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Complete Collection of 77 Professional Development Programs For Individuals And Groups At All Levels
Digital World for Training & Education
Success Secrets and Practical Ideas from America's Top Speakers and Trainers
For nearly 10 years, SDMR has provided educators and train-
ers with the highest quality programs, products and services
to support the success of every learners at all levels. Our
selection of digital media resources can enable you to imple-
ment innovative teaching and leading strategies. Take ad-
vantage of proven solutions and resources that address your
educational and professional development challenges.
Since 1988, Seminars on DVD’s parent company, The Yes!
Network, has been producing live seminars featuring some
of the finest speakers and trainers in North America. Over
the years, dozens of industry giants have appeared, such as
Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Tony Ales-
sandra, Terri Sjodin, and Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of
Chicken Soup for the Soul.
With the introduction of digital video (DVDs), along with
numerous requests to bring Yes! seminars to other parts of
the United States, and even other countries, Seminars on
DVD was born. Now, all of The Yes! Network’s world-class
speakers and seminars are recorded live, on high-quality
digital video, so customers all over the world can enjoy and
Produced with high-tech, multi-camera video teams and top notch editing studios, each Seminar on DVD is a broadcast quality learning tool that’s
perfect for everything from an individual viewing on a computer or television, to a large conference facility with big screen projection equipment
for dozens, if not hundreds, of people.
Companies and organizations in a wide variety of industries are saving thousands by utilizing Seminars on DVD in place of live seminars. Now, they
can train and motivate their entire staff for less than the cost of a single seminar ticket. With topics on boosting sales, increasing productivity,
motivating employees, outsmarting the competition, serving customers at higher levels than ever before, and many others, the benefits are ap-
Through feedback we’ve gathered over the years, Seminars on DVD are used in many ways. Sales managers use them to train and motivate their
team during sales meetings, general managers & small business owners educate their entire staffs, companies build learning libraries where the
DVDs are viewed over and over again, some firms use the seminars as part of their initial training for new hires, while others encourage their em-
ployees to watch the programs on their PCs while eating lunch ... the uses are limitless!
K-Suria Sdn. Bhd.
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BRAIN SELLING | Patrick Schul
Innovative Strategies for Converting Prospects into Clients
Today we live in a different world where time-pressed, distracted buyers find it more and more difficult to see
meaningful differences between competitors. So it's the ability to engage your prospect, hold attention, and
develop quality relationships that will convert that prospect into a client. In this fascinating program Dr. Patrick
Schul uncovers important information about how buyers use their brains to make decisions. You'll learn that many
of the traditional selling methods have major flaws, and don't work with today's savvy buyers. Then he'll teach you
exactly how to improve your oral conversations, written materials, and presentation tools by leveraging these
powerful insights.
DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS120516 | RM 288
Five Principles for Making the Right Decisions Every Time
In this lively, fun and practical seminar, Dr. Bruce Weinstein shows you how to increase your ethics IQ in every area
of your life. Over the years, scandals have challenged the public's perception of business, so now more than ever,
it's important that we act with honor and integrity. With that in mind, this seminar will cover five simple principles
that will strengthen your relationships, promote positive word-of-mouth, and help you make the right decisions
every time, everywhere. Through numerous real-life examples, Dr. Weinstein applies the five principles of ethical
intelligence to some of the toughest problems you face with colleagues, clients and other valued people in your life.
DVD 1 hr 00 min | Code : KS120321 | RM 288
How to Partner with Customers, Engage Your Team and Realize Your Vision
Building a successful business goes far beyond providing good products and services. Great companies create cultures
that attract the right employees and create buy-in to the bigger vision. In this dynamic program loaded with powerful
stories and examples, expert speaker Randy Pennington guides you through the fundamentals that lead to long-term
growth and bottom-line results. You'll learn how to differentiate your business from the competition, guide people
through change, build greater trust, strengthen employee and customer relationships, and create true accountability in
your organization. In a world where competition is constantly trying to steal away your customers, your best defense is
creating a culture of excellence.
DVD 1 hr 25 min | Code : KS120320 | RM 288
How to Gain the Attention You Need to Succeed in Any Economy
The ability to sell others is as critical to your success as food, water and oxygen is to life. Every person on this planet is
required to sell their ideas in order to advance themselves and achieve their goals. To do it well requires gaining the
attention of others. In this high-energy, captivating program, legendary speaker/trainer Grant Cardone will teach you
how to gain more attention, pump up your attitude, expand your goals, overcome objections and sell more effectively
than ever before. You'll walk away from this seminar with a new, bolder approach towards success and the motivation
you'll need to bring your big new goals into reality. It's time to stop competing and start dominating your market.
DVD 1 hr 00 min | Code : KS120118 | RM 288
How to Resolve Conflict and Increase Cooperation
Are you uncomfortable when you have to confront someone? Do you cringe at conflict? Would you like to create more
harmony and cooperation? In this seminar, you'll not only learn tools to communicate more effectively, you'll gain the
confidence to stand up to bullies, and speak your truth with grace. No longer will you have to run away from conflict or
confrontation. With these powerful and practical ideas, you'll know exactly what to say, how to say it and when to say
it. Whether you're a manager, supervisor, or just someone who needs help in dealing with difficult people, these skills
can reduce unnecessary conflict, increase cooperation, boost your confidence, and help you to create more harmonious
relationships in every area of your life.
DVD 00 hr 55 min | Code : KS 111116 | RM 288
2 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
How to Create a Vision, Set Goals & Lead an Extraordinary Life
Have you ever felt like you were in a rut, stuck in a comfort zone, or unable to break through to your next level? It's
common and frustrating, but life doesn't have to be that way. With the right strategies, anyone can take their life to a
whole new dimension, and that's exactly what you'll learn how to do in this high-energy, high-content seminar. In less
than an hour, you'll uncover strategies for creating a new vision, setting and achieving bigger goals, staying more
positive, reflecting on your past successes, and gaining the support of people who will help turn your vision into a
reality. And all of these skills are delivered through stories and examples that make the process easy. It's time to break
through any barriers that may be holding you back and lead the life that you've always dreamed of.
DVD 00 hr 55 min | Code : KS111115 | RM 288
How to Speak with Impact and Persuade with Ease
How is it that the world's top presenters seem to effortlessly keep audiences on the edge of their seats? How do they
sell themselves and their message with ease? In this interactive, workshop-style seminar, you learn the secrets of
messaging and persuasion that will help you breathe life into your presentations. You'll discover how to craft your
message, sell your ideas through story, eliminate common mistakes and deliver your program so that people are truly
motivated to take action. Whether you give an occasional presentation or desire a full time speaking career, this
program will increase your confidence and competence, as you discover new tools that work with every audience, every
DVD 1 hr 00 min | Code : KS 110914 | RM 288
How to Make Teamwork Work with Anybody, Anyplace, Anytime
Most companies have teams in place - customer service, management, sales, etc. The challenge is that many team
members have never been taught effective teamwork strategies. In this practical, easy to implementtraining session,
award-winning speaker Mark Sanborn shares key ideas and techniques for building a more cohesive, productive team.
You'll learn the five characteristics of a unified team, six skills that all effective teams use, three reasons why teamwork
doesn't work, how to instill greater cooperation, and much more. These skills are applicable to anybody, in any industry,
virtually anywhere in the world. Both team members and leaders will walk away from this seminar with an easy to use
framework for developing a team where everyone wins.
DVD 1 hr 10 min | Code : KS110721 | RM 288
How to Create Moments of Magic that Turn Ordinary Interactions into Memorable
In today's highly competitive marketplace, ordinary interactions will only get you so far. In order to create long-term,
secure relationships with your clients and customers, you need to amaze them. In this thoroughly engaging, high
content seminar, you'll learn how to make a great first impression, build rapport, communicate more effectively,
exceed expectations, avoid moments of misery and much more. While you're learning these practical strategies, you'll
be totally entertained with Shep Hyken's astonishing magic. His philosophy is, "moments of magic don't just happen,
they're created by people who know the formula."
DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS110720 | RM 288
How to Create Winning Interactions That Lead to Positive Results
In a world where people are constantly communicating electronically, face to face interaction can be a key strategy for
success. Human beings have a primal need to connect with others, and the way you interact can easily make the
difference between rich, long-term, rewarding relationships, or contacts that lead to nothing. In this high content, high
energy seminar, you'll get the keys to unlock the treasure of creating powerful relationships - because people are the
source of our greatest joys and triumphs! Effective face to face connecting and interacting can help you increase sales,
gain a promotion, get hired, make more friends, and be a more effective leader.
DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS110315 | RM 288
3 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
How to Succeed When Times Are Good, Bad or In Between
Whether the economy is up, down, rising or falling influences your success - to a degree. What matters even more is
something within your direct control: your economy, the economy of one. In this stirring presentation, internationally
renowned speaker Mark Sanborn shares mindsets and methods that will keep you winning, growing and succeeding, no
matter what's going on in your world. You'll learn practical ideas for overcoming obstacles, creating value, innovating
continuously, connecting with key contacts, practicing gratitude and much more. And it's not just a "feel good" seminar,
as these strategies will inspire, inform, and help you generate the results you need to create perpetual achievement in
every area of your life.
DVD 1 hr 10 min | Code : KS110719 | RM 288
STEP UP, LEAD & BE THE ONE! | Jonathan Sprinkles
How to Sell Yourself and Your Ideas to Create Positive Change
At the root of every positive change is someone who wanted things to be better. They didn't settle for the status quo,
but instead stepped up and became a catalyst for change. In this captivating program, award-winning speaker Jonathan
Sprinkles shares powerful stories and motivating principles for being the one who reshapes your future, both at home
and at work. You'll learn how to sell yourself and your ideas, maintain a positive attitude of expectation, thank others
with sincerity, build your confidence, keep yourself motivated and much more. Regardless of your title or level of
experience, learn how to be a Change-Maker in your organization, as well as in your personal life. It's time to take
charge of your circumstances and be the one!
DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS110519 | RM 288
Leadership, Service & Teamwork Strategies for Creating Sustainable Success
Service today is typical and transactional. People look at customers as an opportunity for a sale, rather than a
meaningful interaction that will turn that customer into a loyal fan for life. Customer service is dying because people
simply stopped looking at other people as fellow human beings. In this thought-provoking fast paced program, brand
building expert Scott Deming uncovers key principles for creating experiences that keep people coming back and telling
others about you. He'll show proof positive that advertising is simply awareness. It's sincere caring and extraordinary
emotional experiences that are the key to sustainable personal and professional success. Whether you're leading a
team or serving people on the front line, this program will inspire you to perform at a whole new level.
DVD 1 hr 35 min | Code : KS 110518 | RM 288
Putting Your "Will Power" to Work for Maximum Results
Get ready to unleash your greatness in this powerful seminar featuring award winning speaker Desi Williamson.
Through captivating stories and useful examples, Desi illustrates the action oriented mindset required to overcome
obstacles and achieve any goal you set. You'll learn how to reignite your purpose, stay focused on the big picture,
develop true "will power", become a master of change, raise your performance level, challenge your fears, and much
more. Desi Williamson believes that when you remove the mental mountains that stand between you and your goals,
things start to happen quickly. So, if you believe "Where there's a will, there's a way!", it's your turn to step up and live
the life you've always dreamed of.
DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS110121 | RM 288
SuperCompetent® | Laura Stack
The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best
To be successful in the business world and reach your full potential in life, it's not enough to be simply competent. Our
modern, super-competitive world is full of opportunities for the go-getter, but to take advantage of them, it's essential
to become SuperCompetent. But super-competence isn't something you're born with - it's something that you can
learn, no matter where your strengths lie or what industry you work in. In SuperCompetent, productivity expert Laura
Stack identifies the behaviors that build leadership skills, boost organizational efficiency, and blast high-potential
producers to the top of their fields. With Stack's six keys, you'll be able to consistently improve your performance,
develop the confidence that will propel you forward, and achieve breakthrough results in your career.
DVD 1 hr 00 min | Code : KS 110120 | RM 288
4 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
Practical Tools for Personal and Organizational Growth
Why do some succeed while others fail? It starts with eliminating excuses, eradicating justifications and taking personal
accountability for choices, actions and results. It starts with accountability. In this practical program you'll learn the four
phases of accountability and the five critical, but often overlooked, ways to be proactively accountable. You'll learn how
to increase your success and significance, both in business and in life, and you'll take an honest look at yourself and
values. You'll also discover what road-blocks might be stopping you from achieving your goals. These principles apply to
almost every profession or industry, no matter what you are trying to achieve. By creating an organizational culture
based on accountability, companies and individuals grow stronger.
DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS110117 | RM 288
How to Put More "Show Business" in Your Business
It's not enough anymore to just serve customers. Every professional and each organization must develop the kind of
connection with its customers that a blockbuster film or compelling television series creates with its audience! We have
become a culture that expects an "experience" to be an integral part of doing business. An equitable transaction is no
longer enough to keep people coming back. Therefore, those organizations that understand how to execute the
strategies necessary for creating compelling relationships thorough the customer and employee experience will find
themselves leading the pack. This program is highly recommended for all entrepreneurs, sales representatives,
managers, and customer service professionals.
DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS101116 | RM 288
10 Characteristics of Highly Productive People
In this practical, fast-paced program, time management expert Laura Stack shares insights gathered from some of the
most successful people in world. You'll discover behaviors that are easy to implement and can make a huge difference
in your personal and professional life. You'll learn how to stay focused and concentrate, communicate with your team
and boss to improve personal productivity, build consistent personal routines, plug productivity leaks in your day,
eliminate annoying time wasters, and improve your personal efficiency. Anyone integrating these principles into their
daily routine will enjoy significantly higher levels of productivity, lower levels of stress, and greater balance in every
area of their life.
DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS110119 | RM 288
How to Create More Loyalty in a Dynamic Competitive Marketplace
Your employees and their customer service skills may be the only thing that differentiates you from the competition.
And customers are more sophisticated and educated than ever before. That's why it's critically important to make sure
employee skills are constantly updated to meet ever-rising customer expectations. In this content-rich seminar, your
front-line team members will learn practical skills and proven systems for improvingcustomer service at every touch
point, all along the cycle. They'll gain numerous hands-on techniques including - how to listen attentively, uncover
customer needs, calm down angry customers, win back disgruntled customers, handle conflict, and keep an attitude of
"customers first" all day. Any organization putting these principles into action will quickly be out-servicing the
DVD 2 hr 05 min | Code : KS100915 | RM 288
Uncovering Myths and Facts About Deception
What is the cost of being lied to? How can you tell when people are being dishonest with you? Explore these and other
important questions in this eye-opening, fascinating program that dispels myths about lying, and gives you the cold
hard facts. You'll discover that many of the most commonly believed symptoms of lying are not accurate, plus you'll
learn the tell tale signs that are significant. You'll also explore verbal and non-verbal cues that are consistent with
deceptive behavior, as well as stress response behaviors that indicate the subject is lying. Whether you are interviewing
a prospective employee, hiring a contractor, or simply communicating with your kids, you'll now have the insights and
strategies for detecting deception when it counts.
DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS100916 | RM 288
5 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
How to Genuinely Serve Others at the Highest Level Possible
How would your customers grade their experience with your company? Are you getting an A+ from everycustomer in
each of the critical service areas? If not, what can you do to raise their grade? In this entertaining and practical
customer service seminar, veteran speaker James Lloyd explores all of these questions, and many more. Several key
ideas are discussed, including the importance of genuine caring, how to retain your customers by avoiding the big
mistake many companies make, why internal customer service is critical, the importance of powerful apologies, dealing
with irate customers, projecting more enthusiasm, and much more. When you genuinely care about your customers in
the way that James teaches, you can take your business to a whole new level.
DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS100520 | RM 288
A Fighter Pilot's Guide to Reaching New Heights in Business and Life
What does it take to overcome fear and lead with courage when facing adversity? How can you build trusting
partnerships in your personal and professional life, and live congruent with your core values? Discover answers to these
questions and many more in this high-flying adventure featuring highly decorated US Air Force fighter pilot Lt. Col. Rob
"Waldo" Waldman. On this critical mission, you'll learn leadership and teamwork principles covering a wide range of
areas including focus, integrity, collaboration, overcoming fear, and maintaining a commitment to excellence. Whether
you're in the cockpit of an F-16 or in a chair at your office, these same principles apply when it comes to soaring to new
heights both individually and as a team.
DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS100721 | RM 288
19 Action Steps to Achieve Outstanding, Sustainable Results
How can any organization consistently improve its most important desired outcomes, and do it in a way that is
sustainable? In the end, it comes down to mastering simple, practical processes that can be repeated over and over
again. In this content-loaded seminar, Dan Coughlin guides you through 19 specific action steps covering a variety of
important topics, including leadership, innovation, branding, and sales. You'll learn how to unleash more creativity,
connect through listening, give better feedback, increase the perceived value of your offering, influence others even
more effectively, and much more. If you follow all of the practical advice contained in this program, you are sure to
generate outstanding results that are truly sustainable.
DVD 1 hr 40 min | Code : KS100316 | RM 288
How to Inspire Yourself & Others to Take Definitive Action
Your ability to influence yourself and others has a huge impact on every area of your life. It is the cornerstone of any
successful salesperson, as well as the core skill needed to live a congruent life that is in line with your most important
values. In this high-energy session, you'll learn and practice the most influential communication methods that produce
instant and empowering results for everyone involved. This course is packed important strategies and philosophies that
Niurka has honed and mastered over the last 20 years. From building trust and rapport more quickly to shifting your
own "state" when it counts, you'll walk away with a larger vision for your career and your life. Discover how much more
inspiring and persuasive you could be, as Niurka guides you through the art of Supreme Influence.
Niurka's life is a story of tenacity, transformation and triumph. As a highly sought-after speaker for more than 15 years,
Niurka teaches from real world experience, using the same principles that transformed her past of pain and struggle
into a life of passion, purpose and service. Her teachings incorporate psychological frameworks, cognitive science
studies, neuro linguistic programming, quantum mechanic theories and the most insightful philosophies and spiritual
wisdom from around the globe. Discover why Niurka is one of the fastest rising stars on the speaking circuit today.
DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS100519 | RM 288
THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY | Roxanne Emmerich
How to Build a Team with a Passion for Performance
Are your people bringing all of their passion, commitment, skills and enthusiasm to the workplace everyday? Are
dysfunctional viruses such as whining, gossip, and sabotage contaminating the spirit of winning you've been trying to
create? Based on her best-selling business book by the same name, this seminar covers a number of powerful
strategies for turning whiners into winners, eliminating gossip, holding people accountable, providing higher levels of
service, and creating a more positive workplace. Take charge of change in your organization, and turn even the most
negative team members into driving forces who help propel the organization to its next level.
DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS100318 | RM 288
6 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
How to Move Beyond the Basics to Extraordinary Sales Success
High performance in the sales arena is a matter of strategy and discipline. Top sales people are those who have
disciplined themselves to do what others aren't willing to do, or don't know how to do. In this high-powered, fast-paced
program you'll get a blueprint for success that is certain to take your sales results to the next level. You'll discover
practical strategies that will help you to be more effective at prospecting, networking, developing a game plan,
understanding your best customer's profile, expanding the range of products and services you offer, and much more. In
addition, you'll discover an easy to use system for getting the most important things done first. This seminar will engage
you from beginning to end, and is the perfect solution for any sales team performing below their full potential.
DVD 1 hr 40 min | Code : KS100119 | RM 288
GO FOR NO! | Richard Fenton
The Ultimate Strategy for Failing Your Way to Success
Everyone loves the sound of the word YES... it's so positive, so empowering. And then there's "NO!" For most people,
NO is just the opposite... negative, draining, the antithesis of YES. But what if that could change? What if you could
achieve every quota, hit every income goal, and reach every personal dream, simply by changing the way you think,
feel, and respond to hearing the word NO? In this practical and insightful seminar, you'll learn exactly how to re-shift
your thinking to start enjoying and embracing rejection. You'll discover startling statistics and see real world examples
that prove you're leaving money on the table. Richard Fenton shows you exactly what to do, and most importantly how
to think, in order to immediately increase sales and boost your results in many areas of your life.
DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS91111 | RM 288
How to Refuel, Recharge and Re-energize Your Life
Your attitude affects every area of your personal and professional life. From your level of motivation, to the
relationships you build, to the accomplishments you achieve, attitude is everything, and you've probably heard that
before. The challenge is, in the midst of our day-to-day busy lives, it's easy to forget. In this outstanding motivational
program, James Malinchak gives you the keys to living a happier, more fulfilled life, and he does it through incredible
stories and hard-hitting facts. You'll learn critical lessons about commitment, persistence, gratitude, teamwork, adding
value, creating more purpose, networking for results, attracting mentors, and being fired up every day. Through James'
high energy personality, and comical style you'll be thoroughly entertained from beginning to end.
DVD 1 hr 35 min | Code : KS91112 | RM 288
Effective Tools for Managing Difficult People and Situations
When a difficult person or situation arises, many of us don't know what to say, or how to handle it. We allow ourselves
to react rather than respond effectively. From now on, you'll be armed with powerful tools and tactics for gracefully
handling any situation, no matter how difficult or challenging it might be. Using her unique blend of humor and real-
world application, communication skills expert Pamela Jett will share what everyone ought to know about
communicating more effectively, both at home and at work. You'll discover startling facts about how most professionals
are sabotaging their communication success and damaging relationships in the process. From dealing with irate
customers to getting along better with co-workers, this program will bring you numerous insights that will have an
immediate impact on how you approach and handle all of your most important interactions.
DVD 1 hr 25 min | Code : KS 90120 | RM 288
Getting Yourself and Others to the Go-Side of Life
The people that you lead are looking to you for answers. They want to know, "Where are we going, how are we going to
get there, and what does the future look like?" If you have kids, they want to know the same things. In this inspiring
program, master speaker Tom Flick uses powerful stories and relevant examples to get you thinking about the big
important questions that every leader needs to ask. He discusses the critical characteristics of effective leaders, and
explains how they can communicate their vision in a compelling manner that rallies people together to tackle their
cause. From heart warming stories to hard-hitting realities, this program is filled with motivating ideas, and inspirational
messages for leading at a higher level.
DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS90519 | RM 288
7 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
THE FUN FACTOR | Christine Cashen
How to Boost Productivity, Lower Stress and Understand People Better Than Ever
Study after study shows that organizations and teams that have fun on a regular basis get more done. Having more fun
at work improves morale, keeps people motivated, lowers stress, and leads to a happier workplace environment. At
home, the benefits are just as evident. Get ready to bring more fun into your personal and professional life, as expert
speaker and motivator Christine Cashen brings you this fast-paced, entertaining program. You'll discover keys to having
more fun, ideas for managing challenging situations, tactics for lowering stress, exercises for creative thinking, methods
for understanding others more effectively, and much more. Whether it's other people who are driving you crazy, or you
just need a little more fun in your own life, this program is guaranteed to add more joy to everything you do.
DVD 1 hr 25 min | Code : KS90716 | RM 288
KEYS TO A BETTER LIFE | Michael Wickett
How to Transform Your Reality Through Goals, Focus and Belief
Imagine it's one hundred eighty days from now, and your life is dramatically better. You're health, relationships, and
career goals are all falling into place. You're making more money, and feeling more at peace with yourself. You're
excited about your future, while living in the present. This can be your reality, as you implement the steps Michael
Wickett outlines in this captivating program. First you'll discover what may be holding you back. Then you'll embark on
a journey towards creating your ideal compelling future, and learn the time-proven, critical steps for making your
dreams a reality. You'll also discover the power of forgiveness, how to change your perceptions, and how to be more
focused than ever. Whether you are already living your dreams, or could you some inspiration, this program will give
you the tools, direction, and motivation to transform your most important aspirations into realities.
DVD 1 hr 35 min | Code : KS80319 | RM 288
How to Create a Fair Advantage in an Unfair World
You negotiate constantly with almost everyone you meet, for time, for resources, for things you buy and sell. You
negotiate with your spouse over which movie to see, and with your teenagers over car keys and curfews. You negotiate
with lenders and suppliers, as well as with lawyers. And just because they're nice people doesn't mean they have your
best interests at heart.
In this content-loaded program, you'll learn how to protect yourself, and gain a fair advantage in any negotiation. Most
people have a particular negotiating style, and when you recognize how they operate, you'll know how to counter their
tactics, both obvious and subtle. Gain the edge in any negotiating situation when you're armed with these powerful and
practical weapons.
DVD 1 hr 40 min | Code : KS80916 | RM 288
Nonverbal Communication Skills for Greater Understanding
Studies consistently demonstrate that words are only a small piece of the communication puzzle. There is much more
that happens at a subconscious level that impacts our ability to connect with others and be truly understood. In this
exciting and humorous program you'll discover how people communicate subtle and obvious messages through
nonverbal language. This humorous program examines virtually every aspect of conscious and subconscious
communication including time, space, appearance, posture, gesture, voice, facial expression, eye contact, touch,
silence, and even smell. You'll know how to tell if people are lying to you, and what their real intentions are. You'll also
learn how to project yourself with greater confidence, and influence people with more precision than ever before.
DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS90520 | RM 288
How to Create Authentic Interactions that Transform Your Organization and Your Life
Personal gain is often the driving force behind many business and personal relationships. Whether it's trying to up sell a
costumer, get a promotion or receive free tickets to a sporting event, a "what's in it for me" attitude prevails in our
society. There is another approach that can lead to deeper, more meaningful relationships at an organizational, as well
as a personal level. It's not about what you can get, but how you can advance others. Discover how being genuinely
interested in people and looking for ways to serve their needs, without expecting a return, is the best way to build the
kind of relationships that will take your organization and your career to the next level. Tommy Spaulding shows how to
forge valuable relationships that will enrich your life, enhance your organization's bottom line and change the world for
the better.
DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS90521 | RM 288
8 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
How to Put More Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof into Your Work
Here's the problem: many people who call themselves leaders are only posing. They're wearing the label or accepting
the title without putting their skin in the game. Assuming that you really do aspire to lead, Steve Farber approaches the
act of leadership as you'd approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with
the territory. And that takes a personal commitment and a significant, personal choice. Extreme Leadership is the
dynamic interplay of fear and love — two of the most powerful forces in the human experience. And in Steve's
estimation, those who actively and intentionally use the experience of fear and love everyday in their attempts to
change things for the better, in whatever arena, are Extreme Leaders. Watch this program if you're ready to make that
DVD 1 hr 50 min | Code : KS90318 | RM 288
STRESS LESS |Pamela Jett
12 Stress-Busters for Living a More Balanced Life
Stress is a silent killer. It has a profoundly negative effect on our health, both mentally and physically. And at the same
time, we live in a world filled with potentially stressful situations and people. What are the warning signs? How can you
take charge of stress and minimize its effects? In this practical program, you'll discover 12 specific stress-busters to help
relieve the pressure, both internally and externally. You'll learn how to say "no" to the things that don't serve your most
important goals, you'll discover a method for lowering the mental impact of stress, you'll pick up ideas for prioritizing
your time and tasks, and much more.
DVD 1 hr 05 min | Code : KS80725 | RM 288
How to Make Every Meeting, Every Relationship and Every Moment Count
How can you create conversations that help others grow? How can you make every meeting a once-in-a-lifetime
experience that inspires others? How can you be more present in all of your interactions? How can you be recognized
as the best? These and many more questions are answered in this unforgettable, power packed program featuring one
of North America's most extraordinary speakers, Mike Lipkin. As you become captivated by his South African accent,
you'll discover key insights and practical strategies for improving your conversation effectiveness in bothbusiness and
personal situations. You'll learn how to listen more intensely, communicate with charisma, add more value, and finish
like a champion. Once you understand these principles, extraordinary conversations will be your new standard
DVD 1 hr 25 min | Code : KS80719 | RM 288
Heartfelt Lessons That Touch The Human Spirit
Today's society places tremendous significance on physical appearance, material possessions and money. From a very
young age, we are programmed to want more and more, and often place greater importance on "things", rather than
people and relationships. Jim Tuman illustrates how to get back in touch with the true essence of life through real-life
stories that will touch your heart and soul. He shows people of all ages how to cut through the barriers to create more
loving, caring relationships with the most important people in their lives. He also teaches how to be more
compassionate and open-minded with people who are different. With Jim's intense style and captivating presence, kids
and adults alike will thoroughly enjoy this program.
DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS80720 | RM 288
Using the Diamond Touch to Improve Your Sales and Service Strategy
Most salespeople and service professionals use the spray and pray approach. They conductbusiness in a predictable,
methodical manner with every prospect or customer, treating them all pretty much the same. The fact is, everybody
has a unique way in which they like to be treated, and Dr. Nate Booth shows you how to uncover what's most
important to each individual you deal with. In this basic and profound program, you'll learn the importance of
discovering what people want, and exactly how they want it. Not only does he apply it tosales and service, he also
shows its tremendous value in relationships, both business and personal. In this day and age, where relationships are
King, and customer service is Queen, nothing short of the royal treatment will do.
DVD 1 hr 00 min | Code : KS 80718 | RM 288
9 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
How to Turn Contacts into Advocates
How do you cultivate customer relationships where your clients want to tell others all about you? What will make you
and your wisdom irresistible? Discover the most important principles for building the kind of long-term customer
relationships that lead to higher retention, and far more referrals. In this high-energy, high-content program, you'll
learn the power of intent, the importance of your appearance, how to make people feel more valued, limiting words
you should avoid and many other ideas for building stronger customer relationships. If your organization depends on
repeat business, you must be committed to making your customer relationships a major focal point to continuously
improve, and that's exactly what this seminar helps you do.
DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS80717 | RM 288
How to Bring More Happiness and Significance into Your Life
Positive attitude and happiness go hand in hand. They are the cornerstones of a fulfilling life and the foundation for
creating peace of mind and balance. And when you mix a positive attitude with a burning desire, or intense purpose,
you begin to tap into the essence of why you are here. Every one of us has a special purpose for living, yet many of us
sell ourselves short, and literally miss our calling in life. No matter what you do, or what phase of your life you are in,
you can create a more positive attitude, a clearer picture of your purpose, and an even greater sense of significance in
everything that you do. Join award-winning speaker Chip Madera as he guides you through the critical elements that
make up your essence. You'll discover some powers that may be laying dormant in you, plus you'll walk away with key
insights for creating greater peace of mind and happiness. From his heart warming stories, to his comical down-to-earth
style, you'll thoroughly enjoy this program from beginning to end.
DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS80716 | RM 288
How to Create Positive Results in Turbulent Times
Change management skills are critical for organizations and individuals alike, as change has become the standard in
today's society. Whether it's upsizing, downsizing, changing vendors, upgrading computer systems, moving to a new
location, starting in a new position, or any other deviation from the norm, there are change management tools to help
facilitate the change process. In this fast-paced change management seminar you'll learn the skills, strategies, and belief
systems necessary to take charge of change in your business, and in your personal life. You'll discover how to anticipate,
react to, or create change in any situation. And you will experience a proven formula for processing any given change
that your team or family may be going through. Plus, you'll learn about other changemanagement techniques that
affect outcomes including focus, physiology and maintaining a high level of energy. Tremendous opportunities await
those who know how to harness this whirlwind of change, and use it to their advantage.
DVD 1 hr 00 min | Code : KS80520 | RM 288
How to Overcome Limitations and Create a Great Life
If you knew you could achieve anything, what would you pursue? How would you transform your health, relationships
and financial goals? In order to realize amazing outcomes in our lives, we need to focus on removing the limitations that
are holding us back, consciously and subconsciously. We also need to remove the illusion of "I'm too busy, I don't have
enough time", which has become a mantra in our society today. In this thought provokingseminar you'll gain insights
and strategies for making major positive changes in all of the most important areas of your life. You'll discover methods
for removing negative beliefs and old stories that could be limiting your results, and you'll learn how to live in greater
alignment with your own beliefs. Plus, in part three, you'll walk away with key ideas for transforming your mind, body
and spirit in minutes a day.
1 hr 50 min | Code : KS80122 | RM 288
How to Boost Your Self-Esteem and Discover Your Purpose
If you enjoyed Jack Canfield in The Secret, you'll thoroughly enjoy this full lengthseminar on peak performance. Based
on Jack Canfield's best selling book "The Success Principles", this powerful seminar is loaded with life-changing ideas.
Jack will show you how to build your self-esteem, take responsibility for everything that happens, clarify your vision,
gain greater balance, find your purpose, and discover the secret to a more fulfilling life. You'll hear several true stories
about peak performance that will touch your heart and shift your consciousness to an even more positive place. As Jack
Canfield demonstrates throughout this seminar, success leaves clues. The fastest way to achieve your goals is to follow
a proven blueprint, and that's exactly what he gives you. After experiencing this peak performancetraining program,
you'll have practical tools for creating greater success in any area of your life. Discover your greatness and take your life
to the next level with this exceptional seminar on video, facilitated by one of the best success speakers in North
America, Jack Canfield.
DVD 1 hr 35 min | Code : KS 70919 | RM 288
10 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
THE WILL TO WIN! | Willie Jolley
How to Use Attitude, Aptitude & Appetite to Reach Your Next Level
Winners think differently than losers. They possess certain qualities that separate them from the masses, including a
strong positive mental attitude, commitment, knowledge, and a hunger for greatness. They also understand that failure
is part of the success process, and the ability to embrace it, and grow from it, is a sign of greatness. Using real life
stories from his own life, and those of others, motivational speaker Willie Jolley shares basicsuccess principles that can
make the difference between mediocrity and greatness. He explores a variety of areas including positive attitude,
persistence, teamwork, customer service, overcoming obstacles, building your desire, and more.
DVD 00 hr 50 min | Code : KS71115 | RM 288
BEYOND EXCELLENCE | Robert Stevenson
How to Soar Like an Eagle in a World Full of Turkeys
The fast-paced team building and leadership training program is filled with advice on how to become an extraordinary
person in business, and in life. Using real world examples, dozens of interesting slides, and powerful true stories, Robert
Stevenson delivers a high-energy leadership training program that can help anyone to achieve higher levels of
excellence. He covers a broad spectrum of ideas, including team building, leadership training, management training,
team skills, accountability, dealing with stress, handling change, how to criticize, the power of laughter, how to exceed
expectations, balance, and much more. Whether you are just starting out in business, or a seasoned professional, this
leadership training video seminar will remind you of all the things you need to do when you are committed to soaring
above and beyond excellence.
DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS71114 | RM 288
Sales, Marketing & Leadership Tactics for Gaining the Competitive Edge
n this content-rich sales training, leadership training, and marketing skills program, highly acclaimed motivational
business speaker Brian Tracy shows how to apply battle-proven methods to achieve victory in the world of business. He
draws on powerful success strategies and sales skills used by famous military and business leaders throughout history.
Sharing idea after idea, Brian Tracy covers a variety of sales skills and "thinking tools" that can help you to overcome
adversity, live with greater focus, sell yourself more effectively, market your products & services with greater efficiency,
perpetually learn sales skills, and more. This powerful sales, marketing and leadership training program will bring you
innovative ideas in a cost-effective, easy to use video format. You'll walk away with a practical blueprint for high
achievement that can be immediately applied to your business and personal life.
DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS 70123 | RM 288
The Ultimate Program for Creating Your Perfect Life
Like gravity, the Law of Attraction is at work in your life everyday. Once you become aware of the laws of attraction,
and their possibilities, you can direct and amplify these hidden powers to get the results you want. In this captivating
seminar on video, speaking legend Jack Canfield defines critical steps and thought processes that can take your life to a
whole new level. You'll learn the three major components of the law of attraction for attracting excellent health,
abundance, and great relationships. Plus, you'll hear powerful stories, including some from Chicken Soup for the Soul,
that will expand your vision and touch your heart. You'll walk away from this Law of Attraction program with a clear
sense that virtually anything is possible when you are in alignment with what you want and ready to receive it. Discover
the ultimate seminar for getting everything you have always dreamed of, and activate the Law of Attraction in your life
DVD 2 hr 00 min | Code : KS70918 | RM 288
How to Be Extraordinary in Sales and Service
This entertaining sales and customer service training video is loaded with time-proven sales skills and practical ideas for
increasing customer satisfaction. Sales training and customer service training are two of the most important areas for
any business to focus on. Being extraordinary is no longer optional, it is a "must" in order to make it in today's
competitive world. This unique program was developed when a typical taxi ride from the airport to a hotel turns out to
be everything but ordinary. Award-winning speaker and sales training expert Joel Weldon crosses paths with an
amazing man who redefines what it means to sell and deliver superior customer service. Buckle your seat belt and get
ready for a fascinating journey, as Joel Weldon helps you relive the adventures of Willie, and the amazing difference
that anyone can make, when they have passion for their work, and pride in everything they do. Blending real life
stories, inspiration, unique humor, and sales skills, Joel Weldon reveals a higher standard for selling and serving in
today's competitive marketplace.
DVD 1 hr 35 min | Code : KS70517 | RM 288
11 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
How to Captivate Your Prospects in a Distracted, Preoccupied World
Presentation skills training is critical for anyone who sells face to face. Every day, salespeople with superior products
and services lose business to their competitors because the sales presentation skills of their competitors are superior.
Many salespeople have a fear of speaking to groups, often because they don't have the presentation skills training and
public speaking skills they need to deliver their message in an effective and entertaining manner. Discover how you can
gain an unfair advantage, as veteran speaker and speech coach Patricia Fripp gives you dozens of ideas for taking your
sales presentation skills to the next level. You'll learn how to open, how to close, how to build credibility, how to use
stories, how to handle adverse questions, how to be remembered, and several other valuable public speaking
techniques that work. After viewing this presentation skills training program, you'll be more prepared, more persuasive,
and more powerful in front of any size audience.
DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS 70718 | RM 288
How to Create a Five Year Action Plan for Your Life
Effective goal setting is one of the most important habits you can develop. Goal setting is the core skill for achieving
success in your relationships, your health, and your profession. So why is it that many of us never get around to doing
it? In this fast-paced, entertaining session, motivational speaker Warren Greshes presents a proven system that takes
the guesswork out of goal setting. He will show you how to set your goals correctly, and then actually lead you through
the process of creating your five-year goal setting plan. If you know you need to get clear about your future, but haven't
yet clarified your vision, this program will give you the tools and motivation you need to get started now.
DVD 1 hr 05 min | Code : KS70315 | RM 288
COYOTE POWER | Joel Weldon
How to Thrive, Not Just Survive
Effective teamwork, adaptability, and courage are all critical to the success of any professional in today's business
climate. A shortcoming in any one of the three areas could cause failure, and possibly even extinction! In the animal
world, coyotes have not only survived, they have thrived in the face of an all-out war to exterminate them - because
they've learned adaptability techniques, teamwork skills, and they exhibit amazing courage. In this high-energy session,
award-winning speaker Joel Weldon shows you how to thrive by understanding the positive attributes of the coyote.
With adaptability, effective teamwork, and courage being the main themes, you'll learn several techniques and tools for
turning average performance into excellence, no matter what your career or profession is.
DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS70516 | RM 288
How to Set More Appointments & Close More Sales
Prospecting skills and telephone sales skills are critical to the success of many sales professionals. Those who's principle
activity is appointment setting or selling a product or service via the phone can greatly benefit from learning new
prospecting strategies, and telephone sales skills. Prospecting is a critical activity that typically leads to more sales, yet
most salespeople dislike it. In this fast-paced, entertaining session, Warren Greshes presents a proven system that takes
the guesswork out of prospecting skills and telemarketing. He will show you how to stay consistently motivated,
overcome call reluctance, develop a powerful script for setting appointments, keep track of your activity, lowersales
resistance, handle the most common objections with ease, and actually enjoy the entire process. If you know you need
to do more prospecting, but can't get yourself motivated on a consistent basis, this program will give you the telephone
sales skills and inspiration you need.
DVD 1 hr 05 min | Code : KS70314 | RM 288
How to Tap the Infinite Potential Within
Self-esteem and self-confidence play a major role in any quest for a happier, more fulfilling life. In this content-filled
training video, self-esteem expert Brian Tracy brings you dozens of important ideas for taking your self-esteem and self-
confidence to the next level. Of all the keys to success, self-confidence and self-esteem are the two critical factors that
impact all areas of life. They determine how much money you will earn, how happy you will be, the quality of your
relationships, your ability to attract the things you want, and more. Your self-confidence and self-esteem are
everything! The challenge is that most of us were programmed with messages that lower ourself-confidence from a
very young age, and this old programming interferes with our ability to conquer our most coveted dreams and goals. In
this powerful session, you'll learn all of the most critical laws for literally reprogramming your mind and boosting your
self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-concept to new levels.
DVD 1 hr 50 min | Code : KS70124 | RM 288
12 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
Part 1 - Psychological Hardiness
Part 2 - The Training & Trusting Mindsets
In this peak performance training video, you'll learn critical thinking skills that can help improve your results in several
areas of life. Being exceptional means using thinking skills that go against the way many of us were programmed to
think. We learned early on that failure, stress and obstacles are bad things, but that is not necessarily true. Top
performers use stress and failure to propel themselves to their next level, so they approach setbacks with different
thinking skills and a different mindset. Dr. Eliot has spent numerous hours working with top performers, studying their
thinking skills, and figuring out what makes them great. In this interesting and story-filled program, he shares important
principles from his findings that explain peak performance, and show you how to practice improved thinking skills.
DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS61115 | RM 288
How to Build Your Team, Your Career, and Yourself
Leadership training is critical to the success of any organization. Executives, managers, and business owners are
constantly creating a culture in their organizations through the leadership skills and style they demonstrate. Leadership
training should be a regular part of any company's training regimen, because managing and leading people is an art. It
takes a specific set of skills to do it well, in order to gain cooperation and create a breakthrough, high-performance
team. In this dynamic, content-loaded session, you'll discover specific leadership training strategies and techniques for
being an extraordinary leader. You'll learn how to motivate and positively connect with your team, how to use a coach
for outstanding results, the secrets of exceptional managers, managing different people differently, helping your people
clarify their goals, and more. With a detailed fourteen page note guide included, this is a high-content leadership
training program that will benefit everyone from the entry level manager to the chief executive officer.
DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS60920 | RM 288
Part One - Building Customer Loyalty
Part Two - Needs Analysis Selling (plus 2 bonus topics!)
This fast-paced sales training video is full of sales skills and customer loyalty ideas. Many salespeople spend the majority
of their time seeking new customers, while true sales professionals enjoy steady business from long-term clients. In part
one of this power-packed seminar, you'll learn how to advance your customers up the "customer loyalty ladder" to
higher levels of repeat business and more referrals than ever. In part two, you'll gain valuable sales training insights into
Needs Analysis Selling. Whether it's asking high quality questions, taking pertinent notes, or communicating for greater
understanding, sales training expert Don Hutson illustrates how we can be even more effective in every phase of the
sales process. As a value-added bonus, Don covers two additional topics of interest, The Evolution of Selling and Selling
Different People Differently. You'll walk away from these motivating sessions with new insights, knowledge, and drive.
DVD 1 hr 40 min | Code : KS60518 | RM 288
How to Better Your Communications & Improve Your Bottom Line
Effective communication skills and people skills are essential in business. In today's highly competitive world, you need
to connect with your customers and prospects better than your competitors do, and little things can have a big impact.
Using effective communication skills and people skills can make the difference between mediocrity and excellence.
In this high-energy program on effective people skills, you'll discover practical techniques and easy to implement
strategies for bettering your communication skills in all of the critical areas. Shawna Schuh covers voice mail, e-mail,
thank you notes, face-to-face communications and a number of other subtopics, all related to creating happier,
healthier interactions. You'll be more equipped than ever to build and maintain long-term relationships in your personal
and your professional life.
DVD 1 hr 25 min | Code : KS60719 | RM 288
13 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
Life Lessons from the Man Behind the Motivation
Les Brown has released a number of motivational videos over the years, and this is certainly one of the best. Many
people refer to Les Brown as one of the greatest motivational speakers in the world. He has been a motivational
business speaker for more than 30 years across a broad range of industries. This particular Les Brown motivational
video covers more about his life than any other. He uses his own life experience as an example, to teach powerful
principles and philosophies for overcoming life's greatest challenges, and going to your next level. You'll hear his best
stories ever, including the famous "You've Got to Be Hungry" story about how he made it as a disc jockey. You'll
discover the gift of forgiveness, how to have more energy, positive thinking strategies, the power of persistence,
expanding your dreams, and more. Les Brown also talks about winning the battle against prostate cancer, and the
mindset necessary to overcome any illness. If you are looking for a great motivationalbusiness speaker on video, this
program promises to deliver.
DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS60118 | RM 288
Innovative Ideas for Boosting Sales and Outsmarting the Competition
Customer retention is critical for most businesses. Experts have proven that it costs a whole lot more to attract a new
customer than it does to keep an existing one. Yet many companies do not have a specific customer retention plan in
place. In this exciting and idea loaded sales training video, you'll discover powerful customer retention strategies for
immediately boosting sales. Highly acclaimed speaker Michael Wickett delivers practical and unique ideas for
connecting with customers at a deeper level through questions, listening, andcommunication excellence. He shares
clever tactics for boosting customer loyalty, plus he shows you how to get more referrals than ever before. He'll also
show you a method and order in which to ask questions that will have a direct relation on how much the customer likes
you. Finally, Michael Wickett shares creative and impactful ideas for winning your customers' trust and keeping it for
life! You will thoroughly enjoy and benefit from this outstanding sales training video for increasing customer retention.
DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS60315 | RM 288
How to Tap Your Full Potential and Realize Your Dreams
Les Brown is an explosive motivational speaker, and this performance is one of his best ever! He brings a passion to the
platform that is unparalleled by any other motivational speaker, and it is 100% from the heart. In this compelling
motivational video, Les Brown shares the importance of living your dreams now, and not waiting for "some day" to go
after your biggest aspirations. He will help you to expand your vision of what's possible, and boost your belief in your
goals and vision. Research has shown that most people go to their graves with their music still in them, and the majority
of their dreams left unfulfilled. Don't be a victim of this common destiny that only leads to regrets. From powerful
success principles to captivating stories, Les Brown's energy as a motivational speaker will inspire you to leap towards
your new, expanded vision with more enthusiasm than ever before. Discover for yourself why Les Brown is in high
demand as a motivational speaker.
DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS 60117 | RM 288
How to Manage Your Time & Organize Your Life
Effective time management is one of the most important skills for boosting productivity. In this powerful time
management session by Brian Tracy, you'll learn how to organize every area of your life. You'll discover several time
management tips, including the best ways to eliminate time wasters, time management techniques for maximizing
productivity, how to increase your personal power, how to make yourself more valuable, and keys for staying
motivated. No matter what you do for a living, this session promises to bring your timemanagement skills and
organizational skills to a new level.
DVD 1 hr 40 min | Code : KS51117 | RM 288
How to Double Your Sales & Double Your Income
In this powerful sales training video recorded in front of a live audience, you'll learn sales skills that will take your career
to the next level. Sales training legend Brian Tracy gives you a series of practical, proven closing sales techniques you
can use immediately to increase productivity. You'll learn prospecting skills, overcoming call reluctance, getting more
qualified appointments, building long-term relationships, and closing the sale. You'll also learn how to get and stay
motivated to reach your important sales goals, all year long. From rookies to veterans, this is a "must view" sales
training program.
DVD 1 hr 40 min | Code : KS51116 | RM 288
14 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
Proven Life Skills for Creating Balance, Happiness, and a Positive Mental Attitude
In this fast-paced positive attitude training video, top motivational speaker Ed Foreman recommends a series of easy to
implement strategies for overcoming the daily bombardment of negativity surrounding us. You'll learn the basic habit
patterns of winners, techniques for overcoming worry, how to help others to have a more positive attitude, and dozens
of ideas to make sure that every day is a terrific day. Whether you are in sales, service, management, or any other
capacity in business, maintaining a positive attitude is critical for success.
DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS50920 | RM 288
How to Get, Keep, & Wow Customers in a Competitive Market
Customer service training can positively impact customer retention and is an essential part of any retail, service or sales
organization. For more than 20 years, Jane Handly has been a highly sought-after customer service training expert. She
teaches practical ideas on exceeding expectations, handling difficult situations, increasing internal teamwork, boosting
sales and much more. As dynamic as she is down to earth, her unique style captivates and motivates people to go the
extra mile to wow their customers. Customer service training can make the difference between customer loyalty and
customer indifference. Make sure your team is equipped with all the skills they can get to take their customer service
skills to the next level.
DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS50719 | RM 288
THE TRUST FACTOR | Kerry Johnson, PhD
Psychological Techniques for Building Long Term Clients & Closing More Sales
Building trust has never played as important a role as it does in today's business climate. People want to feel a true
relationship with their sales representative, or they will simply go to the Internet and find a less expensive alternative.
In this high-energy sales training video with Dr. Kerry Johnson, PhD, you'll discover some of the most advanced
techniques for quickly breaking the ice with your clients, building trust, and connecting with them at a deeper level. He
will teach you the differences between the visual, the auditory, and the kinaesthetic communication styles, and how to
build trust with each one. You'll develop insights into the most persuasive words & colors to use in business. Dr. Kerry
Johnson, PhD will also show you how to increase the number of referrals you get by doing customer check-ups on a
regular basis. Incorporating neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques with a number of other interesting strategies
for connecting more effectively with others, this program will definitely keep your attention. You'll be building trust
faster than ever before.
DVD 00 hr 55 min | Code : KS50518 | RM 288
PHONE POWER | George Walther
How to Make the Telephone Your Most Powerful Business Tool
Telephone sales skills are critical to anyone in telemarketing, inside sales, outside sales, collections, and even customer
service. And when it comes to telephone sales skills, George Walther wrote the book on the subject (Phone Power,
Putnam Books). Get ready for a content-loaded training video that will give you specific telephone sales skills for
immediately improving your results. You'll learn ideas on how to communicate with clarity, connect with hard-to-reach
people, eliminate phone tag, create higher customer loyalty, use voice mail more effectively, and more. You'll learn and
quickly benefit from these proven, practical ideas for taking your telephone sales skills to the next level.
DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS50315 | RM 288
Innovative Tactics for Taking Your Client Base to A Whole New Level
Sales and marketing training is essential for any business, small or large. No matter what your industry is, sales and
marketing training can give you the competitive edge. In this fast-paced, entertaining, and idea-loaded program, you'll
learn dozens of innovative tactics for selling and marketing your products and services more effectively than ever
before. You'll hear clever stories loaded with insights, ideas, and humor. And finally you'll be reminded of some of the
most important sales basics that many of us tend to forget. If you are ready to start thinking outside the box, Jeff
Slutsky's sales and marketing training seminar will give you the tools you need, with an entertaining twist.
DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS50119 | RM 288
15 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail |
MEMORY POWER | Blaine Athorn
Supercharge Your Mind to Instantly Recall Names, Ideas & Information
Memory training can be beneficial for students and business professionals alike. With information coming to us at a
faster speed than ever, there has never been a more important time to enjoy the benefits of memory training. The fact
is, most people never receive memory training in high school or college, yet the benefits can be immense. Whether it's
a clients name or a new product presentation, or studying for an exam, we could all benefit from using ourmemory
more effectively.
DVD 1 hr 55 min | Code : KS41116 | RM 288
Precision Sales & Management Tools for Dramatically Increasing Productivity
This revolutionary sales training program covers sales strategies that are anything but typical. It is designed for
situations where the prospect feels a certain level of risk when making the buying decision. If you sell financial services,
insurance, security systems, high-ticket items, or any other products or services with a high level of inherent tension,
these sales strategies could be invaluable. You'll learn that there is one critical ingredient that determines if, and what,
your prospects will buy and when they'll take action. You'll learn the 5 phases of the sales process in a way you've never
heard before, and you'll understand how to lead the prospect along the MasterStream of tension. This program is not a
re-hash of the basics, but practical and innovative sales strategies for more effectively influencing others in a non-
manipulative manner. Once you learn these techniques, you'll probably never sell the old way again. Find out why so
many people are calling MasterStream the ultimate sales training tool.
DVD 2 hr 05 min | Code : KS40915 | RM 288
How to Use The Secret Law of Attraction
This powerful motivational video features Bob Proctor in front of a live audience delivering his core seminar on the
secret law of attraction and the science of getting rich. Bob Proctor has been teaching the law of attraction and the
science of getting rich for more than 40 years, and is widely considered one of the world's greatest authorities on the
subjects. As an internationally sought-after motivational speaker, Bob Proctor teaches the essence of Napoleon Hill's
bestselling classic book, Think and Grow Rich, and does it in an energetic, witty, and captivating manner. As Bob says in
the program, "this information is priceless", and claims he has bragging rights, because none of the material is his. As
thought provoking as he is entertaining, Bob Proctor covers his entire core philosophy in this dynamic training video,
complete with dozens of vibrant slides and visuals. This bestseller will help you to think outside the box, better
understand the law of attraction, and activate the science of getting rich in your life.
DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS40714 | RM 288
THE PLATINUM RULE | Tony Alessandra
Powerful People Skills for Building Long Term Relationships
Understanding behavioral styles is critical for anyone in business today. Contrary to the popular Golden Rule, people do
not necessarily want to be treated the way you want to be treated. Everybody has a preferred way they like to be
treated, and understanding behavioral styles will help you connect with others in a way that is natural and comfortable
to them.
DVD 1 hr 50 min | Code : KS40519 | RM 288
MAKE MY LIFE EASIER | Warren Greshes
What the 21st Century Customer Really Wants
Expert speaker Warren Greshes is right on target in this motivational business training video geared towards boosting
customer satisfaction. In it, he shares the importance of delivering extraordinary quality, service, convenience, and
value, no matter what industry you are in. With the ability to buy almost anything online, the day of the mediocre
salesperson is dead. The 21st century customer is more demanding than ever and will only deal with people who are
ready, willing, and able to add extra value to everything they sell. And it's not just value ... It's quality, service,
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increasing customer retention.
DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS40316 | RM 288
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Master Keys for Reaching Your Next Level
From goal setting to the psychology of achievement, New York Times bestselling author and motivational speaker Brian
Tracy knows what he is talking about. This powerful session on staying positively focused is filled with ideas for higher
achievement. You'll learn exactly what to do in order to the break negative patterns that are stopping you from
reaching your next level. Goal setting is one of the core skills for creating your ideal life. You'll discover the critical steps
necessary to stay focused on your goals and make the goal setting process fun, instead of a chore. You'll also get the
motivational boost you may need, to follow through on your goals and keep yourself in balance. Loaded with great
ideas and philosophies for the achievement of big dreams, this power-packed training video is one of Brian Tracy's best
2 hr 05 min | Code : KS 40120 | RM 288
THE POWER OF VISION | Michael Wickett
How to Remove the Roadblocks and Conquer Your Dreams
Creating a new vision for your life is easier said than done. Many people are held back by a tendency to focus on the
past and dwell on what is not working. Top motivational speaker Michael Wickett helps you break through the fog to
create a clearer vision for your life in this powerful motivational video. He explains that we have unlimited potential (18
billion available brain cells), but it means nothing unless we use it effectively. This exciting and idea loaded program will
help you to achieve greater focus, overcome obstacles, enjoy higher levels of happiness, and create a new vision in
alignment with your most important goals. If you're looking for a simple formula to help you get a clearer vision for your
life, and achieve it more rapidly, this program contains the tools to make it happen.
DVD 2 hr 05 min | Code : KS31119 | RM 288
POWER TALKING | George Walther
How to Say What You Mean & Get What You Want
Communication skills training is extremely important for people in sales, management, customer service, public
speaking, or any position dealing with people. In this powerful communication skills training video, expert George
Walther shares the knowledge, skills, and insights necessary to take your communication skills to the next level. You'll
learn specific ideas on how to be more positive, more persuasive, improve your first impression, improve teamwork,
and use positive language to serve at a higher level. Whether routinely communicating with co-workers or clients, or
defusing hostile customers, or seeking to build sales cooperation, or simply aiming to project a more positive image for
your organization, you'll see results fast with this content-loaded communication skills training video.
DVD 2 hr 05 min | Code : KS30716 | RM 288
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Seminars on DVD

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  • 2. Success Secrets and Practical Ideas from America's Top Speakers and Trainers SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES (by K-Suria S/B) For nearly 10 years, SDMR has provided educators and train- ers with the highest quality programs, products and services to support the success of every learners at all levels. Our selection of digital media resources can enable you to imple- ment innovative teaching and leading strategies. Take ad- vantage of proven solutions and resources that address your educational and professional development challenges. SEMINARS ON DVD Since 1988, Seminars on DVD’s parent company, The Yes! Network, has been producing live seminars featuring some of the finest speakers and trainers in North America. Over the years, dozens of industry giants have appeared, such as Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Tony Ales- sandra, Terri Sjodin, and Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul. With the introduction of digital video (DVDs), along with numerous requests to bring Yes! seminars to other parts of the United States, and even other countries, Seminars on DVD was born. Now, all of The Yes! Network’s world-class speakers and seminars are recorded live, on high-quality digital video, so customers all over the world can enjoy and benefit. Produced with high-tech, multi-camera video teams and top notch editing studios, each Seminar on DVD is a broadcast quality learning tool that’s perfect for everything from an individual viewing on a computer or television, to a large conference facility with big screen projection equipment for dozens, if not hundreds, of people. Companies and organizations in a wide variety of industries are saving thousands by utilizing Seminars on DVD in place of live seminars. Now, they can train and motivate their entire staff for less than the cost of a single seminar ticket. With topics on boosting sales, increasing productivity, motivating employees, outsmarting the competition, serving customers at higher levels than ever before, and many others, the benefits are ap- parent. Through feedback we’ve gathered over the years, Seminars on DVD are used in many ways. Sales managers use them to train and motivate their team during sales meetings, general managers & small business owners educate their entire staffs, companies build learning libraries where the DVDs are viewed over and over again, some firms use the seminars as part of their initial training for new hires, while others encourage their em- ployees to watch the programs on their PCs while eating lunch ... the uses are limitless! TO ORDER, CONTACT : K-Suria Sdn. Bhd. 19-1, Jalan DU 2/1 Taman Damai Utama, 47180 Puchong, Selangor Malaysia T | 603-80790811 F | 603-80761846 . E |
  • 3. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 1 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | BRAIN SELLING | Patrick Schul Innovative Strategies for Converting Prospects into Clients Today we live in a different world where time-pressed, distracted buyers find it more and more difficult to see meaningful differences between competitors. So it's the ability to engage your prospect, hold attention, and develop quality relationships that will convert that prospect into a client. In this fascinating program Dr. Patrick Schul uncovers important information about how buyers use their brains to make decisions. You'll learn that many of the traditional selling methods have major flaws, and don't work with today's savvy buyers. Then he'll teach you exactly how to improve your oral conversations, written materials, and presentation tools by leveraging these powerful insights. DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS120516 | RM 288 ETHICAL INTELLIGENCE | Bruce Weinstein, PhD Five Principles for Making the Right Decisions Every Time In this lively, fun and practical seminar, Dr. Bruce Weinstein shows you how to increase your ethics IQ in every area of your life. Over the years, scandals have challenged the public's perception of business, so now more than ever, it's important that we act with honor and integrity. With that in mind, this seminar will cover five simple principles that will strengthen your relationships, promote positive word-of-mouth, and help you make the right decisions every time, everywhere. Through numerous real-life examples, Dr. Weinstein applies the five principles of ethical intelligence to some of the toughest problems you face with colleagues, clients and other valued people in your life. DVD 1 hr 00 min | Code : KS120321 | RM 288 CREATING A CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE | Randy Pennington How to Partner with Customers, Engage Your Team and Realize Your Vision Building a successful business goes far beyond providing good products and services. Great companies create cultures that attract the right employees and create buy-in to the bigger vision. In this dynamic program loaded with powerful stories and examples, expert speaker Randy Pennington guides you through the fundamentals that lead to long-term growth and bottom-line results. You'll learn how to differentiate your business from the competition, guide people through change, build greater trust, strengthen employee and customer relationships, and create true accountability in your organization. In a world where competition is constantly trying to steal away your customers, your best defense is creating a culture of excellence. DVD 1 hr 25 min | Code : KS120320 | RM 288 DOMINATE YOUR MARKET | Grant Cardone How to Gain the Attention You Need to Succeed in Any Economy The ability to sell others is as critical to your success as food, water and oxygen is to life. Every person on this planet is required to sell their ideas in order to advance themselves and achieve their goals. To do it well requires gaining the attention of others. In this high-energy, captivating program, legendary speaker/trainer Grant Cardone will teach you how to gain more attention, pump up your attitude, expand your goals, overcome objections and sell more effectively than ever before. You'll walk away from this seminar with a new, bolder approach towards success and the motivation you'll need to bring your big new goals into reality. It's time to stop competing and start dominating your market. DVD 1 hr 00 min | Code : KS120118 | RM 288 COMMUNICATION SKILLS THAT WORK | Marilyn Sherman How to Resolve Conflict and Increase Cooperation Are you uncomfortable when you have to confront someone? Do you cringe at conflict? Would you like to create more harmony and cooperation? In this seminar, you'll not only learn tools to communicate more effectively, you'll gain the confidence to stand up to bullies, and speak your truth with grace. No longer will you have to run away from conflict or confrontation. With these powerful and practical ideas, you'll know exactly what to say, how to say it and when to say it. Whether you're a manager, supervisor, or just someone who needs help in dealing with difficult people, these skills can reduce unnecessary conflict, increase cooperation, boost your confidence, and help you to create more harmonious relationships in every area of your life. DVD 00 hr 55 min | Code : KS 111116 | RM 288
  • 4. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 2 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | SUCCESS STRATEGIES THAT WORK | Marilyn Sherman How to Create a Vision, Set Goals & Lead an Extraordinary Life Have you ever felt like you were in a rut, stuck in a comfort zone, or unable to break through to your next level? It's common and frustrating, but life doesn't have to be that way. With the right strategies, anyone can take their life to a whole new dimension, and that's exactly what you'll learn how to do in this high-energy, high-content seminar. In less than an hour, you'll uncover strategies for creating a new vision, setting and achieving bigger goals, staying more positive, reflecting on your past successes, and gaining the support of people who will help turn your vision into a reality. And all of these skills are delivered through stories and examples that make the process easy. It's time to break through any barriers that may be holding you back and lead the life that you've always dreamed of. DVD 00 hr 55 min | Code : KS111115 | RM 288 POWERFUL PRESENTATIONS | Craig Valentine How to Speak with Impact and Persuade with Ease How is it that the world's top presenters seem to effortlessly keep audiences on the edge of their seats? How do they sell themselves and their message with ease? In this interactive, workshop-style seminar, you learn the secrets of messaging and persuasion that will help you breathe life into your presentations. You'll discover how to craft your message, sell your ideas through story, eliminate common mistakes and deliver your program so that people are truly motivated to take action. Whether you give an occasional presentation or desire a full time speaking career, this program will increase your confidence and competence, as you discover new tools that work with every audience, every time. DVD 1 hr 00 min | Code : KS 110914 | RM 288 PRACTICAL TEAM BUILDING | Mark Sanborn How to Make Teamwork Work with Anybody, Anyplace, Anytime Most companies have teams in place - customer service, management, sales, etc. The challenge is that many team members have never been taught effective teamwork strategies. In this practical, easy to implementtraining session, award-winning speaker Mark Sanborn shares key ideas and techniques for building a more cohesive, productive team. You'll learn the five characteristics of a unified team, six skills that all effective teams use, three reasons why teamwork doesn't work, how to instill greater cooperation, and much more. These skills are applicable to anybody, in any industry, virtually anywhere in the world. Both team members and leaders will walk away from this seminar with an easy to use framework for developing a team where everyone wins. DVD 1 hr 10 min | Code : KS110721 | RM 288 PHENOMENAL CUSTOMER SERVICE | Shep Hyken How to Create Moments of Magic that Turn Ordinary Interactions into Memorable Experiences In today's highly competitive marketplace, ordinary interactions will only get you so far. In order to create long-term, secure relationships with your clients and customers, you need to amaze them. In this thoroughly engaging, high content seminar, you'll learn how to make a great first impression, build rapport, communicate more effectively, exceed expectations, avoid moments of misery and much more. While you're learning these practical strategies, you'll be totally entertained with Shep Hyken's astonishing magic. His philosophy is, "moments of magic don't just happen, they're created by people who know the formula." DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS110720 | RM 288 NETWORKING SKILLS THAT WORK | Shawna Schuh How to Create Winning Interactions That Lead to Positive Results In a world where people are constantly communicating electronically, face to face interaction can be a key strategy for success. Human beings have a primal need to connect with others, and the way you interact can easily make the difference between rich, long-term, rewarding relationships, or contacts that lead to nothing. In this high content, high energy seminar, you'll get the keys to unlock the treasure of creating powerful relationships - because people are the source of our greatest joys and triumphs! Effective face to face connecting and interacting can help you increase sales, gain a promotion, get hired, make more friends, and be a more effective leader. DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS110315 | RM 288
  • 5. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 3 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | PERPETUAL ACHIEVEMENT | Mark Sanborn How to Succeed When Times Are Good, Bad or In Between Whether the economy is up, down, rising or falling influences your success - to a degree. What matters even more is something within your direct control: your economy, the economy of one. In this stirring presentation, internationally renowned speaker Mark Sanborn shares mindsets and methods that will keep you winning, growing and succeeding, no matter what's going on in your world. You'll learn practical ideas for overcoming obstacles, creating value, innovating continuously, connecting with key contacts, practicing gratitude and much more. And it's not just a "feel good" seminar, as these strategies will inspire, inform, and help you generate the results you need to create perpetual achievement in every area of your life. DVD 1 hr 10 min | Code : KS110719 | RM 288 STEP UP, LEAD & BE THE ONE! | Jonathan Sprinkles How to Sell Yourself and Your Ideas to Create Positive Change At the root of every positive change is someone who wanted things to be better. They didn't settle for the status quo, but instead stepped up and became a catalyst for change. In this captivating program, award-winning speaker Jonathan Sprinkles shares powerful stories and motivating principles for being the one who reshapes your future, both at home and at work. You'll learn how to sell yourself and your ideas, maintain a positive attitude of expectation, thank others with sincerity, build your confidence, keep yourself motivated and much more. Regardless of your title or level of experience, learn how to be a Change-Maker in your organization, as well as in your personal life. It's time to take charge of your circumstances and be the one! DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS110519 | RM 288 EMOTIONAL BRANDING | Scott Deming Leadership, Service & Teamwork Strategies for Creating Sustainable Success Service today is typical and transactional. People look at customers as an opportunity for a sale, rather than a meaningful interaction that will turn that customer into a loyal fan for life. Customer service is dying because people simply stopped looking at other people as fellow human beings. In this thought-provoking fast paced program, brand building expert Scott Deming uncovers key principles for creating experiences that keep people coming back and telling others about you. He'll show proof positive that advertising is simply awareness. It's sincere caring and extraordinary emotional experiences that are the key to sustainable personal and professional success. Whether you're leading a team or serving people on the front line, this program will inspire you to perform at a whole new level. DVD 1 hr 35 min | Code : KS 110518 | RM 288 PURPOSE, PASSION & PERSISTENCE | Desi Williamson Putting Your "Will Power" to Work for Maximum Results Get ready to unleash your greatness in this powerful seminar featuring award winning speaker Desi Williamson. Through captivating stories and useful examples, Desi illustrates the action oriented mindset required to overcome obstacles and achieve any goal you set. You'll learn how to reignite your purpose, stay focused on the big picture, develop true "will power", become a master of change, raise your performance level, challenge your fears, and much more. Desi Williamson believes that when you remove the mental mountains that stand between you and your goals, things start to happen quickly. So, if you believe "Where there's a will, there's a way!", it's your turn to step up and live the life you've always dreamed of. DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS110121 | RM 288 SuperCompetent® | Laura Stack The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best To be successful in the business world and reach your full potential in life, it's not enough to be simply competent. Our modern, super-competitive world is full of opportunities for the go-getter, but to take advantage of them, it's essential to become SuperCompetent. But super-competence isn't something you're born with - it's something that you can learn, no matter where your strengths lie or what industry you work in. In SuperCompetent, productivity expert Laura Stack identifies the behaviors that build leadership skills, boost organizational efficiency, and blast high-potential producers to the top of their fields. With Stack's six keys, you'll be able to consistently improve your performance, develop the confidence that will propel you forward, and achieve breakthrough results in your career. DVD 1 hr 00 min | Code : KS 110120 | RM 288
  • 6. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 4 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | THE ACCOUNTABILITY ADVANTAGE | Sam Silverstein Practical Tools for Personal and Organizational Growth Why do some succeed while others fail? It starts with eliminating excuses, eradicating justifications and taking personal accountability for choices, actions and results. It starts with accountability. In this practical program you'll learn the four phases of accountability and the five critical, but often overlooked, ways to be proactively accountable. You'll learn how to increase your success and significance, both in business and in life, and you'll take an honest look at yourself and values. You'll also discover what road-blocks might be stopping you from achieving your goals. These principles apply to almost every profession or industry, no matter what you are trying to achieve. By creating an organizational culture based on accountability, companies and individuals grow stronger. DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS110117 | RM 288 THE ULTIMATE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE | Scott McKain How to Put More "Show Business" in Your Business It's not enough anymore to just serve customers. Every professional and each organization must develop the kind of connection with its customers that a blockbuster film or compelling television series creates with its audience! We have become a culture that expects an "experience" to be an integral part of doing business. An equitable transaction is no longer enough to keep people coming back. Therefore, those organizations that understand how to execute the strategies necessary for creating compelling relationships thorough the customer and employee experience will find themselves leading the pack. This program is highly recommended for all entrepreneurs, sales representatives, managers, and customer service professionals. DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS101116 | RM 288 SMART TIME MANAGEMENT | Laura Stack 10 Characteristics of Highly Productive People In this practical, fast-paced program, time management expert Laura Stack shares insights gathered from some of the most successful people in world. You'll discover behaviors that are easy to implement and can make a huge difference in your personal and professional life. You'll learn how to stay focused and concentrate, communicate with your team and boss to improve personal productivity, build consistent personal routines, plug productivity leaks in your day, eliminate annoying time wasters, and improve your personal efficiency. Anyone integrating these principles into their daily routine will enjoy significantly higher levels of productivity, lower levels of stress, and greater balance in every area of their life. DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS110119 | RM 288 CUSTOMER SERVICE STRATEGIES THAT WORK | Lisa Ford How to Create More Loyalty in a Dynamic Competitive Marketplace Your employees and their customer service skills may be the only thing that differentiates you from the competition. And customers are more sophisticated and educated than ever before. That's why it's critically important to make sure employee skills are constantly updated to meet ever-rising customer expectations. In this content-rich seminar, your front-line team members will learn practical skills and proven systems for improvingcustomer service at every touch point, all along the cycle. They'll gain numerous hands-on techniques including - how to listen attentively, uncover customer needs, calm down angry customers, win back disgruntled customers, handle conflict, and keep an attitude of "customers first" all day. Any organization putting these principles into action will quickly be out-servicing the competition. DVD 2 hr 05 min | Code : KS100915 | RM 288 THE TRUTH ABOUT LYING | Stan Walters Uncovering Myths and Facts About Deception What is the cost of being lied to? How can you tell when people are being dishonest with you? Explore these and other important questions in this eye-opening, fascinating program that dispels myths about lying, and gives you the cold hard facts. You'll discover that many of the most commonly believed symptoms of lying are not accurate, plus you'll learn the tell tale signs that are significant. You'll also explore verbal and non-verbal cues that are consistent with deceptive behavior, as well as stress response behaviors that indicate the subject is lying. Whether you are interviewing a prospective employee, hiring a contractor, or simply communicating with your kids, you'll now have the insights and strategies for detecting deception when it counts. DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS100916 | RM 288
  • 7. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 5 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | CUSTOMER SERVICE FROM THE HEART | James Lloyd How to Genuinely Serve Others at the Highest Level Possible How would your customers grade their experience with your company? Are you getting an A+ from everycustomer in each of the critical service areas? If not, what can you do to raise their grade? In this entertaining and practical customer service seminar, veteran speaker James Lloyd explores all of these questions, and many more. Several key ideas are discussed, including the importance of genuine caring, how to retain your customers by avoiding the big mistake many companies make, why internal customer service is critical, the importance of powerful apologies, dealing with irate customers, projecting more enthusiasm, and much more. When you genuinely care about your customers in the way that James teaches, you can take your business to a whole new level. DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS100520 | RM 288 WINGMAN TEAM BUILDING & LEADERSHIP | Lt. Col. Rob (Waldo) Waldman A Fighter Pilot's Guide to Reaching New Heights in Business and Life What does it take to overcome fear and lead with courage when facing adversity? How can you build trusting partnerships in your personal and professional life, and live congruent with your core values? Discover answers to these questions and many more in this high-flying adventure featuring highly decorated US Air Force fighter pilot Lt. Col. Rob "Waldo" Waldman. On this critical mission, you'll learn leadership and teamwork principles covering a wide range of areas including focus, integrity, collaboration, overcoming fear, and maintaining a commitment to excellence. Whether you're in the cockpit of an F-16 or in a chair at your office, these same principles apply when it comes to soaring to new heights both individually and as a team. DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS100721 | RM 288 ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS | Dan Coughlin 19 Action Steps to Achieve Outstanding, Sustainable Results How can any organization consistently improve its most important desired outcomes, and do it in a way that is sustainable? In the end, it comes down to mastering simple, practical processes that can be repeated over and over again. In this content-loaded seminar, Dan Coughlin guides you through 19 specific action steps covering a variety of important topics, including leadership, innovation, branding, and sales. You'll learn how to unleash more creativity, connect through listening, give better feedback, increase the perceived value of your offering, influence others even more effectively, and much more. If you follow all of the practical advice contained in this program, you are sure to generate outstanding results that are truly sustainable. DVD 1 hr 40 min | Code : KS100316 | RM 288 SUPREME INFLUENCE | Niurka How to Inspire Yourself & Others to Take Definitive Action Your ability to influence yourself and others has a huge impact on every area of your life. It is the cornerstone of any successful salesperson, as well as the core skill needed to live a congruent life that is in line with your most important values. In this high-energy session, you'll learn and practice the most influential communication methods that produce instant and empowering results for everyone involved. This course is packed important strategies and philosophies that Niurka has honed and mastered over the last 20 years. From building trust and rapport more quickly to shifting your own "state" when it counts, you'll walk away with a larger vision for your career and your life. Discover how much more inspiring and persuasive you could be, as Niurka guides you through the art of Supreme Influence. Niurka's life is a story of tenacity, transformation and triumph. As a highly sought-after speaker for more than 15 years, Niurka teaches from real world experience, using the same principles that transformed her past of pain and struggle into a life of passion, purpose and service. Her teachings incorporate psychological frameworks, cognitive science studies, neuro linguistic programming, quantum mechanic theories and the most insightful philosophies and spiritual wisdom from around the globe. Discover why Niurka is one of the fastest rising stars on the speaking circuit today. DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS100519 | RM 288 THANK GOD IT'S MONDAY | Roxanne Emmerich How to Build a Team with a Passion for Performance Are your people bringing all of their passion, commitment, skills and enthusiasm to the workplace everyday? Are dysfunctional viruses such as whining, gossip, and sabotage contaminating the spirit of winning you've been trying to create? Based on her best-selling business book by the same name, this seminar covers a number of powerful strategies for turning whiners into winners, eliminating gossip, holding people accountable, providing higher levels of service, and creating a more positive workplace. Take charge of change in your organization, and turn even the most negative team members into driving forces who help propel the organization to its next level. DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS100318 | RM 288
  • 8. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 6 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | PERFORMANCE DRIVEN SELLING | Jeff Magee How to Move Beyond the Basics to Extraordinary Sales Success High performance in the sales arena is a matter of strategy and discipline. Top sales people are those who have disciplined themselves to do what others aren't willing to do, or don't know how to do. In this high-powered, fast-paced program you'll get a blueprint for success that is certain to take your sales results to the next level. You'll discover practical strategies that will help you to be more effective at prospecting, networking, developing a game plan, understanding your best customer's profile, expanding the range of products and services you offer, and much more. In addition, you'll discover an easy to use system for getting the most important things done first. This seminar will engage you from beginning to end, and is the perfect solution for any sales team performing below their full potential. DVD 1 hr 40 min | Code : KS100119 | RM 288 GO FOR NO! | Richard Fenton The Ultimate Strategy for Failing Your Way to Success Everyone loves the sound of the word YES... it's so positive, so empowering. And then there's "NO!" For most people, NO is just the opposite... negative, draining, the antithesis of YES. But what if that could change? What if you could achieve every quota, hit every income goal, and reach every personal dream, simply by changing the way you think, feel, and respond to hearing the word NO? In this practical and insightful seminar, you'll learn exactly how to re-shift your thinking to start enjoying and embracing rejection. You'll discover startling statistics and see real world examples that prove you're leaving money on the table. Richard Fenton shows you exactly what to do, and most importantly how to think, in order to immediately increase sales and boost your results in many areas of your life. DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS91111 | RM 288 MOTIVATION STARTS WITH ATTITUDE | James Malinchak How to Refuel, Recharge and Re-energize Your Life Your attitude affects every area of your personal and professional life. From your level of motivation, to the relationships you build, to the accomplishments you achieve, attitude is everything, and you've probably heard that before. The challenge is, in the midst of our day-to-day busy lives, it's easy to forget. In this outstanding motivational program, James Malinchak gives you the keys to living a happier, more fulfilled life, and he does it through incredible stories and hard-hitting facts. You'll learn critical lessons about commitment, persistence, gratitude, teamwork, adding value, creating more purpose, networking for results, attracting mentors, and being fired up every day. Through James' high energy personality, and comical style you'll be thoroughly entertained from beginning to end. DVD 1 hr 35 min | Code : KS91112 | RM 288 REMARKABLE COMMUNICATION SKILLS | Pamela Jett Effective Tools for Managing Difficult People and Situations When a difficult person or situation arises, many of us don't know what to say, or how to handle it. We allow ourselves to react rather than respond effectively. From now on, you'll be armed with powerful tools and tactics for gracefully handling any situation, no matter how difficult or challenging it might be. Using her unique blend of humor and real- world application, communication skills expert Pamela Jett will share what everyone ought to know about communicating more effectively, both at home and at work. You'll discover startling facts about how most professionals are sabotaging their communication success and damaging relationships in the process. From dealing with irate customers to getting along better with co-workers, this program will bring you numerous insights that will have an immediate impact on how you approach and handle all of your most important interactions. DVD 1 hr 25 min | Code : KS 90120 | RM 288 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP | Tom Flick Getting Yourself and Others to the Go-Side of Life The people that you lead are looking to you for answers. They want to know, "Where are we going, how are we going to get there, and what does the future look like?" If you have kids, they want to know the same things. In this inspiring program, master speaker Tom Flick uses powerful stories and relevant examples to get you thinking about the big important questions that every leader needs to ask. He discusses the critical characteristics of effective leaders, and explains how they can communicate their vision in a compelling manner that rallies people together to tackle their cause. From heart warming stories to hard-hitting realities, this program is filled with motivating ideas, and inspirational messages for leading at a higher level. DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS90519 | RM 288
  • 9. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 7 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | THE FUN FACTOR | Christine Cashen How to Boost Productivity, Lower Stress and Understand People Better Than Ever Study after study shows that organizations and teams that have fun on a regular basis get more done. Having more fun at work improves morale, keeps people motivated, lowers stress, and leads to a happier workplace environment. At home, the benefits are just as evident. Get ready to bring more fun into your personal and professional life, as expert speaker and motivator Christine Cashen brings you this fast-paced, entertaining program. You'll discover keys to having more fun, ideas for managing challenging situations, tactics for lowering stress, exercises for creative thinking, methods for understanding others more effectively, and much more. Whether it's other people who are driving you crazy, or you just need a little more fun in your own life, this program is guaranteed to add more joy to everything you do. DVD 1 hr 25 min | Code : KS90716 | RM 288 KEYS TO A BETTER LIFE | Michael Wickett How to Transform Your Reality Through Goals, Focus and Belief Imagine it's one hundred eighty days from now, and your life is dramatically better. You're health, relationships, and career goals are all falling into place. You're making more money, and feeling more at peace with yourself. You're excited about your future, while living in the present. This can be your reality, as you implement the steps Michael Wickett outlines in this captivating program. First you'll discover what may be holding you back. Then you'll embark on a journey towards creating your ideal compelling future, and learn the time-proven, critical steps for making your dreams a reality. You'll also discover the power of forgiveness, how to change your perceptions, and how to be more focused than ever. Whether you are already living your dreams, or could you some inspiration, this program will give you the tools, direction, and motivation to transform your most important aspirations into realities. DVD 1 hr 35 min | Code : KS80319 | RM 288 GUERRILLA NEGOTIATING | Orvel Ray Wilson How to Create a Fair Advantage in an Unfair World You negotiate constantly with almost everyone you meet, for time, for resources, for things you buy and sell. You negotiate with your spouse over which movie to see, and with your teenagers over car keys and curfews. You negotiate with lenders and suppliers, as well as with lawyers. And just because they're nice people doesn't mean they have your best interests at heart. In this content-loaded program, you'll learn how to protect yourself, and gain a fair advantage in any negotiation. Most people have a particular negotiating style, and when you recognize how they operate, you'll know how to counter their tactics, both obvious and subtle. Gain the edge in any negotiating situation when you're armed with these powerful and practical weapons. DVD 1 hr 40 min | Code : KS80916 | RM 288 ADVANCED BODY LANGUAGE | Bill Acheson Nonverbal Communication Skills for Greater Understanding Studies consistently demonstrate that words are only a small piece of the communication puzzle. There is much more that happens at a subconscious level that impacts our ability to connect with others and be truly understood. In this exciting and humorous program you'll discover how people communicate subtle and obvious messages through nonverbal language. This humorous program examines virtually every aspect of conscious and subconscious communication including time, space, appearance, posture, gesture, voice, facial expression, eye contact, touch, silence, and even smell. You'll know how to tell if people are lying to you, and what their real intentions are. You'll also learn how to project yourself with greater confidence, and influence people with more precision than ever before. DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS90520 | RM 288 EXTRAORDINARY RELATIONSHIPS |Tommy Spaulding How to Create Authentic Interactions that Transform Your Organization and Your Life Personal gain is often the driving force behind many business and personal relationships. Whether it's trying to up sell a costumer, get a promotion or receive free tickets to a sporting event, a "what's in it for me" attitude prevails in our society. There is another approach that can lead to deeper, more meaningful relationships at an organizational, as well as a personal level. It's not about what you can get, but how you can advance others. Discover how being genuinely interested in people and looking for ways to serve their needs, without expecting a return, is the best way to build the kind of relationships that will take your organization and your career to the next level. Tommy Spaulding shows how to forge valuable relationships that will enrich your life, enhance your organization's bottom line and change the world for the better. DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS90521 | RM 288
  • 10. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 8 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | EXTREME LEADERSHIP | Steve Farber How to Put More Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof into Your Work Here's the problem: many people who call themselves leaders are only posing. They're wearing the label or accepting the title without putting their skin in the game. Assuming that you really do aspire to lead, Steve Farber approaches the act of leadership as you'd approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory. And that takes a personal commitment and a significant, personal choice. Extreme Leadership is the dynamic interplay of fear and love — two of the most powerful forces in the human experience. And in Steve's estimation, those who actively and intentionally use the experience of fear and love everyday in their attempts to change things for the better, in whatever arena, are Extreme Leaders. Watch this program if you're ready to make that choice DVD 1 hr 50 min | Code : KS90318 | RM 288 STRESS LESS |Pamela Jett 12 Stress-Busters for Living a More Balanced Life Stress is a silent killer. It has a profoundly negative effect on our health, both mentally and physically. And at the same time, we live in a world filled with potentially stressful situations and people. What are the warning signs? How can you take charge of stress and minimize its effects? In this practical program, you'll discover 12 specific stress-busters to help relieve the pressure, both internally and externally. You'll learn how to say "no" to the things that don't serve your most important goals, you'll discover a method for lowering the mental impact of stress, you'll pick up ideas for prioritizing your time and tasks, and much more. DVD 1 hr 05 min | Code : KS80725 | RM 288 CONVERSATION STRATEGIES FOR CREATING PREEMINENCE |Mike Lipkin How to Make Every Meeting, Every Relationship and Every Moment Count How can you create conversations that help others grow? How can you make every meeting a once-in-a-lifetime experience that inspires others? How can you be more present in all of your interactions? How can you be recognized as the best? These and many more questions are answered in this unforgettable, power packed program featuring one of North America's most extraordinary speakers, Mike Lipkin. As you become captivated by his South African accent, you'll discover key insights and practical strategies for improving your conversation effectiveness in bothbusiness and personal situations. You'll learn how to listen more intensely, communicate with charisma, add more value, and finish like a champion. Once you understand these principles, extraordinary conversations will be your new standard DVD 1 hr 25 min | Code : KS80719 | RM 288 THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE AREN'T THINGS | Jim Tuman Heartfelt Lessons That Touch The Human Spirit Today's society places tremendous significance on physical appearance, material possessions and money. From a very young age, we are programmed to want more and more, and often place greater importance on "things", rather than people and relationships. Jim Tuman illustrates how to get back in touch with the true essence of life through real-life stories that will touch your heart and soul. He shows people of all ages how to cut through the barriers to create more loving, caring relationships with the most important people in their lives. He also teaches how to be more compassionate and open-minded with people who are different. With Jim's intense style and captivating presence, kids and adults alike will thoroughly enjoy this program. DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS80720 | RM 288 WHAT DO THEY WANT, HOW DO THEY WANT IT? | Dr. Nate Booth Using the Diamond Touch to Improve Your Sales and Service Strategy Most salespeople and service professionals use the spray and pray approach. They conductbusiness in a predictable, methodical manner with every prospect or customer, treating them all pretty much the same. The fact is, everybody has a unique way in which they like to be treated, and Dr. Nate Booth shows you how to uncover what's most important to each individual you deal with. In this basic and profound program, you'll learn the importance of discovering what people want, and exactly how they want it. Not only does he apply it tosales and service, he also shows its tremendous value in relationships, both business and personal. In this day and age, where relationships are King, and customer service is Queen, nothing short of the royal treatment will do. DVD 1 hr 00 min | Code : KS 80718 | RM 288
  • 11. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 9 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | CONNECTING FOR RESULTS | Shawna Schuh How to Turn Contacts into Advocates How do you cultivate customer relationships where your clients want to tell others all about you? What will make you and your wisdom irresistible? Discover the most important principles for building the kind of long-term customer relationships that lead to higher retention, and far more referrals. In this high-energy, high-content program, you'll learn the power of intent, the importance of your appearance, how to make people feel more valued, limiting words you should avoid and many other ideas for building stronger customer relationships. If your organization depends on repeat business, you must be committed to making your customer relationships a major focal point to continuously improve, and that's exactly what this seminar helps you do. DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS80717 | RM 288 THE ESSENCE OF SUCCESS | Chip Madera How to Bring More Happiness and Significance into Your Life Positive attitude and happiness go hand in hand. They are the cornerstones of a fulfilling life and the foundation for creating peace of mind and balance. And when you mix a positive attitude with a burning desire, or intense purpose, you begin to tap into the essence of why you are here. Every one of us has a special purpose for living, yet many of us sell ourselves short, and literally miss our calling in life. No matter what you do, or what phase of your life you are in, you can create a more positive attitude, a clearer picture of your purpose, and an even greater sense of significance in everything that you do. Join award-winning speaker Chip Madera as he guides you through the critical elements that make up your essence. You'll discover some powers that may be laying dormant in you, plus you'll walk away with key insights for creating greater peace of mind and happiness. From his heart warming stories, to his comical down-to-earth style, you'll thoroughly enjoy this program from beginning to end. DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS80716 | RM 288 THRIVING ON CHANGE | Dr. Nate Booth How to Create Positive Results in Turbulent Times Change management skills are critical for organizations and individuals alike, as change has become the standard in today's society. Whether it's upsizing, downsizing, changing vendors, upgrading computer systems, moving to a new location, starting in a new position, or any other deviation from the norm, there are change management tools to help facilitate the change process. In this fast-paced change management seminar you'll learn the skills, strategies, and belief systems necessary to take charge of change in your business, and in your personal life. You'll discover how to anticipate, react to, or create change in any situation. And you will experience a proven formula for processing any given change that your team or family may be going through. Plus, you'll learn about other changemanagement techniques that affect outcomes including focus, physiology and maintaining a high level of energy. Tremendous opportunities await those who know how to harness this whirlwind of change, and use it to their advantage. DVD 1 hr 00 min | Code : KS80520 | RM 288 THE POWER OF TRANSFORMATIONAL THINKING | David Essel How to Overcome Limitations and Create a Great Life If you knew you could achieve anything, what would you pursue? How would you transform your health, relationships and financial goals? In order to realize amazing outcomes in our lives, we need to focus on removing the limitations that are holding us back, consciously and subconsciously. We also need to remove the illusion of "I'm too busy, I don't have enough time", which has become a mantra in our society today. In this thought provokingseminar you'll gain insights and strategies for making major positive changes in all of the most important areas of your life. You'll discover methods for removing negative beliefs and old stories that could be limiting your results, and you'll learn how to live in greater alignment with your own beliefs. Plus, in part three, you'll walk away with key ideas for transforming your mind, body and spirit in minutes a day. 1 hr 50 min | Code : KS80122 | RM 288 PEAK PERFORMANCE PRINCIPLES | Jack Canfield How to Boost Your Self-Esteem and Discover Your Purpose If you enjoyed Jack Canfield in The Secret, you'll thoroughly enjoy this full lengthseminar on peak performance. Based on Jack Canfield's best selling book "The Success Principles", this powerful seminar is loaded with life-changing ideas. Jack will show you how to build your self-esteem, take responsibility for everything that happens, clarify your vision, gain greater balance, find your purpose, and discover the secret to a more fulfilling life. You'll hear several true stories about peak performance that will touch your heart and shift your consciousness to an even more positive place. As Jack Canfield demonstrates throughout this seminar, success leaves clues. The fastest way to achieve your goals is to follow a proven blueprint, and that's exactly what he gives you. After experiencing this peak performancetraining program, you'll have practical tools for creating greater success in any area of your life. Discover your greatness and take your life to the next level with this exceptional seminar on video, facilitated by one of the best success speakers in North America, Jack Canfield. DVD 1 hr 35 min | Code : KS 70919 | RM 288
  • 12. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 10 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | THE WILL TO WIN! | Willie Jolley How to Use Attitude, Aptitude & Appetite to Reach Your Next Level Winners think differently than losers. They possess certain qualities that separate them from the masses, including a strong positive mental attitude, commitment, knowledge, and a hunger for greatness. They also understand that failure is part of the success process, and the ability to embrace it, and grow from it, is a sign of greatness. Using real life stories from his own life, and those of others, motivational speaker Willie Jolley shares basicsuccess principles that can make the difference between mediocrity and greatness. He explores a variety of areas including positive attitude, persistence, teamwork, customer service, overcoming obstacles, building your desire, and more. DVD 00 hr 50 min | Code : KS71115 | RM 288 BEYOND EXCELLENCE | Robert Stevenson How to Soar Like an Eagle in a World Full of Turkeys The fast-paced team building and leadership training program is filled with advice on how to become an extraordinary person in business, and in life. Using real world examples, dozens of interesting slides, and powerful true stories, Robert Stevenson delivers a high-energy leadership training program that can help anyone to achieve higher levels of excellence. He covers a broad spectrum of ideas, including team building, leadership training, management training, team skills, accountability, dealing with stress, handling change, how to criticize, the power of laughter, how to exceed expectations, balance, and much more. Whether you are just starting out in business, or a seasoned professional, this leadership training video seminar will remind you of all the things you need to do when you are committed to soaring above and beyond excellence. DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS71114 | RM 288 STRATEGIC ACHIEVEMENT | Brian Tracy Sales, Marketing & Leadership Tactics for Gaining the Competitive Edge n this content-rich sales training, leadership training, and marketing skills program, highly acclaimed motivational business speaker Brian Tracy shows how to apply battle-proven methods to achieve victory in the world of business. He draws on powerful success strategies and sales skills used by famous military and business leaders throughout history. Sharing idea after idea, Brian Tracy covers a variety of sales skills and "thinking tools" that can help you to overcome adversity, live with greater focus, sell yourself more effectively, market your products & services with greater efficiency, perpetually learn sales skills, and more. This powerful sales, marketing and leadership training program will bring you innovative ideas in a cost-effective, easy to use video format. You'll walk away with a practical blueprint for high achievement that can be immediately applied to your business and personal life. DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS 70123 | RM 288 ACTIVATING THE LAW OF ATTRACTION | Jack Canfield The Ultimate Program for Creating Your Perfect Life Like gravity, the Law of Attraction is at work in your life everyday. Once you become aware of the laws of attraction, and their possibilities, you can direct and amplify these hidden powers to get the results you want. In this captivating seminar on video, speaking legend Jack Canfield defines critical steps and thought processes that can take your life to a whole new level. You'll learn the three major components of the law of attraction for attracting excellent health, abundance, and great relationships. Plus, you'll hear powerful stories, including some from Chicken Soup for the Soul, that will expand your vision and touch your heart. You'll walk away from this Law of Attraction program with a clear sense that virtually anything is possible when you are in alignment with what you want and ready to receive it. Discover the ultimate seminar for getting everything you have always dreamed of, and activate the Law of Attraction in your life today! DVD 2 hr 00 min | Code : KS70918 | RM 288 THE WILLIE FACTOR | Joel Weldon How to Be Extraordinary in Sales and Service This entertaining sales and customer service training video is loaded with time-proven sales skills and practical ideas for increasing customer satisfaction. Sales training and customer service training are two of the most important areas for any business to focus on. Being extraordinary is no longer optional, it is a "must" in order to make it in today's competitive world. This unique program was developed when a typical taxi ride from the airport to a hotel turns out to be everything but ordinary. Award-winning speaker and sales training expert Joel Weldon crosses paths with an amazing man who redefines what it means to sell and deliver superior customer service. Buckle your seat belt and get ready for a fascinating journey, as Joel Weldon helps you relive the adventures of Willie, and the amazing difference that anyone can make, when they have passion for their work, and pride in everything they do. Blending real life stories, inspiration, unique humor, and sales skills, Joel Weldon reveals a higher standard for selling and serving in today's competitive marketplace. DVD 1 hr 35 min | Code : KS70517 | RM 288
  • 13. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 11 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | SUPER SALES PRESENTATIONS | Patricia Fripp How to Captivate Your Prospects in a Distracted, Preoccupied World Presentation skills training is critical for anyone who sells face to face. Every day, salespeople with superior products and services lose business to their competitors because the sales presentation skills of their competitors are superior. Many salespeople have a fear of speaking to groups, often because they don't have the presentation skills training and public speaking skills they need to deliver their message in an effective and entertaining manner. Discover how you can gain an unfair advantage, as veteran speaker and speech coach Patricia Fripp gives you dozens of ideas for taking your sales presentation skills to the next level. You'll learn how to open, how to close, how to build credibility, how to use stories, how to handle adverse questions, how to be remembered, and several other valuable public speaking techniques that work. After viewing this presentation skills training program, you'll be more prepared, more persuasive, and more powerful in front of any size audience. DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS 70718 | RM 288 GOAL SETTING TECHNIQUES THAT WORK | Warren Greshes How to Create a Five Year Action Plan for Your Life Effective goal setting is one of the most important habits you can develop. Goal setting is the core skill for achieving success in your relationships, your health, and your profession. So why is it that many of us never get around to doing it? In this fast-paced, entertaining session, motivational speaker Warren Greshes presents a proven system that takes the guesswork out of goal setting. He will show you how to set your goals correctly, and then actually lead you through the process of creating your five-year goal setting plan. If you know you need to get clear about your future, but haven't yet clarified your vision, this program will give you the tools and motivation you need to get started now. DVD 1 hr 05 min | Code : KS70315 | RM 288 COYOTE POWER | Joel Weldon How to Thrive, Not Just Survive Effective teamwork, adaptability, and courage are all critical to the success of any professional in today's business climate. A shortcoming in any one of the three areas could cause failure, and possibly even extinction! In the animal world, coyotes have not only survived, they have thrived in the face of an all-out war to exterminate them - because they've learned adaptability techniques, teamwork skills, and they exhibit amazing courage. In this high-energy session, award-winning speaker Joel Weldon shows you how to thrive by understanding the positive attributes of the coyote. With adaptability, effective teamwork, and courage being the main themes, you'll learn several techniques and tools for turning average performance into excellence, no matter what your career or profession is. DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS70516 | RM 288 PROSPECTING SKILLS THAT WORK | Warren Greshes How to Set More Appointments & Close More Sales Prospecting skills and telephone sales skills are critical to the success of many sales professionals. Those who's principle activity is appointment setting or selling a product or service via the phone can greatly benefit from learning new prospecting strategies, and telephone sales skills. Prospecting is a critical activity that typically leads to more sales, yet most salespeople dislike it. In this fast-paced, entertaining session, Warren Greshes presents a proven system that takes the guesswork out of prospecting skills and telemarketing. He will show you how to stay consistently motivated, overcome call reluctance, develop a powerful script for setting appointments, keep track of your activity, lowersales resistance, handle the most common objections with ease, and actually enjoy the entire process. If you know you need to do more prospecting, but can't get yourself motivated on a consistent basis, this program will give you the telephone sales skills and inspiration you need. DVD 1 hr 05 min | Code : KS70314 | RM 288 THE UNBREAKABLE LAWS OF SELF-CONFIDENCE | Brian Tracy How to Tap the Infinite Potential Within Self-esteem and self-confidence play a major role in any quest for a happier, more fulfilling life. In this content-filled training video, self-esteem expert Brian Tracy brings you dozens of important ideas for taking your self-esteem and self- confidence to the next level. Of all the keys to success, self-confidence and self-esteem are the two critical factors that impact all areas of life. They determine how much money you will earn, how happy you will be, the quality of your relationships, your ability to attract the things you want, and more. Your self-confidence and self-esteem are everything! The challenge is that most of us were programmed with messages that lower ourself-confidence from a very young age, and this old programming interferes with our ability to conquer our most coveted dreams and goals. In this powerful session, you'll learn all of the most critical laws for literally reprogramming your mind and boosting your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-concept to new levels. DVD 1 hr 50 min | Code : KS70124 | RM 288
  • 14. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 12 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | EXCEPTIONAL THINKING | John Eliot Part 1 - Psychological Hardiness Part 2 - The Training & Trusting Mindsets In this peak performance training video, you'll learn critical thinking skills that can help improve your results in several areas of life. Being exceptional means using thinking skills that go against the way many of us were programmed to think. We learned early on that failure, stress and obstacles are bad things, but that is not necessarily true. Top performers use stress and failure to propel themselves to their next level, so they approach setbacks with different thinking skills and a different mindset. Dr. Eliot has spent numerous hours working with top performers, studying their thinking skills, and figuring out what makes them great. In this interesting and story-filled program, he shares important principles from his findings that explain peak performance, and show you how to practice improved thinking skills. DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS61115 | RM 288 21st CENTURY LEADERSHIP | Don Hutson How to Build Your Team, Your Career, and Yourself Leadership training is critical to the success of any organization. Executives, managers, and business owners are constantly creating a culture in their organizations through the leadership skills and style they demonstrate. Leadership training should be a regular part of any company's training regimen, because managing and leading people is an art. It takes a specific set of skills to do it well, in order to gain cooperation and create a breakthrough, high-performance team. In this dynamic, content-loaded session, you'll discover specific leadership training strategies and techniques for being an extraordinary leader. You'll learn how to motivate and positively connect with your team, how to use a coach for outstanding results, the secrets of exceptional managers, managing different people differently, helping your people clarify their goals, and more. With a detailed fourteen page note guide included, this is a high-content leadership training program that will benefit everyone from the entry level manager to the chief executive officer. DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS60920 | RM 288 HIGH PERFORMANCE SELLING| Don Hutson Part One - Building Customer Loyalty Part Two - Needs Analysis Selling (plus 2 bonus topics!) This fast-paced sales training video is full of sales skills and customer loyalty ideas. Many salespeople spend the majority of their time seeking new customers, while true sales professionals enjoy steady business from long-term clients. In part one of this power-packed seminar, you'll learn how to advance your customers up the "customer loyalty ladder" to higher levels of repeat business and more referrals than ever. In part two, you'll gain valuable sales training insights into Needs Analysis Selling. Whether it's asking high quality questions, taking pertinent notes, or communicating for greater understanding, sales training expert Don Hutson illustrates how we can be even more effective in every phase of the sales process. As a value-added bonus, Don covers two additional topics of interest, The Evolution of Selling and Selling Different People Differently. You'll walk away from these motivating sessions with new insights, knowledge, and drive. DVD 1 hr 40 min | Code : KS60518 | RM 288 PROFIT PRODUCING PEOPLE SKILLS | Shawn Schuh How to Better Your Communications & Improve Your Bottom Line Effective communication skills and people skills are essential in business. In today's highly competitive world, you need to connect with your customers and prospects better than your competitors do, and little things can have a big impact. Using effective communication skills and people skills can make the difference between mediocrity and excellence. In this high-energy program on effective people skills, you'll discover practical techniques and easy to implement strategies for bettering your communication skills in all of the critical areas. Shawna Schuh covers voice mail, e-mail, thank you notes, face-to-face communications and a number of other subtopics, all related to creating happier, healthier interactions. You'll be more equipped than ever to build and maintain long-term relationships in your personal and your professional life. DVD 1 hr 25 min | Code : KS60719 | RM 288
  • 15. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 13 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | THE LES BROWN STORY | Les Brown Life Lessons from the Man Behind the Motivation Les Brown has released a number of motivational videos over the years, and this is certainly one of the best. Many people refer to Les Brown as one of the greatest motivational speakers in the world. He has been a motivational business speaker for more than 30 years across a broad range of industries. This particular Les Brown motivational video covers more about his life than any other. He uses his own life experience as an example, to teach powerful principles and philosophies for overcoming life's greatest challenges, and going to your next level. You'll hear his best stories ever, including the famous "You've Got to Be Hungry" story about how he made it as a disc jockey. You'll discover the gift of forgiveness, how to have more energy, positive thinking strategies, the power of persistence, expanding your dreams, and more. Les Brown also talks about winning the battle against prostate cancer, and the mindset necessary to overcome any illness. If you are looking for a great motivationalbusiness speaker on video, this program promises to deliver. DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS60118 | RM 288 CREATING CUSTOMERS FOR LIFE | Michael Wickett Innovative Ideas for Boosting Sales and Outsmarting the Competition Customer retention is critical for most businesses. Experts have proven that it costs a whole lot more to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. Yet many companies do not have a specific customer retention plan in place. In this exciting and idea loaded sales training video, you'll discover powerful customer retention strategies for immediately boosting sales. Highly acclaimed speaker Michael Wickett delivers practical and unique ideas for connecting with customers at a deeper level through questions, listening, andcommunication excellence. He shares clever tactics for boosting customer loyalty, plus he shows you how to get more referrals than ever before. He'll also show you a method and order in which to ask questions that will have a direct relation on how much the customer likes you. Finally, Michael Wickett shares creative and impactful ideas for winning your customers' trust and keeping it for life! You will thoroughly enjoy and benefit from this outstanding sales training video for increasing customer retention. DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS60315 | RM 288 LIVE FULL & DIE EMPTY | Les Brown How to Tap Your Full Potential and Realize Your Dreams Les Brown is an explosive motivational speaker, and this performance is one of his best ever! He brings a passion to the platform that is unparalleled by any other motivational speaker, and it is 100% from the heart. In this compelling motivational video, Les Brown shares the importance of living your dreams now, and not waiting for "some day" to go after your biggest aspirations. He will help you to expand your vision of what's possible, and boost your belief in your goals and vision. Research has shown that most people go to their graves with their music still in them, and the majority of their dreams left unfulfilled. Don't be a victim of this common destiny that only leads to regrets. From powerful success principles to captivating stories, Les Brown's energy as a motivational speaker will inspire you to leap towards your new, expanded vision with more enthusiasm than ever before. Discover for yourself why Les Brown is in high demand as a motivational speaker. DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS 60117 | RM 288 DOUBLING YOUR PRODUCTIVITY | Brian Tracy How to Manage Your Time & Organize Your Life Effective time management is one of the most important skills for boosting productivity. In this powerful time management session by Brian Tracy, you'll learn how to organize every area of your life. You'll discover several time management tips, including the best ways to eliminate time wasters, time management techniques for maximizing productivity, how to increase your personal power, how to make yourself more valuable, and keys for staying motivated. No matter what you do for a living, this session promises to bring your timemanagement skills and organizational skills to a new level. DVD 1 hr 40 min | Code : KS51117 | RM 288 OUTSELLING YOUR COMPETITION | Brian Tracy How to Double Your Sales & Double Your Income In this powerful sales training video recorded in front of a live audience, you'll learn sales skills that will take your career to the next level. Sales training legend Brian Tracy gives you a series of practical, proven closing sales techniques you can use immediately to increase productivity. You'll learn prospecting skills, overcoming call reluctance, getting more qualified appointments, building long-term relationships, and closing the sale. You'll also learn how to get and stay motivated to reach your important sales goals, all year long. From rookies to veterans, this is a "must view" sales training program. DVD 1 hr 40 min | Code : KS51116 | RM 288
  • 16. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 14 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | HOW TO MAKE EVERY DAY A TERRIFIC DAY | Ed Foreman Proven Life Skills for Creating Balance, Happiness, and a Positive Mental Attitude In this fast-paced positive attitude training video, top motivational speaker Ed Foreman recommends a series of easy to implement strategies for overcoming the daily bombardment of negativity surrounding us. You'll learn the basic habit patterns of winners, techniques for overcoming worry, how to help others to have a more positive attitude, and dozens of ideas to make sure that every day is a terrific day. Whether you are in sales, service, management, or any other capacity in business, maintaining a positive attitude is critical for success. DVD 1 hr 15 min | Code : KS50920 | RM 288 WOULD YOU DO BUSINESS WITH YOU? | Jane Handly How to Get, Keep, & Wow Customers in a Competitive Market Customer service training can positively impact customer retention and is an essential part of any retail, service or sales organization. For more than 20 years, Jane Handly has been a highly sought-after customer service training expert. She teaches practical ideas on exceeding expectations, handling difficult situations, increasing internal teamwork, boosting sales and much more. As dynamic as she is down to earth, her unique style captivates and motivates people to go the extra mile to wow their customers. Customer service training can make the difference between customer loyalty and customer indifference. Make sure your team is equipped with all the skills they can get to take their customer service skills to the next level. DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS50719 | RM 288 THE TRUST FACTOR | Kerry Johnson, PhD Psychological Techniques for Building Long Term Clients & Closing More Sales Building trust has never played as important a role as it does in today's business climate. People want to feel a true relationship with their sales representative, or they will simply go to the Internet and find a less expensive alternative. In this high-energy sales training video with Dr. Kerry Johnson, PhD, you'll discover some of the most advanced techniques for quickly breaking the ice with your clients, building trust, and connecting with them at a deeper level. He will teach you the differences between the visual, the auditory, and the kinaesthetic communication styles, and how to build trust with each one. You'll develop insights into the most persuasive words & colors to use in business. Dr. Kerry Johnson, PhD will also show you how to increase the number of referrals you get by doing customer check-ups on a regular basis. Incorporating neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques with a number of other interesting strategies for connecting more effectively with others, this program will definitely keep your attention. You'll be building trust faster than ever before. DVD 00 hr 55 min | Code : KS50518 | RM 288 PHONE POWER | George Walther How to Make the Telephone Your Most Powerful Business Tool Telephone sales skills are critical to anyone in telemarketing, inside sales, outside sales, collections, and even customer service. And when it comes to telephone sales skills, George Walther wrote the book on the subject (Phone Power, Putnam Books). Get ready for a content-loaded training video that will give you specific telephone sales skills for immediately improving your results. You'll learn ideas on how to communicate with clarity, connect with hard-to-reach people, eliminate phone tag, create higher customer loyalty, use voice mail more effectively, and more. You'll learn and quickly benefit from these proven, practical ideas for taking your telephone sales skills to the next level. DVD 1 hr 20 min | Code : KS50315 | RM 288 STREET SMART SELLING & MARKETING | Jeff Slutsky Innovative Tactics for Taking Your Client Base to A Whole New Level Sales and marketing training is essential for any business, small or large. No matter what your industry is, sales and marketing training can give you the competitive edge. In this fast-paced, entertaining, and idea-loaded program, you'll learn dozens of innovative tactics for selling and marketing your products and services more effectively than ever before. You'll hear clever stories loaded with insights, ideas, and humor. And finally you'll be reminded of some of the most important sales basics that many of us tend to forget. If you are ready to start thinking outside the box, Jeff Slutsky's sales and marketing training seminar will give you the tools you need, with an entertaining twist. DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS50119 | RM 288
  • 17. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 15 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | MEMORY POWER | Blaine Athorn Supercharge Your Mind to Instantly Recall Names, Ideas & Information Memory training can be beneficial for students and business professionals alike. With information coming to us at a faster speed than ever, there has never been a more important time to enjoy the benefits of memory training. The fact is, most people never receive memory training in high school or college, yet the benefits can be immense. Whether it's a clients name or a new product presentation, or studying for an exam, we could all benefit from using ourmemory more effectively. DVD 1 hr 55 min | Code : KS41116 | RM 288 THE MASTER-STREAM METHOD | T Falcon Napier Precision Sales & Management Tools for Dramatically Increasing Productivity This revolutionary sales training program covers sales strategies that are anything but typical. It is designed for situations where the prospect feels a certain level of risk when making the buying decision. If you sell financial services, insurance, security systems, high-ticket items, or any other products or services with a high level of inherent tension, these sales strategies could be invaluable. You'll learn that there is one critical ingredient that determines if, and what, your prospects will buy and when they'll take action. You'll learn the 5 phases of the sales process in a way you've never heard before, and you'll understand how to lead the prospect along the MasterStream of tension. This program is not a re-hash of the basics, but practical and innovative sales strategies for more effectively influencing others in a non- manipulative manner. Once you learn these techniques, you'll probably never sell the old way again. Find out why so many people are calling MasterStream the ultimate sales training tool. DVD 2 hr 05 min | Code : KS40915 | RM 288 THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH | Bob Proctor How to Use The Secret Law of Attraction This powerful motivational video features Bob Proctor in front of a live audience delivering his core seminar on the secret law of attraction and the science of getting rich. Bob Proctor has been teaching the law of attraction and the science of getting rich for more than 40 years, and is widely considered one of the world's greatest authorities on the subjects. As an internationally sought-after motivational speaker, Bob Proctor teaches the essence of Napoleon Hill's bestselling classic book, Think and Grow Rich, and does it in an energetic, witty, and captivating manner. As Bob says in the program, "this information is priceless", and claims he has bragging rights, because none of the material is his. As thought provoking as he is entertaining, Bob Proctor covers his entire core philosophy in this dynamic training video, complete with dozens of vibrant slides and visuals. This bestseller will help you to think outside the box, better understand the law of attraction, and activate the science of getting rich in your life. DVD 1 hr 45 min | Code : KS40714 | RM 288 THE PLATINUM RULE | Tony Alessandra Powerful People Skills for Building Long Term Relationships Understanding behavioral styles is critical for anyone in business today. Contrary to the popular Golden Rule, people do not necessarily want to be treated the way you want to be treated. Everybody has a preferred way they like to be treated, and understanding behavioral styles will help you connect with others in a way that is natural and comfortable to them. DVD 1 hr 50 min | Code : KS40519 | RM 288 MAKE MY LIFE EASIER | Warren Greshes What the 21st Century Customer Really Wants Expert speaker Warren Greshes is right on target in this motivational business training video geared towards boosting customer satisfaction. In it, he shares the importance of delivering extraordinary quality, service, convenience, and value, no matter what industry you are in. With the ability to buy almost anything online, the day of the mediocre salesperson is dead. The 21st century customer is more demanding than ever and will only deal with people who are ready, willing, and able to add extra value to everything they sell. And it's not just value ... It's quality, service, convenience, and value. Discover the importance of exceeding customer expectations in this powerful training video for increasing customer retention. DVD 1 hr 30 min | Code : KS40316 | RM 288
  • 18. SEMINARS on DVD SERIES | 2013 SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES 16 K-Suria S/B Tel | 603-8079 0811 Fax | 603-8076 1846 E-mail | THE SCIENCE OF POSITIVE FOCUS | Brian Tracy Master Keys for Reaching Your Next Level From goal setting to the psychology of achievement, New York Times bestselling author and motivational speaker Brian Tracy knows what he is talking about. This powerful session on staying positively focused is filled with ideas for higher achievement. You'll learn exactly what to do in order to the break negative patterns that are stopping you from reaching your next level. Goal setting is one of the core skills for creating your ideal life. You'll discover the critical steps necessary to stay focused on your goals and make the goal setting process fun, instead of a chore. You'll also get the motivational boost you may need, to follow through on your goals and keep yourself in balance. Loaded with great ideas and philosophies for the achievement of big dreams, this power-packed training video is one of Brian Tracy's best ever. 2 hr 05 min | Code : KS 40120 | RM 288 THE POWER OF VISION | Michael Wickett How to Remove the Roadblocks and Conquer Your Dreams Creating a new vision for your life is easier said than done. Many people are held back by a tendency to focus on the past and dwell on what is not working. Top motivational speaker Michael Wickett helps you break through the fog to create a clearer vision for your life in this powerful motivational video. He explains that we have unlimited potential (18 billion available brain cells), but it means nothing unless we use it effectively. This exciting and idea loaded program will help you to achieve greater focus, overcome obstacles, enjoy higher levels of happiness, and create a new vision in alignment with your most important goals. If you're looking for a simple formula to help you get a clearer vision for your life, and achieve it more rapidly, this program contains the tools to make it happen. DVD 2 hr 05 min | Code : KS31119 | RM 288 POWER TALKING | George Walther How to Say What You Mean & Get What You Want Communication skills training is extremely important for people in sales, management, customer service, public speaking, or any position dealing with people. In this powerful communication skills training video, expert George Walther shares the knowledge, skills, and insights necessary to take your communication skills to the next level. You'll learn specific ideas on how to be more positive, more persuasive, improve your first impression, improve teamwork, and use positive language to serve at a higher level. Whether routinely communicating with co-workers or clients, or defusing hostile customers, or seeking to build sales cooperation, or simply aiming to project a more positive image for your organization, you'll see results fast with this content-loaded communication skills training video. DVD 2 hr 05 min | Code : KS30716 | RM 288
  • 20. ORDERFORM Code Title Qty Total (RM) Subtotal Priority Shipping & Handling - RM 100 (or FREE for 10 items & above) TOTAL Name : SEMINARS ON DVD | SURIA DIGITAL MEDIA RESOURCES Bill To Ship To Phone : Fax : E-mail : K-SURIA SDN. BHD. (556457-X) | 19-1, Jalan DU 2/1 Taman Damai Utama 47180 Puchong, Selangor All price are listed in Ringgit Malaysia. Orders must be accompanied by full payment. All non-cash payments or cheque should be crossed and made payable to K-Suria Sdn. Bhd. Delivery : Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery upon confirmation of order. * Free Shipping and handling for 10 items and above only. K-Suria reserves the rights to change price / promotions without prior notice, however programs are intended to be provided as advertised. HOW TO ORDER Tel Fax 603.8079 0811 603.8076 1846 Email Web Thank you for your business!