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The BIG Workshop Agenda
             Mapping An Integrated Experience For A University   Thesis Research Workshop Agenda
                                                                 Allen J Cochran
             Council of Graduate Students Organization:
             A Service Design Case Study               

Thursday, July 28, 11
Executive Summary

        The objective of the BIG workshop is to gather the three main
                                                                             Who        Grad. Students, Council Delegates, Univ. Admin.
        user groups of the Council of Graduate Students (CGS) -
        graduate students, CGS Delegates, and University                     What       Participate in a workshop about CGS Services
        Administrators - in one room to discuss how and when CGS             When       Date TBD
        offers services. There are three parts of the workshop and a
                                                                             Where      Hayes Hall, Rm. TBD
        priming activity that is to be done prior to the workshop.
                                                                             Why        To advance the service and experiences of the
        The workshop itself is discussion and activity based. In the first
                                                                                        Council of Graduate Students so that they can
        part, participants will critique sticky notes placed on a map
                                                                                        better serve their constituencies.
        meant to represent the current state of when the three main
        user groups interact with CGS. The second part of the
        workshop will allow participants to place the stickies in new
                                                                             Agenda Synopsis
        ways that they believe is the ideal way for the user groups to
        interact; otherwise this is known as the ideal placement part.       Format     Primary Activity, Workshop (3 parts), Discussion
        Lastly, there is group discussion and a brief presentation at the    Duration   3.5 hours
                                                                             Parts      Homework Activity (done at home) 1 week allowance
                                                                                        Workshop Part 01 (Current Exp.) 1.5 hrs.
                                                                                        Workshop Part 02 (Ideal Exp.)      1.5 hrs.


Thursday, July 28, 11
Workshop Overview

             PRE-WORKSHOP                                                              WORKSHOP

                                                         Activity:                                Activity:                                 Activity:
                                      Explain          Current State        Present            Future State           Present           All participants
                 Homework            Homework                                                                         Activity
                                                        Critique of         Activity           Placement of                               vote on the
                                                       Touchpoints                             Touchpoints                                 best ideas

                                    Participants are   Within their        Participants will    Participants will   Participants will    After hearing
                Participants are    to explain their   segmented user      present their        again work          present their        about everyone’s
                to create collage   graduate           groups,             evaluation of the    within their        evaluation of the    future maps,
                maps about their    experiences that   participants will   first activity       segments. This      first activity       participants will
                experience and      they mapped in     evaluate a map of                        time they will                           walk around and
                journey through     their collages     the current                              map the future                           vote (with
                graduate school                        graduate                                 graduate                                 stickers) for the
                                                       experience based                         experience                               best ideas of all
                                                       on the LITTLE                                                                     three segment
                                                       workshop                                                                          user maps

                 INDIVIDUAL                  SEGMENT, USER GROUPS                                 SEGMENT, USER GROUPS                    ALL PARTICIPANTS


Thursday, July 28, 11
             Prior to attending the workshop, participants will   What         Research Homework Activity
             be asked to complete a collage about their
                                                                  When         Prior to arriving at the workshop,
             experiences through graduate school. Using
                                                                               users will complete the
             pictures and words, participants will created a
                                                                               Homework Activity
             map that illustrates their positive or negative
             attitude at different stages during graduate         Format       Paper based, collage w/ stickers
             school. This collage will then be used at the        Time Frame   Participants will have one week
             beginning of the BIG workshop.                                    to finish this Homework Activity


Thursday, July 28, 11
Homework                             Instructions

        Instructions                                                                           ++++
                                                                                                                                  PLEASE BRING TO WORKSHOP.   QUESTIONS? WRITE ALLEN COCHRAN @ COCHRAN.291@OSU.EDU

        (Included Inside the Homework)                                                         +++

        Use the provided base graph, image stickers, and word stickers to assemble a
        collaged map of the experiences you had during graduate school. When creating          +
        your collage consider the following questions:
                                                                                                      ENTRANCE                                                     GRADUATION

        •    When did you apply to school?
        •    Why did you decide to go to grad school?
        •    How did you choose OSU?                                                           --

        •    How did you develop during grad school?
        •    What stages did you go through?
        •    Do you have any favorite memories?                                                ----
        •    Do you have any bad memories?
        •    What were your biggest hurdles?
        •    Who helped you along the way?                                                                       word   word   word                      Each participant will be
                                                                                                                 word   word   word                      provided with one base
                                                                                                                 word   word   word
                                                                                                                 word   word   word                      graph (above) one sheet
        When you’ve completed your collage, hold on to it and bring it to the workshop.                          word   word   word                      of images (far left) and
        We’ll be working in a similar manner during the workshop.                                                word   word   word
                                                                                                                 word   word   word                      one sheet of words
                                                                                                                 word   word   word
                                                                                                                 word   word   word                      (immediate right). These
        Remember that there are no right or wrong answers and no one is going to be                              word   word   word                      items are included in the
        judged based on their artistic ability. Please do not feel that you must use all of                      word   word   word
                                                                                                                 word   word   word                      appendix in more detail.
        the stickers you were provided with, and if there are other items that you’d like to
        add or write on the base graph, feel free. The activity should take you between 30
        - 60 minutes. If you have any questions, please write Allen Cochran at cochran.

        Thank you for for participating.

Thursday, July 28, 11
The BIG Workshop
             Room Layout
             Materials Needed
             Part 01 (Current State Exercise)
             Part 02 (Future State Exercise)
             Part 03 (Next Steps)


Thursday, July 28, 11
Workshop Room Setup

                              Current State Posters
                                Graduate Students
                                CGS Delegates
                                University Administrators
                              Food & Beverage Table
                              Materials Tables
                              Ideal State Posters
                                Graduate Students
                                CGS Delegates
                                University Administrators

                              Video Cameras on Tripod

                              There will be a note taker for
                              each of the groups. Additionally, a
                              photographer will take photos of the
                              entire event. The event will also be
                              audio recorded.


Thursday, July 28, 11
Materials Needed

        3 printed current experience maps                             1 still camera

        3 printed ideal experience maps                               2 video cameras (with tripods)

        6 set of Touchpoints                                          3 Audio recorders
        (1 set for Workshop Part 01 and 1 set for Workshop Part 02)
                                                                      3 Notepads (for each of the notetakers)
        Extra sticky notes
        (to add notes, extra touchpoints, etc.)                       1 Notepads (for the moderator)

                                                                      Consent forms
        15 homework base graphs                                       Sharpie markers & Pens
        15 homework image sheets                                      Extra paper
        15 homework word sheets                                       Food & Beverages


Thursday, July 28, 11
Workshop Part 01
             The first part of the workshop is an opportunity for   What         Touchpoint Critique
             participants to critique a set of sticky note                       (Current State)
             touchpoints on a linear, time based services
                                                                    When         On the date of the Workshop
             experience cycle. Participants are to manipulate
             the touchpoints that have been pre-placed on this      Format       Physical activity, moving sticky
             map. The placement is derived from research                         notes around on a pre-designed
             observation and the Priming Activity.                               map on the wall of the
                                                                                 Workshop room.
                                                                    Time Frame   Beginning portion of the
             This activity represents the current state of CGS’s
                                                                                 Workshop - 1.5 hours.


Thursday, July 28, 11
Workshop Part 01        Activity Setup

      Current State Experience Map

         Graduate Students   Current State   CGS Delegates   Current State   University Leadership   Current State

      Room Set Up


Thursday, July 28, 11
Workshop Part 01   Breakdown

        Discussion         Discuss the homework

        Activity           Critique, rearrange, the Touchpoints on the Current State Maps

        Presentation       Each group is to present its map to the rest of the participants

        Discussion         Participants are allowed to discuss the choices made in each of the maps

        Summary            Moderator invites discussion from the participants around issues such as:
                           what surprised you (about the other teams' presentations - see Presentation
                           Discussion Prompt )? Then the moderator summarizes the current state
                           expressed in the Activity and Presentation


Thursday, July 28, 11
Workshop Part 01                              Introduction & Homework Discussion Prompt

        Introduction to the Workshop                                                          Homework Discussion Prompt
        (To be said at the top of the workshop)                                               (To be said following the Introduction)

        Thank you all for agreeing to be a part of my workshop. The point of this             Please take a moment and discuss, in your segment groups, what you’ve created in
        workshop is to learn about your experiences at The Ohio State University and for      your homework. Think back to the instructions for this homework and be sure to
        you to think critically about how graduate students progress through school. In       discuss things like:
        order to do that, we’ll be drawing from the homework collages that you brought
        followed by a couple of activities that build off of the homework and were            •    When did you apply to school?
        explored earlier in a workshop with graduate students and Council of Graduate
                                                                                              •    Why did you decide to go to grad school?
        Students Delegates.
                                                                                              •    How did you choose OSU?
                                                                                              •    How did you develop during grad school?
        Before we begin, however, let me explain what all we’ll be doing today. Each of
                                                                                              •    What stages did you go through?
        you is here today because you represent one of the core use segments that serve
        the Council of Graduate Students and the OSU graduate student body. Namely,
                                                                                              •    Do you have any favorite memories?

        you fit into the segments of graduate students, Council delegates or university       •    Do you have any bad memories?
        administrators. You’ll be working in your segments during this workshop.              •    What were your biggest hurdles?
                                                                                              •    Who helped you along the way?

        The workshop is broken into two main parts. Each part follows the same format:
        discussion plus an activity. During the first part of the workshop we’ll discuss      We’ll take about 15 minutes to discuss before we begin the first activity.
        what you did in your homework. Then, using the information in your homework,
        we’ll critique a map of Touchpoints. After that, each group will present their work
        to the entire workshop.

        In the second part of the workshop, we’ll continue working in our segment
        groups and doing a similar activity to the first part of the workshop. This time
        instead of providing you with previously posted Touchpoints, I’ll ask you to map
        out the Touchpoints from scratch. Following, we’ll present these new maps and
        then vote on the best ideas.


Thursday, July 28, 11
Workshop Part 01                            Current Map Prompt & Presentation/Discussion Prompt

        Segment Group Current Map Prompt                                                    Presentation / Discussion Prompt
        (To be said following the Homework Discussion)                                      (To be said following the Small Group Map Activity)

        Each group has their own map that represents the chronological journey a            Tell us what you did. Think about the questions we discussed at the beginning of this
        graduate student takes from the time they consider going to graduate school all     activity. What are the stages your group sees as the graduate student journey.
        the way beyond that student’s graduation. Overlaid on these maps are a couple of
        things. The lines radiating from the base are lines that represent relevance. The   (Moderator should pose questions as the groups begin)
        higher away from the base, the less relevant something is. Additionally, several
        large spaces have been added that represent the stages of graduate
        development throughout school. These stages were developed after the first          •   In talking to your group members, were you surprised by anything?
        workshop. Lastly, the circular points with writing represent Touchpoints that       •   Did you hear any major differences between one another?
        graduate students may encounter. These too, came from the smaller workshop.         •   What similarities did you notice between your group members?
                                                                                            •   What similarities did you notices from group to group?
        Within your group, take a moment and consider where these Touchpoints are           •   Could you all agree about certain areas of frustration or certain areas that you all
        placed. Consider their relevance to graduate students. Consider where they fall         agreed were great points of your experience?
        into both the stages of development and during the chronology of a student.
        Please take some time and rearrange these Touchpoints so that the represent
        how graduate students encounter them NOW. While rearranging, Also consider:

        • Your personal experiences during graduate school
        • What you know about Ohio State
        • What you know about the natural issues or activities graduate students

        Once each group has finished, I’ll ask each of you to present your map.


Thursday, July 28, 11
Workshop Part 02
             The second portion of the workshop involves the         What         Touchpoint Placement
             same linear, time-based service experience map.                      (Ideal State)
             However, during the second portion of the
                                                                     When         On the date of the Workshop
             Workshop, participants will have the ability to
             place the touchpoints where they believe they           Format       Physical activity, moving sticky
             should go, or their ideal or future placement on                     notes around on a pre-designed
             the service experience. Additionally, participants                   map on the wall of the
             will have the ability to add touchpoints where ever                  Workshop room.
             they see necessary.                                     Time Frame   Following Part 01 of the
                                                                                  Workshop - 1.5 hours.

             This activity represents the ideal or future state of
             CGS’s services.

Thursday, July 28, 11
Workshop Part 02      Activity Setup

      Ideal State Experience Map

         Graduate Students   Ideal State   CGS Delegates   Ideal State   University Leadership   Ideal State

      Room Set Up


Thursday, July 28, 11
Workshop Part 02   Breakdown

        Activity           Place and add touchpoint stickies to the experience map where you believe
                           they should be rather than where they currently are - what’s ideal.

        Presentation       Each group is to present its map to the rest of the participants

        Discussion         Participants are allowed to discuss the choices made in each of the maps

        Activity           Please vote on the best ideas that you heard in the
                           Presentation & Discussion

        Summary            Moderator invites discussion from the participants around issues such as:
                           what the major differences are (about the other teams' presentations - see
                           Presentation Discussion Prompt )? Then the moderator summarizes the
                           future state expressed in the Activity and Presentation


Thursday, July 28, 11
Workshop Part 01                              Future Map Prompt & Presentation/Discussion Prompt

        Segment Group Future Map Prompt                                                    Presentation / Discussion Prompt
        (To be said at the top of Workshop Part 2)                                         (To be said following the Segment Group Future Map Activity)

        During the first part of this workshop, you were to consider where students        Tell us what you did. Think about the questions we discussed at the beginning of this
        encounter Touchpoints at the current time. Now, I’d like you to place that same    activity. What are the stages your group sees as the graduate student journey.
        set of Touchpoints where you believe they SHOULD go, or the ideal placement for
        these Touchpoints. Unlike the first part of the workshop, you can also add         (Moderator should pose questions as the groups begin)
        Touchpoints in the areas that you feel are lacking or not represented. While
        placing stickies, consider:
                                                                                           •   In talking to your group members, were you surprised by anything?
                                                                                           •   Did you hear any major differences between one another?
        • Where each Touchpoint is currently placed and how the interaction it
             represents could benefit students more if it were earlier or later in their
                                                                                           •   What similarities did you notice between your group members?

             academic careers                                                              •   What similarities did you notices from group to group?

        •    How relevant are these Touchpoints to graduate students?                      •   Could you all agree about certain areas of frustration or certain areas that you all
                                                                                               agreed were great points of your experience?
        •    What issues did you encounter during graduate school - did you seek out
             help that isn’t currently represented on this map?

        Once each group has finished, I’ll ask each of you to present your map.


Thursday, July 28, 11
Workshop Part 01                             Voting Prompt

        Voting for the Best Ideas Prompt
        (To be said following the discussion of the Future Map)

        After hearing every segment groups’ presentation, take these small colored dots
        vote for your favorite ideas. Use each of these three stickers to mark where you
        believe the most successful or unique ideas are. You can vote on your own map
        or the maps the other teams put together.

        Remember since this is the future or ideal state of what things COULD be, these
        votes represent opportunities to grow for graduate student services.

        Once you’ve all voted, we’ll wrap up and get everyone out of here.


Thursday, July 28, 11
             Homework Base Graph
             Homework Emotive Stickers
             Homework Word Stickers


Thursday, July 28, 11
Homework                   Instructions

                                                  P L E A S E B R I N G T O W O R K S H O P.   QUESTIONS? WRITE ALLEN COCHRAN @ COCHRAN.291@OSU.EDU





                        ENTRANCE                                                                    G R A D U AT I O N






Thursday, July 28, 11
Emotive Images


Thursday, July 28, 11
Emotive Images


Thursday, July 28, 11
Emotive Images


Thursday, July 28, 11
Emotive Images

          Frustrated       Happy         Excited         Future
              Thrilled     Thesis      Dissertation      Values
             Blocked!    Hard work      Too much      Contribution
        Department          Issue       Tradition        Grades
             Problem       Events       Activities       Health
                 Class    Teaching       Funding      Student Loans
             Advising     Writing        Reading         Friends
     Transportation       Money           Debt         Colleagues
             Housing       Family       Concern            Boss
         Technology       Facilities     Advisor         several extras


Thursday, July 28, 11

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Service Design Workshop: Determining Graduate Student Needs 01

  • 1. The BIG Workshop Agenda Mapping An Integrated Experience For A University Thesis Research Workshop Agenda Allen J Cochran Council of Graduate Students Organization: A Service Design Case Study Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 2. Executive Summary Objective Details The objective of the BIG workshop is to gather the three main Who Grad. Students, Council Delegates, Univ. Admin. user groups of the Council of Graduate Students (CGS) - graduate students, CGS Delegates, and University What Participate in a workshop about CGS Services Administrators - in one room to discuss how and when CGS When Date TBD offers services. There are three parts of the workshop and a Where Hayes Hall, Rm. TBD priming activity that is to be done prior to the workshop. Why To advance the service and experiences of the The workshop itself is discussion and activity based. In the first Council of Graduate Students so that they can part, participants will critique sticky notes placed on a map better serve their constituencies. meant to represent the current state of when the three main user groups interact with CGS. The second part of the workshop will allow participants to place the stickies in new Agenda Synopsis ways that they believe is the ideal way for the user groups to interact; otherwise this is known as the ideal placement part. Format Primary Activity, Workshop (3 parts), Discussion Lastly, there is group discussion and a brief presentation at the Duration 3.5 hours end. Parts Homework Activity (done at home) 1 week allowance Workshop Part 01 (Current Exp.) 1.5 hrs. Workshop Part 02 (Ideal Exp.) 1.5 hrs. 2 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 3. Workshop Overview PRE-WORKSHOP WORKSHOP Activity: Activity: Activity: Explain Current State Present Future State Present All participants Homework Homework Activity Critique of Activity Placement of vote on the Touchpoints Touchpoints best ideas Participants are Within their Participants will Participants will Participants will After hearing Participants are to explain their segmented user present their again work present their about everyone’s to create collage graduate groups, evaluation of the within their evaluation of the future maps, maps about their experiences that participants will first activity segments. This first activity participants will experience and they mapped in evaluate a map of time they will walk around and journey through their collages the current map the future vote (with graduate school graduate graduate stickers) for the experience based experience best ideas of all on the LITTLE three segment workshop user maps activities INDIVIDUAL SEGMENT, USER GROUPS SEGMENT, USER GROUPS ALL PARTICIPANTS 3 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 4. Homework Prior to attending the workshop, participants will What Research Homework Activity be asked to complete a collage about their When Prior to arriving at the workshop, experiences through graduate school. Using users will complete the pictures and words, participants will created a Homework Activity map that illustrates their positive or negative attitude at different stages during graduate Format Paper based, collage w/ stickers school. This collage will then be used at the Time Frame Participants will have one week beginning of the BIG workshop. to finish this Homework Activity 4 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 5. Homework Instructions Instructions ++++ PLEASE BRING TO WORKSHOP. QUESTIONS? WRITE ALLEN COCHRAN @ COCHRAN.291@OSU.EDU (Included Inside the Homework) +++ ++ Use the provided base graph, image stickers, and word stickers to assemble a collaged map of the experiences you had during graduate school. When creating + your collage consider the following questions: ENTRANCE GRADUATION • When did you apply to school? - • Why did you decide to go to grad school? • How did you choose OSU? -- • How did you develop during grad school? --- • What stages did you go through? • Do you have any favorite memories? ---- • Do you have any bad memories? • What were your biggest hurdles? • Who helped you along the way? word word word Each participant will be word word word provided with one base word word word word word word graph (above) one sheet When you’ve completed your collage, hold on to it and bring it to the workshop. word word word of images (far left) and We’ll be working in a similar manner during the workshop. word word word word word word one sheet of words word word word word word word (immediate right). These Remember that there are no right or wrong answers and no one is going to be word word word items are included in the judged based on their artistic ability. Please do not feel that you must use all of word word word word word word appendix in more detail. the stickers you were provided with, and if there are other items that you’d like to add or write on the base graph, feel free. The activity should take you between 30 - 60 minutes. If you have any questions, please write Allen Cochran at cochran. Thank you for for participating. 5 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 6. The BIG Workshop Room Layout Materials Needed Part 01 (Current State Exercise) Part 02 (Future State Exercise) Part 03 (Next Steps) 6 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 7. Workshop Room Setup Current State Posters Graduate Students CGS Delegates University Administrators Chairs Food & Beverage Table Materials Tables Ideal State Posters Graduate Students CGS Delegates University Administrators Video Cameras on Tripod There will be a note taker for each of the groups. Additionally, a photographer will take photos of the entire event. The event will also be audio recorded. 7 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 8. Materials Needed 3 printed current experience maps 1 still camera 3 printed ideal experience maps 2 video cameras (with tripods) 6 set of Touchpoints 3 Audio recorders (1 set for Workshop Part 01 and 1 set for Workshop Part 02) 3 Notepads (for each of the notetakers) Extra sticky notes (to add notes, extra touchpoints, etc.) 1 Notepads (for the moderator) Consent forms 15 homework base graphs Sharpie markers & Pens 15 homework image sheets Extra paper 15 homework word sheets Food & Beverages 8 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 9. Workshop Part 01 The first part of the workshop is an opportunity for What Touchpoint Critique participants to critique a set of sticky note (Current State) touchpoints on a linear, time based services When On the date of the Workshop experience cycle. Participants are to manipulate the touchpoints that have been pre-placed on this Format Physical activity, moving sticky map. The placement is derived from research notes around on a pre-designed observation and the Priming Activity. map on the wall of the Workshop room. Time Frame Beginning portion of the This activity represents the current state of CGS’s Workshop - 1.5 hours. services. 9 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 10. Workshop Part 01 Activity Setup Current State Experience Map Graduate Students Current State CGS Delegates Current State University Leadership Current State Room Set Up 10 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 11. Workshop Part 01 Breakdown Discussion Discuss the homework Activity Critique, rearrange, the Touchpoints on the Current State Maps Presentation Each group is to present its map to the rest of the participants Discussion Participants are allowed to discuss the choices made in each of the maps Summary Moderator invites discussion from the participants around issues such as: what surprised you (about the other teams' presentations - see Presentation Discussion Prompt )? Then the moderator summarizes the current state expressed in the Activity and Presentation 11 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 12. Workshop Part 01 Introduction & Homework Discussion Prompt Introduction to the Workshop Homework Discussion Prompt (To be said at the top of the workshop) (To be said following the Introduction) Thank you all for agreeing to be a part of my workshop. The point of this Please take a moment and discuss, in your segment groups, what you’ve created in workshop is to learn about your experiences at The Ohio State University and for your homework. Think back to the instructions for this homework and be sure to you to think critically about how graduate students progress through school. In discuss things like: order to do that, we’ll be drawing from the homework collages that you brought followed by a couple of activities that build off of the homework and were • When did you apply to school? explored earlier in a workshop with graduate students and Council of Graduate • Why did you decide to go to grad school? Students Delegates. • How did you choose OSU? • How did you develop during grad school? Before we begin, however, let me explain what all we’ll be doing today. Each of • What stages did you go through? you is here today because you represent one of the core use segments that serve the Council of Graduate Students and the OSU graduate student body. Namely, • Do you have any favorite memories? you fit into the segments of graduate students, Council delegates or university • Do you have any bad memories? administrators. You’ll be working in your segments during this workshop. • What were your biggest hurdles? • Who helped you along the way? The workshop is broken into two main parts. Each part follows the same format: discussion plus an activity. During the first part of the workshop we’ll discuss We’ll take about 15 minutes to discuss before we begin the first activity. what you did in your homework. Then, using the information in your homework, we’ll critique a map of Touchpoints. After that, each group will present their work to the entire workshop. In the second part of the workshop, we’ll continue working in our segment groups and doing a similar activity to the first part of the workshop. This time instead of providing you with previously posted Touchpoints, I’ll ask you to map out the Touchpoints from scratch. Following, we’ll present these new maps and then vote on the best ideas. 12 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 13. Workshop Part 01 Current Map Prompt & Presentation/Discussion Prompt Segment Group Current Map Prompt Presentation / Discussion Prompt (To be said following the Homework Discussion) (To be said following the Small Group Map Activity) Each group has their own map that represents the chronological journey a Tell us what you did. Think about the questions we discussed at the beginning of this graduate student takes from the time they consider going to graduate school all activity. What are the stages your group sees as the graduate student journey. the way beyond that student’s graduation. Overlaid on these maps are a couple of things. The lines radiating from the base are lines that represent relevance. The (Moderator should pose questions as the groups begin) higher away from the base, the less relevant something is. Additionally, several large spaces have been added that represent the stages of graduate development throughout school. These stages were developed after the first • In talking to your group members, were you surprised by anything? workshop. Lastly, the circular points with writing represent Touchpoints that • Did you hear any major differences between one another? graduate students may encounter. These too, came from the smaller workshop. • What similarities did you notice between your group members? • What similarities did you notices from group to group? Within your group, take a moment and consider where these Touchpoints are • Could you all agree about certain areas of frustration or certain areas that you all placed. Consider their relevance to graduate students. Consider where they fall agreed were great points of your experience? into both the stages of development and during the chronology of a student. Please take some time and rearrange these Touchpoints so that the represent how graduate students encounter them NOW. While rearranging, Also consider: • Your personal experiences during graduate school • What you know about Ohio State • What you know about the natural issues or activities graduate students encounter. Once each group has finished, I’ll ask each of you to present your map. 13 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 14. Workshop Part 02 The second portion of the workshop involves the What Touchpoint Placement same linear, time-based service experience map. (Ideal State) However, during the second portion of the When On the date of the Workshop Workshop, participants will have the ability to place the touchpoints where they believe they Format Physical activity, moving sticky should go, or their ideal or future placement on notes around on a pre-designed the service experience. Additionally, participants map on the wall of the will have the ability to add touchpoints where ever Workshop room. they see necessary. Time Frame Following Part 01 of the Workshop - 1.5 hours. This activity represents the ideal or future state of CGS’s services. 14 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 15. Workshop Part 02 Activity Setup Ideal State Experience Map Graduate Students Ideal State CGS Delegates Ideal State University Leadership Ideal State Room Set Up 15 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 16. Workshop Part 02 Breakdown Activity Place and add touchpoint stickies to the experience map where you believe they should be rather than where they currently are - what’s ideal. Presentation Each group is to present its map to the rest of the participants Discussion Participants are allowed to discuss the choices made in each of the maps Activity Please vote on the best ideas that you heard in the Presentation & Discussion Summary Moderator invites discussion from the participants around issues such as: what the major differences are (about the other teams' presentations - see Presentation Discussion Prompt )? Then the moderator summarizes the future state expressed in the Activity and Presentation 16 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 17. Workshop Part 01 Future Map Prompt & Presentation/Discussion Prompt Segment Group Future Map Prompt Presentation / Discussion Prompt (To be said at the top of Workshop Part 2) (To be said following the Segment Group Future Map Activity) During the first part of this workshop, you were to consider where students Tell us what you did. Think about the questions we discussed at the beginning of this encounter Touchpoints at the current time. Now, I’d like you to place that same activity. What are the stages your group sees as the graduate student journey. set of Touchpoints where you believe they SHOULD go, or the ideal placement for these Touchpoints. Unlike the first part of the workshop, you can also add (Moderator should pose questions as the groups begin) Touchpoints in the areas that you feel are lacking or not represented. While placing stickies, consider: • In talking to your group members, were you surprised by anything? • Did you hear any major differences between one another? • Where each Touchpoint is currently placed and how the interaction it represents could benefit students more if it were earlier or later in their • What similarities did you notice between your group members? academic careers • What similarities did you notices from group to group? • How relevant are these Touchpoints to graduate students? • Could you all agree about certain areas of frustration or certain areas that you all agreed were great points of your experience? • What issues did you encounter during graduate school - did you seek out help that isn’t currently represented on this map? Once each group has finished, I’ll ask each of you to present your map. 17 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 18. Workshop Part 01 Voting Prompt Voting for the Best Ideas Prompt (To be said following the discussion of the Future Map) After hearing every segment groups’ presentation, take these small colored dots vote for your favorite ideas. Use each of these three stickers to mark where you believe the most successful or unique ideas are. You can vote on your own map or the maps the other teams put together. Remember since this is the future or ideal state of what things COULD be, these votes represent opportunities to grow for graduate student services. Once you’ve all voted, we’ll wrap up and get everyone out of here. 18 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 19. Appendix Homework Base Graph Homework Emotive Stickers Homework Word Stickers 19 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 20. Homework Instructions P L E A S E B R I N G T O W O R K S H O P. QUESTIONS? WRITE ALLEN COCHRAN @ COCHRAN.291@OSU.EDU ++++ +++ ++ + ENTRANCE G R A D U AT I O N - -- --- ---- 20 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 21. Emotive Images 21 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 22. Emotive Images 22 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 23. Emotive Images 23 Thursday, July 28, 11
  • 24. Emotive Images Frustrated Happy Excited Future Thrilled Thesis Dissertation Values Blocked! Hard work Too much Contribution Department Issue Tradition Grades Problem Events Activities Health Class Teaching Funding Student Loans Advising Writing Reading Friends Transportation Money Debt Colleagues Housing Family Concern Boss Technology Facilities Advisor several extras 24 Thursday, July 28, 11