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Project Deliverable 5: Network Infrastructure and Security
CIS 499 – Information Systems Capstone
November 25, 2018
Project Scope
The project will comprise of a network design to meet Acme
Corporation network infrastructure requirements. The network
should accommodate occasional guest users of up to 10 users.
The network design will incorporate an FTP server that will use
for sharing files. The project should involve separate subnet for
guest and LAN networks; the guest network should be restricted
to access only FTP service on the FTP server while all other
access to the LAN network will be blocked. The project will
also involve IP Network Design as well as identification and
configuration details of the hardware utilized (Switches and
Routers). Included in the network design is the implementation
of a Wireless LAN (WLAN) that minimizes the management
effort to configure and manage while allowing effective data
transmission between the Wireless Application Protocols
Network design
The network will use a star topology where it provides
centralized handling of the network and its’ associated security.
Each of the floors of the building will have a central server
which host switches that link the different rooms via ethernet
cables. Each of the rooms will have a switch that is linked to
the central server's router. The servers will be linked via fiber
optic cables. The ethernet cables will be utilized for connecting
individual devices to their associated switches. The network
design will involve the utilization of both wired and wireless
media. The wireless media will allow for a network connection
for portable devices like tablets, cell phones, and laptops.
The switch links allow the traffic getting into the Acme’s LAN
from the MAN not to be congested. As more tablets are utilized
in the company, the WLAN bandwidth increases significantly to
each room. This requires that the WAPs supporting the 802.11n
protocol as well as faster 802.11ac standard require additional
power. As a result, switches with PoE+ give the required power.
These Switches utilize the existing Category-6 cable (Ethernet
cables) that allow for remote administration and configuration
(Karris, 2009).
Virtual LANs (VLAN) will be used to enables the network
administrator to group users into shared broadcast domains
irrespective of their physical position in the internetwork. For
instance, computer devices utilized by employees on two
different floors may be placed on the same VLAN. The staff has
their VLAN while the Guest VLAN is used by guests when
using wireless access points.
The company's network perimeter that detaches it from the
Internet comprises of two border core routers. The border
routers should then link to the Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Gateway. The Routers link to the servers, wireless access points
and switches as well as the LAN (internal network). The
switches will link with other VLAN switches that separate the
different VLANs for the various departments within the
corporation (like Accounting, Customer Support, and Finance).
Also, the switches link other switchers in the data center to
provide a highly secure subnet. This highly secure subnet forms
a physically segregated subnet. Even though the network will
have physically separated subnet for the various departments,
they have a common highly secure subnet that is shared by the
departments (Cisco Networking Academy Program, 2014).
Most of the data processing for Acme Corporation will be
addressed by a database management system located in the data
centers. The data centers should house a web server that is
utilized by the company's internal support crew. It should
contain an application update support server that is used for
patch management. Each of the data centers should house an
internal DNS server, an e-mail server, and user support
workstations. The main data center will be situated at the
Washington D.C. site while the data center at the St. Louis site
will serve as the backup data center in the event of a security
Network Design
A typical LAN for the Acme Corporation will comprise
numerous computer hosts linked together to form a star
topology. These devices will connect to a host device which
links to a switch. Such network configuration is flexible and
useful since it allows room for expansion where new tools may
be added thereby making it scalable. The network design is
ideal since it is easy to deploy and scalable which in turn
maximize the performance of the network.
Network security
The DMZ forms a perimeter zone between the WAN or the
Internet which is unsecured and the secure LAN. The primary
purpose of deploying a DMZ for the company is to keep the
company’s public information assets from the private ones. This
is achieved by logically and physically separating the company
network by use of two firewalls; one on the border of the
company WAN (which manages company connections), and the
other on the border of the company’s internal network.
Security policy
The security policy that covers Acme infrastructure includes the
installation of reliable antivirus software which acts as the final
line of defense from unwanted attacks. The antivirus program
detects and removes virus and malware as well as filter possibly
malicious downloads or emails. All employees must utilize
complex passwords in each of the computers and Web-based
applications that require key for access. Complex passwords
make it hard for hackers to crack them. The network
administrator must implement a network firewall that helps in
safeguarding all inbound and outbound network traffic (Cahn,
The security policy for the company also covers installation of
encryption software that protects data related to credit cards and
bank accounts. Strong encryption algorithms transform readable
data into unreadable codes that make altering of information
difficult to accomplish. Even when data is lost it becomes
obsolete without the keys used to encrypt the data. Also, the
security policy provides guidelines through employee training
on dos and don'ts of utilizing systems and Internet. For
example, on how to handle suspicious emails. The security
policy provides guidelines on putting limited access to critical
data, taking of regular back-ups and the securing of Wi-Fi
Networks that are highly vulnerable to attacks.
Cahn, R. S. (2008). Wide area network design: Concepts and
tools for optimization. San Francisco, Calif: Morgan Kaufmann
Cisco Networking Academy Program. (2014). Connecting
networks. Indianapolis, Indiana: Cisco Press.
Karris, S. T. (2009). Networks: Design and Management.
Fremont, Calif: Orchard Publications.
Bottom of Form
Project Deliverable 4: Analytics and Cloud Technology
CIS 499 – Information Systems Capstone
November 23, 2018
Data analytics involves scrutinizing data sets using specialized
systems destined to draw inferences from the information
therein. Therefore, analytics entails data sources, processing
systems, data and analytic models, the power to compute as well
as storage or sharing Medias. Such services could be hosted
offline or done over the internet. For services hosted over the
internet, the term cloud computing is used to refer to them.
When technological and analytical tools are utilized to extract
information especially where large data is involved, it’s referred
to as cloud analytics. Cloud computing provides benefits such
as lower costs, scalability, flexibility and secures the future of
the organization (Power, 2014).
Reason for the use of analytics and cloud technology
Cloud technology and use of analytics are cost effective.
Though it is always costly to launch the application of cloud
computing services, the maintenance cost associated are
considerably low. This, therefore, generally reduces the cost of
running cloud computing and analytics services. It also saves on
the amount of power used on cooling and power. This is made
possible using virtualization where the number of servers
needed in a big company is less. Thus more space is freed in
data centers. Therefore, less power is consumed. Cloud
technology also permits the development of data centers within
the cloud features. These data centers eliminate lengthy
organizational procedures when accessing services. Easier
access to services implies that cost incurred in data management
are saved. A company like Acme using cloud computing no
longer need to invest in expensive Information Technology
infrastructure and spend on hardware and software as well as
incur maintenance cost. Instead of too much investment of
administrative tasks, cloud computing can be used in place
since it allows access too many services with fewer charges.
Only IT personnel are required to run the business while
applying this technology.
Elasticity and flexibility are provided by cloud technology and
analytics. Hybrids clouds have grown among the many available
enterprises; therefore, companies have several alternatives to
choose from. Gartner has been the most significant hybrid
installed by large companies. Cloud technology deploys public,
private and hybrid models. The private cloud delivers services
from a business’ data while public cloud involves a third-party
service provider who delivers the needed cloud services. The
third model, the hybrid cloud model, combine public and private
cloud services, and the user makes their choice. Critical
workloads are usually run on the private cloud while burst
workloads are handled on the private cloud. As a result, cloud
technology permits migration flexibility of workloads from one
cloud to another or withdraw them from the cloud. Large
companies are highly advised to move to hybrid cloud
computing since it has more flexible features than the others.
Elasticity in scaling up work and scaling it down depending on
demand is possible over cloud technology. Such flexibility
eradicates the need for heavy local investment which may
remain inactive.
Implementing cloud technology and analytics ensures
availability of large data. Availability of big data facilitates
accurate analysis and viable decisions. Cloud technology
enables companies to trace back their databases with customers
easily as contrary to the difficulties associated with keeping up
with the information in the past. With access to a wide range of
data, companies can develop their analytical skills. This is not
only enhanced by the availability of data, but also cloud
provides the needed computing power to sort through the large
and unstructured data (Botta et al, 2014). Structuring that data
is made easier thereby saving time and as well facilitate great
decisions based on available data resulting to businesses
achieving their goals. Also, data is well presented to end users
in a manner that is easily understood.
Upgradeability of systems has also been enhanced by cloud
technology and analytics. Maintaining several thousand users
over a single PC which has constant privacy settings and
updates is a time-consuming or rather a close to impossible task
(Avram, 2014). It would require more time of access and more
finances in updating systems that expire regularly. Cloud
computing saves companies time and cost of maintaining
systems and could be redirected into achieving business goals.
Cloud computing also provides high levels of security due to
their specialization in economies of scale. Businesses require
their operations and data involving their customers to be secure
to build trust with them. When such a reputation is reached,
upgradeability of a business becomes simpler. Since cloud
technology and analytics is flexible, it is possible to access data
frequently and continuous edit to make necessary changes. This
is particularly helpful in increasing reliability since the wrong
data can be quickly detected and fixed before going viral (Botta
et al, 2014).
Software development has been fastened using cloud computing.
Where large companies deploy huge numbers of software
developers’ officers in their internal operation, they usually
achieve from development and implementation of software such
as cloud computing. In such an environment, companies
standardize the use of cloud computing to advance other
software. Database services among others can be integrated into
software development platform. Cloud computing also
facilitates the firm establishment of documentation practices
(Avram, 2014). Installing, testing and deployment of virtual
machines have been made faster by cloud computing due to
proper documentation and economies of scale enjoyed.
Analytics and cloud computing have facilitated carrying out of
more than one business. These services can be utilized as
business flexibility strategies such as a risk management tool.
Companies can identify potential risk from the available data
and learn how to manage them. It also allows businesses to
increase idleness of infrastructure in all its offices. Companies
can be in the interiors when cloud computing is used since only
access to the internet is required. Features such as caching, load
balancing and storage databases can be merged from various
businesses locations thereby simplifying business infrastructure
(Botta et al, 2014). If Acme Corporation decide to utilize cloud
computing services, we can easily expand due to the availability
of flexible features and architecture that allows the addition of
extra levels of modules into the system with ease.
Cloud computing can bring a benefit of green dimension to our
business. This enables our organization to achieve our
objectives under corporate social responsibility. Cloud
providers are capable of investing in a large scale into data
centers such that less hardware is used. With this, fewer
resources are wasted. Management is also made easier. Cloud
computing allows the display of almost everything on a digital
panel thus enabling quick identification and solving of problems
(Avram, 2014).
AppendixWorkflow diagram
screen layouts
Cloud computing and analytics is a viable business service that
all firms should consider investing in. Currently, it is the only
way to keep your business competitive and remain relevant in
the market. This is an avenue the Acme Corporation should
Avram, M. G. (2014). Advantages and challenges of adopting
cloud computing from an enterprise perspective. Procedia
Technology, 12, 529-534.
Botta, A., De Donato, W., Persico, V., & Pescapé, A. (2014,
August). On the integration of cloud computing and internet of
things. In Future internet of things and cloud (FiCloud), 2014
international conference on (pp. 23-30). IEEE.
Power, D. J. (2014). Using ‘Big Data for analytics and decision
support. Journal of Decision Systems, 23(2), 222-228.
Sacha, D., Stoffel, A., Stoffel, F., Kwon, B. C., Ellis, G., &
Keim, D. A. (2014). Knowledge generation model for visual
analytics. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer
graphics, 20(12), 1604-1613.
Project Deliverable 3: Database and Data Warehousing Design
CIS 499 – Information Systems Capstone
November 9, 2018
The ACME Company has a vast database of data that generally
ranges from terabytes. A data warehouse is a federated
repository for all data collected by an enterprise’s various
operational systems and therefore, the best option for use in this
case. A data warehouse is similar to a relational database that
can be housed on an enterprise mainframe or as it is today in the
cloud (Rouse, 2018). At any moment, one visit to a website
generates thousands of rescue records. Some of the data may not
be updated, but cannot be excluded until a few months later; it
will be used for analysis. This analysis generated future
business prospects. And this analysis depends on how data are
collected and how it should be organized to give a clear picture
of the analysis.
As the CIO of ACME, it is my responsibility to look for a data
warehouse vendor who can increase our analytics operations.
The requirement for the storage of data:
The number of new concepts and tools which has been
developed and integrated with the new technology is called Data
Warehousing. To understand more simply, a data warehouse is a
storage space for storing a huge amount of information in an
organization (George, Kumar & Kumar, 2015). It is a relational
database designed specifically to manage queries and analysis
rather than processing transactions (Jukic, Vrbsky & Nestorov,
2016). It is a well-organized organization, management, and
reporting of data. The main features of the data warehouse
allow you to save, collect and filter data in different systems at
higher levels. It typically contains historical data derived from
transaction data, but may also contain data from other sources.
It helps the organization consolidate analysis data from multiple
sources of transactional working time separation. In addition to
that, the environment includes an ETL data warehouse, which is
the extraction, transport and upload solution, OLAP, which is
the online processing engine analysis, analysis tools and other
tools to address the process of data collection. And finally,
deliver to business users. The data stored in these stores must
be stored in a reliable, secure and easily manageable way. The
need for data storage arises when companies become more
complex and start producing and collecting a huge amount of
data that is difficult to manage traditionally.
Data integration:
ACME’s information is voluminous and complex and is
complemented by various internal and external systems. It is
also necessary to analyze the data through different location,
time and channel systems. Therefore, data integration is needed
here so that all data is organized and stored in one place. It also
reduces the time and length of the reporting process, due to the
number of steps involved: extracting and retrieving data from a
single source, then sorting and combining data, and then
enriching data, by running reports on this topic uprooted. Data
archiving is not only a reliable data storage platform but also a
very powerful and excellent data integration platform. The data
stored in the data warehouse is completely integrated, variable,
volatile and object-oriented. It helps companies get a 360 ° view
of the organization.
ER Diagram:
The main entities that form the basis of the company are the
independent components that facilitate the correct collection of
data and send it to the data. The customer is a recipient of the
company's service.
The user visits the page. Web data analysis detects page details.
A page can have multiple visits. Recording the information
about an unexpected error status code must be done. A status
code can have many visits to the page. The registered user
information is the backbone of the "customer return" data
source. A registered user can have more than one visit. When
the data is saved, it must also be stored in the Time Period. At
any time, there may be more visits to the system. The registered
user receives a payment for his comments.
Site URLs can be social networks, online forms, and customized
Web pages.
Data Flow Diagram:
Mapping data source system, data warehouse, and specified data
George, J., Kumar, V., & Kumar, S. (2015, July). Data
Warehouse Design Considerations for a
Healthcare Business Intelligence System. In World congress
on engineering.
Jukic, N., Vrbsky, S., & Nestorov, S. (2016). Database Systems:
Introduction to Databases and
Data Warehouses. Prospect Press.
Rouse, M. (2018, November). Data
Warehouse. Retrieve from:
Online FormsWeb Page
Relational Database
Extract, Transform and Load Processes
Operational Data Store (ODS)
Data WarehouseData MartData Mart
Data Mart
Online Forms
Web Page
Customer Feedback
Relational Database
Extract, Transform and Load Processes
Operational Data Store (ODS)
Data Warehouse
Data Mart
Data Mart
Data Mart
Registered Users
1 ..*
1 ..*
1 ..*
1 ..*
1 ..*
1 ..*
1 ..*
1 ..*
1 ..*
1 ..*
* ..*
1 ..*
Data GranualityCollection systemIntegration
ProcessOperational Data StoreStaging/Verification
DatabaseIntegrated Data Warehouse Page VisitCountOnline
logging dataData integrity
Data Granuality
Collection system
Integration Process
Operational Data Store
Staging/Verification Database
Integrated Data Warehouse
Page Visit
Online logging data
Data integrity Code
Data Mart
Project planning and management
Project Planning and Management
CIS 499 – Information Systems Capstone
November 2, 2018
Project planning and management are one of the most
fundamental aspects of any business or company, and it is,
therefore, crucial to ensure that these aspects are taken into
consideration to provide the desired result to the business or
company. It is imperative to take into consideration all the
important aspects of the project before its launch to effectively
ensure that all the deliverables that are involved such as cost,
timeline, workforce etcetera are known before launching the
project. Also, it is also critical to ensure that there is proper
management of the project to derive a balance between planning
and control and consequently ensure that it will run according
to plan. To have a better understanding of this fundamental
subject, this study will assess the following. The first analysis
will be on the definition and description of the scope of the
project. Also, the study will assess how to speculate and control
the scope.
Moreover, the study will assess the possible risks, constraints as
well as the assumptions. The study will further speculate on the
needs of off-shoring as well as outsourcing. The study will
culminate on an analysis of the identification of the necessary
resources that are necessary.
Describe and define the scope of the project.
The project involves one, increasing the number of employees
in the department of information technology. Also, the company
will also aim at hosting the systems by itself. Despite the fact
that the company had initially opted to host the system in other
entities in order to reduce cost, the changing business dynamics
have led to other costs and thereby prompting the company to
rethink its current model and consequently opt to change the
technological needs and also redesign the current structure in
order to meet its current obligations (Chen & Mocker, 2010). In
so doing, the company will need to host some of its systems to
keep abreast with all the changing aspects of the business and
make it easier for the company to keep tabs on their systems.
Also, the project will also involve the development of new
designs and to train the employees or the personnel in the
workplace on how to use the new designs. All the technological
experts will be involved to ensure that they are the drivers of
the information technology needs in the organization. Also, all
the types of data will be merged to aid in the decision-making
process. The authorized devices will be plugged in, to ensure
that the user interface has become effective. Moreover, there are
also some security measures that will be incorporated to prevent
people that are not authorized from accessing the system as well
as allow for disruptions, modifications, and disclosures
(Shmueli & Koppius, 2011). A security management plan will
also be developed to establish security protocols, and further
protect all the information assets of the company. It will be
imperative for the organization to protect all the databases
before access and only authorized personnel will have access to
the system. The project will also involve the use of a hybrid
solution that will be made securely. It will also be important to
ensure that all the essential aspects have been taken into
Speculate as to how to control the scope
The scope will be controlled in a way that will ensure that all
the important aspects have been considered such as the cost of
the project. In addition, the project will also involve timelines
both short term and long term in a way that will enable the
gradual and timely progress of the scope. The scope will also be
controlled by ensuring that all the details and deliverables of
the project are known before the launch of the project to ensure
that everything has been established and that all the needed
resources are known. The scope will also be controlled by
ensuring that the entire workforce and the employees that are
needed for the project are sourced and that they are assigned
effective roles and responsibilities that will enable the project
to be achieved within the set timelines. Besides, this will also
foster the effectiveness of the project by ensuring that the tasks
and responsibilities for conducting the project are assigned to
the right people and with the right responsibilities to achieve
the needed results.
Identify possible risks, constraints, and assumptions
Some of the risks that may emerge in the project include the
risk of unprecedented costs as well as the risk of failing to
complete the project on time. The major risk, however, is on
unprecedented costs since it is not clear as to the amount of cost
that will be involved throughout the project and more so after
the completion of the project. There are some costs that can
emerge in the course of achieving the project and thereby lead
to an expensive project that may be difficult to achieve. Also,
there is also the risk of unforeseen difficulties, which may also
affect the completion of the project due to limited knowledge on
the difficulties (Clemons & Kauffman, 2011). One of the
constraints that may emerge includes the constraint of time,
whereby the organization may be limited in time and thereby
making it difficult to complete certain deliverables and
consequently hamper the completion of the project.
The assumptions of the project include the following.
1. That the project will be achieved within the stipulated
2. That the project will be achieved within the estimated budget
and that there will be no additional costs that will be accrued or
incurred in the course of achieving the project
3. That the project will have the necessary workforce to foster
the completion of the project
Describe the relationship and integration between systems and
infrastructure. Note: Database and Data Warehousing,
Analytics, Interfaces, and Cloud Technology, and Infrastructure
and Security should be considered.
The relationship and integration between infrastructure and
system are borne out of the fact that they are both dependants
on one another. The data warehousing and analytics are related
to one another by virtual of the fact that they both contain the
cloud technology and interface that is needed for the project.
The infrastructure should also be conducted in a way that will
foster security to enhance the security of the system and
consequently lead to the attainment of the project.
Speculate on potential outsourcing or offshoring needs
Some of the outsourcing and offshoring needs that may be
required include outsourcing for technology that may be needed
for the completion of the project but may not be currently
present in the project. Also, the company may also outsource
for more employees and more particularly professionals in the
information and technology sector with advanced knowledge or
vast experience that may not be currently present in the
organization or company. The organization may also outsource
warehouses if the current ones within the organization or
company seem insufficient or if the company finds a need to
look for more to necessitate the faster completion of the project.
Identify and justify the necessary resources including staffing
that is necessary
Some of the resources that will be needed for the completion of
the project include first and foremost an efficient budget to
cater for the cost of the project (Chen & Mocker, 2010). The
project will also require an efficient workforce that will be
achieved through proper staffing to ensure that there is a
sufficient workforce to undertake the project. The resources
such as the data warehouses will also be resourced to ensure
that all the needed resources for making the project are there.
Finally, it will also be critical to ensure that all there is a proper
plan or blueprint that will guide the project towards its
completion (Shmueli & Koppius, 2011). All the above will have
to go together to foster the successful realization of the project
and to ensure further that the project is completed on time.
Chen, D. Q., & Mocker, M. (2010). Information Systems
Strategy: Reconceptualization,
Measurement, and Implications. MIS Quarterly, 34(2),
Clemons, E. K., & Kauffman, R. J. (2011). Special Section:
Competitive Strategy, Economics,
and Information Systems. Journal of Management
Information Systems, 27(3), 7-10.
Shmueli, G., & Koppius, O. R. (2011). Predictive Analytics in
Information Systems Research.
MIS Quarterly, 35(3), 553-572.
Project Deliverable 1: Project Plan Inception
CIS 499 – Information Systems Capstone
October 14, 2018
In the last two years, the ACME Company has experienced
continued growth. This growth is expected to continue in the
very near future. Specifically, the company is expected to
experience a 60% growth in the next eighteen months. This rate
of growth has presented new challenges for the company. It now
has to redesign its information systems for the larger office
space occupied. The continued growth has also highlighted the
need to set up the company to deal with more data and ensure
for safety and security for its clients. The ACME Company is
currently valued at $25 million but is expected to experience
significant growth in the future.
Type of Business
The ACME Company collects data using Web analytics and
combines it with operational systems data. Increasingly,
businesses have appreciated the competitive edge presented by
analyzing market data. However, the successful use of data in
decision making is a long process that has greatly influenced
the growth of information systems. Some of the major steps in
this process include collecting information and interpreting its
significance. This is intended to compare the external and
internal environments of a business and propose better practices
that would benefit as a whole.
ACME based its information technology on a hybrid model
where some of the systems are hosted and other in-house. This
method was initially done with the goal of minimizing costs.
However, a lot has changed in the business that necessitates
major changes to be made.
Skilled Information Systems Personnel
At the moment, there are only four employees in the company
dedicated to the Information Technology department. ACME
has adopted a hybrid solution to information technology where
much of the systems used by the company were hosted by other
entities. This was believed to be part of cutting costs. As the
business has continually grown, its information technology
needs have expanded and redesigned to meet its current
The personnel at the company will need to be trained to use any
other systems introduced at the workplace. Although all the
workers are trained information technology experts, it will be
important to involve them in the development of the new design
to facilitate its effectiveness. This is primarily intended to
ensure that all the qualified personnel at the organization are
well-informed about the information technology changes
occurring at the workplace.
Types of Data
ACME collects web analytics and combines it with operational
systems data. Web analytics includes all the data that relates to
the performance of a website. The continued growth of e-
commerce has meant that businesses are taking their online
sales more seriously. Many companies now make more revenue
through their online sales. It has hence become essential to
remain aware of the performance of an organization on its
online platform (Clemons & Kauffman, 2011).
As stated previously, the information obtained from web
analytics combines with the data of the operational system.
Operational systems data refers to the systems used to process
information on the day-to-day activities in a work environment.
The goal is to merge these types of data to assist in internal
decision making.
Organization’s Information Systems
The company now uses a computer-based decision support
system that aims to facilitate organizational decision-making
activates. The operational system at ACME is a computer-based
system that processes and interprets data. There are various
stages and methods of obtaining, and analyzing data; especially
as a result of the existing varied marketplace. Each
organization's web analytics and operational systems are
analyzed based on the unique nature of each workplace. The
organization starts by identifying the needs of each data set, and
how it should be combined with other relevant information to
become valuable.
The company uses hosting services for its databases. The on-
site databases have limited use, and usually contains
information on recent internal activities. The use of hosting
services presents companies with some benefits. For example, it
allows for easy and flexible access to the company’s data. The
company also preferred hosted database services because it does
not have to invest in its own databases. This method was
presented as an option to cut operational costs. Hosted solutions
have been a big boost for the company in the last two years.
Analytics and Interfaces
The web analytics obtained by the company are categorized into
three main classifications: web structure, content, and usage
(Shmueli & Koppius, 2011). These are the three main
parameters used in web analytics to assisting in internal
decision making within organizations. The web has been
presenting revenue and other opportunities to businesses for the
last few decades. The goal is to determine what nature of web
structure, content, and usage maximizes the performance of an
organization. This is especially important in the field of e-
commerce continually grows to dominate the modern
The information systems at the ACME Company will be
connected across all three floors. There will be wires, plugs,
and sockets to facilitate this interconnectedness. It will be
possible to plug in authorized devices with options for simple
but effective user interfaces (Shmueli & Koppius, 2011).
Infrastructure and Security
The system at ACME will adhere to a coherent foundation that
will support responsive change, and agility in a rapidly growing
company (Chen & Mocker, 2010). The system’s design will
incorporate security measures that limit unauthorized access,
use, disclosures, disruptions, or modifications. A detailed
security management plan will be developed to define the
security controls to protects the information assets at the
company. All databases will require authorization before access.
Some information will only be accessible by some employees.
All activities that will be undertaken using the system will be
monitored by the IT department.
Since a hybrid solution will be used, the hosting choice will be
made with the issue of security in mind. The continued growth
of the business has placed more importance on responsibility
and accountability on the IT department. In this case, the level
of security provided by the hosting solution will have to meet
the company’s benchmark. There will also be other
considerations such as the ease of access, and reliable enough
for the tasks at the company.
Chen, D. Q., & Mocker, M. (2010). Information Systems
Strategy: Reconceptualization,
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  • 1. Running head: NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE AND SECURITY 1 NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE AND SECURITY 2 Project Deliverable 5: Network Infrastructure and Security CIS 499 – Information Systems Capstone November 25, 2018 Project Scope The project will comprise of a network design to meet Acme Corporation network infrastructure requirements. The network should accommodate occasional guest users of up to 10 users. The network design will incorporate an FTP server that will use for sharing files. The project should involve separate subnet for guest and LAN networks; the guest network should be restricted to access only FTP service on the FTP server while all other access to the LAN network will be blocked. The project will also involve IP Network Design as well as identification and configuration details of the hardware utilized (Switches and Routers). Included in the network design is the implementation of a Wireless LAN (WLAN) that minimizes the management effort to configure and manage while allowing effective data transmission between the Wireless Application Protocols (WAPs). Network design The network will use a star topology where it provides centralized handling of the network and its’ associated security. Each of the floors of the building will have a central server which host switches that link the different rooms via ethernet cables. Each of the rooms will have a switch that is linked to the central server's router. The servers will be linked via fiber
  • 2. optic cables. The ethernet cables will be utilized for connecting individual devices to their associated switches. The network design will involve the utilization of both wired and wireless media. The wireless media will allow for a network connection for portable devices like tablets, cell phones, and laptops. The switch links allow the traffic getting into the Acme’s LAN from the MAN not to be congested. As more tablets are utilized in the company, the WLAN bandwidth increases significantly to each room. This requires that the WAPs supporting the 802.11n protocol as well as faster 802.11ac standard require additional power. As a result, switches with PoE+ give the required power. These Switches utilize the existing Category-6 cable (Ethernet cables) that allow for remote administration and configuration (Karris, 2009). Virtual LANs (VLAN) will be used to enables the network administrator to group users into shared broadcast domains irrespective of their physical position in the internetwork. For instance, computer devices utilized by employees on two different floors may be placed on the same VLAN. The staff has their VLAN while the Guest VLAN is used by guests when using wireless access points. The company's network perimeter that detaches it from the Internet comprises of two border core routers. The border routers should then link to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) Gateway. The Routers link to the servers, wireless access points and switches as well as the LAN (internal network). The switches will link with other VLAN switches that separate the different VLANs for the various departments within the corporation (like Accounting, Customer Support, and Finance). Also, the switches link other switchers in the data center to provide a highly secure subnet. This highly secure subnet forms a physically segregated subnet. Even though the network will have physically separated subnet for the various departments, they have a common highly secure subnet that is shared by the
  • 3. departments (Cisco Networking Academy Program, 2014). Most of the data processing for Acme Corporation will be addressed by a database management system located in the data centers. The data centers should house a web server that is utilized by the company's internal support crew. It should contain an application update support server that is used for patch management. Each of the data centers should house an internal DNS server, an e-mail server, and user support workstations. The main data center will be situated at the Washington D.C. site while the data center at the St. Louis site will serve as the backup data center in the event of a security emergency. Network Design A typical LAN for the Acme Corporation will comprise numerous computer hosts linked together to form a star topology. These devices will connect to a host device which links to a switch. Such network configuration is flexible and useful since it allows room for expansion where new tools may be added thereby making it scalable. The network design is ideal since it is easy to deploy and scalable which in turn maximize the performance of the network. Network security The DMZ forms a perimeter zone between the WAN or the Internet which is unsecured and the secure LAN. The primary purpose of deploying a DMZ for the company is to keep the company’s public information assets from the private ones. This is achieved by logically and physically separating the company network by use of two firewalls; one on the border of the company WAN (which manages company connections), and the other on the border of the company’s internal network. Security policy
  • 4. The security policy that covers Acme infrastructure includes the installation of reliable antivirus software which acts as the final line of defense from unwanted attacks. The antivirus program detects and removes virus and malware as well as filter possibly malicious downloads or emails. All employees must utilize complex passwords in each of the computers and Web-based applications that require key for access. Complex passwords make it hard for hackers to crack them. The network administrator must implement a network firewall that helps in safeguarding all inbound and outbound network traffic (Cahn, 2008). The security policy for the company also covers installation of encryption software that protects data related to credit cards and bank accounts. Strong encryption algorithms transform readable data into unreadable codes that make altering of information difficult to accomplish. Even when data is lost it becomes obsolete without the keys used to encrypt the data. Also, the security policy provides guidelines through employee training on dos and don'ts of utilizing systems and Internet. For example, on how to handle suspicious emails. The security policy provides guidelines on putting limited access to critical data, taking of regular back-ups and the securing of Wi-Fi Networks that are highly vulnerable to attacks. References Cahn, R. S. (2008). Wide area network design: Concepts and tools for optimization. San Francisco, Calif: Morgan Kaufmann Cisco Networking Academy Program. (2014). Connecting networks. Indianapolis, Indiana: Cisco Press. Karris, S. T. (2009). Networks: Design and Management. Fremont, Calif: Orchard Publications. Bottom of Form Running Head: CLOUD TECHNOLOGY AND ANALYTICS
  • 5. 9 Project Deliverable 4: Analytics and Cloud Technology CIS 499 – Information Systems Capstone November 23, 2018 Introduction Data analytics involves scrutinizing data sets using specialized systems destined to draw inferences from the information therein. Therefore, analytics entails data sources, processing systems, data and analytic models, the power to compute as well as storage or sharing Medias. Such services could be hosted offline or done over the internet. For services hosted over the internet, the term cloud computing is used to refer to them. When technological and analytical tools are utilized to extract information especially where large data is involved, it’s referred to as cloud analytics. Cloud computing provides benefits such as lower costs, scalability, flexibility and secures the future of the organization (Power, 2014). Reason for the use of analytics and cloud technology Cloud technology and use of analytics are cost effective. Though it is always costly to launch the application of cloud
  • 6. computing services, the maintenance cost associated are considerably low. This, therefore, generally reduces the cost of running cloud computing and analytics services. It also saves on the amount of power used on cooling and power. This is made possible using virtualization where the number of servers needed in a big company is less. Thus more space is freed in data centers. Therefore, less power is consumed. Cloud technology also permits the development of data centers within the cloud features. These data centers eliminate lengthy organizational procedures when accessing services. Easier access to services implies that cost incurred in data management are saved. A company like Acme using cloud computing no longer need to invest in expensive Information Technology infrastructure and spend on hardware and software as well as incur maintenance cost. Instead of too much investment of administrative tasks, cloud computing can be used in place since it allows access too many services with fewer charges. Only IT personnel are required to run the business while applying this technology. Elasticity and flexibility are provided by cloud technology and analytics. Hybrids clouds have grown among the many available enterprises; therefore, companies have several alternatives to choose from. Gartner has been the most significant hybrid installed by large companies. Cloud technology deploys public, private and hybrid models. The private cloud delivers services from a business’ data while public cloud involves a third-party service provider who delivers the needed cloud services. The third model, the hybrid cloud model, combine public and private cloud services, and the user makes their choice. Critical workloads are usually run on the private cloud while burst workloads are handled on the private cloud. As a result, cloud technology permits migration flexibility of workloads from one cloud to another or withdraw them from the cloud. Large companies are highly advised to move to hybrid cloud computing since it has more flexible features than the others. Elasticity in scaling up work and scaling it down depending on
  • 7. demand is possible over cloud technology. Such flexibility eradicates the need for heavy local investment which may remain inactive. Implementing cloud technology and analytics ensures availability of large data. Availability of big data facilitates accurate analysis and viable decisions. Cloud technology enables companies to trace back their databases with customers easily as contrary to the difficulties associated with keeping up with the information in the past. With access to a wide range of data, companies can develop their analytical skills. This is not only enhanced by the availability of data, but also cloud provides the needed computing power to sort through the large and unstructured data (Botta et al, 2014). Structuring that data is made easier thereby saving time and as well facilitate great decisions based on available data resulting to businesses achieving their goals. Also, data is well presented to end users in a manner that is easily understood. Upgradeability of systems has also been enhanced by cloud technology and analytics. Maintaining several thousand users over a single PC which has constant privacy settings and updates is a time-consuming or rather a close to impossible task (Avram, 2014). It would require more time of access and more finances in updating systems that expire regularly. Cloud computing saves companies time and cost of maintaining systems and could be redirected into achieving business goals. Cloud computing also provides high levels of security due to their specialization in economies of scale. Businesses require their operations and data involving their customers to be secure to build trust with them. When such a reputation is reached, upgradeability of a business becomes simpler. Since cloud technology and analytics is flexible, it is possible to access data frequently and continuous edit to make necessary changes. This is particularly helpful in increasing reliability since the wrong data can be quickly detected and fixed before going viral (Botta et al, 2014). Software development has been fastened using cloud computing.
  • 8. Where large companies deploy huge numbers of software developers’ officers in their internal operation, they usually achieve from development and implementation of software such as cloud computing. In such an environment, companies standardize the use of cloud computing to advance other software. Database services among others can be integrated into software development platform. Cloud computing also facilitates the firm establishment of documentation practices (Avram, 2014). Installing, testing and deployment of virtual machines have been made faster by cloud computing due to proper documentation and economies of scale enjoyed. Analytics and cloud computing have facilitated carrying out of more than one business. These services can be utilized as business flexibility strategies such as a risk management tool. Companies can identify potential risk from the available data and learn how to manage them. It also allows businesses to increase idleness of infrastructure in all its offices. Companies can be in the interiors when cloud computing is used since only access to the internet is required. Features such as caching, load balancing and storage databases can be merged from various businesses locations thereby simplifying business infrastructure (Botta et al, 2014). If Acme Corporation decide to utilize cloud computing services, we can easily expand due to the availability of flexible features and architecture that allows the addition of extra levels of modules into the system with ease. Cloud computing can bring a benefit of green dimension to our business. This enables our organization to achieve our objectives under corporate social responsibility. Cloud providers are capable of investing in a large scale into data centers such that less hardware is used. With this, fewer resources are wasted. Management is also made easier. Cloud computing allows the display of almost everything on a digital panel thus enabling quick identification and solving of problems (Avram, 2014). AppendixWorkflow diagram
  • 9. ANALYTICS AND CLOUD TECHNOLOGY 2 screen layouts Recommendation Cloud computing and analytics is a viable business service that all firms should consider investing in. Currently, it is the only way to keep your business competitive and remain relevant in the market. This is an avenue the Acme Corporation should pursue. References Avram, M. G. (2014). Advantages and challenges of adopting cloud computing from an enterprise perspective. Procedia Technology, 12, 529-534. Botta, A., De Donato, W., Persico, V., & Pescapé, A. (2014,
  • 10. August). On the integration of cloud computing and internet of things. In Future internet of things and cloud (FiCloud), 2014 international conference on (pp. 23-30). IEEE. Power, D. J. (2014). Using ‘Big Data for analytics and decision support. Journal of Decision Systems, 23(2), 222-228. Sacha, D., Stoffel, A., Stoffel, F., Kwon, B. C., Ellis, G., & Keim, D. A. (2014). Knowledge generation model for visual analytics. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 20(12), 1604-1613. DATABASE AND DATA WAREHOUSING DESIGN 1 DATABASE AND DATA WAREHOUSING DESIGN 4 Project Deliverable 3: Database and Data Warehousing Design CIS 499 – Information Systems Capstone November 9, 2018 Instruction: The ACME Company has a vast database of data that generally ranges from terabytes. A data warehouse is a federated repository for all data collected by an enterprise’s various operational systems and therefore, the best option for use in this case. A data warehouse is similar to a relational database that can be housed on an enterprise mainframe or as it is today in the cloud (Rouse, 2018). At any moment, one visit to a website generates thousands of rescue records. Some of the data may not be updated, but cannot be excluded until a few months later; it will be used for analysis. This analysis generated future
  • 11. business prospects. And this analysis depends on how data are collected and how it should be organized to give a clear picture of the analysis. As the CIO of ACME, it is my responsibility to look for a data warehouse vendor who can increase our analytics operations. The requirement for the storage of data: The number of new concepts and tools which has been developed and integrated with the new technology is called Data Warehousing. To understand more simply, a data warehouse is a storage space for storing a huge amount of information in an organization (George, Kumar & Kumar, 2015). It is a relational database designed specifically to manage queries and analysis rather than processing transactions (Jukic, Vrbsky & Nestorov, 2016). It is a well-organized organization, management, and reporting of data. The main features of the data warehouse allow you to save, collect and filter data in different systems at higher levels. It typically contains historical data derived from transaction data, but may also contain data from other sources. It helps the organization consolidate analysis data from multiple sources of transactional working time separation. In addition to that, the environment includes an ETL data warehouse, which is the extraction, transport and upload solution, OLAP, which is the online processing engine analysis, analysis tools and other tools to address the process of data collection. And finally, deliver to business users. The data stored in these stores must be stored in a reliable, secure and easily manageable way. The need for data storage arises when companies become more complex and start producing and collecting a huge amount of data that is difficult to manage traditionally. Data integration: ACME’s information is voluminous and complex and is complemented by various internal and external systems. It is also necessary to analyze the data through different location, time and channel systems. Therefore, data integration is needed here so that all data is organized and stored in one place. It also reduces the time and length of the reporting process, due to the
  • 12. number of steps involved: extracting and retrieving data from a single source, then sorting and combining data, and then enriching data, by running reports on this topic uprooted. Data archiving is not only a reliable data storage platform but also a very powerful and excellent data integration platform. The data stored in the data warehouse is completely integrated, variable, volatile and object-oriented. It helps companies get a 360 ° view of the organization. ER Diagram: The main entities that form the basis of the company are the independent components that facilitate the correct collection of data and send it to the data. The customer is a recipient of the company's service. The user visits the page. Web data analysis detects page details. A page can have multiple visits. Recording the information about an unexpected error status code must be done. A status code can have many visits to the page. The registered user information is the backbone of the "customer return" data source. A registered user can have more than one visit. When the data is saved, it must also be stored in the Time Period. At any time, there may be more visits to the system. The registered user receives a payment for his comments. Site URLs can be social networks, online forms, and customized Web pages. Data Flow Diagram:
  • 13. Mapping data source system, data warehouse, and specified data mart: References George, J., Kumar, V., & Kumar, S. (2015, July). Data Warehouse Design Considerations for a Healthcare Business Intelligence System. In World congress on engineering. Jukic, N., Vrbsky, S., & Nestorov, S. (2016). Database Systems: Introduction to Databases and Data Warehouses. Prospect Press. Rouse, M. (2018, November). Data Warehouse. Retrieve from: warehouse Online FormsWeb Page Customer Feedback SEO Relational Database Extract, Transform and Load Processes Operational Data Store (ODS) Data WarehouseData MartData Mart Data Mart � � Online Forms Web Page Customer Feedback SEO
  • 14. Relational Database Extract, Transform and Load Processes Operational Data Store (ODS) Data Warehouse Data Mart Data Mart Data Mart Client PKclient_ID Pages PKpage_ID StatusCode PKstatusCode_ID PagesVisit PKpageVisit_ID Visit PKvisit_ID Registered Users PKuser_ID ServerLog PKlog_ID TimePeriod PKperiod_ID VistFact PKvisitFact_ID Payment PKpayment_ID InteractionTypes
  • 15. PKinteraction_ID Ref_Calender PKreporting_Time 1 ..* 1 ..* 1 ..* 1 ..* 1 ..* 1 ..* 1 ..* 1 ..* 1 ..* 1 ..* * ..* 1 ..* � Table Data GranualityCollection systemIntegration ProcessOperational Data StoreStaging/Verification DatabaseIntegrated Data Warehouse Page VisitCountOnline logging dataData integrity CodeREPORTINGVisitPageTimePeriodPageVisitVisitFactData Mart � � � � Data Granuality Collection system Integration Process Operational Data Store
  • 16. Staging/Verification Database Integrated Data Warehouse Page Visit Count Visit Online logging data Data integrity Code Data Mart R E P O R T I N G Page TimePeriod PageVisit VisitFact Running head: PROJECT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 1
  • 17. Project planning and management 4 Project Planning and Management CIS 499 – Information Systems Capstone November 2, 2018 Project planning and management are one of the most fundamental aspects of any business or company, and it is, therefore, crucial to ensure that these aspects are taken into consideration to provide the desired result to the business or company. It is imperative to take into consideration all the important aspects of the project before its launch to effectively ensure that all the deliverables that are involved such as cost, timeline, workforce etcetera are known before launching the project. Also, it is also critical to ensure that there is proper management of the project to derive a balance between planning and control and consequently ensure that it will run according to plan. To have a better understanding of this fundamental subject, this study will assess the following. The first analysis will be on the definition and description of the scope of the project. Also, the study will assess how to speculate and control the scope. Moreover, the study will assess the possible risks, constraints as
  • 18. well as the assumptions. The study will further speculate on the needs of off-shoring as well as outsourcing. The study will culminate on an analysis of the identification of the necessary resources that are necessary. Describe and define the scope of the project. The project involves one, increasing the number of employees in the department of information technology. Also, the company will also aim at hosting the systems by itself. Despite the fact that the company had initially opted to host the system in other entities in order to reduce cost, the changing business dynamics have led to other costs and thereby prompting the company to rethink its current model and consequently opt to change the technological needs and also redesign the current structure in order to meet its current obligations (Chen & Mocker, 2010). In so doing, the company will need to host some of its systems to keep abreast with all the changing aspects of the business and make it easier for the company to keep tabs on their systems. Also, the project will also involve the development of new designs and to train the employees or the personnel in the workplace on how to use the new designs. All the technological experts will be involved to ensure that they are the drivers of the information technology needs in the organization. Also, all the types of data will be merged to aid in the decision-making process. The authorized devices will be plugged in, to ensure that the user interface has become effective. Moreover, there are also some security measures that will be incorporated to prevent people that are not authorized from accessing the system as well as allow for disruptions, modifications, and disclosures (Shmueli & Koppius, 2011). A security management plan will also be developed to establish security protocols, and further protect all the information assets of the company. It will be imperative for the organization to protect all the databases before access and only authorized personnel will have access to the system. The project will also involve the use of a hybrid solution that will be made securely. It will also be important to
  • 19. ensure that all the essential aspects have been taken into consideration. Speculate as to how to control the scope The scope will be controlled in a way that will ensure that all the important aspects have been considered such as the cost of the project. In addition, the project will also involve timelines both short term and long term in a way that will enable the gradual and timely progress of the scope. The scope will also be controlled by ensuring that all the details and deliverables of the project are known before the launch of the project to ensure that everything has been established and that all the needed resources are known. The scope will also be controlled by ensuring that the entire workforce and the employees that are needed for the project are sourced and that they are assigned effective roles and responsibilities that will enable the project to be achieved within the set timelines. Besides, this will also foster the effectiveness of the project by ensuring that the tasks and responsibilities for conducting the project are assigned to the right people and with the right responsibilities to achieve the needed results. Identify possible risks, constraints, and assumptions Some of the risks that may emerge in the project include the risk of unprecedented costs as well as the risk of failing to complete the project on time. The major risk, however, is on unprecedented costs since it is not clear as to the amount of cost that will be involved throughout the project and more so after the completion of the project. There are some costs that can emerge in the course of achieving the project and thereby lead to an expensive project that may be difficult to achieve. Also, there is also the risk of unforeseen difficulties, which may also affect the completion of the project due to limited knowledge on the difficulties (Clemons & Kauffman, 2011). One of the constraints that may emerge includes the constraint of time, whereby the organization may be limited in time and thereby making it difficult to complete certain deliverables and consequently hamper the completion of the project.
  • 20. The assumptions of the project include the following. 1. That the project will be achieved within the stipulated timeline 2. That the project will be achieved within the estimated budget and that there will be no additional costs that will be accrued or incurred in the course of achieving the project 3. That the project will have the necessary workforce to foster the completion of the project Describe the relationship and integration between systems and infrastructure. Note: Database and Data Warehousing, Analytics, Interfaces, and Cloud Technology, and Infrastructure and Security should be considered. The relationship and integration between infrastructure and system are borne out of the fact that they are both dependants on one another. The data warehousing and analytics are related to one another by virtual of the fact that they both contain the cloud technology and interface that is needed for the project. The infrastructure should also be conducted in a way that will foster security to enhance the security of the system and consequently lead to the attainment of the project. Speculate on potential outsourcing or offshoring needs Some of the outsourcing and offshoring needs that may be required include outsourcing for technology that may be needed for the completion of the project but may not be currently present in the project. Also, the company may also outsource for more employees and more particularly professionals in the information and technology sector with advanced knowledge or vast experience that may not be currently present in the organization or company. The organization may also outsource warehouses if the current ones within the organization or company seem insufficient or if the company finds a need to look for more to necessitate the faster completion of the project. Identify and justify the necessary resources including staffing that is necessary Some of the resources that will be needed for the completion of the project include first and foremost an efficient budget to
  • 21. cater for the cost of the project (Chen & Mocker, 2010). The project will also require an efficient workforce that will be achieved through proper staffing to ensure that there is a sufficient workforce to undertake the project. The resources such as the data warehouses will also be resourced to ensure that all the needed resources for making the project are there. Finally, it will also be critical to ensure that all there is a proper plan or blueprint that will guide the project towards its completion (Shmueli & Koppius, 2011). All the above will have to go together to foster the successful realization of the project and to ensure further that the project is completed on time. References Chen, D. Q., & Mocker, M. (2010). Information Systems Strategy: Reconceptualization, Measurement, and Implications. MIS Quarterly, 34(2), 233-259. Clemons, E. K., & Kauffman, R. J. (2011). Special Section: Competitive Strategy, Economics, and Information Systems. Journal of Management Information Systems, 27(3), 7-10. Shmueli, G., & Koppius, O. R. (2011). Predictive Analytics in Information Systems Research. MIS Quarterly, 35(3), 553-572.
  • 22. Section 1: PROJECT INTRODUCTION Section 1: PROJECT INTRODUCTION Project Deliverable 1: Project Plan Inception CIS 499 – Information Systems Capstone October 14, 2018 Background In the last two years, the ACME Company has experienced continued growth. This growth is expected to continue in the very near future. Specifically, the company is expected to experience a 60% growth in the next eighteen months. This rate of growth has presented new challenges for the company. It now has to redesign its information systems for the larger office space occupied. The continued growth has also highlighted the need to set up the company to deal with more data and ensure for safety and security for its clients. The ACME Company is currently valued at $25 million but is expected to experience significant growth in the future.
  • 23. Type of Business The ACME Company collects data using Web analytics and combines it with operational systems data. Increasingly, businesses have appreciated the competitive edge presented by analyzing market data. However, the successful use of data in decision making is a long process that has greatly influenced the growth of information systems. Some of the major steps in this process include collecting information and interpreting its significance. This is intended to compare the external and internal environments of a business and propose better practices that would benefit as a whole. ACME based its information technology on a hybrid model where some of the systems are hosted and other in-house. This method was initially done with the goal of minimizing costs. However, a lot has changed in the business that necessitates major changes to be made. Skilled Information Systems Personnel At the moment, there are only four employees in the company dedicated to the Information Technology department. ACME has adopted a hybrid solution to information technology where much of the systems used by the company were hosted by other entities. This was believed to be part of cutting costs. As the business has continually grown, its information technology needs have expanded and redesigned to meet its current obligations. The personnel at the company will need to be trained to use any other systems introduced at the workplace. Although all the workers are trained information technology experts, it will be important to involve them in the development of the new design to facilitate its effectiveness. This is primarily intended to ensure that all the qualified personnel at the organization are well-informed about the information technology changes occurring at the workplace. Types of Data
  • 24. ACME collects web analytics and combines it with operational systems data. Web analytics includes all the data that relates to the performance of a website. The continued growth of e- commerce has meant that businesses are taking their online sales more seriously. Many companies now make more revenue through their online sales. It has hence become essential to remain aware of the performance of an organization on its online platform (Clemons & Kauffman, 2011). As stated previously, the information obtained from web analytics combines with the data of the operational system. Operational systems data refers to the systems used to process information on the day-to-day activities in a work environment. The goal is to merge these types of data to assist in internal decision making. Organization’s Information Systems The company now uses a computer-based decision support system that aims to facilitate organizational decision-making activates. The operational system at ACME is a computer-based system that processes and interprets data. There are various stages and methods of obtaining, and analyzing data; especially as a result of the existing varied marketplace. Each organization's web analytics and operational systems are analyzed based on the unique nature of each workplace. The organization starts by identifying the needs of each data set, and how it should be combined with other relevant information to become valuable. The company uses hosting services for its databases. The on- site databases have limited use, and usually contains information on recent internal activities. The use of hosting services presents companies with some benefits. For example, it allows for easy and flexible access to the company’s data. The company also preferred hosted database services because it does not have to invest in its own databases. This method was presented as an option to cut operational costs. Hosted solutions have been a big boost for the company in the last two years. Analytics and Interfaces
  • 25. The web analytics obtained by the company are categorized into three main classifications: web structure, content, and usage (Shmueli & Koppius, 2011). These are the three main parameters used in web analytics to assisting in internal decision making within organizations. The web has been presenting revenue and other opportunities to businesses for the last few decades. The goal is to determine what nature of web structure, content, and usage maximizes the performance of an organization. This is especially important in the field of e- commerce continually grows to dominate the modern marketplace. The information systems at the ACME Company will be connected across all three floors. There will be wires, plugs, and sockets to facilitate this interconnectedness. It will be possible to plug in authorized devices with options for simple but effective user interfaces (Shmueli & Koppius, 2011). Infrastructure and Security The system at ACME will adhere to a coherent foundation that will support responsive change, and agility in a rapidly growing company (Chen & Mocker, 2010). The system’s design will incorporate security measures that limit unauthorized access, use, disclosures, disruptions, or modifications. A detailed security management plan will be developed to define the security controls to protects the information assets at the company. All databases will require authorization before access. Some information will only be accessible by some employees. All activities that will be undertaken using the system will be monitored by the IT department. Since a hybrid solution will be used, the hosting choice will be made with the issue of security in mind. The continued growth of the business has placed more importance on responsibility and accountability on the IT department. In this case, the level of security provided by the hosting solution will have to meet the company’s benchmark. There will also be other considerations such as the ease of access, and reliable enough for the tasks at the company.
  • 26. References Chen, D. Q., & Mocker, M. (2010). Information Systems Strategy: Reconceptualization, Measurement, and Implications. MIS Quarterly, 34(2), 233-259. Clemons, E. K., & Kauffman, R. J. (2011). Special Section: Competitive Strategy, Economics, and Information Systems. Journal of Management Information Systems, 27(3), 7-10. Shmueli, G., & Koppius, O. R. (2011). Predictive Analytics in Information Systems Research. MIS Quarterly, 35(3), 553-572. 1 2