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Similarities Between Andrew Carnegie And Henry Frick
If one aligns oneself with another person, and the person whom he or she has partnered up with is a difficult or stubborn person, it will make a
difference in what they are trying to pursue. The people with whom one aligns oneself with makes all the difference. This is proven in the relationships
between Andrew Carnegie and Henry Frick, Cornelius Vanderbilt and Thomas Scott, and Thomas Edison and J.P Morgan. Henry Frick threw
Carnegie's reputation down the drain. Henry is known for being a cruel, harsh, and demanding businessman. Andrew decided he was going to leave
Carnegie Steel to Frick while he was in Scotland. That was a terrible idea made by Carnegie. Henry Frick went crazy with power and became very
aggressive. Carnegie Steel becomes portrayed as ruthless and mean. To add Frick decided to change working hours and make them longer. Working in
the conditions for a steel manufactory is very difficult and dangerous. The workers weren't getting paid much to live off of either. Because of this the
workers went on strike, and Henry continuing to be the ruthless man he is ordered the Pinkertons to intimidate them. When the steel workers held their
ground, the Pinkertons fired. They killed seven workers and shot twenty ... Show more content on ...
They fought for the control of the railroads like cats and dogs. They both finally realized John D. Rockefeller was rising above them both in money
with his oil. Vanderbilt was the first to notice if they align themselves, Vanderbilt and Scott, they could stop him from getting any richer. Together
they decided to pull their deals with Rockefeller. Their allegiance together made a huge difference for Rockefeller and their plan worked for a little
while. If they never had aligned themselves deals with Rockefeller would have kept on going and he would have never discovered that one can move
oil through pipes. Thomas Scott's business deteriorated and their plan did not succeed for too
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Why Is Captain Vere Symbolism
Captain Vere's name is a symbol of many things and demonstrates his battle between his individuality versus society's expectations. The name Vere is
associated with fights and quarrels, relating to society. The symbolic meaning within the story indicate that one with the name Vere will lack peace
and happiness because of mental pressure and instability. The more direct meaning is stated by Chandler here, "Those who still think of Vere as a
heroic figure seem to have taken as proved that the name either suggests veritas (truth) or vir (man in the ideal. As Richard Chase suggests)" (Chandler
86). The Captain's name could mean the truth, the truth of what society really is or it could be the man that people see in their ideal. Melville states,
"Captain Vere was an exceptional character... While other members of that aristocracy to which by birth he belonged were incensed at the innovators
mainly because their ... Show more content on ...
Although, he grew up privileged never did he not care about the well being of the people below him. He recognizes the truths and the reality of
society; further demonstrating why he is in conflict when events that could have been avoided occur. These events only occur because of a wicked,
villainous aristocracy. As Chandler states, "Yet in spite of, or perhaps because of, these encomiums, the name Vere came to have a pejorative
connotation in nineteenth–century fiction where it was often used to suggest a vapid, if not actually villinous aristocracy" (Chandler 86). Vere's name
in this instance represents the mischievous acts of an aristocracy, the name represents absolute power, but "absolute power corrupts absolutely" (John
Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton). Therefore, Vere's name could be interpreted as many things, his name represents how Meville sees society and how
ultimately he as a character is conflict with his own feeling versus that of which his name suggests a villainous
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Analysis Of The Geography Of Bliss By Eric Weiner
"The Geography of Bliss," by Eric Weiner, was truly an enjoyment to read. Wiener, a former NPR correspondent and self
–proclaimed Grump, takes his
own shot at trying to answer the age old question, what makes people happy and why? Writing with wit and humor, Weiner had me laughing on every
page. To summarize the novel, Weiner sets out to countries that are deemed happy, such as the Netherlands, Bhutan, and Qatar to try and figure out what
happiness is, but also why is it in that given location? He then travels to countries with low levels of contentment such as Moldova, to discover the
differences between the two. Weiner makes astounding insights on culture and happiness all while maintaining a writing style full of wit that keeps the
reader ... Show more content on ... defines Human Geography as "the study of the interaction between human beings and their environment in particular places and across
spatial areas." Relating to the book, how does geography affect happiness? "The nineteenth–century Italian painter Giovanni Segantini once said that
people of the mountains see the sun rise and set as a golden fireball, full of life and energy, while flatlanders know only a tired and drunk sun"
(Weiner 35). From the results proven by Weiner, geography does affect happiness. Bhutan is a tiny nation in the foothills of the Himalayas and was
introduced to TV in 1999, but nonetheless, the people "always seem happy" (Weiner 90). When the question gets raised, "If you took [a Bhutanese
citizen] to America, they would see what they're missing," Weiner responds with the fact that "90 percent of Bhutanese who study abroad return,
forsaking western–style incomes for life in Bhutan" (Weiner 90). Geography clearly has an effect on happiness, because these individuals are turning
down more money and jobs to return home to the place in which they feel
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Psychiatric Treatment Of Psychiatric Harm
This essay is based on the subject of whether or not a duty of care, in terms of psychiatric harm can be established through an individual or
individuals being negligent. The defendant's negligence is either due to almost injuring the claimant, who then suffers from psychiatric harm, or
killing or badly injuring a victim causing the claimant to suffer from psychiatric harm. Psychiatric harm can be defined as an assault on a person's
senses or mind rather than actual physical contact. It has to be determined from the scenarios given, whether or not Steve could be held liable for the
recognisable psychiatric harm of the individuals given in the scenario's. Psychiatric illness has to be recognisable due to the floodgates of people who
try to... Show more content on ...
With Daria stating she has nightmares and is unable to return to work, it has to be decided whether this further contributes to her condition, as for
a defendant to be liable, you have to have a recognised medical condition. If Daria is seen to have a recognisable psychiatric illness she would have
been owed a duty of care by Steve. For this to be fully established, the case of Caparo states there are three requirements for a duty of care to be
owed. These requirements are foreseeability, proximity and fair, just and reasonable. It can be understood that the actions of driving in a negligent
manner, as stated in the scenario of Tom, that harm to someone on the road would be reasonably foreseeable. The relationship of proximity in this
context relates space and time. With Daria being there at the exact timing of Tom's death and being only a few inches from injury herself, it could be
proven she satisfies the requirement for this particular part of the test by way of her shock being caused due to sudden and direct witnessing. This
can be further analysed in the case of McLoughlin v O'Brien where the House of Lords allowed the plaintiffs claim on the basis she had been around
at the time of 'the immediate
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Characteristics Of A Robber Barons
Business tycoons were gaining a substantial amount of power in the years following the Civil War. Industry was booming in America. With the
invention of railroads, steel and oil were being produced at exceptional rates. Men flocked to these new industries, creating some of the richest men in
the United States of America. Arobber baron is classified as a person who has gained wealth by corrupt and ruthless means. By this standard history
can define a robber baron by evidence of corruption and unjust treatment of workers and general public. The well known Industrialists at the end of the
nineteenth century can be described as robber barons due to their unscrupulous business tactics and values.
Cornelius " Commodore" Vanderbilt is known as the man who industrialized the American railroad. He owned and and operated a majority of
railroads in the country and was one of the richest men in America. When he past, his empire was given to his son. William H. Vanderbilt is shown
in Document 1, which is an interview with the Chicago Daily News in 1882. It shows how ruthless the Vanderbilt empire truly is. William denounces
the public for their use of the limited express, saying that he does not care for anyone's wellbeing other than his own. William Vanderbilt speaks on
how railroads are not built for the public but instead for investors, which shows his materialistic nature. This information is coming first hand by
William Vanderbilt himself, as he speaks of his consumers as if they
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Role Of Conflict Resolution In The Middle Ages
The Middle Ages began as a time characterized by great violence and strife amongst peoples who commonly faced issues using direct violence.
However, as time passed, these groups of people grew into societies, which developed into systems more familiar to contemporary landscapes. Settled
agriculture and emerging commerce linked more people together in structured organizations, encouraging the spread of ideas and widespread peace.
Often, this new connectivity furthered inclusivity and eventually advanced new ideas and systems of solving conflicts. In other instances, societies
remained intolerant to foreign notions and ideas, continuing to react with instant violence and discrimination. The varying methods of conflict
resolution during the Middle Ages can be seen through the development of representative governmental systems, increased study through the
establishment of Universities, and religious confrontation involving heretics and crusades. During the later Middle Ages, societies effectively resolved
conflict using legislation and larger participation in politics through the growth of representative government. Feudalism functioned as the system of
local government in the period, and though it was technically effective, lords felt no need for a central government under a self–proclaimed king.
Regardless, the monarchy's power grew, and when the king was not functional, as under King Stephen, England became a total anarchy, filled with
violence. People were tormented by
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Robber Barons Research Paper
The Gilded age period occurred between the civil war to the end of world war 1. During this period, the industry and U.S economy boomed. As
those two grew so did the political corruption and misdealing's among business tycoons. "Robber Barons", were known as businessmen looking only
for an eye of quick money. They provided horribly low wages to their workers with atrocious work conditions to just get ahead of competition. I
believe these men did not even consider or care about others as long as their company thrived. They used corrupted dealings and unruly business
trades to become rich. These "robber barons" such as, J.D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and many others devised schemes to gain control of
markets by buying out failing corporations. This... Show more content on ...
So, to keep his trains moving he devised a plan to ship kerosene for the struggling young Rockefeller. He gave shipping rights to Vanderbilt and it
helped Rockefeller's Oil production. This reduced the cost of shipping below the rates planned for other competitors. Rockefeller then started
undercutting the prices until his competitors fell victim to bankruptcy or sold out to Standard oil. After, his competitors ceased no more he could
raise the prices again. For many years Rockefeller played Vanderbilt and Scott against each other. He used the lower shipping rates of one company to
drive his shipping rates lower and lower. As Rockefeller's company grew, Cornelius Vanderbilt teamed up with his rival Thomas Scott. They used the
railroads against Rockefeller, who relied on them to transport his oil across the United States. They both agreed to make a standard oil shipping rate.
Seeing this made Rockefeller start to look for other means of transportation of his oil. He concluded that an oil pipeline would be the best method of
transportation. This method was very costly, but allowed him to ship
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Andrew Carnegie And The Gospel Of Wealth
Andrew Carnegie (1835–1919) was a major American industrialist in the late 19th century and after obtaining substantial wealth from his steel
industry, became an advocate for giving back to the less fortunate. Carnegie's desire to donate to those less fortunate came from past experiences,
growing up as an immigrant and working in a cotton factory young. He knew and understood the hardships that people faced when not able to acquire
the type of wealth he rose to earn. Through his long life this atypical businessman advocated for many and dedicated the later years of his life to
promoting the general welfare of the world.
After having enough of the steel industry in which Carnegie built from the ground up, with little training and knowledge in the field, other than his past
experiences from working on the railroads and investing in oil and iron companies, The Gospel of Wealth (1889) was written. At the time of booming
industry, few men had the opportunity to amass such vast fortunes such as Carnegie, and in writing The Gospel of Wealth (1889), Carnegie wanted to
inspire to those with money to donate and give back to the less fortunate, and life with be better for everyone. He penned that greedy men who let their
money die with them are a disgrace, and that the wealthy have a sort of obligation to promote the common welfare for the average American. Although
Andrew Carnegie did not write any other essay, he donated millions of dollars, funded libraries, and supported a
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Should The Postal Rule Of Acceptance?
In this situation, Cory is offering his computer as part of a unilateral contract. The "first come, first served" basis is a condition of the offer and
Cory has prescribed a certain mode of acceptance through email or fax. It has been debated whether email and fax acceptance can be considered as
instantaneous communication, or whether the postal rule of acceptance can apply to these methods. As a result of this, different approaches can be
taken to decide whether it was Dan or Eve who had completed their acceptance first and who should be provided with the computer. As it can be
seen, Cory has placed "first come, first served" as a condition of the offer; it can be argued that Dan should receive the computer because he was the
first to respond. However, it has to be considered whether Dan's acceptance can be deemed complete even though Cory did not see Dan's response
first. I submit that Dan's acceptance was complete as soon as he sent the email. This can be supported by the decision of the High Court of Singapore in
the case of Chwee Kin Keong v. Pte Ltd, in which Judicial Commissioner Rajah argued that "the party who selects the means of
communication should bear the consequences of any unexpected events" . Cory had chosen this mode of communication; therefore he must bear
responsibility of any fault. It is not Dan's responsibility to make sure that the acceptance is successfully communicated. According to this judgement, "it
could be argued that the
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Henry II And The 19th Century
Times started to transform in the 12th and 13th century with how the government ran in England. Henry II was King at this time and had developed
a government system where he had professionals work for him. These professionals had schooling and got paid salary by the King. The government
was very institutionalized with royal officials administering both revenues and law. The king did not have to be present much, in place, he had his
officials do administrative work and record keeping. The king traveled all throughout the European continent because he was able to, while his
working officials did his work in place. Henry II extended and strengthened the institutions of the English government. He became king during a
horrible civil war between two royal claimants. "The chaos had benefited the English barons and high churchmen, who gained new privileges and
powers as the monarchs authority waned" (355). Henry II's father Henry had built new castles and when Henry II took throne he confiscated the
castles and regained the crown land. He then extended monarchical power by imposing royal justice. He built it on an already well developed legal
system. "The Anglo–Saxon kings had royal district courts: the king appointed sheriffs to police the shires, muster military levies, and haul criminals
into these established institutions, Henry II add a system of judicial visitations called eyres" (357). With proceeding this system, royal
officials went all around England to judge
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The men who built America is a series that portrays the...
The men who built America is a series that portrays the life some of the richest men in America's history. It not only tells their story on how they
got rich, but it goes into details about each and every part. Those details range from small things like childhood to larger ideas like how these people
shaped the country we live in today. It starts out just a few days after the civil, stating that our country was divided into two halves. Despite that
division the country was in an age of advancement. The people of these times are supposed to be the ones who built our nation's culture. That is when
Cornelius Vanderbilt's life came into this movie. Vanderbilt was a tough guy who was always in fights and had a love for winning. Vanderbilt
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Vanderbilt bought all of the company's stock at such low prices, and he then owned the largest railroad in America. He started to run railroads all
throughout the nation, and he allowed the economy to boom. After the expansion he began to show his power to the world by building the Grand
Central Depot. The Grand Central Depot was the biggest train station in the United States, but that was not enough. Vanderbilt wanted more; he
wanted to own the entire railroad. The first step to that would be to by the railroad to Chicago or the "Erie" line. To do so he instructed his agents
to buy as much stock as possible to gain ownership of this line. Jay Gould and Tim Fisk then noticed what Vanderbilt was doing and diluted the
stock, so as Vanderbilt bought stock he would not gain much ownership. As a result, Vanderbilt spent 7 million dollars and had nothing to show for
it. That defeat humiliated him and made him vow to never get beat again. Vanderbilt began to look for a new way to win, and saw oil as the key
component to winning. He knew oil was in high demand, so if he could transport it he would have instant profits. To get that oil he found a business
man and oil refiner in Cleveland, Ohio. He met with John Rockefeller and they made an agreement to move the oil. The only problem was the
Rockefeller made an agreement that he could not make. Rockefeller knew that he would somehow get the job done,
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The Magna Carta: Still the Basis of Society for Good Reasons
The Magna Carta was an English document that was issued on June 15, 1215 and was used for the purpose of limiting the power of the King. It was
written in Latin and was the first written constitution of Europe. There were 63 clauses in the Magna Carta and many of the clauses were about
property rights for the barons, however many of the benefits were only given to the rich and many people never had a voice in the British government.
The Magna Carta was a great achievement for the English barons and, six centuries later, an inspiration for American colonists trying to get
representation for all people. The barons wanted the rights of the British Government to be recognized and sent to all countries to be read to the
freemen. While England was militarily successful the king had a good relationship with the barons, however, while England lost land the taxes for
the barons increased and the barons didn't like the fact of the taxes going up without being told which is when the barons took action against the
king and forced the signing of the Magna Carta or else the threat of a Civil War was presented. In a lecture on October 13, 2011 David Davis who is
a member of the Parliament said this about the Magna Carta
Now in Politics we're used to the law of unintended consequences. Normally it is the bad outcome of good intentions, that you set out to create a good
law and it goes wrong, I don't know, say the child support agency or the war on Iraq, whatever it might be, that went
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Essay about The Metamorphosis of Bertha in Katherine...
The Metamorphosis of Bertha in Katherine Mansfield's Bliss
Katherine Mansfield's "Bliss" is quite an interesting story full of underlying meanings and themes. Upon a first reading, it seems to be a simple story
of a woman who feels uncontainable bliss one day, only to have it end when she discovers her husband is having an affair. Although this is a correct
interpretation, after a second reading, much more is apparent. "Bliss" is a story of the revelation of a vibrant young woman, of criticism of society, and
of sexual revolution.
In order to fully comprehend the work, we see that significance comes from small details. A tree is the major symbol in this piece, and the details assist
in understanding why the pear ... Show more content on ...
Could this awry feeling be coming from an unexpected extramarital affair in which Bertha's significant other is involved? The audience's first glimpse
at the affair that Harry, Bertha's husband, is having may come when he phones home to say he will be late for their dinner party. He gives no reasons
for his tardiness, and his delayed arrival coincides with Miss Fulton's overdue entrance. Could they have had a possible rendezvous before the dinner
party? It is quite feasible.
It is also at this same time that the reader becomes aware of Bertha's yearning for her husband. It is very evident in the line, "She only wanted to get
in touch with him for a moment (146)." Bertha is brimming with life, she wants to reach out and share it with someone. She tries to share it with her
baby, but "all her feeling of bliss came back again, and again, she didn't know how to express it (146)." Bertha has trouble expressing these new
feelings to others. The nanny is angry when Bertha wants to feed the child, showing how little Bertha is involved in her daughter's life. The audience
becomes aware that Bertha and her husband are not intimate; they have more of a friendship and partnership. With Bertha saying that she wanted to get
in touch with Harry, an explanation for her feelings begins to suggest itself; without her realizing what is happening, he sexual desire is brewing inside
of her.
As Bertha dresses for dinner, she sees the
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The Doctrine Of Promissory Estoppel
Another aspect we must consider is the part payment of debt in order to understand how the doctrine of promissory estoppel can be used to aid a
debtor. The general rule regarding part payment of debt, at common law, is that it is not good consideration to pay a lesser sum. If the debtor does
not pay the creditor all that he owns, the debtor has an obligation to pay the full amount. The general rule was established in the Pinnel's case where
paying a lesser sum does not form a binding contract as there was no fresh consideration. However, within the part payment rule, there are some
exceptions. The main exception which we will be focusing on is the equity exception involving the doctrine of promissory estoppel, where the promise
to pay a lesser sum is binding even if there is no consideration.
As mentioned above the principle of promissory estoppel was introduced first in the Hughes v Metropolitan Railway. In this case Hughes had rented a
property, which he owns, to the Metropolitan Railway Company. The tenants therefore had a six month notice to fix any repairs. However during this
notice period negotiations about buying the building from Hughes took place. At the end of the six months not all of the repairs were carried out and
the tenants were sued for breach of contract. "...that if parties who have entered into definite and distinct terms involving certain legal results
...afterwards by their own act or with their own consent enter upon a course of negotiation which has the
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The Magna Cart The Balance Of Power In The Middle Ages
During the later Middle Ages, societies effectively resolved conflict using legislation and larger participation in politics through the growth of
representative government. Feudalism functioned as the system of local government in the period, and though it was technically effective, lords felt no
need for a central government under a self–proclaimed king. Regardless, the monarchy's power grew, and when the king was not functional, as under
King Stephen, England became a total anarchy, filled with violence. People were tormented by "pains unspeakable" or "exhausted with hunger" (Source
61). It was agreed that a strong central government was necessary, but barons rebelled against demanding kings. Thus, in an example of functional
diplomacy, the Magna Carta, a constitutional treaty was created. The document shifted power away from the monarch by giving rights to the people of
England, successfully solving the crisis of the extremely unequal balance of power without further violence. Landowners no longer had to rebel
against the king when they felt discriminated against under unfair ruling, and instead simply brought up the legislation of the Magna Carta against
their ruler. "Whenever the barons of England felt the king was becoming too autocratic but had difficulty in finding specific abuses to accuse him of,
they simply demanded that he confirm the Magna Carta" (Text 26). The Magna Carta's ability to shift preferred solutions from direct violence to
reliance on a piece of
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The Gilded Age : The Gilded Age
The Gilded Age was a time where new prosperities and opportunities were forming after the end of the bloody American Civil War. The United States
was able to rebuild itself after philanthropists started to help change the country into something superior and steered it away from the dreariness of the
last few years. The ultra wealthy entrepreneurs of the time primarily were John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and J. Pierpont Morgan. These men
were given the name "captain of industries" coined by Thomas Carlyle in his book, Past and Present, to describe compassionate and important men who
made significant impacts on the nation and people of America. The wealthy industrialists of the late 19th century were "captain of industries" because
they created new enterprises, they provided jobs for countless citizens, and donated to charitable causes. The industrialists of the late 19th century
were "captains of industry" because they created new industries that further flourished the United States and its economy. Railroad tycoons such as
"Cornelius Vanderbilt, James J. Hill, and Jay Gould" created the "transcontinental railroad [that] would allow for settlement of the west, new markets
for eastern manufacturers, and relief to overcrowded eastern cities" ("Binding the Nation by Rail" 1). The railroad system connected those who are
thousands of miles away and allowed goods to reach parts of the United States that it could not previously. As a result, the prices of goods dropped a
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Fort Hunter Liggett Case Study
Located in Jolon, California, Fort Hunter Liggett is a U.S. Army training facility, spanning 162,000 acres designed for field manoeuvres and live–fire
exercises for Combat Support and Service units. Chosen as one of the pilot installations for the Army Net Zero program, the base is projected to
achieve 100% Net Zero Energy by 2020. The Army Net Zero methodology is applied but is tailored to the fort's specific energy and environmental
situations. The building footprint of the base consists of 2 million square feet, which houses 1,758 personnel in 84 housing units, 2 hotels, and 6
barracks. Prior to the programme, the base consumed 82,000 MMBtu (one million British thermal units) per year, costing the government $2.6 million
dollars. The U.S. Army... Show more content on ...
Army recognized the most cost–effective process was to address energy efficiency first, and then enhance with on–site renewable energy generation.
Lighting and building envelope projects were some of the initial efficiency improvements made on the base. These improvements alone made 42% of
the projected total energy savings. After this evaluation, skylights and renewable energy, consisting of photovoltaic (PV), solar hot water, solar
ventilation preheating, and ground source heat pumps were designed to enhance and push towards net zero. Thirty–seven percent of total savings are
estimated to be from PV and 13% from ground source heat pumps. Currently, the base has a 1–megawatt (MW) solar array with a projected total of
6–MW down the road. Due to high waste removal costs, the base is planning a 425–kW waste–to–energy power plant to save money on waste disposal
and electricity production. In addition to these major projects, smaller developments such as solar street lights and electric vehicle charging stations
have been installed. These developments, varying in size, were incorporated to take advantage of fort–specific opportunities as well as to create a
well–rounded system covering multiple elements of the
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The Myth Of Robber Barons By Burton W. Folsom
Aishwarya Nandini
Jonathan M. Steplyk
HIST 1312–012
19 October 2017
Book Review: The Myth of the Robber Barons by Burton W. Folsom
The Myth of Robber Barons is a short, but excellent book that talks about the entrepreneurs of early America. It argues against the misconception that
the successful businessmen of the 19th century, often called the "robber barons", amassed a big fortune by robbing the general public, whereas, they
became wealthy because they offered good quality products and services at low prices which in turn attracted so many Americans to do business with
According to Folsom, there are two different kinds of entrepreneurs, market entrepreneurs and political entrepreneurs. Political entrepreneurs were the
ones who ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately for them, Cornelius Vanderbilt, a market entrepreneur, defeated Fulton, Collins and Cunard. Vanderbilt defeated the Fulton NY/NJ
steamship–transport monopoly by offering lower rates, earning a reputation for his punctuality, investing in faster and larger ships and providing
additional services such as concessions. Apart from this, Folsom claims that market entrepreneurs should not be labeled as robber barons at all. He
believes that market entrepreneurs were behind the actual growth of America. Unlike political entrepreneurs, they made sound products and took little
or no aid from the government. Market entrepreneurs were known as risk–takers and charitable people. Many of them donated money to the needy,
built libraries, gave land to farmers and let people go on ships for free or they had a cheaper fare. A few of the most charitable market entrepreneurs
were Andrew Carnegie James J. Hill, Cornelius Vanderbilt andJohn D. Rockefeller.
In the later chapters Folsom talks more about these great entrepreneurs. The second chapter of the book talks about the transcontinental railway tycoon,
James J. Hill. Hill built the Great Northern without any government aid while remaining highly profitable and efficient. Hill, unlike others,
meticulously planned his railways and mapped out the best routes using the least amount of rail possible, while his competitors went for expensive,
subsidy draining scenic routes. Folsom proves by using efficiency, price
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Asarco Copper Refinery Case Study
Regulated by state, local, and federal authorities; the Asarco copper refinery operated for more than 110 years and employed more than 25,000 people
/worker. As time progressed, numerous supposive health hazards that included pollution, lung cancer, lead poisoning, and exposure to dangerous
chemicals such as: Zinc, Cadmium, and Chromium, were brought upon the workers of Asarco and the community of El Paso, Texas. Due to numerous
court hearings pertaining to the subject of environmental safety, Asarco closed its doors in 1998, leaving many employees with no jobs. The
company was charged a bill of $52,000 to clean up the lot they subsided on but fought for ten years to get the right to reopen business (Stafford). On
April 15, 2013, the refinery ... Show more content on ...
Asarco granted opportunity because it provided work to families and individuals of the Sun City. The smokestack company provided to more than
three–hundred seventy men and served as a shelter in world war two, but the memories of Asarco that citizens reminisce on was the hazards and
sickness the company generated (Shapleigh). Though the company impacted the city in a positive manner, the public opinion viewed Asarco as a
"waste of space that can be made into something more attractive to the tourist's eye" (Muench). Taggers never even attempted to graffiti the place and
citizens characterized the company to smell like "a burnt out cigar bud" (Safford). The town real estate business also had no limits for the Asarco lot
and preferred it to be empty and not ruin the "perfect society" of the western side of El Paso and the Mt. Cristo Rey mountain area (Muench). Asarco
was not welcomed by the community after the disease and pollution it brought upon the town. Why many prejudiced against the company is proven in
an article by Christopher Roberts, the prejudice was due to the fact that minorities were populating the city and taking jobs from the "common white
man" (Roberts). Speculations pointed out that those against the Copper refinery were citizens that subsided miles away from the site, so far that it was
questioned how the pollution reached their house limits. In an interview with
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Marvel Film Captain Americ The Winter Soldier
Imagine a world where superheroes were real. Marvel has been winding tales much like these for years, inspiring both the young and the old, since
1939. They created their own storyline combining current topics and events and adding a dash of somewhat mystical pizzazz that is not only gripping
but intriguing. In their world you follow superheroes through their lives, learning their stories and not only understanding them on the level of a super
but on a personal level.
There are iconic superhero figures that most would recognize like Captain America and Iron Man. These two were partners at one time, fighting
side–by–side in the league known as the Avengers who fought and saved New York from an alien invasion. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe... Show
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When Steve and Bucky head to the airport to follow a lead Tony's team intercepts them causing a fight. By the end of the fight most are wounded
and almost all of Team Captain America is detained and sent to a federal prison. Bucky and Steve did manage to escape and find that it was Zemo
who had staged the bombing and set up Bucky. When this evidence comes to life Tony tracks down Bucky and Steve to try and make amends for
what had transpired earlier. Zemo was not done trying to ruin Bucky, he then shows old footage of Bucky killing Tony's parents while he was still
being controlled for HYDRA.
This prompts the last battle of the movie with Tony going after Bucky. Unable to let his best friend die, Steve jumps into save Bucky. The battle ends
with Bucky missing his arm and Steve along with Tony near death.
"Captain America: Civil War" ends with Bucky being cryogenically frozen and Steve breaking his friends out of jail. Steve did write a letter to Tony
stating that if the world needed it he, along with the others, would be back to help fight for it but under no other circumstances was Tony hearing from
them. This could mean the end of the Avengers and possibly a split in the superhero community. If the panel does end up going through that also means
more regulations on the superheroes that are out
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Summary Of The Robber Barons
In this chapter, Howard Zinn focuses on the robber barons and rebels of the 19th century. Robber Barons were businessmen who often earned their
wealth in dishonest and greedy ways. Favorable laws were made by the government towards the robber barons. The government helped the rich and
didn't care much for the lower class. Great fortune was made on the transcontinental railroad and the oil industry. Both of these companies treated their
workers poorly and paid them low wages. Corporations became very powerful by creating monopolies "A system in which one corporation controls all
or most of an industry"(173 Zinn). Politicians came up with the idea of communism and socialism, economic systems that would benefit the poor. The
Sherman Anti–Trust
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Fort Bliss Is A Military Base For The United States Army
Fort bliss is a military base for the united states army located in the sates of new mexico and texas but with its main location in el paso. The second
largest military base which is getting just bigger and bigger in population aand in size. With an area of about 1,700 square feet as well as having the
largest amry maneuver area, it has a population of 8,951 according to 2010 census making it the biggest installment of the army base accorsding to the
handbook of texas online. Fort bliss is the home of the 1st armored division 32nd army air and missle defense command and air defense artiellery
bridge the united states compelled to establish a military post on the rio grande by el paso del norte for the need to maintain regltions. (metz) ... Show
more content on ...
As well as for the water spply the city found that desalination was a usable method for growing the water supply as up tp 25% the kay bailey
hutchson desalintation plant on montana avenue is located on the fort bliss property and desalinates ground water used by el paso and fort bliss.
Fort bliss has its own headquarters they have their own operation to provide the us army with missiles and anti aircraft defense capabilities. It also
improves to have live fire training for all weapons available in the army. Fort bliss also improves to join with foreign units to train them to take on
their operation in their place. The main thing for fort bliss is to become the main base for army equipment and training. While fort bliss mintors the
missile launches that are usualy tested in the white sands missile range which is 25 miles near the mcgregor complex which hhad traingin for the air
defense team its wanting to become the premiere military base. Fort bliss was mainly established to maintain order and law in newly gained
southwest of thw us o protect ithe border and Californian settlers form the indins, at the time its budget problems for fort bliss were marking problems
which caused it to close several times.
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The Legend Of Robin Hood In Anglo-Saxon Lore
The legend of Robin Hood in Anglo–Saxon lore represents the people's hero. The histories and other few writings focused on the great deeds of high
kings, lords and knights; English folk lore gave little attention to the commoner. That is with the notable exception of the yeoman Robin Hood. English
peasants heard the tale of Robin Hood's charismatic rebellion against strict hierarchy and rejoiced. Robin was the original rebel, the original adventurer,
and the hero all Englishmen identified with. For this reason, Robin Hood has remained a key figure in the collective mythos of the English and of their
cultural children. To understand the importance of Robin Hood and his adventures, one must first appreciate the extremely mundane lives of the typical
English peasant–farmer. Born into duty and loyalty, calcified feudalism forced the serfs to work the land on which they were born for little profit
and gain for a lifetime. Most were illiterate, uneducated, and highly provincial. A serf's purpose was to remain loyal to his lord and to toil
obediently farming the land until death. Even the prospect of climbing into nobility oneself was impossible. God had made serfs into serfs and lords
into lords. To rebel against one's station in life was to rebel against God. In other words, serfs had nothing to strive for in the socioeconomic order of
medieval England. These fettered minds gave birth to a hero that captured the hopes and dreams that themselves they could never achieve. The
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Progressives versus Populists
The onset 20th Century holds two main movements: The Populists and The Progressives. These two parties are similar, but their policies and
philosophies hold diversities. The Populists party comprises of farmers and poor whites in the south; they focus on eastern interests i.e. railroads and
banks. The Populists also call for government action, to intervene and to create an efficient society which includes a flourishing middle class. The
Progressives include educated middle class men and men of universities, they too demanded for reform, but accomplish their goals through legislation
and the judicial system. The Progressives focused on reform as well as destroying the Robber Barons. Some Progressives were actually a part of the
Populist Party; they weren't contradictory parties. To simplify the matter The Populist party held picnics in order to present discussions, while the
Progressives hold educated and sophisticated men of great esteem who were much more formal. The Populist Party was the people's party, hence the
name Populist, the party was created in the late 1800s when the Southern Famer alliance contacted Powderly, the head of The Knights of Labor. The
party's first platform was called the Omaha Platform which called for the abolition of the national bank, graduated income tax, direct election of
senators, civil service reform, an eight hour work week, and the gov't control of railroads, telegraphs and telephones. The Populists supported the
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Imposing Affirmative Action in El Paso Essay
Imposing Affirmative Action in El Paso Have you ever applied for a job knowing that you are more than qualified for the position? But somehow
you remain overlooked by someone who is bilingual, and perhaps less qualified. Well I have, predominantly here in El Paso. El Paso, a city constantly
growing with more: schools, hospitals, and jobs; Where many have flourished in these endeavors. However people who are not bilingual seems to be
excluded in these opportunities. But instead of remaining unemployed; The city should enforce Affirmative Action so that many non–bilingual, and
minorities in El Paso have as many opportunities as those native to the city.One thing El Paso does not lack is Diversity. El Paso has a population of
672,538 ... Show more content on ...
Also military spouses from Japan, Germany, Korea, and all over whom does not even speak English; find themselves in a bind. Military spouses in
El Paso find themselves depending on one source of income, which may not be adequate. With only one source of income, the working spouse feels
the financial burden. Although being bilingual is an advantage for an employer, by enforcing Affirmative Action many of the people who would
normally be disregarded for being deficient in Spanish would finally have opportunities for desired positions. With applicants depending on being
bilingual for jobs, affirmative action will force employers to focus on education, certifications, and diplomas. With focusing on credentials, and not
language; Employers will hire those suitable for the job. Also, this allows bilingual to not only have language, but the necessary credentials for the job.
With having bilinguals with credentials leaves room for translations for those who do not speak the necessary language. With depending on each other
for information, bilinguals, and non– bilinguals would have to learn to communicate efficiently, and create a balanced work environment. With being a
diverse place El Paso needs to enforce Affirmative Action for those desperately finding jobs, and deficient in Spanish. Affirmative Action will not only
benefit those deficient in Spanish, but also the minorities in El Paso. Because of Hispanic,
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Robber Barons Dbq
In the late 19th Century, when industrialism became part of the American economy system, many wealthy entrepreneurs that controlled oil, gas, and
coal industries formed monopolies and trust to ensure that there were no small business to form competition. Some of the wealthy industrialists, such
as Andrew Carnegie, were considered philanthropists due to donating and acting largesse towards the lower–class citizens within the American society.
It's controversial to determine whether or not the wealthy businessmen that controlled oil, gas, and coal industries were "Robber barons" or "Captains of
Industry". The following documents will confirm with evidence that these wealthy businessmen were "Robber Barons" within the 19th Century
Industrialist ... Show more content on ...
Weaver's, "A Call to Action", 1892 (Doc. E), he claims that monopolies use unethical business practices to eliminate competition and postpone the trade
of other goods and services. James B. Weaver confirms his statement by informing his target audience of the 'Oatmeal Trust' in 1887. The purpose of the
article was to confirm with evidence that trusts were an indirect form of monopolies that were against government regulations. The article also confirms
that monopolies used trusts to make more money by assuring that the production of their goods was inexpensive and that they reduced the prices of
their goods to decrease the competition the amount of competition. For example, James B. Weaver states, "It is clear that trusts are contrary to public
policy and hence in conflict with the common law. They are monopolies organized to destroy competition and restrain trade. It is contended by those
interested in trusts that they tend to cheapen production and diminish the price of the article to the
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The Era Of The American Civil War
After the American Civil War, a laissez–faire government allowed for a new class of businessmen to rise to power: those who dominated an entire
industry, sometimes several markets. They were the hallmark of the so–called Gilded Age, which lasted from the end of reconstruction until the early
1900s. These men, known as Robber Barons, shaped the American economy, necessitating new laws to be signed to limit their power . Although there
were only four main Barons (John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and J.P. Morgan), they controlled much of the economy
with their four respective trades: Oil, steel, railroads, and banking . Although all four were important, Rockefeller and Carnegie stand head and
shoulders above the rest, becoming among the richest and most successful people the world has ever seen with the exception of some royalty.
During the Civil War, both the Union and Confederacy converted to "Total War" economies. With all industries, from manufacturing to agriculture to
textiles, focused on the war effort, many relatively new industries grew surpassingly large. Railroads in the North grew by around 16,000 miles, an
increase of nearly 75%. However, relatively small companies controlled relatively small sections of track privately. This set the stage for Vanderbilt to
begin buying up companies until he controlled one of the largest railroad networks ever seen. The latter parts of the Civil War and the early
reconstruction saw the rise of a new
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How Children 's Services Have Evolved Into Their Current Form
This essay will show how and why children's services have evolved into their current form in the UK. It will explore children's services from the
19th to the 21st century and show how they have changed and developed. This essay will look at the welfare state in relation to the Beveridge
report, the creation of the NHS and other children's services, political ideologies and policies and legislation. It will conclude with modern day
future challenges of children's services including the five social evils. Children's services support and protect vulnerable children, young people,
their families and carers. ( According to Malcolm Hill (2012), "if as societies are to achieve the best for all children and particularly
who are in need, it will require providing them with the best possible services." During the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901, there was
great wealth and also great poverty. Most middle class children worked in factories and mills; factory owners employed children as they didn't
complain and were also cheap to pay. During Victorian Britain, there were no laws to protect children from work. Lord Shaftesbury argued in
parliament for laws to be changed; inspectors went into factories to find out what they were really like, this resulted in three laws to be passed. These
were 1841 Mines Act, 1847 Ten Hour Act and 1874 Factory Act. By 1874 no child under ten would be employed in factories. ( In
1870, the government passed a law, drafted
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Jp Morgan Robber Baron Research Paper
J. P. Morgan was a robber baron because he was born into a wealthy family and did not have to completely start from the bottom and build his success
from there. However, A. Carnegie, C. Vanderbilt, and John D. Rockefeller were Captains of Industry because they were not derive from a family where
financial support, a solid education, and a business where handed to them. Also the three men, A. Carnegie, C. Vanderbilt, andJohn D. Rockefeller all
substantially donated back into the community. Carnegie Library, Vanderbilt University, Rockefeller University, and foundations such as the
Rockefeller foundations were due to the generosity of these three men who donated back to the community. Therefore, A. Carnegie, C. Vanderbilt, and
John D. ... Show more content on ...
He was once quoted saying, "I began to learn what poverty meant. It was burnt into my heart then that my father had to beg for work. And then and
there came the resolve that I would cure that when I got to be a man." He started of by working for $1.20 a week as a bobbin boy in a cotton
factory. Carnegie Later on he became a messenger. Through delivering messages he met Thomas A. Scott who would later on hire him for $35.00 a
month as a private secretary and personal telegrapher. A. Carnegie learned a lot from Scott while he worked under him. Eventually he began working
his way up the latter in the Penn. Railroad until during the civil war when he saw the perfect opportunity to join the Iron Industry. Carnegie then
resigned from Penn Railroad with the objective to earn the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time. Carnegie is credited with the
Bessemer Process as well as building the formidable American steel industry. The lateAndrew Carnegie donated lots of money to cultural, educational
and scientific charities (he put over $350 million back into the community), established over 2,500 public libraries (Carnegie libraries), and was one of
the first men to suggest a league of
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Summary Of 'Death Of The Baroness'
As said by the famous modern day artist Kanye West, "Nothing in life is promised except death". Although death is certain, the cause of death is not.
In the short story "Death of the Baroness", a disobedient Baroness leaves her castle to visit her lover despite her husband's strict instructions to stay at
home. Unfortunately, upon her return home she was murdered by a madman blocking her path. The Baroness' lover is guiltiest for her death because
he held an affair with the married woman, didn't provide any assistance when the Baroness faced the madman, and restricted their relationship to only a
romantic one. The short story must have taken place in the medieval times, suggested by the social structure consisted of Barons and the economic
structure of castles and tenants. In this time, women did not make many of their own decisions, often men made those decisions for them. The lover
made the decision of holding an affair with a married woman, the Baroness. By having an affair, the Baroness wasn't loyal to her husband, which
further led to her disloyalty towards his instruction to not leave the castle, despite the fact she promised to stay. Had her loyalty not been spoiled by
the lover she would never have left the castle for any reason. Unsurprisingly, the lover happened to be the reason for Baroness leaving the castle. Had
the lover not held the affair, the Baroness would not have left the castle, since she left only to meet him. In fact, the Baroness could have
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Theme Of Bliss By Katherine Mansfield
''Bliss'' is a short story written by Katherine Mansfield in 1918.The story focuses on a day of Bertha Young who is a lovely, restless and kind of
hysterical woman. She is married Harry and they have a little baby called as ''Little B'' and on that day, they invite their friends,–the Norman Knights,
Eddie Warren and Pearl Fulton– for a dinner. During all this conventional scene, we, as readers, witness the journey of Bertha from ignorance to
awareness about her love and sexual desire for another woman, Miss Fulton. Mansfield reveals Bertha's sexual orientation through the technique of
symbolism by using many lively and colorful images such as a pear tree, moon and a walled garden. In the late 19th– the early 20th century,
homosexuality was common among people in England although it was seen as a criminal act and there were many penances ... Show more content on ...
She organizes, for instance, the fruits according to their colors and her garden, especially the pear tree in it, bears importance for her. She likens
herself to that colorful and blossomy tree. ''And she seemed to see on her eyelids the lovely pear tree with its wide–open blossoms as a symbol of her
own life'' (6). That's why, at the end, when she learns the affair between Harry and Pearl, she runs over to window to see the pear tree, to see that it
is still there intact. ''Oh, what is going to happen now? She cried. But the pear tree was as lovely as ever and as full of flower an as still'' (16) Also, the
pear tree serves Mansfield's view that one can be both female and male at the same in a relationship. In many literary works, especially the ones
that belong to Medieval period, pear tree is used as a symbol of phallus of male. Thus, Mansfield ascribes masculinity to Bertha in her relationship
with Miss Fulton by likening her to the pear tree. Like a pear tree, moon is also used as a symbol of gender
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Andrew Carnegie, John Davison Rockefeller, and John...
In the years following the Civil War, the American economy was suffering from extreme disorder. However, during the late 1800s and early 1900s,
important leaders of American industry arose, essentially transforming the American financial system from chaos to efficiency. These powerful men
shaped America into a world superpower and the country's economy sparked jealous across the globe. Their contributions to business positively
affected not only the United States' economy, but society as well. Andrew Carnegie, John Davison Rockefeller, and John Pierpont Morgan reflect the
mammoth industrial age of America. Although some may argue these industrialists were "robber barons," these men were, in reality, "captains of
industry" utilizing modern ... Show more content on ...
His goal was to spread efficiency and organization throughout every company he owned and operated. Through Rockefeller's efforts, the chaos of
the oil industry was transformed into order and stability. His influence in this industry led to the creation of a myriad of products for the public
which only bettered their ways of life. Similar to Carnegie, Rockefeller also fostered lower prices for oil, making light cheap and available to the
public as the oil was mainly utilized in kerosene lamps. His Standard Oil Company served as precursor of America's economic success both at home
and on an international level.
Morgan, along with Carnegie and Rockefeller, worked to make the American economy organized and systematic. In fact, Morgan effectively bailed
out the American financial system two times. At one point, the U.S. Treasury seemed on the brink of failure as it "didn't have enough gold in reserve
to meet its bills" (27). J.P. Morgan provided the nation with $62 million, saving the American economy. Later on, the nation faced a financial problem,
so destructive that it could have led to a depression. The situation was so horrific that a trust company nearly collapsed, which would have promoted
widespread panic. Morgan convinced several of the nation's foremost financers to lend money in an effort to save the trust, in turn saving the country
from a financial catastrophe. Morgan is also infamously known for creating successful companies from failing
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The Gilded Age : The Gilded Age Robber Barons?
Gilded Age Robber Barons?
In the 19th century, the Gilded age was this period of time when America looked like this massive productive country. What people do not know
was that in the inside they were this suffering country that had massive poverty and thousands of people without jobs. America was filled with
industrialists which are also called Robber Barons. Robber Barons were these people who basically stole fortunes by having their employees work
12 hour days, 7 days a week and getting paid about 15 cents an hour. Andrew Carnegie was a really wealthy businessman who made steel. Carnegie
made millions of dollars but in the end he still paid his workers very little. His employees worked long hard days and at the end of the day they got
paid hardly nothing. These workers also worked in bad conditions and some of the workers were kids and they were having them do some of the
really hard dangerous work. According to a US history author "They received no health benefits, no vacation, and suffered from periodic layoffs
because of downturns in the business cycle( The Gilded age pg. 1) The 19th century during the Gilded age most of the big business men where these
guys who had massive amounts of money and yet they pay their workers really low wages with bad conditions.
Thomas Hobbes described this decade as "life in nature as poor, solitary, nasty, brutish, short and for many workers that was the case "(The Gilded age
pg.1) Workers during the Industrial age people were
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The Importance Of The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta also opened up a door to the idea that those in power could punish those who didn't follow the Charter or the Church. On 13 May
1253, the Archbishop of Canterbury and thirteen of his suffragan bishops pronounced a sentence of excommunication in the great hall at Westminster,
against anyone who violated ecclesiastical liberties or the liberties contained in Magna Carta and the Charter of the Forest. They then proceeded to
'excommunicate, anathematize, and sequester from the threshold of the holy mother Church' all those who deprived churches of their rights, or who
violated, infringed, or diminished the free customs and liberties of the realm, especially those contained in the Charters. Anyone who disturbed the
peace of the kingdom was also excommunicated. In a paper titled Canon Law and Pastoral Care: Excommunication and the Church's Publication of the
Charter by Felicity G. Hill, she states that, "he pronounced a solemn sentence of excommunication against those who infringed Magna Carta and the
Charter of the Forest. This occasion began both a tradition in which the charters were confirmed and reissued in return for the granting of taxes to the
king, and a tradition of ecclesiastical support for the charters demonstrated through sentences of excommunication against those violating their terms."
(pg 1). Not only were ideas of limited government spread, and more rights for men but also the ideas that this would be enforced harshly. The Barons
also wrote in
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Baron in the Trees Essay
The book "The Baron in the Trees," by Italo Calvino is about the Baron Cosimo Piovasco di Rondò, or simply known as Cosimo, spent
almost all of his life living up in the trees of Ombrosa after refusing to eat the disgusting plate of snails that his sister had made for the family dinner
one night when he was twelve. Cosimo kept to his word "I'll never come down again!" (Calvino 13) and he never set foot on the ground again. Cosimo
was not bound to one tree though; he was able to travel to many parts of Ombrosa by tree, and lead a very adventurous and full life. The main point of
my essay is to discuss the ongoing relationship between Cosimo and the environment.
Cosimo cared deeply for the environment in which he lived, and to get ... Show more content on ...
He also traveled and explored many parts of Ombrosa when he first moved into his new kingdom of the trees.
During the eighteenth century, due to the industrial revolution and the advent of steam power and other modern devices the once lush and plentiful trees
of Italy had, were cut down in order to fuel the fires, create more power, and drive the revolution. In the closing paragraphs Biagio states "trees
seem almost to have no right here since my brother left or since they have been swept by this frenzy for the ax." (Calvino 217) And that the arrival
of the French and Napoleon's army, the chopping of the trees went on. There are very few forests left in Lombardy as they were described as in the
book, if any. According to The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia Lombardy is now "the chief commercial, industrial, and financial center in Italy,
and Lombardy is the country's leading industrial region." This would explain why people decided to cut down the trees in order to help make way for
the growing economy.
Cosimo's relationship with the trees was not just a place to live, but more than that. He cared for the trees and protected them as much as he possibly
could, as if he were defending a friend or family member. He and the Abbé constructed an irrigation system in order to put out the forest fires if
they broke out. He also told the French army where they could build new roads, "Cosimo
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The Gilded Age And Imperialism Expansion
Luke McGrath
HIS 122–101
Midterm Exam
Part I: Short Essay Format
Question #1, American attitudes toward our culture can be paradoxical The Gilded Age or Imperialism expansion examine the conflicting values that
America held for each.
The gilded age was a period in history that caused a vast transformation due to the increase of American industrialization. Values and attitudes toward
The Gilded Age varied.
The poor workers often saw the changed caused by the Gilded Age as corrupt, where the rich business men looked at it as a positive change. The
poor laborers in the gilded age often viewed the change that occurred during the era as a negative one. The fact that working conditions for
laborers were poor was no secret. A passage from Upton Sinclair's The Jungle depicts these conditions of an old man stating, "He worked in a place
where his feet were soaked in chemicals and it was not long before the chemicals had eaten through his boots. Then sores began to break out on his
feet and grew worse and worse." In the end of this story the man continued to work until he died because he needed to take care of his family. This
alone would tend to develop an attitude of negativity by poor immigrants and laborers toward changes made by the gilded. For more proof one can
find various examples of strikes and civil unrest by workers usually against business owners and police. This too is evidence that the poor laborers of
the time were unhappy with their situation.
On the
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19th Century 's Famous Industrial Men : Robber Barons Or...
Nineteenth century's famous industrial men:
Robber Barons or Captains of Industry?
Justine Wetten
Advanced U.S. History
Mr. Unis
January 5th, 2015
Discuss whether the industrial leaders of the late nineteenth century are more accurately described as "captains of industry" or "robber barons"?
A. Plan of Investigation
This investigation will assess whether the industrial leaders, such as, Andrew Carnegie, John Pierpont Morgan and John Davison Rockefeller were
perceived as captains of industry or robber barons. In order to evaluate this claim, the investigation will analyze their major contributions to American
Society; how they treated their workers in the factory; and why people questioned their honesty because of the techniques they used to eliminate their
competitors. Mostly secondary sources were used, as well as some primary sources. Two of the sources used in this essay are The Robber Barons: The
Great American Capitalists by Matthew Josephson and Wisdom from the Robber Barons: Enduring Business Lessons from Rockefeller, Morgan, and
the First Industrialists by George D. Smith which will be evaluated for their origins, purposes, values, and limitations.
This investigation does not assess any other nineteenth century industrial leaders.
Part B
In 1863, when Andrew Carnegie was 27, he began working for Pennsylvania Railroad, which was considered a small fortune.
Andrew Carnegie moved to
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Purpose Of An Article Word The Article So It Is Unique...
Goal: Re–write/re–word the article so it is unique from a google duplicate content, and copyright perspective. 600 to 800 words. Word Count in this
Document: Title: Finding A Purpose Can Help You Find Bliss in Life and at Work The word "purpose" comes from the Old French word purpos and
the combination of the Anglo–French words purpos and proposer. Purpose is defined as "the reason for which something is done or created or for
which something exists." In its verb form it means "to have as one's intention or objective." As a noun, it proposes a state of being. Dan Pontefract,
author of The Purpose Effect: Building Meaning in Yourself, Your Role and Your Organization, describes a three
–way relationship between one's own
sense of purpose,... Show more content on ...
This can mean less engagement and a worsening work ethic. When an individual's purpose is not being met, he or she can become lethargic, isolated,
and apathetic. Pontefract would like his readers to consider the trifecta as a three–legged bar stool. When one leg is uneven or broken, things start to
crumble, whether it be the individual, the company, or the society. Those who lack direction when such scenarios arise, simply go through the
motions, waiting until their voice matters. They are stomped under the shoes of their senior leaders who simply pursue their professional goals. Just
an inch off of one leg of the barstool can lead to devastation. However, when you can witness someone working hard to fulfill their discovered
purpose, you can see them grow, and discover joy and self–confidence. When you do it, your life begins to thrive and blossom. When the organization
delineates their own direction and mission, and it happens to benefit all parties of the enterprise–owners, employees, customers, the community, and the
environment–not just the ones at the top, it allows positivity to spread like the light from a sunrise. As Pontefract states that "when personal,
organizational, and role purpose become symbiotic, the pro's outweigh the con's time and time again." Take Lindsay Hemric for example. In 2010,
Hemric chose to work for
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Search For Happiness In Eric Weiner's The Geography Of Bliss
In The Geography of Bliss, Eric Weiner travels to many different countries in search of one thing: happiness. The book details the writer's, Eric
Weiner's, journey to multiple countries and his experiences there on his search for happiness. He searches from the unhappiest countries to the happiest
countries to find how geography affects the happiness of the people that live there. His search often has interesting clashes between philosophical and
scientific viewpoints on happiness.
In the Netherlands he encounters an interesting point when he meets scholars of the World Database of Happiness or the WDH. This organization
focuses on using hard facts and statistics to measure the happiness of multiple countries around the world. This seems to be a mistake, since happiness
is generally supposed to be some magical feeling that is constantly sought ... Show more content on ...
He goes there to see if the people there can actually buy their happiness which the readers should already know is not true since the WDH already
said that money doesn't equal happiness. He states that Qatar has no culture of it's own, but must buy one. This tells the reader that with all this money
Qatar Loses it's own culture and by extension it's identity. Eric starts to believe that Qatar is happy with all of their money. Eric then finds that sadness
can strike even the super rich when he learns of the sick child of a citizen there. With this he brings in the new theory that to be happy, one must
experience sadness first.
Qatar is a rare and interesting case since it's so closed off from the rest of the world. This isolation means that it has very little diversity which would
have led to a nice topic about how it affects happiness. He could've made the argument that the lack of diversity could mean that there is less conflict
and therefore more happiness. It seems that he missed an important topic here that would've led to a larger study at the
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Similarities Between Andrew Carnegie And Henry Frick

  • 1. Similarities Between Andrew Carnegie And Henry Frick If one aligns oneself with another person, and the person whom he or she has partnered up with is a difficult or stubborn person, it will make a difference in what they are trying to pursue. The people with whom one aligns oneself with makes all the difference. This is proven in the relationships between Andrew Carnegie and Henry Frick, Cornelius Vanderbilt and Thomas Scott, and Thomas Edison and J.P Morgan. Henry Frick threw Carnegie's reputation down the drain. Henry is known for being a cruel, harsh, and demanding businessman. Andrew decided he was going to leave Carnegie Steel to Frick while he was in Scotland. That was a terrible idea made by Carnegie. Henry Frick went crazy with power and became very aggressive. Carnegie Steel becomes portrayed as ruthless and mean. To add Frick decided to change working hours and make them longer. Working in the conditions for a steel manufactory is very difficult and dangerous. The workers weren't getting paid much to live off of either. Because of this the workers went on strike, and Henry continuing to be the ruthless man he is ordered the Pinkertons to intimidate them. When the steel workers held their ground, the Pinkertons fired. They killed seven workers and shot twenty ... Show more content on ... They fought for the control of the railroads like cats and dogs. They both finally realized John D. Rockefeller was rising above them both in money with his oil. Vanderbilt was the first to notice if they align themselves, Vanderbilt and Scott, they could stop him from getting any richer. Together they decided to pull their deals with Rockefeller. Their allegiance together made a huge difference for Rockefeller and their plan worked for a little while. If they never had aligned themselves deals with Rockefeller would have kept on going and he would have never discovered that one can move oil through pipes. Thomas Scott's business deteriorated and their plan did not succeed for too ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Analysis Of The Geography Of Bliss By Eric Weiner "The Geography of Bliss," by Eric Weiner, was truly an enjoyment to read. Wiener, a former NPR correspondent and self –proclaimed Grump, takes his own shot at trying to answer the age old question, what makes people happy and why? Writing with wit and humor, Weiner had me laughing on every page. To summarize the novel, Weiner sets out to countries that are deemed happy, such as the Netherlands, Bhutan, and Qatar to try and figure out what happiness is, but also why is it in that given location? He then travels to countries with low levels of contentment such as Moldova, to discover the differences between the two. Weiner makes astounding insights on culture and happiness all while maintaining a writing style full of wit that keeps the reader ... Show more content on ... defines Human Geography as "the study of the interaction between human beings and their environment in particular places and across spatial areas." Relating to the book, how does geography affect happiness? "The nineteenth–century Italian painter Giovanni Segantini once said that people of the mountains see the sun rise and set as a golden fireball, full of life and energy, while flatlanders know only a tired and drunk sun" (Weiner 35). From the results proven by Weiner, geography does affect happiness. Bhutan is a tiny nation in the foothills of the Himalayas and was introduced to TV in 1999, but nonetheless, the people "always seem happy" (Weiner 90). When the question gets raised, "If you took [a Bhutanese citizen] to America, they would see what they're missing," Weiner responds with the fact that "90 percent of Bhutanese who study abroad return, forsaking western–style incomes for life in Bhutan" (Weiner 90). Geography clearly has an effect on happiness, because these individuals are turning down more money and jobs to return home to the place in which they feel ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Psychiatric Treatment Of Psychiatric Harm This essay is based on the subject of whether or not a duty of care, in terms of psychiatric harm can be established through an individual or individuals being negligent. The defendant's negligence is either due to almost injuring the claimant, who then suffers from psychiatric harm, or killing or badly injuring a victim causing the claimant to suffer from psychiatric harm. Psychiatric harm can be defined as an assault on a person's senses or mind rather than actual physical contact. It has to be determined from the scenarios given, whether or not Steve could be held liable for the recognisable psychiatric harm of the individuals given in the scenario's. Psychiatric illness has to be recognisable due to the floodgates of people who try to... Show more content on ... With Daria stating she has nightmares and is unable to return to work, it has to be decided whether this further contributes to her condition, as for a defendant to be liable, you have to have a recognised medical condition. If Daria is seen to have a recognisable psychiatric illness she would have been owed a duty of care by Steve. For this to be fully established, the case of Caparo states there are three requirements for a duty of care to be owed. These requirements are foreseeability, proximity and fair, just and reasonable. It can be understood that the actions of driving in a negligent manner, as stated in the scenario of Tom, that harm to someone on the road would be reasonably foreseeable. The relationship of proximity in this context relates space and time. With Daria being there at the exact timing of Tom's death and being only a few inches from injury herself, it could be proven she satisfies the requirement for this particular part of the test by way of her shock being caused due to sudden and direct witnessing. This can be further analysed in the case of McLoughlin v O'Brien where the House of Lords allowed the plaintiffs claim on the basis she had been around at the time of 'the immediate ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Characteristics Of A Robber Barons Business tycoons were gaining a substantial amount of power in the years following the Civil War. Industry was booming in America. With the invention of railroads, steel and oil were being produced at exceptional rates. Men flocked to these new industries, creating some of the richest men in the United States of America. Arobber baron is classified as a person who has gained wealth by corrupt and ruthless means. By this standard history can define a robber baron by evidence of corruption and unjust treatment of workers and general public. The well known Industrialists at the end of the nineteenth century can be described as robber barons due to their unscrupulous business tactics and values. Cornelius " Commodore" Vanderbilt is known as the man who industrialized the American railroad. He owned and and operated a majority of railroads in the country and was one of the richest men in America. When he past, his empire was given to his son. William H. Vanderbilt is shown in Document 1, which is an interview with the Chicago Daily News in 1882. It shows how ruthless the Vanderbilt empire truly is. William denounces the public for their use of the limited express, saying that he does not care for anyone's wellbeing other than his own. William Vanderbilt speaks on how railroads are not built for the public but instead for investors, which shows his materialistic nature. This information is coming first hand by William Vanderbilt himself, as he speaks of his consumers as if they ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Role Of Conflict Resolution In The Middle Ages The Middle Ages began as a time characterized by great violence and strife amongst peoples who commonly faced issues using direct violence. However, as time passed, these groups of people grew into societies, which developed into systems more familiar to contemporary landscapes. Settled agriculture and emerging commerce linked more people together in structured organizations, encouraging the spread of ideas and widespread peace. Often, this new connectivity furthered inclusivity and eventually advanced new ideas and systems of solving conflicts. In other instances, societies remained intolerant to foreign notions and ideas, continuing to react with instant violence and discrimination. The varying methods of conflict resolution during the Middle Ages can be seen through the development of representative governmental systems, increased study through the establishment of Universities, and religious confrontation involving heretics and crusades. During the later Middle Ages, societies effectively resolved conflict using legislation and larger participation in politics through the growth of representative government. Feudalism functioned as the system of local government in the period, and though it was technically effective, lords felt no need for a central government under a self–proclaimed king. Regardless, the monarchy's power grew, and when the king was not functional, as under King Stephen, England became a total anarchy, filled with violence. People were tormented by ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Robber Barons Research Paper The Gilded age period occurred between the civil war to the end of world war 1. During this period, the industry and U.S economy boomed. As those two grew so did the political corruption and misdealing's among business tycoons. "Robber Barons", were known as businessmen looking only for an eye of quick money. They provided horribly low wages to their workers with atrocious work conditions to just get ahead of competition. I believe these men did not even consider or care about others as long as their company thrived. They used corrupted dealings and unruly business trades to become rich. These "robber barons" such as, J.D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and many others devised schemes to gain control of markets by buying out failing corporations. This... Show more content on ... So, to keep his trains moving he devised a plan to ship kerosene for the struggling young Rockefeller. He gave shipping rights to Vanderbilt and it helped Rockefeller's Oil production. This reduced the cost of shipping below the rates planned for other competitors. Rockefeller then started undercutting the prices until his competitors fell victim to bankruptcy or sold out to Standard oil. After, his competitors ceased no more he could raise the prices again. For many years Rockefeller played Vanderbilt and Scott against each other. He used the lower shipping rates of one company to drive his shipping rates lower and lower. As Rockefeller's company grew, Cornelius Vanderbilt teamed up with his rival Thomas Scott. They used the railroads against Rockefeller, who relied on them to transport his oil across the United States. They both agreed to make a standard oil shipping rate. Seeing this made Rockefeller start to look for other means of transportation of his oil. He concluded that an oil pipeline would be the best method of transportation. This method was very costly, but allowed him to ship ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Andrew Carnegie And The Gospel Of Wealth Andrew Carnegie (1835–1919) was a major American industrialist in the late 19th century and after obtaining substantial wealth from his steel industry, became an advocate for giving back to the less fortunate. Carnegie's desire to donate to those less fortunate came from past experiences, growing up as an immigrant and working in a cotton factory young. He knew and understood the hardships that people faced when not able to acquire the type of wealth he rose to earn. Through his long life this atypical businessman advocated for many and dedicated the later years of his life to promoting the general welfare of the world. After having enough of the steel industry in which Carnegie built from the ground up, with little training and knowledge in the field, other than his past experiences from working on the railroads and investing in oil and iron companies, The Gospel of Wealth (1889) was written. At the time of booming industry, few men had the opportunity to amass such vast fortunes such as Carnegie, and in writing The Gospel of Wealth (1889), Carnegie wanted to inspire to those with money to donate and give back to the less fortunate, and life with be better for everyone. He penned that greedy men who let their money die with them are a disgrace, and that the wealthy have a sort of obligation to promote the common welfare for the average American. Although Andrew Carnegie did not write any other essay, he donated millions of dollars, funded libraries, and supported a ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Should The Postal Rule Of Acceptance? In this situation, Cory is offering his computer as part of a unilateral contract. The "first come, first served" basis is a condition of the offer and Cory has prescribed a certain mode of acceptance through email or fax. It has been debated whether email and fax acceptance can be considered as instantaneous communication, or whether the postal rule of acceptance can apply to these methods. As a result of this, different approaches can be taken to decide whether it was Dan or Eve who had completed their acceptance first and who should be provided with the computer. As it can be seen, Cory has placed "first come, first served" as a condition of the offer; it can be argued that Dan should receive the computer because he was the first to respond. However, it has to be considered whether Dan's acceptance can be deemed complete even though Cory did not see Dan's response first. I submit that Dan's acceptance was complete as soon as he sent the email. This can be supported by the decision of the High Court of Singapore in the case of Chwee Kin Keong v. Pte Ltd, in which Judicial Commissioner Rajah argued that "the party who selects the means of communication should bear the consequences of any unexpected events" . Cory had chosen this mode of communication; therefore he must bear responsibility of any fault. It is not Dan's responsibility to make sure that the acceptance is successfully communicated. According to this judgement, "it could be argued that the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Henry II And The 19th Century Times started to transform in the 12th and 13th century with how the government ran in England. Henry II was King at this time and had developed a government system where he had professionals work for him. These professionals had schooling and got paid salary by the King. The government was very institutionalized with royal officials administering both revenues and law. The king did not have to be present much, in place, he had his officials do administrative work and record keeping. The king traveled all throughout the European continent because he was able to, while his working officials did his work in place. Henry II extended and strengthened the institutions of the English government. He became king during a horrible civil war between two royal claimants. "The chaos had benefited the English barons and high churchmen, who gained new privileges and powers as the monarchs authority waned" (355). Henry II's father Henry had built new castles and when Henry II took throne he confiscated the castles and regained the crown land. He then extended monarchical power by imposing royal justice. He built it on an already well developed legal system. "The Anglo–Saxon kings had royal district courts: the king appointed sheriffs to police the shires, muster military levies, and haul criminals into these established institutions, Henry II add a system of judicial visitations called eyres" (357). With proceeding this system, royal officials went all around England to judge ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The men who built America is a series that portrays the... The men who built America is a series that portrays the life some of the richest men in America's history. It not only tells their story on how they got rich, but it goes into details about each and every part. Those details range from small things like childhood to larger ideas like how these people shaped the country we live in today. It starts out just a few days after the civil, stating that our country was divided into two halves. Despite that division the country was in an age of advancement. The people of these times are supposed to be the ones who built our nation's culture. That is when Cornelius Vanderbilt's life came into this movie. Vanderbilt was a tough guy who was always in fights and had a love for winning. Vanderbilt ... Show more content on ... Vanderbilt bought all of the company's stock at such low prices, and he then owned the largest railroad in America. He started to run railroads all throughout the nation, and he allowed the economy to boom. After the expansion he began to show his power to the world by building the Grand Central Depot. The Grand Central Depot was the biggest train station in the United States, but that was not enough. Vanderbilt wanted more; he wanted to own the entire railroad. The first step to that would be to by the railroad to Chicago or the "Erie" line. To do so he instructed his agents to buy as much stock as possible to gain ownership of this line. Jay Gould and Tim Fisk then noticed what Vanderbilt was doing and diluted the stock, so as Vanderbilt bought stock he would not gain much ownership. As a result, Vanderbilt spent 7 million dollars and had nothing to show for it. That defeat humiliated him and made him vow to never get beat again. Vanderbilt began to look for a new way to win, and saw oil as the key component to winning. He knew oil was in high demand, so if he could transport it he would have instant profits. To get that oil he found a business man and oil refiner in Cleveland, Ohio. He met with John Rockefeller and they made an agreement to move the oil. The only problem was the Rockefeller made an agreement that he could not make. Rockefeller knew that he would somehow get the job done, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Magna Carta: Still the Basis of Society for Good Reasons The Magna Carta was an English document that was issued on June 15, 1215 and was used for the purpose of limiting the power of the King. It was written in Latin and was the first written constitution of Europe. There were 63 clauses in the Magna Carta and many of the clauses were about property rights for the barons, however many of the benefits were only given to the rich and many people never had a voice in the British government. The Magna Carta was a great achievement for the English barons and, six centuries later, an inspiration for American colonists trying to get representation for all people. The barons wanted the rights of the British Government to be recognized and sent to all countries to be read to the freemen. While England was militarily successful the king had a good relationship with the barons, however, while England lost land the taxes for the barons increased and the barons didn't like the fact of the taxes going up without being told which is when the barons took action against the king and forced the signing of the Magna Carta or else the threat of a Civil War was presented. In a lecture on October 13, 2011 David Davis who is a member of the Parliament said this about the Magna Carta Now in Politics we're used to the law of unintended consequences. Normally it is the bad outcome of good intentions, that you set out to create a good law and it goes wrong, I don't know, say the child support agency or the war on Iraq, whatever it might be, that went ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Essay about The Metamorphosis of Bertha in Katherine... The Metamorphosis of Bertha in Katherine Mansfield's Bliss Katherine Mansfield's "Bliss" is quite an interesting story full of underlying meanings and themes. Upon a first reading, it seems to be a simple story of a woman who feels uncontainable bliss one day, only to have it end when she discovers her husband is having an affair. Although this is a correct interpretation, after a second reading, much more is apparent. "Bliss" is a story of the revelation of a vibrant young woman, of criticism of society, and of sexual revolution. In order to fully comprehend the work, we see that significance comes from small details. A tree is the major symbol in this piece, and the details assist in understanding why the pear ... Show more content on ... Could this awry feeling be coming from an unexpected extramarital affair in which Bertha's significant other is involved? The audience's first glimpse at the affair that Harry, Bertha's husband, is having may come when he phones home to say he will be late for their dinner party. He gives no reasons for his tardiness, and his delayed arrival coincides with Miss Fulton's overdue entrance. Could they have had a possible rendezvous before the dinner party? It is quite feasible. It is also at this same time that the reader becomes aware of Bertha's yearning for her husband. It is very evident in the line, "She only wanted to get in touch with him for a moment (146)." Bertha is brimming with life, she wants to reach out and share it with someone. She tries to share it with her baby, but "all her feeling of bliss came back again, and again, she didn't know how to express it (146)." Bertha has trouble expressing these new feelings to others. The nanny is angry when Bertha wants to feed the child, showing how little Bertha is involved in her daughter's life. The audience becomes aware that Bertha and her husband are not intimate; they have more of a friendship and partnership. With Bertha saying that she wanted to get in touch with Harry, an explanation for her feelings begins to suggest itself; without her realizing what is happening, he sexual desire is brewing inside of her. As Bertha dresses for dinner, she sees the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Doctrine Of Promissory Estoppel Another aspect we must consider is the part payment of debt in order to understand how the doctrine of promissory estoppel can be used to aid a debtor. The general rule regarding part payment of debt, at common law, is that it is not good consideration to pay a lesser sum. If the debtor does not pay the creditor all that he owns, the debtor has an obligation to pay the full amount. The general rule was established in the Pinnel's case where paying a lesser sum does not form a binding contract as there was no fresh consideration. However, within the part payment rule, there are some exceptions. The main exception which we will be focusing on is the equity exception involving the doctrine of promissory estoppel, where the promise to pay a lesser sum is binding even if there is no consideration. As mentioned above the principle of promissory estoppel was introduced first in the Hughes v Metropolitan Railway. In this case Hughes had rented a property, which he owns, to the Metropolitan Railway Company. The tenants therefore had a six month notice to fix any repairs. However during this notice period negotiations about buying the building from Hughes took place. At the end of the six months not all of the repairs were carried out and the tenants were sued for breach of contract. "...that if parties who have entered into definite and distinct terms involving certain legal results ...afterwards by their own act or with their own consent enter upon a course of negotiation which has the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Magna Cart The Balance Of Power In The Middle Ages During the later Middle Ages, societies effectively resolved conflict using legislation and larger participation in politics through the growth of representative government. Feudalism functioned as the system of local government in the period, and though it was technically effective, lords felt no need for a central government under a self–proclaimed king. Regardless, the monarchy's power grew, and when the king was not functional, as under King Stephen, England became a total anarchy, filled with violence. People were tormented by "pains unspeakable" or "exhausted with hunger" (Source 61). It was agreed that a strong central government was necessary, but barons rebelled against demanding kings. Thus, in an example of functional diplomacy, the Magna Carta, a constitutional treaty was created. The document shifted power away from the monarch by giving rights to the people of England, successfully solving the crisis of the extremely unequal balance of power without further violence. Landowners no longer had to rebel against the king when they felt discriminated against under unfair ruling, and instead simply brought up the legislation of the Magna Carta against their ruler. "Whenever the barons of England felt the king was becoming too autocratic but had difficulty in finding specific abuses to accuse him of, they simply demanded that he confirm the Magna Carta" (Text 26). The Magna Carta's ability to shift preferred solutions from direct violence to reliance on a piece of ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Gilded Age : The Gilded Age The Gilded Age was a time where new prosperities and opportunities were forming after the end of the bloody American Civil War. The United States was able to rebuild itself after philanthropists started to help change the country into something superior and steered it away from the dreariness of the last few years. The ultra wealthy entrepreneurs of the time primarily were John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and J. Pierpont Morgan. These men were given the name "captain of industries" coined by Thomas Carlyle in his book, Past and Present, to describe compassionate and important men who made significant impacts on the nation and people of America. The wealthy industrialists of the late 19th century were "captain of industries" because they created new enterprises, they provided jobs for countless citizens, and donated to charitable causes. The industrialists of the late 19th century were "captains of industry" because they created new industries that further flourished the United States and its economy. Railroad tycoons such as "Cornelius Vanderbilt, James J. Hill, and Jay Gould" created the "transcontinental railroad [that] would allow for settlement of the west, new markets for eastern manufacturers, and relief to overcrowded eastern cities" ("Binding the Nation by Rail" 1). The railroad system connected those who are thousands of miles away and allowed goods to reach parts of the United States that it could not previously. As a result, the prices of goods dropped a ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Fort Hunter Liggett Case Study Located in Jolon, California, Fort Hunter Liggett is a U.S. Army training facility, spanning 162,000 acres designed for field manoeuvres and live–fire exercises for Combat Support and Service units. Chosen as one of the pilot installations for the Army Net Zero program, the base is projected to achieve 100% Net Zero Energy by 2020. The Army Net Zero methodology is applied but is tailored to the fort's specific energy and environmental situations. The building footprint of the base consists of 2 million square feet, which houses 1,758 personnel in 84 housing units, 2 hotels, and 6 barracks. Prior to the programme, the base consumed 82,000 MMBtu (one million British thermal units) per year, costing the government $2.6 million dollars. The U.S. Army... Show more content on ... Army recognized the most cost–effective process was to address energy efficiency first, and then enhance with on–site renewable energy generation. Lighting and building envelope projects were some of the initial efficiency improvements made on the base. These improvements alone made 42% of the projected total energy savings. After this evaluation, skylights and renewable energy, consisting of photovoltaic (PV), solar hot water, solar ventilation preheating, and ground source heat pumps were designed to enhance and push towards net zero. Thirty–seven percent of total savings are estimated to be from PV and 13% from ground source heat pumps. Currently, the base has a 1–megawatt (MW) solar array with a projected total of 6–MW down the road. Due to high waste removal costs, the base is planning a 425–kW waste–to–energy power plant to save money on waste disposal and electricity production. In addition to these major projects, smaller developments such as solar street lights and electric vehicle charging stations have been installed. These developments, varying in size, were incorporated to take advantage of fort–specific opportunities as well as to create a well–rounded system covering multiple elements of the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Myth Of Robber Barons By Burton W. Folsom Aishwarya Nandini Jonathan M. Steplyk HIST 1312–012 19 October 2017 Book Review: The Myth of the Robber Barons by Burton W. Folsom The Myth of Robber Barons is a short, but excellent book that talks about the entrepreneurs of early America. It argues against the misconception that the successful businessmen of the 19th century, often called the "robber barons", amassed a big fortune by robbing the general public, whereas, they became wealthy because they offered good quality products and services at low prices which in turn attracted so many Americans to do business with them. According to Folsom, there are two different kinds of entrepreneurs, market entrepreneurs and political entrepreneurs. Political entrepreneurs were the ones who ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately for them, Cornelius Vanderbilt, a market entrepreneur, defeated Fulton, Collins and Cunard. Vanderbilt defeated the Fulton NY/NJ steamship–transport monopoly by offering lower rates, earning a reputation for his punctuality, investing in faster and larger ships and providing additional services such as concessions. Apart from this, Folsom claims that market entrepreneurs should not be labeled as robber barons at all. He believes that market entrepreneurs were behind the actual growth of America. Unlike political entrepreneurs, they made sound products and took little or no aid from the government. Market entrepreneurs were known as risk–takers and charitable people. Many of them donated money to the needy, built libraries, gave land to farmers and let people go on ships for free or they had a cheaper fare. A few of the most charitable market entrepreneurs were Andrew Carnegie James J. Hill, Cornelius Vanderbilt andJohn D. Rockefeller. In the later chapters Folsom talks more about these great entrepreneurs. The second chapter of the book talks about the transcontinental railway tycoon, James J. Hill. Hill built the Great Northern without any government aid while remaining highly profitable and efficient. Hill, unlike others, meticulously planned his railways and mapped out the best routes using the least amount of rail possible, while his competitors went for expensive, subsidy draining scenic routes. Folsom proves by using efficiency, price ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Asarco Copper Refinery Case Study Regulated by state, local, and federal authorities; the Asarco copper refinery operated for more than 110 years and employed more than 25,000 people /worker. As time progressed, numerous supposive health hazards that included pollution, lung cancer, lead poisoning, and exposure to dangerous chemicals such as: Zinc, Cadmium, and Chromium, were brought upon the workers of Asarco and the community of El Paso, Texas. Due to numerous court hearings pertaining to the subject of environmental safety, Asarco closed its doors in 1998, leaving many employees with no jobs. The company was charged a bill of $52,000 to clean up the lot they subsided on but fought for ten years to get the right to reopen business (Stafford). On April 15, 2013, the refinery ... Show more content on ... Asarco granted opportunity because it provided work to families and individuals of the Sun City. The smokestack company provided to more than three–hundred seventy men and served as a shelter in world war two, but the memories of Asarco that citizens reminisce on was the hazards and sickness the company generated (Shapleigh). Though the company impacted the city in a positive manner, the public opinion viewed Asarco as a "waste of space that can be made into something more attractive to the tourist's eye" (Muench). Taggers never even attempted to graffiti the place and citizens characterized the company to smell like "a burnt out cigar bud" (Safford). The town real estate business also had no limits for the Asarco lot and preferred it to be empty and not ruin the "perfect society" of the western side of El Paso and the Mt. Cristo Rey mountain area (Muench). Asarco was not welcomed by the community after the disease and pollution it brought upon the town. Why many prejudiced against the company is proven in an article by Christopher Roberts, the prejudice was due to the fact that minorities were populating the city and taking jobs from the "common white man" (Roberts). Speculations pointed out that those against the Copper refinery were citizens that subsided miles away from the site, so far that it was questioned how the pollution reached their house limits. In an interview with ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Marvel Film Captain Americ The Winter Soldier Imagine a world where superheroes were real. Marvel has been winding tales much like these for years, inspiring both the young and the old, since 1939. They created their own storyline combining current topics and events and adding a dash of somewhat mystical pizzazz that is not only gripping but intriguing. In their world you follow superheroes through their lives, learning their stories and not only understanding them on the level of a super but on a personal level. There are iconic superhero figures that most would recognize like Captain America and Iron Man. These two were partners at one time, fighting side–by–side in the league known as the Avengers who fought and saved New York from an alien invasion. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe... Show more content on ... When Steve and Bucky head to the airport to follow a lead Tony's team intercepts them causing a fight. By the end of the fight most are wounded and almost all of Team Captain America is detained and sent to a federal prison. Bucky and Steve did manage to escape and find that it was Zemo who had staged the bombing and set up Bucky. When this evidence comes to life Tony tracks down Bucky and Steve to try and make amends for what had transpired earlier. Zemo was not done trying to ruin Bucky, he then shows old footage of Bucky killing Tony's parents while he was still being controlled for HYDRA. This prompts the last battle of the movie with Tony going after Bucky. Unable to let his best friend die, Steve jumps into save Bucky. The battle ends with Bucky missing his arm and Steve along with Tony near death. "Captain America: Civil War" ends with Bucky being cryogenically frozen and Steve breaking his friends out of jail. Steve did write a letter to Tony stating that if the world needed it he, along with the others, would be back to help fight for it but under no other circumstances was Tony hearing from them. This could mean the end of the Avengers and possibly a split in the superhero community. If the panel does end up going through that also means more regulations on the superheroes that are out ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Summary Of The Robber Barons In this chapter, Howard Zinn focuses on the robber barons and rebels of the 19th century. Robber Barons were businessmen who often earned their wealth in dishonest and greedy ways. Favorable laws were made by the government towards the robber barons. The government helped the rich and didn't care much for the lower class. Great fortune was made on the transcontinental railroad and the oil industry. Both of these companies treated their workers poorly and paid them low wages. Corporations became very powerful by creating monopolies "A system in which one corporation controls all or most of an industry"(173 Zinn). Politicians came up with the idea of communism and socialism, economic systems that would benefit the poor. The Sherman Anti–Trust ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Fort Bliss Is A Military Base For The United States Army Fort bliss is a military base for the united states army located in the sates of new mexico and texas but with its main location in el paso. The second largest military base which is getting just bigger and bigger in population aand in size. With an area of about 1,700 square feet as well as having the largest amry maneuver area, it has a population of 8,951 according to 2010 census making it the biggest installment of the army base accorsding to the handbook of texas online. Fort bliss is the home of the 1st armored division 32nd army air and missle defense command and air defense artiellery bridge the united states compelled to establish a military post on the rio grande by el paso del norte for the need to maintain regltions. (metz) ... Show more content on ... As well as for the water spply the city found that desalination was a usable method for growing the water supply as up tp 25% the kay bailey hutchson desalintation plant on montana avenue is located on the fort bliss property and desalinates ground water used by el paso and fort bliss. Fort bliss has its own headquarters they have their own operation to provide the us army with missiles and anti aircraft defense capabilities. It also improves to have live fire training for all weapons available in the army. Fort bliss also improves to join with foreign units to train them to take on their operation in their place. The main thing for fort bliss is to become the main base for army equipment and training. While fort bliss mintors the missile launches that are usualy tested in the white sands missile range which is 25 miles near the mcgregor complex which hhad traingin for the air defense team its wanting to become the premiere military base. Fort bliss was mainly established to maintain order and law in newly gained southwest of thw us o protect ithe border and Californian settlers form the indins, at the time its budget problems for fort bliss were marking problems which caused it to close several times. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Legend Of Robin Hood In Anglo-Saxon Lore The legend of Robin Hood in Anglo–Saxon lore represents the people's hero. The histories and other few writings focused on the great deeds of high kings, lords and knights; English folk lore gave little attention to the commoner. That is with the notable exception of the yeoman Robin Hood. English peasants heard the tale of Robin Hood's charismatic rebellion against strict hierarchy and rejoiced. Robin was the original rebel, the original adventurer, and the hero all Englishmen identified with. For this reason, Robin Hood has remained a key figure in the collective mythos of the English and of their cultural children. To understand the importance of Robin Hood and his adventures, one must first appreciate the extremely mundane lives of the typical English peasant–farmer. Born into duty and loyalty, calcified feudalism forced the serfs to work the land on which they were born for little profit and gain for a lifetime. Most were illiterate, uneducated, and highly provincial. A serf's purpose was to remain loyal to his lord and to toil obediently farming the land until death. Even the prospect of climbing into nobility oneself was impossible. God had made serfs into serfs and lords into lords. To rebel against one's station in life was to rebel against God. In other words, serfs had nothing to strive for in the socioeconomic order of medieval England. These fettered minds gave birth to a hero that captured the hopes and dreams that themselves they could never achieve. The ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Progressives versus Populists The onset 20th Century holds two main movements: The Populists and The Progressives. These two parties are similar, but their policies and philosophies hold diversities. The Populists party comprises of farmers and poor whites in the south; they focus on eastern interests i.e. railroads and banks. The Populists also call for government action, to intervene and to create an efficient society which includes a flourishing middle class. The Progressives include educated middle class men and men of universities, they too demanded for reform, but accomplish their goals through legislation and the judicial system. The Progressives focused on reform as well as destroying the Robber Barons. Some Progressives were actually a part of the Populist Party; they weren't contradictory parties. To simplify the matter The Populist party held picnics in order to present discussions, while the Progressives hold educated and sophisticated men of great esteem who were much more formal. The Populist Party was the people's party, hence the name Populist, the party was created in the late 1800s when the Southern Famer alliance contacted Powderly, the head of The Knights of Labor. The party's first platform was called the Omaha Platform which called for the abolition of the national bank, graduated income tax, direct election of senators, civil service reform, an eight hour work week, and the gov't control of railroads, telegraphs and telephones. The Populists supported the Prohibition ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Imposing Affirmative Action in El Paso Essay Imposing Affirmative Action in El Paso Have you ever applied for a job knowing that you are more than qualified for the position? But somehow you remain overlooked by someone who is bilingual, and perhaps less qualified. Well I have, predominantly here in El Paso. El Paso, a city constantly growing with more: schools, hospitals, and jobs; Where many have flourished in these endeavors. However people who are not bilingual seems to be excluded in these opportunities. But instead of remaining unemployed; The city should enforce Affirmative Action so that many non–bilingual, and minorities in El Paso have as many opportunities as those native to the city.One thing El Paso does not lack is Diversity. El Paso has a population of 672,538 ... Show more content on ... Also military spouses from Japan, Germany, Korea, and all over whom does not even speak English; find themselves in a bind. Military spouses in El Paso find themselves depending on one source of income, which may not be adequate. With only one source of income, the working spouse feels the financial burden. Although being bilingual is an advantage for an employer, by enforcing Affirmative Action many of the people who would normally be disregarded for being deficient in Spanish would finally have opportunities for desired positions. With applicants depending on being bilingual for jobs, affirmative action will force employers to focus on education, certifications, and diplomas. With focusing on credentials, and not language; Employers will hire those suitable for the job. Also, this allows bilingual to not only have language, but the necessary credentials for the job. With having bilinguals with credentials leaves room for translations for those who do not speak the necessary language. With depending on each other for information, bilinguals, and non– bilinguals would have to learn to communicate efficiently, and create a balanced work environment. With being a diverse place El Paso needs to enforce Affirmative Action for those desperately finding jobs, and deficient in Spanish. Affirmative Action will not only benefit those deficient in Spanish, but also the minorities in El Paso. Because of Hispanic, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Robber Barons Dbq In the late 19th Century, when industrialism became part of the American economy system, many wealthy entrepreneurs that controlled oil, gas, and coal industries formed monopolies and trust to ensure that there were no small business to form competition. Some of the wealthy industrialists, such as Andrew Carnegie, were considered philanthropists due to donating and acting largesse towards the lower–class citizens within the American society. It's controversial to determine whether or not the wealthy businessmen that controlled oil, gas, and coal industries were "Robber barons" or "Captains of Industry". The following documents will confirm with evidence that these wealthy businessmen were "Robber Barons" within the 19th Century Industrialist ... Show more content on ... Weaver's, "A Call to Action", 1892 (Doc. E), he claims that monopolies use unethical business practices to eliminate competition and postpone the trade of other goods and services. James B. Weaver confirms his statement by informing his target audience of the 'Oatmeal Trust' in 1887. The purpose of the article was to confirm with evidence that trusts were an indirect form of monopolies that were against government regulations. The article also confirms that monopolies used trusts to make more money by assuring that the production of their goods was inexpensive and that they reduced the prices of their goods to decrease the competition the amount of competition. For example, James B. Weaver states, "It is clear that trusts are contrary to public policy and hence in conflict with the common law. They are monopolies organized to destroy competition and restrain trade. It is contended by those interested in trusts that they tend to cheapen production and diminish the price of the article to the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Era Of The American Civil War After the American Civil War, a laissez–faire government allowed for a new class of businessmen to rise to power: those who dominated an entire industry, sometimes several markets. They were the hallmark of the so–called Gilded Age, which lasted from the end of reconstruction until the early 1900s. These men, known as Robber Barons, shaped the American economy, necessitating new laws to be signed to limit their power . Although there were only four main Barons (John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and J.P. Morgan), they controlled much of the economy with their four respective trades: Oil, steel, railroads, and banking . Although all four were important, Rockefeller and Carnegie stand head and shoulders above the rest, becoming among the richest and most successful people the world has ever seen with the exception of some royalty. During the Civil War, both the Union and Confederacy converted to "Total War" economies. With all industries, from manufacturing to agriculture to textiles, focused on the war effort, many relatively new industries grew surpassingly large. Railroads in the North grew by around 16,000 miles, an increase of nearly 75%. However, relatively small companies controlled relatively small sections of track privately. This set the stage for Vanderbilt to begin buying up companies until he controlled one of the largest railroad networks ever seen. The latter parts of the Civil War and the early reconstruction saw the rise of a new ... Get more on ...
  • 28. How Children 's Services Have Evolved Into Their Current Form This essay will show how and why children's services have evolved into their current form in the UK. It will explore children's services from the 19th to the 21st century and show how they have changed and developed. This essay will look at the welfare state in relation to the Beveridge report, the creation of the NHS and other children's services, political ideologies and policies and legislation. It will conclude with modern day future challenges of children's services including the five social evils. Children's services support and protect vulnerable children, young people, their families and carers. ( According to Malcolm Hill (2012), "if as societies are to achieve the best for all children and particularly who are in need, it will require providing them with the best possible services." During the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901, there was great wealth and also great poverty. Most middle class children worked in factories and mills; factory owners employed children as they didn't complain and were also cheap to pay. During Victorian Britain, there were no laws to protect children from work. Lord Shaftesbury argued in parliament for laws to be changed; inspectors went into factories to find out what they were really like, this resulted in three laws to be passed. These were 1841 Mines Act, 1847 Ten Hour Act and 1874 Factory Act. By 1874 no child under ten would be employed in factories. ( In 1870, the government passed a law, drafted ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Jp Morgan Robber Baron Research Paper J. P. Morgan was a robber baron because he was born into a wealthy family and did not have to completely start from the bottom and build his success from there. However, A. Carnegie, C. Vanderbilt, and John D. Rockefeller were Captains of Industry because they were not derive from a family where financial support, a solid education, and a business where handed to them. Also the three men, A. Carnegie, C. Vanderbilt, andJohn D. Rockefeller all substantially donated back into the community. Carnegie Library, Vanderbilt University, Rockefeller University, and foundations such as the Rockefeller foundations were due to the generosity of these three men who donated back to the community. Therefore, A. Carnegie, C. Vanderbilt, and John D. ... Show more content on ... He was once quoted saying, "I began to learn what poverty meant. It was burnt into my heart then that my father had to beg for work. And then and there came the resolve that I would cure that when I got to be a man." He started of by working for $1.20 a week as a bobbin boy in a cotton factory. Carnegie Later on he became a messenger. Through delivering messages he met Thomas A. Scott who would later on hire him for $35.00 a month as a private secretary and personal telegrapher. A. Carnegie learned a lot from Scott while he worked under him. Eventually he began working his way up the latter in the Penn. Railroad until during the civil war when he saw the perfect opportunity to join the Iron Industry. Carnegie then resigned from Penn Railroad with the objective to earn the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time. Carnegie is credited with the Bessemer Process as well as building the formidable American steel industry. The lateAndrew Carnegie donated lots of money to cultural, educational and scientific charities (he put over $350 million back into the community), established over 2,500 public libraries (Carnegie libraries), and was one of the first men to suggest a league of ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Summary Of 'Death Of The Baroness' As said by the famous modern day artist Kanye West, "Nothing in life is promised except death". Although death is certain, the cause of death is not. In the short story "Death of the Baroness", a disobedient Baroness leaves her castle to visit her lover despite her husband's strict instructions to stay at home. Unfortunately, upon her return home she was murdered by a madman blocking her path. The Baroness' lover is guiltiest for her death because he held an affair with the married woman, didn't provide any assistance when the Baroness faced the madman, and restricted their relationship to only a romantic one. The short story must have taken place in the medieval times, suggested by the social structure consisted of Barons and the economic structure of castles and tenants. In this time, women did not make many of their own decisions, often men made those decisions for them. The lover made the decision of holding an affair with a married woman, the Baroness. By having an affair, the Baroness wasn't loyal to her husband, which further led to her disloyalty towards his instruction to not leave the castle, despite the fact she promised to stay. Had her loyalty not been spoiled by the lover she would never have left the castle for any reason. Unsurprisingly, the lover happened to be the reason for Baroness leaving the castle. Had the lover not held the affair, the Baroness would not have left the castle, since she left only to meet him. In fact, the Baroness could have ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Theme Of Bliss By Katherine Mansfield ''Bliss'' is a short story written by Katherine Mansfield in 1918.The story focuses on a day of Bertha Young who is a lovely, restless and kind of hysterical woman. She is married Harry and they have a little baby called as ''Little B'' and on that day, they invite their friends,–the Norman Knights, Eddie Warren and Pearl Fulton– for a dinner. During all this conventional scene, we, as readers, witness the journey of Bertha from ignorance to awareness about her love and sexual desire for another woman, Miss Fulton. Mansfield reveals Bertha's sexual orientation through the technique of symbolism by using many lively and colorful images such as a pear tree, moon and a walled garden. In the late 19th– the early 20th century, homosexuality was common among people in England although it was seen as a criminal act and there were many penances ... Show more content on ... She organizes, for instance, the fruits according to their colors and her garden, especially the pear tree in it, bears importance for her. She likens herself to that colorful and blossomy tree. ''And she seemed to see on her eyelids the lovely pear tree with its wide–open blossoms as a symbol of her own life'' (6). That's why, at the end, when she learns the affair between Harry and Pearl, she runs over to window to see the pear tree, to see that it is still there intact. ''Oh, what is going to happen now? She cried. But the pear tree was as lovely as ever and as full of flower an as still'' (16) Also, the pear tree serves Mansfield's view that one can be both female and male at the same in a relationship. In many literary works, especially the ones that belong to Medieval period, pear tree is used as a symbol of phallus of male. Thus, Mansfield ascribes masculinity to Bertha in her relationship with Miss Fulton by likening her to the pear tree. Like a pear tree, moon is also used as a symbol of gender ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Andrew Carnegie, John Davison Rockefeller, and John... In the years following the Civil War, the American economy was suffering from extreme disorder. However, during the late 1800s and early 1900s, important leaders of American industry arose, essentially transforming the American financial system from chaos to efficiency. These powerful men shaped America into a world superpower and the country's economy sparked jealous across the globe. Their contributions to business positively affected not only the United States' economy, but society as well. Andrew Carnegie, John Davison Rockefeller, and John Pierpont Morgan reflect the mammoth industrial age of America. Although some may argue these industrialists were "robber barons," these men were, in reality, "captains of industry" utilizing modern ... Show more content on ... His goal was to spread efficiency and organization throughout every company he owned and operated. Through Rockefeller's efforts, the chaos of the oil industry was transformed into order and stability. His influence in this industry led to the creation of a myriad of products for the public which only bettered their ways of life. Similar to Carnegie, Rockefeller also fostered lower prices for oil, making light cheap and available to the public as the oil was mainly utilized in kerosene lamps. His Standard Oil Company served as precursor of America's economic success both at home and on an international level. Morgan, along with Carnegie and Rockefeller, worked to make the American economy organized and systematic. In fact, Morgan effectively bailed out the American financial system two times. At one point, the U.S. Treasury seemed on the brink of failure as it "didn't have enough gold in reserve to meet its bills" (27). J.P. Morgan provided the nation with $62 million, saving the American economy. Later on, the nation faced a financial problem, so destructive that it could have led to a depression. The situation was so horrific that a trust company nearly collapsed, which would have promoted widespread panic. Morgan convinced several of the nation's foremost financers to lend money in an effort to save the trust, in turn saving the country from a financial catastrophe. Morgan is also infamously known for creating successful companies from failing ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Gilded Age : The Gilded Age Robber Barons? Gilded Age Robber Barons? In the 19th century, the Gilded age was this period of time when America looked like this massive productive country. What people do not know was that in the inside they were this suffering country that had massive poverty and thousands of people without jobs. America was filled with industrialists which are also called Robber Barons. Robber Barons were these people who basically stole fortunes by having their employees work 12 hour days, 7 days a week and getting paid about 15 cents an hour. Andrew Carnegie was a really wealthy businessman who made steel. Carnegie made millions of dollars but in the end he still paid his workers very little. His employees worked long hard days and at the end of the day they got paid hardly nothing. These workers also worked in bad conditions and some of the workers were kids and they were having them do some of the really hard dangerous work. According to a US history author "They received no health benefits, no vacation, and suffered from periodic layoffs because of downturns in the business cycle( The Gilded age pg. 1) The 19th century during the Gilded age most of the big business men where these guys who had massive amounts of money and yet they pay their workers really low wages with bad conditions. Thomas Hobbes described this decade as "life in nature as poor, solitary, nasty, brutish, short and for many workers that was the case "(The Gilded age pg.1) Workers during the Industrial age people were ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Importance Of The Magna Carta The Magna Carta also opened up a door to the idea that those in power could punish those who didn't follow the Charter or the Church. On 13 May 1253, the Archbishop of Canterbury and thirteen of his suffragan bishops pronounced a sentence of excommunication in the great hall at Westminster, against anyone who violated ecclesiastical liberties or the liberties contained in Magna Carta and the Charter of the Forest. They then proceeded to 'excommunicate, anathematize, and sequester from the threshold of the holy mother Church' all those who deprived churches of their rights, or who violated, infringed, or diminished the free customs and liberties of the realm, especially those contained in the Charters. Anyone who disturbed the peace of the kingdom was also excommunicated. In a paper titled Canon Law and Pastoral Care: Excommunication and the Church's Publication of the Charter by Felicity G. Hill, she states that, "he pronounced a solemn sentence of excommunication against those who infringed Magna Carta and the Charter of the Forest. This occasion began both a tradition in which the charters were confirmed and reissued in return for the granting of taxes to the king, and a tradition of ecclesiastical support for the charters demonstrated through sentences of excommunication against those violating their terms." (pg 1). Not only were ideas of limited government spread, and more rights for men but also the ideas that this would be enforced harshly. The Barons also wrote in ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Baron in the Trees Essay The book "The Baron in the Trees," by Italo Calvino is about the Baron Cosimo Piovasco di Rondò, or simply known as Cosimo, spent almost all of his life living up in the trees of Ombrosa after refusing to eat the disgusting plate of snails that his sister had made for the family dinner one night when he was twelve. Cosimo kept to his word "I'll never come down again!" (Calvino 13) and he never set foot on the ground again. Cosimo was not bound to one tree though; he was able to travel to many parts of Ombrosa by tree, and lead a very adventurous and full life. The main point of my essay is to discuss the ongoing relationship between Cosimo and the environment. Cosimo cared deeply for the environment in which he lived, and to get ... Show more content on ... He also traveled and explored many parts of Ombrosa when he first moved into his new kingdom of the trees. During the eighteenth century, due to the industrial revolution and the advent of steam power and other modern devices the once lush and plentiful trees of Italy had, were cut down in order to fuel the fires, create more power, and drive the revolution. In the closing paragraphs Biagio states "trees seem almost to have no right here since my brother left or since they have been swept by this frenzy for the ax." (Calvino 217) And that the arrival of the French and Napoleon's army, the chopping of the trees went on. There are very few forests left in Lombardy as they were described as in the book, if any. According to The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia Lombardy is now "the chief commercial, industrial, and financial center in Italy, and Lombardy is the country's leading industrial region." This would explain why people decided to cut down the trees in order to help make way for the growing economy. Cosimo's relationship with the trees was not just a place to live, but more than that. He cared for the trees and protected them as much as he possibly could, as if he were defending a friend or family member. He and the Abbé constructed an irrigation system in order to put out the forest fires if they broke out. He also told the French army where they could build new roads, "Cosimo ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Gilded Age And Imperialism Expansion Luke McGrath HIS 122–101 Midterm Exam 09/29/2014 Part I: Short Essay Format Question #1, American attitudes toward our culture can be paradoxical The Gilded Age or Imperialism expansion examine the conflicting values that America held for each. The gilded age was a period in history that caused a vast transformation due to the increase of American industrialization. Values and attitudes toward The Gilded Age varied. The poor workers often saw the changed caused by the Gilded Age as corrupt, where the rich business men looked at it as a positive change. The poor laborers in the gilded age often viewed the change that occurred during the era as a negative one. The fact that working conditions for laborers were poor was no secret. A passage from Upton Sinclair's The Jungle depicts these conditions of an old man stating, "He worked in a place where his feet were soaked in chemicals and it was not long before the chemicals had eaten through his boots. Then sores began to break out on his feet and grew worse and worse." In the end of this story the man continued to work until he died because he needed to take care of his family. This alone would tend to develop an attitude of negativity by poor immigrants and laborers toward changes made by the gilded. For more proof one can find various examples of strikes and civil unrest by workers usually against business owners and police. This too is evidence that the poor laborers of the time were unhappy with their situation. On the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. 19th Century 's Famous Industrial Men : Robber Barons Or... Nineteenth century's famous industrial men: Robber Barons or Captains of Industry? By: Justine Wetten Advanced U.S. History Mr. Unis January 5th, 2015 Discuss whether the industrial leaders of the late nineteenth century are more accurately described as "captains of industry" or "robber barons"? A. Plan of Investigation This investigation will assess whether the industrial leaders, such as, Andrew Carnegie, John Pierpont Morgan and John Davison Rockefeller were perceived as captains of industry or robber barons. In order to evaluate this claim, the investigation will analyze their major contributions to American Society; how they treated their workers in the factory; and why people questioned their honesty because of the techniques they used to eliminate their competitors. Mostly secondary sources were used, as well as some primary sources. Two of the sources used in this essay are The Robber Barons: The Great American Capitalists by Matthew Josephson and Wisdom from the Robber Barons: Enduring Business Lessons from Rockefeller, Morgan, and the First Industrialists by George D. Smith which will be evaluated for their origins, purposes, values, and limitations. This investigation does not assess any other nineteenth century industrial leaders. Part B In 1863, when Andrew Carnegie was 27, he began working for Pennsylvania Railroad, which was considered a small fortune. Andrew Carnegie moved to
  • 38. ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Purpose Of An Article Word The Article So It Is Unique... Goal: Re–write/re–word the article so it is unique from a google duplicate content, and copyright perspective. 600 to 800 words. Word Count in this Document: Title: Finding A Purpose Can Help You Find Bliss in Life and at Work The word "purpose" comes from the Old French word purpos and the combination of the Anglo–French words purpos and proposer. Purpose is defined as "the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists." In its verb form it means "to have as one's intention or objective." As a noun, it proposes a state of being. Dan Pontefract, author of The Purpose Effect: Building Meaning in Yourself, Your Role and Your Organization, describes a three –way relationship between one's own sense of purpose,... Show more content on ... This can mean less engagement and a worsening work ethic. When an individual's purpose is not being met, he or she can become lethargic, isolated, and apathetic. Pontefract would like his readers to consider the trifecta as a three–legged bar stool. When one leg is uneven or broken, things start to crumble, whether it be the individual, the company, or the society. Those who lack direction when such scenarios arise, simply go through the motions, waiting until their voice matters. They are stomped under the shoes of their senior leaders who simply pursue their professional goals. Just an inch off of one leg of the barstool can lead to devastation. However, when you can witness someone working hard to fulfill their discovered purpose, you can see them grow, and discover joy and self–confidence. When you do it, your life begins to thrive and blossom. When the organization delineates their own direction and mission, and it happens to benefit all parties of the enterprise–owners, employees, customers, the community, and the environment–not just the ones at the top, it allows positivity to spread like the light from a sunrise. As Pontefract states that "when personal, organizational, and role purpose become symbiotic, the pro's outweigh the con's time and time again." Take Lindsay Hemric for example. In 2010, Hemric chose to work for ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Search For Happiness In Eric Weiner's The Geography Of Bliss In The Geography of Bliss, Eric Weiner travels to many different countries in search of one thing: happiness. The book details the writer's, Eric Weiner's, journey to multiple countries and his experiences there on his search for happiness. He searches from the unhappiest countries to the happiest countries to find how geography affects the happiness of the people that live there. His search often has interesting clashes between philosophical and scientific viewpoints on happiness. In the Netherlands he encounters an interesting point when he meets scholars of the World Database of Happiness or the WDH. This organization focuses on using hard facts and statistics to measure the happiness of multiple countries around the world. This seems to be a mistake, since happiness is generally supposed to be some magical feeling that is constantly sought ... Show more content on ... He goes there to see if the people there can actually buy their happiness which the readers should already know is not true since the WDH already said that money doesn't equal happiness. He states that Qatar has no culture of it's own, but must buy one. This tells the reader that with all this money Qatar Loses it's own culture and by extension it's identity. Eric starts to believe that Qatar is happy with all of their money. Eric then finds that sadness can strike even the super rich when he learns of the sick child of a citizen there. With this he brings in the new theory that to be happy, one must experience sadness first. Qatar is a rare and interesting case since it's so closed off from the rest of the world. This isolation means that it has very little diversity which would have led to a nice topic about how it affects happiness. He could've made the argument that the lack of diversity could mean that there is less conflict and therefore more happiness. It seems that he missed an important topic here that would've led to a larger study at the ... Get more on ...