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The secret unit testing tools no one has
ever told you about
Dror Helper | | @dhelper
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Consultant @CodeValue
Developing software (professionally) since 2002
Mocking code since 2008
Clean coder & Test Driven Developer
OzCode (a.k.a “Magical debugging”) Evangelist
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But it was not always like that
1st Attempt Failed!
2nd Attempt Failed!!!
New job +
UT + Mentor
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Why should I care about tools?
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Background: unit testing tools
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Well known unit testing tools
Build Failed!
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Dev Machine
Source ControlBuild Server
Test Runner
Build Agent
Unit Testing
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xUnit test framework
Test Suite
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
Test Case
public class BeforeAndAfter {
public void Initialize() {
public void Cleanup() {
public void test1() {
public void test2() {
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Mocking Frameworks
Unit test
Code under test
DependencyFake object(s)
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What Mocking framework can do for you?
• Create Fake objects
• Set behavior on fake objects
• Verify method was called
• And more...
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public void Calculate_ReturnTwoValidNumbers_ServerCalled()
IDataAccess fakeDataAccess = A.Fake<IDataAccess>();
A.CallTo(() => fakeDataAccess.GetData(A<string>.Ignored))
.Returns(new Tuple<int, int>(2, 3));
var fakeCalculatorService = A.Fake<ICalculatorService>();
var cut = new DistrobutedCalculator(fakeDataAccess, fakeCalculatorService);
A.CallTo(() => fakeCalculatorService.Add(2,3)).MustHaveHappened();
These tools do not help us write good
unit tests
In fact, sometimes
they prevent us from
writing good unit tests!
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Definition: unit tests
Automated piece of code that invokes
a unit of work in the system and then
checks a single assumption about the
behavior of that unit of work
[Roy Osherove, The Art Of Unit Testing]
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Unit test structure
public void MyTest()
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No guidance  Fragile tests  Stop unit testing
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What about AAA?
public async void GetUserFromUrl() {
var clientFake = A.Fake<IJsonClient>();
A.CallTo(() => clientFake.HttpGetUncompressedAsync(A<string>.Ignored))
var userRepository = new UserRepository(clientFake);
var user = await userRepository.GetUser(11361);
var expected = new User {
Id=11361, DisplayName = "Dror Helper", ImageUrl=DefaultAvatar, Reputation=13904
Assert.That(user, Is.EqualTo(expected));
 Act
 Assert
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Problem solved? Hardly!
• Where to start?
• How to test existing code?
• What about test structure?
• Integration tests vs. unit tests
• What is a “unit of work”?
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Test setup (Arrange)
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Arrange issues
public async Task LoadUser_ReputationStaysTheSame_ReputationTrendSame() {
var user1 = new User {ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = 10};
var user2 = new User {ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = 10};
var fakeUserRepository = new FakeUserRepository(new[] { user1, user2 });
var viewModel = await InvokeAsync(() => new UserDetailsViewModel(fakeUserRepository));
await viewModel.LoadUser();
await viewModel.LoadUser();
var result = await InvokeAsync(() => ((SolidColorBrush)viewModel.ReputationTrend).Color);
Assert.AreEqual(Colors.White, result);
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Solution: Setup/TearDown
private UserDetailsViewModel _viewModel;
public async Task InitilizeUserViewModel() {
var user1 = new User { ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = 10 };
var user2 = new User { ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = 10 };
var fakeUserRepository = new FakeUserRepository(new[] { user1, user2 });
_viewModel = await InvokeAsync(() => new UserDetailsViewModel(fakeUserRepository));
public async Task LoadUser_ReputationStaysTheSame_ReputationTrendSame() {
await _viewModel.LoadUser();
await _viewModel.LoadUser();
var result = InvokeAsync(() => ((SolidColorBrush)_viewModel.ReputationTrend).Color);
Assert.AreEqual(Colors.White, result);
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Why you shouldn’t use Setup in unit tests
private UserDetailsViewModel _viewModel;
public async Task InitilizeUserViewModel() {
var user1 = new User { ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = 10 };
var user2 = new User { ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = 10 };
var fakeUserRepository = new FakeUserRepository(new[] { user1, user2 });
_viewModel = await InvokeAsync(() => new UserDetailsViewModel(fakeUserRepository));
public async Task LoadUser_ReputationStaysTheSame_ReputationTrendSame() {
await _viewModel.LoadUser();
await _viewModel.LoadUser();
var result = InvokeAsync(() => ((SolidColorBrush)_viewModel.ReputationTrend).Color);
Assert.AreEqual(Colors.White, result);
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Solution: Extract to methods
public async Task LoadUser_ReputationStaysTheSame_ReputationTrendSame() {
var user1 = CreateUser(reputation: 10);
var user2 = CreateUser(reputation: 10);
var fakeUserRepository = new FakeUserRepository(new[] { user1, user2 });
var viewModel = await InvokeAsync(() => new UserDetailsViewModel(fakeUserRepository));
await viewModel.LoadUser();
await viewModel.LoadUser();
var result = await InvokeAsync(() => ((SolidColorBrush)viewModel.ReputationTrend).Color);
Assert.AreEqual(Colors.White, result);
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Over extraction
public async Task LoadUser_ReputationStaysTheSame() {
var viewModel = InitializeSystem(10, 10);
await viewModel.LoadUser();
await viewModel.LoadUser();
CheckColor(Colors.White, viewModel);
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The problem with factories
private User CreateUser(int reputation) {
return new User {
ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg",
Reputation = reputation
private User CreateUser(int reputation, string imageUrl) {
return new User
ImageUrl = imageUrl,
Reputation = reputation
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Builder pattern
class UserBuilder
private int _id, _reputation;
private string _displayName, _imageUrl;
public UserBuilder() {
_id = 1;
_displayName = "dummy";
_imageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg";
User Build() {
return new User {
Id = _id, DisplayName = _displayName, ImageUrl = _imageUrl, Reputation = _reputation
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Builder pattern (cont.)
class UserBuilder
public UserBuilder WithName(string displayName) {
_displayName = displayName;
return this;
public UserBuilder WithReputation(int reputation) {
_reputation = reputation;
return this;
var user1 = new UserBuilder()
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Tool: AutoMocking Containers
Test Container SUT
CreateCreate SUT
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Automocking with AutoFixture
public void YellIfTouchHotIron() {
var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoFakeItEasyCustomization());
Fake<IMouth> fakeMouth = fixture.Freeze<Fake<IMouth>>();
Fake<IHand> fakeHand = fixture.Freeze<Fake<IHand>>();
A.CallTo(() => fakeHand.FakedObject.TouchIron(A<Iron>._)).Throws<BurnException>();
var brain = fixture.Create<Brain>();
brain.TouchIron(new Iron {IsHot = true});
A.CallTo(() => fakeMouth.FakedObject.Yell()).MustHaveHappened();
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Automocking with Typemock Isolator
public void FakeAllDependencies_ChangeBehavior()
var real = Isolate.Fake.Dependencies<ClassUnderTest>();
var fake = Isolate.GetFake<Dependency>(real);
Isolate.WhenCalled(() => fake.Multiplier).WillReturn(2);
var result = real.Calculate(1, 2);
Assert.AreEqual(6, result);
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Problem: Complex inputs
• Big objects
• Deep objects
• Need for precision
• Lack of knowledge
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Solution: use trivial inputs
Sometimes missing the point
Not always enough for “real test”
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Solution: Serialization
Supported in most programming languages (XML, json).
• Need development  testing delayed
• Production code change  indefinitely delayed
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Tool: Export using OzCode
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Verification (Assert)
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Can you spot the problem?
public void PerformSomeActionReturns42()
var myClass = ...
bool initOk = myClass.Initialize();
var result = myClass.PerformSomeAction();
Assert.AreEqual(42, result);
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Can you spot the problem?
public void TestPasswordComplexity()
var result = _UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(_TestUser.Id, "Password123!", "1!").Result; //Changes the password.
result = _UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(_TestUser.Id, "Password123!", "123456789").Result; //Changes the password.
result = _UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(_TestUser.Id, "Password123!", "123456789!").Result; //Changes the password.
result = _UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(_TestUser.Id, "Password123!", "abcdefghijk").Result; //Changes the password.
result = _UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(_TestUser.Id, "Password123!", "abcdefghijK1!").Result; //Changes the password.
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How many Assert(s) per test?
One Assert Per Test!
Two Assert == Two Tests  Usually ???
”(…the Code is more)
what you'd call guidelines
than actual rules”
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Sometimes multiple asserts make sense
public void CompareTwoAsserts()
var actual = GetNextMessage();
Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Id);
Assert.AreEqual("str-1", actual.Content);
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public class AssertAll
public static void Execute(params Action[] assertionsToRun)
var errorMessages = new List<exception>();
foreach (var action in assertionsToRun)
catch (Exception exc)
var separator = string.Format("{0}{0}", Environment.NewLine);
string errorMessage = string.Join(separator, errorMessages);
Assert.Fail(string.Format("The following conditions failed:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, errorMessage));
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Using AssertAll
public void CompareTwoAsserts()
var actual = CreateMessage();
() => Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Id),
() => Assert.AreEqual("str-1", actual.Content);
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Some frameworks are catching up!
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Ever had issues choosing the right Assert?
• IsTrue vs. AreEqual
• Parameter ordering confusion
• StringAssert/CollectionAssert
It’s all about proper error messages
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Tool: 3rd party assertion libraries
Better error messages
Multiple asserts*
×Additional dependency
×Limited UT framework support
×System.Object “SPAMED” by extension messages
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public void AddTest()
var calculator = new Calculator();
var result = calculator.Add(2, 3);
Assert.Equal(6, result);
public void AddTest_Shouldly()
var calculator = new Calculator();
var result = calculator.Add(2, 3);
should be
but was
Assert.Equal() Failure
Expected: 6
Actual: 5
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public void GetDivisorsTest()
var calculator = new Calculator();
var result = calculator.GetDivisors(20);
Assert.Equal(new[] {2,3,5,7}, result);
public void GetDivisorsTest_Shouldly()
var calculator = new Calculator();
var result = calculator.GetDivisors(20);
result.ShouldBe(new[] { 2, 3, 5, 7 });
should be
[2, 3, 5, 7]
but was
[2, 4, 5, 10]
[2, *4*, 5, *10*]
Assert.Equal() Failure
Expected: Int32[] [2, 3, 5, 7]
Actual: WhereEnumerableIterator<Int32> [2, 4, 5, 10]
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public void CompareTwoObjects()
var customer1 = new Customer("cust-1", "John Doe");
var customer2 = new Customer("cust-2", "John Doe");
o => o.Excluding(customer => customer.Id));
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public void CheckCompare()
var myClass = new MyClass();
Expect.That(() => myClass.ReturnFive() == 10);
public void CheckTrue()
var myClass = new MyClass();
Expect.That(() => myClass.ReturnFalse() == true);
public void StringStartsWith() {
var s1 = "1234567890";
Expect.That(() => s1.StartsWith("456"));
public void CollectionContains()
var c1 = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 };
Expect.That(() => c1.Contains(41));
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Test organization
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Test structure issues
• What to call the test?
• AAA is not mandatory
• What should I test?
• How to avoid unreadable, complicated tests?
- Unit testing framework provide no structure
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The BDD approach
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Specifications == focused test
Feature: Addition
In order to avoid silly mistakes
As a math idiot
I want to be told the sum of two numbers
Scenario: Add two numbers
Given I have entered 50 into the calculator
And I have entered 70 into the calculator
When I press add
Then the result should be 120 on the screen
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BDD Example: SpecFlow
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Tool: BDDfy
public class CardHasBeenDisabled {
private Card _card;
private Atm _subject;
void GivenTheCardIsDisabled() {
_card = new Card(false, 100);
_subject = new Atm(100);
void WhenTheAccountHolderRequestsMoney() {
_subject.RequestMoney(_card, 20);
void ThenTheAtmShouldRetainTheCard() {
void AndTheAtmShouldSayTheCardHasBeenRetained() {
Assert.AreEqual(DisplayMessage.CardIsRetained, _subject.Message);
public void Execute()
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Test execution
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Everybody needs a CI server
Unit tests without a CI server are a waste of time
- if you're running all of the tests all of the time
locally you're a better man then I am
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Tool: Continuous testing
Typemock Runner
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The right tools will help you write good tests
Builder Pattern
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Thank you
Dror Helper | @dhelper |

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Secret unit testing tools

  • 1. The secret unit testing tools no one has ever told you about Dror Helper | | @dhelper Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek
  • 2. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek About.ME Consultant @CodeValue Developing software (professionally) since 2002 Mocking code since 2008 Clean coder & Test Driven Developer OzCode (a.k.a “Magical debugging”) Evangelist Blogger:
  • 3. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek But it was not always like that 1st Attempt Failed! 2nd Attempt Failed!!! New job + UT + Mentor Success
  • 4. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Why should I care about tools?
  • 5. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Background: unit testing tools
  • 6. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Well known unit testing tools Build Failed!
  • 7. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Server Dev Machine Source ControlBuild Server Test Runner Code Coverage Build Agent Unit Testing Framework Isolation Framework ?
  • 8. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek xUnit test framework Test Suite Fixture Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Test Case Fixture Test Case Test Case Fixture Test Case Test Case Test Case public class BeforeAndAfter { [SetUp] public void Initialize() { } [TearDown] public void Cleanup() { } [Test] public void test1() { } [Test] public void test2() { } }
  • 9. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Mocking Frameworks Unit test Code under test DependencyFake object(s)
  • 10. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek What Mocking framework can do for you? • Create Fake objects • Set behavior on fake objects • Verify method was called • And more...
  • 11. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek [Test] public void Calculate_ReturnTwoValidNumbers_ServerCalled() { IDataAccess fakeDataAccess = A.Fake<IDataAccess>(); A.CallTo(() => fakeDataAccess.GetData(A<string>.Ignored)) .Returns(new Tuple<int, int>(2, 3)); var fakeCalculatorService = A.Fake<ICalculatorService>(); var cut = new DistrobutedCalculator(fakeDataAccess, fakeCalculatorService); cut.Calculate(); A.CallTo(() => fakeCalculatorService.Add(2,3)).MustHaveHappened(); }
  • 12. These tools do not help us write good unit tests In fact, sometimes they prevent us from writing good unit tests!
  • 13. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Definition: unit tests Automated piece of code that invokes a unit of work in the system and then checks a single assumption about the behavior of that unit of work [Roy Osherove, The Art Of Unit Testing]
  • 14. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Unit test structure [Test] public void MyTest() { }
  • 15. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek No guidance  Fragile tests  Stop unit testing
  • 16. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek What about AAA? [Test] public async void GetUserFromUrl() { var clientFake = A.Fake<IJsonClient>(); A.CallTo(() => clientFake.HttpGetUncompressedAsync(A<string>.Ignored)) .Returns(Task.FromResult(JsonResult)); var userRepository = new UserRepository(clientFake); var user = await userRepository.GetUser(11361); var expected = new User { Id=11361, DisplayName = "Dror Helper", ImageUrl=DefaultAvatar, Reputation=13904 }; Assert.That(user, Is.EqualTo(expected)); } Arrange  Act  Assert
  • 17. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Problem solved? Hardly! • Where to start? • How to test existing code? • What about test structure? • Integration tests vs. unit tests • What is a “unit of work”?
  • 18. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Test setup (Arrange)
  • 19. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Arrange issues [TestMethod] public async Task LoadUser_ReputationStaysTheSame_ReputationTrendSame() { var user1 = new User {ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = 10}; var user2 = new User {ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = 10}; var fakeUserRepository = new FakeUserRepository(new[] { user1, user2 }); var viewModel = await InvokeAsync(() => new UserDetailsViewModel(fakeUserRepository)); await viewModel.LoadUser(); await viewModel.LoadUser(); var result = await InvokeAsync(() => ((SolidColorBrush)viewModel.ReputationTrend).Color); Assert.AreEqual(Colors.White, result); }
  • 20. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Solution: Setup/TearDown private UserDetailsViewModel _viewModel; [TestInitialize] public async Task InitilizeUserViewModel() { var user1 = new User { ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = 10 }; var user2 = new User { ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = 10 }; var fakeUserRepository = new FakeUserRepository(new[] { user1, user2 }); _viewModel = await InvokeAsync(() => new UserDetailsViewModel(fakeUserRepository)); } [TestMethod] public async Task LoadUser_ReputationStaysTheSame_ReputationTrendSame() { await _viewModel.LoadUser(); await _viewModel.LoadUser(); var result = InvokeAsync(() => ((SolidColorBrush)_viewModel.ReputationTrend).Color); Assert.AreEqual(Colors.White, result); }
  • 21. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Why you shouldn’t use Setup in unit tests private UserDetailsViewModel _viewModel; [TestInitialize] public async Task InitilizeUserViewModel() { var user1 = new User { ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = 10 }; var user2 = new User { ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = 10 }; var fakeUserRepository = new FakeUserRepository(new[] { user1, user2 }); _viewModel = await InvokeAsync(() => new UserDetailsViewModel(fakeUserRepository)); } [TestMethod] public async Task LoadUser_ReputationStaysTheSame_ReputationTrendSame() { await _viewModel.LoadUser(); await _viewModel.LoadUser(); var result = InvokeAsync(() => ((SolidColorBrush)_viewModel.ReputationTrend).Color); Assert.AreEqual(Colors.White, result); }
  • 22. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Solution: Extract to methods [TestMethod] public async Task LoadUser_ReputationStaysTheSame_ReputationTrendSame() { var user1 = CreateUser(reputation: 10); var user2 = CreateUser(reputation: 10); var fakeUserRepository = new FakeUserRepository(new[] { user1, user2 }); var viewModel = await InvokeAsync(() => new UserDetailsViewModel(fakeUserRepository)); await viewModel.LoadUser(); await viewModel.LoadUser(); var result = await InvokeAsync(() => ((SolidColorBrush)viewModel.ReputationTrend).Color); Assert.AreEqual(Colors.White, result); }
  • 23. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Over extraction [TestMethod] public async Task LoadUser_ReputationStaysTheSame() { var viewModel = InitializeSystem(10, 10); await viewModel.LoadUser(); await viewModel.LoadUser(); CheckColor(Colors.White, viewModel); }
  • 24. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek The problem with factories private User CreateUser(int reputation) { return new User { ImageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg", Reputation = reputation }; } private User CreateUser(int reputation, string imageUrl) { return new User { ImageUrl = imageUrl, Reputation = reputation }; }
  • 25. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Builder pattern class UserBuilder { private int _id, _reputation; private string _displayName, _imageUrl; public UserBuilder() { _id = 1; _displayName = "dummy"; _imageUrl = "http://dummy.jpg"; } User Build() { return new User { Id = _id, DisplayName = _displayName, ImageUrl = _imageUrl, Reputation = _reputation }; } }
  • 26. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Builder pattern (cont.) class UserBuilder { ... public UserBuilder WithName(string displayName) { _displayName = displayName; return this; } public UserBuilder WithReputation(int reputation) { _reputation = reputation; return this; } ... } var user1 = new UserBuilder() .WithReputation(10) .Build();
  • 27. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Tool: AutoMocking Containers Test Container SUT New() Configure CreateCreate SUT Act
  • 28. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Automocking with AutoFixture [Fact] public void YellIfTouchHotIron() { var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoFakeItEasyCustomization()); Fake<IMouth> fakeMouth = fixture.Freeze<Fake<IMouth>>(); Fake<IHand> fakeHand = fixture.Freeze<Fake<IHand>>(); A.CallTo(() => fakeHand.FakedObject.TouchIron(A<Iron>._)).Throws<BurnException>(); var brain = fixture.Create<Brain>(); brain.TouchIron(new Iron {IsHot = true}); A.CallTo(() => fakeMouth.FakedObject.Yell()).MustHaveHappened(); }
  • 29. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Automocking with Typemock Isolator [TestMethod] public void FakeAllDependencies_ChangeBehavior() { var real = Isolate.Fake.Dependencies<ClassUnderTest>(); var fake = Isolate.GetFake<Dependency>(real); Isolate.WhenCalled(() => fake.Multiplier).WillReturn(2); var result = real.Calculate(1, 2); Assert.AreEqual(6, result); }
  • 30. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Problem: Complex inputs • Big objects • Deep objects • Need for precision • Lack of knowledge
  • 31. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Solution: use trivial inputs Sometimes missing the point Not always enough for “real test”
  • 32. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Solution: Serialization Supported in most programming languages (XML, json). • Need development  testing delayed • Production code change  indefinitely delayed
  • 33. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Tool: Export using OzCode
  • 34. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Verification (Assert)
  • 35. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Can you spot the problem? [TestMethod] public void PerformSomeActionReturns42() { var myClass = ... bool initOk = myClass.Initialize(); var result = myClass.PerformSomeAction(); Assert.IsTrue(initOk); Assert.AreEqual(42, result); }
  • 36. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Can you spot the problem? [TestMethod] public void TestPasswordComplexity() { var result = _UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(_TestUser.Id, "Password123!", "1!").Result; //Changes the password. Assert.IsFalse(result.Succeeded); result = _UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(_TestUser.Id, "Password123!", "123456789").Result; //Changes the password. Assert.IsFalse(result.Succeeded); result = _UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(_TestUser.Id, "Password123!", "123456789!").Result; //Changes the password. Assert.IsFalse(result.Succeeded); result = _UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(_TestUser.Id, "Password123!", "abcdefghijk").Result; //Changes the password. Assert.IsFalse(result.Succeeded); result = _UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(_TestUser.Id, "Password123!", "abcdefghijK1!").Result; //Changes the password. Assert.IsTrue(result.Succeeded); }
  • 37. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek How many Assert(s) per test? One Assert Per Test! Two Assert == Two Tests  Usually ??? ”(…the Code is more) what you'd call guidelines than actual rules”
  • 38. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Sometimes multiple asserts make sense [TestMethod] public void CompareTwoAsserts() { var actual = GetNextMessage(); Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Id); Assert.AreEqual("str-1", actual.Content); }
  • 39. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek public class AssertAll { public static void Execute(params Action[] assertionsToRun) { var errorMessages = new List<exception>(); foreach (var action in assertionsToRun) { try { action.Invoke(); } catch (Exception exc) { errorMessages.Add(exc); } } if(errorMessages.Any()) { var separator = string.Format("{0}{0}", Environment.NewLine); string errorMessage = string.Join(separator, errorMessages); Assert.Fail(string.Format("The following conditions failed:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, errorMessage)); } } }
  • 40. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Using AssertAll [TestMethod] public void CompareTwoAsserts() { var actual = CreateMessage(); AssertAll.Execute( () => Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Id), () => Assert.AreEqual("str-1", actual.Content); }
  • 41. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Some frameworks are catching up!
  • 42. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Ever had issues choosing the right Assert? • IsTrue vs. AreEqual • Parameter ordering confusion • StringAssert/CollectionAssert It’s all about proper error messages
  • 43. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Tool: 3rd party assertion libraries Better error messages Readability Multiple asserts* ×Additional dependency ×Limited UT framework support ×System.Object “SPAMED” by extension messages
  • 44. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Shouldly [Fact] public void AddTest() { var calculator = new Calculator(); var result = calculator.Add(2, 3); Assert.Equal(6, result); } [Fact] public void AddTest_Shouldly() { var calculator = new Calculator(); var result = calculator.Add(2, 3); result.ShouldBe(6); } Shouldly.ShouldAssertException result should be 6 but was 5 Xunit.Sdk.EqualException Assert.Equal() Failure Expected: 6 Actual: 5
  • 45. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Shouldly [Fact] public void GetDivisorsTest() { var calculator = new Calculator(); var result = calculator.GetDivisors(20); Assert.Equal(new[] {2,3,5,7}, result); } [Fact] public void GetDivisorsTest_Shouldly() { var calculator = new Calculator(); var result = calculator.GetDivisors(20); result.ShouldBe(new[] { 2, 3, 5, 7 }); } Shouldly.ShouldAssertException result should be [2, 3, 5, 7] but was [2, 4, 5, 10] difference [2, *4*, 5, *10*] Xunit.Sdk.EqualException Assert.Equal() Failure Expected: Int32[] [2, 3, 5, 7] Actual: WhereEnumerableIterator<Int32> [2, 4, 5, 10]
  • 46. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek FluentAssertions [Fact] public void CompareTwoObjects() { var customer1 = new Customer("cust-1", "John Doe"); var customer2 = new Customer("cust-2", "John Doe"); customer1.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(customer2, o => o.Excluding(customer => customer.Id)); }
  • 47. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek AssertHelper [Test] public void CheckCompare() { var myClass = new MyClass(); Expect.That(() => myClass.ReturnFive() == 10); } [Test] public void CheckTrue() { var myClass = new MyClass(); Expect.That(() => myClass.ReturnFalse() == true); } [Test] public void StringStartsWith() { var s1 = "1234567890"; Expect.That(() => s1.StartsWith("456")); } [Test] public void CollectionContains() { var c1 = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 }; Expect.That(() => c1.Contains(41)); }
  • 48. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Test organization
  • 49. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Test structure issues • What to call the test? • AAA is not mandatory • What should I test? • How to avoid unreadable, complicated tests? - Unit testing framework provide no structure
  • 50. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek The BDD approach Step Definitions
  • 51. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Specifications == focused test Feature: Addition In order to avoid silly mistakes As a math idiot I want to be told the sum of two numbers Scenario: Add two numbers Given I have entered 50 into the calculator And I have entered 70 into the calculator When I press add Then the result should be 120 on the screen
  • 52. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek BDD Example: SpecFlow
  • 53. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Tool: BDDfy [TestClass] public class CardHasBeenDisabled { private Card _card; private Atm _subject; void GivenTheCardIsDisabled() { _card = new Card(false, 100); _subject = new Atm(100); } void WhenTheAccountHolderRequestsMoney() { _subject.RequestMoney(_card, 20); } void ThenTheAtmShouldRetainTheCard() { Assert.IsTrue(_subject.CardIsRetained); } void AndTheAtmShouldSayTheCardHasBeenRetained() { Assert.AreEqual(DisplayMessage.CardIsRetained, _subject.Message); } [TestMethod] public void Execute() { this.BDDfy(); } }
  • 54. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Test execution
  • 55. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Everybody needs a CI server Unit tests without a CI server are a waste of time - if you're running all of the tests all of the time locally you're a better man then I am
  • 56. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Tool: Continuous testing DotCover Typemock Runner nCrunch
  • 57. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek The right tools will help you write good tests Arrange Builder Pattern AutoMocking Containers Export Assert Shouldly FluentAssertions AssertHelper Test Structure BDDfy Continuous Testing Typemock Runner DotCover nCrunch
  • 58. Join the conversation on Twitter: @DevWeek // #DW2016 // #DevWeek Thank you Dror Helper | @dhelper |

Editor's Notes

  1. 2003 – first attempt at unit testing 2003 + Week – Failed! 2005 – Leave job 2006 – 2nd attempt at Unit testing Failed Find job + UT + Mentor Success
  2. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  3. Automated Test Unit of Work Check Single Assumption
  4. Duplicate code Complex system initialization Constructor updated
  5. Create instances of SUT Decouples SUT from constructor Usually use DI/IoC container
  6. - Two asserts – no idea what caused the failure - Test is testing several things
  7. Explain about Using Object.Equals & Object.ToString Demo?
  8. - Two asserts – no idea what caused the failure Test is testing several things Left or right? InstanceOf MSTest vs. NUnit
  9. Organized Overhead
  10. Organized Overhead
  11. The only problem: overhead