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Science and Faith Lectures
Rare Earth Hypothesis
Rare Earth hypothesis argues that the emergence of complex life
on Earth required an improbable combination of astrophysical and
geophysical events and circumstances.
Dennis Wilson
HCBC Defending Christianity
December 19, 2017
1. Introduction and Background
2. Fine Tuned Parameters
– Solar Parameters
– Solar and Earth Parameters
– Chemistry
3. Summary and Conclusion
“Habitable environments must provide extended regions of liquid
water, …complex organic molecules, and energy sources to
sustain metabolism”.
What’s the Basic Criteria for Life?
• Planet’s criteria include:
– Composition
– Orbital properties
– Potential chemical interactions
• Stellar (Sun) criteria include:
– Mass
– Luminosity
– High metallicity
Isaiah 45:18 … he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded
it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited.
Poor Example Ideal Example
Other Criteria for Complex Life
• Life involves complex biochemistry
• Complex life involves extraordinarily
complex biochemistry which requires:
• Planet with an improbable:
– Thermodynamics
– Physics
– Chemistry
Is Complex Life Carbon Based?
• Carbon has four chemical bonds
– There are over 10 million known carbon-based molecules
– Carbon molecules form the basis for organic molecules
– Oxygen is involved in over 100,000 molecules
– C + O2 > CO2 (gas at STP)
– Carbon – Oxygen – Hydrogen drives biological activity
– Additional essential elements: nitrogen and sulfur + others
Carbon vs. Silicon based Molecules
• We assume that the atoms in the periodic table occur
through out the universe –
– carbon-based molecules represent over 30%
• Silicon has been suggested as a building block for life
Major Creation Events
• God prepares the Earth (through creation miracles) for life
– Earth started out uninhabitable and unfriendly to life. In order to
support human life, Earth underwent substantial changes
3.8 BYA: late heavy
3.5 BYA: creation of
4.4 BYA: formation of
the moon
1.8 BYA: plate
2.8 BYA: Cyanobacteria
creates O2
545 MYA: Cambrian explosion
Copernican Principle
• The Copernican principle states that Earth is not in a
central, specially favored position in the universe.
– More recently, the principle has been generalized to the relativistic
concept that humans are not privileged observers of the universe.
Ref: Peacock, John A. (1998). Cosmological Physics. Cambridge University Press. p. 66.
Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD
God formed a man from the
dust of the ground and
breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life, and the man
became a living being.
Dust of the ground is star
Perspective: Size and Scale of Universe
The distance to the edge of the visible universe is about 1024 m ~ 46 BLY
One argument for the Copernican principle is the scale of the universe
Our Galaxy - Milky Way
Galaxies contain stars & clouds of gas and dust (nebulae)
1. Elliptical: very little gas & dust (elements), mostly old
red stars – not suitable for life
2. Irregular: preponderance of explosive star formation
and quasars – not suitable for life
3. Spiral: flat, rotating disk containing stars, gas and
dust – suitable for life (e.g. Milky Way)
Fine Tuned Galactic Parameters
• Certain places (GHZ) in a galaxy are more hospitable to life than
others. Reference: NASA Astrobiology Institute, May 18, 2001
• A planetary system must be close enough to the galactic center for:
– A sufficiently high level of heavy elements to form rocky, or terrestrial, planets.
• The planetary system must be far enough from the galactic center so:
– Dangerous radiation, which would damage any carbon-based life, is less intense.
– Gravitational perturbations of planets by nearby stars becomes less likely.
Galactic Habitable Zone (GHZ)
• The Milky Way’s GHZ lies
• far from the center where
radiation is less intense
• between the spiral arms
where gravity from
nearby stars is much less
Boundary between interstellar space and
solar wind is ~ 100 AU from the Sun
Our Planetary System - Solar System
Planets Asteroids (Vesta) Comets
8 planets, 1000’s (103) asteroids,
109 comets and meteoroids
Main Sequence Stars and Our Sun
• Type G stars are ideal for life
due to their long stable
nuclear fusion stage
• Our Sun is a Type G main
sequence star
An understanding of planetary habitability begins with stars
1. Introduction and Background
2. Fine tuned Parameters
– Solar Parameters
– Solar and Earth Parameters
– Chemistry
3. Summary and Conclusion
Fine Tuned Stellar Parameters
• SHZ is where an Earth-like planet can maintain liquid
water on its surface and support organic chemistry.
– Astrobiologists define the SHZ as a region that is neither too hot nor too
cold for liquid water and therefore life to exist.
• Earth orbits a (main sequence G star) at right location in
the SHZ for liquid water.
Stellar Habitable Zone (SHZ)
Intersection of (SHZ),
and (GHZ) forms the
“Goldilocks Zone”
where life can exist
Background: Star’s Luminosity vs. Mass
• The luminosity (L) of main-sequence stars follows a power law in
terms of the total mass (M):
– L/LSun ~ (M/Msun)3.5 for 2 < M/Msun < 20 Ref: Hyperphysics
• Very small variations in mass produce very large variations in
Fine Tuned Solar Parameters
A larger hotter light bulb is
“brighter” more luminosity
Fine Tuned Solar Parameters
• The Sun is ~ halfway through its main-
sequence evolution
– Sun’s luminosity increases ~ 10% every
billion years
– Conditions for life to exist began ~ 1By ago.
– In ~ 1By the Earth will be too hot for liquid
water to exist
– Currently - low solar flare activity
Star’s Luminosity vs. Mass
Ref: The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology “The Habitable Zone”
• The relationship between a main sequence star’s lifetime (TL) and
mass M has serious implications for life.
• A star with 2 solar masses lasts 1.7 By and one with 4 solar masses
lasts 300My Reference: Hyperphysics
Fine Tuned Solar Parameters
Star’s Life Time vs. Mass
Implication: If the sun’s original
mass was slightly greater: the
sun would burn too rapidly for
biodiversity to evolve
The life time (TL) is ~ 1/M3.5
Sun’s Metallicity
• Star’s metallicity = fraction of elements other than H2 & He
(Sun ~1.8%)
– Metallicity is an indicator of the likelihood that the star has a
planetary system.
– Only a very few star’s have been found with the proper metallicity
– Ref: The Astrophysical Journal 622 (2) 1102–1117 (2005)
Fine Tuned Solar Parameters
• RTB’s Statements:
– If too small: insufficient heavy
elements for life chemistry to exist
– If too large: High radiation pressure
resulting in strong “solar” winds
and short lifetimes
Probability Estimates for Solar Parameters
are Higher than RTB’s Hugh Ross
Fine Tuning Parameter Probability
Galaxy type (Spiral) 0.1
GHZ + SHZ 0.01
Proper luminosity of Sun 0.1
Proper age of Sun 0.01
Proper temperature of Sun 0.01
Proper metallicity of Sun 0.1
Estimated probability 1 : 109
1. Introduction and Background
2. Fine tuned Parameters
– Solar Parameters
– Solar and Earth Parameters
– Chemistry
3. Summary and Conclusion
• Earth’s magnetic field (magnetosphere)
– Protects Earth’s atmosphere from erosion by solar and cosmic
particle radiation.
– Planets without a shielding magnetic field, e.g. Mars and Venus
evolve differently.
– Reference:
Fine Tuned Earth Core Parameter
• RTB’s statement
– If stronger: fewer cosmic rays
reach the troposphere which
would inhibit adequate cloud
– If weaker: geomagnetic
storms would be more severe
and ozone shield would be
inadequately protected
Earth’s Magnetosphere
Fine Tuned Solar System Parameters
• Jupiter’s strong gravitational field “protects” earth
from comet and asteroid impacts
– Comet impacts on Jupiter are ~ 2000 and 8000 times higher than
on Earth.
Size and Position of Jupiter (and Saturn)
Shoemaker-Levy 9
– If Jupiter were not present, the probability
of asteroid impacts with the Earth would be
much greater.
– Reference: “Collision Probability of Periodic
Comets with the Terrestrial Planets”
Astronomical Journal 11 (2): 848
– RTB: If Jupiter were closer to Earth
or more massive, then Earth’s orbit
would be unstable
Recent study (May 17, 2011) links cosmic rays to aerosols/cloud
formation via solar magnetic activity modulation
• Cosmic rays (atomic nuclei) eject electrons
from upper atmosphere, which promotes
cloud formation.
• If the solar wind is too weak: too many
cosmic rays reach Earth’s troposphere
causing too much cloud formation and lower
surface temperatures
• If too strong: too few cosmic ray protons
reach planet’s troposphere causing too little
cloud formation
Fine Tuned Earth/Solar Parameters
Sun’s Solar Wind
• Plate Tectonics: Earth is delicately balanced between
snowball and a greenhouse.
– One key to maintaining this balance is the fate of carbon dioxide
(CO2) in the atmosphere.
– The balance is maintained by plate tectonics.
Oceanic-Continental Convergence
First study of the effects of plate tectonics on life (1970, James Valentine & Eldridge Moores)
proposed that the diversity of life increased as continents fragmented and dispersed.
Earth’s Delicate Energy Balance
Solar Reflectivity (Albedo) is delicately balanced – snow and water
reflect most of the sun’s radiation
• Angular rotation (WE) affects wind speeds
Fine Tuned Earth Orbital Parameters
Earth’s Angular Velocity
Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 94, Aug. 20, 1989, p. 11129-11136
• Relation between WE and atmospheric winds
• Earth rotation creates a Coriolis effect which increases with WE
Wind speed, V increases
with increasing WE
V of 620 km/h has been
measured on Jupiter
Fine Tuning Parameter Probability
Solar wind’s effect on Earth 0.01
Axis tilt 0.1
Rotation period 0.1
Orbit eccentricity 0.1
Position and mass of Jupiter 0.01
Plate Tectonics 0.1
Magnetic field 0.01
Estimated Probability 1 : 1010
Probability Estimates for Orbital Parameters
Higher than RTB’s Hugh Ross
1. Introduction and Background
2. Fine tuned Parameters
– Solar Parameters
– Solar and Earth Parameters
– Chemistry
3. Summary and Conclusion
Fine Tuned Geochemistry
• Continental crust: layer of minerals and metals which forms
the continents and shallow seabed close to their shore
1. It is less dense than mantle, thus allowing for large land masses
2. Concentrated ores of metals, which allowed human civilization to
advanced beyond the stone-age.
3. The continental shelf allows complex sea life to exist
Earth’s Crust
RTB’s Statements on Earth’s Crust
If thicker: no tectonic activity
and a sterile planet
If thinner: volcanic and tectonic
activity would be too great
• Carbon dioxide level in atmosphere
– if greater: runaway greenhouse effect
– if less: plants unable to maintain efficient
• Water vapor level in atmosphere
– if greater: runaway greenhouse effect
– if less: rainfall too meager for advanced life
• Ozone level in atmosphere: Good up high
(stratosphere) bad nearby (troposphere)
– if greater: surface temperatures would be
too low
– if less: surface temperatures too high; too
much UV radiation at the surface
Fine Tuned Atmosphere
Non-quantifiable but relevant conditions for life
• Atmospheric pressure
– if too small: liquid water evaporates too
easily and condenses too infrequently;
weather and climate variation too extreme
– if too large: liquid water will not evaporate
easily enough which disrupts the water
cycle necessary for land life
• Atmospheric (spectral) transparency
– if smaller: insufficient intensity and range of
wavelengths of solar radiation reaches
planetary surface
• Oxygen quantity in atmosphere
– if greater: hydrocarbons burn too easily,
fires would cause wide-spread devastation
– if less: advanced animals would have too
little to breath
Fine Tuned Atmosphere
Non-quantifiable but relevant conditions for life
Fine Tuned Solar/Atmosphere
• Infrared energy emitted at the top of the atmosphere (239 W/m2) is
almost exactly equal solar energy absorbed by earth (341–102 W/m2).
– The small difference, ~ 1 watt/m2, leads to global warming or cooling.
Trenberth, et all, 2009: Earth's Global Energy Budget. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90, 311-323.
Fine Tuned Water Chemistry
• Expands upon freezing
– Insulating blanket retards
further freezing of lakes and
• High surface tension (only
mercury is higher)
– Capillary action necessary for
plant life to exist
Fine Tuned Water Chemistry
• Universal Solvent: Water dissolves a large variety of
chemical substances
– Invaluable in industrial processes
• Osmosis: Water passes through cell membranes
– Plants and humans rely upon this property for their existence
• High heat capacity: moderates earth’s climate
– Absorbs large amount of energy
Chemistry: Resource Rich Planet
• Trees (forests) provided easily accessible housing and
fuel (energy) in Biblical times
• Fossil Fuels – later peat, coal, oil, natural gas
Fine Tuning Parameter Probability
Geochemistry (Iron) 0.1
Thickness of crust 0.01
Ratio of atmospheric gases 0.001
Atmospheric transparency 0.01
Atmospheric pressure 0.1
Water’s properties 0.001
Quantity of minerals 0.001
Estimated probability 1 : 1015
Cumulative probability 1 : 1024
Probability Estimates for Earth Parameters
Higher than RTB’s Hugh Ross
1. Introduction and Background
2. Fine tuned Parameters
– Galactic and Solar Parameters
– Solar and Earth Parameters
– Chemistry
3. Summary and Conclusion
• The Bible encourages us to look for
God’s fingerprint
– Romans 1:20 “Since the creation of the world
God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and
divine nature – have been clearly seen, being
understood from what has been made, so that
men are without excuse.”
– Isaiah 48:13 My own hand laid the
foundations of the earth, and my right hand
spread out the heavens
The Bible Said it First
• Liquid water, complex organic molecules and energy to
maintain metabolism are necessary but not sufficient.
• There are at least 2 dozen other scientifically accepted
• The chances for a planet similar to earth is very unlikely
An Earth-Sized Exoplanet in Our Cosmic Neighborhood
Astronomers have found a temperate world orbiting a star just 11 light-years away.
The Atlantic Nov 15, 2017
“Even the discovery of the most exciting kind of exoplanet—an Earth-sized world orbiting
inside a star’s habitable zone—has become routine: Kepler has confirmed the existence of
more than 30 of them.”
Habitability: Earth is fine
tuned for advanced life
Mankind is different in
kind: Then God said,
"Let us make man in our
image, in our likeness,…
Observability: Earth’s
position in the Milky Way
allows us to observe,
discover and declare

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Rare Earth Hypothesis

  • 1. Science and Faith Lectures Rare Earth Hypothesis Rare Earth hypothesis argues that the emergence of complex life on Earth required an improbable combination of astrophysical and geophysical events and circumstances. Dennis Wilson HCBC Defending Christianity December 19, 2017
  • 2. Outline 1. Introduction and Background 2. Fine Tuned Parameters – Solar Parameters – Solar and Earth Parameters – Chemistry 3. Summary and Conclusion
  • 3. “Habitable environments must provide extended regions of liquid water, …complex organic molecules, and energy sources to sustain metabolism”. What’s the Basic Criteria for Life? • Planet’s criteria include: – Composition – Orbital properties – Potential chemical interactions • Stellar (Sun) criteria include: – Mass – Luminosity – High metallicity Isaiah 45:18 … he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited. Poor Example Ideal Example
  • 4. Other Criteria for Complex Life • Life involves complex biochemistry • Complex life involves extraordinarily complex biochemistry which requires: • Planet with an improbable: – Thermodynamics – Physics – Chemistry Bacteria
  • 5. Is Complex Life Carbon Based? • Carbon has four chemical bonds – There are over 10 million known carbon-based molecules – Carbon molecules form the basis for organic molecules – Oxygen is involved in over 100,000 molecules – C + O2 > CO2 (gas at STP) – Carbon – Oxygen – Hydrogen drives biological activity – Additional essential elements: nitrogen and sulfur + others
  • 6. Carbon vs. Silicon based Molecules • We assume that the atoms in the periodic table occur through out the universe – – carbon-based molecules represent over 30% • Silicon has been suggested as a building block for life
  • 7. Major Creation Events • God prepares the Earth (through creation miracles) for life – Earth started out uninhabitable and unfriendly to life. In order to support human life, Earth underwent substantial changes 3.8 BYA: late heavy bombardment 3.5 BYA: creation of magnetosphere 4.4 BYA: formation of the moon 1.8 BYA: plate tectonics 2.8 BYA: Cyanobacteria creates O2 545 MYA: Cambrian explosion
  • 8. Copernican Principle • The Copernican principle states that Earth is not in a central, specially favored position in the universe. – More recently, the principle has been generalized to the relativistic concept that humans are not privileged observers of the universe. Ref: Peacock, John A. (1998). Cosmological Physics. Cambridge University Press. p. 66. Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Dust of the ground is star stuff.
  • 9. Perspective: Size and Scale of Universe The distance to the edge of the visible universe is about 1024 m ~ 46 BLY One argument for the Copernican principle is the scale of the universe
  • 10. Our Galaxy - Milky Way Galaxies contain stars & clouds of gas and dust (nebulae) 1. Elliptical: very little gas & dust (elements), mostly old red stars – not suitable for life 2. Irregular: preponderance of explosive star formation and quasars – not suitable for life 3. Spiral: flat, rotating disk containing stars, gas and dust – suitable for life (e.g. Milky Way) Elliptical Nebulae Spiral
  • 11. Fine Tuned Galactic Parameters • Certain places (GHZ) in a galaxy are more hospitable to life than others. Reference: NASA Astrobiology Institute, May 18, 2001 • A planetary system must be close enough to the galactic center for: – A sufficiently high level of heavy elements to form rocky, or terrestrial, planets. • The planetary system must be far enough from the galactic center so: – Dangerous radiation, which would damage any carbon-based life, is less intense. – Gravitational perturbations of planets by nearby stars becomes less likely. Galactic Habitable Zone (GHZ) • The Milky Way’s GHZ lies • far from the center where radiation is less intense • between the spiral arms where gravity from nearby stars is much less
  • 12. Boundary between interstellar space and solar wind is ~ 100 AU from the Sun Our Planetary System - Solar System Planets Asteroids (Vesta) Comets 8 planets, 1000’s (103) asteroids, 109 comets and meteoroids
  • 13. Main Sequence Stars and Our Sun • Type G stars are ideal for life due to their long stable nuclear fusion stage • Our Sun is a Type G main sequence star An understanding of planetary habitability begins with stars
  • 14. Outline 1. Introduction and Background 2. Fine tuned Parameters – Solar Parameters – Solar and Earth Parameters – Chemistry 3. Summary and Conclusion
  • 15. Fine Tuned Stellar Parameters • SHZ is where an Earth-like planet can maintain liquid water on its surface and support organic chemistry. – Astrobiologists define the SHZ as a region that is neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water and therefore life to exist. • Earth orbits a (main sequence G star) at right location in the SHZ for liquid water. Stellar Habitable Zone (SHZ) Intersection of (SHZ), and (GHZ) forms the “Goldilocks Zone” where life can exist
  • 16. Background: Star’s Luminosity vs. Mass • The luminosity (L) of main-sequence stars follows a power law in terms of the total mass (M): – L/LSun ~ (M/Msun)3.5 for 2 < M/Msun < 20 Ref: Hyperphysics • Very small variations in mass produce very large variations in brightness Fine Tuned Solar Parameters A larger hotter light bulb is “brighter” more luminosity
  • 17. Fine Tuned Solar Parameters • The Sun is ~ halfway through its main- sequence evolution – Sun’s luminosity increases ~ 10% every billion years – Conditions for life to exist began ~ 1By ago. – In ~ 1By the Earth will be too hot for liquid water to exist – Currently - low solar flare activity Star’s Luminosity vs. Mass Ref: The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology “The Habitable Zone”
  • 18. • The relationship between a main sequence star’s lifetime (TL) and mass M has serious implications for life. • A star with 2 solar masses lasts 1.7 By and one with 4 solar masses lasts 300My Reference: Hyperphysics Fine Tuned Solar Parameters Star’s Life Time vs. Mass Implication: If the sun’s original mass was slightly greater: the sun would burn too rapidly for biodiversity to evolve The life time (TL) is ~ 1/M3.5
  • 19. Sun’s Metallicity • Star’s metallicity = fraction of elements other than H2 & He (Sun ~1.8%) – Metallicity is an indicator of the likelihood that the star has a planetary system. – Only a very few star’s have been found with the proper metallicity – Ref: The Astrophysical Journal 622 (2) 1102–1117 (2005) Fine Tuned Solar Parameters • RTB’s Statements: – If too small: insufficient heavy elements for life chemistry to exist – If too large: High radiation pressure resulting in strong “solar” winds and short lifetimes
  • 20. Probability Estimates for Solar Parameters are Higher than RTB’s Hugh Ross Fine Tuning Parameter Probability Galaxy type (Spiral) 0.1 GHZ + SHZ 0.01 Proper luminosity of Sun 0.1 Proper age of Sun 0.01 Proper temperature of Sun 0.01 Proper metallicity of Sun 0.1 Estimated probability 1 : 109
  • 21. Outline 1. Introduction and Background 2. Fine tuned Parameters – Solar Parameters – Solar and Earth Parameters – Chemistry 3. Summary and Conclusion
  • 22. • Earth’s magnetic field (magnetosphere) – Protects Earth’s atmosphere from erosion by solar and cosmic particle radiation. – Planets without a shielding magnetic field, e.g. Mars and Venus evolve differently. – Reference: Fine Tuned Earth Core Parameter • RTB’s statement – If stronger: fewer cosmic rays reach the troposphere which would inhibit adequate cloud formation. – If weaker: geomagnetic storms would be more severe and ozone shield would be inadequately protected Earth’s Magnetosphere
  • 23. Fine Tuned Solar System Parameters • Jupiter’s strong gravitational field “protects” earth from comet and asteroid impacts – Comet impacts on Jupiter are ~ 2000 and 8000 times higher than on Earth. Size and Position of Jupiter (and Saturn) Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impact – If Jupiter were not present, the probability of asteroid impacts with the Earth would be much greater. – Reference: “Collision Probability of Periodic Comets with the Terrestrial Planets” Astronomical Journal 11 (2): 848 – RTB: If Jupiter were closer to Earth or more massive, then Earth’s orbit would be unstable
  • 24. Recent study (May 17, 2011) links cosmic rays to aerosols/cloud formation via solar magnetic activity modulation • Cosmic rays (atomic nuclei) eject electrons from upper atmosphere, which promotes cloud formation. • If the solar wind is too weak: too many cosmic rays reach Earth’s troposphere causing too much cloud formation and lower surface temperatures • If too strong: too few cosmic ray protons reach planet’s troposphere causing too little cloud formation Fine Tuned Earth/Solar Parameters Sun’s Solar Wind
  • 25. • Plate Tectonics: Earth is delicately balanced between snowball and a greenhouse. – One key to maintaining this balance is the fate of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. – The balance is maintained by plate tectonics. Oceanic-Continental Convergence First study of the effects of plate tectonics on life (1970, James Valentine & Eldridge Moores) proposed that the diversity of life increased as continents fragmented and dispersed. Earth’s Delicate Energy Balance Solar Reflectivity (Albedo) is delicately balanced – snow and water reflect most of the sun’s radiation
  • 26. • Angular rotation (WE) affects wind speeds Fine Tuned Earth Orbital Parameters Earth’s Angular Velocity Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 94, Aug. 20, 1989, p. 11129-11136 • Relation between WE and atmospheric winds • Earth rotation creates a Coriolis effect which increases with WE Wind speed, V increases with increasing WE V of 620 km/h has been measured on Jupiter
  • 27. Fine Tuning Parameter Probability Solar wind’s effect on Earth 0.01 Axis tilt 0.1 Rotation period 0.1 Orbit eccentricity 0.1 Position and mass of Jupiter 0.01 Plate Tectonics 0.1 Magnetic field 0.01 Estimated Probability 1 : 1010 Probability Estimates for Orbital Parameters Higher than RTB’s Hugh Ross
  • 28. Outline 1. Introduction and Background 2. Fine tuned Parameters – Solar Parameters – Solar and Earth Parameters – Chemistry 3. Summary and Conclusion
  • 29. Fine Tuned Geochemistry • Continental crust: layer of minerals and metals which forms the continents and shallow seabed close to their shore 1. It is less dense than mantle, thus allowing for large land masses 2. Concentrated ores of metals, which allowed human civilization to advanced beyond the stone-age. 3. The continental shelf allows complex sea life to exist Earth’s Crust RTB’s Statements on Earth’s Crust If thicker: no tectonic activity and a sterile planet If thinner: volcanic and tectonic activity would be too great
  • 30. • Carbon dioxide level in atmosphere – if greater: runaway greenhouse effect – if less: plants unable to maintain efficient photosynthesis • Water vapor level in atmosphere – if greater: runaway greenhouse effect – if less: rainfall too meager for advanced life • Ozone level in atmosphere: Good up high (stratosphere) bad nearby (troposphere) – if greater: surface temperatures would be too low – if less: surface temperatures too high; too much UV radiation at the surface Fine Tuned Atmosphere Non-quantifiable but relevant conditions for life
  • 31. • Atmospheric pressure – if too small: liquid water evaporates too easily and condenses too infrequently; weather and climate variation too extreme – if too large: liquid water will not evaporate easily enough which disrupts the water cycle necessary for land life • Atmospheric (spectral) transparency – if smaller: insufficient intensity and range of wavelengths of solar radiation reaches planetary surface • Oxygen quantity in atmosphere – if greater: hydrocarbons burn too easily, fires would cause wide-spread devastation – if less: advanced animals would have too little to breath Fine Tuned Atmosphere Non-quantifiable but relevant conditions for life
  • 32. Fine Tuned Solar/Atmosphere • Infrared energy emitted at the top of the atmosphere (239 W/m2) is almost exactly equal solar energy absorbed by earth (341–102 W/m2). – The small difference, ~ 1 watt/m2, leads to global warming or cooling. Trenberth, et all, 2009: Earth's Global Energy Budget. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90, 311-323.
  • 33. Fine Tuned Water Chemistry • Expands upon freezing – Insulating blanket retards further freezing of lakes and oceans • High surface tension (only mercury is higher) – Capillary action necessary for plant life to exist
  • 34. Fine Tuned Water Chemistry • Universal Solvent: Water dissolves a large variety of chemical substances – Invaluable in industrial processes • Osmosis: Water passes through cell membranes – Plants and humans rely upon this property for their existence • High heat capacity: moderates earth’s climate – Absorbs large amount of energy
  • 35. Chemistry: Resource Rich Planet • Trees (forests) provided easily accessible housing and fuel (energy) in Biblical times • Fossil Fuels – later peat, coal, oil, natural gas
  • 36. Fine Tuning Parameter Probability Geochemistry (Iron) 0.1 Thickness of crust 0.01 Ratio of atmospheric gases 0.001 Atmospheric transparency 0.01 Atmospheric pressure 0.1 Water’s properties 0.001 Quantity of minerals 0.001 Estimated probability 1 : 1015 Cumulative probability 1 : 1024 Probability Estimates for Earth Parameters Higher than RTB’s Hugh Ross
  • 37. Outline 1. Introduction and Background 2. Fine tuned Parameters – Galactic and Solar Parameters – Solar and Earth Parameters – Chemistry 3. Summary and Conclusion
  • 38. Summary • The Bible encourages us to look for God’s fingerprint – Romans 1:20 “Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” – Isaiah 48:13 My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens The Bible Said it First
  • 39. Summary • Liquid water, complex organic molecules and energy to maintain metabolism are necessary but not sufficient. • There are at least 2 dozen other scientifically accepted conditions • The chances for a planet similar to earth is very unlikely An Earth-Sized Exoplanet in Our Cosmic Neighborhood Astronomers have found a temperate world orbiting a star just 11 light-years away. The Atlantic Nov 15, 2017 “Even the discovery of the most exciting kind of exoplanet—an Earth-sized world orbiting inside a star’s habitable zone—has become routine: Kepler has confirmed the existence of more than 30 of them.”
  • 40. Summary Habitability: Earth is fine tuned for advanced life Mankind is different in kind: Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,… Observability: Earth’s position in the Milky Way allows us to observe, discover and declare