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Second Hand Smoke Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Second Hand Smoke" can be a challenging endeavor,
requiring a delicate balance of research, empathy, and persuasive writing skills. The intricacy lies
in presenting a comprehensive understanding of the subject while conveying the detrimental
effects of secondhand smoke on both individuals and society.
To begin with, one must delve into the scientific aspects, exploring the various toxins and
carcinogens present in secondhand smoke. Understanding the health implications is crucial, as it
involves deciphering complex medical studies and translating them into accessible language for
the readers. Simultaneously, there's a need to incorporate personal narratives and real-life
examples to humanize the issue, making it relatable to a broader audience.
Additionally, addressing the ethical and societal dimensions of the problem adds another layer of
complexity. Discussing the responsibilities of individuals, businesses, and governments in curbing
secondhand smoke requires a nuanced approach. Striking the right tone to foster awareness
without alienating certain groups can be a tightrope walk.
Furthermore, weaving a persuasive argument that motivates readers to take action necessitates a
strategic arrangement of evidence and a compelling call to action. Balancing the emotional
appeal with a solid foundation of facts is crucial for the essay's effectiveness.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Second Hand Smoke" demands not only a deep
understanding of the subject matter but also a skillful blending of scientific, personal, and
persuasive elements. It's a task that requires meticulous research, thoughtful organization, and a
keen awareness of the diverse perspectives surrounding the issue.
For those finding this task daunting, it's worth noting that offers assistance
with similar essays and a variety of topics. Their professional writers can provide valuable
support in crafting well-researched and compelling essays, ensuring that your message reaches
your audience effectively.
Second Hand Smoke Essay Second Hand Smoke Essay
The Spanish American War in 1898
The quote A Splendid little war by Secretary of State John Hay summarizes the
Spanish American War in 1898. While this war could be seen as an act of aggression
by the 20th century standards this war was beneficial to the United States of America
while being deviating to the Kingdom of Spain for many reasons. There were many
causes for the Spanish American War. The first long term cause was the Wilson
Gordon Tariff. This tariff ultimately decreased tariff rates for may Europeans nations
excluding the commonwealth of Spain. This ultimately angered the Spanish and
weakened international relationship between the United States and Spain. This tariff
also instilled an anti American feeling in Spain. This would lay down the
groundwork for the next cause the Delome Letter The de LГґme letter was a letter
written by SeГ±or Don Enrigue Dupuy de LГґme, the Spanish Ambassador to the
United States, to Don JosГ© Canelejas, the Foreign Minister of Spain. This letter
described SeГ±or Don Enrigue Dupuy de LГґme opinion on the Spanish involvement
in Cuba and President William McKinley s foreign policy. This letter described
President McKinley as a weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd besides
being a would be politician who tries to leave a door open behind himself while
keeping on good terms with the jingoes of his party. This letter got into American
hands because of a squadron of Cuban rebel who accidentally discovered this letter
when looking at the recently acquired
The Movie Begins With A Long Shot Of The Background
The movie begins with a long shot of the background greenery which transitions into
a close shot of Saul. Saul is calm like the greenery and his expression conveys the
comfort of the background, contrasting the chaos ensuing around him. Another
member of the Sonderkommando shuffles into position, joining the shot, and says,
Lets go . They begin to usher groups of people in another direction. It is clear now
that they are taking people off the trains and moving them to the camps. There are
loud sounds in the background ranging from babies crying to the grunts of someone
being punched. There is a hand held cameraon Saulas he continues shepherding, only
stopping to salute someone walking by. He does what he is told without question...
Show more content on ...
The next stage for the prisoners is to enter the showers . The background noise of
this scene starts with another officer telling the prisoners they must clean up so
they can move to their jobs at the camp. They are convinced they will be useful
craftsmen or nurses, etc. Saul does not tell the truth, but keeps his blank expression
like he is taught to do. This is another example of Saul tuning out the injustices
occurring so he can survive. The focus of the scene is strictly on Saul, except when
he helps undress someone, they come into focus. This highlights that he is dealing
with humans, even though he moves around them mechanically, like mannequins.
Once the people are undressed, Saul again avoids eye contact as they chaotically
are pushed into the showers . Saul is conditioned to treat them like objects,
triggering the violence to be ignored. When the men and women are in the showers
he mechanically gathers the prisoner s belongings disregarding that they are people
s possessions. He is overlooking the humanity around him and strictly doing his job.
Once that job is done he moves onto the next like he is programmed. The next task
is helping hold the door shut. As Saul and the camera move closer to the door, the
screams grow louder. It is clear to the audience that it is not just a shower, but the gas
chambers. Again, Saul s emotionless expression is contrasted with the screams and
cries heard behind the doors. His lack of
Superheroes In The Wally West
The Flash(Wally West) is best superhero in the 1960 s America. First,Wally West
was the first kid flash/first kid speedster. There were no kid superheroes at the at the
time besides Super Girl. Furthermore, Wally west soon became the fastest of all the
speedsters, most superheroes don t become better than their predecessors. Wally west
would push his powers to the limit, this allowed him to pass his predecessors. Lastly,
The Flashs comic book became one of the bestsellers of the 1960 s. This mesant that
kids related to him and wanted to read his comics. In Spite of their being other
superheroes with Superspeed they enjoyed The flashmore. Wally West s super power
is the best. Erin Parisien from screen rant wrote, Using his abilities to run at, and
sometimes beyond, the speed of light, The Flash is able to also move through time.
First, Wally is so fast that he can time travel. There were no other superheroes that
could time travel at the time besides the other flash s. The article 15 Powers You
Didn t Know The Flash Has, A bonus of being able to harvest the speed force is
that it speeds up everything in the body, including the ability to heal. Next, Wally
has rapid healing. Wally s power of rapid healing come in handy when things get
rough. This is something the likes of Batman and Spiderman Didn t have.In the text
of The Flash: 15 Things Wally West Can Do That Barry Allen Can t it says, But he
was able to do it using wormholes, not by simply using his
English Express And Test Preparation
English Express is a tutoring and test preparation company located in Houston Texas.
It offers English as a Second Language, TOEFL preparation, Business English, Test
Preparation and Spanish courses. The tutoring team is made of highly competent
teachers with more than ten years of language teaching experience. Each class has a
maximum of six students to improve efficiency in learning.
Founded in 1991, Tutoring Club offers personalized tutoring services in the Pearland
region of Houston. The staff of professional tutors will create an individualized
tutoring program for a student according to the student s ability and potential.
Subjects offered include reading, math, writing, study skills and ACT/SAT
Huntington Learning Center is a tutoring and test preparation center located in
Houston Texas. It has a team of highly experienced tutors whose methods are built on
scientifically tested and proven instructional methods. Services on offer include
academic skills tutoring, subject tutoring and preparation for tests such as SAT, ACT,
PSAT, GED and others.
C2 Education of Memorial is a tutoring and test preparation center located in Houston
Texas. It is staffed with professional tutors who have passed a rigorous hiring
exercise and have undergone intensive training. Math and English tutoring is
available while test preparation is offered for SAT, ACT, PSAT and summer programs.
Blueprint LSAT Preparation is an exclusively LSAT preparation center located in
Midterm Contracts
State vs. Fabio
Homicide is the killing of one human being by another.
When Fabio shot Nicholas with a gun and he died, there was a killing of a human
being by another.
Actual Causation
Defendant s acts must have been the actual cause of the victim s death, i.e., but for
the Defendant s actions the victim would not have died.
But for Fabio shooting Nicholas, Nicholas would not have been killed. Fabio is the
actual cause of Nicholas death.
Thus, Fabio is the actual cause of Nicholas death.
Proximate Causation
A Defendant s actions are the proximate cause of the victim s death if the result
occurred as a natural and ... Show more content on ...
Thus, Fabio s actions were willful and wanton conduct.
Therefore, there was malice aforethought.
Fabio will be convicted of murder.
First Degree Murder
First degree murder is one committed with the specific intent to kill, plus
premeditation and deliberation.
Fabio drove to a gun shop and purchased a gun and ammunition. He then drove to
Nicholas home and made the conscious decision to shoot Nicholas with the gun
killing him. Thus, Fabio had the requisite specific intent to kill.
However, Fabio will argue that he was angry that Nicholas was having an affair
with his wife. When he went to Nicholas home and asked him about the affair,
Nicholas denied that an affair was going on. This denial of the affair escalated Fabio
s anger to the point Fabio shooting Nicholas. Thus, Fabio acted instinctively and did
not have time to deliberate his act. Thus, Fabio will argue that he had no time to
contemplate and appreciate the consequences of his act.
However, it appears from the facts that Fabio purchased the gun with the intent to kill
Therefore, Fabio can be convicted of first degree murder.
Voluntary Manslaughter
Voluntary manslaughter is a killing of a human being without adequate provocation,
with a loss of mental equilibrium and insufficient time to cool off.
When Fabio saw
Research Paper On Skyscrapers
Towering skyscrapers providing offices for businesses, bridges that let people
drive miles over water, and houses providing people shelter every day. All these
structures affect people every day; and like all great ideas, it had to be planned.
Without a plan for these ideas, how else would it be known how to build these
great structures. And with the population growing we need more people to design
new homes, businesses and other structures. Architecture is a major career that
requires essential skills such as math, science, communication, and most
importantly creativity. With these skills it is the responsibility of an architect to
design these projects and make sure it is built properly. Every structure needs a
plan, and the first step in an architectural plan is to make a design that fits the
customer s needs. These needs will vary on every project such as a drawbridge that
could open 100 meters across, or an office building that needs to be able to sustain
hurricane winds. Although every structure is different, they all have basic
components that make sure they stand (Shapiro 1). One common structure architects
design are skyscrapers. The first part of a skyscraper that an architect will design is
the foundation. The foundation is designed by what shape the bottom of the
building will be. A pit will be dug out and filled with concrete and columns must be
designed into the concrete to reach bedrock, so the building will be anchored. An
example of a skyscraper ground
Nutrition Report On Food Intake Essay
Food Intake According to my three day food diary report, I demonstrated a diet
pattern that truly lacks a healthy balance of vital nutrients. First of all, my kilocalorie
intake nearly quadrupled that of my dietary reference intake (DRI) range. Secondly,
my total lipids reported as considered within my DRI range. However, it was at the
highest allowable percentage. Therefore, had it been one percent higher, it would
have been above my recommended dietary reference intake. Third of all, my
carbohydrate intake revealed drastically surpassed my DRI (although it was within
my DRI range, when compared to my total fat and protein amounts, my carbohydrate
percentage displayed immensely greater than the others). Finally, the results of my
protein intake were extremely low compared to my suggested DRI range. In fact, the
percentage was at the lowest allowed for my protein DRI, and was dangerously low
in comparison to my total lipid and carbohydrate percentages. Macronutrients
According to Institute of Medicine (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
and Medicine, 2016), macronutrients are significant to the health (or illness from
malnourishment) of humans, because macronutrients are the sources of nutrients that
we rely on the most for energy, growth, and healing, thus, mandatory in greater
amounts. In addition, consuming too few or even excessive intakes of
macronutrients consequently results in negative outcomes on the body, including a
myriad of various
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Case Study
The United States Army decision to divest the OH 58D Kiowa Warrior was an end
to an airframe that has a long history of service. No other airframe in the United
States Army has the reliability, close air support, and overall operational readiness
rate. Many Soldiers lives affected by the divestiture of this airframe, some have
lost their jobs, or forced into different needs of the Army. The decision to divest the
OH 58D is important , leaving this important role to the AH 64D/E Apache, and
unmanned aerial vehicles. The OH 58 has been in service since 1969 as a Light
Observation Helicopter. (Wikipedia January 2017) Many variants include OH 58A,
OH 58B, OH 58C, and OH 58D; an OH 58F was in the testing phase but scrapped.
The... Show more content on ...
The small but agile airframe primarily used for observation or the scout role,
gathering Intel about enemy movements across the battlefield. No airframe in the
Army s fleet could provide close air support to ground vehicle convoys like the
airframe did, sometimes flying within 50 feet of conveys to ensure their protection.
This close air support was valuable to providing convoys make it to their destination
unharmed, showing teeth to any would be attacker. In addition, ground troops hailed
the aircraft for its quick response in the battle space, apparently saving many
American Soldiers lives. Working joint operations with the AH64D/E Apache
helicopter Apache missions scrubbed due to maintenance issues causing units with
OH 58D to deploy more aircraft to support their mission losses. If any ground troop
wanted fast and effective close air support, many would have chosen the OH 58D.
Stories often heard was how the OH 58D came flying in and suppressed the threat
allowing ground troops to advance and continue the mission. Just having this airframe
in the battle space contained many threats before they even evolved; supporting lost
capabilities this helicopter has brought to the U.S
Oscar Wilde Satire
Oscar Wilde was an Irish playwright, novelist, and poet who lived an
unconventional life during the Victorian Era. Oscar Wilde is lauded for his works,
trademark wit, and the way he carried himself around. Arguably, his most famous
piece of work is The Importance of Being Earnest, which is about two people who
make up a person that lives in another part of the country in order to escape
burdensome social responsibilities. The Importance of Being Earnest is an example
of a satirical piece of literature. Satire is the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the
like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc. Wilde s life experiences
greatly impacted the views, that he expresses through satirical humor, in his works,
particularly The... Show more content on ...
He went to prestigious colleges such as Oxford. He is well aware of the way of the
life of the upper class people. In his works, particularly in The Importance of Being
Earnest, he mocks the way that they live. Lady Bracknell is an extreme caricature
of the snobbiness, classism, and elitism of Victorian London. After learning about
the wealth that Cecily has, she tries to make nephew Algernon marry to Cecily to
get the money that comes with marrying her. Marriage for Lady Bracknell is a
business transaction and not an union of two people that love each other. Wilde is
saying through his experiences with the upper class that they do not care about
anything but maintaining their high class position. Oscar Wilde made sure to
criticize the upper class in his play The Importance of Being Earnest. Wilde grew up
in an unconventional family, was a homosexual in a place where it was taboo, and
was an upper class Victorian man. All of these influences the way that he wrote, such
as in The Importance of Being Earnest. Wilde growing up in an unconventional
family made him appreciate wit and humor. Wilde being homosexual meant that he to
pretend that he was somebody that is not which he criticizes. Wilde being an upper
class Victorian man meant that he wanted to satirize the way that they act. The
Importance of Being Earnest demonstrates each three of these
Analysis Of Rising Tide
Back in the early 1960s, during the bloodiest years of the civil rights movement,
there was Bear Bryant, and Joe Namath. Rising Tide tries to be more than another
muscle head life story. It recounts an exciting story lying at the crossing point of
football, race, and excitement. The Southern whites in the late 1950s and mid
1960s just discussed two topics of discussions, and it was a race and football.
Regardless of remarkable fortune and great lack of concern, there were pockets of
eagerness, a desire to break with similarity and seek after individual opportunity.
Activists found neediness amidst bounty, railed against the organization man, and
encouraged to boycott the bomb. The social equality development entered its
bloodiest stage, standing up to a horrible restriction in the core of Dixie. This book
is about the legendary coach Paul Bryant and how he helped Joe Namath overcome
the struggle of segregation on and off the football field. Considering the relationship
between the athlete and coach during the golden era of the game, it addresses the
losses, the commitment, and the determination in becoming one of the nation s elite.
Like many of the greats, Namath s upbringing wasn t great. Namath s family were
immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania. Growing up in Western, Pennsylvania,
Namath didn t want to work in the steel mills like every other male immigrant.
Working in a steel mill only provided a stable life for a man and his family, but not an
easy one. Few who went
How To Make College Cheaper Analysis
In the article, How to Make College Cheaper, Steve Cohen discusses how an average
income family cannot afford the typical university or community college tuition. He
describes key ideas on how to make college more readily available the average
student in American. Although, in the article Steve Cohen uses some ambiguous
language in his key reasons the conclusion to his issue is very convincing.
In Steve Cohen article, How to Make College Cheaper, he clearly states the issue and
the conclusion. The descriptive issue is stated in the title, Why or How to Make
College Cheaper. Cohen states the conclusion later on in the article in the concluding
paragraph. The conclusion is to invest in tuition deferment and by shifting the risk of
student default from the government to the college. Thus, the issue and the
conclusion could be stated as follows: College can be made cheaper by tuition
deferment and shifting risk of student default to the college. ... Show more content on ...
Cohen uses these additives to get his points across. I was not really sure if he is
trying to be theatrical or more accurate. If Cohen used more accurate additives his
points would be more substantial. Instead of using the word traditional to describe
loan programs I suggest Cohen briefly describes one. This would make it much
easier for people to understand if they were unfamiliar with college loan programs.
I found the conclusion and issue of How to Make College Cheaper to be convincing.
Although, there were some ambiguities in Steve Cohen s reasoning they did not
affect my opinion on the article. Cohen does get his points across very well with the
facts he uses throughout the article. The reasons are very convincing because he uses
reputable sources such as the President of the United States and the Governor of
Wisconsin. I need a sentence for
Loyola s Heroic Leadership
From the founding of the Society of Jesus to today, Jesuits have been charged to
help souls in a heroic manner. This simple mission formed the catalyst and
motivation for each Jesuit to engage the world around them while adhering to their
founder s, Ignatius of Loyola s, call to find God in all things, (Jesuits, 2014). At the
core of Ignatian spirituality lies the realization that God is active in our everyday
lives. Therefore, it is the goal of each Jesuit to be sensitive to God s call for their
lives and respond to it. It was from this mindset that Jesuits engaged the world
(Jesuits, 2014). In Heroic Leadership, Chris Lowney argues that upon reflection of
the lives of the Jesuits, one can discover four guiding leadership principles: self
awareness,... Show more content on ...
Serving as a mathematician and astronomer professor in the Jesuits Collegio
Romano, Clavius selected exceptional pupils for his master classes. Alongside his
academic vocation arose his self aware. Clavius view that his calling was to mold
young intellectuals into better people, (Lowney, 2003). He encouraged his students
and himself to constantly challenge the current understanding of the world and be
willing to adopt different perspectives (sign of ingenuity). Clavius heroism to strive
for truth was exemplified when he duplicated Galileo s experiments, which
disproved his model of the Earth as the center of the universe. Dismissing his pride
of being the top Ptolemaic scholar, and dismissing to his fears of reprisal by the
Church (a sign of indifference), Clavius endorsed all Gaileo s findings and
calculations, (Lowney, 2003). His willingness to confirm a scientific stance rejected
by the Catholic Church as heresy demonstrates Clavius deep love for his pupils and
his mission as a scholar. Instead of ignoring revealed truth, Clavius preached,
scientists needed to accept the facts and set about finding a credible theory to explain
them, (Lowney, 2003). His love of truth and heroic pursuit of it stand as Clavius
unique demonstration of the Jesuit leadership
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of State
State owned enterprises are regarded as a particular circumstance of business
organisations and considered as the basis of economic growth in many countries
(Zhang, 2011). It can be seen that the proportion of state owned companies has
increased from nine percent in 2005 to 23 percent in 2014 especially in China
which has a proportion of 15 percent in 2014 (PwC, 2015). Furthermore, state owned
companies might be a necessary tool for development in emerging countries, because
they can be directed and achieved by governments. Although state owned companies
have played an important role in an economy, they sometimes seem to perform
poorly compared with private sectors on average in many countries, partly because
the goals of public policy sometimes are complicated to be achieved (World Bank
Group, 2014). Therefore, many countries have decided to privatise because they have
expected that private sectors would operate and perform better than the government
would do. Thus, privatisation has become an international phenomenon globally
particularly in addressing inefficiency from state enterprises. However, there might
have some benefits and drawbacks of privatisations, but all of the procedures are
most likely to depend on the quality of contracts and regulation in each circumstance.
For this reason, this essay will examine: firstly, the agency costs that seem to occur in
state owned companies, secondly a privatisation will be analysed as a result from
those costs. Thirdly,
BoeingВґs Program to Reduce Stress Essay
Research study: Boeing s top executives in Seattle, WA implemented a program to
reduce job stress. Two groups (Managers and Employees) with two different
conditions (time in therapy, e.g., 2 times/week and 4 times/week). The study will
measure the stress level reduction with the use of stress therapy (aromatherapy with
essential oils). Ornelas Kleiner (2003) mention Aromatherapy means treatment using
scents a holistic treatment of caring for the body with pleasant smelling botanical
oils that are added to your bath or massaged into your skin.
Random assignment: groups (one of two) are exposed to the aromatherapy random
assignment and available time frames. A pretest is given, a posttest to measure the
employees stress levels over 3 ... Show more content on ...
Comparing managers before and after at both intervals, comparing employees before
and after at both intervals. There are certain assumptions to me for a 2x2 mixed
design ANOVA. These assumptions include that the data are interval or ratio and that
the population distribution of scores is symmetrical.
Study Design: Independent variable: managers and employees
Variable (Dependent): managers and employees reduced stress levels (aromatherapy)
The type of t Test is level to the variance, the independent t test two groups are
discrete and is exclusive due to the number (15) in each group, and the variance of
the two groups is equal.
Two types of errors: 1. Are there a significant difference between managers and
employees using stress therapy? 2. Does stress therapy outcomes differ with more
time used?
Hypothesis: 2 hour week and 4 hour week use of Aromatherapy:
H01: The difference of Setting Time in Aromatherapy there is no statistically
significant interaction Ој1hr_ A = Ој4hr_ A
Ha1: The difference of Setting Time in Aromatherapy there is no statistically
significant interaction Ој1hr_ A в‰ Ој4hr_ A
H02: The Setting groups on Aromatherapy indicates there is a statistically significant
interaction Ојmanager_A = Ојemployee_A
Ha2: The Setting groups on
Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned Essay
In my opinion, a book is always a better choice for entertainment then a movie.
Usually, when a book is adapted into a movie; the movie always seems to omit
scenes and details mentioned in the book. This is the same with Walter Mosley s
Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned; a novel that tells a story surrounding a
man named Socrates Fortlow. However, while the movie version of Always
Outnumbered, Always Outgunned follows the same concept as the book there are
substantial differences in terms of events, details, and chronological order. The first
major difference between the movie and the book is how quickly the movie reveals
some of the flaws of the main character Socrates Fortlow. In fact the movie starts with
Socrates appearing... Show more content on ...
Realizing that they were seen, Darryl and his friends run and the boy inevitably
follows. Once in the clear, Darryl and his friends discuss what they are going to do
next. All the while, the boy is follows pleading for permission to go with them.
Darryl and his friends respond to the boy s request by telling him to go home.
When he won t leave them alone, Darryl and his friends become aggravated, and
Darryl turns around and knifes the boy to death. After realizing the boy is dead,
Darryl and his friends leave and never tell anyone what happened. Later on in the
book, Darryl proceeds to tell Socrates that he is haunted in his dreams by the
retarded boy all the time. However, in the movie this same plot has a very different
twist. In the movie, the retarded boy, whose name is Felix, killed by a young boy
by the name of Phillip who threatens to kill anyone who tells. While some of the
events are not the same, a majority of the differences are tiny details. For example,
in the book Socrates has a photo of Theresa, his ex girlfriend, hanging in his
kitchen by the window. In the picture, Theresa is wearing a red dress but in the
movie she is in a white dress. The book also tells the reader that Socrates spent
twenty seven years in prison and was released eight years ago; in the movie; he only
served eighteen years and had only been out for ten months. These are just some of
the differences between the book and the movie.
Polymet Mine Argumentative Paper
PolyMet Mine Argumentative Paper
PolyMet is a mining corporation that is based in Minnesota. The corporation has
proposed a mining location on what is currently National Forest Land. If the
proposal goes through, there will be an 18 month construction period and a 20 year
period of mining copper and nickel. It will be an open pit surface mining operation,
and 322,000 tons of rock will be processed a day. After the mining process is
completed, the land (which will turn into a pit due to the mining process) will
undergo reclamation and be filled with the excess sediment that was gathered during
the mining.
I believe that the process overall will be detrimental to the land. I do not believe 20
years of mining for easily imported materials ... Show more content on ...
Some argue that, economically, the mining operation will be a net gain in money
for the working class and that 75 to 80 percent of the jobs in northern Minnesota
will be local [1]. However, for the project to fully go through, it requires $200
million to $400 million in financial protections, and would overall be a financial
liability for taxpayers [2]. So despite how many jobs the project will create, it
could result in a net loss of money for the people living in that area. Another
problem that PolyMet thinks they have solved is the mass amount of pollution that
will surface during the mining process. They say they will use the most advanced
mining procedures to extract the materials and prevent pollution during the mines 20
year life [3]. Not only is this solution incredibly vague in its description, but many
argue that the pollution will be a problem long after the mine plays out and PolyMet
is gone. The latest studies shows a possibility that the mine s wastewater could flow
north to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness [3]. The argument that
advanced procedures would be used against pollution falls short of satisfactory when
their description is so ill defined.
In conclusion, the PolyMet Mine proposal is a project that I disagree with. Though
there are some initial benefits, the long term negative effects would hurt the land
more than help it. With the large amount of money from the taxpayers,
The Business Impact Of The Internet Of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing how most industries do business and
promises a significant return on investment (ROI) in operational efficiency,
improved customer experience, risk mitigation, and enabling entirely new business
models. The sheer volume of new devices on the network driven by IoT will evolve
the scale and range of deploying devices and managing data. Further, recent advances
for employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) within IoT are
creating many new opportunities to enhance data analysis and better decision
making. Although the notion of computing based on sensor data from things was not
born yesterday, the meteoric rise of IoT has recently become practical because of
smaller, faster,... Show more content on ...
Further, a significant challenge many organizations when deploying IoT solutions is
the melee of connectivity standards, hardware types, operating systems, programming
languages in addition to navigating the proliferation of platforms. Dell Technologies
has been a pioneer in driving innovation, standards, and solutions across the industry.
Specifically, with their involvement the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC),
OpenFog Consortium, and the EdgeX Foundry hosted by the Linux Foundation.
Although there has been some success with these standards bodies, the onus has
been put on companies like Dell to provide leadership and move the industry
forward. Seeded by Dell code, EdgeX is a vendor neutral, open source project
building a common interoperability framework to facilitate an ecosystem for IoT
edge computing. The EdgeX effort is backed by over 60 organizations, including
recent addition Samsung, has established a roadmap of bi annual code releases and
has formed a partnership with the IIC to collaborate on testbeds.
For the past three years, Dell has built a strong presence in the market with an IoT
strategy and IoT focused projects such as gateways and embedded PCs and an
ecosystem of over 90 technology and services partners that complement their
infrastructure offerings. Further through its OEM
Analysis Of Jean Louis Comolli And Jean Narboni s ...
In Jean Louis Comolli and Jean Narboni s essay Cinema/Ideology/Criticism, they put
forward the central argument that film is a commercial product in the capitalist
system and therefore also the unconscious instrument of the dominant ideology which
produces it. In opposition to the classic film theory that applauds camera as an
impartial device to reproduce reality, they argue that what the camera reproduces is
merely a refraction of the prevailing ideology. Therefore, the primary and political
task for filmmakers is to disrupt this replication of the world as self evident and the
function of film criticism is to identify and evaluate that politics. Comolli and
Narboni then suggest seven categories of films confronting ideology in different
ways, among which the second category resists the prevailing ideology on two
levels. Films of this group not only overtly deal with political contents in order to
attack their ideological assimilation (Comolli and Narboni 483), but also achieve their
goal through breaking down the conventional way of depicting reality.
Palindromes (2004), directed by Todd Solondz, to a large degree corresponds to the
category B proposed by Comolli and Narboni. On the level of the signified, namely
the film s content, this black comedy directly tackles the heatedly debated social and
political issues surrounding teen pregnancy and abortion in the United States. When
approaching this controversial subject, the film puts great emphasis on revealing,
Immanuel Kant Lie
When faced with the temptation to tell a lie, it is often difficult to determine what
would be the right thing and what would be the wrong thing to do. In the eyes of
Kant, a German philosopher, lying in and of itself, is inherently immoral. Contrary to
his belief, Mill, a British philosopher, felt that the actions that were thus brought upon
you by telling the lie, determined whether or not it was within moral nature. Kant
believed that the rightness of an action does not depend on the resulting
consequences, rather whether they are made in the sake of duty. When in acting in
accordance with duty, it is done with a motive of prudence or good/sensible
judgement. Kant brings up the example of a tradesman, selling his goods only at a
fair price.... Show more content on ...
To introduce the hypothetical imperative, think about studying for a really hard
test. Your grade is not likely to be considered passing, unless you get an A on this
final. You ve been studying all week, but you just can t seem to retain the material.
So what should you do? You need to pass this class, so does it really matter
whether or not the actions you take to do so are morally correct? You decide to
cheat. You get the A, you pass the class, and your parents are proud of you. This is
the hypothetical imperative if you wish to obtain a certain goal, you ought to take
certain means in order to reach it. The categorical imperative states that act only on
that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a
universal law (Copleston 324). This imperative is the one that holds moral worth,
because it demands that before taking an action, it must first be considered a
universal law. By that, Kant means that it the action you desire to take cannot be
taken by the whole of society, then you shouldn t even be doing it yourself. If it is
not an everyday action, that every person could also do, then it is morally
The Gilded Six-Bits Symbols
Throughout our reading of the provided passage of The Gilded Six Bits, my
attention was drawn towards the gilded half dollar. I believe the gold piece is a
prominent symbol in the story due to its multiple appearances in the passage and
its relevance in the plot of the story. The golden coin was used by Slemmons, a
wealthy resident of Eatonville, to pay Missie May to commit devious, extramarital
actions. Oh Joe, honey, he said he wuz gointer give me dat gold money and he jes
kept on after me. (page 732) It is later revealed that the gilded piece, which was
believed to be a solid gold token, was in fact a 50 cent piece plated in gold. The gold
plated half dollar soon tears the love of Joe and Missie May apart as it reminds them
both of the
Arsenic Research Papers
Brianna Cross10/28/16 Chemistry Essay Arsenic Arsenic is one of the most toxic
elements that can be found on Earth. Arsenic has a symbol of As and an atomic
number of 33. It is a metalloid which gives it both metal and nonmetal
characteristics. Arsenic has many allotropes, but the gray form is important for
industry. The three main allotropes are metallic gray, black, and yellow. Gray
arsenic is brittle and has a low hardness (based on the Moh s hardness scale) yet a
high density. Yellow arsenic is soft and waxy. It is least dense and most toxic. It is
also transformed into gray arsenic by light. Black arsenic is brittle and glassy. It is a
poor electrical conductor as well. Inorganic and organic compounds of arsenic are
found in many places among the earth. Arsenic is discovered in the environment from
both nature and certain human activities. Arsenic is usually found in soils, sediments,
and groundwater. The process of mining, ore smelting, and industrial use of arsenic
can result in these inorganic compounds meeting the surface. Organic arsenic
compounds are found in fish, shellfish and... Show more content on ...
Mineral forms of arsenic were known as early as the fourth century BC, but
Albertus Magnus, a German scholastic, is usually credited with the discovery of
the element around 1250. The first directions for the preparation of metallic
arsenic are found in the writings of Paracelsus. The Greeks of the Roman Empire
would use this element to kill others. The compound s lack of color, odor and taste
made the sinister hard to detect, as well as the distribution in nature which made it
available to all classes. The symptoms of Arsenic were similar to food poisoning and
other common disorders which also made it hard to figure out if it was a planned
death. These inorganic and organic compounds can be the reason for a harmful human
Essay about An Analysis of Yeats The Second Coming
An Analysis of Yeats The Second Coming
Yeats poem The Second Coming, written in 1919 and published in 1921 in his
collection of poems Michael Robartes and the Dancer, taps into the concept of the
gyre and depicts the approach of a new world order. The gyre is one of Yeats favorite
motifs, the idea that history occurs in cycles, specifically cycles twenty centuries in
length (Yeats, The Second Coming ln. 19). In this poem, Yeats predicts that the
Christian era will soon give way apocalyptically to an era ruled by a godlike desert
beast with the body of a lion and the head of a man (ln. 14). Critics have argued about
the exact meaning of this image, but a close reading of the poem, combined with
some simple genetic work, shows ... Show more content on ...
7 8), and his central images, the rocking cradle of Christ (ln. 20) to the rough beast
(ln. 21).
Other kinds of echoes, literary rather than poetic, emerge as well; Yeats connects The
Second Coming with Shelley s Prometheus Unbound in lines 7 and 8, The best lack
all conviction, while the worst/Are full of passionate intensity (Drake 53), and even,
Jeffares suggests, the Divine Comedy, by altering the hawk of an earlier draft to
more closely resemble the ample circuit of a falcon described in Dante s
masterpiece (A Commentary 241). Yeats surely made these allusions to borrow
the literary scale of these prophetic masterpieces. But far more important in this
respect is his borrowings from the Bible. Most central and obvious are the Second
Coming of Christ described in Matthew 24 and the beast of the apocalypse from
Revelations, but Purdy also notes the vision chapters of Daniel (7 12), Isaiah s
prophecy of the Day of the Lord (14.6 11, 19 22), old Ezekiel s cherubim (10.1ff),
and Jeremiah s denunciation of Isreal (2) (75), not to mention Yeats location of the
beast s birth at Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ two thousand years ago
(Jeffares, W. B. Yeats 38). The Bible is, of course, the western world s primary work
of prophecy, and Yeats use of its language gives his own work a tone of prophecy.
The tool of Yeats prophecy, crystallized in the widening gyre traced by the falcon, is
a concept Yeats detailed
Federal National Mortgage Association ( Freddie Mac )
In 2008 two government sponsored enterprise (GSE), Federal National Mortgage
Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
(Freddie Mac), received the second largest bailout in the United States, totaling $187
billion. The bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac drew attention to the problems
with too big to fail (TBTF) entities and government guarantees. The bailout
highlighted the lack of market discipline and encouraged moral hazard.
The erosion of the prerequisites of market discipline by GSEs creates moral hazard.
According Tony Fiennes (2016), market discipline is the way in which market
participants influence a financial institution to act in the best interest of shareholders,
through monitoring its risk profile and financial position (Fiennes,1). Fiennes (2013)
states that three conditions must be present for market discipline to exist and be
effective. Market participants must have access to relevant information and have
incentives to monitor corporations. Additionally, the market must have a competitive
environment so that investors can decide on the best investment (Fiennes, 1). Moral
hazard is the idea that, under certain circumstances, individuals will alter their
behavior and take on more risk (Pettinger,1). This paper will examine how market
discipline is destroyed in the mortgage industry by Fannie Mae s and Freddie Mac s
too big to fail size and government backing.
History of the U.S. Mortgage Industry
To understand how
Explain How All Staff Collect, Use And Disclose Your...
All staff must adhere to the following policies relating to the collection and usage
of client information. 1.How we Collect, Use and Disclose Your Personal
Information Your personal information is defined under the Privacy Act 1988 as
...information or an opinion, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a
material form or not, about an identified individual, or an individual who is
reasonably identifiable. We will collect your personal information when you answer
direct questions presented to you by the company, such as when you visit or call
our IT Service Department with a request for services or by completing an online
application for services. We will use the information gathered as is necessary for us
to provide you with the
The Locked Room Analysis
The Locked Room is the third part of The New York Trilogy published in 1986 by
Paul Auster. In this novel, the narrator, a thirty year old writer, is propelled
precipitously into his past when his long lost childhood friend, Fanshawe,
disappears and leaves him with a fastidious responsibility. Therefore, the writer
takes on the task of reviewing a series of poems and novels written by his missing
friend during his life. Quickly, he becomes obsessed by the search for Fanshawe and
devotes all his energy into finding him, but at what cost.... With this novel, Auster
redefines the detective genre, as he turns the investigation into a more metaphysical
one, a search for the self, for the identity. It would be interesting to more profoundly
analyze some aspects of the narrativeto better understand Auster s work. Thus, the
angle of perspective from which the story is reported, along with the main conflict of
the story and the resolution will be further developed in this text.
To begin, the angle of perspective from which the story is reported is a 1st person
point of view, unlike the first two volumes of the trilogy. Indeed, throughout the story,
we hear the descriptions and views of the main character, an unnamed journalist and
writer. As Fanshawe s old friend, the narrator was caught into a difficult situation for
the past years and decided to write about it. This is his story. Thus, it isn t completely
objective; it is impregnated by his perceptions, knowledge and
Reasons For European Colonization
European colonization began in 1492 when a Spanish explorer by the name of
Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route but ended up in the new
world known as the Americas. The massive territories, countless riches, and
experienced native people meant that a claim in the americascould easily bossy a
nations wealth, status, and reputation. After this expedition more countries such as
the European powerhouses; France, Spain, and Britain began to colonize in the
America s. France, Britain, and Spain overall had similar motives when they started
to colonize; to spread religion, to obtain wealth, and to increase geopolitical power.
France, Spain, and Britain had the same motives gold, glory, and gold by their main
focus were different. Spain main motive was economical. Britains motive was for
religious freedom and build and empire. The French motive was for trade routes. In
1492 the colonization began for Spain with the arrival of Christopher Columbusto one
of the Caribbean island. The Spanish empire were the first to come to the Americas.
The Spanish empire wanted to find china to get an cultural exchange but instead they
found and unknown land. When they landed the Native American received them with
open arms and bearing gifts. !1
The Spanish were seeking gold for the most important reason for their country; and
they used every way to get it. The natives were friendly and amazed by how large
their ships were, but the Spanish weren t looking for a friendship they wanted
gold. The Spanish explorers acted like they were friends with the Native people
such a as the Incas and Aztecs, but they wanted everything their way and they
would do anything to have it their way. Christopher Columbus had four main
voyages and the main motive was to seek gold, they were failed attempts.
Explorers as Cabeza de Vaca, Hernan Cortes, Hernando de Soto, and Coronado all
went looking for gold and other riches for Spain. The Spanish empire wanted to be
ahead of every other country and they believed colonization and finding gold and
riches would help
Bad Things About Penicillin
Over 50,000,000 peoples lives have been saved by the drug penicillin (Sim). Today
Penicillin and other antibiotics are crucial in the lives of people. One bad thing
about penicillin is approximately 11.5% of the population is allergic to it so the
diseases they receive that have to be healed by penicillin or other antibiotics might
not heal as fast or maybe even kill them. Another negative aspect to Penicillinis it
weakens the immune system(Cooper). Most of the body survives off of friendly
bacteriaand if antibiotics kill bacteria in large numbers, then it kind of defeats the
purpose. Penicillin is used to treat many diseases and viruses that can be deadly if
medicine was not applied, and they are easily accessible. After the discovery and
processing of Penicillin, it was often described as the Miracle Drug and that is
exactly what it was. Prior to the foundation of Penicillin, death was very common due
to diseases that we think are no... Show more content on ...
One researcher he hired soon after his arrival was Ernst Chain(Pbs 2). Ernst Chain
became interested in antibacterial chemicals. He started looking back at old articles
written by Fleming concerning Penicillin . The Oxford team, as Florey s researchers
have become known(Pbs 2), began experimenting with the penicillin mold. Penicillin
mold naturally produces the antibiotic Penicillin. Scientists learned to grow Penicillin
mold in deep fermentation tanks by adding a kind of sugar and other important
ingredients. After enough grew scientists separated the penicillin product from the
mold. Finally it was purified and bottled and eventually used as an antibiotic. They
took it one step further than Fleming did, they did not just try it on a petri dish, but
injected it in live mice. With controlled experimentation, they found it cured mice
with bacterial infections. They went on to try it on a few human subjects and saw
Morris Lefkowitz Case
. If a store says there was a price mistake in an ad, do they still have to sell the
advertised item at the advertised price? No. An ad can be treated as an offer under
certain circumstances for instance in the Lefkowitz v. Great Minneapolis Surplus
Store, Inc. case. The store published a newspaper ad stating: that on Saturday 9 AM
Sharp, three brand new fur coats, worth up to $1,000.00, first Come First Served $1
each. A customer named Morris Lefkowitz arrived at the store ready to pay. However,
he was informed that under the defendant s house rules, the offer was open to women
but not men. The court ruled for the plaintiff because he satisfied the terms of the
advertisement. Therefore, the advertisement was explicit and left nothing open
Personal Narrative-Racism In High School
Get out of my car, said my mom with a smile. Wearing an unnecessarily large
backpack and reveling in the significance of the moment, I caught my reflection in
the window: a young, slender boy with dark skin from my father, almond shaped
eyes from my mother, and a big smile all my own. I had a little hop in my step,
pleased with what I saw. It was my first day at Thomas Jefferson High Schoolfor
Science and Technology (TJ). I heaved open the government issued doors and was
hit with a wave of Chinese chatter. Once I entered, silence rippled through the crowd
and hung in the air like heavy fog until a sharp whisper cut through.
It s a black guy.
Those four words flipped my self perception upside down. I was no longer a mixed
race boy. I was now a black guy. Raised in a biracial home, I had been taught race is
not biological and only a social construct, so I never really considered using race to
define people. Deep inside, I had already gotten used to being treated as an outsider ...
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On the first day of tryouts, my future teammates were visibly enthusiastic when I, a
black looking guy, showed up at the track. The look of disappointment was also
apparent when I told them I was Asian. When I asked why they were so
disappointed, the captain said jokingly, We haven t had a black guy in years. We
thought you could bring some legitimacy to the team. However, the joke was on
them. I surpassed the entire team in the 100 meter dash as a sophomore.
That comment on the first day of school was a turning point for me. I learned
quickly to embrace all my weirdness and that being Blasian (black/Asian) is
fantastic. I have two completely different stories to tell when I talk about my family. I
have proven to myself and to my peers that I don t have fit a particular stereotype, I
m good at science, and I can run quickly. High school has been tough, but I ll leave
more resilient and mature than I was three years
Essay on China Coin
The China Coin Plot Summary Chapter 1 * Leah and her mother Joan are on a
plane to China in search of the origins of a mysterious half a coin that was sent to
Joan from her father. * Leah is not thrilled to be going. * Leah does not see herself
as Chinese. * We find out that Leah s father has died of cancer and they are tracing
the coin for him, because he was really curious about where the other half of the
coin is. * Joan is spooked by what she sees on TV a student riot. Chapter 2 Joan and
Leah go to the Qingping Market. Leah notices that China is changing Joan she is
becoming Chinese a side of Joan that Leah has not seen before. They meet a young
man who is putting up signs about democracy.... Show more content on ...
* They learn that the protests are not just in one place, but all over China. Joan is
worried about their safety and about being trapped in China. * Joan thinks Leah
doesn t like China. * Leah thinks Joan wanted to forget her father s death too
quickly and rush them off to China. * Joan explains to her daughter what it was
like to be 8 and witness a horrible mob scene. * Joan explains that once their shop
had been burnt, they left Penang and went to Singapore. Her philosophy is that
once things are gone, you must change turn away. Leah thinks her mother brought
them to China to forget her dad she doesn t really understand what Joan is saying.
* * Chapter 10 * They board the second river boat. * Leah is confused about her
mother s actions/motives in solving the mystery of the coin. * Joan seems not to
talk about her dead husband very much. * As the boat moves along the river Leah
reminisces about when Dad was dying. We find out all the details and that Leah
was mad with her mum after her dad dies. As the boat trip becomes over there is a
connection with her father s passing. Leah says, We ve been through a lot eh? They
are starting to heal and become closer to one another. * * Chapter 11 * Students are
protesting in the town. * Leah goes out for a walk around the town. * Leah and a
young woman
Influence of Religion on the Civil Rights Movement
Influence of Religion on the Civil Rights Movement
Religion has had a profound effect on numerous events throughout the course of
American history. The Civil Rights Movement was not withheld from the influence
of religion, particularly Christianity and Islam. Many of the key players such as
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, who were devoted to the cause of justice and
equality for African Americans, gained their passion from their spiritual roots.
Through these religious leaders organizations were established to fight for civil
rights. It was through these religious men and the religion of blacks that the fight for
equality gained enthusiasm and courage to fight oppression and discrimination.
Opposition also came from religion, ... Show more content on ...
Schwerner, Chaney and Goodman were not civil rights workers. They were
Communist Revolutionaries, actively working to undermine and destroy Christian
Civilization (Mathisen 576). Later on in the interview the KKK affiliate declared that
Lyndon B. Johnson, a president known for his support of the Civil Rights Movement,
is a communist sympathizer (Mathisen 576). This member was clearly discussing the
Civil Rights activists. He proclaims that they were tainting the Christian religion,
which is why they were killed and are missing. This notion brings up religion as a
contributor to their own views against African Americans. The KKK uses words from
the Holy Bible and teachings from Protestant Reverends to support its cause and
justify its actions (Fisher 1). They truly rationalize their superiority complex and their
brutality to blacks by the Christian faith. By using Christianity, they too obtained
unity against the Civil Rights Movement.
The Ku Klux Klan was not the only notorious adversary of civil rights. A
prominent opponent of the fight for African American equality and was the Baptist
minister, Jerry Falwell. Falwell was a strong supporter of segregation and believed
that based on the bible, Africans were the cursed descendants of Ham, and worthy
only of subservience to white people (Kimberley 1). In Genesis of the bible Ham
was cursed by his father, Noah, for disrespecting him. Through this,
Tyco International Case Study
Tyco International, a global company that was founded and established in Princeton,
New Jersey during the early 1960 s and has expanded since to provide products and
services to customers in over 60 different countries. According to their website, Tyco
brings together best in class product, technology and service capabilities across
controls, fire, security, HVAC, power solutions and energy storage, to serve various
end markets including large institutions, commercial buildings, retail, industrial,
small business and residential (Tyco). Unlike many other companies, Tyco
Internationalmade a name for themselves within their first decade of business and
even managed to be enlisted in the New York Stock Exchange. Following these
accomplishments, the company purposely slowed its growth in order to organize
itself and be more effective. They recontinued expansion during 1992, the same year
Dennis Kozlowskibecame CEO of the company. Between the years 1991 2001, Tyco
International acquired more than 1,000 companies, many of whom had respectable
Throughout all the years that Dennis Kozlowski was CEO, Tyco International
recorded revenue in range of billion dollar amounts. He was highly compensated
for his hard work and commitment, but his desire for more ultimately led to his
downfall. During the Fall of 2002, Dennis Kozlowski and his Financial Adviser,
Mark H. Swartz, were indicted for a $600 million fraud scheme. According to The
New York Times, both men created
High School Sports Module Analysis
Do you ever, as an athlete, parent, or fan of Iowa high school sports, want to watch
the state high school sporting events? Because it is well known that the northwest
corner of Iowa tends to field the better sports teams and athletes of the state,
typically there is usually quite a few teams representing the area during the state
tournament. When a local team or athlete makes it to state, a group of people will
either go and watch in person, or try to see if the event is being broadcasted on
television. Often the people that can t make the trip to watch in person, like local
people, family members, or even high school athletes themselves, will check if it is
on television (Byers 1). Starting during the 2016 2017 academic year, the Iowa...
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That s a question I m sure many people had over the football, wrestling, and
basketball state tournament championships. I ll go into more detail about the CSN
Chicago deal with the help of my interview with Scott Byers. In order to watch the
channel CSN Chicago, you need to either live in the area that your local cable
company offers it, or have Dish Network or DirecTV. Like I said earlier, about 90%
of the area that does offer the channel is in the eastern part of Iowa. So if you live on
the western side, and don t have either Dish Network or DirecTV, you are basically
out of luck. The local cable companies could get CSN Chicago into their package
but with Northwest Iowa so far away from Chicago, almost none in this area do. It
makes sense not to get the channel only if you want it to watch IHSAA state
events. Scott Byers asked the head of the local cable company in Sioux Center
about it and he said picking up CSN Chicago for three years would cost his
company well over a million dollars. Instead of people on the Eastern side of Iowa,
the Northwest Iowa people get to watch Fox Sports North which shows the
Minnesota teams like the Twins and Timberwolves. Next, people might wonder if
this really has to go on for the full three years. Well, I found that answer too in my
interview. Scott said, Most contracts can be broken, but it becomes a legal matter at
that point and will cost whatever the lawyers come up with in negotiations. Generally,
Definition Essay On Trust
Trust has multiple definitions, but when I think about trust, always coming through,
and being trustworthy are the first ideas that come to mind.Most importantly, Trust
can be defined as someone you can tell anything to. You can have trust with your
family, friends and relatives. People may see trust differently based on past
experiences or events. For example, someone who has trustworthy friends who tends
to keep secret information secret, might view trustpositively. But, someone who has
friends that can t keep secrets, and tells everything they hear might view trust in a
negative way. Therefore, I believe that trust had many different view and definitions
which are a lot different than what I would ever have expect creating a never ending...
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There are many different form of trust that can expand our expectations and
deepen our views. The trust you have with your parents may be very similar for the
trust you have with your siblings. As a young child you mainly only trust your
parents, who provides you with food, shelter, clothing and extra wants. As a child
you are helpless, leaving your trust in your parents, to provide you with basic
needs to be healthy, is what I believe the child s first trust instinct is. Next, as you
get older and begin play with your siblings, you start to rely on them to keep you
safe. You trust that they will keep you out of the street, when you are playing in the
front yard or not let you get lost in the grocery store while your parents are
shopping. You trust your siblings just as much as your parents to provide you with
safety, fun and needs. Then, you experience trust with your friends. This can be
shown by relying on each other, keeping each other safe and believing that they will
be there for you when you need it most. As you grow older, trust grows to new
expectations forcing you to constantly learn. The different types of trust we
experiences teaches us different life lessons that stays with us forever. Throughout
our lives, everyone wants to be trusted and experience trust with someone
The Life and Times of Victoria Ka iulani, Member of...
Princess Ka iulani was a bright young member of the Hawaiian monarchy, most
known for her impassioned protest against the overthrown and annexation of Hawaii,
the country she was meant to rule. The young woman toured across America,
speaking to both press and public about the unjust takeover of her kingdom by
American businessmen. Although this further proved to be practically in vain,
history has not forgotten the sympathy inducing young princess who braved a
country alone for the sake of her home. Crown Princess Victoria Ka iulani Cleghorn
was born on October 16, 1875 to Princess Miriam Likelike and Scottish businessman
Archibald Scott Cleghorn as the highest born ali i (noble) of her generation and was,
at the time, fourth in line for... Show more content on ...
She may have thought that her life s purpose, all of her plans, all of her work, all of
her education was now pointless. Lies were being printed about the Hawaiian people
and who they were. These articles were printed in newspapers across the United States
. Hawaiians were being called barbarians... uncivilized... unable to rule themselves.
[...] It was clear that the Americans were receiving incorrect information about the
Hawaii situation [...]
Ka iulani saw little use in speaking to the press; Liliuokalani had been ignored, and
she was a queen of a nation. Not to mention the humiliating and deceitful information
being spread about her and her family across America; she doubted anyone would
see the truth of her character, or her education. However, just before she set sail for
America, Ka iulani did manage to make a statement to the English press:
Four years ago, at the request of Mr. Thurston, then a Hawaiian Cabinet Minister, I
was sent away to England to be educated privately and fitted to the position which
by the constitution of Hawaii I was to inherit. For all these years, I have patiently
and in exile striven to fit myself for my return this year to my native country.
I am now told that Mr. Thurston will be in Washington asking you to take away my
flag and my throne. No one tells me even this officially. Have I done anything wrong
that this wrong should be done to me and my
Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
What would you sell your soul for? A question Faustus had to ask when he wanted to
gain more than just knowledge. England during the 1550 s had gone through many
changes with religion, leaving the people unsure of what they wanted. When
Elizabeth finally claimed throne and stayed Queen for a forty five year reign, there
were stable religious changes. For an escape and way of entertainment, society would
attend plays. Due to the changing events during the Elizabethan era, plays were a
stress reliever for the people such as the play Doctor Faustus; written by Christopher
Marlowewho was also dealing with his own religious problems symbolizing the life
of Elizabethan times.
England had four different rulers take the throne within a twenty year span. Henry
VIII ruled in 1509, being well known for having married six wives and wanting to
produce a male heir (Singman 1). Henry wanted a divorce; he asked for the pope to
help him and ended in rejection. Henry was angry resulting in his passing of
legislation that separated him from the Roman Catholic Church (Singman 1). After
his third wife gave birth to Edward VI, she died. In 1547, after his father s death,
Edward took throne under age advised by guardians. He died before he came of age
to rule on his own. (Singman 2). The next oldest child was Mary, an extreme
Catholic. She reunited England with the Catholic Church; that soon changed after
she died in 1558 after her short ruling (Singman 2). The outcomes of her ruling were
Marvel s Luke Cage Analysis
Marvel s Luke Cage: Redefining the Modern Day Superhero
With great power comes great responsibility. These are the words uttered in many
mainstream hero stories that attempt to set a hero apart from the people the hero is
trying to protect. Even so, many hero stories are bogged down by predictable plots
and a hero that is either too arrogant or too naГЇve for their own good. Marvel s Luke
Cage fights these common issues made in the superhero genre of television by
introducing viewers to a character who is caring in his own right but also struggles
to come to terms with his power. Thus, this makes him compassionate yet hesitant.
Strong yet meek. Most of all, it reveals to viewers how heroes can be forged without
superpowers because in ... Show more content on ...
In this scene, Luke senses the tension that is building up in the room and asks
Pops, Do you want me to take out the dirty towels? By dirty towels, Luke refers to
Cottonmouth and his gang, but Pops tells Luke that he is fine. Luke, still uneasy,
listens to Pops and does not act on Cottonmouth and his gang. The character that
drives this episode forward and creates conflict for Pops and Luke is a young man
named Chico. He is a former dealer for Cottonmouth, and was nurtured by Pops at
an early age. Pops holds Chico dear to him and considers the young criminal a lost
child who needs to find himself. Chico constantly gets himself into trouble and
comes to Pops for help, but his recent mistake is worse than anything Pops has ever
dealt with. Chico stole drugs from Cottonmouth so now Cottonmouth wants Chico s
life to be snuffed out. Chico runs to Luke and Pops and asks for help and due to
Pops s kind nature he accepts and instructs Luke Cage to help aid both of them.
Luke Cage from the start of hearing of Cottonmouth never feared him. Cottonmouth
has a superiority complex that plays into his actions and makes him predictable and
even manipulable. Luke Cage takes note of this when he meets with Cottonmouth at
Cottonmouth s luxurious nightclub and is able to establish negotiations for sparing
Chico s life. Unfortunately, Cottonmouth s gang discover Chico s
Essay On Can And Can
Can and could are modal verbs that describe the possibility or ability. A can is
considered as the verb in present form and could is its past form.
There are more different circumstances in which their use is changed and they
illustrate diverse meanings. These terms are same in meaning as can means the
aptitude to do work so these terms are often related to each other and we mix them
In this article, we will explain that learning these model verbs are how much
important and how these verbs are vital parts of the English grammar.
Use Of Can
As we know that the can is a modal verb which describes the skill of doing work of
a noun or subject. The verb can is used to show the ability or permission or the
possibility of something of a noun. ... Show more content on ...
The word can here is used for the indication of the possibility of something.
Can we harvest crops in this field? The can is used for asking the permission.
We have got enough money so we can buy a new car. Here can is showing the
Max can run faster than us. The can is used here to show the ability.
Use Of Could
The verb could is used to show the ability or permission or the possibility of
something of a noun that could happen in the past.
Just like can, we must know that could is used only when we are describing any
necessity in the present tense.
They could have come to the meeting. In this the could is describing that they had the
permission in the past but now they don t.
James could be a runner. This is describing that James had the possibility of being a
runner but now it s not possible.
She could have been a winner. This is describing that she had the ability to be a
winner but it s not possible in the present.
Use Of Not With Can
If we use Can along with not i.e. cannot, it becomes the negative form of the can and
it shows that there is no ability, or possibility or not having the permission of doing
something. We can also write cannot as
Research Paper On Love And Murder
Aliyah Price
Written Composition
Love and Murder Nobel prize winner, Knut Hamsun once said, love is every bit as
violent and dangerous as murder. In the real life case presented in the podcast
series, Serial, officials claim that Adnan Syed s motive was simply love, a dangerous,
violent love. With that being said, it is well knew that love can sometimes drive
people to do the unthinkable; murder. In Adnan s case officers say that the love he
had for Hae influenced his actions, and he decided to take her life. Throughout the
podcast, listeners were informed about the case as a whole as well as other
information on characters and professionals who were questioned by reporter, Sarah
Koenig. Koenig leaves it up to the listeners ... Show more content on
Some of those issues include people being at different places at different points,
the time window, the whole cell phone tower situation, and so on. Let s look at the
time frame, so basically your looking at 2:15pm to about 2:36pm: 21 minutes
which is when officers think Hae was killed. The podcast producer and reporter do
the exact route said to be taken from the high school to Best Buy, and it take them
22 minutes and 2 seconds. So yes, it s possible but not to likely. If Adnan was
capable of this he would have had to get everything perfect, assuming there was no
complications with traffic or anything like that, he would have had to kill her in
approximately a 1 minute (some argue it takes 5) that s amazing assuming 17 year
old Adnan has never killed before, let alone with his bare hands. So if the time of
death and the time of the phone calls are by chance right, it s still a super narrow
window for all of this to happen.
Another reason that leads me to believe that Adnan is innocent is the said to be
locations and timing of when and where the murder was committed.First of all,
think about the fact that this murder was committed in the afternoon around 3:00 o
clock, broad daylight. Don t you think someone would see ? Theories are that the
murder either took place at a pool hall, maybe around the high school or even a Best
Buy parking lot, where Jay claims he saw Hae s body in the trunk of a car. If that s
the case, all locations pan out to be public places, someone, anyone could ve saw it
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Research Paper
Respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV, is most commonly prevalent and
severe in children under the age of two years old. However, it can and does effect
adults because of it being highly contagious and easy transmit ability. RSV causes
infections of the lungs and respiratory tract. Due to the fact that respiratory syncytial
virus can cause severe problems for children or adults, caution has to be taken to
notice the possible signs and symptoms associated with the virus. Therefore, this
paper will discuss the treatment, prevention, ethical issues, research, advancements,
etc. associated with RSV. By analyzing RSV, its effects, and how it can be diagnosed
then actions can be taken to decrease RSV negative effects. An important step... Show
more content on ...
For children infected with RSV and treated from home fever control and adequate
fluid intake are the anchor of treatment. Those hospitalized, similar steps are taken,
hydration is required. Also, a careful clinical assessment of respiratory status is
done, including oxygen saturation, administration of supplemental oxygen as
needed; suctioning of the upper airway; as well as intubation and mechanical
ventilation when necessary (Todd, 2010). And in physicians offices breathing
treatment are utilized to help clear the air passageway. The most known treatment
for severe cases is the use of the antiviral FDA approved agent, Ribavirin. Ribavirin
treats severe lung infections caused by RSV. Ribavirin, when used for RSV, is
usually given by oral inhalation or a nebulizer that has an attached oxygen hood,
oxygen tent, or face mask. A physician will prescribe the medication and inform the
patient of the dosage and usage (NCBI, 2016). On July 28, 2014, American Academy
of Pediatrics supplied an updated guideline for the use of palivizumab prophylaxis
among infants and youth who have an increased risk of hospitalization caused from
the RSV infection (Prevention, 2015). Additionally, a doctor may suggest an
injection of epinephrine or a form of epinephrine that can be inspired through a
nebulizer (Clinic, 2014). For further information concerning these treatments visit
Synagis or the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention official
My Brother Sam Is Dead By Christopher Collier
My Brother Sam is Dead
The authors of My Brother Sam is Dead, James and Christopher Collier, are
ultimately against the war. They are against the war for multiple reasons, The
Division of Families, the Clash of Generations, and Sam s Principles Vs. Reality. In
My Brother Sam is Dead, although both sides are of war are shown, author s Collier
and Collier ultimately argue that war is unfair and futile!
One of the reasons Collier and Collier are against war is the Divisions between
Families. One of the divisions is when Mr. Meeker kicks Sam out of the house for
joining the Revolutionary War. Go, Sam. Get out of my sight... (Collier and
Collier 22). This was when Sam and his Father were arguing and Mr. Meeker told
Dam to leave and not come back until he was dressed like his son not a stranger.
Another division is Tim vs. Sam. This one is tough because Sam puts Tim on the
spot by making him choose a side. .... Which side are you going to be on? (Collier and
... Show more content on ...
his actual Realities. For example his fight for freedom. He believes that fighting
for freedom at the risk of getting killed is better than living under British rule. Sir, it s
worth dying to be free (Collier and Collier 7). This is saying that Sam is willing to
die in battle for his family so they don t have to live under the British. Lastly, the
many many brutal deaths that happened during the war. For example Ned s
beheading. Ned was fighting against the Redcoats attack and one of the Redcoats
shoots Ned while he is still firing and the Redcoats pulls out a sword and slices Ned
s head off. Another example was Mr. Meekers death on the British prison ship.
This is extremely ironic because Mr. Meeker is a very strong Tory that doesn t
care for the war. He was captured by Cowboys who claimed to be Patriots. They
threw him on a prison ship that turned out to be a British one and he got sick and
The Role And Functions Of The Central Bank Of America
Functions of the FED
The Fed acts as the central bank of Americahas three main functions. Its main
objectives are to promote maximum employment, stable prices and moderate long
term interest rates by (1) providing and maintaining an effective payments system, (2)
supervising and regulating banking operations, and (3) conducting monetary policy.
The most important tool the Fed has to conduct monetary policy is open market
operations, which is the buying and selling of U.S. government securities. A Federal
Open Market Committee administers the sale and purchase of U.S. government
securities on the open market to influence short term interest rates and growth of
money and credit. Other tools that the Fed has it its disposal to influence the
economy include adjustments to the discount rate and the reserve requirement, and
acting as a lender. The discount rate is the interest rate the Federal Reserve Banks
charge financial institutions for short term loans of reserves. ... Show more content on ...
In fact, the roles of central banks all over the world are pretty much the same
everywhere and serve the same need: to provide financial soundness of banking
system and realizing price stability. It does so by various tools such as:
Formulating and implementing the monetary, credit banking policies.
Issuing banknotes and determining their denominations and
Black Metropolis Analysis
The terms Bronzeville and Black Metropolis can be used interchangeably to signify
the interdependence between the two as an emblematic space for blacks that
attempted to construct a sustainable all black utopia in Chicago. The Black
Metropolis began as a black community instituted from forced segregation that
eventually cultivated the imagined neighborhood of Bronzeville, where black
Chicagoans asserted their collective agency to legitimize their racefor complete
integration. The geographic imaginary of Bronzeville relied heavily on a unified [all
black] community, but intr racial antipathies stemming from cultural and
socioeconomic class differences undermined true racial solidarity leaving a
neighborhood and faction of the black population dispossessed.... Show more content
on ...
First, King s larger objective was to dismantle racial segregation in all factions of
society that prevented equal access for all blacks. Therefore, the dream of racial
harmony justified his criticisms of the racial homogenous communities filled with
working class ethnic whites on the Southwest side closed to blacks. By challenging
the discriminatory housing practices that limited entry to these neighborhoods, King
would end the slums by securing access for all blacks. However, King s dream of
racial integration was the antithesis of the Black Metropolis because the geographic
imaginary of Bronzeville relied heavily on racial
Corporate Governance Of Board Of Directors Of Rolls
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report was to take account of the board of directors of Rolls
Royce, focusing on corporate governance in relation to the level of corporate
governance and its engagement with institutional shareholders. Risk Management
was also performed, to understand the major issues that the company could face when
establishing operations in Central Asia.
The overall findings show that the company is compliant with the UK Corporate
Governance Code. In addition, political and human resource risk where the major
risks identified that could have an effect on the company s operation in Central Asia.
It is recommended that you maintain and check your board effectiveness and
continue with the engagement of institutional shareholders.
Build an operation where foreign direct investment seems to be more valuable than
the other Asian economies perhaps Kazakhstan.
To sum up, when establishing an operation in any of the Central Asian countries,
make sure purchase insurance policies to protect you from political risks. Plus, show
the importance to potential employees of whistle blowing.
Contents Page
Corporate Governance4 5
NEDs Commitment4
Institutional Shareholders5
Risk Management6 10
Risk Identification6
Risk Classification7
Operational 7
Risk assessment8
Dry Tortugas National Park Case Study
On the exterior, whole sections of brick have fallen away. In 1999 at the time of
Conway s article, Congress granted the park $250,000, and a subsequent challenge
grant with the potential to provide $2 million in efforts to stabilize the masonry. With
this preservation issue of masonry in play, it would mean the removing of the Tottem
stutters. Tottem shutters are named after their designer, Brigader General Joseph G.
Totten, who designed them to protect cannoneers from incoming fire. The shutters
themselves were experiencing corrosion and expansion and needed restoration. With
these two elements in consideration this preservation project is a massive
undertaking. This masonry project brings about several challenges for the... Show
more content on ...
All of this considered, the reality becomes the fact that all of these projects require
millions of dollars to even attempt. Furthermore, the National Parks Service has an
extensive list of approximately twenty three thousand historic structures competing
with Fort Jefferson for preservation and restoration funds. In conclusion, Dry
Tortugas National Park is an anomaly in the National Parks Service. Technically
only twenty five years old, this park contrasts all other parks in a variety of ways.
Its collection of attractions alone is uniquely appealing. The fact that Dry Tortugas
is located on a group of seven islands stands by itself. Though there vegetation
exists, the real shining star of the park is its ecosystem that is rare in other parts of
the world. Most significantly, the sea turtles, the over three hundred species of fish
and the site specific species of birds make this area singular compared to any other
National Park. Dry Tortugas National Park has made its focus on the conservation of
its unique marine ecosystems, the restoration of important historic structures on site
as well as the

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Second Hand Smoke Essay.pdf

  • 1. Second Hand Smoke Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "Second Hand Smoke" can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a delicate balance of research, empathy, and persuasive writing skills. The intricacy lies in presenting a comprehensive understanding of the subject while conveying the detrimental effects of secondhand smoke on both individuals and society. To begin with, one must delve into the scientific aspects, exploring the various toxins and carcinogens present in secondhand smoke. Understanding the health implications is crucial, as it involves deciphering complex medical studies and translating them into accessible language for the readers. Simultaneously, there's a need to incorporate personal narratives and real-life examples to humanize the issue, making it relatable to a broader audience. Additionally, addressing the ethical and societal dimensions of the problem adds another layer of complexity. Discussing the responsibilities of individuals, businesses, and governments in curbing secondhand smoke requires a nuanced approach. Striking the right tone to foster awareness without alienating certain groups can be a tightrope walk. Furthermore, weaving a persuasive argument that motivates readers to take action necessitates a strategic arrangement of evidence and a compelling call to action. Balancing the emotional appeal with a solid foundation of facts is crucial for the essay's effectiveness. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Second Hand Smoke" demands not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also a skillful blending of scientific, personal, and persuasive elements. It's a task that requires meticulous research, thoughtful organization, and a keen awareness of the diverse perspectives surrounding the issue. For those finding this task daunting, it's worth noting that offers assistance with similar essays and a variety of topics. Their professional writers can provide valuable support in crafting well-researched and compelling essays, ensuring that your message reaches your audience effectively. Second Hand Smoke Essay Second Hand Smoke Essay
  • 2. The Spanish American War in 1898 The quote A Splendid little war by Secretary of State John Hay summarizes the Spanish American War in 1898. While this war could be seen as an act of aggression by the 20th century standards this war was beneficial to the United States of America while being deviating to the Kingdom of Spain for many reasons. There were many causes for the Spanish American War. The first long term cause was the Wilson Gordon Tariff. This tariff ultimately decreased tariff rates for may Europeans nations excluding the commonwealth of Spain. This ultimately angered the Spanish and weakened international relationship between the United States and Spain. This tariff also instilled an anti American feeling in Spain. This would lay down the groundwork for the next cause the Delome Letter The de LГґme letter was a letter written by SeГ±or Don Enrigue Dupuy de LГґme, the Spanish Ambassador to the United States, to Don JosГ© Canelejas, the Foreign Minister of Spain. This letter described SeГ±or Don Enrigue Dupuy de LГґme opinion on the Spanish involvement in Cuba and President William McKinley s foreign policy. This letter described President McKinley as a weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd besides being a would be politician who tries to leave a door open behind himself while keeping on good terms with the jingoes of his party. This letter got into American hands because of a squadron of Cuban rebel who accidentally discovered this letter when looking at the recently acquired
  • 3. The Movie Begins With A Long Shot Of The Background Greenery The movie begins with a long shot of the background greenery which transitions into a close shot of Saul. Saul is calm like the greenery and his expression conveys the comfort of the background, contrasting the chaos ensuing around him. Another member of the Sonderkommando shuffles into position, joining the shot, and says, Lets go . They begin to usher groups of people in another direction. It is clear now that they are taking people off the trains and moving them to the camps. There are loud sounds in the background ranging from babies crying to the grunts of someone being punched. There is a hand held cameraon Saulas he continues shepherding, only stopping to salute someone walking by. He does what he is told without question... Show more content on ... The next stage for the prisoners is to enter the showers . The background noise of this scene starts with another officer telling the prisoners they must clean up so they can move to their jobs at the camp. They are convinced they will be useful craftsmen or nurses, etc. Saul does not tell the truth, but keeps his blank expression like he is taught to do. This is another example of Saul tuning out the injustices occurring so he can survive. The focus of the scene is strictly on Saul, except when he helps undress someone, they come into focus. This highlights that he is dealing with humans, even though he moves around them mechanically, like mannequins. Once the people are undressed, Saul again avoids eye contact as they chaotically are pushed into the showers . Saul is conditioned to treat them like objects, triggering the violence to be ignored. When the men and women are in the showers he mechanically gathers the prisoner s belongings disregarding that they are people s possessions. He is overlooking the humanity around him and strictly doing his job. Once that job is done he moves onto the next like he is programmed. The next task is helping hold the door shut. As Saul and the camera move closer to the door, the screams grow louder. It is clear to the audience that it is not just a shower, but the gas chambers. Again, Saul s emotionless expression is contrasted with the screams and cries heard behind the doors. His lack of
  • 4. Superheroes In The Wally West The Flash(Wally West) is best superhero in the 1960 s America. First,Wally West was the first kid flash/first kid speedster. There were no kid superheroes at the at the time besides Super Girl. Furthermore, Wally west soon became the fastest of all the speedsters, most superheroes don t become better than their predecessors. Wally west would push his powers to the limit, this allowed him to pass his predecessors. Lastly, The Flashs comic book became one of the bestsellers of the 1960 s. This mesant that kids related to him and wanted to read his comics. In Spite of their being other superheroes with Superspeed they enjoyed The flashmore. Wally West s super power is the best. Erin Parisien from screen rant wrote, Using his abilities to run at, and sometimes beyond, the speed of light, The Flash is able to also move through time. First, Wally is so fast that he can time travel. There were no other superheroes that could time travel at the time besides the other flash s. The article 15 Powers You Didn t Know The Flash Has, A bonus of being able to harvest the speed force is that it speeds up everything in the body, including the ability to heal. Next, Wally has rapid healing. Wally s power of rapid healing come in handy when things get rough. This is something the likes of Batman and Spiderman Didn t have.In the text of The Flash: 15 Things Wally West Can Do That Barry Allen Can t it says, But he was able to do it using wormholes, not by simply using his
  • 5. English Express And Test Preparation English Express is a tutoring and test preparation company located in Houston Texas. It offers English as a Second Language, TOEFL preparation, Business English, Test Preparation and Spanish courses. The tutoring team is made of highly competent teachers with more than ten years of language teaching experience. Each class has a maximum of six students to improve efficiency in learning. Founded in 1991, Tutoring Club offers personalized tutoring services in the Pearland region of Houston. The staff of professional tutors will create an individualized tutoring program for a student according to the student s ability and potential. Subjects offered include reading, math, writing, study skills and ACT/SAT preparation. Huntington Learning Center is a tutoring and test preparation center located in Houston Texas. It has a team of highly experienced tutors whose methods are built on scientifically tested and proven instructional methods. Services on offer include academic skills tutoring, subject tutoring and preparation for tests such as SAT, ACT, PSAT, GED and others. C2 Education of Memorial is a tutoring and test preparation center located in Houston Texas. It is staffed with professional tutors who have passed a rigorous hiring exercise and have undergone intensive training. Math and English tutoring is available while test preparation is offered for SAT, ACT, PSAT and summer programs. Blueprint LSAT Preparation is an exclusively LSAT preparation center located in Houston
  • 6. Midterm Contracts PRACTICE EXAMINATION ISSUE ANALYSIS CRIMINAL LAW ESSAY QUESTION 1 OF 1 State vs. Fabio Homicide Homicide is the killing of one human being by another. When Fabio shot Nicholas with a gun and he died, there was a killing of a human being by another. Actual Causation Defendant s acts must have been the actual cause of the victim s death, i.e., but for the Defendant s actions the victim would not have died. . But for Fabio shooting Nicholas, Nicholas would not have been killed. Fabio is the actual cause of Nicholas death. Thus, Fabio is the actual cause of Nicholas death. Proximate Causation A Defendant s actions are the proximate cause of the victim s death if the result occurred as a natural and ... Show more content on ... Thus, Fabio s actions were willful and wanton conduct. Therefore, there was malice aforethought. Fabio will be convicted of murder. First Degree Murder First degree murder is one committed with the specific intent to kill, plus premeditation and deliberation. Fabio drove to a gun shop and purchased a gun and ammunition. He then drove to Nicholas home and made the conscious decision to shoot Nicholas with the gun killing him. Thus, Fabio had the requisite specific intent to kill.
  • 7. However, Fabio will argue that he was angry that Nicholas was having an affair with his wife. When he went to Nicholas home and asked him about the affair, Nicholas denied that an affair was going on. This denial of the affair escalated Fabio s anger to the point Fabio shooting Nicholas. Thus, Fabio acted instinctively and did not have time to deliberate his act. Thus, Fabio will argue that he had no time to contemplate and appreciate the consequences of his act. However, it appears from the facts that Fabio purchased the gun with the intent to kill Nicholas. Therefore, Fabio can be convicted of first degree murder. Voluntary Manslaughter Voluntary manslaughter is a killing of a human being without adequate provocation, with a loss of mental equilibrium and insufficient time to cool off. When Fabio saw
  • 8. Research Paper On Skyscrapers Towering skyscrapers providing offices for businesses, bridges that let people drive miles over water, and houses providing people shelter every day. All these structures affect people every day; and like all great ideas, it had to be planned. Without a plan for these ideas, how else would it be known how to build these great structures. And with the population growing we need more people to design new homes, businesses and other structures. Architecture is a major career that requires essential skills such as math, science, communication, and most importantly creativity. With these skills it is the responsibility of an architect to design these projects and make sure it is built properly. Every structure needs a plan, and the first step in an architectural plan is to make a design that fits the customer s needs. These needs will vary on every project such as a drawbridge that could open 100 meters across, or an office building that needs to be able to sustain hurricane winds. Although every structure is different, they all have basic components that make sure they stand (Shapiro 1). One common structure architects design are skyscrapers. The first part of a skyscraper that an architect will design is the foundation. The foundation is designed by what shape the bottom of the building will be. A pit will be dug out and filled with concrete and columns must be designed into the concrete to reach bedrock, so the building will be anchored. An example of a skyscraper ground
  • 9. Nutrition Report On Food Intake Essay Food Intake According to my three day food diary report, I demonstrated a diet pattern that truly lacks a healthy balance of vital nutrients. First of all, my kilocalorie intake nearly quadrupled that of my dietary reference intake (DRI) range. Secondly, my total lipids reported as considered within my DRI range. However, it was at the highest allowable percentage. Therefore, had it been one percent higher, it would have been above my recommended dietary reference intake. Third of all, my carbohydrate intake revealed drastically surpassed my DRI (although it was within my DRI range, when compared to my total fat and protein amounts, my carbohydrate percentage displayed immensely greater than the others). Finally, the results of my protein intake were extremely low compared to my suggested DRI range. In fact, the percentage was at the lowest allowed for my protein DRI, and was dangerously low in comparison to my total lipid and carbohydrate percentages. Macronutrients According to Institute of Medicine (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2016), macronutrients are significant to the health (or illness from malnourishment) of humans, because macronutrients are the sources of nutrients that we rely on the most for energy, growth, and healing, thus, mandatory in greater amounts. In addition, consuming too few or even excessive intakes of macronutrients consequently results in negative outcomes on the body, including a myriad of various
  • 10. OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Case Study The United States Army decision to divest the OH 58D Kiowa Warrior was an end to an airframe that has a long history of service. No other airframe in the United States Army has the reliability, close air support, and overall operational readiness rate. Many Soldiers lives affected by the divestiture of this airframe, some have lost their jobs, or forced into different needs of the Army. The decision to divest the OH 58D is important , leaving this important role to the AH 64D/E Apache, and unmanned aerial vehicles. The OH 58 has been in service since 1969 as a Light Observation Helicopter. (Wikipedia January 2017) Many variants include OH 58A, OH 58B, OH 58C, and OH 58D; an OH 58F was in the testing phase but scrapped. The... Show more content on ... The small but agile airframe primarily used for observation or the scout role, gathering Intel about enemy movements across the battlefield. No airframe in the Army s fleet could provide close air support to ground vehicle convoys like the airframe did, sometimes flying within 50 feet of conveys to ensure their protection. This close air support was valuable to providing convoys make it to their destination unharmed, showing teeth to any would be attacker. In addition, ground troops hailed the aircraft for its quick response in the battle space, apparently saving many American Soldiers lives. Working joint operations with the AH64D/E Apache helicopter Apache missions scrubbed due to maintenance issues causing units with OH 58D to deploy more aircraft to support their mission losses. If any ground troop wanted fast and effective close air support, many would have chosen the OH 58D. Stories often heard was how the OH 58D came flying in and suppressed the threat allowing ground troops to advance and continue the mission. Just having this airframe in the battle space contained many threats before they even evolved; supporting lost capabilities this helicopter has brought to the U.S
  • 11. Oscar Wilde Satire Oscar Wilde was an Irish playwright, novelist, and poet who lived an unconventional life during the Victorian Era. Oscar Wilde is lauded for his works, trademark wit, and the way he carried himself around. Arguably, his most famous piece of work is The Importance of Being Earnest, which is about two people who make up a person that lives in another part of the country in order to escape burdensome social responsibilities. The Importance of Being Earnest is an example of a satirical piece of literature. Satire is the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc. Wilde s life experiences greatly impacted the views, that he expresses through satirical humor, in his works, particularly The... Show more content on ... He went to prestigious colleges such as Oxford. He is well aware of the way of the life of the upper class people. In his works, particularly in The Importance of Being Earnest, he mocks the way that they live. Lady Bracknell is an extreme caricature of the snobbiness, classism, and elitism of Victorian London. After learning about the wealth that Cecily has, she tries to make nephew Algernon marry to Cecily to get the money that comes with marrying her. Marriage for Lady Bracknell is a business transaction and not an union of two people that love each other. Wilde is saying through his experiences with the upper class that they do not care about anything but maintaining their high class position. Oscar Wilde made sure to criticize the upper class in his play The Importance of Being Earnest. Wilde grew up in an unconventional family, was a homosexual in a place where it was taboo, and was an upper class Victorian man. All of these influences the way that he wrote, such as in The Importance of Being Earnest. Wilde growing up in an unconventional family made him appreciate wit and humor. Wilde being homosexual meant that he to pretend that he was somebody that is not which he criticizes. Wilde being an upper class Victorian man meant that he wanted to satirize the way that they act. The Importance of Being Earnest demonstrates each three of these
  • 12. Analysis Of Rising Tide Back in the early 1960s, during the bloodiest years of the civil rights movement, there was Bear Bryant, and Joe Namath. Rising Tide tries to be more than another muscle head life story. It recounts an exciting story lying at the crossing point of football, race, and excitement. The Southern whites in the late 1950s and mid 1960s just discussed two topics of discussions, and it was a race and football. Regardless of remarkable fortune and great lack of concern, there were pockets of eagerness, a desire to break with similarity and seek after individual opportunity. Activists found neediness amidst bounty, railed against the organization man, and encouraged to boycott the bomb. The social equality development entered its bloodiest stage, standing up to a horrible restriction in the core of Dixie. This book is about the legendary coach Paul Bryant and how he helped Joe Namath overcome the struggle of segregation on and off the football field. Considering the relationship between the athlete and coach during the golden era of the game, it addresses the losses, the commitment, and the determination in becoming one of the nation s elite. Like many of the greats, Namath s upbringing wasn t great. Namath s family were immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania. Growing up in Western, Pennsylvania, Namath didn t want to work in the steel mills like every other male immigrant. Working in a steel mill only provided a stable life for a man and his family, but not an easy one. Few who went
  • 13. How To Make College Cheaper Analysis In the article, How to Make College Cheaper, Steve Cohen discusses how an average income family cannot afford the typical university or community college tuition. He describes key ideas on how to make college more readily available the average student in American. Although, in the article Steve Cohen uses some ambiguous language in his key reasons the conclusion to his issue is very convincing. In Steve Cohen article, How to Make College Cheaper, he clearly states the issue and the conclusion. The descriptive issue is stated in the title, Why or How to Make College Cheaper. Cohen states the conclusion later on in the article in the concluding paragraph. The conclusion is to invest in tuition deferment and by shifting the risk of student default from the government to the college. Thus, the issue and the conclusion could be stated as follows: College can be made cheaper by tuition deferment and shifting risk of student default to the college. ... Show more content on ... Cohen uses these additives to get his points across. I was not really sure if he is trying to be theatrical or more accurate. If Cohen used more accurate additives his points would be more substantial. Instead of using the word traditional to describe loan programs I suggest Cohen briefly describes one. This would make it much easier for people to understand if they were unfamiliar with college loan programs. I found the conclusion and issue of How to Make College Cheaper to be convincing. Although, there were some ambiguities in Steve Cohen s reasoning they did not affect my opinion on the article. Cohen does get his points across very well with the facts he uses throughout the article. The reasons are very convincing because he uses reputable sources such as the President of the United States and the Governor of Wisconsin. I need a sentence for
  • 14. Loyola s Heroic Leadership From the founding of the Society of Jesus to today, Jesuits have been charged to help souls in a heroic manner. This simple mission formed the catalyst and motivation for each Jesuit to engage the world around them while adhering to their founder s, Ignatius of Loyola s, call to find God in all things, (Jesuits, 2014). At the core of Ignatian spirituality lies the realization that God is active in our everyday lives. Therefore, it is the goal of each Jesuit to be sensitive to God s call for their lives and respond to it. It was from this mindset that Jesuits engaged the world (Jesuits, 2014). In Heroic Leadership, Chris Lowney argues that upon reflection of the lives of the Jesuits, one can discover four guiding leadership principles: self awareness,... Show more content on ... Serving as a mathematician and astronomer professor in the Jesuits Collegio Romano, Clavius selected exceptional pupils for his master classes. Alongside his academic vocation arose his self aware. Clavius view that his calling was to mold young intellectuals into better people, (Lowney, 2003). He encouraged his students and himself to constantly challenge the current understanding of the world and be willing to adopt different perspectives (sign of ingenuity). Clavius heroism to strive for truth was exemplified when he duplicated Galileo s experiments, which disproved his model of the Earth as the center of the universe. Dismissing his pride of being the top Ptolemaic scholar, and dismissing to his fears of reprisal by the Church (a sign of indifference), Clavius endorsed all Gaileo s findings and calculations, (Lowney, 2003). His willingness to confirm a scientific stance rejected by the Catholic Church as heresy demonstrates Clavius deep love for his pupils and his mission as a scholar. Instead of ignoring revealed truth, Clavius preached, scientists needed to accept the facts and set about finding a credible theory to explain them, (Lowney, 2003). His love of truth and heroic pursuit of it stand as Clavius unique demonstration of the Jesuit leadership
  • 15. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of State Owned... State owned enterprises are regarded as a particular circumstance of business organisations and considered as the basis of economic growth in many countries (Zhang, 2011). It can be seen that the proportion of state owned companies has increased from nine percent in 2005 to 23 percent in 2014 especially in China which has a proportion of 15 percent in 2014 (PwC, 2015). Furthermore, state owned companies might be a necessary tool for development in emerging countries, because they can be directed and achieved by governments. Although state owned companies have played an important role in an economy, they sometimes seem to perform poorly compared with private sectors on average in many countries, partly because the goals of public policy sometimes are complicated to be achieved (World Bank Group, 2014). Therefore, many countries have decided to privatise because they have expected that private sectors would operate and perform better than the government would do. Thus, privatisation has become an international phenomenon globally particularly in addressing inefficiency from state enterprises. However, there might have some benefits and drawbacks of privatisations, but all of the procedures are most likely to depend on the quality of contracts and regulation in each circumstance. For this reason, this essay will examine: firstly, the agency costs that seem to occur in state owned companies, secondly a privatisation will be analysed as a result from those costs. Thirdly,
  • 16. BoeingВґs Program to Reduce Stress Essay Research study: Boeing s top executives in Seattle, WA implemented a program to reduce job stress. Two groups (Managers and Employees) with two different conditions (time in therapy, e.g., 2 times/week and 4 times/week). The study will measure the stress level reduction with the use of stress therapy (aromatherapy with essential oils). Ornelas Kleiner (2003) mention Aromatherapy means treatment using scents a holistic treatment of caring for the body with pleasant smelling botanical oils that are added to your bath or massaged into your skin. Random assignment: groups (one of two) are exposed to the aromatherapy random assignment and available time frames. A pretest is given, a posttest to measure the employees stress levels over 3 ... Show more content on ... Comparing managers before and after at both intervals, comparing employees before and after at both intervals. There are certain assumptions to me for a 2x2 mixed design ANOVA. These assumptions include that the data are interval or ratio and that the population distribution of scores is symmetrical. Study Design: Independent variable: managers and employees Variable (Dependent): managers and employees reduced stress levels (aromatherapy) The type of t Test is level to the variance, the independent t test two groups are discrete and is exclusive due to the number (15) in each group, and the variance of the two groups is equal. Two types of errors: 1. Are there a significant difference between managers and employees using stress therapy? 2. Does stress therapy outcomes differ with more time used? Hypothesis: 2 hour week and 4 hour week use of Aromatherapy: H01: The difference of Setting Time in Aromatherapy there is no statistically significant interaction Ој1hr_ A = Ој4hr_ A Ha1: The difference of Setting Time in Aromatherapy there is no statistically significant interaction Ој1hr_ A в‰ Ој4hr_ A H02: The Setting groups on Aromatherapy indicates there is a statistically significant interaction Ојmanager_A = Ојemployee_A Ha2: The Setting groups on
  • 17. Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned Essay In my opinion, a book is always a better choice for entertainment then a movie. Usually, when a book is adapted into a movie; the movie always seems to omit scenes and details mentioned in the book. This is the same with Walter Mosley s Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned; a novel that tells a story surrounding a man named Socrates Fortlow. However, while the movie version of Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned follows the same concept as the book there are substantial differences in terms of events, details, and chronological order. The first major difference between the movie and the book is how quickly the movie reveals some of the flaws of the main character Socrates Fortlow. In fact the movie starts with Socrates appearing... Show more content on ... Realizing that they were seen, Darryl and his friends run and the boy inevitably follows. Once in the clear, Darryl and his friends discuss what they are going to do next. All the while, the boy is follows pleading for permission to go with them. Darryl and his friends respond to the boy s request by telling him to go home. When he won t leave them alone, Darryl and his friends become aggravated, and Darryl turns around and knifes the boy to death. After realizing the boy is dead, Darryl and his friends leave and never tell anyone what happened. Later on in the book, Darryl proceeds to tell Socrates that he is haunted in his dreams by the retarded boy all the time. However, in the movie this same plot has a very different twist. In the movie, the retarded boy, whose name is Felix, killed by a young boy by the name of Phillip who threatens to kill anyone who tells. While some of the events are not the same, a majority of the differences are tiny details. For example, in the book Socrates has a photo of Theresa, his ex girlfriend, hanging in his kitchen by the window. In the picture, Theresa is wearing a red dress but in the movie she is in a white dress. The book also tells the reader that Socrates spent twenty seven years in prison and was released eight years ago; in the movie; he only served eighteen years and had only been out for ten months. These are just some of the differences between the book and the movie.
  • 18. Polymet Mine Argumentative Paper PolyMet Mine Argumentative Paper PolyMet is a mining corporation that is based in Minnesota. The corporation has proposed a mining location on what is currently National Forest Land. If the proposal goes through, there will be an 18 month construction period and a 20 year period of mining copper and nickel. It will be an open pit surface mining operation, and 322,000 tons of rock will be processed a day. After the mining process is completed, the land (which will turn into a pit due to the mining process) will undergo reclamation and be filled with the excess sediment that was gathered during the mining. I believe that the process overall will be detrimental to the land. I do not believe 20 years of mining for easily imported materials ... Show more content on ... Some argue that, economically, the mining operation will be a net gain in money for the working class and that 75 to 80 percent of the jobs in northern Minnesota will be local [1]. However, for the project to fully go through, it requires $200 million to $400 million in financial protections, and would overall be a financial liability for taxpayers [2]. So despite how many jobs the project will create, it could result in a net loss of money for the people living in that area. Another problem that PolyMet thinks they have solved is the mass amount of pollution that will surface during the mining process. They say they will use the most advanced mining procedures to extract the materials and prevent pollution during the mines 20 year life [3]. Not only is this solution incredibly vague in its description, but many argue that the pollution will be a problem long after the mine plays out and PolyMet is gone. The latest studies shows a possibility that the mine s wastewater could flow north to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness [3]. The argument that advanced procedures would be used against pollution falls short of satisfactory when their description is so ill defined. In conclusion, the PolyMet Mine proposal is a project that I disagree with. Though there are some initial benefits, the long term negative effects would hurt the land more than help it. With the large amount of money from the taxpayers,
  • 19. The Business Impact Of The Internet Of Things The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing how most industries do business and promises a significant return on investment (ROI) in operational efficiency, improved customer experience, risk mitigation, and enabling entirely new business models. The sheer volume of new devices on the network driven by IoT will evolve the scale and range of deploying devices and managing data. Further, recent advances for employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) within IoT are creating many new opportunities to enhance data analysis and better decision making. Although the notion of computing based on sensor data from things was not born yesterday, the meteoric rise of IoT has recently become practical because of smaller, faster,... Show more content on ... Further, a significant challenge many organizations when deploying IoT solutions is the melee of connectivity standards, hardware types, operating systems, programming languages in addition to navigating the proliferation of platforms. Dell Technologies has been a pioneer in driving innovation, standards, and solutions across the industry. Specifically, with their involvement the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), OpenFog Consortium, and the EdgeX Foundry hosted by the Linux Foundation. Although there has been some success with these standards bodies, the onus has been put on companies like Dell to provide leadership and move the industry forward. Seeded by Dell code, EdgeX is a vendor neutral, open source project building a common interoperability framework to facilitate an ecosystem for IoT edge computing. The EdgeX effort is backed by over 60 organizations, including recent addition Samsung, has established a roadmap of bi annual code releases and has formed a partnership with the IIC to collaborate on testbeds. For the past three years, Dell has built a strong presence in the market with an IoT strategy and IoT focused projects such as gateways and embedded PCs and an ecosystem of over 90 technology and services partners that complement their infrastructure offerings. Further through its OEM
  • 20. Analysis Of Jean Louis Comolli And Jean Narboni s ... In Jean Louis Comolli and Jean Narboni s essay Cinema/Ideology/Criticism, they put forward the central argument that film is a commercial product in the capitalist system and therefore also the unconscious instrument of the dominant ideology which produces it. In opposition to the classic film theory that applauds camera as an impartial device to reproduce reality, they argue that what the camera reproduces is merely a refraction of the prevailing ideology. Therefore, the primary and political task for filmmakers is to disrupt this replication of the world as self evident and the function of film criticism is to identify and evaluate that politics. Comolli and Narboni then suggest seven categories of films confronting ideology in different ways, among which the second category resists the prevailing ideology on two levels. Films of this group not only overtly deal with political contents in order to attack their ideological assimilation (Comolli and Narboni 483), but also achieve their goal through breaking down the conventional way of depicting reality. Palindromes (2004), directed by Todd Solondz, to a large degree corresponds to the category B proposed by Comolli and Narboni. On the level of the signified, namely the film s content, this black comedy directly tackles the heatedly debated social and political issues surrounding teen pregnancy and abortion in the United States. When approaching this controversial subject, the film puts great emphasis on revealing,
  • 21. Immanuel Kant Lie When faced with the temptation to tell a lie, it is often difficult to determine what would be the right thing and what would be the wrong thing to do. In the eyes of Kant, a German philosopher, lying in and of itself, is inherently immoral. Contrary to his belief, Mill, a British philosopher, felt that the actions that were thus brought upon you by telling the lie, determined whether or not it was within moral nature. Kant believed that the rightness of an action does not depend on the resulting consequences, rather whether they are made in the sake of duty. When in acting in accordance with duty, it is done with a motive of prudence or good/sensible judgement. Kant brings up the example of a tradesman, selling his goods only at a fair price.... Show more content on ... To introduce the hypothetical imperative, think about studying for a really hard test. Your grade is not likely to be considered passing, unless you get an A on this final. You ve been studying all week, but you just can t seem to retain the material. So what should you do? You need to pass this class, so does it really matter whether or not the actions you take to do so are morally correct? You decide to cheat. You get the A, you pass the class, and your parents are proud of you. This is the hypothetical imperative if you wish to obtain a certain goal, you ought to take certain means in order to reach it. The categorical imperative states that act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law (Copleston 324). This imperative is the one that holds moral worth, because it demands that before taking an action, it must first be considered a universal law. By that, Kant means that it the action you desire to take cannot be taken by the whole of society, then you shouldn t even be doing it yourself. If it is not an everyday action, that every person could also do, then it is morally
  • 22. The Gilded Six-Bits Symbols Throughout our reading of the provided passage of The Gilded Six Bits, my attention was drawn towards the gilded half dollar. I believe the gold piece is a prominent symbol in the story due to its multiple appearances in the passage and its relevance in the plot of the story. The golden coin was used by Slemmons, a wealthy resident of Eatonville, to pay Missie May to commit devious, extramarital actions. Oh Joe, honey, he said he wuz gointer give me dat gold money and he jes kept on after me. (page 732) It is later revealed that the gilded piece, which was believed to be a solid gold token, was in fact a 50 cent piece plated in gold. The gold plated half dollar soon tears the love of Joe and Missie May apart as it reminds them both of the
  • 23. Arsenic Research Papers Brianna Cross10/28/16 Chemistry Essay Arsenic Arsenic is one of the most toxic elements that can be found on Earth. Arsenic has a symbol of As and an atomic number of 33. It is a metalloid which gives it both metal and nonmetal characteristics. Arsenic has many allotropes, but the gray form is important for industry. The three main allotropes are metallic gray, black, and yellow. Gray arsenic is brittle and has a low hardness (based on the Moh s hardness scale) yet a high density. Yellow arsenic is soft and waxy. It is least dense and most toxic. It is also transformed into gray arsenic by light. Black arsenic is brittle and glassy. It is a poor electrical conductor as well. Inorganic and organic compounds of arsenic are found in many places among the earth. Arsenic is discovered in the environment from both nature and certain human activities. Arsenic is usually found in soils, sediments, and groundwater. The process of mining, ore smelting, and industrial use of arsenic can result in these inorganic compounds meeting the surface. Organic arsenic compounds are found in fish, shellfish and... Show more content on ... Mineral forms of arsenic were known as early as the fourth century BC, but Albertus Magnus, a German scholastic, is usually credited with the discovery of the element around 1250. The first directions for the preparation of metallic arsenic are found in the writings of Paracelsus. The Greeks of the Roman Empire would use this element to kill others. The compound s lack of color, odor and taste made the sinister hard to detect, as well as the distribution in nature which made it available to all classes. The symptoms of Arsenic were similar to food poisoning and other common disorders which also made it hard to figure out if it was a planned death. These inorganic and organic compounds can be the reason for a harmful human
  • 24. Essay about An Analysis of Yeats The Second Coming An Analysis of Yeats The Second Coming Yeats poem The Second Coming, written in 1919 and published in 1921 in his collection of poems Michael Robartes and the Dancer, taps into the concept of the gyre and depicts the approach of a new world order. The gyre is one of Yeats favorite motifs, the idea that history occurs in cycles, specifically cycles twenty centuries in length (Yeats, The Second Coming ln. 19). In this poem, Yeats predicts that the Christian era will soon give way apocalyptically to an era ruled by a godlike desert beast with the body of a lion and the head of a man (ln. 14). Critics have argued about the exact meaning of this image, but a close reading of the poem, combined with some simple genetic work, shows ... Show more content on ... 7 8), and his central images, the rocking cradle of Christ (ln. 20) to the rough beast (ln. 21). Other kinds of echoes, literary rather than poetic, emerge as well; Yeats connects The Second Coming with Shelley s Prometheus Unbound in lines 7 and 8, The best lack all conviction, while the worst/Are full of passionate intensity (Drake 53), and even, Jeffares suggests, the Divine Comedy, by altering the hawk of an earlier draft to more closely resemble the ample circuit of a falcon described in Dante s masterpiece (A Commentary 241). Yeats surely made these allusions to borrow the literary scale of these prophetic masterpieces. But far more important in this respect is his borrowings from the Bible. Most central and obvious are the Second Coming of Christ described in Matthew 24 and the beast of the apocalypse from Revelations, but Purdy also notes the vision chapters of Daniel (7 12), Isaiah s prophecy of the Day of the Lord (14.6 11, 19 22), old Ezekiel s cherubim (10.1ff), and Jeremiah s denunciation of Isreal (2) (75), not to mention Yeats location of the beast s birth at Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ two thousand years ago (Jeffares, W. B. Yeats 38). The Bible is, of course, the western world s primary work of prophecy, and Yeats use of its language gives his own work a tone of prophecy. The tool of Yeats prophecy, crystallized in the widening gyre traced by the falcon, is a concept Yeats detailed
  • 25. Federal National Mortgage Association ( Freddie Mac ) In 2008 two government sponsored enterprise (GSE), Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), received the second largest bailout in the United States, totaling $187 billion. The bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac drew attention to the problems with too big to fail (TBTF) entities and government guarantees. The bailout highlighted the lack of market discipline and encouraged moral hazard. The erosion of the prerequisites of market discipline by GSEs creates moral hazard. According Tony Fiennes (2016), market discipline is the way in which market participants influence a financial institution to act in the best interest of shareholders, through monitoring its risk profile and financial position (Fiennes,1). Fiennes (2013) states that three conditions must be present for market discipline to exist and be effective. Market participants must have access to relevant information and have incentives to monitor corporations. Additionally, the market must have a competitive environment so that investors can decide on the best investment (Fiennes, 1). Moral hazard is the idea that, under certain circumstances, individuals will alter their behavior and take on more risk (Pettinger,1). This paper will examine how market discipline is destroyed in the mortgage industry by Fannie Mae s and Freddie Mac s too big to fail size and government backing. History of the U.S. Mortgage Industry To understand how
  • 26. Explain How All Staff Collect, Use And Disclose Your... All staff must adhere to the following policies relating to the collection and usage of client information. 1.How we Collect, Use and Disclose Your Personal Information Your personal information is defined under the Privacy Act 1988 as ...information or an opinion, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. We will collect your personal information when you answer direct questions presented to you by the company, such as when you visit or call our IT Service Department with a request for services or by completing an online application for services. We will use the information gathered as is necessary for us to provide you with the
  • 27. The Locked Room Analysis The Locked Room is the third part of The New York Trilogy published in 1986 by Paul Auster. In this novel, the narrator, a thirty year old writer, is propelled precipitously into his past when his long lost childhood friend, Fanshawe, disappears and leaves him with a fastidious responsibility. Therefore, the writer takes on the task of reviewing a series of poems and novels written by his missing friend during his life. Quickly, he becomes obsessed by the search for Fanshawe and devotes all his energy into finding him, but at what cost.... With this novel, Auster redefines the detective genre, as he turns the investigation into a more metaphysical one, a search for the self, for the identity. It would be interesting to more profoundly analyze some aspects of the narrativeto better understand Auster s work. Thus, the angle of perspective from which the story is reported, along with the main conflict of the story and the resolution will be further developed in this text. To begin, the angle of perspective from which the story is reported is a 1st person point of view, unlike the first two volumes of the trilogy. Indeed, throughout the story, we hear the descriptions and views of the main character, an unnamed journalist and writer. As Fanshawe s old friend, the narrator was caught into a difficult situation for the past years and decided to write about it. This is his story. Thus, it isn t completely objective; it is impregnated by his perceptions, knowledge and
  • 28. Reasons For European Colonization European colonization began in 1492 when a Spanish explorer by the name of Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route but ended up in the new world known as the Americas. The massive territories, countless riches, and experienced native people meant that a claim in the americascould easily bossy a nations wealth, status, and reputation. After this expedition more countries such as the European powerhouses; France, Spain, and Britain began to colonize in the America s. France, Britain, and Spain overall had similar motives when they started to colonize; to spread religion, to obtain wealth, and to increase geopolitical power. France, Spain, and Britain had the same motives gold, glory, and gold by their main focus were different. Spain main motive was economical. Britains motive was for religious freedom and build and empire. The French motive was for trade routes. In 1492 the colonization began for Spain with the arrival of Christopher Columbusto one of the Caribbean island. The Spanish empire were the first to come to the Americas. The Spanish empire wanted to find china to get an cultural exchange but instead they found and unknown land. When they landed the Native American received them with open arms and bearing gifts. !1 The Spanish were seeking gold for the most important reason for their country; and they used every way to get it. The natives were friendly and amazed by how large their ships were, but the Spanish weren t looking for a friendship they wanted gold. The Spanish explorers acted like they were friends with the Native people such a as the Incas and Aztecs, but they wanted everything their way and they would do anything to have it their way. Christopher Columbus had four main voyages and the main motive was to seek gold, they were failed attempts. Explorers as Cabeza de Vaca, Hernan Cortes, Hernando de Soto, and Coronado all went looking for gold and other riches for Spain. The Spanish empire wanted to be ahead of every other country and they believed colonization and finding gold and riches would help
  • 29. Bad Things About Penicillin Over 50,000,000 peoples lives have been saved by the drug penicillin (Sim). Today Penicillin and other antibiotics are crucial in the lives of people. One bad thing about penicillin is approximately 11.5% of the population is allergic to it so the diseases they receive that have to be healed by penicillin or other antibiotics might not heal as fast or maybe even kill them. Another negative aspect to Penicillinis it weakens the immune system(Cooper). Most of the body survives off of friendly bacteriaand if antibiotics kill bacteria in large numbers, then it kind of defeats the purpose. Penicillin is used to treat many diseases and viruses that can be deadly if medicine was not applied, and they are easily accessible. After the discovery and processing of Penicillin, it was often described as the Miracle Drug and that is exactly what it was. Prior to the foundation of Penicillin, death was very common due to diseases that we think are no... Show more content on ... One researcher he hired soon after his arrival was Ernst Chain(Pbs 2). Ernst Chain became interested in antibacterial chemicals. He started looking back at old articles written by Fleming concerning Penicillin . The Oxford team, as Florey s researchers have become known(Pbs 2), began experimenting with the penicillin mold. Penicillin mold naturally produces the antibiotic Penicillin. Scientists learned to grow Penicillin mold in deep fermentation tanks by adding a kind of sugar and other important ingredients. After enough grew scientists separated the penicillin product from the mold. Finally it was purified and bottled and eventually used as an antibiotic. They took it one step further than Fleming did, they did not just try it on a petri dish, but injected it in live mice. With controlled experimentation, they found it cured mice with bacterial infections. They went on to try it on a few human subjects and saw amazing
  • 30. Morris Lefkowitz Case . If a store says there was a price mistake in an ad, do they still have to sell the advertised item at the advertised price? No. An ad can be treated as an offer under certain circumstances for instance in the Lefkowitz v. Great Minneapolis Surplus Store, Inc. case. The store published a newspaper ad stating: that on Saturday 9 AM Sharp, three brand new fur coats, worth up to $1,000.00, first Come First Served $1 each. A customer named Morris Lefkowitz arrived at the store ready to pay. However, he was informed that under the defendant s house rules, the offer was open to women but not men. The court ruled for the plaintiff because he satisfied the terms of the advertisement. Therefore, the advertisement was explicit and left nothing open
  • 31. Personal Narrative-Racism In High School Get out of my car, said my mom with a smile. Wearing an unnecessarily large backpack and reveling in the significance of the moment, I caught my reflection in the window: a young, slender boy with dark skin from my father, almond shaped eyes from my mother, and a big smile all my own. I had a little hop in my step, pleased with what I saw. It was my first day at Thomas Jefferson High Schoolfor Science and Technology (TJ). I heaved open the government issued doors and was hit with a wave of Chinese chatter. Once I entered, silence rippled through the crowd and hung in the air like heavy fog until a sharp whisper cut through. It s a black guy. Those four words flipped my self perception upside down. I was no longer a mixed race boy. I was now a black guy. Raised in a biracial home, I had been taught race is not biological and only a social construct, so I never really considered using race to define people. Deep inside, I had already gotten used to being treated as an outsider ... Show more content on ... On the first day of tryouts, my future teammates were visibly enthusiastic when I, a black looking guy, showed up at the track. The look of disappointment was also apparent when I told them I was Asian. When I asked why they were so disappointed, the captain said jokingly, We haven t had a black guy in years. We thought you could bring some legitimacy to the team. However, the joke was on them. I surpassed the entire team in the 100 meter dash as a sophomore. That comment on the first day of school was a turning point for me. I learned quickly to embrace all my weirdness and that being Blasian (black/Asian) is fantastic. I have two completely different stories to tell when I talk about my family. I have proven to myself and to my peers that I don t have fit a particular stereotype, I m good at science, and I can run quickly. High school has been tough, but I ll leave more resilient and mature than I was three years
  • 32. Essay on China Coin The China Coin Plot Summary Chapter 1 * Leah and her mother Joan are on a plane to China in search of the origins of a mysterious half a coin that was sent to Joan from her father. * Leah is not thrilled to be going. * Leah does not see herself as Chinese. * We find out that Leah s father has died of cancer and they are tracing the coin for him, because he was really curious about where the other half of the coin is. * Joan is spooked by what she sees on TV a student riot. Chapter 2 Joan and Leah go to the Qingping Market. Leah notices that China is changing Joan she is becoming Chinese a side of Joan that Leah has not seen before. They meet a young man who is putting up signs about democracy.... Show more content on ... * They learn that the protests are not just in one place, but all over China. Joan is worried about their safety and about being trapped in China. * Joan thinks Leah doesn t like China. * Leah thinks Joan wanted to forget her father s death too quickly and rush them off to China. * Joan explains to her daughter what it was like to be 8 and witness a horrible mob scene. * Joan explains that once their shop had been burnt, they left Penang and went to Singapore. Her philosophy is that once things are gone, you must change turn away. Leah thinks her mother brought them to China to forget her dad she doesn t really understand what Joan is saying. * * Chapter 10 * They board the second river boat. * Leah is confused about her mother s actions/motives in solving the mystery of the coin. * Joan seems not to talk about her dead husband very much. * As the boat moves along the river Leah reminisces about when Dad was dying. We find out all the details and that Leah was mad with her mum after her dad dies. As the boat trip becomes over there is a connection with her father s passing. Leah says, We ve been through a lot eh? They are starting to heal and become closer to one another. * * Chapter 11 * Students are protesting in the town. * Leah goes out for a walk around the town. * Leah and a young woman
  • 33. Influence of Religion on the Civil Rights Movement Influence of Religion on the Civil Rights Movement Religion has had a profound effect on numerous events throughout the course of American history. The Civil Rights Movement was not withheld from the influence of religion, particularly Christianity and Islam. Many of the key players such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, who were devoted to the cause of justice and equality for African Americans, gained their passion from their spiritual roots. Through these religious leaders organizations were established to fight for civil rights. It was through these religious men and the religion of blacks that the fight for equality gained enthusiasm and courage to fight oppression and discrimination. Opposition also came from religion, ... Show more content on ... Schwerner, Chaney and Goodman were not civil rights workers. They were Communist Revolutionaries, actively working to undermine and destroy Christian Civilization (Mathisen 576). Later on in the interview the KKK affiliate declared that Lyndon B. Johnson, a president known for his support of the Civil Rights Movement, is a communist sympathizer (Mathisen 576). This member was clearly discussing the Civil Rights activists. He proclaims that they were tainting the Christian religion, which is why they were killed and are missing. This notion brings up religion as a contributor to their own views against African Americans. The KKK uses words from the Holy Bible and teachings from Protestant Reverends to support its cause and justify its actions (Fisher 1). They truly rationalize their superiority complex and their brutality to blacks by the Christian faith. By using Christianity, they too obtained unity against the Civil Rights Movement. The Ku Klux Klan was not the only notorious adversary of civil rights. A prominent opponent of the fight for African American equality and was the Baptist minister, Jerry Falwell. Falwell was a strong supporter of segregation and believed that based on the bible, Africans were the cursed descendants of Ham, and worthy only of subservience to white people (Kimberley 1). In Genesis of the bible Ham was cursed by his father, Noah, for disrespecting him. Through this,
  • 34. Tyco International Case Study Tyco International, a global company that was founded and established in Princeton, New Jersey during the early 1960 s and has expanded since to provide products and services to customers in over 60 different countries. According to their website, Tyco brings together best in class product, technology and service capabilities across controls, fire, security, HVAC, power solutions and energy storage, to serve various end markets including large institutions, commercial buildings, retail, industrial, small business and residential (Tyco). Unlike many other companies, Tyco Internationalmade a name for themselves within their first decade of business and even managed to be enlisted in the New York Stock Exchange. Following these accomplishments, the company purposely slowed its growth in order to organize itself and be more effective. They recontinued expansion during 1992, the same year Dennis Kozlowskibecame CEO of the company. Between the years 1991 2001, Tyco International acquired more than 1,000 companies, many of whom had respectable reputations. Throughout all the years that Dennis Kozlowski was CEO, Tyco International recorded revenue in range of billion dollar amounts. He was highly compensated for his hard work and commitment, but his desire for more ultimately led to his downfall. During the Fall of 2002, Dennis Kozlowski and his Financial Adviser, Mark H. Swartz, were indicted for a $600 million fraud scheme. According to The New York Times, both men created
  • 35. High School Sports Module Analysis Do you ever, as an athlete, parent, or fan of Iowa high school sports, want to watch the state high school sporting events? Because it is well known that the northwest corner of Iowa tends to field the better sports teams and athletes of the state, typically there is usually quite a few teams representing the area during the state tournament. When a local team or athlete makes it to state, a group of people will either go and watch in person, or try to see if the event is being broadcasted on television. Often the people that can t make the trip to watch in person, like local people, family members, or even high school athletes themselves, will check if it is on television (Byers 1). Starting during the 2016 2017 academic year, the Iowa... Show more content on ... That s a question I m sure many people had over the football, wrestling, and basketball state tournament championships. I ll go into more detail about the CSN Chicago deal with the help of my interview with Scott Byers. In order to watch the channel CSN Chicago, you need to either live in the area that your local cable company offers it, or have Dish Network or DirecTV. Like I said earlier, about 90% of the area that does offer the channel is in the eastern part of Iowa. So if you live on the western side, and don t have either Dish Network or DirecTV, you are basically out of luck. The local cable companies could get CSN Chicago into their package but with Northwest Iowa so far away from Chicago, almost none in this area do. It makes sense not to get the channel only if you want it to watch IHSAA state events. Scott Byers asked the head of the local cable company in Sioux Center about it and he said picking up CSN Chicago for three years would cost his company well over a million dollars. Instead of people on the Eastern side of Iowa, the Northwest Iowa people get to watch Fox Sports North which shows the Minnesota teams like the Twins and Timberwolves. Next, people might wonder if this really has to go on for the full three years. Well, I found that answer too in my interview. Scott said, Most contracts can be broken, but it becomes a legal matter at that point and will cost whatever the lawyers come up with in negotiations. Generally,
  • 36. Definition Essay On Trust Trust has multiple definitions, but when I think about trust, always coming through, and being trustworthy are the first ideas that come to mind.Most importantly, Trust can be defined as someone you can tell anything to. You can have trust with your family, friends and relatives. People may see trust differently based on past experiences or events. For example, someone who has trustworthy friends who tends to keep secret information secret, might view trustpositively. But, someone who has friends that can t keep secrets, and tells everything they hear might view trust in a negative way. Therefore, I believe that trust had many different view and definitions which are a lot different than what I would ever have expect creating a never ending... Show more content on ... There are many different form of trust that can expand our expectations and deepen our views. The trust you have with your parents may be very similar for the trust you have with your siblings. As a young child you mainly only trust your parents, who provides you with food, shelter, clothing and extra wants. As a child you are helpless, leaving your trust in your parents, to provide you with basic needs to be healthy, is what I believe the child s first trust instinct is. Next, as you get older and begin play with your siblings, you start to rely on them to keep you safe. You trust that they will keep you out of the street, when you are playing in the front yard or not let you get lost in the grocery store while your parents are shopping. You trust your siblings just as much as your parents to provide you with safety, fun and needs. Then, you experience trust with your friends. This can be shown by relying on each other, keeping each other safe and believing that they will be there for you when you need it most. As you grow older, trust grows to new expectations forcing you to constantly learn. The different types of trust we experiences teaches us different life lessons that stays with us forever. Throughout our lives, everyone wants to be trusted and experience trust with someone
  • 37. The Life and Times of Victoria Ka iulani, Member of... Princess Ka iulani was a bright young member of the Hawaiian monarchy, most known for her impassioned protest against the overthrown and annexation of Hawaii, the country she was meant to rule. The young woman toured across America, speaking to both press and public about the unjust takeover of her kingdom by American businessmen. Although this further proved to be practically in vain, history has not forgotten the sympathy inducing young princess who braved a country alone for the sake of her home. Crown Princess Victoria Ka iulani Cleghorn was born on October 16, 1875 to Princess Miriam Likelike and Scottish businessman Archibald Scott Cleghorn as the highest born ali i (noble) of her generation and was, at the time, fourth in line for... Show more content on ... She may have thought that her life s purpose, all of her plans, all of her work, all of her education was now pointless. Lies were being printed about the Hawaiian people and who they were. These articles were printed in newspapers across the United States . Hawaiians were being called barbarians... uncivilized... unable to rule themselves. [...] It was clear that the Americans were receiving incorrect information about the Hawaii situation [...] Ka iulani saw little use in speaking to the press; Liliuokalani had been ignored, and she was a queen of a nation. Not to mention the humiliating and deceitful information being spread about her and her family across America; she doubted anyone would see the truth of her character, or her education. However, just before she set sail for America, Ka iulani did manage to make a statement to the English press: Four years ago, at the request of Mr. Thurston, then a Hawaiian Cabinet Minister, I was sent away to England to be educated privately and fitted to the position which by the constitution of Hawaii I was to inherit. For all these years, I have patiently and in exile striven to fit myself for my return this year to my native country. I am now told that Mr. Thurston will be in Washington asking you to take away my flag and my throne. No one tells me even this officially. Have I done anything wrong that this wrong should be done to me and my
  • 38. Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe What would you sell your soul for? A question Faustus had to ask when he wanted to gain more than just knowledge. England during the 1550 s had gone through many changes with religion, leaving the people unsure of what they wanted. When Elizabeth finally claimed throne and stayed Queen for a forty five year reign, there were stable religious changes. For an escape and way of entertainment, society would attend plays. Due to the changing events during the Elizabethan era, plays were a stress reliever for the people such as the play Doctor Faustus; written by Christopher Marlowewho was also dealing with his own religious problems symbolizing the life of Elizabethan times. England had four different rulers take the throne within a twenty year span. Henry VIII ruled in 1509, being well known for having married six wives and wanting to produce a male heir (Singman 1). Henry wanted a divorce; he asked for the pope to help him and ended in rejection. Henry was angry resulting in his passing of legislation that separated him from the Roman Catholic Church (Singman 1). After his third wife gave birth to Edward VI, she died. In 1547, after his father s death, Edward took throne under age advised by guardians. He died before he came of age to rule on his own. (Singman 2). The next oldest child was Mary, an extreme Catholic. She reunited England with the Catholic Church; that soon changed after she died in 1558 after her short ruling (Singman 2). The outcomes of her ruling were
  • 39. Marvel s Luke Cage Analysis Marvel s Luke Cage: Redefining the Modern Day Superhero With great power comes great responsibility. These are the words uttered in many mainstream hero stories that attempt to set a hero apart from the people the hero is trying to protect. Even so, many hero stories are bogged down by predictable plots and a hero that is either too arrogant or too naГЇve for their own good. Marvel s Luke Cage fights these common issues made in the superhero genre of television by introducing viewers to a character who is caring in his own right but also struggles to come to terms with his power. Thus, this makes him compassionate yet hesitant. Strong yet meek. Most of all, it reveals to viewers how heroes can be forged without superpowers because in ... Show more content on ... In this scene, Luke senses the tension that is building up in the room and asks Pops, Do you want me to take out the dirty towels? By dirty towels, Luke refers to Cottonmouth and his gang, but Pops tells Luke that he is fine. Luke, still uneasy, listens to Pops and does not act on Cottonmouth and his gang. The character that drives this episode forward and creates conflict for Pops and Luke is a young man named Chico. He is a former dealer for Cottonmouth, and was nurtured by Pops at an early age. Pops holds Chico dear to him and considers the young criminal a lost child who needs to find himself. Chico constantly gets himself into trouble and comes to Pops for help, but his recent mistake is worse than anything Pops has ever dealt with. Chico stole drugs from Cottonmouth so now Cottonmouth wants Chico s life to be snuffed out. Chico runs to Luke and Pops and asks for help and due to Pops s kind nature he accepts and instructs Luke Cage to help aid both of them. Luke Cage from the start of hearing of Cottonmouth never feared him. Cottonmouth has a superiority complex that plays into his actions and makes him predictable and even manipulable. Luke Cage takes note of this when he meets with Cottonmouth at Cottonmouth s luxurious nightclub and is able to establish negotiations for sparing Chico s life. Unfortunately, Cottonmouth s gang discover Chico s
  • 40. Essay On Can And Can Can and could are modal verbs that describe the possibility or ability. A can is considered as the verb in present form and could is its past form. There are more different circumstances in which their use is changed and they illustrate diverse meanings. These terms are same in meaning as can means the aptitude to do work so these terms are often related to each other and we mix them together. In this article, we will explain that learning these model verbs are how much important and how these verbs are vital parts of the English grammar. Use Of Can As we know that the can is a modal verb which describes the skill of doing work of a noun or subject. The verb can is used to show the ability or permission or the possibility of something of a noun. ... Show more content on ... The word can here is used for the indication of the possibility of something. Can we harvest crops in this field? The can is used for asking the permission. We have got enough money so we can buy a new car. Here can is showing the possibility. Max can run faster than us. The can is used here to show the ability. Use Of Could The verb could is used to show the ability or permission or the possibility of something of a noun that could happen in the past. Just like can, we must know that could is used only when we are describing any necessity in the present tense. Examples They could have come to the meeting. In this the could is describing that they had the permission in the past but now they don t. James could be a runner. This is describing that James had the possibility of being a runner but now it s not possible. She could have been a winner. This is describing that she had the ability to be a winner but it s not possible in the present. Use Of Not With Can If we use Can along with not i.e. cannot, it becomes the negative form of the can and it shows that there is no ability, or possibility or not having the permission of doing something. We can also write cannot as
  • 41. Research Paper On Love And Murder Aliyah Price Written Composition Mrs.Fenstad Love and Murder Nobel prize winner, Knut Hamsun once said, love is every bit as violent and dangerous as murder. In the real life case presented in the podcast series, Serial, officials claim that Adnan Syed s motive was simply love, a dangerous, violent love. With that being said, it is well knew that love can sometimes drive people to do the unthinkable; murder. In Adnan s case officers say that the love he had for Hae influenced his actions, and he decided to take her life. Throughout the podcast, listeners were informed about the case as a whole as well as other information on characters and professionals who were questioned by reporter, Sarah Koenig. Koenig leaves it up to the listeners ... Show more content on ... Some of those issues include people being at different places at different points, the time window, the whole cell phone tower situation, and so on. Let s look at the time frame, so basically your looking at 2:15pm to about 2:36pm: 21 minutes which is when officers think Hae was killed. The podcast producer and reporter do the exact route said to be taken from the high school to Best Buy, and it take them 22 minutes and 2 seconds. So yes, it s possible but not to likely. If Adnan was capable of this he would have had to get everything perfect, assuming there was no complications with traffic or anything like that, he would have had to kill her in approximately a 1 minute (some argue it takes 5) that s amazing assuming 17 year old Adnan has never killed before, let alone with his bare hands. So if the time of death and the time of the phone calls are by chance right, it s still a super narrow window for all of this to happen. Another reason that leads me to believe that Adnan is innocent is the said to be locations and timing of when and where the murder was committed.First of all, think about the fact that this murder was committed in the afternoon around 3:00 o clock, broad daylight. Don t you think someone would see ? Theories are that the murder either took place at a pool hall, maybe around the high school or even a Best Buy parking lot, where Jay claims he saw Hae s body in the trunk of a car. If that s the case, all locations pan out to be public places, someone, anyone could ve saw it
  • 42. Respiratory Syncytial Virus Research Paper Respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV, is most commonly prevalent and severe in children under the age of two years old. However, it can and does effect adults because of it being highly contagious and easy transmit ability. RSV causes infections of the lungs and respiratory tract. Due to the fact that respiratory syncytial virus can cause severe problems for children or adults, caution has to be taken to notice the possible signs and symptoms associated with the virus. Therefore, this paper will discuss the treatment, prevention, ethical issues, research, advancements, etc. associated with RSV. By analyzing RSV, its effects, and how it can be diagnosed then actions can be taken to decrease RSV negative effects. An important step... Show more content on ... For children infected with RSV and treated from home fever control and adequate fluid intake are the anchor of treatment. Those hospitalized, similar steps are taken, hydration is required. Also, a careful clinical assessment of respiratory status is done, including oxygen saturation, administration of supplemental oxygen as needed; suctioning of the upper airway; as well as intubation and mechanical ventilation when necessary (Todd, 2010). And in physicians offices breathing treatment are utilized to help clear the air passageway. The most known treatment for severe cases is the use of the antiviral FDA approved agent, Ribavirin. Ribavirin treats severe lung infections caused by RSV. Ribavirin, when used for RSV, is usually given by oral inhalation or a nebulizer that has an attached oxygen hood, oxygen tent, or face mask. A physician will prescribe the medication and inform the patient of the dosage and usage (NCBI, 2016). On July 28, 2014, American Academy of Pediatrics supplied an updated guideline for the use of palivizumab prophylaxis among infants and youth who have an increased risk of hospitalization caused from the RSV infection (Prevention, 2015). Additionally, a doctor may suggest an injection of epinephrine or a form of epinephrine that can be inspired through a nebulizer (Clinic, 2014). For further information concerning these treatments visit Synagis or the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention official
  • 43. My Brother Sam Is Dead By Christopher Collier My Brother Sam is Dead The authors of My Brother Sam is Dead, James and Christopher Collier, are ultimately against the war. They are against the war for multiple reasons, The Division of Families, the Clash of Generations, and Sam s Principles Vs. Reality. In My Brother Sam is Dead, although both sides are of war are shown, author s Collier and Collier ultimately argue that war is unfair and futile! One of the reasons Collier and Collier are against war is the Divisions between Families. One of the divisions is when Mr. Meeker kicks Sam out of the house for joining the Revolutionary War. Go, Sam. Get out of my sight... (Collier and Collier 22). This was when Sam and his Father were arguing and Mr. Meeker told Dam to leave and not come back until he was dressed like his son not a stranger. Another division is Tim vs. Sam. This one is tough because Sam puts Tim on the spot by making him choose a side. .... Which side are you going to be on? (Collier and ... Show more content on ... his actual Realities. For example his fight for freedom. He believes that fighting for freedom at the risk of getting killed is better than living under British rule. Sir, it s worth dying to be free (Collier and Collier 7). This is saying that Sam is willing to die in battle for his family so they don t have to live under the British. Lastly, the many many brutal deaths that happened during the war. For example Ned s beheading. Ned was fighting against the Redcoats attack and one of the Redcoats shoots Ned while he is still firing and the Redcoats pulls out a sword and slices Ned s head off. Another example was Mr. Meekers death on the British prison ship. This is extremely ironic because Mr. Meeker is a very strong Tory that doesn t care for the war. He was captured by Cowboys who claimed to be Patriots. They threw him on a prison ship that turned out to be a British one and he got sick and
  • 44. The Role And Functions Of The Central Bank Of America Functions of the FED The Fed acts as the central bank of Americahas three main functions. Its main objectives are to promote maximum employment, stable prices and moderate long term interest rates by (1) providing and maintaining an effective payments system, (2) supervising and regulating banking operations, and (3) conducting monetary policy. The most important tool the Fed has to conduct monetary policy is open market operations, which is the buying and selling of U.S. government securities. A Federal Open Market Committee administers the sale and purchase of U.S. government securities on the open market to influence short term interest rates and growth of money and credit. Other tools that the Fed has it its disposal to influence the economy include adjustments to the discount rate and the reserve requirement, and acting as a lender. The discount rate is the interest rate the Federal Reserve Banks charge financial institutions for short term loans of reserves. ... Show more content on ... In fact, the roles of central banks all over the world are pretty much the same everywhere and serve the same need: to provide financial soundness of banking system and realizing price stability. It does so by various tools such as: Formulating and implementing the monetary, credit banking policies. Issuing banknotes and determining their denominations and
  • 45. Black Metropolis Analysis The terms Bronzeville and Black Metropolis can be used interchangeably to signify the interdependence between the two as an emblematic space for blacks that attempted to construct a sustainable all black utopia in Chicago. The Black Metropolis began as a black community instituted from forced segregation that eventually cultivated the imagined neighborhood of Bronzeville, where black Chicagoans asserted their collective agency to legitimize their racefor complete integration. The geographic imaginary of Bronzeville relied heavily on a unified [all black] community, but intr racial antipathies stemming from cultural and socioeconomic class differences undermined true racial solidarity leaving a neighborhood and faction of the black population dispossessed.... Show more content on ... First, King s larger objective was to dismantle racial segregation in all factions of society that prevented equal access for all blacks. Therefore, the dream of racial harmony justified his criticisms of the racial homogenous communities filled with working class ethnic whites on the Southwest side closed to blacks. By challenging the discriminatory housing practices that limited entry to these neighborhoods, King would end the slums by securing access for all blacks. However, King s dream of racial integration was the antithesis of the Black Metropolis because the geographic imaginary of Bronzeville relied heavily on racial
  • 46. Corporate Governance Of Board Of Directors Of Rolls Royce Executive Summary Aims The purpose of this report was to take account of the board of directors of Rolls Royce, focusing on corporate governance in relation to the level of corporate governance and its engagement with institutional shareholders. Risk Management was also performed, to understand the major issues that the company could face when establishing operations in Central Asia. Findings The overall findings show that the company is compliant with the UK Corporate Governance Code. In addition, political and human resource risk where the major risks identified that could have an effect on the company s operation in Central Asia. Recommendations It is recommended that you maintain and check your board effectiveness and continue with the engagement of institutional shareholders. Build an operation where foreign direct investment seems to be more valuable than the other Asian economies perhaps Kazakhstan. To sum up, when establishing an operation in any of the Central Asian countries, make sure purchase insurance policies to protect you from political risks. Plus, show the importance to potential employees of whistle blowing. Contents Page Introduction3 Corporate Governance4 5 Effectiveness4 Diversity4 NEDs Commitment4 Institutional Shareholders5 Risk Management6 10 Risk Identification6 Risk Classification7 Strategic7 Operational 7 Risk assessment8
  • 47. Dry Tortugas National Park Case Study On the exterior, whole sections of brick have fallen away. In 1999 at the time of Conway s article, Congress granted the park $250,000, and a subsequent challenge grant with the potential to provide $2 million in efforts to stabilize the masonry. With this preservation issue of masonry in play, it would mean the removing of the Tottem stutters. Tottem shutters are named after their designer, Brigader General Joseph G. Totten, who designed them to protect cannoneers from incoming fire. The shutters themselves were experiencing corrosion and expansion and needed restoration. With these two elements in consideration this preservation project is a massive undertaking. This masonry project brings about several challenges for the... Show more content on ... All of this considered, the reality becomes the fact that all of these projects require millions of dollars to even attempt. Furthermore, the National Parks Service has an extensive list of approximately twenty three thousand historic structures competing with Fort Jefferson for preservation and restoration funds. In conclusion, Dry Tortugas National Park is an anomaly in the National Parks Service. Technically only twenty five years old, this park contrasts all other parks in a variety of ways. Its collection of attractions alone is uniquely appealing. The fact that Dry Tortugas is located on a group of seven islands stands by itself. Though there vegetation exists, the real shining star of the park is its ecosystem that is rare in other parts of the world. Most significantly, the sea turtles, the over three hundred species of fish and the site specific species of birds make this area singular compared to any other National Park. Dry Tortugas National Park has made its focus on the conservation of its unique marine ecosystems, the restoration of important historic structures on site as well as the