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Return to Work: Outperform
  and Engage Employees
        9 am – 12 pm Workshop
             Oct 27, 2010
        Infonex 940 Vancouver

           Chris Hylton, MA.

       CG Hylton & Associates Inc. or 403-264-5288
 Disability and Injury Management
 Planning and Strategizing on how to Return
  Employees to Work

                                                           CG Hylton
 Absenteeism and increased turnover
 Process and Practices of Returning Employees to
 Benefits plan
 Scenarios of Returning Employees to Work
 Understanding performance in relation to current
 Psychological implications for employees and staff
 Role of spirituality

                                                  CG Hylton
•What has come up in your workplace that we
could help you with today?

•What examples do you have to share with
stories about this issue ?

•Any advice for us?
                 FROM WORK
 At   work injury (WCB)

                                             CG Hylton
 Personal time injury (car accident,
 skiing accident etc)

 Illness   or injury

 Disability-   visible or non-visible   4
A workplace prevention and remediation strategy that
 seeks to prevent disability and injuries from
 occurring or, lacking that, to intervene early
 following the onset of disability, using coordinated,

                                                     CG Hylton
 cost-conscious, quality rehabilitation services that
 reflects an organizational commitment to continued
 employment of those experiencing functional work

 The remediation goal of this management is
 successful job maintenance, or optimum timing for
 return to work, for persons with a disability or
 injury.                                         5
 Toget employees who have been off
 sick/injured to return to work as soon as
 safely as possible

                                                 CG Hylton
 Thechances of an employee successfully
 returning to work decreases rapidly with
   6 months - 50%
   12 months - 25%
   24 months - less than 5%                 6

                                                           CG Hylton
Probability of RTW





                                    (0 to 24 months)

 Makesure an employee is fully

                                                      CG Hylton
    Illness: can get other employees sick

    Injury: cause further damage to the injury
     before it can fully recover

 What  are the most common injuries or
 illness at your work?

                                                 CG Hylton
 What are some methods to prevent

 Areyour health and safety policies up to
 date ?
  -   Can you identify currently employed

                                                        CG Hylton
      individuals who are at significant risk of

                                                   Of Job

                20            40          60
       10                    Age
                 FOR WORK
1.   Fitness for work form – doctor signs and
     agrees that employee can return for duty

                                                 CG Hylton
     and perform the tasks

    An employee may request to see the
     document or request that a medical must
     be done

                 FOR WORK
2.   Review with employee what the doctor
     recommends – modified or fully return to

                                                 CG Hylton

    The employer must adhere to what the
     doctor recommends

                 FOR WORK
3. Complete paperwork for modified or return
   to work – have employee sign and agree to

                                                  CG Hylton
   the terms and conditions

    Modified – hours/day, duration of period,
     type of work, etc

October 27, 2010

Hiring Manager

RE:                                  Joe Doe (Composite Crew Laborer)
                          Completed evaluation at 10:45am

Dear [Manager name],

Summary of Test Results

                                                                                                               CG Hylton
We offer you the following opinion concerning the individual’s present abilities to safely and successfully
   perform the essential functions of the position for which he/she was tested:
_X__ IS CAPABLE of performing the essential functions of the position sought and does not have any
   present or past medical condition/impairment that we believe would pose a significant risk to
   him/herself or others should he/she be placed in the position sought.
____ NOT CAPABLE of performing the essential functions of the position sought and does not have
   any present or past medical condition/impairment that we believe would pose a significant risk to
   him/herself or others should he/she be placed in the position sought.
____ NOT CAPABLE of performing the essential functions of the position sought because applicant
   does have a present or past medical condition/impairment that we believe would pose a significant
   “medical risk” to him/her or others should he/she be placed in the position sought.

Basis for conclusion

While we are available to discuss in more detail the basis for our finding, the following additional
   information provides the basis for the above conclusion:

The client was deemed “Capable” as he met all testing criteria of the medical history, the dynamic lifting,   14
   and the job specific demands.
October 27, 2010
Page 2

Summary of Test Procedures and Principles

As part of the test, we obtained a medical history of the individual and collected baseline data concerning
the individual’s physical conditioning and specific functional limitations. The primary purpose of the test,
however, was to evaluate: 1) the individual’s ability to successfully perform the job related essential
functions of the position sought: and 2) whether there was objective medical evidence that performance of
the job related essential functions would pose a risk to the health or safety of the individual or others. The

                                                                                                           CG Hylton
test was conducted based on our understanding of the job related essential functions of the position
sought by this individual and the traditional physical demands associated with performance of those
essential job functions.

If necessary, appropriate, and requested, we are available to engage in further examination, testing, or
discussion with the individual noted above, to ensure that you have accurately assessed his/her
qualifications for employment with your organization.

Depending on the nature of the medical condition/impairment identified in our test, the risks posed by the
position sought, and the scope of protection afforded by relevant law, it might be appropriate and/or
necessary for your organization to engage in an interactive dialogue with the individual being tested to
explore potential reasonable accommodations that would facilitate safe and successful performance of
essential job functions.

We hope this evaluation has been helpful. Please contact me if you have any questions.


Human Resource, Management, Employee
CG Hylton
Challenge: How does the employer engage

                                             CG Hylton
 their modified employee and help them to

 Strengthen   the self

                                 CG Hylton
 Strengthen   the family

 Strengthen   the community

 Fosterhealthy identities, every employee is an

                                                                           CG Hylton
 Teach    how to express emotions in healthy ways
     For example: anger – talk it out with your co-worker, supervisor,

 Teach what constitutes a healthy, respectful adult
     For example: do not allow any kind of bullying or harassment in
      the work place
 Teachlife skills; problem-solving techniques,
 practice in developing discussion, decision
 making skills, anxiety reduction, communication,

                                                          CG Hylton
 coping with stress or anger management, social &
 assertiveness skills
   Have programs available to employees to learn to
    reduce stress
   Offer EAP services – counselling to help employees

 Promote self-esteem, self-mastery and handling
 challenges in a healthy way                             20

 Build   awareness of social influences

                                                   CG Hylton
 Preventionmentorship utilizing community role
 models for support and guidance in personal

 Strengthenparenting skills e.g. how to deal with
 adolescents, how to enforce family policies on
 substance abuse, drug information, parent role-

                                                             CG Hylton
     For example: be flexible with schedules for parents
      who need to attend their child’s activities

 Enhance family bonding and relationships
 through family programs

 Poster,
        pamphlets, discussions and presentations
 on substance abuse                                         22
 Bridge youth & elders with inter-generational
     For example: in a workplace setting pair the young

                                                              CG Hylton
      and old to work together

 Peerleadership prevention activities for youth to
 reinforce leadership skills
     For example: senior staff can mentor the newly hired

 Celebrate   holidays, birthdays, and company events

 Have   an open door policy

                                                        CG Hylton
     Employees can approach management with problems
      or issues and ask for advice or help

 Promote    teamwork

 Dissuade
         any harassment or bullying in the
 Byhelping your employees to grow they can
 reach their potential when returning to work

                                                 CG Hylton
 Make your employees confident with
 returning back to work and that you can help
 to accommodate them if necessary

   Discussion: How can you as an employer help your
    employees feel better when they return to work?

                                                            CG Hylton
   What is something at your workplace that is positive
    and motivate employees?

   Give an example of Strengthening the self, family,
    and community an employer can do for their

 Informstaff of returning employee – debrief and
 explain the situation

                                                         CG Hylton
 Have   a welcome back party!
     Opportunity for co-workers to interact with the
      returning employee

 Provideballoons, flowers, cards and /or a
 welcome back banner in an employee's work
 space to show that the individual was missed           27
 Clear
      work out as necessary to enable an
 employee to return to a clean desk or work area

                                                             CG Hylton
 Offer   your support if required
     Work load
     Catching up to current projects, people, and issues

CG Hylton
 Beaware of the signs/attendance that an
  employee might not be ready to come back to

                                                 CG Hylton

 Ifemployees are absent find out the reason,
  and how to respond effectively


    Innocent                   Culpable

                                                 CG Hylton
   Absenteeism                Absenteeism

Long        Repetitive
Term        Short Term
Condition   Absences


 Innocent Absenteeism is disability, illness, or
 other legitimate health reason

                                                        CG Hylton
 Discipline   is inappropriate

 May   affect non-disciplinary termination
     Employee has record of excessive absenteeism
     Employee cannot hold regular attendance in the

1.   Provide warnings

                                                  CG Hylton
2.   Provide opportunity to improve attendance

3.   Be consistent

 Institute
         attendance management program for
 monitoring absenteeism

                                                      CG Hylton
 Understandthe actual levels of absenteeism in
 the workplace

 Record all incidents of absenteeism and lateness
 – but be careful what you count

 Improve    health and safety procedures
     Having a safe free environment is important to

                                                            CG Hylton
      prevent future injuries
     Decreases the number of employees on leave for
     Management and the HR department should come to
      terms the procedures for every situation at work
     Should analyze every position and what hazards
      might these employees encounter
     Create health and safety policies that protect the
      company and their employees                          35
 Provide   employee assistance programs
      EAP programs provide counselling services for

                                                       CG Hylton
      employees paid by the employer
     Employees can seek help/advice on any issue
      they find themselves having trouble dealing
     Helping your employees helps you the
      employer to have a healthier working
      environment that increases productivity         36
 Provide      attendance incentive programs
     Reducing absences can help reduce turnover

                                                                CG Hylton
         If one person is sick at work, send them home!
         Less likely to get everyone else sick
         Less stress due to heavy workloads from the people
          who are sick

     Providing incentives helps employees to go to
      work and enjoy being rewarded for being there
      at their jobs                                            37
 Collect and   publish attendance statistics
      Find out the number of absences a year

                                                    CG Hylton

 Set   attendance goals and monitor achievement
     Award employees who have a good attendance

 An   attendance management program
     Can be in the form of an incentive program, rewarding

                                                                   CG Hylton
      employees with good attendance
     Can be in the form of a behavioral program – the
      company will only tolerate so many absences before
      definitive action is taken
          Writing that individual up in a report and have that
           employee sign
          3 strikes you’re out idea
          Termination                                            39
 Remember     to be consistent and fair!
 The program     is to help employees improve their

                                                        CG Hylton
 Not   a punishment program
     Can be seen as de-motivating
     Increases turnover – as employees are punished
      for being legitimately ill
                TAP OFF’
    Old system: ‘Sick Note’                   New system: ‘Fit Note’

                                                                                 CG Hylton
Uninterrupted flow of the untreated unwell.                                    41
                                                   Early intervention reducing the
Cultural and behavioural change required           flow on to benefits
 Reduces costs
     An injured employee takes their time to heal, too

                                                            CG Hylton
      soon and causes further injury – costing the
      employer more in WCB fees or time loss from no one
      filling that position
     Creates a healthier working environment = better
      employee attendance
     Reduces stress of employees- know that their
      employer is supporting their recovery

 Increases   attendance
   Employees are appreciated for their good

                                                         CG Hylton
   Employees know that with a program in place, sick
    days are treated fairly
   Less stress – not as many employees calling sick
    and therefore workloads are not increased to
    cover the missing person

   Good employees do not leave because of being

                                                           CG Hylton
   Place of employment is healthier and therefore less
    likely have employees leaving

   Being a supportive manager/employer for people
    returning to work will motivate that employee to
    come back sooner!

 Don’t    rigidly adhere to defined policies

                                                     CG Hylton
 Allabsences are presumed innocent unless proven
      Can ask for doctor’s note

 If   culpable, then discipline may be warranted

 Use    progressive discipline
 Provide   feedback

      Speak with employees when they are having

                                                   CG Hylton

 Discipline   when warranted

 Implement   last chance agreements when all
 else fails (unionized setting)

   An employer can accommodate an employee if there
    are scheduling conflicts that result in absences

                                                                CG Hylton
   For example: Single mother cannot get children to the
    day care until 8am, her shift starts at 8am. She is late
    almost every day. The employer can accommodate
    her by starting her shift an hour later.

   Employer has to demonstrate:

                                                       CG Hylton
     Record of excessive absenteeism
     Incapable of regular attendance in the future
     Accommodation to the point of undue

   Follow program of progressive discipline

   Terminate with caution = there is always a
    risk of a grievance or a human rights
    complaint                                         48
CG Hylton
   Policies are needed in place for Employees returning
    to work

                                                            CG Hylton
   Management and HR must come together and plan
    and agree on the terms and conditions that are

   Provide fair and equitable treatment for employees in
    receipt of disability benefits

                                                                 CG Hylton
   Prove assistance, rehabilitation, and accommodation
    that promotes productive return to work opportunities
    for disabled employees with work restrictions.

       Employees should never be rushed or pressured back to
        work by management

    There are a couple of steps to take when an
     employee returns after an extended absence

                                                                CG Hylton
1.    Meet with the employee- find out how they feel
      mentally and physically

2.    If necessary find out from a doctor if the employee is
      physically fit to work

3.     Create a plan with the employee – if they can return
      to their job duties right away or you need to modify
      their job duties                                         52
4.   Decide on length of time on modified work, hours
     per work, pay per hour/week, and anything related

                                                          CG Hylton
     to the job

5.   Write this out formally in a report

6.   Have the employee sign and agree to the terms and

7.   Follow up – in a week see how the employee is
     doing, how they are re-adjusting to working again   53
   When creating these plans with employees make sure
    that you are consistent!

                                                                CG Hylton
   Remember while everyone’s absences or injuries are
    different, you must create a plan that suits their needs
    but also the needs of the company

   Note: employees returning back to work might not be
    as fast paced, remember everyone will recover in
    their own time
       Situation: A meat cutter in a grocery is returning to
         work after being injured at work. This worker is on

                                                                 CG Hylton
        WCB and you have been advised that they can only
        work certain hours, has to go to physiotherapy, and
                    cannot lift any heavy things.

 Get together in a small group and create a plan for this
 What are the conditions to consider?

 How can you as an employer make this individual
  return to work transition smooth?
 Thereare several methods to help an employee
 return to work

                                                             CG Hylton
     Changing the number of hours per week the
      employee has to work
     Allowing more breaks in the shift
     Changing job duties
     Consider that employee for another position for the
      time being
     Partner with another employee to work with            56
 Different
          scenarios call for a different
 approach on how to accommodate a returning

                                                  CG Hylton
 to work employee

 Research,
        speak with HR, and decide the best

 The first time is not always right, remember
 to monitor and adjust the accommodation if it   57
 is not working!
   An employee in an accounting firm has recently
    been disabled from the waist down.

                                                      CG Hylton
   What are some of the accommodations to

   A liquor manager is a recovering alcoholic. He is
    returning to work after spending 3 months in rehab.

                                                           CG Hylton
   What are some of the accommodations to

   An employee in an office has pneumonia but does
    not have any more sick days. That employee must

                                                       CG Hylton
    return to work.

   What are some of the accommodations to

   Should the employee be put on the attendance
    management program?

   Donna is a 42-year-old Registered Nurse. She has worked in a
    large acute care hospital for the last fifteen years, primarily on a
    medical ward.
   She loves being a nurse and takes a great deal of pride in her

                                                                           CG Hylton
    work. She is a valued member of her team and often covers for
    the charge nurse when she is away
   It is not unusual for Donna to pick up overtime shifts. Recently,
    her unit was assigned to a new manager as a result of hospital
   Donna is recently separated and has been involved in a difficult
    divorce and custody dispute over her two children.
   As well, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and
    moved in with Donna for care and support.
 Gradually, Donna started feeling overwhelmed by her
  responsibilities, both at work and at home.
 She was constantly tired, and often felt irritable and

                                                              CG Hylton
 She found she easily forgot things and often could not
  stay focused on a task.
 She mentioned this to her family doctor during a routine
 After a brief interview, her doctor diagnosed her as
  suffering from depression.
 She was prescribed an antidepressant and it was
  suggested that she take a few weeks off work to rest.
 Donna took four weeks off work. She also met with a
  counsellor though her organization’s external EAP

                                                               CG Hylton
 She attended the allotted six sessions of counselling.

 She appreciated the support but found this wasn’t helping
  to improve her symptoms or functioning.
 Although she was not feeling much better she did return to
  work, in part because of financial concerns, but also
  because she felt she was letting her coworkers down.

 Donna worked for two weeks and then stopped due to
  continued fatigue, poor concentration and memory as well
  as unpredictable bouts of tearfulness and feelings of

                                                               CG Hylton
 Donna’s doctor increased her medication and suggested
  she take an additional 3-4 months off work.
 She used up her remaining sick time and applied for EI
 However, after this time she Donna was still not able to
  return to work.
 She applied for and was accepted on to Long Term
  Disability and was referred to a rehabilitation consultant
  for vocational rehabilitation services.
   As Management, what returning work plan should be

                                                                CG Hylton
   What factors are there to consider?

   What must she do to return to work?

   What must her supervisor do to return her to work?

   What must her disability consultant do to help her along
    this process?
   An employee should feel confident they can return
    to work

                                                         CG Hylton
   Work out that plan! Make sure everyone
    understands and agrees with the plan

   Accommodate

   Absences maybe an indication they are not ready
    to work yet!
   Benefits plan
     It is important that small businesses to large companies

                                                                   CG Hylton
      have a good comprehensive benefit plan
     Invest in employees – a good benefits plan will help
      retain the good employees
     A security for employees – knowing if anything
      happened to them they would have coverage
     Carriers have the flexibility to create a plan that suits
      your company’s budget and needs

   EAP Plan
     Employee Assistance Program Plan

                                                               CG Hylton
     Employers pay for a certain number of counselling
      sessions for their employees
     Employees can seek out counselling for advice or help
      on how to deal with their daily stress, emotional
      dilemmas, or build stronger relationships with

   Working together: HR and management
       Plan with your Human Resource people
       Create policies that protect the company and          68
 WCB   - Workers
    Worker’s Compensation Benefit

                                                     CG Hylton
    Employees injured at work are compensated by
     WCB paid by the employer
    Assessed by WCB doctors to determine if
     employee is fit to return to work

             RETURNING TO WORK
    Insurance Company                      Supervisor
    & WCB

                                                                          CG Hylton
                                                        Return to Work
Medical Community           Injured or Sick

                                              Human Resources/Benefits
     Specialized Services
                             Union Representative (if any)
 Performance  reviews must be fair and equitable
 to all employees regardless of race, disability,

                                                     CG Hylton
 Same   standards for all employees

 Theemployer should review the returning to
   Tasks assigned
   Where completed,
   Employee’s attitude,                            71
   Work ethics, etc
 Statistics Canada on Jan. 12, 2007, found that
  half a million Canadian workers experience

                                                    CG Hylton
  depression and most of them — almost 80 per
  cent — say the symptoms interfere with their
  ability to work



                                                       CG Hylton
Probability of RTW




                                   (0 to 24 months)
Work impairment more likely among
  depressed workers

                                                      CG Hylton
 Relatively high percentages of workers who
  had experienced depression reported specific
  forms of work impairment.
 These included reduced activities because of a
  long-term health condition, at least one mental
  health disability day in the past two weeks, and
  absence from work in the previous week.

Work impairment more likely among
  depressed workers

                                                    CG Hylton
 About 29% of workers who had had a recent
  episode of depression reported reduced work
  activities because of a long-term health
  condition. This was three times the proportion
  of only 10% among those with no history of

Work impairment more likely among depressed

                                                          CG Hylton
 As well, 13% of workers who had experienced
  depression reported at least one day in the
  previous two weeks when they had to stay in bed,
  or cut down on normal activities, or their daily
  activities took extra effort, because of emotional or
  mental health or the use of alcohol or drugs.

Work impairment more likely among depressed

                                                       CG Hylton
 Only 1% of workers with no history of depression
  had taken a mental health disability day in the
  previous two weeks.
 Also, 16% of workers who had had a recent
  depressive episode had been absent from work in
  the past week, twice the proportion of 7% of those
  who had never had a depressive episode.
 Management   of depression in the
 workplace must begin with the workplace.

                                                      CG Hylton
 With regard to depression management,
 neglecting the workplace may result in:
    Failure to control or eliminate risk factors,
     such as conflict with co-workers or
     supervisors or lack of perceived control over
     workload, which may initiate or compound
     depression as well as increase the likelihood
     of depression relapse
 Delivery of treatments that ignore the
  depressed person’s relationship to the

                                                 CG Hylton
  workplace and thus worsen the disability
 This can include recommendations of
  “stress leave” without concurrent provision
  of strategies to maintain or build resilience
  and coping skills
 This can readily result in demoralization,
  inactivity, and loss of engagement with
 Poor communication between healthcare
 providers, disability managers, and the

                                            CG Hylton
 workplace, resulting in limited
 understanding of the depressed worker’s
 status and delayed or inadequate
 consideration of appropriate return-to-
 work strategies.

                    MENTAL ILLNESS

                                                                  CG Hylton
Symptoms of


                    TIME     Adapted from Janus Associates
1. Reducing the presence or severity of
 organizational and workplace

                                                  CG Hylton
     Stress intervention seeks to modify
      employment characteristics such as
      excessive/unpredictable workload,
      unclear job expectations, or lack of
      perceived control, all of which have been
      linked to depressive symptoms

2. Increasing the ability of workers to cope with stress
     Examples of stress management skills are:
       Structured problem solving to appraise and respond

                                                                 CG Hylton
        to problems in a more effective way
       Interpersonal strategies for mobilizing support in the
       Conflict management to handle disagreements with
       Relaxation techniques to reduce maladaptive tension

       Communication training to clearly and assertively
        express one’s viewpoint

Screen                            Treat

                                                         CG Hylton
                        EAP         healthcare

                      Physician     Rehabilitation

                              Workers         Private
                               Comp           insurer   84
Is a collaborative process which assesses,
  plans, implements, coordinates, monitors

                                                CG Hylton
  and evaluates options and services required
  to meet an individual’s health needs using
  communication and available resources to
  promote quality, cost effective outcomes

 Spirituality-   individual’s search for the

                                                   CG Hylton
 Provides meaning, purpose, &
   Individual’s view of self in relations to
    otherwise is defined by their early primary
   Expectations for all future relationships
    developed in adulthood come directly          86
    from our childhood
   Increasing spirituality decreases Depression

                                                       CG Hylton
   Religion and spirituality can be the same

   Religion helps to define purpose and meaning of
    who we are

   Spirituality can exist without religion

 Whena crisis/issue arises, how well we deal with it
 depends on how well we can cope
      Attachment Theory

                                                                CG Hylton
      The better the childhood – the faster and stronger an
       individual can recover
      The worse the childhood – the more easily individuals
       can fall into depression or/and have substance abuse

 Tocope: build spirituality – self esteem, change
 those relationships in your life, be self- directing

 SelfDirecting: active self – improving yourself and
 learning how to cope                                          88
 What   does this have to do with anything?

                                                CG Hylton
 Benevolent   View

 Punitive   View


 Please call if you have any HR, or workplace issue that
  you are overwhelmed with
 We can help you

   We also are pleased to do Free Workshops for your
    organization (some limits apply) Let us know what your
    needs are and we will make it happen!


 HR Consulting               Benefits, Pensions,
 Job Descriptions
                              Strategic Planning
 Salary Grids
                              Drug and Alcohol
 Wellness at Work
 Staff Morale
                              Dept re-orgs
 Training and Workshops
                              Leadership

                 Tel 403 264 5288

                                 CG Hylton
Chris Hylton
403 264 5288
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Return to work: outperform and engage employees

  • 1. Return to Work: Outperform and Engage Employees 9 am – 12 pm Workshop Oct 27, 2010 Infonex 940 Vancouver Chris Hylton, MA. CG Hylton & Associates Inc. or 403-264-5288
  • 2. AGENDA  Disability and Injury Management  Planning and Strategizing on how to Return Employees to Work CG Hylton  Absenteeism and increased turnover  Process and Practices of Returning Employees to Work  Benefits plan  Scenarios of Returning Employees to Work  Understanding performance in relation to current standards  Psychological implications for employees and staff  Role of spirituality 2
  • 3. DO YOU HAVE ANY WORKPLACE ISSUES WE CAN TRY AND SOLVE FOR YOU IN THIS SESSION? CG Hylton •What has come up in your workplace that we could help you with today? •What examples do you have to share with stories about this issue ? •Any advice for us? 3
  • 4. REASONS FOR AN EMPLOYEE OFF FROM WORK  At work injury (WCB) CG Hylton  Personal time injury (car accident, skiing accident etc)  Illness or injury  Disability- visible or non-visible 4
  • 5. DISABILITY AND INJURY MANAGEMENT A workplace prevention and remediation strategy that seeks to prevent disability and injuries from occurring or, lacking that, to intervene early following the onset of disability, using coordinated, CG Hylton cost-conscious, quality rehabilitation services that reflects an organizational commitment to continued employment of those experiencing functional work limitations. The remediation goal of this management is successful job maintenance, or optimum timing for return to work, for persons with a disability or injury. 5
  • 6. THE GOAL  Toget employees who have been off sick/injured to return to work as soon as safely as possible CG Hylton  Thechances of an employee successfully returning to work decreases rapidly with time  6 months - 50%  12 months - 25%  24 months - less than 5% 6
  • 7. IMPORTANCE OF EARLY ON INTERVENTION 100 CG Hylton Probability of RTW 80 60 40 20 0 Time (0 to 24 months) 7
  • 8. REMEMBER  Makesure an employee is fully recovered: CG Hylton  Illness: can get other employees sick  Injury: cause further damage to the injury before it can fully recover 8
  • 9. DISCUSSION  What are the most common injuries or illness at your work? CG Hylton  What are some methods to prevent injuries?  Areyour health and safety policies up to date ? 9
  • 10. 78 MILLION BABY BOOMERS WITH THE OLDEST NOW TURNING 61 (2007) - Can you identify currently employed CG Hylton individuals who are at significant risk of injury? Physical Physical Demand Demand Capability Of Job 20 40 60 10 Age
  • 11. STEPS TO ENSURE EMPLOYEE IS FIT FOR WORK 1. Fitness for work form – doctor signs and agrees that employee can return for duty CG Hylton and perform the tasks  An employee may request to see the document or request that a medical must be done 11
  • 12. STEPS TO ENSURE EMPLOYEE IS FIT FOR WORK 2. Review with employee what the doctor recommends – modified or fully return to CG Hylton work  The employer must adhere to what the doctor recommends 12
  • 13. STEPS TO ENSURE EMPLOYEE IS FIT FOR WORK 3. Complete paperwork for modified or return to work – have employee sign and agree to CG Hylton the terms and conditions  Modified – hours/day, duration of period, type of work, etc 13
  • 14. October 27, 2010 Hiring Manager [address] RE: Joe Doe (Composite Crew Laborer) Completed evaluation at 10:45am Dear [Manager name], Summary of Test Results CG Hylton We offer you the following opinion concerning the individual’s present abilities to safely and successfully perform the essential functions of the position for which he/she was tested: _X__ IS CAPABLE of performing the essential functions of the position sought and does not have any present or past medical condition/impairment that we believe would pose a significant risk to him/herself or others should he/she be placed in the position sought. ____ NOT CAPABLE of performing the essential functions of the position sought and does not have any present or past medical condition/impairment that we believe would pose a significant risk to him/herself or others should he/she be placed in the position sought. ____ NOT CAPABLE of performing the essential functions of the position sought because applicant does have a present or past medical condition/impairment that we believe would pose a significant “medical risk” to him/her or others should he/she be placed in the position sought. Basis for conclusion While we are available to discuss in more detail the basis for our finding, the following additional information provides the basis for the above conclusion: The client was deemed “Capable” as he met all testing criteria of the medical history, the dynamic lifting, 14 and the job specific demands.
  • 15. October 27, 2010 Page 2 Summary of Test Procedures and Principles As part of the test, we obtained a medical history of the individual and collected baseline data concerning the individual’s physical conditioning and specific functional limitations. The primary purpose of the test, however, was to evaluate: 1) the individual’s ability to successfully perform the job related essential functions of the position sought: and 2) whether there was objective medical evidence that performance of the job related essential functions would pose a risk to the health or safety of the individual or others. The CG Hylton test was conducted based on our understanding of the job related essential functions of the position sought by this individual and the traditional physical demands associated with performance of those essential job functions. If necessary, appropriate, and requested, we are available to engage in further examination, testing, or discussion with the individual noted above, to ensure that you have accurately assessed his/her qualifications for employment with your organization. Depending on the nature of the medical condition/impairment identified in our test, the risks posed by the position sought, and the scope of protection afforded by relevant law, it might be appropriate and/or necessary for your organization to engage in an interactive dialogue with the individual being tested to explore potential reasonable accommodations that would facilitate safe and successful performance of essential job functions. We hope this evaluation has been helpful. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, 15 Human Resource, Management, Employee
  • 16. CG Hylton 16
  • 17. WHEN THE EMPLOYEE RETURNS TO WORK Challenge: How does the employer engage CG Hylton their modified employee and help them to outperform??? 17
  • 18. STRATEGIES FOR RETURNING TO WORK  Strengthen the self CG Hylton  Strengthen the family  Strengthen the community 18
  • 19. STRENGTHEN SELF  Fosterhealthy identities, every employee is an individual! CG Hylton  Teach how to express emotions in healthy ways  For example: anger – talk it out with your co-worker, supervisor, manager  Teach what constitutes a healthy, respectful adult relationship  For example: do not allow any kind of bullying or harassment in the work place 19
  • 20. STRENGTHEN SELF  Teachlife skills; problem-solving techniques, practice in developing discussion, decision making skills, anxiety reduction, communication, CG Hylton coping with stress or anger management, social & assertiveness skills  Have programs available to employees to learn to reduce stress  Offer EAP services – counselling to help employees  Promote self-esteem, self-mastery and handling challenges in a healthy way 20
  • 21. STRENGTHEN SELF  Build awareness of social influences CG Hylton  Preventionmentorship utilizing community role models for support and guidance in personal growth 21
  • 22. STRENGTHEN FAMILY  Strengthenparenting skills e.g. how to deal with adolescents, how to enforce family policies on substance abuse, drug information, parent role- playing CG Hylton  For example: be flexible with schedules for parents who need to attend their child’s activities  Enhance family bonding and relationships through family programs  Poster, pamphlets, discussions and presentations on substance abuse 22
  • 23. STRENGTHEN THE WORKPLACE  Bridge youth & elders with inter-generational activities  For example: in a workplace setting pair the young CG Hylton and old to work together  Peerleadership prevention activities for youth to reinforce leadership skills  For example: senior staff can mentor the newly hired staff 23
  • 24. STRENGTHEN THE WORKPLACE  Celebrate holidays, birthdays, and company events  Have an open door policy CG Hylton  Employees can approach management with problems or issues and ask for advice or help  Promote teamwork  Dissuade any harassment or bullying in the workplace 24
  • 25. HELP YOUR EMPLOYEES  Byhelping your employees to grow they can reach their potential when returning to work CG Hylton  Make your employees confident with returning back to work and that you can help to accommodate them if necessary 25
  • 26. ENGAGING THE EMPLOYEE EXERCISE  Discussion: How can you as an employer help your employees feel better when they return to work? CG Hylton  What is something at your workplace that is positive and motivate employees?  Give an example of Strengthening the self, family, and community an employer can do for their employees. 26
  • 27. HELP STAFF HELP THE RETURNING EMPLOYEES  Informstaff of returning employee – debrief and explain the situation CG Hylton  Have a welcome back party!  Opportunity for co-workers to interact with the returning employee  Provideballoons, flowers, cards and /or a welcome back banner in an employee's work space to show that the individual was missed 27
  • 28. HELP STAFF HELP THE RETURNING EMPLOYEES  Clear work out as necessary to enable an employee to return to a clean desk or work area CG Hylton  Offer your support if required  Work load  Catching up to current projects, people, and issues 28
  • 29. CG Hylton 29
  • 30. ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT  Beaware of the signs/attendance that an employee might not be ready to come back to CG Hylton work!  Ifemployees are absent find out the reason, and how to respond effectively 30
  • 31. TYPES OF ABSENCES Innocent Culpable CG Hylton Absenteeism Absenteeism Long Repetitive Term Short Term Condition Absences CANNOT DISCIPLINE! DISCIPLINE WARRANTED 31
  • 32. INNOCENT ABSENTEEISM  Innocent Absenteeism is disability, illness, or other legitimate health reason CG Hylton  Discipline is inappropriate  May affect non-disciplinary termination  Employee has record of excessive absenteeism  Employee cannot hold regular attendance in the future 32
  • 33. INNOCENT ABSENTEEISM 1. Provide warnings CG Hylton 2. Provide opportunity to improve attendance 3. Be consistent 33
  • 34. INNOCENT ABSENTEEISM  Institute attendance management program for monitoring absenteeism CG Hylton  Understandthe actual levels of absenteeism in the workplace  Record all incidents of absenteeism and lateness – but be careful what you count 34
  • 35. ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM  Improve health and safety procedures  Having a safe free environment is important to CG Hylton prevent future injuries  Decreases the number of employees on leave for injury  Management and the HR department should come to terms the procedures for every situation at work  Should analyze every position and what hazards might these employees encounter  Create health and safety policies that protect the company and their employees 35
  • 36. ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM  Provide employee assistance programs EAP programs provide counselling services for CG Hylton  employees paid by the employer  Employees can seek help/advice on any issue they find themselves having trouble dealing with  Helping your employees helps you the employer to have a healthier working environment that increases productivity 36
  • 37. ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM  Provide attendance incentive programs  Reducing absences can help reduce turnover CG Hylton  If one person is sick at work, send them home!  Less likely to get everyone else sick  Less stress due to heavy workloads from the people who are sick  Providing incentives helps employees to go to work and enjoy being rewarded for being there at their jobs 37
  • 38. ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM  Collect and publish attendance statistics Find out the number of absences a year CG Hylton   Set attendance goals and monitor achievement  Award employees who have a good attendance 38
  • 39. ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM  An attendance management program  Can be in the form of an incentive program, rewarding CG Hylton employees with good attendance  Can be in the form of a behavioral program – the company will only tolerate so many absences before definitive action is taken  Writing that individual up in a report and have that employee sign  3 strikes you’re out idea  Termination 39
  • 40. ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM  Remember to be consistent and fair!  The program is to help employees improve their CG Hylton attendance  Not a punishment program  Can be seen as de-motivating  Increases turnover – as employees are punished for being legitimately ill 40
  • 41. EARLY INTERVENTION – ‘TURNING THE TAP OFF’ Old system: ‘Sick Note’ New system: ‘Fit Note’ CG Hylton Uninterrupted flow of the untreated unwell. 41 Early intervention reducing the Cultural and behavioural change required flow on to benefits
  • 42. BENEFITS  Reduces costs  An injured employee takes their time to heal, too CG Hylton soon and causes further injury – costing the employer more in WCB fees or time loss from no one filling that position  Creates a healthier working environment = better employee attendance  Reduces stress of employees- know that their employer is supporting their recovery 42
  • 43. BENEFITS  Increases attendance  Employees are appreciated for their good CG Hylton attendance  Employees know that with a program in place, sick days are treated fairly  Less stress – not as many employees calling sick and therefore workloads are not increased to cover the missing person 43
  • 44. TURNOVER REDUCED  Good employees do not leave because of being overworked!!! CG Hylton  Place of employment is healthier and therefore less likely have employees leaving  Being a supportive manager/employer for people returning to work will motivate that employee to come back sooner! 44
  • 45. INNOCENT ABSENTEEISM  Don’t rigidly adhere to defined policies CG Hylton  Allabsences are presumed innocent unless proven otherwise  Can ask for doctor’s note  If culpable, then discipline may be warranted  Use progressive discipline 45
  • 46. INNOCENT ABSENTEEISM  Provide feedback Speak with employees when they are having CG Hylton  trouble  Discipline when warranted  Implement last chance agreements when all else fails (unionized setting) 46
  • 47. ABSENCE ACCOMMODATION  An employer can accommodate an employee if there are scheduling conflicts that result in absences CG Hylton  For example: Single mother cannot get children to the day care until 8am, her shift starts at 8am. She is late almost every day. The employer can accommodate her by starting her shift an hour later. 47
  • 48. TERMINATION: LAST RESORT  Employer has to demonstrate: CG Hylton  Record of excessive absenteeism  Incapable of regular attendance in the future  Accommodation to the point of undue hardship  Follow program of progressive discipline  Terminate with caution = there is always a risk of a grievance or a human rights complaint 48
  • 49. CG Hylton 49
  • 50. RETURN TO WORK AFTER EXTENDED ABSENCE  Policies are needed in place for Employees returning to work CG Hylton  Management and HR must come together and plan and agree on the terms and conditions that are acceptable 50
  • 51. POLICIES  Provide fair and equitable treatment for employees in receipt of disability benefits CG Hylton  Prove assistance, rehabilitation, and accommodation that promotes productive return to work opportunities for disabled employees with work restrictions.  Employees should never be rushed or pressured back to work by management 51
  • 52. RETURN TO WORK AFTER EXTENDED ABSENCE  There are a couple of steps to take when an employee returns after an extended absence CG Hylton 1. Meet with the employee- find out how they feel mentally and physically 2. If necessary find out from a doctor if the employee is physically fit to work 3. Create a plan with the employee – if they can return to their job duties right away or you need to modify their job duties 52
  • 53. RETURN TO WORK AFTER EXTENDED ABSENCE 4. Decide on length of time on modified work, hours per work, pay per hour/week, and anything related CG Hylton to the job 5. Write this out formally in a report 6. Have the employee sign and agree to the terms and conditions 7. Follow up – in a week see how the employee is doing, how they are re-adjusting to working again 53
  • 54. PLANNING  When creating these plans with employees make sure that you are consistent! CG Hylton  Remember while everyone’s absences or injuries are different, you must create a plan that suits their needs but also the needs of the company  Note: employees returning back to work might not be as fast paced, remember everyone will recover in their own time 54
  • 55. PLANNING EXERCISE  Situation: A meat cutter in a grocery is returning to work after being injured at work. This worker is on CG Hylton WCB and you have been advised that they can only work certain hours, has to go to physiotherapy, and cannot lift any heavy things.  Get together in a small group and create a plan for this worker.  What are the conditions to consider?  How can you as an employer make this individual return to work transition smooth? 55
  • 56. RETURN TO WORK ADJUSTMENTS  Thereare several methods to help an employee return to work CG Hylton  Changing the number of hours per week the employee has to work  Allowing more breaks in the shift  Changing job duties  Consider that employee for another position for the time being  Partner with another employee to work with 56
  • 57. BEST PRACTICES IN RETURNING EMPLOYEES TO WORK  Different scenarios call for a different approach on how to accommodate a returning CG Hylton to work employee  Research, speak with HR, and decide the best accommodations  The first time is not always right, remember to monitor and adjust the accommodation if it 57 is not working!
  • 58. EXERCISE SCENARIO 1  An employee in an accounting firm has recently been disabled from the waist down. CG Hylton  What are some of the accommodations to consider? 58
  • 59. EXERCISE SCENARIO 2  A liquor manager is a recovering alcoholic. He is returning to work after spending 3 months in rehab. CG Hylton  What are some of the accommodations to consider? 59
  • 60. EXERCISE SCENARIO 3  An employee in an office has pneumonia but does not have any more sick days. That employee must CG Hylton return to work.  What are some of the accommodations to consider?  Should the employee be put on the attendance management program? 60
  • 61. CASE STUDY: NURSE DONNA  Donna is a 42-year-old Registered Nurse. She has worked in a large acute care hospital for the last fifteen years, primarily on a medical ward.  She loves being a nurse and takes a great deal of pride in her CG Hylton work. She is a valued member of her team and often covers for the charge nurse when she is away  It is not unusual for Donna to pick up overtime shifts. Recently, her unit was assigned to a new manager as a result of hospital reorganization.  Donna is recently separated and has been involved in a difficult divorce and custody dispute over her two children.  As well, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and moved in with Donna for care and support. 61
  • 62. CASE STUDY: NURSE DONNA  Gradually, Donna started feeling overwhelmed by her responsibilities, both at work and at home.  She was constantly tired, and often felt irritable and CG Hylton moody.  She found she easily forgot things and often could not stay focused on a task.  She mentioned this to her family doctor during a routine visit.  After a brief interview, her doctor diagnosed her as suffering from depression.  She was prescribed an antidepressant and it was suggested that she take a few weeks off work to rest. 62
  • 63. CASE STUDY: NURSE DONNA  Donna took four weeks off work. She also met with a counsellor though her organization’s external EAP program. CG Hylton  She attended the allotted six sessions of counselling.  She appreciated the support but found this wasn’t helping to improve her symptoms or functioning.  Although she was not feeling much better she did return to work, in part because of financial concerns, but also because she felt she was letting her coworkers down. 63
  • 64. CASE STUDY: NURSE DONNA  Donna worked for two weeks and then stopped due to continued fatigue, poor concentration and memory as well as unpredictable bouts of tearfulness and feelings of anxiety. CG Hylton  Donna’s doctor increased her medication and suggested she take an additional 3-4 months off work.  She used up her remaining sick time and applied for EI benefits.  However, after this time she Donna was still not able to return to work.  She applied for and was accepted on to Long Term Disability and was referred to a rehabilitation consultant for vocational rehabilitation services. 64
  • 65. CASE STUDY: NURSE DONNA  As Management, what returning work plan should be created? CG Hylton  What factors are there to consider?  What must she do to return to work?  What must her supervisor do to return her to work?  What must her disability consultant do to help her along this process? 65
  • 66. RETURNING EMPLOYEE TO WORK  An employee should feel confident they can return to work CG Hylton  Work out that plan! Make sure everyone understands and agrees with the plan  Accommodate  Absences maybe an indication they are not ready to work yet! 66
  • 67. BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK  Benefits plan  It is important that small businesses to large companies CG Hylton have a good comprehensive benefit plan  Invest in employees – a good benefits plan will help retain the good employees  A security for employees – knowing if anything happened to them they would have coverage  Carriers have the flexibility to create a plan that suits your company’s budget and needs 67
  • 68. BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK  EAP Plan  Employee Assistance Program Plan CG Hylton  Employers pay for a certain number of counselling sessions for their employees  Employees can seek out counselling for advice or help on how to deal with their daily stress, emotional dilemmas, or build stronger relationships with family/coworkers  Working together: HR and management  Plan with your Human Resource people  Create policies that protect the company and 68 employees
  • 69. BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK  WCB - Workers  Worker’s Compensation Benefit CG Hylton  Employees injured at work are compensated by WCB paid by the employer  Assessed by WCB doctors to determine if employee is fit to return to work  onal_Coverage.pdf 69
  • 70. BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK Insurance Company Supervisor & WCB CG Hylton Return to Work Coordinator Medical Community Injured or Sick Employee Human Resources/Benefits Specialized Services Union Representative (if any) 70
  • 71. UNDERSTANDING PERFORMANCE IN RELATION TO CURRENT STANDARDS  Performance reviews must be fair and equitable to all employees regardless of race, disability, etc. CG Hylton  Same standards for all employees  Theemployer should review the returning to worker  Tasks assigned  Where completed,  Employee’s attitude, 71  Work ethics, etc
  • 72. EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK – DEPRESSION STATISTICS  Statistics Canada on Jan. 12, 2007, found that half a million Canadian workers experience CG Hylton depression and most of them — almost 80 per cent — say the symptoms interfere with their ability to work 72
  • 73. IMPORTANCE OF EARLY INTERVENTION 100 CG Hylton 80 Probability of RTW 60 40 20 0 Time (0 to 24 months) 73
  • 74. EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK – DEPRESSION STATISTICS Work impairment more likely among depressed workers CG Hylton  Relatively high percentages of workers who had experienced depression reported specific forms of work impairment.  These included reduced activities because of a long-term health condition, at least one mental health disability day in the past two weeks, and absence from work in the previous week. 74
  • 75. EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK – DEPRESSION STATISTICS Work impairment more likely among depressed workers CG Hylton  About 29% of workers who had had a recent episode of depression reported reduced work activities because of a long-term health condition. This was three times the proportion of only 10% among those with no history of depression. 75
  • 76. EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK – DEPRESSION STATISTICS Work impairment more likely among depressed workers CG Hylton  As well, 13% of workers who had experienced depression reported at least one day in the previous two weeks when they had to stay in bed, or cut down on normal activities, or their daily activities took extra effort, because of emotional or mental health or the use of alcohol or drugs. 76
  • 77. EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK – DEPRESSION STATISTICS Work impairment more likely among depressed workers CG Hylton  Only 1% of workers with no history of depression had taken a mental health disability day in the previous two weeks.  Also, 16% of workers who had had a recent depressive episode had been absent from work in the past week, twice the proportion of 7% of those who had never had a depressive episode. 77
  • 78. EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK – DEPRESSION  Management of depression in the workplace must begin with the workplace. CG Hylton With regard to depression management, neglecting the workplace may result in:  Failure to control or eliminate risk factors, such as conflict with co-workers or supervisors or lack of perceived control over workload, which may initiate or compound depression as well as increase the likelihood of depression relapse 78
  • 79. EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK – DEPRESSION  Delivery of treatments that ignore the depressed person’s relationship to the CG Hylton workplace and thus worsen the disability state  This can include recommendations of “stress leave” without concurrent provision of strategies to maintain or build resilience and coping skills  This can readily result in demoralization, inactivity, and loss of engagement with coworkers 79
  • 80. EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK – DEPRESSION  Poor communication between healthcare providers, disability managers, and the CG Hylton workplace, resulting in limited understanding of the depressed worker’s status and delayed or inadequate consideration of appropriate return-to- work strategies. 80
  • 81. UNDERSTANDING THE COURSE OF MENTAL ILLNESS CG Hylton Diagnosis Symptoms of Depression 81 TIME Adapted from Janus Associates
  • 82. STEPS TO PREVENT DEPRESSION IN THE WORKPLACE 1. Reducing the presence or severity of organizational and workplace CG Hylton stressors  Stress intervention seeks to modify employment characteristics such as excessive/unpredictable workload, unclear job expectations, or lack of perceived control, all of which have been linked to depressive symptoms 82
  • 83. STEPS TO PREVENT DEPRESSION IN THE WORKPLACE 2. Increasing the ability of workers to cope with stress  Examples of stress management skills are:  Structured problem solving to appraise and respond CG Hylton to problems in a more effective way  Interpersonal strategies for mobilizing support in the workplace  Conflict management to handle disagreements with coworkers;  Relaxation techniques to reduce maladaptive tension  Communication training to clearly and assertively express one’s viewpoint 83
  • 84. TREAT Screen Treat Supervisor CG Hylton Community mental EAP healthcare Family Physician Rehabilitation focused treatment Occupational Workers Private health/disability Comp insurer 84 management
  • 85. BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES RETURNING TO WORK Is a collaborative process which assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors CG Hylton and evaluates options and services required to meet an individual’s health needs using communication and available resources to promote quality, cost effective outcomes 85
  • 86. RETURNING EMPLOYEES- ROLE OF SPIRITUALITY  Spirituality- individual’s search for the sacred CG Hylton  Provides meaning, purpose, & optimism  Individual’s view of self in relations to otherwise is defined by their early primary caregivers  Expectations for all future relationships developed in adulthood come directly 86 from our childhood
  • 87. RETURNING EMPLOYEES- ROLE OF SPIRITUALITY  Increasing spirituality decreases Depression CG Hylton  Religion and spirituality can be the same  Religion helps to define purpose and meaning of who we are  Spirituality can exist without religion 87
  • 88. RETURNING EMPLOYEES- ROLE OF SPIRITUALITY  Whena crisis/issue arises, how well we deal with it depends on how well we can cope  Attachment Theory CG Hylton  The better the childhood – the faster and stronger an individual can recover  The worse the childhood – the more easily individuals can fall into depression or/and have substance abuse  Tocope: build spirituality – self esteem, change those relationships in your life, be self- directing  SelfDirecting: active self – improving yourself and learning how to cope 88
  • 89. THE PERCEPTION OF CREATOR, OR NATURE OR SPIRITUALITY  What does this have to do with anything? CG Hylton  Benevolent View  Punitive View 89
  • 90. OUR OFFER TO YOU  Please call if you have any HR, or workplace issue that you are overwhelmed with  We can help you  We also are pleased to do Free Workshops for your organization (some limits apply) Let us know what your needs are and we will make it happen! 90
  • 91. CG HYLTON - SERVICES  HR Consulting  Benefits, Pensions,  Job Descriptions EAP  Strategic Planning  Salary Grids  Drug and Alcohol  Wellness at Work programs  Staff Morale  Dept re-orgs  Training and Workshops  Leadership compensation Tel 403 264 5288 91
  • 92. THANK YOU! QUESTIONS? CG Hylton Chris Hylton 403 264 5288 Toll Free: 1800-449-5866 92

Editor's Notes

  1. The consultant would speak to her family doctor about her current treatment plan, her response to date and other possible options. If appropriate, her doctor would refer her to a psychiatrist or outpatient mental health clinic for further consultation and recommendations.■ She was given information about community home care for support for hermother. She was also provided with resource materials including localsupport groups, some proven web sites and self-care materials.■ She was referred to an exercise therapist, sponsored through the rehabilitation consultant, to begin to become more physically active and to add some structure and routine to her week.■ She was referred to a registered psychologist who would provide cognitive behaviour therapy to improve her coping skills, mood management and problem solving. A particular focus was placed on gradual activation, including social involvement, and on planning forissues that could arise at work.■ Finally, the rehabilitation consultant spoke with Donna’s employer who indicated they were willing to support her in a supernumerary graduated return to work program when she was ready.After four months of proper medication management, psychotherapy sessions and an exercise program, she was feeling much better. Her mood, concentration and stamina had improved, she had lost weight and she had reconnected with some colleagues from work. Donna, her doctor and her rehabilitation consultant communicated and agreed that she was ready to return to work. It was recommended that there be some restrictions includingno night shifts, charge responsibilities or overtime for six months. A return to work meeting was held with Donna’s manager and union representative to discuss reintegration to the workplace. A six-week supernumerary graduated program was arranged. Alternate wards were discussed, but Donna felt that returning to her own unit would be the most supportive and looked forward to her return to work. At the end of the Return To Work program Donna was working full-time and feeling well. Her employer indicated there were no concerns about her performance. All restrictions were lifted after three months, but Donna was much more selective about picking up overtime or charge responsibilities.She enrolled in a company supported exercise facility and participated in a community program for single parents. She continued on her medications with the understanding that she would be reassessed and the medication would be gradually discontinued in the absence of renewed symptoms. In conjunction with her psychotherapist and physician, she developed some strategies to deal with future stressors or changes in functioning. Overall,she felt much more confidant about her ability to balance work and homeresponsibilities.
  2. Statistics Canada-
  3. Statistics Canada-
  4. Statistics Canada-
  5. Statistics Canada-
  6. Statistics Canada-
  7. Typical Course of DepressionEveryone experiences normal mood variations over timeHowever, some predisposed individuals will develop progressively more distressing symptoms, often in response cumulative stress or a precipitating event such as a job loss or marital separationFor many these symptoms will resolve without treatment but for others they become progressively more severe until they surpass the diagnostic threshold and require clinical intervention.4. only ½ of those experiencing a depressive episode will seek professional help. Of those who do, some do not respond to usual dare and their depression follows a chronic course that can persist for years.Most who receive appropriate care show significant improvement in 4-12 weeks. Of those who respond to treatment some have a full remissionOthers have only a partial recovery with persistent symptoms of depressionIn either case, it is not uncommon to suffer a relapse although this is far more likely where the response to treatment did not result in full remission.Even after full recovery there is still a 50% chance of recurrence, most often within two years.