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The Secret to
Becoming a
Great Speaker
Everyone has the potential to become a great
speaker. This is a fact not fiction nor hype nor
fantasy. Everyone, that includes you! Realize
this, no one is born a great speaker but it does
take a lot of work. To prove this we are going
to look at two examples. The first one is…
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill is a great example of someone who
became a great speaker through hard work. Churchill had a
slight stammer and a lisp when he was young. At age 29 he
literally froze for three minutes at the House of Commons as
a newly elected representative. Everyone in the room
laughed at him. He vowed never again would this happen.
From that day on Winston made it his “only ambition to be
master of the spoken word” and he improved his skill
through immense preparation and practice over many years.
There is another guy I know personally
who had such a intense fear of speaking
that he could not speak in front of others.
I use to get petrified when I had to speak in front
of others. During my university days I was a
physical education major. When I had to get out in
front to teach my classmates I did terrible due to
my fear. They would all laugh at me. So I avoided
speaking in front of others as much as possible.
When I was 30 years old taking a class on
how to preach in Bible school I ended up
not doing my first sermon the day I was
suppose to because I had stayed up the
night before vomiting due to the fear I had.
When I began speaking in front of others on a
regular basis I got better step by step. Over the
years I became an ok speaker but it was not until I
joined Toastmasters 4 years ago that I finally began
to see great improvement in my speaking ability.
Romania National Champion
Table Topics 2015
Humorous Speech 2016
Are you ready to learn the secret to becoming a great speaker?
Becoming a great speaker is a journey. It is a step-by-step process
that results in you becoming better and better over time.
First Step?
What is the first step in the journey?
Most people don’t truly desired to be great they just…
…wish to be great.
Our journey to become great begins in our hearts.
The first step is to determine why you want to become great.
Why should we want to learn to become a great speaker?
Overcoming the fear of
speaking will give you
confidence that affects
every part of your life. It
will even open you up to
overcoming other lesser
fears in your life.
We influence those around us in two ways -
with our actions or with our words - being able
to speak well results in greater influence.
With greater confidence and influence comes…
75% of all people have a fear of
speaking Being able to speak in front
of others will open doors and give
advantages others don’t experience.
With more opportunities come more
rewards as more doors open for you
personally and professionally resulting in
more connections, relationships and income.
Warren Buffett
You can improve your
value by 50 percent
just by learning
communication skills--
public speaking.
Fred Miller
People who speak, and
speak well, are seen as
leaders and experts.
They are presented with
opportunities others
would love to have.
Learning how to become an
effective public speaker can
be the key difference
between success and failure
in your life at home, at work
and in your own community!
Rennu Dhillon
Only you can decide your why. Take the first step and decide your why.
Big Picture
In this presentation we are going to look
at the big picture of what it takes to be a
great speaker. We don’t have time to go
into the details but I have put together
resources for you that go into the details.
Once you have decided your why the next step is to…
It is critical that we first build a solid
learning foundation in order to develop
the skills needed to be great and
succeed in speaking and anything else
in life! This is critical no matter what
you want to learn.
ProactiveDavis Aurini
99% of being an expert
is nailing down the
basics...establish a basis,
a solid foundation,
a routine, and the
rest will follow.
Through studying, speaking and mentoring others I
have discovered there are three layers to a solid
learning foundation. The first layer is…
Choosing to have a learning mindset.
Developing a learning system.
Establishing a learning routine.
Let’s look at these three things in a bit more detail.
A learning mindset. Some call it a
growth mindset. Once you have decided
your why the next step is to change
your mindset. Your mindset about
learning determines your success in life
whether it’s becoming a great speaker
or something else. What is mindset?
A mindset is a set of ideas and attitudes
that shape the way we think about
ourselves and the world. It determines
how we behave, our outlook on life and
our attitude towards everything that’s
going on around us.
What are some aspects of a learning mindset?
Guess what is another
important mindset we have to
have in order to become a
great speaker. The mindset we
have on dealing with…
Fear is like a bully. It wants to
limit you! You need to face
your fear! Lean into your
fear! Go through your fear!
That is how you defeat fear!
Once you conquer your fear
of speaking it will be easier
to defeat other fears as well.
Michael Hyatt
Learning to welcome
uncomfortable things, even
things you're afraid of, helps you
get outside of your box -- and
that's where true growth and
innovation happen. When you
confront new obstacles, you're
compelled to push past your
limits to overcome them
Mind Set
That’s a look at the first layer of our learning
foundation. Next we move on to…
A learning system is the step by step process we use to learn something.
Goals can provide direction and
even push you forward in the
short-term, but eventually a well-
designed system will always win.
Having a system is what matters.
Committing to the process is what
makes the difference.
James Clear
Toastmasters CC manual is a learning system.
I’ve developed a 15 step system that I use
along with the T.M. manual for myself &
those I mentor. I call it…
I have included it in the
resources I put together for
you. Let me share with you
the first three steps from it.
What is the first step?
ReadTo read the project in the manual. The next step is to….
To-Do ListMake a to-do list of what you need to do for your project. Rather
than explain it here is an example.
Project 2 To-Do List
1. Select the topic for my speech - best one for me and my audience
2. Make an outline of my speech - logically arrange my ideas
3. Write the introduction for my speech - catch the audience’s attention
4. Write the body of my speech - supports the main idea of speech
5. Write the conclusion of my speech - reinforce ideas and make memorable
6. Focus on transitions - move smoothly from one topic to another
Write out a to-do list in the first person - see “my speech” - short
and to the point. After that the third step is to…
Check out this great website that has
guides for the first 7 projects. While this
site is not posting anything new it has
tons of great articles on public speaking.
Mind Set
We’ve looked at mindset and learning system.
Let’s move on now to…
Establishing a routine, a time set aside each day, to use
your learning system that results in continual growth.
One hour per day of study will
put you at the top of your
field within three years. Within
five years you’ll be a national
authority. In seven years, you
can be one of the best people
in the world at what you do.
Earl Nightingale
Doing a little bit everyday is far superior
to cramming just before a speech. The
brain takes time to rewire itself. Establish
a time to spend at least 15 minutes a day.
Connect it with something you already do.
Excellence is an art won by
training and habituation. We do
not act rightly because we have
virtue or excellence, but we
rather have those because we
have acted rightly. We are what
we repeatedly do. Excellence,
then, is not an act but a habit.
Winston Churchill
Continuous effort, not
strength or intelligence,
is the key to unlocking
our potential.
Mind Set
Once we establish the correct learning foundation we need to…
We need to focus our mindset, system and
routine on three things for every speech.
AudienceKnowing our audience.
ContentDeveloping our content.
DeliveryPracticing our delivery.
Take every possible opportunity to speak in front of others. You
need to be persistent in speaking as much as possible.
Here are a few of the details.
The first step is to know your audience.
You need to be able to tell them why
they should listen to you.
Free: Questions per survey - 10. Number of responses -100.
Public speaking involves an
audience. If you focus entirely on
yourself in an effort to be
perfect, you’re forgetting the
more important half of the
equation – the people who have
to get your presentation for it to
mean anything.
Nick Morgan
Michelle Mazur
The more you know about the
audience the more you’re able
to meet them exactly where they
are. When you meet the
audience at THEIR starting point,
you’ll be able to move them to
where you want them to go.
Great speeches require great content. Spend
one week getting to know your audience,
doing research, determining the purpose of
your speech and developing an outline then
one week to write out your speech.
Chris Anderson
Your number one mission as a
speaker is to take something that
matters deeply to you and rebuild it
inside the minds of your listeners.
The only thing that truly matters in
public speaking is not confidence,
stage presence or smooth talking.
It’s having something worth saying.
Two weeks for this as well - the first week
fine-tune and get comfortable with the
words you are saying - we don’t speak like
we write. Then during the second week add
practicing your body gestures and after
that work on your vocal variety .
If you rehearse really, really, really well
— it looks improvisational. Some
people rehearse to a point where
they’re robotic, and they sound like
they have memorized their
presentation and didn’t take it to the
next level. Going from sounding
memorized and canned to sounding
natural is a lot of work.
Nancy Duarte
Rob Biesenbach
Some people fear that too
much rehearsal undermines
spontaneity and authenticity.
Actors know the opposite to
be true. Having your material
internalized actually frees you
to live in the moment.
Scott Schwertly
The sound of your voice is like a cake,
it’s the delicious result of different
ingredients mixed together. This
includes your cadence, tone, speed,
and volume, all of which add up to
the final result. For presenters, being
understood is everything. But even
more than this, studies suggest that
people determine how trustworthy or
dominant you are within the first 500
milliseconds of hearing your voice.
Michael Hudson
When you’re on stage, every
movement you make, every step
you take, impacts the way the
audience receives your message.
If your movements align with your
words, they increase the impact of
your message. But if they appear
random or disconnected, they will
derail even the best message.
The best speeches and
presentations, the ones that
are delivered effortlessly; the
ones that we remember; the
ones that make an impact, are
usually the result of thorough
and careful preparation.
John Zimmer
Gary Genard
You have to learn how to speak with
physical expressiveness…You and I,
in other words, need to find a
physical expression for our messages.
Think about that: how can you use
your body to clarify, strengthen, and
amplify the sense of what you’re
saying? That truly is the value of
body language in public speaking.
You will only get better by speaking.
You must learn
to speak by
Dale Carnegie
Nothing in this world can take the
place of persistence. Talent will not:
nothing is more common than
unsuccessful men with talent. Genius
will not; unrewarded genius is
almost a proverb. Education will not:
the world is full of educated
derelicts. Persistence and
determination alone are omnipotent.
Calvin Coolidge
When you are speaking what do you want
to do with your audience? Before we look
at that let’s look at what you don’t want
to do. Whatever you do please don’t …
…kill your audience!
Don’t bore them to death! Don’t
overwhelm them with too much
information! Don’t be confusing!
What should be your goal as a speaker?
ConnectTo connect with your audience during the opening.
To keep your audience engaged throughout the whole speech.
ChangeTo motivate your audience to change in specific ways during the closing.
?How do we do that?
First you need to connect with your audience
during the opening with your smile, open body
gestures, eye contact, enthusiasm and voice.
Then you need to connect what you are going
to talk about with your audience. Remember
how I started out? “Everyone in this room can
become a great speaker!” Your audience needs
to know why they should listen.
Jim Anderson
The quality of your next speech will not
be determined by the amount of effort
that you put into your slides. It won’t be
determined by your clever use of pauses
and hand gestures. Instead, your level of
success will depend on how well you are
able to connect with your audience.
To keep your audience engaged
throughout your speech also requires the
use of your body and voice and a logical
structure that is simple, short and clear
to follow with effective transitions.
Lastly, your speech should change your
audience in some way. It should change
how they feel or think or what they do.
You want your audience to transform
into a better version of themselves
because of your speech.
Jared Senseman
The purpose of a speech is to move people to
action. You point an audience to a place where
they want to be, a distant hilltop, a better
future, a more stable company, a more
‘connected’ life. You make them dissatisfied
with where they are now and tempt them with
a ‘golden tomorrow’ – and then you’ve got to
show them how to get there. Or at least, you
do if you want to be great.
Call to Action
For your audience to change you will need
to tell your audience what you want them
to do with what you said. Give them
something specific to do after your speech
is done. As an example I will give you a call
to action towards the end of these slides.
As we come to the end of time together remember!
JourneyThe journey to becoming a great speaker begins…
…in your heart.
You need to know your why. Why do you want to become a
great speaker? Once you’ve done that…
You need to build a solid learning
foundation. You can't build a great
building on a weak foundation.
How do you do that? First you…
Choose to have a learning mindset. Your
mindset determines your success in life.
The starting point to becoming a great
speaker is having the right mindset.
Figure out the steps you need to
take to reach your goal. Check out
the system I use with those I
mentor in the resources.
Establish a learning routine and stay
consistent at it for the long haul. At least
15 minutes a day. Consistent actions of
excellence over time result in the
development of habits of excellence.
Take your learning foundation and…
Focus…then focus your learning foundation on…
What?What do you want to do with your audience during your speech?
Whatever you do please don’t …
…kill your audience! What should you do?
ConnectYou should connect with your audience during the opening.
Then keep your audience engaged throughout the whole speech.
Finish by motivating your audience to
change in specific ways during the closing.
Take a hold of your Toastmaster experience. If you aren’t in Toastmasters…
Join Toastmasters
My life would have been much different and better if
I had joined Toastmasters a long time ago. If I could
go back in time and tell my younger self anything it
would be to join TM and learn to be a great speaker.
If you do there is no limit on what you can accomplish!
Call to Action
Download1. Download the resources file I put together
2. Review this training by first looking at the pdf
of the extended version of the slides then…
Watch3. Watch the video of this training and take notes
4. Discover your why
Action Plan5. Make an action plan using all the resources in the downloaded file
World in Hands
Be equipped
to impact
your world
for good!
The Secret to
Becoming a
Great Speaker
Ladies and gentlemen, that is the secret to becoming a great speaker.

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Secret to Becoming a Great Speaker (extended version)

  • 1. The Secret to Becoming a Great Speaker
  • 2. Everyone has the potential to become a great speaker. This is a fact not fiction nor hype nor fantasy. Everyone, that includes you! Realize this, no one is born a great speaker but it does take a lot of work. To prove this we are going to look at two examples. The first one is…
  • 4. Winston Churchill is a great example of someone who became a great speaker through hard work. Churchill had a slight stammer and a lisp when he was young. At age 29 he literally froze for three minutes at the House of Commons as a newly elected representative. Everyone in the room laughed at him. He vowed never again would this happen. From that day on Winston made it his “only ambition to be master of the spoken word” and he improved his skill through immense preparation and practice over many years.
  • 5. There is another guy I know personally who had such a intense fear of speaking that he could not speak in front of others.
  • 6.
  • 7. I use to get petrified when I had to speak in front of others. During my university days I was a physical education major. When I had to get out in front to teach my classmates I did terrible due to my fear. They would all laugh at me. So I avoided speaking in front of others as much as possible.
  • 8. When I was 30 years old taking a class on how to preach in Bible school I ended up not doing my first sermon the day I was suppose to because I had stayed up the night before vomiting due to the fear I had.
  • 9. When I began speaking in front of others on a regular basis I got better step by step. Over the years I became an ok speaker but it was not until I joined Toastmasters 4 years ago that I finally began to see great improvement in my speaking ability.
  • 10. Romania National Champion Table Topics 2015 Humorous Speech 2016
  • 11. Secret? Are you ready to learn the secret to becoming a great speaker?
  • 13. Becoming a great speaker is a journey. It is a step-by-step process that results in you becoming better and better over time.
  • 14. First Step? What is the first step in the journey?
  • 15. Dananjaya Hettiarachchi Most people don’t truly desired to be great they just…
  • 17. Our journey to become great begins in our hearts.
  • 18. Why? The first step is to determine why you want to become great.
  • 19. Why should we want to learn to become a great speaker? Why?
  • 21. Overcoming the fear of speaking will give you confidence that affects every part of your life. It will even open you up to overcoming other lesser fears in your life.
  • 23. We influence those around us in two ways - with our actions or with our words - being able to speak well results in greater influence. With greater confidence and influence comes…
  • 25. 75% of all people have a fear of speaking Being able to speak in front of others will open doors and give advantages others don’t experience.
  • 27. Money With more opportunities come more rewards as more doors open for you personally and professionally resulting in more connections, relationships and income.
  • 28. Warren Buffett You can improve your value by 50 percent just by learning communication skills-- public speaking.
  • 29. Fred Miller People who speak, and speak well, are seen as leaders and experts. They are presented with opportunities others would love to have.
  • 30. Learning how to become an effective public speaker can be the key difference between success and failure in your life at home, at work and in your own community! Rennu Dhillon
  • 31. Only you can decide your why. Take the first step and decide your why.
  • 33. In this presentation we are going to look at the big picture of what it takes to be a great speaker. We don’t have time to go into the details but I have put together resources for you that go into the details.
  • 35. Why? Once you have decided your why the next step is to…
  • 37. It is critical that we first build a solid learning foundation in order to develop the skills needed to be great and succeed in speaking and anything else in life! This is critical no matter what you want to learn.
  • 38. ProactiveDavis Aurini 99% of being an expert is nailing down the basics...establish a basis, a solid foundation, a routine, and the rest will follow.
  • 39. Through studying, speaking and mentoring others I have discovered there are three layers to a solid learning foundation. The first layer is…
  • 40. Mindset Choosing to have a learning mindset.
  • 43. Let’s look at these three things in a bit more detail.
  • 45. A learning mindset. Some call it a growth mindset. Once you have decided your why the next step is to change your mindset. Your mindset about learning determines your success in life whether it’s becoming a great speaker or something else. What is mindset?
  • 46. A mindset is a set of ideas and attitudes that shape the way we think about ourselves and the world. It determines how we behave, our outlook on life and our attitude towards everything that’s going on around us. What are some aspects of a learning mindset?
  • 48. ? Guess what is another important mindset we have to have in order to become a great speaker. The mindset we have on dealing with…
  • 49. Fear
  • 50. Fear is like a bully. It wants to limit you! You need to face your fear! Lean into your fear! Go through your fear! That is how you defeat fear! Once you conquer your fear of speaking it will be easier to defeat other fears as well.
  • 51. Michael Hyatt Learning to welcome uncomfortable things, even things you're afraid of, helps you get outside of your box -- and that's where true growth and innovation happen. When you confront new obstacles, you're compelled to push past your limits to overcome them
  • 52. Mind Set That’s a look at the first layer of our learning foundation. Next we move on to…
  • 53. System A learning system is the step by step process we use to learn something.
  • 54. Goals can provide direction and even push you forward in the short-term, but eventually a well- designed system will always win. Having a system is what matters. Committing to the process is what makes the difference. James Clear
  • 55. Toastmasters CC manual is a learning system.
  • 56. I’ve developed a 15 step system that I use along with the T.M. manual for myself & those I mentor. I call it…
  • 58. I have included it in the resources I put together for you. Let me share with you the first three steps from it. What is the first step?
  • 59. ReadTo read the project in the manual. The next step is to….
  • 60. To-Do ListMake a to-do list of what you need to do for your project. Rather than explain it here is an example.
  • 61. Project 2 To-Do List 1. Select the topic for my speech - best one for me and my audience 2. Make an outline of my speech - logically arrange my ideas 3. Write the introduction for my speech - catch the audience’s attention 4. Write the body of my speech - supports the main idea of speech 5. Write the conclusion of my speech - reinforce ideas and make memorable 6. Focus on transitions - move smoothly from one topic to another Write out a to-do list in the first person - see “my speech” - short and to the point. After that the third step is to…
  • 63. Check out this great website that has guides for the first 7 projects. While this site is not posting anything new it has tons of great articles on public speaking.
  • 64. Mind Set System We’ve looked at mindset and learning system. Let’s move on now to…
  • 65. Routine Establishing a routine, a time set aside each day, to use your learning system that results in continual growth.
  • 66. One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you’ll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do. Earl Nightingale
  • 67. Doing a little bit everyday is far superior to cramming just before a speech. The brain takes time to rewire itself. Establish a time to spend at least 15 minutes a day. Connect it with something you already do.
  • 68. Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. Aristotle
  • 69. Winston Churchill Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential.
  • 70. Mind Set System Routine Once we establish the correct learning foundation we need to…
  • 71. Focus
  • 72. We need to focus our mindset, system and routine on three things for every speech.
  • 77. Speak Speak Speak Take every possible opportunity to speak in front of others. You need to be persistent in speaking as much as possible.
  • 78. Details please! Here are a few of the details.
  • 80. The first step is to know your audience. You need to be able to tell them why they should listen to you.
  • 81. SurveyMonkey Free: Questions per survey - 10. Number of responses -100.
  • 82. Public speaking involves an audience. If you focus entirely on yourself in an effort to be perfect, you’re forgetting the more important half of the equation – the people who have to get your presentation for it to mean anything. Nick Morgan
  • 83. Michelle Mazur The more you know about the audience the more you’re able to meet them exactly where they are. When you meet the audience at THEIR starting point, you’ll be able to move them to where you want them to go.
  • 85. Great speeches require great content. Spend one week getting to know your audience, doing research, determining the purpose of your speech and developing an outline then one week to write out your speech.
  • 86. Chris Anderson Your number one mission as a speaker is to take something that matters deeply to you and rebuild it inside the minds of your listeners. The only thing that truly matters in public speaking is not confidence, stage presence or smooth talking. It’s having something worth saying.
  • 88. Two weeks for this as well - the first week fine-tune and get comfortable with the words you are saying - we don’t speak like we write. Then during the second week add practicing your body gestures and after that work on your vocal variety .
  • 89. If you rehearse really, really, really well — it looks improvisational. Some people rehearse to a point where they’re robotic, and they sound like they have memorized their presentation and didn’t take it to the next level. Going from sounding memorized and canned to sounding natural is a lot of work. Nancy Duarte
  • 90. Rob Biesenbach Some people fear that too much rehearsal undermines spontaneity and authenticity. Actors know the opposite to be true. Having your material internalized actually frees you to live in the moment.
  • 91. Scott Schwertly The sound of your voice is like a cake, it’s the delicious result of different ingredients mixed together. This includes your cadence, tone, speed, and volume, all of which add up to the final result. For presenters, being understood is everything. But even more than this, studies suggest that people determine how trustworthy or dominant you are within the first 500 milliseconds of hearing your voice.
  • 92. Michael Hudson When you’re on stage, every movement you make, every step you take, impacts the way the audience receives your message. If your movements align with your words, they increase the impact of your message. But if they appear random or disconnected, they will derail even the best message.
  • 93. The best speeches and presentations, the ones that are delivered effortlessly; the ones that we remember; the ones that make an impact, are usually the result of thorough and careful preparation. John Zimmer
  • 94. Gary Genard You have to learn how to speak with physical expressiveness…You and I, in other words, need to find a physical expression for our messages. Think about that: how can you use your body to clarify, strengthen, and amplify the sense of what you’re saying? That truly is the value of body language in public speaking.
  • 95. Speak Speak Speak You will only get better by speaking.
  • 96. You must learn to speak by speaking. Dale Carnegie
  • 97. Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Calvin Coolidge
  • 98. What?
  • 99. When you are speaking what do you want to do with your audience? Before we look at that let’s look at what you don’t want to do. Whatever you do please don’t …
  • 101. Kill Don’t bore them to death! Don’t overwhelm them with too much information! Don’t be confusing! What should be your goal as a speaker?
  • 102. ConnectTo connect with your audience during the opening.
  • 103. Engage To keep your audience engaged throughout the whole speech.
  • 104. ChangeTo motivate your audience to change in specific ways during the closing.
  • 105. ?How do we do that?
  • 107. First you need to connect with your audience during the opening with your smile, open body gestures, eye contact, enthusiasm and voice. Then you need to connect what you are going to talk about with your audience. Remember how I started out? “Everyone in this room can become a great speaker!” Your audience needs to know why they should listen.
  • 108. Jim Anderson The quality of your next speech will not be determined by the amount of effort that you put into your slides. It won’t be determined by your clever use of pauses and hand gestures. Instead, your level of success will depend on how well you are able to connect with your audience.
  • 109. Engage
  • 110. To keep your audience engaged throughout your speech also requires the use of your body and voice and a logical structure that is simple, short and clear to follow with effective transitions.
  • 111. Change
  • 112. Lastly, your speech should change your audience in some way. It should change how they feel or think or what they do.
  • 113. Transform You want your audience to transform into a better version of themselves because of your speech.
  • 114. Jared Senseman The purpose of a speech is to move people to action. You point an audience to a place where they want to be, a distant hilltop, a better future, a more stable company, a more ‘connected’ life. You make them dissatisfied with where they are now and tempt them with a ‘golden tomorrow’ – and then you’ve got to show them how to get there. Or at least, you do if you want to be great.
  • 116. For your audience to change you will need to tell your audience what you want them to do with what you said. Give them something specific to do after your speech is done. As an example I will give you a call to action towards the end of these slides.
  • 117. Sunset As we come to the end of time together remember!
  • 118. JourneyThe journey to becoming a great speaker begins…
  • 120. Why? You need to know your why. Why do you want to become a great speaker? Once you’ve done that…
  • 122. You need to build a solid learning foundation. You can't build a great building on a weak foundation. How do you do that? First you…
  • 124. Choose to have a learning mindset. Your mindset determines your success in life. The starting point to becoming a great speaker is having the right mindset.
  • 126. Figure out the steps you need to take to reach your goal. Check out the system I use with those I mentor in the resources.
  • 128. Establish a learning routine and stay consistent at it for the long haul. At least 15 minutes a day. Consistent actions of excellence over time result in the development of habits of excellence. Take your learning foundation and…
  • 129. Focus…then focus your learning foundation on…
  • 134. What?What do you want to do with your audience during your speech? Whatever you do please don’t …
  • 135. Kill …kill your audience! What should you do?
  • 136. ConnectYou should connect with your audience during the opening.
  • 137. Engage Then keep your audience engaged throughout the whole speech.
  • 138. Change Finish by motivating your audience to change in specific ways during the closing.
  • 140. Take a hold of your Toastmaster experience. If you aren’t in Toastmasters…
  • 142. My life would have been much different and better if I had joined Toastmasters a long time ago. If I could go back in time and tell my younger self anything it would be to join TM and learn to be a great speaker.
  • 143. Success If you do there is no limit on what you can accomplish!
  • 145. Download1. Download the resources file I put together
  • 146. Review 2. Review this training by first looking at the pdf of the extended version of the slides then…
  • 147. Watch3. Watch the video of this training and take notes
  • 149. Action Plan5. Make an action plan using all the resources in the downloaded file
  • 150. World in Hands Be equipped to impact your world for good!
  • 151. The Secret to Becoming a Great Speaker Ladies and gentlemen, that is the secret to becoming a great speaker.