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Shalom Research Paper
The text described Shalom as a kingdom principle that reflects living in proper relationship with
God, oneself, with others, and nature or ones physical surrounding (Yarhouse & Sells, 2008 p. 24).
The purpose of the relationship is to be a defining representation of your heart as it is delighting in
God, especially with family. It is typically described as meaning peace, harmony, wholeness,
completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquility, which speaks to the scripture, "then the Spirit
clothed Amasai, chief of the thirty, and he said, "We are yours, O David, and with you, O son of
Jesse! Peace, peace to you, and peace to your helpers! For your God helps you." Then David
received them and made them officers of his troops." (1 Chronicles 12:18). ... Show more content on ...
"It compels us to see that the world will be different only if we live differently" (Maturana & Varela,
1992, p. 275). This is to me is parallel to the definition of Shalom, based on the 'Bringing forth'
concept, which represents our experiences of the world of human interaction. It opens up the
possibility that we interact–and are in relationship–with the world (Moules, 2000).This could be a
reflection of our relationship to God as the kingdom principle Shalom is defined. Oneness to our
Lord and Savior and brining that into our world, which is our homes, families and profession as
2.Moules' (2000) notion of active love" (p. 237).
Moules (2000) notion of 'active love' I agree, is something, that occurs in a domain of action, we can
assume the practice of love and that love occurs in our practices (Moules, 2000). Moules's
understanding is a shared concept, in which self is directly affected by the lack of love and can be
influenced positively or negatively disturb. Being an MFT clinician is a position that requires a love
that is positively motivated, in order to successful follow and support families through their
struggles, a love that only God can supply to
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All Gifted And By Study Communication And The Gospel
In chapter twelve, the problems that are being discussed first starts with stubbornly do things on our
own, which creates despair. When we do this, we launch ourselves into sin and place evil in our
social institutions. People think that they must perfectly use their communication gift, but it is
impossible for anyone to be perfect. People must realize that we are all gifted and by study
communication and the gospel we can begin to use our gifts in the correct way. Christ's
revolutionary rheotirc redefined our responsibilities as caretakers and we must understand that we
are not defined only by sermons, evangelistic movies, or novels that list a Bible versus. As prophetic
communicators of the bad and good news we face things that we might not like. "We are vulnerable
to the store without and to the storm that is within." In this sense we cannot let our ugly hearts be
overpowered. People experience the problem of loving their job and their neighbors but never love
God. We must not only focus on the gifts we have been given, but on the creator who gave us all of
these gifts. The relevant data in chapter twelve related a lot to things in the Bible. The first data in
the chapter started out with a passage from Scripture. It talked about the story of Simon and Andrew,
two fishermen who heard Jesus call, so they followed. Simon and Andrew were not the end, James
and John left their father when they heard Jesus call out. This is used to show that we must accept
our role to be
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Snyder's Seven Themes Of The Kingdom Of God
In his approach Snyder utilizes seven themes from the Old and New Testament that he say's help
reveal the meaning of the kingdom of God. The themes presented are interrelated and not
disconnected or segmented from each other. Rather, each theme is a partial expression of the whole,
in other words, the kingdom of God is this, but it is also that. The challenge that the Western (US)
reader faces is that one has been conditioned by "National Idealism," to think that we are a Christian
nation. Therefore, as a nation of God, we live out the biblical principles that are important to
Christian values. This is important to state, since this type of thinking permeates throughout our
churches and is expressed as kingdom living.
However, the kingdom
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Sample Resume : Shalom Exploration Paper
Shalom Exploration Paper
Nursing is a universal career which breaches countries, cultures, and age. Nursing involves not only
head knowledge but also heart knowledge for every nurse to be the best she can be. During this
course the word shalom has not only been introduced to my vocabulary but I have come to know
and love the word. As I continue to develop my thoughts about nursing the more I see that shalom
needs to be a part of my nursing philosophy. Giving shalom is part of how I love my patients and
grow to become the best nurse I can.
Defining Shalom
Shalom is has been used for centuries as a greeting hello, a farewell goodbye, and a blessing in the
Jewish culture. Shalom is a Hebrew word that can be summed up simply by saying "peace"
however, like most Hebrew words one English word is not sufficient to encompass its entire
meaning. The meaning of shalom goes far beyond our simple definition of peace and goes on to
mean an all–encompassing harmony where the person is in complete peace with him or herself and
the environment around them. By using the word "shalom" I am reminded that subconsciously we
are always trying to return to the peace and perfection of the garden (Garden of Eden). God created
us to yearn for shalom because God is shalom. Throughout the Bible God is given a large variety of
names and one of them is Sar Shalom, Prince of Peace. Shalom is one of the characteristics of God
and it is natural for us as believers to want to be as close to God as possible,
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Shalum Report Sample
This year we have learned a lot about what showing/giving others Shalom means. This service–
learning project is a wonderful opportunity to introduce Shalom to children early on in their lives.
We will do this by showing them love, kindness, patience, and compassion while participating in
activities with them. For this service–learning opportunity, we will be going to Jumpstart in Orange
City to volunteer with the children there. We will be there from 3:45–6:00. While there, we will be
participating and leading the children in a variety of activities. While this is a project for school, my
hope is that it is also a chance to have fun and spend time with children. I plan to get to know the
children and really be present with them in the time ... Show more content on ...
They are constantly changing and growing up. For a child, each day is filled with new things to
learn and try. Children are also very impressionable. They often mimic the words and actions of
those closest to them, as well as those that are placed in their surrounding environments. This means
that people that are around children have to be careful of what they teach the children to say or do.
The people around Jesus were often very impressionable as well. They soaked up what Jesus had to
say like a sponge. Jesus eloquently taught everyone the will of God. Around the Pharisees, Jesus had
to carefully say things that he knew would upset them. He did this because of his desire to teach to
the best of his ability. Through his teachings and ministry, he helped people grow spiritually,
mentally, and physically. In the Bible, having a child–like faith is often encouraged. When we are
children, we accept almost anything to be true. We believe in most things around us and we have
faith in the people surrounding us. Children give out their trust and faith so easily and it is usually
hard to break. God calls us to act like children when it comes to our faith. Being around children,
like I will be during this service–learning opportunity, is a great reminder of what Christ calls us to
be. Serving kids is a chance to show God's love by introducing love to the children's lives at a young
age. It's also important to be good
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Shabbat Shalom. Thank you Carolyn for the warm...
Shabbat Shalom. Thank you Carolyn for the warm introduction...My wife Tami and I are so thrilled
to be here. Many of you may not know that I grew up at camp in Zionsville, and in many ways it
was formative in the development of my Jewish path. I could not wait to show my family the special
place I knew Indianapolis to be. And we have arrived to thunderous applause – or that could just be
the storms we've experienced over the past weeks, I'm not sure.
Many times during my rabbinate I have been asked, "why did you become a rabbi?" and I usually
explain that working for God has the best retirement benefits. Plus, standing behind this podium
makes me look taller.
No, actually, I tell people what an honor it is to be invited into people's lives ... Show more content
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To light the candle means to see the world full of opportunities for engagement and growth, to see
potential in every person and every idea. To help every one of us to connect with our best selves,
and to truly become an "Or Lagoyim" – a shining light to every nation of the world. More than a
congregation, a kehila kadosha – a sacred, holy community.
I became a rabbi because I believe with all my heart that we have this potential. At times a rabbi
might hold the candle to illuminate the dark, but most of the time we search for it together. Judaism
inspires me to be a better person, and when I teach – whether it is with one Bat Mitzvah student or a
room full of committee members – Judaism inspires each of us to grow, to treat each other with
kindness, patience and respect: to find the light.
Judaism can inspire us to create the kind of holy community that I see here at IHC. My family has
been welcomed with open arms by a caring staff, caring board, brotherhood and
sisterhood who have prepared meals for us and visited us at home – even a transition committee that
has outdone itself with support during our move to Indianapolis. I tried to express to one staff
member just how rare it is for a community come together in this way, and she replied, "that's just
the way we do it here."
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The Book Of Genesis
The book of Genesis which directly translates to "origin" narrates the story of creation. In general,
Genesis 1–3 is an account of how God created the world, human beings, plants and animals, and the
commitment of the first sin. Unlike Malakas and Maganda who sprang from the kawayan at the
same time, a hierarchy of genders can be found in Genesis. The second chapter of the book tells us
that man was created first and was given the primary role to take care of God's creation associated
with a sense of authority. The woman was created after and out of man himself to fulfill the role of
being the man's helper or companion and thus it can be inferred in this account alone that the
woman is subjected to a secondary and subordinate position.
However, on a deeper level of understanding, the ... Show more content on ...
While the Creation, on the other hand, is entitled to bring holiness towards its Creator that highlights
the importance of Sabbath on the seventh day when God decided to rest. Human beings embody the
relationship of God and Creation through the act of stewardship. The whole relationship among
God, Human Beings, and the Creation exemplify the central idea of Genesis which is "Shalom".
Shalom is defined as peace in the Old Testament but it also denotes "wholeness" or "harmony".
Every part of God's creation is distinct but interconnected, working and existing in accordance with
God's intention. Shalom summarizes the whole picture depicted in the first two chapters of Genesis,
describing the connections among God, human beings, and the rest of His creation; the role of
humans is to preserve Shalom that transcends beyond stewardship.
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Guatemala Mission Trip
What better way to take advantage of summer than by going on a mission trip to Guatemala. A
mission trip to Guatemala satisfies the soul in a way no other trip could. In Guatemala there is a
captivating orphanage called "Casa Shalom" meaning House of Peace. This orphanage is located in
the heart of San Lukas, Guatemala and once one arrives they will see this is an establishment truly
touched by the hand of God. This orphanage's mission is to meet every spiritual and physical need
of children who were not treated with the best conditions one should have growing up. Spending
one week in this delightful environment of love and peace will leave all constantly wanting more
time to remain in the orphanage. The deep relationships one establishes ... Show more content on ...
One game normally played by the kids is "futbol" or commonly known to most Americans as soccer.
No matter who it is they cannot resist playing this simple yet challenging game of soccer with the
kids who spend countless hours running up and down the old and worn down concrete soccer field.
Fortunately soccer is not the only activity carried out in Casa Shalom, nevertheless there are also
bingo nights, capture the flag, and arts & crafts. Through these games one gets to see the pure hearts
of these children, time and time again. An example of how beautiful the children's hearts are is when
it was time for the child to go up on stage to receive their prize they gave it to one of their beloved
new mission team friends. That act of kindness is so special because these children do not have
much, yet they still openly give their gifts to the people they love. One of the many benefits of these
games is as the team carries out the activities they get to learn the names of the children. What a
sight it is to see kids with the biggest, brightest smile on their faces when a team member
remembers their name. No video game on Xbox or one hundred makeovers is as rewarding as the
feeling of being with the
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Inner Peace Research Paper
The religions of Christianity and Islam clearly contribute to the evolution of an individual's inner
peace as they not only promise a state of peaceful being, but also a set of guidelines on how one
must live in order to attain the state of inner peace. Peace can be broadly defined as 'a state or
condition conducive to, proceeding from or characterised from tranquillity"(****). It is a state of
being that many individuals and groups over the course of history have tried to achieve, as the desire
for peace is clearly something that is embedded into human nature, but its pursuit is evidentially
hindered by the human condition. Peace simply cannot exist where there is conflict and unrest,
which poses an issue for humans all over the planet as ... Show more content on ...
Texts regarding peace are frequent throughout the bible with the Greek word for peace (Eirene)
written in every book of the new testament except for the first letter of John (P. Glasburgen 2015).
The New Testament itself is largely made up of books explaining the life and times of Jesus Christ.
The Jewish word 'Shalom' is defined as the Hebrew definition of peace that encompasses all aspects
of a person's life. It is completeness leaving no room for conflict or negativity. It is the ultimate state
of peace that can only come from god "Shalom is a place where mercy/forgiveness/honesty/have all
met. It is a place where peace and justification meet/a place of unconditional love/a place found by
one man, through his death and resurrection" (Christ Episcopal Church, 2012). These quotes clearly
show how God and Jesus are understood as the providers of Shalom and why, in order to achieve
inner peace, one must follow their teachings "For God is not a god of disorder but of peace" (1
Corinthians 14:33). There are many examples in the new testament of the importance of the
teachings of Jesus Christ regarding peace. It is written in the book of Matthew that Jesus said 'but I
say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
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Salaam Shalom Research Paper
On the day following a snowstorm, at a small house in Hopewell Junction, New York, a few women
parked their cars. They trudged through the snow and entered the house. Some of the women wore
veils covering their hair and necks, and the rest wore short haircuts and scarves. Some said, "Salam
Alikum," and others said, "Sholem Aleikhem."
Peace in Arabic means Salaam and in Hebrew means Shalom. Despite these women gathered due to
a sinister discrimination, they try to diminish hate. Amid the crimes done in the name of religions,
women came together to seek warmth and safety in their sisterhood and religions. Four Muslim and
four Jewish women were gathering to attend this first meeting of the Salaam–Shalom Sisterhood
Mid–Hudson chapter. The meeting ... Show more content on ...
If Trump is out of office, do these women still connect?" In fact, Sheryl Olitzky co–founded the
Sisterhood of Salaam–Shalom with Atiya Aftab in 2010 which was long before Trump's presidency.
Moreover, Olitzky, Executive Director says in her letter on the Sisterhood of Salaam–Shalom site,
"The relationships that are built by bringing together Muslim and Jewish women, who share so
many practices and beliefs, are life–changing and can help put an end to anti–Muslim and anti–
Jewish sentiment. .... We are changing the world, one Muslim and one Jewish woman at a time!"
Hence, the foundation value is the ultimate friendship, and it is irrelevant to the current political
At the end of this meeting, everybody was surprised that the time passed quickly. Linda said, "This
was one fast, successful meeting." While they were exchanging the contact information, they
decided to schedule a meeting to celebrate Lag B'Omer, followed by another one during the month
of Ramadan to celebrate them together.
Miriam said that she was excited about the next meeting. "I read once a book called an introduction
to Islam for Jews, but it was so academic and dry. I did not feel it. I love learning about Islam from
people through their
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Kids Connection Research Paper
Kids connection There are many ways to approach a service project and approaching it correctly is
key to really learning and growing as a person from the experience. Really committing yourself
during service is a huge concept in my eyes so one can truly gain the true experience of the project.
Understanding the word shalom is critical to learning how shalom and the service learning project
connects. The terms and mindset one decides to take and apply to serving will ultimately lead to
how much they will grow during their service project. As I prepare to serve at kids connection I
have a few set goals for myself to get the best out of the experience. I plan to fully commit and not
just go there because I have to. I want to interact and build relationships with the children. I hope to
find the children's interests out, so I can participate and do activities with them. By doing this I hope
to learn about them and start building a trusting relationship with them. This is my plan as I am
going in, but I know when dealing with children nothing goes as planned. I am going to be ready to
adjust to whatever happens, but I am excited to help out with the children. All in all I believe this is
a good opportunity to interact with children and learn how each individual is unique in their own
way. Shalom in the dictionary is defined as a Hebrew word meaning peace, ... Show more content
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I want to be able to take away and learn from these children. I think It is crucial to be able to make
the best out of every situation and be there to help and serve others. The service learning experience
is very relatable to shalom in the sense that one should apply the qualities of shalom while helping
and serving others. Knowing and applying some qualities of shalom at the service learning project
will allow for one to truly see growth in themselves at the service learning
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Street Living And Working Children Research Paper
From a broad standpoint, the goal of children's ministry to offer shalom and peace to children
through holistic ministry that stems from having a relationship with God. As noted in the lesson
slides, when sin entered the world and shalom was broken, people's relationships with God,
themselves, others, and creation were all broken. Shalom seeks to restore these relationships through
God, and while complete restoration will not happen until Jesus's return, pieces of shalom can be
experienced through God's love now. In the article "Street–Living and Working Children" in
Understanding God's Heart for Children: Towards a Biblical Framework, Greg Burch says, "God
has called us to bring about reconciliation, with his help, between his creation, in both the vertical
(human to God) and horizontal (human to human and other created beings) senses." (p. 84) ... Show
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The goal of children's ministry includes spiritual restoration. If spiritual concerns are not explored as
part of holistic healing, then shalom will not be restored and then healing that takes place will not be
holistic. Zuck notes that "While the government can take a number of steps to reform our
educational and welfare systems, to remove barriers to adoption, to promote responsible fatherhood,
and to deal with family related concerns, ultimately the answer lies elsewhere." (p. 43). The answer
is in the Bible through the redemptive work of Jesus on the cross. 2 Corinthians 5:11–21 highlights
that God reconciled the world through Christ and because we have been reconciled through Christ
we can have a ministry of reconciliation. This ministry includes
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Sin And Darkness, Good Vs. Bad, Weak Vs, Strong, And...
Sin and All It Has To Offer In order to know and understand the Christ's comfort in life and death,
one must know sin (Baard, 2014). In order to understand this concept, one can use these
comparisons: knowing light vs. darkness, good vs. bad, weak vs. strong, and finally, shalom vs.
chaos. God's creation was, for all tense and purpose, a state of utopia. Throughout Genesis' creation
story, the reader is reminded that" it was good." A person's mind's eye takes them to a place that is
foreign to their current existence. Plantinga's explanation of how shalom is represented in the Bible
is apropos: "universal flourishing, wholeness, and delight – a rich state of affairs in which natural
needs are satisfied and natural gifts fruitfully employed, a state of affairs that inspires joyful wonder
as its creator and Savior opens doors and welcomes the creatures in whom he delights." (1995, p.10)
What happened to the utopia where humanity lived harmoniously with God, but also all other living
things, and have the privilege to be caretakers of it, or to be able to walk alongside God and be with
Him? The faithful Christian longs for that again; but as pointed out earlier, humankind must
understand sin. The following discussion will strive to comprehend the complexities of sin; its
origin, the implications it has on the human condition, and to see the masterful work of God as
Creator and as Redeemer and His response to humanity's actions. An understanding of sin and its
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Assessing the Value of Electronic Medical Records
Assessing the Value of Electronic Medical Records Introduction The potential for Electronic
Medical Records (EMR) to transform healthcare making it more accurate, efficient and cost–
effective is significant. Studies indicate that the most common workflows and processes that EMR
systems are used for automating can save a healthcare provider up to 67% of the total costs of
correcting error–filled reports and minimizing the costs of malpractice insurance as a result (Walker,
2005). The best and most significant Return on Investment (ROI) of all however are the significant
gains made in patients' recovery time and effectiveness of treatment programs (Darr, Harrison,
Shakked, Shalom, 2003). Between the cost reductions made possible through effective use of EMR
systems and the ROI of saving lives, the collection of these technologies, systems and processes
show significant potential in streamlining patient–based workflows while increasing the quality of
care (Richards, Prybutok, Ryan, 2012). Analysis Of EMR Benefits To The Patient And Healthcare
Providers The greater the accuracy and efficiency of analysis and diagnosis of a given condition or
disease, the more completely a physician can define a treatment plan with a high probability of
success. EMR systems provide a single system of record for the entire treatment history of a patient,
including any previously–attempted treatment programs and their results (Walker, 2005). This
system of record on a per–patient basis
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Philosophy Of Shalom Based Nursing
Philosophy of Shalom–based Nursing Introduction When most people think of nursing, they think of
the types of nurses that preoccupy themselves with the physical care of their patients, but nursing is
so much more than that. Nursing is a career where you will find yourself taking care of the patient's
physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. It is a career concerned with whole–healing. With this
definition, it is clear that a Christian perspective on healing can directly correlate with the mission of
a nurse. Nursing, in the view of a Christian, is shalom based. Shalom is a goal that can be reached
through the patient finding peace in all aspects of their life–physical, emotion, and spiritual.
Concepts Defining Shalom The idea of Shalom is, at first, hard to grasp. Many would ask the
question "How does one person meet all of those needs of the patients?" Shalom is hard and requires
practice, but to an experienced nurse it is second nature. The evidence of shalom in patients is found
everywhere. Meeting the physical needs of a patient is something that a nurse learns as a student.
Emotional and spiritual healing are learned through experience, starting with bedside manner and
how each nurse chooses to act towards their patients. A nurse portraying Shalom would be a positive
light in the lives of his/her patients. He/she would do what they could to make their patient
comfortable and happy. The nurse would be hopeful when doing so is appropriate. He/she would
pray for the
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Pirkei Avot: Be Of The Disciples Of Aharon
The quote that best describes the "essential me" is found in Pirkei Avot: "Be of The disciples of
Aharon, loving peace and pursuing peace." (1:12) If one wants to be like the students of Aharon, he
must love and seek peace. When explaining this Pasuk, Rabeinu Yonah says that loving and
pursuing peace encompasses two traits. The first trait, described by loving peace, is that one should
desire peace. However, desiring peace is not enough; he must also go out of his way to pursue it and
dispose of arguments and strife. These are two traits that represent who I am as I love and always try
to pursue peace; I consider it to be a very important characteristic and I reflect it in my actions.
Including peace in my everyday life shines through in ... Show more content on ...
Our purpose in this world is not to be correct; rather, it is to do Avodat Hashem. Serving Hashem
properly is something that can only be accomplished through shalom; we cannot fulfill our purpose
to its highest potential while we are in exile. The Bais HaMikdash was destroyed because of sinat
chinam; in order to end our galut, we need to fight that hatred with shalom. Peace is something that
is a major component of my essence as a person and something that I constantly strive for, as it is
bigger than just the pleasant relationship between two people; bringing about more peace is an
opportunity to change the world. It not only tremendously improves bein adam l'chavero
relationships, it gives us the chance to be
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Shalom To The Rubin Couple Narrative Report
Shalom to the Rubin couple! First of all, thank you very much for your sponsorship! During the
months of July and August, my work reached a peak. I work with youth in informal education, so
this period in which the schools are on vacation is very busy. Most of the youth in the neighborhood
I work in is considered at–risk youth, so this is a risky period. My job was to create lots of attractive
activities inside and outside the neighborhood. The objective of these activities is to attract youths to
the activity, to prevent or reduce dangerous behaviors, to create a safe space for youths and of
course to enable them to enjoy themselves. It was a very loaded period – during the nights I took
part in activities until the small hours of the night,
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The New Christian Counsellor : A Fresh Biblical And...
Book Review of the New Christian Counsellor: A fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach:
The new Christian Counsellor: A fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach is a book that aims
to teach people and empower them to take possession of their souls in the contemporary life of a
multi–faceted approach design. The authors are seasoned Christian counsellors who have a vast
experience in dealing with people's psycho–spiritual issues from a Christian point of view (Hawkins
& Clinton, 2015 p.6). Through their noble ideas, the professors seek to guide their reads through the
power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, under the influence of God's word and in a manner that is
supportive of the accountability ideas of the entire community.
The authors seek to elucidate to the masses the concepts of God's hope, amazing love and the power
that emanates from god 's sake to his children. Through the entire work the writers seek to
demonstrate through years of experience how people can be in possession of their thought patterns,
enhance their decision–making skills to promote the physical and relational self. The book brings
out very hefty discussions on life and the various engagements that people make every day of their
lives. The book contains concepts like relationships and their dynamics where the authors assert that
relationships ought to include God in them because he exists in them (Hawkins & Clinton, 2015
p.112). The writers of the book also discuss the issue of
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Jewish Community Observation Report
1. In 2017 a lot of Jews lived on Bathurst and Lawrence and some Jews live near the Forest Hill
district. There are is a huge Jewish community with many Jewish day schools and many
synagogues. The area is very small and everyone knows each other and some people live near this
area too.
2. Our next stop is Metro, a grocery store that has some kosher food. On Friday they are usually
very busy because the Jews need to prepare for Shabbat. People go to Metro once a week to stock up
their houses with food. Metro is a very good store to go to during Passover because they have lots of
matzoh and amazing kosher for passover snacks.
3. Our next stop are some homes that live very close to Bathurst. In these houses, there is usually
one family ... Show more content on ...
Our next stop is Bialik Hebrew day school. In Bialik, there are many subjects and languages that we
learn. We are very fortunate and we get to use laptops and smart boards all the time. Bialik has very
bright students because in EQAO, we usually get very good results.
5. Our next stop is United Bakers on Bathurst and Lawrence. United bakers is a Jewish Bakery and
it has been around for over 100 years. In 1912 Eastern European Jewish immigrants opened up this
restaurant. Today, United Bakers is very popular and many people go there to eat.
6. Our next stop is Bath Tzedec synagogue. Many people go to Beth Tzedec on Saturdays or high
holidays. On high holidays, people wear nice clothes and they go to synagogue to pray. Beth Tzedec
also teaches kids there Bar/Bat Mitzvah portions and how to read from the Torah.
7. Our next stop is Beth Shalom, which is near Bathurst. Beth Shalom is a very popular synagogue.
People go to Beth Shalom on Saturday and high holidays. For example, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur,
Shavuot, etc. Beth Shalom has special programs for kids that are having a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. You can
get involved with Tzedakah and serve people food that are in need. The program is called out of the
cold and it makes a big
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Alex Shalom's Abolish The Death Penalty
In the essay "Abolish the Death Penalty," the author Alex Shalom talks about reasons why he is
against capital punishments (death penalty). Shalom talks about the seven reasons of why he is
against capital punishments. First Shalom starts off by showing how the United States is getting
isolated. The Author shows this by comparing U.S. with some of the other world leaders, and how
they have abandoned capital punishment. After which, Shalom compares U.S. to countries like
Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, and specifies that even though U.S. is a world leader it still
has practices that are followed by countries which are far away from the world leaders in terms of
human rights. The second point that the Author makes, is that capital punishment doesn't cut ...
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During the discussion of this point, he explains that the costing of both options equal out at the end
since, the person being executed is always entitled to legal appeals, and the expenses of those
appeals have to be covered by the state. The Author, then introduced his fourth reason by quoting a
statement that was made by Coretta Scott King, in which she clearly opposes the death penalty even
though two of her family members have been a victim of a murderer; the Author supports her stand
and feels that "Justice is never advanced by the taking of a human life". Then the author points out
his fifth reason for why he is against the death penalty, which is that justice isn't always perfected,
and so there is always a possibility for mistakes which results as making wrong decisions, that
would cost the lives of many innocent's. Finally, the last point Shalom makes is how racism comes
into play, and influences the judge when making such decisions of giving someone a death penalty,
which he supports by providing facts from a
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Essay On Peace And Peace
Finding peace through love and overcoming fear
The quality of life does not depend on the material progress or the external development we have,
but it rather depends on the inner development of the happiness and peace. Once a person has peace
in their life then they can somehow control various situations such as fights, and their biggest fears
in the best way possible. The person can win over the evil inside Them. Inner peace refers mostly to
soul, body and mind. When people experience inner peace they know that it is not dependant on
place, people, external object, a time or situation. Inner peace is interrelated with love, one cannot
simply separate them and that is the reason how love and peace keeps the motivation, dedication and
belief in one's self and helps to keep the frustration low. A person feels more satisfied and at peace
with therself when they start to understand the value of life. When good prevails over evil within us,
we cannot spread ... Show more content on ...
Peace comes from and looking for the good in others and by living in the moment. Peacefulness
comes from facing our fears and letting them come towards us, trusts that things will turn out all
As a highschool basketball player, I sometimes felt that my life wasn't as easy as the lives of most of
people that were on my team. I would see my teamates familys come out and support there family
member, but i would almost never see mine. I admit, it got to me sometimes. It affected my grades
in school as would loose focus in class becasue i felt like i had no motivation, support or purpose.
My family wanted me to leave the sport and concentrate on studies to secure my future but that was
least of my problems. When I started to manage my studies and my sports on a level that I could
make my parents stop worrying about my future, my uncle died. He was the only one who ever
showed up for atleast one of my games. For a
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Aging With Grace By David Snowdon
Promoting Shalom with Older Adults Aging with Grace by David Snowdon does a fantastic job at
addressing different issues that older adults face when it comes to cognitive function. However,
Snowdon does not limit this book to just that. He conducted a research project where he interacted
with the older generation of nuns. Originally, he treated them as just test subjects in his study of
Alzheimer's disease. As his research progressed, he soon realized that he could not just treat the
nuns like lab rats. One of the younger nuns approached him and said "I'll move forward with your
request, buy you need to listen carefully to what I am about to say. No matter what you do, I want
you to remember who these women are. They are real people. Very dear to us. They are holy people,
too. I don't want you to treat them as research subjects. Get to know them. Understand that many of
the older sisters were the teachers or mentors of the younger sisters, and we treat them with the care
and respect they deserve, we will expect nothing less from you." He needed to get to know each one
of them as an individual rather than part of his experiment. He began getting to know their past and
how that has affected each of them to this day. Through his research, he go to know the nuns
physical state. Snowdon also took the time to learn more about their spiritual, emotional, and
psychological well–being as well. He was a good example of what every Christian nurse should
strive for when working to
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Attend Service At Two Different Jewish Churches Essay
I chose to attend service at two different Jewish churches. The first one was Congregation Gesher
L'Torah in Alpharetta, Georgia and the second was Congregation Beth Hallel in Roswell, Georgia.
Though both were of the Judaism religion, there were some differences. I attended a Friday night
service at Congregation Gesher L'Torah. My apprehensions about being black and going to a Jewish
church made me invite a friend to go with me. I was glad I did, as the stares and long looks we got
during the service validated my concerns.
The church was rather small, but quite modern. There was a small playground in the back for
children to play. All of the windows were made of beautiful stained glass. As we approached the
church, we could see the Star of David positioned high in a large stained glass window. We spoke to
a lady who was exiting the church as we were coming in, but she said nothing. Once inside, a man
who was ushering came over to us and said, "Shabbat Shalom". I had been greeted with Shalom
many time before at my old church, but never "Shabbat Shalom". I didn't know what was
appropriate to say, but somehow "Shalom" came spilling out of my mouth, and the usher nodded. He
gave us two books, Siddur Sim Shalom (a prayer book) and Gesher L'Tefillah (another prayer book).
My friend and I found it hard to follow the prayers and songs from each book because most of the
text was in Hebrew and the Siddur Sim Shalom opened and was to be read from the back of the
book with the pages
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The Gospel Of Matthew 's Gospel
Many people do not know that loving your enemy is the heart of the gospel. Although loving and
praying for your enemy may seem impossible at times, it is written in the gospel of Matthew that
loving your enemy is loving God. In Matthew 5:43, Jesus teaches about loving your enemy, praying
for your enemy, and shows examples of loving your enemy.
Matthew is the first of four gospels in the New Testament. Matthew presents his story of Jesus, the
demands of Christian discipline, and shares the news of the death and resurrection of Jesus. There
are many questions in Matthew that can not be answered.The book of Matthew is a gospel that
contains narrative history, genealogy, parables, sermons, and some prophetic oracles. The gospel of
Matthew was originally written for a Jewish audience by a Jewish perspective. This is why Matthew
is often referred to as "The Gospel for the Jews". Although Matthew was written for Jews, it does
not include very much of the Jewish culture and tradition. Throughout the entire gospel of Matthew,
it is very clear that the entire book is mainly incorporated with Jews. The book of Matthew ties in
with the Old Testament several times, such as when they refer to Jesus as Messiah or King. The key
word used in Matthew is "kingdom" and it is used 28 times. The reason Matthew was written was to
reveal that Jesus was the messiah, the long of the Jews, and to conceive the Jews that Jesus Christ
was indeed their long awaited messiah. The author of Matthew
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The Importance Of Israeli Relations With The Arab Community
Schneur the "Zalmy" Meyer is a student at Florida International University. He sits on the board for
Shalom FIU and participates in weekly meetings. To begin the semester Zalmy tabled with ZOA and
used Soda Stream as an example to profile the advances of Israeli relations with the Arab
community. In September Zalmy met with Andy Borans and Nadav to discuss his strategy to create
a partnership between AEPi and Shalom FIU. The Israel Engagement Coordinator shared with
Zalmy the requirements and future of the program. On September 25 Zalmy attended a lecture titled
From FIU to the IDF. Yoni Michanie spoke about his experience of making aliyah and joining a
combat Paratrooper unit in the IDF. A few weeks later Shalom FIU hosted a falafel ... Show more
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On September Kyle sat in on conference calls featuring our friends in advocacy including a
discussion with the ICC on ways they help in countering SJP's National Conference. On October
20th Kyle ate Shabbat Dinner at the Hillel building. Student leaders, facility, and representatives
from Hillel International and Israel on Campus Coalition came together to celebrate Israel through
culture. Speakers that night included a Jewish, Latino professor and a representative from the
Consulate. The speaker from the Consulate was an African–American and spoke about supporting
Israel as an African–American. That next week StandWithUs tabled in order to engage the student
body on campus. For two days Artists 4 Israel passed out shirts with "Diversity Means to Me" text.
Kyle and members of the AEPi chapter had conversations pertaining to Israel with students as they
waited in line to receive their shirts. Artists 4 Israel spray painted a message about diversity that
students request. StandWithUs held another activation that week named Gratitude Days. With
Thanksgiving approaching this activation gives a chance for students to write on a public wall what
they are thankful for. On Friday October 27th Hillel once again hosted a shabbat dinner. This time is
was in honor of the many faiths on camus. Leaders from the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian
communities came together to
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Home Interview Essay
Israel is the home location for Hebrew speakers. Israel is home to approximately 4.3 million native
Hebrew speakers giving Israel the nickname of the "Jewish homeland". Hebrew is apart of the
Semitic language family, which also encompasses other consonant based alphabetic languages
including: Arabic, Canaanite, Aramaic, Akkadian. Hebrew speakers are most prevalent in Israel but
in 2013 there were a reported 9 million speakers of the language worldwide and, according to the
2010 Census in the United States there were 216, 615 speakers. However, since California is known
as America's melting pot it is home to approximately 39, 275 speakers. Today Hebrew speakers in
California can range from religious figures to everyday individuals who strive ... Show more content
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Personally, coming from a Jewish background and not speaking Hebrew it makes you think if you
are making the right decision in not learning the language yourself. I myself attended Hebrew school
from second to seventh grade and had a Bat Mitzvah but I can say I don't know Hebrew well. After
doing this assignment it has encouraged me to learn more about Hebrew. In the future, I would like
to pass my heritage language on to my family. In doing the heritage interview and listening to him
talk about his language and the passion he has it's inspiring in that I share the same culture.
Personally, I feel that the Heritage Language interview was the most interesting aspect of this
project. During the interview and asking him the questions he was more than willing to answer any
question I had and answered it with a lighthearted and happy response. I think so irregularly people
ask people about their heritage that when it happens the interviewees are more than willing to
comply. My research has enlightened me on where the most populous areas of Hebrew speakers are
and the ultimate importance of learning a language and passing it on to subsequent
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How Does Judaism Promote Peace?
"War and fighting is politics, not religion" {person who said it}
War and conflict is very much prevalent in society today. Whilst many believe the cause to be
religion, this is far from the truth. Mere, ignorance of the truth about core beliefs and lack of
knowledge of religion is the true cause of war in our world, furthermore politics. Judaism, a religion
very much centred on peace is one of the many religions stereotyped and judged in today's society
based on the violence fed through the media. By examining the core beliefs, sacred texts, rituals and
exploring the dimensions and socio historic contexts of the religion it is evident that Judaism at the
core is a peaceful and tolerant religion, which promotes inter–faith understanding through ... Show
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Judaism is undoubtedly a peaceful religion for the reasons that is has no concept of hell, no beliefs
in the punishment of another as God is to judge, is accepting of other religions and above all their
God is an eternal, compassionate, gracious, merciful and truthful God. Whilst fundamental law in
Jewish ethics is simply"what is hateful to you, do not do to others", Jews incorporate this law in
their life by doing good, such as paying dowries for poor brides, assisting in the organization of
funerals, visiting the sick, and caring for others as if they were one of your own. As the Jewish
prophet Nachmanides said "We should pray that our fellow men should receive all those blessings
we hope to receive ourselves, and that we should not allow ourselves to envy another". Whilst the
book of Mishnah emphasizes that all human beings are ultimately of equal worth, reiterating the
notion that Judaism is indeed a peaceful religion. Complimentary to this, the book of Leviticus
states, "You shall neither take revenge from nor bear a grudge against the members of your people;
you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord". Signifying the love and respect each
individual is expected to have for one another. Overall the fundamentals teachings of the Torah
encourage its participants to respect every human being, not to gossip (lashon hora),
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Shalom Aleichem Research Paper
Many say he is the "Jewish Mark Twain", one of the most beloved writers of the late 19th and early
20th century. Shalom Aleichem is known for his humorous short stories, such as Fiddler on the Roof
and Tevye. During the era of Aleichem, many Jews were writing in Hebrew or Russian, Shalom
Aleichem chose to write in Yiddish. Shalom Aleichem is regarded as one of the three major classical
writers of Yiddish literature (Denman 378). His stories reflect the optimism and faith of the Jewish
people in poverty and prosecution. His stories brought humor to the grim settings.
Shalom Aleichem, was born, Sholem Rabinovitz, in 1859 in Pereyaslav, Ukraine (Septimus).
Shalom Rabinowitz took his pen name from the Yiddish greeting "Peace be with you." His ... Show
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This characters describes a Russian Jewish milkman who deals with a complex world. The Jewish
man had six stubborn daughters. The stories tell of the milkman's romantic dealings, business
dealings, marriages, his daughters, and the expulsion of Jews. The model for the series came about
when Shalom and his family spent their summers in the dacha at Boyarka, and in the summer of
1894 a chance encounter with a vivacious dairyman delivering butter and cheese to families
vacationing in the vicinity (Denman, 382).
The first Tevye story "Tevye Strikes it Rich," was a monologue, published in 1894 (Septimus). The
story tells us about how Tevye earned enough money to be able to set up a dairy. On his way home
he encounters a women and her daughter who appear to be lost. Tevye thought they were the
demons, but that soon disappeared and he helped them home. Tevye was rewarded for his heroism,
but that does not last very long.
The second story in the series, "The Bubble Bursts," was published in 1899. Tevye is brought into a
doomed money–making scheme by the man Menakhem–Mendl. Menakhem–Mendl is relative of
Tevye's family, by marriage
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What Is The Purpose Of Forgiving And How It Affect Others
What do you think is the purpose of forgiving and how it affects others? I think the purpose of
forgiving is to restore the broken relationship and sometimes it could dramatically change someone's
life. For example, the book "Cry the Beloved Country" shows James Jarvis and Stephen Kumalo's
relationship was restored through forgiveness. Forgiveness has a strong power to restore the healthy
relationship. Sometimes it could help restore a relationship with a family who killed your son.
Forgiving can benefit you and others because you also learn through forgiveness and strengths the
bond between you and the person or the whole group of people.
To begin with, in the story James Jarvis's son,Arthur Jarvis, was shot by Stephen Kumalo's son,
Absalom Jarvis. Absalom did not intend to murder him ,but he eventually shot him because ... Show
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She had social illness and lives in a poor condition. Her life was wicked and shalom in her life was
broken. However, before Stephen left Johannesburg to go to Sophiatown, he was hanging out and
talking with Gertrude and her son in a kind way and still treated her as a human being and one of his
family member. From his action of kindness we can see that Stephen forgave her and he is trying to
restore the broken shalom. He spent time with her no matter who she is right now and what she has
done. He showed the right way to fix the shalom just like James Jarvis did. Also, in the Colossians
3:12–14 it said "Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts,
kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint
against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And
above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." Stephen did what
God wants us to do which is forgiving
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Spiritual Perspectives On Health And Health
Spiritual Perspectives on Health and Healing Personal definitions of health and health can be
strongly influenced by cultural. It is, therefore, imperative for nurses to understand the patient's view
of health in order to comprehend the needs for healing.
The definition of health does not always mean free from disease or illness as explained Shelly and
Miller (2006) through the concept of shalom. In the Christianity philosophy of health or shalom, is
found when a person is at peace as they live in a relationship with God, with the people around
them, with the environment as well as themselves. A similar belief seen in the Islamic faith is
mentioned by Lovering (2012), "In the Muslim worldview, health is defined as complete physical,
psychological, social and spiritual wellbeing." p.173.
It is important to recognize that Islam teaches humans to understand the relationship between God
and the presence of illness and suffering. Rassool (2000) explains the Islamic belief of the direct
relationship of illness and everlasting life. It is through death that humans meet their God. The
Qur'an teaches humans that illness is not their nemesis but is meant to provide atonement for sin.
"Be sure we shall test you with something of fear, hunger, some loss in wealth, lives or the produce
(of your toll), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere (Al–Baqarah 2:155 SIV). In
addition to the religious principles of Islam, many Muslims share the
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Shalom Exploration Paper
Shalom Exploration Paper
Introduction of Shalom
Shalom. By definition, shalom means peace and was typically used in the Jewish culture as a
greeting and a farewell. Northwestern's Nursing Department's interpretation of Shalom is to bring
peace and wellness to each and every patient in every aspect of their health. Whether this be by
one's actions, words, or ministry of presence. In a ministry of presence, one does not necessarily
have to speak, but it is to empathize and offer ones support to those in their times of vulnerability
and need.
Concept of Shalom
To me, shalom is bringing peace to a patients and people in the since that I help begin to restore
wholeness to their lives. It is important to recognize that each person comes from a various walks of
life and each have a unique experience. In order to restore wholeness to each patient's life, one needs
to tailor care to the specific needs of that person. Recognizing that healing is only complete when
you have reached not only their physical needs, but also their mental ... Show more content on ...
To me, nursing is saturated with ministry opportunities and anchored in Christian compassion.
Healing looks not only to the physical aspects of people/patients, but also to every other aspect of
their lives. In order to bring about the greatest quality of care, healing, and hope, one must first build
a relationship with their patient. One important thing that I have learned while being here at
Northwestern is that as nurses we are supposed to minister through presence. Sometimes the most
powerful thing I could ever do is to silently bear with my patient in their moments of vulnerability
or frustration. Sure, empathy is important, but there is something powerful about demonstrating the
healing power of Jesus through
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21st Century Car Crash Summary
In "21st Century Car Crash", Rachel Rubenstein's self–driving car, a product of Eliva Industries, T–
bones Shimon Shalom's car to avoid killing a jaywalking pedestrian. Mr. Shalom's Rabbi sends him
to the Beit Din to sue for damages, which Ms. Rubenstein is reluctant to pay. She claims that Eli
Levine, the owner of Eliva Industries, is at fault. After all, his company's programming drove the car
to turn away from the jaywalker and crash into another car. Ms. Rubenstein says that she would
have just slammed on the brakes, had there been a manual override option. Mr. Levine has informed
the Beit Din that swerving must have been the safest course of action, or the car wouldn't have done
it. Now the court must decide who, if anyone, is liable ... Show more content on ...
Levine to make any other changes to his self–driving car program because of ethical and halakhic
concerns. The system is currently programmed to do whatever it can in order to save a life, which is
why it hit Mr. Shalom's car rather than hitting the person walking. According to "pikuah nefesh,"
there is nothing that stands in the way of saving a life except for idolatry, robbery, sexual
immorality, and murder (Novellae of Ramban (1194–1270) to Ketubot 19a s.v. Ha). Making changes
to Mr. Levine's program could also entail malfunctions or mishaps that could potentially cause more
harm than good. This coincides with Bava Kama's teachings that the steps of helping yourself are
not worth destroying another person's self or property (Tosafot (12th–13th c.) Bava Kama 60b s.v.
Mahu). Therefore, no other changes must be made to the car's programming. Saving a life or
following halakhic teachings should always come first.
According to halakhic convention, as presented by the sources provided, Ms. Rubenstein and Mr.
Shalom's shared insurance company is liable. Because the self–driving car falls under the "fire"
category of damages, its owner must pay. In this situation, the insurance company represents Ms.
Rubenstein. Because she has the appropriate insurance for such a vehicle, the money must come
from them. Mr. Levine is exempt, though future ElivaTM models ought to provide some sort of
manual override option, if only to protect the company from future legal
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Peace In Judaism
Peace is a complex, multifaceted concept that is immensely central to every religious community.
Peace is the essence of all religions, the reason being that the objectives of religion can never be
fulfilled without peace. Each religion shares a similar purpose, to guide their adherents to achieving
peace through spiritual development and growth, allowing enlightenment among individuals and
creation. The idea of peace is commonly categorised into two main branches, inner peace and world
peace. Both branches have differentiating purposes and goals, however in many cases have the
potential to interconnect and greatly influence one another. Inner peace refers to the presence of
mindfulness, a state of calmness, security and a spiritual state of being with the ... Show more
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Along with truth and justice, peace is one of the three key Jewish values, it is understood by
adherents that all Jews have a religious obligation to pursue peace and practice it within themselves
and in the world. The Hebrew word for peace is 'shalom,' meaning complete and fulfilled. Shalom
also conveys the sense of being at peace with God and involves forgiveness of sin, fullness of life,
prosperity, and peace. Jewish adherents are encouraged to live out shalom and implement actions
and practices of shalom into their lives where possible. Jews draw inspiration from the sacred texts,
especially focused on the Torah, of their tradition for their understanding of what it is to lead
purposeful and peaceful lives. The Torah acts as a guide to shining light on peace and what it means
to be in a state of shalom. Peace, according to the Jewish sages, is the ultimate purpose of the whole
Torah, as expressed in Deuteronomy Rabah 5:15, "God announceth to Jerusalem that they [Israel]
will be redeemed only through peace." Jewish adherents are taught to follow a path of peace as it is
only through the gift of peace that will save the Jewish
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The Best Day Of My Life
Thursday, September 15, 2016 was the best day of my life. Earlier that day, I handed in a paper titled
Passions and Desires. However little did I know, that God was going to reveal incredible things to
me and the passions and desires I had written about where going to align with God's kingdom.
Thursday, September 15, 2016 was the day I experienced God's kingdom and His shalom here on
earth so beautifully and perfectly. The story begins a little earlier than Thursday. Last week, a man
by the name of Paul Glader came and told me about New York City and journalism. Immediately, a
light bulb went off in my head as I sat on the edge of my set, eager to learn more. Questions flooded
my mind as everything this man said created in me a strong desire to go to New York City. Also, in
that same week, I continued to receive emails from The Diamond and so I felt compelled to check it
out. Little did I know that Paul Glader would once again speak to me and feed my desire to know
more about journalism. After the meeting, I nervously sent a vulnerable email to Professor Pitts and
told him I wanted to go to New York, but I didn't know how to get there. My step in faith had been
the correct choice. He emailed me back and told me that this was exactly the kind of email he had
been hoping to get when he dreamed of teaching at Dordt. Fast forward to Thursday. At 4:00,
Professor Pitts and I talked about journalism. Everything that he told me was exactly what I had
dreamed of. He told me that a
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Essay About Toda
Todas believe in life after death and believe that the soul is immortal. They have a grand funeral
ceremony. They cremate the dead bodies. The todas believed that the buffalo's spirit would be a
companion to the dead person and the dead person could live as he lived on earth and therefore used
to sacrifice buffaloes. However, this cruel practice has been disregarded by the Government in 1964.
There are two types of funeral ceremonies which is the Green and Dry disposals of the dead. Green
disposal is done when an adult dies and after a few months is followed by dry disposal for a group
of dead people. For a man the rituals are done by his son or brother but for a woman it is done by
her husband.
The funeral pyre is lighted from a fire ignited by friction which is thought to be ... Show more
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Photo Credits: PTI; the Hindu; Above: Top Secret.
The Toda people have their own language called the Toda language which derives its roots from
Dravidian language and is similar to Tamil and Malayalam. This language does not have a script and
is very difficult to learn and speak. The Toda people only speak the language as they are not able to
pen it down on paper.
They are great poets and singers. During rituals they sing songs that are poetic. The only musical
instrument which they play is flute which is called as Pooheeri made up of bamboo. They live in a
society where everyone is equal and there is no differentiation based on castes.
The Todas are specially known for their art skill which is their embroidery. What started out to be a
hobby passed down from generation to generation became their source of income and a beautiful
artwork loved by many. The Registrar of Geographical Indication gave GI(Geographical Indication)
status for this unique embroidery which prevents the art from being replicated and ensures that
everyone pays a fair uniform
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I Am A Strong Believer Of Feminism And Lesbian Rights
Hannah Sanders
Peace Studies
27, September 2016
Peace Women Paper
Peace Women I am a strong believer in feminism and lesbian rights. I chose to research five women
from different places across the world who took a stand for lesbian rights. These ladies include: Zohl
de Ishtar (Australia), Haya Shalom (Israel), Izabela Jaruga (Poland), Lo Sai "Rose" Wu (China,
Hong Kong), and Chuen Juei Ho (China, Taiwan). The first peace woman I want to talk about is
Zohl de Ishtar. Zohl is an "Australian lesbian who helps women in Australia on projects in
communities and even world wide" (PeaceWomen Across the Globe). By working on the
international level she is able to work with a diverse number of people. "She has worked to
eliminate nuclear weapons and militarism, campaigned to improve the rights of all peoples,
defended cultural integrity and strived to end any form of discrimination, with an emphasis on
sexuality" (PeaceWomen Across the Globe). Zohl not only wants to help women with a so called
unusual sexual orientation, but also the general public.
The second peace woman I want to talk about is Haya Shalom from Israel. Haya is a feminist
sponsoring human rights as a lesbian. "She is one of the most well–known women supporting
women's unity for peace and women's rights" (PeaceWomen Across the Globe). I respect Shalom for
having such an impact on women's rights while being a lesbian. I cannot see the journey to gain
rights being an easy task for her. I read that Shalom participated
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Student Shalom Research Paper
I have known student Shalom for the last five years as his chemistry teacher. He is one of our
outstanding students and disciplined students who goes in line with the rules and principles of the
school. I have always admired his smart and hard work on various subjects' such as science, music,
and sports. I understand that Shalom is applying to the one year course program at your school and I
would like to recommend for his scholarships. One of the personalities of Shalom that I really
admire is his determination towards work. Even if you found him at the bottom of the pit you'll find
him at the top of the hills at the end. I said that because on the first year of my teaching student
Shalom was one of the low graders of his class almost the
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How Is Gandhi Used As A Guide To Non-Violence?
Even though "[n]o man's life can be encompassed in one telling" as stated in the beginning Gandhi,
director Richard Attenborough has succeeded in showing an incredible epic of a man determined to
live and promote non–violence. (Gandhi) This film helps to capture the essence of Gandhi by using
a wide range of critical scenes spanning his adult life. Gandhi should be used as a guide to living a
modern day non–violent life. Gandhi's actions, in this film, can be used as a case study for
understanding how non–violent protest is a functional and moral way to combat oppression. Gandhi
makes an interesting argument early in the film about Christian theology. He talks to Charlie
Andrews, a Christian missionary, about peace when they first meet and are confronted by some
young men who block the side walk in a South African town. Gandhi walked forward as he told
Andrews "Doesn't the New Testament say, 'If your enemy strikes you on the right cheek, offer him
the left'?" ... Show more content on ...
Even though Gandhi is a Hindu, he uses Christ as support for non–violence. There are two
components that play into the reason why non–violence should be practiced. One part is that taking
violence is righteous, in a sense, since Christ accepted the violence put on him. Gandhi argues that
offering your left cheek to be hit was not just to be meant figuratively, but that it is used to show
courage when receiving violence without striking back. The other part to non–violence is that when
you receive blow after blow, the offender seems to lose his hate for you and begins to respect you.
When this change of heart eventually happens the violence ends. Although Gandhi is not a
Christian, he values the way Jesus lived his life. From this short scene it can be inferred that Gandhi
believes that acting non–violently, the way Christ did, is a model for the way he should live his own
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Summary Of Building A People Of Power Chapter 4
Robert C. Linthicum in this perceptive and straightforward gift reveals how most people and
systems use power to dominate others. However, "Building A People of Power liberates people and
organizations to use power to foster better relationships that will transform communities and cities.
Furthermore, this book provides methods for churches to build relationships as well as develop
ministries to address people's basic needs. Twelve chapters make up this unifying effort to equip
churches to transform their communities. Chapter one begins with a discussion on the biblical
concept of Shalom which means more than the absence of conflict, it centers on a hope of human
society that goes beyond that. Moreover, the primary indicators of God's intentions ... Show more
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Our church is not located in a particular area by accident. We are in our community because God has
called us there. Wherever we are located we are called to work for the Shalom of our city. Linthicum
illustrates this point with the nation of Israel being sent to Babylon, they are to be God's presence,
pray for the city, and practice your faith through action, (Jeremiah 29:7), and proclaim the good
news. Chapter five is entitled "Relational Power's most Radical Act. The author in this chapter
highlights lessons from the leadership of Nehemiah, first build relationships, internalize the pain of
people, pray for the people, and understand the value of timing. Next he focuses on building power
through building relationships by means of conducting individual meeting. This chapter can be
utilized to equip and train yourself and other leaders in building people of power. Chapter six
Linthicum emphasizes building people of power through the iron rule. He illustrates this principle
by the little old ladies who were empowered to assume responsibility to solve their own issues.
Linthicum provided strategies for building people of power by utilizing Nehemiah as a biblical
example of organizing. In short, he concludes with principles for building the power of the people
which includes, the task, people power, reorganizing, the exchange of power, the actions in reacting,
negotiation and confrontations, the pedagogy of action and reflection, and building leaders. Chapter
seven, revolves around developing leaders for the strategic role they will play in the organization.
He examines Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Paul and Barnabas as role models of leadership. Linthicum offers
six principles for building leaders, which includes: vision, passion, risk, and personal validation.
Second, build close relationship between himself and the student. Three, leaders use informal
situations as a vehicle for
... Get more on ...

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Shalom Research Paper

  • 1. Shalom Research Paper The text described Shalom as a kingdom principle that reflects living in proper relationship with God, oneself, with others, and nature or ones physical surrounding (Yarhouse & Sells, 2008 p. 24). The purpose of the relationship is to be a defining representation of your heart as it is delighting in God, especially with family. It is typically described as meaning peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquility, which speaks to the scripture, "then the Spirit clothed Amasai, chief of the thirty, and he said, "We are yours, O David, and with you, O son of Jesse! Peace, peace to you, and peace to your helpers! For your God helps you." Then David received them and made them officers of his troops." (1 Chronicles 12:18). ... Show more content on ... "It compels us to see that the world will be different only if we live differently" (Maturana & Varela, 1992, p. 275). This is to me is parallel to the definition of Shalom, based on the 'Bringing forth' concept, which represents our experiences of the world of human interaction. It opens up the possibility that we interact–and are in relationship–with the world (Moules, 2000).This could be a reflection of our relationship to God as the kingdom principle Shalom is defined. Oneness to our Lord and Savior and brining that into our world, which is our homes, families and profession as counselors. 2.Moules' (2000) notion of active love" (p. 237). Moules (2000) notion of 'active love' I agree, is something, that occurs in a domain of action, we can assume the practice of love and that love occurs in our practices (Moules, 2000). Moules's understanding is a shared concept, in which self is directly affected by the lack of love and can be influenced positively or negatively disturb. Being an MFT clinician is a position that requires a love that is positively motivated, in order to successful follow and support families through their struggles, a love that only God can supply to ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. All Gifted And By Study Communication And The Gospel In chapter twelve, the problems that are being discussed first starts with stubbornly do things on our own, which creates despair. When we do this, we launch ourselves into sin and place evil in our social institutions. People think that they must perfectly use their communication gift, but it is impossible for anyone to be perfect. People must realize that we are all gifted and by study communication and the gospel we can begin to use our gifts in the correct way. Christ's revolutionary rheotirc redefined our responsibilities as caretakers and we must understand that we are not defined only by sermons, evangelistic movies, or novels that list a Bible versus. As prophetic communicators of the bad and good news we face things that we might not like. "We are vulnerable to the store without and to the storm that is within." In this sense we cannot let our ugly hearts be overpowered. People experience the problem of loving their job and their neighbors but never love God. We must not only focus on the gifts we have been given, but on the creator who gave us all of these gifts. The relevant data in chapter twelve related a lot to things in the Bible. The first data in the chapter started out with a passage from Scripture. It talked about the story of Simon and Andrew, two fishermen who heard Jesus call, so they followed. Simon and Andrew were not the end, James and John left their father when they heard Jesus call out. This is used to show that we must accept our role to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Snyder's Seven Themes Of The Kingdom Of God In his approach Snyder utilizes seven themes from the Old and New Testament that he say's help reveal the meaning of the kingdom of God. The themes presented are interrelated and not disconnected or segmented from each other. Rather, each theme is a partial expression of the whole, in other words, the kingdom of God is this, but it is also that. The challenge that the Western (US) reader faces is that one has been conditioned by "National Idealism," to think that we are a Christian nation. Therefore, as a nation of God, we live out the biblical principles that are important to Christian values. This is important to state, since this type of thinking permeates throughout our churches and is expressed as kingdom living. However, the kingdom ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Sample Resume : Shalom Exploration Paper Shalom Exploration Paper Nursing is a universal career which breaches countries, cultures, and age. Nursing involves not only head knowledge but also heart knowledge for every nurse to be the best she can be. During this course the word shalom has not only been introduced to my vocabulary but I have come to know and love the word. As I continue to develop my thoughts about nursing the more I see that shalom needs to be a part of my nursing philosophy. Giving shalom is part of how I love my patients and grow to become the best nurse I can. Defining Shalom Shalom is has been used for centuries as a greeting hello, a farewell goodbye, and a blessing in the Jewish culture. Shalom is a Hebrew word that can be summed up simply by saying "peace" however, like most Hebrew words one English word is not sufficient to encompass its entire meaning. The meaning of shalom goes far beyond our simple definition of peace and goes on to mean an all–encompassing harmony where the person is in complete peace with him or herself and the environment around them. By using the word "shalom" I am reminded that subconsciously we are always trying to return to the peace and perfection of the garden (Garden of Eden). God created us to yearn for shalom because God is shalom. Throughout the Bible God is given a large variety of names and one of them is Sar Shalom, Prince of Peace. Shalom is one of the characteristics of God and it is natural for us as believers to want to be as close to God as possible, ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Shalum Report Sample This year we have learned a lot about what showing/giving others Shalom means. This service– learning project is a wonderful opportunity to introduce Shalom to children early on in their lives. We will do this by showing them love, kindness, patience, and compassion while participating in activities with them. For this service–learning opportunity, we will be going to Jumpstart in Orange City to volunteer with the children there. We will be there from 3:45–6:00. While there, we will be participating and leading the children in a variety of activities. While this is a project for school, my hope is that it is also a chance to have fun and spend time with children. I plan to get to know the children and really be present with them in the time ... Show more content on ... They are constantly changing and growing up. For a child, each day is filled with new things to learn and try. Children are also very impressionable. They often mimic the words and actions of those closest to them, as well as those that are placed in their surrounding environments. This means that people that are around children have to be careful of what they teach the children to say or do. The people around Jesus were often very impressionable as well. They soaked up what Jesus had to say like a sponge. Jesus eloquently taught everyone the will of God. Around the Pharisees, Jesus had to carefully say things that he knew would upset them. He did this because of his desire to teach to the best of his ability. Through his teachings and ministry, he helped people grow spiritually, mentally, and physically. In the Bible, having a child–like faith is often encouraged. When we are children, we accept almost anything to be true. We believe in most things around us and we have faith in the people surrounding us. Children give out their trust and faith so easily and it is usually hard to break. God calls us to act like children when it comes to our faith. Being around children, like I will be during this service–learning opportunity, is a great reminder of what Christ calls us to be. Serving kids is a chance to show God's love by introducing love to the children's lives at a young age. It's also important to be good ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Shabbat Shalom. Thank you Carolyn for the warm... Shabbat Shalom. Thank you Carolyn for the warm introduction...My wife Tami and I are so thrilled to be here. Many of you may not know that I grew up at camp in Zionsville, and in many ways it was formative in the development of my Jewish path. I could not wait to show my family the special place I knew Indianapolis to be. And we have arrived to thunderous applause – or that could just be the storms we've experienced over the past weeks, I'm not sure. Many times during my rabbinate I have been asked, "why did you become a rabbi?" and I usually explain that working for God has the best retirement benefits. Plus, standing behind this podium makes me look taller. No, actually, I tell people what an honor it is to be invited into people's lives ... Show more content on ... To light the candle means to see the world full of opportunities for engagement and growth, to see potential in every person and every idea. To help every one of us to connect with our best selves, and to truly become an "Or Lagoyim" – a shining light to every nation of the world. More than a congregation, a kehila kadosha – a sacred, holy community. I became a rabbi because I believe with all my heart that we have this potential. At times a rabbi might hold the candle to illuminate the dark, but most of the time we search for it together. Judaism inspires me to be a better person, and when I teach – whether it is with one Bat Mitzvah student or a room full of committee members – Judaism inspires each of us to grow, to treat each other with kindness, patience and respect: to find the light. Judaism can inspire us to create the kind of holy community that I see here at IHC. My family has been welcomed with open arms by a caring staff, caring board, brotherhood and 1 sisterhood who have prepared meals for us and visited us at home – even a transition committee that has outdone itself with support during our move to Indianapolis. I tried to express to one staff member just how rare it is for a community come together in this way, and she replied, "that's just the way we do it here." ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Book Of Genesis The book of Genesis which directly translates to "origin" narrates the story of creation. In general, Genesis 1–3 is an account of how God created the world, human beings, plants and animals, and the commitment of the first sin. Unlike Malakas and Maganda who sprang from the kawayan at the same time, a hierarchy of genders can be found in Genesis. The second chapter of the book tells us that man was created first and was given the primary role to take care of God's creation associated with a sense of authority. The woman was created after and out of man himself to fulfill the role of being the man's helper or companion and thus it can be inferred in this account alone that the woman is subjected to a secondary and subordinate position. However, on a deeper level of understanding, the ... Show more content on ... While the Creation, on the other hand, is entitled to bring holiness towards its Creator that highlights the importance of Sabbath on the seventh day when God decided to rest. Human beings embody the relationship of God and Creation through the act of stewardship. The whole relationship among God, Human Beings, and the Creation exemplify the central idea of Genesis which is "Shalom". Shalom is defined as peace in the Old Testament but it also denotes "wholeness" or "harmony". Every part of God's creation is distinct but interconnected, working and existing in accordance with God's intention. Shalom summarizes the whole picture depicted in the first two chapters of Genesis, describing the connections among God, human beings, and the rest of His creation; the role of humans is to preserve Shalom that transcends beyond stewardship. ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Guatemala Mission Trip What better way to take advantage of summer than by going on a mission trip to Guatemala. A mission trip to Guatemala satisfies the soul in a way no other trip could. In Guatemala there is a captivating orphanage called "Casa Shalom" meaning House of Peace. This orphanage is located in the heart of San Lukas, Guatemala and once one arrives they will see this is an establishment truly touched by the hand of God. This orphanage's mission is to meet every spiritual and physical need of children who were not treated with the best conditions one should have growing up. Spending one week in this delightful environment of love and peace will leave all constantly wanting more time to remain in the orphanage. The deep relationships one establishes ... Show more content on ... One game normally played by the kids is "futbol" or commonly known to most Americans as soccer. No matter who it is they cannot resist playing this simple yet challenging game of soccer with the kids who spend countless hours running up and down the old and worn down concrete soccer field. Fortunately soccer is not the only activity carried out in Casa Shalom, nevertheless there are also bingo nights, capture the flag, and arts & crafts. Through these games one gets to see the pure hearts of these children, time and time again. An example of how beautiful the children's hearts are is when it was time for the child to go up on stage to receive their prize they gave it to one of their beloved new mission team friends. That act of kindness is so special because these children do not have much, yet they still openly give their gifts to the people they love. One of the many benefits of these games is as the team carries out the activities they get to learn the names of the children. What a sight it is to see kids with the biggest, brightest smile on their faces when a team member remembers their name. No video game on Xbox or one hundred makeovers is as rewarding as the feeling of being with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Inner Peace Research Paper The religions of Christianity and Islam clearly contribute to the evolution of an individual's inner peace as they not only promise a state of peaceful being, but also a set of guidelines on how one must live in order to attain the state of inner peace. Peace can be broadly defined as 'a state or condition conducive to, proceeding from or characterised from tranquillity"(****). It is a state of being that many individuals and groups over the course of history have tried to achieve, as the desire for peace is clearly something that is embedded into human nature, but its pursuit is evidentially hindered by the human condition. Peace simply cannot exist where there is conflict and unrest, which poses an issue for humans all over the planet as ... Show more content on ... Texts regarding peace are frequent throughout the bible with the Greek word for peace (Eirene) written in every book of the new testament except for the first letter of John (P. Glasburgen 2015). The New Testament itself is largely made up of books explaining the life and times of Jesus Christ. The Jewish word 'Shalom' is defined as the Hebrew definition of peace that encompasses all aspects of a person's life. It is completeness leaving no room for conflict or negativity. It is the ultimate state of peace that can only come from god "Shalom is a place where mercy/forgiveness/honesty/have all met. It is a place where peace and justification meet/a place of unconditional love/a place found by one man, through his death and resurrection" (Christ Episcopal Church, 2012). These quotes clearly show how God and Jesus are understood as the providers of Shalom and why, in order to achieve inner peace, one must follow their teachings "For God is not a god of disorder but of peace" (1 Corinthians 14:33). There are many examples in the new testament of the importance of the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding peace. It is written in the book of Matthew that Jesus said 'but I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Salaam Shalom Research Paper On the day following a snowstorm, at a small house in Hopewell Junction, New York, a few women parked their cars. They trudged through the snow and entered the house. Some of the women wore veils covering their hair and necks, and the rest wore short haircuts and scarves. Some said, "Salam Alikum," and others said, "Sholem Aleikhem." Peace in Arabic means Salaam and in Hebrew means Shalom. Despite these women gathered due to a sinister discrimination, they try to diminish hate. Amid the crimes done in the name of religions, women came together to seek warmth and safety in their sisterhood and religions. Four Muslim and four Jewish women were gathering to attend this first meeting of the Salaam–Shalom Sisterhood Mid–Hudson chapter. The meeting ... Show more content on ... If Trump is out of office, do these women still connect?" In fact, Sheryl Olitzky co–founded the Sisterhood of Salaam–Shalom with Atiya Aftab in 2010 which was long before Trump's presidency. Moreover, Olitzky, Executive Director says in her letter on the Sisterhood of Salaam–Shalom site, "The relationships that are built by bringing together Muslim and Jewish women, who share so many practices and beliefs, are life–changing and can help put an end to anti–Muslim and anti– Jewish sentiment. .... We are changing the world, one Muslim and one Jewish woman at a time!" Hence, the foundation value is the ultimate friendship, and it is irrelevant to the current political status. At the end of this meeting, everybody was surprised that the time passed quickly. Linda said, "This was one fast, successful meeting." While they were exchanging the contact information, they decided to schedule a meeting to celebrate Lag B'Omer, followed by another one during the month of Ramadan to celebrate them together. Miriam said that she was excited about the next meeting. "I read once a book called an introduction to Islam for Jews, but it was so academic and dry. I did not feel it. I love learning about Islam from people through their ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Kids Connection Research Paper Kids connection There are many ways to approach a service project and approaching it correctly is key to really learning and growing as a person from the experience. Really committing yourself during service is a huge concept in my eyes so one can truly gain the true experience of the project. Understanding the word shalom is critical to learning how shalom and the service learning project connects. The terms and mindset one decides to take and apply to serving will ultimately lead to how much they will grow during their service project. As I prepare to serve at kids connection I have a few set goals for myself to get the best out of the experience. I plan to fully commit and not just go there because I have to. I want to interact and build relationships with the children. I hope to find the children's interests out, so I can participate and do activities with them. By doing this I hope to learn about them and start building a trusting relationship with them. This is my plan as I am going in, but I know when dealing with children nothing goes as planned. I am going to be ready to adjust to whatever happens, but I am excited to help out with the children. All in all I believe this is a good opportunity to interact with children and learn how each individual is unique in their own way. Shalom in the dictionary is defined as a Hebrew word meaning peace, ... Show more content on ... I want to be able to take away and learn from these children. I think It is crucial to be able to make the best out of every situation and be there to help and serve others. The service learning experience is very relatable to shalom in the sense that one should apply the qualities of shalom while helping and serving others. Knowing and applying some qualities of shalom at the service learning project will allow for one to truly see growth in themselves at the service learning ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Street Living And Working Children Research Paper From a broad standpoint, the goal of children's ministry to offer shalom and peace to children through holistic ministry that stems from having a relationship with God. As noted in the lesson slides, when sin entered the world and shalom was broken, people's relationships with God, themselves, others, and creation were all broken. Shalom seeks to restore these relationships through God, and while complete restoration will not happen until Jesus's return, pieces of shalom can be experienced through God's love now. In the article "Street–Living and Working Children" in Understanding God's Heart for Children: Towards a Biblical Framework, Greg Burch says, "God has called us to bring about reconciliation, with his help, between his creation, in both the vertical (human to God) and horizontal (human to human and other created beings) senses." (p. 84) ... Show more content on ... The goal of children's ministry includes spiritual restoration. If spiritual concerns are not explored as part of holistic healing, then shalom will not be restored and then healing that takes place will not be holistic. Zuck notes that "While the government can take a number of steps to reform our educational and welfare systems, to remove barriers to adoption, to promote responsible fatherhood, and to deal with family related concerns, ultimately the answer lies elsewhere." (p. 43). The answer is in the Bible through the redemptive work of Jesus on the cross. 2 Corinthians 5:11–21 highlights that God reconciled the world through Christ and because we have been reconciled through Christ we can have a ministry of reconciliation. This ministry includes ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Sin And Darkness, Good Vs. Bad, Weak Vs, Strong, And... Sin and All It Has To Offer In order to know and understand the Christ's comfort in life and death, one must know sin (Baard, 2014). In order to understand this concept, one can use these comparisons: knowing light vs. darkness, good vs. bad, weak vs. strong, and finally, shalom vs. chaos. God's creation was, for all tense and purpose, a state of utopia. Throughout Genesis' creation story, the reader is reminded that" it was good." A person's mind's eye takes them to a place that is foreign to their current existence. Plantinga's explanation of how shalom is represented in the Bible is apropos: "universal flourishing, wholeness, and delight – a rich state of affairs in which natural needs are satisfied and natural gifts fruitfully employed, a state of affairs that inspires joyful wonder as its creator and Savior opens doors and welcomes the creatures in whom he delights." (1995, p.10) What happened to the utopia where humanity lived harmoniously with God, but also all other living things, and have the privilege to be caretakers of it, or to be able to walk alongside God and be with Him? The faithful Christian longs for that again; but as pointed out earlier, humankind must understand sin. The following discussion will strive to comprehend the complexities of sin; its origin, the implications it has on the human condition, and to see the masterful work of God as Creator and as Redeemer and His response to humanity's actions. An understanding of sin and its ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Assessing the Value of Electronic Medical Records Assessing the Value of Electronic Medical Records Introduction The potential for Electronic Medical Records (EMR) to transform healthcare making it more accurate, efficient and cost– effective is significant. Studies indicate that the most common workflows and processes that EMR systems are used for automating can save a healthcare provider up to 67% of the total costs of correcting error–filled reports and minimizing the costs of malpractice insurance as a result (Walker, 2005). The best and most significant Return on Investment (ROI) of all however are the significant gains made in patients' recovery time and effectiveness of treatment programs (Darr, Harrison, Shakked, Shalom, 2003). Between the cost reductions made possible through effective use of EMR systems and the ROI of saving lives, the collection of these technologies, systems and processes show significant potential in streamlining patient–based workflows while increasing the quality of care (Richards, Prybutok, Ryan, 2012). Analysis Of EMR Benefits To The Patient And Healthcare Providers The greater the accuracy and efficiency of analysis and diagnosis of a given condition or disease, the more completely a physician can define a treatment plan with a high probability of success. EMR systems provide a single system of record for the entire treatment history of a patient, including any previously–attempted treatment programs and their results (Walker, 2005). This system of record on a per–patient basis ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Philosophy Of Shalom Based Nursing Philosophy of Shalom–based Nursing Introduction When most people think of nursing, they think of the types of nurses that preoccupy themselves with the physical care of their patients, but nursing is so much more than that. Nursing is a career where you will find yourself taking care of the patient's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. It is a career concerned with whole–healing. With this definition, it is clear that a Christian perspective on healing can directly correlate with the mission of a nurse. Nursing, in the view of a Christian, is shalom based. Shalom is a goal that can be reached through the patient finding peace in all aspects of their life–physical, emotion, and spiritual. Concepts Defining Shalom The idea of Shalom is, at first, hard to grasp. Many would ask the question "How does one person meet all of those needs of the patients?" Shalom is hard and requires practice, but to an experienced nurse it is second nature. The evidence of shalom in patients is found everywhere. Meeting the physical needs of a patient is something that a nurse learns as a student. Emotional and spiritual healing are learned through experience, starting with bedside manner and how each nurse chooses to act towards their patients. A nurse portraying Shalom would be a positive light in the lives of his/her patients. He/she would do what they could to make their patient comfortable and happy. The nurse would be hopeful when doing so is appropriate. He/she would pray for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Pirkei Avot: Be Of The Disciples Of Aharon The quote that best describes the "essential me" is found in Pirkei Avot: "Be of The disciples of Aharon, loving peace and pursuing peace." (1:12) If one wants to be like the students of Aharon, he must love and seek peace. When explaining this Pasuk, Rabeinu Yonah says that loving and pursuing peace encompasses two traits. The first trait, described by loving peace, is that one should desire peace. However, desiring peace is not enough; he must also go out of his way to pursue it and dispose of arguments and strife. These are two traits that represent who I am as I love and always try to pursue peace; I consider it to be a very important characteristic and I reflect it in my actions. Including peace in my everyday life shines through in ... Show more content on ... Our purpose in this world is not to be correct; rather, it is to do Avodat Hashem. Serving Hashem properly is something that can only be accomplished through shalom; we cannot fulfill our purpose to its highest potential while we are in exile. The Bais HaMikdash was destroyed because of sinat chinam; in order to end our galut, we need to fight that hatred with shalom. Peace is something that is a major component of my essence as a person and something that I constantly strive for, as it is bigger than just the pleasant relationship between two people; bringing about more peace is an opportunity to change the world. It not only tremendously improves bein adam l'chavero relationships, it gives us the chance to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Shalom To The Rubin Couple Narrative Report Shalom to the Rubin couple! First of all, thank you very much for your sponsorship! During the months of July and August, my work reached a peak. I work with youth in informal education, so this period in which the schools are on vacation is very busy. Most of the youth in the neighborhood I work in is considered at–risk youth, so this is a risky period. My job was to create lots of attractive activities inside and outside the neighborhood. The objective of these activities is to attract youths to the activity, to prevent or reduce dangerous behaviors, to create a safe space for youths and of course to enable them to enjoy themselves. It was a very loaded period – during the nights I took part in activities until the small hours of the night, ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The New Christian Counsellor : A Fresh Biblical And... Book Review of the New Christian Counsellor: A fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach: Summary The new Christian Counsellor: A fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach is a book that aims to teach people and empower them to take possession of their souls in the contemporary life of a multi–faceted approach design. The authors are seasoned Christian counsellors who have a vast experience in dealing with people's psycho–spiritual issues from a Christian point of view (Hawkins & Clinton, 2015 p.6). Through their noble ideas, the professors seek to guide their reads through the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, under the influence of God's word and in a manner that is supportive of the accountability ideas of the entire community. The authors seek to elucidate to the masses the concepts of God's hope, amazing love and the power that emanates from god 's sake to his children. Through the entire work the writers seek to demonstrate through years of experience how people can be in possession of their thought patterns, enhance their decision–making skills to promote the physical and relational self. The book brings out very hefty discussions on life and the various engagements that people make every day of their lives. The book contains concepts like relationships and their dynamics where the authors assert that relationships ought to include God in them because he exists in them (Hawkins & Clinton, 2015 p.112). The writers of the book also discuss the issue of ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Jewish Community Observation Report 1. In 2017 a lot of Jews lived on Bathurst and Lawrence and some Jews live near the Forest Hill district. There are is a huge Jewish community with many Jewish day schools and many synagogues. The area is very small and everyone knows each other and some people live near this area too. 2. Our next stop is Metro, a grocery store that has some kosher food. On Friday they are usually very busy because the Jews need to prepare for Shabbat. People go to Metro once a week to stock up their houses with food. Metro is a very good store to go to during Passover because they have lots of matzoh and amazing kosher for passover snacks. 3. Our next stop are some homes that live very close to Bathurst. In these houses, there is usually one family ... Show more content on ... Our next stop is Bialik Hebrew day school. In Bialik, there are many subjects and languages that we learn. We are very fortunate and we get to use laptops and smart boards all the time. Bialik has very bright students because in EQAO, we usually get very good results. 5. Our next stop is United Bakers on Bathurst and Lawrence. United bakers is a Jewish Bakery and it has been around for over 100 years. In 1912 Eastern European Jewish immigrants opened up this restaurant. Today, United Bakers is very popular and many people go there to eat. 6. Our next stop is Bath Tzedec synagogue. Many people go to Beth Tzedec on Saturdays or high holidays. On high holidays, people wear nice clothes and they go to synagogue to pray. Beth Tzedec also teaches kids there Bar/Bat Mitzvah portions and how to read from the Torah. 7. Our next stop is Beth Shalom, which is near Bathurst. Beth Shalom is a very popular synagogue. People go to Beth Shalom on Saturday and high holidays. For example, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Shavuot, etc. Beth Shalom has special programs for kids that are having a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. You can get involved with Tzedakah and serve people food that are in need. The program is called out of the cold and it makes a big ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Alex Shalom's Abolish The Death Penalty In the essay "Abolish the Death Penalty," the author Alex Shalom talks about reasons why he is against capital punishments (death penalty). Shalom talks about the seven reasons of why he is against capital punishments. First Shalom starts off by showing how the United States is getting isolated. The Author shows this by comparing U.S. with some of the other world leaders, and how they have abandoned capital punishment. After which, Shalom compares U.S. to countries like Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, and specifies that even though U.S. is a world leader it still has practices that are followed by countries which are far away from the world leaders in terms of human rights. The second point that the Author makes, is that capital punishment doesn't cut ... Show more content on ... During the discussion of this point, he explains that the costing of both options equal out at the end since, the person being executed is always entitled to legal appeals, and the expenses of those appeals have to be covered by the state. The Author, then introduced his fourth reason by quoting a statement that was made by Coretta Scott King, in which she clearly opposes the death penalty even though two of her family members have been a victim of a murderer; the Author supports her stand and feels that "Justice is never advanced by the taking of a human life". Then the author points out his fifth reason for why he is against the death penalty, which is that justice isn't always perfected, and so there is always a possibility for mistakes which results as making wrong decisions, that would cost the lives of many innocent's. Finally, the last point Shalom makes is how racism comes into play, and influences the judge when making such decisions of giving someone a death penalty, which he supports by providing facts from a ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Essay On Peace And Peace Finding peace through love and overcoming fear The quality of life does not depend on the material progress or the external development we have, but it rather depends on the inner development of the happiness and peace. Once a person has peace in their life then they can somehow control various situations such as fights, and their biggest fears in the best way possible. The person can win over the evil inside Them. Inner peace refers mostly to soul, body and mind. When people experience inner peace they know that it is not dependant on place, people, external object, a time or situation. Inner peace is interrelated with love, one cannot simply separate them and that is the reason how love and peace keeps the motivation, dedication and belief in one's self and helps to keep the frustration low. A person feels more satisfied and at peace with therself when they start to understand the value of life. When good prevails over evil within us, we cannot spread ... Show more content on ... Peace comes from and looking for the good in others and by living in the moment. Peacefulness comes from facing our fears and letting them come towards us, trusts that things will turn out all right. As a highschool basketball player, I sometimes felt that my life wasn't as easy as the lives of most of people that were on my team. I would see my teamates familys come out and support there family member, but i would almost never see mine. I admit, it got to me sometimes. It affected my grades in school as would loose focus in class becasue i felt like i had no motivation, support or purpose. My family wanted me to leave the sport and concentrate on studies to secure my future but that was least of my problems. When I started to manage my studies and my sports on a level that I could make my parents stop worrying about my future, my uncle died. He was the only one who ever showed up for atleast one of my games. For a ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Aging With Grace By David Snowdon Promoting Shalom with Older Adults Aging with Grace by David Snowdon does a fantastic job at addressing different issues that older adults face when it comes to cognitive function. However, Snowdon does not limit this book to just that. He conducted a research project where he interacted with the older generation of nuns. Originally, he treated them as just test subjects in his study of Alzheimer's disease. As his research progressed, he soon realized that he could not just treat the nuns like lab rats. One of the younger nuns approached him and said "I'll move forward with your request, buy you need to listen carefully to what I am about to say. No matter what you do, I want you to remember who these women are. They are real people. Very dear to us. They are holy people, too. I don't want you to treat them as research subjects. Get to know them. Understand that many of the older sisters were the teachers or mentors of the younger sisters, and we treat them with the care and respect they deserve, we will expect nothing less from you." He needed to get to know each one of them as an individual rather than part of his experiment. He began getting to know their past and how that has affected each of them to this day. Through his research, he go to know the nuns physical state. Snowdon also took the time to learn more about their spiritual, emotional, and psychological well–being as well. He was a good example of what every Christian nurse should strive for when working to ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Attend Service At Two Different Jewish Churches Essay I chose to attend service at two different Jewish churches. The first one was Congregation Gesher L'Torah in Alpharetta, Georgia and the second was Congregation Beth Hallel in Roswell, Georgia. Though both were of the Judaism religion, there were some differences. I attended a Friday night service at Congregation Gesher L'Torah. My apprehensions about being black and going to a Jewish church made me invite a friend to go with me. I was glad I did, as the stares and long looks we got during the service validated my concerns. The church was rather small, but quite modern. There was a small playground in the back for children to play. All of the windows were made of beautiful stained glass. As we approached the church, we could see the Star of David positioned high in a large stained glass window. We spoke to a lady who was exiting the church as we were coming in, but she said nothing. Once inside, a man who was ushering came over to us and said, "Shabbat Shalom". I had been greeted with Shalom many time before at my old church, but never "Shabbat Shalom". I didn't know what was appropriate to say, but somehow "Shalom" came spilling out of my mouth, and the usher nodded. He gave us two books, Siddur Sim Shalom (a prayer book) and Gesher L'Tefillah (another prayer book). My friend and I found it hard to follow the prayers and songs from each book because most of the text was in Hebrew and the Siddur Sim Shalom opened and was to be read from the back of the book with the pages ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Gospel Of Matthew 's Gospel Many people do not know that loving your enemy is the heart of the gospel. Although loving and praying for your enemy may seem impossible at times, it is written in the gospel of Matthew that loving your enemy is loving God. In Matthew 5:43, Jesus teaches about loving your enemy, praying for your enemy, and shows examples of loving your enemy. History Matthew is the first of four gospels in the New Testament. Matthew presents his story of Jesus, the demands of Christian discipline, and shares the news of the death and resurrection of Jesus. There are many questions in Matthew that can not be answered.The book of Matthew is a gospel that contains narrative history, genealogy, parables, sermons, and some prophetic oracles. The gospel of Matthew was originally written for a Jewish audience by a Jewish perspective. This is why Matthew is often referred to as "The Gospel for the Jews". Although Matthew was written for Jews, it does not include very much of the Jewish culture and tradition. Throughout the entire gospel of Matthew, it is very clear that the entire book is mainly incorporated with Jews. The book of Matthew ties in with the Old Testament several times, such as when they refer to Jesus as Messiah or King. The key word used in Matthew is "kingdom" and it is used 28 times. The reason Matthew was written was to reveal that Jesus was the messiah, the long of the Jews, and to conceive the Jews that Jesus Christ was indeed their long awaited messiah. The author of Matthew ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Importance Of Israeli Relations With The Arab Community Schneur the "Zalmy" Meyer is a student at Florida International University. He sits on the board for Shalom FIU and participates in weekly meetings. To begin the semester Zalmy tabled with ZOA and used Soda Stream as an example to profile the advances of Israeli relations with the Arab community. In September Zalmy met with Andy Borans and Nadav to discuss his strategy to create a partnership between AEPi and Shalom FIU. The Israel Engagement Coordinator shared with Zalmy the requirements and future of the program. On September 25 Zalmy attended a lecture titled From FIU to the IDF. Yoni Michanie spoke about his experience of making aliyah and joining a combat Paratrooper unit in the IDF. A few weeks later Shalom FIU hosted a falafel ... Show more content on ... On September Kyle sat in on conference calls featuring our friends in advocacy including a discussion with the ICC on ways they help in countering SJP's National Conference. On October 20th Kyle ate Shabbat Dinner at the Hillel building. Student leaders, facility, and representatives from Hillel International and Israel on Campus Coalition came together to celebrate Israel through culture. Speakers that night included a Jewish, Latino professor and a representative from the Consulate. The speaker from the Consulate was an African–American and spoke about supporting Israel as an African–American. That next week StandWithUs tabled in order to engage the student body on campus. For two days Artists 4 Israel passed out shirts with "Diversity Means to Me" text. Kyle and members of the AEPi chapter had conversations pertaining to Israel with students as they waited in line to receive their shirts. Artists 4 Israel spray painted a message about diversity that students request. StandWithUs held another activation that week named Gratitude Days. With Thanksgiving approaching this activation gives a chance for students to write on a public wall what they are thankful for. On Friday October 27th Hillel once again hosted a shabbat dinner. This time is was in honor of the many faiths on camus. Leaders from the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian communities came together to ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Home Interview Essay Israel is the home location for Hebrew speakers. Israel is home to approximately 4.3 million native Hebrew speakers giving Israel the nickname of the "Jewish homeland". Hebrew is apart of the Semitic language family, which also encompasses other consonant based alphabetic languages including: Arabic, Canaanite, Aramaic, Akkadian. Hebrew speakers are most prevalent in Israel but in 2013 there were a reported 9 million speakers of the language worldwide and, according to the 2010 Census in the United States there were 216, 615 speakers. However, since California is known as America's melting pot it is home to approximately 39, 275 speakers. Today Hebrew speakers in California can range from religious figures to everyday individuals who strive ... Show more content on ... Personally, coming from a Jewish background and not speaking Hebrew it makes you think if you are making the right decision in not learning the language yourself. I myself attended Hebrew school from second to seventh grade and had a Bat Mitzvah but I can say I don't know Hebrew well. After doing this assignment it has encouraged me to learn more about Hebrew. In the future, I would like to pass my heritage language on to my family. In doing the heritage interview and listening to him talk about his language and the passion he has it's inspiring in that I share the same culture. Personally, I feel that the Heritage Language interview was the most interesting aspect of this project. During the interview and asking him the questions he was more than willing to answer any question I had and answered it with a lighthearted and happy response. I think so irregularly people ask people about their heritage that when it happens the interviewees are more than willing to comply. My research has enlightened me on where the most populous areas of Hebrew speakers are and the ultimate importance of learning a language and passing it on to subsequent ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. How Does Judaism Promote Peace? "War and fighting is politics, not religion" {person who said it} War and conflict is very much prevalent in society today. Whilst many believe the cause to be religion, this is far from the truth. Mere, ignorance of the truth about core beliefs and lack of knowledge of religion is the true cause of war in our world, furthermore politics. Judaism, a religion very much centred on peace is one of the many religions stereotyped and judged in today's society based on the violence fed through the media. By examining the core beliefs, sacred texts, rituals and exploring the dimensions and socio historic contexts of the religion it is evident that Judaism at the core is a peaceful and tolerant religion, which promotes inter–faith understanding through ... Show more content on ... Judaism is undoubtedly a peaceful religion for the reasons that is has no concept of hell, no beliefs in the punishment of another as God is to judge, is accepting of other religions and above all their God is an eternal, compassionate, gracious, merciful and truthful God. Whilst fundamental law in Jewish ethics is simply"what is hateful to you, do not do to others", Jews incorporate this law in their life by doing good, such as paying dowries for poor brides, assisting in the organization of funerals, visiting the sick, and caring for others as if they were one of your own. As the Jewish prophet Nachmanides said "We should pray that our fellow men should receive all those blessings we hope to receive ourselves, and that we should not allow ourselves to envy another". Whilst the book of Mishnah emphasizes that all human beings are ultimately of equal worth, reiterating the notion that Judaism is indeed a peaceful religion. Complimentary to this, the book of Leviticus states, "You shall neither take revenge from nor bear a grudge against the members of your people; you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord". Signifying the love and respect each individual is expected to have for one another. Overall the fundamentals teachings of the Torah encourage its participants to respect every human being, not to gossip (lashon hora), ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Shalom Aleichem Research Paper Many say he is the "Jewish Mark Twain", one of the most beloved writers of the late 19th and early 20th century. Shalom Aleichem is known for his humorous short stories, such as Fiddler on the Roof and Tevye. During the era of Aleichem, many Jews were writing in Hebrew or Russian, Shalom Aleichem chose to write in Yiddish. Shalom Aleichem is regarded as one of the three major classical writers of Yiddish literature (Denman 378). His stories reflect the optimism and faith of the Jewish people in poverty and prosecution. His stories brought humor to the grim settings. Shalom Aleichem, was born, Sholem Rabinovitz, in 1859 in Pereyaslav, Ukraine (Septimus). Shalom Rabinowitz took his pen name from the Yiddish greeting "Peace be with you." His ... Show more content on ... This characters describes a Russian Jewish milkman who deals with a complex world. The Jewish man had six stubborn daughters. The stories tell of the milkman's romantic dealings, business dealings, marriages, his daughters, and the expulsion of Jews. The model for the series came about when Shalom and his family spent their summers in the dacha at Boyarka, and in the summer of 1894 a chance encounter with a vivacious dairyman delivering butter and cheese to families vacationing in the vicinity (Denman, 382). The first Tevye story "Tevye Strikes it Rich," was a monologue, published in 1894 (Septimus). The story tells us about how Tevye earned enough money to be able to set up a dairy. On his way home he encounters a women and her daughter who appear to be lost. Tevye thought they were the demons, but that soon disappeared and he helped them home. Tevye was rewarded for his heroism, but that does not last very long. The second story in the series, "The Bubble Bursts," was published in 1899. Tevye is brought into a doomed money–making scheme by the man Menakhem–Mendl. Menakhem–Mendl is relative of Tevye's family, by marriage ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. What Is The Purpose Of Forgiving And How It Affect Others What do you think is the purpose of forgiving and how it affects others? I think the purpose of forgiving is to restore the broken relationship and sometimes it could dramatically change someone's life. For example, the book "Cry the Beloved Country" shows James Jarvis and Stephen Kumalo's relationship was restored through forgiveness. Forgiveness has a strong power to restore the healthy relationship. Sometimes it could help restore a relationship with a family who killed your son. Forgiving can benefit you and others because you also learn through forgiveness and strengths the bond between you and the person or the whole group of people. To begin with, in the story James Jarvis's son,Arthur Jarvis, was shot by Stephen Kumalo's son, Absalom Jarvis. Absalom did not intend to murder him ,but he eventually shot him because ... Show more content on ... She had social illness and lives in a poor condition. Her life was wicked and shalom in her life was broken. However, before Stephen left Johannesburg to go to Sophiatown, he was hanging out and talking with Gertrude and her son in a kind way and still treated her as a human being and one of his family member. From his action of kindness we can see that Stephen forgave her and he is trying to restore the broken shalom. He spent time with her no matter who she is right now and what she has done. He showed the right way to fix the shalom just like James Jarvis did. Also, in the Colossians 3:12–14 it said "Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." Stephen did what God wants us to do which is forgiving ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Spiritual Perspectives On Health And Health Spiritual Perspectives on Health and Healing Personal definitions of health and health can be strongly influenced by cultural. It is, therefore, imperative for nurses to understand the patient's view of health in order to comprehend the needs for healing. Health. The definition of health does not always mean free from disease or illness as explained Shelly and Miller (2006) through the concept of shalom. In the Christianity philosophy of health or shalom, is found when a person is at peace as they live in a relationship with God, with the people around them, with the environment as well as themselves. A similar belief seen in the Islamic faith is mentioned by Lovering (2012), "In the Muslim worldview, health is defined as complete physical, psychological, social and spiritual wellbeing." p.173. Illness. It is important to recognize that Islam teaches humans to understand the relationship between God and the presence of illness and suffering. Rassool (2000) explains the Islamic belief of the direct relationship of illness and everlasting life. It is through death that humans meet their God. The Qur'an teaches humans that illness is not their nemesis but is meant to provide atonement for sin. "Be sure we shall test you with something of fear, hunger, some loss in wealth, lives or the produce (of your toll), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere (Al–Baqarah 2:155 SIV). In addition to the religious principles of Islam, many Muslims share the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Shalom Exploration Paper Shalom Exploration Paper Introduction of Shalom Shalom. By definition, shalom means peace and was typically used in the Jewish culture as a greeting and a farewell. Northwestern's Nursing Department's interpretation of Shalom is to bring peace and wellness to each and every patient in every aspect of their health. Whether this be by one's actions, words, or ministry of presence. In a ministry of presence, one does not necessarily have to speak, but it is to empathize and offer ones support to those in their times of vulnerability and need. Concept of Shalom To me, shalom is bringing peace to a patients and people in the since that I help begin to restore wholeness to their lives. It is important to recognize that each person comes from a various walks of life and each have a unique experience. In order to restore wholeness to each patient's life, one needs to tailor care to the specific needs of that person. Recognizing that healing is only complete when you have reached not only their physical needs, but also their mental ... Show more content on ... To me, nursing is saturated with ministry opportunities and anchored in Christian compassion. Healing looks not only to the physical aspects of people/patients, but also to every other aspect of their lives. In order to bring about the greatest quality of care, healing, and hope, one must first build a relationship with their patient. One important thing that I have learned while being here at Northwestern is that as nurses we are supposed to minister through presence. Sometimes the most powerful thing I could ever do is to silently bear with my patient in their moments of vulnerability or frustration. Sure, empathy is important, but there is something powerful about demonstrating the healing power of Jesus through ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. 21st Century Car Crash Summary In "21st Century Car Crash", Rachel Rubenstein's self–driving car, a product of Eliva Industries, T– bones Shimon Shalom's car to avoid killing a jaywalking pedestrian. Mr. Shalom's Rabbi sends him to the Beit Din to sue for damages, which Ms. Rubenstein is reluctant to pay. She claims that Eli Levine, the owner of Eliva Industries, is at fault. After all, his company's programming drove the car to turn away from the jaywalker and crash into another car. Ms. Rubenstein says that she would have just slammed on the brakes, had there been a manual override option. Mr. Levine has informed the Beit Din that swerving must have been the safest course of action, or the car wouldn't have done it. Now the court must decide who, if anyone, is liable ... Show more content on ... Levine to make any other changes to his self–driving car program because of ethical and halakhic concerns. The system is currently programmed to do whatever it can in order to save a life, which is why it hit Mr. Shalom's car rather than hitting the person walking. According to "pikuah nefesh," there is nothing that stands in the way of saving a life except for idolatry, robbery, sexual immorality, and murder (Novellae of Ramban (1194–1270) to Ketubot 19a s.v. Ha). Making changes to Mr. Levine's program could also entail malfunctions or mishaps that could potentially cause more harm than good. This coincides with Bava Kama's teachings that the steps of helping yourself are not worth destroying another person's self or property (Tosafot (12th–13th c.) Bava Kama 60b s.v. Mahu). Therefore, no other changes must be made to the car's programming. Saving a life or following halakhic teachings should always come first. According to halakhic convention, as presented by the sources provided, Ms. Rubenstein and Mr. Shalom's shared insurance company is liable. Because the self–driving car falls under the "fire" category of damages, its owner must pay. In this situation, the insurance company represents Ms. Rubenstein. Because she has the appropriate insurance for such a vehicle, the money must come from them. Mr. Levine is exempt, though future ElivaTM models ought to provide some sort of manual override option, if only to protect the company from future legal ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Peace In Judaism Peace is a complex, multifaceted concept that is immensely central to every religious community. Peace is the essence of all religions, the reason being that the objectives of religion can never be fulfilled without peace. Each religion shares a similar purpose, to guide their adherents to achieving peace through spiritual development and growth, allowing enlightenment among individuals and creation. The idea of peace is commonly categorised into two main branches, inner peace and world peace. Both branches have differentiating purposes and goals, however in many cases have the potential to interconnect and greatly influence one another. Inner peace refers to the presence of mindfulness, a state of calmness, security and a spiritual state of being with the ... Show more content on ... Along with truth and justice, peace is one of the three key Jewish values, it is understood by adherents that all Jews have a religious obligation to pursue peace and practice it within themselves and in the world. The Hebrew word for peace is 'shalom,' meaning complete and fulfilled. Shalom also conveys the sense of being at peace with God and involves forgiveness of sin, fullness of life, prosperity, and peace. Jewish adherents are encouraged to live out shalom and implement actions and practices of shalom into their lives where possible. Jews draw inspiration from the sacred texts, especially focused on the Torah, of their tradition for their understanding of what it is to lead purposeful and peaceful lives. The Torah acts as a guide to shining light on peace and what it means to be in a state of shalom. Peace, according to the Jewish sages, is the ultimate purpose of the whole Torah, as expressed in Deuteronomy Rabah 5:15, "God announceth to Jerusalem that they [Israel] will be redeemed only through peace." Jewish adherents are taught to follow a path of peace as it is only through the gift of peace that will save the Jewish ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Best Day Of My Life Thursday, September 15, 2016 was the best day of my life. Earlier that day, I handed in a paper titled Passions and Desires. However little did I know, that God was going to reveal incredible things to me and the passions and desires I had written about where going to align with God's kingdom. Thursday, September 15, 2016 was the day I experienced God's kingdom and His shalom here on earth so beautifully and perfectly. The story begins a little earlier than Thursday. Last week, a man by the name of Paul Glader came and told me about New York City and journalism. Immediately, a light bulb went off in my head as I sat on the edge of my set, eager to learn more. Questions flooded my mind as everything this man said created in me a strong desire to go to New York City. Also, in that same week, I continued to receive emails from The Diamond and so I felt compelled to check it out. Little did I know that Paul Glader would once again speak to me and feed my desire to know more about journalism. After the meeting, I nervously sent a vulnerable email to Professor Pitts and told him I wanted to go to New York, but I didn't know how to get there. My step in faith had been the correct choice. He emailed me back and told me that this was exactly the kind of email he had been hoping to get when he dreamed of teaching at Dordt. Fast forward to Thursday. At 4:00, Professor Pitts and I talked about journalism. Everything that he told me was exactly what I had dreamed of. He told me that a ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Essay About Toda FUNERAL Todas believe in life after death and believe that the soul is immortal. They have a grand funeral ceremony. They cremate the dead bodies. The todas believed that the buffalo's spirit would be a companion to the dead person and the dead person could live as he lived on earth and therefore used to sacrifice buffaloes. However, this cruel practice has been disregarded by the Government in 1964. There are two types of funeral ceremonies which is the Green and Dry disposals of the dead. Green disposal is done when an adult dies and after a few months is followed by dry disposal for a group of dead people. For a man the rituals are done by his son or brother but for a woman it is done by her husband. The funeral pyre is lighted from a fire ignited by friction which is thought to be ... Show more content on ... Photo Credits: PTI; the Hindu; Above: Top Secret. LANGUAGE AND ENTERTAINMENT The Toda people have their own language called the Toda language which derives its roots from Dravidian language and is similar to Tamil and Malayalam. This language does not have a script and is very difficult to learn and speak. The Toda people only speak the language as they are not able to pen it down on paper. They are great poets and singers. During rituals they sing songs that are poetic. The only musical instrument which they play is flute which is called as Pooheeri made up of bamboo. They live in a society where everyone is equal and there is no differentiation based on castes. EMBROIDERY The Todas are specially known for their art skill which is their embroidery. What started out to be a hobby passed down from generation to generation became their source of income and a beautiful artwork loved by many. The Registrar of Geographical Indication gave GI(Geographical Indication) status for this unique embroidery which prevents the art from being replicated and ensures that everyone pays a fair uniform ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. I Am A Strong Believer Of Feminism And Lesbian Rights Hannah Sanders Peace Studies 27, September 2016 Peace Women Paper Peace Women I am a strong believer in feminism and lesbian rights. I chose to research five women from different places across the world who took a stand for lesbian rights. These ladies include: Zohl de Ishtar (Australia), Haya Shalom (Israel), Izabela Jaruga (Poland), Lo Sai "Rose" Wu (China, Hong Kong), and Chuen Juei Ho (China, Taiwan). The first peace woman I want to talk about is Zohl de Ishtar. Zohl is an "Australian lesbian who helps women in Australia on projects in communities and even world wide" (PeaceWomen Across the Globe). By working on the international level she is able to work with a diverse number of people. "She has worked to eliminate nuclear weapons and militarism, campaigned to improve the rights of all peoples, defended cultural integrity and strived to end any form of discrimination, with an emphasis on sexuality" (PeaceWomen Across the Globe). Zohl not only wants to help women with a so called unusual sexual orientation, but also the general public. The second peace woman I want to talk about is Haya Shalom from Israel. Haya is a feminist sponsoring human rights as a lesbian. "She is one of the most well–known women supporting women's unity for peace and women's rights" (PeaceWomen Across the Globe). I respect Shalom for having such an impact on women's rights while being a lesbian. I cannot see the journey to gain rights being an easy task for her. I read that Shalom participated ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Student Shalom Research Paper I have known student Shalom for the last five years as his chemistry teacher. He is one of our outstanding students and disciplined students who goes in line with the rules and principles of the school. I have always admired his smart and hard work on various subjects' such as science, music, and sports. I understand that Shalom is applying to the one year course program at your school and I would like to recommend for his scholarships. One of the personalities of Shalom that I really admire is his determination towards work. Even if you found him at the bottom of the pit you'll find him at the top of the hills at the end. I said that because on the first year of my teaching student Shalom was one of the low graders of his class almost the ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. How Is Gandhi Used As A Guide To Non-Violence? Even though "[n]o man's life can be encompassed in one telling" as stated in the beginning Gandhi, director Richard Attenborough has succeeded in showing an incredible epic of a man determined to live and promote non–violence. (Gandhi) This film helps to capture the essence of Gandhi by using a wide range of critical scenes spanning his adult life. Gandhi should be used as a guide to living a modern day non–violent life. Gandhi's actions, in this film, can be used as a case study for understanding how non–violent protest is a functional and moral way to combat oppression. Gandhi makes an interesting argument early in the film about Christian theology. He talks to Charlie Andrews, a Christian missionary, about peace when they first meet and are confronted by some young men who block the side walk in a South African town. Gandhi walked forward as he told Andrews "Doesn't the New Testament say, 'If your enemy strikes you on the right cheek, offer him the left'?" ... Show more content on ... Even though Gandhi is a Hindu, he uses Christ as support for non–violence. There are two components that play into the reason why non–violence should be practiced. One part is that taking violence is righteous, in a sense, since Christ accepted the violence put on him. Gandhi argues that offering your left cheek to be hit was not just to be meant figuratively, but that it is used to show courage when receiving violence without striking back. The other part to non–violence is that when you receive blow after blow, the offender seems to lose his hate for you and begins to respect you. When this change of heart eventually happens the violence ends. Although Gandhi is not a Christian, he values the way Jesus lived his life. From this short scene it can be inferred that Gandhi believes that acting non–violently, the way Christ did, is a model for the way he should live his own ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Summary Of Building A People Of Power Chapter 4 Robert C. Linthicum in this perceptive and straightforward gift reveals how most people and systems use power to dominate others. However, "Building A People of Power liberates people and organizations to use power to foster better relationships that will transform communities and cities. Furthermore, this book provides methods for churches to build relationships as well as develop ministries to address people's basic needs. Twelve chapters make up this unifying effort to equip churches to transform their communities. Chapter one begins with a discussion on the biblical concept of Shalom which means more than the absence of conflict, it centers on a hope of human society that goes beyond that. Moreover, the primary indicators of God's intentions ... Show more content on ... Our church is not located in a particular area by accident. We are in our community because God has called us there. Wherever we are located we are called to work for the Shalom of our city. Linthicum illustrates this point with the nation of Israel being sent to Babylon, they are to be God's presence, pray for the city, and practice your faith through action, (Jeremiah 29:7), and proclaim the good news. Chapter five is entitled "Relational Power's most Radical Act. The author in this chapter highlights lessons from the leadership of Nehemiah, first build relationships, internalize the pain of people, pray for the people, and understand the value of timing. Next he focuses on building power through building relationships by means of conducting individual meeting. This chapter can be utilized to equip and train yourself and other leaders in building people of power. Chapter six Linthicum emphasizes building people of power through the iron rule. He illustrates this principle by the little old ladies who were empowered to assume responsibility to solve their own issues. Linthicum provided strategies for building people of power by utilizing Nehemiah as a biblical example of organizing. In short, he concludes with principles for building the power of the people which includes, the task, people power, reorganizing, the exchange of power, the actions in reacting, negotiation and confrontations, the pedagogy of action and reflection, and building leaders. Chapter seven, revolves around developing leaders for the strategic role they will play in the organization. He examines Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Paul and Barnabas as role models of leadership. Linthicum offers six principles for building leaders, which includes: vision, passion, risk, and personal validation. Second, build close relationship between himself and the student. Three, leaders use informal situations as a vehicle for ... Get more on ...