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Simran Jabbal
Existing ProductImage:
On this poster for the ’casa chilhue’ guest house, the image is of the building
and other buildings surrounding the guest house. The angle they have taken
the image is clearly from over the water so they have the whole guest
house. However, it doesn’t show which guest house it is in particular as
there are other buildings.
Just underneath the water they have added three images with a white stroke
so then the audience can see the image more clearly and so it doesn’t blend
in with the background colour. There seems to be a glow effect to the
smaller images too. You can tell as there are dark areas surrounding the
image. Also, the smaller images could have been taken at a better angle as
this angle this not make the guest house look appealing.
Why have I chosen this poster & what have I learnt?
I have chosen this poster to look at because it is simple but it is well put
together. I think the top is nicely faded in with the clouds and the white
background. I have learnt to make sure the font and text size is readable and
the correct size for all to read.
Text & Font:
There are many different sized text going on. I think the text underneath this images should be larger and in a more funky font
because that bit of text looks boring and plain. Then, underneath that bit of text is in italics which I don’t think it should be. I think it
should be in a bigger size and definitely a different font. On this poster, they have used the same font throughout. But to jazz it up
more they should use a different font to make it more fun. The ‘Reserve Now’ border could be more bold so it stands out. In the
light blue border, the ‘Contact Us’ is too small and not very readable for some people, this could be made larger as well. At the
bottom of the address it says ‘Follow us’
which is tiny and unreadable. They have added tourist websites to book on which they are small as well.
I think what they have done with the text on the river is a good idea because the font works however,
I would use a different colour.
Existing Product
I think the colour scheme could have been different. But it still goes well
with each other quite well. I would have used more brighter colours to
make this poster more vibrant and for it to stand out more, personally.
The colours they have used are white, blue, yellow and brown.
White – light, innocence, safety, cleanliness
Light Blue – health, understanding, softness
Light Yellow – freshness, joy
Brown – security, elegance, home, warmth
From these the connotations they have clearly picked these because it
makes the guest house more welcoming and homely.
Audience Appeal:
Their target audience would be 30+ because it somewhere that this
audience can relax and find more enjoyment in Chile. I think they
would want to go stay at this guest house and adventure somewhere
different to their normal holidays.
Existing Product
The guest house ‘The Queen Victoria’ is clearly
near a beach which links in with the blue waves
going through the leaflet. They have added a
lovely picture of Blackpool. Underneath the image
of Blackpool they have added the TripAdvisor
symbol and a barcode. This shows customers that
they can book on Trip Advisor and see further
images of the guest house. In this image there it
doesn’t show the actual guest house.
Why have I chosen this leaflet &
what have I learnt?
I chose this leaflet because I thought the layout was good. It has
a lot of information on it for the customers including directions,
map and then ‘how to find us’.
I know what to do for my own leaflet, one thing I’ve learnt is to
make sure the information is relevant.
Text & Font:
All the text is one size which is good because it
shows the consistency. The text is readable as
well except from the text underneath the ‘how to
find us’. Also, as the font is serif typeface, this
tells the audience that it’s formal. They have
used bold for the headlines just so they stand
out more.
Audience Appeal:
The target audience for this leaflet would be for 20+. This
leaflet is open to any age range and for any gender. It is a
fun looking leaflet makes Blackpool look more interesting
to visit and to stay there.
Existing Product
The colour scheme for this leaflet is very simple.
They have used the colours white and different
shades of blue. They have used this colour as it’s
the colour of the ocean.
White – light, goodness, perfection
Light Blue – health, healing, softness
Dark Blue – knowledge, power, seriousness
This is why ‘The Queen Victoria’ has used these
colours for their leaflet. For it to look serious
enough for potential customers to think about
Existing Product
On this leaflet there are a lot of images at the top which they
have used as a border. There are two images for each
cottage and then a map. The images are very clear, you can
see everything in the image. In some of the images where it
concerns the bedrooms I think there is too much light going
on in the background. They have broken the leaflet up by
suing white lines.
The map is very clear and show you all that you need.
However, it is in a different language so I can’t really explain
the distances as much.
Why have I chosen this leaflet &
what have I learnt?
I chose this poster because there is a lot to
talk about as they have only use two colours
throughout the whole leaflet. I have learnt not
to overload text on my leaflet.
Text & Font:
Personally, I can’t read the text because it’s too small. I
even went onto their website to see the image more
clearly and yet, I couldn’t see it. I think there is too much
text going on. I believe the font is alright and clear but
there is too much text to read for a leaflet which are
meant to be brief. They haven’t put the subheadings in
bold or a different colour so it doesn’t stand out as much.
Existing Product
They have used two simple colours which make the
leaflet look really cool and relaxing by using light
colours. I quite the colour scheme however, I think I
would use some more bold and a colours that would
pop out to the eye.
White – light, goodness, perfection
Light Blue – health, healing, softness
Audience Appeal:
I believe the audience appeal is a lot older. I
would pick the age range of 30+ or a family
because it would appeal to them to stay abroad in
somewhere like a cottage. I don’t think I can see
a younger audience going abroad to stay there.
Existing Product
This image is clearly showing different type of merchandise.
They have kept their product consistent with the colours and
the design, this is a good thing as it will keep their audience
wanting more. Their image is also very simple too as they
haven’t used many colours or designs for their logo. This shows
their elegance and simplicity.
Audience Appeal:
As f10 is advertising a wide variety of
merchandise. This makes it more tempting to
their audience. I think f10’s audience is 30+ as it
seems more business products. Their audience
would buy these products if they are interested in
the business and
if it is very well advertised.
Text & Font:
To carry on the simple design for f10, they have used a serif
typeface and bold. They have put the ‘f’ in a smaller size and
the number bigger. The words above it is ‘background gps’
which they have put really small because I wasn’t able to read
it properly. This shows that this probably isn’t the best size. For
them to make better they can change the size of the text. They
could also change the font so it is more read
Why have I chosen this leaflet &
what have I learnt?
I have chosen this particular image as my product because they
have used an easy example of merchandise that it possible to
produce. I have learnt to make all text on my product is clear and
readable. Another part I have learnt is to use colours that are
relevant to your work and depending on the business, try to make
the design funky and fun so it catches the audience’s eyes.
Existing Product
On this merchandise they have used only three colours. The
colour scheme is very simple but effective as it fits on any type
of merchandise and any size. These colours have also been
used as you can add any design to it or any other colour and it
will go.
Yellow – joy, happiness, energy
Black – power, elegance, mystery
White – light, perfection, simplicity
The reason they have used the colour white, is because it
shows the simplicity in high tech products.
Existing Product
On the Twitter image, there isn’t any boxes or shapes to show it’s
a post. There is a image of the person who posted the tweet and
what time and the date at the bottom.
The Facebook image has been screenshotted from a phone. This
shows what you can do to the post after you’ve read it as in you
can like, comment or share. This also gives the date and the time.
Next, is an Instagram post of a guy. Usually, there is the name of
the person of who posted it. On Instagram, you can like, comment
or share it again like Facebook. There is also the tag at the end
which means you can save the image to your collection.
Why have I chosen this leaflet &
what have I learnt?
I have chosen these images as they relate to social media posts. As
I am going to be producing a few social media posts on different
networks. I thought it was best to research some to see what they
look like and how to lay it out.
Existing Product
Text & Font:
For the Twitter the text is quite big and very easy to read whereas
Facebook and Instagram isn’t. You’ll still be able to read it if you
were reading it off your phone, IPad/Tablet or Laptop. On all these
posts, the one thing it has in common is all the names of the people
is all in bold. This usually means that you click on their names to
see their profiles. Otherwise the font is smaller unless it’s Twitter.
Twitter doesn’t use any colours except from the colours in the
person’s profile. Facebook uses blue and white. Instagram only
uses the colours of the image that the person posts.
Blue – cleanliness, masculine, vibrant
White – light, perfection, simplicity
Research Analysis
What common features do the researched products have?
 One common feature is that the poster and the leaflet have used the same colour
scheme. There is common feature of some of the colours such as white, blue, yellow and
black. This may because these colours stand out more than other colours.
What aspects of the research will you include within your own production work?
 From the research I have conducted, I will definitely look at what the different colours that
I could possibly use for my products and what their connotations mean. The image of the
product is also very important. As I have a client with a business that is a guest house, I
have to make sure I use an appropriate image that represents the business and the
owner. Another part of image will be the text which will be important as I need to find the
right text that will stand out and be noticeable for my audience.
Questionnaire Analysis
Q1) What is your gender?
Q1) Audience Research
 70% males have taken my questionnaire compared to the 30% females.
What does this says about my audience?
 This says that mostly males were free at the time when I sent this questionnaire out for
them respond.
How will your product appeal to this audience?
 My project is going to appeal to this both gendered audiences as everyone uses social
media or reads informational leaflets or looks at posters around town. I will be making it
colourful enough to be appealing for this audience.
Q2) How old are you?
 85% is in the category 15-25 and the 15% is split between the categories 26-36 and then 37+.
What does this says about my audience?
 My audience is in the younger category which means the rest of this questionnaire will probably
be quite active on social media.
How will your product appeal to this audience?
 This product will most likely appeal to older people who took this questionnaire rather than the
Q2) Audience Research
Q3) How often do you check
social media?
Q3) How often do you check
social media?
 I got scattered answers for this one. Every one who took my questionnaire checks their social
media. It’s just some them just check it or it their business or when it’s an emergency.
What does this says about my audience?
 This says that this audience is probably on their gadgets all the time.
Maybe a little bit anti-social.
How will your product appeal to this audience?
 This works really well if this audience checks social media quite a bit because I am going to be
doing a social media side as part of my product.
Q3) Audience Research
Q4) Do you think advertising is
important and why?
Q4) Do you think advertising is
important and why?
Q4) Do you think advertising is
important and why?
Q4) Do you think advertising is
important and why?
Q4) Do you think advertising is
important and why?
 Mixed feelings about whether advertising is important. Some of the audience believe advertising is
annoying, but the rest of them have really given this question a go and answered it honestly which
is helpful.
What does this says about my audience?
 I think this says that my audience knows what they like and want when it comes to advertising.
Also, it sounds like some of them have their own businesses which helps me as they’ve
experienced this.
How will your product appeal to this audience?
 I can do many things to add to my product now. I’m going to take these responses as a tick list
and make sure I try cover all of them. This is like a guideline and if I follow these comments then
my audience will be happy.
Q4) Audience Research
Q5) Which media gets your
Q5) Which media gets your
Q5) Which media gets your
 TV is most popular and then social media updates.
What does this says about my audience?
 This shows that my audience prefers to watch TV than to check social media such as
Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc.
How will your product appeal to this audience?
 This isn’t handy as I’m not going to doing anything relating to TV. However, they will
start to use social media afterwards as my products will be more interesting and if it
isn’t then it appeals to the rest of this audience.
Q5) Audience Research
Q6) Which device do you visit
social media on?
 This audience uses their phone more rather than using their laptop or IPad/Tablet.
What does this says about my audience?
 That they prefer to use their phone as it is always on their person than carry a laptop
or IPad/Tablet around with them.
How will your product appeal to this audience?
 This means that my product will appeal to all those who use their phones,
IPads/Tablets because they will still be checking social media.
Q6) Audience Research
Q7) Which of the following social
networks do you use on a regular basis?
Q7) Which of the following social networks
do you use on a regular basis?
 Facebook is most popular with 70% of this audience using it. Then comes Snapchat
and Instagram joint together.
What does this says about my audience?
 This says that they prefer to use Facebook instead of taking selfies of themselves
and putting them on their Snapchat stories or their Instagram posts.
How will your product appeal to this audience?
 This is handy as I will be producing a Facebook account for the business I'm
campaigning for.
Q7) Audience Research
Q8) What attracts you to look at
an advert?
Q8) What attracts you to look at
an advert?
 I have a mixture of responses for this question. Some of this audience will try to avoid
advertisements and the others get attracted by the image on the advert.
What does this says about my audience?
 They like the visual side of the advertising. They want the image to stand out more so
then it makes it appealing to them more than anything else.
How will your product appeal to this audience?
 This makes it easier for my poster as now I know what kind of image to use and how
to make it stand out as well.
Q8) Audience Research
Q9) What do you think the most
important visual elements for
 Most of this audience think the image is the most important visual element and then
next is the colours.
What does this says about my audience?
 I’ve noticed that my audience likes the visual side of advertisements more than
anything else.
How will your product appeal to this audience?
 I will be making my product stand out. My poster mostly will appeal to this audience.
On this poster, I will be using a photo of a building and editing it.
Q9) Audience Research
Q10) What is your occupation?
Q10) What is your occupation?
 This audience are all students or employed or both.
What does this says about my audience?
 This says that my audience is young which I knew when the age range was
How will your product appeal to this audience?
 As this audience uses social media, I think they will be interested in following the
posts. I will be not be doing bad posts on social media and I will make this doesn’t
happen by asking other people if this post is something they would read and follow.
Q10) Audience Research
For this interview, two different aged
males and the client answered five
questions. This meant that by
interviewing two males with different
ages it gave me a different viewpoint for
an older generation and a younger.
Interview One
Why is digital advertising important for local businesses?
 I think digital advertising is important for local businesses because it increases brand awareness which will in turn bring
sales to the company. For example a more local hotel could expand their branding and promotions onto Facebook with a
link to TripAdvisor to show their positive reviews. This would increase the bookings within the hotel.
What’s the worst advertising campaign you’ve seen? And why?
 The worst advertising campaign I have seen is for Marks and Spencer, I don’t like the way they show close up shots of food.
Its boring and they haven’t changed up in 10 years.
What’s the best advertising campaign you’ve seen? And why?
 The best advertising campaign I have ever seen is through the 2014 Amazon Christmas advert. It brings together people of
different faiths. Two faith leaders buy sandals for each other and it shows two cultures coming together over the holidays.
This was a successful advert and included posters and website promotions.
What’s the biggest mistake you see local businesses making with their digital advertising?
 Local businesses don’t do enough to promote themselves they will leave a page without content on for long periods of time.
They need to be promoting daily in order to increase likes and brand awareness. Videos and pictures of popular products or
services are shared more often than worded text, and this is something that is seen more than others.
How has advertising evolved? And how?
 Advertising has evolved over the years from posters for propaganda purposes during wartime, through to radio
advertisements in the early 1960s and transferring to television advertising. This now all has to be covered and advertising
agencies need to think about all media platforms. One of the new advertising types is social media campaigns. This is the
new way of getting to audiences because research has shown that people now spend more time on their phones and using
a second screen whilst watching things.
Interview One Analysis
 The male who took this interview clearly knew what he was talking about as the
interview is well illustrated and has a lot of knowledge about digital advertising
and the advantages and disadvantages of local businesses advertisements.
What this says about my audience:
 This says that my audience is interested in different types of advertising such as
TV campaigns and definitely how advertising has evolved. Another thing this says
about my audience is he would be very critical about the products as he is very
How will your product appeal to this audience:
 I think this audience will appeal to the social media part of my product. He has
talked about how it has evolved over the years. As many people use their
phones, IPads/Tablets or laptops for checking social media, this would be a great
way to target that audience. Also, he thinks that digital advertising for local
businesses is important which is going to
helpful and appeal to this audience as I am using a local business.
Interview Two
Why is digital advertising important for local businesses?
 Because it’s important for an advertising campaign to update itself when necessary, so that it
doesn’t fall behind the times. This is done best by advertising on current social media, so that the
ads reach a wide audience.
What’s the worst advertising campaign you’ve seen? And why?
 The worst advertising campaign I have seen was the advertising for the Toys ’r’ Us toy line.
Because they didn’t change their advert format for the several decades they were advertised.
Which is why they went bankrupt.
What’s the best advertising campaign you’ve seen? And why?
 The best advertising campaign I have seen is the Defenders TV show. Which made a huge deal
out of the crossover nature of the show and was heavily featured on YouTube and Wiki ads. As
well as several Q and A’s with the cast. For the majority of the campaign, a very good job was
done of getting the audience hyped for the show.
What’s the biggest mistake you see local businesses making with their digital advertising?
 The social media advertising for many modern local businesses is either non-existent or under
developed, so they do not get their campaigns to a wide audience.
How has advertising evolved? And how?
 It has gone from being a TV and paper dominated industry to a very social media and internet
heavy business.
Interview Two Analysis
 I had another male take this interview, he knows more about TV advertising
campaigns than he knows about evolution of advertising as he has spoken about
this part briefly.
What this says about my audience:
 This says that my audience is younger as he doesn’t know much about the
evolution compared to the other male who took this interview. But this is good as
he knows more about the TV campaigns which shows he prefer to watch TV.
How will your product appeal to this audience:
 One of products are social media posts and update and as this audience knows
how local businesses keep up to date then this will appeal to them.
Interviewee – Client’s Viewpoint
Why is digital advertising important for local businesses?
 Digital advertising is very important for local businesses because it gets seen not just nationally but
globally also.
What’s the worst advertising campaign you’ve seen?
 MacDonald's – where they were promoting their product when children were missing their fathers.
What’s the best advertising campaign you’ve seen?
 Dairy Milk – where the gorilla is playing the drums to a Phil Collins song.
What’s the biggest mistake you see local businesses making with their digital advertising?
 Where local businesses don’t include other businesses to promote the area. For example, the
Harrogate Convention Centre does not sell the small independent guest houses when promoting
events to organised events.
How has advertising evolved? And how?
 From magazines and word of mouth to digital advertising via social media
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – helping others to chose wisely.
What is your business?
 B&B (Bed & Breakfast)
Who is your customer?
 Delegates for the Harrogate Convention Centre
 Tourists visiting Harrogate
 Long term guests working in Harrogate
Why do they buy your service?
 We are in the heart of Harrogate close to the many shops bars and restaurants
including the public transport (bus/train station)
How do you know the answer to Q3? What proof?
 Guests book due to the close proximity of our B&B to what they are coming for
plus on booking they ask how close we are to the HCC/Turkish
Interviewee – Client’s Viewpoint
 This client is clearly up to date with how local businesses and a lot about
her own business and how well it works in Harrogate.
What this says about my client:
 This says that my client has been working in the hotel business how many
years to know how to expand and to advertise the business.
How will your product appeal to this client:
 This is obviously appeal to my client as my product is all to help the
business get more advertisement. From, social media posts to posters and
leaflets to merchandise than be sold at the business itself or any
informational centre.
Interviewee – Client’s Viewpoint
1. Simran Jabbal. (2018) Target Audience Questionnaire (conducted
2. Josh Sotheran. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on
3. Rhys Sadler Scott. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted
on 12/04/18)
4. Tabs Jabbal. (2018) Target Audience Interview (conducted on

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  • 2. Existing ProductImage: On this poster for the ’casa chilhue’ guest house, the image is of the building and other buildings surrounding the guest house. The angle they have taken the image is clearly from over the water so they have the whole guest house. However, it doesn’t show which guest house it is in particular as there are other buildings. Just underneath the water they have added three images with a white stroke so then the audience can see the image more clearly and so it doesn’t blend in with the background colour. There seems to be a glow effect to the smaller images too. You can tell as there are dark areas surrounding the image. Also, the smaller images could have been taken at a better angle as this angle this not make the guest house look appealing. Why have I chosen this poster & what have I learnt? I have chosen this poster to look at because it is simple but it is well put together. I think the top is nicely faded in with the clouds and the white background. I have learnt to make sure the font and text size is readable and the correct size for all to read. Text & Font: There are many different sized text going on. I think the text underneath this images should be larger and in a more funky font because that bit of text looks boring and plain. Then, underneath that bit of text is in italics which I don’t think it should be. I think it should be in a bigger size and definitely a different font. On this poster, they have used the same font throughout. But to jazz it up more they should use a different font to make it more fun. The ‘Reserve Now’ border could be more bold so it stands out. In the light blue border, the ‘Contact Us’ is too small and not very readable for some people, this could be made larger as well. At the bottom of the address it says ‘Follow us’ which is tiny and unreadable. They have added tourist websites to book on which they are small as well. I think what they have done with the text on the river is a good idea because the font works however, I would use a different colour.
  • 3. Existing Product Colours: I think the colour scheme could have been different. But it still goes well with each other quite well. I would have used more brighter colours to make this poster more vibrant and for it to stand out more, personally. The colours they have used are white, blue, yellow and brown. Connotations: White – light, innocence, safety, cleanliness Light Blue – health, understanding, softness Light Yellow – freshness, joy Brown – security, elegance, home, warmth From these the connotations they have clearly picked these because it makes the guest house more welcoming and homely. Audience Appeal: Their target audience would be 30+ because it somewhere that this audience can relax and find more enjoyment in Chile. I think they would want to go stay at this guest house and adventure somewhere different to their normal holidays.
  • 4. Existing Product Image: The guest house ‘The Queen Victoria’ is clearly near a beach which links in with the blue waves going through the leaflet. They have added a lovely picture of Blackpool. Underneath the image of Blackpool they have added the TripAdvisor symbol and a barcode. This shows customers that they can book on Trip Advisor and see further images of the guest house. In this image there it doesn’t show the actual guest house. Why have I chosen this leaflet & what have I learnt? I chose this leaflet because I thought the layout was good. It has a lot of information on it for the customers including directions, map and then ‘how to find us’. I know what to do for my own leaflet, one thing I’ve learnt is to make sure the information is relevant. Text & Font: All the text is one size which is good because it shows the consistency. The text is readable as well except from the text underneath the ‘how to find us’. Also, as the font is serif typeface, this tells the audience that it’s formal. They have used bold for the headlines just so they stand out more. Audience Appeal: The target audience for this leaflet would be for 20+. This leaflet is open to any age range and for any gender. It is a fun looking leaflet makes Blackpool look more interesting to visit and to stay there.
  • 5. Existing Product Colours: The colour scheme for this leaflet is very simple. They have used the colours white and different shades of blue. They have used this colour as it’s the colour of the ocean. Connotations: White – light, goodness, perfection Light Blue – health, healing, softness Dark Blue – knowledge, power, seriousness This is why ‘The Queen Victoria’ has used these colours for their leaflet. For it to look serious enough for potential customers to think about booking.
  • 6. Existing Product Image: On this leaflet there are a lot of images at the top which they have used as a border. There are two images for each cottage and then a map. The images are very clear, you can see everything in the image. In some of the images where it concerns the bedrooms I think there is too much light going on in the background. They have broken the leaflet up by suing white lines. The map is very clear and show you all that you need. However, it is in a different language so I can’t really explain the distances as much. Why have I chosen this leaflet & what have I learnt? I chose this poster because there is a lot to talk about as they have only use two colours throughout the whole leaflet. I have learnt not to overload text on my leaflet. Text & Font: Personally, I can’t read the text because it’s too small. I even went onto their website to see the image more clearly and yet, I couldn’t see it. I think there is too much text going on. I believe the font is alright and clear but there is too much text to read for a leaflet which are meant to be brief. They haven’t put the subheadings in bold or a different colour so it doesn’t stand out as much.
  • 7. Existing Product Colours: They have used two simple colours which make the leaflet look really cool and relaxing by using light colours. I quite the colour scheme however, I think I would use some more bold and a colours that would pop out to the eye. Connotations: White – light, goodness, perfection Light Blue – health, healing, softness Audience Appeal: I believe the audience appeal is a lot older. I would pick the age range of 30+ or a family because it would appeal to them to stay abroad in somewhere like a cottage. I don’t think I can see a younger audience going abroad to stay there.
  • 8. Existing Product Image: This image is clearly showing different type of merchandise. They have kept their product consistent with the colours and the design, this is a good thing as it will keep their audience wanting more. Their image is also very simple too as they haven’t used many colours or designs for their logo. This shows their elegance and simplicity. Audience Appeal: As f10 is advertising a wide variety of merchandise. This makes it more tempting to their audience. I think f10’s audience is 30+ as it seems more business products. Their audience would buy these products if they are interested in the business and if it is very well advertised. Text & Font: To carry on the simple design for f10, they have used a serif typeface and bold. They have put the ‘f’ in a smaller size and the number bigger. The words above it is ‘background gps’ which they have put really small because I wasn’t able to read it properly. This shows that this probably isn’t the best size. For them to make better they can change the size of the text. They could also change the font so it is more read Why have I chosen this leaflet & what have I learnt? I have chosen this particular image as my product because they have used an easy example of merchandise that it possible to produce. I have learnt to make all text on my product is clear and readable. Another part I have learnt is to use colours that are relevant to your work and depending on the business, try to make the design funky and fun so it catches the audience’s eyes.
  • 9. Existing Product Colours: On this merchandise they have used only three colours. The colour scheme is very simple but effective as it fits on any type of merchandise and any size. These colours have also been used as you can add any design to it or any other colour and it will go. Connotations: Yellow – joy, happiness, energy Black – power, elegance, mystery White – light, perfection, simplicity The reason they have used the colour white, is because it shows the simplicity in high tech products.
  • 10. Existing Product Image: On the Twitter image, there isn’t any boxes or shapes to show it’s a post. There is a image of the person who posted the tweet and what time and the date at the bottom. The Facebook image has been screenshotted from a phone. This shows what you can do to the post after you’ve read it as in you can like, comment or share. This also gives the date and the time. Next, is an Instagram post of a guy. Usually, there is the name of the person of who posted it. On Instagram, you can like, comment or share it again like Facebook. There is also the tag at the end which means you can save the image to your collection. Why have I chosen this leaflet & what have I learnt? I have chosen these images as they relate to social media posts. As I am going to be producing a few social media posts on different networks. I thought it was best to research some to see what they look like and how to lay it out.
  • 11. Existing Product Text & Font: For the Twitter the text is quite big and very easy to read whereas Facebook and Instagram isn’t. You’ll still be able to read it if you were reading it off your phone, IPad/Tablet or Laptop. On all these posts, the one thing it has in common is all the names of the people is all in bold. This usually means that you click on their names to see their profiles. Otherwise the font is smaller unless it’s Twitter. Colours: Twitter doesn’t use any colours except from the colours in the person’s profile. Facebook uses blue and white. Instagram only uses the colours of the image that the person posts. Connotations: Blue – cleanliness, masculine, vibrant White – light, perfection, simplicity
  • 12. Research Analysis What common features do the researched products have?  One common feature is that the poster and the leaflet have used the same colour scheme. There is common feature of some of the colours such as white, blue, yellow and black. This may because these colours stand out more than other colours. What aspects of the research will you include within your own production work?  From the research I have conducted, I will definitely look at what the different colours that I could possibly use for my products and what their connotations mean. The image of the product is also very important. As I have a client with a business that is a guest house, I have to make sure I use an appropriate image that represents the business and the owner. Another part of image will be the text which will be important as I need to find the right text that will stand out and be noticeable for my audience.
  • 14. Q1) What is your gender?
  • 15. Q1) Audience Research Observation:  70% males have taken my questionnaire compared to the 30% females. What does this says about my audience?  This says that mostly males were free at the time when I sent this questionnaire out for them respond. How will your product appeal to this audience?  My project is going to appeal to this both gendered audiences as everyone uses social media or reads informational leaflets or looks at posters around town. I will be making it colourful enough to be appealing for this audience.
  • 16. Q2) How old are you?
  • 17. Observation:  85% is in the category 15-25 and the 15% is split between the categories 26-36 and then 37+. What does this says about my audience?  My audience is in the younger category which means the rest of this questionnaire will probably be quite active on social media. How will your product appeal to this audience?  This product will most likely appeal to older people who took this questionnaire rather than the young. Q2) Audience Research
  • 18. Q3) How often do you check social media?
  • 19. Q3) How often do you check social media?
  • 20. Observation:  I got scattered answers for this one. Every one who took my questionnaire checks their social media. It’s just some them just check it or it their business or when it’s an emergency. What does this says about my audience?  This says that this audience is probably on their gadgets all the time. Maybe a little bit anti-social. How will your product appeal to this audience?  This works really well if this audience checks social media quite a bit because I am going to be doing a social media side as part of my product. Q3) Audience Research
  • 21. Q4) Do you think advertising is important and why?
  • 22. Q4) Do you think advertising is important and why?
  • 23. Q4) Do you think advertising is important and why?
  • 24. Q4) Do you think advertising is important and why?
  • 25. Q4) Do you think advertising is important and why?
  • 26. Observation:  Mixed feelings about whether advertising is important. Some of the audience believe advertising is annoying, but the rest of them have really given this question a go and answered it honestly which is helpful. What does this says about my audience?  I think this says that my audience knows what they like and want when it comes to advertising. Also, it sounds like some of them have their own businesses which helps me as they’ve experienced this. How will your product appeal to this audience?  I can do many things to add to my product now. I’m going to take these responses as a tick list and make sure I try cover all of them. This is like a guideline and if I follow these comments then my audience will be happy. Q4) Audience Research
  • 27. Q5) Which media gets your attention?
  • 28. Q5) Which media gets your attention?
  • 29. Q5) Which media gets your attention?
  • 30. Observation:  TV is most popular and then social media updates. What does this says about my audience?  This shows that my audience prefers to watch TV than to check social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc. How will your product appeal to this audience?  This isn’t handy as I’m not going to doing anything relating to TV. However, they will start to use social media afterwards as my products will be more interesting and if it isn’t then it appeals to the rest of this audience. Q5) Audience Research
  • 31. Q6) Which device do you visit social media on?
  • 32. Observation:  This audience uses their phone more rather than using their laptop or IPad/Tablet. What does this says about my audience?  That they prefer to use their phone as it is always on their person than carry a laptop or IPad/Tablet around with them. How will your product appeal to this audience?  This means that my product will appeal to all those who use their phones, IPads/Tablets because they will still be checking social media. Q6) Audience Research
  • 33. Q7) Which of the following social networks do you use on a regular basis?
  • 34. Q7) Which of the following social networks do you use on a regular basis?
  • 35. Observation:  Facebook is most popular with 70% of this audience using it. Then comes Snapchat and Instagram joint together. What does this says about my audience?  This says that they prefer to use Facebook instead of taking selfies of themselves and putting them on their Snapchat stories or their Instagram posts. How will your product appeal to this audience?  This is handy as I will be producing a Facebook account for the business I'm campaigning for. Q7) Audience Research
  • 36. Q8) What attracts you to look at an advert?
  • 37. Q8) What attracts you to look at an advert?
  • 38. Observation:  I have a mixture of responses for this question. Some of this audience will try to avoid advertisements and the others get attracted by the image on the advert. What does this says about my audience?  They like the visual side of the advertising. They want the image to stand out more so then it makes it appealing to them more than anything else. How will your product appeal to this audience?  This makes it easier for my poster as now I know what kind of image to use and how to make it stand out as well. Q8) Audience Research
  • 39. Q9) What do you think the most important visual elements for advertising?
  • 40. Observation:  Most of this audience think the image is the most important visual element and then next is the colours. What does this says about my audience?  I’ve noticed that my audience likes the visual side of advertisements more than anything else. How will your product appeal to this audience?  I will be making my product stand out. My poster mostly will appeal to this audience. On this poster, I will be using a photo of a building and editing it. Q9) Audience Research
  • 41. Q10) What is your occupation?
  • 42. Q10) What is your occupation?
  • 43. Observation:  This audience are all students or employed or both. What does this says about my audience?  This says that my audience is young which I knew when the age range was 15-25. How will your product appeal to this audience?  As this audience uses social media, I think they will be interested in following the posts. I will be not be doing bad posts on social media and I will make this doesn’t happen by asking other people if this post is something they would read and follow. Q10) Audience Research
  • 44. Interviews For this interview, two different aged males and the client answered five questions. This meant that by interviewing two males with different ages it gave me a different viewpoint for an older generation and a younger.
  • 45. Interview One Why is digital advertising important for local businesses?  I think digital advertising is important for local businesses because it increases brand awareness which will in turn bring sales to the company. For example a more local hotel could expand their branding and promotions onto Facebook with a link to TripAdvisor to show their positive reviews. This would increase the bookings within the hotel. What’s the worst advertising campaign you’ve seen? And why?  The worst advertising campaign I have seen is for Marks and Spencer, I don’t like the way they show close up shots of food. Its boring and they haven’t changed up in 10 years. What’s the best advertising campaign you’ve seen? And why?  The best advertising campaign I have ever seen is through the 2014 Amazon Christmas advert. It brings together people of different faiths. Two faith leaders buy sandals for each other and it shows two cultures coming together over the holidays. This was a successful advert and included posters and website promotions. What’s the biggest mistake you see local businesses making with their digital advertising?  Local businesses don’t do enough to promote themselves they will leave a page without content on for long periods of time. They need to be promoting daily in order to increase likes and brand awareness. Videos and pictures of popular products or services are shared more often than worded text, and this is something that is seen more than others. How has advertising evolved? And how?  Advertising has evolved over the years from posters for propaganda purposes during wartime, through to radio advertisements in the early 1960s and transferring to television advertising. This now all has to be covered and advertising agencies need to think about all media platforms. One of the new advertising types is social media campaigns. This is the new way of getting to audiences because research has shown that people now spend more time on their phones and using a second screen whilst watching things.
  • 46. Interview One Analysis Observation:  The male who took this interview clearly knew what he was talking about as the interview is well illustrated and has a lot of knowledge about digital advertising and the advantages and disadvantages of local businesses advertisements. What this says about my audience:  This says that my audience is interested in different types of advertising such as TV campaigns and definitely how advertising has evolved. Another thing this says about my audience is he would be very critical about the products as he is very particular. How will your product appeal to this audience:  I think this audience will appeal to the social media part of my product. He has talked about how it has evolved over the years. As many people use their phones, IPads/Tablets or laptops for checking social media, this would be a great way to target that audience. Also, he thinks that digital advertising for local businesses is important which is going to helpful and appeal to this audience as I am using a local business.
  • 47. Interview Two Why is digital advertising important for local businesses?  Because it’s important for an advertising campaign to update itself when necessary, so that it doesn’t fall behind the times. This is done best by advertising on current social media, so that the ads reach a wide audience. What’s the worst advertising campaign you’ve seen? And why?  The worst advertising campaign I have seen was the advertising for the Toys ’r’ Us toy line. Because they didn’t change their advert format for the several decades they were advertised. Which is why they went bankrupt. What’s the best advertising campaign you’ve seen? And why?  The best advertising campaign I have seen is the Defenders TV show. Which made a huge deal out of the crossover nature of the show and was heavily featured on YouTube and Wiki ads. As well as several Q and A’s with the cast. For the majority of the campaign, a very good job was done of getting the audience hyped for the show. What’s the biggest mistake you see local businesses making with their digital advertising?  The social media advertising for many modern local businesses is either non-existent or under developed, so they do not get their campaigns to a wide audience. How has advertising evolved? And how?  It has gone from being a TV and paper dominated industry to a very social media and internet heavy business.
  • 48. Interview Two Analysis Observation:  I had another male take this interview, he knows more about TV advertising campaigns than he knows about evolution of advertising as he has spoken about this part briefly. What this says about my audience:  This says that my audience is younger as he doesn’t know much about the evolution compared to the other male who took this interview. But this is good as he knows more about the TV campaigns which shows he prefer to watch TV. How will your product appeal to this audience:  One of products are social media posts and update and as this audience knows how local businesses keep up to date then this will appeal to them.
  • 49. Interviewee – Client’s Viewpoint Why is digital advertising important for local businesses?  Digital advertising is very important for local businesses because it gets seen not just nationally but globally also. What’s the worst advertising campaign you’ve seen?  MacDonald's – where they were promoting their product when children were missing their fathers. What’s the best advertising campaign you’ve seen?  Dairy Milk – where the gorilla is playing the drums to a Phil Collins song. What’s the biggest mistake you see local businesses making with their digital advertising?  Where local businesses don’t include other businesses to promote the area. For example, the Harrogate Convention Centre does not sell the small independent guest houses when promoting events to organised events. How has advertising evolved? And how?  From magazines and word of mouth to digital advertising via social media Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – helping others to chose wisely.
  • 50. What is your business?  B&B (Bed & Breakfast) Who is your customer?  Delegates for the Harrogate Convention Centre  Tourists visiting Harrogate  Long term guests working in Harrogate Why do they buy your service?  We are in the heart of Harrogate close to the many shops bars and restaurants including the public transport (bus/train station) How do you know the answer to Q3? What proof?  Guests book due to the close proximity of our B&B to what they are coming for plus on booking they ask how close we are to the HCC/Turkish Baths/Showground. Interviewee – Client’s Viewpoint
  • 51. Observation:  This client is clearly up to date with how local businesses and a lot about her own business and how well it works in Harrogate. What this says about my client:  This says that my client has been working in the hotel business how many years to know how to expand and to advertise the business. How will your product appeal to this client:  This is obviously appeal to my client as my product is all to help the business get more advertisement. From, social media posts to posters and leaflets to merchandise than be sold at the business itself or any informational centre. Interviewee – Client’s Viewpoint
  • 53. Bibliography 1. Simran Jabbal. (2018) Target Audience Questionnaire (conducted on13/04/18) 2. Josh Sotheran. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 12/04/18) 3. Rhys Sadler Scott. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 12/04/18) 4. Tabs Jabbal. (2018) Target Audience Interview (conducted on 12/04/18)

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  5. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  6. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  7. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  8. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  9. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  10. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  11. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.