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Should Boxing Be Banned Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of whether boxing should be banned poses a unique set of
challenges. The subject is multifaceted, encompassing ethical, health, and cultural dimensions
that require careful consideration. Firstly, one must navigate the moral dilemma surrounding a
sport where participants willingly engage in physical combat for entertainment. Delving into the
potential dangers and long-term health consequences adds another layer of complexity, as the
inherent risk of head injuries raises ethical questions about the responsibility of society and
governing bodies.
Furthermore, exploring the cultural significance of boxing becomes essential, as it has deep roots
in various societies, serving as both a sport and a form of self-expression for many. Balancing
these diverse perspectives requires a nuanced approach to avoid oversimplification or bias. It's
imperative to address the economic and societal impacts of a potential ban, acknowledging the
livelihoods and communities built around the sport.
Additionally, researching the historical context of boxing and its evolution in terms of rules and
safety measures is crucial for a comprehensive understanding. The essay must incorporate diverse
viewpoints, from medical professionals advocating for a ban due to health concerns to boxing
enthusiasts arguing for the preservation of a longstanding tradition.
In conclusion, writing an essay on whether boxing should be banned demands a careful
examination of ethical, health, and cultural aspects. Navigating through these complexities
requires thorough research, critical analysis, and an ability to present a balanced perspective. The
challenge lies in synthesizing the diverse viewpoints to construct a well-informed and compelling
For assistance with similar essays or any writing needs, one can explore various resources,
including online writing services like, where professionals can provide
guidance and support in crafting well-researched and articulate essays.
Should Boxing Be Banned Essay Should Boxing Be Banned Essay
Problem 1 (page 533)
The Barberton Municipal Division of Road Maintenance is charged with road
repair in the city of Barberton and the surrounding area. Cindy Kramer, road
maintenance director, must submit a staffing plan for the next year based on a set
schedule for repairs and on the city budget. Kramer estimates that the labor hours
required for the next four quarters are 6,000, 12,000, 19,000, and 9,000,
respectively. Each of the 11 workers on the workforce can contribute 500 hours per
quarter. Payroll costs are $6,000 in wages per worker for regular time worked up to
500 hours, with an overtime pay rate of SIR for each overtime hour. Overtime is
limited to 20 percent oldie regular time capacity in any quarter. Although unused...
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The current on hand inventory is 100 units. The order policy is to produce in lots
of 75. The booked customer orders for the item, starting with week 1, are 15, 38, 7, 5,
0, 3, 10, 0, 0, and 0 units. The lead time is 2 weeks.
a. Develop an MPS for this end item.
b. The marketing department has received five orders for this item in the following
Order 1 is for 20 units to be delivered in period 1
Order 2 is for 75 units to be delivered in period 4
Order 3 is for 90 units to be delivered in period 6
Order 4 is for 75 units to be delivered in period 7
Order 5 is for 90 units to be delivered in period 10
Assuming that the prospective MPS you developed in part (a) does not change,
which orders would you be able to accept based on the available to promise (ATP)?
Master Production Schedule for end item
a. MPS
Lot Size: 75 LT = 2 weeks| Week| Quantity on Hand: 100| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10|
Forecast| 30| 30| 30| 30| 20| 20| 30| 30| 30| 30| Customer orders (booked)| 15| 38| 7| 5|
0| 3| 10| 0| 0| 0| Projected on hand inventory| 70| 32| 2| 47| 27| 7| 52| 22| 67| 37| MPS
quantity| | | | 75| | | 75| | 75|
Anglo American Imperialism
The relationship between the domestic and the foreign characterises Early Modern
representations of Anglo American imperialism. By definition, the domestic pertains
to the home country or household, and that which concerns oneself. The foreign is
the antithesis of this, something considered to be unfamiliar and alien. As Eric
Cheyfitz has asserted, this relationship was the grounding colonial desire of what
names itself domestic to dominate what it simultaneously distinguishes as foreign and
figurative. This implies that the process of deciding the domestic from the foreign
lies within the control of whatever faction wishes to gain dominance, thus the
distinguishing factor begins as a question of perception and discourse. This dynamic
certainly... Show more content on ...
Smith devised this reputation with his depictions of the heroic rescuer and the
saviour of the then starving Jamestown. With these supposed actions, the English
nationals essentially perceived Pocahontas as the helpful deserter of her own people.
Such perceptions are continued when Smith describes the indigenous Algonquian
people to Queen Anne. He relates this through the domestic standards of
respectability. Taken prisoner by the power of Powhatan, their chiefe King, I receiued
from this great Saluage, exceeding great courtesie, especially from his sonne
Nantaquaus the most manliest, comeliest, boldest spirit I euer saw in a Saluage, and
his sister Pocahontas, the Kings most deare and wel beloued daughter. The native
family occupy a space in which they are diplomatic and courteous as well as alien and
uncivilised. Here, the term chiefe king invokes the idea of a foreign monarchy or
royal family that commands a certain degree of respect because of their supposed
inherent nobility. However, Smith appears to decide this value based on his on
imperialist conditions about what is considered worthy of English respect, and what
is not. This conditional respect only occurs despite the uncivilised and savage nature
of the natives, and despite the fact that they hold Smith in captivity. Nantaquaus
description demonstrates this. Smith encounters him as the most exceptional image
of a native that he has ever seen, and the masculine yet pleasant example of what
Native Americans ought to be. Despite this relative courtesy Smith attempts to
demonstrate, his perspective on their humanity fluctuates quite significantly even
within this singular paragraph. During the execution scene, the tribe are said to have
inthralled Smith within their barbarous power, until Pocahontas risks the potential
beating out of her owne braines to saue his.
Chromatography Lab Used to Examine Spinach and Red
Chromatography Lab
In this chromatography lab filter paper was used to examine the different pigments of
spinach and red cabbage. There were two hypotheses for both plants. The hypothesis
for the red cabbage was that there would be multiple pigments evident. The
hypothesis for the spinach was similar in that there would be different pigments
present. Both hypotheses were accepted in that there were multiple pigments found
on the filter paper of each sample. Major scientific concepts in this lab include
chromatography and pigments. Chromatography is the division of mixtures, solution,
and others into its different components. Chromatography is often used to separate a
solution into its separate parts. Chromatography filters complicated compounds
accurately without involving a difficult process so it is often used. In this lab, we
used chromatography to separate the different pigments in the plants. When looking
at plants, the colors of the plants are the colors that are reflected from the different
wavelengths of the light spectrum. The colors that are not evident are the colors the
plants absorb and use as energy. Pigments are the compounds of a plant the enable the
reflected colors to be evident. These pigments function to capture light energy from
the sun to enable the plants to undergo photosynthesis.
1.When all the materials are gathered, lay out the paper towel over the work place.
Place the two empty beakers on the paper towels and
Essay Exam Question and Answer
Parliament practise exam question a) Explain the term life peers used in the
extract (5 marks) * According to the extract, life peers sit in the House of Lords.
They sit in the House of Lords for life and are appointed by the Prime Minister by
recommendations from his/her party as well as the opposition. The Life peerages
Act of 1958 set the conditions for Life peers to be appointed and examples include
Lord Sugar and Lord Mandleson. Life peers make up the majority of the House of
Lordsafter the House of Lords reform act of 1999 removed the hereditary peers from
the House of Lords.
b) Using your own knowledge as well as the extract, explain why a partly elected
House of Lords might undermine the primacy (dominance) of the ... Show more
content on ...
(25 marks) * Party control in the House of Commons refers to the size of majority of
the majority party in the House of Commons and the effectiveness of the party s
whipping system. If there is a large majority, then parliament s main functions, such
as representation, scrutiny and legislation will significantly be limited in terms of its
Firstly, party control, and therefore the size of majority, such as Blair s majority of
178 in 1997, limits the effectiveness of parliaments legislative function because it
would be harder for parliament to defeat government bills, for example, in 2009 10,
23/23 government bills were passed in the House of Commons, however only 6/67
private member s bills were passed in the House of Commons.
However, party control does not always limit the effectiveness of Parliament as
backbench rebellions are occurring more often in recent parliaments, such as 138
labour MPs voted against the Labour government of 1997 2007 on the Iraq war,
therefore the whipping system does not always encourage party MPs to support the
government and therefore do the poll vote .
Furthermore, party control in the House of Commons does not necessarily limit the
effectiveness of parliament in performing its main functions, as for the House of
Lords, there is no democratic legitimacy or popular authority, and therefore as are
unelected, most peers hold specialist
Genetic Mistakes
There are two ways that that an organism can develop beneficial mutations, sexual
reproduction and whenever there are mistakes during DNA replication. There is an
enzyme call DNA polymerase that is in charge of proofreading the template strand. It
reads the newly added base to make sure it is paired up correctly. However
sometimes these mistakes are not corrected and lead to mutation. The benefits of
mutation are that it brings genetic diversity. Mutations cause a change in DNAthat
lead to new genetic variation (Alleles) in a population. With these mutations that
occur during DNA replication and sexual reproduction, they introduce more desirable
phenotypes in the offspring. With time these organisms develop more features that
help with their survival. These mutations are developed by the changes that occur in
the base pairs.
There are two ways that that an organism can develop beneficial mutations, sexual
reproduction and whenever there are mistakes during DNA replication. There is an
enzyme call DNA polymerase that is in charge of proofreading the template strand.
It reads the newly added base to make sure it is paired up correctly. However ... Show
more content on ...
There is an enzyme call DNA polymerase that is in charge of proofreading the
template strand. It reads the newly added base to make sure it is paired up correctly.
However sometimes these mistakes are not corrected and lead to mutation. The
benefits of mutation are that it brings genetic diversity. Mutations cause a change in
DNA that lead to new genetic variation (Alleles) in a population. With these
mutations that occur during DNA replication and sexual reproduction, they introduce
more desirable phenotypes in the offspring. With time these organisms develop more
features that help with their survival. These mutations are developed by the changes
that occur in the base
The Winter s Tale By William Shakespeare
In the play The Winter s Tale by William Shakespeare, exists two different types of
characters: dynamic characters, meaning characters who change throughout the
play by learning and growing through their experiences, and static characters,
meaning characters that stagnate from the beginning to end. In particular, the
most dynamic character in the play is King Leontes of Sicilia. In the beginning,
Leontes believes in the self assumed belief that his wife, Queen Hermione, is
having affairs with his childhood friend, King Polixenes of Bohemia. This belief
was conspired by Leontes when he requested Hermione to convince Polixenes to
prolong his visit in Sicilia after he himself had failed. When she did succeed,
Leontes became diseased with jealousy and came to the assumption that Hermione
and Polixenes have a special relationship together. With the authorial power he
possesses as king, he sentenced his pregnant wife to prison for adultery. Though
Hermione persists that he is wrong and there is a misunderstanding, Leontes,
however, denies everything she says. In this, Leontes is seen as a stubborn tyrant
who abuses his divine power as king to treat his wife as a lower being. He denies
her right to speak and punishes her severely. Leontes says: You, my lords, Look on
her, mark her well; be but about To say she is a goodly lady, and The justice of your
hearts will thereto add Tis pity she s not honest, honourable: Praise her but for this her
without door form,
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Essay
When it was written in 1925, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, by Anita Loos was
heralded as a tremendous novel. It was seen as cutting edge and insightful, yet
somewhat risquГ© in its portrayal of Lorelei Lee and her escapades. I can see how
this may have been thought at that time, seeing as how women were looked at in
such a different way then they are currently. The fact that a women with as little
know how as Lorelei can manipulate men the way that she does, leaves no question
as to who is the superiorgender in Loos mind. While the books is quite amusing, and
does have many strengths, if it is looked at in the context of women s struggles with
issues such as domesticity, sexuality and socioeconomic standing it seems less and
less like such... Show more content on ...
I know that the fact that she is so privileged adds a very amusing edge to the novel,
but it really seems quite inaccurate. Since it was originally published in Harper s
Bazaar, it has to be noted that the women who would be reading such periodicals
would be of the working or middle class. Seeing a protagonist like Lorelei who rose
to the top without working may have been nice for these women to read, something
akin to a fairy tale, it still is certainly unrepresentative of the average woman. Taking
into account the inflation of the past seventy five years, I still do not know anyone
who would call up their father (or father like person) and ask them for $10,000. It is
the things like this that make me completely unable to identify with Lorelei, and I
find it hard to believe that many women at the time would have been able to either.
Something that I feel many women at the time, and still some to this day can
identify with, is Lorelei s use of her sexuality to get what she wants from men. It
reminds me of the whole treating phenomenon mentioned in Cheap Amusements.
While did not have sex with men for the presents they gave her, she certainly wasn
t above putting on a negligГ©e and batting her eyelashes to make them give her
presents or do her favors. There was not a man in the book who did not fall victim to
her in one way or
Analysis Of The Wretched Of The Earth By Frrantz Fanon
Frantz Fanon once said in The Wretched of the Earth, The colonized
underdeveloped man is a political creature in the most global sense of the term.
Frantz Fanon was born in 1925 in Martinique, a French colony in the Caribbean
Sea. He was descended from African slaves who had previously been brought to
the island. Fanon left Martinique at the age of 18 and fought for France in the last
years of World War II. It was during the war that he experienced extensive racism
from his white European peers. This would continue to influence his worldview for
the rest of his short life. Fanon s critical work has established him as an outstanding
theoretician of a wide range of issues, such as identity, nationalism, black
consciousness, the role of violence in the struggle for decolonization, and language
as an index of power. His body of work has been influential in fields like philosophy,
politics, psychiatry, cultural studies, and gender studies, as well. Black Skin, White
Masks (written in 1952) and The Wretched of the Earth (written in 1961) two books
that state Fanon santi colonial revolutionary thoughts made him an important
contributor in the field of postcolonial studies. He is a controversial image in the
field of post colonialismdespite his contributions in a wide range of fields of study
he has been intensively criticized for his abstract generalizations and his absolutism.
Fanon s experience and the general background of that period justify his bitterness
when he talks for
The Security Systems Of Bank Solutions
Most organizations incorporate information technology of some kind. The most
fundamental factor in the use of technology is appropriate security of the system and
information that is transmitted. The confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA)
triad is a framework designed to protect information from being disclosed, modified,
or accessed by unauthorized parties (Hansen, 2012). Using the CIA model, the
securitysystems of Bank Solutions (BS) were evaluated with proposed
recommendations and implementation timeline.
Security and Technology Concerns
BS s primary vulnerability is with back up procedures and the ability to protect and
retrieve the company s information to efficiently conduct business. They lack a
comprehensive security plan and do not have an enterprise wide process for
recovering disrupted systems and networks, and are at risk for not being able to
resume normal operations when issues arise. It would be in their best interest to
adopt a single system approach and consistent measures that reduce the impact of
system disruptions and increase system availability.
Strategy to Mitigate Security Vulnerabilities
The action plan in this paper, based on the risk assessment, focuses on minimizing
negative impact to BS s business operations. Overall, implementation a cloud based
backup solution would address their security vulnerabilities and the recommended
steps needed to accomplish this project are as follows:
Review risk assessment and action plan with key
Terror Henry Stanley Morton
Henry Stanley Morton Terror In the first chapter of the book, they give a brief
description of one of the main characters, Henry Morton Stanley. The man with
many different names worked as a journalist and was a soldier on both sides of the
civil war. He was then employed by King Leopold and was sent to explore the
Congo and help him to develop it to open it up to trade (he was sent first to find
Livingstone then develop the Congo). While many people may say that he was a
hero (since most explorers were classified as heroes do to their bold explorations),
he still did many cruel and terrifying things in Africa. Yet, he never really faced any
consequences for his actions. To start off, on page 30 and 31 Stanley had written a
lot of racist things in his journal. He says things such as blacks give an immense
amount of trouble as well as goes to say how he whips them restoring them to sound.
Stanley is obviously one of the people that contributes to the subtitle of terror.... Show
more content on ...
He left a trail of death wherever he traveled through the Congo, making him feared
among the Africans but was known as a hero at England. Next, on page 49
Hochschild explains how Stanley was traversing the lands. He stated that The thin
skinned Stanley was remarkably frank about his tendency to take any show of
hostility as a deadly insult and that it seemed that it was vengeance was his driving
force. He also stated that Stanley never counted the dead, but it was at least around a
Super Lube
It will not be long before it is time to get your John Deere self propelled sprayer out
and put it to work. One very common problem we get calls about is when sprayers
are brought out of storage. The operator tries to adjust the tread settings on the
axle, and the axle will not move, or it binds up about halfway out. This problem is
usually brought on by a lack of lubrication or either the axle tread adjust shims are
worn out. Below are steps we use to check your machine. crank the machine and
start moving forward very slowly while moving forward, activate the switches to
adjust the axle s out extend the axle all the way out to the end of the axle travel
lubricate all four axles then retract them back into the tubes If one of the axles gets
in a bind, you can lubricate the portion that is exposed. Work the axle in and out
while moving forward, this usually releases a stuck tread adjust. Axle tread... Show
more content on ...
There is still some time left before your sprayers will be going to the field. Now is a
good time to check your tread adjust to see if it needs to be serviced. If this is a job
you are not familiar with, or think your sprayer may need the shims replaced, give
us a call. This is a common repair for us and we can get your sprayer going quickly. If
you have any questions about servicing the tread adjust or need repairs made,
please call one of our service managers and schedule a time for repairs. Thanks for
your business and we look forward to servicing your equipment repair needs in the
Business Intelligence Plan Essay
Business Intelligence Plan
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to explain the importance of Business Intelligence and all
of its components for implementation into the business structure. During the recent
years obtaining useful information in real time has become something that is
extremely important, if not even a critical, factor of success for companies. The time
managers have available for use in making business decisions has been reduced
dramatically. Competitive pressures are now requiring that businesses make
intelligent decisions based on their incoming business data, and these decisions must
be made immediately (Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing, 2005, p.5;
Hocevar ... Show more content on ...
This is an essential component of BI for arriving at valid business decisions.
Similar data can be stored in multiple repositories within a single business; one
example would be the inventory of items for sale. When considering data sources, it
is important to understand if there is a recognized authoritative source for a specific
type of data. In many enterprises, the data required for making business decisions is
created by wide ranging applications, perhaps from separate lines of business (Theme
BI systems today have the capacity to work with numerous types of data such as
numerical or non numerical data. The quality of this data is as important as any
other data. The difference in the level of data quality is one of the many factors that
may explain why some organizations are successful with their BI initiative while
some are not so successful (Isik, O., Jones, M.C., Sidoroya, A. 2011).
Component three is Data Analytics. This component is used for the analysis of data.
Data analytics refers to the business intelligence technologies that are grounded for
the most part in data mining and statistical analysis. Due to the success that has been
achieved overall by the data mining and statistical analysis community, data analytics
continues to be an active area of research (Hsinchun, Chiang, Storey, 2012).
Data analytics are structured in statistical theories and models, multivariate statistical
analysis. It also covers other
Down with Downloading Essay examples
Down with Downloading
Throughout the whole time when you were able to gain access to free
downloadable music, you have been able to by pass the purchasing of music, but has
it been morally right? People always insist that download is great, but are you
thinking of who you re talking it from. The artists are the ones losing there money as
well as positive recognition. Musicians should obviously get a cut as should small
record stores who are obviously going to lose out when the big chains all get
together on this ( Also, the factor that you have to pay for theses
programs, you mine as well go to the store and but them yourself. Everyone likes to
download, but sometime you can only get one song, what if you want the ... Show
more content on ...
It s the same thing, people going into the computers and logging on and stealing our
music, Brittany Spears declares. The music industry struggles through one of its
worst periods ever. CD sales declined 5 percent last year and are down an additional 7
percent this year (
It appears to the press that the new Eminem CD was coming out. Two weeks prior to
the CD was coming out, people on the internet were trading and swapping the album.
This is an outrage and these are things that are occurring all the time to hurt the artists
hard worked time and effort. If I m putting my heart and all my time into music, I
expect to get rewarded for that, Eminem says in a statement on MUSIC s Web site.
It s hard to stop the people from doing this, but there has to be some way to limit
this, even if takes time and money.
There have been several attempts to stop the illegal downloading process. One
way they want to pass the free downloading factor is to make sites charge a
minimum fee to use the program. The biggest problem with that are that all these
illegal sites doesn t charge a fee, and have a more diverse selection than the sites
you have to pay for. So in doing this, basically will bring in the suckers and will
detract the people who know otherwise. Other companies such as Kazaa or
Morpheous will charge a minimum, but theses programs are slower and not as
The Effect Of Precipitation On The Water Cycle
Precipitation Precipitation is water that is either is solid or liquid form that falls
from the Earth s atmosphere. The major types of precipitation are rain, snow, and
hail. When air is lifted from the atmosphere, it expands and cools (Wilson, 2015 ).
Cool air can t hold as much water in vapor form as warm air, and the condensation of
vapor into droplets or icecrystals may occur. The droplets will keep growing, they
will eventually be heavy enough to fall to the Earth s surface (Wilson, 2015 ).
Precipitationin liquid from will include drizzle and raindrops. Snowflakes are
formed by aggregation of solid ice crystals within a cloud, while hailstones are
cooled water droplets and ice pellets. Warm clouds are explained as that do not
extend to levels where temperatures are 32В°F, whereas cold clouds exist at part in
temperatures that are below 32В°F (Wilson, 2015 ). Precipitation is the third step in
the water cycle. The water cycle is a process in which water circulates between the
Earth s oceans, atmosphere, and land. The water cycle involves precipitation such as
rain, snow, drainage in streams and rivers, and then returns to the atmosphere by
evaporation and transpiration. Evaporation is when the sun heats up the water in
rivers, lakes, or oceans and turns it into vapor or steam (Guenther, 1998 2015). The
water vapor or steam will leave the river, lake, or ocean and will go into the air.
Condensation occurs when water vapor in the air gets cold and changes back into
Breastfeeding In Children
When it comes to developing a healthy dietary behavior in children, we should try to
address the unhealthy behavior at each stage of their development. Careful and
conscious attempts at different stages of child s development can help instill a
healthy eating habit in them which they keep up in their later lives.
Promoting Breastfeeding:
The first form of food a child gets is breast milk and as we discussed, lack of breast
feeding is one of the major contributory factor for childhood obesity. So in order to
deal with childhood obesity, our first goal should be promoting and strengthening the
concept of breast feeding.
The guidance and encouragement from health care professionals about benefits of
breastfeeding practice is essential as ... Show more content on ...
Scientific evidences showed that in obese individuals, there is a big difference in
calorie consumption and energy expenditure. The imbalance between the calorie
consumption and calorie burning leads to obesity. Nowadays, children are becoming
more and more sedentary. This is resulting in less energy expenditure and as a result
increases chances of obesity. When it comes to physical inactivity in children, there
are many factors responsible for it.
Schools are considered child s second home and in the past, the schools used to
provide good amount of time for physical activities. Nowadays, schools are cutting
hours from PE classes and recesses time and diverting this time for study related in
class sedentary activities which in turn result in children not getting the needed
physical activities (daily, more than or at least 60 minutes of moderate level physical
activity) recommended for their age group.
In the past, children used to assist their parents in household activities which used to
keep them physically active. Nowadays the children do not have to do all these
things because the parents are getting that assistance from the labor saving
technology which again results in less opportunity for the children to be physically
active at
Vehicle Air Con System
When you or your family get taken down with the flu, the blame is swiftly placed
on the people around you or the environment. It s going around , you might say, or
The weather s changing . However, did you ever consider that you might be
placing yourself in harm s way? That it s no one else s fault but your own? Or that
you could have prevented it? A quick check of your car air con system by a trained
mobile air con technician will be able to answer those exact questions.
In just over an hour, a mobile air con technician can service your car air con system,
cleansing out any dirt, bacteria, or mold build up that may be lurking there. Ideally, it
should be done on a regular basis, once every year or year and a half, to ensure that
the cleanliness ... Show more content on ...
If you have children, sensitive or not, even more so.
So next time you catch yourself sneezing in the car, try to remember when the last
time it was that you called your local mobile air con technician to service your car
air con system. If you can t remember, then it s been too
Wellness Plan
Developing an Organizational Employee Wellness Plan
Sample Outline
This outline is intended to be a starting point to guide state agencies in developing
their own agency specific wellness plan. The provided outline addresses specific
points to consider in developing the agency plan, but each agency will need to add
additional content to define adequately what and how each activity will be
implemented in the agency. While the outline is presented in this format for ease of
reading and brevity, a more narrative format is recommended to serve as the actual
agency wellness plan.
Additionally in some sections, such as Program Objectives and Program Content, the
outline provides suggested objectives or program content for agencies to ... Show
more content on ...
By the end of FY , at least % of mothers of young children will report that their
worksite environment and policies supported their efforts to begin and/or continue
III. Survey of Employee Needs
A. Employees were surveyed to gather data on their interest in wellness activities,
types of events, topics of interest, and preferred cost and times for activities. In
summary, the following results were noted:
IV. Eligibility Requirements
A. All employees are eligible for voluntary participation in the wellness activities.
B. Family members are eligible to participate per guidelines set by the organization:
V. Use of Facilities
A. Wellness program activities will take place in appropriate designated spaces.
This may include conference rooms and other available on site indoor and outdoor
areas as well as off site locations.
VI. Providers of Instruction
A. Providers of instruction or services for the wellness program will include:(health
educators, nutritionists, mental health professionals, certified fitness instructors,
qualified yoga instructors, registered massage therapists, and others as appropriate to
the agency plan).
B. Only persons with accepted degrees or recognized training/certification will be
selected. The agency wellness coordinator will review providers qualifications to
ensure the highest standards are met.
C. All leaders of vigorous exercise will meet all required criteria including current
CPR certification,
Essay on Help, My Hair Is Falling Out!
Help, my hair is falling out!
When I first found out that my hair is falling out a lot more than usual, I panicked.
It took me a lot of time to figure out why this is happening to me and what to do.
Everyday thousands of men and women stumble upon the same problem, and many
researchers are trying to solve it. If you have similar problems, this website may
help you to find answers quicker. It is possible that your first question is the same as
mine was why is this happening to me?
Most common causes of hair loss
Genetics: The most common cause is androgenic alopecia, which is an inherited hair
loss pattern. It can begin even when you are young, although risk increases with age.
This hereditary hair loss is more common among men, ... Show more content on ...
We will try to overview the most commonly used options, giving priority to the
products that have been approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
One of the best known and popular drugs is minoxidil. This was the first drug to be
approved by FDA for fighting hair loss and has been clinically proven to help stop
the thinning of hair and help them grow back by enlarging the hair follicle. Both
men and women can use it (usual concentration is 5% for men and 2% for women).
Minoxidil is designed for long term use and it takes about 3 months to see the results.
Here is our comparison of the four most popular minoxidil products:
All four products contains 5% minoxidil, yet they differ in manufacturer, application
method, price and additional ingredients.
Rogaine was the first product to contain minoxidil. Having the most experience,
manufacturers of Rogaine were the first to start producing their product in a foam
form too. Currently, all other three products, except Lipogaine, come both in liquid
and foam forms. Of course, liquid or foam is a matter of preference, although some
people report that foam causes less head skin irritation. Lipogaine has a big
advantage over competitors, as it includes nutrients (biotin, niacin, vitamins B6 and
B12) and herbal DHT blockers (azetinol, saw palmetto extract, linolenic acid, etc.) as
additional ingredients. Equate and Kirkland are generic
Adverse Effect Of Isotichiin
Indications for use a reason to prescribe a medication or treatment, also known as
drug indication (Mosby s, pg 916, 2017). High risk neuroblastoma is an indication
of use for Unituxin (dinutuximab) (FDA, 2015). Desired effects the ability of a
drug to achieve the desired effect, also known as efficacy (Mosby s, pg 593, 2017).
Unituxin in combination with interleukin 2 (IL 2), granulocyte macrophage colony
stimulating factor (GM CSF), and 13 cis retionic acid (RA) showed that 73 percent
of the participants who received this combination were alive compared to 58
percent of those receiving the oral retinoid drug, isotretinoin (RA) (FDA, 2015).
Side Effects any reaction to or consequence of a medication or therapy (Mosby s, pg
... Show more content on ...
Signs or symptoms could include lumps in the abdomen, bone pain, bulging eyes,
dark circles around the eyes, swollen stomach, trouble breathing, weakness or
paralysis. Once neuroblastoma has been diagnosed, it has usually metastasized to
the lymph nodes, bones, bone marrow, and liver (NIH, n.d.). The therapeutic
classification of Unituxin (dinutuximab) is a monoclonal antibody, which is a type
of immunotherapy drug. Unituxin helps the body s immune system find and
destroy cancer cells. It is used along with other treatments, which include
chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation for children who have responded to previous
treatment (Simon, 2015). The indications of use for Unituxin are used in
combination with granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM CSF),
interleukin 2 (IL 2) and 13 cis retinoic acid (RA), for the treatment of children with
high risk neuroblastoma who achieve at least a partial response to prior first line
multi agent, multimodality therapy (United (c), 2017). The available form of
Unituxin is 17.5 mg/mL (3.5 mg/mL) in a single use vial. Children and
Adolescents 17.5 mg/m2/dose as an IV infusion over 10 to 20 hours on scheduled
days for 5 cycles in combination with isotretinoin, sargramostim, and aldesleukin.
On cycles 1, 3, and 5: give sargramostim 250 mcg/m2/day subcutaneously (or as an
IV infusion over 2 hours) on days 1 to 14; dinutuximab on days 4, 5, 6, and 7; and
isotretinoin 160 mg/m2/day PO in 2 divided doses rounded
The Issue Of Gang Related Crime Essay
As declared by Ed Royce: This bill is a comprehensive plan, that will increase gang
related prosecutions, and prevent gang related crime. (House Passes Gangbuster ...S.
Congressman Ed Royce) However, here a precision is necessary. If we have a doubt
about gang s involvement into criminal activities it s not per se sufficient to persecute
anyone, in only constatating the fact of the occured or possible to be occured in the
future crime. Proofs are necessary. The illegally obtained evidence may be
suppressed, Wong Sun v. United States, 371 U.S. 471 (1963). ( https:/
/ We are in the US, gang s
like all others members, which beloning to a group have the rights to geather, for the
free speach, under the 1st and 4th Ammendment. Trus, the United States Supreme
Court has stated that the guarantees of the Fourth Amendment do not allow stopping
and demanding identification or information, or taking photographs from individuals
without any specific basis for believing they are involved in criminal activity, Terry v.
Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968) ( and
Brown v. Texas, 443 U.S. 47 (1979). (
/47/case.html) So, here it will be interesting to understant which will be the approach
of the police while arresting gang s members in the street. The situation can be fast
the opposite, once in the court and the arestee will charge
The Force Awakens Stereotypes
The Force Awakens is the newest episode of Star Wars that has been released in
theatres, and takes place many years after the fall of the Galactic Empire. The
Resistance, the new Rebel Alliance, now faces a new threat, the First Order. In the
hopes of defeating this threat, they look to Luke Skywalker, who s whereabouts are
unknown. Rey, the capable and independent protagonist, rescues a BB 8 unit and
discovers it holds the missing piece of the map that leads to Luke. Together, along
with Finn, Han Solo, and Chewbacca, they must find a way to deliver the piece of
the map to The Resistance and stop the First Order s plans of annihilation.
When someone thinks about the qualities of a hero, the few that always come to
mind are strength, an acting leader, and a protector of the innocent; all of which are
qualities thought of as being predominantly male. These qualities are further
exemplified in Luke Skywalker, the young Jedi Knight of episodes IV through VI,
all of which were made about forty years ago. A young farmer who was strong with
the force, Luke went on to become one of the strongest Jedi ... Show more content on ...
In doing so, it displays the way our society has progressed to view women as
physically capable as men. The importance of this idea cannot be overstated. The
Force Awakens was a highly anticipated movie with a fan base that stretched around
the world. Adults and children all know of Star Wars, and to depict the hero of the
newest episode as a female sends strong messages to everyone. Little girls look up
to Rey and feel inspired by her actions. Little boys who see a female as the hero
will view her as their equal and respect her. The countries who still view women as
lesser beings will see Rey s strength and independence. While it may not urge them to
act, it should certainly give them something to consider about the way they view their
own wives and
Essay on Stages in a Marketing Plan
Stages in a Marketing Plan
This essay will present the stages of a marketing plan and critically evaluate the
differences suggested by the leading authors. However it is vital to understand what
marketing planning is. Although marketing planning would appear to be a simple
and step by step process, in reality it is not. As marketing plans are very complex,
cross functional and it touches every aspect of organizational life. However the
stages of marketing planning will explain and explore some of these issues by
focusing on the process of marketing planning.
Marketing planning can be defined as a sensible way to manage the sales and
marketing function is to find the systematic way of ... Show more content on ...
Costs are charges incurred in running an enterprise. They can also take many forms
including overheads, Direct and indirect and others. Each one of these has it s own
special appeal to different managers within the company, depending on the nature of
their function. Manages of a company have to have some understanding or views
about how all these variables interact and managers must try to be rational about their
business decisions.
Most managers accept that some kind of formal procedure for marketing planning
helps to reduce the complexity of business operations and adds a dimension of
realism to the company s hopes for the future. However most companies rely on sales
forecasting and budgeting system, but they bear little relationship to the real
opportunities and problems facing a company. A marketing planis useful for the
marketer, for superiors, for non marketing functions, for subordinates. It also helps
identifying sources of competitive advantage to force an organisation approach, to
inform, to get resources, to get support and gain commitment and mostly to set
objectives and strategies.
There are other reasons to prepare a strategic marketing plan all organisations have a
mix of different types of market, which will have a lack of differentiation in products
Stevie Wonder s 1980s Music
He was born blind on May 13, 1950, in Saginaw, Michigan, artist, lyricist and multi
instrumentalist Stevie Wonder made his recording debut at age 12. He recorded
his first hit single in 1963. Throughout the following decade, Wonder recorded a few
hit tunes, including Living in the City, Boogie on a Reggae Woman and Isn t She
Lovely. His rich period arrived at an end in 1979. Miracle s 1980s hits were I Just
Called to Say I Love You and Coal black and Ivory. He was enlisted into the Rock and
Roll Hall of Fame in 1989. Stevie Wonder s birth name was Steveland Hardaway
Judkins and was born on May 13, 1950, in Saginaw, Michigan. Visually impaired as
an effect of accepting an excessive amount of oxygen in the hospital as an early born
Culturally Competent Care Of The Jehovah
Culturally Competent Care of the Jehovah?s Witness: A Focus on Bloodless Medicine
Sonya Philbeck
Southern New Hampshire University
Culturally Competent Care of the Jehovah?s Witness: A Focus on Bloodless
Medicine Nurses have the responsibility of caring for a diverse group of people.
These people come from different cultures, races, and religious backgrounds.
Religion plays a major role in patient care and has for many years. Cultural
competency is a major component of nursing practices. Understanding culture is
imperative in knowing what is important to a patient and how to address his or her
healthcare needs. Understanding culture is also important when determining what
suggestions to make about interventions for treatment. Culture is defined as many
people interacting and sharing with one another their patterns of behavior, beliefs
and values (Burkhardt, G. Nathaniel, A., 2014). For many people Christianity is the
religion of choice and a way of life. Jehovah?s Witnesses are one subgroup of the
Christian faith. The JW religion was founded in 1872 by Charles Taze Russell. They
comprise 1.2 million of the U.S. population (Campbell, Y., Machan M., Fisher, M.,
2016). They present a unique challenge to the medical community because of their
stance on blood transfusions. Part I will provide a
An Examination Of How Music Mirrors Societal Issues
An Examination of How Music Mirrors Societal Issues
Perspectives of Institutionalized Racism Although the United States government is
currently engaged in stopping foreign civil rights atrocities, it turns a blind eye to
violence acted out against African Americans within its borders (PR N., 2014, para.
4). In South Carolina, the rebel flag hang[s] from the state house walls (Bryan, 1994,
line 2), serving as a constant reminder of the institutionalized racism that reflects
U.S. social tensions today. Another discriminatory racial injustice that occurred
during the 1990s was the Anti Drug Act of 1986. Possession of 5 grams of crack
(90% of crack defendants were African American) and 500 grams of powder cocaine
(more popular with ... Show more content on ...
4). Not only is racial tension portrayed through brutality and violence, but it is also
apparent in various aspects of public education such as unfair character labeling,
racial stereotypes, harsh school punishments, and discrimination from teachers. These
inequalities present in what is supposed to be a color blind society create the notion
that America does not love [all] children (Manzama, 2015, p. 11) and engender
distrust in the education system. Moreover, impoverished minorities feel a sense of
resentment as a result of discrimination based on economic racism and injustice.
These minorities tend to rebel when they can no longer bear the weight of their anger
and they believe the sentiment favours change (Chavis, 2015, p. 4). Thus we discover
that throughout the history of the United States, racism has played a factor,
ingraining its malicious effects into the moral fiber of American Society.
Historical Perspectives
Several aspects of racial prejudice today, demonstrated in both police brutality and
unjust treatment of minorities, evidence atrocities that can be linked to a national
history of violence and resentment towards one another. To take racism back to when
freedom seemed achievable is to travel back to the Civil Rights Act of 1960s which
sparked national controversy not exclusively in the South. The modern interpretation
of this backlash is most accurately portrayed in the movie Selma, in which Martin
Characteristics Of Joseph Stalin As A Leader
Throughout the millennia that humans have been forming societies with leaders,
there have been many different kinds of leaders, some effective and others not.
Shakespeare s Julius Caesar shows examples of leaders who prevailed over time and
leaders who didn t. This information combined with knowledge of other past leaders
can be used to establish common traits among effective leaders and common traits
among ineffective leaders. Although Joseph Stalinis primarily considered a cruel
tyrant, he also exhibits several of the leadership traits deemed most effective. While
most can agree that his practices were immoral, it is often forgotten that due to his
organization, practicality, and determination, Stalin was a decidedly effective leader.
Joseph Stalin, from the time that he was a low level revolutionary to the years that he
spent as the dictator of the Soviet Union, always knew what he needed to do to
achieve his goals. His organized rise to power allowed him to gain a steady flow of
followers who would support him for decades to come. Stalin received a minor
government position in 1917, but by the time a new leader was needed in 1924, he
had turned the largely routine post of Party general secretary into the most powerful
office in the Soviet Union ( Joseph Stalin) and had built a personal empire for
himself through his control over committee appointments at all levels . . .
expand[ing] the leading Party organs with his supporters, who then voted against his
south Essay
Police In South Africa In the old South Africa before 1994 the police officers job
was to squash subversion and his main obstacle was that most people hated him.
Today after the 1994 years election the South African police force main job is to stop
the growing crime rate. Which seems impossible for them to manage. The police
officersmain hurdle is his own lack of modern policing skills. Many policemen are
barely literate, and are no good at the administrative tasks on which they spend
seventy percent of their time.
South Africa s murder rate is eight times that of the United States, and figures
released on December 7th, 1999 showed steady increases in the other 18 of the 20
most serious categories of offence (The Economist January 22nd ... Show more
content on ...
Aids Nearly 13 % of South Africans in the ages of 20 64 are infected with HIV.
Between 6 10 million South Africans are likely to die of AIDS in the next ten years
(The Economist May 27th 2000).
South Africa has failed to promote a safe sex campaign effectively. More than
1,500 South Africans a day are infected with HIV. Uganda, who has fewer
resources than South Africa, reduced HIV frequency by half by their successful
anti aids campaign with use of education as the main method. Mr. Mbeki should use
the Uganda method and urge people to sleep around less and use condom more.
There was almost no sex education at all in South African schools for a long time,
and is only in the last couple of years it has dramatically increased.
South Africa should focus their efforts on the young; most children under the age
of 15 do not have sex yet and are not infected, those are the once to reach. And it did
not help that Mr. Mbeki for a long time took advise from quot;scientist quot; that
argued that HIV did not cause AIDS. Mr. Mbeki finally has come to his right mind
and believes that HIV does indeed cause AIDS. South Africa, with its advanced
industries has started to suffer a shortage of skilled manpower because of AIDS.
Companies have started to inform and raise awareness of AIDS among their workers
because the companies cannot afford to lose any more manpower.
The French Revolution Of The 18th Century
The French Revolution of the 18th Century presented a theme of hope and change
for new political and artistic thought processes as it fought for equal rights over
oppression. This Revolution marked the beginning of the Romantic Period,
effectively inspiring poets to pursue raw emotion rather than logic or reason as in the
previous age. In turn, the revolution gave great influence to several key social poets
of the time such as William Wordsworthand Samuel Coleridge. Accordingly, these
poets illustrated the ideals of these revolutionary beliefs to reach the public
consciousness of their society through poetic portrayals of the individual achieving
greatness or personal understanding through the emotion of nature. As a result, this
explication will demonstrate an exploration of romantic techniques to create an
interpretation of my poem while examining the elements of Romantic poetryin
general based on the works of Coleridge and Wordsworth. The romantic period in
English literature revolves around several focal points including imagination, nature,
individualism and romantic love centering on human emotion. In turn, original
Romantic Poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge embodied these themes
within their poetry while adding supplemental concepts to develop the overall story.
My Poem Awake embodies these same themes in interpreting the techniques and
concepts of Wordsworth and Coleridge. Firstly, Awake illustrates a speaker
commanding a common individual to
How Do Fast Food Companies Manipulate Children
Name Isaiah Pryor
Awful.Did you know that the fast food industry s do all this unwanted crap to let
people to buy their products?They manipulate children with commercials for a happy
meal and playing with Ronald McDonald.They put unwanted chemicals in food that
consumers do not know what they are eating , take this for example Mascara a
ingredient for womens hair that is in our food.Do you like the mascara in your food?
Fast food companies treat their teenage employees terribly. They make very little
money and are not treated with respect.The fast food industry manipulates people,
hide chemicals what is inside of their food and treat their teenage employees bad.
First of all , the companies would manipulate children and brainwash kids with
commercials to nag their parents buy the product. On page 49 Most ads aimed at
kids have one simple goal getting kids to nag to parents,it is not just getting kids to
whine a marketer onced explain,it is giving them specific reason to ask for the
product. On page 53 At the the youth marketing forum 2004 conference in
Singapore,Karen Tan,representing coca cola,discussed how to make children to
remember the a company s ad s and create brand stickiness. They do neuromarketing
research in a kids mind and see what is happening when they are brainwashed by an
ad.any kind of commercials ... Show more content on ...
On page 73 Instead of relying on a small , stable , well paid and well trained work
force,the fast food industry seeks out part time,unskilled workers who are willing
to accept low pay. If you heard of China s kids who drop out of school,they work at
factories.The main thing is they work for six teen hours to make toys for the kids in
United States for America non stop.They get 0.20 cents per hour for working in the
factory.You want to know what is worser then this factory,another factory they get
0.10 cents per hour and they work for seven teen hours a
Outline Of A Presentation On A Banquet Is The Word...
This Project Work titled ___________________________ is a successful outcome
of my hard work with the help and guidance of my respectable Sir.
I sincerely acknowledge the contribution of the suggestions given by without this
project could never became a reality.
Last but not least acknowledge all my friends who gave me suggestion and full
support by heart.
A banquet is the word literally means sumptuous feast . Banquets are arranged to
cater for a large number of people. TYPES OF FUNCTION include Corporate,
Social and ODC. DIFFERENT TYPES OF SETUPS include Classroom, Theater
Style, Board Room, U Shape, Auditorium, Fish Bone, Round Table, Standing
Cocktail and Hollow Shape. COORDIANATION with Event Management Company,
Sub departments of the HOTEL, Tent house, Contractor, Finance, and Human
Resource Department. LICENCE are provided to hotel for particular person, day,
function and for particular time
BANQUET can also be defined as a meal that has a menu that is preselected by the
client for all guests attending the event. Usually occurs in a separate
The Purpose And Importance Of Monuments
Monuments are used to memorialize and honor moments, individuals and events of
the past. Some monuments do this better than other monuments. In creating a
monument there are three essential factors a group or agency should consider to
make the monument as effective as possible: location, design features, purpose and
backstory. Why these factors? Location and design factors play a massive role in the
reception the monumentwill receive, based on its environment, size and looks a
monument will be perceived differently. The purpose and backstory are the two
single most important factors to consider in creating a monument. The monuments
history, its reason, is the reason just? Is the purpose proper? Does it accurately
memorialize the subject? All these questions come with the purpose and backstory of
a monument.
Location; where the monument is plays a big role in how effective a monument is in
memorializing or honoring a person or moment. For instance Mount Rushmore, to the
untrained eye, is four important men of the past on the side of a mountain, but it is
actually quite more. I have to admit: Mount Rushmore bothers me. It was bad
enough that white men drove the Sioux from the hills they still hold sacred; did they
have to carve faces all over them too? (Source C). Source C is saying that the
location of Mount Rushmore is disrespectful to the Sioux because that mountain is
sacred to them, and the people who drove the Native Americans off the land have
their faces on that
Dualism And Personalism
Dualism is a philosophy that hypothesizes our mind is more then just our body.
Dualists all deny that the mind is the same as the brain. In contrast Personalism is a
philosophy that says our mind and body are one and the same. Personalists regard
personhood as the fundamental notion that which gives meaning to all reality. We
will explore their differences through their impact on abortion, death and politics.
Dualism is a philosophy that in its most basic form holds that the mind is comprised
of a nonphysical substance, while the body is composed of the physical substance
called matter. This type of dualism is called substance dualism, or Cartesian Dualism.
This type of dualism was formulated by Rene Descartes, who was ... Show more
content on ...
If the mind truly was a different substance then while the body dies the brain would
still show some signs of life, because the mind would still be causally affecting it.
Dualism and abortion. Because a dualism at its core it the belief that something is
composed of two different parts, body and mind, a dualists could look at abortion
two ways. The first way is that because the mind and body a different and only
causally interact, then abortion does not end the life and so should not be
considered murder. The second way is that because the mind and body ARE
causally affecting one another then because you hurt one half it affects the other
and a harmful way and should be considered and harmful act and outlawed.
Because body and mind are one and the same both these views are wrong just on
principle, but if we delve deeper the view that abortion end the life and thus shouldn
t be considered murder is obviously the more harmful of the two. But it is especially
harmful because this view separates the mind from the body and thus supports the
pro abortionists view that the baby is just a bunch of cells and isn t sentient. And the
second view is harmful, but not quite as harmful as the first. The second view
marginalizes what happens during abortion, by saying that because the mind is
causally affected by what happens to the body that the act is harmful is different then
saying the act
Mahatma Gandhi Speech
Mohan Das Gandhi was one of the greatest leaders of Indian independence
movement. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was given the
title of Mahatma . Mahatma means great soul. He was given the honorific title Bapu
(Father). He was also called the Father of the Indian nation. Mahatma Gandhi was
born on October 2, 1969. People in Indiacelebrate October 2nd as Gandhi Jayanti, a
national holiday.
He was born and raised in a Hindu Merchant caste family in Porbandar, Gujarat.
Gandhi belonged to the Vaisya caste. In the Hindu social scale, there are four castes
on number one Brahmans, then Kshatriyas who were rulers and soldiers, then comes
the Vaisyas on number third. Gandhis were businessmen. Mohandas was the son of
his fourth ... Show more content on ...
At the age of forty six, he returned to India in 1914. He spent the next four years
touring the country and studying and learning the situation in India. Mahatma
Gandhi was a unique national leader. He combined in himself the role of a socio
religious reformer and a leader of nationalist movement. He made Satya and
Ahimsa as the basis of the new social order. He followed the principles of non
violence, peacefulness, and non cooperation to achieve freedom. Freedom was to
be achieved through non violence and non cooperation with the ruling class. He
said that fearlessness is the essential part of Satyagraha. He desired to remove all
kinds of fear from the minds of the people. Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from
South Africa in 1914, took control of and radically transformed the Indian nationalist
movement, and led several great popular movements that eventually wore down the
British government and led to Indian independence. Mohandas Gandhi travelled in a
train with no AC to reach Champaran, to hold India s first civil disobedience
movement. Under the British rule, many farmers in the Champaran district of Bihar
were forced to grow indigo in their lands, much to their dismay. To fight this, a
money lender named Raj Kumar Shukla reached out to Gandhiji and requested him
to come and help them. he came down to this district on April 10 of 1917 with a
band of
An Advanced Framework For Requirements
An Advanced Framework for Requirements Elicitation Jaydeep Lunagariya
(012630083) California State University, Long Beach, CA, USA Introduction
Requirement elicitation is a critical and essential activity in the requirement
engineering processes. It is a finite set of activities that complied in determination
process of the system requirements. This includes identification of the system s
stakeholders, analysis of the current problem definition in application domain, an
operating environment of the system and of all customers business and
organizational environment. One of the major aspects in the failure of software
projects is an improper system requirement. Requirements for the most system are
usually written in natural language or presented in semi formal or informal modeling
representations. However, this written common language requirement is prone to
error and vague that leads to inherent inaccuracy, such as incompleteness,
incorrectness, missing requirements and ambiguities [1]. Completeness of system
requirements have major impact in software engineering (SE) and can also have a
major significance on formal verification, safety, testing and robustness of software.
Missing requirements has become one of the primary causes of software failure [2],
because there are gaps in consideration of all probable relations between elements of
system. In this research paper, we present an innovative requirement elicitation
framework that helps to anticipate all the possible and
Healthcare Market Domain
The healthcare domain will be briefly reviewed as a whole, but will further analyze
Johnson Johnson s world leading development of the consumer healthcare market to
evaluate the evolution of the healthcare domain into the 3rd largest contributor to the
United States Gross Domestic Product (GPD) (Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2016).
the expected increase in the consumerhealthcare market and how that growth will
further propel Johnson Johnsonto maintain its status as the worldwide leader in sales
of consumer healthcare products will also be analyzed (Johnson Johnson Services
Inc., 2016).
Healthcare Market Domain
In 2015, healthcare spending added over $1.3 trillion to the United States GDP
(Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2016). According... Show more content on ...
Increased accessibility has allowed Johnson Johnson to further develop already
existing products, but to also work with populations in development of new
products in order to meet specific healthcare needs. Technology has also allowed the
company access to parts of the world not previously accessible, which has led to the
discovery of new plants and other natural resources in which new products can be
developed (Johnson Johnson, 2016). With continuous improvements in technology,
so will opportunity for growth. This growth will result in the need for additional
employees to meet demand and more efficient products to comply with growing
safety standards around the world. All of which will affect all aspects of Johnson
The United States Attack on Irak in 2003
The United States attacked Iraq on March 19, 2003. The question of whether this
action is a case of justified anticipatory self defense or not is answered by clearly
understanding the definition of anticipatory self defense . Anticipatory self
defense basically says that if you have a good reason to believe that someone is
going to harm you in a particular way, you can act first. The proper definition
would have two conditions; There is clear and convincing evidence that the
proposed target has the ability to strike a devastating blow and There is clear and
convincing evidence that the proposed target has the inclination to strike a
devastating blow . That being said, the decision to go to war with Iraqwas a decision
based upon dishonesty and a one sided perspective. Therefore, U.S does not qualify
to call it a case of justified anticipatory self defense so; it was not a last resort as it
had other less violent options. There are several reasons as to why I believe it was
a very weak case. Firstly, U.S made mistakes that led to inaccurate conclusions that
Iraq obtained weapons of mass destruction. These mistakes were not honest
mistakes but rather an intentional manipulation by the government. The primary
reason to invade Iraq was to get rid of Saddam Hussein, who is believed (by U.S
officials) to pose future threats to the U.S as he obtains WMD. However, the UN
under Hans Blix who had access to all the government buildings had a team working
in the grounds of Iraq
Gun Control vs. Gun Rights Essays
The second amendment states The right of the people to keep and bear arms . What
does that mean to us, basically and person in the United States is allowed to own
and keep a fire arm in house. Gun control advocates believe that right does not
extend to ownership of military style firearms that are otherwise known as assault
weapons. To curb gun related violence certain checks are made, such as mandatory
child safety locks, background checks on those wishing to purchase a gun, limits on
the number of guns a person can buy and raising the age limit for gun ownership.
Gun rights groups, led by the National Rifle Assocation, argue that these and other
proposals infringe on the constitutional rightsof law abiding citizens. They maintain...
Show more content on ...
Some gun manufacturers have volunteered support for safety locks, but the NRA
has criticized safety locks for placing an undue burden on gun manufacturers
without a proven benefit to the public. At the forefront of the debate over guns is
the assault weapons ban that went into effect in 1994. The ban, which was part of a
larger anti crime bill passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton that year,
applies to 19 specific models of semi automatic firearms and to other guns with
assault weapon features. The ban expired Sept. 13, 2004, and gun rights groups were
pressing Congress to allow the ban to lapse. Gun control advocates responded with a
massive public relations campaign encouraging voters to tell their elected
representatives that Congress should renew the ban.
The issue has become a hot potato in a presidential election year, with President Bush
and Sen. John Kerry taking positions designed not to infuriate voters on either side of
the debate. Bush said he supports an extension, but gun control advocates accused
him of failing to pressure Congress into action. Kerry announced his support for
extending the ban, even as his campaign sought to boost the Democratic presidential
nominee s credentials as a gun owner and hunter.
Republican congressional leaders say the ban was allowed to lapse because gun
control advocates in the House and Senate did not have enough votes to extend it.
They may be right.
A Personal Hero In The Epic Of Beowulf
In a society of average performing conformists, an outgoing savior is strived for. A
true hero is scarce to come by because to become a true hero, everyone must believe
the person is benevolent. However, very few people in the world tend to agree on
any given topic. These people have their own personal heroes, a title granted to a
local whom they personally admire. In theory, this means heroes are everywhere.
However, evolving from personal beliefs, monsters and heroes exist only in
imagination. In the epic poem, Beowulf, it speaks of an epic herowho saves the world
from gruesome monsters. In the eyes of the people, Beowulf is their hero, yet in
the eyes of others, Beowulf is the monster. The sharp contrast between a personal
hero and a true hero is shown in the poem. Due to the fact that heros and villians
are subjective to individuals, they have yet to exist in modern day as a whole
except under the delusional view of one person. One person s hero may be another
s enemy prohibiting the ability for a true hero to exist. For instance, in Beowulf,
Grendel was the enemy to the town, eating men by handfuls. He was the terrifying
villain, a descendant from Cain, however, Grendel s mother believed Grendel did
no wrong. After Beowulf had killed Grendel in what he believed was a heroic act, his
mother saw it as an act of hostility. Grendel s mother was now desperate for revenge
(Line 1278) as she saw the town s hero as her enemy. Beowulf was shown as an epic
hero to the Geats
Essay Comparing Two Ancient Egyptian Works Of Art
This analysis will compare two ancient Egyptian works of art to a common theme
and find expression in a contemporary idea. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the
architectural structure that will be used as our first work of art. It was built around
2550 B.C. by Pharaoh Khufu at the necropolis of Giza during the fourth dynasty,
which is located about ten miles north of the modern city of Cairo, Egypt. The second
work of art is the biography of Amenemhab who served under Pharaoh Thutmose
III (1504 1540 B.C) and Amenhotep II (1540 1412 B.C). Although the exact date
and circumstances of his death is unknown his biography was found in his tomb
located in the necropolis of Theban on the west bank of the Nile river near the
modern city of Luxor. Both of these works are of a historical and cultural
significance that not only gives us a small glimpse of life in ancient Egypt, but they
describe what the pharaoh s and people valued and believe in. This literary and
architectural works... Show more content on ...
Their beliefs on the afterlife was at the forefront on how their lived their lives. The
Egyptians went to great lengths to insure their soul s survival in the afterlife.
Providing tombs, pyramids, goods, stories of how they lived their lives, and the
preservation of their bodies. The Great Pyramid of Giza is a tomb that stood
approximately 481 feet tall and cover about thirteen acres. It comprised of around
2.3 million blocks of limestone weighting two fifteen tons. The exterior was casted
with a smooth white Tura limestone that was polished and meant to reflex the sun
s rays (Löhner). The pyramid is/was no doubt a dramatic feature of the landscape
which was viewable from every angle. The biography of Amenemhab while less
dramatic was no less important. His story is a story of culture in which he
described how he served the pharaoh and describes a society of order where he held
the first rank among men (Sayce,
Holden Caulfield Alienation
From the beginning of the novel, Holden seems to be, to some extent, isolated
from the society around him and victimized by it at the same time. Holden says to
Mr. Spencer that he feels himself on the other side of life, and he relentlessly
attempts to find his own way in a world in which he does not belong. In this way,
the theme of alienation is quite prevailing in Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye. So,
this essay will focus on the world where alienated Holden lives and how he would
live in terms of current society.
To begin with, it is important to define alienation since the main part of the essay will
be centered on this aspect. Alienation means being isolated but in a quite different
way. A particular person is alienated when his or her inner self is estranged from the
surrounding society, world and environment. Holden Caulfield from the novel The
Catcher in the Rye in ... Show more content on ...
His ethical maximalism makes him totally unsuited to the real world. But, as the
novel progresses, Holden s alienation seems to be the way he actually protects
himself. He acts like his isolation is a proof that he is better than other people
around. However, in point of fact, interactions with people mostly confuse him,
and his cynicism serves as a kind of self protection. Also, his alienation is a direct
response to what he sees in society, namely, that people, mostly, ignore emotional
realities of others. Sometimes I act a lot older than I am I really do but people
never notice it. People never notice anything (Salinger, p. 9). On the other hand, his
isolation is a root of most of his problems. Generally, he only needs a person to love
and to talk with. However, he does not want to ruin his protecting wall even when he
is on the date with Sally Hayes, he insults her and kick her away. Throughout the
novel, Holden depends on his isolation, but it gradually destroys
Southeast Asia is made up of closely intertwined nations....
Southeast Asia is made up of closely intertwined nations. There is shared history and
common similarities of having been colonized and therefore appreciate and cherish
nation and state building as priority. Multiple traditional and non traditional security
challenges characterised by complex relationships continue have a significant impact
in defining the long term peace outlook in Southeast Asiaregion.
This paper seeks to provide a critical assessment of security challenges that Southeast
Asian nations faces and examines why an inter state war is not a central security
concern in contemporary times. The first section discusses security challenges in
Southeast Asia by examining both internal conflict and inter state dispute in ... Show
more content on ...
This is largely due to post cold war decolonization, where the fall of communism
and rise of democracy is in full steam. Most of the countries saw opportunity in
economic growth and relegated ideological aims backed by military power.
While the traditional threat of inter state wars have not occurred in Southeast Asia
since post cold war era, it has been replaced with numerous conflicts in the region, a
trend somewhat consistent with Huntington s view. Huntington argued that the
ideological conflict of the Cold War would be replaced by ethnic conflict along
historical cleavage lines a clash of civilizations. 5 Economic development and the
spread of democracy may have render war obsolete or at least less common but
empirical evidence has shown the rise of ethnic violence, territorial disputes and
security concerns such as proliferation of weapon of mass destruction outside of
Southeast Asia.
Internal conflicts Almost all Southeast Asian countries
Essay on Lyft Stp
Lyft is all about taking cars off the road via ridesharing. This is NOT merely a cool
new use of technology to efficiently onboard and route more cars, cabs, town cars
and limos. Lyft wants to use technology to get everyone who currently owns a car to
join a trusted information network to share rides. Scott Weis, 2013
Lyft current specific segments are:
Socially conscious
Environment friendly
Tech savvy millennials
Busy city professionals
Population active at night o College towns o Large cities
Cost conscious
Lyfts general segments are:
Geographic regionAcross all United States
DensityUrban, Suburban, Rural
Demographic ageAll ages
Family sizeAll sizes
GenderAll genders ... Show more content on ...
These, of course, align with some of the key values towards a unique customer
service that Lyft possesses and can capitalize on.
One of Lyfts differentiating factor is it prides itself on possessing the most social
experience there is for a rideshare company. As the American population continues to
become more educated, their consumer behavior has shifted to where they are more
conscious of corporation impacts to the environment they live in or hope their
children will reside in. Lyft through the ridesharing platform where ridesharing can be
argued reduces greenhouse gas via reducing car densities on the road, they can
capitalize on it and target more environment conscious customers. Furthermore, Lyft
can continue to strengthen their commitment to contributing to reduce negative
environment impacts pertaining to cars and court the next generation of customers
after the millennials, generation Z which are expected to continue to become more
educated and environment conscious.
Another target Lyft should capitalize on are cities/towns that have profiles centered
on community orientation and social bonds. Lyft mission can easily align with such
Lyft through their data collection should start targeting light to medium users to
convert to heavy users while attempting to convert 90% of first time users to regular
users. Furthermore understanding their passive customers and converting them to
loyal customers. Also, Lyft can target a segment that is
A Report On Tree Pits
Tree pits shall be three times the size of the root ball to be planted, with a minimum
depth of 1.5 times the depth of the root ball. The bottom of the pit shall be forked
over to an additional depth of 300mm to facilitate root penetration, air movement and
free drainage. See SD 702 sheets 1 or 2 for installation details.
Mulch to tree pits in reserves shall be placed over the tree pit radially to 1000mm
from the trunk of the tree or to the extremity of the tree s drip line, whichever is the
greater. Mulch to tree pits in streets shall be spread radially to 600mm from the trunk
of the tree.
Mulch shall not touch the stems of plants. A small circle shall be cleared (diameter of
50mm minimum) around the stem to avoid stem rot.
Topsoil shall not be mixed into the mulch during placement, planting or weeding.
Bark mulch shall not be placed below the annual flood level within the channel or
within regularly inundated tidal margins.
NZS 4431: 1989 Code of practice for earth fill for residential development NZS
8409: 2004 Management of agrichemicals AS/NZS 3008.1.2:2010 Electrical
installations Selection of cables Cables for alternating voltages up to and including
0.6/1 kV Typical New Zealand installation conditions AS/NZS 2032: 2006
Installation of PVC pipe systems AS/NZS 2033: 2008 Installation of polyethylene
pipe systems AS 2845.3: 2010 Water supply Backflow prevention devices Field
testing and maintenance
Tree and Plant Materials
All tree and plant
Essay on The Many Benefits of Pet Ownership
A dog is a man s best friend goes much deeper than the phrase might initially imply.
Recently many medical journals have begun to identify with the many and varied
benefits of pet ownership. Men have always relied upon animals for work,
transportation, and survival. As times have changed, man has begun to appreciate a
different bond with animals. Gone are the days of animals running free outside
around the homestead, for now animals are allowed inside and are considered by
many to be an integral part of our daily lives! Medical studies have found that animals
have a much greater intelligence level than originally thought. Through proper
training and experience, animals are not only household pets, but also are becoming
an accepted form... Show more content on ...
Pets can fill a void in an owner s life, by allowing them to nurture something and
receive a sense of satisfaction. Socially pets have become so much a part of our
daily lives that they are often treated as if they were children, some lucky pets even
attend daily play sessions, and are treated to extreme indulgence; all to make their
owner feel as if they were an infant or a child. Blind owners rely on their seeing eye
dogs to guide them around wherever they go; they are trained to guide them past and
around obstacles. The National Institute of Health states, More than half of all U.S.
households have a companion animal. Pets are more common in households with
children, yet there are more pets than children in American households. There are
more than 51 million dogs, 56 million cats, 45 million birds, 75 million small
mammals and reptiles, and uncounted millions of aquarium fish (np). Many movie
stars and rich and famous people have begun using pets as a status symbol. Millions
of dollars are spent finding the perfect and most valuable pet even to the extent that
the original breed of animal has become unrecognizable or even extinct. This need for
high status and perfection has resulted in safety risks to both pets and the people they
live with. Inbreeding and tampering with cross genes in animals often result in an
animal of inferior security and emotional stability, thus resulting in an aggressive and
violent temperament. In an attempt to

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Should Boxing Be Banned Essay.pdf

  • 1. Should Boxing Be Banned Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of whether boxing should be banned poses a unique set of challenges. The subject is multifaceted, encompassing ethical, health, and cultural dimensions that require careful consideration. Firstly, one must navigate the moral dilemma surrounding a sport where participants willingly engage in physical combat for entertainment. Delving into the potential dangers and long-term health consequences adds another layer of complexity, as the inherent risk of head injuries raises ethical questions about the responsibility of society and governing bodies. Furthermore, exploring the cultural significance of boxing becomes essential, as it has deep roots in various societies, serving as both a sport and a form of self-expression for many. Balancing these diverse perspectives requires a nuanced approach to avoid oversimplification or bias. It's imperative to address the economic and societal impacts of a potential ban, acknowledging the livelihoods and communities built around the sport. Additionally, researching the historical context of boxing and its evolution in terms of rules and safety measures is crucial for a comprehensive understanding. The essay must incorporate diverse viewpoints, from medical professionals advocating for a ban due to health concerns to boxing enthusiasts arguing for the preservation of a longstanding tradition. In conclusion, writing an essay on whether boxing should be banned demands a careful examination of ethical, health, and cultural aspects. Navigating through these complexities requires thorough research, critical analysis, and an ability to present a balanced perspective. The challenge lies in synthesizing the diverse viewpoints to construct a well-informed and compelling argument. For assistance with similar essays or any writing needs, one can explore various resources, including online writing services like, where professionals can provide guidance and support in crafting well-researched and articulate essays. Should Boxing Be Banned Essay Should Boxing Be Banned Essay
  • 2. Student Problem 1 (page 533) The Barberton Municipal Division of Road Maintenance is charged with road repair in the city of Barberton and the surrounding area. Cindy Kramer, road maintenance director, must submit a staffing plan for the next year based on a set schedule for repairs and on the city budget. Kramer estimates that the labor hours required for the next four quarters are 6,000, 12,000, 19,000, and 9,000, respectively. Each of the 11 workers on the workforce can contribute 500 hours per quarter. Payroll costs are $6,000 in wages per worker for regular time worked up to 500 hours, with an overtime pay rate of SIR for each overtime hour. Overtime is limited to 20 percent oldie regular time capacity in any quarter. Although unused... Show more content on ... The current on hand inventory is 100 units. The order policy is to produce in lots of 75. The booked customer orders for the item, starting with week 1, are 15, 38, 7, 5, 0, 3, 10, 0, 0, and 0 units. The lead time is 2 weeks. a. Develop an MPS for this end item. b. The marketing department has received five orders for this item in the following sequence: Order 1 is for 20 units to be delivered in period 1 Order 2 is for 75 units to be delivered in period 4 Order 3 is for 90 units to be delivered in period 6 Order 4 is for 75 units to be delivered in period 7 Order 5 is for 90 units to be delivered in period 10 Assuming that the prospective MPS you developed in part (a) does not change, which orders would you be able to accept based on the available to promise (ATP)? SOLUTION Master Production Schedule for end item a. MPS Lot Size: 75 LT = 2 weeks| Week| Quantity on Hand: 100| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| Forecast| 30| 30| 30| 30| 20| 20| 30| 30| 30| 30| Customer orders (booked)| 15| 38| 7| 5| 0| 3| 10| 0| 0| 0| Projected on hand inventory| 70| 32| 2| 47| 27| 7| 52| 22| 67| 37| MPS quantity| | | | 75| | | 75| | 75|
  • 3. Anglo American Imperialism The relationship between the domestic and the foreign characterises Early Modern representations of Anglo American imperialism. By definition, the domestic pertains to the home country or household, and that which concerns oneself. The foreign is the antithesis of this, something considered to be unfamiliar and alien. As Eric Cheyfitz has asserted, this relationship was the grounding colonial desire of what names itself domestic to dominate what it simultaneously distinguishes as foreign and figurative. This implies that the process of deciding the domestic from the foreign lies within the control of whatever faction wishes to gain dominance, thus the distinguishing factor begins as a question of perception and discourse. This dynamic certainly... Show more content on ... Smith devised this reputation with his depictions of the heroic rescuer and the saviour of the then starving Jamestown. With these supposed actions, the English nationals essentially perceived Pocahontas as the helpful deserter of her own people. Such perceptions are continued when Smith describes the indigenous Algonquian people to Queen Anne. He relates this through the domestic standards of respectability. Taken prisoner by the power of Powhatan, their chiefe King, I receiued from this great Saluage, exceeding great courtesie, especially from his sonne Nantaquaus the most manliest, comeliest, boldest spirit I euer saw in a Saluage, and his sister Pocahontas, the Kings most deare and wel beloued daughter. The native family occupy a space in which they are diplomatic and courteous as well as alien and uncivilised. Here, the term chiefe king invokes the idea of a foreign monarchy or royal family that commands a certain degree of respect because of their supposed inherent nobility. However, Smith appears to decide this value based on his on imperialist conditions about what is considered worthy of English respect, and what is not. This conditional respect only occurs despite the uncivilised and savage nature of the natives, and despite the fact that they hold Smith in captivity. Nantaquaus description demonstrates this. Smith encounters him as the most exceptional image of a native that he has ever seen, and the masculine yet pleasant example of what Native Americans ought to be. Despite this relative courtesy Smith attempts to demonstrate, his perspective on their humanity fluctuates quite significantly even within this singular paragraph. During the execution scene, the tribe are said to have inthralled Smith within their barbarous power, until Pocahontas risks the potential beating out of her owne braines to saue his.
  • 4. Chromatography Lab Used to Examine Spinach and Red Cabbage Chromatography Lab In this chromatography lab filter paper was used to examine the different pigments of spinach and red cabbage. There were two hypotheses for both plants. The hypothesis for the red cabbage was that there would be multiple pigments evident. The hypothesis for the spinach was similar in that there would be different pigments present. Both hypotheses were accepted in that there were multiple pigments found on the filter paper of each sample. Major scientific concepts in this lab include chromatography and pigments. Chromatography is the division of mixtures, solution, and others into its different components. Chromatography is often used to separate a solution into its separate parts. Chromatography filters complicated compounds accurately without involving a difficult process so it is often used. In this lab, we used chromatography to separate the different pigments in the plants. When looking at plants, the colors of the plants are the colors that are reflected from the different wavelengths of the light spectrum. The colors that are not evident are the colors the plants absorb and use as energy. Pigments are the compounds of a plant the enable the reflected colors to be evident. These pigments function to capture light energy from the sun to enable the plants to undergo photosynthesis. Experiment Methods 1.When all the materials are gathered, lay out the paper towel over the work place. Place the two empty beakers on the paper towels and
  • 5. Essay Exam Question and Answer Parliament practise exam question a) Explain the term life peers used in the extract (5 marks) * According to the extract, life peers sit in the House of Lords. They sit in the House of Lords for life and are appointed by the Prime Minister by recommendations from his/her party as well as the opposition. The Life peerages Act of 1958 set the conditions for Life peers to be appointed and examples include Lord Sugar and Lord Mandleson. Life peers make up the majority of the House of Lordsafter the House of Lords reform act of 1999 removed the hereditary peers from the House of Lords. b) Using your own knowledge as well as the extract, explain why a partly elected House of Lords might undermine the primacy (dominance) of the ... Show more content on ... (25 marks) * Party control in the House of Commons refers to the size of majority of the majority party in the House of Commons and the effectiveness of the party s whipping system. If there is a large majority, then parliament s main functions, such as representation, scrutiny and legislation will significantly be limited in terms of its effectiveness. Firstly, party control, and therefore the size of majority, such as Blair s majority of 178 in 1997, limits the effectiveness of parliaments legislative function because it would be harder for parliament to defeat government bills, for example, in 2009 10, 23/23 government bills were passed in the House of Commons, however only 6/67 private member s bills were passed in the House of Commons. However, party control does not always limit the effectiveness of Parliament as backbench rebellions are occurring more often in recent parliaments, such as 138 labour MPs voted against the Labour government of 1997 2007 on the Iraq war, therefore the whipping system does not always encourage party MPs to support the government and therefore do the poll vote . Furthermore, party control in the House of Commons does not necessarily limit the effectiveness of parliament in performing its main functions, as for the House of Lords, there is no democratic legitimacy or popular authority, and therefore as are unelected, most peers hold specialist
  • 6. Genetic Mistakes There are two ways that that an organism can develop beneficial mutations, sexual reproduction and whenever there are mistakes during DNA replication. There is an enzyme call DNA polymerase that is in charge of proofreading the template strand. It reads the newly added base to make sure it is paired up correctly. However sometimes these mistakes are not corrected and lead to mutation. The benefits of mutation are that it brings genetic diversity. Mutations cause a change in DNAthat lead to new genetic variation (Alleles) in a population. With these mutations that occur during DNA replication and sexual reproduction, they introduce more desirable phenotypes in the offspring. With time these organisms develop more features that help with their survival. These mutations are developed by the changes that occur in the base pairs. There are two ways that that an organism can develop beneficial mutations, sexual reproduction and whenever there are mistakes during DNA replication. There is an enzyme call DNA polymerase that is in charge of proofreading the template strand. It reads the newly added base to make sure it is paired up correctly. However ... Show more content on ... There is an enzyme call DNA polymerase that is in charge of proofreading the template strand. It reads the newly added base to make sure it is paired up correctly. However sometimes these mistakes are not corrected and lead to mutation. The benefits of mutation are that it brings genetic diversity. Mutations cause a change in DNA that lead to new genetic variation (Alleles) in a population. With these mutations that occur during DNA replication and sexual reproduction, they introduce more desirable phenotypes in the offspring. With time these organisms develop more features that help with their survival. These mutations are developed by the changes that occur in the base
  • 7. The Winter s Tale By William Shakespeare In the play The Winter s Tale by William Shakespeare, exists two different types of characters: dynamic characters, meaning characters who change throughout the play by learning and growing through their experiences, and static characters, meaning characters that stagnate from the beginning to end. In particular, the most dynamic character in the play is King Leontes of Sicilia. In the beginning, Leontes believes in the self assumed belief that his wife, Queen Hermione, is having affairs with his childhood friend, King Polixenes of Bohemia. This belief was conspired by Leontes when he requested Hermione to convince Polixenes to prolong his visit in Sicilia after he himself had failed. When she did succeed, Leontes became diseased with jealousy and came to the assumption that Hermione and Polixenes have a special relationship together. With the authorial power he possesses as king, he sentenced his pregnant wife to prison for adultery. Though Hermione persists that he is wrong and there is a misunderstanding, Leontes, however, denies everything she says. In this, Leontes is seen as a stubborn tyrant who abuses his divine power as king to treat his wife as a lower being. He denies her right to speak and punishes her severely. Leontes says: You, my lords, Look on her, mark her well; be but about To say she is a goodly lady, and The justice of your hearts will thereto add Tis pity she s not honest, honourable: Praise her but for this her without door form,
  • 8. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Essay When it was written in 1925, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, by Anita Loos was heralded as a tremendous novel. It was seen as cutting edge and insightful, yet somewhat risquГ© in its portrayal of Lorelei Lee and her escapades. I can see how this may have been thought at that time, seeing as how women were looked at in such a different way then they are currently. The fact that a women with as little know how as Lorelei can manipulate men the way that she does, leaves no question as to who is the superiorgender in Loos mind. While the books is quite amusing, and does have many strengths, if it is looked at in the context of women s struggles with issues such as domesticity, sexuality and socioeconomic standing it seems less and less like such... Show more content on ... I know that the fact that she is so privileged adds a very amusing edge to the novel, but it really seems quite inaccurate. Since it was originally published in Harper s Bazaar, it has to be noted that the women who would be reading such periodicals would be of the working or middle class. Seeing a protagonist like Lorelei who rose to the top without working may have been nice for these women to read, something akin to a fairy tale, it still is certainly unrepresentative of the average woman. Taking into account the inflation of the past seventy five years, I still do not know anyone who would call up their father (or father like person) and ask them for $10,000. It is the things like this that make me completely unable to identify with Lorelei, and I find it hard to believe that many women at the time would have been able to either. Something that I feel many women at the time, and still some to this day can identify with, is Lorelei s use of her sexuality to get what she wants from men. It reminds me of the whole treating phenomenon mentioned in Cheap Amusements. While did not have sex with men for the presents they gave her, she certainly wasn t above putting on a negligГ©e and batting her eyelashes to make them give her presents or do her favors. There was not a man in the book who did not fall victim to her in one way or
  • 9. Analysis Of The Wretched Of The Earth By Frrantz Fanon Frantz Fanon once said in The Wretched of the Earth, The colonized underdeveloped man is a political creature in the most global sense of the term. Frantz Fanon was born in 1925 in Martinique, a French colony in the Caribbean Sea. He was descended from African slaves who had previously been brought to the island. Fanon left Martinique at the age of 18 and fought for France in the last years of World War II. It was during the war that he experienced extensive racism from his white European peers. This would continue to influence his worldview for the rest of his short life. Fanon s critical work has established him as an outstanding theoretician of a wide range of issues, such as identity, nationalism, black consciousness, the role of violence in the struggle for decolonization, and language as an index of power. His body of work has been influential in fields like philosophy, politics, psychiatry, cultural studies, and gender studies, as well. Black Skin, White Masks (written in 1952) and The Wretched of the Earth (written in 1961) two books that state Fanon santi colonial revolutionary thoughts made him an important contributor in the field of postcolonial studies. He is a controversial image in the field of post colonialismdespite his contributions in a wide range of fields of study he has been intensively criticized for his abstract generalizations and his absolutism. Fanon s experience and the general background of that period justify his bitterness when he talks for
  • 10. The Security Systems Of Bank Solutions Most organizations incorporate information technology of some kind. The most fundamental factor in the use of technology is appropriate security of the system and information that is transmitted. The confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) triad is a framework designed to protect information from being disclosed, modified, or accessed by unauthorized parties (Hansen, 2012). Using the CIA model, the securitysystems of Bank Solutions (BS) were evaluated with proposed recommendations and implementation timeline. Security and Technology Concerns BS s primary vulnerability is with back up procedures and the ability to protect and retrieve the company s information to efficiently conduct business. They lack a comprehensive security plan and do not have an enterprise wide process for recovering disrupted systems and networks, and are at risk for not being able to resume normal operations when issues arise. It would be in their best interest to adopt a single system approach and consistent measures that reduce the impact of system disruptions and increase system availability. Strategy to Mitigate Security Vulnerabilities The action plan in this paper, based on the risk assessment, focuses on minimizing negative impact to BS s business operations. Overall, implementation a cloud based backup solution would address their security vulnerabilities and the recommended steps needed to accomplish this project are as follows: Review risk assessment and action plan with key
  • 11. Terror Henry Stanley Morton Henry Stanley Morton Terror In the first chapter of the book, they give a brief description of one of the main characters, Henry Morton Stanley. The man with many different names worked as a journalist and was a soldier on both sides of the civil war. He was then employed by King Leopold and was sent to explore the Congo and help him to develop it to open it up to trade (he was sent first to find Livingstone then develop the Congo). While many people may say that he was a hero (since most explorers were classified as heroes do to their bold explorations), he still did many cruel and terrifying things in Africa. Yet, he never really faced any consequences for his actions. To start off, on page 30 and 31 Stanley had written a lot of racist things in his journal. He says things such as blacks give an immense amount of trouble as well as goes to say how he whips them restoring them to sound. Stanley is obviously one of the people that contributes to the subtitle of terror.... Show more content on ... He left a trail of death wherever he traveled through the Congo, making him feared among the Africans but was known as a hero at England. Next, on page 49 Hochschild explains how Stanley was traversing the lands. He stated that The thin skinned Stanley was remarkably frank about his tendency to take any show of hostility as a deadly insult and that it seemed that it was vengeance was his driving force. He also stated that Stanley never counted the dead, but it was at least around a
  • 12. Super Lube It will not be long before it is time to get your John Deere self propelled sprayer out and put it to work. One very common problem we get calls about is when sprayers are brought out of storage. The operator tries to adjust the tread settings on the axle, and the axle will not move, or it binds up about halfway out. This problem is usually brought on by a lack of lubrication or either the axle tread adjust shims are worn out. Below are steps we use to check your machine. crank the machine and start moving forward very slowly while moving forward, activate the switches to adjust the axle s out extend the axle all the way out to the end of the axle travel lubricate all four axles then retract them back into the tubes If one of the axles gets in a bind, you can lubricate the portion that is exposed. Work the axle in and out while moving forward, this usually releases a stuck tread adjust. Axle tread... Show more content on ... There is still some time left before your sprayers will be going to the field. Now is a good time to check your tread adjust to see if it needs to be serviced. If this is a job you are not familiar with, or think your sprayer may need the shims replaced, give us a call. This is a common repair for us and we can get your sprayer going quickly. If you have any questions about servicing the tread adjust or need repairs made, please call one of our service managers and schedule a time for repairs. Thanks for your business and we look forward to servicing your equipment repair needs in the
  • 13. Business Intelligence Plan Essay Business Intelligence Plan Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to explain the importance of Business Intelligence and all of its components for implementation into the business structure. During the recent years obtaining useful information in real time has become something that is extremely important, if not even a critical, factor of success for companies. The time managers have available for use in making business decisions has been reduced dramatically. Competitive pressures are now requiring that businesses make intelligent decisions based on their incoming business data, and these decisions must be made immediately (Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing, 2005, p.5; Hocevar ... Show more content on ... This is an essential component of BI for arriving at valid business decisions. Similar data can be stored in multiple repositories within a single business; one example would be the inventory of items for sale. When considering data sources, it is important to understand if there is a recognized authoritative source for a specific type of data. In many enterprises, the data required for making business decisions is created by wide ranging applications, perhaps from separate lines of business (Theme 1). BI systems today have the capacity to work with numerous types of data such as numerical or non numerical data. The quality of this data is as important as any other data. The difference in the level of data quality is one of the many factors that may explain why some organizations are successful with their BI initiative while some are not so successful (Isik, O., Jones, M.C., Sidoroya, A. 2011). Component three is Data Analytics. This component is used for the analysis of data. Data analytics refers to the business intelligence technologies that are grounded for the most part in data mining and statistical analysis. Due to the success that has been achieved overall by the data mining and statistical analysis community, data analytics continues to be an active area of research (Hsinchun, Chiang, Storey, 2012). Data analytics are structured in statistical theories and models, multivariate statistical analysis. It also covers other
  • 14. Down with Downloading Essay examples Down with Downloading Throughout the whole time when you were able to gain access to free downloadable music, you have been able to by pass the purchasing of music, but has it been morally right? People always insist that download is great, but are you thinking of who you re talking it from. The artists are the ones losing there money as well as positive recognition. Musicians should obviously get a cut as should small record stores who are obviously going to lose out when the big chains all get together on this ( Also, the factor that you have to pay for theses programs, you mine as well go to the store and but them yourself. Everyone likes to download, but sometime you can only get one song, what if you want the ... Show more content on ... It s the same thing, people going into the computers and logging on and stealing our music, Brittany Spears declares. The music industry struggles through one of its worst periods ever. CD sales declined 5 percent last year and are down an additional 7 percent this year ( It appears to the press that the new Eminem CD was coming out. Two weeks prior to the CD was coming out, people on the internet were trading and swapping the album. This is an outrage and these are things that are occurring all the time to hurt the artists hard worked time and effort. If I m putting my heart and all my time into music, I expect to get rewarded for that, Eminem says in a statement on MUSIC s Web site. It s hard to stop the people from doing this, but there has to be some way to limit this, even if takes time and money. There have been several attempts to stop the illegal downloading process. One way they want to pass the free downloading factor is to make sites charge a minimum fee to use the program. The biggest problem with that are that all these illegal sites doesn t charge a fee, and have a more diverse selection than the sites you have to pay for. So in doing this, basically will bring in the suckers and will detract the people who know otherwise. Other companies such as Kazaa or Morpheous will charge a minimum, but theses programs are slower and not as
  • 15. The Effect Of Precipitation On The Water Cycle Precipitation Precipitation is water that is either is solid or liquid form that falls from the Earth s atmosphere. The major types of precipitation are rain, snow, and hail. When air is lifted from the atmosphere, it expands and cools (Wilson, 2015 ). Cool air can t hold as much water in vapor form as warm air, and the condensation of vapor into droplets or icecrystals may occur. The droplets will keep growing, they will eventually be heavy enough to fall to the Earth s surface (Wilson, 2015 ). Precipitationin liquid from will include drizzle and raindrops. Snowflakes are formed by aggregation of solid ice crystals within a cloud, while hailstones are cooled water droplets and ice pellets. Warm clouds are explained as that do not extend to levels where temperatures are 32В°F, whereas cold clouds exist at part in temperatures that are below 32В°F (Wilson, 2015 ). Precipitation is the third step in the water cycle. The water cycle is a process in which water circulates between the Earth s oceans, atmosphere, and land. The water cycle involves precipitation such as rain, snow, drainage in streams and rivers, and then returns to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration. Evaporation is when the sun heats up the water in rivers, lakes, or oceans and turns it into vapor or steam (Guenther, 1998 2015). The water vapor or steam will leave the river, lake, or ocean and will go into the air. Condensation occurs when water vapor in the air gets cold and changes back into
  • 16. Breastfeeding In Children When it comes to developing a healthy dietary behavior in children, we should try to address the unhealthy behavior at each stage of their development. Careful and conscious attempts at different stages of child s development can help instill a healthy eating habit in them which they keep up in their later lives. Promoting Breastfeeding: The first form of food a child gets is breast milk and as we discussed, lack of breast feeding is one of the major contributory factor for childhood obesity. So in order to deal with childhood obesity, our first goal should be promoting and strengthening the concept of breast feeding. The guidance and encouragement from health care professionals about benefits of breastfeeding practice is essential as ... Show more content on ... Scientific evidences showed that in obese individuals, there is a big difference in calorie consumption and energy expenditure. The imbalance between the calorie consumption and calorie burning leads to obesity. Nowadays, children are becoming more and more sedentary. This is resulting in less energy expenditure and as a result increases chances of obesity. When it comes to physical inactivity in children, there are many factors responsible for it. Schools are considered child s second home and in the past, the schools used to provide good amount of time for physical activities. Nowadays, schools are cutting hours from PE classes and recesses time and diverting this time for study related in class sedentary activities which in turn result in children not getting the needed physical activities (daily, more than or at least 60 minutes of moderate level physical activity) recommended for their age group. In the past, children used to assist their parents in household activities which used to keep them physically active. Nowadays the children do not have to do all these things because the parents are getting that assistance from the labor saving technology which again results in less opportunity for the children to be physically active at
  • 17. Vehicle Air Con System When you or your family get taken down with the flu, the blame is swiftly placed on the people around you or the environment. It s going around , you might say, or The weather s changing . However, did you ever consider that you might be placing yourself in harm s way? That it s no one else s fault but your own? Or that you could have prevented it? A quick check of your car air con system by a trained mobile air con technician will be able to answer those exact questions. In just over an hour, a mobile air con technician can service your car air con system, cleansing out any dirt, bacteria, or mold build up that may be lurking there. Ideally, it should be done on a regular basis, once every year or year and a half, to ensure that the cleanliness ... Show more content on ... If you have children, sensitive or not, even more so. So next time you catch yourself sneezing in the car, try to remember when the last time it was that you called your local mobile air con technician to service your car air con system. If you can t remember, then it s been too
  • 18. Wellness Plan Developing an Organizational Employee Wellness Plan Sample Outline This outline is intended to be a starting point to guide state agencies in developing their own agency specific wellness plan. The provided outline addresses specific points to consider in developing the agency plan, but each agency will need to add additional content to define adequately what and how each activity will be implemented in the agency. While the outline is presented in this format for ease of reading and brevity, a more narrative format is recommended to serve as the actual agency wellness plan. Additionally in some sections, such as Program Objectives and Program Content, the outline provides suggested objectives or program content for agencies to ... Show more content on ... By the end of FY , at least % of mothers of young children will report that their worksite environment and policies supported their efforts to begin and/or continue breastfeeding. III. Survey of Employee Needs A. Employees were surveyed to gather data on their interest in wellness activities, types of events, topics of interest, and preferred cost and times for activities. In summary, the following results were noted: IV. Eligibility Requirements A. All employees are eligible for voluntary participation in the wellness activities. B. Family members are eligible to participate per guidelines set by the organization: V. Use of Facilities A. Wellness program activities will take place in appropriate designated spaces. This may include conference rooms and other available on site indoor and outdoor areas as well as off site locations. VI. Providers of Instruction A. Providers of instruction or services for the wellness program will include:(health educators, nutritionists, mental health professionals, certified fitness instructors, qualified yoga instructors, registered massage therapists, and others as appropriate to the agency plan).
  • 19. B. Only persons with accepted degrees or recognized training/certification will be selected. The agency wellness coordinator will review providers qualifications to ensure the highest standards are met. C. All leaders of vigorous exercise will meet all required criteria including current CPR certification,
  • 20. Essay on Help, My Hair Is Falling Out! Help, my hair is falling out! When I first found out that my hair is falling out a lot more than usual, I panicked. It took me a lot of time to figure out why this is happening to me and what to do. Everyday thousands of men and women stumble upon the same problem, and many researchers are trying to solve it. If you have similar problems, this website may help you to find answers quicker. It is possible that your first question is the same as mine was why is this happening to me? Most common causes of hair loss Genetics: The most common cause is androgenic alopecia, which is an inherited hair loss pattern. It can begin even when you are young, although risk increases with age. This hereditary hair loss is more common among men, ... Show more content on ... We will try to overview the most commonly used options, giving priority to the products that have been approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration). One of the best known and popular drugs is minoxidil. This was the first drug to be approved by FDA for fighting hair loss and has been clinically proven to help stop the thinning of hair and help them grow back by enlarging the hair follicle. Both men and women can use it (usual concentration is 5% for men and 2% for women). Minoxidil is designed for long term use and it takes about 3 months to see the results. Here is our comparison of the four most popular minoxidil products: All four products contains 5% minoxidil, yet they differ in manufacturer, application method, price and additional ingredients. Rogaine was the first product to contain minoxidil. Having the most experience, manufacturers of Rogaine were the first to start producing their product in a foam form too. Currently, all other three products, except Lipogaine, come both in liquid and foam forms. Of course, liquid or foam is a matter of preference, although some people report that foam causes less head skin irritation. Lipogaine has a big advantage over competitors, as it includes nutrients (biotin, niacin, vitamins B6 and B12) and herbal DHT blockers (azetinol, saw palmetto extract, linolenic acid, etc.) as additional ingredients. Equate and Kirkland are generic
  • 21. Adverse Effect Of Isotichiin Indications for use a reason to prescribe a medication or treatment, also known as drug indication (Mosby s, pg 916, 2017). High risk neuroblastoma is an indication of use for Unituxin (dinutuximab) (FDA, 2015). Desired effects the ability of a drug to achieve the desired effect, also known as efficacy (Mosby s, pg 593, 2017). Unituxin in combination with interleukin 2 (IL 2), granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM CSF), and 13 cis retionic acid (RA) showed that 73 percent of the participants who received this combination were alive compared to 58 percent of those receiving the oral retinoid drug, isotretinoin (RA) (FDA, 2015). Side Effects any reaction to or consequence of a medication or therapy (Mosby s, pg ... Show more content on ... Signs or symptoms could include lumps in the abdomen, bone pain, bulging eyes, dark circles around the eyes, swollen stomach, trouble breathing, weakness or paralysis. Once neuroblastoma has been diagnosed, it has usually metastasized to the lymph nodes, bones, bone marrow, and liver (NIH, n.d.). The therapeutic classification of Unituxin (dinutuximab) is a monoclonal antibody, which is a type of immunotherapy drug. Unituxin helps the body s immune system find and destroy cancer cells. It is used along with other treatments, which include chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation for children who have responded to previous treatment (Simon, 2015). The indications of use for Unituxin are used in combination with granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM CSF), interleukin 2 (IL 2) and 13 cis retinoic acid (RA), for the treatment of children with high risk neuroblastoma who achieve at least a partial response to prior first line multi agent, multimodality therapy (United (c), 2017). The available form of Unituxin is 17.5 mg/mL (3.5 mg/mL) in a single use vial. Children and Adolescents 17.5 mg/m2/dose as an IV infusion over 10 to 20 hours on scheduled days for 5 cycles in combination with isotretinoin, sargramostim, and aldesleukin. On cycles 1, 3, and 5: give sargramostim 250 mcg/m2/day subcutaneously (or as an IV infusion over 2 hours) on days 1 to 14; dinutuximab on days 4, 5, 6, and 7; and isotretinoin 160 mg/m2/day PO in 2 divided doses rounded
  • 22. The Issue Of Gang Related Crime Essay As declared by Ed Royce: This bill is a comprehensive plan, that will increase gang related prosecutions, and prevent gang related crime. (House Passes Gangbuster ...S. Congressman Ed Royce) However, here a precision is necessary. If we have a doubt about gang s involvement into criminal activities it s not per se sufficient to persecute anyone, in only constatating the fact of the occured or possible to be occured in the future crime. Proofs are necessary. The illegally obtained evidence may be suppressed, Wong Sun v. United States, 371 U.S. 471 (1963). ( https:/ / We are in the US, gang s like all others members, which beloning to a group have the rights to geather, for the free speach, under the 1st and 4th Ammendment. Trus, the United States Supreme Court has stated that the guarantees of the Fourth Amendment do not allow stopping and demanding identification or information, or taking photographs from individuals without any specific basis for believing they are involved in criminal activity, Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968) ( and Brown v. Texas, 443 U.S. 47 (1979). ( /47/case.html) So, here it will be interesting to understant which will be the approach of the police while arresting gang s members in the street. The situation can be fast the opposite, once in the court and the arestee will charge
  • 23. The Force Awakens Stereotypes The Force Awakens is the newest episode of Star Wars that has been released in theatres, and takes place many years after the fall of the Galactic Empire. The Resistance, the new Rebel Alliance, now faces a new threat, the First Order. In the hopes of defeating this threat, they look to Luke Skywalker, who s whereabouts are unknown. Rey, the capable and independent protagonist, rescues a BB 8 unit and discovers it holds the missing piece of the map that leads to Luke. Together, along with Finn, Han Solo, and Chewbacca, they must find a way to deliver the piece of the map to The Resistance and stop the First Order s plans of annihilation. When someone thinks about the qualities of a hero, the few that always come to mind are strength, an acting leader, and a protector of the innocent; all of which are qualities thought of as being predominantly male. These qualities are further exemplified in Luke Skywalker, the young Jedi Knight of episodes IV through VI, all of which were made about forty years ago. A young farmer who was strong with the force, Luke went on to become one of the strongest Jedi ... Show more content on ... In doing so, it displays the way our society has progressed to view women as physically capable as men. The importance of this idea cannot be overstated. The Force Awakens was a highly anticipated movie with a fan base that stretched around the world. Adults and children all know of Star Wars, and to depict the hero of the newest episode as a female sends strong messages to everyone. Little girls look up to Rey and feel inspired by her actions. Little boys who see a female as the hero will view her as their equal and respect her. The countries who still view women as lesser beings will see Rey s strength and independence. While it may not urge them to act, it should certainly give them something to consider about the way they view their own wives and
  • 24. Essay on Stages in a Marketing Plan Stages in a Marketing Plan This essay will present the stages of a marketing plan and critically evaluate the differences suggested by the leading authors. However it is vital to understand what marketing planning is. Although marketing planning would appear to be a simple and step by step process, in reality it is not. As marketing plans are very complex, cross functional and it touches every aspect of organizational life. However the stages of marketing planning will explain and explore some of these issues by focusing on the process of marketing planning. Marketing planning can be defined as a sensible way to manage the sales and marketing function is to find the systematic way of ... Show more content on ... Costs are charges incurred in running an enterprise. They can also take many forms including overheads, Direct and indirect and others. Each one of these has it s own special appeal to different managers within the company, depending on the nature of their function. Manages of a company have to have some understanding or views about how all these variables interact and managers must try to be rational about their business decisions. Most managers accept that some kind of formal procedure for marketing planning helps to reduce the complexity of business operations and adds a dimension of realism to the company s hopes for the future. However most companies rely on sales forecasting and budgeting system, but they bear little relationship to the real opportunities and problems facing a company. A marketing planis useful for the marketer, for superiors, for non marketing functions, for subordinates. It also helps identifying sources of competitive advantage to force an organisation approach, to inform, to get resources, to get support and gain commitment and mostly to set objectives and strategies. There are other reasons to prepare a strategic marketing plan all organisations have a mix of different types of market, which will have a lack of differentiation in products and
  • 25. Stevie Wonder s 1980s Music He was born blind on May 13, 1950, in Saginaw, Michigan, artist, lyricist and multi instrumentalist Stevie Wonder made his recording debut at age 12. He recorded his first hit single in 1963. Throughout the following decade, Wonder recorded a few hit tunes, including Living in the City, Boogie on a Reggae Woman and Isn t She Lovely. His rich period arrived at an end in 1979. Miracle s 1980s hits were I Just Called to Say I Love You and Coal black and Ivory. He was enlisted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1989. Stevie Wonder s birth name was Steveland Hardaway Judkins and was born on May 13, 1950, in Saginaw, Michigan. Visually impaired as an effect of accepting an excessive amount of oxygen in the hospital as an early born
  • 26. Culturally Competent Care Of The Jehovah Running Head: CULTURALLY COMPETENT CARE OF THE JEHOVAH?S WITNESSES1 2 CULTURALLY COMPETENT CARE OF THE JEHOVAH?S WITNESSES Culturally Competent Care of the Jehovah?s Witness: A Focus on Bloodless Medicine Sonya Philbeck Southern New Hampshire University Culturally Competent Care of the Jehovah?s Witness: A Focus on Bloodless Medicine Nurses have the responsibility of caring for a diverse group of people. These people come from different cultures, races, and religious backgrounds. Religion plays a major role in patient care and has for many years. Cultural competency is a major component of nursing practices. Understanding culture is imperative in knowing what is important to a patient and how to address his or her healthcare needs. Understanding culture is also important when determining what suggestions to make about interventions for treatment. Culture is defined as many people interacting and sharing with one another their patterns of behavior, beliefs and values (Burkhardt, G. Nathaniel, A., 2014). For many people Christianity is the religion of choice and a way of life. Jehovah?s Witnesses are one subgroup of the Christian faith. The JW religion was founded in 1872 by Charles Taze Russell. They comprise 1.2 million of the U.S. population (Campbell, Y., Machan M., Fisher, M., 2016). They present a unique challenge to the medical community because of their stance on blood transfusions. Part I will provide a
  • 27. An Examination Of How Music Mirrors Societal Issues An Examination of How Music Mirrors Societal Issues Perspectives of Institutionalized Racism Although the United States government is currently engaged in stopping foreign civil rights atrocities, it turns a blind eye to violence acted out against African Americans within its borders (PR N., 2014, para. 4). In South Carolina, the rebel flag hang[s] from the state house walls (Bryan, 1994, line 2), serving as a constant reminder of the institutionalized racism that reflects U.S. social tensions today. Another discriminatory racial injustice that occurred during the 1990s was the Anti Drug Act of 1986. Possession of 5 grams of crack (90% of crack defendants were African American) and 500 grams of powder cocaine (more popular with ... Show more content on ... 4). Not only is racial tension portrayed through brutality and violence, but it is also apparent in various aspects of public education such as unfair character labeling, racial stereotypes, harsh school punishments, and discrimination from teachers. These inequalities present in what is supposed to be a color blind society create the notion that America does not love [all] children (Manzama, 2015, p. 11) and engender distrust in the education system. Moreover, impoverished minorities feel a sense of resentment as a result of discrimination based on economic racism and injustice. These minorities tend to rebel when they can no longer bear the weight of their anger and they believe the sentiment favours change (Chavis, 2015, p. 4). Thus we discover that throughout the history of the United States, racism has played a factor, ingraining its malicious effects into the moral fiber of American Society. Historical Perspectives Several aspects of racial prejudice today, demonstrated in both police brutality and unjust treatment of minorities, evidence atrocities that can be linked to a national history of violence and resentment towards one another. To take racism back to when freedom seemed achievable is to travel back to the Civil Rights Act of 1960s which sparked national controversy not exclusively in the South. The modern interpretation of this backlash is most accurately portrayed in the movie Selma, in which Martin
  • 28. Characteristics Of Joseph Stalin As A Leader Throughout the millennia that humans have been forming societies with leaders, there have been many different kinds of leaders, some effective and others not. Shakespeare s Julius Caesar shows examples of leaders who prevailed over time and leaders who didn t. This information combined with knowledge of other past leaders can be used to establish common traits among effective leaders and common traits among ineffective leaders. Although Joseph Stalinis primarily considered a cruel tyrant, he also exhibits several of the leadership traits deemed most effective. While most can agree that his practices were immoral, it is often forgotten that due to his organization, practicality, and determination, Stalin was a decidedly effective leader. Joseph Stalin, from the time that he was a low level revolutionary to the years that he spent as the dictator of the Soviet Union, always knew what he needed to do to achieve his goals. His organized rise to power allowed him to gain a steady flow of followers who would support him for decades to come. Stalin received a minor government position in 1917, but by the time a new leader was needed in 1924, he had turned the largely routine post of Party general secretary into the most powerful office in the Soviet Union ( Joseph Stalin) and had built a personal empire for himself through his control over committee appointments at all levels . . . expand[ing] the leading Party organs with his supporters, who then voted against his rivals
  • 29. south Essay Police In South Africa In the old South Africa before 1994 the police officers job was to squash subversion and his main obstacle was that most people hated him. Today after the 1994 years election the South African police force main job is to stop the growing crime rate. Which seems impossible for them to manage. The police officersmain hurdle is his own lack of modern policing skills. Many policemen are barely literate, and are no good at the administrative tasks on which they spend seventy percent of their time. South Africa s murder rate is eight times that of the United States, and figures released on December 7th, 1999 showed steady increases in the other 18 of the 20 most serious categories of offence (The Economist January 22nd ... Show more content on ... Aids Nearly 13 % of South Africans in the ages of 20 64 are infected with HIV. Between 6 10 million South Africans are likely to die of AIDS in the next ten years (The Economist May 27th 2000). South Africa has failed to promote a safe sex campaign effectively. More than 1,500 South Africans a day are infected with HIV. Uganda, who has fewer resources than South Africa, reduced HIV frequency by half by their successful anti aids campaign with use of education as the main method. Mr. Mbeki should use the Uganda method and urge people to sleep around less and use condom more. There was almost no sex education at all in South African schools for a long time, and is only in the last couple of years it has dramatically increased. South Africa should focus their efforts on the young; most children under the age of 15 do not have sex yet and are not infected, those are the once to reach. And it did not help that Mr. Mbeki for a long time took advise from quot;scientist quot; that argued that HIV did not cause AIDS. Mr. Mbeki finally has come to his right mind and believes that HIV does indeed cause AIDS. South Africa, with its advanced industries has started to suffer a shortage of skilled manpower because of AIDS. Companies have started to inform and raise awareness of AIDS among their workers because the companies cannot afford to lose any more manpower.
  • 30. The French Revolution Of The 18th Century The French Revolution of the 18th Century presented a theme of hope and change for new political and artistic thought processes as it fought for equal rights over oppression. This Revolution marked the beginning of the Romantic Period, effectively inspiring poets to pursue raw emotion rather than logic or reason as in the previous age. In turn, the revolution gave great influence to several key social poets of the time such as William Wordsworthand Samuel Coleridge. Accordingly, these poets illustrated the ideals of these revolutionary beliefs to reach the public consciousness of their society through poetic portrayals of the individual achieving greatness or personal understanding through the emotion of nature. As a result, this explication will demonstrate an exploration of romantic techniques to create an interpretation of my poem while examining the elements of Romantic poetryin general based on the works of Coleridge and Wordsworth. The romantic period in English literature revolves around several focal points including imagination, nature, individualism and romantic love centering on human emotion. In turn, original Romantic Poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge embodied these themes within their poetry while adding supplemental concepts to develop the overall story. My Poem Awake embodies these same themes in interpreting the techniques and concepts of Wordsworth and Coleridge. Firstly, Awake illustrates a speaker commanding a common individual to
  • 31. How Do Fast Food Companies Manipulate Children Name Isaiah Pryor Awful.Did you know that the fast food industry s do all this unwanted crap to let people to buy their products?They manipulate children with commercials for a happy meal and playing with Ronald McDonald.They put unwanted chemicals in food that consumers do not know what they are eating , take this for example Mascara a ingredient for womens hair that is in our food.Do you like the mascara in your food? Fast food companies treat their teenage employees terribly. They make very little money and are not treated with respect.The fast food industry manipulates people, hide chemicals what is inside of their food and treat their teenage employees bad. First of all , the companies would manipulate children and brainwash kids with commercials to nag their parents buy the product. On page 49 Most ads aimed at kids have one simple goal getting kids to nag to parents,it is not just getting kids to whine a marketer onced explain,it is giving them specific reason to ask for the product. On page 53 At the the youth marketing forum 2004 conference in Singapore,Karen Tan,representing coca cola,discussed how to make children to remember the a company s ad s and create brand stickiness. They do neuromarketing research in a kids mind and see what is happening when they are brainwashed by an ad.any kind of commercials ... Show more content on ... On page 73 Instead of relying on a small , stable , well paid and well trained work force,the fast food industry seeks out part time,unskilled workers who are willing to accept low pay. If you heard of China s kids who drop out of school,they work at factories.The main thing is they work for six teen hours to make toys for the kids in United States for America non stop.They get 0.20 cents per hour for working in the factory.You want to know what is worser then this factory,another factory they get 0.10 cents per hour and they work for seven teen hours a
  • 32. Outline Of A Presentation On A Banquet Is The Word... ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This Project Work titled ___________________________ is a successful outcome of my hard work with the help and guidance of my respectable Sir. I sincerely acknowledge the contribution of the suggestions given by without this project could never became a reality. Last but not least acknowledge all my friends who gave me suggestion and full support by heart. _______________________ CONTENTS CHAPTERPARTICULARS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES CHAPTERII LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY LIMITATION OF STUDY CHAPTER IV RESULTS DISCUSSION CHAPTER V DATA ANALYSIS SUMMARY CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHYANNEXURE / SAMPLE QUESTION ABSTRACT A banquet is the word literally means sumptuous feast . Banquets are arranged to cater for a large number of people. TYPES OF FUNCTION include Corporate, Social and ODC. DIFFERENT TYPES OF SETUPS include Classroom, Theater Style, Board Room, U Shape, Auditorium, Fish Bone, Round Table, Standing Cocktail and Hollow Shape. COORDIANATION with Event Management Company, Sub departments of the HOTEL, Tent house, Contractor, Finance, and Human
  • 33. Resource Department. LICENCE are provided to hotel for particular person, day, function and for particular time BANQUET can also be defined as a meal that has a menu that is preselected by the client for all guests attending the event. Usually occurs in a separate
  • 34. The Purpose And Importance Of Monuments Monuments are used to memorialize and honor moments, individuals and events of the past. Some monuments do this better than other monuments. In creating a monument there are three essential factors a group or agency should consider to make the monument as effective as possible: location, design features, purpose and backstory. Why these factors? Location and design factors play a massive role in the reception the monumentwill receive, based on its environment, size and looks a monument will be perceived differently. The purpose and backstory are the two single most important factors to consider in creating a monument. The monuments history, its reason, is the reason just? Is the purpose proper? Does it accurately memorialize the subject? All these questions come with the purpose and backstory of a monument. Location; where the monument is plays a big role in how effective a monument is in memorializing or honoring a person or moment. For instance Mount Rushmore, to the untrained eye, is four important men of the past on the side of a mountain, but it is actually quite more. I have to admit: Mount Rushmore bothers me. It was bad enough that white men drove the Sioux from the hills they still hold sacred; did they have to carve faces all over them too? (Source C). Source C is saying that the location of Mount Rushmore is disrespectful to the Sioux because that mountain is sacred to them, and the people who drove the Native Americans off the land have their faces on that
  • 35. Dualism And Personalism Dualism is a philosophy that hypothesizes our mind is more then just our body. Dualists all deny that the mind is the same as the brain. In contrast Personalism is a philosophy that says our mind and body are one and the same. Personalists regard personhood as the fundamental notion that which gives meaning to all reality. We will explore their differences through their impact on abortion, death and politics. Dualism is a philosophy that in its most basic form holds that the mind is comprised of a nonphysical substance, while the body is composed of the physical substance called matter. This type of dualism is called substance dualism, or Cartesian Dualism. This type of dualism was formulated by Rene Descartes, who was ... Show more content on ... If the mind truly was a different substance then while the body dies the brain would still show some signs of life, because the mind would still be causally affecting it. Dualism and abortion. Because a dualism at its core it the belief that something is composed of two different parts, body and mind, a dualists could look at abortion two ways. The first way is that because the mind and body a different and only causally interact, then abortion does not end the life and so should not be considered murder. The second way is that because the mind and body ARE causally affecting one another then because you hurt one half it affects the other and a harmful way and should be considered and harmful act and outlawed. Because body and mind are one and the same both these views are wrong just on principle, but if we delve deeper the view that abortion end the life and thus shouldn t be considered murder is obviously the more harmful of the two. But it is especially harmful because this view separates the mind from the body and thus supports the pro abortionists view that the baby is just a bunch of cells and isn t sentient. And the second view is harmful, but not quite as harmful as the first. The second view marginalizes what happens during abortion, by saying that because the mind is causally affected by what happens to the body that the act is harmful is different then saying the act
  • 36. Mahatma Gandhi Speech Mohan Das Gandhi was one of the greatest leaders of Indian independence movement. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was given the title of Mahatma . Mahatma means great soul. He was given the honorific title Bapu (Father). He was also called the Father of the Indian nation. Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1969. People in Indiacelebrate October 2nd as Gandhi Jayanti, a national holiday. He was born and raised in a Hindu Merchant caste family in Porbandar, Gujarat. Gandhi belonged to the Vaisya caste. In the Hindu social scale, there are four castes on number one Brahmans, then Kshatriyas who were rulers and soldiers, then comes the Vaisyas on number third. Gandhis were businessmen. Mohandas was the son of his fourth ... Show more content on ... At the age of forty six, he returned to India in 1914. He spent the next four years touring the country and studying and learning the situation in India. Mahatma Gandhi was a unique national leader. He combined in himself the role of a socio religious reformer and a leader of nationalist movement. He made Satya and Ahimsa as the basis of the new social order. He followed the principles of non violence, peacefulness, and non cooperation to achieve freedom. Freedom was to be achieved through non violence and non cooperation with the ruling class. He said that fearlessness is the essential part of Satyagraha. He desired to remove all kinds of fear from the minds of the people. Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa in 1914, took control of and radically transformed the Indian nationalist movement, and led several great popular movements that eventually wore down the British government and led to Indian independence. Mohandas Gandhi travelled in a train with no AC to reach Champaran, to hold India s first civil disobedience movement. Under the British rule, many farmers in the Champaran district of Bihar were forced to grow indigo in their lands, much to their dismay. To fight this, a money lender named Raj Kumar Shukla reached out to Gandhiji and requested him to come and help them. he came down to this district on April 10 of 1917 with a band of
  • 37. An Advanced Framework For Requirements An Advanced Framework for Requirements Elicitation Jaydeep Lunagariya (012630083) California State University, Long Beach, CA, USA Introduction Requirement elicitation is a critical and essential activity in the requirement engineering processes. It is a finite set of activities that complied in determination process of the system requirements. This includes identification of the system s stakeholders, analysis of the current problem definition in application domain, an operating environment of the system and of all customers business and organizational environment. One of the major aspects in the failure of software projects is an improper system requirement. Requirements for the most system are usually written in natural language or presented in semi formal or informal modeling representations. However, this written common language requirement is prone to error and vague that leads to inherent inaccuracy, such as incompleteness, incorrectness, missing requirements and ambiguities [1]. Completeness of system requirements have major impact in software engineering (SE) and can also have a major significance on formal verification, safety, testing and robustness of software. Missing requirements has become one of the primary causes of software failure [2], because there are gaps in consideration of all probable relations between elements of system. In this research paper, we present an innovative requirement elicitation framework that helps to anticipate all the possible and
  • 38. Healthcare Market Domain The healthcare domain will be briefly reviewed as a whole, but will further analyze Johnson Johnson s world leading development of the consumer healthcare market to evaluate the evolution of the healthcare domain into the 3rd largest contributor to the United States Gross Domestic Product (GPD) (Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2016). the expected increase in the consumerhealthcare market and how that growth will further propel Johnson Johnsonto maintain its status as the worldwide leader in sales of consumer healthcare products will also be analyzed (Johnson Johnson Services Inc., 2016). Healthcare Market Domain In 2015, healthcare spending added over $1.3 trillion to the United States GDP (Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2016). According... Show more content on ... Increased accessibility has allowed Johnson Johnson to further develop already existing products, but to also work with populations in development of new products in order to meet specific healthcare needs. Technology has also allowed the company access to parts of the world not previously accessible, which has led to the discovery of new plants and other natural resources in which new products can be developed (Johnson Johnson, 2016). With continuous improvements in technology, so will opportunity for growth. This growth will result in the need for additional employees to meet demand and more efficient products to comply with growing safety standards around the world. All of which will affect all aspects of Johnson
  • 39. The United States Attack on Irak in 2003 The United States attacked Iraq on March 19, 2003. The question of whether this action is a case of justified anticipatory self defense or not is answered by clearly understanding the definition of anticipatory self defense . Anticipatory self defense basically says that if you have a good reason to believe that someone is going to harm you in a particular way, you can act first. The proper definition would have two conditions; There is clear and convincing evidence that the proposed target has the ability to strike a devastating blow and There is clear and convincing evidence that the proposed target has the inclination to strike a devastating blow . That being said, the decision to go to war with Iraqwas a decision based upon dishonesty and a one sided perspective. Therefore, U.S does not qualify to call it a case of justified anticipatory self defense so; it was not a last resort as it had other less violent options. There are several reasons as to why I believe it was a very weak case. Firstly, U.S made mistakes that led to inaccurate conclusions that Iraq obtained weapons of mass destruction. These mistakes were not honest mistakes but rather an intentional manipulation by the government. The primary reason to invade Iraq was to get rid of Saddam Hussein, who is believed (by U.S officials) to pose future threats to the U.S as he obtains WMD. However, the UN under Hans Blix who had access to all the government buildings had a team working in the grounds of Iraq
  • 40. Gun Control vs. Gun Rights Essays The second amendment states The right of the people to keep and bear arms . What does that mean to us, basically and person in the United States is allowed to own and keep a fire arm in house. Gun control advocates believe that right does not extend to ownership of military style firearms that are otherwise known as assault weapons. To curb gun related violence certain checks are made, such as mandatory child safety locks, background checks on those wishing to purchase a gun, limits on the number of guns a person can buy and raising the age limit for gun ownership. Gun rights groups, led by the National Rifle Assocation, argue that these and other proposals infringe on the constitutional rightsof law abiding citizens. They maintain... Show more content on ... Some gun manufacturers have volunteered support for safety locks, but the NRA has criticized safety locks for placing an undue burden on gun manufacturers without a proven benefit to the public. At the forefront of the debate over guns is the assault weapons ban that went into effect in 1994. The ban, which was part of a larger anti crime bill passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton that year, applies to 19 specific models of semi automatic firearms and to other guns with assault weapon features. The ban expired Sept. 13, 2004, and gun rights groups were pressing Congress to allow the ban to lapse. Gun control advocates responded with a massive public relations campaign encouraging voters to tell their elected representatives that Congress should renew the ban. The issue has become a hot potato in a presidential election year, with President Bush and Sen. John Kerry taking positions designed not to infuriate voters on either side of the debate. Bush said he supports an extension, but gun control advocates accused him of failing to pressure Congress into action. Kerry announced his support for extending the ban, even as his campaign sought to boost the Democratic presidential nominee s credentials as a gun owner and hunter. Republican congressional leaders say the ban was allowed to lapse because gun control advocates in the House and Senate did not have enough votes to extend it. They may be right.
  • 41. A Personal Hero In The Epic Of Beowulf In a society of average performing conformists, an outgoing savior is strived for. A true hero is scarce to come by because to become a true hero, everyone must believe the person is benevolent. However, very few people in the world tend to agree on any given topic. These people have their own personal heroes, a title granted to a local whom they personally admire. In theory, this means heroes are everywhere. However, evolving from personal beliefs, monsters and heroes exist only in imagination. In the epic poem, Beowulf, it speaks of an epic herowho saves the world from gruesome monsters. In the eyes of the people, Beowulf is their hero, yet in the eyes of others, Beowulf is the monster. The sharp contrast between a personal hero and a true hero is shown in the poem. Due to the fact that heros and villians are subjective to individuals, they have yet to exist in modern day as a whole except under the delusional view of one person. One person s hero may be another s enemy prohibiting the ability for a true hero to exist. For instance, in Beowulf, Grendel was the enemy to the town, eating men by handfuls. He was the terrifying villain, a descendant from Cain, however, Grendel s mother believed Grendel did no wrong. After Beowulf had killed Grendel in what he believed was a heroic act, his mother saw it as an act of hostility. Grendel s mother was now desperate for revenge (Line 1278) as she saw the town s hero as her enemy. Beowulf was shown as an epic hero to the Geats
  • 42. Essay Comparing Two Ancient Egyptian Works Of Art This analysis will compare two ancient Egyptian works of art to a common theme and find expression in a contemporary idea. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the architectural structure that will be used as our first work of art. It was built around 2550 B.C. by Pharaoh Khufu at the necropolis of Giza during the fourth dynasty, which is located about ten miles north of the modern city of Cairo, Egypt. The second work of art is the biography of Amenemhab who served under Pharaoh Thutmose III (1504 1540 B.C) and Amenhotep II (1540 1412 B.C). Although the exact date and circumstances of his death is unknown his biography was found in his tomb located in the necropolis of Theban on the west bank of the Nile river near the modern city of Luxor. Both of these works are of a historical and cultural significance that not only gives us a small glimpse of life in ancient Egypt, but they describe what the pharaoh s and people valued and believe in. This literary and architectural works... Show more content on ... Their beliefs on the afterlife was at the forefront on how their lived their lives. The Egyptians went to great lengths to insure their soul s survival in the afterlife. Providing tombs, pyramids, goods, stories of how they lived their lives, and the preservation of their bodies. The Great Pyramid of Giza is a tomb that stood approximately 481 feet tall and cover about thirteen acres. It comprised of around 2.3 million blocks of limestone weighting two fifteen tons. The exterior was casted with a smooth white Tura limestone that was polished and meant to reflex the sun s rays (LГ¶hner). The pyramid is/was no doubt a dramatic feature of the landscape which was viewable from every angle. The biography of Amenemhab while less dramatic was no less important. His story is a story of culture in which he described how he served the pharaoh and describes a society of order where he held the first rank among men (Sayce,
  • 43. Holden Caulfield Alienation From the beginning of the novel, Holden seems to be, to some extent, isolated from the society around him and victimized by it at the same time. Holden says to Mr. Spencer that he feels himself on the other side of life, and he relentlessly attempts to find his own way in a world in which he does not belong. In this way, the theme of alienation is quite prevailing in Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye. So, this essay will focus on the world where alienated Holden lives and how he would live in terms of current society. To begin with, it is important to define alienation since the main part of the essay will be centered on this aspect. Alienation means being isolated but in a quite different way. A particular person is alienated when his or her inner self is estranged from the surrounding society, world and environment. Holden Caulfield from the novel The Catcher in the Rye in ... Show more content on ... His ethical maximalism makes him totally unsuited to the real world. But, as the novel progresses, Holden s alienation seems to be the way he actually protects himself. He acts like his isolation is a proof that he is better than other people around. However, in point of fact, interactions with people mostly confuse him, and his cynicism serves as a kind of self protection. Also, his alienation is a direct response to what he sees in society, namely, that people, mostly, ignore emotional realities of others. Sometimes I act a lot older than I am I really do but people never notice it. People never notice anything (Salinger, p. 9). On the other hand, his isolation is a root of most of his problems. Generally, he only needs a person to love and to talk with. However, he does not want to ruin his protecting wall even when he is on the date with Sally Hayes, he insults her and kick her away. Throughout the novel, Holden depends on his isolation, but it gradually destroys
  • 44. Southeast Asia is made up of closely intertwined nations.... Southeast Asia is made up of closely intertwined nations. There is shared history and common similarities of having been colonized and therefore appreciate and cherish nation and state building as priority. Multiple traditional and non traditional security challenges characterised by complex relationships continue have a significant impact in defining the long term peace outlook in Southeast Asiaregion. Approach: This paper seeks to provide a critical assessment of security challenges that Southeast Asian nations faces and examines why an inter state war is not a central security concern in contemporary times. The first section discusses security challenges in Southeast Asia by examining both internal conflict and inter state dispute in ... Show more content on ... This is largely due to post cold war decolonization, where the fall of communism and rise of democracy is in full steam. Most of the countries saw opportunity in economic growth and relegated ideological aims backed by military power. While the traditional threat of inter state wars have not occurred in Southeast Asia since post cold war era, it has been replaced with numerous conflicts in the region, a trend somewhat consistent with Huntington s view. Huntington argued that the ideological conflict of the Cold War would be replaced by ethnic conflict along historical cleavage lines a clash of civilizations. 5 Economic development and the spread of democracy may have render war obsolete or at least less common but empirical evidence has shown the rise of ethnic violence, territorial disputes and security concerns such as proliferation of weapon of mass destruction outside of Southeast Asia. Internal conflicts Almost all Southeast Asian countries
  • 45. Essay on Lyft Stp SEGMENT Lyft is all about taking cars off the road via ridesharing. This is NOT merely a cool new use of technology to efficiently onboard and route more cars, cabs, town cars and limos. Lyft wants to use technology to get everyone who currently owns a car to join a trusted information network to share rides. Scott Weis, 2013 Lyft current specific segments are: Socially conscious Environment friendly Tech savvy millennials Busy city professionals Population active at night o College towns o Large cities Cost conscious Lyfts general segments are: CriteriaSegment Geographic regionAcross all United States DensityUrban, Suburban, Rural Demographic ageAll ages Family sizeAll sizes GenderAll genders ... Show more content on ... These, of course, align with some of the key values towards a unique customer service that Lyft possesses and can capitalize on. One of Lyfts differentiating factor is it prides itself on possessing the most social experience there is for a rideshare company. As the American population continues to become more educated, their consumer behavior has shifted to where they are more conscious of corporation impacts to the environment they live in or hope their children will reside in. Lyft through the ridesharing platform where ridesharing can be argued reduces greenhouse gas via reducing car densities on the road, they can capitalize on it and target more environment conscious customers. Furthermore, Lyft can continue to strengthen their commitment to contributing to reduce negative environment impacts pertaining to cars and court the next generation of customers after the millennials, generation Z which are expected to continue to become more educated and environment conscious. Another target Lyft should capitalize on are cities/towns that have profiles centered on community orientation and social bonds. Lyft mission can easily align with such cities/towns. Lyft through their data collection should start targeting light to medium users to convert to heavy users while attempting to convert 90% of first time users to regular users. Furthermore understanding their passive customers and converting them to loyal customers. Also, Lyft can target a segment that is
  • 46. A Report On Tree Pits Tree pits shall be three times the size of the root ball to be planted, with a minimum depth of 1.5 times the depth of the root ball. The bottom of the pit shall be forked over to an additional depth of 300mm to facilitate root penetration, air movement and free drainage. See SD 702 sheets 1 or 2 for installation details. Mulch to tree pits in reserves shall be placed over the tree pit radially to 1000mm from the trunk of the tree or to the extremity of the tree s drip line, whichever is the greater. Mulch to tree pits in streets shall be spread radially to 600mm from the trunk of the tree. Mulch shall not touch the stems of plants. A small circle shall be cleared (diameter of 50mm minimum) around the stem to avoid stem rot. Topsoil shall not be mixed into the mulch during placement, planting or weeding. Bark mulch shall not be placed below the annual flood level within the channel or within regularly inundated tidal margins. NZS 4431: 1989 Code of practice for earth fill for residential development NZS 8409: 2004 Management of agrichemicals AS/NZS 3008.1.2:2010 Electrical installations Selection of cables Cables for alternating voltages up to and including 0.6/1 kV Typical New Zealand installation conditions AS/NZS 2032: 2006 Installation of PVC pipe systems AS/NZS 2033: 2008 Installation of polyethylene pipe systems AS 2845.3: 2010 Water supply Backflow prevention devices Field testing and maintenance Tree and Plant Materials All tree and plant
  • 47. Essay on The Many Benefits of Pet Ownership A dog is a man s best friend goes much deeper than the phrase might initially imply. Recently many medical journals have begun to identify with the many and varied benefits of pet ownership. Men have always relied upon animals for work, transportation, and survival. As times have changed, man has begun to appreciate a different bond with animals. Gone are the days of animals running free outside around the homestead, for now animals are allowed inside and are considered by many to be an integral part of our daily lives! Medical studies have found that animals have a much greater intelligence level than originally thought. Through proper training and experience, animals are not only household pets, but also are becoming an accepted form... Show more content on ... Pets can fill a void in an owner s life, by allowing them to nurture something and receive a sense of satisfaction. Socially pets have become so much a part of our daily lives that they are often treated as if they were children, some lucky pets even attend daily play sessions, and are treated to extreme indulgence; all to make their owner feel as if they were an infant or a child. Blind owners rely on their seeing eye dogs to guide them around wherever they go; they are trained to guide them past and around obstacles. The National Institute of Health states, More than half of all U.S. households have a companion animal. Pets are more common in households with children, yet there are more pets than children in American households. There are more than 51 million dogs, 56 million cats, 45 million birds, 75 million small mammals and reptiles, and uncounted millions of aquarium fish (np). Many movie stars and rich and famous people have begun using pets as a status symbol. Millions of dollars are spent finding the perfect and most valuable pet even to the extent that the original breed of animal has become unrecognizable or even extinct. This need for high status and perfection has resulted in safety risks to both pets and the people they live with. Inbreeding and tampering with cross genes in animals often result in an animal of inferior security and emotional stability, thus resulting in an aggressive and violent temperament. In an attempt to