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Profesorado de Inglés – Opción pedagógica a
 Alumno residente: Romero Liliana Beatriz
 Institución educativa: Jardín Materno Infantil Pepe Pío
 Dirección: Laprida 1590. Concordia, Entre Ríos.
 Cantidad de alumnos: 15
 Edad: 3 y 4 años
 Unidad Temática: The family (with animals of the farm)
 Clase N°: 3
 Fecha: 16-10-2019
 Hora: 14:00
 Duración de la clase: 45 minutos
 Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 11-10-2019
Learning aims:
During this lesson, learners will be able to…
- Consolidate vocabulary from previous lessons;
- Construct new vocabulary working with a tale;
- Develop self-confidence;
- Develop observation and cognitive skills;
- Dramatize a tale;
- Relate meaning with pictures, songs, movements and actions.
Learning focus:
The activities will focus on:
- Vocabulary from previous lessons: hello, happy, bye, goodbye, family,
farm, animals of the farm, numbers.
- Vocabulary from the tale: pig, wolf, house, straw, wood, bricks, blow,
ladder, roof, fire, fireplace, chimney.
- Imagination and dramatization.
Integration of skills:
The children will develop:
- Listening skills (Listening to songs, to the teacher and to a tale)
- Speaking skills (Singing and producing simple oral expressions)
- Imagination skills (Recreating a tale)
- Interpersonal skills (Interacting with teacher and classmates)
- Movement skills (Producing movements from songs and a tale)
Multiple intelligences:
- Linguistic intelligence (Listening to songs, to the teacher and to a tale
and singing and producing simple oral expressions)
- Spatial intelligence (Recreating a tale)
- Interpersonal intelligence (Interacting with teacher and classmates)
- Body-kinaesthetic intelligence (Producing movements from songs and
from a tale)
Materials and resources:
- Puppets (Bartolito and Mr. Silence)
- A bag to put the puppets
- Family members puppets (from previous lessons)
- Farm animals toys (from previous lesson)
- Computer
- Projector
- Masks of pigs made with Goma Eva
- A mask of a wolf
- Pictures made of cardboard to illustrate vocabulary (wolf, fire, fireplace,
ladder, and different kind of houses, made of straw, wood and bricks)
Possible contingencies:
- Children talking at the same time when the teacher asks questions;
Comentado [CZ1]: What will they develop through this
- Children getting bored and distracted with some activity;
- Children don´t understanding teacher´s questions or indications;
- Children talking and shouting and distracting others;
- Children getting confused with the task.
- Children not wanting to follow the dramatization activity.
Classroom management strategies:
- Give turns to answers questions;
- If they get bored or distracted, say their names and ask them questions;
- To help them understand: talk to the puppet Bartolito, show pictures,
make gestures, and repeat phrases;
- Call Mr. Silence and say that if they speak loud or shout Mr. Silence
can´t sleep;
- If some child has difficulty to follow the dramatization activity, the teacher
can stop and explain again, to give support and guide;
- Ask them if they want to recreate the wolf with you. If they don´t want,
ask them to sit aside and watch their mates. Then, try to incorporate
them to the task again.
Assessment (collecting information and reporting findings):
- Asking questions about the topic;
- Observing children participation during the tasks;
- Making comments on their performances.
Lesson stages:
1. Lead- in and presentation
- To say hello to Bartolito and Mr Silence
- To say hello to the teacher and mates with a song
- To consolidate greeting vocabulary
Timing: 8 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students
(include direct speech):
- Tell the children: Please sit on the floor.
- Take the bag with Bartolito and Mr Silence.
- Peep into the bag and tell the children: Shhh… Bartolito and Mr Silence
are sleeping. Can you help me to wake them up?
- Let´s say Bartolitoo!! The children will say with a loud voice Bartolito´s
name with you.
- After two times of repeating Bartolito´s name, he comes out of the bag
saying Hello!
- Encourage the children to say hello to him.
- Do the same with Mr Silence.
- Tell the children: Let´s say Hello with a New Hello song!
- Play and sing the Hello Song, making gestures so they can follow you:
Comentado [CZ2]: Excellent!
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Can you stretch you high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, “Hello?”
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
Can you stretch yuu high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, “Hello?”
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
- (Repeat the song two times)
- If they ask you, you can sing with them the other Hello song:
Now it´s time to say hello
Say hello
Say hello
Now it´s time to say hello
Hello everyone!
Now it´s time to say hello
Say hello
Say hello
Now it´s time to say hello
Hello everyone!
- Ask them with a picture: Are you happy today? Tell some of their names
and ask them if they are happy. If the say “No”, ask them why they are
not happy. Make a comment on their answers.
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one
Say to them: Very good! Well done! Now I want to ask you something…
2. Development of the sequence of activities
Activity one: Review of vocabulary (animals of the farm)
Comentado [CZ3]: Remember to include visual aids in the
- To review the vocabulary about animals of the farm
- To introduce the second activity (The family pig tale)
- To develop self-confidence and speaking skills
Timing: 5 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students
(include direct speech):
- Ask the children: Do you remember Bartolito´s family?
- Show the children the farm animals toys (duck, cow, cook, pig, horse,
duck, dog)
- Take the animal toys and name them. This is the cow. Can you say with
me? “This is the cow”.
- Then ask them: How does the cow say? The cow says: moo!
- “This is the dog. How what does the dog say? The dog says: ruff, ruff.”
- “This is the duck. what How does the duck say? The duck says, quack,
quack, quack.”
- “This is the horse. what How does the horse say? The horse says,
- “This are the pigs. what How do the pigs say? (Show them a family pig).
The pigs say: oink, oink, oink.”
- “And this is the sheep. How does the sheep say? The sheep says, baa!
- Say to them: Well done! Very good!
Scaffolding strategies:
- Show the children animal toys
- Name the animals
- Encourage the children to repeat simple phrases
- Make the animal´s sounds
- Encourage the children to produce the animal´s sounds
- Ask simple questions
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one
- Congratulate the children for participating. Then, show them the pigs and
tell them: Now I want to tell you a story about this family pig!
Activity two: “The three little pigs” tale
Comentado [CZ4]: What
- To develop listening skills;
- To develop imaginative skills;
- To relate meaning with pictures and actions.
Timing: 15 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students
(include direct speech):
- Tell them: As you see, this family pig are only three brothers. Count the
pigs: one, two, and three. They are “Biggie, Middie and Junior”.
- Switch on the projector and say the children: Do you want to listen to the
story? Yes?
- Ok! Let´s see what happens to this family pig!
- Play the tale, and tell the story. While watching the video, stop it from
time to time, to repeat the parts of the story, and reinforce understanding.
Use pictures to help.
The three little pigs
o There are three little pigs. They are Biggie, Middie and Junior.
o Each pig builds a house, to keep the big bad wolf away.
o Uh ah! Uh ah! Biggie builds a house with straw. And he says, “The
wolf will never come in.”
o Huh cha! Huh cha! Middie builds a house with wood. And he says,
“The wolf will never come in.”
o One two! Three four! Junior builds a house with bricks. And he
says, “I will build a strong house.” So, Junior builds and builds. He
even builds a fireplace with a chimney. And Junior says, “The wolf
will never come in.”
Comentado [CZ5]: Excellent choice!
o The wolf goes to Biggie´s house. He huffs and puffs and “Whoo!”
The wolf blows the house down.
o Biggie runs to Middie´s house.
o The wolf runs to Middie´s house too. He huffs and puffs and
“Whoo!” The wolf blows the house down.
o Biggie and Middie runs to Junior´s house. “Now, you are safe.”
o The wolf runs to Junior´s house too. He huffs and puffs and
“Whoo!” But the house doesn´t blow down.
o The wolf looks at the house carefully. “Ah ha”. “I will go down the
chimney!” So, he gets a ladder.
o The little pigs see the wolf. He is climbing onto the roof. So the
pigs say, “Let´s make a fire!”
o There is a big fire in the fireplace.
o Boom! The wolf falls onto the fire. “Hot! Hot! Help me!”
o The big bad wolf runs away and never comes back.
- Ask the children: Do you like the story?
- If it is necessary, make a quick review.
Scaffolding strategies:
- Show pictures
- Repeat phrases
- Mages gestures
- Make sounds
- Ask questions
- Show parts of the tale and ask again
- Talk to Bartolito to lead some answers and ask again
- Point, show and repeat vocabulary
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one
- Tell the children: Now let´s imagine that we are in the farm1
, and that you
are the pigs and I am the wolf. We are going to make the story together!
Activity three: Dramatizing the tale
- To dramatize the tale;
- To develop self-confidence;
- To develop coordination and imaginative skills;
- To relate meaning with pictures and actions.
Timing: 12 minutes
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students
(include direct speech):
- Give the children pig masks. The teacher will use a wolf mask.
As the tale doesn´t mention the forest, I´ve decided to say that the pigs are on the farm, to avoid
confusing the children.
Comentado [CZ6]: on
Comentado [CZ7]: Excellent idea!
- Tell the children: You will be the pig family, so you have to use the pig
- Divide the room into three stations. Tell the children: The first station is
the house made with straw. Paste a picture of the house on the wall.
- The second station is the house made of wood. Paste a picture on the
- The third section is the house made of bricks. Paste a picture on the wall.
Include a picture of a fireplace.
- Tell the children: First the wolf (the teacher) huffs and puffs and blows
down the house made of straw. The pigs run to the house made of wood.
Show them with an example.
- Then, the wolf huffs and puffs and blows down the house made of wood.
The pigs run to the house made of bricks. Finally, the wolf huffs and puffs
but he can´t blow down the house made of bricks.
- Then, the wolf takes a ladder. Prepare a ladder made of cardboard and
paste it on the wall next to the fire place. The wolf makes climbing
movements onto the roof.
- Tell the children: When you see the wolf climbing onto the roof, you
quickly make a fire on the fireplace. (Give them some sticks to through in
the fireplace). Show them with an example.
- Then, the wolf makes movements to show that he falls onto the fire and
he says: Hot, hot! Help me! The wolf rans away.
- (Dramatize the tale two times)
The image is illustrative. I have to make the masks.
Comentado [CZ8]: wear
Scaffolding strategies:
- Point to pictures
- Make movements, gestures and sounds
- Give practical examples
- Repeat phrases
- Ask questions
- Lead some answers
- Ask again the second time they do the dramatization
Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one
- To link with the clousure stage:
Excellent actors! Well done! Now it´s time to say goodbye! Let´s sit on
the floor.
- To link with the extra activity:
- Excellent actors! Well done! Now sit on the floor… Before saying
goodbye, I need your help! Look at animals of the farm! They are mixed!
Can you help me?
- Say goodbye
Timing: 5 minutes
Activity description and instructions:
- Tell the children: It´s time to say goodbye!
- Switch on the computer and play the goodbye song: See you later,
Goodbye, goodbye.
It’s time to go.
Goodbye, goodbye.
I don’t want to go.
See you later, alligator.
Bye bye bye, butterfly.
- Sing and do gestures, to encourage them to follow you.
- Play also this other song: Bye, goodbye song
Bye bye. Goodbye.
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye.
I can clap my hands.
I can stamp my feet.
I can clap my hands.
I can stamp my feet.
Bye bye. Goodbye.
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye.
Bye bye. Goodbye.
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye.
Extra activity to be used if it is time left between the last activity and the
Activity 3: Wrong farm animal’s game
Timing: 5 minutes
- Consolidate vocabulary about animals of the farm
- Develop cognitive skills
Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students
(include direct speech):
- Play this game on the screen:
- Tell the children: I need your help! Look at the animals! They are mixed!
- Ask them: Is this the cow? They are expected to answer “No”.
- Tell them: It is not the cow and it is not the duck. They are mixed!
- If they answer wrong, tell them: Are you sure? Making gestures with the
face and showing a toy of the animal.
- Do the same with the rest of the images of the video.
Scaffolding strategies:
- Show pictures and toys
- Make gestures
- Asks questions
- Lead some answers
- Ask again so they can answer by themselves
- Point, show and repeat vocabulary
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and
Observations Outstanding work, Liliana!
Have a great class!

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Rl - Planif clase 3 - Práctica I

  • 1. INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTECONTINUA LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE Profesorado de Inglés – Opción pedagógica a distancia. PRÁCTICA DOCENTE I  Alumno residente: Romero Liliana Beatriz  Institución educativa: Jardín Materno Infantil Pepe Pío  Dirección: Laprida 1590. Concordia, Entre Ríos.  Cantidad de alumnos: 15  Edad: 3 y 4 años  Unidad Temática: The family (with animals of the farm)  Clase N°: 3  Fecha: 16-10-2019  Hora: 14:00  Duración de la clase: 45 minutos  Fecha de entrega de la planificación: 11-10-2019
  • 2. Learning aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to… - Consolidate vocabulary from previous lessons; - Construct new vocabulary working with a tale; - Develop self-confidence; - Develop observation and cognitive skills; - Dramatize a tale; - Relate meaning with pictures, songs, movements and actions. Learning focus: The activities will focus on: - Vocabulary from previous lessons: hello, happy, bye, goodbye, family, farm, animals of the farm, numbers. - Vocabulary from the tale: pig, wolf, house, straw, wood, bricks, blow, ladder, roof, fire, fireplace, chimney. - Imagination and dramatization. Integration of skills: The children will develop: - Listening skills (Listening to songs, to the teacher and to a tale) - Speaking skills (Singing and producing simple oral expressions) - Imagination skills (Recreating a tale) - Interpersonal skills (Interacting with teacher and classmates) - Movement skills (Producing movements from songs and a tale) Multiple intelligences: - Linguistic intelligence (Listening to songs, to the teacher and to a tale and singing and producing simple oral expressions) - Spatial intelligence (Recreating a tale) - Interpersonal intelligence (Interacting with teacher and classmates) - Body-kinaesthetic intelligence (Producing movements from songs and from a tale) Materials and resources: - Puppets (Bartolito and Mr. Silence) - A bag to put the puppets - Family members puppets (from previous lessons) - Farm animals toys (from previous lesson) - Computer - Projector - Masks of pigs made with Goma Eva - A mask of a wolf - Pictures made of cardboard to illustrate vocabulary (wolf, fire, fireplace, ladder, and different kind of houses, made of straw, wood and bricks) Possible contingencies: - Children talking at the same time when the teacher asks questions; Comentado [CZ1]: What will they develop through this activity?
  • 3. - Children getting bored and distracted with some activity; - Children don´t understanding teacher´s questions or indications; - Children talking and shouting and distracting others; - Children getting confused with the task. - Children not wanting to follow the dramatization activity. Classroom management strategies: - Give turns to answers questions; - If they get bored or distracted, say their names and ask them questions; - To help them understand: talk to the puppet Bartolito, show pictures, make gestures, and repeat phrases; - Call Mr. Silence and say that if they speak loud or shout Mr. Silence can´t sleep; - If some child has difficulty to follow the dramatization activity, the teacher can stop and explain again, to give support and guide; - Ask them if they want to recreate the wolf with you. If they don´t want, ask them to sit aside and watch their mates. Then, try to incorporate them to the task again. Assessment (collecting information and reporting findings): - Asking questions about the topic; - Observing children participation during the tasks; - Making comments on their performances. Lesson stages: 1. Lead- in and presentation Purpose: - To say hello to Bartolito and Mr Silence - To say hello to the teacher and mates with a song - To consolidate greeting vocabulary Timing: 8 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech): - Tell the children: Please sit on the floor. - Take the bag with Bartolito and Mr Silence. - Peep into the bag and tell the children: Shhh… Bartolito and Mr Silence are sleeping. Can you help me to wake them up? - Let´s say Bartolitoo!! The children will say with a loud voice Bartolito´s name with you. - After two times of repeating Bartolito´s name, he comes out of the bag saying Hello! - Encourage the children to say hello to him. - Do the same with Mr Silence. - Tell the children: Let´s say Hello with a New Hello song! - Play and sing the Hello Song, making gestures so they can follow you: Comentado [CZ2]: Excellent!
  • 4. Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands? Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands? Can you stretch you high? Can you touch your toes? Can you turn around? Can you say, “Hello?” Hello, hello. Can you stamp your feet? Hello, hello. Can you stamp your feet? Can you stretch yuu high? Can you touch your toes? Can you turn around? Can you say, “Hello?” Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands? Hello, hello. Can you stamp your feet? - (Repeat the song two times) - If they ask you, you can sing with them the other Hello song: Now it´s time to say hello Say hello Say hello Now it´s time to say hello Hello everyone! Now it´s time to say hello Say hello Say hello Now it´s time to say hello Hello everyone! - Ask them with a picture: Are you happy today? Tell some of their names and ask them if they are happy. If the say “No”, ask them why they are not happy. Make a comment on their answers. Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one Say to them: Very good! Well done! Now I want to ask you something… 2. Development of the sequence of activities Activity one: Review of vocabulary (animals of the farm) Purpose: Comentado [CZ3]: Remember to include visual aids in the plan.
  • 5. - To review the vocabulary about animals of the farm - To introduce the second activity (The family pig tale) - To develop self-confidence and speaking skills Timing: 5 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech): - Ask the children: Do you remember Bartolito´s family? - Show the children the farm animals toys (duck, cow, cook, pig, horse, duck, dog) - Take the animal toys and name them. This is the cow. Can you say with me? “This is the cow”. - Then ask them: How does the cow say? The cow says: moo! - “This is the dog. How what does the dog say? The dog says: ruff, ruff.” - “This is the duck. what How does the duck say? The duck says, quack, quack, quack.” - “This is the horse. what How does the horse say? The horse says, neigh.” - “This are the pigs. what How do the pigs say? (Show them a family pig). The pigs say: oink, oink, oink.” - “And this is the sheep. How does the sheep say? The sheep says, baa! - Say to them: Well done! Very good! Scaffolding strategies: - Show the children animal toys - Name the animals - Encourage the children to repeat simple phrases - Make the animal´s sounds - Encourage the children to produce the animal´s sounds - Ask simple questions Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one - Congratulate the children for participating. Then, show them the pigs and tell them: Now I want to tell you a story about this family pig! Activity two: “The three little pigs” tale Comentado [CZ4]: What
  • 6. Purpose: - To develop listening skills; - To develop imaginative skills; - To relate meaning with pictures and actions. Timing: 15 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech): - Tell them: As you see, this family pig are only three brothers. Count the pigs: one, two, and three. They are “Biggie, Middie and Junior”. - Switch on the projector and say the children: Do you want to listen to the story? Yes? - Ok! Let´s see what happens to this family pig! - Play the tale, and tell the story. While watching the video, stop it from time to time, to repeat the parts of the story, and reinforce understanding. Use pictures to help. The three little pigs o There are three little pigs. They are Biggie, Middie and Junior. o Each pig builds a house, to keep the big bad wolf away. o Uh ah! Uh ah! Biggie builds a house with straw. And he says, “The wolf will never come in.” o Huh cha! Huh cha! Middie builds a house with wood. And he says, “The wolf will never come in.” o One two! Three four! Junior builds a house with bricks. And he says, “I will build a strong house.” So, Junior builds and builds. He even builds a fireplace with a chimney. And Junior says, “The wolf will never come in.” Comentado [CZ5]: Excellent choice!
  • 7. o The wolf goes to Biggie´s house. He huffs and puffs and “Whoo!” The wolf blows the house down. o Biggie runs to Middie´s house. o The wolf runs to Middie´s house too. He huffs and puffs and “Whoo!” The wolf blows the house down. o Biggie and Middie runs to Junior´s house. “Now, you are safe.” o The wolf runs to Junior´s house too. He huffs and puffs and “Whoo!” But the house doesn´t blow down. o The wolf looks at the house carefully. “Ah ha”. “I will go down the chimney!” So, he gets a ladder. o The little pigs see the wolf. He is climbing onto the roof. So the pigs say, “Let´s make a fire!” o There is a big fire in the fireplace. o Boom! The wolf falls onto the fire. “Hot! Hot! Help me!” o The big bad wolf runs away and never comes back. - Ask the children: Do you like the story? - If it is necessary, make a quick review. Scaffolding strategies: - Show pictures - Repeat phrases - Mages gestures - Make sounds - Ask questions - Show parts of the tale and ask again - Talk to Bartolito to lead some answers and ask again - Point, show and repeat vocabulary Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one - Tell the children: Now let´s imagine that we are in the farm1 , and that you are the pigs and I am the wolf. We are going to make the story together! Activity three: Dramatizing the tale Purpose: - To dramatize the tale; - To develop self-confidence; - To develop coordination and imaginative skills; - To relate meaning with pictures and actions. Timing: 12 minutes Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech): - Give the children pig masks. The teacher will use a wolf mask. 1 As the tale doesn´t mention the forest, I´ve decided to say that the pigs are on the farm, to avoid confusing the children. Comentado [CZ6]: on Comentado [CZ7]: Excellent idea!
  • 8. 2 - Tell the children: You will be the pig family, so you have to use the pig masks. - Divide the room into three stations. Tell the children: The first station is the house made with straw. Paste a picture of the house on the wall. - The second station is the house made of wood. Paste a picture on the wall. - The third section is the house made of bricks. Paste a picture on the wall. Include a picture of a fireplace. - Tell the children: First the wolf (the teacher) huffs and puffs and blows down the house made of straw. The pigs run to the house made of wood. Show them with an example. - Then, the wolf huffs and puffs and blows down the house made of wood. The pigs run to the house made of bricks. Finally, the wolf huffs and puffs but he can´t blow down the house made of bricks. - Then, the wolf takes a ladder. Prepare a ladder made of cardboard and paste it on the wall next to the fire place. The wolf makes climbing movements onto the roof. - Tell the children: When you see the wolf climbing onto the roof, you quickly make a fire on the fireplace. (Give them some sticks to through in the fireplace). Show them with an example. - Then, the wolf makes movements to show that he falls onto the fire and he says: Hot, hot! Help me! The wolf rans away. - (Dramatize the tale two times) 2 The image is illustrative. I have to make the masks. Comentado [CZ8]: wear
  • 9. Scaffolding strategies: - Point to pictures - Make movements, gestures and sounds - Give practical examples - Repeat phrases - Ask questions - Lead some answers - Ask again the second time they do the dramatization Transition comment to link each stage of the lesson with the next one - To link with the clousure stage: Excellent actors! Well done! Now it´s time to say goodbye! Let´s sit on the floor. - To link with the extra activity:
  • 10. - Excellent actors! Well done! Now sit on the floor… Before saying goodbye, I need your help! Look at animals of the farm! They are mixed! Can you help me? Clousure Purpose: - Say goodbye Timing: 5 minutes Activity description and instructions: - Tell the children: It´s time to say goodbye! - Switch on the computer and play the goodbye song: See you later, alligator: Goodbye, goodbye. It’s time to go. Goodbye, goodbye. I don’t want to go. See you later, alligator. Bye bye bye, butterfly. Goodbye! - Sing and do gestures, to encourage them to follow you. - Play also this other song: Bye, goodbye song Bye bye. Goodbye. Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye. I can clap my hands. I can stamp my feet. I can clap my hands. I can stamp my feet. Bye bye. Goodbye. Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye. Bye bye. Goodbye. Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye. GOODBYE!
  • 11. Extra activity to be used if it is time left between the last activity and the closure: Activity 3: Wrong farm animal’s game Timing: 5 minutes Purpose - Consolidate vocabulary about animals of the farm - Develop cognitive skills Activity description and instructions as they will be said to students (include direct speech): - Play this game on the screen: - Tell the children: I need your help! Look at the animals! They are mixed! - Ask them: Is this the cow? They are expected to answer “No”. - Tell them: It is not the cow and it is not the duck. They are mixed! - If they answer wrong, tell them: Are you sure? Making gestures with the face and showing a toy of the animal. - Do the same with the rest of the images of the video. Scaffolding strategies: - Show pictures and toys - Make gestures - Asks questions - Lead some answers - Ask again so they can answer by themselves - Point, show and repeat vocabulary
  • 12. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization x Coherence and sequencing x Variety of resources x Stages and activities x Scaffolding strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Outstanding work, Liliana! Have a great class! Ceci