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RoutineMaker: Towards End-User Automation of Daily Routines Using

                                    Ville Antila, Jussi Polet, Arttu Lämsä, Jussi Liikka
                                           Context-Awareness and Service Interaction
                                           VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
                                                           Oulu, Finland
                                    {ville.antila, jussi.polet, arttu.lamsa, jussi.liikka}

Abstract — People use smartphones in daily activities for           the context or situation of the user, maybe even better than
accessing and storing information in various situations. In this    more traditional and quantifiable sensors of context can.
paper, we present a work in progress for detecting and                  In this paper, we study the possibilities of detecting and
automating some of these activities. To explore the possible        automating smartphone usage routines. With a routine we
patterns we developed an experimental application to detect         mean an association of a location, used application and the
daily tasks used by smartphones and analyzed it to provide          time of day. To reveal some of these somewhat hidden
suggestions for “routines”. We conducted a two-week user            patterns, we developed an application to detect the day-to-
study with 10 users to evaluate the approach. During the study      day smartphone use by logging the application usage and
the application logged the usage patterns, sent information to
                                                                    locations and clustering them to identifiable patterns. We
the server where it was analysed and clustered. The
participants could also automate their smartphone tasks using
                                                                    also implemented a functionality to automate these patterns
the analysed data. The findings suggest that people would be        using the application. One reason for this functionality was
willing to automatize tasks given that the approach gives           to find out whether the users could actually detect some
flexibility and expressiveness without too much information         routine-like behaviour from their smartphone usage patterns;
overload. Future work includes refining the algorithms based        which would then help us to evaluate our approach
on the gathered real-life data and modifying the interaction        qualitatively.
design to approach the challenges found with the initial study.
                                                                                          II.   RELATED WORK
   Keywords - Context-awareness; Routine detection; Sensing;            The idea of extracting usage patterns and routines from
Smartphones; Task automation;                                       smartphone usage data is not unique or novel as such. There
                                                                    has been a body of research exploring different quantitative
                     I.    INTRODUCTION                             methods to mine patterns of human activities from large
                                                                    datasets. Eagle and Pentland demonstrate the ability to use
    Smartphones are becoming ubiquitous and ever more
                                                                    mobile devices to recognise social patterns, identify
important for the daily activities of their users. The multitude
                                                                    significant locations, and model organisational rhythms [4].
of smartphone applications, dedicated to help in daily tasks,
                                                                    Farrahi and Gatica-Perez suggest that human interaction
are used almost everywhere at any time. Smartphones and
                                                                    data, or human proximity, obtained by mobile phone
their applications, serving as pocket PCs and extending our
                                                                    Bluetooth sensor data, can be integrated with human location
desktop experience, are becoming so ubiquitous part of our
                                                                    data, obtained by mobile cell tower connections, to mine
ways to store and access information that some of the tasks
                                                                    meaningful details about human activities from large and
we perform with them have become daily routines. Examples
                                                                    noisy datasets [6]. They also present a framework to classify
of routine-like behaviour can include checking e-mail in the
                                                                    people’s daily routines (defined by day type and by group
morning, reading the news or listening to music while
                                                                    affiliation type) from the data [7]. Similarly Verkasalo
commuting, searching local information, navigating or
                                                                    illustrates the relationships between common locations, such
checking-in to places to assess and comment our on-the-go
                                                                    as office or home, to the usage patterns of different
experiences. People also use smartphones to complement
                                                                    applications [10]. In our work we are concentrating on real-
other daily activities or routines such as watching TV,
                                                                    time analysis and presentation of routines of an individual
reading newspaper and going to the grocery store [8].
                                                                    user rather than modelling the group behaviour. We are also
    On the other hand, the latest consumer studies indicate
                                                                    looking into qualitatively evaluating the found patterns by
that the emerging user patterns could be more application-
                                                                    the user (by the act of saving or modifying the routine).
specific than they are device-specific [5]. The routine of
                                                                        Chittaranjan et al. investigate the relationship between
“checking Facebook in the evening from bed” could be done
                                                                    behavioural characteristics derived from rich smartphone
either with a smartphone, laptop or a tablet device. The
                                                                    data and self-reported personality traits [1]. The data stems
action or behaviour is often associated to a specific service or
                                                                    from smartphones of a set of 83 individuals collected over a
application it is done with more than the device mediating
                                                                    continuous period of 8 months. From the analysis, they show
the experience. Therefore we can hypothesize that the usage
                                                                    that aggregated features obtained from smartphone usage
of a specific application can also indicate something about
                                                                    data can be indicators of the Big-Five personality traits.
Additionally, they present an automatic method to infer the        automated routine out of it. The saved routine is then sent to
personality type of a user based on cell phone usage with up       the server as well for persistent storage and further analysis.
to 75.9% accuracy. This work gives an interesting insight
into how the collected behavioural data can be related to          B. Mobile Application
known personality traits, and as a concept could be applied            The RoutineMaker mobile application visualises the
in our research as well in the future.                             detected routines (see Figure 1) by showing the location
    In addition to detecting the routines using smartphones,       clusters on a map view as well as on a list view. The
there has been research on how to present it to the user for a     MapView shows the location cluster markers, by which
potential user action. Dearman et al. present an approach to       tapping the user can see a preview list of the most used
present information to the user based on the location and          applications in that cluster. The user can also switch from the
knowledge of the task. Examples include location-based task        MapView to the ListView, which shows an in-depth list of
notifications and support for opportunistically suggesting         the location clusters. In the ListView, the user can select
places for certain activities on-the-go [2, 3]. While these        desired applications to be launched at specific times and save
studies have similar goals than our approach, the intended         the sequence as a routine. The RoutineMaker mobile
usage situations are somewhat different; nevertheless we           application checks frequently, if there are any routines to run
think that the application presented in this paper could           and if so, it checks whether the current location and time is
benefit from introducing some form of serendipitous or             associated with any routines. Should there be a match; the
opportunistic presentation of data to the user regarding the       specified routine is run automatically.
    We also acknowledge in our work that the breadth of
analysis done with the data can also be potentially misused.
Shilton discusses the privacy of collecting multi-dimensional
sensor data from mobile phones [9]. As by using
smartphones it is possible to gather an extensive set of
information about people’s locations, habits and routines,
even personality traits, it might be that smartphones at the
extreme could be the most widespread embedded
surveillance tools in the history. The trade-off for the user is
between the perceived benefit and privacy concerns, and we
see that this trade-off should be balanced by the user via her
actions using the system (explicitly sharing what is needed
and wanted to be shared).
    In this section we present the developed application for
detecting and automating daily routines with smartphones.
The application logs daily smartphone usage data (locations,        Figure 1. Cluster overview shown in the MapView and
time and used applications) and tries to detect patterns, such               cluster details shown in the ListView
as a sequence of applications used or tasks done on a certain      C. Server
time at a certain location. Once the possible routines are
                                                                       The server-side application is responsible for creating the
detected, the application displays them to the user. The user
                                                                   application-location clusters from the logged data received
can accept and create a “routine” from the suggested
                                                                   from the client devices. The algorithm is split into two main
patterns or modify the suggested pattern and then save it.
                                                                   phases: geographical and application clustering. The steps
The user can also name the routines in similar way than one
                                                                   are illustrated in Figure 2.
would do with ordinary applications (e.g. “going to sleep”-
                                                                       First step of the process is the geographical clustering
routine, “going to movies”-routine, “going to work”-
                                                                   which filters out the most significant locations from the data
                                                                   (visited or stayed most often). After the geographical
A. Software Design and Implementation                              clustering is done, an application table is generated, where
    The prototype consists of a mobile application, which          each column represents a five-minute time slot in a day and a
collects usage data and presents the processed usage data to       row is generated for each application. Then the cluster
the user and a server-side application, which performs the         samples are gone through and the value of the table element
data processing. The mobile application gathers usage data         representing the time-application combination of the sample
(location and applications used) from the device. This data is     is increased by one. After this, the whole table is normalised
sent to the server and analysed to find location clusters and      by dividing it by the maximum element of the table. A usage
used applications in those clusters. The mobile client             table, containing Boolean values, is generated from the
presents this analysed data to the user. If the user notices       application table. The usage table is the same size as the
helpful or useful routines from the data she can create an         application table and the elements contain value true, if the
                                                                   application table value in this element is greater than a
threshold value, otherwise the elements contain value false.                                          Table 3 Research questions
This is followed by applying a smoothing filter to the usage                           ID                                   Question
table. This removes false slots that are located in between                           RQ-1     Is it possible to extract routines or tasks from the historical
two true elements in the usage table.                                                          usage data?
                                                                                      RQ-2     Were the extracted and suggested routines helpful?
                                                                                      RQ-3     [Following from the RQ-2] Could they be useful?
        Geographic clustering                    Application clustering               RQ-4     [Following from the RQ-2] Did they reveal any other possibly
                                                                                               interesting or important information?
       Add samples to clusters                  Generate table of active
                                              applications ordered by time
                                                                                     A. Participants
      Filter out clusters with not              Normalize table and get                  We recruited ten participants from three countries using
           enough samples                      application usage times to            e-mail lists. There were nine male participants and one
                                                      usage table
                                                                                     female. The participants had to be active smartphone users.
      Combine clusters close to                                                      The participants also had to have suitable mobile phones
            each other                          Apply smoothing filter to            supported by the application (Android v2.2 or higher). The
                                                      usage table
                                                                                     participants were in the age range of 27 to 33 years with
      Filter out samples far away                                                    average age of 29.7 and were very active smartphone users,
          from cluster centers                Get application launch times           as 62% of them used smartphone applications a couple of
                                                   from usage table
                                                                                     times a day and 25% used them a couple of times in an hour.
 Figure 2. Algorithm structure (repeated for each user)                              B. Findings
                                                                                         In this section, we provide a brief analysis of the gathered
    The application launch times are then read from the                              data. The sources for the gathered data are the initial
usage table. Always when an element containing the value                             questionnaire, the logged data from the user study, the post
true is found proceeded by false; an application launch time                         questionnaire and open ended questions the users were asked
is detected. Table 1 and Table 2 contain an example of the                           in the end of the study.
application and usage tables. The generated application table
                                                                                        1) Perceived usefulness of routine detection and the
is shown in the Table 1. The usage table shown in the Table
2 is obtained by using a threshold value of 0.7. In this                             RoutineMaker application
example, two launch times are detected; 13:05 for “Music                                 First, we asked how useful the participants rated
player” and 13:20 for “E-mail”.                                                      detecting their smartphone usage routines. The results show
                                                                                     that this was considered as useful (avg. 3.7, sd. 0.8, on a
                        Table 1 Application table                                    scale from 1 to 5). We also asked how useful they perceived
Application                                  Time
                                                                                     the RoutineMaker application as such. The results showed
                  13:00      13:05   13:10   13:15    13:20      13:25       13:30   that the approach was not perceived as very useful (avg. 2.1,
Music player        0         0.8    0.74     0.8       0.4        0          0      sd. 0.9). The reason for this was visible in the comments:
Web browser         0          0      0        0         0         0          0      First of all, the application could only automatically launch
E-mail              0          0       0       0        0.9        1          0      applications when they were at a certain location at a certain
Notebook            0          0      0       0.3       0.1       0.2         0      time. What the users wanted was even more automatic
                                                                                     behaviour, such as performing a certain task on its own
                            Table 2 Usage table                                      without any user intervention. With the current design, such
Application                                  Time
                  13:00      13:05   13:10   13:15    13:20      13:25       13:30
                                                                                     elaborate tasks were impossible to make with the application.
Music player      false      true    true    true      false     false       false   This lowered the perceived usefulness. Nevertheless, these
Web browser       false      false   false   false     false     false       false   comments give good insight into developing the application
E-mail            false      false   false   false     true      true        false   further.
Notebook          false      false   false   false     false     false       false      2) Understanding the important factors of smartphone
                                                                                     routine detection
                              IV.    USER STUDY                                          To get a better insight into the design space of
    The RoutineMaker application was evaluated with ten                              smartphone routine detection, we asked the participants to
users, who used the application for two weeks. During the                            rate 4 different factors or parameters of the routine detection
two weeks, the application logged the routines of the user,                          on a scale from 1 to 5. These parameters were: quality of
sent this information to the server, where it was analysed and                       detected patterns, amount of detected patterns, resolution of
clustered. The participants could automate their smartphone                          detected patterns and the accuracy of detection. Based on the
tasks using the analysed data. In the study, we included a                           results, the most important factor was accuracy (avg. 4.3, sd.
start and end questionnaires and a set of open-ended                                 0.76), while the amount of detected patterns was rated as
questions to probe the participants about their needs and                            least important (avg. 2.9, sd. 0.9). Resolution and quality
experiences related to the application concept and the actual                        were rated as somewhat important factors (avg. 3.6, sd. 0.79
usage of the prototype application. The research questions                           and avg. 3.3, sd. 1.1). The standard deviation was large in
for the user study are listed below in Table 3 Research                              quality ratings; taking a closer look at the results it seems
questions).                                                                          that some participants did think that quality was important
whereas some did not rate it as important. It is possible that    still offering suggestions based on the detected behaviour,
quality as a measurement was not very well understood in          we can enable an easy and fast interface for users to
this context, or that it was already incorporated in the other    customise and automate their routine-like behaviour without
ratings.                                                          limiting only to the specific smartphone tasks.
    We also asked how well the RoutineMaker application                The lessons learned from the application development
performed regarding the selected factors (quality, amount,        and the user study include that the amount of detected
resolution and accuracy). In general, the application             clusters (potential routines) can be quite high, therefore
performance was in line with the importance of the factors.       leaving the selection and creation of routines more to the
The accuracy of routine detections was rated good (avg. 3.5,      user. Nevertheless the suggestions should include only
sd. 0.84), as well as the resolution of the detected routines     relevant applications, which are detected usually during the
(avg. 3.25, sd. 1.17). These were rated as most important         same times during the day, in a routine-like manner.
factors, so we can conclude that some of the parameters                The future work consists in developing the application
selected for the routine detection algorithms were                and algorithms further using the data gathered from the
corresponding to what the participants thought as important       study. In some cases the algorithm for detecting the routines
or useful.                                                        was “too adaptive” and some clusters were removed if the
    The amount of detected routines was rated the worst of        user had an unordinary day during the week. We are seeking
these factors (avg. 2.25, sd. 1.05). This can be due to a         to tweak the threshold for the adaption and include better
relatively large number of false positive detections of           fitness values for the detected, possible routines, and
applications due to the features of the underlying OS             weighting them in the algorithm enabling the process to learn
(Android), which opportunistically leaves applications            which kind of application sequences are perceived as useful
running in the background to increase user experience (such       routines. We are also looking into doing more user studies
as the response times of applications). This issue can be         with larger group of participants learning more about the
fixed by filtering out processes which the user is not actively   user behaviours and surveying the routines people currently
using. Nevertheless, we can also hypothesise that leaving         have while using smartphones.
some of these applications to be selectable can create certain
serendipity in creating the routines and allows users to create                                REFERENCES
routines that necessarily were not detected as such, but could    [1]  Chittaranjan, G., Blom, J. & Gatica-Perez, D., Who’s Who with Big-
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            V.    DISCUSSION AND FUTURE WORK                      [2] Dearman, D., Sohn, T. & Truong, K. N. Opportunities Exist:
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     After the user study, we asked the participants whether           the 2011 Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing
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                                                                       12th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
known and thus not really surprising as such. In some cases            (UbiComp'10), ACM, 2010.
the participants were surprised of the prevalence of these        [4] Eagle, N. & Pentland, A., Reality Mining: Sensing Complex Social
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example, checking e-mail in the morning at home, or                    255-268, 2006.
checking-in to Foursquare at certain locations at certain         [5] Ericsson Inc., From Apps To Everyday Situations - An Ericsson
(rather fixed) times. Some routines included using sports              Consumer         Insight       Summary,        2011,       Available:
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                                                                       Geographic Routines from Mobile Phone Data, Selected Topics in
     We can conclude based on the study that we found                  Signal Processing, IEEE Journal, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 746-755, 2010.
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routines based on their smartphone usage behaviour, but in             2008.
many cases these routines were more elaborate and complex         [8] Google Inc., The Mobile Movement - Understanding Smartphone
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location-based triggers with variable sequences, such as     
“change my profile to silent when entering certain location
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between certain times”. Going further, we can envision                 Ubiquitous Data Collection, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 52,
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user control over how these tasks could be performed, while

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RoutineMaker: Towards End-User Automation of Daily Routines Using Smartphones

  • 1. RoutineMaker: Towards End-User Automation of Daily Routines Using Smartphones Ville Antila, Jussi Polet, Arttu Lämsä, Jussi Liikka Context-Awareness and Service Interaction VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Oulu, Finland {ville.antila, jussi.polet, arttu.lamsa, jussi.liikka} Abstract — People use smartphones in daily activities for the context or situation of the user, maybe even better than accessing and storing information in various situations. In this more traditional and quantifiable sensors of context can. paper, we present a work in progress for detecting and In this paper, we study the possibilities of detecting and automating some of these activities. To explore the possible automating smartphone usage routines. With a routine we patterns we developed an experimental application to detect mean an association of a location, used application and the daily tasks used by smartphones and analyzed it to provide time of day. To reveal some of these somewhat hidden suggestions for “routines”. We conducted a two-week user patterns, we developed an application to detect the day-to- study with 10 users to evaluate the approach. During the study day smartphone use by logging the application usage and the application logged the usage patterns, sent information to locations and clustering them to identifiable patterns. We the server where it was analysed and clustered. The participants could also automate their smartphone tasks using also implemented a functionality to automate these patterns the analysed data. The findings suggest that people would be using the application. One reason for this functionality was willing to automatize tasks given that the approach gives to find out whether the users could actually detect some flexibility and expressiveness without too much information routine-like behaviour from their smartphone usage patterns; overload. Future work includes refining the algorithms based which would then help us to evaluate our approach on the gathered real-life data and modifying the interaction qualitatively. design to approach the challenges found with the initial study. II. RELATED WORK Keywords - Context-awareness; Routine detection; Sensing; The idea of extracting usage patterns and routines from Smartphones; Task automation; smartphone usage data is not unique or novel as such. There has been a body of research exploring different quantitative I. INTRODUCTION methods to mine patterns of human activities from large datasets. Eagle and Pentland demonstrate the ability to use Smartphones are becoming ubiquitous and ever more mobile devices to recognise social patterns, identify important for the daily activities of their users. The multitude significant locations, and model organisational rhythms [4]. of smartphone applications, dedicated to help in daily tasks, Farrahi and Gatica-Perez suggest that human interaction are used almost everywhere at any time. Smartphones and data, or human proximity, obtained by mobile phone their applications, serving as pocket PCs and extending our Bluetooth sensor data, can be integrated with human location desktop experience, are becoming so ubiquitous part of our data, obtained by mobile cell tower connections, to mine ways to store and access information that some of the tasks meaningful details about human activities from large and we perform with them have become daily routines. Examples noisy datasets [6]. They also present a framework to classify of routine-like behaviour can include checking e-mail in the people’s daily routines (defined by day type and by group morning, reading the news or listening to music while affiliation type) from the data [7]. Similarly Verkasalo commuting, searching local information, navigating or illustrates the relationships between common locations, such checking-in to places to assess and comment our on-the-go as office or home, to the usage patterns of different experiences. People also use smartphones to complement applications [10]. In our work we are concentrating on real- other daily activities or routines such as watching TV, time analysis and presentation of routines of an individual reading newspaper and going to the grocery store [8]. user rather than modelling the group behaviour. We are also On the other hand, the latest consumer studies indicate looking into qualitatively evaluating the found patterns by that the emerging user patterns could be more application- the user (by the act of saving or modifying the routine). specific than they are device-specific [5]. The routine of Chittaranjan et al. investigate the relationship between “checking Facebook in the evening from bed” could be done behavioural characteristics derived from rich smartphone either with a smartphone, laptop or a tablet device. The data and self-reported personality traits [1]. The data stems action or behaviour is often associated to a specific service or from smartphones of a set of 83 individuals collected over a application it is done with more than the device mediating continuous period of 8 months. From the analysis, they show the experience. Therefore we can hypothesize that the usage that aggregated features obtained from smartphone usage of a specific application can also indicate something about data can be indicators of the Big-Five personality traits.
  • 2. Additionally, they present an automatic method to infer the automated routine out of it. The saved routine is then sent to personality type of a user based on cell phone usage with up the server as well for persistent storage and further analysis. to 75.9% accuracy. This work gives an interesting insight into how the collected behavioural data can be related to B. Mobile Application known personality traits, and as a concept could be applied The RoutineMaker mobile application visualises the in our research as well in the future. detected routines (see Figure 1) by showing the location In addition to detecting the routines using smartphones, clusters on a map view as well as on a list view. The there has been research on how to present it to the user for a MapView shows the location cluster markers, by which potential user action. Dearman et al. present an approach to tapping the user can see a preview list of the most used present information to the user based on the location and applications in that cluster. The user can also switch from the knowledge of the task. Examples include location-based task MapView to the ListView, which shows an in-depth list of notifications and support for opportunistically suggesting the location clusters. In the ListView, the user can select places for certain activities on-the-go [2, 3]. While these desired applications to be launched at specific times and save studies have similar goals than our approach, the intended the sequence as a routine. The RoutineMaker mobile usage situations are somewhat different; nevertheless we application checks frequently, if there are any routines to run think that the application presented in this paper could and if so, it checks whether the current location and time is benefit from introducing some form of serendipitous or associated with any routines. Should there be a match; the opportunistic presentation of data to the user regarding the specified routine is run automatically. routines. We also acknowledge in our work that the breadth of analysis done with the data can also be potentially misused. Shilton discusses the privacy of collecting multi-dimensional sensor data from mobile phones [9]. As by using smartphones it is possible to gather an extensive set of information about people’s locations, habits and routines, even personality traits, it might be that smartphones at the extreme could be the most widespread embedded surveillance tools in the history. The trade-off for the user is between the perceived benefit and privacy concerns, and we see that this trade-off should be balanced by the user via her actions using the system (explicitly sharing what is needed and wanted to be shared). III. ROUTINEMAKER APPLICATION In this section we present the developed application for detecting and automating daily routines with smartphones. The application logs daily smartphone usage data (locations, Figure 1. Cluster overview shown in the MapView and time and used applications) and tries to detect patterns, such cluster details shown in the ListView as a sequence of applications used or tasks done on a certain C. Server time at a certain location. Once the possible routines are The server-side application is responsible for creating the detected, the application displays them to the user. The user application-location clusters from the logged data received can accept and create a “routine” from the suggested from the client devices. The algorithm is split into two main patterns or modify the suggested pattern and then save it. phases: geographical and application clustering. The steps The user can also name the routines in similar way than one are illustrated in Figure 2. would do with ordinary applications (e.g. “going to sleep”- First step of the process is the geographical clustering routine, “going to movies”-routine, “going to work”- which filters out the most significant locations from the data routine). (visited or stayed most often). After the geographical A. Software Design and Implementation clustering is done, an application table is generated, where The prototype consists of a mobile application, which each column represents a five-minute time slot in a day and a collects usage data and presents the processed usage data to row is generated for each application. Then the cluster the user and a server-side application, which performs the samples are gone through and the value of the table element data processing. The mobile application gathers usage data representing the time-application combination of the sample (location and applications used) from the device. This data is is increased by one. After this, the whole table is normalised sent to the server and analysed to find location clusters and by dividing it by the maximum element of the table. A usage used applications in those clusters. The mobile client table, containing Boolean values, is generated from the presents this analysed data to the user. If the user notices application table. The usage table is the same size as the helpful or useful routines from the data she can create an application table and the elements contain value true, if the application table value in this element is greater than a
  • 3. threshold value, otherwise the elements contain value false. Table 3 Research questions This is followed by applying a smoothing filter to the usage ID Question table. This removes false slots that are located in between RQ-1 Is it possible to extract routines or tasks from the historical two true elements in the usage table. usage data? RQ-2 Were the extracted and suggested routines helpful? RQ-3 [Following from the RQ-2] Could they be useful? Geographic clustering Application clustering RQ-4 [Following from the RQ-2] Did they reveal any other possibly interesting or important information? Add samples to clusters Generate table of active applications ordered by time A. Participants Filter out clusters with not Normalize table and get We recruited ten participants from three countries using enough samples application usage times to e-mail lists. There were nine male participants and one usage table female. The participants had to be active smartphone users. Combine clusters close to The participants also had to have suitable mobile phones each other Apply smoothing filter to supported by the application (Android v2.2 or higher). The usage table participants were in the age range of 27 to 33 years with Filter out samples far away average age of 29.7 and were very active smartphone users, from cluster centers Get application launch times as 62% of them used smartphone applications a couple of from usage table times a day and 25% used them a couple of times in an hour. Figure 2. Algorithm structure (repeated for each user) B. Findings In this section, we provide a brief analysis of the gathered The application launch times are then read from the data. The sources for the gathered data are the initial usage table. Always when an element containing the value questionnaire, the logged data from the user study, the post true is found proceeded by false; an application launch time questionnaire and open ended questions the users were asked is detected. Table 1 and Table 2 contain an example of the in the end of the study. application and usage tables. The generated application table 1) Perceived usefulness of routine detection and the is shown in the Table 1. The usage table shown in the Table 2 is obtained by using a threshold value of 0.7. In this RoutineMaker application example, two launch times are detected; 13:05 for “Music First, we asked how useful the participants rated player” and 13:20 for “E-mail”. detecting their smartphone usage routines. The results show that this was considered as useful (avg. 3.7, sd. 0.8, on a Table 1 Application table scale from 1 to 5). We also asked how useful they perceived Application Time the RoutineMaker application as such. The results showed 13:00 13:05 13:10 13:15 13:20 13:25 13:30 that the approach was not perceived as very useful (avg. 2.1, Music player 0 0.8 0.74 0.8 0.4 0 0 sd. 0.9). The reason for this was visible in the comments: Web browser 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 First of all, the application could only automatically launch E-mail 0 0 0 0 0.9 1 0 applications when they were at a certain location at a certain Notebook 0 0 0 0.3 0.1 0.2 0 time. What the users wanted was even more automatic behaviour, such as performing a certain task on its own Table 2 Usage table without any user intervention. With the current design, such Application Time 13:00 13:05 13:10 13:15 13:20 13:25 13:30 elaborate tasks were impossible to make with the application. Music player false true true true false false false This lowered the perceived usefulness. Nevertheless, these Web browser false false false false false false false comments give good insight into developing the application E-mail false false false false true true false further. Notebook false false false false false false false 2) Understanding the important factors of smartphone routine detection IV. USER STUDY To get a better insight into the design space of The RoutineMaker application was evaluated with ten smartphone routine detection, we asked the participants to users, who used the application for two weeks. During the rate 4 different factors or parameters of the routine detection two weeks, the application logged the routines of the user, on a scale from 1 to 5. These parameters were: quality of sent this information to the server, where it was analysed and detected patterns, amount of detected patterns, resolution of clustered. The participants could automate their smartphone detected patterns and the accuracy of detection. Based on the tasks using the analysed data. In the study, we included a results, the most important factor was accuracy (avg. 4.3, sd. start and end questionnaires and a set of open-ended 0.76), while the amount of detected patterns was rated as questions to probe the participants about their needs and least important (avg. 2.9, sd. 0.9). Resolution and quality experiences related to the application concept and the actual were rated as somewhat important factors (avg. 3.6, sd. 0.79 usage of the prototype application. The research questions and avg. 3.3, sd. 1.1). The standard deviation was large in for the user study are listed below in Table 3 Research quality ratings; taking a closer look at the results it seems questions). that some participants did think that quality was important
  • 4. whereas some did not rate it as important. It is possible that still offering suggestions based on the detected behaviour, quality as a measurement was not very well understood in we can enable an easy and fast interface for users to this context, or that it was already incorporated in the other customise and automate their routine-like behaviour without ratings. limiting only to the specific smartphone tasks. We also asked how well the RoutineMaker application The lessons learned from the application development performed regarding the selected factors (quality, amount, and the user study include that the amount of detected resolution and accuracy). In general, the application clusters (potential routines) can be quite high, therefore performance was in line with the importance of the factors. leaving the selection and creation of routines more to the The accuracy of routine detections was rated good (avg. 3.5, user. Nevertheless the suggestions should include only sd. 0.84), as well as the resolution of the detected routines relevant applications, which are detected usually during the (avg. 3.25, sd. 1.17). These were rated as most important same times during the day, in a routine-like manner. factors, so we can conclude that some of the parameters The future work consists in developing the application selected for the routine detection algorithms were and algorithms further using the data gathered from the corresponding to what the participants thought as important study. In some cases the algorithm for detecting the routines or useful. was “too adaptive” and some clusters were removed if the The amount of detected routines was rated the worst of user had an unordinary day during the week. We are seeking these factors (avg. 2.25, sd. 1.05). This can be due to a to tweak the threshold for the adaption and include better relatively large number of false positive detections of fitness values for the detected, possible routines, and applications due to the features of the underlying OS weighting them in the algorithm enabling the process to learn (Android), which opportunistically leaves applications which kind of application sequences are perceived as useful running in the background to increase user experience (such routines. We are also looking into doing more user studies as the response times of applications). This issue can be with larger group of participants learning more about the fixed by filtering out processes which the user is not actively user behaviours and surveying the routines people currently using. 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