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Raymond Carr Summit Events
Summit Event Essay The event that was held in Moody Coliseum, September 22, 2015, was
conducted by Raymond Carr, his sermon was over, " Lost in Knowledge of Christ." He pulls from
Philippians 3:1–11, where Paul challenges us to lose our religion; and choose a relationship. Paul
uses two directives that lead to a right relationship with Christ. Raymond Carr first comments on
how Paul emphasizes the theme of joy. Carr tells us that Paul repeats this a couple of times. Paul
emphasizes that, whatever your circumstance, you should always rejoice in God 's attributes and His
provisions. Paul continues by saying: " To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a
safeguard for you." Paul 's frequent saying to rejoice during affliction, because if he continues to tell
us this we can work to rejoice and not forget it, or even cynical. Paul wants for the believer to stand
strong in their time of need, to be steady and secure in their faith as well. Carr hints at that the
simple reason for repetition is that: Words sink in over time. Truths need to be emphasized, impact,
and retention. Carr then goes to 3:2–6, where Paul explores the danger of religion and religious
people. He warns about the Judaizers, by saying, "Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers,
beware of the false circumcision." Paul is warning the church to look over your shoulder because
people in the church aren 't really what they say they are. Paul calls the Judaizers "dogs." Dogs were
not the cute
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Mormon Masculinity Changing Gender Expectations
Summary: In "Mormon Masculinity Changing Gender Expectations in the Era of Transition from
Polygamy to Monogamy, 1890–1920," Amy Hoyt and Sara M. Patterson argue that during the era of
transition from polygamy to monogamy, there was a perceived crisis in the lives of Mormon boys.
These events together resulted in a change in the notion of masculinity in the LDS church. Their
thesis was "..during the period from 1890 to 1920, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–
day Saints (LDS) perceived a crisis in the lives of their boys. That sense of crisis lay at the surface
of an even deeper cultural upheaval taking place within Mormondom....With the transition from
polygamy to monogamy, church members had to construct a new model for understanding marriage,
family and sexuality...they were also forced to reconstruct their notions of masculinity (Hoyt and
Patterson 72–73)." What they did to argue this thesis as well as to describe how exactly gender roles
changed in the LDS, they analyzed Mormon literature directed at young boys. They also analyzed
literature directed at young girls to "tease out the messages that were uniquely geared towards
refashioning masculinity (Hoyt and Patterson 74)." Before they did this, they first educated the
reader on Mormon masculinity prior to 1890. They point out that although polygamy was one of the
main pillars of masculinity and helps distinguish the Mormons as God's chosen people; "Only a
minority of church members were members of
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Religion : An Important Part Of Human Nature
Since the beginning of time, religion has long been an important part of human nature. Religion is
closely connected with our culture, politics, social relationships, as well as economics. Whether we
attend a cathedral or a temple for our place of worship, religion embeds itself into our daily lives.
One of the most unique religions is Mormonism. Mormonism: what is this religion and what does it
mean? While many misconceptions arise about this religion and what they believe in, like any other
religion they believe, hope, and rejoice in their savior, Jesus Christ. We can learn to appreciate the
uniqueness of this religion by taking the time examine its history and beliefs, how women and men
experience this religion, as well as how it differs from traditional religions such as Christianity. As
with any religion, one of the most important pieces to learn is how the religion was created and who
played an important part in doing so. Mormonism, also known as the Church of the Latter–Day
Saints came about in 1830. Mormonism was founded by Joseph Smith, in the 19th century in
Western New York. This was a major period of religious awakening for America. When Joseph was
only 14 years old, he asked God for guidance, as he was confused with the direction his faith was
headed. Shortly after asking for guidance, he declared he had a vision that was accompanied with a
visit from the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ whom told him that all religions were wrong,
and he was not to
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1. Overview Of The Theology Of The Pentateuch.. Theology
1. Overview of the Theology of the Pentateuch.
Theology is the study of God, and further the Theology of the Pentateuch is defined as what is the
Pentateuch teaching us about God today. The Pentateuch is another name for the Torah, which
consists of the first five books of the Biblical canon. Studying the theological vision contained
within the Pentateuch is crucial to scholars since it is this vision that shapes the principal form of
this work. Further, the foundation for the theology of God is set forth in the rest of the Bible. One
can read numerous intricate, complex stories as concern our Creator, however there is not one
contradiction in respect to his attributes that can be found. It is owing to the fact that this is a solid ...
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These are promises that God secured between himself and his people. For example, Genesis one
uncovers a covenant with Adam and continues further with covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses,
Israel and a renewal with the new generation of God's chosen people in Deuteronomy. Moreover,
each of these covenants has "it's own character and scope; and each prepares for and provides the
found for, the next". Alexander and Baker hold fast in agreement and proceed to say, " Yet the faith
and varied responses of the ancestors and Israelites are best grasped in relation to covenant making,
covenant breaking and renewals of covenant". The narrative of the Pentateuch has a progressive
nature, as do the covenants made between people and God.
2. Theology of the Pentateuch in Genesis.
2.1 Character of God, Humanity, and Covenant Relationship in Genesis.
The book of Genesis presents the reader with a relational God. In particular, Genesis focuses on the
relationship between God and man and "thus Genesis does not present a static theology of God's
involvement with humanity, but regardless of his mode of engagement, God is present and active".
However, the sin of man arrived into the world and these relationships were fractured. Again, God
exhibits judgment, but also mercy when in Genesis three He sends Adam and Eve out of the Garden
for their transgression, yet provides clothes as an act of grace.
The main Biblical idea behind a covenant means a
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The New Perspective On Paul
The New Perspective on Paul is mainly about redefining the understanding of Justification by faith
through re–reading of narratives on Second Temple Judaism. NPP proposes that Judaism was a
religion of grace, however, NPP strictly challenges the traditional Reformation view for doctrine of
Justification. NPP insists the understanding of the phrase " works of the Law" is only to refer the
boundary marking practices of Judaism rather than used them as means for salvation. E. P. Sanders,
James D. G. Dunn, and N. T. Wright stand as monumental figures in scholarship on Pauline
theology and are main proponents. Their prolific writings on Pauline theology are to redefine the
justification by faith through the mirror of NPP. Nevertheless, their proposals contain errors and
stand in sharp contrast with the apostolic teaching of Justification by faith alone as only means for
salvation. The New Perspective argues that the traditional Reformation practice of reading Paul's
polemic against Judaism in Galatians and Romans has led to a misunderstanding of the apostle's
doctrine of justification. Further, they insist, the Justification is not about how the sinner finds a
gracious God. Instead, it is about how to tell who is in the community of the saved and who isn't.
The Anglican Bishop N. T. Wright in his works on Pauline epistles states–"Justification" in the first
century was not about how someone might establish a relationship with God. Rather, it was about
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Transformed World View Essay
Transformed Worldview
Student Assignments – Week Four
Read Curtis, pages 131–155, and give written responses to questions 1 and 6 on page 152.
Study Questions for Curtis, Chapter 8, Page 152
1. Consider the farmer in Isa. 28:23–29, whose God–given knowledge of farming techniques comes
through general revelation. Have you ever experienced anything similar? Have you ever learned
how to do something through tradition, observation, experimentation, but believe the lessons come
ultimately from God?
6. A friend tells you that she is struggling because her sociology (or psychology, or physics)
professor is regularly saying things that conflict with her faith and, what troubles her even more, he
seems ... Show more content on ...
God rewards good with good and bad with bad. (142)
Chapter 15, "The Wrath of God" (pp.148–157).
1. What is the function of the wrath of God? o Express how much God hates sin o Develops a fear
of God in us o To Praise God when we are delivered from His wrath (156–157) o These are the
reasons for us to meditate on the wrath of God
2. Why are we hesitant to preach about the wrath of God?
Chapter 16, "Goodness and Severity" (pp.158–166).
1. What is the Santa Claus theology? Concentrates on God's goodness, a person believes that it
doesn't matter what they do, because God will still look kindly upon them. There is no relevant fear
of God. When they develop this theology, it's a negative view of God because they don't understand
where He stands on evil things... (i.e.) such as Idolatry (159–160)
2. What is the condition of our "continuing in his kindness"?
Chapter 17, "The Jealous God" (pp.167–175).
1. What are the two parts of human jealousy? Which one is not a vice? o Vicious Jealousy – carried
out through unrighteous anger and resentment. This is a negative jealousy. This is a vice and feeds
off itself and continues in a downward spiral. It's a snowball effect. (170) o Zeal Jealousy – Packer
describes this as marriage jealousy. This is a positive jealousy.
2. What do we mean when we call God a jealous God? What does this say about religious tolerance
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Deat Death Research Paper
God's original intent is that dominion be expressed through a relationship with God and others. It is
not surprising that Satan, as part of his agenda to rob God of His glory, would do what he can to
promote division within humanity. This division is seen all across humanity including the church.
Conflict originated in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned. As stated earlier, Adam and
Eve lived in perfect harmony with God and each other. Their relationship had great freedom. God's
only stipulation was that they were not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God said
if you eat of it, " the day that you eat of it you shall surely die " (Gen. 2:17b). When they sinned
against God by eating the fruit, death became a reality. ... Show more content on ...
The Bible does not support this; rather it supports a definition of separation. The Kregel Dictionary
of the Bible and Theology states, "Scripture emphasizes that death is a separation rather than
cessation, except that the physical body ceases to function until resurrected in a different form."
Adam and Eve were separated from their relationship to God and paradise (Gen. 3:23 – 24). They
"died" or were separated with respect to their covenant privileges and suffered the indictment and
judgment of their Sovereign. Death as separation is also a physical separation between the body and
spirit and soul (1 Cor. 15:21 – 22). Eternal death is an endless separation from the presence of God –
1Cor. 6:9 – 10). Adam and Eve felt the immediate effects of death because of the separation of
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Comparing the Mormon Religion to Catholic and Protestant...
Comparing the Mormon Religion to Catholic and Protestant Faiths
The Mormon religion is very unique in many of its doctrine. While technically a Protestant faith, the
Mormons generally share more doctrine with the Catholics. Because of its unique nature, I will be
analyzing the Mormon faith, its history, organization, and doctrine, in comparison with the beliefs
held by both Catholics and Protestants.
On April 6, 1980, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints (aka the Mormon Church) was
founded. [It is interesting to note that according to Mormon doctrine (Doctrine and Covenants 20:1),
April 6 is the birthday of Jesus Christ.] 10 years prior to this event, in 1820, fourteen–year–old
Joseph Smith ... Show more content on ...
Both Martin Luther and John Wesley shared the belief that Catholic faith had strayed from the truth
as is seen in their respective quotes: "I have sought nothing beyond reforming the Church in
conformity with the Holy Scriptures. . . . . . . I simply say that Christianity has ceased to exist among
those who should have preserved it." (Luther and His Times, E.G. Schweibert) and "It does not
appear that these extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were common in the Church for more than
two or three centuries. We seldom hear of them after that fatal period when the
Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian; . . . From this time they almost totally ceased; . . .
The Christians had no more of the Spirit of Christ than the other Heathens . . . . This was the real
cause why the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were no longer to be found in the Christian
Church; because the Christians were turned Heathens again, and had only a dead form left." (The
Works of John Wesley, vol. 7)
While the Mormons agree with other Protestants that the Catholic Church had become corrupt with
its "indulgences", purchase of church offices, etc., the Mormons differed somewhat in their solution
to this problem. The Protestants sought to reform the problems they saw evident in the Catholic
faith. The Mormons, however, believing that all faiths upon the Earth had fallen away from the true
church established by Christ, sought to restore
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The Beliefs Between Christians And Mormons
The beliefs between Christians and Mormons are very different. Some would say that they are
different because The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints is a cult. There has been great
debate about whether or not the LDS church is a cult or part of the Christian religion. People believe
that Mormonism is a cult, mostly because of the very different theology between The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints and biblical teachings. Mormonism holds authority to The Book of
Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price, and parts of the Bible that do not
contradict Mormon doctrine (
So, whether is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints is by "definition" a cult or not, there
is some major differences between Mormon theology and biblical teaching. One of the biggest and
very different beliefs of Christian and Mormon is faith is God and human beings becoming gods.
This paper will explore the Mormon belief of exaltation and God.
History of Joseph Smith and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints:
Joseph Smith Jr., born to Joseph and Lacy Mack Smith, started The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter–day Saints or LDS Church. Joseph Smith was born on December 23 of 1805. When Joseph
Smith was a young teenager, he was wondering what church he should join. He came across James
1:5, "if any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding
fault, and it will be given to you". One day, Joseph Smith went
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The History behind the Halo Universe
"This is Spartan 117, can anyone hear me over" Master Chief says to Lord Hood. Lord Hood
responds, "Isolate that signal. Master Chief, you mind telling me what you are doing on that ship?"
Master Chief then says "Sir, finishing this fight". The iconic series of the Halo Universe is a
franchise that is looked at as the pinnacle of the competitive multiplayer system. On top of that, it
also has a really good story while still making the protagonist you are playing as feel like a total
badass. Bungie studios, who were originally partnered with Take–Two Interactive studios, which
developed the top–down actioner Grand Theft Auto series, created this masterpiece of a game in the
late 1990s, after numerous trial and errors of what they wanted to do. The original Halo game was
supposed to be released for the Macintosh OS X but after a presentation showcasing the game, the
event was so good that it caught the eyes of Microsoft Studios. Impressed, Microsoft then decided to
invest in Bungie studios and buy them out to create the series and bring it over to the PC, even
though it instead made its way to the iconic Xbox system. The protagonist you play is a Spartan
named John 117, best known as Master Chief, and is known as one of the most iconic protagonists
in any video game ever. The Halo universe the user plays in takes place in the future, the first game
Halo: Combat Evolved, taking place in the twenty–sixth century. This iconic franchise tells us the
story of a cybernetically
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Essay about Mishpat: Social Ethics in Jeremiah
Mishpat: Social Ethics in Jeremiah
"[The LORD] defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him
food and clothing."
~Deuteronomy 10:18 [NIV]
"Do not deprive the alien or the fatherless of justice..."
~Deuteronomy 24: 17 [NIV]
One of Yahweh's main concerns in making his covenant with Israel, after worshipping him alone,
was maintaining social justice. Throughout Deuteronomy and subsequently in Jeremiah, we see the
cry for mishpat, "justice," for the orphan, the widow, the poor, and the alien. Yahweh cares about
these groups that cannot care for themselves, and he expects those in a right relationship with him to
care as well. In Jeremiah's day, this key aspect of the covenant had been ... Show more content on ...
Exod 23:6) and to care for them in order to be blessed (Deut. 24:19). Instead, Israel does the
opposite. In 5:1, Yahweh tells Jeremiah to see if he can find one person who is actually doing
mishpat, giving the implication that there is not one. As mentioned above, neither the common
people nor the leaders know the just requirements of God (5:4–5). They do not plead the case of the
fatherless or seek justice for the poor (5:28). Yet, according to Deuteronomy 27:19 a person who
withheld justice from them was cursed. Moving into Jeremiah 7, Yahweh declares that if they would
only treat each other with mishpat and stop mistreating the alien, orphan, and widow and shedding
innocent blood, he would allow them to stay in the land (7:5–6). Sadly this was not to be.
The shedding of innocent blood seems to be a part of the injustice that breaks the heart of God more
than any other. In Jeremiah 2, Jeremiah is indicting the people of Israel for breaking the covenant
relationship with Yahweh by their "adulteries" with other gods. In the midst of this harsh accusation,
Yahweh charges the people with shedding the "blood of the souls of the innocent poor" whom they
did not find breaking in (2:34). In 19:4–5, we find that this innocent blood was being shed in the
process of idol worship:
."..they have filled this place with the blood of the innocent. They have
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The Mormon Service I Visited
The Mormon service I visited, had a few similarities but also a few distinct differences from the
Catholic service that I am used to. Before this particular Sunday, I had never attended a Mormon
service, nor had I spoken to anyone who believed in Mormonism or the "Latter Day Saints." With
that being said, I was welcomed much more openly than I had originally thought. Before entering, I
was approached by two members of the church; two young women (sisters) between the ages of
roughly 19 to 22. I arrived about an hour before service, that way I could ask a few people some
questions, but the two girls beat me to the punch. They initially asked me if I had visited before and
I responded saying that it was my first time, and I was attending as a student observer, with no
intention of converting, but would love to learn about the faith. They nodded and proceeded to
explain to me the reasons as to why they believed so strongly, and also a bit of background
information on the faith. One of the girls, explained to me that there has been a lot of skepticism
about Mormonism due in part to the fact that Joseph Smith Jr, was so young and how his
explanation of "Moroni" (An angel no one had ever heard of), and his entire religion and the
scripture used, "Book of Mormon," could have just been a part of his imagination. The other girl
told me how she was beginning to lose faith a couple years back, but she then regained it, after she
experienced her own tests, and was able to get passed her
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Anne Hutchinson's Words and Their Later Significance Essay
Anne Hutchinson's Words and Their Later Significance
Anne Hutchinson, on trial for apparently nothing more than leading religious discussions at her
house, is subjected to belittlement and unclear, if not unfounded, accusations in "The Examination
of Mrs. Anne Hutchinson at the Court at Newton." The trial, which took place in 1637, set a
standard for the future treatment of women, and subsequently their speech and writing. Because of
the way the prosecution pigeonholes Hutchinson into admitting her guilt, the reverends (and thus
men) gain (or keep) power over women–the power to control their women and to interpret contrived
meanings from their words.
From the start of the proceedings, it is clear that Hutchinson's only "crime" is ... Show more content
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Though she has broken a commandment in the court's eyes, there are countless ways to dishonor the
parents without breaking the law. By bearing false witness against Hutchinson, Winthrop is breaking
a commandment (and in so doing, dishonoring his parents). Hutchinson is only asking for a clear
explanation of the charges against her, but is never given a satisfactory answer. During the
questioning, Hutchinson is quick with her answers, but her evident logic is not enough to keep the
court from modifying its arguments:
"Mrs. H. I think I may.–Do you think it not lawful for me to teach women and why do you call me
to teach the court? Gov. We do not call you to teach the court but to lay open yourself. Mrs. H. I
desire you that you would set me down a rule by which I may put them away that come unto me and
so have peace in so doing. Gov. You must shew your rule to receive them. Mrs. H. I have done it.
Gov. I deny it because I have brought more arguments than you have" (315). The court calls for
Hutchinson to "lay herself open," but she has clearly already done so. When Winthrop argues that
his argument has more weight than hers because of quantity, he has done nothing but condemn
himself. She has to say less to defend herself because she has done no wrong; the prosecution has
wrought more accusations because none have
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The Pros And Cons Of Christian Theology
According to Pew Research Center in 2015, there were counted to be 2.3 billion Christians in this
world (Hackett, & McClendon,2017). What does it take to be a Christian, one should accept God
into their life, heart, soul, and mind? Accepting God into one's life consist of studying the nature of
God, by reading the Bible daily, and mediating on the scripture both night and day. In this essay of
Christian theology, a new believer, or those that are an undecided believer of God, will know the
four sources of Christian theology, what makes the four sources important to Christian living, the
limitations of these four sources, and lastly the positive and negatives of philosophy and theology.
The four sources of Christian theology are: scripture, tradition, reason, and religious experience
(Blackwell, 2017 pg.104). Scripture is explained to be used for Christian living, and instruction
written by God. Old Testament tells of God's dealing with the Israelites, and how they lived sinfully
in the sight of God. While the Israelites did not live the way, God commanded them to live which
was by the Ten Commandment ways, God still loved them unconditionally even after he punished
them. When it comes to the New Testament, God's only begotten son Jesus came unto the scene.
Jesus came to this world to seek and to save that which was lost Luke 19:10, Matthew 18:11 KVJ).
The New Testament tells of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and with the blood that he
shed, believers will be
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An Open Letter For Friends And Family
An open letter to friends and family:
A Brief Intro/Background
This letter will no doubt be hard for many of you to read, I empathize as it was also hard to write. I
beg your patience and hope you read through to the end. What I would like to convey to you is my
recent shift in world view. That is to say that I recently came to realize that I am an atheist.
This is likely shocking to most of you. Let me be clear by what I intend to convey by identifying as
such. I do not mean to say I am opposed to religion, or claim there is no God. I still identify very
much with LDS culture and attend church regularly. Rather, I identify as an atheist as a way to
convey that I seem to have lost Faith that there is a God. Over the last year I have studied and
ponder in depth to discover as best I could truth. Before I get there I want to be clear as to the
perspective in which I am coming from.
I was raised in a very active and loving family of the LDS Church. My family is still very active, my
father and my mother have served in leadership roles. They are both full of faith and charity and am
grateful for their love and support throughout my life. I, myself have served in leadership roles in
the church both as a young man and as a missionary for the church. I served a 2 year mission in west
Texas spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ as I understood it. I was married in an LDS temple to my
wonderful wife. My in–laws are also very devout members of the LDS church.
What I believed and
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Puritanism And Its Negative Portrayal Of The Body
Puritanism: Resisting The Body's Temptations
Puritanism has been a strong influence on American Literature and it still is to this day. Puritans
have shaped our culture immensely with their art that represents their beliefs so clearly. One of the
most fascinating things we have come to learn about the Puritans is the constant battle they faced
each day. Puritans struggled to stay true to their religion due to everyday temptations. One of the
biggest temptations would be The Body. We can identify this by analyzing Puritanism philosophies,
their biblical view of the Body, how they were able to resist this urge, and also their literary work. A
work from Puritan times that allows us to further explore this idea would be "The Flesh and the
Spirit" by Anne Bradstreet. In Bradstreet's writing we are able to see how The Body's immense
power over Puritans was a constant threat. This paper will analyze Puritanism and its negative
portrayal of The Body.
Understanding Puritanism
First and foremost, Puritanism was first formed in the late sixteenth century in the Church of
England due to a majority of the citizens disagreeing with the church's practice. Once James I
became king of England in 1603, he rejected most of the Puritan's proposals and this led to the
Puritans becoming highly repressed (Kang 1). Unlike the pilgrims, Puritans did not wish to separate
from the church. Essentially, the Puritans desired to purify their national church by eliminating
every shred of Catholic
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An Essay On The Bible By Shirley Goldsworthy
"Everything good in life will be hard" that is what my mother always told me and that truth is what
According to plan: the unfolding revelation of God in the Bible, by Graeme Goldsworthy, reveals.
Reading the Bible in context is hard work and requires diligence. However, it is only when we have
a proper understanding of what the Bible is saying, that we have a proper understanding of the
Triune God. Graeme suggested, "that any Christian who wants to understand the reason for the
differences, {within the bible} and who wants to develop a sound method of approaching the text of
the bible in order to find out what it really says and means, needs an understanding of biblical
theology." Graeme defines Biblical theology as a means "of looking at ... Show more content on ...
Then from Jesus Christ life, we are able to understand the "whole of reality." This is accomplished
through the Gospel when we see how a "holy and just God can justify and accept the sinner. Only
God's wisdom is great enough to devise a plan that will achieve this." Moreover, this message is laid
throughout the entire bible. It starts in Genesis where God sets the Kingdom pattern as Graeme likes
to call it. This is where God created everything and a natural by–product is that he knows everything
as a result. This is the original generation were the relationship that God intended with his creation
is revealed through Adam and Eve. Nevertheless, man in their selfishness broke that relationship.
Humanity and the rest of creation no longer relate in the perfect way that God intended. However,
God in his mercy set up a promise that through the women is offering that there would one day be a
This sets up the rest of the Bible as God regenerates that relationship between man and God. This
regeneration is first revealed through the history of Israel, in the land of Canaan where God reveals
himself to Abraham to bring about a covenant that would bring in the coming of
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Fundamentals: Enduring Convictions Of The Restoration
As I read Fundamentals: Enduring Convictions of the Restoration, through the lens of this
assignment, I gained new insight and a different appreciation for his visionary calling to provide a
theological perspective that aligns us with a larger Christian understanding.
In his book, Fundamental's F. Henry provides statements of primary belief of the Reorganized
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. His writing reflects both the older RLDS theology and
provides an opening for new paths. For this paper, I have chosen areas that have been reflected in
one of our most recent Doctrine and Covenants:
Scripture, prophetic guidance, knowledge, and discernment in the faith community must walk hand
in hand to reveal the true will of God. ... Show more content on ...
He also addresses the historical understanding of the Restoration Movement reminding us that it
began in an affirmation that existing creeds were wrong. He reminds us that the historic creeds, of
course, have not been changed; but the attitude of religious people toward these creeds have
changed very perceptibly.
Whether through creed, morals, or rules we cannot have religion without God. God is our best
explanation of the world about us. He is our best explanation of moral progress, even though this
progress is so spasmodic. (f 11) Therefore, to minister to our world, we must meet the deepest needs
of man, we must go beyond duty, beyond morality, and beyond patriotism, and must consider the
claims of religion – the claims of God – in our lives. I felt Edwards calling us to look beyond our
works and accept that God desires to be in our life and we are provided His grace. He encourages us
to understand what we believe and to shape our testimony. I found his statements reflective again of
the Apostles' Creed. Whatever our final decision may be, Edwards challenged us to a concept of
understanding our faith and identifying who God is. More specifically in this chapter and in the
following chapters he states, "I believe in God ... the Son of God became also a man and lived
among men (28 fundamentals) The Holy Spirit is God
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Exodus As A Relational God
The book of Genesis presents the reader with a relational God. In particular, Genesis focuses on the
relationship between God and man. He created man for a relationship and "thus Genesis does not
present a static theology of God's involvement with humanity, but regardless of his mode of
engagement, God is present and active" (358). However, through the sin of man arriving into the
world, these relationships were fractured. Again, God exhibits judgment, but also mercy when in
Genesis three He sends Adam and Eve out of the Garden for their transgression, yet provides clothes
as an act of grace (856).
The main Biblical idea behind a covenant means a coming together of two or more parties. Our text,
Dictionary of the Old Testament Pentateuch, ... Show more content on ...
The covenant of Sinai was an earlier time and the relationship with God is present and prevailing.
The emphasis is on the attitude and relationship of the believer to God (522–529). And, "one of the
central questions of the relationship between the OT and NT is the relationship between the law and
the gospel" (530). Our holy God requires holy followers and that dedication to holiness
encompasses the complete life of man. The sacrificial system reminds us that man is a sinner (Rom.
3:23; 6:23) and that sin requires atonement. Therefore, the believer understands that the only remedy
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Gordon Clark Research Paper
Even though Gordon Clark's life was full of disputation, he was considered to be one of the most
influential Calvinist theologians in the twentieth century. Throughout his life as both as an American
philosopher and Presbyterian minister, he addressed primarily both his ideas of Christian philosophy
and the relationship between god and man or "the creator and the creature". Clark was born in urban
Philadelphia in the summer of 1902. He attended the University of Pennsylvania and received an
undergraduate degree in French; his graduate work was in ancient philosophy. After writing his
doctoral dissertation on Aristotle, he quickly earned the respect of his fellow professional
philosophers by publishing a series of articles in academic journals. ... Show more content on ...
But one of the lasting legacies of the controversy is their brands of presuppositions are recognized as
different. After Clark's exit from the OPC, he joined a denomination that, many mergers later,
became the Reformed Presbyterian Church Evangelical Synod (RPCES). In 1982, the RPCES
merged with the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). Partly because a merger between the PCA
and OPC appeared to be on the horizon (thought it never came to fruition), clark refused to join the
PCA and joined the unaffiliated Covenant Presbytery in 1983" two years before his death in
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Modern Day Revelation Research Paper
Revelation is of the basis of our church and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Without
revelation, the gospel would have never been restored to this earth. Through revelation,
especially in this modern day, the prophet Joseph Smith was able to restore the fullness of the
gospel. Heavenly Father has made it possible for us all to receive revelation and has given us all
of the tools to do so in these days. Understanding how and why we receive revelation and the
importance of modern day revelation helps us to see how much God truly loves us.
In the Bible Dictionary, revelation is described as being translated from a Greek word
apocalypse, whose meaning is "to make known or uncover" (p. 716). We, as members of The
Church of Jesus Christ ... Show more content on ...
This is the
purpose of the Holy Ghost as a spiritual companion–to lead us to do good. Section 45 of the
Doctrine and Covenants is a revelation given through Joseph Smith during a time when false
stories and reports were being circulated about the community, preventing people from
investigating the gospel. In verse 57 of this section the Lord reveals to Joseph, "For they that are
wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not
been deceived–verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but
shall abide the day." It is only wise for us to listen to the Holy Spirit, for it will direct us all
towards the right way.
The Holy Ghost is the way in which we can receive revelation; however, personal
revelations may come in several different ways. For example, they may be conveyed in dreams,
visions or inspiration. President Boyd K. Packer stated, "Inspiration comes more as a feeling
than as a sound" (p. 20). We must be in tune with our feelings in order to sense the answers
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Theology Of Repentance And The Old Covenant
Introduction of Theology of Repentance and Forgiveness
When studying the nature of God or theology, one ascertains what God does and did for humanity.
One of God's nature was a family and in His infinite wisdom, He created humankind to be His
family with an adoration to praise Him for the wonderful acts He bestows. Strong shares, "The aim
of theology is the ascertainment of the facts respecting God and the relations between God and the
universe, and the exhibition of these facts in their rational unity, as connected parts of a formulated
and organic system of truth." Additionally, there is the science that tries to unlock the mysteries of
God. However, science has its' limitations to unlocking this mystery. Strong continues, "In defining
theology ... Show more content on ...
I was too upset to have a conversation with him and knew that if I did talk to him, I would say
something ungodly. In order to prevent that, I chose to keep my distance. Sometime later, he wanted
to continue the subject and stated, "I was upset with how you wanted to handle the issue, so let's see
if we can come to an agreement on how to resolve it." When reading the above scenario, repentance
never occurred from my friend. Although I forgave him for the remarks, and it was several weeks
until he finally repented or has remorse for making the comments, however, the initial response was
not repentance. Before I reconnected with my friend, I used some of Sande's method. He states,
"Preparation is one of the most important elements of successful negotiation (Prov. 14:8, 22). This is
especially true when significant issues or strong feelings are involved."
Pray. I asked God to give me the right words to say, to keep me from being offensive.
Study the Bible. I read scriptures and had some prepared for the conversation. Scriptures such as
Colossians 4:6, letting your conversation be of grace; Ephesians 4:29, do not let wrong
communication come out your mouth; Proverbs 15:28, the heart weighs its answers, just to name a
Develop options. I developed a plan and a course of action to handle the business so that I had other
options when I would be confronted with the
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The Normative Task: Prophetic Discernment
3. Chapter 3: The Normative Task: Prophetic Discernment
Normative task of practical theological interpretation asks, "What ought to be going on?", "How
might you interpret the situation theologically?" It seeks to discern. As the leader of a Christian
congregation, you must take the further step of drawing on the beliefs and practices of this
community in your ministry. 1531–1534 Kindle Edition
(The Normative Task) is very helpful and insightful, assisting the theologian to properly discern how
to apply divine disclosures to contemporary popular ideologies
The term prophetic discernment' is intended to capture the interplay of divine disclosure and human
shaping as prophetic discernment. The prophetic office is the discernment of God's
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Righteousness Vs. The Covenant Promises
Chantae' Alexander
BIBL3213: Romans
Assignment 3
Professor Jesse Heath
5, November 2014 Righteousness vs. the Covenant Promises
The Book of Romans has set the main foundation of Christianity among the Jewish people and
Roman. This book has covered many different laws of the land that God has given his people. Paul
tries to address the many questions that the Jewish people have about faith, laws and righteousness.
In this essay I will address the current question that many people have concerning the right way to
interpret the meaning of righteousness. Since there isn't a right or wrong way; to interpret God
message in Romans, I will state what I feel is the correct way of the interpretation. The
righteousness of God is one of the ... Show more content on ...
I feel that the righteousness of God meaning the righteousness God gives the people is and will
always be the correct interpretation of righteousness, the message that God intended for us to grasp
was to gain his righteousness and not to gain it by default. Proverbs 13:4 states that "The soul of the
sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied" (Bible Gateway,
Prov. 13.4). This passage teaches us that the Lord rewards those try. This passage is the reason why,
I feel that the righteousness of God is earned. Simply because Romans 1:17 states that "For in the
gospel the righteousness of God is revealed–a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, [a] just
as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith (Bible Gateway, Rom 1.17)."
Paul tells us that righteousness is given to the people, by God in verse 1:17. In this passage Paul
reveals the revelation of God; he is the revelation of the righteousness (van Aarde 1). God pardons
"those who repent of their sins", while punishing the "wicked", [this shows the righteousness that
God gives the people] (Sanders 305). He "God" gives all a chance to ask for forgiveness of their
sins. It is the righteousness and tender mercy that the Lord has over his people. Some may beg to
different and say that it's the covenant promise that makes us righteous. Because God made a
promise to all man before we entered the world, they feel that righteousness is given. I
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Comparing Mormon Temple Rituals to Wicca Rituals Essay
Rituals, Beliefs, & Symbols
Comparing Mormon with Wicca
Contrasting with The Bible
Is there one God or are there many gods? Is there God or are there gods and goddesses? What about
the afterlife? What lies ahead for those who pass on from this world? Will they go through pearly
gates, become a ruler of their own planet, or come back as a spirit guide to those left here on earth?
Although the beliefs of the Mormon Church are comparative with other Christian religions, they
also share several beliefs and rituals with those, such as Wicca, who study the art of neo–paganism.
The history of the Mormon Church goes back to 1863 when its founder, Joseph Smith, II, claimed to
have a vision of the angel Moroni, who appeared to ... Show more content on ...
Power struggles rose up between several of the church leaders and the church split into twenty–one
factions of which many today are extinct. Three of the main factions were: the Strangites, who
settled in Wisconsin under James Jesse Strang; the Josephites, who settled in Lamoni, Iowa under
Joseph Smith, III, the son of the founder, (now known as the Reorganized Later–Day Saints); and
the Brighamites, who settled in Salt Lake City, Utah under Brigham Young, who was the self–
proclaimed president of what is now known as The Church of Latter–Day Saints. The Strangites and
Josephites strongly disagreed with several issues that were originated by founder Joseph Smith.
These included: temple building, polygamy and the character of God. However, the Brighamites
stayed faithful and true to all of the original doctrines of the church. Brighamites are the most
influential and radical followers of the Mormon faith. This church, as a whole, is classified as a
Pseudo–Christian religion. This is because the Bible is one of their core doctrines. It is, however,
subservient to that of The Book of Mormon. Their religion is supplemented by The Pearl of Great
Price and The Doctrines and Covenants. These books were supposedly written by founder Joseph
Smith and later president Brigham Young. In The Mormon Monster, Edgar Folk, states, "Mormons
not only believe that God is a man...but they believe that there are many Gods." (Folk 117) This
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The Prayer Of The Holy Spirit
When it comes to anything that has to do with my relationship with God and my love, worship, and
praise for Him, I always take my direction from the Word which has all authority in my life and the
guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. Some refer to this as "Experiential Worship." Experiential
worship in not just another ministry trend, not just another clever skill: it is nothing less than
discovering again the "biblical worship," worship according to the Greatest Commandment of Jesus
(Rognlien, 2005).
In my studies I have discovered the importance of "Praise and Worship" and it being a responsibility
of every believer to make it a priority in their lives. Worship has priority in scripture. Take for
instance what it says in the book of Revelation 14:7 "Fear God," he shouted. "Give glory to him. For
the time has come when he will sit as judge. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea,
and all the springs of water (New Living Translation, 2008)." The supreme duty of all of God's
creature, including man, for time and eternity, is to worship the creator. Jesus stated all creatures are
responsible to worship.
Worship is the first and greatest commandment in the New Covenant and the first commandment of
the Law under the Old covenant. So it really must be a major priority for God and us alike. So what
does worship look like? Worship is an attitude of the heart. An attitude that is expressed in
adoration, praise, and thanksgiving. Worship is a love response
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Psychology Theology And Spirituality In Christian...
The book Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling by Mark McMinn points
out the importance of the spiritual guidance in psychology, helping counselors to incorporate the
biblical principles of forgiveness, redemption, restitution, prayer, and worship into their counseling
strategic ideas. McMinn also introduced some challenges with integration and then provides a
proposed pattern of healing, followed by an examination of six Christian concepts within
counseling. He continued by stating the need for understanding and establishing trust and faith in the
healing relationship when dealing with your client. These characteristics are critical before
challenging the client issues then accomplishing improvement in your client.
Mark McMinn belief is that Christian counselors should be experienced in the latest psychological
methods and knowledgeable about theological concepts and also needs to have a spiritual maturity.
These three aspects work fondly together nourishing and complementing; they are linked because
they are each dependent on one another at some point during counseling. McMinn introduces a
method for healing individuals which begins with a healthy sense of self–identity. He then moves
into brokenness or need, and ends with a healthy ... Show more content on ...
I have acquired a lot from this book in regards to integrating psychology and spirituality into my
counseling sessions. McMinn uses a great approach to prayer. His examples were fascinating to
read; he made his readers recognize how to handle different situations correctly, and he also gives us
supporting evidence for these models with documents, scripture, and other intellectual evidence.
McMinn believes that we cannot have a knowledgeable understanding of proper healing without
God. Counselors should often demonstrate their spirituality in the counseling setting; this will be
one of the key factors in how well the counselor can be merger psychotherapy and
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Summary Of Righteousness By Piper
Piper argues that Wright and other New Perspectivists are misunderstanding the nature of humanity.
Just as there are innumerable variations between Christian denominations of today, Piper reasons,
even if many Jews did not have a works–based understanding of salvation, some certainly did. Paul
could be addressing this particular subset of Jews within Romans and Galatians. To Piper, Paul's
letters could be toward those legalistic Jews who view the Law as that which does not literally save,
but which creates spiritual superiority – and in some ways, earns a degree of favor before God. Piper
views this kind of works–righteousness as warped and unbiblical, citing likened issues as the
purpose for Paul's composition of Romans and Galatians. For this reason, Piper and other Reformers
argue that Wright is mistaken in his understanding of Paul's opponents within these books. Piper
writes that God's righteousness is ... Show more content on ...
This is a matter of controversy between Wright and Piper. Piper writes that no single action, such as
keeping the covenant, is the essence of God's righteousness, because all His acts are done in
righteousness. In the same way, Piper argues, the essence of human righteousness is faithfulness to
uphold the glory of God in all that we do. The issue, however, as Piper describes, is that humans fall
short of this glory, and thus, no one is righteous. Piper would cite biblical references such as
Romans 3:23 and Romans 3:10 to illustrate this Reformer perspective. Convinced that Paul is
speaking of a positive righteousness being counted to the defendant, not merely the verdict of
clemency, Piper believes that Wright's system leaves no room for imputation of righteousness, as it
is traditionally understood: Christ's obedience imputed to the sinner's account. Piper accuses Wright
of muddying the water in this area, so that it is unclear whether Wright claims that righteousness is
imparted, as believed in
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Meaning And Types Of Old Testament Covenants
This essay attempts to define the meaning and types of Old Testament Covenants and describe The
Creation Covenants as seen in the Old Testament. The Creation Covenants will be discussed and
their common interpretations will be examined so they will be more easily explained. The Creation
Covenants include the Adamic and Noahic Covenants. 1. What is a Covenant? God created
humanity as an expression of His loving, relational character. In His wisdom, and because He is the
Creator and sustainer of love, God created man with the free will to choose whether or not to love
and worship Him in return. Adam and Eve's choice to disobey initiated sin into the life of man,
disconnecting the spiritual union they had with the Lord. From that very moment, ... Show more
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Second, in all the covenants of a major character there is a concrete declaration that the conditions
and blessings of the covenant apply to the sons and future generations of the person or peoples with
whom the original covenant is made. Third, there was a special and easily recognized covenant–
language used in the establishing of the compact and in the defining of its promises and conditions.
Forth, when in the prophets, or other subsequent writers, mention is made of a covenant which
applies to the generations there addressed, it is always possible to go back to the place where the
covenanted relationship was originally established (The Biblical Covenants). 2. Types of Covenants
There are three basic types of covenants in the Bible. They can be distinguished by overserving who
swears the oath. The three types are Kinship, Vassal, and Grant. Biblical examples of each include:
Kinship– Exodus 24 (1st Saini/Mosaic) and Genesis 21 (Abraham and Abimelech); Vassal– Genesis
17 (2nd Abrahamic) and Deuteronomy (Final Mosaic); Grant: Genesis 15 (1st Abrahamic) and
Genesis 22 (Final Abrahamic). A Kinship Covenant is mutual and both parties swear to the oath. A
Vassal Covenant is imposed and the inferior party swears to the oath. The Grant Covenant is
bestowed and the superior party swears to the oath. The covenants mentioned in Scripture are
divided into Minor Covenants and Major Covenants. The Minor Covenants have four
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The Divine Timeless Eternity Theory Essay
The divine timeless eternity theory is the traditional view pertaining to God and time, but it is by no
means the only theory, as there are at least four. My original intention was to compare two views in
relation to this topic, however, the complexity of the dialogue has proven difficult. Therefore, I will
discuss one theory in depth since I believe it will suffice. In this framework, I will discuss the
challenges and varying beliefs with the ideas involved. The goal of my paper is to understand the
doctrine of eternity and find how this changes my understanding of God. Then I will discuss how
this issue influences my approach to God, and to my ministry. First, however, I will explain the need
to uncover the idea of eternalism. We will now proceed.
Why might one explore the idea of how God functions in time? It is extremely difficult to ignore
questions after they have been asked. Historically, questions have been the cause of councils and
creeds that now exist as essential dogmas of the Christian faith. Without questioning, what is real
and what actually exists? The difference can only be distinguished by those who question. While it
might not be explicitly stated, the idea of eternalism is biblical. The theology of the trinity was a
similar idea, where no single passage gives enough evidence to a triune God, but with a proper
understanding of the biblical narrative, there is enough truth to discover such a characteristic of
God's nature. In congruence of this thought,
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A Statement on Original Sin Essay
A Statement on Original Sin
First articulated by Augustine (A.D. 354–430), the doctrine of original sin holds that all of Adam's
descendants inherit the guilt of Adam's sin and thus incur the punishment for Adam's sin. Inheriting
Adam's guilt at birth, then, presumes one guilty before God at birth and destined for hell. This is the
basis for the Catholic need for infant baptism, for the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception (that
Mary herself was uniquely conceived free of Adam's guilt), and for the belief that salvation is only
available through connection with the Church via baptism. Moreover, the belief that God holds
Adam's descendants personally accountable for Adam's sin calls into question the importance of our
own free will as ... Show more content on ...
That is, if we as Christian believers fail in gaining victory over sin even when we sincerely want to
and try, the problem is not with us personally but in our state of having inherited both Adam's guilt
and fallen nature. But Augustine's theology was flawed. While we have indeed inherited Adam's
fallen nature, we have not inherited his guilt; thus, the universal suffering that humanity endures is
not the punishment for Adam's sin in particular, it is the consequence of sin in general. And while
our inherited fallen nature works against us in overcoming sin, this disadvantage can be overcome
through the terms of the new covenant. By means of our personal connection with Christ, the power
of God's grace is imparted by the Holy Spirit (sanctification) and accessed on our part through the
exercise of our free will (which God honors for us every bit as much as He did for Adam). That is,
God provides us moral victory (imparted righteousness) when we acknowledge our helpless
condition and sincerely, continuously, and freely choose to surrender our lives to Christ and invite
Him to have complete control over us – i.e. "Thy will be done in my life" is our constant appeal;
with Paul we say, "I die [to self] daily" (1 Cor. 15:31). And with Christ having fulfilled the legal
terms of the everlasting covenant by assuming our guilt and paying its debt on the cross, and in
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King Essays : King Saul
King Saul
I like to read stories that have good endings, but some of the finest lessons we can learn come from
stories with unhappy endings.
For a lot of years Gods people were ruled by Judges; however, they looked out there across the
borders and saw people being ruled by kings and they wanted a king, too. God did not favor them
having a king, but they thought they would fair better if they just had a king. So God permitted them
to have one.
God told Samuel to locate the right person to be Israel's first king. Well, he looked at a lot of people;
God guiding him all the time. And finally he selected Saul. Saul was just a boy, but he was a tall,
striking and modest young man.
Now, Saul didn't come to the throne as the results of a hard–fought political campaign. In fact, he
wasn't even running for the office. I don't suppose that he had ever thought of becoming a king. The
day Saul left home looking for his father's live–stock he had no idea that something was going to
happen that would change his whole life.
Saul youth had been spent working in the fields and tending his father's livestock. No doubt, during
those long, hot days, he must have thought: "If I make it until I am old enough to leave home, I'll
find an easier job." I well recall, as a boy growing up on a farm, thinking that if I ever get out of this
cotton field or the cucumber patch and away from those nasty cows, I'd never go back and I didn't.
But, I never expected to be a king and I don't imagine
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The Essence Of The Debate
The Essence of the Debate
Divine Election according to Calvin
One of the most valuable key sources of information on the subject of divine election is John
Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. He began weaving doctrinal revelation and explanation
together in 1536 and finished the text in 1559. The initial composed manuscript presented
comprehensive perspectives aligning with the four points of the Apostle's creed. As time passed,
Calvin decided to instruct readers in the rudiments of Christianity and offer a clear confession by
which the French king could judge Reformation's supposed heresy. The twenty first chapter of the
third book of this work offered his understanding on the subject of divine election.
The first line of this section explains "the covenant of life is not preached to all, and among those to
whom it is preached, does not always meet with the same reception". God has chosen, according to
his mere pleasure, to spontaneously offer salvation to some and destruction to others. Although
much scriptural evidence exists supporting this understanding, this revelation remains a mystery.
Paul's declaration in the Book of Romans suggests divine election "cannot be known unless God,
throwing works entirely out of view, elect those whom he has predestined". Hence, individuals need
to remember that this subject of predestination is hidden in the recesses of divine wisdom. All are
not born on the same terms; some are destined for eternal life and others
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Professional/Client Relationship and Morality
Brian Ho
The Professions and Public Interest in American Life
Professor Willard/ T.A. Schmitt
Tuesday Session
2007 December 5
Carefully distinguish between the "contract" and "covenant" understanding or model of the
professional/client relationship. Which understanding makes a greater demand on the good moral
character of the professional? Why? Take a reasoned position on whether or not the "covenant"
understanding is more appropriate to the overall nature of that relationship.
Since the beginning of complex societies, the public has always been intrigued by the very broad
idea of professionalism. And over the course of American history the age of information and
computerization has paved the way for the public to gain a ... Show more content on
In addition the covenant relationship is based upon trust, not self interest because the relationship is
expected to last longer and accomplish things of deeper importance. This is once again apparent in
the doctor patient relationship. Though the doctor has set shifts for work, he must sometimes
sacrifice his personal time to take care of his patients who are in direct need of his skill. So that in
spite of his own self interest, he is willing to serve his patient no matter what in a covenant model.
In this sense the two participants can build a strong foundation of trust which sometimes disregards
the self interests of either group. Arguably where the contract relationship fails, the covenant
succeeds. The contract which is invoked by self interest and not by trust, leads to what May calls a
kind of minimalism. In the case of the professional, minimalism leads to excessive grudging,
calculating, a lack in spontaneity, and leaves the professional caring more about himself than his
client. Though this is the general nature of a contract relationship, in the case of the doctor, caring
too little for the patient and too much for ones career can cause delayed treatment and cautious
techniques that my be life threatening to the patient. Similarly, contracts can invoke maximalism.
Once again in the case of the doctor, who is looking after his own interests, may order many scans
and test that are unnecessary for the treatment of the patient. These overly
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The Mormon Belief System
The Mormon belief system has many different principles that are unique and set themselves apart
from other world religions, one of which being their views on cosmology. The Mormon cosmology
belief is the description of the physical and metaphysical universe. Their beliefs on the subject are
deeply engrained in the religion's basic faith; cosmology is related to the church's views on divinity,
extraterrestrial life, pre–mortal existence, and the afterlife. Mormon divinity revolves around the
core beliefs in exaltation and eternal progression: the idea that mortals will be given an opportunity
to have leading roles in other heavenly kingdoms, themselves. One of the key goals in Mormonism
is to achieve exaltation through Jesus's atonement; as a result they inherit godly attributes.
Mormonism holds the belief that people who follow God's example will become like gods in the
afterlife, having "all power, glory, dominion, and knowledge" (LDS Church 227). This belief that
people may one day become god–like figures in the afterlife leads to the assumption that Mormons
believe in the existence of other worlds like the one that we live in, that exalted people would be
able to rule over. The teachings of Mormonism also include that the exalted will live with their
earthly families in the next life and "have spirit children" (LDS Church 11), continuing the growth
of their families. According to the Mormonism belief, exaltation is obtained only by reaching the
most high of the degrees
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Theological Essay : Theological Of Theology
Theological Self Jesus called his followers to worship God "in spirit and in truth", later adding, "you
will know the truth, and the truth will set you free". But what sort of God are we to worship and how
do we know we are worshiping "in spirit and in truth"? If the truth will set us free, then it seems
quite reasonable to want to determine what truth, specifically, will set us free. This is where
theology can help us a great deal. Far from being an area of study reserved only for academics or the
clergy, theology is important to every Christian. In short, theology is the study of God,
encompassing concepts such as His nature, the nature of reality, the human condition, the person of
Christ and more. But our study of theology must extend ... Show more content on ...
Instead, they tend to bring up a distaste for the "establishment" of "organized religion" and the
seeming rule of some elite faction over the masses. This, however, is far from what true theology is
supposed to do.
Often we perceive doctrine as "irrelevant, impractical, divisive, unspiritual and unknowable." But is
this really the case? It 's true that sometimes doctrine and theology come across this way. However,
the abuse and misuse of theology and doctrine does not mean that the proper and positive uses of it
are to be ignored. Theology, in fact, is extremely relevant, practical, uniting, spiritual and knowable.
Through it we learn truths about God, His Son, our individual and collective human predicament,
the nature of salvation and much more. Understood properly, theology equips us with the tools we
need to cope with every aspect of life. For example, we may not think of prayer as theology, but the
foundation of prayer is theology. We pray because we know a loving and personal God exists and
hears us. This is not a distant, indifferent God, but the all–powerful God of the universe who is
active in His creation, wanting the best for us. "The world is charged with the grandeur of God."
Theology, then, is both practical and relevant. It is practical in that it should influence our lives on a
very real and daily level. But it is also relevant in that it applies to every aspect of life, not just
nitpicking points of
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Creationism : Creation And The Creation Of Heaven And God
There is a sense in which every christian for every christian that believe that he live in a universe
that is a creation and that source of creation is the god who is revealed in the bible as marker of
heaven and earth the true whether the christian is a young–earth creationist an old earth creationist
an intelligent design creationist or an evolutionary creationist while these various creationist may
strongly disagree among themselves about the how of creation and subscribe to different portrait or
models of creation they do agree on certain essential beliefs or doctrine about creation beliefs that
they find anchored in revelations of holy scripture so to look at creation from the perspective of
christian faith we being with the bible First, we need to understand what the word means.
"Creation," as I shall use the word in these essays, refers both to the process and product of creation:
we apply it both to the creation of the universe and to the universe as a creation. And I must make an
important clarification from the start. Too often, "creation" as process is popularly understood, and
thus misunderstood, to refer simply to the origination of the universe. Many people, it appears, think
of creation as something that happened in the past. To them "In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1) means God did this way back then Christians have been arguing
rather vociferously in recent years over how far back then is, as many believers accept the
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Natalie Sorto
Essay Question 1: Biblical Worldview
Professor Stroh
As we know, everyone has his or her own worldview. Take a peek into mine as I talk about human
identity, natural world, human relationships, and civilization. After reading Genesis 1–11 we've seen
how God has worked with those four major concepts, and how He has shaped our world today.
In Genesis 3:11–12 (Then He asked, "Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat from the tree
that I commanded you not to eat from?" Then the man replied, "The woman You gave to be with
me–she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.") Before eating from the tree neither Adam
nor Eve knew that they were naked, nor did they care. From my worldview, this is when God ...
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God creating civilization in my eyes is one of the most amazing things. Without civilization our
world wouldn't be what it is today. God gave us a second chance and though it's not perfect that's
why us Christians work everyday to strive to be more and more like him, to make this wicked world
a better place.
As you read about my worldview, of course it's like none other, because no ones will ever be the
same. Everyone sees things differently and comprehends things differently. My worldview is
unique, I came to Christ not too long ago, I try my best to make it to church every weekend and I try
my best spread God's love as much as I can. Of course some people may not believe in what I do,
but they have to believe in something. Which is why everyone's worldview is unique and
interesting, you never know if by sharing you cause someone to seek interest in what you believe in.
Sharing is one of the best things we can do; it's one of the best ways Christians can reach people.
Before writing this essay I wasn't sure what my worldview was, but now I do. It's simple, I believe
God came and he created life in all aspects. He created the world and everything inside it. With Him
doing that, I would've never had the opportunities that I do today, and I'll forever be grateful for
... Get more on ...
Covenant : A Special Type Of Relationship
In the clearest sense a covenant is a special type of relationship. Normally practiced in the ancient
Near East, covenant making allowed two parties, who were not related by blood, to enter into a
special bond. There is considerable evidence to suggest that the concept of covenantal relationship
was common in the ancient Near East. J. Arthur Thompson believes that one should keep the idea of
covenant sacred, "In translating the word it may be helpful to use different terms such as agreement,
alliance, league, or treaty, according to the sense, and to preserve the term "covenant" for the berîṯ
between God and man."
The Old Testament uses the covenant concept metaphorically, to convey the idea of the special ...
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God took the initiative in entering into a covenant with Abraham. God promised to multiply
Abraham's offspring and to give them a land. This covenant was unconditional. In other words, "The
obedience of Abraham was not a condition of the covenant but rather his response inside a religious
relationship. There could be no blessings and no fellowship without obedience. Merrill notes as
well, "so far only the Lord had sworn his fealty, but this only confirms the nature of the covenant as
a grant whose only obligations were on the bestower." The terms of this covenant were relayed to
Abraham in a dream (Gen. 15). The Lord told him to cut sacrificial animals in half. Most
interpreters suggest that God invoked a curse upon himself, if he should fail to uphold his end of the
bargain. This covenant was sealed with circumcision. This was a common practice, but to the
Israelites it had a significant meaning. "Every time a male engaged in sexual intercourse, he would
be reminded of his inclusion in the covenant race," Merrill notes. In all, the Abrahamic covenant
was God's promise that the descendants of Abraham would be the means by which the Lord
... Get more on ...

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Raymond Carr Summit Events

  • 1. Raymond Carr Summit Events Summit Event Essay The event that was held in Moody Coliseum, September 22, 2015, was conducted by Raymond Carr, his sermon was over, " Lost in Knowledge of Christ." He pulls from Philippians 3:1–11, where Paul challenges us to lose our religion; and choose a relationship. Paul uses two directives that lead to a right relationship with Christ. Raymond Carr first comments on how Paul emphasizes the theme of joy. Carr tells us that Paul repeats this a couple of times. Paul emphasizes that, whatever your circumstance, you should always rejoice in God 's attributes and His provisions. Paul continues by saying: " To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you." Paul 's frequent saying to rejoice during affliction, because if he continues to tell us this we can work to rejoice and not forget it, or even cynical. Paul wants for the believer to stand strong in their time of need, to be steady and secure in their faith as well. Carr hints at that the simple reason for repetition is that: Words sink in over time. Truths need to be emphasized, impact, and retention. Carr then goes to 3:2–6, where Paul explores the danger of religion and religious people. He warns about the Judaizers, by saying, "Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision." Paul is warning the church to look over your shoulder because people in the church aren 't really what they say they are. Paul calls the Judaizers "dogs." Dogs were not the cute ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Mormon Masculinity Changing Gender Expectations Summary: In "Mormon Masculinity Changing Gender Expectations in the Era of Transition from Polygamy to Monogamy, 1890–1920," Amy Hoyt and Sara M. Patterson argue that during the era of transition from polygamy to monogamy, there was a perceived crisis in the lives of Mormon boys. These events together resulted in a change in the notion of masculinity in the LDS church. Their thesis was "..during the period from 1890 to 1920, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter– day Saints (LDS) perceived a crisis in the lives of their boys. That sense of crisis lay at the surface of an even deeper cultural upheaval taking place within Mormondom....With the transition from polygamy to monogamy, church members had to construct a new model for understanding marriage, family and sexuality...they were also forced to reconstruct their notions of masculinity (Hoyt and Patterson 72–73)." What they did to argue this thesis as well as to describe how exactly gender roles changed in the LDS, they analyzed Mormon literature directed at young boys. They also analyzed literature directed at young girls to "tease out the messages that were uniquely geared towards refashioning masculinity (Hoyt and Patterson 74)." Before they did this, they first educated the reader on Mormon masculinity prior to 1890. They point out that although polygamy was one of the main pillars of masculinity and helps distinguish the Mormons as God's chosen people; "Only a minority of church members were members of ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Religion : An Important Part Of Human Nature Since the beginning of time, religion has long been an important part of human nature. Religion is closely connected with our culture, politics, social relationships, as well as economics. Whether we attend a cathedral or a temple for our place of worship, religion embeds itself into our daily lives. One of the most unique religions is Mormonism. Mormonism: what is this religion and what does it mean? While many misconceptions arise about this religion and what they believe in, like any other religion they believe, hope, and rejoice in their savior, Jesus Christ. We can learn to appreciate the uniqueness of this religion by taking the time examine its history and beliefs, how women and men experience this religion, as well as how it differs from traditional religions such as Christianity. As with any religion, one of the most important pieces to learn is how the religion was created and who played an important part in doing so. Mormonism, also known as the Church of the Latter–Day Saints came about in 1830. Mormonism was founded by Joseph Smith, in the 19th century in Western New York. This was a major period of religious awakening for America. When Joseph was only 14 years old, he asked God for guidance, as he was confused with the direction his faith was headed. Shortly after asking for guidance, he declared he had a vision that was accompanied with a visit from the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ whom told him that all religions were wrong, and he was not to ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. 1. Overview Of The Theology Of The Pentateuch.. Theology 1. Overview of the Theology of the Pentateuch. Theology is the study of God, and further the Theology of the Pentateuch is defined as what is the Pentateuch teaching us about God today. The Pentateuch is another name for the Torah, which consists of the first five books of the Biblical canon. Studying the theological vision contained within the Pentateuch is crucial to scholars since it is this vision that shapes the principal form of this work. Further, the foundation for the theology of God is set forth in the rest of the Bible. One can read numerous intricate, complex stories as concern our Creator, however there is not one contradiction in respect to his attributes that can be found. It is owing to the fact that this is a solid ... Show more content on ... These are promises that God secured between himself and his people. For example, Genesis one uncovers a covenant with Adam and continues further with covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, Israel and a renewal with the new generation of God's chosen people in Deuteronomy. Moreover, each of these covenants has "it's own character and scope; and each prepares for and provides the found for, the next". Alexander and Baker hold fast in agreement and proceed to say, " Yet the faith and varied responses of the ancestors and Israelites are best grasped in relation to covenant making, covenant breaking and renewals of covenant". The narrative of the Pentateuch has a progressive nature, as do the covenants made between people and God. 2. Theology of the Pentateuch in Genesis. 2.1 Character of God, Humanity, and Covenant Relationship in Genesis. The book of Genesis presents the reader with a relational God. In particular, Genesis focuses on the relationship between God and man and "thus Genesis does not present a static theology of God's involvement with humanity, but regardless of his mode of engagement, God is present and active". However, the sin of man arrived into the world and these relationships were fractured. Again, God exhibits judgment, but also mercy when in Genesis three He sends Adam and Eve out of the Garden for their transgression, yet provides clothes as an act of grace. The main Biblical idea behind a covenant means a ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The New Perspective On Paul Introduction The New Perspective on Paul is mainly about redefining the understanding of Justification by faith through re–reading of narratives on Second Temple Judaism. NPP proposes that Judaism was a religion of grace, however, NPP strictly challenges the traditional Reformation view for doctrine of Justification. NPP insists the understanding of the phrase " works of the Law" is only to refer the boundary marking practices of Judaism rather than used them as means for salvation. E. P. Sanders, James D. G. Dunn, and N. T. Wright stand as monumental figures in scholarship on Pauline theology and are main proponents. Their prolific writings on Pauline theology are to redefine the justification by faith through the mirror of NPP. Nevertheless, their proposals contain errors and stand in sharp contrast with the apostolic teaching of Justification by faith alone as only means for salvation. The New Perspective argues that the traditional Reformation practice of reading Paul's polemic against Judaism in Galatians and Romans has led to a misunderstanding of the apostle's doctrine of justification. Further, they insist, the Justification is not about how the sinner finds a gracious God. Instead, it is about how to tell who is in the community of the saved and who isn't. The Anglican Bishop N. T. Wright in his works on Pauline epistles states–"Justification" in the first century was not about how someone might establish a relationship with God. Rather, it was about God's ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Transformed World View Essay Transformed Worldview Student Assignments – Week Four Read Curtis, pages 131–155, and give written responses to questions 1 and 6 on page 152. Study Questions for Curtis, Chapter 8, Page 152 1. Consider the farmer in Isa. 28:23–29, whose God–given knowledge of farming techniques comes through general revelation. Have you ever experienced anything similar? Have you ever learned how to do something through tradition, observation, experimentation, but believe the lessons come ultimately from God? (INSERT ANSWER HERE) 6. A friend tells you that she is struggling because her sociology (or psychology, or physics) professor is regularly saying things that conflict with her faith and, what troubles her even more, he seems ... Show more content on ... God rewards good with good and bad with bad. (142) Chapter 15, "The Wrath of God" (pp.148–157). 1. What is the function of the wrath of God? o Express how much God hates sin o Develops a fear of God in us o To Praise God when we are delivered from His wrath (156–157) o These are the reasons for us to meditate on the wrath of God 2. Why are we hesitant to preach about the wrath of God? (INSERT ANSWER HERE) Chapter 16, "Goodness and Severity" (pp.158–166). 1. What is the Santa Claus theology? Concentrates on God's goodness, a person believes that it doesn't matter what they do, because God will still look kindly upon them. There is no relevant fear of God. When they develop this theology, it's a negative view of God because they don't understand where He stands on evil things... (i.e.) such as Idolatry (159–160) 2. What is the condition of our "continuing in his kindness"?
  • 12. Chapter 17, "The Jealous God" (pp.167–175). 1. What are the two parts of human jealousy? Which one is not a vice? o Vicious Jealousy – carried out through unrighteous anger and resentment. This is a negative jealousy. This is a vice and feeds off itself and continues in a downward spiral. It's a snowball effect. (170) o Zeal Jealousy – Packer describes this as marriage jealousy. This is a positive jealousy. 2. What do we mean when we call God a jealous God? What does this say about religious tolerance ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Deat Death Research Paper God's original intent is that dominion be expressed through a relationship with God and others. It is not surprising that Satan, as part of his agenda to rob God of His glory, would do what he can to promote division within humanity. This division is seen all across humanity including the church. Conflict originated in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned. As stated earlier, Adam and Eve lived in perfect harmony with God and each other. Their relationship had great freedom. God's only stipulation was that they were not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God said if you eat of it, " the day that you eat of it you shall surely die " (Gen. 2:17b). When they sinned against God by eating the fruit, death became a reality. ... Show more content on ... The Bible does not support this; rather it supports a definition of separation. The Kregel Dictionary of the Bible and Theology states, "Scripture emphasizes that death is a separation rather than cessation, except that the physical body ceases to function until resurrected in a different form." Adam and Eve were separated from their relationship to God and paradise (Gen. 3:23 – 24). They "died" or were separated with respect to their covenant privileges and suffered the indictment and judgment of their Sovereign. Death as separation is also a physical separation between the body and spirit and soul (1 Cor. 15:21 – 22). Eternal death is an endless separation from the presence of God – 1Cor. 6:9 – 10). Adam and Eve felt the immediate effects of death because of the separation of ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Comparing the Mormon Religion to Catholic and Protestant... Comparing the Mormon Religion to Catholic and Protestant Faiths The Mormon religion is very unique in many of its doctrine. While technically a Protestant faith, the Mormons generally share more doctrine with the Catholics. Because of its unique nature, I will be analyzing the Mormon faith, its history, organization, and doctrine, in comparison with the beliefs held by both Catholics and Protestants. Establishment On April 6, 1980, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints (aka the Mormon Church) was founded. [It is interesting to note that according to Mormon doctrine (Doctrine and Covenants 20:1), April 6 is the birthday of Jesus Christ.] 10 years prior to this event, in 1820, fourteen–year–old Joseph Smith ... Show more content on ... Both Martin Luther and John Wesley shared the belief that Catholic faith had strayed from the truth as is seen in their respective quotes: "I have sought nothing beyond reforming the Church in conformity with the Holy Scriptures. . . . . . . I simply say that Christianity has ceased to exist among those who should have preserved it." (Luther and His Times, E.G. Schweibert) and "It does not appear that these extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were common in the Church for more than two or three centuries. We seldom hear of them after that fatal period when the Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian; . . . From this time they almost totally ceased; . . . The Christians had no more of the Spirit of Christ than the other Heathens . . . . This was the real cause why the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were no longer to be found in the Christian Church; because the Christians were turned Heathens again, and had only a dead form left." (The Works of John Wesley, vol. 7) While the Mormons agree with other Protestants that the Catholic Church had become corrupt with its "indulgences", purchase of church offices, etc., the Mormons differed somewhat in their solution to this problem. The Protestants sought to reform the problems they saw evident in the Catholic faith. The Mormons, however, believing that all faiths upon the Earth had fallen away from the true church established by Christ, sought to restore ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. The Beliefs Between Christians And Mormons The beliefs between Christians and Mormons are very different. Some would say that they are different because The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints is a cult. There has been great debate about whether or not the LDS church is a cult or part of the Christian religion. People believe that Mormonism is a cult, mostly because of the very different theology between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints and biblical teachings. Mormonism holds authority to The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price, and parts of the Bible that do not contradict Mormon doctrine ( So, whether is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints is by "definition" a cult or not, there is some major differences between Mormon theology and biblical teaching. One of the biggest and very different beliefs of Christian and Mormon is faith is God and human beings becoming gods. This paper will explore the Mormon belief of exaltation and God. History of Joseph Smith and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints: Joseph Smith Jr., born to Joseph and Lacy Mack Smith, started The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints or LDS Church. Joseph Smith was born on December 23 of 1805. When Joseph Smith was a young teenager, he was wondering what church he should join. He came across James 1:5, "if any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you". One day, Joseph Smith went ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. The History behind the Halo Universe "This is Spartan 117, can anyone hear me over" Master Chief says to Lord Hood. Lord Hood responds, "Isolate that signal. Master Chief, you mind telling me what you are doing on that ship?" Master Chief then says "Sir, finishing this fight". The iconic series of the Halo Universe is a franchise that is looked at as the pinnacle of the competitive multiplayer system. On top of that, it also has a really good story while still making the protagonist you are playing as feel like a total badass. Bungie studios, who were originally partnered with Take–Two Interactive studios, which developed the top–down actioner Grand Theft Auto series, created this masterpiece of a game in the late 1990s, after numerous trial and errors of what they wanted to do. The original Halo game was supposed to be released for the Macintosh OS X but after a presentation showcasing the game, the event was so good that it caught the eyes of Microsoft Studios. Impressed, Microsoft then decided to invest in Bungie studios and buy them out to create the series and bring it over to the PC, even though it instead made its way to the iconic Xbox system. The protagonist you play is a Spartan named John 117, best known as Master Chief, and is known as one of the most iconic protagonists in any video game ever. The Halo universe the user plays in takes place in the future, the first game Halo: Combat Evolved, taking place in the twenty–sixth century. This iconic franchise tells us the story of a cybernetically ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Essay about Mishpat: Social Ethics in Jeremiah Mishpat: Social Ethics in Jeremiah "[The LORD] defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing." ~Deuteronomy 10:18 [NIV] "Do not deprive the alien or the fatherless of justice..." ~Deuteronomy 24: 17 [NIV] One of Yahweh's main concerns in making his covenant with Israel, after worshipping him alone, was maintaining social justice. Throughout Deuteronomy and subsequently in Jeremiah, we see the cry for mishpat, "justice," for the orphan, the widow, the poor, and the alien. Yahweh cares about these groups that cannot care for themselves, and he expects those in a right relationship with him to care as well. In Jeremiah's day, this key aspect of the covenant had been ... Show more content on ... Exod 23:6) and to care for them in order to be blessed (Deut. 24:19). Instead, Israel does the opposite. In 5:1, Yahweh tells Jeremiah to see if he can find one person who is actually doing mishpat, giving the implication that there is not one. As mentioned above, neither the common people nor the leaders know the just requirements of God (5:4–5). They do not plead the case of the fatherless or seek justice for the poor (5:28). Yet, according to Deuteronomy 27:19 a person who withheld justice from them was cursed. Moving into Jeremiah 7, Yahweh declares that if they would only treat each other with mishpat and stop mistreating the alien, orphan, and widow and shedding innocent blood, he would allow them to stay in the land (7:5–6). Sadly this was not to be. The shedding of innocent blood seems to be a part of the injustice that breaks the heart of God more than any other. In Jeremiah 2, Jeremiah is indicting the people of Israel for breaking the covenant relationship with Yahweh by their "adulteries" with other gods. In the midst of this harsh accusation, Yahweh charges the people with shedding the "blood of the souls of the innocent poor" whom they did not find breaking in (2:34). In 19:4–5, we find that this innocent blood was being shed in the process of idol worship: ."..they have filled this place with the blood of the innocent. They have ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. The Mormon Service I Visited The Mormon service I visited, had a few similarities but also a few distinct differences from the Catholic service that I am used to. Before this particular Sunday, I had never attended a Mormon service, nor had I spoken to anyone who believed in Mormonism or the "Latter Day Saints." With that being said, I was welcomed much more openly than I had originally thought. Before entering, I was approached by two members of the church; two young women (sisters) between the ages of roughly 19 to 22. I arrived about an hour before service, that way I could ask a few people some questions, but the two girls beat me to the punch. They initially asked me if I had visited before and I responded saying that it was my first time, and I was attending as a student observer, with no intention of converting, but would love to learn about the faith. They nodded and proceeded to explain to me the reasons as to why they believed so strongly, and also a bit of background information on the faith. One of the girls, explained to me that there has been a lot of skepticism about Mormonism due in part to the fact that Joseph Smith Jr, was so young and how his explanation of "Moroni" (An angel no one had ever heard of), and his entire religion and the scripture used, "Book of Mormon," could have just been a part of his imagination. The other girl told me how she was beginning to lose faith a couple years back, but she then regained it, after she experienced her own tests, and was able to get passed her ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Anne Hutchinson's Words and Their Later Significance Essay Anne Hutchinson's Words and Their Later Significance Anne Hutchinson, on trial for apparently nothing more than leading religious discussions at her house, is subjected to belittlement and unclear, if not unfounded, accusations in "The Examination of Mrs. Anne Hutchinson at the Court at Newton." The trial, which took place in 1637, set a standard for the future treatment of women, and subsequently their speech and writing. Because of the way the prosecution pigeonholes Hutchinson into admitting her guilt, the reverends (and thus men) gain (or keep) power over women–the power to control their women and to interpret contrived meanings from their words. From the start of the proceedings, it is clear that Hutchinson's only "crime" is ... Show more content on ... Though she has broken a commandment in the court's eyes, there are countless ways to dishonor the parents without breaking the law. By bearing false witness against Hutchinson, Winthrop is breaking a commandment (and in so doing, dishonoring his parents). Hutchinson is only asking for a clear explanation of the charges against her, but is never given a satisfactory answer. During the questioning, Hutchinson is quick with her answers, but her evident logic is not enough to keep the court from modifying its arguments: "Mrs. H. I think I may.–Do you think it not lawful for me to teach women and why do you call me to teach the court? Gov. We do not call you to teach the court but to lay open yourself. Mrs. H. I desire you that you would set me down a rule by which I may put them away that come unto me and so have peace in so doing. Gov. You must shew your rule to receive them. Mrs. H. I have done it. Gov. I deny it because I have brought more arguments than you have" (315). The court calls for Hutchinson to "lay herself open," but she has clearly already done so. When Winthrop argues that his argument has more weight than hers because of quantity, he has done nothing but condemn himself. She has to say less to defend herself because she has done no wrong; the prosecution has wrought more accusations because none have ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. The Pros And Cons Of Christian Theology According to Pew Research Center in 2015, there were counted to be 2.3 billion Christians in this world (Hackett, & McClendon,2017). What does it take to be a Christian, one should accept God into their life, heart, soul, and mind? Accepting God into one's life consist of studying the nature of God, by reading the Bible daily, and mediating on the scripture both night and day. In this essay of Christian theology, a new believer, or those that are an undecided believer of God, will know the four sources of Christian theology, what makes the four sources important to Christian living, the limitations of these four sources, and lastly the positive and negatives of philosophy and theology. The four sources of Christian theology are: scripture, tradition, reason, and religious experience (Blackwell, 2017 pg.104). Scripture is explained to be used for Christian living, and instruction written by God. Old Testament tells of God's dealing with the Israelites, and how they lived sinfully in the sight of God. While the Israelites did not live the way, God commanded them to live which was by the Ten Commandment ways, God still loved them unconditionally even after he punished them. When it comes to the New Testament, God's only begotten son Jesus came unto the scene. Jesus came to this world to seek and to save that which was lost Luke 19:10, Matthew 18:11 KVJ). The New Testament tells of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and with the blood that he shed, believers will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. An Open Letter For Friends And Family An open letter to friends and family: A Brief Intro/Background This letter will no doubt be hard for many of you to read, I empathize as it was also hard to write. I beg your patience and hope you read through to the end. What I would like to convey to you is my recent shift in world view. That is to say that I recently came to realize that I am an atheist. This is likely shocking to most of you. Let me be clear by what I intend to convey by identifying as such. I do not mean to say I am opposed to religion, or claim there is no God. I still identify very much with LDS culture and attend church regularly. Rather, I identify as an atheist as a way to convey that I seem to have lost Faith that there is a God. Over the last year I have studied and ponder in depth to discover as best I could truth. Before I get there I want to be clear as to the perspective in which I am coming from. I was raised in a very active and loving family of the LDS Church. My family is still very active, my father and my mother have served in leadership roles. They are both full of faith and charity and am grateful for their love and support throughout my life. I, myself have served in leadership roles in the church both as a young man and as a missionary for the church. I served a 2 year mission in west Texas spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ as I understood it. I was married in an LDS temple to my wonderful wife. My in–laws are also very devout members of the LDS church. What I believed and ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Puritanism And Its Negative Portrayal Of The Body Puritanism: Resisting The Body's Temptations Puritanism has been a strong influence on American Literature and it still is to this day. Puritans have shaped our culture immensely with their art that represents their beliefs so clearly. One of the most fascinating things we have come to learn about the Puritans is the constant battle they faced each day. Puritans struggled to stay true to their religion due to everyday temptations. One of the biggest temptations would be The Body. We can identify this by analyzing Puritanism philosophies, their biblical view of the Body, how they were able to resist this urge, and also their literary work. A work from Puritan times that allows us to further explore this idea would be "The Flesh and the Spirit" by Anne Bradstreet. In Bradstreet's writing we are able to see how The Body's immense power over Puritans was a constant threat. This paper will analyze Puritanism and its negative portrayal of The Body. Understanding Puritanism First and foremost, Puritanism was first formed in the late sixteenth century in the Church of England due to a majority of the citizens disagreeing with the church's practice. Once James I became king of England in 1603, he rejected most of the Puritan's proposals and this led to the Puritans becoming highly repressed (Kang 1). Unlike the pilgrims, Puritans did not wish to separate from the church. Essentially, the Puritans desired to purify their national church by eliminating every shred of Catholic ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. An Essay On The Bible By Shirley Goldsworthy "Everything good in life will be hard" that is what my mother always told me and that truth is what According to plan: the unfolding revelation of God in the Bible, by Graeme Goldsworthy, reveals. Reading the Bible in context is hard work and requires diligence. However, it is only when we have a proper understanding of what the Bible is saying, that we have a proper understanding of the Triune God. Graeme suggested, "that any Christian who wants to understand the reason for the differences, {within the bible} and who wants to develop a sound method of approaching the text of the bible in order to find out what it really says and means, needs an understanding of biblical theology." Graeme defines Biblical theology as a means "of looking at ... Show more content on ... Then from Jesus Christ life, we are able to understand the "whole of reality." This is accomplished through the Gospel when we see how a "holy and just God can justify and accept the sinner. Only God's wisdom is great enough to devise a plan that will achieve this." Moreover, this message is laid throughout the entire bible. It starts in Genesis where God sets the Kingdom pattern as Graeme likes to call it. This is where God created everything and a natural by–product is that he knows everything as a result. This is the original generation were the relationship that God intended with his creation is revealed through Adam and Eve. Nevertheless, man in their selfishness broke that relationship. Humanity and the rest of creation no longer relate in the perfect way that God intended. However, God in his mercy set up a promise that through the women is offering that there would one day be a savior. This sets up the rest of the Bible as God regenerates that relationship between man and God. This regeneration is first revealed through the history of Israel, in the land of Canaan where God reveals himself to Abraham to bring about a covenant that would bring in the coming of ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Fundamentals: Enduring Convictions Of The Restoration As I read Fundamentals: Enduring Convictions of the Restoration, through the lens of this assignment, I gained new insight and a different appreciation for his visionary calling to provide a theological perspective that aligns us with a larger Christian understanding. In his book, Fundamental's F. Henry provides statements of primary belief of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. His writing reflects both the older RLDS theology and provides an opening for new paths. For this paper, I have chosen areas that have been reflected in one of our most recent Doctrine and Covenants: Scripture, prophetic guidance, knowledge, and discernment in the faith community must walk hand in hand to reveal the true will of God. ... Show more content on ... He also addresses the historical understanding of the Restoration Movement reminding us that it began in an affirmation that existing creeds were wrong. He reminds us that the historic creeds, of course, have not been changed; but the attitude of religious people toward these creeds have changed very perceptibly. Whether through creed, morals, or rules we cannot have religion without God. God is our best explanation of the world about us. He is our best explanation of moral progress, even though this progress is so spasmodic. (f 11) Therefore, to minister to our world, we must meet the deepest needs of man, we must go beyond duty, beyond morality, and beyond patriotism, and must consider the claims of religion – the claims of God – in our lives. I felt Edwards calling us to look beyond our works and accept that God desires to be in our life and we are provided His grace. He encourages us to understand what we believe and to shape our testimony. I found his statements reflective again of the Apostles' Creed. Whatever our final decision may be, Edwards challenged us to a concept of understanding our faith and identifying who God is. More specifically in this chapter and in the following chapters he states, "I believe in God ... the Son of God became also a man and lived among men (28 fundamentals) The Holy Spirit is God ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Exodus As A Relational God The book of Genesis presents the reader with a relational God. In particular, Genesis focuses on the relationship between God and man. He created man for a relationship and "thus Genesis does not present a static theology of God's involvement with humanity, but regardless of his mode of engagement, God is present and active" (358). However, through the sin of man arriving into the world, these relationships were fractured. Again, God exhibits judgment, but also mercy when in Genesis three He sends Adam and Eve out of the Garden for their transgression, yet provides clothes as an act of grace (856). The main Biblical idea behind a covenant means a coming together of two or more parties. Our text, Dictionary of the Old Testament Pentateuch, ... Show more content on ... The covenant of Sinai was an earlier time and the relationship with God is present and prevailing. The emphasis is on the attitude and relationship of the believer to God (522–529). And, "one of the central questions of the relationship between the OT and NT is the relationship between the law and the gospel" (530). Our holy God requires holy followers and that dedication to holiness encompasses the complete life of man. The sacrificial system reminds us that man is a sinner (Rom. 3:23; 6:23) and that sin requires atonement. Therefore, the believer understands that the only remedy is ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Gordon Clark Research Paper Even though Gordon Clark's life was full of disputation, he was considered to be one of the most influential Calvinist theologians in the twentieth century. Throughout his life as both as an American philosopher and Presbyterian minister, he addressed primarily both his ideas of Christian philosophy and the relationship between god and man or "the creator and the creature". Clark was born in urban Philadelphia in the summer of 1902. He attended the University of Pennsylvania and received an undergraduate degree in French; his graduate work was in ancient philosophy. After writing his doctoral dissertation on Aristotle, he quickly earned the respect of his fellow professional philosophers by publishing a series of articles in academic journals. ... Show more content on ... But one of the lasting legacies of the controversy is their brands of presuppositions are recognized as different. After Clark's exit from the OPC, he joined a denomination that, many mergers later, became the Reformed Presbyterian Church Evangelical Synod (RPCES). In 1982, the RPCES merged with the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). Partly because a merger between the PCA and OPC appeared to be on the horizon (thought it never came to fruition), clark refused to join the PCA and joined the unaffiliated Covenant Presbytery in 1983" two years before his death in ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Modern Day Revelation Research Paper Revelation is of the basis of our church and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Without revelation, the gospel would have never been restored to this earth. Through revelation, especially in this modern day, the prophet Joseph Smith was able to restore the fullness of the gospel. Heavenly Father has made it possible for us all to receive revelation and has given us all of the tools to do so in these days. Understanding how and why we receive revelation and the importance of modern day revelation helps us to see how much God truly loves us. In the Bible Dictionary, revelation is described as being translated from a Greek word apocalypse, whose meaning is "to make known or uncover" (p. 716). We, as members of The Church of Jesus Christ ... Show more content on ... This is the purpose of the Holy Ghost as a spiritual companion–to lead us to do good. Section 45 of the Doctrine and Covenants is a revelation given through Joseph Smith during a time when false stories and reports were being circulated about the community, preventing people from investigating the gospel. In verse 57 of this section the Lord reveals to Joseph, "For they that are RECEIVING REVELATION4 wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived–verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day." It is only wise for us to listen to the Holy Spirit, for it will direct us all
  • 43. towards the right way. The Holy Ghost is the way in which we can receive revelation; however, personal revelations may come in several different ways. For example, they may be conveyed in dreams, visions or inspiration. President Boyd K. Packer stated, "Inspiration comes more as a feeling than as a sound" (p. 20). We must be in tune with our feelings in order to sense the answers ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Theology Of Repentance And The Old Covenant Introduction of Theology of Repentance and Forgiveness When studying the nature of God or theology, one ascertains what God does and did for humanity. One of God's nature was a family and in His infinite wisdom, He created humankind to be His family with an adoration to praise Him for the wonderful acts He bestows. Strong shares, "The aim of theology is the ascertainment of the facts respecting God and the relations between God and the universe, and the exhibition of these facts in their rational unity, as connected parts of a formulated and organic system of truth." Additionally, there is the science that tries to unlock the mysteries of God. However, science has its' limitations to unlocking this mystery. Strong continues, "In defining theology ... Show more content on ... I was too upset to have a conversation with him and knew that if I did talk to him, I would say something ungodly. In order to prevent that, I chose to keep my distance. Sometime later, he wanted to continue the subject and stated, "I was upset with how you wanted to handle the issue, so let's see if we can come to an agreement on how to resolve it." When reading the above scenario, repentance never occurred from my friend. Although I forgave him for the remarks, and it was several weeks until he finally repented or has remorse for making the comments, however, the initial response was not repentance. Before I reconnected with my friend, I used some of Sande's method. He states, "Preparation is one of the most important elements of successful negotiation (Prov. 14:8, 22). This is especially true when significant issues or strong feelings are involved." Pray. I asked God to give me the right words to say, to keep me from being offensive. Study the Bible. I read scriptures and had some prepared for the conversation. Scriptures such as Colossians 4:6, letting your conversation be of grace; Ephesians 4:29, do not let wrong communication come out your mouth; Proverbs 15:28, the heart weighs its answers, just to name a few. Develop options. I developed a plan and a course of action to handle the business so that I had other options when I would be confronted with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Normative Task: Prophetic Discernment 3. Chapter 3: The Normative Task: Prophetic Discernment Normative task of practical theological interpretation asks, "What ought to be going on?", "How might you interpret the situation theologically?" It seeks to discern. As the leader of a Christian congregation, you must take the further step of drawing on the beliefs and practices of this community in your ministry. 1531–1534 Kindle Edition (The Normative Task) is very helpful and insightful, assisting the theologian to properly discern how to apply divine disclosures to contemporary popular ideologies The term prophetic discernment' is intended to capture the interplay of divine disclosure and human shaping as prophetic discernment. The prophetic office is the discernment of God's ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Righteousness Vs. The Covenant Promises Chantae' Alexander BIBL3213: Romans Assignment 3 Professor Jesse Heath 5, November 2014 Righteousness vs. the Covenant Promises The Book of Romans has set the main foundation of Christianity among the Jewish people and Roman. This book has covered many different laws of the land that God has given his people. Paul tries to address the many questions that the Jewish people have about faith, laws and righteousness. In this essay I will address the current question that many people have concerning the right way to interpret the meaning of righteousness. Since there isn't a right or wrong way; to interpret God message in Romans, I will state what I feel is the correct way of the interpretation. The righteousness of God is one of the ... Show more content on ... I feel that the righteousness of God meaning the righteousness God gives the people is and will always be the correct interpretation of righteousness, the message that God intended for us to grasp was to gain his righteousness and not to gain it by default. Proverbs 13:4 states that "The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied" (Bible Gateway, Prov. 13.4). This passage teaches us that the Lord rewards those try. This passage is the reason why, I feel that the righteousness of God is earned. Simply because Romans 1:17 states that "For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed–a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, [a] just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith (Bible Gateway, Rom 1.17)." Paul tells us that righteousness is given to the people, by God in verse 1:17. In this passage Paul reveals the revelation of God; he is the revelation of the righteousness (van Aarde 1). God pardons "those who repent of their sins", while punishing the "wicked", [this shows the righteousness that God gives the people] (Sanders 305). He "God" gives all a chance to ask for forgiveness of their sins. It is the righteousness and tender mercy that the Lord has over his people. Some may beg to different and say that it's the covenant promise that makes us righteous. Because God made a promise to all man before we entered the world, they feel that righteousness is given. I ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Comparing Mormon Temple Rituals to Wicca Rituals Essay Rituals, Beliefs, & Symbols Comparing Mormon with Wicca Contrasting with The Bible Is there one God or are there many gods? Is there God or are there gods and goddesses? What about the afterlife? What lies ahead for those who pass on from this world? Will they go through pearly gates, become a ruler of their own planet, or come back as a spirit guide to those left here on earth? Although the beliefs of the Mormon Church are comparative with other Christian religions, they also share several beliefs and rituals with those, such as Wicca, who study the art of neo–paganism. The history of the Mormon Church goes back to 1863 when its founder, Joseph Smith, II, claimed to have a vision of the angel Moroni, who appeared to ... Show more content on ... Power struggles rose up between several of the church leaders and the church split into twenty–one factions of which many today are extinct. Three of the main factions were: the Strangites, who settled in Wisconsin under James Jesse Strang; the Josephites, who settled in Lamoni, Iowa under Joseph Smith, III, the son of the founder, (now known as the Reorganized Later–Day Saints); and the Brighamites, who settled in Salt Lake City, Utah under Brigham Young, who was the self– proclaimed president of what is now known as The Church of Latter–Day Saints. The Strangites and Josephites strongly disagreed with several issues that were originated by founder Joseph Smith. These included: temple building, polygamy and the character of God. However, the Brighamites stayed faithful and true to all of the original doctrines of the church. Brighamites are the most influential and radical followers of the Mormon faith. This church, as a whole, is classified as a Pseudo–Christian religion. This is because the Bible is one of their core doctrines. It is, however, subservient to that of The Book of Mormon. Their religion is supplemented by The Pearl of Great Price and The Doctrines and Covenants. These books were supposedly written by founder Joseph Smith and later president Brigham Young. In The Mormon Monster, Edgar Folk, states, "Mormons not only believe that God is a man...but they believe that there are many Gods." (Folk 117) This means ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Prayer Of The Holy Spirit When it comes to anything that has to do with my relationship with God and my love, worship, and praise for Him, I always take my direction from the Word which has all authority in my life and the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. Some refer to this as "Experiential Worship." Experiential worship in not just another ministry trend, not just another clever skill: it is nothing less than discovering again the "biblical worship," worship according to the Greatest Commandment of Jesus (Rognlien, 2005). In my studies I have discovered the importance of "Praise and Worship" and it being a responsibility of every believer to make it a priority in their lives. Worship has priority in scripture. Take for instance what it says in the book of Revelation 14:7 "Fear God," he shouted. "Give glory to him. For the time has come when he will sit as judge. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all the springs of water (New Living Translation, 2008)." The supreme duty of all of God's creature, including man, for time and eternity, is to worship the creator. Jesus stated all creatures are responsible to worship. Worship is the first and greatest commandment in the New Covenant and the first commandment of the Law under the Old covenant. So it really must be a major priority for God and us alike. So what does worship look like? Worship is an attitude of the heart. An attitude that is expressed in adoration, praise, and thanksgiving. Worship is a love response ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Psychology Theology And Spirituality In Christian... The book Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling by Mark McMinn points out the importance of the spiritual guidance in psychology, helping counselors to incorporate the biblical principles of forgiveness, redemption, restitution, prayer, and worship into their counseling strategic ideas. McMinn also introduced some challenges with integration and then provides a proposed pattern of healing, followed by an examination of six Christian concepts within counseling. He continued by stating the need for understanding and establishing trust and faith in the healing relationship when dealing with your client. These characteristics are critical before challenging the client issues then accomplishing improvement in your client. Mark McMinn belief is that Christian counselors should be experienced in the latest psychological methods and knowledgeable about theological concepts and also needs to have a spiritual maturity. These three aspects work fondly together nourishing and complementing; they are linked because they are each dependent on one another at some point during counseling. McMinn introduces a method for healing individuals which begins with a healthy sense of self–identity. He then moves into brokenness or need, and ends with a healthy ... Show more content on ... I have acquired a lot from this book in regards to integrating psychology and spirituality into my counseling sessions. McMinn uses a great approach to prayer. His examples were fascinating to read; he made his readers recognize how to handle different situations correctly, and he also gives us supporting evidence for these models with documents, scripture, and other intellectual evidence. McMinn believes that we cannot have a knowledgeable understanding of proper healing without God. Counselors should often demonstrate their spirituality in the counseling setting; this will be one of the key factors in how well the counselor can be merger psychotherapy and ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Summary Of Righteousness By Piper Piper argues that Wright and other New Perspectivists are misunderstanding the nature of humanity. Just as there are innumerable variations between Christian denominations of today, Piper reasons, even if many Jews did not have a works–based understanding of salvation, some certainly did. Paul could be addressing this particular subset of Jews within Romans and Galatians. To Piper, Paul's letters could be toward those legalistic Jews who view the Law as that which does not literally save, but which creates spiritual superiority – and in some ways, earns a degree of favor before God. Piper views this kind of works–righteousness as warped and unbiblical, citing likened issues as the purpose for Paul's composition of Romans and Galatians. For this reason, Piper and other Reformers argue that Wright is mistaken in his understanding of Paul's opponents within these books. Piper writes that God's righteousness is ... Show more content on ... This is a matter of controversy between Wright and Piper. Piper writes that no single action, such as keeping the covenant, is the essence of God's righteousness, because all His acts are done in righteousness. In the same way, Piper argues, the essence of human righteousness is faithfulness to uphold the glory of God in all that we do. The issue, however, as Piper describes, is that humans fall short of this glory, and thus, no one is righteous. Piper would cite biblical references such as Romans 3:23 and Romans 3:10 to illustrate this Reformer perspective. Convinced that Paul is speaking of a positive righteousness being counted to the defendant, not merely the verdict of clemency, Piper believes that Wright's system leaves no room for imputation of righteousness, as it is traditionally understood: Christ's obedience imputed to the sinner's account. Piper accuses Wright of muddying the water in this area, so that it is unclear whether Wright claims that righteousness is imparted, as believed in ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Meaning And Types Of Old Testament Covenants This essay attempts to define the meaning and types of Old Testament Covenants and describe The Creation Covenants as seen in the Old Testament. The Creation Covenants will be discussed and their common interpretations will be examined so they will be more easily explained. The Creation Covenants include the Adamic and Noahic Covenants. 1. What is a Covenant? God created humanity as an expression of His loving, relational character. In His wisdom, and because He is the Creator and sustainer of love, God created man with the free will to choose whether or not to love and worship Him in return. Adam and Eve's choice to disobey initiated sin into the life of man, disconnecting the spiritual union they had with the Lord. From that very moment, ... Show more content on ... Second, in all the covenants of a major character there is a concrete declaration that the conditions and blessings of the covenant apply to the sons and future generations of the person or peoples with whom the original covenant is made. Third, there was a special and easily recognized covenant– language used in the establishing of the compact and in the defining of its promises and conditions. Forth, when in the prophets, or other subsequent writers, mention is made of a covenant which applies to the generations there addressed, it is always possible to go back to the place where the covenanted relationship was originally established (The Biblical Covenants). 2. Types of Covenants There are three basic types of covenants in the Bible. They can be distinguished by overserving who swears the oath. The three types are Kinship, Vassal, and Grant. Biblical examples of each include: Kinship– Exodus 24 (1st Saini/Mosaic) and Genesis 21 (Abraham and Abimelech); Vassal– Genesis 17 (2nd Abrahamic) and Deuteronomy (Final Mosaic); Grant: Genesis 15 (1st Abrahamic) and Genesis 22 (Final Abrahamic). A Kinship Covenant is mutual and both parties swear to the oath. A Vassal Covenant is imposed and the inferior party swears to the oath. The Grant Covenant is bestowed and the superior party swears to the oath. The covenants mentioned in Scripture are divided into Minor Covenants and Major Covenants. The Minor Covenants have four ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Divine Timeless Eternity Theory Essay The divine timeless eternity theory is the traditional view pertaining to God and time, but it is by no means the only theory, as there are at least four. My original intention was to compare two views in relation to this topic, however, the complexity of the dialogue has proven difficult. Therefore, I will discuss one theory in depth since I believe it will suffice. In this framework, I will discuss the challenges and varying beliefs with the ideas involved. The goal of my paper is to understand the doctrine of eternity and find how this changes my understanding of God. Then I will discuss how this issue influences my approach to God, and to my ministry. First, however, I will explain the need to uncover the idea of eternalism. We will now proceed. Why might one explore the idea of how God functions in time? It is extremely difficult to ignore questions after they have been asked. Historically, questions have been the cause of councils and creeds that now exist as essential dogmas of the Christian faith. Without questioning, what is real and what actually exists? The difference can only be distinguished by those who question. While it might not be explicitly stated, the idea of eternalism is biblical. The theology of the trinity was a similar idea, where no single passage gives enough evidence to a triune God, but with a proper understanding of the biblical narrative, there is enough truth to discover such a characteristic of God's nature. In congruence of this thought, ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. A Statement on Original Sin Essay A Statement on Original Sin First articulated by Augustine (A.D. 354–430), the doctrine of original sin holds that all of Adam's descendants inherit the guilt of Adam's sin and thus incur the punishment for Adam's sin. Inheriting Adam's guilt at birth, then, presumes one guilty before God at birth and destined for hell. This is the basis for the Catholic need for infant baptism, for the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception (that Mary herself was uniquely conceived free of Adam's guilt), and for the belief that salvation is only available through connection with the Church via baptism. Moreover, the belief that God holds Adam's descendants personally accountable for Adam's sin calls into question the importance of our own free will as ... Show more content on ... That is, if we as Christian believers fail in gaining victory over sin even when we sincerely want to and try, the problem is not with us personally but in our state of having inherited both Adam's guilt and fallen nature. But Augustine's theology was flawed. While we have indeed inherited Adam's fallen nature, we have not inherited his guilt; thus, the universal suffering that humanity endures is not the punishment for Adam's sin in particular, it is the consequence of sin in general. And while our inherited fallen nature works against us in overcoming sin, this disadvantage can be overcome through the terms of the new covenant. By means of our personal connection with Christ, the power of God's grace is imparted by the Holy Spirit (sanctification) and accessed on our part through the exercise of our free will (which God honors for us every bit as much as He did for Adam). That is, God provides us moral victory (imparted righteousness) when we acknowledge our helpless condition and sincerely, continuously, and freely choose to surrender our lives to Christ and invite Him to have complete control over us – i.e. "Thy will be done in my life" is our constant appeal; with Paul we say, "I die [to self] daily" (1 Cor. 15:31). And with Christ having fulfilled the legal terms of the everlasting covenant by assuming our guilt and paying its debt on the cross, and in ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. King Essays : King Saul King Saul I like to read stories that have good endings, but some of the finest lessons we can learn come from stories with unhappy endings. For a lot of years Gods people were ruled by Judges; however, they looked out there across the borders and saw people being ruled by kings and they wanted a king, too. God did not favor them having a king, but they thought they would fair better if they just had a king. So God permitted them to have one. God told Samuel to locate the right person to be Israel's first king. Well, he looked at a lot of people; God guiding him all the time. And finally he selected Saul. Saul was just a boy, but he was a tall, striking and modest young man. Now, Saul didn't come to the throne as the results of a hard–fought political campaign. In fact, he wasn't even running for the office. I don't suppose that he had ever thought of becoming a king. The day Saul left home looking for his father's live–stock he had no idea that something was going to happen that would change his whole life. Saul youth had been spent working in the fields and tending his father's livestock. No doubt, during those long, hot days, he must have thought: "If I make it until I am old enough to leave home, I'll find an easier job." I well recall, as a boy growing up on a farm, thinking that if I ever get out of this cotton field or the cucumber patch and away from those nasty cows, I'd never go back and I didn't. But, I never expected to be a king and I don't imagine ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Essence Of The Debate The Essence of the Debate Divine Election according to Calvin One of the most valuable key sources of information on the subject of divine election is John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. He began weaving doctrinal revelation and explanation together in 1536 and finished the text in 1559. The initial composed manuscript presented comprehensive perspectives aligning with the four points of the Apostle's creed. As time passed, Calvin decided to instruct readers in the rudiments of Christianity and offer a clear confession by which the French king could judge Reformation's supposed heresy. The twenty first chapter of the third book of this work offered his understanding on the subject of divine election. The first line of this section explains "the covenant of life is not preached to all, and among those to whom it is preached, does not always meet with the same reception". God has chosen, according to his mere pleasure, to spontaneously offer salvation to some and destruction to others. Although much scriptural evidence exists supporting this understanding, this revelation remains a mystery. Paul's declaration in the Book of Romans suggests divine election "cannot be known unless God, throwing works entirely out of view, elect those whom he has predestined". Hence, individuals need to remember that this subject of predestination is hidden in the recesses of divine wisdom. All are not born on the same terms; some are destined for eternal life and others ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Professional/Client Relationship and Morality Brian Ho The Professions and Public Interest in American Life Professor Willard/ T.A. Schmitt Tuesday Session 2007 December 5 Carefully distinguish between the "contract" and "covenant" understanding or model of the professional/client relationship. Which understanding makes a greater demand on the good moral character of the professional? Why? Take a reasoned position on whether or not the "covenant" understanding is more appropriate to the overall nature of that relationship. Since the beginning of complex societies, the public has always been intrigued by the very broad idea of professionalism. And over the course of American history the age of information and computerization has paved the way for the public to gain a ... Show more content on ... In addition the covenant relationship is based upon trust, not self interest because the relationship is expected to last longer and accomplish things of deeper importance. This is once again apparent in the doctor patient relationship. Though the doctor has set shifts for work, he must sometimes sacrifice his personal time to take care of his patients who are in direct need of his skill. So that in spite of his own self interest, he is willing to serve his patient no matter what in a covenant model. In this sense the two participants can build a strong foundation of trust which sometimes disregards the self interests of either group. Arguably where the contract relationship fails, the covenant succeeds. The contract which is invoked by self interest and not by trust, leads to what May calls a kind of minimalism. In the case of the professional, minimalism leads to excessive grudging, calculating, a lack in spontaneity, and leaves the professional caring more about himself than his client. Though this is the general nature of a contract relationship, in the case of the doctor, caring too little for the patient and too much for ones career can cause delayed treatment and cautious techniques that my be life threatening to the patient. Similarly, contracts can invoke maximalism. Once again in the case of the doctor, who is looking after his own interests, may order many scans and test that are unnecessary for the treatment of the patient. These overly ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Mormon Belief System The Mormon belief system has many different principles that are unique and set themselves apart from other world religions, one of which being their views on cosmology. The Mormon cosmology belief is the description of the physical and metaphysical universe. Their beliefs on the subject are deeply engrained in the religion's basic faith; cosmology is related to the church's views on divinity, extraterrestrial life, pre–mortal existence, and the afterlife. Mormon divinity revolves around the core beliefs in exaltation and eternal progression: the idea that mortals will be given an opportunity to have leading roles in other heavenly kingdoms, themselves. One of the key goals in Mormonism is to achieve exaltation through Jesus's atonement; as a result they inherit godly attributes. Mormonism holds the belief that people who follow God's example will become like gods in the afterlife, having "all power, glory, dominion, and knowledge" (LDS Church 227). This belief that people may one day become god–like figures in the afterlife leads to the assumption that Mormons believe in the existence of other worlds like the one that we live in, that exalted people would be able to rule over. The teachings of Mormonism also include that the exalted will live with their earthly families in the next life and "have spirit children" (LDS Church 11), continuing the growth of their families. According to the Mormonism belief, exaltation is obtained only by reaching the most high of the degrees ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Theological Essay : Theological Of Theology Theological Self Jesus called his followers to worship God "in spirit and in truth", later adding, "you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free". But what sort of God are we to worship and how do we know we are worshiping "in spirit and in truth"? If the truth will set us free, then it seems quite reasonable to want to determine what truth, specifically, will set us free. This is where theology can help us a great deal. Far from being an area of study reserved only for academics or the clergy, theology is important to every Christian. In short, theology is the study of God, encompassing concepts such as His nature, the nature of reality, the human condition, the person of Christ and more. But our study of theology must extend ... Show more content on ... Instead, they tend to bring up a distaste for the "establishment" of "organized religion" and the seeming rule of some elite faction over the masses. This, however, is far from what true theology is supposed to do. Often we perceive doctrine as "irrelevant, impractical, divisive, unspiritual and unknowable." But is this really the case? It 's true that sometimes doctrine and theology come across this way. However, the abuse and misuse of theology and doctrine does not mean that the proper and positive uses of it are to be ignored. Theology, in fact, is extremely relevant, practical, uniting, spiritual and knowable. Through it we learn truths about God, His Son, our individual and collective human predicament, the nature of salvation and much more. Understood properly, theology equips us with the tools we need to cope with every aspect of life. For example, we may not think of prayer as theology, but the foundation of prayer is theology. We pray because we know a loving and personal God exists and hears us. This is not a distant, indifferent God, but the all–powerful God of the universe who is active in His creation, wanting the best for us. "The world is charged with the grandeur of God." Theology, then, is both practical and relevant. It is practical in that it should influence our lives on a very real and daily level. But it is also relevant in that it applies to every aspect of life, not just nitpicking points of ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Creationism : Creation And The Creation Of Heaven And God There is a sense in which every christian for every christian that believe that he live in a universe that is a creation and that source of creation is the god who is revealed in the bible as marker of heaven and earth the true whether the christian is a young–earth creationist an old earth creationist an intelligent design creationist or an evolutionary creationist while these various creationist may strongly disagree among themselves about the how of creation and subscribe to different portrait or models of creation they do agree on certain essential beliefs or doctrine about creation beliefs that they find anchored in revelations of holy scripture so to look at creation from the perspective of christian faith we being with the bible First, we need to understand what the word means. "Creation," as I shall use the word in these essays, refers both to the process and product of creation: we apply it both to the creation of the universe and to the universe as a creation. And I must make an important clarification from the start. Too often, "creation" as process is popularly understood, and thus misunderstood, to refer simply to the origination of the universe. Many people, it appears, think of creation as something that happened in the past. To them "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1) means God did this way back then Christians have been arguing rather vociferously in recent years over how far back then is, as many believers accept the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Bibl105 Natalie Sorto Essay Question 1: Biblical Worldview Professor Stroh 10/1/2015 As we know, everyone has his or her own worldview. Take a peek into mine as I talk about human identity, natural world, human relationships, and civilization. After reading Genesis 1–11 we've seen how God has worked with those four major concepts, and how He has shaped our world today. In Genesis 3:11–12 (Then He asked, "Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" Then the man replied, "The woman You gave to be with me–she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.") Before eating from the tree neither Adam nor Eve knew that they were naked, nor did they care. From my worldview, this is when God ... Show more content on ... God creating civilization in my eyes is one of the most amazing things. Without civilization our world wouldn't be what it is today. God gave us a second chance and though it's not perfect that's why us Christians work everyday to strive to be more and more like him, to make this wicked world a better place. As you read about my worldview, of course it's like none other, because no ones will ever be the same. Everyone sees things differently and comprehends things differently. My worldview is unique, I came to Christ not too long ago, I try my best to make it to church every weekend and I try my best spread God's love as much as I can. Of course some people may not believe in what I do, but they have to believe in something. Which is why everyone's worldview is unique and interesting, you never know if by sharing you cause someone to seek interest in what you believe in. Sharing is one of the best things we can do; it's one of the best ways Christians can reach people. Before writing this essay I wasn't sure what my worldview was, but now I do. It's simple, I believe God came and he created life in all aspects. He created the world and everything inside it. With Him doing that, I would've never had the opportunities that I do today, and I'll forever be grateful for ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Covenant : A Special Type Of Relationship COVENANT N THE PENTATEUCH In the clearest sense a covenant is a special type of relationship. Normally practiced in the ancient Near East, covenant making allowed two parties, who were not related by blood, to enter into a special bond. There is considerable evidence to suggest that the concept of covenantal relationship was common in the ancient Near East. J. Arthur Thompson believes that one should keep the idea of covenant sacred, "In translating the word it may be helpful to use different terms such as agreement, alliance, league, or treaty, according to the sense, and to preserve the term "covenant" for the berîṯ between God and man." The Old Testament uses the covenant concept metaphorically, to convey the idea of the special ... Show more content on ... God took the initiative in entering into a covenant with Abraham. God promised to multiply Abraham's offspring and to give them a land. This covenant was unconditional. In other words, "The obedience of Abraham was not a condition of the covenant but rather his response inside a religious relationship. There could be no blessings and no fellowship without obedience. Merrill notes as well, "so far only the Lord had sworn his fealty, but this only confirms the nature of the covenant as a grant whose only obligations were on the bestower." The terms of this covenant were relayed to Abraham in a dream (Gen. 15). The Lord told him to cut sacrificial animals in half. Most interpreters suggest that God invoked a curse upon himself, if he should fail to uphold his end of the bargain. This covenant was sealed with circumcision. This was a common practice, but to the Israelites it had a significant meaning. "Every time a male engaged in sexual intercourse, he would be reminded of his inclusion in the covenant race," Merrill notes. In all, the Abrahamic covenant was God's promise that the descendants of Abraham would be the means by which the Lord ... Get more on ...