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The	Domain	of	Religion	
and	Science	
Dennis	Wilson
December	2017
Michelangelo’s	Creation	of	Adam
1. Introduction
2. What	do	Scientists	say?
3. Where	Science	and	Scripture	are	in	Harmony
4. Fine	Tuned	Examples
5. Summary
Science	&	Religion	Have	Different	Focus
• Religion tackles	the	big	issues
– Origin	– where	did	we	come	from?
– Identity	- who	are	we?
– Purpose	– why are	we	here?
– Destiny	– where	are	we	going?
– Morality	– How	should	we	live?
• Science is	designed	to	discover	information
– about	the	natural world	and	organize	that	
information	into	testable	laws	and	theories.
– Transcendent	or	supernatural phenomenon	are	
Religion Science
Method: Faith (unseen) Theories (observable)
Reason: Why How
Working	Definitions
Words	have	precise	meaning	in	science
• Hypothesis:	educated	guess,	based	on	observation	(facts)	and	
supported	by	background	knowledge	or	understanding.
• A	scientific	theory summarizes	a	
hypothesis	supported	with	repeated	
– Systematic	and	comprehensive	
knowledge organized	into	a	framework	
that	is	applicable	to	a	wide	variety	of	
– Theories	can	be	disproven	– but	not
– When	a	theory	is	said	to	be	true	it	means	
it	agrees	with	known	observable	evidence
Scientists	use	Theoretical	Models
• Scientists	use	theoretical	models	to	explain	the	natural	
(physical)	world.
– Theoretical	model:	A	framework	of	ideas	and	concepts	from	
which	we	interpret	observations	and	experimental	results.
• Models	approximate	the	“real”	complex	world
• Richard	Feynman,	Nobel	Laureate:	“Scientific	knowledge	is	a	body	of	
statements	of	varying	degrees	of	certainty	-- some	most	unsure,	some	nearly	
sure,	none	absolutely	certain.”	
– Example:	Kinetic	Theory	of	Gases	
Molecules are hard spheres which undergo
elastic collisions resulting is a property we
call pressure
Scientific	Method
• Over	time	a	Theory may	gain	widespread	acceptance		
– No	observations	found	that	are	contrary	to	the	predictions
• A	Scientific	Law is	a	concise,	universal	statement	usually	as	a	
simple	mathematical	statement		
• Law	of	Gravity:	F	=	G(Mm)/R2
• Newton’s	Laws	of	Motion	(e.g.,	F	=	d(mV)/dt)	
• 1st	 Law	of	Thermodynamics	(DQ	+	DW	=	DE)
• Einstein’s	Mass	Energy	Equivalence:	E	=	mc2
Observe nature, collect
verify and organize data,
and generate hypothesis
Ideally, Construct a
Mathematical Model
Construct Theory
Note: Models are
approximations to nature
Verify predictions through
controlled experiments
Information	Science	Recently	Discovered	the	
Scientific	Method	
Data (Facts)
Who, what,
when & where
Ackoff, R. L. (1989). From data to wisdom.
Journal of Applied Systems Analysis 15: 3-9
• The	DIKW	hierarchy	was	first	proposed	by	Ackoff in	1989
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord
is the beginning of knowledge but
fools despise wisdom and
Science	Relies	on	
Order	and	Design	
• The	scientific	method	rests	on	the	
foundational	belief	that	there	is	an	
order and	universality in	the	
– Physicist	Paul	C.	Davies:	"	be	
a	scientist,	you	had	to	have	
faith	that	the	universe	is	
governed	by	dependable,	
immutable,	absolute,	universal,	
mathematical	laws	of	an	
unspecified	origin.”
God’s	Hand	in	Order	and	Design
• Early,	science	giants	envisioned	universal	laws	in	keeping	
with	the	rationality	of	God	the	creator:
– Copernicus,	Kepler,	Galileo,	Boyle,	Newton,	Leibniz,	Pascal,	
Dalton,	Faraday,	Herschel,	Joule,	Lavoisier,	Kelvin,	Ohm,	
Ampere,	Pasteur,	Maxwell,	Planck,	Kelvin,	Mendel,	etc.
• The	Christian	worldview	provides	a	coherent	framework	
for	the	
– order	of	nature
• It	is	I	who	made	the	earth,	and	created	man	upon	it.	I	stretched	out	the	
heavens	with	My	hands…	 Isaiah	45:12
– rationality	of	the	human	mind	
• …we	have	the	mind	of	Christ	 1	Corinthians	2:16
Independent	or	Overlap?
1. Science	and	Religion	are	independent
• Non-Overlapping	Magisteria (NOMA):	religion	and	
science	are	in	separate	domains	("magisteria")
– Prof	Stephen	Jay	Gould,	Harvard	Evolutionary	Biologist,	
Paleontologists	and	Historian
2. Science	and	Religion	are	in	conflict
– Richard	Dawkins,	Michael	Shermer,	Victor	Stenger
3. Science	and	Religion	complement	one	another	
and	can	be	constructively	integrated
• Albert	Einstein: “Science	without	religion	is	blind	and	
religion	without	science	is	lame.”	
• Max	Planck: “There	can	never	be	any	real	opposition	
between	religion	and	science,	for	one	is	the	
complement	of	the	other.”
• RTB:	“God’s	word	and	God’s	world	(properly	
interpreted)	must	be	in	harmony.”		
or conflict
1. Introduction
2. What	do	Scientists	say?
3. Where	Science	and	Scripture	are	in	Harmony
4. Fine	Tuned	examples
5. Summary
No	Place	For	Christians	In	Science?
(Commenting on the 15% of people on the National Academy of
Sciences that believe in a personal God) “That’s a problem that
needs to be addressed. How come the number isn't zero? That
should be the subject of …investigation.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Host of PBS “NOVA”,
Hayden Planetarium, NYC
"I don't want the religious person in the lab
telling me that God is responsible for what
it is they cannot discover. It's like saying
no one else will ever discover how
something works.”
Some	are	Hostile
Dr. Richard Dawkins Author: The
God Delusion Speaking at UT
…he	ravaged	creationism	and	design	theories	
that	claim	a	supernatural	being	created	the	
universe…	Austin	American	Statesmen	3/20/08
• “The	enlightenment	is	under	threat.	So	is	reason.	So	is	truth.	So	is	science,	
especially	in	the	schools	of	America…...	We	have	to	devote	a	significant	
proportion	of	our	time	and	resources	to	defending	it	from	deliberate	
attack	from	organized	ignorance.			We	even	have	to	go	out	on	the	attack	
“The	first	gulp	from	the	glass	of	natural	
sciences	will	turn	you	into	an	atheist,	but	at	
the	bottom	of	the	glass	God	is	waiting	for	
Dr.	Werner	Heisenberg:	Nobel	Laureate,	Physics	-
Some	are	Humble
Louis	Pasteur:		Founder	of	Microbiology	&	
“The	more	I	study	nature,	the	more	I	
stand	amazed	at	the	work	of	the	Creator.	
Science	brings	men	nearer	to	God.”
Isaac	Newton:	Inventor	of	Calculus,	Founder	of	
Classical	Physics	and	Christian
Some	are	Humble
“Atheism	is	so	senseless.	
When	I	look	at	the	solar	
system,	I	see	the	earth	
at	the	right	distance	
from	the	sun	to	receive	
the	proper	amounts	of	
heat	and	light.	This	did	
not	happen	by	chance”
Notable	Conversions
• Richard	Smalley	(Rice	University)	Nobel	Prize-
Chemistry	1996
• Became	a	Christian	after	being	Diagnosed	
with	cancer	in	1999	
"Genesis	was	right.	There	was	a	creation,	&	that	Creator	is	still	
involved.	We	are	the	only	species	that	can	destroy	the	Earth	or	take	
care	of	it	&	nurture	all	that	live	on	this	very	special	planet.”	
“Evolution	has	been	dealt	its	death	blow.	….	with	
my	background	in	chemistry	&	physics,	it	is	clear	
evolution	could	not	have	occurred.”
Statistics	of	Distinguished	Scientists	
• According	to	100	Years	of	Nobel	Prize	[1],	
65.4%	of	Nobel	Prize	Laureates,	have	
identified	Christianity in	its	various	forms	as	
their	religious	preference	
1.	Shalev,	Baruch	Aba	(2003).	100	Years	of	Nobel	Prizes.	New	
Delhi :	Atlantic	Publishers	&	Distributors.
Check	out	Wikipedia	article:	List	of	Christian	
Nobel	laureates
Book based on statements (quotes)
826 Nobel Laureates from 1901 to 2011
1. Introduction
2. What	do	Scientists	say?
3. Where	Science	and	Scripture	are	in	Harmony
4. Fine	Tuned	Examples
5. Summary
Scientific	Theories	Evolve
• Static/Infinite	Universe:	Universe	is	infinite	and	always	existed
– View	held	by	scientists	for	centuries	until	middle	of	20th	century		
• Big	Bang:	The	universe	had	a	beginning	about	13.8	billion	years	
ago	that	marks	the	creation	of	space	and	time.	
Example:	Origin	of	the	Universe	
– Widely	accepted	theory	with	
significant	scientific	evidence
– Prof	Richard	Feynman	(Nobel	
Laureate):	“If	you	thought	that	
science	was	certain	- well	that	is	
just	an	error	on	your	part.”
Big	Bang	Theological	Implications
• The	theological	significance	of	the	Big	Bang	Theory	is	significant.
– It	suggests	a	supernatural creation	or	causal	agent	of	the	universe
– The	evolution	also	displays	incredible	fine	tuning	or	design
1. Causal	agent:	outside	of	space-time
2. Fine	tuning:	Large	number	of	constants,	
parameters	and	initial	conditions	were	
“just	right”	for	the	universe	to	evolve
• Einstein	concluded	“there	must	be	a	
beginning	and	a	beginner”
• …	physicists	and	cosmologists	have	
uncovered	numerous	eye-popping	
"cosmic	coincidences,"	remarkable	
instances	of	apparent	"fine-tuning"	of	
the	universe.	(	April	3,	2014)
Christian	Truth	Claims	are	Constant
God	speaks	through	Scripture:	In	the	beginning,	God	
created	(Baraʹ)	the	heavens	and	the	earth	(Genesis	1:1)
• Hebrew	word	definition:	Baraʹ
– To	supernaturally	create	something	that	is	totally	new or	extraordinary	
(not fashioned	from	something	else)	
• God	brought	the	universe	into	existence	from	nothing
• This	sounds	a	lot	like	the	Big	Bang
– Properly	interpreted,	there	is	agreement	or	
harmony	between	science	(cosmology	and	
astrophysics)	and	scripture.
• Mass	density	distribution	after	about	380,000	years	was	“just	
right”	for	star	formation	to	begin
– WMAP	(2003)	satellite:		Stunning	confirmation	of	Cosmic	Microwave	
Background	(CMB)	Radiation	and	Big	Bang	cosmology		
– George	Smoot		(Astrophysicist	&	Nobel	Laureate)	"If	you're	religious,	it's	
like	looking	at	God."	
– Prof.	Geoffrey	Burbidge	(Astronomer	&	Professor):		Everyone	is	running	off	
to	“join	the	first	church	of	Christ	of	the	big	bang”
Big	Bang	Theological	Implications
1. Introduction
2. What	do	Scientists	say?
3. Where	Science	and	Scripture	are	in	Harmony
4. Fine	Tuned	Examples
5. Summary
Fine	Tuning	of	the	Universe	
Cosmic	Expansion	and	Fine	Tuning	
from	NASA	Website
• WMAP	has	determined	the	geometry	of	the	universe	to	be	nearly	flat.		A	
universe	as	flat	as	we	see	it	today	would	require	an	extreme	fine-tuning	
of	conditions	in	the	past,	which	would	be	an	unbelievable	coincidence.	
• Secular	Fine	Tuning	Definition: “The	
Universe	seems	to	have	a	number* of	
special	features	that	are	not	explained	in	
the	Big	Bang	Theory	several	numbers	
which	the	theory	doesn't	specify	must	be	
fixed	to	very	special	values.	This	is	called	
"fine-tuning"	because	these	parameters	
must	be	"fine-tuned”.
– Prof	Ned	Wright’s	Cosmological	Tutorial	
Notes	(Presidential	Chair	in	Physics	at	
*At	least	
two	dozen
Primordial	Density	Fluctuations
Density	Fluctuations:	At	about	1	month	after	the	Big	Bang,	matter	began	to	form	
slightly	larger	concentrations,	e.g.	higher	density.		These	density	variations	were	
finely	tuned	to	one	part	in	100,000	(1:105)
– if	smaller,	stars	and	galaxies	would	not	form
– if	larger,	galaxies	would	be	too	dense	for	life;	black	holes	would	dominate
Matter	Antimatter	Evolution
Early Particle Evolution
At t = 10-6 s: T =1013K the
universe was filled with high
energy gamma rays, which
form particles (e.g. protons
and antiprotons) in a process
called pair production. Two photons come
together to form a
matter-antimatter pair
E = mc2 governs this process
annihilation creates
lots of energy
Something very strange happened
at about 10-4 sec and nobody (no
human, that is) knows why!
Matter	Antimatter	Evolution
• Excess	of	protons	to	anti-protons
– There	was	a	small	excess	of	matter	compared	to	
antimatter,	roughly	1	billion	(109)antiprotons	for	every	1	
billion	+	1	protons
– If	equal: no	atomic	matter	and	no	life	– only	radiation!
– The	same	ratios	existed	for	
• neutrons	and	antineutrons
• electrons	and	positrons	(anti-electrons)
• One	of	the	great	mysteries	of	modern	particle	physics	is	the	relative	lack	of	
SLAC	Summer	Institute	on	Particle	Physics,	Aug.	2-13,	2004
Our	Universe	Should	Not	Exist
• “All	of	our	observations	find	a	complete	symmetry	between	
matter	and	antimatter,	which	is	why	the	universe	should	not	
actually	exist.”
18	OCT	2017	Nature article
CERN antimatter study
Universe shouldn’t exist,
CERN physicists conclude
Example:	Fine	Tuned	Galactic	Parameters
• Certain	places	(GHZ)	in	a	galaxy	are	more	hospitable	to	life	than	others.	
Reference:	NASA	Astrobiology	Institute,	May	18,	2001
• A	planetary	system	must	be	close	enough	to	the	galactic	center	for:
– A	sufficiently	high	level	of	heavy	elements	to	form	rocky,	or	terrestrial,	planets.	
• The	planetary	system	must	be	far	enough	from	the	galactic	center	so:
– Dangerous	radiation,	which	would	damage	any	carbon-based	life,	is	less	intense.	
– Gravitational	perturbations	of	planets	by	nearby	stars	becomes	less	likely.
Galactic Habitable Zone (GHZ)
• The Milky Way’s GHZ lies
• far from the center where
radiation is less intense
• between the spiral arms
where gravity from nearby
stars is much less
Example:	Fine	Tuned	Solar	Parameters
• SHZ is	where	an	Earth-like	planet	can	maintain	liquid	water	on	
its	surface	and	support	organic	chemistry.	
– Astrobiologists	define	the	SHZ	as	a	region	that	is	neither	too	hot	nor	too	cold	
for	liquid	water	and	therefore	life	to	exist.	
• Earth	orbits	a	(main	sequence	G	star)	at	right	location	in	the	
SHZ for	liquid	water.
Stellar Habitable Zone (SHZ)
Intersection	of	(SHZ),	
and	(GHZ)	forms	the	
“Goldilocks	Zone”
Rare Earth Hypothesis will
be topic for next weeks talk
1. Introduction
2. What	do	Scientists	say?
3. Where	Science	and	Scripture	is	in	Harmony
4. Fine	Tuned	Examples
5. Summary
Science	Scripture	Harmony
1. God	existed	before	the	beginning	of	time	and	created	the	
– Genesis	1:1		In	the	beginning	God	created	the	heavens	and	the	earth…	
– Colossians	1:16	- 17		For	in	him	all	things	were	created:	things	in	
heaven	and	on	earth,	visible	and	invisible,	whether	thrones	or	powers	
or	rulers	or	authorities;	all	things	have	been	created	through	him	and	
for	him.	17He	is	before	all	things,	and	in	him	all	things	hold	together.
2. God	created	the	universe	from	things	unseen	by	our	senses		
– Hebrews	11:3		By	faith	we	understand	that	the	universe	was	formed	
at	God’s	command,	so	that	what	is	seen	was	not	made	out	of	what	
was	visible.
Apparent	Science	Scripture	Disharmony
1. Neo-Darwinian	Evolution	is	a	collection	of	independent	
theories	that	“evolve”	fairly	rapidly	over	time
2. Major	issues	are:
– Irreducible	complexity
– Divergent	vs.	convergent	evolution
– Punctuated	equilibrium
– Common	design	vs.	common	descent
Topic of future talk
The Christian
asserts that
God is the
author of
universal and
ideas of: truth,
logic, and the
laws of nature.
Since we are created in the
image of God (Genesis
1:28 - 29), we are uniquely
gifted to discover these
universal ideas using
rational thought and
evidence-based reasoning.
Christian Worldview
…we have the mind of Christ
1 Corinthians 2:16

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Science Vs Religion Essay
Science Vs Religion EssayScience Vs Religion Essay
Science Vs Religion Essay
Worldview for science
Worldview for scienceWorldview for science
Worldview for science
Science ratioality faith
Science ratioality faithScience ratioality faith
Science ratioality faith
Obstacles and Opposing Forces to Christianity
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Obstacles and Opposing Forces to Christianity
History and Philosophy of Science
History and Philosophy of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of Science
History and Philosophy of Science
Christianity and Modernism
Christianity and ModernismChristianity and Modernism
Christianity and Modernism
The Conduct of Inquiry in IR
The Conduct of Inquiry in IRThe Conduct of Inquiry in IR
The Conduct of Inquiry in IR
Science and Faith - Not Mortal Enemies
Science and Faith - Not Mortal EnemiesScience and Faith - Not Mortal Enemies
Science and Faith - Not Mortal Enemies
8. natural sciences.pptx
8. natural sciences.pptx8. natural sciences.pptx
8. natural sciences.pptx
Evoation of Homo Eruditus (The paradigm shift of Darwin's theory of evolution...
Evoation of Homo Eruditus (The paradigm shift of Darwin's theory of evolution...Evoation of Homo Eruditus (The paradigm shift of Darwin's theory of evolution...
Evoation of Homo Eruditus (The paradigm shift of Darwin's theory of evolution...
Interview wuth k. wilmer
Interview wuth k. wilmerInterview wuth k. wilmer
Interview wuth k. wilmer
Weaponising Philosophy in Systematics
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Weaponising Philosophy in Systematics
CMV-101 Topic 1 Week 2 -Types of Worldviews
CMV-101 Topic 1 Week 2 -Types of WorldviewsCMV-101 Topic 1 Week 2 -Types of Worldviews
CMV-101 Topic 1 Week 2 -Types of Worldviews
GRAND APOLOGETIC with Hyperlinks
GRAND APOLOGETIC with HyperlinksGRAND APOLOGETIC with Hyperlinks
GRAND APOLOGETIC with Hyperlinks
Science Or Magic Which Should We Choose
Science Or Magic Which Should We ChooseScience Or Magic Which Should We Choose
Science Or Magic Which Should We Choose
Word Trax Week 2 Apologetics Faith and Science
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The fine-tuning of the universe for life
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The domain of religion and science