatorship. In this style of education, teacher has the superiority over their students. The teacher is the one who know everything, while the students are considered to know nothing, and that is absolutely unfair towards the students because they do not have the chance to learning . Furthermore, based on Kirp s excerpt entitled Make School a Democracy , he reveals the solution towards the education system problem during Freire s era. The solution is also known as Escuela Nueva (New School) model. Hence, what do I realize is the education is a process of teaching and learning between the teacher and the students. An effective education system leads the students in becoming a person with a good thinking skills who able to understand the facts rather than memorizing it. Based on what I have read, I recognized that both Freire and Kirp have a similar main idea in fighting for the education rights. They suggest that education needs to be an interactive learning. Both teacher and students need to communicate by making discussion or sharing opinions; this theory is also called as problem posing education. For example, a teacher is posing a question for the students, and he or she has already prepared the answer; however, the students independently
  • 14. The Risks Of A Sporting Accident Risk management by definition basically means reducing the chances of injury, damage or loss by taking steps to identify and control possible, consequential risks. Such risks include the possibility of facing tort laws. This basically means that it is the duty of the sports manager and other members within the organization to take the time to think about probable risky situations, come up with circumstances that may pose a serious riskand then make an arbitrary decision on what steps can be taken to potentially minimize those risks. The costs of a sporting accident can be extreme, considering both financial and emotional factors. This doesn t only apply to the victim but to sports events organisers, officials, coaches, athletes and sports administrators as well, are finding themselves legally liable for accidents in sports. Consequences like these can be avoided though. With a good risk managementplan it can essentially increase the safety for both the participants and the spectators. When it comes to school basketball teams, a risk management plan must be in effect in order to reduce probable accident consequences. Generally, elements of risk management include identification, evaluation, treatment and implementation. Regarding identification, before travelling to a competition or competing in any activity clubs should identify the risks associated with that activity. This is known as foreseeability, which is in simpler words the tactic to anticipate dangerous
  • 15. What Is The Temperature On The Behavior Of The Low Cement... According to the manufacturer, the type of SiC particles is green hexagonal, which means they are of the type О± SiC. Therefore, I think we need to look at the properties for this type of SiC only. Before this, for choosing the value of CTE for SiC, I used the room temperature values declared on Table 3 of the 1997 publication by R.G. Munro, which is attached to this message. For room temperature the value 1.1 and for 500В°C the value 4.4 is given. I noticed that for all other experimental CTEs as well as theoretical assumptions, I am using CTE values that are averaged between room temperature and elevated temperatures. Therefore, it makes sense to me to average these two values and use the number 2.75 for CTE of this type of SiC particles.... Show more content on ... Do you think you possess any information that we can assimilate to our work? Is that plot referring to the same matrix which is described in this draft? If so, I would appreciate if you provide that plot and its relevant raw data to me. P.S.: For your further information, in the present work, CS stands for NLI 122, CZ for NLI 110, and CSZ for NLI 123. I absolutely agree with you that this idea could make our work more powerful. Not only because it can provide an extra control, also because the impact of the severity of the thermal shock response of (comparable) refractories has not been well explored in the literature, to my best knowledge. I proposed the same idea as a research topic in the past, however, our time and resources have always been limited, and based on the available resources it was decided to explore other aspects of the thermal shock phenomena. This experimental research could be generally designed in three ways: 1 Apply one temperature profile to multiple types of refractory and characterize the response of the refractories. 2 Apply multiple temperature profiles to one type of refractory and characterize the impact of the temperature profile. 3 Apply multiple temperature profiles on multiple types of refractory and characterize the response of the refractories as well as the impact of the temperature profile. For the present research we chose the
  • 16. Who Was The Most Responsible For Macbeth s Downfall In 1603, William Shakespeare wrote a tragedy that took place in 1066, called Macbeth. A tragedy is when a good man brings about his own downfall due to a tragic flaw. The play is about an ambitious man, willing to do anything to get to the top. This man goes by the name of Macbeth. Macbeth comes up with the idea to kill the King with the help of some people. The witches were the first people to plant the idea of becoming king in his mind and Lady Macbethmanipulates Macbeth into killing Duncan. Although Lady Macbeth and the Witches played a huge part in Macbeth s downfall, Macbeth was the one in the end who gave the orders to kill the people and is the most responsible for his downfall. Some character that caused the downfall of Macbeth were
  • 17. Idiopathic Interstitial Pulmonary Firosis ( Ipf ) Essay Idiopathic interstitial pulmonary firosis (IPF) is considered the most common form of interstitial lung disease (ILD). Its course is a progressive of and its cause is unknown. Idiopathic interstitial pulmonary firosis aЩ¶ect the gas exchange as it results in chronic inflmmation and progressive firosis of lung parenchyma. Рќe signs and symptoms of this disease consist of progressive dyspnea, hypoxia, clubbing and crepitations at the lung bases [1]. IPF is a fatal lung disease; the natural history is variable and unpredictable: Most patients with IPF demonstrate a gradual worsening of lung function over years; a minority of patients remains stable or declines rapidly. Some patients may experience episodes of acute respiratory worsening despite previous stability. РќH ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT 2011 Revised Diagnostic Criteria Р ќe diagnosis of IPF is based on the absence of a known cause of lung firosiscomputed tomography (CT) fidings and, in cases with CT abnormalities that are not classical for IPF, the use of pathological criteria [2]. An 2Щ№FLDO ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT Statement IPF is defied as a specifi form of chronic, progressive firosing interstitial pneumonia of unknown cause, occurring primarily in older adults, limited to the lungs, and associated with the histopathologic and/or radiologic pattern of unspecifid interstitial pneumonia (UIP) [3]. РќH Diagnosis of IPF Requires 1. Exclusion of other known causes of interstitial lung disease (ILD) Рќe presence of a unspecifid interstitial
  • 18. Essay On Similarities Between The Rome And Han Dynasty Rome and China were some of the oldest and most well known countries in the ancient world. The Han dynasty was a long lasting dynasty in China s history, and the Roman Empire had a long and strong rule. Like the rules of these empires, the falls of these empires were very impressive. Several similarities to the falls of these empires are apparent. One is the fact that they were both invaded by other tribes that threatened their power. Another was the government corruption that weakened them from the inside. And the last, yet very common is historical societies was taxes and economic reasons. Apparent strongly in both empires near the end was invading tribes. The Roman Empire had been suffering from intrusions by German tribes for many centuries. They had both endured many wins and defeats until one force would scatter and weaken the roman empire once and for all. The deciding force in this scenario was the Huns. Afraid that the Huns would attack them, the Germans sought refuge in the Roman Empire, with Rome begrudgingly agreeing to let them settle on some empty land. Neither side held up the bargain, however, and they ended up fighting in 378 C.E. in the battle of Adrianople. This battle was considered as one of the most decisive battles in history. The Huns also effected the Chinese in the Han dynastyas well, in a way. These battles took place in the Han Xiongnu War. Starting around 133 B.C.E., the Xiongnu fought the Han in the western area for nearly 2 centuries until
  • 19. Definitions and Terms Define the following terms: TermDefinition Application (in terms of cabling infrastructure)How cabling should be installed and it use. Unshielded Twisted PairA popular type of cable that consists of two unshielded wires twisted around each other. Shielded Twisted PairA type of copper telephone wiring in which each of the two copper wires that are twisted together are coated with an insulating coating that functions as a ground for the wires. Fiber Optic CableA type of cable that has a central glass core with cladding to prevent light loss and dielectric strengthening material which protects the core. They come in single, dual or multi strand. Dark FiberDark fiber refers to unused fiber optic cable. Often time s companies lay ... Show more content on ... HeadroomIn the digital and analog audio, headroom refers to the amount by which the signal handling capabilities of an audio system exceed a designation level known as Permitted Maximum Level (PML). It can be thought of as a safety zone allowing transient audo peaks to exceed the PML without exceeding the signal capabilities of an audio system. ANSIAcronym for the American National Standards Institute. Founded in 1918, ANSI is a voluntary organization composed of over 1,300 members (including all the large computer companies) that creates standards for the computer industry. NFPANational Fire Protection Association (NFPA) A nonprofit organization that is concerned with fire prevention and safety. They are responsible for publishing the (NEC) National Electrical Code which has been adopted into law by many municipalities and states. FCCAbbreviation of Federal Communications Commission. Among its duties in regulating public airwaves in the United States, the FCC is responsible for rating personal computers and other equipment as either Class A or Class B NISTShort for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST is a non regulatory federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an agency of the United States Department of Labor. OSHA s mission is to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing
  • 20. Essay The Invention and Impact of The Computer Mouse The Invention and Impact of The Computer Mouse If you ask people to name one of the most important technologies of the twentieth century, one of the answers would most certainly be the computer. A computer, however, is not a technology all to itself. Many other technologies went into the modern home computers of today, including the mouse. Douglas C. Engelbart, a worker at the SRI (Stanford Research Institute), invented the mouse in 1964. However, the process of the invention of the mouse was not instantaneous and without effect on the realm of computing and society. In this paper I will be examining the problems that had to be overcome and the technologies that had to be invented for the mouse to become a reality. It also ... Show more content on ... That is when Bob Taylor, a representative of NASA, stepped in and collected enough money from NASA to keep the lab running. Bob Taylor once again helped the lab by getting more than adequate funding from ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) to support the work of Engelbart to its conclusion. During the time when the mouse debuted computers had just arrived into the small business market. They were still costly and not economically viable for home computer users. Because of the great expense involved there was no need to cater to the needs of the general public, which requires user friendly computers. User friendly means that the computer s operating system and interface are easy to learn. The change to using the mouse was also uneconomical for computer manufacturers of the time because there was no demand for them except for the editing of text. Some computers of the time were equipped with mouse support, specifically the Amstrad PC 1512, but the mouse remained unpopular due to its limited uses. The first commercial mouse was not released until 1982. Hardware and software support is another problem the mouse had to overcome. As mentioned previously, the mouse was released before most computer systems had hardware support for it. Therefore, even if the computer used a program that incorporated a mouse, there was nowhere to connect the mouse with the motherboard. Also there was no code for the CPU (central processing unit) to understand the signals
  • 21. Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Essay In Act II of William Shakespeare s famous play titled Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern seem to have built a relationship with King Claudius and Queen Gertrude, as well as a separate relationship with Hamlet. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are childhood friends of Hamlet as they went to the same school. When comparing their relationships with Hamletto their relationships with the King and Queen, it is pretty similar in the sense that they all have some form of respect for each other. Claudius and Gertrude invite Rosencrantz and Guildensternto Denmark to check on Hamlet, as they are concerned with Hamlet s wellbeing. Claudius and Gertrude flatter them by saying that Hamlet has affection towards them and will bring them goods if they obey... Show more content on ... Especially Claudius, as he obviously has ulterior motives and his own reasoning for bringing them to check on Hamlet. Despite this, it still shows that Claudius and Gertrude have a little bit of respect for both Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, as they trust them to do their jobs. Likewise, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern show a decent amount of respect towards the king and queen and recognize their authority, as they are still able to obey them to spy on Hamlet despite being Hamlet s friends. Guildenstern states, But we both obey And here give up ourselves, in the full bent, To lay our service freely at your feet To be commanded (II.ii. 27 34). This suggests that they are willing to be dishonest towards Hamlet, which proves they are not as loyal to Hamlet as they could be (i.e., Horatio is much more of a friend and loyal to Hamlet than Rosencrantz and Guildenstern). Although Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are spying on Hamlet in order to get back to the king and queen, I believe that they still do respect and care for Hamlet and are not intentionally trying to cause any
  • 22. Ancient Egypt Research Paper Ancient Egypt Egypt is located on the northeast corner of Africa. Egyptians are the population who lived in Egypt. They created an advanced civilization, with cutting edge systems such as medicine, writing, farming and irrigation. The Egyptian priests knew a lot about anatomy. Priests cut open the Pharaoh s body and took out the organs, four of the organs were put in Canopic Jars, each jar has a different head of gods shown on it: Imsety, Duamutef, Hapy, Qebehsenuef. The heart, however, was taken out of the body, covered with spices and wrapped with linen. The Egyptians believed that, in the afterworld, the heart was going to be weighed by the god Osiris. A heavy heart was full of sin and a monster would eat it, but a light heart meant it was good and it s owner could keep on going with the journey in happiness. The body was put in coffins and brought to the pyramids, where it was buried in a stone sarcophagus which contained two more coffins in it. Egyptians had tools for making the pyramids, they used chisels, mallets, drills, saws, and plumb rules. The Great Pyramid took twenty years to build; The other pyramids took five ten years to build because those pyramids were smaller than the Great Pyramid.... Show more content on ... They made measurements of the body and other living things and objects. They solved algebra equations, and they did multiplication problems, they used fractions too. There are still papyruses with medicine and math systems in
  • 23. Arkham Knight Research Paper The Knight Is Darkest Just Before The Dawn When I reached the conclusion of Batman: Arkham Knight after 12 hours of solid pacing, I literally stood behind my chair like a five year old cheering for his favorite superhero, biting my nails as I could no longer wait to see how it would all end. Not only does the finale of Batman: Arkham Knight grant the legendary Arkham series the ending it deserves, but it also introduces so many new gameplay mechanics that it manages to outdo the previous installments in the series, thus becoming the very best comic book game in existence. If I am to be completely honest here, I have to say that Batman: Arkham Knight is possibly one of the best video games I ever got to play, period. Hold my hand, honey. Now push. Come on, push!Hold my hand, honey. Now push. Come on, push! Whereas previous Arkham titles told their stories by implementing as many iconic super villains as humanly possible, that of Batman: Arkham Knight is much more focused and centered. The menacing ... Show more content on ... In these separate side missions, you will mostly be spending your time beating up thugs while chasing villains like Firefly, Two Face and Penguin, which doesn t always work in the game s favor. Most side missions end with you confronting the villain behind it all, and instead of it going down with a good old fashioned boss fight, villains are easily knocked out by performing a Takedown of sorts (e.g. Stealth Takedown, Vehicle Takedown and Dual Takedown). This is probably my biggest complaint with Batman: Arkham Knight, because I for one truly enjoyed the recurrent boss fight in previous Arkham games. In any case, almost all of these side missions are varied enough that they will keep you interested, and if not, you can always choose to chase another villain and come back to the initial mission later thanks to the simple and clear Mission
  • 24. Body Building Research Papers Large, bulging muscles like those found on the models of body building magazine covers are often what people associate with strength training. Of course, building muscles is part of this type of training program. There are other benefits that even women who don t want to bulk up can appreciate. Stronger muscles can reduce your risk of injury to your back and other parts of your body. Since your metabolism increases when you strength train, you can also maintain a healthy weight. Body building that results in large muscles typically involves long, strenuous workouts. To experience the results just mentioned, you would just need to perform body building exercises for 30 minutes, 3 times a week. What makes the difference in results you experience with strength training exercises is the body building equipment you use. If you are interested in a moderate workout, ... Show more content on ... Within this market there are numerous kinds of body building equipment for light to moderate body building exercises. A good starter piece of equipment that you can purchase anywhere is a chin up bar. This equipment costs as little as $10 and fits in any doorway of your home. Push ups are perfect for any type of exercise program. Although you can perform pushups without special equipment, purchasing a pair of pushup stands can provide extra support for your wrists. This equipment is also great for traveling. Dip stands may not fit in your suitcase, but you can easily slide them in a corner of a room when they are not in use. Dip stands are used to perform exercises that work the arms and abdominals. If you re creative you can easily design other upper and lower body exercises. The equipment listed here is only a percentage of what is available on the market. You can find more detailed information about body building equipment at
  • 25. The Hunt For Bullwinkle The Hunt For Bullwinkle Are you going hunting today or not Buck ? Father had asked. In just a minute, I am getting ready right now . Buck has been on the trail for a huge buck for nearly four years now. The deer has earned the nickname of Bullwinkle. Trail cameras that had been set out to try and capture this humongous beast, has only captured his picture one time...and only half of his body. It could be seen that he was the largest buck around the place. Well I am going to the woods now, I can feel it in my blood and bones that Bull will come out today exclaimed Buck. Buck was so excited to go hunting more today than any other day, he knew that today would be the day. As Buck walked to the woods, he began to move faster than he started off and was soon almost in a jog, all of his adrenaline was pumping full steam; he realized this... Show more content on ... As he walked up to the green field that was planted with clover and soy bean, along with some other thrown in ingredients; corn, mustard, and collards. Buck thought It is December 24, middle of the rut, he had better show his butt up. Buck walked over to a humongous tree and set down and positioning himself to shoot where he thought the buck would walk. If buck is still enough he just might get a shot of a lifetime to kill Bullwinkle. Now to settle my mind, so that I can concentrate and time will fly, but oh my lord it is getting cold. he thought to himself. Two hours had passed by, 2 does had walked onto the field and good sized ones to. I know I can take a shot at either of them, and it would be a lot of meat but I need to wait . Buck sat there patiently, awaiting the arrival of Bullwinkle. Another hour has passed and it is 6:40, about twenty minutes of daylight left, Buck was starting to get discouraged knowing that not much time was left as well of his chance of killing the monster buck was
  • 26. Black Rook In Rainy Weather And The Darkling Thrush Analysis Birds of Hope: Black Rook in Rainy Weather and The Darkling Thrush In the two poems, Black Rook in Rainy Weather by Sylvia Plath and The Darkling Thrush by Thomas Hardy, both speakers share their experiences about an encounter with a bird during the winter. In the poems, the speakers share their experiences about a bird that helps the speaker come to a realization about their lives. The thrush in Hardy s The Darkling Thrush is inspiring hope. Even though everything is looking bleak for the speaker due to the environment he is in, when he sees and hears the thrush singing after being beaten up by the winter storm the night before. The speaker is shocked to see that even though the thrush has been beaten down ... Show more content on ... When she sees the black rook, she realizes that her miracle is coming at an undefined time and even though she does not know when it will happen, she is willing to wait as long as it takes to receive her miracle. The tone of the poem is sadness and gloom. An example of the tone of this poem is Although, I admit, I desire,/Occasionally, some backtalk/ From the mute sky, I can t honestly complain: (Line 11 13). This quote helps to show the sadness that the speaker is feeling due to the fact that she feels like she doesn t have a reason to have hope or to be happy. An example of the use of
  • 27. imagery in the poem is In my eye, not seek/Any more in the desultory weather some design,/But let spotted leaves fall as they fall, (Line 7 9). This quote helps to show the gloomy mood that is associated with winter, yet it seems that the speaker is used to the gloomy environment of winter. The elements that I found to be similar in the poem is the bleak environment of the winter in both of the poems. Both of the poems talk about winter and how the environment has brought about and overall gloomy feel to the environment. Also, it showed the winter environment helped to influence that speaker s feeling that life has no meaning and there is no reason to hope. Another element of the poems that I found to be similar is how the birds represent some type of hope to the speakers. In The Darkling
  • 28. Global Climate Change And Creating A Sustainable Energy... Energy efficiency is a key step in reducing our impact on global climate change and creating a sustainable energy future. Electricity production is the number one source of greenhouse gases and the leading cause of industrial air pollution in the United States. Most of our electricity comes from coal, nuclear, and other non renewable power plants. Producing energy from these types of sources takes a severe toll on the environment by polluting the air, land, and water supply. In order to stop polluting the atmosphere and the environment around us, we must take action and implement the use of renewable resources into our electricity grid and overall economy. Renewable energycan be used to produce electricity with less environmental impacts ... Show more content on ... Power plants that use coal leak toxic metals into local groundwater and produce a lot of additional waste. Gasoline that is burned in combustion engines emits large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere thus contributing to climate change. Natural Gas is mostly made up of methane, which is a lot more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide, making it more problematic as a greenhouse gas (What Are Non, 2013). There are also the impacts of nonrenewable resources in terms of health risks for individuals living across the globe. Uranium, which is used in nuclear power plants, can cause numerous health issues. Including, major birth defects and abnormal heart, liver and kidney functions with overexposure (What Are Non, 2013). Also, coal miners that inhale dust can contract black lung disease, which kills around 4,000 miners per year in the United States. Finally, there is the issue of supply and demand as they are nonrenewable resources; once they are gone there is no way to create new ones. Thus, they are more and more expensive as they are used. Due to this and the price increase, the technologies that we use to make our lives easier will become useless if the fuel that is used to power them ceases to exist. If alternatives are not pursued and perfected, a shortage would result in chaos. However, in order to achieve the switch from nonrenewable resources to renewable resources, it is important to understand what it is. Renewable energy is energy
  • 29. Andrew Jackson An American President Emma Lynch Mr. Holland US History I H Chapter 13 Assessment The People s President Andrew Jackson, the nation s seventh president, was elected president in 1828. During the election, Jackson s followers presented him as a roughhewn frontiersman and a stalwart champion of the common man. Jackson was a president of firsts: first president from the West and the first nominated at a formal party convention. Interestingly, he was only the second without having received a college education. Although there are many reasons that confirm Andrew Jackson belonging in the pantheon of great American presidents, it was his strong compassion for the common man that distinguishes him from the rest, and justly places him among the great American presidents. Once Jackson was elected as President, Washington was flooded with his supporters, known as Hickyorites. As a result of the White ... Show more content on ... He did not like the idea of nullification. He believed states should follow federal laws. He helped avoid an early civil war when certain states, especially South Carolina, threatened to secede. Jackson, along with Clay and Calhoun, ended the Nullification Crisis with the compromise Tariff of 1833. In addition, Jackson strongly disapproved of the Bank of the United States, The Bank of the United States acted like a branch of government. It was the principal depository for the funds of the Washington government and controlled much of the nation s gold and silver. The bank, which was a private bank, had grown too large and had gained far too much power and control. When Henry Clay and Daniel Webster presented Congress with a bill to renew the Bank of the United States charter, Jackson exercised his presidential veto power, and squashed the bank bill. Jackson believed the bank s charter was unfair, and found it harmful to the nation. As a result, Jackson had destroyed the Moneyed
  • 30. The Pros And Cons Of The United States Postal Service In the modern world, electronic ways of communicating have become the normal way to contact someone. With the advancements in this technology, we ve been able to send messages and e mails to someone all the way across the world; however, this technology originated from postal services, one being the United States Postal Service. The United States Postal Service,(USPS) was a pioneer for bringing mail to people all over the U.S. The key difference between these two services is the physicality of the USPS. If you wanted to send a love letter to your girlfriend or boyfriend across the country, an email can still be heartfelt, but also easily missed and disregarded. If a physical letter was sent, it s less likely for it to be thrown away. If the... Show more content on ... Junk mail is mail that a person receives without the want to receive it. A good example of junk mail would be magazines you didn t sign up for or invites to colleges you have no interest in. As stated in Source E, 44 percent of marketing or junk email is never opened by the people who receive it, making it wasted paper. If the USPS wants people to stop receiving this junk mail, they need to be more direct with their customers. Someone should be able to walking a USPS post office and request that they don t receive this kind of mail. The USPS has been throwing away money by sending this mail to people without their knowledge. Source E also states, The Postal Service lost $1.1 Billion in it s last quarter. That number would be even larger if it weren t for direct mailings, which now constitute 52% of mail volume... but 89% of consumers say in polls that they prefer not to receive direct marketing mail. If the USPS would stop sending these mailbox filling letters, then their reputation as a postal service will increase, therefore increasing their amount of
  • 31. The Nightmare Before Christmas Research Paper Did you know that it took Tim Burton and 15 stop motion animators 10 years to The Nightmare Before Christmas argument come up with the whole plot and then 3 years to film The Nightmare Before Christmas? There is a huge controversy surrounding this movie. Some people believe that this great movie was more of a Christmas movie. I believe that The Nightmare Before Christmas is more of a Halloween Movie than a Christmas movie. My first reason for my thoughts on this movie being a Halloween movie is that the main setting of The Nightmare Before Christmas is Halloweentown. In my opinion I would say that only about 1/5 of the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas is in a different setting. Jack Skelington, the main character, lives in Halloweentown. In Halloweentown their is pumpkins, people celebrate Halloween, and everyones scares on Halloween .Everything in Halloweentown is scary and Halloween themed. Those points are evidence for my first reason and so it now brings me to my second reason. ... Show more content on ... Jack Skelington lives in Halloweentown and is know as the pumpkin. People call him the pumpkin king because of his outstanding ability to scare anyone. Every Halloween everyone in the town goes and scares people but Jack is the best one at it according to the everyone in town. Jack loves halloween and always celebrates it with the town on Halloween night. These last few sentences are all evidence for my second reason about how the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas is more of a Halloween movie than a Christmas movie. Now it brings me to my third and final point that I will be
  • 32. Fall Of Icarus Essay depiction of the fall of Icarus was similar in the painting by Pieter Brueghel and the poem by William Carlos Williams in tone, theme, mood, and imagery. The painting and the poem had a similar tone in their depictions of the fall of Icarus. Both had a tone that was calm, merry, but also dark. In the painting, it showed an farmer plowing his fields, a man herding his sheep, a man looking into the water, all on a hot, sunny day. Meanwhile, while these people are merry and living their lives, Icarus is drowning in the water right near them. The poem states, It was spring, the whole pageantry of the year was awake tingling... This shows a calm mood, in how it was spring, the pageantry was awake and tingling, people were happy and joyful. All of this was happening while Icarus was drowning, and it was a, splash quite unnoticed. Both the painting and the poem showed people calmly and joyfully living their lives, selfishly, while not even noticing Icarus drowning right in front of them.... Show more content on ... The painting gives off an mood that is calm and dark, with people working in the hot son, near the sounds of the ocean waves, but there is someone dying in the midst of all of all of it. The poem gives an mood that is merry, calm, and gloomy. The poem talks about the pageantry and that it s awake and joyful, people are out working in the sun, all while Icarus is drowning, and he goes unnoticed. Both depictions give an happy, calm mood, but also dark at the same time. People are calm and happy, but then Icarus is dying, and no one notices. Both depictions of the Fall of Icarus had similar ideas. Both mention people happily working, living their lives, but they are so concerned with themselves that they e don t even see someone drowning right near them. The poem and the painting both display Icarus death being unnoticed, when he could have been seen and had been saved. But, people are too busy too see him, and they wouldn t care about being
  • 33. Obama Political Power People were jumping excitedly around, pumping their fists as they chanted USA. Blue party streamers flew in the air as his supporters flooded the streets cheering. Millions were sitting on the edge of their couches as Wolf Blitz announces the predicted President Elect in 2008: Barack Obama. After an 8 year Republican led presidency riddled with turmoil and heartbreaks, the people breathe a sigh of relief as they ready themselves to write the next chapter of their country s history. The way in which power is obtained and maintained differs greatly depending on the country. In our democratic America, political power can only be obtained and maintained through a perfect balance of pleasing both the general public and special interest groups, due to the fact that they both influence the decisions of political figures in separate ways. While Obama may have come into power through the support of Americans in 2008, it would be an uphill battle to maintain his power in an increasingly divisive country controlled by extreme special interest groups. In democratic states such as America, citizens pride themselves in ... Show more content on ... The American Constitution, written in 1787, is rooted in the belief that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged . As a result, for a politician to gain power in a democratic manner, it is essential that the general public votes for that politician in an election, because the person who wins the majority of the votes has the right to preside over matters in America. Historically, this can be seen in the establishment and subsequent removal from a position of power in Haiti after the Haitian Revolution. Once the French were expelled from Haiti, General Jean Jacques Dessalines decreed that all Haitians were black; this created a strong sense of nationalism that was used to persuade people to approve
  • 34. Fast And Slow By Daniel Kahneman In selected chapters of Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman challenges the traditional economic utility model by presenting the prospect theory, where pecuniary variables are no longer the only determinants. George A. Akerlof and Richel E. Kranton support this challenge by providing two economic analysis models that include identity as an important variable. While Kahneman focuses primarily on individuals inability to make decisions based on profit determined utility values, Akerlof and Kranton emphasize that motivation associated with identity is the missing component of the traditional utility model. In order to demonstrate flaws of the traditional view, Kahneman supports three principles of prospect theory with various examples. First, by pointing out errors in Bernoulli s model and the indifferent model, Kahneman emphasizes the broad range of the reference point, that it is not only the change of wealth, but also the context and the mindset. Second, Kahneman analyzes loss aversion, one of the dominant mindsets. Third, Kahneman argue that sensitivity has great impact on decision making by providing gambling cases of rare and risky events. With the knowledge of these three principles, Kahneman further implies that people can be trained to against these intuitive system one thinking patterns. While acknowledging the limitation of the prospect theory, that it fails to deal with disappointment and regret, Kahneman neglects the effect of emotions that human
  • 35. Montessoris Sensitive Periods and Their Effect on Child... | | |Briefly outline the stages of growth (planes of development) (10) | | | |Define the term sensitive periods and give full details of the six main periods, together with examples to show your understanding. (6 x 5) ie 30 marks in| |total... Show more content on ... This is known as the spiritual embryonic stage and represents the intellectual development of the child. The child s personality unfolds and a unique human being emerges. This child unconsciously acquires his/her basic abilities i.e. gain control of hands, walk, talk etc and tries to be independent. Around three the child moves onto the next stage i.e. social embryonic. Here the child learns consciously becoming aware of the people around hence he/she becomes socialised. The child is able to exist independently, develops an identity/personality and becomes sensitive to people around him/her. The social aspects of life such as culture, friendships etc are highlighted. The child begins to understand that he/she belongs to a unit be it family or friends at school. After being bombarded with his/her environment the child is enthusiastic and driven by impulses during this adjustment. According to Montessori, adjustment doesn t occur unaided, there seems to be a perfect time frame for optimal adjustment to occur. She says A child learns to adjust himself and make acquisitions in his sensitive periods (Montessori, 2007b, Ch7, p40). A sensitive period relates to the child s mental growth. This period lasts for a short time which is long enough for the child to gain a particular trait/skill. It seems that the child is predisposed for acquiring
  • 36. ASDA Security Essay The other option of payment that ASDA has was customer can choose to use self scan checkouts machine, which is customer require to scan the barcode themselves, input the types of items, weight them and place all scanned items into a bagging area . The weight observed in the bagging area is verified against previous stored information to ensure that customer put the correct item in bag, and allowing customer to proceed only if the observed and expected weights match. In some cases the shoppers are trying to purchase an item through self scan tills, and does not scan the item, and directly put the item in bagging area, the system will not be proceed. And the error message of please contact staff will appear. There are members of staff on hand to oversee each till and make sure people pay for all their items and to ensure young people are not buying alcohol. There are also ... Show more content on ... Firstly, customer who brings their own bag can put their unpaid item inside their bag. There were no security staffs that checked any suspected customers who try to steal any item inside the bag. Secondly, what has been noticed in the ASDA is they used high stacked shelves to put the groceries item. This means, their customers able sneak any items without being seen by staff. It is because robbers often have a loitering period before they strike when they are getting comfortable inside the store. Since the stacked shelves in ASDA are high, the robbers feel invisible to employees. Thus, ASDA should use lower shelves that can reduce incidences of shoplifting. Thirdly, it has been noticed that there were advertisement posted on window. it is important to remain visible from in and out of store. Therefore when there are intruders inside intended to harm anyone in the store, they can be clearly seen by people from outside the store. That is the reason why ASDA payment section is placed at the very front of the
  • 37. The Aztecs Werelocated In Mexico, Built On A Series Of The aztecs were located in Mexico, Built on a series of islets in Lake Texcoco , and was divided in four cities. Itzcoatl successor Montezuma who took power in 1440 By the early 16th century founded in 1428. (found in the 13th century) Mexico Tenochtitlan, commonly known as Tenochtitlan was a Mexica located on an island in Lake Texcoco, in the Valley of Mexico.Aztec Economy Trade and Currency. the aztec trade everything, it was really important to them they relied heavily on agriculture and farming.Like other Mesoamerican religions, it had elements of human sacrifice in connection with a large number of religious festivals which were held according to patterns of the Aztec calendar.The Aztecs followed a strict social hierarchy in which... Show more content on ... Maya of Yucatan and Guatemala exhibited a cultural continuity spanning more than 2,000 years (1000 BC AD 1542), and many aspects of their culture continue to the present. Mesoamerica had three major time periods: preclassic (2000 BC AD 300), classic (300 900), and postclassic (900 1500). A temple in Tikal, one of the Maya city states. The ancient Maya city of Tikal, in modern day Guatemala, flourished between roughly 600 B.C. and A.D. 900. ... Tikal is a recent Maya name that means at the waterhole. It was named this long after its collapse. Ancient Mayan Economics. The Mayan economy was largely based on food and agriculture, this form is the same as the other earlier civil countries, like China and Egypt. Farming was the main labor resources, and usually consisted of men. The Mayans religion involved several aspects of nature, astronomy and rituals. Most Gods represented a form in nature, for example, Sun God, Kinich Ahau, or Maize God, Yum Kaax. The Mayans were known for their calendars and astronomical buildings. These were used during their religious rituals. The Maya social classes is a system of political organization. It is divided in ahau (king), nobles, priests, merchants and artisans, and peasants and slaves. At the head of each Maya polity, there was halach uinic, also called the ajau. The Mayans developed a hierarchical government ruled by kings and priests. They
  • 38. The Strangers Critique The Strangers, by Christopher Oscar Pena, gives the audience a truthful perspective of the many struggles that minorities in the United States face during these chaotic times. As the story unfolds, we not only get a glimpse of a romantic love story and the unveiling of multiple relationships, but it all takes a cryptic turn when the destruction of humanity manifest itself before our eyes. I attended the Clarence Brown Theatre performance of The Strangers on February 21, 2018 and witnessed extraordinary lighting design, which helped express the world of the play in an insightful manner. In this performance of The Strangers, the lighting design helped tell the story by providing excellent visibility, and by creating mood through color and special... Show more content on ... Kenton Yeager mentioned that lighting a thrust stage can be difficult because it is essential for every audience member from all different angles of the stage to be able to clearly see everything that is unfolding during the performance. I was impressed by how clear the visibility was throughout the production because there was never a moment where I felt that I could not see the faces of any of the actors. Another quality of lighting which helped with the visibility was the intensity of the lights. I noticed that the intensity of the lighting changed based on the locations where the scenes took place. Whenever Dave and Cris where having their date in the restaurant, the intensity of the lights was significantly lower to create an indoor restaurant atmosphere. On the other hand, in the scene where the two girls were playing soccer, the intensity of the lights dramatically increased to portray the idea that they were outside on a soccer field. The lights did not only get extremely bright, but also a lot warmer to give the illusion that the source of lighting was the
  • 39. Essay about Clancy of the Overflow Clancy of the Overflow Analysis Bush poetry gives people a unique and interesting prospective into the people who made this country the way it is today and the history behind it. Clancy of the Overflow is a well known bush poem by poet AB Banjo Paterson. Clancy of the overflow is about a person from the city who met a drover/ shearer named Clancy. After meeting him he becomes jealous of Clancy s lifestyle which is better than his city life. In this poem Banjo uses a variety of poetic devices to get his message across like the use of suggestive language, descriptive language and imagery. Banjo uses suggestive language to make the reader realise that country life is much better than city life where it ... Show more content on ... Banjo does this to persuade the reader in believing that the country lifestyle which is portrayed as free, clean and laid back is better than the city lifestyle which is portrayed as dirty, hot and boring. Banjo also makes the reader believe that the attractiveness of living off the land and idealizing the country life as a drover making the quality of life in the country seems greater than in the city. Banjo uses imagery and the first person point of view to help the reader imagine what it would be like to be a drover. The person living in the city imagines what Clancy the drover is doing and feeling while he is stuck in a hot office all day. As the stock are slowly stringing, Clancy rides behind them singing and also He sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended and at night the wondrous glory of the everlasting stars. The city living character is conveying what Clancy the drover is doing and how peaceful it would be if he could do the same. He also says And I somehow fancy that I d like to change with Clancy. This suggests that the city living character is somewhat jealous of Clancy, his job and his lifestyle. The city living character furthermore explains the city life as Of the tramways and the buses making hurry down the street, and the language uninviting of the gutter children fighting . This suggests that the he doesn t like his life in the city and considers it as busy and also
  • 40. You Think Cyrano s Conduct Towards Roxane Is Admirable Or... Anmol Burmy Mrs. Avon Eng. 10, Period 4 6 Mar. 2016 Cyrano In Class Essay Do you think Cyrano s conduct toward Roxane is admirable or foolish? Is he a tragic hero suffering loss or a comic buffoon getting for our amusement? Cyrano de Bergerac is, first and last, an idealist and he does not expect tangible rewards for his idealistic behaviour.Cyrano s conduct towards Roxanne can be admirable as well as foolish but he is a tragic hero not a comic buffoon. In some situations he is foolish and in some he is brave and admirable. For example he ran through enemy line to give letter to his love Roxanne on the behalf of Christian. In this case he is foolish as he could be killed by his enemies and Roxanne was expecting Christian, She did ... Show more content on ... Roxane was so in love with her mystery man that she overlooked the immoral lies and loved Cyrano for his big heart. An example is when Cyrano is asked Will you be his friend? (Hooker 65) This is important because Cyrano shows how good of a friend and person he is by saying he will befriend Christian even though his love Roxanne wants Christian instead of him. An example when Cyrano shows his self doubt it when he says Say it I shall not be hurt, Ugly! (Hooker 65) This is an example where Cyrano thinks of himself as this hideous person that no one can love. Cyrano s conduct toward Roxane can be foolish as he let his physical appearance impact his confidence and his opinion of himself. Instead of trying to win Roxane over as himself, he gave up and decided to help Christian win the woman he loved. Cyrano was foolish to use his charming personality to give away the only woman he loved. He should have trusted that his personality alone would win Roxane over. Cyrano said, Knowing myself so ugly, so alone...She might laugh at me (Hooker 42). His fear of embarrassment resulted in him giving up easily. If he had tried to overcome his fear earlier, instead of wasting time helping Christian, he would have been with his love for a longer period of
  • 41. The Legacy Of The American Civil War The American Civil War was the South s to lose, even though they lacked the firepower needed and had far less men, the win was within their grasp after the first shot at Fort Sumter. The reason for this was simple, they had a cause and they were willing to fight for it until the very end. They also had a few men who stood out as some of the most intelligent and militarily inclined leaders ever to have control of an army. Of those masterminds included Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, James Longstreet, and George Pickett. Unlike the other three Generals listed here, George Pickett is the only one to be remembered for failure rather than for great achievement. Pickett s Charge as it s known history was the final push for the South at... Show more content on ... His personal courage shows in times like that, facing danger and fear to fulfil his duty. It was said that he, unfurled it [the flag] over the castle with bullets whistling all around him (Tagg 47). He would keep that same mentality throughout that war and into the Civil War. Between the Mexican American War and the Civil War, Pickett was involved in a lesser known crisis known as the Pig War. One of the most confusing, and unusual conflicts from that time, the Pig War was fought over a black pig roaming on someone s land without permission. A man named Lyman Cutlar shot and killed the pig for being on his land, and was then arrested by the British. The Americans wanted a military backing for this man because they did not believe he broken any laws. Capt. George Pickett was brought in settle this conflict. Not one to take any battle lightly, Pickett was quoted with saying, We ll make a Bunker Hill of it (Tagg 47). Another very strong point to his leadership credentials, Pickett had a lot of honor to live up to the values he was taught, even if that meant fighting a battle over a pig. Given only 68 men Pickett stood up against the British force of over 1000. It was his duty to carry out his orders and he did that to the very end of this conflict. Though there was no actual fighting, Pickett remained at his post until a resolution could be reached. A weird but noteworthy point
  • 42. Main Reasons For The Abolition Of The Slave Trade In Britain History Assessment What was the main reason for the abolition of the slave trade in Britain? The Atlantic slave trade was a historical period that started in the 15th century and the slave trade was abolished in the year 1807. The nature of the Atlantic slave trade could be described as brutal because of the conditions that the captured Africans were forced to endure both during the journey from Africa to the Americas and their time on the plantations. During the journey from Africa to the Americas the captured Africans were put into the ship s hold and kept on small shelves with no ventilation or anywhere to defecate. The triangular trade was a key part of the Atlantic slave trade as it was the main process used to trade for Africans and for trading Africans. The triangular trade started in Europe and went to Africa to trade manufactured goods such as: pots, guns and fabric. The traders would then take the traded Africans to the Americas to be traded in exchange for products such as: sugar, cotton and tobacco. The journey would end in Europe then the same cycle would be repeated many times over. The abolition of the slave trade in Britain was a process that took several years to be a success because of the strong opposition from the MPs and others who were benefitting off the slave trade. The main reason for most of the opposition was because of the amount of wealth the slave trade was creating for Europe, this made people believe that they needed the slave trade for
  • 43. How Does Isis Influence The World Isis skills are so beneficial to our world today She is such an influential and powerful women and she so influenced our modern world today. Isis s name means throne and with a name like that you just know that this girl is going to be an awe inspiring queen. She was often referred as a beautiful woman wearing a sheath headdress; very intimidating look she had. Isiswas also the daughter of the earth god Geb. Making her, a goddessherself. So much power she had in Egyptduring her reign. Isis has many skills and to name 3 very influential and beneficial skills are baking, weaving and brewing beer. Baking is not only a skill you need for a food source but it s also a greatly profitable skill. Today this skill influenced our world because... Show more content on ... Which again is a highly profitable business. Lastly, beer. The best on this skill list. Easily a billion dollar industry and without beer we wouldn t even be civilized and probably be drinking unfiltered water and the human race will probably not be at a population of 7 billion. Some might say that Queen of Sheba was the most influential because she was the ruler of Sheba and always possessed gold, jewels and spices. Others might say Tiye because she comes from a provincial priest family and was the first queen to actually have her name on official acts. Hatshepsut oversaw trades, and building projects and she also did trading expeditions. Which brought back ivory, ebony, gold and leopard skins and incense. Nefertiti and her husband made the cult of Aten and promoted artwork. And she was also shown smiting enemies in battle, so you could say that she was a tough woman. Queen of Sheba wasn t all that great she mostly just ruled Sheba and then randomly decided to test King Solomon and ask him riddles. She possessed materialistic things and those things aren t influential at all. Tiye wasn t even all that either. She came from a high institute of power in a catholic
  • 44. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Overview In recent years Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) have been steadily becoming a favorite among clinicians as the treatment model of choice to use with families, couples and individuals, to find solutions to their own problems its time limited future oriented and client driven (Gingerich Eisengart, 2004). The basic tenet of SFBT is the client(s) is held responsible for the solutions and not there problems. Solution focused therapy was developed in 1982 at The Brief Family Therapy Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (). SFBT was inspired by Milton Erickson and MRI models, both Insoo and Steve de Shazer Kim Berg had worked on the MRI models which SFBT is created from (Mo Yee Lee, 2011). Solution Focused Brief Therapy is theoretically ... Show more content on ... Dawn: She hardly ever talks to me anymore. We use spent a lot of time together and now its all about her friends. Jay: Your never around and when you or you never listens to anymore either. Sam: So, there have been times when Jay does not speak to you mom? Dawn: Yes, a lot more now since she became a teenager; she would get upset about something silly or come mad then go to her room and shut me out. Sam: When was the last time that Jay had a conversation with you about anything? Sam: Hmm, yesterday, when she got the part playing Juliet (Romeo and Juliet) for the Spring play sires at her school. (..silence [staring at Jay with tears in her eyes] silence ended with I love you Jay. Jay: Yeah I love you too mom, I was so excited that I got the part and I wanted to share the good news with her so bad. I have audition twice before for a leading role and I never got it until now. Sam: Wow, congratulations Jay that must have been a great feeling to get something you worked so, hard for? Jay:
  • 45. Artemisia Gentileschi Essay Artemisia Gentileschi (1593 1653) Considered one of the most important artists of the Baroque movement in Early Modern Europe, Artemisia Gentileschi, had to prove herself and break down the boundaries for a woman in a male dominated field. Artemisia was born in Rome on July 8, 1953 to Orazio and Prudentia Monotone Gentileschi, who died when the artist was only twelve years of age. Her upbringing was left to her father, who was also a well known painter. He trained her since she was not permitted to learn in the studios of successful artists of the moment. Orazio introduced his daughter to the working artists of Rome including Caravaggio, whose tenebrism technique and chiaroscuro style had a great influence on her paintings. ... Show more content on ... Tassi denied all the accusations and brought several witnesses to testify on his behalf, but possibly the most infuriating part of his testimony for Artemisia was when he stated that on the day of the rape he was teaching her the rules of perspective because her skills were pathetic. Nevertheless, Tassi was found guilty but regrettably only served under a year in prison. After the trial was over, Artemisia was married off to a Florentine artist by the name of Pietro Antonio di Vincenzo Stiattesi in order to regain some of her reputation. It is believed that the couple moved to Florence shortly after their marriage, because Rome proved to be a very difficult place for them to live due to the public notoriety Artemisia had received from the trial. During her marriage to Pietro it is believed that the couple parented a daughter by the name of either Prudentia or Palmira. Regrettably, the marriage did not last long, but there is evidence that the couple worked at the Academy of Design in Florence and in 1616 Artemisia received the extraordinary honor of becoming an official member, most likely due to the support of her patron, the Grand Duke Cosimo II member of the notable and influential Medici family, whom had commissioned several of her paintings. Even though Artemisia had to struggle with many difficulties early in her life she was able to draw strength from them and turn them into unique pieces of art. In the words of John Loughery, Exacting craft is one
  • 46. Effects Of Pollution And Environmental Degradation Pollution and Environmental Degradation are things that the large majority of humans contributes to some small or large way on the daily. Whether it is our mode of transportation, throwing a piece of trash on the ground, buying products made from trees, and to be perfectly honest the concentration in which we live, by which I mean the proximity of the average residents in which we reside. These all seem like regular everyday things that are just normal. But in the past things like these were so beyond the norm that they would seem alien and impossible. The first matter that I pointed out, our mode of transportation, differs from person to person. There are those that have decided to either not use any fossil fuel burning vehicular modes of transportation, such as walking and riding bikes; while others have decided to greatly decrease their ecological footprint by using various forms of carpooling, whether it being literal carpooling with friends or coworkers, or taking modes of mass transportation such as buses and subways or underground railways. According to a survey 91% of people drive to work in their personal vehicles; and 204 million personal vehicles are regularly used. And though not everyone throws their trash directly on to the ground, and most that do don t do it completely intentionally. I do have to say that a large amount of Americans do not take the time to make sure that their trash and garbage is disposed of properly. Some do not invest in having both
  • 47. Essay on Zadie Smith s White Teeth Zadie Smith s White Teeth Zadie Smith s novel, White Teeth, is chock full of potential deconstruction ideas; however, an exciting scene to deconstruct is in The Final Space chapter when the Iqbals and the Jones are on the public bus heading towards the FutureMouse exhibit. The most obvious binary opposite is that of parent or adult and child. Adults are without doubt the privileged binary. They signify knowledge, wisdom, teaching, and training of young ones along with patience and selflessness, and are allowed to use bad words without penalty. They have all the answers. Children signify selfishness, constant bickering, needing to be taught to not interrupt, to share, to play nicely with others, and are always contrary. In ... Show more content on ... She explains that one of the theories is so that people can t cheat the bus companies by paying less than they should for their journey (426). While these binaries generally hold when children are younger, as children get older they see their parents in a different light. Parents become less knowledgeable and are seen more as people with faults who make mistakes. Kids begin to separate from their parents, and yet still want to hold on to the illusion that adults are more knowledgeable. Ultimately, their relationship to adults transforms into more of a relationship with adults. This is perfectly captured in the continued conversation between Archie and Irie. Now, I never thought of that, says Archie, in reply to this new revelation coming from his daughter. They become less parent and child, less a reversal of those roles and more like two people having a normal discussion. Staying with Irie, since she s such a fascinating character, through Feminist Mimetic Criticism in the chapter entitled The Miseducation of Irie Jones we see Irie falling into the age old traps of unrequited love, being overweight and low self esteem. The concept of a perfect figure solving the problems of low self esteem and unrequited love is flawed. Smith has labeled the chapter using the term miseducation to remind us that Irie s thinking is skewed because it is based on male concepts of beauty and the female form, not on
  • 48. Research Paper On The Count Of Monte Cristo When someone wants revenge, nobody knows how far one will go to complete he or she s vengeance. The characters of The Count of Monte Cristo did not know there would even be vengeance to be taken until Dantes, the main character, shows up after many years. That is when all the trouble and malevolence happens. This novel written by Alexander Dumas is about a man whom gets wrongfully thrown in jail and, after gaining a fortune, plans and sets action to long term revenge. The Count of Monte Cristowas originally published in the Journal des Debats, a French newspaper in eighteen parts. It was then published as a book by Petion, running in two editions. The English book translation was published by Geo Pierce in January 1846. The book is with fictional characters, but the events are based on a prisoner scientist named Deodat de Dolomieu. GoodReads rates it a 4.5 out of 5 stars, while a similar book due to the scandalous plots in it named Les Liaisons Dangereuses, is rated 4 out of 5 stars. Another classic novel, named Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ, was inspired by The Count of Monte Cristo. The part that was inspired by the novel was the revenge plot that leads to love. The Guardian exclaims, Monte Cristo is the acme of Alexander Dumas pere s oeuvre, demonstrating his inimitable mastery of high adventure, deadly intrigue, revenge, and general derring do (Williams, The Guardian). One may choose this book because it becomes... Show more content on ... The book is long, but worth the read if readers love books that gofurther than just text on a page. Everyone should have the chance to read this book. People who love adventure, drama, or telenovelas should read this book because it has drama and mishaps that readers would not believe. Many rate this 4 out of 5 stars because, even though it is long, it is a classic that can teach morals and the psychology of some people, such as