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Seasonal Influenza Virus
Influenza also known as the "Flu" is an ongoing health concern each year. It is most prevalent
during the fall and winter seasons. Influenza is highly contagious and can spread rapidly when
precautions are ignored. Every year numerous cases erupt despite education, health promotion and
vaccinations. Flu related complications result in hospitalizations and even death each year, costing
billions of dollars to be used in treatment and income lost due to sick days and unproductivity on the
infected person's behalf. Zimmerman et al. 2010 concurs stating, "Seasonal influenza leads to about
36,000 deaths annually in the United States and more than 226,000 hospitalizations." (Zimmerman
et al. 2010). Loerbroks et al. 2012 also states "Influenza and ... Show more content on ...
It can rapidly decrease symptoms and speed up the recovery process in infected individuals thus
decreasing instances of complications. According to Duncan, 2013, "For treatment of influenza,
oseltamivir is prescribed as: 75 mg twice daily for five days (by mouth... If the treatment is started
within this [a 48 hour] timeframe then it will reduce the risk of severe illness up to five days after
onset of symptoms." (Duncan, 2013. P294). Treatment also may involve stabilizing patients that
have secondary complications related to influenza. These complication can be severe and include: :
bacterial pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections, dehydration, and worsening of chronic medical
conditions, such as congestive heart failure, asthma, or diabetes. Duncan, 2013 also states that "non–
respiratory complications include febrile convulsions, toxic shock syndrome, Reye's syndrome,
encephalopathy, transverse myelitis, pericarditis and myocarditis. One of the more serious
complications is primary influenza pneumonia, as it has a high mortality affecting
immunocompromised and healthy individuals."(Duncan, 2013.
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Essay about A Critical View of Seasonal Affective Disorder
A Critical View of Seasonal Affective Disorder
This paper is intended to be a critical view of Seasonal Affective Disorder. In order to understand
fully the biological and psychological components of the disease, as well as its possible causes and
treatments, it is necessary to compile and interpret previously conducted research. Such is the
purpose of this paper. First, the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder will be explained and
illustrated using data and case studies. Second, the possible causes of the disease will be outlined.
Third, proposed treatments will be presented as possible solutions to this debilitating disease.
A Critical View of Seasonal Affective Disorder ... Show more content on ...
The two winters before referral
[, when the boy was three,] the patient complained of fatigue and apathy from October onward. He
had been easily irritated, suffered from anxiety, and avoided his friends. He had needed more sleep
than previously and have been difficult to awaken in the morning. His teachers described him as
dreamy and absent–minded during the winter but energetic during the summer" (Ybe Meesters,
The symptoms of the boy were published, and struck a chord with the psychological community.
Not only were they consistent with Rosenthal's findings, but also their detailed description allowed
for a greater amount of patients to identify with the disease, thus making SAD a clear and applicable
After Meesters modified Rosenthal's definition, it was possible to diagnose correctly many more
patients under the umbrella of SAD. Thus, as greater numbers of people were diagnosed, observed
trends began to develop. Three in particular were noticed early on, and continue to prove true today.
They included an overall lower rate of SAD in children compared to the general population, an
increasing diagnosis rate in adolescents, and a much higher rate in adult females versus males. One
study that became instrumental in establishing concrete evidence for the rates in children and
adolescents was conducted after the inherent trends were noticed throughout the general population.
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Seasonal Depression Research Papers
Baby, It's Not Just Cold Outside. A hot breeze dances through the fields, and the sun shines down
with golden rays of warmth. This sight is an everyday picture during the summer in Illinois, as well
as much of the grain belt of the United States. Tragically, however, there is also a different picture
that is all too common when the seasons change. The ground is muddy and saturated from days of
rain. The sun is being held captive behind grey and black storm clouds, and the wind is howling like
a dark menacing creature from a child's nightmare. This kind of weather change, while not
uncommon, still has an effect on many people. This effect is a medical problem that should not be
ignored or joked about. Seasonal Depression possesses real symptoms ... Show more content on ...
When being medically treated there are multiple factors that go into finding the correct treatment.
The first, most common type of treatment, is light therapy. This consists of sitting a few feet away
from a light box that mimics natural sunlight (¨Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)¨). Light therapy
is usually the first line of treatment for all cases of SAD. People using this treatment can feel better
in a matter of days, but are still encouraged to continue use until spring time when natural light is
more available (¨Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)– Topic¨). A second common treatment is
medication. A doctor can prescribe a long lasting anti–depressant before one's symptoms begin to
take root (¨Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)¨). By treating before the effects set in this is also a
way of prevention. The third and final type of treatment is talk therapy, or psychotherapy. By going
to therapy sessions like this one will learn how to cope with SAD. It is important to identify
negative thoughts that might make a person feel worse and helping them change their thought
process to make them better (¨Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)¨). Of course, these are just
treatments for SAD after someone is diagnosed. Outside of medical treatments, there are many ways
of preventing SAD at one's own
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Seasonal Affective Disorder Research Paper
Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D) is a disorder in which people become depressed with the
changing of seasons. The more northern you live the more prone you are to experience S.A.D, in
comparison to someone living closer to the equator. S.A.D can affect people of all ages but mainly
affects adults and more specifically it is more opt to affect women over men. The risks of having
Seasonal Affective Disorder start declining after the age of 50. Seasonal Affective Disorder can be
an inheritable disorder (meaning you can get it if another person in your family has/had S.A.D. in
their lifetime,or previous ancestors.) Researchers have peaked interest in the gene 5–HTTLPR for
expressing S.A.D conditions. Approximately 6% of people suffer from S.A.D ... Show more content
on ...
At home people open more windows to receive maximum amounts of light possible. By getting
greater amounts of exercise your body relaxes and calms nerves in your brain sending high stress
signals to then lower stress levels. Massages and the outdoors are also key in to managing stress
levels and decreasing symptoms of S.A.D. Doctors often recommend antidepressants, light therapy
and talk therapy. Light therapy is a treatment in which a person would be asked to sit/work beside an
area using a box radiating ultraviolet lights called a light therapy box. Individuals with little light
exposure use this
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Depression And Seasonal Affective Disorder
Introduction Mental health and optimal functioning are, of course, very important in any discussion
of public health. Depression and more specifically Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can happen
to anyone, and it is important to be treated when experiencing health problems like these. While I
have never experienced seasonal depression, its temporal nature and the treatment of the disorder
interest me. I researched SAD when I considered studying it as a topic for my undergraduate senior
thesis. During the thesis preparation process, I looked at articles about SAD and its common used
treatment of light therapy. I recently revisited one of those articles (Rossman, 2010), and the article
piqued my interest in writing about how light therapy ... Show more content on ...
This effect is quicker than the time it takes for antidepressant drugs to begin working. In a study
involving eleven adult participants between the ages of 26–39 who were diagnosed with Seasonal
Affective Disorder, light therapy produced a reduction of 5–HTT BPND (serotonin transporter
binding) in the anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortices (which play a role in negative emotions and
the recall of positive events, respectively) (Tyrer et al., 2016). More specifically, the researchers
concluded that light therapy produces an effect on the retina and dorsal raphe nucleus, as well as in
connections through the suprachiasmatic nucleus and hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus to the
median raphe nuclei that potentially decrease 5–HTT levels globally across the brain. This treatment
effect significantly helped with participants' SAD symptoms, and it points to a tangible and
clinically effective result in the brain from light therapy treatment. In another study involving twelve
adult participants between the ages of 18–59 who had a diagnosis of Seasonal Affective Disorder,
light therapy was found to help correct the natural melatonin secretion cycle (Rice, Mayor, Tucker,
& Bielski, 1995). Melatonin is a hormone secreted at nighttime by the pineal gland, and plays a role
in human sleep and wake cycles by aiding the process of sleep.
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Essay On Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression. It is when you feel sad, down, or blue at
specific times of the year. The most common time of year for this is late fall and winter. This is
when the days are shorter and most people spend less time outdoors. This is why SAD is also known
as the "winter blues." SAD less commonly occurs in the spring or summer.
SAD can vary in severity and interfere with work, school, relationships, and normal daily activities.
SAD is more common in young women, people with a history of clinical depression or bipolar
disorder, and people who live far north or south of the equator.
Symptoms of SAD include:
Depressed mood, such as:
○ Feeling ... Show more content on ...
The diagnosis of SAD is usually made through an assessment by your health care provider. You will
be asked about your moods, thoughts, and behaviors. You will also be asked about your medical
history, any major life changes, medicines, and substance use. A physical exam and lab work may be
done to make sure there is no other cause for your depression. You may be referred to a mental
health specialist for further evaluation.
Possible treatment for SAD includes:
Light therapy. Light therapy involves sitting in front of a light source for 15–30 minutes every day.
It is thought to work by increasing the duration of daylight sensed by the brain.
Anti–depressant medicine.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a form of talk therapy that identifies and changes
negative thoughts associated with SAD.
Take medicines only as directed by your healthcare provider. This is important.
Check with your health care provider before starting any new prescriptions, over–the–counter
medicines, herbs, or supplements.
Keep all follow–up visits as directed by your health care provider. This is
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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
The topic that I chose to research is Seasonal Affective Disorder, also abbreviated as SAD. This
topic is very relevant to me since I am one of those that suffer. It is very common, and most people
who have it, don't even realize it. An astounding 1 in 3 people suffer with SAD (Molloy, 2014).
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression that is observed within a certain period of time.
This time frame is from fall to spring, and usually it is around the same time length for everyone.
While often misunderstood as just "those gloomy winter days", Seasonal Affective Disorder is very
serious and if not handled correctly, can result in continued depression throughout the year. Another
very important misconception, is that Seasonal Affective Disorder only affects people in the winter.
Although less common, some deal with SAD in the summer months as well. Seasonal Affective
Disorder affects many people nationwide and can seriously deteriorate ... Show more content on ...
Having dealt with this myself, I know that it can majorly deteriorate the mental health of the
sufferer. It starts out as feeling slightly fatigued and wanting to sleep more, and increases at a rapid
rate to sometimes severe side effects, like suicidal thoughts or actions. Other symptoms and signs to
look for are a weight gain, loss of interest, tiredness, difficulty concentrating and staying on task,
and thoughts of hopelessness and worry (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017). While not all of these symptoms
are applicable to all sufferers, many people face these obstacles through the entirety of winter. In the
cases of SAD in the summer, symptoms are generally the opposite. Things to pay attention to in the
summer are troubles sleeping, weight loss, anxiety and restlessness (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017).
Though these two types of Seasonal Affective Disorder are fairly contradictory symptome wise, they
both affect many people ver
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Seasonal Flu Vaccinations
Despite information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that flu
vaccinations are safe and effective in controlling the spread of seasonal flu, many people still have
concerns about potential side effects. To help you understand the great benefits and the minimal
risks associated with flu shots, we've put together this brief Q&A about the flu and the vaccinations.
Who is most vulnerable?
Older people, young children and people with certain health conditions risk developing serious
medical complications is they contract seasonal influenza. The CDC lists the following groups as the
most vulnerable:
Children under age five – but especially toddlers and infants under age two.
People older than 65 years of age.
Pregnant women.
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Anyone with a chronic illness such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, morbid obesity and cancer.
There are other diseases and disorders that the flu may complicate. If you have a chronic health
challenge not listed here, talk to your doctor to assess your risks associated with seasonal flu.
What are the risks associated with flu vaccines?
It is important to understand that there are several flu vaccines, and most have minimal risks and
serious side effects. For the past five decades the CDC has monitored patients who contracted flu
and those that received vaccinations.
People who contract flu run the risks of developing ear infections, sinusitis, pneumonia and
bronchitis – these complications may result in hospitalization and in rare cases death. The flu
vaccine protects against these complications in most people. Approximately 200,000 people who
contract the flu experience complications severe enough to require hospitalization.
1. Common flu vaccine side effects may include:
2. Soreness near the injection site.
3. Low–grade fever.
4. Cough, congestion or sore
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Seasonal Affective Disorder Essay
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a common problem of people living in northern United
States. People who are affected by this disorder commonly suffer from depression, lethargy, inability
to concentrate, overeating and weight gain. People from the north tend to suffer more from this
disorder because of the shortened days. It appears, that due to the deficiency of sunlight some people
suffer from these symptoms. The shortened days have a hormonal effect on the body that causes
these symptoms, and the use of artificial sunlight is the best way to relieve the disorder. It was not
until recently that SAD was discovered. It was discovered by
Peter Mueller, who was reviewing a case of a 29–year–old ... Show more content on
The findings were that melatonin levels were greatly decreased. The decline in melatonin usually
happens in the early morning, but in a SAD patient this does not occur until about two hours later. In
order to suppress the levels the patient needs to be exposed to sunlight. It is found, that when the
patient is exposed to the light there is a significant decrease in depression and the craving for
carbohydrates. It is not known if SAD is directly caused by melatonin. We are still not sure what is
the direct cause for the depression of SAD. We do know why people who suffer from SAD crave
carbohydrates. Serotonin is the chemical that regulates a person's appetite for carbohydrate rich
foods. A patient who suffers from SAD, and is given an artificial shot of serotonin called d–
fenfluramine "leads to a decrease in stress–induced eating" (Scientific American 1986). In each
person blood stream we have a hormone known as trypton that is a derivative of serotonin. When it
enters the central nervous system and reaches a group of cells called raphe nucli it is converted into
serotonin. The amount of trypton in the blood is increased when carbohydrates are consumed. This
may explain why many people who suffer from SAD have an increase their intake of carbohydrates.
In testing results it patients who suffer from SAD when given "an 800–calorie, high– carbohydrate
meal (six cookies), they reported feeling vigorous and energized"
(Health 1989). A large
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Winter Or Winter, The Winter Or Seasonal Affective Disorder?
What comes first to mind when picturing winter or summer? Does summer make you think of ice
cream and having fun on beaches whereas winter brings up memories of cold and uninviting
scenery? If so, you may be one of the many people diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder–
S.A.D. for short. But– the question still lingers– Is Seasonal Affective Disorder real or can people
just not handle the cold? Seasonal Affective Disorder is not a real disorder rather it is a growingly
recognized characteristic of discomfort with the cold seasons in the indistinctive population. While
S.A.D. was long not taken as a serious diagnosis it recently gained attention and a growing amount
of scientific papers– such as– "reverse seasonal affective disorder" (3), "seasonal affective disorder
in children and adolescents" (9), "seasonal premenstrual syndrome" ( 10), seasonal battering of
women (I I) and a "hypothesized seasonal obesity disorder" (12) (All referenced in the attached
article) referred to S.A.D. as a citation for seasonal disorders.
So is Seasonal Affective Disorder a valid excuse to be depressed during winter and happy during the
summer or is it false ailment that people cling too as an excuse for hating the cold? According to
'S.A.D or Fad' the early research that looked more into the disorder were primarily based off
psychiatric inpatients. And now the majority of people who are diagnosed with seasonal disorder are
those who have bipolar disorder as well and are being treated
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Seasonal Allergies
Spring brings warmer weather, sunny days, and beautiful blossoming trees and flower.
Unfortunately, the beauty and warmth of spring can often be ridden with runny noses, itchy eyes,
and scratchy throats.
The culprit? Seasonal allergies.
If you suffer from seasonal allergies that leave you miserable, and you don't want to take drugs,
consider using an all–natural method to relieve your symptoms. Here are four all–natural, chemical–
free, methods to try:
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
An age–old remedy for various ailments, apple cider vinegar may be used to help relieve the pesky
symptoms of seasonal allergies. It is believed to work because it naturally helps to reduce mucus
production. It may also help to cleanse the lymphatic symptom.
If you want to try apple cider vinegar, just mix 1–teapson of apple cider vinegar with a glass of
water and drink. For severe allergy symptoms, repeat this process and drink the mixture up to three
times per day. ... Show more content on ...
Local Honey
Although there is not much evidence to the local honey theory, many do believe it works. It is
believed to work because it exposes the body–and the immune system–to local allergens. It works
much like an allergy shot, but is all–natural.
To use the local honey method, eat 1–teaspoon of raw local honey once per day. For severe allergies,
consume more honey–up to three times per day. If you want to get the best results, begin taking the
honey about one month before allergy season starts–that way your body has time to adjust to the
local allergens.
3. Neti Pot or Saline
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Seasonal Affective Disorder Analysis
Seasonal Affective disorder: A Mood Disorder
What is Seasonal Affective Disorder? Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, is a
psychological disorder caused by the change of season. SAD affects most people in the fall and
winter months, although this is not always the case. There are two types of SAD, winter and summer
SAD. It is believed, the lack of sunlight in the winter months, to be the cause of winter SAD.
According to the author Flaskerud (2012), "Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) occurs in
the summer, remits in the fall and winter, and seems to be related to summertime's intense heat,
bright light and long days." SAD is recurring, coming back annually as the seasons change, causing
the individual to fall into a depressive ... Show more content on ...
Light is the main influence on melatonin production, however exercise can also help influence the
secretion of melatonin. When days get shorter during the winter, melatonin secretion is increased
due to the lack of sunlight. The pineal gland regulates the secretion of melatonin in the body by the
amount of sunlight an individual receives in a day.
It was believed that light variation was singly responsible for the synthesis and secretion of
melatonin. Many researchers have conducted studies with contradictory results. Some say they
found significant results with the reduction of melatonin levels in the blood plasma following
exercise, while others did not. In 1993 Kohler and Kurz "found 50% reduction on depressive scales
in subjects with SAD after a 12–day regimen of aerobic exercise in the morning hours." (Benny)
There were a lot of researchers that conducted experiments with both exercise and light therapy
incorporated into the participant's routines. They found the greatest results were those who
participated in both exercise and light therapy combined. The light therapy was more effective than
exercise at reducing depressive symptoms, when used independently.
SAD and
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College Essay On Seasonal Depression
I have diagnosed myself with seasonal depression, which I can assure you is a very real disease. The
technical name for this disorder is Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, which is defined as a mood
disorder characterized by depression that occurs at the same time every year. Causes may be genetic,
as I am sure that my dad also has seasonal depression. So many winters of my life have been spent
shivering while walking around school, playing in the snow until I thought my hands would fall off,
and fearing going back outside to feel the gust of cold wind take over my body. The condition gets
worse during daylight savings when the sun sets at 5pm, and the cold night takes over. Thus, when
applying to colleges, the coldest school I applied to was in Washington D.C. I refused to ... Show
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I had convinced myself that the climate of North Carolina was like that of the tropical islands. I
pictured myself walking around campus in tank tops and cute dresses, mocking all my friends
wearing their winter coats and boots (I do that anyway because I did wear jean shorts two weeks ago
while it snowed in New York). Needless to say, when November rolled around, I had mostly all the
wrong clothes, and I really needed a jacket. Gasp!
As it continues to get colder, I have an underlying fear that my seasonal depression will return, and I
will never be able to escape it. Yes, I am lucky that the coldest it really gets here is around 40
degrees, but I am most definitely not going swimming in December. It will snow, but not to the
point where I will be sick of it. People from the south will freak out when it snows, and classes will
be canceled. Maybe I didn't escape the cold completely, but I will no longer live through the
dreadful 5 months that make up winter in the north. I get my little taste of winter, and that's more
than enough for
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Seasonal Allergies
Cough, cough, sniff, snort, blow... those are the common sounds that we hear as seasonal allergies
take hold of so many individuals every year. Allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever) is
categorized as a IgE–mediated immune response (the same response when you have a food allergy)
which causes a release of histamine which in turn is responsible for the myriad of symptoms
associated with allergic rhinitis, such as sneezing, rhinorrhea (runny nose), nasal congestion,
pruritus of the nose (itchy nose), and often fatigue as the immune system is putting all its energy
into removing the offending agent. The most frequent offenders in seasonal allergies depends on the
individual and can include pollens from trees, grass, and weeds.
Unfortunately, the number of seasonal allergy sufferers is increasing every year. Why? While there
is no ... Show more content on ...
First thing to do would be to determine to what you are allergic. This can be done via skin prick
through any allergist (and some naturopathic doctors), or there is also a blood test that can determine
what seasonal agent is your allergic trigger (this last test often requires you to have active symptoms
for proper evaluation). Once you've determined which tree, grass, or weed you're allergic, you can
then determine when during the season it starts to grow/bloom thus enabling you to prepare yourself
prior to that time; thus making your prevention efforts more effective. Also, once you know your
allergic trigger, you can then review which foods cross–react with that trigger and remove it from
your diet. Meaning there are some foods that if your allergic to a particular pollen will actually
aggravate your symptoms, thus avoiding those foods would be very beneficial in reducing your
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Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Clear Link Between the...
Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Clear Link Between the Outside and the Inside of the Brain
And God said, Let there be light; And there was light.
And God saw that the light was good;
And God separated the light from the darkness.
God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
And there was evening and there was morning, one day.
(Genesis 1:3–5) (1)
The sun has been an endless source of inspiration, both physical and spiritual, throughout the ages.
For its light, warmth, and the essential role it has played in the maintenance of the fragile balance of
life on earth, the sun has been honored and celebrated in most of the world's religions. While the
regeneration of light is constant, the relative length of time ... Show more content on
Defining Seasonal Affective Disorder is somewhat more complicated than it may seem at first
glance. It is generally thought to be a recurring fall/winter depression experienced by susceptible
people, those with a lower threshold for light–associated depression. SAD affects approximately 35
million Americans, 10 million with the disorder and 25 million with subsyndromal SAD (8). While
most people who live in northern latitudes tend to experience some mild depression symptoms
related to seasonal changes, up to five or ten percent of the general population may be affected by
one or more of the diagnostic symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (6). There is a clear link
between latitude (probably proportional to the amount of exposure to daily direct sunlight) and the
susceptibility to Seasonal Affective Disorder. For example, in Florida, less than 1% of the general
population is thought to be affected by SAD, while in Alaska, the percentage of affected people may
be as high as 10% (7).
The major diagnostic symptoms related to SAD are recurring periods of depression and mood
change throughout several years of seasonal changes. Other symptoms include nighttime
carbohydrate craving (sugars, starches and alcohol) and weight gain, irritability and anxiety, an
inability to focus, guilt, lethargy, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts and decreased sexual appetite (2, 3,
5, 7, 8, 9). Many of these symptoms are easily confused with
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Seasonal Affective Disorder
Freundl–1 When the dark days of winter approach, people are slowed down and have difficulty
waking up in the morning They are tempted to snack on holiday foods and find that the pounds will
creep up on them, even as they valiantly try to diet. People can often find it difficult to focus at work
or in a relationships, feel down in the dumps, or maybe even depressed. If a person says yes to any
one of these criteria, than they may be experiencing a disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder
(S.A.D), or also known as the winter blues. A current study shows that the population that lives in
the Northern America and European. In its very basic form, S.A.D effects 6% of all Americans
suffer from this distress, Seasonality can also lead to distress, both in an individual's work and one's
personal life. Over ten million Americans have suffered, or are suffering from S.A.D, and while the
percentage may not seem like a large number, but it translates into over a million Americans.
Though Some people may not be affected by S.A.D enough to seek medical attention, they still feel
less cheerful, less energetic creative and productive during the dark winter days. The effects of the
seasons on humans have been well known through the centuries to artists, poets, and songwriter. For
example, Shakespeare observed that a, "sad tale's best for winter", while Keats wrote nightingale
singing of summer "in full throated ease", and the singer of a modern day ballad calls his beloved
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Seasonal Affective Disorder Case Studies
Peter, Another great post, great detailed writing that offers explanation for Seasonal Affective
Disorder (SAD). Because your post combined with mine, more or less covered the majority of
information, I am taking the discussion in an entirely different direction to present my hypothesis
regarding a factor that might have played into the SAD diagnosis of the case study. I am purposing
that perhaps the newscaster was spending less time in the studio and more time outside, traveling,
taping her stories in advance to be shown later. Field reporting would be the correct term. I looked at
CNN and found that the average newscaster is on air three hours per day, in the studio (CNN, 2005).
Then I looked the lighting that is used in news studios and used for SAD light therapy, in most cases
high CRI (color rendering index) lamps are used in TV studios and in light boxes used for light
therapy (LightTech LightSources, 2016). ... Show more content on ...
Continuing my research, I tried to find if news reporters and anchors suffer with SAD, and found
nothing. I then found an article on lumen and lux. Lumen is the amount of light given off from the
light source and lux is the amount that reaches the person. The lights that are used in light boxes, for
medical phototherapy are 10,000 lux [the same as daylight]. And SAD clients sit relatively close to
the light box. In TV studios, even though the lights are the same lumen, they are on the average only
1000 lux. My theory is not
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The Roots of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) Essay
Growing up in Alaska certainly taught me how to live peacefully with the bear minimum in life.
Hauling water from a creek in the back of my house, using an outhouse in fifty below zero weather,
and above all, living for almost nine months with an extreme lack of sunlight. When I lived in
Alaska I treasured the beautiful yet short summer months that seemed to come and go with such
swiftness. The difference in weather and amount of sunlight that I got to enjoy was just as drastic as
my mood in the wintertime compared to the summer. In the summer life seemed remarkably
pleasurable, I was happier with my appearance, and I worried much less about petty obstacles that I
was confronted with. Unlike in the wintertime when every little thing ... Show more content on ...
There really have only been studies conducted on people with possible SAD since 1984 when a man
named Norman E. Rosenthal actually defined the psychological disorder (Lam). Since Rosenthal
defined SAD as a syndrome characterized by recurrent depressions that occur annually at the same
time each year characterized by hypersomnia, overeating, and carbohydrate craving (Newsome),
there have been several studies conducted and published on people with possible SAD. Many of the
studies that have been published for the general public focus mainly on the different forms of
treatment for SAD, such as light therapy and different forms of Phototherapy, rather than focusing
on the cause. Discovering the main causes of SAD would help to clearly identify who is actually in
need of treatment related to light therapy compared to anti depressants. In my situation I had
symptoms that were both characteristic of what identified SAD patients and patients suffering from
mild forms of depression. When symptoms of one disorder are so closely related to symptoms of
McClain 3 another type of disorder it is very important to identify a key differentiation, which I
believe could be found in a person's family history.
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Non Seasonal Allergies
Mr. James could be suffering either from allergies (seasonal or non–seasonal), common cold,
influenza (FLU), and sinusitis. With the symptoms presented by Mr. James, he could be
experiencing any of the diagnosis stated above. In the sense that allergies, common cold, flu and
sinusitis all have the same symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. However, an
individual with an allergies usually have a thin watery discharge from running nose and symptoms
can begin to show immediately after exposure to specific irritant and can last as long as the
individual is exposed to the allergic or irritant (the asthma center, 2015). The difference between
seasonal and non–seasonal allergy is that, seasonal allergies occurs from allergic sensitivity ... Show
more content on ...
James illness, but from the symptoms he is presenting, it clearly shows an allergic reaction with a
subtype of allergy rhinitis. According to the university of Maryland medical center, common signs
of allergic rhinitis include itchy watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and sleep disorder (2015). This is
an illness that tends to run in families and if one of the parents has it, there's a possibility that one of
the children will have allergic rhinitis. This inflammation is usually precipitated from outdoor
environmental irritants such as air pollution, smoke, chemicals, stress or cold. Allergic rhinitis
affects all ages with risk factors including family history, breastfeeding, and environmental exposure
(University of Maryland medical center, 2015). Allergic rhinitis cannot be cured, but it can be
managed with proper therapy. The ideal way to manage the condition is to avoid allergy
... Get more on ...
Theoretical Explanations on Seasonal Affective Disorder
Essay Question: A review of different theoretical explanations on Seasonal Affective Disorder
(SAD) Introduction: This review will demonstrate a critical awareness of research–based literature
in the field of Clinical Psychology and review theoretical explanations on Seasonal Affective
Disorder (SAD). SAD can be referred to in many different ways. The most famous include "winter
depression", "winter blues" or "seasonal depression" (Rosenthal, 1998; Marshall and Cheevers,
2006). However, other names such as "Light hunger", "Grey sky syndrome", "Cabin fever"
(Marshall and Cheevers, 2006) or "February Blahs" (Rosenthal, 1998) can also be associated with
SAD. SAD is one of the major depressions that seems to happen during a certain time of the year
especially when there are low levels of natural light (Lurie, 2007; Marshall and Cheevers, 2006).
SAD is described as an exaggerated version of seasonal variations in mood, energy, appetite and
sleep (Justice et al, 1986; Marshall et al 2006), and is found to be a common regular condition that
affects a large part of the population. There are many theories and perspectives on SAD discussing
its history, symptoms, causes and treatments. These approaches are from a biological/physiological,
cognitive/behavioural or environmental viewpoint. History: For many centuries, doctors have
recognised an association between illness and seasons. Since ancient times, people have known
about the seasonal changes in mood and behaviour. The concept
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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Depression affects a lot of people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
about 9% of American suffer from depression (Iliades). One type in particular, known as Seasonal
Affective Disorder or SAD seem to roll around when the weather becomes colder, days seem
shorter, and nights seem longer. According to, "Seasonal Affective Disorder affects
between 4% – 6% of American while 10% to 20% experience a milder form of winter–onset SAD".
"Three out of four SAD sufferers are women. The main age of onset of SAD is between 18 and 30
years of age" ("Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)"). We have heard the term "winter blues" and
people talk about being sad or depressed during the winter months. They often feel withdrawn ...
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People who works long hours are greatly affected especially ones that start work before sunrise and
end after sunset. These workers receive little sunlight which affects their mood and circadian rhythm
as mentioned above. In addition, working long hours deprives people leisure time to do the things
they love which can make them feel discontent. Working long hours may also cause them to feel
resentful toward their work, life, and family. As the resentment grows, it may cause tension at home
and work which may further depresses their mood. In addition, these grueling hours of work deprive
people of adequate exercise. It is no secret that exercise can uplift our mood because the brain
releases endorphin when we exercise. A lot of people who works long hours may not have time to
exercise. On their off days, they might have family obligations that prevent them to exercise. Or
they may simply feel too tired or lazy to exercise. Still, there might be people who live in really cold
or snowy weather that is less than motivated to leave their house to work out. The lack of exercise
can deprives the body of the happy chemical that may reduce stress and improve mood. Finally,
poor eating habits can also add to our depressed mood and deplete our energy levels. Busy people
have less time to cook nutritious meals and resorts to fast food that is fattening and lacking in
nutrition value. This poor eating habit
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Seasonal Affective Disorder
Introduction The weather has an effect on our everyday lives, but does it really affect people's
personal moods? In this experiment, 14 people were tested to find out if the weather really does
affect people's moods. A person needs a certain amount of sunlight to be in a good mood, so it is
believed that the warmer, sunny day will be the day with people in the best mood.
Too many rainy days and not enough sun can lead to depression, stress, and anxiety. Seasonal
Affective Disorder (SAD) causes people to go into a type of depression that has to do with the
weather of different seasons. SAD is more common during the winter months because of the short
days and cold weather. The symptoms of SAD are fatigue, depression, anxiety, loneliness,
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Seasonal Moving
Pros and Cons of Seasonal Moving Planning your move, you naturally try to make it as simple and
comfortable as possible. That is why you pay attention even on such things as weather and mostly
the season of the year. The season can sufficiently influence the aspects of the move and the details
of the moving plan. In order to know what season is better for your type of move you need to know
all pros and cons of moving during every period of the year. Winter Pros. Winter is not very busy
time for the moving companies as people rarely think of relocation during the cold months. It means
you will have several advantages: More affordable offers from the moving companies; Less traffic
on the roads; Little demand on the real estate market makes ... Show more content on ...
Cons. A big amount of moving people will create several obstacles for the smooth move: You will
have to book movers in advance and it's going to be hard to find free specialists; The weather can
also spoil the moving experience as in spring it is often raining. Summer Pros. A good weather and
summer break gives you lots of possibilities to relocate easily: School summer break allows you to
relocate your kids without much stress so them will settle in the new location before they go to the
new school; There a lot of days with good weather that allow you to move without dangerous
conditions; Summer is a perfect season to throw a garage sale and declutter your house. Cons. There
can be days with the extreme heat and as the busiest moving period summer doesn't have many
offers from the moving companies: If the move falls on the day with the extreme heat, there is risk
of dehydrating yourself as well as the possibility to overheat some of your items. You have to
compete for the movers as lots of people want to relocate during summer months.
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Seasonal Allergies Research
Seasonal allergies from common allergens, like bee pollen, dust, and mold, affect over 50 million
Americans every year. If you wear glasses and have allergies, you know how frustrating finding
relief from itchy, watery eyes can be when your glasses get in the way. The friendly professionals at
Wing Eyecare understand the difficulties of having allergies and wearing glasses. Below, they give
three tips on how to alleviate your frustrations and prevent worsening your symptoms. Wear
Sunglasses Outside Wind–borne pollen and mold spores are often found in the air outside, especially
when it's windy. By wearing sunglasses while you're outdoors, you give yourself an extra layer of
protection and reduce the amount of allergens that can get into your
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Beating Seasonal Allergies
Tips for Beating Seasonal Allergies
Fall is here and that means cooler temperatures, changing leaves, holidays, as well as triggers for
allergy sufferers. Fall allergies typically start in late August or early September, and they typically
hang around until the first frost of the season. While many people may think the spring is the time
for allergies, the fall season can be just as bad for those who suffer from allergies.
Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? You are not alone. Luckily, there are changes that can be
implemented that can make a huge difference. Don't believe us? Check out these tips for beating
seasonal allergies.
1. After a long day, the first thing you should do after you arrive home is to change your clothes.
You never ... Show more content on ...
With that in mind, before you go to bed at night, you should take a shower. Make sure you pay
special attention to your hair, and make sure you clean yourself thoroughly. You never know what
allergens could be attached to you, so make sure you clean yourself before you hit the hay.
3. While this may seem like a no–brainer, it is important that you wash your hands frequently.
Washing your hands can stop the spread of allergens, will help kill germs, and can help reduce the
spread of viruses. Remember, fall is also flu season, so take a stand against viruses and stay clean.
4. If your child has allergies, make sure you send them to school with their medication. This way
they can get relief from the new allergens they are exposed too. Before you send your child to
school with medication, make sure you inform the school. The school may have a policy where the
school's nurse will hold onto and administer your child's medication.
5. Wash your bedding frequently. Dust, dander, and other allergens can accumulate on your
bedsheets and pillowcases, so give them a good washing at least once a week. While you are at it,
make sure you keep a tidy home. By washing your sheets and throw blankets, as well as regularly
cleaning your home you can ward off any accumulating
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Seasonal Affective Disorder Analysis
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons. SAD
begins and ends about the same time every year. SAD is a subtype of recurrent depression that
involves a major depressive episode onset in the fall and/or winter months with full remission in
spring. SAD prevalence rate increases with latitude ranging from 1.4% in Florida to 9.9% in Alaska
in the U.S. 5% of the U.S. population that is 14.5 million American is affected. Surveys show that
SAD affects women more than twice as men. This points out that female sex hormones may play a
role in sensitizing the brain to changes in environment. SAD patients spend more than 40% of the
year with substantial depressive symptoms affecting friends, families, and workplace during most
years, beginning young adulthood. Provided its high prevalence, recurrent clinical course, episode
duration, and associated impairment, SAD is a significant mental health problem and an important
challenge to public (Rosenthal, 2014). SAD etiology is not certain, but available models focus on
neurotransmitters, hormones, circadian rhythm dysregulation, genetic polymorphism, and
psychological factors. Stress is thought to be a seasonally linked environmental stressor associated
with a change in the light/dark cycle and/or natural light availability (e.g., short ... Show more
content on ...
The photoperiodic hypothesis proposes that individuals with SAD are similar to photoperiodic
mammals in such a way that they have retained this primitive biological mechanism for tracking
changes in photoperiod, a circadian signal of change in season, that individuals without SAD do not
have (Rohan,
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Seasonal Influenza Essay
Among the easiest ways to protect yourself from influenza every year is to get a flu vaccine
regularly. So many programs exist to make it convenient and inexpensive, and more come out every
year, and the consequences can be life–threatening.
At the peak of the 2014–2015 Seasonal Influenza Pandemic in the United States, 9.3% of all deaths
reported in the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System were attributed to Pneumonia and Influenza
(P&I), underscoring how lethal the flu can be, especially to people who are already sick, children,
and the elderly. In the first week of February 2015, over 60% of influenza–associated
hospitalizations involved patients 65 and older, the highest rate since the CDC began tracking that
data in 2005. Extrapolating that, more than 92,000 people aged 65 and older had been hospitalized
... Show more content on ...
Many patients with these conditions cannot get a flu vaccine themselves, as it is not as effective for
them; for this reason, it is vital that everyone, including people who are healthy and otherwise not at
risk, get a flu vaccine in order to prevent the spread of the flu to people who cannot protect
themselves from
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Seasonal Affective Disorder
Alaskans experiences on average about five hours of sunlight during the winter months, sometimes
living in Alaska during the winter can take its toll on a person. The year 1984 was when Seasonal
Affective Disorder first became known in a research paper at the National Institute of Mental Health
in Bethesda, Maryland. Seasonal Affective Disorder mainly affects people in the winter season, but
can also affect people during the summer seasons. Seasonal Affective Disorder is best understood as
a form of depression that affects people in the winter and, less commonly, in the summer. This paper
will help provide a better understanding of S.A.D. and how it affects people living in Arctic
Seasonal affective disorder is a form of ... Show more content on ...
McMahon , et al, 2014). Another factor that can play into S.A.D. is melatonin, which helps with
sleep and wake cycles. Rosenthal, et al, notes how the pineal gland, the gland that produces
melatonin, will react to dark surroundings with drowsiness that can lead people to being lethargic
(as cited in Melrose, 2015). When melatonin increases and serotonin decreases, the offset of the
proteins can cause circadian rhythms to be disrupted, which is the bodies "24 hour" clock.
Researcher Melrose writes that "...circadian rhythms respond to the rhythmic light–dark changes
that occur daily and throughout each of the seasons." (2015). People with S.A.D. disorder normally
find that their circadian rhythms are off beat and timed differently with day lengths, for example
feeling tired in the middle of the day while being wide awake or feeling wide awake when it would
normally be time to sleep.
Treatments that follow with the diagnose of Seasonal Affective Disorder are antidepressant
medications, light therapy, vitamin D and counseling. Cheung, et al, (as cited in Melrose, 2015)
reports their findings with the antidepressant, fluoxetine and discovered that the medicine was just
as effective as light therapy. Light therapy is typically used in the mornings to help with circadian
rhythms to help set the persons "clock". Light therapy usually consists of people sitting in front of
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Essay On Seasonal Flu
There are non–pharmacological management options which people believe are effective at helping
alleviate the symptoms of the flu. For instance, gargling with warm water, honey and lemon is
believed to help manage sore throats and alleviate dry, irritating coughs, similarly to how steam
inhalation is believed to alleviate nasal congestion or a stuffy nose (Communicable Disease Control
and Prevention, 2017).
Prevention of seasonal flu is possible through non–pharmacological management, which includes
avoiding close contact with those who are unwell, maintaining good hygiene through prudent
handwashing and disinfecting contaminated surfaces when unwell or when in proximity to those
who are unwell. Other management recommendations include ... Show more content on ...
For instance, a fever that goes away for one or two days and then recurs, or a very abnormal heart
rate that persists over time, a continually increasing heart rate or a newly irregular heart rate all
require medical attention. Furthermore, a very abnormal breathing rate, shortness of breath while
resting, retractions or significantly increased shortness of breath upon activity also require
immediate medical attention. Moderate to severe chest pain, severe ear pain, coughing up large
amounts of blood, coughs with an associated 'barking' sound or a cough lasting longer than four
weeks should also receive immediate medical attention.
Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease, so it is essential to prevent spread through healthy
lifestyle habits which include prudent and frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes,
vaccinations, cleaning and disinfecting commonly used surfaces, not sharing personal items and
handling and preparing food safely. Additionally, taking care of stress and psychological conditions,
exercising regularly, and getting proper rest and nutrition are all priorities to improve general health.
A fever is usually self–limiting but can be reduced through minimal clothing and bedding, using
over–the–counter antipyretic medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Dehydration can be
corrected through adequate intake of fluids. A
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Seasonal Influenza Essay
Health is a big area of human life and it is freedom from disease and sickness. Without health, we
cannot do any work and we cannot improve in life. So, health is the primary need for every one of
us to achieve. Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body's inability to produce any or enough
insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood. It is usually developed from hereditary genes
passed on but your lifestyle and environment also plays a role in developing diabetes. Diabetes can
be prevented by eating more healthfully, becoming more physically active and even losing weight.
Making a few simple changes in your lifestyle now can help you avoid these health complications
such as diabetes. Therefore I am going to starting exercising ... Show more content on ...
o Avoid risky behaviors o Get regular medical care Influenza is a highly contagious viral infection
that is one of the most severe illnesses of the winter season. Each year, 15 to 61 million Americans
contract influenza. Many people tend to confuse the flu with the common cold, but the flu is much
more serious. Seasonal influenza can be prevented when a person receives the seasonal influenza
vaccine. There are two choices of vaccinations: o The first is the flu shot. The amount of antibodies
in the body is greatest 1 or 2 months after vaccination and then gradually declines. o The second
option for vaccination against the flu is FluMist, the only nasal spray approved for influenza
vaccination. The nasal spray is made from a live but weakened virus. Pneumonia is a serious
infection of the lungs. This is when the air sacs in the lungs become inflamed and fill with pus and
other liquid, which make it difficult for oxygen to reach the blood through them. If there is too little
oxygen in the blood, then the body's cells cannot work properly. Pneumonia can cause lack of
oxygen and the spread of infection through the body, which may lead to death. An annual flu shot
can provide protection against Pneumonia since it is similar to
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Seasonal Depression Research Paper
Seasonal Depression (Sad)
Seasonal depression is a mild form of depression that recurs every year at the change of season,
especially with the shortening of the light day. The Seasonal Depression is often also characterized
by decreased energy levels, from excessive, from hypersomnia and hyperphagia, or an increase of
desire of sleep and food, causing decrease of activity and weight gain.
The SAD may be caused by chemical equilibrium changes and internal biological clock.
In the body there are two chemicals, melatonin and serotonin, that help maintain stable mood and
regulate sleep–wake cycle. During the cooler months, the levels of melatonin and serotonin can
Their decline may alter the internal biological clock, or circadian rhythm which helps you
determines when to ... Show more content on ...
Light therapy mimics outdoor light and appears to cause a change in brain chemicals related to
Antidepressants – Antidepressants used to treat seasonal affective disorder include paroxetine,
sertraline, fluoxetine and venlafaxine.
Psychotherapy – This therapy helps you to identify and change negative thoughts and behaviors that
may make you feel worse. You can also learn healthy ways to cope with seasonal affective disorder
and manage stress.
You can also help you get better with healthy preventive measures. Take exercise, eat a balanced
diet and expose yourself to natural light are all habits that can improve mood. Keep open the
curtains on the windows and take a walk every day to relieve anxiety states.
There is no known way to prevent the development of seasonal affective disorder. Some people find
it helpful to begin treatment before symptoms typically begin in the fall or winter, and then continue
treatment until symptoms disappear. If you can get control of symptoms before they get worse, it
could be possible to annihilate this
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Different Methods Of Preventing Vitamin D Deficiency And...
Seasonal affective disorder is a mood disorder characterized by depression, which occurs around the
same time every year (Partonen, 1998). It is hypothesized that being deficient in vitamin D is a
reason for having seasonal affective disorder. We have researched four different methods of
preventing vitamin D deficiency and seasonal affective disorder. The most used methods of
achieving adequate vitamin D levels were found to be indoor tanning, natural light, light therapy and
vitamin D supplementation. This research is important because it affects the well–being and quality
of life in every day people. During this project, we will assess which of the following four methods:
indoor tanning, natural light, light therapy, or vitamin D supplementation is the most effective way
to treat seasonal affective disorder.
When looking at seasonal affective disorder, the environment where someone lives greatly affects
their depressive symptoms. As stated earlier, distance from the equator has proven to add to the
significance of people with depression in the winter months. A study was conducted to see the
difference in the rate of depression searches using the internet based on global location. The study
compared the United States with Australia, given that the U.S. lies in the northern hemisphere, and
Australia in the southern hemisphere. The two countries have greatly different climates, with
Australia remaining warm and sunny through most of the year. The results took into account the
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Factors Affecting Seasonal Affective Disorder
1. Although many studies have focused on individual factors relating to Seasonal Affective Disorder
(SAD), this study sought to extend such research by determining whether cognitive, behavioral and
psychophysiological factors that associate to individuals with nonseasonal depression would
correlate to those of SAD (Rohan, Sigmon & Dorhofer, 2003). 2. Before gathering the data, the
researchers had a couple hypotheses in mind. They first hypothesized that women with a history of
SAD would encounter and report more negative thinking as well as reduced activity frequency and
enjoyment during the winter time. Not only that, but they expected that a predicted ruminative
response style in the fall would help foretell the severity of depressive symptoms later during the
winter time. The researchers then went on to assume that women with a history of SAD would
ultimately report more depressed mood and experience greater psychophysiological reactivity as a
response to low light intensity stimuli during the winter time relative to controls. 3. The type of
research method involved was a correlational study, however the researchers ended up taking on a
longitudinal, multimethod approach. Twenty women with a history of SAD and twenty women with
equivalent age and education level were recruited for this study, however two participants dropped
out of the study who had a history of SAD, leaving them with eighteen SAD participants and twenty
controls. Each participant went through
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Seasonal Allergies
If you're a person who has to endure all the frustrating side effects of seasonal allergies, you know
too well that it can get annoying. Sometimes people avoid going outdoors in fear of being affected
by the budding trees, grasses, and pollen – yes, it can get really miserable.
Seasonal allergies can be congenital or genetic, but more often or not they develop because of your
health and the environment. Again, there are no real cures for allergies such as hay fever, but like
with most health conditions, having a healthier immune system can dramatically reduce the
symptoms, so you'll actually be able to enjoy the coming of spring instead of dreading it. This is
why Moringa can be one of your best allies and protectors during the allergy season. ... Show more
content on ...
Our immune systems are amazing things. They create proteins to fight disease, which are known as
antibodies. These antibodies try to battle it out against the antigens. Once our immune system
creates certain antibodies, they'll recognize the same intruders again and protect our bodies
automatically year in year out.
However, this isn't the case when we continue to come into contact with the same allergens every
year. The body goes into overdrive, working to create histamines to fight off what it thinks to be
dangerous antigens.
Have you ever wondered what's to blame for your runny nose?
It's the mucus, which the histamines produce...the same goes for the itchy sore throat, the red watery
eyes, and the deep chesty coughs...this whole process has its own name – it's the allergic
inflammatory response.
More often than not, these seasonal allergies are inevitable. If one of your parents suffers from such
allergies, you're 33% more likely to suffer from them as well. And the odds go up if both your
parents have problems with allergies – you'll have a 70% change of suffering from the same
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Report of Seasonal Goods
Definitions of Document Types
CAE: A Country Assistance Evaluation examines Bank performance in a particular country, usually
over the past four to five years, and reports on its conformity with the relevant Bank Country
Assistance Strategy (CAS) and on the overall effectiveness of the specific CAS.
CAS: A Country Assistance Strategy Document is the central tool of World Bank Management and
the Board of Executive Directors for reviewing and guiding the World Bank Group's country
programs and the vehicle for judging the impact of its work. Country Assistance Strategy is prepared
in consultation with the country authorities and other development partners. Its central focus is
reduction of poverty in the client country. It sets out the ... Show more content on ...
JSA of PRSP: Joint Staff Assessment of Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper is prepared by the staffs
of both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. It is submitted with a member
country's Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper to the Board of Executive Directors of the two
institutions. This Joint Staff Assessment evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a country's
poverty reduction objectives and strategies, and considers whether the complete Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper provides a sound basis for concessional assistance from the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund, as well as for debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Country
LDP: Letter of Development Policy sets forth the program of actions, objectives, and policies to be
supported by an adjustment lending operation. The prospective borrower prepares the Letter of
Development Policy as the basis for such operation.
MIGA Documents: The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) was created in 1988 as
a member of the World Bank Group to promote foreign direct investment into emerging economies
to improve people's lives and reduce poverty. MIGA fulfills this mandate and contributes to
development by offering political risk insurance (guarantees) to investors and lenders, and by
helping developing countries attract and retain private investment. MIGA releases Environmental
Impact Assessment Reports for various projects being underwritten by MIGA.
OED: OED's major document
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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
There are generally nine recognized subsets of depression: Major depression results in extreme
sadness, hopelessness, lack of energy, irritability, trouble concentrating, changes in sleep or eating
habits, feelings of guilt, physical pain, and suicidal thoughts. Dysthymia depression is just an overall
low–feeling mood over a long period of time. People can function with Dysthymia depression but it
is difficult and in no way ideal. Some symptoms include sadness, trouble concentrating, fatigue, and
changes in sleep habits, and appetite. Postpartum depression is characterized by feelings of extreme
sadness, fatigue, loneliness, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, and feelings of disconnect from a child
after a woman gives birth. This is usually found ... Show more content on ...
It is most likely due to a decrease in sunlight, and can be treated with light therapy. Some symptoms
include anxiety, increased irritability, daytime fatigue, and weight gain. Atypical depression
commonly includes a sense of heaviness in the arms and legs, like a form of paralysis, in addition to
oversleeping and overeating. People with this condition may also gain weight, become very irritable,
and may even experience relationship issues. Psychotic depression is a mental state characterized by
delusions and hallucinations. About twenty percent of people with depression have episodes so
severe that they see or hear things that are not there. Bipolar Disorder, also called manic depressive
disorder, consists of periods of extreme lows followed by periods of extreme highs. Premenstrual
Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a type of depression that affects women during the second half of
their menstrual cycles and is more severe than PMS. Symptoms include depression, anxiety, and
extreme mood swings. Situational depression is usually triggered by a stressful or life–changing
event, such as job loss, the death of a loved one, severe trauma or even a bad breakup. Situational
depression tends to clear up over time on its own, but can turn into major
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Seasonal Affective Disorder Paper
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Seasonal Affective Disorder is just like its abbreviation spells out...SAD. Seasonal Affective
Disorder is a very common type of depression. It is a depression that is related to changes in the
seasons. Seasonal Affective Disorder is mostly associated with late fall and winter when it is cold
outside and less with spring and early summer when it is hot outside. The definition makes you
wonder what causes this type of disorder, does it not?
The Causes of Seasonal Affective Disorder
"Doctors do not know the causes of Seasonal Affective Disorder" (Seasonal Affective Disorder,
2016), but it has been thought to be caused by lack of sunlight (Mayo Clinic, 2016). When daylight's
saving time occurs, this disorder may ... Show more content on ...
For example, if you find yourself feeling down in the dumps during cold days and it is brought on
by stress from work, family, and friends, just the weather itself, then it would seem like a lot of
people would have this disorder, but it could also be confused with bipolar disorder, which can
change a person's mood as well. The main difference is that bipolar disorder can happen during any
season, not just during fall and winter like Seasonal Affective Disorder; for that disorder was named
for that reason. So, if you know someone who you think may have Seasonal Affective Disorder,
encourage them to do some things that will help them get their minds off depressive thoughts and
bring their spirits up. Also, do not just make the feel loved; let them know that they are loved. That
should surely help them, especially during this holiday
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Seasonal Affective Disorder Paper
Relationship between Light Therapy and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is best characterized as a mild depression that typically lasts for a
season. This type of depression usually occurs during the fall and winter months, which tends to
disappear throughout the rest of the year. The disorder was initially introduced in the DSM–IV in
1994, identified as a depression disorder with a seasonal pattern (Rosenthal & Rosenthal, 2006).
Furthermore, the symptoms of SAD are very similar to major depression, but varies in severity.
According to the American Psychology Association (2015), "symptoms include fatigue, pervasively
sad mood, loss of interest, sleep difficulty or excessive sleeping, craving and eating more ... Show
more content on ...
The light box is a highly designed fixture that exposes artificial light. Mayo Clinic (2015) has
confirmed the light box is well designed, safe and effective; however, not approved or regulated by
the Food and Drug Administration. According to Peters (2015), "The light box generates a standard
wavelength and amount of light. The light provided is toward the red end of the color spectrum." In
most cases, the intensity of the bright light has ranged from 2,500 lux to 10,000 lux depending of the
size of the room. The purpose of the light box is to mimic natural outdoor light; which is assumed to
affect the brain chemicals liked to a person's mood and lessen their SAD symptoms by resetting
their circadian rhythm. Therefore this current research is to investigate the relationship between light
therapy and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in a clinical trial that included a randomized placebo
group as well. Specifically, I hypothesized that the light therapy of 2,500 lux will lessen the
symptoms of
... Get more on ...

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Seasonal Influenza Virus

  • 1. Seasonal Influenza Virus Influenza also known as the "Flu" is an ongoing health concern each year. It is most prevalent during the fall and winter seasons. Influenza is highly contagious and can spread rapidly when precautions are ignored. Every year numerous cases erupt despite education, health promotion and vaccinations. Flu related complications result in hospitalizations and even death each year, costing billions of dollars to be used in treatment and income lost due to sick days and unproductivity on the infected person's behalf. Zimmerman et al. 2010 concurs stating, "Seasonal influenza leads to about 36,000 deaths annually in the United States and more than 226,000 hospitalizations." (Zimmerman et al. 2010). Loerbroks et al. 2012 also states "Influenza and ... Show more content on ... It can rapidly decrease symptoms and speed up the recovery process in infected individuals thus decreasing instances of complications. According to Duncan, 2013, "For treatment of influenza, oseltamivir is prescribed as: 75 mg twice daily for five days (by mouth... If the treatment is started within this [a 48 hour] timeframe then it will reduce the risk of severe illness up to five days after onset of symptoms." (Duncan, 2013. P294). Treatment also may involve stabilizing patients that have secondary complications related to influenza. These complication can be severe and include: : bacterial pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections, dehydration, and worsening of chronic medical conditions, such as congestive heart failure, asthma, or diabetes. Duncan, 2013 also states that "non– respiratory complications include febrile convulsions, toxic shock syndrome, Reye's syndrome, encephalopathy, transverse myelitis, pericarditis and myocarditis. One of the more serious complications is primary influenza pneumonia, as it has a high mortality affecting immunocompromised and healthy individuals."(Duncan, 2013. ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Essay about A Critical View of Seasonal Affective Disorder A Critical View of Seasonal Affective Disorder Abstract This paper is intended to be a critical view of Seasonal Affective Disorder. In order to understand fully the biological and psychological components of the disease, as well as its possible causes and treatments, it is necessary to compile and interpret previously conducted research. Such is the purpose of this paper. First, the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder will be explained and illustrated using data and case studies. Second, the possible causes of the disease will be outlined. Third, proposed treatments will be presented as possible solutions to this debilitating disease. A Critical View of Seasonal Affective Disorder ... Show more content on ... The two winters before referral [, when the boy was three,] the patient complained of fatigue and apathy from October onward. He had been easily irritated, suffered from anxiety, and avoided his friends. He had needed more sleep than previously and have been difficult to awaken in the morning. His teachers described him as dreamy and absent–minded during the winter but energetic during the summer" (Ybe Meesters, 1998) The symptoms of the boy were published, and struck a chord with the psychological community. Not only were they consistent with Rosenthal's findings, but also their detailed description allowed for a greater amount of patients to identify with the disease, thus making SAD a clear and applicable diagnosis. After Meesters modified Rosenthal's definition, it was possible to diagnose correctly many more patients under the umbrella of SAD. Thus, as greater numbers of people were diagnosed, observed trends began to develop. Three in particular were noticed early on, and continue to prove true today. They included an overall lower rate of SAD in children compared to the general population, an increasing diagnosis rate in adolescents, and a much higher rate in adult females versus males. One study that became instrumental in establishing concrete evidence for the rates in children and adolescents was conducted after the inherent trends were noticed throughout the general population. ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Seasonal Depression Research Papers Baby, It's Not Just Cold Outside. A hot breeze dances through the fields, and the sun shines down with golden rays of warmth. This sight is an everyday picture during the summer in Illinois, as well as much of the grain belt of the United States. Tragically, however, there is also a different picture that is all too common when the seasons change. The ground is muddy and saturated from days of rain. The sun is being held captive behind grey and black storm clouds, and the wind is howling like a dark menacing creature from a child's nightmare. This kind of weather change, while not uncommon, still has an effect on many people. This effect is a medical problem that should not be ignored or joked about. Seasonal Depression possesses real symptoms ... Show more content on ... When being medically treated there are multiple factors that go into finding the correct treatment. The first, most common type of treatment, is light therapy. This consists of sitting a few feet away from a light box that mimics natural sunlight (¨Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)¨). Light therapy is usually the first line of treatment for all cases of SAD. People using this treatment can feel better in a matter of days, but are still encouraged to continue use until spring time when natural light is more available (¨Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)– Topic¨). A second common treatment is medication. A doctor can prescribe a long lasting anti–depressant before one's symptoms begin to take root (¨Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)¨). By treating before the effects set in this is also a way of prevention. The third and final type of treatment is talk therapy, or psychotherapy. By going to therapy sessions like this one will learn how to cope with SAD. It is important to identify negative thoughts that might make a person feel worse and helping them change their thought process to make them better (¨Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)¨). Of course, these are just treatments for SAD after someone is diagnosed. Outside of medical treatments, there are many ways of preventing SAD at one's own ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Seasonal Affective Disorder Research Paper Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D) is a disorder in which people become depressed with the changing of seasons. The more northern you live the more prone you are to experience S.A.D, in comparison to someone living closer to the equator. S.A.D can affect people of all ages but mainly affects adults and more specifically it is more opt to affect women over men. The risks of having Seasonal Affective Disorder start declining after the age of 50. Seasonal Affective Disorder can be an inheritable disorder (meaning you can get it if another person in your family has/had S.A.D. in their lifetime,or previous ancestors.) Researchers have peaked interest in the gene 5–HTTLPR for expressing S.A.D conditions. Approximately 6% of people suffer from S.A.D ... Show more content on ... At home people open more windows to receive maximum amounts of light possible. By getting greater amounts of exercise your body relaxes and calms nerves in your brain sending high stress signals to then lower stress levels. Massages and the outdoors are also key in to managing stress levels and decreasing symptoms of S.A.D. Doctors often recommend antidepressants, light therapy and talk therapy. Light therapy is a treatment in which a person would be asked to sit/work beside an area using a box radiating ultraviolet lights called a light therapy box. Individuals with little light exposure use this ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Depression And Seasonal Affective Disorder Introduction Mental health and optimal functioning are, of course, very important in any discussion of public health. Depression and more specifically Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can happen to anyone, and it is important to be treated when experiencing health problems like these. While I have never experienced seasonal depression, its temporal nature and the treatment of the disorder interest me. I researched SAD when I considered studying it as a topic for my undergraduate senior thesis. During the thesis preparation process, I looked at articles about SAD and its common used treatment of light therapy. I recently revisited one of those articles (Rossman, 2010), and the article piqued my interest in writing about how light therapy ... Show more content on ... This effect is quicker than the time it takes for antidepressant drugs to begin working. In a study involving eleven adult participants between the ages of 26–39 who were diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder, light therapy produced a reduction of 5–HTT BPND (serotonin transporter binding) in the anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortices (which play a role in negative emotions and the recall of positive events, respectively) (Tyrer et al., 2016). More specifically, the researchers concluded that light therapy produces an effect on the retina and dorsal raphe nucleus, as well as in connections through the suprachiasmatic nucleus and hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus to the median raphe nuclei that potentially decrease 5–HTT levels globally across the brain. This treatment effect significantly helped with participants' SAD symptoms, and it points to a tangible and clinically effective result in the brain from light therapy treatment. In another study involving twelve adult participants between the ages of 18–59 who had a diagnosis of Seasonal Affective Disorder, light therapy was found to help correct the natural melatonin secretion cycle (Rice, Mayor, Tucker, & Bielski, 1995). Melatonin is a hormone secreted at nighttime by the pineal gland, and plays a role in human sleep and wake cycles by aiding the process of sleep. ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Essay On Seasonal Affective Disorder Seasonal Affective Disorder Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression. It is when you feel sad, down, or blue at specific times of the year. The most common time of year for this is late fall and winter. This is when the days are shorter and most people spend less time outdoors. This is why SAD is also known as the "winter blues." SAD less commonly occurs in the spring or summer. SAD can vary in severity and interfere with work, school, relationships, and normal daily activities. RISK FACTORS SAD is more common in young women, people with a history of clinical depression or bipolar disorder, and people who live far north or south of the equator. SYMPTOMS Symptoms of SAD include: Depressed mood, such as: ○ Feeling ... Show more content on ... DIAGNOSIS The diagnosis of SAD is usually made through an assessment by your health care provider. You will be asked about your moods, thoughts, and behaviors. You will also be asked about your medical history, any major life changes, medicines, and substance use. A physical exam and lab work may be done to make sure there is no other cause for your depression. You may be referred to a mental health specialist for further evaluation. TREATMENT Possible treatment for SAD includes: Light therapy. Light therapy involves sitting in front of a light source for 15–30 minutes every day. It is thought to work by increasing the duration of daylight sensed by the brain. Anti–depressant medicine. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a form of talk therapy that identifies and changes negative thoughts associated with SAD. HOME CARE INSTRUCTIONS Take medicines only as directed by your healthcare provider. This is important. Check with your health care provider before starting any new prescriptions, over–the–counter
  • 22. medicines, herbs, or supplements. Keep all follow–up visits as directed by your health care provider. This is ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) The topic that I chose to research is Seasonal Affective Disorder, also abbreviated as SAD. This topic is very relevant to me since I am one of those that suffer. It is very common, and most people who have it, don't even realize it. An astounding 1 in 3 people suffer with SAD (Molloy, 2014). Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression that is observed within a certain period of time. This time frame is from fall to spring, and usually it is around the same time length for everyone. While often misunderstood as just "those gloomy winter days", Seasonal Affective Disorder is very serious and if not handled correctly, can result in continued depression throughout the year. Another very important misconception, is that Seasonal Affective Disorder only affects people in the winter. Although less common, some deal with SAD in the summer months as well. Seasonal Affective Disorder affects many people nationwide and can seriously deteriorate ... Show more content on ... Having dealt with this myself, I know that it can majorly deteriorate the mental health of the sufferer. It starts out as feeling slightly fatigued and wanting to sleep more, and increases at a rapid rate to sometimes severe side effects, like suicidal thoughts or actions. Other symptoms and signs to look for are a weight gain, loss of interest, tiredness, difficulty concentrating and staying on task, and thoughts of hopelessness and worry (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017). While not all of these symptoms are applicable to all sufferers, many people face these obstacles through the entirety of winter. In the cases of SAD in the summer, symptoms are generally the opposite. Things to pay attention to in the summer are troubles sleeping, weight loss, anxiety and restlessness (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017). Though these two types of Seasonal Affective Disorder are fairly contradictory symptome wise, they both affect many people ver ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Seasonal Flu Vaccinations Despite information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that flu vaccinations are safe and effective in controlling the spread of seasonal flu, many people still have concerns about potential side effects. To help you understand the great benefits and the minimal risks associated with flu shots, we've put together this brief Q&A about the flu and the vaccinations. Who is most vulnerable? Older people, young children and people with certain health conditions risk developing serious medical complications is they contract seasonal influenza. The CDC lists the following groups as the most vulnerable: Children under age five – but especially toddlers and infants under age two. People older than 65 years of age. Pregnant women. ... Show more content on ... Anyone with a chronic illness such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, morbid obesity and cancer. There are other diseases and disorders that the flu may complicate. If you have a chronic health challenge not listed here, talk to your doctor to assess your risks associated with seasonal flu. What are the risks associated with flu vaccines? It is important to understand that there are several flu vaccines, and most have minimal risks and serious side effects. For the past five decades the CDC has monitored patients who contracted flu and those that received vaccinations. People who contract flu run the risks of developing ear infections, sinusitis, pneumonia and bronchitis – these complications may result in hospitalization and in rare cases death. The flu vaccine protects against these complications in most people. Approximately 200,000 people who contract the flu experience complications severe enough to require hospitalization. 1. Common flu vaccine side effects may include: 2. Soreness near the injection site. 3. Low–grade fever. 4. Cough, congestion or sore ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Seasonal Affective Disorder Essay Seasonal Affective Disorder Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a common problem of people living in northern United States. People who are affected by this disorder commonly suffer from depression, lethargy, inability to concentrate, overeating and weight gain. People from the north tend to suffer more from this disorder because of the shortened days. It appears, that due to the deficiency of sunlight some people suffer from these symptoms. The shortened days have a hormonal effect on the body that causes these symptoms, and the use of artificial sunlight is the best way to relieve the disorder. It was not until recently that SAD was discovered. It was discovered by Peter Mueller, who was reviewing a case of a 29–year–old ... Show more content on ... The findings were that melatonin levels were greatly decreased. The decline in melatonin usually happens in the early morning, but in a SAD patient this does not occur until about two hours later. In order to suppress the levels the patient needs to be exposed to sunlight. It is found, that when the patient is exposed to the light there is a significant decrease in depression and the craving for carbohydrates. It is not known if SAD is directly caused by melatonin. We are still not sure what is the direct cause for the depression of SAD. We do know why people who suffer from SAD crave carbohydrates. Serotonin is the chemical that regulates a person's appetite for carbohydrate rich foods. A patient who suffers from SAD, and is given an artificial shot of serotonin called d– fenfluramine "leads to a decrease in stress–induced eating" (Scientific American 1986). In each person blood stream we have a hormone known as trypton that is a derivative of serotonin. When it enters the central nervous system and reaches a group of cells called raphe nucli it is converted into serotonin. The amount of trypton in the blood is increased when carbohydrates are consumed. This may explain why many people who suffer from SAD have an increase their intake of carbohydrates. In testing results it patients who suffer from SAD when given "an 800–calorie, high– carbohydrate meal (six cookies), they reported feeling vigorous and energized" (Health 1989). A large ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Winter Or Winter, The Winter Or Seasonal Affective Disorder? What comes first to mind when picturing winter or summer? Does summer make you think of ice cream and having fun on beaches whereas winter brings up memories of cold and uninviting scenery? If so, you may be one of the many people diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder– S.A.D. for short. But– the question still lingers– Is Seasonal Affective Disorder real or can people just not handle the cold? Seasonal Affective Disorder is not a real disorder rather it is a growingly recognized characteristic of discomfort with the cold seasons in the indistinctive population. While S.A.D. was long not taken as a serious diagnosis it recently gained attention and a growing amount of scientific papers– such as– "reverse seasonal affective disorder" (3), "seasonal affective disorder in children and adolescents" (9), "seasonal premenstrual syndrome" ( 10), seasonal battering of women (I I) and a "hypothesized seasonal obesity disorder" (12) (All referenced in the attached article) referred to S.A.D. as a citation for seasonal disorders. So is Seasonal Affective Disorder a valid excuse to be depressed during winter and happy during the summer or is it false ailment that people cling too as an excuse for hating the cold? According to 'S.A.D or Fad' the early research that looked more into the disorder were primarily based off psychiatric inpatients. And now the majority of people who are diagnosed with seasonal disorder are those who have bipolar disorder as well and are being treated ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Seasonal Allergies Spring brings warmer weather, sunny days, and beautiful blossoming trees and flower. Unfortunately, the beauty and warmth of spring can often be ridden with runny noses, itchy eyes, and scratchy throats. The culprit? Seasonal allergies. If you suffer from seasonal allergies that leave you miserable, and you don't want to take drugs, consider using an all–natural method to relieve your symptoms. Here are four all–natural, chemical– free, methods to try: 1. Apple Cider Vinegar An age–old remedy for various ailments, apple cider vinegar may be used to help relieve the pesky symptoms of seasonal allergies. It is believed to work because it naturally helps to reduce mucus production. It may also help to cleanse the lymphatic symptom. If you want to try apple cider vinegar, just mix 1–teapson of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink. For severe allergy symptoms, repeat this process and drink the mixture up to three times per day. ... Show more content on ... Local Honey Although there is not much evidence to the local honey theory, many do believe it works. It is believed to work because it exposes the body–and the immune system–to local allergens. It works much like an allergy shot, but is all–natural. To use the local honey method, eat 1–teaspoon of raw local honey once per day. For severe allergies, consume more honey–up to three times per day. If you want to get the best results, begin taking the honey about one month before allergy season starts–that way your body has time to adjust to the local allergens. 3. Neti Pot or Saline ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Seasonal Affective Disorder Analysis Seasonal Affective disorder: A Mood Disorder What is Seasonal Affective Disorder? Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, is a psychological disorder caused by the change of season. SAD affects most people in the fall and winter months, although this is not always the case. There are two types of SAD, winter and summer SAD. It is believed, the lack of sunlight in the winter months, to be the cause of winter SAD. According to the author Flaskerud (2012), "Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) occurs in the summer, remits in the fall and winter, and seems to be related to summertime's intense heat, bright light and long days." SAD is recurring, coming back annually as the seasons change, causing the individual to fall into a depressive ... Show more content on ... Light is the main influence on melatonin production, however exercise can also help influence the secretion of melatonin. When days get shorter during the winter, melatonin secretion is increased due to the lack of sunlight. The pineal gland regulates the secretion of melatonin in the body by the amount of sunlight an individual receives in a day. It was believed that light variation was singly responsible for the synthesis and secretion of melatonin. Many researchers have conducted studies with contradictory results. Some say they found significant results with the reduction of melatonin levels in the blood plasma following exercise, while others did not. In 1993 Kohler and Kurz "found 50% reduction on depressive scales in subjects with SAD after a 12–day regimen of aerobic exercise in the morning hours." (Benny) There were a lot of researchers that conducted experiments with both exercise and light therapy incorporated into the participant's routines. They found the greatest results were those who participated in both exercise and light therapy combined. The light therapy was more effective than exercise at reducing depressive symptoms, when used independently. SAD and ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. College Essay On Seasonal Depression I have diagnosed myself with seasonal depression, which I can assure you is a very real disease. The technical name for this disorder is Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, which is defined as a mood disorder characterized by depression that occurs at the same time every year. Causes may be genetic, as I am sure that my dad also has seasonal depression. So many winters of my life have been spent shivering while walking around school, playing in the snow until I thought my hands would fall off, and fearing going back outside to feel the gust of cold wind take over my body. The condition gets worse during daylight savings when the sun sets at 5pm, and the cold night takes over. Thus, when applying to colleges, the coldest school I applied to was in Washington D.C. I refused to ... Show more content on ... I had convinced myself that the climate of North Carolina was like that of the tropical islands. I pictured myself walking around campus in tank tops and cute dresses, mocking all my friends wearing their winter coats and boots (I do that anyway because I did wear jean shorts two weeks ago while it snowed in New York). Needless to say, when November rolled around, I had mostly all the wrong clothes, and I really needed a jacket. Gasp! As it continues to get colder, I have an underlying fear that my seasonal depression will return, and I will never be able to escape it. Yes, I am lucky that the coldest it really gets here is around 40 degrees, but I am most definitely not going swimming in December. It will snow, but not to the point where I will be sick of it. People from the south will freak out when it snows, and classes will be canceled. Maybe I didn't escape the cold completely, but I will no longer live through the dreadful 5 months that make up winter in the north. I get my little taste of winter, and that's more than enough for ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Seasonal Allergies Cough, cough, sniff, snort, blow... those are the common sounds that we hear as seasonal allergies take hold of so many individuals every year. Allergic rhinitis (commonly known as hay fever) is categorized as a IgE–mediated immune response (the same response when you have a food allergy) which causes a release of histamine which in turn is responsible for the myriad of symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis, such as sneezing, rhinorrhea (runny nose), nasal congestion, pruritus of the nose (itchy nose), and often fatigue as the immune system is putting all its energy into removing the offending agent. The most frequent offenders in seasonal allergies depends on the individual and can include pollens from trees, grass, and weeds. Unfortunately, the number of seasonal allergy sufferers is increasing every year. Why? While there is no ... Show more content on ... First thing to do would be to determine to what you are allergic. This can be done via skin prick through any allergist (and some naturopathic doctors), or there is also a blood test that can determine what seasonal agent is your allergic trigger (this last test often requires you to have active symptoms for proper evaluation). Once you've determined which tree, grass, or weed you're allergic, you can then determine when during the season it starts to grow/bloom thus enabling you to prepare yourself prior to that time; thus making your prevention efforts more effective. Also, once you know your allergic trigger, you can then review which foods cross–react with that trigger and remove it from your diet. Meaning there are some foods that if your allergic to a particular pollen will actually aggravate your symptoms, thus avoiding those foods would be very beneficial in reducing your overall ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Clear Link Between the... Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Clear Link Between the Outside and the Inside of the Brain And God said, Let there be light; And there was light. And God saw that the light was good; And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. (Genesis 1:3–5) (1) The sun has been an endless source of inspiration, both physical and spiritual, throughout the ages. For its light, warmth, and the essential role it has played in the maintenance of the fragile balance of life on earth, the sun has been honored and celebrated in most of the world's religions. While the regeneration of light is constant, the relative length of time ... Show more content on ... Defining Seasonal Affective Disorder is somewhat more complicated than it may seem at first glance. It is generally thought to be a recurring fall/winter depression experienced by susceptible people, those with a lower threshold for light–associated depression. SAD affects approximately 35 million Americans, 10 million with the disorder and 25 million with subsyndromal SAD (8). While most people who live in northern latitudes tend to experience some mild depression symptoms related to seasonal changes, up to five or ten percent of the general population may be affected by one or more of the diagnostic symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (6). There is a clear link between latitude (probably proportional to the amount of exposure to daily direct sunlight) and the susceptibility to Seasonal Affective Disorder. For example, in Florida, less than 1% of the general population is thought to be affected by SAD, while in Alaska, the percentage of affected people may be as high as 10% (7). The major diagnostic symptoms related to SAD are recurring periods of depression and mood change throughout several years of seasonal changes. Other symptoms include nighttime carbohydrate craving (sugars, starches and alcohol) and weight gain, irritability and anxiety, an inability to focus, guilt, lethargy, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts and decreased sexual appetite (2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9). Many of these symptoms are easily confused with ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Seasonal Affective Disorder Freundl–1 When the dark days of winter approach, people are slowed down and have difficulty waking up in the morning They are tempted to snack on holiday foods and find that the pounds will creep up on them, even as they valiantly try to diet. People can often find it difficult to focus at work or in a relationships, feel down in the dumps, or maybe even depressed. If a person says yes to any one of these criteria, than they may be experiencing a disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D), or also known as the winter blues. A current study shows that the population that lives in the Northern America and European. In its very basic form, S.A.D effects 6% of all Americans suffer from this distress, Seasonality can also lead to distress, both in an individual's work and one's personal life. Over ten million Americans have suffered, or are suffering from S.A.D, and while the percentage may not seem like a large number, but it translates into over a million Americans. Though Some people may not be affected by S.A.D enough to seek medical attention, they still feel less cheerful, less energetic creative and productive during the dark winter days. The effects of the seasons on humans have been well known through the centuries to artists, poets, and songwriter. For example, Shakespeare observed that a, "sad tale's best for winter", while Keats wrote nightingale singing of summer "in full throated ease", and the singer of a modern day ballad calls his beloved the ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Seasonal Affective Disorder Case Studies Peter, Another great post, great detailed writing that offers explanation for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Because your post combined with mine, more or less covered the majority of information, I am taking the discussion in an entirely different direction to present my hypothesis regarding a factor that might have played into the SAD diagnosis of the case study. I am purposing that perhaps the newscaster was spending less time in the studio and more time outside, traveling, taping her stories in advance to be shown later. Field reporting would be the correct term. I looked at CNN and found that the average newscaster is on air three hours per day, in the studio (CNN, 2005). Then I looked the lighting that is used in news studios and used for SAD light therapy, in most cases high CRI (color rendering index) lamps are used in TV studios and in light boxes used for light therapy (LightTech LightSources, 2016). ... Show more content on ... Continuing my research, I tried to find if news reporters and anchors suffer with SAD, and found nothing. I then found an article on lumen and lux. Lumen is the amount of light given off from the light source and lux is the amount that reaches the person. The lights that are used in light boxes, for medical phototherapy are 10,000 lux [the same as daylight]. And SAD clients sit relatively close to the light box. In TV studios, even though the lights are the same lumen, they are on the average only 1000 lux. My theory is not ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Roots of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) Essay Growing up in Alaska certainly taught me how to live peacefully with the bear minimum in life. Hauling water from a creek in the back of my house, using an outhouse in fifty below zero weather, and above all, living for almost nine months with an extreme lack of sunlight. When I lived in Alaska I treasured the beautiful yet short summer months that seemed to come and go with such swiftness. The difference in weather and amount of sunlight that I got to enjoy was just as drastic as my mood in the wintertime compared to the summer. In the summer life seemed remarkably pleasurable, I was happier with my appearance, and I worried much less about petty obstacles that I was confronted with. Unlike in the wintertime when every little thing ... Show more content on ... There really have only been studies conducted on people with possible SAD since 1984 when a man named Norman E. Rosenthal actually defined the psychological disorder (Lam). Since Rosenthal defined SAD as a syndrome characterized by recurrent depressions that occur annually at the same time each year characterized by hypersomnia, overeating, and carbohydrate craving (Newsome), there have been several studies conducted and published on people with possible SAD. Many of the studies that have been published for the general public focus mainly on the different forms of treatment for SAD, such as light therapy and different forms of Phototherapy, rather than focusing on the cause. Discovering the main causes of SAD would help to clearly identify who is actually in need of treatment related to light therapy compared to anti depressants. In my situation I had symptoms that were both characteristic of what identified SAD patients and patients suffering from mild forms of depression. When symptoms of one disorder are so closely related to symptoms of McClain 3 another type of disorder it is very important to identify a key differentiation, which I believe could be found in a person's family history. ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Non Seasonal Allergies Mr. James could be suffering either from allergies (seasonal or non–seasonal), common cold, influenza (FLU), and sinusitis. With the symptoms presented by Mr. James, he could be experiencing any of the diagnosis stated above. In the sense that allergies, common cold, flu and sinusitis all have the same symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. However, an individual with an allergies usually have a thin watery discharge from running nose and symptoms can begin to show immediately after exposure to specific irritant and can last as long as the individual is exposed to the allergic or irritant (the asthma center, 2015). The difference between seasonal and non–seasonal allergy is that, seasonal allergies occurs from allergic sensitivity ... Show more content on ... James illness, but from the symptoms he is presenting, it clearly shows an allergic reaction with a subtype of allergy rhinitis. According to the university of Maryland medical center, common signs of allergic rhinitis include itchy watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and sleep disorder (2015). This is an illness that tends to run in families and if one of the parents has it, there's a possibility that one of the children will have allergic rhinitis. This inflammation is usually precipitated from outdoor environmental irritants such as air pollution, smoke, chemicals, stress or cold. Allergic rhinitis affects all ages with risk factors including family history, breastfeeding, and environmental exposure (University of Maryland medical center, 2015). Allergic rhinitis cannot be cured, but it can be managed with proper therapy. The ideal way to manage the condition is to avoid allergy ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Theoretical Explanations on Seasonal Affective Disorder Essay Question: A review of different theoretical explanations on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Introduction: This review will demonstrate a critical awareness of research–based literature in the field of Clinical Psychology and review theoretical explanations on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD can be referred to in many different ways. The most famous include "winter depression", "winter blues" or "seasonal depression" (Rosenthal, 1998; Marshall and Cheevers, 2006). However, other names such as "Light hunger", "Grey sky syndrome", "Cabin fever" (Marshall and Cheevers, 2006) or "February Blahs" (Rosenthal, 1998) can also be associated with SAD. SAD is one of the major depressions that seems to happen during a certain time of the year especially when there are low levels of natural light (Lurie, 2007; Marshall and Cheevers, 2006). SAD is described as an exaggerated version of seasonal variations in mood, energy, appetite and sleep (Justice et al, 1986; Marshall et al 2006), and is found to be a common regular condition that affects a large part of the population. There are many theories and perspectives on SAD discussing its history, symptoms, causes and treatments. These approaches are from a biological/physiological, cognitive/behavioural or environmental viewpoint. History: For many centuries, doctors have recognised an association between illness and seasons. Since ancient times, people have known about the seasonal changes in mood and behaviour. The concept ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Depression affects a lot of people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 9% of American suffer from depression (Iliades). One type in particular, known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD seem to roll around when the weather becomes colder, days seem shorter, and nights seem longer. According to, "Seasonal Affective Disorder affects between 4% – 6% of American while 10% to 20% experience a milder form of winter–onset SAD". "Three out of four SAD sufferers are women. The main age of onset of SAD is between 18 and 30 years of age" ("Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)"). We have heard the term "winter blues" and people talk about being sad or depressed during the winter months. They often feel withdrawn ... Show more content on ... People who works long hours are greatly affected especially ones that start work before sunrise and end after sunset. These workers receive little sunlight which affects their mood and circadian rhythm as mentioned above. In addition, working long hours deprives people leisure time to do the things they love which can make them feel discontent. Working long hours may also cause them to feel resentful toward their work, life, and family. As the resentment grows, it may cause tension at home and work which may further depresses their mood. In addition, these grueling hours of work deprive people of adequate exercise. It is no secret that exercise can uplift our mood because the brain releases endorphin when we exercise. A lot of people who works long hours may not have time to exercise. On their off days, they might have family obligations that prevent them to exercise. Or they may simply feel too tired or lazy to exercise. Still, there might be people who live in really cold or snowy weather that is less than motivated to leave their house to work out. The lack of exercise can deprives the body of the happy chemical that may reduce stress and improve mood. Finally, poor eating habits can also add to our depressed mood and deplete our energy levels. Busy people have less time to cook nutritious meals and resorts to fast food that is fattening and lacking in nutrition value. This poor eating habit ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Seasonal Affective Disorder Introduction The weather has an effect on our everyday lives, but does it really affect people's personal moods? In this experiment, 14 people were tested to find out if the weather really does affect people's moods. A person needs a certain amount of sunlight to be in a good mood, so it is believed that the warmer, sunny day will be the day with people in the best mood. Too many rainy days and not enough sun can lead to depression, stress, and anxiety. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) causes people to go into a type of depression that has to do with the weather of different seasons. SAD is more common during the winter months because of the short days and cold weather. The symptoms of SAD are fatigue, depression, anxiety, loneliness, ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Seasonal Moving Pros and Cons of Seasonal Moving Planning your move, you naturally try to make it as simple and comfortable as possible. That is why you pay attention even on such things as weather and mostly the season of the year. The season can sufficiently influence the aspects of the move and the details of the moving plan. In order to know what season is better for your type of move you need to know all pros and cons of moving during every period of the year. Winter Pros. Winter is not very busy time for the moving companies as people rarely think of relocation during the cold months. It means you will have several advantages: More affordable offers from the moving companies; Less traffic on the roads; Little demand on the real estate market makes ... Show more content on ... Cons. A big amount of moving people will create several obstacles for the smooth move: You will have to book movers in advance and it's going to be hard to find free specialists; The weather can also spoil the moving experience as in spring it is often raining. Summer Pros. A good weather and summer break gives you lots of possibilities to relocate easily: School summer break allows you to relocate your kids without much stress so them will settle in the new location before they go to the new school; There a lot of days with good weather that allow you to move without dangerous conditions; Summer is a perfect season to throw a garage sale and declutter your house. Cons. There can be days with the extreme heat and as the busiest moving period summer doesn't have many offers from the moving companies: If the move falls on the day with the extreme heat, there is risk of dehydrating yourself as well as the possibility to overheat some of your items. You have to compete for the movers as lots of people want to relocate during summer months. ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Seasonal Allergies Research Seasonal allergies from common allergens, like bee pollen, dust, and mold, affect over 50 million Americans every year. If you wear glasses and have allergies, you know how frustrating finding relief from itchy, watery eyes can be when your glasses get in the way. The friendly professionals at Wing Eyecare understand the difficulties of having allergies and wearing glasses. Below, they give three tips on how to alleviate your frustrations and prevent worsening your symptoms. Wear Sunglasses Outside Wind–borne pollen and mold spores are often found in the air outside, especially when it's windy. By wearing sunglasses while you're outdoors, you give yourself an extra layer of protection and reduce the amount of allergens that can get into your ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Beating Seasonal Allergies Tips for Beating Seasonal Allergies Fall is here and that means cooler temperatures, changing leaves, holidays, as well as triggers for allergy sufferers. Fall allergies typically start in late August or early September, and they typically hang around until the first frost of the season. While many people may think the spring is the time for allergies, the fall season can be just as bad for those who suffer from allergies. Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? You are not alone. Luckily, there are changes that can be implemented that can make a huge difference. Don't believe us? Check out these tips for beating seasonal allergies. 1. After a long day, the first thing you should do after you arrive home is to change your clothes. You never ... Show more content on ... With that in mind, before you go to bed at night, you should take a shower. Make sure you pay special attention to your hair, and make sure you clean yourself thoroughly. You never know what allergens could be attached to you, so make sure you clean yourself before you hit the hay. 3. While this may seem like a no–brainer, it is important that you wash your hands frequently. Washing your hands can stop the spread of allergens, will help kill germs, and can help reduce the spread of viruses. Remember, fall is also flu season, so take a stand against viruses and stay clean. 4. If your child has allergies, make sure you send them to school with their medication. This way they can get relief from the new allergens they are exposed too. Before you send your child to school with medication, make sure you inform the school. The school may have a policy where the school's nurse will hold onto and administer your child's medication. 5. Wash your bedding frequently. Dust, dander, and other allergens can accumulate on your bedsheets and pillowcases, so give them a good washing at least once a week. While you are at it, make sure you keep a tidy home. By washing your sheets and throw blankets, as well as regularly cleaning your home you can ward off any accumulating ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Seasonal Affective Disorder Analysis Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons. SAD begins and ends about the same time every year. SAD is a subtype of recurrent depression that involves a major depressive episode onset in the fall and/or winter months with full remission in spring. SAD prevalence rate increases with latitude ranging from 1.4% in Florida to 9.9% in Alaska in the U.S. 5% of the U.S. population that is 14.5 million American is affected. Surveys show that SAD affects women more than twice as men. This points out that female sex hormones may play a role in sensitizing the brain to changes in environment. SAD patients spend more than 40% of the year with substantial depressive symptoms affecting friends, families, and workplace during most years, beginning young adulthood. Provided its high prevalence, recurrent clinical course, episode duration, and associated impairment, SAD is a significant mental health problem and an important challenge to public (Rosenthal, 2014). SAD etiology is not certain, but available models focus on neurotransmitters, hormones, circadian rhythm dysregulation, genetic polymorphism, and psychological factors. Stress is thought to be a seasonally linked environmental stressor associated with a change in the light/dark cycle and/or natural light availability (e.g., short ... Show more content on ... The photoperiodic hypothesis proposes that individuals with SAD are similar to photoperiodic mammals in such a way that they have retained this primitive biological mechanism for tracking changes in photoperiod, a circadian signal of change in season, that individuals without SAD do not have (Rohan, ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Seasonal Influenza Essay Among the easiest ways to protect yourself from influenza every year is to get a flu vaccine regularly. So many programs exist to make it convenient and inexpensive, and more come out every year, and the consequences can be life–threatening. At the peak of the 2014–2015 Seasonal Influenza Pandemic in the United States, 9.3% of all deaths reported in the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System were attributed to Pneumonia and Influenza (P&I), underscoring how lethal the flu can be, especially to people who are already sick, children, and the elderly. In the first week of February 2015, over 60% of influenza–associated hospitalizations involved patients 65 and older, the highest rate since the CDC began tracking that data in 2005. Extrapolating that, more than 92,000 people aged 65 and older had been hospitalized ... Show more content on ... Many patients with these conditions cannot get a flu vaccine themselves, as it is not as effective for them; for this reason, it is vital that everyone, including people who are healthy and otherwise not at risk, get a flu vaccine in order to prevent the spread of the flu to people who cannot protect themselves from ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Seasonal Affective Disorder Alaskans experiences on average about five hours of sunlight during the winter months, sometimes living in Alaska during the winter can take its toll on a person. The year 1984 was when Seasonal Affective Disorder first became known in a research paper at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Seasonal Affective Disorder mainly affects people in the winter season, but can also affect people during the summer seasons. Seasonal Affective Disorder is best understood as a form of depression that affects people in the winter and, less commonly, in the summer. This paper will help provide a better understanding of S.A.D. and how it affects people living in Arctic climates. Seasonal affective disorder is a form of ... Show more content on ... McMahon , et al, 2014). Another factor that can play into S.A.D. is melatonin, which helps with sleep and wake cycles. Rosenthal, et al, notes how the pineal gland, the gland that produces melatonin, will react to dark surroundings with drowsiness that can lead people to being lethargic (as cited in Melrose, 2015). When melatonin increases and serotonin decreases, the offset of the proteins can cause circadian rhythms to be disrupted, which is the bodies "24 hour" clock. Researcher Melrose writes that "...circadian rhythms respond to the rhythmic light–dark changes that occur daily and throughout each of the seasons." (2015). People with S.A.D. disorder normally find that their circadian rhythms are off beat and timed differently with day lengths, for example feeling tired in the middle of the day while being wide awake or feeling wide awake when it would normally be time to sleep. Treatments that follow with the diagnose of Seasonal Affective Disorder are antidepressant medications, light therapy, vitamin D and counseling. Cheung, et al, (as cited in Melrose, 2015) reports their findings with the antidepressant, fluoxetine and discovered that the medicine was just as effective as light therapy. Light therapy is typically used in the mornings to help with circadian rhythms to help set the persons "clock". Light therapy usually consists of people sitting in front of ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Essay On Seasonal Flu There are non–pharmacological management options which people believe are effective at helping alleviate the symptoms of the flu. For instance, gargling with warm water, honey and lemon is believed to help manage sore throats and alleviate dry, irritating coughs, similarly to how steam inhalation is believed to alleviate nasal congestion or a stuffy nose (Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). Prevention of seasonal flu is possible through non–pharmacological management, which includes avoiding close contact with those who are unwell, maintaining good hygiene through prudent handwashing and disinfecting contaminated surfaces when unwell or when in proximity to those who are unwell. Other management recommendations include ... Show more content on ... For instance, a fever that goes away for one or two days and then recurs, or a very abnormal heart rate that persists over time, a continually increasing heart rate or a newly irregular heart rate all require medical attention. Furthermore, a very abnormal breathing rate, shortness of breath while resting, retractions or significantly increased shortness of breath upon activity also require immediate medical attention. Moderate to severe chest pain, severe ear pain, coughing up large amounts of blood, coughs with an associated 'barking' sound or a cough lasting longer than four weeks should also receive immediate medical attention. Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease, so it is essential to prevent spread through healthy lifestyle habits which include prudent and frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, vaccinations, cleaning and disinfecting commonly used surfaces, not sharing personal items and handling and preparing food safely. Additionally, taking care of stress and psychological conditions, exercising regularly, and getting proper rest and nutrition are all priorities to improve general health. A fever is usually self–limiting but can be reduced through minimal clothing and bedding, using over–the–counter antipyretic medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Dehydration can be corrected through adequate intake of fluids. A ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Seasonal Influenza Essay Health is a big area of human life and it is freedom from disease and sickness. Without health, we cannot do any work and we cannot improve in life. So, health is the primary need for every one of us to achieve. Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body's inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood. It is usually developed from hereditary genes passed on but your lifestyle and environment also plays a role in developing diabetes. Diabetes can be prevented by eating more healthfully, becoming more physically active and even losing weight. Making a few simple changes in your lifestyle now can help you avoid these health complications such as diabetes. Therefore I am going to starting exercising ... Show more content on ... o Avoid risky behaviors o Get regular medical care Influenza is a highly contagious viral infection that is one of the most severe illnesses of the winter season. Each year, 15 to 61 million Americans contract influenza. Many people tend to confuse the flu with the common cold, but the flu is much more serious. Seasonal influenza can be prevented when a person receives the seasonal influenza vaccine. There are two choices of vaccinations: o The first is the flu shot. The amount of antibodies in the body is greatest 1 or 2 months after vaccination and then gradually declines. o The second option for vaccination against the flu is FluMist, the only nasal spray approved for influenza vaccination. The nasal spray is made from a live but weakened virus. Pneumonia is a serious infection of the lungs. This is when the air sacs in the lungs become inflamed and fill with pus and other liquid, which make it difficult for oxygen to reach the blood through them. If there is too little oxygen in the blood, then the body's cells cannot work properly. Pneumonia can cause lack of oxygen and the spread of infection through the body, which may lead to death. An annual flu shot can provide protection against Pneumonia since it is similar to ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Seasonal Depression Research Paper Seasonal Depression (Sad) Overview– Seasonal depression is a mild form of depression that recurs every year at the change of season, especially with the shortening of the light day. The Seasonal Depression is often also characterized by decreased energy levels, from excessive, from hypersomnia and hyperphagia, or an increase of desire of sleep and food, causing decrease of activity and weight gain. Causes– The SAD may be caused by chemical equilibrium changes and internal biological clock. In the body there are two chemicals, melatonin and serotonin, that help maintain stable mood and regulate sleep–wake cycle. During the cooler months, the levels of melatonin and serotonin can change. Their decline may alter the internal biological clock, or circadian rhythm which helps you determines when to ... Show more content on ... Light therapy mimics outdoor light and appears to cause a change in brain chemicals related to mood. Antidepressants – Antidepressants used to treat seasonal affective disorder include paroxetine, sertraline, fluoxetine and venlafaxine. Psychotherapy – This therapy helps you to identify and change negative thoughts and behaviors that may make you feel worse. You can also learn healthy ways to cope with seasonal affective disorder and manage stress. You can also help you get better with healthy preventive measures. Take exercise, eat a balanced diet and expose yourself to natural light are all habits that can improve mood. Keep open the curtains on the windows and take a walk every day to relieve anxiety states. Prevention– There is no known way to prevent the development of seasonal affective disorder. Some people find it helpful to begin treatment before symptoms typically begin in the fall or winter, and then continue treatment until symptoms disappear. If you can get control of symptoms before they get worse, it could be possible to annihilate this ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Different Methods Of Preventing Vitamin D Deficiency And... Seasonal affective disorder is a mood disorder characterized by depression, which occurs around the same time every year (Partonen, 1998). It is hypothesized that being deficient in vitamin D is a reason for having seasonal affective disorder. We have researched four different methods of preventing vitamin D deficiency and seasonal affective disorder. The most used methods of achieving adequate vitamin D levels were found to be indoor tanning, natural light, light therapy and vitamin D supplementation. This research is important because it affects the well–being and quality of life in every day people. During this project, we will assess which of the following four methods: indoor tanning, natural light, light therapy, or vitamin D supplementation is the most effective way to treat seasonal affective disorder. When looking at seasonal affective disorder, the environment where someone lives greatly affects their depressive symptoms. As stated earlier, distance from the equator has proven to add to the significance of people with depression in the winter months. A study was conducted to see the difference in the rate of depression searches using the internet based on global location. The study compared the United States with Australia, given that the U.S. lies in the northern hemisphere, and Australia in the southern hemisphere. The two countries have greatly different climates, with Australia remaining warm and sunny through most of the year. The results took into account the ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Factors Affecting Seasonal Affective Disorder 1. Although many studies have focused on individual factors relating to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), this study sought to extend such research by determining whether cognitive, behavioral and psychophysiological factors that associate to individuals with nonseasonal depression would correlate to those of SAD (Rohan, Sigmon & Dorhofer, 2003). 2. Before gathering the data, the researchers had a couple hypotheses in mind. They first hypothesized that women with a history of SAD would encounter and report more negative thinking as well as reduced activity frequency and enjoyment during the winter time. Not only that, but they expected that a predicted ruminative response style in the fall would help foretell the severity of depressive symptoms later during the winter time. The researchers then went on to assume that women with a history of SAD would ultimately report more depressed mood and experience greater psychophysiological reactivity as a response to low light intensity stimuli during the winter time relative to controls. 3. The type of research method involved was a correlational study, however the researchers ended up taking on a longitudinal, multimethod approach. Twenty women with a history of SAD and twenty women with equivalent age and education level were recruited for this study, however two participants dropped out of the study who had a history of SAD, leaving them with eighteen SAD participants and twenty controls. Each participant went through ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Seasonal Allergies If you're a person who has to endure all the frustrating side effects of seasonal allergies, you know too well that it can get annoying. Sometimes people avoid going outdoors in fear of being affected by the budding trees, grasses, and pollen – yes, it can get really miserable. Seasonal allergies can be congenital or genetic, but more often or not they develop because of your health and the environment. Again, there are no real cures for allergies such as hay fever, but like with most health conditions, having a healthier immune system can dramatically reduce the symptoms, so you'll actually be able to enjoy the coming of spring instead of dreading it. This is why Moringa can be one of your best allies and protectors during the allergy season. ... Show more content on ... Our immune systems are amazing things. They create proteins to fight disease, which are known as antibodies. These antibodies try to battle it out against the antigens. Once our immune system creates certain antibodies, they'll recognize the same intruders again and protect our bodies automatically year in year out. However, this isn't the case when we continue to come into contact with the same allergens every year. The body goes into overdrive, working to create histamines to fight off what it thinks to be dangerous antigens. Have you ever wondered what's to blame for your runny nose? It's the mucus, which the histamines produce...the same goes for the itchy sore throat, the red watery eyes, and the deep chesty coughs...this whole process has its own name – it's the allergic inflammatory response. More often than not, these seasonal allergies are inevitable. If one of your parents suffers from such allergies, you're 33% more likely to suffer from them as well. And the odds go up if both your parents have problems with allergies – you'll have a 70% change of suffering from the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Report of Seasonal Goods Definitions of Document Types CAE: A Country Assistance Evaluation examines Bank performance in a particular country, usually over the past four to five years, and reports on its conformity with the relevant Bank Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) and on the overall effectiveness of the specific CAS. CAS: A Country Assistance Strategy Document is the central tool of World Bank Management and the Board of Executive Directors for reviewing and guiding the World Bank Group's country programs and the vehicle for judging the impact of its work. Country Assistance Strategy is prepared in consultation with the country authorities and other development partners. Its central focus is reduction of poverty in the client country. It sets out the ... Show more content on ... JSA of PRSP: Joint Staff Assessment of Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper is prepared by the staffs of both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. It is submitted with a member country's Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper to the Board of Executive Directors of the two institutions. This Joint Staff Assessment evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a country's poverty reduction objectives and strategies, and considers whether the complete Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper provides a sound basis for concessional assistance from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, as well as for debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Country initiative. LDP: Letter of Development Policy sets forth the program of actions, objectives, and policies to be supported by an adjustment lending operation. The prospective borrower prepares the Letter of Development Policy as the basis for such operation. MIGA Documents: The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) was created in 1988 as a member of the World Bank Group to promote foreign direct investment into emerging economies to improve people's lives and reduce poverty. MIGA fulfills this mandate and contributes to development by offering political risk insurance (guarantees) to investors and lenders, and by helping developing countries attract and retain private investment. MIGA releases Environmental Impact Assessment Reports for various projects being underwritten by MIGA. OED: OED's major document ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) There are generally nine recognized subsets of depression: Major depression results in extreme sadness, hopelessness, lack of energy, irritability, trouble concentrating, changes in sleep or eating habits, feelings of guilt, physical pain, and suicidal thoughts. Dysthymia depression is just an overall low–feeling mood over a long period of time. People can function with Dysthymia depression but it is difficult and in no way ideal. Some symptoms include sadness, trouble concentrating, fatigue, and changes in sleep habits, and appetite. Postpartum depression is characterized by feelings of extreme sadness, fatigue, loneliness, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, and feelings of disconnect from a child after a woman gives birth. This is usually found ... Show more content on ... It is most likely due to a decrease in sunlight, and can be treated with light therapy. Some symptoms include anxiety, increased irritability, daytime fatigue, and weight gain. Atypical depression commonly includes a sense of heaviness in the arms and legs, like a form of paralysis, in addition to oversleeping and overeating. People with this condition may also gain weight, become very irritable, and may even experience relationship issues. Psychotic depression is a mental state characterized by delusions and hallucinations. About twenty percent of people with depression have episodes so severe that they see or hear things that are not there. Bipolar Disorder, also called manic depressive disorder, consists of periods of extreme lows followed by periods of extreme highs. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a type of depression that affects women during the second half of their menstrual cycles and is more severe than PMS. Symptoms include depression, anxiety, and extreme mood swings. Situational depression is usually triggered by a stressful or life–changing event, such as job loss, the death of a loved one, severe trauma or even a bad breakup. Situational depression tends to clear up over time on its own, but can turn into major ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Seasonal Affective Disorder Paper Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorder is just like its abbreviation spells out...SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a very common type of depression. It is a depression that is related to changes in the seasons. Seasonal Affective Disorder is mostly associated with late fall and winter when it is cold outside and less with spring and early summer when it is hot outside. The definition makes you wonder what causes this type of disorder, does it not? The Causes of Seasonal Affective Disorder "Doctors do not know the causes of Seasonal Affective Disorder" (Seasonal Affective Disorder, 2016), but it has been thought to be caused by lack of sunlight (Mayo Clinic, 2016). When daylight's saving time occurs, this disorder may ... Show more content on ... For example, if you find yourself feeling down in the dumps during cold days and it is brought on by stress from work, family, and friends, just the weather itself, then it would seem like a lot of people would have this disorder, but it could also be confused with bipolar disorder, which can change a person's mood as well. The main difference is that bipolar disorder can happen during any season, not just during fall and winter like Seasonal Affective Disorder; for that disorder was named for that reason. So, if you know someone who you think may have Seasonal Affective Disorder, encourage them to do some things that will help them get their minds off depressive thoughts and bring their spirits up. Also, do not just make the feel loved; let them know that they are loved. That should surely help them, especially during this holiday ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Seasonal Affective Disorder Paper Relationship between Light Therapy and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is best characterized as a mild depression that typically lasts for a season. This type of depression usually occurs during the fall and winter months, which tends to disappear throughout the rest of the year. The disorder was initially introduced in the DSM–IV in 1994, identified as a depression disorder with a seasonal pattern (Rosenthal & Rosenthal, 2006). Furthermore, the symptoms of SAD are very similar to major depression, but varies in severity. According to the American Psychology Association (2015), "symptoms include fatigue, pervasively sad mood, loss of interest, sleep difficulty or excessive sleeping, craving and eating more ... Show more content on ... The light box is a highly designed fixture that exposes artificial light. Mayo Clinic (2015) has confirmed the light box is well designed, safe and effective; however, not approved or regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. According to Peters (2015), "The light box generates a standard wavelength and amount of light. The light provided is toward the red end of the color spectrum." In most cases, the intensity of the bright light has ranged from 2,500 lux to 10,000 lux depending of the size of the room. The purpose of the light box is to mimic natural outdoor light; which is assumed to affect the brain chemicals liked to a person's mood and lessen their SAD symptoms by resetting their circadian rhythm. Therefore this current research is to investigate the relationship between light therapy and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in a clinical trial that included a randomized placebo group as well. Specifically, I hypothesized that the light therapy of 2,500 lux will lessen the symptoms of ... Get more on ...