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Rodent and Beaver
Characteristics Have you ever seen a large dark animal swimming in a pond? Beaver is a clever and
useful animal. This animal is very hard–working. It is a large dark animal. Beavers are mammals.
They give milk to their babies. They have fur. They have a backbone like humans. Beavers are
rodents. Rodents have huge front teeth that grow always all through the beaver's life. The teeth are
called incisors. Their teeth are very sharp. Other examples of rodents are mice, rats, squirrels and
hamsters. Beavers are the largest rodents. Beavers can grow to be 1.4 meters long. Their fur is silky
and waterproof. A beaver has very small ears. They can swim 3 kilometres an hour. Beavers can stay
underwater for a long time. When a beaver is grown ... Show more content on ...
Yearlings babysit the kits when the parents are out gathering food. Food Source Beavers are
herbivore. Herbivore means plant–eater. They eat aquatic [water] plants, leaves, twigs, seeds,
berries, and roots. Their favourite food tree is the aspen. A beaver mostly eats bark. Beavers store
twigs and branches underwater during the fall. During the winter the beaver dives down to get some
food. During the winter beavers only leave their lodges to eat food that they stored under water
during the fall. Beavers work together to cut down a large tree. Beavers eat about 1 kilogram of food
every day. Beaver's Community & Effects of losing a member Beavers make dams on streams.
Beaver dams are homes for other animals. Dams can also stop a stream from drying up, or land from
eroding [wearing or washing away due to wind, water or ice]. The area behind the dams becomes
flooded. This flooded area is a habitat for fish, turtles, frogs, bird, insects, water plants and ducks.
Ducks have their families in beaver ponds. Without the beaver these wildlife don't have a home and
they could die. Streams sometimes wash away too much soil. If soil gets washed away plants won't
grow. Beaver dams slow down the moving water and this help clean the water in streams. Beaver
goes on land to look for food. The other animals that share this habitat are coyotes, mice, rabbits,
hares, insects, lynx, squirrel, deer, bobcats, birds, bears. The animals and plants depend on each
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Blackland Prairie Research Paper
The Blackland Prairie is a very diverse ecoregion, despite its diminutive size.
There are many unique types of animals in the Blackland Prairie; here are a few examples of
animals in the Blackland Prairie. One example of one of these animals is the nine–banded armadillo.
The nine–banded armadillo is a large, short and brown armadillo with a long tail and nine lines on
its shell (therefore its name). They typically eat grubs, insects, berries, and eggs. This scaly critter
lives in most of Texas besides the west, they typically live in woods, brush, grasslands and forests.
Another one of the many examples of animals in this diverse ecoregion is the black–tailed prairie
dog. These chubby, stubby, brown, and furry balls of cuteness live along the border of Mexico. It
lives in dry, flat, sparsely vegetated grasslands. These rodents like to consume things like plants,
insects, seeds, and grasses. These items make up most of their diet. They are habitat modifiers just
like beavers, they build burrows underground close to each other. These are called towns. ... Show
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Among these diverse plants is the black walnut tree. The black walnut tree is a tall tree with dark
brown wood and vibrant green leaves. The black walnut tree is a deciduous tree is in the walnut
family (Juglandaceae). Native to Eastern North America, the black walnut tree is a beautiful tree.
Another example of this wondrous ecoregion is the Castilleja indivisa. Commonly known in Texas
as the Indian paintbrush. The Castilleja is a bright red (sometimes yellow) paintbrush wildflower,
and it can grow up to 16 in high. The roots of the plant will grow until they touch other plant's roots.
Then, they penetrate those roots of the host and get
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Using Animals in Research is Bad! Essay
Have you ever wondered about what a product or a medicine goes through before it gets to us on the
store shelves? Products from deodorant to Viagra to weed killer go through years of tests before a
regulating body decides they are safe for us to use. The FDA approves drugs and cosmetics and he
EPA regulates chemicals that are used and may be harmful to the environment. However before
these products are even considered by these regulatory bodies they must go through years of testing.
Testing that is unfortunately done on defenseless animals. Each year 50 to 100 million vertebrate
animals, such as mice, rats, rabbits, cats and dogs are used in experiments to test products such as
medicines, lipstick, household cleaners and pesticides. ... Show more content on ...
This type of test is disturbing due to the fact that there are several highly sensitive non–animal tests
that can be done to detect chemical–induced genetic mutations but the government still requires
companies to poison animals to see whether or not they will develop cancer. The standard test of the
kind is the "rodent cancer bioassay." Mice and rats are subjected to a lifetime of chemical exposure
to the chemicals in all new or reformulated pesticides, food additives, and drugs. Studies have
proven that these tests are found to have more than a 70 percent false–positive rate. The final group
of tests that are performed on animals is product tests. No law requires that cosmetics and household
products be tested on animals however, the FDA does urge companies to conduct whatever tests are
necessary to establish that their products are safe and the Consumer Safety Product Commission that
regulates household products does not require animal testing yet many companies do it anyway. I
have saved what I feel is the most cruel aspect of animals testing is that done on primates. Primates
are known to be sensitive, intelligent beings that share many important biological and physiological
characteristics with humans. Baby primates that are born in labs are forcibly torn from their
screaming mothers usually within three days of birth and the
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Capybara Research Paper
Eyes on Tops of Head
While spending most of the day in the water the American Tailed Capybara is easily visible by
predators with most of it's body above water. So with its eyes on top of its head it is able to be
almost fully submerged while keeping very good eyesight to see predators or food.
Long Slim Body
With a very slim frame it has much less water resistance allows to dive and swim with much less
effort and energy. This will give it a lighter mass allowing it to also to move faster land as well
while grazing. If the Hydrochoerus caudatus was slower on land it would make them easy prey for
animals like boa constrictor or the florida panther
Waterproof Coat
Since the Hydrochoerus caudatus lives in a swamp and are amphibious it would ... Show more
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But being separated by thousands of miles how are they related. The cause of the specie of the
American Tailed Capybara was caused by human. Many americans started buying capybaras as pets.
With the Capybara need needs extensive with lots of food and a large area to swim. Many of the of
average americans could not afford or keep up with the 60 to 80 pound rodent. Many were released
into the wild but the Capybaras were not well suited of the temporal forests of most of North
America and died. The Capybara being well suited to live in wetlands were able to survive in many
bo the americans wetlands including the Everglades of Florida.
With many new predators and a different ecosystem the Capybara went through millions years of
evolution. The Capybara developed many new adaptations like a large tails. Since the Capybara in
The everglades and south america were geographically isolated by thousands of miles. They soon
became reproductively isolated and a new species form with the common name of the american
tailed Capybara or it's scientific name of Hydrochoerus
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Learning from the Rats
" Rats are rodents that work by estimating and using their instinct in identifying an object to later on
deciding to adopt an action based on the data they receive. That is what described in a book entitled
Who Moved My Cheese? composed by Spencer Johnson. "
Trust me, the nature and work mechanism of rats could be reference to seal the number one position
in this country. It can as well be utilized as a citation for the prospects who is developing a scheme
to woo his running mate, as well as later in the campaign process and for the working cabinet plans
as presently as they are elected.
I strongly believe the candidates–––either those whose have clearly been put forward by the party or
those who are still waiting for the appointment–––can learn to enrich their horizon of planning the
best efforts to win the election by reading from the rats' wisdom as the strategy, no matter what
arguments may arise from the public as we all understand that rats are symbolized as the icon of
corruption, for example.
As the presidential candidates, they must be able to "sniff" and "bite" properly. Do not make
mistakes as it is a risky job.
Imitating the Rats
Rats are constantly connected with negative things in our society. Rats are congruent with
disgusting, smelly, and dirty creatures. Rats are also considered as the destroyer of crops. In
summation to the brand, this rodent is also regarded an icon of corruption that undermined the
people's money.
That is the reason why all things
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Descriptive Essay On Jimmy The Mouse
Brendan Floyd
Ms. Marton
Language Arts 7–2
16 November 2017
Jimmy the Mouse
It was a lovely Sunday morning, The birds were chirping softly, and the sun was blinding me. I had
two friends over, both of which were playing video games. One of my friends was on my bed
playing with his phone. The other one, Jasper, was playing a game with me from his Xbox in the
basement. The game we were playing was particularly rage inducing, so before long it had forced
me down the stairs and out of my room. The stairs led me to the kitchen where I grabbed a drink, it
chilled my hand, but it was worth it for the refreshing taste of ice tea. After, I rushed down another
flight of stairs to the basement.
The basement was a cold room two floors below my room That had a faint smell of drywall; The
perfect room for gaming. My friend Jasper didn't seem to be doing much of that however. I was
halfway down the stairs when I heard a loud, screechy"dang it!" I didn't have to see the tv to know
he had just lagged out of his game, but I did have to lean on the couch to see the mouse. I jumped a
little when I saw him, but instead of getting help I just stared for a bit. He was just sitting on the
couch facing the tv, almost watching the screen, but I knew he wasn't. I knew he wasn't because his
eyes were closed, and they had been the whole ten seconds I stared at him. This tiny mouse, sitting
on the downstairs couch, wasn't even two weeks old. Then with that information in mind, I went and
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Public Health Problem : The Outbreak Of Hantavirus...
Public Health Problem
The hantavirus is a virus that is transmitted to humans by rodents. An infection with this virus can
develop into Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, a disease that affects the lungs and kidneys, which
can ultimately be fatal. Humans can contract the virus by coming in contact with mice nests,
droppings, or by inhaling contaminated air. Rodents can also spread the disease by biting someone
(which is rare), or if a person eats something that is contaminated. The first known outbreak of
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) was in May 1993, when it hit Arizona, New Mexico,
Colorado and Utah. After a young couple died from unidentified pulmonary disease similar cases
began to surface in the same area.Tissues from infected patients were sent over to the CDC where
they found a link among all the patients, it was some kind of unknown hantavirus. Since there was
other known cases of the hantavirus in Europe and Asia that were caused by rodents researchers
concluded that this outbreak was caused by rodents also. That same year deer mice, who are
reservoirs to the virus, were captured and taken away from their peridomestic homes owned by
patients. The reason behind the 1993 outbreak was most likely the result of increased vegetation in
the Four corners area, thus the rodent population increased and as more rodents entered human
homes more humans were inhaling contaminated air. Luckily in the recent years there has not been
many cases of HPS but we may are
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The And Its Effects On The Environment
Many animals influence their local habitat by energy and material uptake and waste production
while many other organisms changes the chemical balance and alter the local infrastructure.
Through a variety of mechanisms, animals are equipped to modify their local community but
animals that change a habitat's structure through the physical process of engineering and
consumption of plant material indirectly regulates an ecosystem's infrastructure and dynamics.
(Wright and Jones, 2006; Davidson and Lightfoot, 2008). These engineers increase and shape
landscape heterogeneity and biodiversity by creating unique patches of habitat that differ from the
surrounding landscape (Wright and Jones, 2006; Davidson and Lightfoot, 2008). While ... Show
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From the continuous grazing, canopy height of the mid–height grasses are directly affected and
rarely reaches its full size. One important observation of the perennial plants when under heavy
grazing are morphological changes due to its genetic differentiation plasticity (Whicker and Detling
1988) . Intensive grazing can shift the dominance from traditionally large, tall plants to dwarf
morphs that are either more grazing tolerant or preferentially less intensively grazed than their taller
counterparts (Whicker and Detling 1988). Thereafter, mid–height grasses are replaced with
shortgrass species and annual forbs.
Grazing by burrowing mammals also enhances plant nitrogen uptake, resulting in increased forage
quality on their colonies (Whicker and Detling 1988; Villarreal et al. 2008). By increasing forage
quality, it attracts ungulates like bison to prairie dog colonies which further increases forage quality
and decreases vegetation height (Davidson, Detling, and Brown 2012). As a result, the ungulates and
prairie dogs can have mutualistic relationship (Davidson et al. 2010). In figure 1, the total nitrogen
yield aboveground was greater in the presence of prairie colonies compared to uncolonized areas.
This tells us that because both prairie dogs and the larger herbivores are able to remove sizable
quantities of nutrients they directly influence the nutrient recycling resulting in a more rapid
turnover of readily available nutrients near the soil surface. Along with
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Eastern Fox Squirrel Research Paper
Mingming Liu
Zoology 140
Oct, 25.2015
Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger).
The eastern fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) is the largest tree squirrel [1]. The animal is 10 to 15 inches
and possesses three diverse color patterns. Firstly, in the southern segment of its range, this creature
is dark with a white tip on its tail and a white band of color on its face. Secondly, in the northeastern
part of its body, it has a gray appearance above with yellowish undersides. Thirdly, in the western
section of its body, it is dark above and has a rust color underneath. This creature is a solitary
animal, even though it shares a feeding territory with other squirrels. The eastern fox squirrel
commonly occurs in the central and the eastern United States west to the Texas Colorado, and
Dakotas [1]. It does not inhabit New England, most of eastern and northern Pennsylvania, western
New ... Show more content on ...
They first manipulate it using their paws, hold it loosely in their limbs, and rotate it in their mouth,
and later move the head (head flick) in a rapid rotation as they hold the food in the mouth. There is a
high correlation between head flicking (rotation) with the subsequent eating, rather than caching
food. These unusual traits probably assess the likelihood of spoilage, weight, or other features of
food quality.
After examining a food item, fox squirrels either cache or eat it, frequently moving to a locality
away from the source of food. These squirrels begin the process of caching with digging. They then
tap the nut with their front teeth to fix it more firmly in the ground. On the first day of observation,
the fox squirrel ran away quickly once it saw me and took refuge in a tree. This conduct shows that
these animals take advantage of their maneuverability and agility in the trees to flee their predators.
They also produce alarm calls that probably alert other squirrels when they are
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Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel Research Papers
The Thirteen–lined ground squirrel gets its name from having thirteen stripes running the length of
this ground squirrel's body. The adult Thirteen–line ground squirrel size ranges in length from 10
inches which includes a 3 inch tail. The average weight for these ground squirrels is about 8 ounces.
It is a slender rat–sized rodent. Five light and four dark stripes extend along the top of the head and
end at the eyes. The underbelly is thinly covered with light tan fur. The cheeks, sides of the body
and the legs are yellowish. Each front foot has four toes with long digging claws. There are five toes
on each back leg (Internet Center). The range of the Thirteen–lined ground squirrel is mainly the
grasslands of the Midwest from Texas to the
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Essay On Invasion Of Mice
Mice are common home invaders in New Jersey and Pennsylvania in both rural and urban settings.
Throughout history, mice have proven that they find human dwellings to be comfortable
environments. After all, your home offers every resource that mice need to survive and reproduce:
shelter from the elements, an easily accessible food source, protection from predators and secure
locations where they can hide their nests and raise their offspring. Mice are somewhat secretive and
easily frightened, so they tend to avoid humans. Nevertheless, there are certain signs that can help
you determine whether you have mice in your home.
(–– removed HTML ––) You See a Mouse (–– removed HTML ––)
The most obvious proof of an invasion is to see a mouse. However, ... Show more content on ...
Their droppings are pellet–shaped, brown and seldom exceed more than a quarter–inch in length.
Fresh droppings will be shinier and darker than older ones.
(–– removed HTML ––) You Find Damaged Packages of Food (–– removed HTML ––)
Mice are prodigious gnawers and can easily chew through cardboard and paper as well as many
types of plastic. Bags or boxes of pet food, flour, sugar, dry pasta, cereal, crackers and beans in your
pantry or kitchen cabinets are common targets for mice. They can also chew through bread
wrappers, sandwich bags and plastic wrap to reach the food inside.
(–– removed HTML ––) You Hear Unexplained Noises Emanating from Inside Your Walls (––
removed HTML ––)
Mice are primarily nocturnal, so you may hear faint sounds that appear to be coming from inside
your walls. The noises may resemble the rustling of dry leaves, or you may hear faint squeaks or
scratching sounds. If you have an indoor pet, your dog or cat may hear the noises even if you
cannot; they may also be able to smell the mice. Therefore, if your pet seems agitated and paying
unusual attention to a particular wall, it may be reacting to a
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Just What Is a Rodent, Anyway?
One of the best ways to prevent rodents is to first learn about them, their habits, and their likes and
dislikes. In this way, you will understand what makes them tick, and can more accurately pinpoint
successful ways to eradicate them from your property with the least amount of bother and danger to
you, your children, and your pets.
Did you know that there are more different kinds of rodents than any other group of animals
worldwide? Scientists have identified close to 2000 different types of rodents. When most people
hear the word rodent, what automatically pops into their mind? Usually, they get the mental image
of a big rat or a small, but just as dreaded little mouse. These animals are indeed rodents, but they
have a long list of fellow members in the scientific order called Rodentia, which is from a Latin
word, rodere, whose definition is "to gnaw". All of the familiar animals below are rodents.
Guinea Pig
Prairie Dog
Rodents are mammals, just like the cats and dogs that we keep in our home as pets – and just like
man himself! And, almost 40 percent of all the mammals in existence are rodents! Obviously, they
have adapted well to our earth, and have figured out how to successfully feed themselves and their
large, frequently occurring litters of offspring. This is why they are so numerous in our world today,
to the point where they
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Sin Nombre Virus Risk Assessment in Yosemite National Park...
genus of virus that are single–stranded, negative–sensed RNA viruses with a tripartite genome,
represented by 45 different species across a worldwide distribution (Dearing and Dizney, 2010).
They are pathogens primarily hosted by small mammals, in the family Muridae, with rats and mice
making up the majority of these hosts. Hantaviruses first came to be known when two major disease
events occurring in the twentieth century lead to the discovery of both old and new world
hantaviruses (Johnson et al 2010). Old world hantavirus were first discovered during the Korean
War (1950–1953) when over 3,000 U.N and Korean soldiers became stricken with hemorrhagic
fever with ... Show more content on ...
There is currently no antiviral drugs to treat HPS infections and the current form of treatment is
through supportive therapy such as assisted respiration, and in extreme cases extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation to provide a constant supply of oxygen to the patient (Mayo Clinic 2013).
Even with treatment, HPS has a current mortality rate of approximately 38% (CDC. 2013). The deer
mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) is the most widely dispersed mammal in North America and is the
primary reservoir species for SNV (University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources
2013). Deer mice are nocturnal and are found throughout all types of habitats ranging from forests
to scrublands, making this a very ubiquitous species that primarily feed on grains and
seeds(University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources 2013). However deer mice are
very adaptable animals that can change their diets to suit their environment and their diet can consist
of invertebrates, fungi, fruits, and green vegetation. The typical lifespan of deer mice is 2 years and
they typically do not breed during the winter, although in times of abundant food supply and warm
temperatures they may breed year round with liter size varying from three to six young SNV
(University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources 2013). SNV is believed to be
transmitted horizontally amongst deer mice through exchanges of body fluid which may increase
with aggressive behaviors amongst individuals, such
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Persuasive Essay On Rodent Removal
Rodents are a problem in homes across the world.
Mice and rats are the most common invaders. They're attracted to the prospect of easy shelter and
food. You may also find yourself up against squirrels that view attics as protected nesting areas.
Still, it's troubling when you discover evidence of rodent activity in your home. It's not just the
violation of your food or the need to sanitize areas where you find rodent droppings.
Rodents carry diseases that humans can catch, such as hantavirus and leptospirosis, which makes
them a threat to your whole family.
If you're up against an infestation, you have a number of rodent removal options open to you. Let's
take a close look at some of the things you can do for proper rodent removal.
Traps and Poison
Traps and poison are widely employed rodent removal solutions, but there are some things to
You have a choice between several types of lethal traps.
There are electric traps that kill with a high voltage charge. Glue traps simply keep the mouse stuck
in place and it dies from starvation or dehydration.
Snap traps break the mouse's neck. These come in both an open and closed style. The closed style
traps are better for homes with pets and kids, since paws and fingers can't get caught by the spring–
loaded bar.
If rodent killing just isn't your speed, you can also opt for a humane trap. Pro tip: take the trap far
from your home before releasing any mice. That prevents them from coming straight back inside.
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Investigating The Memory Of Hamsters
1. Introduction
In this research task I will be handling the memory of hamsters. Originally I wanted to use mice for
this task but I found that hamsters show signs of intelligence which brought my research to their
species. All of my literature refers to mice but as both mice and hamsters are from the rodent family
there will not be too much variation. My aim is to research whether hamsters rely on their memory
to reach the end of the maze. Through my literature review one can see research done through mice
to help find solutions to a variance in mental health issues. I chose hamsters as they are not used
frequently in research. There may be objections to my use of hamsters as it may be seen as animal
cruelty but I will not harm the hamsters in any way.
I will build a maze that is beneficial to my research but will not be too easy or too hard for the mice
to complete. I will then deprive the hamsters of food for four hours to ensure that they will seek out
the reward. Once I have carried out my experiment multiple times I will be able to draw conclusions
and discern whether my aim and hypothesis is relevant.
2. Review of Literature
During my research I have found that a large part of my literature deals with the memory of mice.
Though this does not apply directly to me research, as I will be using hamsters, it will still help me
refine my experiment. Studies mostly circle around mental health issues and finding solutions to
these problems. These sources will aid me in
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Interesting Facts About The Capybara
Interesting Facts about the Capybara
The Capybara is the largest rodent on Earth, getting the name capybara from the Brazilian language,
Tupi. The name translates to mean "the one who eats slender leaves". Just like other rodents, this
animal has teeth that are very sharp but it rarely bites human beings, therefore it is not considered to
be a threat.
They like to live in wetlands and they can hold their breath under water for long periods. If
threatened, they can stay under water for up to five minutes so as to hide from the threat. Humans
consume their meat especially around during the lent period.
This animal called "the master of the grasses" by the amazon tribe, the capybara does not have a tail.
It has a lifespan of about 10 years although in the wild, they normally live up to 4 years as a result of
predation, being hunted by animals ... Show more content on ...
These animals mark their territory either by rubbing their morillos on objects or by using their anal
glands when they walk over shrubs. Even the females do scent marking although on a lesser
frequency as compared to males.
Characteristics of the Capybara
The scientific name of the capybara is Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, a large rodent from the genus
Hydrochoerus, the same as the lesser capybara. It is closely related to the guinea pig. It is also
related to the chinchillas and coypu.
The capybara is found in South America, living in the savannas and dense forests though close to
water bodies. It is a semi–aquatic rodent and therefore it always lives close to water bodies or
wetland areas such as in estuaries, river banks, streams, swamps and marshes.
The animal has a short head while the body takes the shape of a barrel, covered in fur that is
reddish–brown in color on the upper part of its body while underneath it is yellowish–brown.
However, unlike other rodents, it has sweat glands in the hairy portions of the
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Commentary on the Bat by Roethke
Aliona Fezoua My Expert Commentary 'The Bat' – Theodore Roethke: By day the bat is cousin to
the mouse. He likes the attic of an aging house. His fingers make a hat about his head. His pulse
beat is so slow we think him dead. He loops in crazy figures half the night Among the trees that face
the corner light. But when he brushes up against a screen, We are afraid of what our eyes have seen:
For something is amiss or out of place When mice with wings can wear a human face. Theodore
Roethke's poem 'The Bat' clearly focuses on the animal the bat and effectively conveys through the
latter an important message to the reader. One could interpret this poem in various ways; however a
prominent theme would be that every ... Show more content on ...
By comparing the bat's depiction during both day and night, Roethke may be trying to convey that
the bat is actually no more than a simple and peaceful being, which has been wrongly portrayed for
years. From another point of view, the author could be wanting to convey, through the image of a
bat, that everyone has a 'dark side'. Roethke ingeniously does so in the final line of the poem with
the latter's twist metaphorical ending; "when mice with wings can wear a human face" (Roethke,
10). As previously discussed, bats are usually associated with slyness and darkness, by making the
bat "wear a human face", Roethke is trying to express that bats can sometimes resemble humans and
vice versa. Ultimately, humans can also sometimes 'wear a bat face' and have a darker side. The
author also gives the poem a very descriptive tone through a significant amount of imagery. For
example, the metaphor; "his fingers make a hat about his head" (Roethke, 3), provides a detailed
description of the bat's upper body in such a way that the reader is able to picture the bat as what
Roethke wants him/her to picture it as. One could also infer that the author may again be trying to
make the connection between bat and man; since men wear hats and not bats. Another metaphor
would be; "by day the bat is cousin to the mouse" (Roethke, 1). Of course, mouse
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Trouble in Paradise
Scirius Kittis meets Scirius Nevile: The Evolution of a New Species
Various experiments and measurements were performed in the field in order to compare the two
types of rodents. The following is a list of the data collected through multiple observations over a
span of two years. We captured 100 rats of each rodent population, and we found the average
weight, length, hind limb, and forelimb measurements. In addition, we conducted experiments in
regards to their top speed, average height that they could leap, gestation time, and average time
spent in the courtship display.
Research Data:
St. Kitts Rodent
Weight = 83g
Length = 21.8cm
Hind limb = 7.8cm
Forelimb = 4.2cm
Speed = 2.2m/s
Average leap height = 1.4m
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The species on St. Kitts also have a speed and height advantage over the Nevis population, so the
bottleneck effect is more likely to have wiped out their population since they have more favorable
traits than their counterpart. If the island underwent a catastrophe, it is likely that the rodents were
separated physically. The second factor, allopatric speciation, occurred between the two rodents'
habitat. This is when a population is divided by a geographic barrier which prevents interbreeding
between the two populations. These species are found on two different islands, so the water in
between separates the two populations from interacting with one another. Due to this, both species
could have developed changes in courtship rituals, developed new traits, and undergone changes to
adapt to their environment. The final factor, behavioral isolation, occurs when two species don't
recognize one another as mating partners due to incorrect courtship rituals. Since we tried to
repopulate the St. Kitts by introducing the population from Nevis onto the island and no
success was found, behavioral isolation is very likely to have been the reason why. Our data
supports this as well since the St. Kitts rodent spends 12.6 seconds during courtship display while
the Nevis rodent spends 21.3 seconds, almost
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Portia Pig Character Analysis
It isn't often that a rodent teaches a lesson. Nonetheless, Portia the pig taught me some very valuable
ones. Adopting a living animal shows you that you need to grow up some. Besides you, there is
something else you must take care of. There is a lesson of caring and responsibility that comes from
having a pet. Especially if you are the one to buy the new addition to the family, you learn quite a
few things about money. I was blessed to learn these priceless lessons at such a young age. They
really broadened how I viewed money and life. It was a journey of ups and downs, but then again it
was also a journey to growing up. The object of great value to me was my guinea pig, Portia. To get
her, I saved up all my money from birthdays to holidays, from babysitting to finding coins on the
streets. I had always wanted a pet of my own and the only way my parents were letting me get one
was with my own money. They weren't too thrilled when I told them that I wanted a rodent as a pet,
but I convinced them otherwise. My sister, when she was growing up, always had a different pet so
my parents quickly found out how much work they were. We had a dog, but I wanted something for
me to take care of on my own. I had to wait some time to be able to pay for her. The wait was
excruciating, but worth it. It took me a little while to earn the money as her and everything that goes
with having a pet costs quite a bit. The day finally came when we went looking for the right guinea
pig. I
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Tri-Service Job Description
For 16 weeks, I attended school at Fort Sam Houston Texas where I learned my MOS as a 68 Sierra,
or Preventive Medicine Specialist. We oversee the inspections set forth by the Tri– Service Food
Code. This code was created by the Army, Navy, and Airforce counter–parts for general sanitation of
dining Facilities, child care facilities, on post restaurants including major chain restaurants such as
Burger King, Popeyes, and Pizza Hut. We also ensure the general sanitation for barber and beauty
shops, gyms, detention cells on base, water quality tests, where we run coliform and test all on base
pool water for PH and Chlorine residuals weekly in my MOS. The main part of our job is to make
sure all the facilities on base such as day care centers, dining facilities, and workout facilities, abide
and follow the rules and regulations set forth by the Tri–Service Food code. ... Show more content
on ...
Not only that but we also must make sure that facilities are receiving their water from a treated
source such as a treatment facility. All aspects of our job are very important but the main ones we
use in a garrison environment are the inspections of dining facilities and other types of
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Animal Lab Report
The purpose of this lab is to examine the internal organ systems of vertebrate that has similar
internal organ systems of a human. Additionally to be able to identify where organs of the digestion,
circulatory, and respiratory systems are located in a rat and their function according to the rat's
One is able to use rats as a specimen to study human anatomy, as the organs found in a rat such as
the heart, lungs, and the stomach, are also found in the human body. Furthermore, it has been proved
that humans has approximately 99% of the same DNA as rodents especially mice (Speaking of
research, 2016). Due to the similarly in DNA, rodents of any species become an excellent model to
see how a human body works internally.
Figure 1:
Comparison ... Show more content on ...
For an example, Norway rats prefer to eat foods high in protein such as pet food and meat scraps,
while Roof rats prefer fruits (Rat's diet, n.d.). Other similarity between the species in their diet is
their desire to eat sugar and foods high in amounts of sugar. A difference between humans and rats is
the number of chromosomes they have. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, while rats have 21
pairs of chromosome as evolution occurs faster in rats than they do in humans (Spencer, 2012).
Additionally, rats can become the host for the tapeworm Taenia taeniaformis while humans cannot.
The Taenia taeniaformis causes the crystal formation in the rat's liver resulting in it becoming
enlarged. Another disease only rats can get is chronic progressive nephrosis. Chronic progressive
nephrosis involves the inflammation of blood vessels in the rat's kidney. The disease is more
commonly found in older male rats. A rat may get the disease through gender, genetics, and by
salutary factors such as protein content and total calorie intake in their diet (Quesenberry et al.,
2011) A similarity between the two species is the common diseases/disorders they can get such as
hypertension, cataracts, obesity and deafness (Melina, 2010). Finally, a vital difference between
humans and rats are body positions they natural use. A rat is a quadruped meaning they move on all
four legs, while humans are bipedalism, meaning they move on 2 legs instead of
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Why Elephants Are Scared Of Mice
Why Elephants Are Scared of Mice
Thousands of years ago in Africa, elephants roamed the Earth without a single worry. Their
immense size and strength had caused them to develop exaggerated pride, overconfidence and the
belief that they were superior to all other creatures. George in particular, was no exception. He was
more egotistic and arrogant than the entire elephant race combined. George only allowed the others
to refer to himself as "Master George" and was incredibly irritated when smaller creatures would
even glance at him without proper deference.
Due to physical weakness and miniature size, most field mice had grown completely obedient,
cowardly and feeble in character. Elephants such as George would often bully, hurt or even ... Show
more content on ...
George the elephant was of the opinion that he there was nobody as attractive or intelligent as
himself. For this reason he presumed that it was a waste of time for him to meet other female
elephants to build a family with. Therefore, George's only task was to find water for himself. Pedro
on the other hand, had recently encountered a stunning female mouse who he cared for a great deal.
Although he was challenged to find enough water for two beings, his size was finally an advantage
due to the fact that mice required less water than larger creatures.
After hours of searching for even the smallest bodies of water, Pedro eventually came across a
sizeable puddle. His hard work had payed off; he was ready to return home to provide water to his
partner. However, in order to continue his journey, Pedro needed several gulps of water himself. As
Pedro drank blissfully, he noticed a large silhouette approaching the puddle. He could recognize this
creature anywhere. It was an elephant.
It didn't take George a long time to discover puddles that had not yet dried. George only needed to
stand on his hind legs to see all the bodies of water around. He would then walk towards the pond,
and proceed to use his long trunk to suck up the remaining water. After having used his methods on
four different puddles, George casually strolled in the direction of the fifth. He was about to begin
consuming the water, when he
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Small Rodents Make Wonderful Pets Essays
Anyone who has owned one would readily aggree that hamsters, girlbils, and mice provide an owner
with hours of amusement and years of companionship. Rabbits are fabulous for those who are
looking for a quiet playmate, while rats and ferrets are hyperactive and surprisingly intelligent.
Guinea pigs are another very popular choice for a small pet. A website dedicated to guinea pigs
boasts on their front page that there is no question that "guinea pigs make excellent pets [and are]
docile, low maintenance, and unbelievably cute."
I strongly beg to differ, unless "docile" means "boring" and "low maintenance" means that you only
need to scoop up piggy pellet poop every few minutes. Calling a guinea ... Show more content on ...
A block of wood, on the other hand, has a glorious, rich history. Imagine that your beloved block of
wood was once part of a hardy, eighty–foot–tall tree, who had majestically grown from a tiny acorn
in the dense forrests of Canada! Who would want to be introducing a new pet to their friends and
say "This is Bob and he came from the pet store and well...uhh...that's about it, actually"? The very
thought of it is embarassing. Score one for the block of wood.
If their pathetic past isn't enough to deter a potential owner from getting a guinea pig, next consider
the housing requirements of the creature. Unless planning to allow the guinea pig to rome free in the
house, a sturdy (and expensive) cage will be necessary. An absolute bare minimum of two square
feet of floor space is required, but very often cages offer four or more square feet of space. The
smaller, "starter" cages can cost anywhere from fourty to eighty dollars, and as the space in the cage
increases, so does the price. The cage must be placed with care in a location that is free from direct
sunlight and drafts. Bedding, another requirement for a healthy pet, is also costly and is constantly
needed (Guinea pigs soil their litter very quickly and efficently, but we'll get to that later). In
addition to a cage and bedding, it is also generally a good idea to provide containers for food (hay,
scientific pellet mix, and
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Female Rodents Essay
3) Discussion
Inclusion of female rodents
Female rats will be included without regard to the stage of their estrous cycle, as their exclusion
from experimental models of depression in lieu of less variable male rats is aged, and not
empirically based.4,12,13,17,29,42 Sex was only taken into account for the initial selection of
behavioural testing, as commonly used social defeat paradigms would be ineffective: female rodents
do not engage in replicable resident–intruder confrontations, and do not fight each other in any
transitive social hierarchy.12,13
Stimulation and inhibition of nAChR
The ability of both nAChR agonist and antagonists to potentially alleviate depressive symptoms in
chronic administration conditions is reflective of the dynamic equilibrium of desensitization and
activation of nAChRs in the CNS.30,33,38 In the desensitized state, there is a decreased
responsiveness of AChRs to ligand agonists; however, desensitized nAChRs have a higher affinity
to ACh and other nAChR ligands than 'active' nAChRs.28 Chronic nicotine can thus functionally
antagonize nAChR, prompting a decrease in cholinergic tone by restricting the ability ... Show more
content on ...
First, although frequently used, modelling the behaviour of rats as as a reliable representation of the
human neurobiological mechanism of episodic despair may be subjectively understood as an
anthropomorphic interpretation of stress manifested behaviours.8,11,13 This should not devalue the
use of the FST or SPT as drug validation tools, but the degree to which rodent and human
depression overlap remains unclear. In addition, although nAChR are widely expressed in the CNS,
several subtypes of nAChR α and β–subunits have been identified, and pentameric nAChR are
constructed of various homomer or heteromer combinations.27,33,38 Targeting specific subunits,
such as Chrna2, may therefore create an incomplete or distorted analysis of nAChR activation or
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Key Steps to Winterizing Your RV Essay
Key Steps to Winterizing Your RV
Remember that RV that you spent all summer touring about the country in? Well its that time of year
when you need prepare for the long winter months that are ahead of us. It is very important that you
take these steps to protect your RV, if you don't this can result in some very unpleasant discoveries
next year when you try to go out on that first trip of the summer.
Winterizing the plumbing in your RV is probably the most important component to preparing your
rig for winter. If there is any chance of the temperatures reaching freezing, this is a must.
First off you need to flush out any water reservoirs: the blank and gray tanks, the water heater and
fresh water system. Once you have drained ... Show more content on ...
And yes, rodents will try to get inside your RV; it would be like a five star resort for them to spend
the winter months in.
The first thing you want do is remove any food or fragrant items from the RV. This includes soap,
shampoo and toothpaste. Clean everywhere. Crumbs have habit of hiding in hard to find nooks and
crannies. There should be nothing to even resemble a food source for mice, rats or squirrels. Clean
and defrost your refrigerator and freezer. Prop open, their doors and leave an open container of
baking soda inside to absorb scents. Leaving dryer sheets, like Bounce, about the rig should help
deter rodents, but traditional mousetraps are quite effective.
Close all the curtains and blinds to protect the upholstery from the sun. Take batteries out of
flashlights and clocks, but don't forget to put them back in again next summer. Use moisture
absorbent like Damp Rid or Dri–Z–Air, this will help prevent mold and mildew from taking root.
Exterior Preparation
When preventing rodents from moving in to your RV you can't just rely on not having any
appetizing smelling items in there. Examine the exterior of your rig, from top to bottom, looking for
any openings that could let in a rodent. Don't forget a mouse can fit through any hole that you can
stick your finger in.
The best place to store your RV during the winter is under some kind of man–made shelter, like a
carport. But, not all of us have access to something like that. The
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Rodent Control
Finding the best rodent control service online isn't necessarily an easy thing to do, as there are so
many services out there to choose from, it can actually get quite overwhelming. However, with this
vast selection available to us, comes a large opportunity for us to choose the best service, for the
best price, which will allow us to save substantial money, yet get one of the most high quality rodent
control or rodent exterminator services out there. There are a few ways to tell which pest control
services are of the highest quality, let's take a look into these ways, and see which will bring us the
best results.
One thing you must look for in a good company is reviews, if you can't find any decent reviews of a
rodent control service, you ... Show more content on ...
A good services website won't just say contact us, we are the best, they will have a good amount of
information that will assist home and commercial property owners, to alert them on what they need
to look out for, and what issues they may be encountering. A rodent control companies website
should assist clients before they even get in contact, it should let clients know they are there for
them, even before the first point of contact.
When you have done this research, you hopefully will have found a decent pest control or rodent
control service, and you will be able to contact them and have them come to your home, for a fair
price and to exterminate your rodents. Some pest control services only state that they can deal with
certain pests, whereas others can deal with them all, from rodents to small insects, they have the lot
Wheelers Pest Control are an amazing pest and rodent control service who deal with all types of
pests and rodents. There isn't a pest issue they haven't faced, which gives them the necessary
experience and expertise to get the job done effectively, and quickly. If you want to hire a rodent
control service that offers professional, effective and fast working rodent extermination for a fair
price, get in contact with Wheelers Pest Control today, and get rid of those pesky
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Machismo's Acceptance Of Mice In Ratatouille
Nature's identity is unthinkable without women. They seem to have a relationship which stretches
far beyond in the time. This bond is what compelled the feminists and ecologically sensitive women
to cipher nature's identity as analogues to women. Domination from the patriarchal society sets the
basis for this bond which sees collective pain and suffering as a commonality between them. Women
through their conscious and unconscious efforts towards conservation of biodiversity realized that
they were not the only victims of male prepotency. Machismo had its way to everything through its
use of power. This power driven thinking induced exploitative methods of utilizing everything to its
own benefit. The interconnectedness of female agony and nature's ... Show more content on ...
Humans consider rats as vermin and hate even the sight of them. The movie exposes to the audience
another hate story, that of the rats. As much as the humans hate these rodents, rats, in return, also
hate humans with the same intensity owing to the pain afflicted to their species by the other. Remy's
dad professes this type of repugnance of the humankind whereas Remy admires the human
intelligence and its ability to innovate. Remy in a way is a human trapped in the body of a rat. He
has highly developed sense of taste and smell; he can understand human language as well as their
behavior, intelligence and moral which outdoes the other rats. His family doesn't perceive him as
something different but once he saves a fellow rat from eating a rat–kill, he is appointed on the job
of checking food to find in it any remnants of rat–kill. The house that the Remy and other rats reside
in is that of an old lady, who blinded by her abomination for the rats, wrecks her own house with a
shotgun. The movie shows that humans are utterly disgusted by the sight of rats. The cooking
industry, that Remy wants to enter, sees rats as unwanted pests who could go to any extent to fulfill
their insatiable desire for food. Remy, in one of the scenes, corrects the recipe of a soup, which the
garbage boy, Linguini, had spoiled with his inexperienced hand. The soup, by pure
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Electric Rodent Trap
An Electric Rodent Trap Makes It Easier To Get Rid Of Mice And Rodents If your home is suddenly
overrun with mice and rats, your first step should be to call in a professional exterminator. It's very
difficult to get rid of rodents once they become established. A pest control company will help you
come up with a plan for killing or trapping the rodents you already have and blocking new ones
from getting in your home. To speed the process along, you can set traps yourself too. However, if
you are like a lot of people and can't bring yourself to set or empty a rodent trap, then you should try
an electric tap instead. This is why an electric trap is ideal for getting rid of mice and rats. Easy To
Set Setting a snap trap is nerve–wracking. It ... Show more content on ...
The good thing about an electric trap is it kills rodents immediately with an electrical shock. They
don't have to linger in the trap for hours or days and suffer until they die. Although you may hate the
idea of killing an animal, at least you can feel better knowing you did it in a humane way. Easy To
Dispose Of Kills Another benefit of an electric tunnel trap is how easy it is to dispose of a dead
rodent. You don't even have to look at the rat or mouse. If you glance at the tunnel opening, all you
see is a tail sticking out. There is also an indicator light on top of the tunnel that lets you know the
plate was tripped. Just pick up the tunnel and tip it over your garbage can and the rodent will slide
into the trash. That is far better than prying open a rat trap to dispose of a dead body so you can use
the trap again. While dealing with a rodent infestation is never a pleasant thing, at least it is easier to
do it with an electric trap. However, if you are too squeamish about rodents, even an electric trap
may be too much for you to handle. In that case, you can let a pest control company do all the work.
An exterminator will set the traps, check them, and empty them on a regular basis until the rodents
are cleared from your
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The Eastern Chipmunk Essay
The Eastern Chipmunk
The Eastern chipmunk is a small rodent of the Sciuridae family. This chipmunk is closely related to
the red and grey fox, the flying squirrel, and the woodchuck. Its Taxonomic name is Tamias Striatus.
The word Tamias, Means collector or keeper and Striatus refers to its bold stripes and coloring.
The body of the average Eastern Chipmunk is about 8 to 10 inches long, the weigh about 2 ½ to 4
ounces. The ears are rounded with ears that stick straight up. It has short legs, the hind legs each
have five claws, the front legs have four, and a long thumb like extension. They also have a furry
flat tail.
Chipmunks have short, dense body fur. It is the same color for males and females. This is a reddish–
brown with ... Show more content on ...
A chipmunk can transport large amounts of food in cheek pouches. A chipmunk uses its forepaws to
manipulate food for eating or transporting.
Eating and foraging among other thing are done during the day. Chipmunks are most active in early
morning and late afternoon. In hot weather they spend much time in their burrows.
A chipmunk's burrow my be simple or elaborate. The entrance is about two inches wide, it is usually
hidden. Burrows sink straight down for several inches, then settle and lengthen about 30 feet,
occasionally branching into derivative tunnels with separate entries.
Chipmunks excavate their burrows, thrusting or carrying unearthed dirt away from the entrance.
Somewhere in the system is a foot–square nest chamber. this compartment is lined with crumbled
dry leaves and grass. A chipmunk stashes nuts, seeds, corn, and other hoarded foods under the leaf
bed or in a storage chamber nearby.
Chipmunks do not enter winter with a thick layer of body fat as do other hibernating animals.
Instead they begin gathering and storing food in autumn and live off of that until late October or
early November. Length of wintering behavior varies.
Chipmunks close their den entrances when they go underground. They sleep much of the winter,
waking sporadically to eat. On tranquil, clear days they may leave the den for a short time. Some
surface to breed in late February or early March, but snow and cold may force
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Rodent Research Paper
Rodents are very formidable creatures. They may not look much but they can spread diseases and
viruses which can be life threatening if ignored. Rodents can also destroy your house structure and
your furniture and equipments if they are not immediately eradicated. Rodents are the most common
pest problems in many households. If you are suffering from rodent infestation, you must take
necessary action to prevent their growth. There are certain homeowners and residents who are not
immediately alarmed by the presence of rodents in their property. If they see one or two rodents
scurrying around their property, they simply think that these rats and mice will eventually go away.
What they do not realize is that rodents do not go away on their own. These creatures will continue
to breed and grow in number until the problem will get out of control. Rodents usually infest areas
where there is little to no sanitation, dark and warm areas where they can breed and multiply, and in
areas near food and water. The most likely areas that rodents can infest in your property are:
insulation of walls and ceilings; behind cupboards, bathtubs, and shower stalls; attics and basements.
It ... Show more content on ...
For instance, you can look for unexplained holes in your walls or food containers. You can also look
for their droppings in different areas of your property. If you hear any rustling or scampering noises
in your walls and ceilings then you probably have rodents in your property. Once you discover their
presence in your property, the next step is to figure out their dwelling places. The most common
dwelling areas of these pests are in the insulation of ceilings and walls, inside crawl spaces, or
behind cupboards, counters, garage, basements, and attics. When you have identified all these, you
can then proceed to look for the best pest control methods to eliminate these
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There are many rodents in the world. With just that first sentence said, there is more than 1,500
species of the group Rodentia. They can be anywhere besides New Zealand, Antartica, and ocean
islands. The main habitats you can find them in are deserts, swamps, tundras, deciduous forest, etc.
There can vary in many sizes. As small as a mouse (or smaller) to as big as a pig. Many of the
species spend most of their time wherever you find them. Continuing on with the sizes of rodents,
they can be from five to 60 centimeters. The smallest of the rodents is the "Delaney's swamp mouse"
which is five to six centimeters long. The largest of the rodents is the "capybara" which is about 100
to 135 centimeters long and can weigh from anywhere to about ... Show more content on ...
"They are divided into subfamilies of Old World and New World species." You can find mice in
grasslands and forest. Just like any other rodent, they have predators. Examples would be foxes,
dogs and not so surprising, cats. Mice are a great source of food when it comes to owls, foxes and
hawks. There are 3 different types of mice that are considered pest. Those would be the brown rat,
black rat and the house rat. Mice are omnivores. They eat seeds, grains, and fruits. They can eat to
about 15 to 29 times a day. They are nocturnal which means they are more likely to be active at
night and get their rest during the day. If food becomes scarce, they will end up eating each other. A
single mother can have about five to ten litters. There are about five to six young in those litters.
(Rodents & Mouse
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The Importance Of Hunting In Missouri
Parker Wormek
Computers 7th
25 August 2017
Missouri Hunting/trapping animals
Missouri is a pretty big hunting state, having our own national forest and several plots of land
dedicated to just hunting is also pretty nice. Since we have so much forestry, why don't I teach you a
little bit about the wild animals that live in these deep valleys and cool springs, some of these you
might not see every day. During the 2015–2016 deer season, 274,447 deer were legally harvested,
this was a 7% increase from the 2014–2015 season, but a 3% decrease from the 10 year average, but
lately, the population has been dropping, this is due to severe disease outbreaks, a changes in habitat
availability. Deer population however has been slowly decreasing ... Show more content on ...
The coyote is a wild canine, sort of like the wolf, it's just much smaller than a wolf that you would
see in the more northern areas of the states/canada. The coyote prefers to hunt and live in packs, this
allows it to take down bigger game such as deer with ease. Coyotes in Missouri have very faint red
fur that surrounds their bodies, but on their back turns to more of a gray black mix in color. The
coyote will eat small game such as rodents, rabbits, fish and frogs, and larger game like deer. When
the coyote is not eating it's bigger prey, they will eat snakes, insects, fruit and grass. Quiet weird
dogs right? Never heard of a canine that eats
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Personal Experience: Rat Battles
If it had been a human one it would have had a "NO VACANCY" sign hanging outside most of the
time. RATS! brown rats, grey rats, anorexic rates, obese rats, aggressive rats, timid rats, paranoid
rats–We had them all, lots of them and waged war on them for over a decade. They lived in the old
dilapidated, unpainted granary that leaned against, and shared a common wall with, our barn. This
outmoded granary was built flat on the ground which allowed the rats to excavate multiple tunnels
and runways under it. It was the grand rat hotel of the area. An old adage about rats is "If you see
one rat in the day time there are dozens of others you don't see." If that's true, then that granary
housed and fed literally hundreds of rats. The rats were so numerous that they kept our 10 cats well
fed. We probably should have put them on Lipitor. The large numbers of rodents did require the cats
exercise some caution when "rat–ing" however, and, so most times, they hunted in pairs for safety.
But, even 10 cats had little effect on the resident rat population, so we were forced to search for
other ways to battle and rid ourselves of these offending rodents. One method that we tried involved
placing a container full of water near one of their main thoroughfares and covering the surface with
a layer of their favorite grain. We carefully placed a short 1X 6 against the container to provide a
ramp for their access. The whole idea was they were supposed to get so excited
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The Deadly Hanta Virus Essay
The Deadly Hanta Virus
Hanta virus is a dangerous and often deadly disease that must be guarded against. If proper
precautions are not taken, hanta virus could lead to a nationwide outbreak causing many deaths.
While there are a few cases of hanta virus reported each year, the consequences of coming down
with the disease dictates that the U.S. set up certain safeguards to educate the population on how to
protect themselves. Even though research is being done on hanta virus and its related illnesses, there
persist many unanswered questions. Hanta virus like all other viri are some of the smallest
organisms known to man. Their existence as living organisms is debated. Viri perform only the most
basic functions of life. They seek ... Show more content on ...
In addition, the incubation time of the virus is uncertain. Researchers think that it takes between one
and five weeks after the initial contact with the virus before victims start showing symptoms of the
illness. These early symptoms can vary significantly from person to person. While most people will
feel fatigue, fever and muscle aches in the large muscle groups. Other may also experience chills,
dizziness, and abdominal pains. A week later, infected people will begin to experience coughing and
a shortness of breath as their lungs fill with fluid. It is important to note that most hanta virus
victims became ill even though they did not see rodents or their dropping, and others have had a
large amount of contact with both before they became sick ( pg. 1). Because of the wide
variety of symptoms, hanta virus has gone through several different names.
"The common clinical features among the case–patients included a prodromial illness of fever,
chills, and myalgia. The prodrome was followed by dyspnea, cough, throbocytopenia, severe
hemodynamic instability, neutrophilid with immature forms, atypical lymphocytes, elevated serum
levels of lactate dehydrogenase. There was a high mortality rate, approximately eighty percent in the
initial group of patients, the chest x–ray examinations revealed a diffuse, interstitial infiltrate that
resembled that observed in patients with adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which is a
common pattern in patients
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The Evolution Of Monogamy In Mammals
The evolution of monogamy in mammals has been challenging to understand for ecologists for
many years, because in most cases male mammals are thought to have higher fitness through
polygamous mating. One of the principles of evolution is that animals want to maximize their
reproductive success, so two animals committing to one another kind of seems counter–intuitive.
Animals want to pass on their genes to the next generation, and having more offspring means there
's a higher chance of survival. When females have long lactation periods or gestation, they are
unable to mate during this time, so it would seem to be advantageous for the male to move on to
their next mate. In a biology context, monogamy is when one male mates to one female forming an
exclusive bond. Research shows that approximately 3–5% of mammals are considered monogamous
compared to about 90% of birds and out of a total of 4,000 mammalian species (Munshi–South).
Birds seem to be extremely monogamous because both male and female birds actively participate in
the growth of their hatchlings. The equitable division of the labor gives the male bird more of a
reason to stick around (Munshi–South).
Although most mammals are not monogamous why do some of them exhibit this behavior? We
could address this question by looking at different examples of monogamous mammals and what
genetic and environmental factors could have influenced this behavior. We can also look at what
hormones could be involved in pair–bonding
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Descriptive Essay On Squirrels
There are more than 200 species of squirrel that live all over the world, making the mammal so
relatable. Furthermore, squirrels are familiar to almost everyone this universality makes them, in my
opinion, so likable. They're a creature most see, but can't be bothered to notice or appreciate.
Squirrels are members of the Sciuridae family, consisting of small and medium–sized rodents. This
family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, flying squirrels and prairie dogs. I'm not
particularly fond of rodents, however, I have recently grown quite the affinity for squirrels.
The windows in my room look out onto the bare and ugly roof of my school. A landscape of metal,
scattered piles of decomposing leaves, and large unpleasant looking vents that make a low humming
noise–adding to their unpleasantness. It's not a pretty sight. But, every now and then I get a
welcomed surprise from a grey squirrel, sifting through the wind–made clumps of leaves in search
of sustenance. Its curiosity and careful intent are happy sights to observe. I sit and watch, through
my the pans of my window, as it scampers to–and–fro, frantically; jumping at any sound,
movement, or gust of wind, while I brush through my untamed hair.
I wonder how it might be to be so small; to have to constantly worry about safety, warmth, and food.
This would be a short life, a life of filled with fear and worry. But also a life of wonder, adventure,
and excitement: hurrying up tall trees, leaping from branch
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Dbq Essay On Rat Infestation
There have been more recent rat infestations over the years. In the articles (sources) numbers 1, 2,
and 3 they explain rat infestations exploding in several places. These are the three thing to look for
when their is a rat infestation where are they occurring, the dangers to humankind, and how to
eradicate them. First, rat infestations are occurring in places around the world. According to Source
1, John Davison explains, "Recent cold weather and flooding is believed to have led the disease–
carrying rodents to shelter indoors. And the situation is only going to get worse because of the
increase in the rat population thanks to a succession of milder winters, according to pest
controllers." This is explaining what causes this to happen to Britain. The bamboo seeds are causing
the rat population to go up (Gill,Source 2). This is revealing the fact that too many seeds are causing
the rats to come to Indian villages. In the article Jerry Falke stated, "Last fall was an exceptionally
wet season in this area of Texas," so that means rats are trying to escape the cold (Schattenberg,
Source 3). This is describing how again the cold weather is pushing rodents in houses in barns in
Texas. Weather is a ... Show more content on ...
When rats carry diseases they become a great threat to other lives [dogs, cats, and humans]
(Davison, Source 1). This was seen when the Black Death wiped out 30–60% of Europe's
population during the late Middle Ages. In source 2, by Victoria Gill it states, "A once in a
generation, gigantic plague of rats, that ruins crops and leaves people starving." This is a that is a
danger because humans could starve to death without food. Rats are eating and destroying important
items in your house (Schattenberg, Source 3). This could be dangerous to us if they chew out a wire
and it sparks it could set the house up in flames. These are some dangers rat bring when thy
... Get more on ...
Consolation Behavior Should Be Observed Outside Of Species...
Consolation behavior entails as an increase in comforting contact in response to and directed toward
a distressed individual by an uninvolved bystander, which produces a calming effect (Zahn–Waxler
et al., 1992; De Waal & Van Roomalen, 1979). Observations of consolation behavior in animals
such as elephants have led to the conclusion that consolation behavior may require advanced
cognitive capacities (Plotnik & De Waal, 2014). However, the current study sought to investigate if
consolation behavior could be observed outside of species with advanced cognition, such as in a
rodent species. Such an observation would suggest that consolation behavior relies on less cognitive
capacities and may be variably expressed in species due to their species–specific evolutionary
context (Burkett et al., 2016).
Researchers decided to use the rodent species of the prairie vole and the meadow vole in their study.
This was done because the social traits of the prairie vole, i.e. being socially monogamous and
biparental, often coevolve with other cooperative behaviors that increase direct or indirect fitness,
including social buffering among colony members (Burkett et al., 2016). The meadow vole, in
contrast, are promiscuous breeders with no formal social structure. Thus, Burkett and colleagues
offered the following three hypotheses. Firstly, they hypothesized that if both voles are placed under
reproducible laboratory conditions, then the prairie vole will show consolation behavior while the
... Get more on ...
Winter Pest Control Fort Worth
Pest Control Fort Worth
Winter Pest Control Tips
Homeowner's often ask if continued pest control during the winter is even necessary. The answer is
yes, it is wise to continue pest control throughout the colder winter season, especially in the warmer
climates. During the winter months, insects and rodents want to find warmth and shelter, and this
often means your warm home. While many pests will go dormant during the winter months, others
will seek shelter or migrate south to warmer climates. This is the reason you may see more ants,
roaches and other pests such as rodents during the winter season. With the right prevention, and
professional pest control in Fort Worth you can protect your home from unwanted invaders.
Pest control in Fort Worth ... Show more content on ...
Inspect for rodent nests in seldom used areas that are dark and secluded. This includes garages
where vehicles, motorcycles, ATV's and lawn mowers are kept. Rodents can destroy wiring
harnesses in no time.
5. Check for damaged food packages and dry pet foods. Don't leave leftovers or food refuse out,
dispose of it in the trash.
6. If you catch a whiff of a musty odor it may be a rodent nest, a dead mouse or droppings. Watch
your pet, if it seems intrigued by a certain location, inspect it thoroughly for signs of a rodent issue.
7. Sighting a mouse is a definite sign, and unfortunately, there may be more than one. Females give
can give birth 10 times a year with 6 to 8 mice per liter. This is why you require prompt action for
mice. Furthermore, it isn't true that mice will leave in the spring. Your home is the ideal location for
rodents with comfortable indoor temperatures and food. While more can come in during the winter
if the home isn't tight, mice in the winter typically means mice year round. The Bug Dude can take
care of your rodent problem with pest control in Fort Worth.
Contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth, our experts will provide the
effective pest control you need. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding
... Get more on ...

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Rodent And Beaver

  • 1. Rodent and Beaver Characteristics Have you ever seen a large dark animal swimming in a pond? Beaver is a clever and useful animal. This animal is very hard–working. It is a large dark animal. Beavers are mammals. They give milk to their babies. They have fur. They have a backbone like humans. Beavers are rodents. Rodents have huge front teeth that grow always all through the beaver's life. The teeth are called incisors. Their teeth are very sharp. Other examples of rodents are mice, rats, squirrels and hamsters. Beavers are the largest rodents. Beavers can grow to be 1.4 meters long. Their fur is silky and waterproof. A beaver has very small ears. They can swim 3 kilometres an hour. Beavers can stay underwater for a long time. When a beaver is grown ... Show more content on ... Yearlings babysit the kits when the parents are out gathering food. Food Source Beavers are herbivore. Herbivore means plant–eater. They eat aquatic [water] plants, leaves, twigs, seeds, berries, and roots. Their favourite food tree is the aspen. A beaver mostly eats bark. Beavers store twigs and branches underwater during the fall. During the winter the beaver dives down to get some food. During the winter beavers only leave their lodges to eat food that they stored under water during the fall. Beavers work together to cut down a large tree. Beavers eat about 1 kilogram of food every day. Beaver's Community & Effects of losing a member Beavers make dams on streams. Beaver dams are homes for other animals. Dams can also stop a stream from drying up, or land from eroding [wearing or washing away due to wind, water or ice]. The area behind the dams becomes flooded. This flooded area is a habitat for fish, turtles, frogs, bird, insects, water plants and ducks. Ducks have their families in beaver ponds. Without the beaver these wildlife don't have a home and they could die. Streams sometimes wash away too much soil. If soil gets washed away plants won't grow. Beaver dams slow down the moving water and this help clean the water in streams. Beaver goes on land to look for food. The other animals that share this habitat are coyotes, mice, rabbits, hares, insects, lynx, squirrel, deer, bobcats, birds, bears. The animals and plants depend on each ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Blackland Prairie Research Paper The Blackland Prairie is a very diverse ecoregion, despite its diminutive size. There are many unique types of animals in the Blackland Prairie; here are a few examples of animals in the Blackland Prairie. One example of one of these animals is the nine–banded armadillo. The nine–banded armadillo is a large, short and brown armadillo with a long tail and nine lines on its shell (therefore its name). They typically eat grubs, insects, berries, and eggs. This scaly critter lives in most of Texas besides the west, they typically live in woods, brush, grasslands and forests. Another one of the many examples of animals in this diverse ecoregion is the black–tailed prairie dog. These chubby, stubby, brown, and furry balls of cuteness live along the border of Mexico. It lives in dry, flat, sparsely vegetated grasslands. These rodents like to consume things like plants, insects, seeds, and grasses. These items make up most of their diet. They are habitat modifiers just like beavers, they build burrows underground close to each other. These are called towns. ... Show more content on ... Among these diverse plants is the black walnut tree. The black walnut tree is a tall tree with dark brown wood and vibrant green leaves. The black walnut tree is a deciduous tree is in the walnut family (Juglandaceae). Native to Eastern North America, the black walnut tree is a beautiful tree. Another example of this wondrous ecoregion is the Castilleja indivisa. Commonly known in Texas as the Indian paintbrush. The Castilleja is a bright red (sometimes yellow) paintbrush wildflower, and it can grow up to 16 in high. The roots of the plant will grow until they touch other plant's roots. Then, they penetrate those roots of the host and get ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Using Animals in Research is Bad! Essay Have you ever wondered about what a product or a medicine goes through before it gets to us on the store shelves? Products from deodorant to Viagra to weed killer go through years of tests before a regulating body decides they are safe for us to use. The FDA approves drugs and cosmetics and he EPA regulates chemicals that are used and may be harmful to the environment. However before these products are even considered by these regulatory bodies they must go through years of testing. Testing that is unfortunately done on defenseless animals. Each year 50 to 100 million vertebrate animals, such as mice, rats, rabbits, cats and dogs are used in experiments to test products such as medicines, lipstick, household cleaners and pesticides. ... Show more content on ... This type of test is disturbing due to the fact that there are several highly sensitive non–animal tests that can be done to detect chemical–induced genetic mutations but the government still requires companies to poison animals to see whether or not they will develop cancer. The standard test of the kind is the "rodent cancer bioassay." Mice and rats are subjected to a lifetime of chemical exposure to the chemicals in all new or reformulated pesticides, food additives, and drugs. Studies have proven that these tests are found to have more than a 70 percent false–positive rate. The final group of tests that are performed on animals is product tests. No law requires that cosmetics and household products be tested on animals however, the FDA does urge companies to conduct whatever tests are necessary to establish that their products are safe and the Consumer Safety Product Commission that regulates household products does not require animal testing yet many companies do it anyway. I have saved what I feel is the most cruel aspect of animals testing is that done on primates. Primates are known to be sensitive, intelligent beings that share many important biological and physiological characteristics with humans. Baby primates that are born in labs are forcibly torn from their screaming mothers usually within three days of birth and the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Capybara Research Paper Eyes on Tops of Head While spending most of the day in the water the American Tailed Capybara is easily visible by predators with most of it's body above water. So with its eyes on top of its head it is able to be almost fully submerged while keeping very good eyesight to see predators or food. Long Slim Body With a very slim frame it has much less water resistance allows to dive and swim with much less effort and energy. This will give it a lighter mass allowing it to also to move faster land as well while grazing. If the Hydrochoerus caudatus was slower on land it would make them easy prey for animals like boa constrictor or the florida panther Waterproof Coat Since the Hydrochoerus caudatus lives in a swamp and are amphibious it would ... Show more content on ... But being separated by thousands of miles how are they related. The cause of the specie of the American Tailed Capybara was caused by human. Many americans started buying capybaras as pets. With the Capybara need needs extensive with lots of food and a large area to swim. Many of the of average americans could not afford or keep up with the 60 to 80 pound rodent. Many were released into the wild but the Capybaras were not well suited of the temporal forests of most of North America and died. The Capybara being well suited to live in wetlands were able to survive in many bo the americans wetlands including the Everglades of Florida. With many new predators and a different ecosystem the Capybara went through millions years of evolution. The Capybara developed many new adaptations like a large tails. Since the Capybara in The everglades and south america were geographically isolated by thousands of miles. They soon became reproductively isolated and a new species form with the common name of the american tailed Capybara or it's scientific name of Hydrochoerus ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Learning from the Rats " Rats are rodents that work by estimating and using their instinct in identifying an object to later on deciding to adopt an action based on the data they receive. That is what described in a book entitled Who Moved My Cheese? composed by Spencer Johnson. " Trust me, the nature and work mechanism of rats could be reference to seal the number one position in this country. It can as well be utilized as a citation for the prospects who is developing a scheme to woo his running mate, as well as later in the campaign process and for the working cabinet plans as presently as they are elected. I strongly believe the candidates–––either those whose have clearly been put forward by the party or those who are still waiting for the appointment–––can learn to enrich their horizon of planning the best efforts to win the election by reading from the rats' wisdom as the strategy, no matter what arguments may arise from the public as we all understand that rats are symbolized as the icon of corruption, for example. As the presidential candidates, they must be able to "sniff" and "bite" properly. Do not make mistakes as it is a risky job. Imitating the Rats Rats are constantly connected with negative things in our society. Rats are congruent with disgusting, smelly, and dirty creatures. Rats are also considered as the destroyer of crops. In summation to the brand, this rodent is also regarded an icon of corruption that undermined the people's money. That is the reason why all things ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Descriptive Essay On Jimmy The Mouse Brendan Floyd Ms. Marton Language Arts 7–2 16 November 2017 Jimmy the Mouse It was a lovely Sunday morning, The birds were chirping softly, and the sun was blinding me. I had two friends over, both of which were playing video games. One of my friends was on my bed playing with his phone. The other one, Jasper, was playing a game with me from his Xbox in the basement. The game we were playing was particularly rage inducing, so before long it had forced me down the stairs and out of my room. The stairs led me to the kitchen where I grabbed a drink, it chilled my hand, but it was worth it for the refreshing taste of ice tea. After, I rushed down another flight of stairs to the basement. The basement was a cold room two floors below my room That had a faint smell of drywall; The perfect room for gaming. My friend Jasper didn't seem to be doing much of that however. I was halfway down the stairs when I heard a loud, screechy"dang it!" I didn't have to see the tv to know he had just lagged out of his game, but I did have to lean on the couch to see the mouse. I jumped a little when I saw him, but instead of getting help I just stared for a bit. He was just sitting on the couch facing the tv, almost watching the screen, but I knew he wasn't. I knew he wasn't because his eyes were closed, and they had been the whole ten seconds I stared at him. This tiny mouse, sitting on the downstairs couch, wasn't even two weeks old. Then with that information in mind, I went and ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Public Health Problem : The Outbreak Of Hantavirus... Public Health Problem The hantavirus is a virus that is transmitted to humans by rodents. An infection with this virus can develop into Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, a disease that affects the lungs and kidneys, which can ultimately be fatal. Humans can contract the virus by coming in contact with mice nests, droppings, or by inhaling contaminated air. Rodents can also spread the disease by biting someone (which is rare), or if a person eats something that is contaminated. The first known outbreak of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) was in May 1993, when it hit Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. After a young couple died from unidentified pulmonary disease similar cases began to surface in the same area.Tissues from infected patients were sent over to the CDC where they found a link among all the patients, it was some kind of unknown hantavirus. Since there was other known cases of the hantavirus in Europe and Asia that were caused by rodents researchers concluded that this outbreak was caused by rodents also. That same year deer mice, who are reservoirs to the virus, were captured and taken away from their peridomestic homes owned by patients. The reason behind the 1993 outbreak was most likely the result of increased vegetation in the Four corners area, thus the rodent population increased and as more rodents entered human homes more humans were inhaling contaminated air. Luckily in the recent years there has not been many cases of HPS but we may are ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The And Its Effects On The Environment Conclusion Many animals influence their local habitat by energy and material uptake and waste production while many other organisms changes the chemical balance and alter the local infrastructure. Through a variety of mechanisms, animals are equipped to modify their local community but animals that change a habitat's structure through the physical process of engineering and consumption of plant material indirectly regulates an ecosystem's infrastructure and dynamics. (Wright and Jones, 2006; Davidson and Lightfoot, 2008). These engineers increase and shape landscape heterogeneity and biodiversity by creating unique patches of habitat that differ from the surrounding landscape (Wright and Jones, 2006; Davidson and Lightfoot, 2008). While ... Show more content on ... From the continuous grazing, canopy height of the mid–height grasses are directly affected and rarely reaches its full size. One important observation of the perennial plants when under heavy grazing are morphological changes due to its genetic differentiation plasticity (Whicker and Detling 1988) . Intensive grazing can shift the dominance from traditionally large, tall plants to dwarf morphs that are either more grazing tolerant or preferentially less intensively grazed than their taller counterparts (Whicker and Detling 1988). Thereafter, mid–height grasses are replaced with shortgrass species and annual forbs. Grazing by burrowing mammals also enhances plant nitrogen uptake, resulting in increased forage quality on their colonies (Whicker and Detling 1988; Villarreal et al. 2008). By increasing forage quality, it attracts ungulates like bison to prairie dog colonies which further increases forage quality and decreases vegetation height (Davidson, Detling, and Brown 2012). As a result, the ungulates and prairie dogs can have mutualistic relationship (Davidson et al. 2010). In figure 1, the total nitrogen yield aboveground was greater in the presence of prairie colonies compared to uncolonized areas. This tells us that because both prairie dogs and the larger herbivores are able to remove sizable quantities of nutrients they directly influence the nutrient recycling resulting in a more rapid turnover of readily available nutrients near the soil surface. Along with ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Eastern Fox Squirrel Research Paper Mingming Liu Zoology 140 Oct, 25.2015 Observation Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger). The eastern fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) is the largest tree squirrel [1]. The animal is 10 to 15 inches and possesses three diverse color patterns. Firstly, in the southern segment of its range, this creature is dark with a white tip on its tail and a white band of color on its face. Secondly, in the northeastern part of its body, it has a gray appearance above with yellowish undersides. Thirdly, in the western section of its body, it is dark above and has a rust color underneath. This creature is a solitary animal, even though it shares a feeding territory with other squirrels. The eastern fox squirrel commonly occurs in the central and the eastern United States west to the Texas Colorado, and Dakotas [1]. It does not inhabit New England, most of eastern and northern Pennsylvania, western New ... Show more content on ... They first manipulate it using their paws, hold it loosely in their limbs, and rotate it in their mouth, and later move the head (head flick) in a rapid rotation as they hold the food in the mouth. There is a high correlation between head flicking (rotation) with the subsequent eating, rather than caching food. These unusual traits probably assess the likelihood of spoilage, weight, or other features of food quality. After examining a food item, fox squirrels either cache or eat it, frequently moving to a locality away from the source of food. These squirrels begin the process of caching with digging. They then tap the nut with their front teeth to fix it more firmly in the ground. On the first day of observation, the fox squirrel ran away quickly once it saw me and took refuge in a tree. This conduct shows that these animals take advantage of their maneuverability and agility in the trees to flee their predators. They also produce alarm calls that probably alert other squirrels when they are ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel Research Papers The Thirteen–lined ground squirrel gets its name from having thirteen stripes running the length of this ground squirrel's body. The adult Thirteen–line ground squirrel size ranges in length from 10 inches which includes a 3 inch tail. The average weight for these ground squirrels is about 8 ounces. It is a slender rat–sized rodent. Five light and four dark stripes extend along the top of the head and end at the eyes. The underbelly is thinly covered with light tan fur. The cheeks, sides of the body and the legs are yellowish. Each front foot has four toes with long digging claws. There are five toes on each back leg (Internet Center). The range of the Thirteen–lined ground squirrel is mainly the grasslands of the Midwest from Texas to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Essay On Invasion Of Mice Mice are common home invaders in New Jersey and Pennsylvania in both rural and urban settings. Throughout history, mice have proven that they find human dwellings to be comfortable environments. After all, your home offers every resource that mice need to survive and reproduce: shelter from the elements, an easily accessible food source, protection from predators and secure locations where they can hide their nests and raise their offspring. Mice are somewhat secretive and easily frightened, so they tend to avoid humans. Nevertheless, there are certain signs that can help you determine whether you have mice in your home. (–– removed HTML ––) You See a Mouse (–– removed HTML ––) The most obvious proof of an invasion is to see a mouse. However, ... Show more content on ... Their droppings are pellet–shaped, brown and seldom exceed more than a quarter–inch in length. Fresh droppings will be shinier and darker than older ones. (–– removed HTML ––) You Find Damaged Packages of Food (–– removed HTML ––) Mice are prodigious gnawers and can easily chew through cardboard and paper as well as many types of plastic. Bags or boxes of pet food, flour, sugar, dry pasta, cereal, crackers and beans in your pantry or kitchen cabinets are common targets for mice. They can also chew through bread wrappers, sandwich bags and plastic wrap to reach the food inside. (–– removed HTML ––) You Hear Unexplained Noises Emanating from Inside Your Walls (–– removed HTML ––) Mice are primarily nocturnal, so you may hear faint sounds that appear to be coming from inside your walls. The noises may resemble the rustling of dry leaves, or you may hear faint squeaks or scratching sounds. If you have an indoor pet, your dog or cat may hear the noises even if you cannot; they may also be able to smell the mice. Therefore, if your pet seems agitated and paying unusual attention to a particular wall, it may be reacting to a ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Just What Is a Rodent, Anyway? One of the best ways to prevent rodents is to first learn about them, their habits, and their likes and dislikes. In this way, you will understand what makes them tick, and can more accurately pinpoint successful ways to eradicate them from your property with the least amount of bother and danger to you, your children, and your pets. Did you know that there are more different kinds of rodents than any other group of animals worldwide? Scientists have identified close to 2000 different types of rodents. When most people hear the word rodent, what automatically pops into their mind? Usually, they get the mental image of a big rat or a small, but just as dreaded little mouse. These animals are indeed rodents, but they have a long list of fellow members in the scientific order called Rodentia, which is from a Latin word, rodere, whose definition is "to gnaw". All of the familiar animals below are rodents. Beaver Capybara Chinchilla Chipmunk Gerbil Gopher Groundhog Guinea Pig Hamster Lemming Marmot Mouse Muskrat Porcupine Prairie Dog Rat Squirrel Woodchuck Rodents are mammals, just like the cats and dogs that we keep in our home as pets – and just like man himself! And, almost 40 percent of all the mammals in existence are rodents! Obviously, they have adapted well to our earth, and have figured out how to successfully feed themselves and their
  • 24. large, frequently occurring litters of offspring. This is why they are so numerous in our world today, to the point where they ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Sin Nombre Virus Risk Assessment in Yosemite National Park... SIN NOMBRE VIRUS RISK ASSESMENT IN YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK Hantaviruses are a genus of virus that are single–stranded, negative–sensed RNA viruses with a tripartite genome, represented by 45 different species across a worldwide distribution (Dearing and Dizney, 2010). They are pathogens primarily hosted by small mammals, in the family Muridae, with rats and mice making up the majority of these hosts. Hantaviruses first came to be known when two major disease events occurring in the twentieth century lead to the discovery of both old and new world hantaviruses (Johnson et al 2010). Old world hantavirus were first discovered during the Korean War (1950–1953) when over 3,000 U.N and Korean soldiers became stricken with hemorrhagic fever with ... Show more content on ... There is currently no antiviral drugs to treat HPS infections and the current form of treatment is through supportive therapy such as assisted respiration, and in extreme cases extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to provide a constant supply of oxygen to the patient (Mayo Clinic 2013). Even with treatment, HPS has a current mortality rate of approximately 38% (CDC. 2013). The deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) is the most widely dispersed mammal in North America and is the primary reservoir species for SNV (University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources 2013). Deer mice are nocturnal and are found throughout all types of habitats ranging from forests to scrublands, making this a very ubiquitous species that primarily feed on grains and seeds(University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources 2013). However deer mice are very adaptable animals that can change their diets to suit their environment and their diet can consist of invertebrates, fungi, fruits, and green vegetation. The typical lifespan of deer mice is 2 years and they typically do not breed during the winter, although in times of abundant food supply and warm temperatures they may breed year round with liter size varying from three to six young SNV (University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources 2013). SNV is believed to be transmitted horizontally amongst deer mice through exchanges of body fluid which may increase with aggressive behaviors amongst individuals, such ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Persuasive Essay On Rodent Removal Rodents are a problem in homes across the world. Mice and rats are the most common invaders. They're attracted to the prospect of easy shelter and food. You may also find yourself up against squirrels that view attics as protected nesting areas. Still, it's troubling when you discover evidence of rodent activity in your home. It's not just the violation of your food or the need to sanitize areas where you find rodent droppings. Rodents carry diseases that humans can catch, such as hantavirus and leptospirosis, which makes them a threat to your whole family. If you're up against an infestation, you have a number of rodent removal options open to you. Let's take a close look at some of the things you can do for proper rodent removal. Traps and Poison Traps and poison are widely employed rodent removal solutions, but there are some things to consider. You have a choice between several types of lethal traps. There are electric traps that kill with a high voltage charge. Glue traps simply keep the mouse stuck in place and it dies from starvation or dehydration. Snap traps break the mouse's neck. These come in both an open and closed style. The closed style traps are better for homes with pets and kids, since paws and fingers can't get caught by the spring– loaded bar. If rodent killing just isn't your speed, you can also opt for a humane trap. Pro tip: take the trap far from your home before releasing any mice. That prevents them from coming straight back inside. Poisons ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Investigating The Memory Of Hamsters 1. Introduction In this research task I will be handling the memory of hamsters. Originally I wanted to use mice for this task but I found that hamsters show signs of intelligence which brought my research to their species. All of my literature refers to mice but as both mice and hamsters are from the rodent family there will not be too much variation. My aim is to research whether hamsters rely on their memory to reach the end of the maze. Through my literature review one can see research done through mice to help find solutions to a variance in mental health issues. I chose hamsters as they are not used frequently in research. There may be objections to my use of hamsters as it may be seen as animal cruelty but I will not harm the hamsters in any way. I will build a maze that is beneficial to my research but will not be too easy or too hard for the mice to complete. I will then deprive the hamsters of food for four hours to ensure that they will seek out the reward. Once I have carried out my experiment multiple times I will be able to draw conclusions and discern whether my aim and hypothesis is relevant. 2. Review of Literature During my research I have found that a large part of my literature deals with the memory of mice. Though this does not apply directly to me research, as I will be using hamsters, it will still help me refine my experiment. Studies mostly circle around mental health issues and finding solutions to these problems. These sources will aid me in ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Interesting Facts About The Capybara Interesting Facts about the Capybara The Capybara is the largest rodent on Earth, getting the name capybara from the Brazilian language, Tupi. The name translates to mean "the one who eats slender leaves". Just like other rodents, this animal has teeth that are very sharp but it rarely bites human beings, therefore it is not considered to be a threat. They like to live in wetlands and they can hold their breath under water for long periods. If threatened, they can stay under water for up to five minutes so as to hide from the threat. Humans consume their meat especially around during the lent period. This animal called "the master of the grasses" by the amazon tribe, the capybara does not have a tail. It has a lifespan of about 10 years although in the wild, they normally live up to 4 years as a result of predation, being hunted by animals ... Show more content on ... These animals mark their territory either by rubbing their morillos on objects or by using their anal glands when they walk over shrubs. Even the females do scent marking although on a lesser frequency as compared to males. Characteristics of the Capybara The scientific name of the capybara is Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, a large rodent from the genus Hydrochoerus, the same as the lesser capybara. It is closely related to the guinea pig. It is also related to the chinchillas and coypu. The capybara is found in South America, living in the savannas and dense forests though close to water bodies. It is a semi–aquatic rodent and therefore it always lives close to water bodies or wetland areas such as in estuaries, river banks, streams, swamps and marshes. The animal has a short head while the body takes the shape of a barrel, covered in fur that is reddish–brown in color on the upper part of its body while underneath it is yellowish–brown. However, unlike other rodents, it has sweat glands in the hairy portions of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Commentary on the Bat by Roethke Aliona Fezoua My Expert Commentary 'The Bat' – Theodore Roethke: By day the bat is cousin to the mouse. He likes the attic of an aging house. His fingers make a hat about his head. His pulse beat is so slow we think him dead. He loops in crazy figures half the night Among the trees that face the corner light. But when he brushes up against a screen, We are afraid of what our eyes have seen: For something is amiss or out of place When mice with wings can wear a human face. Theodore Roethke's poem 'The Bat' clearly focuses on the animal the bat and effectively conveys through the latter an important message to the reader. One could interpret this poem in various ways; however a prominent theme would be that every ... Show more content on ... By comparing the bat's depiction during both day and night, Roethke may be trying to convey that the bat is actually no more than a simple and peaceful being, which has been wrongly portrayed for years. From another point of view, the author could be wanting to convey, through the image of a bat, that everyone has a 'dark side'. Roethke ingeniously does so in the final line of the poem with the latter's twist metaphorical ending; "when mice with wings can wear a human face" (Roethke, 10). As previously discussed, bats are usually associated with slyness and darkness, by making the bat "wear a human face", Roethke is trying to express that bats can sometimes resemble humans and vice versa. Ultimately, humans can also sometimes 'wear a bat face' and have a darker side. The author also gives the poem a very descriptive tone through a significant amount of imagery. For example, the metaphor; "his fingers make a hat about his head" (Roethke, 3), provides a detailed description of the bat's upper body in such a way that the reader is able to picture the bat as what Roethke wants him/her to picture it as. One could also infer that the author may again be trying to make the connection between bat and man; since men wear hats and not bats. Another metaphor would be; "by day the bat is cousin to the mouse" (Roethke, 1). Of course, mouse ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Trouble in Paradise Scirius Kittis meets Scirius Nevile: The Evolution of a New Species Various experiments and measurements were performed in the field in order to compare the two types of rodents. The following is a list of the data collected through multiple observations over a span of two years. We captured 100 rats of each rodent population, and we found the average weight, length, hind limb, and forelimb measurements. In addition, we conducted experiments in regards to their top speed, average height that they could leap, gestation time, and average time spent in the courtship display. Research Data: St. Kitts Rodent Weight = 83g Length = 21.8cm Hind limb = 7.8cm Forelimb = 4.2cm Speed = 2.2m/s Average leap height = 1.4m ... Show more content on ... The species on St. Kitts also have a speed and height advantage over the Nevis population, so the bottleneck effect is more likely to have wiped out their population since they have more favorable traits than their counterpart. If the island underwent a catastrophe, it is likely that the rodents were separated physically. The second factor, allopatric speciation, occurred between the two rodents' habitat. This is when a population is divided by a geographic barrier which prevents interbreeding between the two populations. These species are found on two different islands, so the water in between separates the two populations from interacting with one another. Due to this, both species could have developed changes in courtship rituals, developed new traits, and undergone changes to adapt to their environment. The final factor, behavioral isolation, occurs when two species don't recognize one another as mating partners due to incorrect courtship rituals. Since we tried to repopulate the St. Kitts by introducing the population from Nevis onto the island and no success was found, behavioral isolation is very likely to have been the reason why. Our data supports this as well since the St. Kitts rodent spends 12.6 seconds during courtship display while the Nevis rodent spends 21.3 seconds, almost ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Portia Pig Character Analysis It isn't often that a rodent teaches a lesson. Nonetheless, Portia the pig taught me some very valuable ones. Adopting a living animal shows you that you need to grow up some. Besides you, there is something else you must take care of. There is a lesson of caring and responsibility that comes from having a pet. Especially if you are the one to buy the new addition to the family, you learn quite a few things about money. I was blessed to learn these priceless lessons at such a young age. They really broadened how I viewed money and life. It was a journey of ups and downs, but then again it was also a journey to growing up. The object of great value to me was my guinea pig, Portia. To get her, I saved up all my money from birthdays to holidays, from babysitting to finding coins on the streets. I had always wanted a pet of my own and the only way my parents were letting me get one was with my own money. They weren't too thrilled when I told them that I wanted a rodent as a pet, but I convinced them otherwise. My sister, when she was growing up, always had a different pet so my parents quickly found out how much work they were. We had a dog, but I wanted something for me to take care of on my own. I had to wait some time to be able to pay for her. The wait was excruciating, but worth it. It took me a little while to earn the money as her and everything that goes with having a pet costs quite a bit. The day finally came when we went looking for the right guinea pig. I ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Tri-Service Job Description For 16 weeks, I attended school at Fort Sam Houston Texas where I learned my MOS as a 68 Sierra, or Preventive Medicine Specialist. We oversee the inspections set forth by the Tri– Service Food Code. This code was created by the Army, Navy, and Airforce counter–parts for general sanitation of dining Facilities, child care facilities, on post restaurants including major chain restaurants such as Burger King, Popeyes, and Pizza Hut. We also ensure the general sanitation for barber and beauty shops, gyms, detention cells on base, water quality tests, where we run coliform and test all on base pool water for PH and Chlorine residuals weekly in my MOS. The main part of our job is to make sure all the facilities on base such as day care centers, dining facilities, and workout facilities, abide and follow the rules and regulations set forth by the Tri–Service Food code. ... Show more content on ... Not only that but we also must make sure that facilities are receiving their water from a treated source such as a treatment facility. All aspects of our job are very important but the main ones we use in a garrison environment are the inspections of dining facilities and other types of ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Animal Lab Report The purpose of this lab is to examine the internal organ systems of vertebrate that has similar internal organ systems of a human. Additionally to be able to identify where organs of the digestion, circulatory, and respiratory systems are located in a rat and their function according to the rat's anatomy. One is able to use rats as a specimen to study human anatomy, as the organs found in a rat such as the heart, lungs, and the stomach, are also found in the human body. Furthermore, it has been proved that humans has approximately 99% of the same DNA as rodents especially mice (Speaking of research, 2016). Due to the similarly in DNA, rodents of any species become an excellent model to see how a human body works internally. Figure 1: Comparison ... Show more content on ... For an example, Norway rats prefer to eat foods high in protein such as pet food and meat scraps, while Roof rats prefer fruits (Rat's diet, n.d.). Other similarity between the species in their diet is their desire to eat sugar and foods high in amounts of sugar. A difference between humans and rats is the number of chromosomes they have. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, while rats have 21 pairs of chromosome as evolution occurs faster in rats than they do in humans (Spencer, 2012). Additionally, rats can become the host for the tapeworm Taenia taeniaformis while humans cannot. The Taenia taeniaformis causes the crystal formation in the rat's liver resulting in it becoming enlarged. Another disease only rats can get is chronic progressive nephrosis. Chronic progressive nephrosis involves the inflammation of blood vessels in the rat's kidney. The disease is more commonly found in older male rats. A rat may get the disease through gender, genetics, and by salutary factors such as protein content and total calorie intake in their diet (Quesenberry et al., 2011) A similarity between the two species is the common diseases/disorders they can get such as hypertension, cataracts, obesity and deafness (Melina, 2010). Finally, a vital difference between humans and rats are body positions they natural use. A rat is a quadruped meaning they move on all four legs, while humans are bipedalism, meaning they move on 2 legs instead of ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Why Elephants Are Scared Of Mice Why Elephants Are Scared of Mice Thousands of years ago in Africa, elephants roamed the Earth without a single worry. Their immense size and strength had caused them to develop exaggerated pride, overconfidence and the belief that they were superior to all other creatures. George in particular, was no exception. He was more egotistic and arrogant than the entire elephant race combined. George only allowed the others to refer to himself as "Master George" and was incredibly irritated when smaller creatures would even glance at him without proper deference. Due to physical weakness and miniature size, most field mice had grown completely obedient, cowardly and feeble in character. Elephants such as George would often bully, hurt or even ... Show more content on ... George the elephant was of the opinion that he there was nobody as attractive or intelligent as himself. For this reason he presumed that it was a waste of time for him to meet other female elephants to build a family with. Therefore, George's only task was to find water for himself. Pedro on the other hand, had recently encountered a stunning female mouse who he cared for a great deal. Although he was challenged to find enough water for two beings, his size was finally an advantage due to the fact that mice required less water than larger creatures. After hours of searching for even the smallest bodies of water, Pedro eventually came across a sizeable puddle. His hard work had payed off; he was ready to return home to provide water to his partner. However, in order to continue his journey, Pedro needed several gulps of water himself. As Pedro drank blissfully, he noticed a large silhouette approaching the puddle. He could recognize this creature anywhere. It was an elephant. It didn't take George a long time to discover puddles that had not yet dried. George only needed to stand on his hind legs to see all the bodies of water around. He would then walk towards the pond, and proceed to use his long trunk to suck up the remaining water. After having used his methods on four different puddles, George casually strolled in the direction of the fifth. He was about to begin consuming the water, when he ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Small Rodents Make Wonderful Pets Essays Anyone who has owned one would readily aggree that hamsters, girlbils, and mice provide an owner with hours of amusement and years of companionship. Rabbits are fabulous for those who are looking for a quiet playmate, while rats and ferrets are hyperactive and surprisingly intelligent. Guinea pigs are another very popular choice for a small pet. A website dedicated to guinea pigs boasts on their front page that there is no question that "guinea pigs make excellent pets [and are] docile, low maintenance, and unbelievably cute." I strongly beg to differ, unless "docile" means "boring" and "low maintenance" means that you only need to scoop up piggy pellet poop every few minutes. Calling a guinea ... Show more content on ... A block of wood, on the other hand, has a glorious, rich history. Imagine that your beloved block of wood was once part of a hardy, eighty–foot–tall tree, who had majestically grown from a tiny acorn in the dense forrests of Canada! Who would want to be introducing a new pet to their friends and say "This is Bob and he came from the pet store and well...uhh...that's about it, actually"? The very thought of it is embarassing. Score one for the block of wood. If their pathetic past isn't enough to deter a potential owner from getting a guinea pig, next consider the housing requirements of the creature. Unless planning to allow the guinea pig to rome free in the house, a sturdy (and expensive) cage will be necessary. An absolute bare minimum of two square feet of floor space is required, but very often cages offer four or more square feet of space. The smaller, "starter" cages can cost anywhere from fourty to eighty dollars, and as the space in the cage increases, so does the price. The cage must be placed with care in a location that is free from direct sunlight and drafts. Bedding, another requirement for a healthy pet, is also costly and is constantly needed (Guinea pigs soil their litter very quickly and efficently, but we'll get to that later). In addition to a cage and bedding, it is also generally a good idea to provide containers for food (hay, scientific pellet mix, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Female Rodents Essay 3) Discussion Inclusion of female rodents Female rats will be included without regard to the stage of their estrous cycle, as their exclusion from experimental models of depression in lieu of less variable male rats is aged, and not empirically based.4,12,13,17,29,42 Sex was only taken into account for the initial selection of behavioural testing, as commonly used social defeat paradigms would be ineffective: female rodents do not engage in replicable resident–intruder confrontations, and do not fight each other in any transitive social hierarchy.12,13 Stimulation and inhibition of nAChR The ability of both nAChR agonist and antagonists to potentially alleviate depressive symptoms in chronic administration conditions is reflective of the dynamic equilibrium of desensitization and activation of nAChRs in the CNS.30,33,38 In the desensitized state, there is a decreased responsiveness of AChRs to ligand agonists; however, desensitized nAChRs have a higher affinity to ACh and other nAChR ligands than 'active' nAChRs.28 Chronic nicotine can thus functionally antagonize nAChR, prompting a decrease in cholinergic tone by restricting the ability ... Show more content on ... First, although frequently used, modelling the behaviour of rats as as a reliable representation of the human neurobiological mechanism of episodic despair may be subjectively understood as an anthropomorphic interpretation of stress manifested behaviours.8,11,13 This should not devalue the use of the FST or SPT as drug validation tools, but the degree to which rodent and human depression overlap remains unclear. In addition, although nAChR are widely expressed in the CNS, several subtypes of nAChR α and β–subunits have been identified, and pentameric nAChR are constructed of various homomer or heteromer combinations.27,33,38 Targeting specific subunits, such as Chrna2, may therefore create an incomplete or distorted analysis of nAChR activation or ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Key Steps to Winterizing Your RV Essay Key Steps to Winterizing Your RV Remember that RV that you spent all summer touring about the country in? Well its that time of year when you need prepare for the long winter months that are ahead of us. It is very important that you take these steps to protect your RV, if you don't this can result in some very unpleasant discoveries next year when you try to go out on that first trip of the summer. Plumbing Winterizing the plumbing in your RV is probably the most important component to preparing your rig for winter. If there is any chance of the temperatures reaching freezing, this is a must. First off you need to flush out any water reservoirs: the blank and gray tanks, the water heater and fresh water system. Once you have drained ... Show more content on ... And yes, rodents will try to get inside your RV; it would be like a five star resort for them to spend the winter months in. The first thing you want do is remove any food or fragrant items from the RV. This includes soap, shampoo and toothpaste. Clean everywhere. Crumbs have habit of hiding in hard to find nooks and crannies. There should be nothing to even resemble a food source for mice, rats or squirrels. Clean and defrost your refrigerator and freezer. Prop open, their doors and leave an open container of baking soda inside to absorb scents. Leaving dryer sheets, like Bounce, about the rig should help deter rodents, but traditional mousetraps are quite effective. Close all the curtains and blinds to protect the upholstery from the sun. Take batteries out of flashlights and clocks, but don't forget to put them back in again next summer. Use moisture absorbent like Damp Rid or Dri–Z–Air, this will help prevent mold and mildew from taking root. Exterior Preparation When preventing rodents from moving in to your RV you can't just rely on not having any appetizing smelling items in there. Examine the exterior of your rig, from top to bottom, looking for any openings that could let in a rodent. Don't forget a mouse can fit through any hole that you can stick your finger in. The best place to store your RV during the winter is under some kind of man–made shelter, like a carport. But, not all of us have access to something like that. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Rodent Control Finding the best rodent control service online isn't necessarily an easy thing to do, as there are so many services out there to choose from, it can actually get quite overwhelming. However, with this vast selection available to us, comes a large opportunity for us to choose the best service, for the best price, which will allow us to save substantial money, yet get one of the most high quality rodent control or rodent exterminator services out there. There are a few ways to tell which pest control services are of the highest quality, let's take a look into these ways, and see which will bring us the best results. One thing you must look for in a good company is reviews, if you can't find any decent reviews of a rodent control service, you ... Show more content on ... A good services website won't just say contact us, we are the best, they will have a good amount of information that will assist home and commercial property owners, to alert them on what they need to look out for, and what issues they may be encountering. A rodent control companies website should assist clients before they even get in contact, it should let clients know they are there for them, even before the first point of contact. When you have done this research, you hopefully will have found a decent pest control or rodent control service, and you will be able to contact them and have them come to your home, for a fair price and to exterminate your rodents. Some pest control services only state that they can deal with certain pests, whereas others can deal with them all, from rodents to small insects, they have the lot covered. Wheelers Pest Control are an amazing pest and rodent control service who deal with all types of pests and rodents. There isn't a pest issue they haven't faced, which gives them the necessary experience and expertise to get the job done effectively, and quickly. If you want to hire a rodent control service that offers professional, effective and fast working rodent extermination for a fair price, get in contact with Wheelers Pest Control today, and get rid of those pesky ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Machismo's Acceptance Of Mice In Ratatouille Nature's identity is unthinkable without women. They seem to have a relationship which stretches far beyond in the time. This bond is what compelled the feminists and ecologically sensitive women to cipher nature's identity as analogues to women. Domination from the patriarchal society sets the basis for this bond which sees collective pain and suffering as a commonality between them. Women through their conscious and unconscious efforts towards conservation of biodiversity realized that they were not the only victims of male prepotency. Machismo had its way to everything through its use of power. This power driven thinking induced exploitative methods of utilizing everything to its own benefit. The interconnectedness of female agony and nature's ... Show more content on ... Humans consider rats as vermin and hate even the sight of them. The movie exposes to the audience another hate story, that of the rats. As much as the humans hate these rodents, rats, in return, also hate humans with the same intensity owing to the pain afflicted to their species by the other. Remy's dad professes this type of repugnance of the humankind whereas Remy admires the human intelligence and its ability to innovate. Remy in a way is a human trapped in the body of a rat. He has highly developed sense of taste and smell; he can understand human language as well as their behavior, intelligence and moral which outdoes the other rats. His family doesn't perceive him as something different but once he saves a fellow rat from eating a rat–kill, he is appointed on the job of checking food to find in it any remnants of rat–kill. The house that the Remy and other rats reside in is that of an old lady, who blinded by her abomination for the rats, wrecks her own house with a shotgun. The movie shows that humans are utterly disgusted by the sight of rats. The cooking industry, that Remy wants to enter, sees rats as unwanted pests who could go to any extent to fulfill their insatiable desire for food. Remy, in one of the scenes, corrects the recipe of a soup, which the garbage boy, Linguini, had spoiled with his inexperienced hand. The soup, by pure ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Electric Rodent Trap An Electric Rodent Trap Makes It Easier To Get Rid Of Mice And Rodents If your home is suddenly overrun with mice and rats, your first step should be to call in a professional exterminator. It's very difficult to get rid of rodents once they become established. A pest control company will help you come up with a plan for killing or trapping the rodents you already have and blocking new ones from getting in your home. To speed the process along, you can set traps yourself too. However, if you are like a lot of people and can't bring yourself to set or empty a rodent trap, then you should try an electric tap instead. This is why an electric trap is ideal for getting rid of mice and rats. Easy To Set Setting a snap trap is nerve–wracking. It ... Show more content on ... The good thing about an electric trap is it kills rodents immediately with an electrical shock. They don't have to linger in the trap for hours or days and suffer until they die. Although you may hate the idea of killing an animal, at least you can feel better knowing you did it in a humane way. Easy To Dispose Of Kills Another benefit of an electric tunnel trap is how easy it is to dispose of a dead rodent. You don't even have to look at the rat or mouse. If you glance at the tunnel opening, all you see is a tail sticking out. There is also an indicator light on top of the tunnel that lets you know the plate was tripped. Just pick up the tunnel and tip it over your garbage can and the rodent will slide into the trash. That is far better than prying open a rat trap to dispose of a dead body so you can use the trap again. While dealing with a rodent infestation is never a pleasant thing, at least it is easier to do it with an electric trap. However, if you are too squeamish about rodents, even an electric trap may be too much for you to handle. In that case, you can let a pest control company do all the work. An exterminator will set the traps, check them, and empty them on a regular basis until the rodents are cleared from your ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Eastern Chipmunk Essay The Eastern Chipmunk The Eastern chipmunk is a small rodent of the Sciuridae family. This chipmunk is closely related to the red and grey fox, the flying squirrel, and the woodchuck. Its Taxonomic name is Tamias Striatus. The word Tamias, Means collector or keeper and Striatus refers to its bold stripes and coloring. The body of the average Eastern Chipmunk is about 8 to 10 inches long, the weigh about 2 ½ to 4 ounces. The ears are rounded with ears that stick straight up. It has short legs, the hind legs each have five claws, the front legs have four, and a long thumb like extension. They also have a furry flat tail. Chipmunks have short, dense body fur. It is the same color for males and females. This is a reddish– brown with ... Show more content on ... A chipmunk can transport large amounts of food in cheek pouches. A chipmunk uses its forepaws to manipulate food for eating or transporting. Eating and foraging among other thing are done during the day. Chipmunks are most active in early morning and late afternoon. In hot weather they spend much time in their burrows. A chipmunk's burrow my be simple or elaborate. The entrance is about two inches wide, it is usually hidden. Burrows sink straight down for several inches, then settle and lengthen about 30 feet, occasionally branching into derivative tunnels with separate entries. Chipmunks excavate their burrows, thrusting or carrying unearthed dirt away from the entrance. Somewhere in the system is a foot–square nest chamber. this compartment is lined with crumbled dry leaves and grass. A chipmunk stashes nuts, seeds, corn, and other hoarded foods under the leaf bed or in a storage chamber nearby. Chipmunks do not enter winter with a thick layer of body fat as do other hibernating animals. Instead they begin gathering and storing food in autumn and live off of that until late October or early November. Length of wintering behavior varies. Chipmunks close their den entrances when they go underground. They sleep much of the winter, waking sporadically to eat. On tranquil, clear days they may leave the den for a short time. Some surface to breed in late February or early March, but snow and cold may force
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  • 61. Rodent Research Paper Rodents are very formidable creatures. They may not look much but they can spread diseases and viruses which can be life threatening if ignored. Rodents can also destroy your house structure and your furniture and equipments if they are not immediately eradicated. Rodents are the most common pest problems in many households. If you are suffering from rodent infestation, you must take necessary action to prevent their growth. There are certain homeowners and residents who are not immediately alarmed by the presence of rodents in their property. If they see one or two rodents scurrying around their property, they simply think that these rats and mice will eventually go away. What they do not realize is that rodents do not go away on their own. These creatures will continue to breed and grow in number until the problem will get out of control. Rodents usually infest areas where there is little to no sanitation, dark and warm areas where they can breed and multiply, and in areas near food and water. The most likely areas that rodents can infest in your property are: insulation of walls and ceilings; behind cupboards, bathtubs, and shower stalls; attics and basements. It ... Show more content on ... For instance, you can look for unexplained holes in your walls or food containers. You can also look for their droppings in different areas of your property. If you hear any rustling or scampering noises in your walls and ceilings then you probably have rodents in your property. Once you discover their presence in your property, the next step is to figure out their dwelling places. The most common dwelling areas of these pests are in the insulation of ceilings and walls, inside crawl spaces, or behind cupboards, counters, garage, basements, and attics. When you have identified all these, you can then proceed to look for the best pest control methods to eliminate these ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Rodentia There are many rodents in the world. With just that first sentence said, there is more than 1,500 species of the group Rodentia. They can be anywhere besides New Zealand, Antartica, and ocean islands. The main habitats you can find them in are deserts, swamps, tundras, deciduous forest, etc. There can vary in many sizes. As small as a mouse (or smaller) to as big as a pig. Many of the species spend most of their time wherever you find them. Continuing on with the sizes of rodents, they can be from five to 60 centimeters. The smallest of the rodents is the "Delaney's swamp mouse" which is five to six centimeters long. The largest of the rodents is the "capybara" which is about 100 to 135 centimeters long and can weigh from anywhere to about ... Show more content on ... "They are divided into subfamilies of Old World and New World species." You can find mice in grasslands and forest. Just like any other rodent, they have predators. Examples would be foxes, dogs and not so surprising, cats. Mice are a great source of food when it comes to owls, foxes and hawks. There are 3 different types of mice that are considered pest. Those would be the brown rat, black rat and the house rat. Mice are omnivores. They eat seeds, grains, and fruits. They can eat to about 15 to 29 times a day. They are nocturnal which means they are more likely to be active at night and get their rest during the day. If food becomes scarce, they will end up eating each other. A single mother can have about five to ten litters. There are about five to six young in those litters. (Rodents & Mouse ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Importance Of Hunting In Missouri Parker Wormek Dwiggins Computers 7th 25 August 2017 Missouri Hunting/trapping animals Missouri is a pretty big hunting state, having our own national forest and several plots of land dedicated to just hunting is also pretty nice. Since we have so much forestry, why don't I teach you a little bit about the wild animals that live in these deep valleys and cool springs, some of these you might not see every day. During the 2015–2016 deer season, 274,447 deer were legally harvested, this was a 7% increase from the 2014–2015 season, but a 3% decrease from the 10 year average, but lately, the population has been dropping, this is due to severe disease outbreaks, a changes in habitat availability. Deer population however has been slowly decreasing ... Show more content on ... The coyote is a wild canine, sort of like the wolf, it's just much smaller than a wolf that you would see in the more northern areas of the states/canada. The coyote prefers to hunt and live in packs, this allows it to take down bigger game such as deer with ease. Coyotes in Missouri have very faint red fur that surrounds their bodies, but on their back turns to more of a gray black mix in color. The coyote will eat small game such as rodents, rabbits, fish and frogs, and larger game like deer. When the coyote is not eating it's bigger prey, they will eat snakes, insects, fruit and grass. Quiet weird dogs right? Never heard of a canine that eats ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Personal Experience: Rat Battles If it had been a human one it would have had a "NO VACANCY" sign hanging outside most of the time. RATS! brown rats, grey rats, anorexic rates, obese rats, aggressive rats, timid rats, paranoid rats–We had them all, lots of them and waged war on them for over a decade. They lived in the old dilapidated, unpainted granary that leaned against, and shared a common wall with, our barn. This outmoded granary was built flat on the ground which allowed the rats to excavate multiple tunnels and runways under it. It was the grand rat hotel of the area. An old adage about rats is "If you see one rat in the day time there are dozens of others you don't see." If that's true, then that granary housed and fed literally hundreds of rats. The rats were so numerous that they kept our 10 cats well fed. We probably should have put them on Lipitor. The large numbers of rodents did require the cats exercise some caution when "rat–ing" however, and, so most times, they hunted in pairs for safety. But, even 10 cats had little effect on the resident rat population, so we were forced to search for other ways to battle and rid ourselves of these offending rodents. One method that we tried involved placing a container full of water near one of their main thoroughfares and covering the surface with a layer of their favorite grain. We carefully placed a short 1X 6 against the container to provide a ramp for their access. The whole idea was they were supposed to get so excited ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Deadly Hanta Virus Essay The Deadly Hanta Virus Hanta virus is a dangerous and often deadly disease that must be guarded against. If proper precautions are not taken, hanta virus could lead to a nationwide outbreak causing many deaths. While there are a few cases of hanta virus reported each year, the consequences of coming down with the disease dictates that the U.S. set up certain safeguards to educate the population on how to protect themselves. Even though research is being done on hanta virus and its related illnesses, there persist many unanswered questions. Hanta virus like all other viri are some of the smallest organisms known to man. Their existence as living organisms is debated. Viri perform only the most basic functions of life. They seek ... Show more content on ... In addition, the incubation time of the virus is uncertain. Researchers think that it takes between one and five weeks after the initial contact with the virus before victims start showing symptoms of the illness. These early symptoms can vary significantly from person to person. While most people will feel fatigue, fever and muscle aches in the large muscle groups. Other may also experience chills, dizziness, and abdominal pains. A week later, infected people will begin to experience coughing and a shortness of breath as their lungs fill with fluid. It is important to note that most hanta virus victims became ill even though they did not see rodents or their dropping, and others have had a large amount of contact with both before they became sick ( pg. 1). Because of the wide variety of symptoms, hanta virus has gone through several different names. "The common clinical features among the case–patients included a prodromial illness of fever, chills, and myalgia. The prodrome was followed by dyspnea, cough, throbocytopenia, severe hemodynamic instability, neutrophilid with immature forms, atypical lymphocytes, elevated serum levels of lactate dehydrogenase. There was a high mortality rate, approximately eighty percent in the initial group of patients, the chest x–ray examinations revealed a diffuse, interstitial infiltrate that resembled that observed in patients with adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which is a common pattern in patients ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Evolution Of Monogamy In Mammals The evolution of monogamy in mammals has been challenging to understand for ecologists for many years, because in most cases male mammals are thought to have higher fitness through polygamous mating. One of the principles of evolution is that animals want to maximize their reproductive success, so two animals committing to one another kind of seems counter–intuitive. Animals want to pass on their genes to the next generation, and having more offspring means there 's a higher chance of survival. When females have long lactation periods or gestation, they are unable to mate during this time, so it would seem to be advantageous for the male to move on to their next mate. In a biology context, monogamy is when one male mates to one female forming an exclusive bond. Research shows that approximately 3–5% of mammals are considered monogamous compared to about 90% of birds and out of a total of 4,000 mammalian species (Munshi–South). Birds seem to be extremely monogamous because both male and female birds actively participate in the growth of their hatchlings. The equitable division of the labor gives the male bird more of a reason to stick around (Munshi–South). Although most mammals are not monogamous why do some of them exhibit this behavior? We could address this question by looking at different examples of monogamous mammals and what genetic and environmental factors could have influenced this behavior. We can also look at what hormones could be involved in pair–bonding ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Descriptive Essay On Squirrels There are more than 200 species of squirrel that live all over the world, making the mammal so relatable. Furthermore, squirrels are familiar to almost everyone this universality makes them, in my opinion, so likable. They're a creature most see, but can't be bothered to notice or appreciate. Squirrels are members of the Sciuridae family, consisting of small and medium–sized rodents. This family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, flying squirrels and prairie dogs. I'm not particularly fond of rodents, however, I have recently grown quite the affinity for squirrels. The windows in my room look out onto the bare and ugly roof of my school. A landscape of metal, scattered piles of decomposing leaves, and large unpleasant looking vents that make a low humming noise–adding to their unpleasantness. It's not a pretty sight. But, every now and then I get a welcomed surprise from a grey squirrel, sifting through the wind–made clumps of leaves in search of sustenance. Its curiosity and careful intent are happy sights to observe. I sit and watch, through my the pans of my window, as it scampers to–and–fro, frantically; jumping at any sound, movement, or gust of wind, while I brush through my untamed hair. I wonder how it might be to be so small; to have to constantly worry about safety, warmth, and food. This would be a short life, a life of filled with fear and worry. But also a life of wonder, adventure, and excitement: hurrying up tall trees, leaping from branch ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Dbq Essay On Rat Infestation There have been more recent rat infestations over the years. In the articles (sources) numbers 1, 2, and 3 they explain rat infestations exploding in several places. These are the three thing to look for when their is a rat infestation where are they occurring, the dangers to humankind, and how to eradicate them. First, rat infestations are occurring in places around the world. According to Source 1, John Davison explains, "Recent cold weather and flooding is believed to have led the disease– carrying rodents to shelter indoors. And the situation is only going to get worse because of the increase in the rat population thanks to a succession of milder winters, according to pest controllers." This is explaining what causes this to happen to Britain. The bamboo seeds are causing the rat population to go up (Gill,Source 2). This is revealing the fact that too many seeds are causing the rats to come to Indian villages. In the article Jerry Falke stated, "Last fall was an exceptionally wet season in this area of Texas," so that means rats are trying to escape the cold (Schattenberg, Source 3). This is describing how again the cold weather is pushing rodents in houses in barns in Texas. Weather is a ... Show more content on ... When rats carry diseases they become a great threat to other lives [dogs, cats, and humans] (Davison, Source 1). This was seen when the Black Death wiped out 30–60% of Europe's population during the late Middle Ages. In source 2, by Victoria Gill it states, "A once in a generation, gigantic plague of rats, that ruins crops and leaves people starving." This is a that is a danger because humans could starve to death without food. Rats are eating and destroying important items in your house (Schattenberg, Source 3). This could be dangerous to us if they chew out a wire and it sparks it could set the house up in flames. These are some dangers rat bring when thy ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Consolation Behavior Should Be Observed Outside Of Species... Consolation behavior entails as an increase in comforting contact in response to and directed toward a distressed individual by an uninvolved bystander, which produces a calming effect (Zahn–Waxler et al., 1992; De Waal & Van Roomalen, 1979). Observations of consolation behavior in animals such as elephants have led to the conclusion that consolation behavior may require advanced cognitive capacities (Plotnik & De Waal, 2014). However, the current study sought to investigate if consolation behavior could be observed outside of species with advanced cognition, such as in a rodent species. Such an observation would suggest that consolation behavior relies on less cognitive capacities and may be variably expressed in species due to their species–specific evolutionary context (Burkett et al., 2016). Researchers decided to use the rodent species of the prairie vole and the meadow vole in their study. This was done because the social traits of the prairie vole, i.e. being socially monogamous and biparental, often coevolve with other cooperative behaviors that increase direct or indirect fitness, including social buffering among colony members (Burkett et al., 2016). The meadow vole, in contrast, are promiscuous breeders with no formal social structure. Thus, Burkett and colleagues offered the following three hypotheses. Firstly, they hypothesized that if both voles are placed under reproducible laboratory conditions, then the prairie vole will show consolation behavior while the ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Winter Pest Control Fort Worth Pest Control Fort Worth Winter Pest Control Tips Homeowner's often ask if continued pest control during the winter is even necessary. The answer is yes, it is wise to continue pest control throughout the colder winter season, especially in the warmer climates. During the winter months, insects and rodents want to find warmth and shelter, and this often means your warm home. While many pests will go dormant during the winter months, others will seek shelter or migrate south to warmer climates. This is the reason you may see more ants, roaches and other pests such as rodents during the winter season. With the right prevention, and professional pest control in Fort Worth you can protect your home from unwanted invaders. Pest control in Fort Worth ... Show more content on ... Inspect for rodent nests in seldom used areas that are dark and secluded. This includes garages where vehicles, motorcycles, ATV's and lawn mowers are kept. Rodents can destroy wiring harnesses in no time. 5. Check for damaged food packages and dry pet foods. Don't leave leftovers or food refuse out, dispose of it in the trash. 6. If you catch a whiff of a musty odor it may be a rodent nest, a dead mouse or droppings. Watch your pet, if it seems intrigued by a certain location, inspect it thoroughly for signs of a rodent issue. 7. Sighting a mouse is a definite sign, and unfortunately, there may be more than one. Females give can give birth 10 times a year with 6 to 8 mice per liter. This is why you require prompt action for mice. Furthermore, it isn't true that mice will leave in the spring. Your home is the ideal location for rodents with comfortable indoor temperatures and food. While more can come in during the winter if the home isn't tight, mice in the winter typically means mice year round. The Bug Dude can take care of your rodent problem with pest control in Fort Worth. Contact The Bug Dude for professional pest control in Fort Worth, our experts will provide the effective pest control you need. We serve Fort Worth and the surrounding ... Get more on ...