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Regulating and Implementing
    Network Neutrality
        Professor Chris Marsden
             25 March 2013
The problem in a graphic
Net Neutrality: European Approaches

  Network neutrality growing policy controversy,
  2 elements separated:
    present net neutrality 'lite' debate and
    the emerging net neutrality 'heavy'
    concerned with fibre access networks in future.
Implementation by Nation

1.   You know about Norway
2.   United States
3.   United Kingdom
4.   Netherlands
5.   Slovenia
6.   France
Net neutrality laws 2013
Country        Legal Approach
Netherlands    15 May 2012 (S.7.4.a of Telecoms Law)
Chile &       Universal access to ‘unfiltered’ Internet
United States FCC Open Internet Order Sept ‘11
Norway         Co-regulation – 2009 agreement
Canada         CRTC rules 2009 (not implemented?)
Japan, UK      Self-regulation unenforced
France         ARCEP ‘Ten Principles ‘
1. Norway – co-regulation

Happy 4th birthday – since March 2009
Caused by ISP blocking national broadcaster video service
Enforced by co-regulatory pact – complaints?
Other countries are trying less effective forms of ‘co’
While pretending it’s really ‘self’
Examples are US and UK
  US since 1999
  UK since 2006
I agree – in fact, I wrote a book about it!
Book launched
    February 2010

    first 2 months

    2nd edition in
    paperback 2015

Net neutrality permanent
     feature of telecoms law

It is a debate which
  has existed since 1999
  will grow in importance as
Internet matures & service quality increases
demand on the network for
  more attractive fixed and
  mobile/wireless services.
2. United States

Fifteen years and counting…
FCC Chairmen:
  Reed Hundt
  Michael Powell
  Kevin Martin
  Julius Genachowski
  Still continues to be non-enforced
Verizon v. FCC, Case No: 11-1356
 D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals

FCC Order: In the Matter of: Preserving the Open
Internet; Broadband Industry Practices
  (rel. Dec. 23, 2010)
  FCC 10-201; GN Docket No. 09-191; WC Docket No. 07-52
Petition for Review filed September 30, 2011.
2011 Order consolidates case numbers 11-1356, 11-1403,
11-1404, and 11-1411 with lead case number 11-1355
Open Internet Order legitimacy court case
  expected judgment now summer 2013
Special and Managed Services
FCC excludes Quality of Service
Private ‘managed’ or ‘specialized’ services
  IPTV, VOIP, emergency calls and telemedicine
These use the IP pipe, but a reserved section
  How big is the private pipe? 10% or 90%
Who gets access? Anyone who pays?
  Or only those ‘preferred partners’ to ISPs?
  Do you only see certain IPTV channels?
  Its making part of the pipe back into cable!
FCC uses two advisory groups:
          [1] BITAG

Broadband Industry Technical Advisory Group
  Set up by Dale Hatfield from Colorado in 2010
  Multi-stakeholder – techie-heavy
Takes on test cases from 2012 as no referred cases
  Handles FCC cases free of charge
  Industry pays $60,000 per case (if there were any)
FCC: [2]
Open Internet Advisory Committee

 Co-regulatory: appointed by FCC in May 2012
 Chair: Jonathan Zittrain (Harvard Law),
   Vice-chair David Clark (MIT/IETF/engineer)
   Multi-stakeholder – includes NGOs and industry
 'Specialized Services' definitions sub-group
 When can a managed service lane
 be partitioned out of the regular open IP stream?
Working assumptions - require case
 studies to flesh out their details :

  "Specialized services is a term that is
    meaningful only within the context of the Order.
  It is a way to talk about “anything else”
    that is IP-based over a physical access path.
  It is NOT a new category of service
    for which a class of regulation is applicable."
“Service is NOT a specialized service,
   and is subject to the Order if:

  [1] The service is a general service
    e.g. a service like IP on which higher-level services can run,
  [2] It reaches most… of the end-points of the Internet
    As opposed to a specific “user-level” service like telephony
    or home security, which is presumably a specialized service
  E.g. one cannot evade the Order
    by offering an Internet-like service
    that cannot reach a small country somewhere."
Limits the reach of specialized
services that evade the Order

"If [a DSL or cable ISP] decided to offer a “poor”
Internet service, would we view this as:
  “Better than nothing or unacceptably slow[?]
“Perhaps they can call it Internet but not
Do we:
  [1] impose FRAND conditions and
  [2] insist that slow service is NOT the 'real' Internet'?
Network Neutrality debate began in 1999
Mergers: cable TV and broadband companies
AT&T/MediaOne and AOL/TimeWarner
Lessig and Lemley FCC submission:
  ‘The end of End-to-End’
Before ‘Code and Other Laws…’
Fear of closed duopoly model
2000s Debate
2002-4 US ‘Title II’ telecoms competition removed by
courts, Republican FCC
  Brand X case, Triennial Review
Lessig and Wu write to Congress 2002:
  fear cable-TV business model
  Wu coins term ‘net neutrality’ 2003
FCC introduces 4 ‘Net Freedoms’ 2005
  Not including enforcement of same!
  Congress fails to legislate 2005-6
  2008 – Obama campaigns neutrality
2009 –11
           CRTC and
     European Commission
introduce vague broad principles
      of non-discrimination
                 2012 devil lies in the detail…
Incidentally it’s not net neutrality...

  It’s ‘the open Internet’
  In both EC consultation and FCC Order
US FCC Order 2011, challenge 2012
FCC Report and Order (2010) Preserving the Open Internet,
  25 FCC Rcd 17905
FCC Report and Order, In The Matter Of Preserving The Open
Internet And Broadband Industry Practices,
  GN Docket No. 09-191, WC Docket NO. 07-52, FCC 10-201 § 21-30
  Published 22 Dec 2010, appeared Federal Register 23 Sept 2011
In Re: FCC, In the Matter of Preserving the Open Internet, Report
and Order, FCC 10-201, 76 Fed. Reg. 59192 (2011),
Consolidation Order - Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation,
     Oct. 6, 2011
In Europe, something was rumbling..
Three wise monkeys
‘We have received no complaints’ is NOT ‘I have not
  listened to any complaints’.
  Some regulators are:
    Seeing no evil
    Hearing no evil
    Speaking no evil.
  BEREC analyzes sensibly!
3. United Kingdom

Deny – problem does not exist until 2006?
Delay – attempt switching/transparency solutions –
  some success: changes in General Conditions 2006-8
  Using SamKnows to measure performance 2010-
  Broadband Speed Code of Conduct 2008-12
Degrade – switch argument into co-regulatory forum:
  Broadband Stakeholder (sic) Group
  An industry forum funded in part by government
  Corporatist conceit
Ofcom: ‘no formal complaints’

 BEREC (2010) Response to the European Commission’s
 consultation on the open Internet and net neutrality in
 Europe, BoR (10)42
 Charlie Dunstone, Chairman, TalkTalk
   Ofcom International Conference, Nov 2006
“We shape traffic to restrict P2P users.
I get hate mail at home from people
when that means we restrict
their ability to play games.”
Losing liberty?

ISPs important intermediary limited liability
Based on their wise monkeys role
Behavioural advertising – PHORM 2005-7
  EC brings case to CJEU 2010-11
  UK Government amends implementation of privacy law
Throttling on non-transparent basis
  Removes 2000/31/EC Art.12-14 exemption
  Freedom of expression vital to democracy
Open Internet Code of Practice
Broadband Stakeholder Group 25/7/12
 James Heath, Policy Controller, BBC:
   ' welcome the code as a positive step forward, alongside
   Ofcom's commitment to monitor the development of this fast-
   moving market.'‘
 Jean-Jacques Sahel, EMEA Policy for Skype/Microsoft,
   “Together with Ofcom’s forthcoming annual report on the
   Open Internet,
   this Code is a crucial step towards ensuring that…
   very soon, all remaining discriminations against
   end-users’ right to access content of their choice on Internet
Why do they say Ofcom?

Ofcom tried to strong-arm ISPs into self-regulation
  Broadband Code of Conduct in 2009/10
  BSG transparency code of practice 2011
Minister Vaizey had to do same for this BSG approach
Ofcom research with SamKnows
Ofcom has regulatory powers:
  Transparency – meaningful information on throttling and
  peaktime speeds
  Minimum Quality of Service
  Netherlands simply implemented 2009 EU law
Ed Vaizey phones Sir Tim Berners Lee
  at home on Sunday 21 Nov. 2010

 “I don’t think heavy handed regulation is necessary.
 “I’m saying we’re not going to put regulatory hurdles in the
 way – the last 20 years have told us not to do that.
 “What I announced was business as usual –government was
 alive to these issues and prepared to intervene in future.
 “I am absolutely as one with someone like Tim Berners-Lee”
 Tim disagreed and disagrees!
   Enjoyable discussion at OECD Paris June 2011
   Vaizey more keen to talk to Stephen Carter of Alcatel-Lucent
   Purveyors of DPI equipment to telcos…
Voluntary Code meaningless

“It’s ‘old’ ATVOD: shadowing co-regulation?
“The horse designed by a committee which is the
Voluntary Code of Conduct on negative discrimination
  (net neutrality 'lite')
“is so voluntary that Voda, EE and Virgin won't sign up
as the porridge is variously considered too hot/cold.”

ISPs over to Ofcom’s View?

Language shows ISPs kowtowed to Ofcom Nov. 2011 report:
"it is right that Ofcom take ownership of this issue
“new proposed process will be a useful input to Ofcom… in
monitoring the impact of traffic management practices...
"voluntary commitments being made in this code closely
relate to ongoing monitoring work Ofcom… will conduct.
“happy to discuss with Ofcom how its future work plans
regarding open internet issues could support or input into a
review of these voluntary commitments."
My considered view

When will Ofcom engage in heavier persuasion to
persuade ISPs to come up with a workable solution?
I suspect it will take a new minister at the very least, and
possibly a new government.
Skype adds that Ofcom should produce an
  Annual Open Internet Report
  (which in any case should be a future part of the EC
  Implementation Report as part of its commitments made to
  the European Parliament in the 2009 Net Neutrality
Not very edifying bit of horse-trading
     (or camel auctioning), is it?

   Reminiscent of the decade of industry garbage about
   misleading advertising, over broadband speeds.
     Proposal: content providers lodge unresolved complaint
     with the Broadband Stakeholder Group (see Annex 1)
     instead of going direct to Ofcom or the EC
     (or more likely a supportive Euro-MP)
   I predict that there will be almost exactly zero such
   farcical reports from BSG to Ofcom in 2013.
Who has NOT signed it?
  The current signatories of the code are:
    BE, BT, BSkyB, KCOM, giffgaff, O2, Plusnet, TalkTalk,
    Tesco Mobile and Three.
30% of fixed market
    Only superfast ISP, throttler of peaktime content
60% of mobile market
  Everything Everywhere
    Only 4G operator in 2013
    World’s largest mobile ISP
4. Netherlands
      15 May 2012: net neutrality law
Prohibits internet providers from interfering with traffic of users.
  allows traffic management in case of congestion and network security,
  as long as these measures serve the interests of the internet user.
Anti-wiretapping provision, restricting deep packet inspection (DPI).
  They may only do so under limited circumstances,
  or with explicit consent of user, which user may withdraw at any time.
  The law allows for wiretapping with a warrant.
Internet providers can only disconnect their users in limited
  Internet access is very important for functioning information society
  Disconnection only permitted in case of fraud or when user doesn’t
  pay bills.
New Articles 20 and 22, Recital 26:
 Consumer protection/citizen rights NOT SMP
 Requirements to notify customers & NRAs
   But will need civil society activists
   To detect discrimination
   To notify higher-end consumers of problems
 Added to interoperability requirements
 Article 5 Interconnection Directive
Article 22: Quality of service
1. Member States shall ensure that NRAs are
   able to require networks and/or services to publish
   comparable, adequate and up-to-date QoS information

2. NRAs may specify the QoS parameters to be measured
   content, form and manner of information published,
   including possible quality certification mechanisms,
   end-users...comparable reliable user-friendly information

3. In order to prevent the degradation of service,
   Member States ensure NRAs can set QoS requirements.
NRAs shall provide the Commission

1.   ... with a summary of the grounds for action,
2.   the envisaged requirements and
3.   the proposed course of action.
4.   This information shall be available to BEREC
The Commission may... make comments
 or recommendations...
     NRAs shall take the utmost account of the Commission’s
     comments or recommendations when deciding on the
Declaration: Neutrality 2009/140EC
The Commission attaches high importance to
 preserving the open and neutral character of the
 taking full account of the will of the co-legislators
 to enshrine net neutrality as a policy objective and
 regulatory principle to be promoted by NRAs
Specific strengthening of Directives

  Article 8(4)(g) Framework Directive
    strengthening of related transparency requirements
  USD Articles 20(1)(b) and 21(3)(c) and (d)
    safeguard NRA powers to prevent service degradation
    slowing down traffic over public networks
  USD Article 22(3)
    Transparency for end-users
Commission will monitor closely
  implementation in Member States
 introducing a particular focus on how
   European citizens ‘net freedoms’ are safeguarded
   in its annual Progress Report to Parliament and Council.
Commission will monitor impact on ‘net freedoms’
   of market and technological developments
   reporting to Parliament/Council before end-2010
   on whether additional guidance is required, and
 will invoke its existing competition law powers
   to deal with anti-competitive practices that may emerge.
Kroes: BEREC given key role by EC
[1] EC not leading in evidence gathering –for BEREC:
    "At the end of 2011, I will publish the results, including any
    instances of blocking or throttling certain types of
[2] If that produces evidence of widespread
  infringement - only Madison River Skype blocking?
    recommend setting EU guidance rules
      "more stringent measures [in] the form of guidance."
[3] "If this proves insufficient, I am ready to prohibit
  the blocking of lawful services or applications.”
  That means guidance 2013
    regulatory action 2014, if ever.
Net neutrality laws 2013 update

 19 December 2012: Slovenia net neutrality law
 1 January 2013: Netherlands to enforce 2012 law
 March 2013: France proposes net neutrality law
   And search neutrality? ‘all intermediaries’
 That would be 4th country in Europe:
   Finland via universal service
   Netherlands after mobile WhatsApp blocking
5. Slovenia net neutrality
Economic Communications Act 2012:
  "net neutrality means that operators will have to send internet
  traffic with uniform speed and permeability regardless of the
  ISPs prevented from restricting, or slowing Internet traffic
    except to solve congestion, security or addressing spam.
  Commercial differentiation of QoS will be prohibited.
  ISP prohibited from different connectivity prices
    strong impact on mobile operators “data caps”
6. France 13/3/13: digital economy
minister Fleur Pellerin announced

Work with the ministries of justice and the interior
to draft legislation on net neutrality,
National Digital Council (CNN) submitted a report on the subject.
  freedom of expression not sufficiently protected in French law
  given development of filtering, blocking, censorship, throttling
Wording to be included in 1986 freedom of communication law
CNN suggests extend neutrality to all information access services
  including search engines, social networks and mobile apps,
  to guarantee access to information and to means of expression
  in non-discrimination, fair and transparent manner
BEREC response 2010
EC (2010) consultation on the open Internet and net neutrality
in Europe
BoR (10) 42 BEREC Response at
“blocking of VoIP in mobile networks occurred
  Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal,
  Romania and Switzerland”
BoR (11) 40 Rev1
Draft Work Programme for BEREC 2012
NRAs’ regulatory remedies available
to address potential discrimination issues,
  link to the quality of service issue
  possible IP interconnection market analysis in 2012
BEREC overview of European

BEREC investigation task from Commission
  regarding switching issues and
  traffic management practices
  implemented by operators.
thorough investigation request
  dedicated task force, together with Commission
results consolidated and published 2012
  Summary document, no ‘commercial’ detail
  Worse than useless?
Quality of Service requirements

 Regulatory Framework: competence for NRAs to set
 QoS minimum requirements.
   When should NRAs set minimum requirements
   what should those be?
 Harmonised minimum QoS requirements
   could avoid creating inefficiencies for operators,
   costs ultimately paid by consumers.
2012 further guidelines for NRAs

  Methods for measuring and assessing
     network and application performance,
     including by the end users themselves.
  E.g. NRAs can promote or provide tools
     end users control or monitor quality
     include contractually agreed parameters
BEREC Deliverables 2012

1. Detailed guidelines on Transparency;
  1.   (depending on outcome of the public consultation)
2. Guidelines on Quality of Service Requirements;
3. Completion of BEREC Reports on discriminatory
4. Report on IP interconnection;
5. Inquiry results on traffic management practices.
BEREC preliminary findings

9 March 2012
“traffic management practices in Europe
“blocking of VoIP and P2P traffic is common,
“other practices vary widely.
“in the process of validating, consolidating and
categorising the data”
“BEREC is very pleased with the high
   level of responses received.”

 250 fixed and 150 mobile operators
   25% claim “security and integrity” concerns
     e.g. controlling “spam” traffic
   “application-agnostic” approach e.g. buffering
   OR “application-specific” techniques
     throttle specific traffic, such as video streaming
   1/3rd of fixed operators manage their networks
     offer specialised services (e.g. telephony or TV)
     alongside a best efforts) Internet access service.

Prioritisation implicitly is discrimination,
evaluate negative consequences for
  competition, innovation and end users’ interests.
2011, BEREC economic analysis of
potential and theoretical effects of discriminatory
European Data Protection Supervisor
          October 2011

  Concerned that traffic management would result in
  exposure of users’ personal data
    Including IP addresses
  ‘Opinion on net neutrality, traffic management and
  protection of privacy and personal data’
Telcos declare war on Google and
      Facebook: 25 February 2013
Cesar Alierta, CEO Telefónica:
“Something is now working in the value chain and this is not a level
playing field.”
Franco Bernabè, CEO Telecom Italia:
“a couple of players dominate the market, stifling competition as
others struggle to develop a significant customer base”.
Randall Stephenson, CEO AT&T:
  “Policy makers are going to have to be very clear about whether
  they desire rapid adoption of the latest technologies,
  or do they desire hyper-competition and the lowest prices possible
  for the most basic of services.
What next? Net neutrality discussed

   1st Internet Science conference Brussels 10-11 April 2013
   Professor Ziga Turk, minister in charge of Slovenian law
   Alissa Cooper, member of FCC OIAC sub-group
   Carl-Christian Buhr, advisor to Neelie Kroes
   UK, French and Dutch technical engineering experts
Toolsets/lessons for each approach
                 Norway               UK                  Netherlands         US

Measurement      Self-declared        Ofcom:              Consumers e.g.   FCC: SamKnows
                 with verification?   SamKnows            Glasnost/Neubot/
Technical        Within co-           Broadband           NRA – advising      BITAG and OIAC
advice           regulatory pact      Stakeholder         ministry            self/co-regulation
                                      Group co-
Legal position   Co-regulation        Not                 Implemented         Order December
                                      implemented         2009/136/EU         2010, published
                                      2009/136/EU                             Sept.2011
Efficiency       Very fast – first    Very slow –         Very fast –         Very slow – note
                 mover                industry foot       legislative panic   court delay
Lesson           Act fast, get        Death by a 1000     Mobile DPI and      Lack of
                 stakeholder buy-     cuts; deny-delay-   blocking            bipartisanship
                 in                   degrade;            prompted action     causes trench
                                      significant         – legislative       warfare
                                      political damage    panic
Comments? Questions?

  5000 regular visitors (esp. Washington and Brussels)
Glasnost initial results
(Ireland v.small sample)
Sir Edward Coke, Institutes of the Lawes of
England (1628) on the Statute of Monopolies

   [N]ew manufacture must have seven properties.
 1. it must be for twenty-one years or under.
 2. it must be granted to the first and true inventor.
 3. it must be of such manufactures, which any other at
    the making of such letters patent did not use ...
 4. the privilege must not be contrary to law ...
 5. nor mischievous to the state, by raising the prices of
    commodities at home.
 6. nor to the hurt of trade
 7. nor generally inconvenient.

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Regulating and Implementing Network Neutrality

  • 1. Regulating and Implementing Network Neutrality Professor Chris Marsden COMREG 25 March 2013
  • 2. The problem in a graphic
  • 3. Net Neutrality: European Approaches Network neutrality growing policy controversy, 2 elements separated: present net neutrality 'lite' debate and the emerging net neutrality 'heavy' concerned with fibre access networks in future.
  • 4. Implementation by Nation 1. You know about Norway 2. United States 3. United Kingdom 4. Netherlands 5. Slovenia 6. France
  • 5. Net neutrality laws 2013 Country Legal Approach Netherlands 15 May 2012 (S.7.4.a of Telecoms Law) Chile & Universal access to ‘unfiltered’ Internet Finland United States FCC Open Internet Order Sept ‘11 Norway Co-regulation – 2009 agreement Canada CRTC rules 2009 (not implemented?) Japan, UK Self-regulation unenforced France ARCEP ‘Ten Principles ‘
  • 6. 1. Norway – co-regulation Happy 4th birthday – since March 2009 Caused by ISP blocking national broadcaster video service Enforced by co-regulatory pact – complaints? Other countries are trying less effective forms of ‘co’ While pretending it’s really ‘self’ Examples are US and UK US since 1999 UK since 2006 I agree – in fact, I wrote a book about it!
  • 7. Book launched February 2010 100,000 downloads first 2 months 2nd edition in paperback 2015 7
  • 8. Net neutrality permanent feature of telecoms law It is a debate which has existed since 1999 will grow in importance as Internet matures & service quality increases demand on the network for more attractive fixed and mobile/wireless services.
  • 9. 2. United States Fifteen years and counting… FCC Chairmen: Reed Hundt Michael Powell Kevin Martin Julius Genachowski Still continues to be non-enforced
  • 10. Verizon v. FCC, Case No: 11-1356 D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals FCC Order: In the Matter of: Preserving the Open Internet; Broadband Industry Practices (rel. Dec. 23, 2010) FCC 10-201; GN Docket No. 09-191; WC Docket No. 07-52 Petition for Review filed September 30, 2011. 2011 Order consolidates case numbers 11-1356, 11-1403, 11-1404, and 11-1411 with lead case number 11-1355 Open Internet Order legitimacy court case expected judgment now summer 2013
  • 11. Special and Managed Services FCC excludes Quality of Service Private ‘managed’ or ‘specialized’ services IPTV, VOIP, emergency calls and telemedicine These use the IP pipe, but a reserved section How big is the private pipe? 10% or 90% Who gets access? Anyone who pays? Or only those ‘preferred partners’ to ISPs? Do you only see certain IPTV channels? Its making part of the pipe back into cable!
  • 12. FCC uses two advisory groups: [1] BITAG Self-regulation: Broadband Industry Technical Advisory Group Set up by Dale Hatfield from Colorado in 2010 Multi-stakeholder – techie-heavy Takes on test cases from 2012 as no referred cases Handles FCC cases free of charge Industry pays $60,000 per case (if there were any)
  • 13. FCC: [2] Open Internet Advisory Committee Co-regulatory: appointed by FCC in May 2012 committee-members-announced Chair: Jonathan Zittrain (Harvard Law), Vice-chair David Clark (MIT/IETF/engineer) Multi-stakeholder – includes NGOs and industry 'Specialized Services' definitions sub-group When can a managed service lane be partitioned out of the regular open IP stream?
  • 14. Working assumptions - require case studies to flesh out their details : "Specialized services is a term that is meaningful only within the context of the Order. It is a way to talk about “anything else” that is IP-based over a physical access path. It is NOT a new category of service for which a class of regulation is applicable."
  • 15. “Service is NOT a specialized service, and is subject to the Order if: [1] The service is a general service e.g. a service like IP on which higher-level services can run, [2] It reaches most… of the end-points of the Internet As opposed to a specific “user-level” service like telephony or home security, which is presumably a specialized service E.g. one cannot evade the Order by offering an Internet-like service that cannot reach a small country somewhere."
  • 16. Limits the reach of specialized services that evade the Order Example "If [a DSL or cable ISP] decided to offer a “poor” Internet service, would we view this as: “Better than nothing or unacceptably slow[?] “Perhaps they can call it Internet but not broadband?" Do we: [1] impose FRAND conditions and [2] insist that slow service is NOT the 'real' Internet'?
  • 17. 1999 Network Neutrality debate began in 1999 Mergers: cable TV and broadband companies AT&T/MediaOne and AOL/TimeWarner Lessig and Lemley FCC submission: ‘The end of End-to-End’ Before ‘Code and Other Laws…’ Fear of closed duopoly model
  • 18. 2000s Debate 2002-4 US ‘Title II’ telecoms competition removed by courts, Republican FCC Brand X case, Triennial Review Lessig and Wu write to Congress 2002: fear cable-TV business model Wu coins term ‘net neutrality’ 2003 FCC introduces 4 ‘Net Freedoms’ 2005 Not including enforcement of same! Congress fails to legislate 2005-6 2008 – Obama campaigns neutrality
  • 19. 2009 –11 FCC, CRTC and European Commission introduce vague broad principles of non-discrimination 2012 devil lies in the detail…
  • 20. Incidentally it’s not net neutrality... It’s ‘the open Internet’ In both EC consultation and FCC Order
  • 21. US FCC Order 2011, challenge 2012 FCC Report and Order (2010) Preserving the Open Internet, 25 FCC Rcd 17905 FCC Report and Order, In The Matter Of Preserving The Open Internet And Broadband Industry Practices, GN Docket No. 09-191, WC Docket NO. 07-52, FCC 10-201 § 21-30 Published 22 Dec 2010, appeared Federal Register 23 Sept 2011 In Re: FCC, In the Matter of Preserving the Open Internet, Report and Order, FCC 10-201, 76 Fed. Reg. 59192 (2011), Consolidation Order - Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, Oct. 6, 2011
  • 22. In Europe, something was rumbling..
  • 23. Three wise monkeys ‘We have received no complaints’ is NOT ‘I have not listened to any complaints’. Some regulators are: Seeing no evil Hearing no evil Speaking no evil. BEREC analyzes sensibly!
  • 24. 3. United Kingdom Deny – problem does not exist until 2006? Delay – attempt switching/transparency solutions – some success: changes in General Conditions 2006-8 Using SamKnows to measure performance 2010- Broadband Speed Code of Conduct 2008-12 Degrade – switch argument into co-regulatory forum: Broadband Stakeholder (sic) Group An industry forum funded in part by government Corporatist conceit
  • 25.
  • 26. Ofcom: ‘no formal complaints’ BEREC (2010) Response to the European Commission’s consultation on the open Internet and net neutrality in Europe, BoR (10)42 Charlie Dunstone, Chairman, TalkTalk Ofcom International Conference, Nov 2006 “We shape traffic to restrict P2P users. I get hate mail at home from people when that means we restrict their ability to play games.”
  • 27. Losing liberty? ISPs important intermediary limited liability Based on their wise monkeys role Behavioural advertising – PHORM 2005-7 EC brings case to CJEU 2010-11 UK Government amends implementation of privacy law Throttling on non-transparent basis Removes 2000/31/EC Art.12-14 exemption Freedom of expression vital to democracy
  • 28. Open Internet Code of Practice Broadband Stakeholder Group 25/7/12 James Heath, Policy Controller, BBC: ' welcome the code as a positive step forward, alongside Ofcom's commitment to monitor the development of this fast- moving market.'‘ Jean-Jacques Sahel, EMEA Policy for Skype/Microsoft, “Together with Ofcom’s forthcoming annual report on the Open Internet, this Code is a crucial step towards ensuring that… very soon, all remaining discriminations against end-users’ right to access content of their choice on Internet cease.”
  • 29. Why do they say Ofcom? Ofcom tried to strong-arm ISPs into self-regulation Broadband Code of Conduct in 2009/10 BSG transparency code of practice 2011 Minister Vaizey had to do same for this BSG approach Ofcom research with SamKnows Ofcom has regulatory powers: Transparency – meaningful information on throttling and peaktime speeds Minimum Quality of Service Netherlands simply implemented 2009 EU law
  • 30. Ed Vaizey phones Sir Tim Berners Lee at home on Sunday 21 Nov. 2010 “I don’t think heavy handed regulation is necessary. “I’m saying we’re not going to put regulatory hurdles in the way – the last 20 years have told us not to do that. “What I announced was business as usual –government was alive to these issues and prepared to intervene in future. “I am absolutely as one with someone like Tim Berners-Lee” Tim disagreed and disagrees! Enjoyable discussion at OECD Paris June 2011 Vaizey more keen to talk to Stephen Carter of Alcatel-Lucent Purveyors of DPI equipment to telcos…
  • 31. Voluntary Code meaningless “It’s ‘old’ ATVOD: shadowing co-regulation? “The horse designed by a committee which is the Voluntary Code of Conduct on negative discrimination (net neutrality 'lite') “is so voluntary that Voda, EE and Virgin won't sign up as the porridge is variously considered too hot/cold.” code-of-conduct.html
  • 32. ISPs over to Ofcom’s View? Language shows ISPs kowtowed to Ofcom Nov. 2011 report: "it is right that Ofcom take ownership of this issue “new proposed process will be a useful input to Ofcom… in monitoring the impact of traffic management practices... "voluntary commitments being made in this code closely relate to ongoing monitoring work Ofcom… will conduct. “happy to discuss with Ofcom how its future work plans regarding open internet issues could support or input into a review of these voluntary commitments."
  • 33. My considered view When will Ofcom engage in heavier persuasion to persuade ISPs to come up with a workable solution? I suspect it will take a new minister at the very least, and possibly a new government. Skype adds that Ofcom should produce an Annual Open Internet Report (which in any case should be a future part of the EC Implementation Report as part of its commitments made to the European Parliament in the 2009 Net Neutrality Declaration).
  • 34. Not very edifying bit of horse-trading (or camel auctioning), is it? Reminiscent of the decade of industry garbage about misleading advertising, over broadband speeds. Proposal: content providers lodge unresolved complaint with the Broadband Stakeholder Group (see Annex 1) instead of going direct to Ofcom or the EC (or more likely a supportive Euro-MP) I predict that there will be almost exactly zero such farcical reports from BSG to Ofcom in 2013.
  • 35. Who has NOT signed it? The current signatories of the code are: BE, BT, BSkyB, KCOM, giffgaff, O2, Plusnet, TalkTalk, Tesco Mobile and Three. 30% of fixed market Virgin Only superfast ISP, throttler of peaktime content 60% of mobile market Everything Everywhere Only 4G operator in 2013 Vodafone World’s largest mobile ISP
  • 36. 4. Netherlands 15 May 2012: net neutrality law Prohibits internet providers from interfering with traffic of users. allows traffic management in case of congestion and network security, as long as these measures serve the interests of the internet user. Anti-wiretapping provision, restricting deep packet inspection (DPI). They may only do so under limited circumstances, or with explicit consent of user, which user may withdraw at any time. The law allows for wiretapping with a warrant. Internet providers can only disconnect their users in limited circumstances. Internet access is very important for functioning information society Disconnection only permitted in case of fraud or when user doesn’t pay bills.
  • 37. DIRECTIVE 2009/136/EC New Articles 20 and 22, Recital 26: Consumer protection/citizen rights NOT SMP http://eur- 36:EN:PDF Requirements to notify customers & NRAs But will need civil society activists To detect discrimination To notify higher-end consumers of problems Added to interoperability requirements Article 5 Interconnection Directive
  • 38. Article 22: Quality of service 1. Member States shall ensure that NRAs are able to require networks and/or services to publish comparable, adequate and up-to-date QoS information 2. NRAs may specify the QoS parameters to be measured content, form and manner of information published, including possible quality certification mechanisms, end-users...comparable reliable user-friendly information 3. In order to prevent the degradation of service, Member States ensure NRAs can set QoS requirements.
  • 39. NRAs shall provide the Commission 1. ... with a summary of the grounds for action, 2. the envisaged requirements and 3. the proposed course of action. 4. This information shall be available to BEREC The Commission may... make comments or recommendations... NRAs shall take the utmost account of the Commission’s comments or recommendations when deciding on the requirements.
  • 40. Declaration: Neutrality 2009/140EC The Commission attaches high importance to preserving the open and neutral character of the Internet, taking full account of the will of the co-legislators to enshrine net neutrality as a policy objective and regulatory principle to be promoted by NRAs
  • 41. Specific strengthening of Directives Article 8(4)(g) Framework Directive strengthening of related transparency requirements USD Articles 20(1)(b) and 21(3)(c) and (d) safeguard NRA powers to prevent service degradation slowing down traffic over public networks USD Article 22(3) Transparency for end-users
  • 42. Commission will monitor closely implementation in Member States introducing a particular focus on how European citizens ‘net freedoms’ are safeguarded in its annual Progress Report to Parliament and Council. Commission will monitor impact on ‘net freedoms’ of market and technological developments reporting to Parliament/Council before end-2010 on whether additional guidance is required, and will invoke its existing competition law powers to deal with anti-competitive practices that may emerge.
  • 43. Kroes: BEREC given key role by EC [1] EC not leading in evidence gathering –for BEREC: "At the end of 2011, I will publish the results, including any instances of blocking or throttling certain types of traffic." [2] If that produces evidence of widespread infringement - only Madison River Skype blocking? recommend setting EU guidance rules "more stringent measures [in] the form of guidance." [3] "If this proves insufficient, I am ready to prohibit the blocking of lawful services or applications.” That means guidance 2013 regulatory action 2014, if ever.
  • 44. Net neutrality laws 2013 update 19 December 2012: Slovenia net neutrality law 1 January 2013: Netherlands to enforce 2012 law March 2013: France proposes net neutrality law And search neutrality? ‘all intermediaries’ That would be 4th country in Europe: Finland via universal service Netherlands after mobile WhatsApp blocking Slovenia
  • 45. 5. Slovenia net neutrality Economic Communications Act 2012: "net neutrality means that operators will have to send internet traffic with uniform speed and permeability regardless of the content” ISPs prevented from restricting, or slowing Internet traffic except to solve congestion, security or addressing spam. Commercial differentiation of QoS will be prohibited. ISP prohibited from different connectivity prices strong impact on mobile operators “data caps”
  • 46. 6. France 13/3/13: digital economy minister Fleur Pellerin announced Work with the ministries of justice and the interior to draft legislation on net neutrality, National Digital Council (CNN) submitted a report on the subject. freedom of expression not sufficiently protected in French law given development of filtering, blocking, censorship, throttling Wording to be included in 1986 freedom of communication law CNN suggests extend neutrality to all information access services including search engines, social networks and mobile apps, to guarantee access to information and to means of expression in non-discrimination, fair and transparent manner
  • 47. BEREC response 2010 EC (2010) consultation on the open Internet and net neutrality in Europe consult/net_neutrality/index_en.htm BoR (10) 42 BEREC Response at “blocking of VoIP in mobile networks occurred Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Switzerland”
  • 48. BoR (11) 40 Rev1 Draft Work Programme for BEREC 2012 NRAs’ regulatory remedies available to address potential discrimination issues, link to the quality of service issue possible IP interconnection market analysis in 2012
  • 49. BEREC overview of European markets BEREC investigation task from Commission regarding switching issues and traffic management practices implemented by operators. thorough investigation request dedicated task force, together with Commission results consolidated and published 2012 Summary document, no ‘commercial’ detail Worse than useless?
  • 50. Quality of Service requirements Regulatory Framework: competence for NRAs to set QoS minimum requirements. When should NRAs set minimum requirements what should those be? Harmonised minimum QoS requirements could avoid creating inefficiencies for operators, costs ultimately paid by consumers.
  • 51. 2012 further guidelines for NRAs Methods for measuring and assessing network and application performance, including by the end users themselves. E.g. NRAs can promote or provide tools end users control or monitor quality include contractually agreed parameters
  • 52. BEREC Deliverables 2012 1. Detailed guidelines on Transparency; 1. (depending on outcome of the public consultation) 2. Guidelines on Quality of Service Requirements; 3. Completion of BEREC Reports on discriminatory issues; 4. Report on IP interconnection; 5. Inquiry results on traffic management practices.
  • 53. BEREC preliminary findings 9 March 2012 “traffic management practices in Europe “blocking of VoIP and P2P traffic is common, “other practices vary widely. “in the process of validating, consolidating and categorising the data”
  • 54. “BEREC is very pleased with the high level of responses received.” 250 fixed and 150 mobile operators 25% claim “security and integrity” concerns e.g. controlling “spam” traffic “application-agnostic” approach e.g. buffering OR “application-specific” techniques throttle specific traffic, such as video streaming 1/3rd of fixed operators manage their networks offer specialised services (e.g. telephony or TV) alongside a best efforts) Internet access service.
  • 55. Discrimination: Prioritisation implicitly is discrimination, evaluate negative consequences for competition, innovation and end users’ interests. 2011, BEREC economic analysis of potential and theoretical effects of discriminatory behaviour.
  • 56. European Data Protection Supervisor October 2011 Concerned that traffic management would result in exposure of users’ personal data Including IP addresses ‘Opinion on net neutrality, traffic management and protection of privacy and personal data’ ite/shared/Documents/Consultation/Opinions/2011/11-10- 07_Net_neutrality_EN.pdf
  • 57. Telcos declare war on Google and Facebook: 25 February 2013 Cesar Alierta, CEO Telefónica: “Something is now working in the value chain and this is not a level playing field.” Franco Bernabè, CEO Telecom Italia: “a couple of players dominate the market, stifling competition as others struggle to develop a significant customer base”. Randall Stephenson, CEO AT&T: “Policy makers are going to have to be very clear about whether they desire rapid adoption of the latest technologies, or do they desire hyper-competition and the lowest prices possible for the most basic of services.
  • 58. What next? Net neutrality discussed 1st Internet Science conference Brussels 10-11 April 2013 Professor Ziga Turk, minister in charge of Slovenian law Alissa Cooper, member of FCC OIAC sub-group Carl-Christian Buhr, advisor to Neelie Kroes UK, French and Dutch technical engineering experts
  • 59. Toolsets/lessons for each approach Norway UK Netherlands US Measurement Self-declared Ofcom: Consumers e.g. FCC: SamKnows with verification? SamKnows Glasnost/Neubot/ BitsofFreedom Technical Within co- Broadband NRA – advising BITAG and OIAC advice regulatory pact Stakeholder ministry self/co-regulation Group co- regulation Legal position Co-regulation Not Implemented Order December implemented 2009/136/EU 2010, published 2009/136/EU Sept.2011 Efficiency Very fast – first Very slow – Very fast – Very slow – note mover industry foot legislative panic court delay dragging Lesson Act fast, get Death by a 1000 Mobile DPI and Lack of stakeholder buy- cuts; deny-delay- blocking bipartisanship in degrade; prompted action causes trench significant – legislative warfare political damage panic
  • 62. Sir Edward Coke, Institutes of the Lawes of England (1628) on the Statute of Monopolies [N]ew manufacture must have seven properties. 1. it must be for twenty-one years or under. 2. it must be granted to the first and true inventor. 3. it must be of such manufactures, which any other at the making of such letters patent did not use ... 4. the privilege must not be contrary to law ... 5. nor mischievous to the state, by raising the prices of commodities at home. 6. nor to the hurt of trade 7. nor generally inconvenient.