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Racism Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of racism is inherently challenging due to the complexity and
sensitivity of the subject matter. It requires a deep understanding of historical contexts,
sociological theories, and personal experiences to address the multifaceted nature of racism
adequately. Moreover, navigating through the emotional aspects of this topic demands a delicate
balance of empathy and critical analysis.
One of the primary difficulties lies in confronting uncomfortable truths about systemic injustices
and individual prejudices without oversimplifying or downplaying the severity of the issues at
hand. Additionally, articulating solutions or advocating for change in a constructive manner
requires extensive research, careful consideration of diverse perspectives, and a commitment to
promoting inclusivity and equality.
Furthermore, the topic of racism often evokes strong emotions and personal experiences from
both the writer and the reader, which can make it challenging to maintain objectivity and
coherence in the essay's argumentation. Addressing the nuances of power dynamics, privilege,
and intersectionality adds another layer of complexity to the discussion, requiring nuanced
language and thoughtful analysis.
In conclusion, writing an essay on racism demands intellectual rigor, emotional intelligence, and
a dedication to fostering understanding and social progress. It necessitates grappling with
uncomfortable truths, acknowledging diverse perspectives, and advocating for positive change in
a world marked by systemic inequities.
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Racism Essay Racism Essay
Example Of Symbolic Interaction Theory
You grow up with the feeling that your dad has always had favoritism towards
your brother and that you have never been good enough for him. Every Time your
Dad does any kind of activity when your brother you feel like it because your dad s
has favoritism and that he is biased towards your brother and just ignores you. Your
Dad just recently asked your brother to get lunch with him right in front of your
face neglecting to ask you. You get upset, you run upstairs, and you slam your door.
You don t know why theses actions always lead to your mind thinking your Dad
likes your brother because every time this happens your Dad comes and assures you
that he doesn t favor your brother and that he loves you both equally. What kind of
theory would explain how you process these interactions between you, your brother
and your dad? This scenario is a perfect example of Symbolic Interaction Theory.
Symbolic Interaction Theory, 2012 it states that symbolic interactionismis the attempt
to explain such differences in message interpretation as it analyzes how people
attach various meanings to words and symbols . Going into detail on the scenario,
this is symbolic interaction because she takes her father s actions of asking her
brother to hang out so much as a symbolism that she is not worthy enough to hang
out and that her brother is better than her. George Mead once wrote (Scheffler, I.
(2013). Four Pragmatists A Critical Introduction to Peirce, James, Mead, and Dewey.
Florence: Taylor
Deep Brain Stimulation Implantation ( Shin ) Implantation
Deep Brain Stimulation Implantation
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) implantation is a procedure to insert a wire (lead)
into one or both sides of the brain in order to deliver electrical currents to an area
causing problems. The lead is attached to a power source that is implanted under the
skin near the collarbone, chest, or abdomen. This procedure may be done to treat
various medical conditions, such as Parkinson disease, essential tremor, and other
neurological conditions that cannot be controlled with medicines.
Once implanted, the device can be used 24 hours per day. The intensity and
frequency of the pulses are programmed for each individual and can be adjusted.
The DBS device has three parts:
A lead. This is a thin wire. It goes through one or two small openings in your skull. It
delivers the electrical pulse.
A power source. This is called the neurotransmitter. It is usually placed under the
skin in the upper part of your collarbone, chest, or abdomen, similar to how a heart
pacemaker is inserted. It is powered by a long lasting battery.
An extension. This is a wire that connects the lead to the power source. The
extension is passed under the skin of your head and neck and down to the power
Any allergies you have.
All medicines you are taking, including vitamins, herbs, eye drops, creams, and over
the counter medicines.
Previous problems you or members of your family have had with the
Brain Disorder Essay
The brain is known to be the most complex organ of the human body. According to,
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes, This three pound
organ is the seat of intelligence, interpreter of the senses, initiator of body
movement, and controller of behavior (Brain Basic: Know your Brain n.p.).
NINDS also explains how the cerebral hemisphere can be divided into sections, or
lobes, and within each lobe contains specific functions. The damage to these lobes
can have distinct debilitating effects, so therefore, damage to the left hemisphere
can cause aphasia, right sided hemiparesis and memory loss. The NINDS states, the
frontal lobe is located at the front of the brain, and plays a large role in problem
solving,... Show more content on ...
Ischemic strokes are caused by an obstruction within a blood vessel supplying
blood to the brain. The American Stroke Association also states that,
atherosclerosis is the development of fatty deposits which causes an obstruction in
the lining of vessel walls (ASA, par. 1 2). The second type of cerebrovascular
accident is hemorrhagic. The American Stroke Association explains that
hemorrhagic strokes account for the other 13 percent of stroke cases. The
American Stroke Association also states, It results from a weakened vessel that
ruptures and bleeds into the surrounding brain. The blood accumulates and
compresses the surrounding brain tissue (Hemorrhagic strokes). If the
cerebrovascular accident occurs in the middle cerebral artery of the left
hemisphere, then several effects could occur including: aphasia, right side
hemiplegia and memory loss. According to the NINDS, damage to a specific
portion of the brain that is responsible for language is known as aphasia, which is a
neurological disorder. This disorder includes difficulty in reading and writing, not
able to express oneself when speaking, and trouble understanding speech (NINDS,
par.1). There are three different types of aphasia, and they depend on the portion of
the brain that has been affected such as: Wernicke, Broca, and Global
The Democracy of the Market
The democracy of the market is no more the democracy that Plato spoke off in his
Republic (c. 370 BC) as a charming form of government, full of variety and
disorder, and dispensing a kind of equality to equals and unequal alike, or Aristotle in
his hyperbole (c. 322 BC) condemn as when put to the strain, grows weak, and is
supplanted by oligarchy. Also which George Bernard Shaw taxed in his Maxims for
Revolutionists (1903) as substituting election by the incompetent many for
appointment by the corrupt few, not that, Hans Hermann Hoppe reveal in his
democracyThe God That Failed (Transaction, 2001, p. 96) that majorities of have
nots will relentlessly try to enrich themselves at the expense of the haves . Look how
Ludwig Mises light up a near remote yet strongly impressive daily democracy. In
addition, to give a relevance to this topic, defining framework within which present
mainstream democracy is contained and hundreds of items and books written on
democracy and almost nearly all speculate a western style system which is a
harmonious relationship between markets and democratic system. This brings to,
confined functionalist point of view of democracy which overlook strong material
and hegemonic forces that serve to undermine democracy and most importantly
theory of people power.
Looking into Cuban democracy, 1959 where Cuba s revolution began and the era
where distortions of democracy, dictatorship and the autocratic influence of foreign
powers on society and the
Special Needs Kids Are Not Sick Or Gross
Special needs kids are not sick or gross. They only want to be accepted. They want
to feel normal. They cannot help the way they were born. People who have never
dealt with special needs children do not see what they go through on a daily basis.
One out of every 10 children under the age of 14 has some type of special need.
Which includes any medical disability, chronic or life threatening illness. The
children and parents both deal with emotional battles. The parents are more tired
emotionally and physically then a parent without a special need kid.. They feel
alone, because raising a special needs kid is very challenging and takes a lot more
effort. They are scared because they do not know what the future holds.
Organizations like CEIP give kids and parents more hope. They give them
something positive to look forward to. The Cumberland Early Invention Program is
a very supportive program. It is good to know there are still non profit companies out
there that are genuinely non profit . Some companies/programs claim to be non profit
but they still have their hand in the cookie jar. The other companies claim to use a
certain amount in other areas. In which, they never state exactly what other areas.
The Cumberland Early Invention Program puts 100% back into the company while
individuals are volunteering 100%. So in other words, the Cumberland Early
Invention Program is actually for people that need help and not for themselves.
The Cumberland
Evolution Of Eusociality Is Based Upon A Sterile Caste
Evolution of eusociality is based upon a sterile caste system that consists of
workers that sacrifices their selfish needs to serve the needs of the queen. In
eusociality society, genetic relatedness is very important because it helps the genes
of the individual to be passed on to the next generation. Additionally, in eusociality
society, individual members become integrated and function has a group. In
addition, eusocial species favor their sisters over their own offspring because it
helps to increase their indirect fitness rather than focusing on their own direct
fitness by raising their own offspring. The main reason for these females tend have
a genetic relatedness of about 0.5 to her offspring, and to her sister .75. Eusociality
is also based on haplodiploidy, which result in an unfertilized egg that develops into
a male, and a fertilized egg that develop into females. Eusociality can only occur
when the relatedness and the benefit is very high. Finally, evolution of eusociality
involves division of labor, cooperativeness, and overlapping generation. 2.Page 99
question 1 conceptual question? Why is individual selection more likely than group
selection? пѓ The reason why individual selection more likely than group selection
is because the environment favors organisms that have a particular adaptive trait or
the fitness that can be beneficial toward their chances of survival and reproduction,
especially since the environment is constantly changing. By nature, species
Banana Bowl Vs Melting Pot
Soup or Salad?
Does America have a personality? There are many factors that can affect someone s
personality, but America s personality is categorized by the conflicting attitudes of
nationalism and individualism. These attitudes affected America s view towards
issues of immigration. Depending on which American personality is being used
determines whether or not America is been recognized as a Salad Bowl or a Melting
Pot as a country. When America is being described as Nationalistic, then the
country is a Melting Pot due to the focus on the assimilation of immigrants.
Conversely, when America is being described as Individualistic, the nation is a
Salad Bowl because of the focus of cultural retention. The debate of whether or not
America s personality is best represented by a Melting Pot or a Salad Bowl began
after the turn of the century; this debate is clearly depicted in the beliefs and
works of Diego Rivera and George Bellows. Firstly, Diego Rivera s Detroit
Industry is a quintessential and accurate representation of America s Melting Pot
personality. Painted in 1933, this magnificent masterpiece takes up twenty seven
panels and can be found at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Additionally, this Mexican
artist s work can be seen as frescoes, which he describes as, paintings done rapidly in
watercolour on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling, so that the colours penetrate the
plaster and become fixed as it dries (Rivera Court 1). His artwork depicts laborers
The Crisis Of The October Crisis
A few years before the October Crisis happened, a popular politician named RenГ©
LГ©vesque formed a party called the Mouvement SouverainetГ© Association
(MSA). On October 11th, 1968, the MSA merged with the Ralliement national to
form the Parti QuГ©bГ©cois. The Rassemblement pour l indГ©pendance
nationale (RIN) disbanded and its leader, Pierre Bourgalt, joined the PQ. All the
separatist forces were united, with LГ©vesque as their leader. Before the October
Crisis, LГ©vesque was badly defeated in an election against Robert Bourassa s
Liberal party. Consequently, he decided to return to journalism as a columnist for
the Journal de MontrГ©al. After the October Crisis, the Parti QuГ©becois had a
comeback. However, it was not very successful. The PQ engaged in years of soul
searching and came to the conclusion that they need to be elected on a good
government platform and then, they needed to hold a referendum on QuГ©bec s
sovereignty. On November 15th, 1976, the PQ finally won the election and
RenГ© LГ©vesque became premier of QuГ©bec. Six years had passed since their
failed but determined comeback. For many, these six years passed easily but for
LГ©vesque and his inordinate lack of patience, the road to power was too long. He
had had far too many obstacles on the way. First, there had been Robert Bourassa
who had been with him until he had decided that he did not support LГ©vesque s
opinions. Bourassa was highly underestimated, for he was actually a difficult
politician to beat in an election.
Analysis Of The Loud, Ugly World Of Online Commenting
The Loud, Ugly World of Online Commenting by Benjamin West talks about the
newest form of exploiting freedom of speech online commenting. This mode of
expression of speech was meant to voice opinions and critic pieces but, users have
been using this mode to make nasty and rude comments. And what encourages this
behavior is the anonymity, like Mike Krahulik suggests that Normal person plus
anonymity plus audience equals total dickward when people are aware that their
identities are hidden, they feel they are not responsible for the consequences of their
words and feel free to be hateful. These hateful comments that individuals post in
fact can have very serious consequences to the person it is addressed to and is a form
of cyber bullying.
Political Rhetoric Vs. Foreign Policy
It is no longer appropriate to say, China is quickly emerging as a global superpower.
The fact is China is just that. Realizing this the United States of America has
attempted to once again turn its focus eastward. Continuing problems at home and in
the Middle East however have made doing so difficult. Additionally more and more
frequently attempts at influencing the ongoing narrative in the Asia Pacific region
have been rebuffed. Even allies have found strength in the emergence of a system that
fails to conform to previously prescribed methods and ideals. This leads to a
fundamental question America must answer quickly. Has the growing hypocrisy of
idealistic political rhetoric versus actual foreign policy finally undermined American
credibility with developing nations, or for the purposes of this paper more
specifically China? The answer is yes. In a world made much smaller by the
instantaneous connections of digital communications a state such as America cannot
hope to proclaim its own brainchild the internet open to all while at the same time
subtly manipulating its use via the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers or ICANN. Neither can America lend its support to the growing consensus
that Climate Change is one of the most perilous natural uncertainties to face humanity
in recorded history without leading the way in dramatically reducing its contributions
to CO2 emissions. In such a world it is impossible to court brutal, authoritarian
Causes And Effects Of Pollution
the residents, including residents in nearby towns that may rely on the company
for employment. Individuals and communities are further victimized in cases of
pollution due to the damage to our eco system. Pollution damages living and non
living elements of the eco system and resources are impacted by pollution.
Furthermore the wildlife and even family pets are impacted which in turn re
victimizes the individual people (given the limited definitions to consider nature
and wildlife victims ). Future generations are impacted as well due to the length of
time which environmental toxins seem to remain or linger. According to Litoff
(2011), the $333 million dollar lawsuit settled in 1996 and in 2011, the residents of
Hinkley are continuing to report problems with the drinking water. Residents are
seeing issues with their children. one of the residents interviewed by ABC news
was Amber Baca, who is now 24 years old. Amber was 9 years old at the time of the
settlement and according to Litoff (2011), Amber recalls that she barely
remembers the original settlement 15 years ago. But now the mother of two
young children says she thinks her family s health problems have been caused by
PG E . Further stated, Litoff (2011) reports that Amber says her 4 year old daughter
has nosebleeds, her 5 year old son gets rashes and has diabetes, and that she herself
had a miscarriage and has cysts on her ovaries . The individual victims did receive
initial justice in the form of money, and also
The Happy Family Lives Of Canada Essay
While gay and lesbian people are as diverse as everyone else, their shared
experience of discrimination seems to unite them. The blog I have chosen to focus
on for this analysis is a married lesbian couple with two children. Jen and Allison
are two lesbians who had their first child in January 2011 and had their second child
in December 2012. The happy familylives in Canada. Canada is internationally seen
as the leader in the development of equality regarding to the lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, and plus community compared to any other country including the
United States of America. In July 20, 2005, Canada became one of the countries in
the world to allow same sex marriagewhile in the Unites States a federal law passed
on June 26, 2015 that allowed same sex marriage across the States (Rau, 2015). Jen
and Allison have always have a strong support system from the moment they both
decided to come out, but that does not mean they have not faced discrimination. The
couple decided to settle in Canada due to America being more conservative.
Blog Abstract
Jen was born and raised near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While Allison, was born and
raised in Toronto, Canada. They met for the first time at a concert in London,
Ontario, Canada. From that moment on, a romance was born. The started doing long
distance dating in 2001. The couple would take turns traveling to see each other. Jen
would drive six hours to see Allison, and Allison would make a twelve hour trip by the
How Gansey Is Not Hiding Out At 300 Fox Way
Gansey was absolutely not hiding out at 300 Fox Way, no matter what the psychics
So, you just going to keep sitting there all night? Orla asked as she admired her
newly painted red nails. Blue won t be back until ten.
I know, Gansey said. He s been there when she s left at two. It was now three. Am I
in the way?
Not really, Orla said, but one of her eyebrows was slowly rising. She looked curious.
Or hungry.
Calla swept into the kitchen, her purple shaw billowing out behind her. She looked
very much the seer today. Orla, leave the poor boy alone. Can t you see he s
suffering from a broken heart? she said dramatically, like she was reading from a
I m good with broken hearts, Orla said at the same time as Gansey ... Show more
content on ...
I m happy for them. They ll be good together. And it was the truth. Gansey had been
caught off guard initially, but in hindsight, it seemed inevitable. Ronan and Adam
smoothed out each other s rough patches, for the most part. They were stronger
together. And there was a lot less fighting in Monomouth overall (but more odd noises
in the middle of the night).
You didn t let me finish! You re unhappy about Ronan and Adam s new relationship
because you feel left out.
Gansey bristled. Well, my best friends got together. It s natural to feel excluded.
They have less time to do the things we used to. But I ll acclimate.
I ll acclimate, Calla mocked with a snort thrown in for good measure. That s not what
I meant.
Gansey frowned. What did she Oh. OH. No! It s not
It so is. You can t hide emotion that strong from us. Even Orla could probably pick
up on it.
You re mistaken. Gansey stood and was out the front door before Calla could throw
another word at him.
He started his car, punched the accelerator, and ignored The Pig s roaring protests as
he ripped down the road. He was three streets away before he realized what he was
doing. He was seven streets away before he could get enough control
Argumentative Speech On Dualism
Fatima Dabaje
Mr. Suhail Dasouki
English 203
4 August 2015
By the end of the speech, the audience will be able to describe the differences
between the dualistic and the monolithic belief; besides, they will be capable of
defining the concept of dualism in the philosophical area and classify the different
types of dualism.
The spirit is the cause of all our thoughts and body action, and everything, but it is
untouched by good or evil, pleasure or pain, heat of cold, and all the dualism of
nature, although it lends its light to everything.
Swami Vivekananda
I think therefore I am, the famous quote of Descartes is the premise of the philosophy
of mind known as dualism. Usually, in some ... Show more content on
Mentalistic predicates are vital for a full interpretation of the universe, and
b.They cannot be reduced to physicalists bases.
i.Characterized by what they do, not by their arrangement or structure. ii. Terms are
catalogued as functional instead of characteristic terms.
c. Only if something is irreducible to physical representations one has a predicate
2.Property Dualism debates that there are two basic types of property out on the
planet. Type/Token Uniqueness: The distinction between a type and its tokens is
an ontological one between a general kind of thing and its specific concrete cases
(to place it in a natural and preparatory way). So for instance consider the amount
of words in: Flower is a flower is a flower is a flower. We might say in term of word
that there are three distinct words; in another sense we may number ten distinctive
3.Substance Dualism defends the idea that substances are categorized by their
individual possessions.
a.Is more than the gathering of the belongings it has, it is the object that has them.
b.The brain is not only an accumulation of thoughts, but it is also the thing that posses
Demmings Fourteen Points Essay
Demming s Fourteen Points
Demming s formulation of his Fourteen Points is seen by many as the management
equivalent of the 10 Commandments . Like many quality driven approaches, the
fourteen points take a holistic view of an organization, how it works, and its
relationships with its stakeholders.
Point 1: Create constancy of purpose towards improvement of product and service,
wth the aim to become competitive, to stay in business and to provide jobs.
Constancy revolves around the customer. Success depends on how well a company
evalutes its processes, products and markets in order to understand future
requirements. This requires a commitment to ... Show more content on ...
Instead, minmize total cost. Move toward a single supplier for any one item, based
on a relationship of long term loyalty and trust.
Price means nothing without a measure of the quality being delivered. When thinking
about quality, the idea of buyng from the lowest bidder gets abandoned.
Point 5: Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service to
improve quality and productivity, then thus constatnly decreasing costs.
The concept of quality should be built in at the design stage of the product. Each
product should be viewed as one of a kind and there is only
Demming 4
one chance of success.
Point 6: Institute training on the job.
Too often workers learn their skill from other workers who do not have adaquate
training. It is useful to train as many workers as possible to detract from costly
Point 7: Institute leadership. The aim of supervision should be to help people and
machines to do a better job.
Managers should be trainers, not policemen. Since management plays a key role in
quality, reviews should include discussion on problems and potential solutions.
Point 8: Drive out fear so that eveyone may work effectively
The Legal Drinking Age Of The United States
Throughout the world, the age when a child becomes an adult is at the age 18.
Most people gain the right to vote, start to work for themselves, drive in certain
countries. All of this being said, an additional privilege is the ability for one to be
able to legally drink. The United States is one of the only countries whoВґs legal
drinking ageis separate from the declared age of an official adult under the law. The
idea of putting restrictions on a legal adult, makes the issue more complicated for
that their are still restrictions that make an adult like a child. The legal drinking age
in the United States should be lowered to the age of 18 because it will not only give
the full right of passage into adulthood, but it is important to keep on par with our
international community in terms of underlying laws to each government and their
respective cultures.
After all that has been stated in the magazine Mental Floos, an article written by
Ethan Trex titled Why is the Drinking Age 21, there are some historical contrarieties
among the legal drinking age as for the U.S. The U.S has had a history of attempting
to restrict and control drinking in America, especially during the 20th century with
the examples of the Prohibition where no matter what, people found ways to drink.
The Prohibition was nationwide ban of the transportation of alcohol beverages. After
the end of this period, state governments had the power over the years to have
fluctuating drinking ages, making it
The Role Of Starvation In Haiti
Starvation is a huge issue in Haiti. One child dies every six seconds from the scarce
amounts of food here. Poverty in Haiti is the leading cause of the lacking amounts
of food for children here. This picture saddens me to think that there are children in
other places around the world dying from something that I wouldn t even think of
dying from. Food is something so plentiful in America; it s so normal to come home
from school or where ever I am during the day and have food available to me. In
some countries, like Haiti, they are blessed to get a small portion of food a day.
Some children there don t have access to food for weeks at a time. it s really sad to
know that my own country; (America) has so much food and a lot of access to it,
and we don t majorly help out Haiti. We have helped them out by sending food but
that doesn t solve the problem of millions of people. How did Haiti become so poor?
... Show more content on ...
This earthquake killed an estimated amount of 230,000 316,000 people. This many
people dying caused some serious problems in their country. Haiti is known to be
the poorest country in the western hemisphere and one of the main countries that is
lacking food. In Haiti there is not many available resources. An example of the lack
of resources is that they don t always have access to clean water. Some people don t
drink clean water or eat for many days at a time. Many people dying and losing their
things in this earthquake contributed to the poorness of this country. These facts that
made Haiti so poor are devastating and
African Americans And The Civil Rights Movement
During the early 1950 s and 1960 s, the civil rights movement defined how African
Americans progressed from being considered second class citizens to a unified
demographic who became more endowed to handle the high tensions between them
and the white segregationists. After World War II, protests began to rise between
the 1950 s and 1960 s. The large number of blacks that served in the military or
worked in the war industry saw that they had a greater place in the world than they
had been given in previous years.
After the war, the urban black middle class and the roles of African Americanleaders
grew. For example, teachers, ministers, and other educated blacks at the time were
more aware of the obstructions being placed in front of their ... Show more content on ...
As well as providing relief for damages in cases of intentional employment
discrimination and clarifying provisions regarding disparate impact actions.
Malcolm X was a prominent civil rights leader who supported the advocacy of
black pride as well as well as being a proponent of segregation and how violence
shaped the way African Americans viewed self defense.Throughout history, people
of color were forced to submit themselves to slavery. Many were kidnapped and
treated harshly by plantation owners who felt blacks were merely property. After
the civil war, African Americans gradually hoped that racial discrimination would
disappear making free men and women equal but in reality people of color who lived
in America were by no means free men.
After years of enduring discrimination, segregation and violence from whites, black
activists gradually became the voice for many African Americans. Among that list of
names within this time frame was major civil rights activist Malcolm X. In the
Malcolm X movie, the life of this civil rights activists showcased a tumultuous
upbringing. Malcolm X like so many other people of color struggled with racism and
came from an underprivileged home. As a child, Malcolm was born to a rural
farmer, Earl Little and wife named Louise Little, he grew up in an environment to
fear whites.
Unlike other civil rights activists, Malcolm X was an advocate for violent
demonstration, he wanted the black community to hammer on their right to freedom.
Essay on Phantom of the Opera
Phantom of the Opera
In the novel, Phantom of the Opera, by Gaston Leroux, we are introduced to a
character known to everyone as the mysterious Opera Ghost. His character in this
book is very complex.
Although the Opera Ghost is very ugly physically and mentally, through his actions,
we can find much beauty.
During the masked ball we are given, what the reader believes at the time, a very
good physical description of the Opera Ghost. At the masked ball the Opera Ghost
does a perfect job imitating death. The Grim Reaper himself must have posed for it,
the on looking crowd would comment. But the hideous thing that he wears upon his
head is, in fact, only a mask. ... Show more content on ...
Erik truly was ugly, not only physically, but mentally.
We are given our first example of Erik s beauty when Raoul is spying on Christine in
her dressing room. He starts to hear a beautiful sound that seems to coming all
around him. He sees no one in the room, but the music starts to get louder and more
definite. A voice that unites all extremes at once, (103), Raoul tells, without knowing
of the ugliness of the character from which it comes. Raoul continues to praise the
voice as, heroically sweet..., so delicate in strength, so strong in delicacy, and so
irresistibly triumphant,(103). This clearly shows that, without knowing the physical
ugliness of the Opera Ghost, a body could enjoy his beautiful voice.
Another example of Erik s beauty comes through his love of Christine. At the end
of the novel the Opera Ghost is talking to the Persian. The Persians asks Erik why
he decided to spare the live of himself, as well as the life of his enemy, Viscount
Raoul de Chagny. I(Opera Ghost), felt her tears dropping on my forehead..., I took
off my mask and she didn t die..., I then heard her say, poor, unhappy Erik and from
then on I was only a poor dog, (263). I (Erik), told her that she could marry her
young man..., it was like cutting my own heart into little pieces, (264).
Through Erik s selfless
Surety Bond Research Paper
How a Surety Bond Protects Your Business
There are many forms of business insurance options that protect your business. If you
are like many business owners, then you have quite a few. You may have commercial
general liability insurance, workers compensation insurance, and commercial
property insurance. However, do you have surety bonds to protect your business from
non performing contractors?
What Is a Surety Bond?
A surety bond is an agreement between three parties: the party requiring the work, the
insurer, and the party performing the work. A surety bond protects the party who
requires the work if the performing party doesn t perform their job duties. Typically,
contractors, manufacturers, and vendors are required to have a bond due to
Advantages And Disadvantages Of RFID And Radio-
Intro of RFID
Advantages of RFID
Process of Implementation
Companies that have implemented RFID
RFID or Radio Frequency Identification as the name suggests uses Radio frequency
for identification of a particular object. It is similar to a bar code, scans to retrieve
a particular and unique information for identification. It consists of a chip, capable
of carrying a maximum of 2000 bytes of data and an antenna uses electronic devices
(small in size). The major feature of RFID above other electronic identification
mechanisms is that the RFID device need not be precisely positioned wrt the scanner.
RFID technology has recently become one of the revolutionary element in supply
chain management. Companies these days want to reduce the costs of their Supply ...
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пѓјImproved product returns management
пѓјCounterfeit prevention
пѓјObsolescence prevention
2.Retailers can see more immediate benefits when a critical mass of RFID tags are in
пѓјDecreased inventory of as much as 5% of total inventory
пѓјReduced labor costs in stores and warehouses, as much as 7.5% has been estimated
пѓјReduced stock outs, as high as 7% of revenues
пѓјReduced shrinkage by theft this is a multi billion dollar issue
пѓјIncreased inventory accuracy
пѓјAutomated replenishment
пѓјCounterfeit prevention
пѓјObsolescence prevention
Consumers can also benefit from RFID, but it depends upon how retail unit tagging
is carried out. The most common benefits possible are:
Improved service potentially faster checkout avoiding traditional lines. Users would
wave an RFID enabled card near a reader, instantly completing the purchasing
Improved availability of items better visibility of products, allows for timely ordering,
manufacturing, distribution, and restocking of goods.
Improved product and service quality manufacturers could quickly locate and recall
faulty products, even before they reach
Descriptive Essay On Totnes
One of the oldest boroughs in Devon, Totnes has numerous places of interest, castles,
historic architectures, such as the renowned half timber framed Merchant s House
housing the town museum and the Guildhall, a charming ancient stone building.
The vibrant town centre hosts the nicest antique shops, boutiques, silversmiths,
restaurants, and street entertainers in Devon. The narrow High Street is dotted
with houses of 16 17th C wealthy merchant s and old shops built of timber, bricks
and stones of colourful facades. At the top of the street the porticoed frontages of
the arcaded Butterwalk form a pleasant covered walkway. One of the finest
churches of Devon the parish church of St Mary is located in the mid way along
the High Street. With a tall west tower, arcades and an impressive roof its most
striking feature is superb stone screen (circa 1460), rivalled only by Exeter
Cathedral. Planning a trip to Totnes? Consider staying at one of these great hotels and
vacation rentals below!
1. Cosy friendly self contained, rustic annexe
Katherine s cosy annexe is on the outskirts of beautiful Dartington in a quiet area
surrounded by countryside. It has a solid wood king size bed overlooking the garden
and huge oak trees and a small shower room. The kitchen is equipped with a cooker
and fridge/sink. Wi Fi and parking space facility is also there. It has its own front door.
Dartington House and Gardens are within walking distance and there is a cafe and a
cinema in a barn. There are
Research Paper On Sophie Germain
Sophie Germain also called Marie Sophie Germain was a famous French
mathematician who proved many theories during her time. Sophie was born on
April 1, 1776 in Rue Saint Denis, Paris, France. She was the daughter of a wealthy
upper class French family. Her parents name were Ambroise Francois Germain and
Marie Madeleine. Her father,Ambroise, was a merchant and also the director of the
Bank of France. The year 1776 was a special year because Sophie was born and the
American Revolution began. Her father s library enabled her to educate herself and
teach herself. At the age 13, she read a book called the Legend of Archimedes Death.
Archimedes was speared to death because of his love for math.Archimedes became
her hero, and she became interested in the subject math. After that she taught herself
Latin and Greek, and started to read about Newton and Euler despite... Show more
content on ...
At that time, Sophie was 18 and women were not able to enroll in the academy.
The Ecole Polytechnique was an academy that trained mathematicians and
scientists in the world. Even though women were not able to attend the academy,
Sophie was able to obtain some lecture notes and study them through a man named
J.L. Lagrange. Lagrange later on became her mentor, and with a male to introduce
her, she could see that there will be a good possibility for her to see the math and
science world. In the year of 1804, Sophie was corresponding her work with a
German mathematician named Carl Friedrich Gauss. She was fascinated with his
labor in the number theory, so she sent him some of her work in the number
theory. She had disguised herself and her male name was M. Leblanc. Gauss did
not find out that he had a very gifted women pen pal until the year of 1807.Twelve
years later, Germain wrote to a mathematician named Legendre and she proved that
if x,y, and z are integers and if x^5+y^5=z^5 then either one of those variables must
be divisible by
Bf Skinner Theory
Child Development: B.F. Skinner In the field of child development, many
psychologists, sociologists, and behaviorists contributed and came up with different
theories that helped to form our current education system. One of those is B.F.
Skinner s theory of behaviorism, which had a great impact on many strategies we use
today for teaching and training. In his theory, operant conditioningis the most famous
and influential idea that helped people to understand the behaviors of children and
even adults. Skinner focused on how the environments, in the form of reinforcement
and punishments, influence behaviors. Thus, his theory cannot explain the higher
cognitive functions such as problem solving and critical thinking. Despite his
theory s critiques, Skinner stood strong on his ideas and theories. While other
psychologists believed that human psychology is a complex system because there
are so many external influences, Skinner had believed that human s mind is the
same as other animals, which explains why he had done experiments using
pigeons. Inspired by Watson and Pavlov, Skinner decided to study psychology and
focused on behaviorism. Skinner s theory was based on self observation, which
made him stood onto his believes regardless of the oppositions. In fact, during WW
II, Skinner convinced the military to fund his research the famous Project Pigeon to
train pigeons to guide bombs and torpedoes. (Greengrass, pg, 80) He chose pigeons
because he thinks they live
Deafness and the Power of Signing Essay examples
Deafness and the Power of Signing
When the deaf Miss America spoke to a crowd of thousands about overcoming her
handicap, deaf people across America were disgusted. Deafness is not a handicap,
I have been told again and again. It is a cultural identity, a way of life, a choice,
even (some hard of hearing people speak of the time when they had to decide, deaf
or hearing), but never a handicap, never something to be overcome. The sign for
people like Miss America is the sign for hearing, with the forefinger circling up by
the forehead instead of down by the mouth. She thinks she s hearing, is what it
means. There is also a sign for the reverse: some hearing people get so involved in
the deaf community that they think they are deaf, ... Show more content on ...
One of these elements is a heightened appreciation for the margins, for the periphery.
According to Ronnie Wilbur of Boston University, a strict Symmetry Condition exists
for signs where both hands move, they must have the same handshapes and both
hands movements must be either identical or in polar opposition to one another (1).
Some symmetrical signs: family, group class place, love, community. The deaf
community is not a mirror image of the hearing world; ASL is not English with the
sound off.
Bring the fingertips of your right hand together. Touch the fingertips to your chin
near your mouth, then up further to the right, by your ear. Home is significant for
so many deaf people, for the ones who grew up in a hearing world, missing whole
conversations, falling behind in school, acting as hearing as they could. One deaf
teacher told me she was sure, as a child, that when she turned eighteen she would
become hearing: she didn t know any deaf adults, so she just assumed they didn t
exist. She didn t know what sign language was. When she turned eighteen and was
still deaf, she decided to go to Gallaudet, the only deaf liberal arts college in the
country. She said she couldn t really explain it to me, I wouldn t really know, but she
felt like she was finally home had finally found
Life and Business in the Galapagos Islands
Business in the Galapagos Islands takes place mainly during lunch hour, as many
people are out at midday eating. Restaurants may even be closed at night in rural
areas. This is because some serve local food or cater for tourists in larger cities. In
more recent decades, fast food restaurants common in America have been drifting
over to Ecuador, such as McDonalds. There is also a Chinese community that
originated back in the 19th century here. This familiarizes the locals with dishes
like fried rich with chicken, which goes by the name chaulafan de pollo. When
touring, one may find a variety of fritters and fried dough s like buhuelos, and
other pastries, as street foods are a popular choice. Ecuadorians in the higher
valleys of the Andes reply on potatoes as staples in their diets. To spices these
potatoes, and other dishes, they use a very hot Andean chili. A sauce seasoned with
aji, also containing milk or water is also very common. Varieties on banana are
numerous in this country. This allows bananas to be used in many recipes. Other
common ingredients include peanuts, peppers, and almonds. A lot of raw fish is also
eaten, as well as tamales, soups, and filled pies When touring the islands, one might
notice that the food is as unique and varied as the people inhabiting the lands. The
culinary traditions are influenced by both the Inea and Spanish conquers of the
territory. As the landscapes change, the dishes also change. Many popular lunches
include; Ceviche, which is
Symbolism In The Drummer Boy Of Shiloh By Ray
To begin with, the mass bloodshed that occurred during the major, long drawn
conflict of 1861 to 1865 was called the Civil War. The stakes were dangerously
raised as a casualty count climbed toward roughly 1,264,000 deaths and other
similar ailments. Although, a number of books and historical fiction are based on
the Civil War; the short story that we are particularly focusing on is The Drummer
Boy of Shiloh. In this piece of literature beautifully written by the author, Ray
Bradbury, we experience Bradbury s story based on a 14 year old, dejected drummer
boy, Joby, who doubts that he has a crucial role in the army. Throughout the short
story, a various amount of symbols stick out like a sore thumb and ultimately enhance
the story s... Show more content on ...
Moreover, the next example of symbolism is the muted thunder that occurs when
the peach blossoms beat against the drum. This important event occurs once Joby
has changed his pitiful views based on himself, so inferences can be made to say
that the muted thunder represents a new dawn and tranquility. Cited from the story
on line 199 200, He lay next to it, his arm around it, feeling the tremor, the touch,
the muted thunder as... , we can draw inferences that Joby has turned over a new
leaf in terms of his emotional and mental state. Likewise, another object that holds
relevance in this particular novel is the peach blossoms that appear throughout the
story as repeated symbolism or a motif. This means that the object or relevant detail
is repeated in a pattern of meaning to convey an emotion, idea, or element. The
peach blossoms not only appear at the beginning of the short story where they fall
before the two day battle that began on April 6, 1862, near the southwestern
Tennessee church from which the bloody clash takes its name, but also near the end
to signify the new feelings and emotions that Joby experiences. In other words, the
peach blossoms, in this case, corresponds with the idea of serenity and peace of
mind because as seen on line 1 2, In the April night, more than once,
Metropolitan Airport Crisis Communication Plan
Big City, NC. Metropolitan Airport Crisis Communication Plan
As the chief communications officer of the Metropolitan Airport, I have
previously developed a proactive crisis communication plan in anticipation of an
event such as the following: Long Layover Airlines, had a plane filled with
passengers stuck on the tarmac for four hours as the thunderstorms passed. During
the time the plane was stuck, a passenger had a severe stroke. The terminal
manager, citing airport policy, refused permission for the plane to link to a jet way
and deplane the passenger because of the possible lightning danger. While the
passenger survived, he will face months of therapy and rehab that could possibly
have been avoided if the plane had been allowed ... Show more content on ...
8. The spokespersons have been identified and notified of the crisis event and a
communication center is established. The chief executive officer of the airport, and
the airline should be seen as united front. 9. The updated crisis communication plan
was recorded and sent to department heads, organizational key members, and
committee members to prepare for the crisis event. 10. Simulation of this proactive
crisis communication plan has been periodically implemented to ensure the smooth
operation of the communication plan in an unforeseen crisis. The communication
team members who needed coaching and technical assistance during these
simulations are now trained and ready. Each member of the crisis plan has identified
his part of the brainstormed disaster plan and simulated his part of the plan down to
the smallest detail. The crisis communication plan has had periodic updates
(Zaremba, 2010). The image restoration theory may be beneficial to restore the
airlines image. Relationships with stakeholders, reputation, responsibility, and
response are the four Rs of this theory. The message that the company conveys in
response to this crisis event is important and some methods that the company
employs will be more beneficial than others (Zaremba, 2010, p. 246). The airport
will need to take responsibility for the safety decisions that were made by the
terminal manager during this evolving crisis.
The image restoration methods of
Hamlet Rudolph Research Paper
Hamlet Rudolph
Hamlet Rudolph was 10 when he and his 2 other siblings left Germany in 1910.
His mother, father, and two brothers left Germany for the U.S in 1910 because of
financial issues and the likely hood of an upcoming war. He and his family would
have to sacrifice all that they enjoyed and owned just to get tickets to get on a ship to
come to America. They knew that they would risk an awful lot the moment they step
aboard that ship.
As the day came closer and closer, Hamlet and his family began to start learning how
to speak English. The destination that the Rudolph family would be getting to is
New York City NY. The Rudolph s wanted to go to Ellis Island but to get there; they
knew that they had to sail through ... Show more content on ...
Hamlet and his family are sure to be missed in Germany. The Rudolph s have been in
Germany ever since 1789. The first Rudolph to live in Germany was Adelaide
Rudolph and her husband Abel Rudolph. They grew up together in Rome Italy
back in 1759. Then they decided to marry each other and immigrate to Germany.
Once they settled into Munich in July 1789 they decided that they wanted to have
a baby. In April of 1790 Adelaide and Abel welcomed twins Finn and Lena Rudolph
to the world. Finn and Lena Rudolph would grow up and eventually continue their
own life s legacy. Finn would eventually marry long time high school sweetheart
Sophie Meyer in 1819 and eventually in 1829 have a child of their own named
Niclas Rudolph. While on the other hand Lena Rudolph would marry her lifelong
sweetheart Luis Bauer and in 1822 have a daughter named Jan
Do Not Go Gentle Into The Good Night
The poem, Do not go gentle into the good night by Dylan Thomas (1914 1953)
talks about aging and death. I believe this poem not only talk about death and aging.
But the emotions people feel when coming face to face with these experiences. Such
as, refusing to accept the death of a loved one or your own. The elderly mourning
the loss of their youth. And, the fear someone experiences when they watch a loved
one slip away to deathas time goes on. One point this poem provides is the reaction
someone shows when coming to terms with death. In the first paragraph, on the
second sentence of the poem, it says, Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
(2). This line illustrates the author s feelings about aging. Saying it should be
destroyed. In the second paragraph, on the fourth sentence, it states, Though wise
men at their end know dark is right, (4) The wise men the poem talks about, are dying
because it mentions that they are at their end . And with them knowing that dark is
right is them accepting their deaths. Plus, it is mentioned multiple times throughout
the poem Do not go gentle into that goodnight. This is saying the men in this poem
refuse death. Or the author s plea to the audience, telling them to fight against death.
Also, in the fifth paragraph in sentence fifteen,... Show more content on ...
On the last paragraph, in the sixteenth sentence, the author then directs his words
toward his father. And you, my father, there on the sad height, (16) The sad height
could be the father edging closer and closer to death. And on the sentence after this,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. (17). It s obvious that the author
fears his father dying. The father himself, with his fierce tears seems to fear the
inevitable as well. And once again, in the final sentences, it states, Do not go gentle
into that good night. (18) Rage, rage against the dying of the
Analysis Of Orinda Upon Little And On My First Daughter
Throughout the seventeenth century, poets mourned the loss of a child publicly by
writing elegies, or poems to lament the deceased. Katherine Philips and Ben Jonson
were two poets who implemented the elegiac form in Orinda Upon Little Hector
Philips , On My First Son , and On My First Daughter respectively. Although Philips
and Jonson s elegies contain obvious similarities regarding the nature of the works,
the differences between the approaches taken to mourn their children are quite
contrasting. These differences may be reduced to the emotions displayed in the
elegies, which may be considered reflective of the sex of either of the poets and their
religious beliefs. The autobiographical grief shown by a mother(Katherine Philips)
and... Show more content on ...
She cannot even rely on fate; fate is now connected with mourning. Of the two poets,
Philip s moves farther away from the consoling nature that religion provides for
Jonson. Philips s elegy is raw with the emotion of a grieving mother who cannot
seem to find consolation in the world. She got a taste of what she wanted: she
[saw] him and then he disappeared (Philips 5). Orinda Upon Little Hector Philips is
best illustrated as a mother s progression through her grief. It begins with Philips
being robbed of her son the first stanza, the second stanza has a sense of disbelief, in
the third stanza the pain of her son s death seems to engulf her, in the fourth stanza
Philips grief is detached from those around her, and the final stanza enforces a type
of grudging acceptance that this is the last of her unhappy...verse (Philips 20).
Normally, the end of unhappy...verse (Philips 20) would signify the return of a happy
verse, but this is not what Philips is implying. She will cease to write due to her
seemingly unending unhappiness. Through this maternal perspective there is
seemingly a stronger connection between the poet and the lost child. Despite only
having her son for a short time, her maternal grief is ever present at his loss and
presents her with continuous grief.
Jonson s son died at the age of seven. Because of this, he expressed a strong,
personal bond between he
Venezuela Case Study
IV.Major Countries and Organizations Involved
United States of America (hereinafter USA)
The USA have been in opposition to both the Venezuelan government under President
ChГЎvez and the government under President Maduro. The USA have repeatedly
imposed sanctions on Venezuela, the most pivotal of which was instituted on July 31
as a reaction to the election of the National Constituent Assembly. The Trump
administration prevents all American citizens and companies from having business
with Venezuelaand has frozen Maduro s assets that are under US jurisdiction. The
US National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster explained that the election was an
outrageous seizure of power and openly accused Maduro of attempting to establish a
dictatorship by ... Show more content on ...
April 19th, 2013NicolГЎs Maduro inaugurated as the successive president of Hugo
December 6th, 2015Venezuelan parliamentary election ends 16 years of the Socialist
party control in the National Assembly.
March 30th, 2017Venezuelan Supreme Court dissolves National Assembly
transferring legislative powers to itself. The decision is reversed shortly after.
April June 2017Partly violent protests against the Court s actions and President
Maduro emerge.
April 16th, 2017President Maduro deploys armed forces to the streets to counter
April 27th, 2017President Maduro announces Venezuela will withdraw from the OAS.
July 18th, 2017Opposition calls for a general strike to prevent election.
July 31st, 2017Election of the second National Constituent Assembly.
July 31st, 2017Trump administration decides to impose sanctions on Venezuela.
August 1st, 2017The opposition leaders Leopoldo LГіpez and Anotnio Ledezma are
September 11th, 2017UN Human Rights Council calls for investigations concerning
human rights violations in Venezuela.
October 15th, 2017Maduro s Socialist Party wins the Regional Elections.
December 11th, 2017Maduro announces that opposition parties will be excluded from
presidential elections in 2018.
VI.Relevant UN Treaties and Events
Since the international community has not majorly contributed to the resolution of
the conflict until now, there are only few
The Old Testament
In the Bible, there are many different kinds of ways to make sacrifice to God.
Mostly, God just ask for animal sacrifice. God has a mercy image. It seems that
human sacrifice are evil god s requirements. However, people could also find out
some records about human sacrifice in the Bible. In the book of Judges, Jephthah
has made a vow to God that he would burn the first person come out of his house to
meet him as an offering to God, he was going to make an human sacrificefor God. At
last, he killed his daughter indeed. In Genesis, God asked for a human sacrifice,
asked Abraham to burn his only son as an offering to God in order to test Abraham s
obedience. Fortunately, the angle of God stopped Abraham at last and kept his son
from hurt, which implies that God just wanted to test Abraham, not a human
sacrifice. As going through these plots in the Bible, how should people recognize the
human sacrifice in the Book of the Old Testament? Is it just the test from God? Or
God actually like human sacrifice? First, people should know what is the meaning
of sacrifice. According to the Bible, people could conclude that the sacrifice is the
way to atone for one s sin or thank God s blessing. In the Bible, people always
offered animals to wash their sin away and showed their thanks to God.
So, why Abraham almost offered his son? It seems that he did not have much sin or
need to thank God by offering his son. Although in the Bible, it recorded as a test
from God. God want to know that
Dr. Childer s Sermon Summary
Dr. Childers is the Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of
Homiletics and Speech Communication at the San Francisco Theological Seminary.
She is a Presbyterian minister who has served in congregations in New Jersey and
Kansas. She holds a B.A. from Wheaton College, M.Div degree from Princeton
Theological Seminary and Ph.D. from the Graduate Theology in Berkeley,
California. Dr. Childers sermon is a continuation of a lectionary cycle from the
book of Luke. She opens her sermon with a sad goodbye to Luke and the stories of
the prodigal son, good Samaritan and the lost sheep. Her audience consisted, mostly
of 40 Caucasian senior citizens. Her biblical narrative is extracted from Luke 13 and
pertains to the woman that was crippled for eighteen years. To introduce her sermon
entitled Softly and Tenderly she asks several questions... Show more content on ...
I do see some usage of Anna Carter Florence s testimony as she herself becomes a
part of the story and invites the audience to join her. I also see Thomas Long s
concept of focus and function whereas the focus is God s tenderness and love and
the function being that although we live in a world that is filled with hatred and
violence, God s tenderness and understanding is still available for us to grab hold of
today. Watching Dr. Chiders not only was an absolutely delight, it has also shown
me how I can improve my preaching. Her introduction of questions allowed the
audience to put their own thinking caps on and gain their own perspective. Her body
movement (arms and hands were feeling every emotion), the expressions on her face
changed with each new situation, her tone of voice (from soft to loud to according to
the story) the laughter that help offset the seriousness of the story and the concluding
Katherine s Speech In Taming Of The Shrew
The ambiguity of whether Katherine s final speech is authentic, in which she
apparently proclaims and promulgates female submissiveness, has been thought to
define the tone of versions of Taming of the Shrew. However, the attitudes evoked by
the monologue can also indicate values of society at the times which the play is
presented. Generally, four main theories have emerged regarding the true intent
behind Katherine s speech (Wikipedia, 2017):
It is sincere and Katherine has been successfully tamed .
It is sincere, but because Katherine has fallen in love with Petruchio.
It is ironic and is deceiving Petruchio by parroting a socially acceptable, totally
impersonal catalogue of honours a wife owes her husband (De Wachter, 2016).
It is neither, following the farcical disposition of the play within a play framing
Up until the 20th century, most of the last speeches by Katherine have adhered with
the first option, including the traditional Globe Theatre adaptation. Katherine s acting
in the Globe Theatre production, grounded in her facial expressions and tone of
voice, shows sincerity and truthfulness in her declaration (V.ii). On the basis of this
portrayal, it could be said that in a historical Elizabethan context, audiences would
have accepted and deemed the domestication mechanisms and taming practises
employed by Petruchio as normal. In contrast, in a modern Western society holding
relatively egalitarian views on gender , interpretations of Katherine s address
The Theory Of The Firm Essay
Knowledge Resources in the Theory of the Firm
Proponents of the knowledge based theory of the firm point out that this one sided
concentration on incentive conflicts in the economics of organizational literature
overlooks the production side of the firm. Langlois and Foss, for example, argue that
the literature has unreflectively relied on a dichotomy between productive aspects
and exchange aspects of the firm, that is, on a dichotomy between production costs
and exchange costs. In analyzing exchange costs the literature recognizes that
exchange itself is not costless, but involves transaction costs from imperfect
knowledge and opportunism. But in analyzing production costs, there has been an
embedded agreement that price theory tells us all we need to know about production.
As Langlois and Foss point out, however, it is very likely that knowledge about how
to produce is imperfect and that knowledge about how to link together one person s
(or organization s) productive knowledge with that of another is imperfect. These
twin issues of capabilities and coordination are discrete from the hazards of astringent
that other traditional beliefs have focused on. Both knowledge resources and
(imperfect) production costs can be said to vary depending on the attributes of a
production process, in the same way that transaction costs differ depending on the
asset attributes of investment projects. Thus, instead of holding technology constant
across alternative modes of organization as a
Different Forms of Power Presented in My Last Duchess, A...
Different Forms of Power Presented in My Last Duchess, A Woman to Her Lover
and La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Amongst the three love poems examined in this essay, the theme of male or female
power in relationships pervades throughout. The views of the speakers are
expressed and defined through literary and poetic techniques. This gives the reader
an insight into the speaker s problems and dissatisfaction with a relationship, due to
an imbalance of power. However there are dissimilarities between the poems for
example where in La Belle Dame Sans Merci the female displays supernatural power
and dominance over a knight, the Duke in My Last Duchess desires psychological
power over his Duchess.
The ... Show more content on ...
Also the Duke believes himself to be above the level of common people saying he
would never stoop down to their level. From this we can presume the Duke is
afraid of losing his power, and would rather hold his head up high and suffer for it
rather than stoop . The use of this word indicates that the Duke is in a state of mind
where he sees himself as superior compared to others.
However as we read on we learn that the Duke had limited control over his wife. He
states that She had a heart…to soon made glad , showing that he felt she was
amused easily and distracted away from him perhaps by other men. This is
amplified further when he says She liked whate er she looked on , showing he
believes she undermined his control over her and paid attention to other men . We
can infer from this that the Duke was disturbed about his deficit of restrain over his
wife and is deeply angered at how she thanked men other than himself.
The Duke is outraged at the lack of affection he receives from his Duchess, and
provides the reader with reasons as to why he deserves more. The Duke says She
ranked my gift of a nine hundred years old name with anybody s gift . Here the
Duke explains that his supremacy, which he received from his family name, has
stretched over several centuries and his Duchess should therefore appreciate him for
it. His contenders have a lot less to offer but still
The Measles Research Paper
The measles is a skin disease that can spread through contact with saliva or mucous,
but it can also be spread throughout the air by a person sneezing or coughing. The
disease can live on a person for several hours. It can sit on surface from traveling in
the air and can come in contact with people within a close proximity. You can prevent
the measleswith a dose of immunoglobulin. Mostly little kids are at risk for measles
if you don t vaccinate them early. There are several symptoms for the measles. The
many symptoms include coughing, fever, red eyes, light sensitivity, muscle aches, a
runny nose, sore throat, and finally white spots in the mouth. Some things can put
you at risk for getting the measles for example, if you have too Vitamin
The Effects Of Advertising On Today s Culture
Advertisements are everywhere today. Author James Twitchell says, Adcult is there
when we blink, it s there when we listen, it s there when we touch, it s even there to
be smelled in scent strips when we open a magazine. There are thousands of products
being advertised every minute, and they are being promoted in all sorts of ways. One
could see advertisements on television, on a billboard, on the internet, or hear about
something on the radio. With advertisingall around, it has to have an effect on the
people seeing it and hearing it. Advertisement has several negative effects on today
s culture, such as it promotes conformity, affects one s self image, and manipulates
how people buy. People may not even realize that advertising has these effects on
them. That is how acclimated people have become to it. One effect that
advertisement has on today s culture is that it promotes conformity. Advertising is
supposed to encourage choice, however most companies advertise in order to
convince people to buy their product and only theirs. That is the opposite of
choice. For instance, Coke and Pepsi are two of the biggest rivals in the drink
industry today. Coke is advertised everywhere. It is seen more often than Pepsi,
and people may not realize, but that is a way of promoting conformity because the
goal of placing the Coke brand everywhere is to get people to drink Coke and not
Pepsi. Another instance may be the use of makeup by men. When someone thinks of
makeup he or she
Zebra Moussels Threat Aquatic Ecosystems
Zebra mussels threaten aquatic ecosystems because of their ability to filter about a
quart of water per day. While water clarity is improved during this process, the zebra
mussels disrupt the food chain by removing plankton, which supports the existence of
native mussels and fish.
Zebra mussels disrupt the food chain by removing plankton, which supports the
existence of native mussels and fish.
Zebra mussels pose serious threats because of their potential to foul industrial
facilities and plug public water supply intakes that draw from infested waters.
Invasive species also can interfere with the operation of locks and dams on rivers or
damage boat hulls and engines.
Zebra mussels are prolific breeders and, because they are not a native species
Medical Practice Vs. Conventional Medicine
In the present day, medical practice has been regarded as dichotomized in the sense
that, they are either categorized as conventional or alternative hence their medical
backgrounds and respective practitioners many times are dependent against each
other. A close observation shows that these categorizations are subjective and not
made to conflict. Conventional medicinehave formerly been known to utilize natural
resources while home remedies have for a long period been prepared using a boost
of untested value as they are administered without professional supervision or
prescription (Hassed, 405).
The actual nature for these classifications are distinct. The conventional medicine
are realized to have been developed by dominant cultures and societies that arose to
be widespread in a more scientific method of healing. On the other hand, home
remedies arose as a convenient way of handling sickness and despite not having
medical properties, they are understood to treat and cure the disease in question.
Each civilization defines, applies and views its remedies differently with historic
guidebooks frequently having various remedies for many diseases (Lee. 461).
This paper anticipates to provide a brief discussion as well as comparison between
home remedies and conventional medicine. Home remedies being assumed as less
dominant, the paper will expound on the positive strengths and attributes of home
remedies. Despite there having existed significant contributions of the
Systems Analysis And Design Activities
Systems analysis
Daniel Hawkins
Enterprise Systems Analysis Design
Introduction The first section of the briefing addresses the systems analysis and
design activities in the organizational workplaces. The second part will explore the
typical responsibilities and skill sets of a successful system analyst in the workplace.
Usually, a systems analyst refers to a system designer in any organization. A systems
analyst defines, develops, configures, and supports computer applications to improve
business efficiency as well as productivity.
Systems Analysis and Design Activities Systems projects that involve many
departments will require a committee rather than an individual to approve them. The
first step requires a proposal regarding the project. The plan entails the problem and
its significance to the organization while giving alternative solutions (Kendall,
Kenneth, and Kendall, 2006). It also analyzes the possible use of a computer to solve
the problem while acknowledging the people interested in using the system. When
the right people approve the project, then it is developed. Systems development life
cycle (SDLC) involves the activities followed to generate new computer information
systems. The SDLC consists of various steps. The first step is the preliminary
analysis, which explains the problem and investigates it (McLeod, Raymond, and
Sumner, 2006). The second step analysis the requirements. It evaluates the properties
of the current system and those of the
Pure Evil In Gibran s On Good And Evil
In the world today, there have been many tragic occurrences that can be considered
as pure evil. One example is the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. On
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 Nikolas Cruz was charged with seventeen counts of
premeditated murder. Cruz, a former student of Stoneman Douglas, shot and killed
seventeen and wounded countless others without any provocation or reason. Even
with hindsight, one cannot come up with any conceivable reason or rationale for his
action. Most of these students have probably never met him in person, let alone
caused him any harm or slight. As a result, William Golding would state that Nikolas
Cruz is an innately evilperson. He killed simply for the sake of killing. Conversely,
Gibran, who is... Show more content on ...
In the poem, On Good and Evil, Gibran argues that goodness lives within each
person. Throughout the poem, Gibran presents several different examples, such as
You are good in countless ways, (Gibran 26) and You are good when you strive to
give of yourself. (Gibran 10). In both of these examples, he was taking the readers
to a personal level, to draw his point across that goodness resides within everyone.
He seemed to argue that evil was a byproduct of circumstances; it was always
created by other factors; it was never always there as opposed to good. In one of
the first lines of the poems Gibran says, For what is evil but good tortured by its
own hunger and thirst? Verily when good is hungry it seeks food even in dark
caves, and when it thirsts it drinks even of dead waters. (Gibran 3 4). He
manipulates personification, when good is hungry it seeks food even in dark
caves to represent the idea that evil was formed when good changed by external
forces or by necessity. For these reasons, he also made it clear that we, the readers,
have to work to maintain our inherent goodness. In other words, good will
eventually turn into evil if we don t pay attention to our environment or to allow
injustice to flourish around us. For instance, in the last line of the poem, Gibran
ends the poem with For the truly good ask not the naked, Where is your garment?
nor the houseless, What has befallen your house? (Gibran 37 38 ). By ending his
poem with an analogy, Gibran is trying to leave a strong impression on us by
questioning if we the readers are good people. He bluntly states, for truly good
people ask not, Where is your garment? essentially saying that good people don t ask
questions, but rather act on
Two Versions of Christianity in The Grand Inquisite by...
Two Versions of Christianity in The Grand Inquisite by Dostoevsky
In Dostoevsky s book The Grand Inquisitor he develops two versions of
Chrisitianity. One is the Roman catholic version which is represented by the G.I. or
Inquisitor and the other is the Protestant version represented by the Christ like figure.
The whole dialogue begins when the GI has thrown the Christ like figure or CLF in
prison after watching him do a few miracles (pg. 24). He then begins to barraage him
with questions that he answers himself. And From this comes the argument of
freedom. The GI then claims that because the CLF refused the 3 temptations (mainly
the turning of the stone into bread) (pg27) he placed the burden of freedom on man.
According ... Show more content on ...
He said that the men have given up their freedom to the church.
And thus the responsibility is not laid on man himself but on the community or
church as a whole. He says that you (CLF) would not give them heavenly bread but
I (GI) have given them earthly bread, which is what they truly want. The Gi
believes that man s goal in life is to pursue happiness and well being. And that if
they would give there freedom up to the church, then they can go on and pursue
that. The main topic here is the struggle for freedom. Christ gave man free will. To
choose between right and wrong. So man has the right to choose. The GI says that
man can never be free because he is weak corrupt worthless and restless. The GI
says that by giving them freedom ..... you showed that you didnt love them at all.
The Gi says that you desired there free love, that they should follow you freely. But
because you only gave yourself as a guide. they rejected you and your image. So
instead of saving them you left them in more confusion and suffering. By doing so
you layed down the foundation for the destruction of your own kingdom. (pg28)
The Gi then goes on to deescribe the three powers in which the CLF had at his
disposal to use in order bring people into his kingdom . Miracle, mystery, and
authority are the three powers he chose not to use. When he was tempted to jump off
the building and have angels come down
The Act Of Raising A Child By Its Parents
Parenting: the act of raising a child by its parents. We believe there s more to it,
parenting skills play a huge role in the child s life. How they develop, learn and see
the world are all things that lead back to parenting. This topic is important because
we feel that parenting skills are not a main concern nowadays. Parentingis a critical
aspect in how your child will develop and thrive. People believe they are doing the
right thing for their child and setting them up for success, but are they really?
Interest in parenting is a topic that is fairly new. Scientist and pediatrics did not
consider parenting a serious matter until the late 1800 s. Before, people would raise
their children based on religious principles and philosophical... Show more content on ...
Children working in agriculture spent most of their days harvesting crops in
extreme temperatures for long hours. Because of the long hours they worked, most
children in the labor force did not have the opportunity to get an education nor the
time. This meant these children began working at the ages of 10 13 and continued
to work their whole life without receiving an education. In the early 20th century
is when it all began to change. Child labor began to decline and child labor reforms
grew. During the Great Depression most jobs were given to adults and more
children were able to get an education. Some might say, Who would ever let their
child endure such harsh conditions working at such a young age? Could harsh
child labor have been avoided? Most children were forced into labor because of the
poverty in their households. Parents did not see the harm in sending their kids to
work at such a young age and they were not aware of the importance of education.
At the time it was the norm; if you did not have enough to live off of with just a
father working; you would send your children off to work too. We tend to parent
our children based on the social norm. Who s to blame on this situation, should we
blame the parents or society? Religion is one of the major ethical dilemmas in our
present world. Studies have shown that children raised with religion are
psychologically healthier than those who aren t. Kids that are raised under a
An Investigation On The Rocky Shore Ecosystem
The rocky shore ecosystem is built up of many rocky ledges that are covered with sea
water at high tide and exposed rock at low tide. This community contains many
different organisms that are well adapted to living in this environment. We visited this
marine reserve to extract a suffice amount of data about these organisms to conduct
an investigation on their community patterns of zonation and their interrelationships
with other species. The majority of this marine reserve is built up of sharp rock
which is exposed to the Cook Strait. We placed a transect line along this rock and
used a 50cm2 quadrat square, to record the percentage of species on the rocky shore
at different heights and substrates. From this investigation at the rocky shore we
discovered: Chamaesipho columna (barnacle) Chamaesipho brunnea (barnacle)
Sypharochiton pelliserpentis (chiton) Cellana denticulata (limpet) Cellana radians
(limpet) Cellana omata (limpet) Austrolittorina antipodum (periwinkle)
Austrolittorina cincta (sea snail) Actinia tenebrosa (sea anemone) These organisms
were all well adapted to the environment and tidal condition of the rocky shore. They
show zonation and inter relationships; competition, predation and commensalism.
The main abiotic factor of the rocky shore was the movement of the tide creating
aerial exposure. Zonation at the rocky shore was distributed in very distinct
horizontal bands that formed visible zones on the intertidal rock zones. This is due to
Masculinity in Peter Weir s Gallipoli
Essay Question: Discuss the ways in which masculinity is constructed in Gallipoli
and / or First Blood? What codes and norms of gender are used to construct
masculinity in the film(s)?
The perception of masculinity within Australian films is a reflection of our society s
views and opinions of what it is to be considered masculine. It is continually
reinforced in our society by the constructions of the male character in movies, just
like Archie and Frank, in Gallipoli and particular male figures within our nation s
history, such as Ned Kelly. Peter Weirs reflection of masculinity through the use of
his two main characters Archie and Frank, in his 1981 film Gallipoli, helped to
perpetuate this construction of the Aussie male stereotype ... Show more content on ...
Weir demonstrates this type of homosociality in Archie and Frank s friendship by
having particular scenes within the movie where the audience watches on as both
characters cement their relationship with races for fun in the Egyptian training
grounds and climbing the pyramids to leave their names to generations to come in the
ancient stones. Similar to that of young love with Frank being the strong male and
Archie taking on the role of female.
The two characters symbolize the differing attitudes to the war, to personal
ambition and even the way they run and how, the way they run, reflect how they
live. Archie s sacrifice is the apotheosis of greater love when he takes Franks place
in the line symbolizing an act of a hero. But like all heroes Frank and Archie must
undergo shared trials, such as crossing the desert before they can attempt to enlist, as
well as both, having to suffer the individual humiliation of being rejected into the
army. A special kind of manwent. Sure, they were adventurers, but a very simple
kind. They weren t swashbucklers, but they were a kind of warrior class Isolating the
characters from their positions in a way of dramatic irony and representing them
ignorant of the causes and horrors of war, strengthens the sense of the lost generation
s innocence and the growth of a national understanding since the end of the imperial
According to Katherine Biber, violent white men are
The Role Of Political System On Administrative Law And...
St. Louis University v Masonic Temple is a classic example that highlights the role of
political system in administrative law and judicial decision making. One cannot
ignore or underestimate the role politics can play in decision making. The financial
routes through which funding programs operate have an underlying political will and
motivations and courts give effect to it through favorable decisions. In this case, the
city had passed an ordinance to establish the necessary Tax Increment Financing or
TIF assistance for the arena and other redevelopment projects. The ordinance
expressly stated that the lawmakers believed that St. Louis University (SLU)
continues to serve as invaluable educational and cultural entities within the area
raising the question of political backing in awarding the TIF only to St. Louis
University. If the court ruled against not only St. Louis University but the St. Louis
politicians (who expressed an explicit interest in awarding the TIF to SLU), there
would have been a major political fallout. Interestingly, courts in such cases tweak
and interpret the law to appease both the political entities and the public even in the
face of blatant violation of the law. It is pertinent to understand the reasoning behind
why courts on multiple occasions decide in favor of churches/religious institutions
despite blatant violation of law. Administrators and law makers respond not only to
what the law demands but to other environmental demands that exert
Symbols In Mr. Sen, By Mrs. C. Lahiri
Once upon a time, she was a wealthy woman in Bengali, theere, she feed the poor
on festival days. But after came to calcatta, she did not have any wealth, even, she
does have good food to eat, wear dirty clothes and sleep on the old newspapers.
Lahiri used ,some metaphors in this story, cocunut trees, cattle, rosewood and women
with saries. Using metaphors described about not only person and also thing. She
has given a plase by the Bengali peopleand every day, she sleep unter the letter box.
Bengali people of those appartments give her food and other items but still, they
considers her as a refuge and she consiter her herself also an outsider . She feels
herself, she has no place in the world. She faced double trouble, that is, she is not
Indian and also belongs to the lower caste. According to Gayatri C.Spivak, the caste
system of Indiais worse than racism of other countries and calls both India and United
states bad, but in different ways. (13) She interpret her own identity and class status.
Much of her... Show more content on ...
But in her one of the collection, Mrs.Sen s is bviously dealt with the pain of
culturaly alienation and nostalgic feeling of the migrated people in a foriegn land,
through out the character Mrs. Sen. She is the protagonist of the story, mistress of
the University professor, a thirty year old home maker. She migrated from Calcutta
to Boston with her husband mistress who teaches in the university of Boston. This
not only the changes of location but also facing the problem of traditional and
cultural conflict where they were migrated as well as they injured by socialy and
psychologically causing a strong sense of lonliness and segregation. Mrs. sen coud
not adopt by hostculturalwhere she missings her own traditional. Lahiri mentioned in
an interview that she depicted the character of Mrs. Sen while in her mind, she
keeping about her mother and women of her
My Old Memories
The Memories that Papa Made Everyone has those old good memories that they
will never forget. No matter how old you are they will always be there. I have
plenty of old memories that i still remember and those memories are from when i
was very young. So I am here to tell you about some of my old memories that i have
that happened at my Papa s house the favorite place in the world that I will never
forget. So let s begin. You always gotta start with the best memory. If you don t then
you are starting in the wrong order. Here s my first memory. It all started with me,
and my two sisters, and getting out of school on friday. Man we couldn t wait till
friday came that was the best day out of the week not just because it was the last day
of the week for school,but because Papa was picking us up. Papa would pick us up,
and my mom would call my Papa, and say Where are my children do you have them?
. Papa would say Girl you already know they with me what you calling my phone
for!. You know when you go with one of your grandparents you re guaranteed to get
fed. Papa would make sure he went to Go Chicken Go before he picked us up
because that was are Friday dinner every Friday it never changed. Going over Papa s
house was like going to heaven. That s a place you was going to have fun at and
leave with a good story. Now I m going to tell you how me, and my sisters got our
own pet at Papa s house. It was a cold
Psychological Manipulation In George Orwell s Black
Black Mirror is a science fiction anthology series that explores the conflicts between
human follies and mankind s greatest inventions. This episode called Men Against
Fire takes place in a dystopian, post apocalyptic society where a neural implant
known as MASS is used by the military to enhance their performance. Military
soldiers use their MASS implants to track down mutated beings and eradicate their
kind. When a young soldier s MASS implant malfunctions after his kills, he begins to
realize the truth behind these amazing technological advancements. Psychological
Manipulation In 1984, INGSOC inculcates citizens to only value Big Brother and his
ideals. The Party surrounds citizens with propaganda and false information to
convince them... Show more content on ...
In that building, O Brien attempts to cure Winston so that he no longer questions the
Party but rather, conforms with the crowd and learn to love the Party s agenda.
Winston is tortured through electrocution and pain enhancing drug injections. Near
the end of what O Brien sees as Winston s rehabilitation, Winston is brought into
Room 101 and tortured with his worst fear rats. There, Winston finally gives in to
what the Party ideals. The government s use of torture deprives Winston of
personality and transforms him into a brainless individual with no free

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  • 1. Racism Essay Writing an essay on the topic of racism is inherently challenging due to the complexity and sensitivity of the subject matter. It requires a deep understanding of historical contexts, sociological theories, and personal experiences to address the multifaceted nature of racism adequately. Moreover, navigating through the emotional aspects of this topic demands a delicate balance of empathy and critical analysis. One of the primary difficulties lies in confronting uncomfortable truths about systemic injustices and individual prejudices without oversimplifying or downplaying the severity of the issues at hand. Additionally, articulating solutions or advocating for change in a constructive manner requires extensive research, careful consideration of diverse perspectives, and a commitment to promoting inclusivity and equality. Furthermore, the topic of racism often evokes strong emotions and personal experiences from both the writer and the reader, which can make it challenging to maintain objectivity and coherence in the essay's argumentation. Addressing the nuances of power dynamics, privilege, and intersectionality adds another layer of complexity to the discussion, requiring nuanced language and thoughtful analysis. In conclusion, writing an essay on racism demands intellectual rigor, emotional intelligence, and a dedication to fostering understanding and social progress. It necessitates grappling with uncomfortable truths, acknowledging diverse perspectives, and advocating for positive change in a world marked by systemic inequities. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Racism Essay Racism Essay
  • 2. Example Of Symbolic Interaction Theory You grow up with the feeling that your dad has always had favoritism towards your brother and that you have never been good enough for him. Every Time your Dad does any kind of activity when your brother you feel like it because your dad s has favoritism and that he is biased towards your brother and just ignores you. Your Dad just recently asked your brother to get lunch with him right in front of your face neglecting to ask you. You get upset, you run upstairs, and you slam your door. You don t know why theses actions always lead to your mind thinking your Dad likes your brother because every time this happens your Dad comes and assures you that he doesn t favor your brother and that he loves you both equally. What kind of theory would explain how you process these interactions between you, your brother and your dad? This scenario is a perfect example of Symbolic Interaction Theory. Symbolic Interaction Theory, 2012 it states that symbolic interactionismis the attempt to explain such differences in message interpretation as it analyzes how people attach various meanings to words and symbols . Going into detail on the scenario, this is symbolic interaction because she takes her father s actions of asking her brother to hang out so much as a symbolism that she is not worthy enough to hang out and that her brother is better than her. George Mead once wrote (Scheffler, I. (2013). Four Pragmatists A Critical Introduction to Peirce, James, Mead, and Dewey. Florence: Taylor
  • 3. Deep Brain Stimulation Implantation ( Shin ) Implantation Deep Brain Stimulation Implantation Deep brain stimulation (DBS) implantation is a procedure to insert a wire (lead) into one or both sides of the brain in order to deliver electrical currents to an area causing problems. The lead is attached to a power source that is implanted under the skin near the collarbone, chest, or abdomen. This procedure may be done to treat various medical conditions, such as Parkinson disease, essential tremor, and other neurological conditions that cannot be controlled with medicines. Once implanted, the device can be used 24 hours per day. The intensity and frequency of the pulses are programmed for each individual and can be adjusted. The DBS device has three parts: A lead. This is a thin wire. It goes through one or two small openings in your skull. It delivers the electrical pulse. A power source. This is called the neurotransmitter. It is usually placed under the skin in the upper part of your collarbone, chest, or abdomen, similar to how a heart pacemaker is inserted. It is powered by a long lasting battery. An extension. This is a wire that connects the lead to the power source. The extension is passed under the skin of your head and neck and down to the power source. LET YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERKNOW ABOUT: Any allergies you have. All medicines you are taking, including vitamins, herbs, eye drops, creams, and over the counter medicines. Previous problems you or members of your family have had with the
  • 4. Brain Disorder Essay The brain is known to be the most complex organ of the human body. According to, The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes, This three pound organ is the seat of intelligence, interpreter of the senses, initiator of body movement, and controller of behavior (Brain Basic: Know your Brain n.p.). NINDS also explains how the cerebral hemisphere can be divided into sections, or lobes, and within each lobe contains specific functions. The damage to these lobes can have distinct debilitating effects, so therefore, damage to the left hemisphere can cause aphasia, right sided hemiparesis and memory loss. The NINDS states, the frontal lobe is located at the front of the brain, and plays a large role in problem solving,... Show more content on ... Ischemic strokes are caused by an obstruction within a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain. The American Stroke Association also states that, atherosclerosis is the development of fatty deposits which causes an obstruction in the lining of vessel walls (ASA, par. 1 2). The second type of cerebrovascular accident is hemorrhagic. The American Stroke Association explains that hemorrhagic strokes account for the other 13 percent of stroke cases. The American Stroke Association also states, It results from a weakened vessel that ruptures and bleeds into the surrounding brain. The blood accumulates and compresses the surrounding brain tissue (Hemorrhagic strokes). If the cerebrovascular accident occurs in the middle cerebral artery of the left hemisphere, then several effects could occur including: aphasia, right side hemiplegia and memory loss. According to the NINDS, damage to a specific portion of the brain that is responsible for language is known as aphasia, which is a neurological disorder. This disorder includes difficulty in reading and writing, not able to express oneself when speaking, and trouble understanding speech (NINDS, par.1). There are three different types of aphasia, and they depend on the portion of the brain that has been affected such as: Wernicke, Broca, and Global
  • 5. The Democracy of the Market The democracy of the market is no more the democracy that Plato spoke off in his Republic (c. 370 BC) as a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a kind of equality to equals and unequal alike, or Aristotle in his hyperbole (c. 322 BC) condemn as when put to the strain, grows weak, and is supplanted by oligarchy. Also which George Bernard Shaw taxed in his Maxims for Revolutionists (1903) as substituting election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few, not that, Hans Hermann Hoppe reveal in his democracyThe God That Failed (Transaction, 2001, p. 96) that majorities of have nots will relentlessly try to enrich themselves at the expense of the haves . Look how Ludwig Mises light up a near remote yet strongly impressive daily democracy. In addition, to give a relevance to this topic, defining framework within which present mainstream democracy is contained and hundreds of items and books written on democracy and almost nearly all speculate a western style system which is a harmonious relationship between markets and democratic system. This brings to, confined functionalist point of view of democracy which overlook strong material and hegemonic forces that serve to undermine democracy and most importantly theory of people power. Looking into Cuban democracy, 1959 where Cuba s revolution began and the era where distortions of democracy, dictatorship and the autocratic influence of foreign powers on society and the
  • 6. Special Needs Kids Are Not Sick Or Gross Special needs kids are not sick or gross. They only want to be accepted. They want to feel normal. They cannot help the way they were born. People who have never dealt with special needs children do not see what they go through on a daily basis. One out of every 10 children under the age of 14 has some type of special need. Which includes any medical disability, chronic or life threatening illness. The children and parents both deal with emotional battles. The parents are more tired emotionally and physically then a parent without a special need kid.. They feel alone, because raising a special needs kid is very challenging and takes a lot more effort. They are scared because they do not know what the future holds. Organizations like CEIP give kids and parents more hope. They give them something positive to look forward to. The Cumberland Early Invention Program is a very supportive program. It is good to know there are still non profit companies out there that are genuinely non profit . Some companies/programs claim to be non profit but they still have their hand in the cookie jar. The other companies claim to use a certain amount in other areas. In which, they never state exactly what other areas. The Cumberland Early Invention Program puts 100% back into the company while individuals are volunteering 100%. So in other words, the Cumberland Early Invention Program is actually for people that need help and not for themselves. The Cumberland
  • 7. Evolution Of Eusociality Is Based Upon A Sterile Caste System Evolution of eusociality is based upon a sterile caste system that consists of workers that sacrifices their selfish needs to serve the needs of the queen. In eusociality society, genetic relatedness is very important because it helps the genes of the individual to be passed on to the next generation. Additionally, in eusociality society, individual members become integrated and function has a group. In addition, eusocial species favor their sisters over their own offspring because it helps to increase their indirect fitness rather than focusing on their own direct fitness by raising their own offspring. The main reason for these females tend have a genetic relatedness of about 0.5 to her offspring, and to her sister .75. Eusociality is also based on haplodiploidy, which result in an unfertilized egg that develops into a male, and a fertilized egg that develop into females. Eusociality can only occur when the relatedness and the benefit is very high. Finally, evolution of eusociality involves division of labor, cooperativeness, and overlapping generation. 2.Page 99 question 1 conceptual question? Why is individual selection more likely than group selection? пѓ The reason why individual selection more likely than group selection is because the environment favors organisms that have a particular adaptive trait or the fitness that can be beneficial toward their chances of survival and reproduction, especially since the environment is constantly changing. By nature, species
  • 8. Banana Bowl Vs Melting Pot Soup or Salad? Does America have a personality? There are many factors that can affect someone s personality, but America s personality is categorized by the conflicting attitudes of nationalism and individualism. These attitudes affected America s view towards issues of immigration. Depending on which American personality is being used determines whether or not America is been recognized as a Salad Bowl or a Melting Pot as a country. When America is being described as Nationalistic, then the country is a Melting Pot due to the focus on the assimilation of immigrants. Conversely, when America is being described as Individualistic, the nation is a Salad Bowl because of the focus of cultural retention. The debate of whether or not America s personality is best represented by a Melting Pot or a Salad Bowl began after the turn of the century; this debate is clearly depicted in the beliefs and works of Diego Rivera and George Bellows. Firstly, Diego Rivera s Detroit Industry is a quintessential and accurate representation of America s Melting Pot personality. Painted in 1933, this magnificent masterpiece takes up twenty seven panels and can be found at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Additionally, this Mexican artist s work can be seen as frescoes, which he describes as, paintings done rapidly in watercolour on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling, so that the colours penetrate the plaster and become fixed as it dries (Rivera Court 1). His artwork depicts laborers
  • 9. The Crisis Of The October Crisis A few years before the October Crisis happened, a popular politician named RenГ© LГ©vesque formed a party called the Mouvement SouverainetГ© Association (MSA). On October 11th, 1968, the MSA merged with the Ralliement national to form the Parti QuГ©bГ©cois. The Rassemblement pour l indГ©pendance nationale (RIN) disbanded and its leader, Pierre Bourgalt, joined the PQ. All the separatist forces were united, with LГ©vesque as their leader. Before the October Crisis, LГ©vesque was badly defeated in an election against Robert Bourassa s Liberal party. Consequently, he decided to return to journalism as a columnist for the Journal de MontrГ©al. After the October Crisis, the Parti QuГ©becois had a comeback. However, it was not very successful. The PQ engaged in years of soul searching and came to the conclusion that they need to be elected on a good government platform and then, they needed to hold a referendum on QuГ©bec s sovereignty. On November 15th, 1976, the PQ finally won the election and RenГ© LГ©vesque became premier of QuГ©bec. Six years had passed since their failed but determined comeback. For many, these six years passed easily but for LГ©vesque and his inordinate lack of patience, the road to power was too long. He had had far too many obstacles on the way. First, there had been Robert Bourassa who had been with him until he had decided that he did not support LГ©vesque s opinions. Bourassa was highly underestimated, for he was actually a difficult politician to beat in an election.
  • 10. Analysis Of The Loud, Ugly World Of Online Commenting The Loud, Ugly World of Online Commenting by Benjamin West talks about the newest form of exploiting freedom of speech online commenting. This mode of expression of speech was meant to voice opinions and critic pieces but, users have been using this mode to make nasty and rude comments. And what encourages this behavior is the anonymity, like Mike Krahulik suggests that Normal person plus anonymity plus audience equals total dickward when people are aware that their identities are hidden, they feel they are not responsible for the consequences of their words and feel free to be hateful. These hateful comments that individuals post in fact can have very serious consequences to the person it is addressed to and is a form of cyber bullying.
  • 11. Political Rhetoric Vs. Foreign Policy It is no longer appropriate to say, China is quickly emerging as a global superpower. The fact is China is just that. Realizing this the United States of America has attempted to once again turn its focus eastward. Continuing problems at home and in the Middle East however have made doing so difficult. Additionally more and more frequently attempts at influencing the ongoing narrative in the Asia Pacific region have been rebuffed. Even allies have found strength in the emergence of a system that fails to conform to previously prescribed methods and ideals. This leads to a fundamental question America must answer quickly. Has the growing hypocrisy of idealistic political rhetoric versus actual foreign policy finally undermined American credibility with developing nations, or for the purposes of this paper more specifically China? The answer is yes. In a world made much smaller by the instantaneous connections of digital communications a state such as America cannot hope to proclaim its own brainchild the internet open to all while at the same time subtly manipulating its use via the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers or ICANN. Neither can America lend its support to the growing consensus that Climate Change is one of the most perilous natural uncertainties to face humanity in recorded history without leading the way in dramatically reducing its contributions to CO2 emissions. In such a world it is impossible to court brutal, authoritarian
  • 12. Causes And Effects Of Pollution the residents, including residents in nearby towns that may rely on the company for employment. Individuals and communities are further victimized in cases of pollution due to the damage to our eco system. Pollution damages living and non living elements of the eco system and resources are impacted by pollution. Furthermore the wildlife and even family pets are impacted which in turn re victimizes the individual people (given the limited definitions to consider nature and wildlife victims ). Future generations are impacted as well due to the length of time which environmental toxins seem to remain or linger. According to Litoff (2011), the $333 million dollar lawsuit settled in 1996 and in 2011, the residents of Hinkley are continuing to report problems with the drinking water. Residents are seeing issues with their children. one of the residents interviewed by ABC news was Amber Baca, who is now 24 years old. Amber was 9 years old at the time of the settlement and according to Litoff (2011), Amber recalls that she barely remembers the original settlement 15 years ago. But now the mother of two young children says she thinks her family s health problems have been caused by PG E . Further stated, Litoff (2011) reports that Amber says her 4 year old daughter has nosebleeds, her 5 year old son gets rashes and has diabetes, and that she herself had a miscarriage and has cysts on her ovaries . The individual victims did receive initial justice in the form of money, and also
  • 13. The Happy Family Lives Of Canada Essay While gay and lesbian people are as diverse as everyone else, their shared experience of discrimination seems to unite them. The blog I have chosen to focus on for this analysis is a married lesbian couple with two children. Jen and Allison are two lesbians who had their first child in January 2011 and had their second child in December 2012. The happy familylives in Canada. Canada is internationally seen as the leader in the development of equality regarding to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and plus community compared to any other country including the United States of America. In July 20, 2005, Canada became one of the countries in the world to allow same sex marriagewhile in the Unites States a federal law passed on June 26, 2015 that allowed same sex marriage across the States (Rau, 2015). Jen and Allison have always have a strong support system from the moment they both decided to come out, but that does not mean they have not faced discrimination. The couple decided to settle in Canada due to America being more conservative. Blog Abstract Jen was born and raised near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While Allison, was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. They met for the first time at a concert in London, Ontario, Canada. From that moment on, a romance was born. The started doing long distance dating in 2001. The couple would take turns traveling to see each other. Jen would drive six hours to see Allison, and Allison would make a twelve hour trip by the
  • 14. How Gansey Is Not Hiding Out At 300 Fox Way Gansey was absolutely not hiding out at 300 Fox Way, no matter what the psychics insisted. So, you just going to keep sitting there all night? Orla asked as she admired her newly painted red nails. Blue won t be back until ten. I know, Gansey said. He s been there when she s left at two. It was now three. Am I in the way? Not really, Orla said, but one of her eyebrows was slowly rising. She looked curious. Or hungry. Calla swept into the kitchen, her purple shaw billowing out behind her. She looked very much the seer today. Orla, leave the poor boy alone. Can t you see he s suffering from a broken heart? she said dramatically, like she was reading from a script. I m good with broken hearts, Orla said at the same time as Gansey ... Show more content on ... I m happy for them. They ll be good together. And it was the truth. Gansey had been caught off guard initially, but in hindsight, it seemed inevitable. Ronan and Adam smoothed out each other s rough patches, for the most part. They were stronger together. And there was a lot less fighting in Monomouth overall (but more odd noises in the middle of the night). You didn t let me finish! You re unhappy about Ronan and Adam s new relationship because you feel left out. Gansey bristled. Well, my best friends got together. It s natural to feel excluded. They have less time to do the things we used to. But I ll acclimate. I ll acclimate, Calla mocked with a snort thrown in for good measure. That s not what I meant. Gansey frowned. What did she Oh. OH. No! It s not It so is. You can t hide emotion that strong from us. Even Orla could probably pick up on it. You re mistaken. Gansey stood and was out the front door before Calla could throw another word at him. He started his car, punched the accelerator, and ignored The Pig s roaring protests as he ripped down the road. He was three streets away before he realized what he was doing. He was seven streets away before he could get enough control
  • 15. Argumentative Speech On Dualism Fatima Dabaje 201400965 Mr. Suhail Dasouki English 203 4 August 2015 WHAT IS DUALISM? PURPOSE By the end of the speech, the audience will be able to describe the differences between the dualistic and the monolithic belief; besides, they will be capable of defining the concept of dualism in the philosophical area and classify the different types of dualism. INTRODUCTION The spirit is the cause of all our thoughts and body action, and everything, but it is untouched by good or evil, pleasure or pain, heat of cold, and all the dualism of nature, although it lends its light to everything. Swami Vivekananda I think therefore I am, the famous quote of Descartes is the premise of the philosophy of mind known as dualism. Usually, in some ... Show more content on ... Mentalistic predicates are vital for a full interpretation of the universe, and b.They cannot be reduced to physicalists bases. i.Characterized by what they do, not by their arrangement or structure. ii. Terms are catalogued as functional instead of characteristic terms. c. Only if something is irreducible to physical representations one has a predicate dualism. 2.Property Dualism debates that there are two basic types of property out on the planet. Type/Token Uniqueness: The distinction between a type and its tokens is an ontological one between a general kind of thing and its specific concrete cases (to place it in a natural and preparatory way). So for instance consider the amount of words in: Flower is a flower is a flower is a flower. We might say in term of word that there are three distinct words; in another sense we may number ten distinctive words. 3.Substance Dualism defends the idea that substances are categorized by their individual possessions. a.Is more than the gathering of the belongings it has, it is the object that has them. b.The brain is not only an accumulation of thoughts, but it is also the thing that posses
  • 16. Demmings Fourteen Points Essay Demming s Fourteen Points Demming s formulation of his Fourteen Points is seen by many as the management equivalent of the 10 Commandments . Like many quality driven approaches, the fourteen points take a holistic view of an organization, how it works, and its relationships with its stakeholders. Point 1: Create constancy of purpose towards improvement of product and service, wth the aim to become competitive, to stay in business and to provide jobs. Constancy revolves around the customer. Success depends on how well a company evalutes its processes, products and markets in order to understand future requirements. This requires a commitment to ... Show more content on ... Instead, minmize total cost. Move toward a single supplier for any one item, based on a relationship of long term loyalty and trust. Price means nothing without a measure of the quality being delivered. When thinking about quality, the idea of buyng from the lowest bidder gets abandoned. Point 5: Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service to improve quality and productivity, then thus constatnly decreasing costs. The concept of quality should be built in at the design stage of the product. Each product should be viewed as one of a kind and there is only Demming 4 one chance of success. Point 6: Institute training on the job. Too often workers learn their skill from other workers who do not have adaquate training. It is useful to train as many workers as possible to detract from costly mistakes. Point 7: Institute leadership. The aim of supervision should be to help people and machines to do a better job. Managers should be trainers, not policemen. Since management plays a key role in quality, reviews should include discussion on problems and potential solutions. Point 8: Drive out fear so that eveyone may work effectively
  • 17. The Legal Drinking Age Of The United States Throughout the world, the age when a child becomes an adult is at the age 18. Most people gain the right to vote, start to work for themselves, drive in certain countries. All of this being said, an additional privilege is the ability for one to be able to legally drink. The United States is one of the only countries whoВґs legal drinking ageis separate from the declared age of an official adult under the law. The idea of putting restrictions on a legal adult, makes the issue more complicated for that their are still restrictions that make an adult like a child. The legal drinking age in the United States should be lowered to the age of 18 because it will not only give the full right of passage into adulthood, but it is important to keep on par with our international community in terms of underlying laws to each government and their respective cultures. After all that has been stated in the magazine Mental Floos, an article written by Ethan Trex titled Why is the Drinking Age 21, there are some historical contrarieties among the legal drinking age as for the U.S. The U.S has had a history of attempting to restrict and control drinking in America, especially during the 20th century with the examples of the Prohibition where no matter what, people found ways to drink. The Prohibition was nationwide ban of the transportation of alcohol beverages. After the end of this period, state governments had the power over the years to have fluctuating drinking ages, making it
  • 18. The Role Of Starvation In Haiti Starvation is a huge issue in Haiti. One child dies every six seconds from the scarce amounts of food here. Poverty in Haiti is the leading cause of the lacking amounts of food for children here. This picture saddens me to think that there are children in other places around the world dying from something that I wouldn t even think of dying from. Food is something so plentiful in America; it s so normal to come home from school or where ever I am during the day and have food available to me. In some countries, like Haiti, they are blessed to get a small portion of food a day. Some children there don t have access to food for weeks at a time. it s really sad to know that my own country; (America) has so much food and a lot of access to it, and we don t majorly help out Haiti. We have helped them out by sending food but that doesn t solve the problem of millions of people. How did Haiti become so poor? ... Show more content on ... This earthquake killed an estimated amount of 230,000 316,000 people. This many people dying caused some serious problems in their country. Haiti is known to be the poorest country in the western hemisphere and one of the main countries that is lacking food. In Haiti there is not many available resources. An example of the lack of resources is that they don t always have access to clean water. Some people don t drink clean water or eat for many days at a time. Many people dying and losing their things in this earthquake contributed to the poorness of this country. These facts that made Haiti so poor are devastating and
  • 19. African Americans And The Civil Rights Movement During the early 1950 s and 1960 s, the civil rights movement defined how African Americans progressed from being considered second class citizens to a unified demographic who became more endowed to handle the high tensions between them and the white segregationists. After World War II, protests began to rise between the 1950 s and 1960 s. The large number of blacks that served in the military or worked in the war industry saw that they had a greater place in the world than they had been given in previous years. After the war, the urban black middle class and the roles of African Americanleaders grew. For example, teachers, ministers, and other educated blacks at the time were more aware of the obstructions being placed in front of their ... Show more content on ... As well as providing relief for damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination and clarifying provisions regarding disparate impact actions. Malcolm X was a prominent civil rights leader who supported the advocacy of black pride as well as well as being a proponent of segregation and how violence shaped the way African Americans viewed self defense.Throughout history, people of color were forced to submit themselves to slavery. Many were kidnapped and treated harshly by plantation owners who felt blacks were merely property. After the civil war, African Americans gradually hoped that racial discrimination would disappear making free men and women equal but in reality people of color who lived in America were by no means free men. After years of enduring discrimination, segregation and violence from whites, black activists gradually became the voice for many African Americans. Among that list of names within this time frame was major civil rights activist Malcolm X. In the Malcolm X movie, the life of this civil rights activists showcased a tumultuous upbringing. Malcolm X like so many other people of color struggled with racism and came from an underprivileged home. As a child, Malcolm was born to a rural farmer, Earl Little and wife named Louise Little, he grew up in an environment to fear whites. Unlike other civil rights activists, Malcolm X was an advocate for violent demonstration, he wanted the black community to hammer on their right to freedom.
  • 20. Essay on Phantom of the Opera Phantom of the Opera In the novel, Phantom of the Opera, by Gaston Leroux, we are introduced to a character known to everyone as the mysterious Opera Ghost. His character in this book is very complex. Although the Opera Ghost is very ugly physically and mentally, through his actions, we can find much beauty. During the masked ball we are given, what the reader believes at the time, a very good physical description of the Opera Ghost. At the masked ball the Opera Ghost does a perfect job imitating death. The Grim Reaper himself must have posed for it, the on looking crowd would comment. But the hideous thing that he wears upon his head is, in fact, only a mask. ... Show more content on ... Erik truly was ugly, not only physically, but mentally. We are given our first example of Erik s beauty when Raoul is spying on Christine in her dressing room. He starts to hear a beautiful sound that seems to coming all around him. He sees no one in the room, but the music starts to get louder and more definite. A voice that unites all extremes at once, (103), Raoul tells, without knowing of the ugliness of the character from which it comes. Raoul continues to praise the voice as, heroically sweet..., so delicate in strength, so strong in delicacy, and so irresistibly triumphant,(103). This clearly shows that, without knowing the physical ugliness of the Opera Ghost, a body could enjoy his beautiful voice. Another example of Erik s beauty comes through his love of Christine. At the end of the novel the Opera Ghost is talking to the Persian. The Persians asks Erik why he decided to spare the live of himself, as well as the life of his enemy, Viscount Raoul de Chagny. I(Opera Ghost), felt her tears dropping on my forehead..., I took off my mask and she didn t die..., I then heard her say, poor, unhappy Erik and from then on I was only a poor dog, (263). I (Erik), told her that she could marry her young man..., it was like cutting my own heart into little pieces, (264). Through Erik s selfless
  • 21. Surety Bond Research Paper How a Surety Bond Protects Your Business There are many forms of business insurance options that protect your business. If you are like many business owners, then you have quite a few. You may have commercial general liability insurance, workers compensation insurance, and commercial property insurance. However, do you have surety bonds to protect your business from non performing contractors? What Is a Surety Bond? A surety bond is an agreement between three parties: the party requiring the work, the insurer, and the party performing the work. A surety bond protects the party who requires the work if the performing party doesn t perform their job duties. Typically, contractors, manufacturers, and vendors are required to have a bond due to
  • 22. Advantages And Disadvantages Of RFID And Radio- Frequency... Intro of RFID Advantages of RFID Process of Implementation Companies that have implemented RFID RFID or Radio Frequency Identification as the name suggests uses Radio frequency for identification of a particular object. It is similar to a bar code, scans to retrieve a particular and unique information for identification. It consists of a chip, capable of carrying a maximum of 2000 bytes of data and an antenna uses electronic devices (small in size). The major feature of RFID above other electronic identification mechanisms is that the RFID device need not be precisely positioned wrt the scanner. RFID technology has recently become one of the revolutionary element in supply chain management. Companies these days want to reduce the costs of their Supply ... Show more content on ... пѓјImproved product returns management пѓјCounterfeit prevention пѓјObsolescence prevention 2.Retailers can see more immediate benefits when a critical mass of RFID tags are in place. пѓјDecreased inventory of as much as 5% of total inventory пѓјReduced labor costs in stores and warehouses, as much as 7.5% has been estimated пѓјReduced stock outs, as high as 7% of revenues пѓјReduced shrinkage by theft this is a multi billion dollar issue пѓјIncreased inventory accuracy пѓјAutomated replenishment пѓјCounterfeit prevention пѓјObsolescence prevention Consumers can also benefit from RFID, but it depends upon how retail unit tagging is carried out. The most common benefits possible are: Improved service potentially faster checkout avoiding traditional lines. Users would wave an RFID enabled card near a reader, instantly completing the purchasing transaction. Improved availability of items better visibility of products, allows for timely ordering, manufacturing, distribution, and restocking of goods. Improved product and service quality manufacturers could quickly locate and recall faulty products, even before they reach
  • 23. Descriptive Essay On Totnes One of the oldest boroughs in Devon, Totnes has numerous places of interest, castles, historic architectures, such as the renowned half timber framed Merchant s House housing the town museum and the Guildhall, a charming ancient stone building. The vibrant town centre hosts the nicest antique shops, boutiques, silversmiths, restaurants, and street entertainers in Devon. The narrow High Street is dotted with houses of 16 17th C wealthy merchant s and old shops built of timber, bricks and stones of colourful facades. At the top of the street the porticoed frontages of the arcaded Butterwalk form a pleasant covered walkway. One of the finest churches of Devon the parish church of St Mary is located in the mid way along the High Street. With a tall west tower, arcades and an impressive roof its most striking feature is superb stone screen (circa 1460), rivalled only by Exeter Cathedral. Planning a trip to Totnes? Consider staying at one of these great hotels and vacation rentals below! 1. Cosy friendly self contained, rustic annexe Katherine s cosy annexe is on the outskirts of beautiful Dartington in a quiet area surrounded by countryside. It has a solid wood king size bed overlooking the garden and huge oak trees and a small shower room. The kitchen is equipped with a cooker and fridge/sink. Wi Fi and parking space facility is also there. It has its own front door. Dartington House and Gardens are within walking distance and there is a cafe and a cinema in a barn. There are
  • 24. Research Paper On Sophie Germain Sophie Germain also called Marie Sophie Germain was a famous French mathematician who proved many theories during her time. Sophie was born on April 1, 1776 in Rue Saint Denis, Paris, France. She was the daughter of a wealthy upper class French family. Her parents name were Ambroise Francois Germain and Marie Madeleine. Her father,Ambroise, was a merchant and also the director of the Bank of France. The year 1776 was a special year because Sophie was born and the American Revolution began. Her father s library enabled her to educate herself and teach herself. At the age 13, she read a book called the Legend of Archimedes Death. Archimedes was speared to death because of his love for math.Archimedes became her hero, and she became interested in the subject math. After that she taught herself Latin and Greek, and started to read about Newton and Euler despite... Show more content on ... At that time, Sophie was 18 and women were not able to enroll in the academy. The Ecole Polytechnique was an academy that trained mathematicians and scientists in the world. Even though women were not able to attend the academy, Sophie was able to obtain some lecture notes and study them through a man named J.L. Lagrange. Lagrange later on became her mentor, and with a male to introduce her, she could see that there will be a good possibility for her to see the math and science world. In the year of 1804, Sophie was corresponding her work with a German mathematician named Carl Friedrich Gauss. She was fascinated with his labor in the number theory, so she sent him some of her work in the number theory. She had disguised herself and her male name was M. Leblanc. Gauss did not find out that he had a very gifted women pen pal until the year of 1807.Twelve years later, Germain wrote to a mathematician named Legendre and she proved that if x,y, and z are integers and if x^5+y^5=z^5 then either one of those variables must be divisible by
  • 25. Bf Skinner Theory Child Development: B.F. Skinner In the field of child development, many psychologists, sociologists, and behaviorists contributed and came up with different theories that helped to form our current education system. One of those is B.F. Skinner s theory of behaviorism, which had a great impact on many strategies we use today for teaching and training. In his theory, operant conditioningis the most famous and influential idea that helped people to understand the behaviors of children and even adults. Skinner focused on how the environments, in the form of reinforcement and punishments, influence behaviors. Thus, his theory cannot explain the higher cognitive functions such as problem solving and critical thinking. Despite his theory s critiques, Skinner stood strong on his ideas and theories. While other psychologists believed that human psychology is a complex system because there are so many external influences, Skinner had believed that human s mind is the same as other animals, which explains why he had done experiments using pigeons. Inspired by Watson and Pavlov, Skinner decided to study psychology and focused on behaviorism. Skinner s theory was based on self observation, which made him stood onto his believes regardless of the oppositions. In fact, during WW II, Skinner convinced the military to fund his research the famous Project Pigeon to train pigeons to guide bombs and torpedoes. (Greengrass, pg, 80) He chose pigeons because he thinks they live
  • 26. Deafness and the Power of Signing Essay examples Deafness and the Power of Signing When the deaf Miss America spoke to a crowd of thousands about overcoming her handicap, deaf people across America were disgusted. Deafness is not a handicap, I have been told again and again. It is a cultural identity, a way of life, a choice, even (some hard of hearing people speak of the time when they had to decide, deaf or hearing), but never a handicap, never something to be overcome. The sign for people like Miss America is the sign for hearing, with the forefinger circling up by the forehead instead of down by the mouth. She thinks she s hearing, is what it means. There is also a sign for the reverse: some hearing people get so involved in the deaf community that they think they are deaf, ... Show more content on ... One of these elements is a heightened appreciation for the margins, for the periphery. Symmetry According to Ronnie Wilbur of Boston University, a strict Symmetry Condition exists for signs where both hands move, they must have the same handshapes and both hands movements must be either identical or in polar opposition to one another (1). Some symmetrical signs: family, group class place, love, community. The deaf community is not a mirror image of the hearing world; ASL is not English with the sound off. Bring the fingertips of your right hand together. Touch the fingertips to your chin near your mouth, then up further to the right, by your ear. Home is significant for so many deaf people, for the ones who grew up in a hearing world, missing whole conversations, falling behind in school, acting as hearing as they could. One deaf teacher told me she was sure, as a child, that when she turned eighteen she would become hearing: she didn t know any deaf adults, so she just assumed they didn t exist. She didn t know what sign language was. When she turned eighteen and was still deaf, she decided to go to Gallaudet, the only deaf liberal arts college in the country. She said she couldn t really explain it to me, I wouldn t really know, but she felt like she was finally home had finally found
  • 27. Life and Business in the Galapagos Islands Business in the Galapagos Islands takes place mainly during lunch hour, as many people are out at midday eating. Restaurants may even be closed at night in rural areas. This is because some serve local food or cater for tourists in larger cities. In more recent decades, fast food restaurants common in America have been drifting over to Ecuador, such as McDonalds. There is also a Chinese community that originated back in the 19th century here. This familiarizes the locals with dishes like fried rich with chicken, which goes by the name chaulafan de pollo. When touring, one may find a variety of fritters and fried dough s like buhuelos, and other pastries, as street foods are a popular choice. Ecuadorians in the higher valleys of the Andes reply on potatoes as staples in their diets. To spices these potatoes, and other dishes, they use a very hot Andean chili. A sauce seasoned with aji, also containing milk or water is also very common. Varieties on banana are numerous in this country. This allows bananas to be used in many recipes. Other common ingredients include peanuts, peppers, and almonds. A lot of raw fish is also eaten, as well as tamales, soups, and filled pies When touring the islands, one might notice that the food is as unique and varied as the people inhabiting the lands. The culinary traditions are influenced by both the Inea and Spanish conquers of the territory. As the landscapes change, the dishes also change. Many popular lunches include; Ceviche, which is
  • 28. Symbolism In The Drummer Boy Of Shiloh By Ray Bradbury To begin with, the mass bloodshed that occurred during the major, long drawn conflict of 1861 to 1865 was called the Civil War. The stakes were dangerously raised as a casualty count climbed toward roughly 1,264,000 deaths and other similar ailments. Although, a number of books and historical fiction are based on the Civil War; the short story that we are particularly focusing on is The Drummer Boy of Shiloh. In this piece of literature beautifully written by the author, Ray Bradbury, we experience Bradbury s story based on a 14 year old, dejected drummer boy, Joby, who doubts that he has a crucial role in the army. Throughout the short story, a various amount of symbols stick out like a sore thumb and ultimately enhance the story s... Show more content on ... Moreover, the next example of symbolism is the muted thunder that occurs when the peach blossoms beat against the drum. This important event occurs once Joby has changed his pitiful views based on himself, so inferences can be made to say that the muted thunder represents a new dawn and tranquility. Cited from the story on line 199 200, He lay next to it, his arm around it, feeling the tremor, the touch, the muted thunder as... , we can draw inferences that Joby has turned over a new leaf in terms of his emotional and mental state. Likewise, another object that holds relevance in this particular novel is the peach blossoms that appear throughout the story as repeated symbolism or a motif. This means that the object or relevant detail is repeated in a pattern of meaning to convey an emotion, idea, or element. The peach blossoms not only appear at the beginning of the short story where they fall before the two day battle that began on April 6, 1862, near the southwestern Tennessee church from which the bloody clash takes its name, but also near the end to signify the new feelings and emotions that Joby experiences. In other words, the peach blossoms, in this case, corresponds with the idea of serenity and peace of mind because as seen on line 1 2, In the April night, more than once,
  • 29. Metropolitan Airport Crisis Communication Plan Big City, NC. Metropolitan Airport Crisis Communication Plan As the chief communications officer of the Metropolitan Airport, I have previously developed a proactive crisis communication plan in anticipation of an event such as the following: Long Layover Airlines, had a plane filled with passengers stuck on the tarmac for four hours as the thunderstorms passed. During the time the plane was stuck, a passenger had a severe stroke. The terminal manager, citing airport policy, refused permission for the plane to link to a jet way and deplane the passenger because of the possible lightning danger. While the passenger survived, he will face months of therapy and rehab that could possibly have been avoided if the plane had been allowed ... Show more content on ... 8. The spokespersons have been identified and notified of the crisis event and a communication center is established. The chief executive officer of the airport, and the airline should be seen as united front. 9. The updated crisis communication plan was recorded and sent to department heads, organizational key members, and committee members to prepare for the crisis event. 10. Simulation of this proactive crisis communication plan has been periodically implemented to ensure the smooth operation of the communication plan in an unforeseen crisis. The communication team members who needed coaching and technical assistance during these simulations are now trained and ready. Each member of the crisis plan has identified his part of the brainstormed disaster plan and simulated his part of the plan down to the smallest detail. The crisis communication plan has had periodic updates (Zaremba, 2010). The image restoration theory may be beneficial to restore the airlines image. Relationships with stakeholders, reputation, responsibility, and response are the four Rs of this theory. The message that the company conveys in response to this crisis event is important and some methods that the company employs will be more beneficial than others (Zaremba, 2010, p. 246). The airport will need to take responsibility for the safety decisions that were made by the terminal manager during this evolving crisis. The image restoration methods of
  • 30. Hamlet Rudolph Research Paper Hamlet Rudolph Hamlet Rudolph was 10 when he and his 2 other siblings left Germany in 1910. His mother, father, and two brothers left Germany for the U.S in 1910 because of financial issues and the likely hood of an upcoming war. He and his family would have to sacrifice all that they enjoyed and owned just to get tickets to get on a ship to come to America. They knew that they would risk an awful lot the moment they step aboard that ship. As the day came closer and closer, Hamlet and his family began to start learning how to speak English. The destination that the Rudolph family would be getting to is New York City NY. The Rudolph s wanted to go to Ellis Island but to get there; they knew that they had to sail through ... Show more content on ... Hamlet and his family are sure to be missed in Germany. The Rudolph s have been in Germany ever since 1789. The first Rudolph to live in Germany was Adelaide Rudolph and her husband Abel Rudolph. They grew up together in Rome Italy back in 1759. Then they decided to marry each other and immigrate to Germany. Once they settled into Munich in July 1789 they decided that they wanted to have a baby. In April of 1790 Adelaide and Abel welcomed twins Finn and Lena Rudolph to the world. Finn and Lena Rudolph would grow up and eventually continue their own life s legacy. Finn would eventually marry long time high school sweetheart Sophie Meyer in 1819 and eventually in 1829 have a child of their own named Niclas Rudolph. While on the other hand Lena Rudolph would marry her lifelong sweetheart Luis Bauer and in 1822 have a daughter named Jan
  • 31. Do Not Go Gentle Into The Good Night The poem, Do not go gentle into the good night by Dylan Thomas (1914 1953) talks about aging and death. I believe this poem not only talk about death and aging. But the emotions people feel when coming face to face with these experiences. Such as, refusing to accept the death of a loved one or your own. The elderly mourning the loss of their youth. And, the fear someone experiences when they watch a loved one slip away to deathas time goes on. One point this poem provides is the reaction someone shows when coming to terms with death. In the first paragraph, on the second sentence of the poem, it says, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; (2). This line illustrates the author s feelings about aging. Saying it should be destroyed. In the second paragraph, on the fourth sentence, it states, Though wise men at their end know dark is right, (4) The wise men the poem talks about, are dying because it mentions that they are at their end . And with them knowing that dark is right is them accepting their deaths. Plus, it is mentioned multiple times throughout the poem Do not go gentle into that goodnight. This is saying the men in this poem refuse death. Or the author s plea to the audience, telling them to fight against death. Also, in the fifth paragraph in sentence fifteen,... Show more content on ... On the last paragraph, in the sixteenth sentence, the author then directs his words toward his father. And you, my father, there on the sad height, (16) The sad height could be the father edging closer and closer to death. And on the sentence after this, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. (17). It s obvious that the author fears his father dying. The father himself, with his fierce tears seems to fear the inevitable as well. And once again, in the final sentences, it states, Do not go gentle into that good night. (18) Rage, rage against the dying of the
  • 32. Analysis Of Orinda Upon Little And On My First Daughter Throughout the seventeenth century, poets mourned the loss of a child publicly by writing elegies, or poems to lament the deceased. Katherine Philips and Ben Jonson were two poets who implemented the elegiac form in Orinda Upon Little Hector Philips , On My First Son , and On My First Daughter respectively. Although Philips and Jonson s elegies contain obvious similarities regarding the nature of the works, the differences between the approaches taken to mourn their children are quite contrasting. These differences may be reduced to the emotions displayed in the elegies, which may be considered reflective of the sex of either of the poets and their religious beliefs. The autobiographical grief shown by a mother(Katherine Philips) and... Show more content on ... She cannot even rely on fate; fate is now connected with mourning. Of the two poets, Philip s moves farther away from the consoling nature that religion provides for Jonson. Philips s elegy is raw with the emotion of a grieving mother who cannot seem to find consolation in the world. She got a taste of what she wanted: she [saw] him and then he disappeared (Philips 5). Orinda Upon Little Hector Philips is best illustrated as a mother s progression through her grief. It begins with Philips being robbed of her son the first stanza, the second stanza has a sense of disbelief, in the third stanza the pain of her son s death seems to engulf her, in the fourth stanza Philips grief is detached from those around her, and the final stanza enforces a type of grudging acceptance that this is the last of her unhappy...verse (Philips 20). Normally, the end of unhappy...verse (Philips 20) would signify the return of a happy verse, but this is not what Philips is implying. She will cease to write due to her seemingly unending unhappiness. Through this maternal perspective there is seemingly a stronger connection between the poet and the lost child. Despite only having her son for a short time, her maternal grief is ever present at his loss and presents her with continuous grief. Jonson s son died at the age of seven. Because of this, he expressed a strong, personal bond between he
  • 33. Venezuela Case Study IV.Major Countries and Organizations Involved United States of America (hereinafter USA) The USA have been in opposition to both the Venezuelan government under President ChГЎvez and the government under President Maduro. The USA have repeatedly imposed sanctions on Venezuela, the most pivotal of which was instituted on July 31 as a reaction to the election of the National Constituent Assembly. The Trump administration prevents all American citizens and companies from having business with Venezuelaand has frozen Maduro s assets that are under US jurisdiction. The US National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster explained that the election was an outrageous seizure of power and openly accused Maduro of attempting to establish a dictatorship by ... Show more content on ... April 19th, 2013NicolГЎs Maduro inaugurated as the successive president of Hugo ChГЎvez. December 6th, 2015Venezuelan parliamentary election ends 16 years of the Socialist party control in the National Assembly. March 30th, 2017Venezuelan Supreme Court dissolves National Assembly transferring legislative powers to itself. The decision is reversed shortly after. April June 2017Partly violent protests against the Court s actions and President Maduro emerge. April 16th, 2017President Maduro deploys armed forces to the streets to counter protests. April 27th, 2017President Maduro announces Venezuela will withdraw from the OAS. July 18th, 2017Opposition calls for a general strike to prevent election. July 31st, 2017Election of the second National Constituent Assembly. July 31st, 2017Trump administration decides to impose sanctions on Venezuela. August 1st, 2017The opposition leaders Leopoldo LГіpez and Anotnio Ledezma are imprisoned. September 11th, 2017UN Human Rights Council calls for investigations concerning human rights violations in Venezuela. October 15th, 2017Maduro s Socialist Party wins the Regional Elections. December 11th, 2017Maduro announces that opposition parties will be excluded from presidential elections in 2018. VI.Relevant UN Treaties and Events Since the international community has not majorly contributed to the resolution of the conflict until now, there are only few
  • 34. The Old Testament In the Bible, there are many different kinds of ways to make sacrifice to God. Mostly, God just ask for animal sacrifice. God has a mercy image. It seems that human sacrifice are evil god s requirements. However, people could also find out some records about human sacrifice in the Bible. In the book of Judges, Jephthah has made a vow to God that he would burn the first person come out of his house to meet him as an offering to God, he was going to make an human sacrificefor God. At last, he killed his daughter indeed. In Genesis, God asked for a human sacrifice, asked Abraham to burn his only son as an offering to God in order to test Abraham s obedience. Fortunately, the angle of God stopped Abraham at last and kept his son from hurt, which implies that God just wanted to test Abraham, not a human sacrifice. As going through these plots in the Bible, how should people recognize the human sacrifice in the Book of the Old Testament? Is it just the test from God? Or God actually like human sacrifice? First, people should know what is the meaning of sacrifice. According to the Bible, people could conclude that the sacrifice is the way to atone for one s sin or thank God s blessing. In the Bible, people always offered animals to wash their sin away and showed their thanks to God. So, why Abraham almost offered his son? It seems that he did not have much sin or need to thank God by offering his son. Although in the Bible, it recorded as a test from God. God want to know that
  • 35. Dr. Childer s Sermon Summary Dr. Childers is the Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Homiletics and Speech Communication at the San Francisco Theological Seminary. She is a Presbyterian minister who has served in congregations in New Jersey and Kansas. She holds a B.A. from Wheaton College, M.Div degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and Ph.D. from the Graduate Theology in Berkeley, California. Dr. Childers sermon is a continuation of a lectionary cycle from the book of Luke. She opens her sermon with a sad goodbye to Luke and the stories of the prodigal son, good Samaritan and the lost sheep. Her audience consisted, mostly of 40 Caucasian senior citizens. Her biblical narrative is extracted from Luke 13 and pertains to the woman that was crippled for eighteen years. To introduce her sermon entitled Softly and Tenderly she asks several questions... Show more content on ... I do see some usage of Anna Carter Florence s testimony as she herself becomes a part of the story and invites the audience to join her. I also see Thomas Long s concept of focus and function whereas the focus is God s tenderness and love and the function being that although we live in a world that is filled with hatred and violence, God s tenderness and understanding is still available for us to grab hold of today. Watching Dr. Chiders not only was an absolutely delight, it has also shown me how I can improve my preaching. Her introduction of questions allowed the audience to put their own thinking caps on and gain their own perspective. Her body movement (arms and hands were feeling every emotion), the expressions on her face changed with each new situation, her tone of voice (from soft to loud to according to the story) the laughter that help offset the seriousness of the story and the concluding
  • 36. Katherine s Speech In Taming Of The Shrew The ambiguity of whether Katherine s final speech is authentic, in which she apparently proclaims and promulgates female submissiveness, has been thought to define the tone of versions of Taming of the Shrew. However, the attitudes evoked by the monologue can also indicate values of society at the times which the play is presented. Generally, four main theories have emerged regarding the true intent behind Katherine s speech (Wikipedia, 2017): It is sincere and Katherine has been successfully tamed . It is sincere, but because Katherine has fallen in love with Petruchio. It is ironic and is deceiving Petruchio by parroting a socially acceptable, totally impersonal catalogue of honours a wife owes her husband (De Wachter, 2016). It is neither, following the farcical disposition of the play within a play framing device. Up until the 20th century, most of the last speeches by Katherine have adhered with the first option, including the traditional Globe Theatre adaptation. Katherine s acting in the Globe Theatre production, grounded in her facial expressions and tone of voice, shows sincerity and truthfulness in her declaration (V.ii). On the basis of this portrayal, it could be said that in a historical Elizabethan context, audiences would have accepted and deemed the domestication mechanisms and taming practises employed by Petruchio as normal. In contrast, in a modern Western society holding relatively egalitarian views on gender , interpretations of Katherine s address
  • 37. The Theory Of The Firm Essay Knowledge Resources in the Theory of the Firm Proponents of the knowledge based theory of the firm point out that this one sided concentration on incentive conflicts in the economics of organizational literature overlooks the production side of the firm. Langlois and Foss, for example, argue that the literature has unreflectively relied on a dichotomy between productive aspects and exchange aspects of the firm, that is, on a dichotomy between production costs and exchange costs. In analyzing exchange costs the literature recognizes that exchange itself is not costless, but involves transaction costs from imperfect knowledge and opportunism. But in analyzing production costs, there has been an embedded agreement that price theory tells us all we need to know about production. As Langlois and Foss point out, however, it is very likely that knowledge about how to produce is imperfect and that knowledge about how to link together one person s (or organization s) productive knowledge with that of another is imperfect. These twin issues of capabilities and coordination are discrete from the hazards of astringent that other traditional beliefs have focused on. Both knowledge resources and (imperfect) production costs can be said to vary depending on the attributes of a production process, in the same way that transaction costs differ depending on the asset attributes of investment projects. Thus, instead of holding technology constant across alternative modes of organization as a
  • 38. Different Forms of Power Presented in My Last Duchess, A... Different Forms of Power Presented in My Last Duchess, A Woman to Her Lover and La Belle Dame Sans Merci Amongst the three love poems examined in this essay, the theme of male or female power in relationships pervades throughout. The views of the speakers are expressed and defined through literary and poetic techniques. This gives the reader an insight into the speaker s problems and dissatisfaction with a relationship, due to an imbalance of power. However there are dissimilarities between the poems for example where in La Belle Dame Sans Merci the female displays supernatural power and dominance over a knight, the Duke in My Last Duchess desires psychological power over his Duchess. The ... Show more content on ... Also the Duke believes himself to be above the level of common people saying he would never stoop down to their level. From this we can presume the Duke is afraid of losing his power, and would rather hold his head up high and suffer for it rather than stoop . The use of this word indicates that the Duke is in a state of mind where he sees himself as superior compared to others. However as we read on we learn that the Duke had limited control over his wife. He states that She had a heart…to soon made glad , showing that he felt she was amused easily and distracted away from him perhaps by other men. This is amplified further when he says She liked whate er she looked on , showing he believes she undermined his control over her and paid attention to other men . We can infer from this that the Duke was disturbed about his deficit of restrain over his wife and is deeply angered at how she thanked men other than himself. The Duke is outraged at the lack of affection he receives from his Duchess, and provides the reader with reasons as to why he deserves more. The Duke says She ranked my gift of a nine hundred years old name with anybody s gift . Here the Duke explains that his supremacy, which he received from his family name, has stretched over several centuries and his Duchess should therefore appreciate him for it. His contenders have a lot less to offer but still
  • 39. The Measles Research Paper The measles is a skin disease that can spread through contact with saliva or mucous, but it can also be spread throughout the air by a person sneezing or coughing. The disease can live on a person for several hours. It can sit on surface from traveling in the air and can come in contact with people within a close proximity. You can prevent the measleswith a dose of immunoglobulin. Mostly little kids are at risk for measles if you don t vaccinate them early. There are several symptoms for the measles. The many symptoms include coughing, fever, red eyes, light sensitivity, muscle aches, a runny nose, sore throat, and finally white spots in the mouth. Some things can put you at risk for getting the measles for example, if you have too Vitamin
  • 40. The Effects Of Advertising On Today s Culture Advertisements are everywhere today. Author James Twitchell says, Adcult is there when we blink, it s there when we listen, it s there when we touch, it s even there to be smelled in scent strips when we open a magazine. There are thousands of products being advertised every minute, and they are being promoted in all sorts of ways. One could see advertisements on television, on a billboard, on the internet, or hear about something on the radio. With advertisingall around, it has to have an effect on the people seeing it and hearing it. Advertisement has several negative effects on today s culture, such as it promotes conformity, affects one s self image, and manipulates how people buy. People may not even realize that advertising has these effects on them. That is how acclimated people have become to it. One effect that advertisement has on today s culture is that it promotes conformity. Advertising is supposed to encourage choice, however most companies advertise in order to convince people to buy their product and only theirs. That is the opposite of choice. For instance, Coke and Pepsi are two of the biggest rivals in the drink industry today. Coke is advertised everywhere. It is seen more often than Pepsi, and people may not realize, but that is a way of promoting conformity because the goal of placing the Coke brand everywhere is to get people to drink Coke and not Pepsi. Another instance may be the use of makeup by men. When someone thinks of makeup he or she
  • 41. Zebra Moussels Threat Aquatic Ecosystems Zebra mussels threaten aquatic ecosystems because of their ability to filter about a quart of water per day. While water clarity is improved during this process, the zebra mussels disrupt the food chain by removing plankton, which supports the existence of native mussels and fish. Zebra mussels disrupt the food chain by removing plankton, which supports the existence of native mussels and fish. Zebra mussels pose serious threats because of their potential to foul industrial facilities and plug public water supply intakes that draw from infested waters. Invasive species also can interfere with the operation of locks and dams on rivers or damage boat hulls and engines. Zebra mussels are prolific breeders and, because they are not a native species
  • 42. Medical Practice Vs. Conventional Medicine In the present day, medical practice has been regarded as dichotomized in the sense that, they are either categorized as conventional or alternative hence their medical backgrounds and respective practitioners many times are dependent against each other. A close observation shows that these categorizations are subjective and not made to conflict. Conventional medicinehave formerly been known to utilize natural resources while home remedies have for a long period been prepared using a boost of untested value as they are administered without professional supervision or prescription (Hassed, 405). The actual nature for these classifications are distinct. The conventional medicine are realized to have been developed by dominant cultures and societies that arose to be widespread in a more scientific method of healing. On the other hand, home remedies arose as a convenient way of handling sickness and despite not having medical properties, they are understood to treat and cure the disease in question. Each civilization defines, applies and views its remedies differently with historic guidebooks frequently having various remedies for many diseases (Lee. 461). This paper anticipates to provide a brief discussion as well as comparison between home remedies and conventional medicine. Home remedies being assumed as less dominant, the paper will expound on the positive strengths and attributes of home remedies. Despite there having existed significant contributions of the
  • 43. Systems Analysis And Design Activities Systems analysis Daniel Hawkins Enterprise Systems Analysis Design Introduction The first section of the briefing addresses the systems analysis and design activities in the organizational workplaces. The second part will explore the typical responsibilities and skill sets of a successful system analyst in the workplace. Usually, a systems analyst refers to a system designer in any organization. A systems analyst defines, develops, configures, and supports computer applications to improve business efficiency as well as productivity. Systems Analysis and Design Activities Systems projects that involve many departments will require a committee rather than an individual to approve them. The first step requires a proposal regarding the project. The plan entails the problem and its significance to the organization while giving alternative solutions (Kendall, Kenneth, and Kendall, 2006). It also analyzes the possible use of a computer to solve the problem while acknowledging the people interested in using the system. When the right people approve the project, then it is developed. Systems development life cycle (SDLC) involves the activities followed to generate new computer information systems. The SDLC consists of various steps. The first step is the preliminary analysis, which explains the problem and investigates it (McLeod, Raymond, and Sumner, 2006). The second step analysis the requirements. It evaluates the properties of the current system and those of the
  • 44. Pure Evil In Gibran s On Good And Evil In the world today, there have been many tragic occurrences that can be considered as pure evil. One example is the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. On Wednesday February 14th, 2018 Nikolas Cruz was charged with seventeen counts of premeditated murder. Cruz, a former student of Stoneman Douglas, shot and killed seventeen and wounded countless others without any provocation or reason. Even with hindsight, one cannot come up with any conceivable reason or rationale for his action. Most of these students have probably never met him in person, let alone caused him any harm or slight. As a result, William Golding would state that Nikolas Cruz is an innately evilperson. He killed simply for the sake of killing. Conversely, Gibran, who is... Show more content on ... In the poem, On Good and Evil, Gibran argues that goodness lives within each person. Throughout the poem, Gibran presents several different examples, such as You are good in countless ways, (Gibran 26) and You are good when you strive to give of yourself. (Gibran 10). In both of these examples, he was taking the readers to a personal level, to draw his point across that goodness resides within everyone. He seemed to argue that evil was a byproduct of circumstances; it was always created by other factors; it was never always there as opposed to good. In one of the first lines of the poems Gibran says, For what is evil but good tortured by its own hunger and thirst? Verily when good is hungry it seeks food even in dark caves, and when it thirsts it drinks even of dead waters. (Gibran 3 4). He manipulates personification, when good is hungry it seeks food even in dark caves to represent the idea that evil was formed when good changed by external forces or by necessity. For these reasons, he also made it clear that we, the readers, have to work to maintain our inherent goodness. In other words, good will eventually turn into evil if we don t pay attention to our environment or to allow injustice to flourish around us. For instance, in the last line of the poem, Gibran ends the poem with For the truly good ask not the naked, Where is your garment? nor the houseless, What has befallen your house? (Gibran 37 38 ). By ending his poem with an analogy, Gibran is trying to leave a strong impression on us by questioning if we the readers are good people. He bluntly states, for truly good people ask not, Where is your garment? essentially saying that good people don t ask questions, but rather act on
  • 45. Two Versions of Christianity in The Grand Inquisite by... Two Versions of Christianity in The Grand Inquisite by Dostoevsky In Dostoevsky s book The Grand Inquisitor he develops two versions of Chrisitianity. One is the Roman catholic version which is represented by the G.I. or Grand Inquisitor and the other is the Protestant version represented by the Christ like figure. The whole dialogue begins when the GI has thrown the Christ like figure or CLF in prison after watching him do a few miracles (pg. 24). He then begins to barraage him with questions that he answers himself. And From this comes the argument of freedom. The GI then claims that because the CLF refused the 3 temptations (mainly the turning of the stone into bread) (pg27) he placed the burden of freedom on man. According ... Show more content on ... He said that the men have given up their freedom to the church. And thus the responsibility is not laid on man himself but on the community or church as a whole. He says that you (CLF) would not give them heavenly bread but I (GI) have given them earthly bread, which is what they truly want. The Gi believes that man s goal in life is to pursue happiness and well being. And that if they would give there freedom up to the church, then they can go on and pursue that. The main topic here is the struggle for freedom. Christ gave man free will. To choose between right and wrong. So man has the right to choose. The GI says that man can never be free because he is weak corrupt worthless and restless. The GI says that by giving them freedom ..... you showed that you didnt love them at all. The Gi says that you desired there free love, that they should follow you freely. But because you only gave yourself as a guide. they rejected you and your image. So instead of saving them you left them in more confusion and suffering. By doing so you layed down the foundation for the destruction of your own kingdom. (pg28) The Gi then goes on to deescribe the three powers in which the CLF had at his disposal to use in order bring people into his kingdom . Miracle, mystery, and authority are the three powers he chose not to use. When he was tempted to jump off the building and have angels come down
  • 46. The Act Of Raising A Child By Its Parents Parenting: the act of raising a child by its parents. We believe there s more to it, parenting skills play a huge role in the child s life. How they develop, learn and see the world are all things that lead back to parenting. This topic is important because we feel that parenting skills are not a main concern nowadays. Parentingis a critical aspect in how your child will develop and thrive. People believe they are doing the right thing for their child and setting them up for success, but are they really? Interest in parenting is a topic that is fairly new. Scientist and pediatrics did not consider parenting a serious matter until the late 1800 s. Before, people would raise their children based on religious principles and philosophical... Show more content on ... Children working in agriculture spent most of their days harvesting crops in extreme temperatures for long hours. Because of the long hours they worked, most children in the labor force did not have the opportunity to get an education nor the time. This meant these children began working at the ages of 10 13 and continued to work their whole life without receiving an education. In the early 20th century is when it all began to change. Child labor began to decline and child labor reforms grew. During the Great Depression most jobs were given to adults and more children were able to get an education. Some might say, Who would ever let their child endure such harsh conditions working at such a young age? Could harsh child labor have been avoided? Most children were forced into labor because of the poverty in their households. Parents did not see the harm in sending their kids to work at such a young age and they were not aware of the importance of education. At the time it was the norm; if you did not have enough to live off of with just a father working; you would send your children off to work too. We tend to parent our children based on the social norm. Who s to blame on this situation, should we blame the parents or society? Religion is one of the major ethical dilemmas in our present world. Studies have shown that children raised with religion are psychologically healthier than those who aren t. Kids that are raised under a
  • 47. An Investigation On The Rocky Shore Ecosystem The rocky shore ecosystem is built up of many rocky ledges that are covered with sea water at high tide and exposed rock at low tide. This community contains many different organisms that are well adapted to living in this environment. We visited this marine reserve to extract a suffice amount of data about these organisms to conduct an investigation on their community patterns of zonation and their interrelationships with other species. The majority of this marine reserve is built up of sharp rock which is exposed to the Cook Strait. We placed a transect line along this rock and used a 50cm2 quadrat square, to record the percentage of species on the rocky shore at different heights and substrates. From this investigation at the rocky shore we discovered: Chamaesipho columna (barnacle) Chamaesipho brunnea (barnacle) Sypharochiton pelliserpentis (chiton) Cellana denticulata (limpet) Cellana radians (limpet) Cellana omata (limpet) Austrolittorina antipodum (periwinkle) Austrolittorina cincta (sea snail) Actinia tenebrosa (sea anemone) These organisms were all well adapted to the environment and tidal condition of the rocky shore. They show zonation and inter relationships; competition, predation and commensalism. The main abiotic factor of the rocky shore was the movement of the tide creating aerial exposure. Zonation at the rocky shore was distributed in very distinct horizontal bands that formed visible zones on the intertidal rock zones. This is due to
  • 48. Masculinity in Peter Weir s Gallipoli Essay Question: Discuss the ways in which masculinity is constructed in Gallipoli and / or First Blood? What codes and norms of gender are used to construct masculinity in the film(s)? The perception of masculinity within Australian films is a reflection of our society s views and opinions of what it is to be considered masculine. It is continually reinforced in our society by the constructions of the male character in movies, just like Archie and Frank, in Gallipoli and particular male figures within our nation s history, such as Ned Kelly. Peter Weirs reflection of masculinity through the use of his two main characters Archie and Frank, in his 1981 film Gallipoli, helped to perpetuate this construction of the Aussie male stereotype ... Show more content on ... Weir demonstrates this type of homosociality in Archie and Frank s friendship by having particular scenes within the movie where the audience watches on as both characters cement their relationship with races for fun in the Egyptian training grounds and climbing the pyramids to leave their names to generations to come in the ancient stones. Similar to that of young love with Frank being the strong male and Archie taking on the role of female. The two characters symbolize the differing attitudes to the war, to personal ambition and even the way they run and how, the way they run, reflect how they live. Archie s sacrifice is the apotheosis of greater love when he takes Franks place in the line symbolizing an act of a hero. But like all heroes Frank and Archie must undergo shared trials, such as crossing the desert before they can attempt to enlist, as well as both, having to suffer the individual humiliation of being rejected into the army. A special kind of manwent. Sure, they were adventurers, but a very simple kind. They weren t swashbucklers, but they were a kind of warrior class Isolating the characters from their positions in a way of dramatic irony and representing them ignorant of the causes and horrors of war, strengthens the sense of the lost generation s innocence and the growth of a national understanding since the end of the imperial compliance. According to Katherine Biber, violent white men are
  • 49. The Role Of Political System On Administrative Law And... St. Louis University v Masonic Temple is a classic example that highlights the role of political system in administrative law and judicial decision making. One cannot ignore or underestimate the role politics can play in decision making. The financial routes through which funding programs operate have an underlying political will and motivations and courts give effect to it through favorable decisions. In this case, the city had passed an ordinance to establish the necessary Tax Increment Financing or TIF assistance for the arena and other redevelopment projects. The ordinance expressly stated that the lawmakers believed that St. Louis University (SLU) continues to serve as invaluable educational and cultural entities within the area raising the question of political backing in awarding the TIF only to St. Louis University. If the court ruled against not only St. Louis University but the St. Louis politicians (who expressed an explicit interest in awarding the TIF to SLU), there would have been a major political fallout. Interestingly, courts in such cases tweak and interpret the law to appease both the political entities and the public even in the face of blatant violation of the law. It is pertinent to understand the reasoning behind why courts on multiple occasions decide in favor of churches/religious institutions despite blatant violation of law. Administrators and law makers respond not only to what the law demands but to other environmental demands that exert
  • 50. Symbols In Mr. Sen, By Mrs. C. Lahiri Once upon a time, she was a wealthy woman in Bengali, theere, she feed the poor on festival days. But after came to calcatta, she did not have any wealth, even, she does have good food to eat, wear dirty clothes and sleep on the old newspapers. Lahiri used ,some metaphors in this story, cocunut trees, cattle, rosewood and women with saries. Using metaphors described about not only person and also thing. She has given a plase by the Bengali peopleand every day, she sleep unter the letter box. Bengali people of those appartments give her food and other items but still, they considers her as a refuge and she consiter her herself also an outsider . She feels herself, she has no place in the world. She faced double trouble, that is, she is not Indian and also belongs to the lower caste. According to Gayatri C.Spivak, the caste system of Indiais worse than racism of other countries and calls both India and United states bad, but in different ways. (13) She interpret her own identity and class status. Much of her... Show more content on ... But in her one of the collection, Mrs.Sen s is bviously dealt with the pain of culturaly alienation and nostalgic feeling of the migrated people in a foriegn land, through out the character Mrs. Sen. She is the protagonist of the story, mistress of the University professor, a thirty year old home maker. She migrated from Calcutta to Boston with her husband mistress who teaches in the university of Boston. This not only the changes of location but also facing the problem of traditional and cultural conflict where they were migrated as well as they injured by socialy and psychologically causing a strong sense of lonliness and segregation. Mrs. sen coud not adopt by hostculturalwhere she missings her own traditional. Lahiri mentioned in an interview that she depicted the character of Mrs. Sen while in her mind, she keeping about her mother and women of her
  • 51. My Old Memories The Memories that Papa Made Everyone has those old good memories that they will never forget. No matter how old you are they will always be there. I have plenty of old memories that i still remember and those memories are from when i was very young. So I am here to tell you about some of my old memories that i have that happened at my Papa s house the favorite place in the world that I will never forget. So let s begin. You always gotta start with the best memory. If you don t then you are starting in the wrong order. Here s my first memory. It all started with me, and my two sisters, and getting out of school on friday. Man we couldn t wait till friday came that was the best day out of the week not just because it was the last day of the week for school,but because Papa was picking us up. Papa would pick us up, and my mom would call my Papa, and say Where are my children do you have them? . Papa would say Girl you already know they with me what you calling my phone for!. You know when you go with one of your grandparents you re guaranteed to get fed. Papa would make sure he went to Go Chicken Go before he picked us up because that was are Friday dinner every Friday it never changed. Going over Papa s house was like going to heaven. That s a place you was going to have fun at and leave with a good story. Now I m going to tell you how me, and my sisters got our own pet at Papa s house. It was a cold
  • 52. Psychological Manipulation In George Orwell s Black Mirror Black Mirror is a science fiction anthology series that explores the conflicts between human follies and mankind s greatest inventions. This episode called Men Against Fire takes place in a dystopian, post apocalyptic society where a neural implant known as MASS is used by the military to enhance their performance. Military soldiers use their MASS implants to track down mutated beings and eradicate their kind. When a young soldier s MASS implant malfunctions after his kills, he begins to realize the truth behind these amazing technological advancements. Psychological Manipulation In 1984, INGSOC inculcates citizens to only value Big Brother and his ideals. The Party surrounds citizens with propaganda and false information to convince them... Show more content on ... In that building, O Brien attempts to cure Winston so that he no longer questions the Party but rather, conforms with the crowd and learn to love the Party s agenda. Winston is tortured through electrocution and pain enhancing drug injections. Near the end of what O Brien sees as Winston s rehabilitation, Winston is brought into Room 101 and tortured with his worst fear rats. There, Winston finally gives in to what the Party ideals. The government s use of torture deprives Winston of personality and transforms him into a brainless individual with no free