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Social Innovation Camps
a toolkit for troublemakers (UNDP edition)
Do you want to...
Broaden your project s results?
Attract donors?
Find new partners?
Source new perspectives on an issue?
Place your beneficiaries at the centre of project design?
Then Social Innovation Camps are for you...
SIC in a nutshell 3
Who s done it before in UNDP? 4
How do I sell an SICamp to my boss? 6
Where to start? 7
What next? 8
Pre-event panic ‒ a checklist 13
The Event 14
Follow up 15
Remember 16
Annex 1: Budget template 17
Annex 2: Work plan 19
Annex 3: Open vs. specific call for ideas 23
in a nutshell
$10,000 ‒ 25,000
3 ‒ 6 months
An event coordinator,
plus 2 interns
Mardamej 2011 & 2012
UNDP Armenia hosted two Social Innovation Camps called Mar-
damej. The first event involved an open call for ideas, while the
second focused on combating corruption in the health and edu-
cation sectors. Anna s journey to the event and beyond is com-
OpenIdeas4UA 2012
UNDP Ukraine ran its first innovation camp in 2012 and a year
later spread the practice of co-design to municipalities at Smart-
City E-nnovation. Check out the team s tips on developing an
open government project or running municipal innovation
OtvoreneIdeje 2012
UNDP Montenegro hosted an innovation camp focused on open
government. The team has since gained international recogni-
tion for its efforts in this field.
GovCamp 2012
UNDP FYR Macedonia applied the SICamp principles to advance
the country s anticorruption agenda. The team has since run
social innovation challenges and set up a social innovations lab.
HuRiLab 2013
UNDP Armenia again, but this time the SICamp focused on
human rights and involved teams from across the Eurasia and the
Arab world. The lab has since evolved to become an online incu-
SICamp Asia 2013
The UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence (GCPSE)
sponsored the public service innovation track in a series of
SICamps across seven countries in Asia-Pacific and a regional
summit in Singapore. Here is a great take on the big picture.
Who s
done it before
in UNDP? 4
Arndt Husar UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence or @ArndtHusar
Jasmina Belcovska Tasevska UNDP FYR Macedonia or @JBTasevska
Maksym Klyuchar UNDP Ukraine or @klyuchar
Marija Novkovic UNDP Montenegro or @MariaNovkovic
George Hodge UNDP Armenia or @lurglomond
to talk to?
Risk mitigation
develop alternative entry points for your project. If your core
activities encounter blockages, you will have a portfolio of
different options available.
New partnerships
SICamps are agile and as such attractive to the private sector.
Try pitching the initiative to businesses; they may sponsor your
Resource mobilisation
do the groundwork now for your next project. Find something
that is achieving social impact ‘at the edge’, partner with the
team, pitch to donors, and make it mainstream.
Solutions designed by your beneficiaries, for your beneficia-
ries. Develop a sense of agency among stakeholders and a
bias towards action.
How do I sell
an SICamp
to my boss? 6
First thing first, get in touch with Social Innovation Camp Ltd. –
the organisation behind the movement. UNDP has worked with
the SICamp team since 2011 so they will be happy to help.
They will talk you through the process as well as source a facili-
tator for your event. From the launch of the call for ideas to the
main event you will need at least three months, so start plan-
ning early.
Where to start?
A few decisions to make:
UNDP has tried both. Experience suggests that it is much better
to arrange the event in-house. This way it is your team that deve-
lops the knowledge, relationships and networks, instead of
an open call is a useful sensing exercise, but a specific challenge
will produce ideas that are better aligned with your mandate.
See annex 3 for more details and don t forget to check out
Maksym s advice on linking the event to your programme.
make sure you pitch the event to the local private sector. If it
aligns well with local CSR objectives, the event can be budget
neutral for UNDP. Woohoo!
USD 10,000 ‒ 25,000; see annex 1.
book it before you launch the call for ideas. This gives you a date
to work towards. The venue should have an open convening
point as well as breakout spaces for each team.
you will need a website and social media accounts dedicated to
your event in order to run the call for ideas. The website should
contain all the information that applicants/participants will need,
as well as an application tool. The applicants will submit their
ideas through the website. Wordpress is easy to use and free. For
example Mardamej and HuRiLab were built without specialist
For the social media accounts, focus on the top two social media
platforms of your target audience. These can be integrated into
your website. For example HuRiLab uses facebook and twitter.What next?
In-house or outsource
Open vs. specific call for ideas
Web presence
Do this both online and offline. Many organisations operate as if
all that is necessary for stakeholder engagement is the construc-
tion of a beautiful garden ... this is nonsense. You have to find
the communities and engage with people in terms they unders-
tand... development speak does not work.
Online, this involves delving into social media platforms and web
fora, finding communities that might be interested in what you
are trying to achieve and engaging with them in their space. If
you can contribute meaningfully to the conversation, they will
often find their way to your garden .
It helps to imagine your initiative or event as a person/mascot -
what does she like/dislike; what are her values; what are her ambi-
tions? Engage accordingly... For example don t just talk about
your initiative, if the national football team won last night, com-
ment on that.
If you are looking for rules of thumb, 90% of your content should
be photos/graphics. It is much more shareable . If you want to
make a point, add it as a caption to an amusing/interesting
It is also useful to map and write to other organisations working in
the thematic area of your SICamp. Ask them if they will share their
email lists with you so that you can engage with their network.
Offline engagement occurs through itch workshops . These are
targeted at marginalised communities in order to bring the pers-
pectives of excluded groups into the process. This could be
based on a lack of access to public services due to location, or on
a particular profile, such a people with disabilities.
Ask stakeholders to define problems that are meaningful to them
and to suggest solutions. Or, if your call for ideas is more specific,
ask stakeholders to suggest solutions to a pre-defined problem.
Call for ideas
Don t worry if you don t
receive many
submissions initially,
we received about 70%
of the applications in
the final 48 hours
before the deadline.
Either way, you need to find them and work with them directly. This means
getting out of the office and around the country/region. Use UNDP s existing
networks of partners to source workshop participants. Supplement this by
advertising the workshops on your website and placing posters in the target
Itch workshops are highly interactive. You start by encouraging the partici-
pants to define meaningful problems in their lives, community or society. As
the participants are writing down the problems on sticky notes, you collect
them and group thematically. You then pick the best four or five, explain why
you think they are the best, and challenge the participants to develop a solu-
tion to whichever problem speaks to them . They will self-divide into teams.
At the end of the workshop the teams present their ideas to one another. The
event closes with the facilitator encouraging the participants to submit their
ideas to the event website or on paper to the team.
The advantage of the workshops is that there are no spectators. In addition,
the fact that each participant writes down the problems on sticky notes
prevents big characters from dominating the discussion.
During your outreach it is important to emphasise that the event is a prototy-
ping opportunity, not a funding bid. You are looking for alternative ideas and
approaches, not business-as-usual.
Also, it is useful to detail a few rules for your social media pages (perhaps in the
about us section), such as constructive comments only please . You can use
this to combat trolling and send a message to the other users concerning
our values. FYI, never delete the offending comment. Instead respond by
referring the user to the rules of the space.
Following the outreach, the submissions are assessed by a panel
of judges. This should predominantly comprise business leaders,
public officials, NGO leaders and experts in the thematic area of
your Social Innovation Camp.
In order to pick the best ideas from the rest, use three criteria:
The applicant s understanding of the social problem. Ques-
tions to consider: is the problem well articulated? Do you agree
that it is a social problem? [award up to ten points]
The quality of the solution. Questions to consider: does the
proposed solution address the social problem? Will the proposed
solution have a high degree of social impact at some point in the
future (i.e. will lots of people benefit)? [award up to ten points]
The sustainability of the solution. Questions to consider: could
the solution be created cheaply and quickly, or would it require a
significant capital investment? Running costs? Could the solu-
tion be partly sustained through revenue generation? If not, will
the social return on investment provide investors with value?
[award up to ten points]
The team or individual behind the idea is very important. Talk
with each applicant. Sometimes an idea sounds ropey on paper
but comes from a dynamic person, and vice versa. Give this due
weight in the final decision. Also, you are looking for team players
not egotists - if someone is a bit of a jerk, don't invite them.
Look for 'problems on the way to becoming solutions'. Look for
radical innovation rather than sensible best practice. If you have
the time, conduct background research ‒ has someone tried this
already? What did they learn? Local context really counts, as an
idea that is bland in one context can be disruptive in another.
Most importantly, trust your instincts.
You may receive over one hundred submissions. In order to save
the panel of judges time and effort, prepare a long-list of the
thirty best ideas. The panel can then choose six ideas from this
smaller pool. Also, don t let the final six be based on statistical
anomaly or tactical voting by the judges. Discuss all the short-
listed ideas before making a decision.
Don t forget to email the unsuccessful applicants. Of course they
will be disappointed, but you could sweeten the situation by
inviting them to the presentation session on the final afternoon
of the event.
Judging the submissions
You now have six ideas selected by the panel of judges. Next you
need to talk to/meet with the idea owners. Try to get a sense
from them what they think they will need to prototype their
solution/project at the event. Remember, the "idea owner" may
not understand what kind of support, expertise or resources they
will need. So add to their wish list based on your insights.
Then, find everything on the wish list and make it available at the
event. Most experts/specialists should volunteer their time if you
present the ideas effectively.
Alongside the experts you have sourced, it is useful to delve into
the database of applicants. If any of the other applicants submit-
ted an idea on a similar topic to the selected six, or possess a
useful skill set, or stood out because of their energy and enthu-
siasm, invite them along as well.
Also, it is important to think about other stakeholders in the
solutions/projects. For example, will the project require action by
a public institution? If so, ensure that a relevant specialist from
government participates.
It is worth warming up the participants a few days before the
event, for example ask them to start using the event hash tag -
''what are you hoping for out of the camp'', ''interesting links to
Resourcing the event
Idea owners
Other applicants with similar ideas /
skillsets / infectious enthusiasm
Specialists / geeks ‒ skills gaps,
cross reference to the needs of the idea owner
Mentors ‒ businesspersons with experience of
agile management
Creatives / designers / social media gurus
Film crew and photographer
Judges (for the presentations on the final day)
Media (for the presentations on the final day)
Social Investors/donors (for the presentations on the final day)
Breakout spaces for each team - bean bags, cushions, rugs and
mats; in a corner; complete the square with a pair of tables;
ensure space to post ideas on a wall. The antithesis of an
average office.
Late opening ‒ some teams will work all night
Strong internet connection, wifi and backup
Server space & LAMP stack
Power extension cables
Flip charts, sticky notes, paper
Twitter wall (laptop and projector)
Event programme (printed)
Board meetings (see section on the event)
Social media team ‒ live posting/tweeting/blogging
nice to have
Pre-event panic
a checklist 13
The Event
In three minutes...
Welcome by the facilitator
and introduction to the support team
Presentation of the house rules
Idea owners pitch their projects to the participants
(two minutes each)
Breaking into teams ‒ vote with your feet
Day1(early evening)
This is the pen-and-paper stage; scoping the idea, thinking about
what they have got to create, how it s going to work, who s going to
do what, etc.
Facilitator & mentors float among the teams posing difficult ques-
tions and introducing new ideas. For example, the blocking button:
what would you do if your preferred solution was blocked? How
would you overcome this? Think of lots of options and incorporate
the best into your strategy.
In the afternoon, the teams begin building their prototypes ‒
four/five hours of build and design of the products or services, plus
some time to think about how they might sustain their projects
the teams pitch to the mentors in a board meeting scenario (three
minutes). Each mentor asks a question. The meeting closes with
each mentor offering a piece of heart attack advice to the team
If you plan to live stream the opening and closing sessions, make sure
you have a seprate internet connection for this purpose.
Recap and stoke by the facilitator
Teamwork *
Board meeting ** (late afternoon/early evening)
Teamwork late into the evening
Day 2(bright and early)
Recap by the facilitator and focus the participants
on the presentations later in the afternoon
Teamwork: additional prototyping and testing, as well as pitch preparation
Dragon s Den-style pitching competition: each team has
seven minutes to pitch and five minutes for questions from the judges ***
Judges retire and assess each project
(see the criteria in the judging the submissions section above)
Award ceremony and reception
Day3(bright and early)
The number of projects you can support following the event
depends partly on your budget and on their fit with your exis-
ting programme.
If you have invited donors or social investment funds to the final
presentations, they may express an interest in supporting some
of the projects.
However many projects you or other organisations can support,
it is useful to bring the teams together on a monthly basis to
maintain the network, as well as offer ad hoc advice and support.
This should be an informal gathering in a café or online, via a
webinar. It is a great opportunity for the teams to learn from one
another. You may also need to connect the teams with training
programmes or specialists.
It is also useful to set up an alumni group on one of the social
media platforms you are using for the event. This helps everyone
stay in touch and share ideas.
Grant delivery can be managed through a micro-capital grant
agreement. The event is a competition, so the judges minutes
can be used to justify the grant. Many of the teams will not have
formed legal entities, and as such cannot receive a grant from
UNDP. Thus you may need to use existing partners to facilitate
the delivery of the grants to the teams.
Follow up
sustainability 15
Be human! SICamps are all about different ways of doing things:
about people doing something because they love it and about
getting stuff done through networks of talented people rather
than organizational hierarchies of people telling one another
what to do.
This should be the spirit in which you run your event. Be friendly,
approachable, open, personal, honest and human.
Always explain why you are running your event - you should not
be running it if you do not believe strongly in what you are doing.
Running an SICamp is not an exact science. When you are wor-
king on something that is about people doing their own thing,
you never quite know what will happen. Make decisions on gut
instinct... on just having a feeling that something is going to work.
Adapt what you have read above to your local environment.
Experiment. Take big risks and make new mistakes.
SICamps are built on the generosity of many. Your judges, partici-
pants and prize-givers donate their time for free. They do it
because they are interested and passionate about what you are
doing. Give them some of the love back.
Be part of the network you are creating: the more you give it, the
more it will reward you in return.
Source: Social Innovation Camp Ltd.
Budget Template
annex 1
Human Resources
Event facilitator (SIC ltd.)
Event coordinator
Total Human Resources
Staff travel
Travel - event
Accommodation - event
Travel - Call for Ideas (itch workshops)
Accommodation - Call for Ideas
Total travel & Accommodation
Call for Ideas
Venues (provided by municipal authorities/local NGOs)
Total Call for Ideas
Hire - weekend
Hire - Sunday project presentation session (conference hall)
Total Venue
Catering (for sixty participants)
Friday night drinks/nibbles
Saturday breakfast
Saturday lunch
Saturday dinner
Sunday breakfast
Sunday lunch
Sunday project presentation drinks/nibbles
Total Catering
Participant travel/accommodation
Participant travel
Participant accommodation - event (Two nights, three days)
Total participant travel/accommodation
External suppliers
Website (use wordpress or tumblr for free)
Photographer/film crew (for the event)
Wifi & backup
Server space
Projector (and laptop)
Total external suppliers
Pens, pencils, paper and sticky notes
Total consumables
Total post-event project grants
Total Miscellaneous
Cost per unit (USD)
Work plan
annex 2 19
week1 week2
call for ideas
month1 month2 month3 month1 month2 month3
T-2week T-1week
event event follow up
Judging venue (UNDP)
Final Venue (if required)
week1 week2
call for ideas
month1 month2 month3 month1 month2 month3
T-2week T-1week
event event follow up
Announce SICamp
Announce C4I
Halfway point C4I
1 Week to go
Blogging+Social Media
Announce ideas
Call for volunteers
Thanks for coming
Tell the world/post
Press release
Participant email management
Post-programme team liaising
Partner/sponsor mgmt
Booking: Itch workshops
Catering: Itch workshops
Travel: Itch workshops
Stakeholder map
Meet w/ stakeholders
Seed idea planning
Prize partners
Film: event
Catering: event
Tech: event
Props: event
Website management
Screen ideas
Core volunteers
Matchmake teams
Special team support
Meet idea owners
week1 week2
call for ideas
month1 month2 month3 month1 month2 month3
T-2week T-1week
event event follow up
Open vs. specific call for ideas
annex 3 23
Nature of the
problem statement
Open ended
Theme/Sector Specific
Issue Specific
Defined question
Pros Cons
Find problems that matter
to you, and propose
Able to sense problems
from across society
Ideas submitted may not
be within UNDP s mandate
Find problems in the
education sector, and
propose solutions
Ideas/solutions will be
aligned UNDP s mandate
Find problems in the area
of energy efficiency, and
propose solutions
Ideas/solutions could be
immediately integrated
into the ongoing
Critical issues of which
UNDP is not aware may be
Please propose ideas to
increase the use of public
Ideas/solutions could be
immediately integrated
into the ongoing
Critical issues of which
UNDP is not aware may be
Written by
George Hodge
Designed by
Nané Toumanian
With thanks to
Giulio Quaggiotto
Milica Begovic Radojevic
Maksym Klyuchar
Arndt Husar
Jasmina Belcovska Tasevska
Marija Novkovic
Glen Mehn

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Social Innovation Camp Toolkit

  • 1. Social Innovation Camps a toolkit for troublemakers (UNDP edition)
  • 2. Do you want to... Broaden your project s results? Attract donors? Find new partners? Source new perspectives on an issue? Place your beneficiaries at the centre of project design? Then Social Innovation Camps are for you... SIC in a nutshell 3 Who s done it before in UNDP? 4 How do I sell an SICamp to my boss? 6 Where to start? 7 What next? 8 Pre-event panic ‒ a checklist 13 The Event 14 Follow up 15 Remember 16 Annex 1: Budget template 17 Annex 2: Work plan 19 Annex 3: Open vs. specific call for ideas 23 2
  • 3.
  • 4. SIC in a nutshell Budget $10,000 ‒ 25,000 Timeframe 3 ‒ 6 months Team An event coordinator, plus 2 interns 3
  • 5. Mardamej 2011 & 2012 UNDP Armenia hosted two Social Innovation Camps called Mar- damej. The first event involved an open call for ideas, while the second focused on combating corruption in the health and edu- cation sectors. Anna s journey to the event and beyond is com- pelling. OpenIdeas4UA 2012 UNDP Ukraine ran its first innovation camp in 2012 and a year later spread the practice of co-design to municipalities at Smart- City E-nnovation. Check out the team s tips on developing an open government project or running municipal innovation events. OtvoreneIdeje 2012 UNDP Montenegro hosted an innovation camp focused on open government. The team has since gained international recogni- tion for its efforts in this field. GovCamp 2012 UNDP FYR Macedonia applied the SICamp principles to advance the country s anticorruption agenda. The team has since run social innovation challenges and set up a social innovations lab. HuRiLab 2013 UNDP Armenia again, but this time the SICamp focused on human rights and involved teams from across the Eurasia and the Arab world. The lab has since evolved to become an online incu- bator. SICamp Asia 2013 The UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence (GCPSE) sponsored the public service innovation track in a series of SICamps across seven countries in Asia-Pacific and a regional summit in Singapore. Here is a great take on the big picture. Who s done it before in UNDP? 4
  • 6. Arndt Husar UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence or @ArndtHusar Jasmina Belcovska Tasevska UNDP FYR Macedonia or @JBTasevska Maksym Klyuchar UNDP Ukraine or @klyuchar Marija Novkovic UNDP Montenegro or @MariaNovkovic George Hodge UNDP Armenia or @lurglomond Who to talk to? 5
  • 7. Risk mitigation develop alternative entry points for your project. If your core activities encounter blockages, you will have a portfolio of different options available. New partnerships SICamps are agile and as such attractive to the private sector. Try pitching the initiative to businesses; they may sponsor your event. Resource mobilisation do the groundwork now for your next project. Find something that is achieving social impact ‘at the edge’, partner with the team, pitch to donors, and make it mainstream. Co-creation Solutions designed by your beneficiaries, for your beneficia- ries. Develop a sense of agency among stakeholders and a bias towards action. How do I sell an SICamp to my boss? 6
  • 8. First thing first, get in touch with Social Innovation Camp Ltd. – the organisation behind the movement. UNDP has worked with the SICamp team since 2011 so they will be happy to help. They will talk you through the process as well as source a facili- tator for your event. From the launch of the call for ideas to the main event you will need at least three months, so start plan- ning early. Where to start? 7
  • 9. A few decisions to make: UNDP has tried both. Experience suggests that it is much better to arrange the event in-house. This way it is your team that deve- lops the knowledge, relationships and networks, instead of contractors. an open call is a useful sensing exercise, but a specific challenge will produce ideas that are better aligned with your mandate. See annex 3 for more details and don t forget to check out Maksym s advice on linking the event to your programme. make sure you pitch the event to the local private sector. If it aligns well with local CSR objectives, the event can be budget neutral for UNDP. Woohoo! USD 10,000 ‒ 25,000; see annex 1. book it before you launch the call for ideas. This gives you a date to work towards. The venue should have an open convening point as well as breakout spaces for each team. you will need a website and social media accounts dedicated to your event in order to run the call for ideas. The website should contain all the information that applicants/participants will need, as well as an application tool. The applicants will submit their ideas through the website. Wordpress is easy to use and free. For example Mardamej and HuRiLab were built without specialist skills. For the social media accounts, focus on the top two social media platforms of your target audience. These can be integrated into your website. For example HuRiLab uses facebook and twitter.What next? In-house or outsource Open vs. specific call for ideas Partners Budget Venue Web presence 8
  • 10. Do this both online and offline. Many organisations operate as if all that is necessary for stakeholder engagement is the construc- tion of a beautiful garden ... this is nonsense. You have to find the communities and engage with people in terms they unders- tand... development speak does not work. Online, this involves delving into social media platforms and web fora, finding communities that might be interested in what you are trying to achieve and engaging with them in their space. If you can contribute meaningfully to the conversation, they will often find their way to your garden . It helps to imagine your initiative or event as a person/mascot - what does she like/dislike; what are her values; what are her ambi- tions? Engage accordingly... For example don t just talk about your initiative, if the national football team won last night, com- ment on that. If you are looking for rules of thumb, 90% of your content should be photos/graphics. It is much more shareable . If you want to make a point, add it as a caption to an amusing/interesting photo. It is also useful to map and write to other organisations working in the thematic area of your SICamp. Ask them if they will share their email lists with you so that you can engage with their network. Offline engagement occurs through itch workshops . These are targeted at marginalised communities in order to bring the pers- pectives of excluded groups into the process. This could be based on a lack of access to public services due to location, or on a particular profile, such a people with disabilities. Ask stakeholders to define problems that are meaningful to them and to suggest solutions. Or, if your call for ideas is more specific, ask stakeholders to suggest solutions to a pre-defined problem. Call for ideas 9
  • 11. Don t worry if you don t receive many submissions initially, we received about 70% of the applications in the final 48 hours before the deadline. Either way, you need to find them and work with them directly. This means getting out of the office and around the country/region. Use UNDP s existing networks of partners to source workshop participants. Supplement this by advertising the workshops on your website and placing posters in the target communities/schools/universities. Itch workshops are highly interactive. You start by encouraging the partici- pants to define meaningful problems in their lives, community or society. As the participants are writing down the problems on sticky notes, you collect them and group thematically. You then pick the best four or five, explain why you think they are the best, and challenge the participants to develop a solu- tion to whichever problem speaks to them . They will self-divide into teams. At the end of the workshop the teams present their ideas to one another. The event closes with the facilitator encouraging the participants to submit their ideas to the event website or on paper to the team. The advantage of the workshops is that there are no spectators. In addition, the fact that each participant writes down the problems on sticky notes prevents big characters from dominating the discussion. During your outreach it is important to emphasise that the event is a prototy- ping opportunity, not a funding bid. You are looking for alternative ideas and approaches, not business-as-usual. Also, it is useful to detail a few rules for your social media pages (perhaps in the about us section), such as constructive comments only please . You can use this to combat trolling and send a message to the other users concerning our values. FYI, never delete the offending comment. Instead respond by referring the user to the rules of the space. 10
  • 12. Following the outreach, the submissions are assessed by a panel of judges. This should predominantly comprise business leaders, public officials, NGO leaders and experts in the thematic area of your Social Innovation Camp. In order to pick the best ideas from the rest, use three criteria: The applicant s understanding of the social problem. Ques- tions to consider: is the problem well articulated? Do you agree that it is a social problem? [award up to ten points] The quality of the solution. Questions to consider: does the proposed solution address the social problem? Will the proposed solution have a high degree of social impact at some point in the future (i.e. will lots of people benefit)? [award up to ten points] The sustainability of the solution. Questions to consider: could the solution be created cheaply and quickly, or would it require a significant capital investment? Running costs? Could the solu- tion be partly sustained through revenue generation? If not, will the social return on investment provide investors with value? [award up to ten points] The team or individual behind the idea is very important. Talk with each applicant. Sometimes an idea sounds ropey on paper but comes from a dynamic person, and vice versa. Give this due weight in the final decision. Also, you are looking for team players not egotists - if someone is a bit of a jerk, don't invite them. Look for 'problems on the way to becoming solutions'. Look for radical innovation rather than sensible best practice. If you have the time, conduct background research ‒ has someone tried this already? What did they learn? Local context really counts, as an idea that is bland in one context can be disruptive in another. Most importantly, trust your instincts. You may receive over one hundred submissions. In order to save the panel of judges time and effort, prepare a long-list of the thirty best ideas. The panel can then choose six ideas from this smaller pool. Also, don t let the final six be based on statistical anomaly or tactical voting by the judges. Discuss all the short- listed ideas before making a decision. Don t forget to email the unsuccessful applicants. Of course they will be disappointed, but you could sweeten the situation by inviting them to the presentation session on the final afternoon of the event. Judging the submissions 11
  • 13. You now have six ideas selected by the panel of judges. Next you need to talk to/meet with the idea owners. Try to get a sense from them what they think they will need to prototype their solution/project at the event. Remember, the "idea owner" may not understand what kind of support, expertise or resources they will need. So add to their wish list based on your insights. Then, find everything on the wish list and make it available at the event. Most experts/specialists should volunteer their time if you present the ideas effectively. Alongside the experts you have sourced, it is useful to delve into the database of applicants. If any of the other applicants submit- ted an idea on a similar topic to the selected six, or possess a useful skill set, or stood out because of their energy and enthu- siasm, invite them along as well. Also, it is important to think about other stakeholders in the solutions/projects. For example, will the project require action by a public institution? If so, ensure that a relevant specialist from government participates. It is worth warming up the participants a few days before the event, for example ask them to start using the event hash tag - ''what are you hoping for out of the camp'', ''interesting links to share''. Resourcing the event 12
  • 14. Participants Idea owners Other applicants with similar ideas / skillsets / infectious enthusiasm Specialists / geeks ‒ skills gaps, cross reference to the needs of the idea owner Mentors ‒ businesspersons with experience of agile management Creatives / designers / social media gurus Film crew and photographer Judges (for the presentations on the final day) Media (for the presentations on the final day) Social Investors/donors (for the presentations on the final day) Venue/infrastructure Breakout spaces for each team - bean bags, cushions, rugs and mats; in a corner; complete the square with a pair of tables; ensure space to post ideas on a wall. The antithesis of an average office. Late opening ‒ some teams will work all night Strong internet connection, wifi and backup Server space & LAMP stack Power extension cables Flip charts, sticky notes, paper Twitter wall (laptop and projector) Sundry Event programme (printed) Board meetings (see section on the event) Social media team ‒ live posting/tweeting/blogging Prizes Certificates required important nice to have Pre-event panic a checklist 13
  • 15. The Event In three minutes... Welcome by the facilitator and introduction to the support team Presentation of the house rules Idea owners pitch their projects to the participants (two minutes each) Breaking into teams ‒ vote with your feet - - - - Day1(early evening) This is the pen-and-paper stage; scoping the idea, thinking about what they have got to create, how it s going to work, who s going to do what, etc. Facilitator & mentors float among the teams posing difficult ques- tions and introducing new ideas. For example, the blocking button: what would you do if your preferred solution was blocked? How would you overcome this? Think of lots of options and incorporate the best into your strategy. In the afternoon, the teams begin building their prototypes ‒ four/five hours of build and design of the products or services, plus some time to think about how they might sustain their projects * the teams pitch to the mentors in a board meeting scenario (three minutes). Each mentor asks a question. The meeting closes with each mentor offering a piece of heart attack advice to the team If you plan to live stream the opening and closing sessions, make sure you have a seprate internet connection for this purpose. ** *** Recap and stoke by the facilitator Teamwork * Board meeting ** (late afternoon/early evening) Teamwork late into the evening - - - - Day 2(bright and early) Recap by the facilitator and focus the participants on the presentations later in the afternoon Teamwork: additional prototyping and testing, as well as pitch preparation Dragon s Den-style pitching competition: each team has seven minutes to pitch and five minutes for questions from the judges *** Judges retire and assess each project (see the criteria in the judging the submissions section above) Award ceremony and reception - - - - - Day3(bright and early) 14
  • 16. The number of projects you can support following the event depends partly on your budget and on their fit with your exis- ting programme. If you have invited donors or social investment funds to the final presentations, they may express an interest in supporting some of the projects. However many projects you or other organisations can support, it is useful to bring the teams together on a monthly basis to maintain the network, as well as offer ad hoc advice and support. This should be an informal gathering in a café or online, via a webinar. It is a great opportunity for the teams to learn from one another. You may also need to connect the teams with training programmes or specialists. It is also useful to set up an alumni group on one of the social media platforms you are using for the event. This helps everyone stay in touch and share ideas. Grant delivery can be managed through a micro-capital grant agreement. The event is a competition, so the judges minutes can be used to justify the grant. Many of the teams will not have formed legal entities, and as such cannot receive a grant from UNDP. Thus you may need to use existing partners to facilitate the delivery of the grants to the teams. Follow up sustainability 15
  • 17. Be human! SICamps are all about different ways of doing things: about people doing something because they love it and about getting stuff done through networks of talented people rather than organizational hierarchies of people telling one another what to do. This should be the spirit in which you run your event. Be friendly, approachable, open, personal, honest and human. Always explain why you are running your event - you should not be running it if you do not believe strongly in what you are doing. Running an SICamp is not an exact science. When you are wor- king on something that is about people doing their own thing, you never quite know what will happen. Make decisions on gut instinct... on just having a feeling that something is going to work. Adapt what you have read above to your local environment. Experiment. Take big risks and make new mistakes. SICamps are built on the generosity of many. Your judges, partici- pants and prize-givers donate their time for free. They do it because they are interested and passionate about what you are doing. Give them some of the love back. Be part of the network you are creating: the more you give it, the more it will reward you in return. Source: Social Innovation Camp Ltd. Remember 16
  • 19. Units 1 1 1 1 3 3 10 10 16 16 1 1 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 1 1 1 1 1 60 1 6 1 Activity Human Resources Event facilitator (SIC ltd.) Event coordinator Assistant Intern Total Human Resources Staff travel Travel - event Accommodation - event Travel - Call for Ideas (itch workshops) Accommodation - Call for Ideas Total travel & Accommodation Call for Ideas Catering Venues (provided by municipal authorities/local NGOs) Total Call for Ideas Venue Hire - weekend Hire - Sunday project presentation session (conference hall) Total Venue Catering (for sixty participants) Friday night drinks/nibbles Saturday breakfast Saturday lunch Saturday dinner Sunday breakfast Sunday lunch Sunday project presentation drinks/nibbles Total Catering Participant travel/accommodation Participant travel Participant accommodation - event (Two nights, three days) Total participant travel/accommodation External suppliers Website (use wordpress or tumblr for free) Photographer/film crew (for the event) Wifi & backup Server space Projector (and laptop) Total external suppliers Consumables Pens, pencils, paper and sticky notes Sundry Total consumables Total post-event project grants Total Miscellaneous Cost per unit (USD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18
  • 21. preparation week1 week2 call for ideas month1 month2 month3 month1 month2 month3 judging T-2week T-1week event event follow up week1 Venue Judging venue (UNDP) Final Venue (if required) 20
  • 22. Communications preparation week1 week2 call for ideas month1 month2 month3 month1 month2 month3 judging T-2week T-1week event event follow up week1 Announce SICamp Announce C4I Halfway point C4I 1 Week to go Blogging+Social Media Announce ideas Call for volunteers Thanks for coming Tell the world/post Press release Participant email management Post-programme team liaising Partner/sponsor mgmt 21
  • 23. Operations Booking: Itch workshops Catering: Itch workshops Travel: Itch workshops Stakeholder map Meet w/ stakeholders Seed idea planning Prize partners Film: event Catering: event Tech: event Props: event Website management Judges Screen ideas Core volunteers Matchmake teams Special team support Meet idea owners preparation week1 week2 call for ideas month1 month2 month3 month1 month2 month3 judging T-2week T-1week event event follow up week1 22
  • 24. Open vs. specific call for ideas annex 3 23
  • 25. Nature of the problem statement Open ended Theme/Sector Specific Issue Specific Defined question Example openspecific Pros Cons Recommended Find problems that matter to you, and propose solutions Able to sense problems from across society Ideas submitted may not be within UNDP s mandate Find problems in the education sector, and propose solutions Ideas/solutions will be aligned UNDP s mandate N/A Find problems in the area of energy efficiency, and propose solutions Ideas/solutions could be immediately integrated into the ongoing projects/activities Critical issues of which UNDP is not aware may be missed Please propose ideas to increase the use of public transport Ideas/solutions could be immediately integrated into the ongoing projects/activities Critical issues of which UNDP is not aware may be missed 24
  • 26. Written by George Hodge Designed by Nané Toumanian With thanks to Giulio Quaggiotto Milica Begovic Radojevic Maksym Klyuchar Arndt Husar Jasmina Belcovska Tasevska Marija Novkovic Glen Mehn