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Some Impressionistic takes from the book
                  Ravi Chaudhry’s
“Quest for Exceptional Leadership- Mirage to Reality”
                     by Ramki
Foreword from G.M.Rao

This book is remarkable in its depth of research and breadth of vision,
convincingly articulating why corporate objectives can no longer
disregard society’s interests and why exceptional leadership
comprising of wholeness, compassion & transparency can deliver
enduring results for an organization in the long run. In GMR group ,
we are making a journey towards building an institution in perpetuity
in which, I am convinced, such leadership qualities will be essential in
a rapidly changing world. I thought of sharing this valuable learning
with you, through this precision book
About Ravi Chaudhry

Ravi Chaudhry is the founder Chairman of CeNext Consulting and
Investment Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, a firm that provides strategic advisory
services to CEOs and corporate boards on global competitiveness and
international growth, and to governments on issues related to investment
promotion and development strategies. He has served on the boards of
several companies and organizations, lectures widely, and is deeply
committed to improving the standards of corporate governance and social
responsibility worldwide. He lives in New Delhi, India.
Quest for Exceptional Leadership: Mirage to Reality outlines the emergence of a new fifth
phase of human enterprise that is redefining the criteria of success as well as re-configuring the
routes to success. The author analyses the changing paradigms and provides a down-to-earth,
realistic blueprint to acquire the relevant leadership traits. Corporations do not have the option to
wait;     they    have    to     re-align   themselves      with   the    new    reality   –    now.

Based on substantial research and analysis, the book is full of path-breaking innovative concepts
such as:
 ‘Seven Prime Realities’ that adversely impact our businesses and lives.
 ‘Seven Allies to Catalyze Change’ that can augment social consciousness in business.
 ‘Four Quadrant Matrix’ to make the right choice, every time.
 ‘Five Circles of Leadership Attitudes’ to assess where you are
The journey from ‘Base Camp Leadership Traits’, to summit of Exceptional Leadership

The author makes a compelling case that those who embrace the new realism will achieve
sustained profitability for their companies and ‘Triple Top Line’ of joy, peace, and contentment in
their personal lives.
The book would inspire every CEO and every aspiring CEO to map out his or her own personal
path to becoming an exceptional leader. It is a pioneering endeavor to bring the CEO’s personal
value system into mainstream dialogue and to convince why corporate objectives can no longer
disregard society’s interests.                                     Happy Reading

Reinventing Davos
Seven Prime Realities of Business today
1. One business – Politics Nexus
2. Short-Termism
3. Corporate Social Responsibility only a public relation
4. Corruption of the mind
5. Information overload
6. Leaders blinded by power
7. Misdirected GDP growth
1. One business – Politics Nexus
 Well established, continuing nexus between business &
  political leadership.
 Influence is manifested through officially permitted election
  campaign contributions, direct representation in government
  or personal favors .
 Economic agenda virtually drives the policy making & this is
  invariably dominated by large corporations .
 Politicians & businessman move back & forth quite easily
  from running companies to running government.
2. Short –termism ( Short term horizon of decision makers)
 Corporate thinking is dominated by “ Short-termism.
 Majority of Corporate CEOs tend to sacrifice company’s long-
  term value to meet short-term targets.
 Long-term structural & operational problems are ignored &
  criteria of success are gauged by short-term accounting &
  behavior of stock exchanges
 Short-term results naturally leads to
  thinking patterns that are bound by
  narrow considerations- impact on
  environment, social responsibility &
  moral values.
 Political leadership also succumbs to
  “NIMTOO” principle – “ Not in my
  term of office”
3. CSR only a Public Relations exercise- A skillful
use of corporate cosmetics

 CEO’s tend to perceive CSR merely as a “Public relations
 Companies with a real sense of social responsibility go
  beyond simple posturing.
 They develop what is called “ Social engagement” – as
  sense of proactive involvement with the communities they
  work with & society in which they work.
4. Corruption of the Mind-Grab everybody’s wealth
 It is a virus that kills silently
 The race to win in Politics or Business is so competitive &
  this leads to unethical practices merely because someone
  else is also doing this & they are getting away with this.
 You start believing that there is no alternative but to follow
  this path.
4. Corruption of the Mind-Grab everybody’s wealth
 Custodians & guardians of society become easy preys in the
  pursuit of easy money & are willing to stoop to any lows.
 Law makers becomes Law –breakers
 Corruption is justified by labeling it as being pragmatic &
 This leads to practiced belief that it is an intrinsic part of our
  lives today.

 This rationale : since it is
  not possible to change the
  system, you become a part
  of it for survival
5. Information overload-making it tough to sift relevant
from irrelevant
  Overwhelmed by the amount of
  Don’t understand the available
  Don’t have time to analyze the
   information & understand
     We only retain small
 fraction of what we hear or
        read only once.
 Information overload frosts
   Leads to immobilization
6. Leaders Blinded by Power
   Average individual is conscientious, an ‘ individual in power’
    is a different species.
   Power blinds one to one’s own good.
   CEO’s becomes prone to often behaving insensibly & taking
    unexpected , irrational economic decisions.
   In independent Board of directors should be truly
    independent, which is possible only if they are appointed on a
    contractual basis.
Need to institutionalize a
 formal      process       of
 independent evaluation of ‘
 independent    directors’ in
 every Corporate board.
7. Misdirected GDP growth

   World is preoccupied with macro-
    level GDP growth, while poverty
    continues to increase.
   GDP fails to measure what really
   It tells nothing about the degree to
    which a nation invests it is real
    wealth, people & nature.
   Democracy is important, but more
    important is the need to bridge the
    ever growing divide between the rich
    & the poor

 Seven Allies to Catalyze Change

Accelerating Momentum for Social Consciousness in Business
The Seven Allies
   IPC      –    Institutions to   promote
   Consumers
   Media
   Educators ( in Universities, Educational
    Institutions & Management schools)
   Iconic Corporate CEOs as role models
   Women
   Independent Legislators & former
    Government Bureaucrats
Impact of Seven key players
The New Business Ethos
   To raise transparent lighthouses in the turbulent corporate
    oceans of materialism.
   Seven allies to work in tandem , gather critical mass to give
    accelerated impetus to social consciousness in business
   Will transform the business and the destiny
   Most acceptable part of the new ethos is that it is not meant
    to bring about change by depriving someone.
   The new mind-set has to be candidly transnational &
    embrace the entire planet

         “ The earth has enough for every man’s need,
      but not for every man’s greed – by Mahatma Gandhi

Five Phases of Human Enterprise

“ An age is called Dark, not because the light fails to shine, but
                because people refuse to see it .
                                               By James Michener
Five Phases of Human Enterprise
                                       Realistic fish eating
                                        Unrealistic Fish

                          Intelligent fish eating Dumb fish

                   Fast fish eating Slow Fish

          Big fish eating Small Fish

 Strong fish eating Weak Fish
Strong Fish eating Weak Fish
 Stone age to the Agrarian era to early days of
  industrialization - Law of survival
 Low mobility, Scanty resources
 Focus on preservation
 Law of Preservation manifested itself in the law of “ Strong
  fish eating Weak fish “
 Physical strength determined who was strong and moved to
  those who possessed weapons
 Driver-narrow vested interest & sharing with innermost
Strong Fish eating Weak Fish
 Cheops ( King Khufu) of Egypt who made
  the highest pyramid in 3000 BC
 Hyksos ( Arab tribe of shepherds) who ruled
  the valley of the Nile for 500 years
 Assyrians who conquered West Asia
  around 1000 BC
 The Persian King Cambyes ( 500 BC)
 Alexander the Great ( 4th century BC) of
Big fish eating small fish
 Corporate Liberalism
 Birth of Joint stock company concept
 Origin of this phase lies in the introduction of the concept of
  ‘Joint Stock Company’ that allowed stakeholders to keep
  profits & avoid personal liability.
 British East India Co. in 1600 & Dutch East India Co. in 1602
  – First known entities to issue stock & bonds.
 Became        ingenious     financing
  model, enabling companies to
  raise large amounts of capital .
 Post world war II spread of
  technology & capitalism, coupled
  with free market economics
Fast fish eating Slow fish
   Death of distance, fall of Berlin wall & birth of internet
   New emerging technologies
   Unleashing of a new spirit of entrepreneurship
   New entrepreneurial roles in old professions
   Dawn of outsourcing
 New breed of fast fish
       Microsoft – 1981
       America online- 1983
       Dell -1984
       eBay & 1995
       HTC-Taiwan- 1997
       Google -1998
Intelligent fish eating Dumb fish
 Convergence Era ( since the beginning of 21st century)
 Knowledge society
 New Professions
 Indian Trio – Infosys, TCS & Wipro turnover exceeding US $
  4.5 billion
 Vast numbers of entities
       Brazil- Embraer, Sadia, O’Boticario
       China- Lenova, Haier, Huawei
       S.Korea- Samsung, Hyundai, LG
       Taiwan – Acer
       Turkey- Koc, Sabanci, Hattat
Realistic fish eating Unrealistic fish
 Increased social consciousness
 Need to function in sync with society & environment
 Call for sharing & caring
Four features of Post-modern Era
                            Rise of civil society

          Predominance of      Features
                                                    Freedom must
            youth in new        of Post               be shared

                            Fewer entry barriers
                            in entrepreneurship
Profits beyond tomorrow
 Jamsetji Tata “ In a free enterprise, the
  community is not just another stakeholder in
  business, but, in fact, is the very purpose of its
 Ratan Tata “ The multitude of initiatives the
  Group has sowed and fostered from its earliest
  days, in employee relations & good
  governance, on the environment & with
  community cause, flows from this well-being of
  voluntary , as opposed to obligatory

       Making the Right Choice
Overcoming Obstacles to Conscientious Choice
What is so great about Choice?
 Choice is the ability to select one course of action from a set of
  alternatives to achieve goal.
 It transforms us from dumb animals to artists.
 Choice is nothing other than the chisel we use to sculpt our life.
 The chisel does not come free however, for the price of choice is
 When we accept our responsibility the reward is great & the reward is
 We constantly need to monitor where are we on our journey.
 Choice is at the heart of life & it is the creative power of life
Leadership Matrix of Choice- Profit –Values trade off
                                        Quadrant One
                                         Static         status-quo
                                         An attitude of relative
                                         Not much commitment to
                                          values, neither to too
                                          much self-gain or profits
                                         Small family businesses,
                                          self             employed
                                          professionals-      spend
                                          lifetimes     with    this
                                         They do no harm nor do
                                          they do positive good
Leadership Matrix of Choice- Profit –Values trade off
                                        Quadrant Two
                                         A short-term approach for
                                         To        show     immediate
                                         Path of declining returns in
                                          the medium & long-term
                                          with adverse after effects
                                         Enron, Worldcom, Tyco,
                                          Quest        communications,
                                          Home stores etc.
                                         Such leaders have total
                                          apathy for society & care
                                          little for the impact of their
                                         They do positive harm,
                                          question of doing positive
                                          good does not arise.
Leadership Matrix of Choice- Profit –Values trade off

                                     Quadrant Three
                                     Institutions to promote
                                      Consciousness, NGOs
                                     Catalysts for growth of
                                      global value pool
                                     They do no harm
                                     Their sole purpose is
                                      to do positive good
Leadership Matrix of Choice- Profit –Values trade off

                                     Quadrant Four
                                     Ideal Quadrant to be
                                     Prime focus tends to
                                      be on high sense of
                                     Sustained             high
                                      profitability follows
                                     This         is      what
                                      differentiates ‘ realistic
                                      fish from ‘unrealistic
A Practical test for Right Choice

The Rotary of Four way test- Four Questions

 Is it truth – relates to something that eternal and universal
 Is it fair to all concerned – Focuses on our views, based on our
  knowledge gained till now , i.e., it is rooted in the past
 Will it build goodwill & better friendship ?- becomes apparent as soon as
  the thought is communicated or the deed is done. It relates to its impact
  on the present time
 Will it be beneficial to all concerned ?- is answerable later. It relates to
  the future. This question recognizes that each individual, no matter what
  position he/she holds and what role he/she plays, affects others, at least
  to some extent
Eight Causes of violence in human life
   Wealth without Work
   Pleasure without Conscience
   Knowledge without Character
   Commerce without Morality
   Science without Humanity
   Worship without Sacrifice
   Politics without Principles
   Rights without Responsibilities
 “ If we have only one response to each situation, we become robot. If we
have two choices for every situation, we have a dilemma. When we have
three responses, that is the beginning of flexibility. And if we realize that we
have infinite possibilities in any given situation , we become total free”
                                                             By Deepak Chopra
Eight Causes of violence in Human life

                                                                                       Interactive Attitude
  Index of sustainable happiness

                                                                                       Proactive Attitude
                                                                                         Reactive Attitude
                                                                                         Inactive attitude
                                   H1        C2
                                        C1                                               Passive Attitude

                                             S1        S2        S3      S4       S5
                                                       Index of sustainable success
Passive Attitude- Circle One
 Conscious decision not to make any choice
 Result of
      Either complete callousness
      Or sheer inability to take a decision
      Or lack of confidence to exercise choice
      Or letting fate decide the future course
      Or hoping that the need to take a decision would vanish in course of time

Inactive Attitude- Circle Two
 Consciously ignoring the need to take conscious decisions
 Result of
      Either utter lethargy toward other’s concern
      Or inability to evaluate risks associated with decision making
      Or authoritarian approach to any issues not relevant for personal gain
      Or specific disregard if there is no immediate impact
      Or waiting for nexus-partners (in politics) to direct course of action
Reactive Attitude- Circle Three
 Responding only when forced to do so, for example, ‘house on fire’ or
  legal requirement
 Result of
      Either no vision about the future
      Or inability to distinguish between the routine & the important
      Or delaying action on futuristic issues, as far as possible
      Or complete indifference to matters of long-term consequences
      Or pure habit of being the last man standing, even when others flee
Proactive Attitude- Circle Four
 Anticipating tomorrow’s issues & the need to meaningfully respond well
  before problems arise
 Result of
      Ability to foresee the emerging trends
      Eagerness not to be caught flat-footed by surprises
      Showing understanding of new success-factors
      Being in constant readiness to evaluate associated risks and
      Concern for all stakeholders
Interactive Attitude- Circle Five
 Anticipating tomorrow’s issues and the need to take all stakeholders in
 Result of
      Ability to trust and be trusted by all stakeholders
      Eagerness to work in close partnerships with them
      Showing sensitivity toward their expectations
      Re-aligning strategies & business plans as required and
      Total commitment to Triple bottom line concept

Discovering Triple Top Line
Of Joy, Peace & Contentment
Role of wealth in Happiness- Typical Situation
                        Initial acquisition            Points      of
                        of wealth adds to              sufficiency
                        happiness                              More wealth beyond
                                                               this point tends to be
                                                               counter productive &
 Quantum of happiness

                                                               often     results   in
                                                               reducing     level  of

                                              Likely optimum

                                                         Quantum of wealth
Role of wealth in Happiness- Preferred Situation
                        Initial acquisition            Points      of
                        of wealth adds to              sufficiency
 Quantum of happiness

                                                               This state exists when one willingly
                                                               shares one’s good fortunes with the
                                                               underprivileged sections of the

                                              Likely optimum

                                                         Quantum of wealth
Living in Harmony
 Life in Harmony – Harmony with the people
  around & Harmony with the space around
 Experience is not what happens to you, it is
  what you do with what happens to you .
 Feelings are not emotions that happen to you.
  They are reactions you choose to have.
 You may not be able to change events, but you
  can certainly change your attitude to events
Concept of Triple Top line
 Human nature which is a reflection of one’s own ego is such that it finds
  it easier to be miserable than to be happy.
 If one can keep one’s egoist mind within the dictates of one’s intellect &
  exercise choices with discrimination , one would find it easier to be
 Follow this path & experience a Triple top line – Joy, Peace &
  Contentment in your personal life & all around you.
 This generates self-worth & confidence & makes you fearless.
Discovering Real Wealth
 Inner wealth has two amazing characteristics
   It is there in every human being. This is the privilege of
       being born on this planet
   The task one faces is how to discover and harness this
 Once you have discovered your own “ inner wealth” , you
  find something uniquely striking about it; the more you use
  it, the more it expands
Body-Mind-Intellect ( B-M-I)
Life with Triple Top Line
 Human beings were created for Joy and not for Pleasure
 The moment we realize the difference between Joy & pleasure
  the context ends and we are ready to take the first step towards
  living a life of purpose.
 Pleasure
    Momentary & transitory, usually sensory
    True joy is eternal
    Pleasure result of external factors & dependent on others
 Joy
    Arises within , it is nothing to do with
    It is the spontaneous flow of your own
     positive energy
    Consequence of your own virtuous actions
     & dispositions
Life with Triple Top Line
 Peace
   It is the natural consequence as soon as our minds
    abandon the feeling of “otherness of others”.
 Contentment
   It is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the
    realization of how much you already have.

 Leadership Lessons from History
Perspective from Egypt, India, China , Greece & Italy
  Writings of Ptahhotep- Egyptian Perspectives on
   Leadership – 2200 BC
    Robust Authority
    Perceptive heart
    Equitable justice
  Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras – Ancient India – 2000 BC
      Non-Violence
      Truthfulness
      Non-stealing
      Non-receiving of gifts
 Lao-Tzu’s Tao Te Ching- 500 BC to 600 BC
   Selflessness
   Unbiased Leadership- being fair & Just
   Facilitator
 Plato’s Dialogues & “ The Republic”- Greek -400 BC
 Kautilya’s Arthashastra – 300 BC
   Community welfare
   Conscientious Top Management
      Anger, Greed, Pride, Freight
   Good organizational framework
 Machiavelli’s “The Prince” – Italian treatise on leadership –
  AD 1500
Tripod of Exceptional Leadership
Base camp Leadership Traits
  Basic attributes for a CEO , or aspires to become one
Leadership Journey

( The 1st trait of Exceptional Leadership)
What is Wholeness
 Wholeness means
   The whole view
   The entire perspective
   The complete story
   The total understanding
   The uncensored version of full picture
   Perceived from all angles
   From all directions
 The wholeness view is taken from outside, from the
  perceiver’s vantage, with reference to the mind & processed
  in the intellect
But that is half the job…

 The “Whole Wholeness” comes about when
   the same process
    Is repeated naturally
    Without Volition
    By taking similar complete view
    Understanding the same situation from
       the inside
    As perceived by other’s eyes
    With reference to other’s mind
    As processed in the others’ thoughts
This is first trait in the tripod of future leaders
Wholeness is a 720 degree view
                           Wholeness is the view
                            from inside & outside
                           How does one perceive
                            the view from inside ?
                              Simple you go deep
                               within yourself
                              Tune the antennas of
                               your mind & thoughts to
                               the wavelength of those
                               who are inside the prism
                           The inside view is very
                            different    from   the
                            outside view
                           That is when the
                            wholeness is felt
Wholeness & Sense of responsibility
 Abdication of Individual responsibility leads to the violation
  of individual rights
 Human experience & awareness is usually fragmented &
 Our concerns are partially focused on our abstract selves,
  families, groups , races or countries in alienation from the
  concrete whole that comprises our universe.
 Those who aspire wholeness will no
  longer feel alienated , they feel they are
  aligned to everything around them.
Integration & Differentiation
 Analytic view point- wholeness is an amalgam of
  integration & differentiation.
 Can be viewed in terms of unity & diversity, relationship &
  uniqueness & context and interiority
 Unity includes anything that holds a whole together
 Diversity generates vitality & evolution
 Relationship connects people & things , events &
  possibilities, generating energy.
 Uniqueness means that everyone, every moment has
  qualities possessed by no other person .
 Context is what’s around us- conditions & mindsets that
  contain everything that’s a part of the big picture and gives
  it meaning
Dialogue Vs. Discussion
 Dialogue is exploring the frontiers of
  what it means to be human
   Foundation that leads to personal & organizational
   Creating environments of high trust & openness
   Focus is on creating fuller picture of reality rather
    than breaking it down into fragments, as it happens
    in discussion.
   No emphasis on winning , but rather learning,
    collaboration & the synthesis of points of view
   Creates a community based culture of co-operation
    & shared leadership
 Discussion on the other hand
   Is an activity wherein we throw our opinions back &
    in an attempt to convince each other of the rightness
    of our points of view
Dialogue Vs. Discussion
Four guidelines for Dialogue
   Suspension of Judgment
     Foundation of dialogue
     Create a space between our judgment & our reaction & our
         reaction to other views
     Opens door for listening
   Uncover one’s assumption
     By learning how to identify our assumptions
     Understand core misunderstandings
     Build common ground & consensus
   Listening: Key to perception
     Listening allows the integration & synthesis of new insights &
   Inquiry & Reflection
     Inquiry elicits information, reflection analyzes it
     Combination allows us to learn , think creatively & to build on
         past experience
Creating an Integral culture
 Business-as-usual forces that want to maintain the existing institutions &
  ways of doing things, and keep the world’s economic wealth in the hands
  of those who currently possess its
 Nostalgic forces that want to go back to an earlier time & way of doing
  things to a simpler, less anarchic period characterized by traditional
  values & slower pace of change.
 Insightful forces that recognize that neither of
  the above approaches are viable.
 Making a small difference in the lives of
  others can bring unbounded joy.
 Leading a life of service can bring righteous
 Sharing your heart with others can bring
  unlimited contentment from deep within.

( The 2nd trait of Exceptional Leadership)
What is Compassion
 Compassion means
   Feeling of unconditional concern
   Love for others
     With sense of responsibility
     Irrespective of whether the other person is close friend
       or roe
     Known or unknown
 Compassion is
   Tolerance, Generosity & humility
   Emanates from positive thoughts & feelings within us that
    give rise to hope, courage & inner strength in others
How do develop Compassion ?
 Self-centeredness inhibits our love for others
 For true happiness we need calm mind which is brought by a
  compassion attitude.
 This attitude cannot be selective – applies equally to all
 Important to lead a life of constant mindfulness & mental
 In Sanskrit compassion is called “ Karuna” –means sense of
  shared suffering, showing special kindness to those who
Four Faces of compassion
Four-Step ladder of Compassion
                                                                  Of resolve and discovery
                                                                    of associated joys &
                                                                    hidden self-potential

                                          That it is not difficult to
                                          be       compassionate.
                                          Intents becomes resolve

                   Of one’s inner feelings &
                   developing the “ intent to
                   be compassionate”

 Of compassion as
 default-trait in 2/3rd
 of human race
                                Journey of Thought
( The 3rd trait of Exceptional Leadership)
Corruption Risks in Corporate Activity
 Dominant obstacles to Transparency is
  the practice of corruption by Corporate
  Leaders to seek Special favors from the
  State or Central.
 Corruption Risks
   Insider trading & Corporate fraud –
     initiated       by       Management/
     Board/Employees/ Owners.
   Commercial Bribery – In connivance
     with suppliers & customers
   Collusion & cartels- in complicity with
   Regulatory & policy capture –
     Impacting its role & relationship in
 Acknowledged as one of the best governed companies in the globe.
 One most important reason – Their unflinching commitment to
 Company founded on certain inviolate principles
   The soften pillow is clear conscience
   When in doubt , disclose
   Don’t use corporate resources for personal benefit
   Put a long-term interests ahead of short-term ones
   A small slice of a large pie is better than a large slice of small pie;
     the company’s growth depends on management’s sharing profits
     with all employees
    Transparency, Openness & Ethics are the 3 revolving points of the same circle
                 Each supports the other & get strengthened by the other
             Together they signify the highest level of integrity & truthfulness
   This in turn leads to strong bonds of irrevocable trust between the company & its

Exceptional Leadership in Practice
Stone & Glass window
  When the stone is thrown at a glass window – the glass
  If the glass was strong, it would not break.
  “ You have a much greater opportunity & potential to
   strengthen your own “ Glass” yourself & decrease in
   vulnerability to break “
Fundamental Personal Value System
 Wholeness, Compassion & Transparency
 The faculty of choice imbibes a hitherto
  unknown conviction of strength & a benign,
  benevolent consciousness starts to influence
  our thoughts.
 Radically different leaders emerge
   Leaders who are at peace with themselves
     & at peace with the globe
   Leaders who contribute & they make the
     world better
   Leaders who look outwards for wholeness,
   Leaders who find the balance & do that with
Steps to Fundamental Personal Value System
                          Virtues   Highest Aspiration for


The Challenges ( It is difficult , because it is not easy)
 Move from Preparation to Action
 It is Difficult
   Because one has to realize this oneself , through
 It is Easy
   Because it is so close.
   It is already there- right within you
   It is almost like touching the tip of the right hand
      finger with the tip of the left hand finger
   What you need is conviction & determination
You have a choice to make
Traits relating to Strength within
 Physical traits
    Basic Intelligence ( grey matter)
    Energy & Drive ( health & stamina)
    Professional will ( ambition)
Traits relating to interface with outside world
 Mind traits
    Pragmatic Visionary –Ability to spot & foresee ( dreaming what
     is feasible & envisioning how)
    Transactional skills-Ability to build teams, set goals & motivate
     people to get results ( Human resource skills)
    Perseverance – Ability to overcome obstacles & find workable
     solutions around the challenges
What you do                                                                       W-H Matrix
                                                                                   Impact of
                              Doing right things with   Doing right things with   Unconscious/
         Doing Right things

                              Low Efficiency            high efficiency
                              Slow Progress –SP         Rapid Progress- RP          Choices

                              Doing wrong things        Doing wrong things
         Doing wrong things

                              with Low Efficiency       with high Efficiency

                              Slow Demise - SD
                                                        Rapid Demise – RD

                                                                                  How do you do it
                                  Low Efficiency           High Efficiency
What you do                   Where a company belongs in W-H Matrix
                              Slow Progress –SP            Rapid Progress- RP
         Doing Right things

                                                                   Leader’s choice

                                   Status quo with
                                       caution             Rapid Demise – RD
         Doing wrong things

                              Slow Demise - SD
                                                     Business as

                                                                                     How do you do it
                                 Low Efficiency                High Efficiency
Impact of your Choice- on the future of your organization
If a leader thinks he has developed the traits of
          Wholeness and Compassion,
 then he shall have simultaneously developed
             the trait of Transparency.

         No further effort is necessary
 Such leaders are at peace with themselves & at
  peace with the world.
 They contribute; they make the world better.
 They look outwards for wholeness.
 They look inwards for compassion.
 They find the balance, and do that with
  Man’s aim is to move towards an integral perfection.
  The Sadhna for this does not exclude the world.
  He has first to be convinced of this in his mind and life.
  He can then advance towards perfection through any work
   so long as that is done with inner sincerity.
  One has to discover one’s inner truth and allow it as fully
   as possible to direct one’s whole life.
  It is not an easy path.
  But there is no other way.
Happy Reading

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Quest For Exceptional Leadership V1

  • 1. Some Impressionistic takes from the book Ravi Chaudhry’s “Quest for Exceptional Leadership- Mirage to Reality” by Ramki
  • 2. Foreword from G.M.Rao This book is remarkable in its depth of research and breadth of vision, convincingly articulating why corporate objectives can no longer disregard society’s interests and why exceptional leadership comprising of wholeness, compassion & transparency can deliver enduring results for an organization in the long run. In GMR group , we are making a journey towards building an institution in perpetuity in which, I am convinced, such leadership qualities will be essential in a rapidly changing world. I thought of sharing this valuable learning with you, through this precision book
  • 3. About Ravi Chaudhry Ravi Chaudhry is the founder Chairman of CeNext Consulting and Investment Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, a firm that provides strategic advisory services to CEOs and corporate boards on global competitiveness and international growth, and to governments on issues related to investment promotion and development strategies. He has served on the boards of several companies and organizations, lectures widely, and is deeply committed to improving the standards of corporate governance and social responsibility worldwide. He lives in New Delhi, India.
  • 4. Prelude Quest for Exceptional Leadership: Mirage to Reality outlines the emergence of a new fifth phase of human enterprise that is redefining the criteria of success as well as re-configuring the routes to success. The author analyses the changing paradigms and provides a down-to-earth, realistic blueprint to acquire the relevant leadership traits. Corporations do not have the option to wait; they have to re-align themselves with the new reality – now. Based on substantial research and analysis, the book is full of path-breaking innovative concepts such as:  ‘Seven Prime Realities’ that adversely impact our businesses and lives.  ‘Seven Allies to Catalyze Change’ that can augment social consciousness in business.  ‘Four Quadrant Matrix’ to make the right choice, every time.  ‘Five Circles of Leadership Attitudes’ to assess where you are The journey from ‘Base Camp Leadership Traits’, to summit of Exceptional Leadership The author makes a compelling case that those who embrace the new realism will achieve sustained profitability for their companies and ‘Triple Top Line’ of joy, peace, and contentment in their personal lives. The book would inspire every CEO and every aspiring CEO to map out his or her own personal path to becoming an exceptional leader. It is a pioneering endeavor to bring the CEO’s personal value system into mainstream dialogue and to convince why corporate objectives can no longer disregard society’s interests. Happy Reading
  • 6. Seven Prime Realities of Business today 1. One business – Politics Nexus 2. Short-Termism 3. Corporate Social Responsibility only a public relation exercise. 4. Corruption of the mind 5. Information overload 6. Leaders blinded by power 7. Misdirected GDP growth
  • 7. 1. One business – Politics Nexus  Well established, continuing nexus between business & political leadership.  Influence is manifested through officially permitted election campaign contributions, direct representation in government or personal favors .  Economic agenda virtually drives the policy making & this is invariably dominated by large corporations .  Politicians & businessman move back & forth quite easily from running companies to running government.
  • 8. 2. Short –termism ( Short term horizon of decision makers)  Corporate thinking is dominated by “ Short-termism.  Majority of Corporate CEOs tend to sacrifice company’s long- term value to meet short-term targets.  Long-term structural & operational problems are ignored & criteria of success are gauged by short-term accounting & behavior of stock exchanges  Short-term results naturally leads to thinking patterns that are bound by narrow considerations- impact on environment, social responsibility & moral values.  Political leadership also succumbs to “NIMTOO” principle – “ Not in my term of office”
  • 9. 3. CSR only a Public Relations exercise- A skillful use of corporate cosmetics  CEO’s tend to perceive CSR merely as a “Public relations exercise.  Companies with a real sense of social responsibility go beyond simple posturing.  They develop what is called “ Social engagement” – as sense of proactive involvement with the communities they work with & society in which they work.
  • 10. 4. Corruption of the Mind-Grab everybody’s wealth  It is a virus that kills silently  The race to win in Politics or Business is so competitive & this leads to unethical practices merely because someone else is also doing this & they are getting away with this.  You start believing that there is no alternative but to follow this path.
  • 11. 4. Corruption of the Mind-Grab everybody’s wealth  Custodians & guardians of society become easy preys in the pursuit of easy money & are willing to stoop to any lows.  Law makers becomes Law –breakers  Corruption is justified by labeling it as being pragmatic & practical.  This leads to practiced belief that it is an intrinsic part of our lives today.  This rationale : since it is not possible to change the system, you become a part of it for survival
  • 12. 5. Information overload-making it tough to sift relevant from irrelevant  Overwhelmed by the amount of information  Don’t understand the available information  Don’t have time to analyze the information & understand We only retain small fraction of what we hear or read only once. Information overload frosts & Leads to immobilization
  • 13. 6. Leaders Blinded by Power  Average individual is conscientious, an ‘ individual in power’ is a different species.  Power blinds one to one’s own good.  CEO’s becomes prone to often behaving insensibly & taking unexpected , irrational economic decisions.  In independent Board of directors should be truly independent, which is possible only if they are appointed on a contractual basis. Need to institutionalize a formal process of independent evaluation of ‘ independent directors’ in every Corporate board.
  • 14. 7. Misdirected GDP growth  World is preoccupied with macro- level GDP growth, while poverty continues to increase.  GDP fails to measure what really counts.  It tells nothing about the degree to which a nation invests it is real wealth, people & nature.  Democracy is important, but more important is the need to bridge the ever growing divide between the rich & the poor
  • 15. 2 Seven Allies to Catalyze Change Accelerating Momentum for Social Consciousness in Business
  • 16. The Seven Allies  IPC – Institutions to promote Consciousness  Consumers  Media  Educators ( in Universities, Educational Institutions & Management schools)  Iconic Corporate CEOs as role models  Women  Independent Legislators & former Government Bureaucrats
  • 17. Impact of Seven key players
  • 18. The New Business Ethos  To raise transparent lighthouses in the turbulent corporate oceans of materialism.  Seven allies to work in tandem , gather critical mass to give accelerated impetus to social consciousness in business  Will transform the business and the destiny  Most acceptable part of the new ethos is that it is not meant to bring about change by depriving someone.  The new mind-set has to be candidly transnational & embrace the entire planet “ The earth has enough for every man’s need, but not for every man’s greed – by Mahatma Gandhi
  • 19. 3 Five Phases of Human Enterprise “ An age is called Dark, not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it . By James Michener
  • 20. Five Phases of Human Enterprise Realistic fish eating Unrealistic Fish Intelligent fish eating Dumb fish Fast fish eating Slow Fish Big fish eating Small Fish Strong fish eating Weak Fish
  • 21. Strong Fish eating Weak Fish  Stone age to the Agrarian era to early days of industrialization - Law of survival  Low mobility, Scanty resources  Focus on preservation  Law of Preservation manifested itself in the law of “ Strong fish eating Weak fish “  Physical strength determined who was strong and moved to those who possessed weapons  Driver-narrow vested interest & sharing with innermost circles
  • 22. Strong Fish eating Weak Fish  Cheops ( King Khufu) of Egypt who made the highest pyramid in 3000 BC  Hyksos ( Arab tribe of shepherds) who ruled the valley of the Nile for 500 years  Assyrians who conquered West Asia around 1000 BC  The Persian King Cambyes ( 500 BC)  Alexander the Great ( 4th century BC) of Macedonia
  • 23. Big fish eating small fish  Corporate Liberalism  Birth of Joint stock company concept  Origin of this phase lies in the introduction of the concept of ‘Joint Stock Company’ that allowed stakeholders to keep profits & avoid personal liability.  British East India Co. in 1600 & Dutch East India Co. in 1602 – First known entities to issue stock & bonds.  Became ingenious financing model, enabling companies to raise large amounts of capital .  Post world war II spread of technology & capitalism, coupled with free market economics
  • 24. Fast fish eating Slow fish  Death of distance, fall of Berlin wall & birth of internet  New emerging technologies  Unleashing of a new spirit of entrepreneurship  New entrepreneurial roles in old professions  Dawn of outsourcing  New breed of fast fish companies  Microsoft – 1981  America online- 1983  Dell -1984  eBay & 1995  HTC-Taiwan- 1997  Google -1998
  • 25. Intelligent fish eating Dumb fish  Convergence Era ( since the beginning of 21st century)  Knowledge society  New Professions  Indian Trio – Infosys, TCS & Wipro turnover exceeding US $ 4.5 billion  Vast numbers of entities  Brazil- Embraer, Sadia, O’Boticario  China- Lenova, Haier, Huawei  S.Korea- Samsung, Hyundai, LG  Taiwan – Acer  Turkey- Koc, Sabanci, Hattat
  • 26. Realistic fish eating Unrealistic fish  Increased social consciousness  Need to function in sync with society & environment  Call for sharing & caring
  • 27. Four features of Post-modern Era Rise of civil society movements Four Predominance of Features Freedom must youth in new of Post be shared demographics Modern Era Fewer entry barriers in entrepreneurship
  • 28. Profits beyond tomorrow  Jamsetji Tata “ In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stakeholder in business, but, in fact, is the very purpose of its existence.  Ratan Tata “ The multitude of initiatives the Group has sowed and fostered from its earliest days, in employee relations & good governance, on the environment & with community cause, flows from this well-being of voluntary , as opposed to obligatory commitment‘”
  • 29. 4 Making the Right Choice Overcoming Obstacles to Conscientious Choice
  • 30. What is so great about Choice?  Choice is the ability to select one course of action from a set of alternatives to achieve goal.  It transforms us from dumb animals to artists.  Choice is nothing other than the chisel we use to sculpt our life.  The chisel does not come free however, for the price of choice is responsibility.  When we accept our responsibility the reward is great & the reward is happiness.  We constantly need to monitor where are we on our journey.  Choice is at the heart of life & it is the creative power of life
  • 31. Leadership Matrix of Choice- Profit –Values trade off  Quadrant One  Static status-quo situation  An attitude of relative indifference  Not much commitment to values, neither to too much self-gain or profits  Small family businesses, self employed professionals- spend lifetimes with this approach  They do no harm nor do they do positive good
  • 32. Leadership Matrix of Choice- Profit –Values trade off  Quadrant Two  A short-term approach for self-gratification  To show immediate results  Path of declining returns in the medium & long-term with adverse after effects  Enron, Worldcom, Tyco, Quest communications, Home stores etc.  Such leaders have total apathy for society & care little for the impact of their decision  They do positive harm, question of doing positive good does not arise.
  • 33. Leadership Matrix of Choice- Profit –Values trade off  Quadrant Three Institutions to promote Consciousness, NGOs etc. Catalysts for growth of global value pool They do no harm Their sole purpose is to do positive good
  • 34. Leadership Matrix of Choice- Profit –Values trade off  Quadrant Four Ideal Quadrant to be in. Prime focus tends to be on high sense of values Sustained high profitability follows This is what differentiates ‘ realistic fish from ‘unrealistic fish”
  • 35. A Practical test for Right Choice The Rotary of Four way test- Four Questions  Is it truth – relates to something that eternal and universal  Is it fair to all concerned – Focuses on our views, based on our knowledge gained till now , i.e., it is rooted in the past  Will it build goodwill & better friendship ?- becomes apparent as soon as the thought is communicated or the deed is done. It relates to its impact on the present time  Will it be beneficial to all concerned ?- is answerable later. It relates to the future. This question recognizes that each individual, no matter what position he/she holds and what role he/she plays, affects others, at least to some extent
  • 36. Eight Causes of violence in human life  Wealth without Work  Pleasure without Conscience  Knowledge without Character  Commerce without Morality  Science without Humanity  Worship without Sacrifice  Politics without Principles  Rights without Responsibilities “ If we have only one response to each situation, we become robot. If we have two choices for every situation, we have a dilemma. When we have three responses, that is the beginning of flexibility. And if we realize that we have infinite possibilities in any given situation , we become total free” By Deepak Chopra
  • 37. Eight Causes of violence in Human life H5 Interactive Attitude Index of sustainable happiness C5 H4 Proactive Attitude C4 H3 Reactive Attitude C3 H2 Inactive attitude H1 C2 C1 Passive Attitude S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 Index of sustainable success
  • 38. Passive Attitude- Circle One  Conscious decision not to make any choice  Result of  Either complete callousness  Or sheer inability to take a decision  Or lack of confidence to exercise choice  Or letting fate decide the future course  Or hoping that the need to take a decision would vanish in course of time Inactive Attitude- Circle Two  Consciously ignoring the need to take conscious decisions  Result of  Either utter lethargy toward other’s concern  Or inability to evaluate risks associated with decision making  Or authoritarian approach to any issues not relevant for personal gain  Or specific disregard if there is no immediate impact  Or waiting for nexus-partners (in politics) to direct course of action
  • 39. Reactive Attitude- Circle Three  Responding only when forced to do so, for example, ‘house on fire’ or legal requirement  Result of  Either no vision about the future  Or inability to distinguish between the routine & the important  Or delaying action on futuristic issues, as far as possible  Or complete indifference to matters of long-term consequences  Or pure habit of being the last man standing, even when others flee Proactive Attitude- Circle Four  Anticipating tomorrow’s issues & the need to meaningfully respond well before problems arise  Result of  Ability to foresee the emerging trends  Eagerness not to be caught flat-footed by surprises  Showing understanding of new success-factors  Being in constant readiness to evaluate associated risks and  Concern for all stakeholders
  • 40. Interactive Attitude- Circle Five  Anticipating tomorrow’s issues and the need to take all stakeholders in confidence  Result of  Ability to trust and be trusted by all stakeholders  Eagerness to work in close partnerships with them  Showing sensitivity toward their expectations  Re-aligning strategies & business plans as required and  Total commitment to Triple bottom line concept
  • 41. 5 Discovering Triple Top Line Of Joy, Peace & Contentment
  • 42. Role of wealth in Happiness- Typical Situation Initial acquisition Points of of wealth adds to sufficiency happiness More wealth beyond this point tends to be counter productive & Quantum of happiness often results in reducing level of happiness Likely optimum balance Quantum of wealth
  • 43. Role of wealth in Happiness- Preferred Situation Initial acquisition Points of of wealth adds to sufficiency happiness Quantum of happiness This state exists when one willingly shares one’s good fortunes with the underprivileged sections of the society Likely optimum balance Quantum of wealth
  • 44. Living in Harmony  Life in Harmony – Harmony with the people around & Harmony with the space around  Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you .  Feelings are not emotions that happen to you. They are reactions you choose to have.  You may not be able to change events, but you can certainly change your attitude to events
  • 45. Concept of Triple Top line  Human nature which is a reflection of one’s own ego is such that it finds it easier to be miserable than to be happy.  If one can keep one’s egoist mind within the dictates of one’s intellect & exercise choices with discrimination , one would find it easier to be happy.  Follow this path & experience a Triple top line – Joy, Peace & Contentment in your personal life & all around you.  This generates self-worth & confidence & makes you fearless.
  • 46. Discovering Real Wealth  Inner wealth has two amazing characteristics  It is there in every human being. This is the privilege of being born on this planet  The task one faces is how to discover and harness this wealth  Once you have discovered your own “ inner wealth” , you find something uniquely striking about it; the more you use it, the more it expands
  • 48. Life with Triple Top Line  Human beings were created for Joy and not for Pleasure  The moment we realize the difference between Joy & pleasure the context ends and we are ready to take the first step towards living a life of purpose.  Pleasure  Momentary & transitory, usually sensory  True joy is eternal  Pleasure result of external factors & dependent on others  Joy  Arises within , it is nothing to do with outside  It is the spontaneous flow of your own positive energy  Consequence of your own virtuous actions & dispositions
  • 49. Life with Triple Top Line  Peace  It is the natural consequence as soon as our minds abandon the feeling of “otherness of others”.  Contentment  It is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have.
  • 50. 6 Leadership Lessons from History Perspective from Egypt, India, China , Greece & Italy
  • 51. Perspective  Writings of Ptahhotep- Egyptian Perspectives on Leadership – 2200 BC  Robust Authority  Perceptive heart  Equitable justice  Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras – Ancient India – 2000 BC  Non-Violence  Truthfulness  Non-stealing  Non-receiving of gifts
  • 52. Perspective  Lao-Tzu’s Tao Te Ching- 500 BC to 600 BC  Selflessness  Unbiased Leadership- being fair & Just  Facilitator  Plato’s Dialogues & “ The Republic”- Greek -400 BC  Kautilya’s Arthashastra – 300 BC  Community welfare  Conscientious Top Management  Anger, Greed, Pride, Freight  Good organizational framework  Machiavelli’s “The Prince” – Italian treatise on leadership – AD 1500
  • 54. Base camp Leadership Traits Basic attributes for a CEO , or aspires to become one
  • 56. 8 Wholeness ( The 1st trait of Exceptional Leadership)
  • 57. What is Wholeness  Wholeness means  The whole view  The entire perspective  The complete story  The total understanding  The uncensored version of full picture  Perceived from all angles  From all directions  The wholeness view is taken from outside, from the perceiver’s vantage, with reference to the mind & processed in the intellect
  • 58. But that is half the job…  The “Whole Wholeness” comes about when the same process  Is repeated naturally  Without Volition  By taking similar complete view  Understanding the same situation from the inside  As perceived by other’s eyes  With reference to other’s mind  As processed in the others’ thoughts This is first trait in the tripod of future leaders
  • 59. Wholeness is a 720 degree view  Wholeness is the view from inside & outside  How does one perceive the view from inside ?  Simple you go deep within yourself  Tune the antennas of your mind & thoughts to the wavelength of those who are inside the prism  The inside view is very different from the outside view  That is when the wholeness is felt
  • 60. Wholeness & Sense of responsibility  Abdication of Individual responsibility leads to the violation of individual rights  Human experience & awareness is usually fragmented & localized  Our concerns are partially focused on our abstract selves, families, groups , races or countries in alienation from the concrete whole that comprises our universe.  Those who aspire wholeness will no longer feel alienated , they feel they are aligned to everything around them.
  • 61. Integration & Differentiation  Analytic view point- wholeness is an amalgam of integration & differentiation.  Can be viewed in terms of unity & diversity, relationship & uniqueness & context and interiority  Unity includes anything that holds a whole together  Diversity generates vitality & evolution  Relationship connects people & things , events & possibilities, generating energy.  Uniqueness means that everyone, every moment has qualities possessed by no other person .  Context is what’s around us- conditions & mindsets that contain everything that’s a part of the big picture and gives it meaning
  • 62. Dialogue Vs. Discussion  Dialogue is exploring the frontiers of what it means to be human  Foundation that leads to personal & organizational transformation  Creating environments of high trust & openness  Focus is on creating fuller picture of reality rather than breaking it down into fragments, as it happens in discussion.  No emphasis on winning , but rather learning, collaboration & the synthesis of points of view  Creates a community based culture of co-operation & shared leadership  Discussion on the other hand  Is an activity wherein we throw our opinions back & in an attempt to convince each other of the rightness of our points of view
  • 64. Four guidelines for Dialogue  Suspension of Judgment  Foundation of dialogue  Create a space between our judgment & our reaction & our reaction to other views  Opens door for listening  Uncover one’s assumption  By learning how to identify our assumptions  Understand core misunderstandings  Build common ground & consensus  Listening: Key to perception  Listening allows the integration & synthesis of new insights & possibilities  Inquiry & Reflection  Inquiry elicits information, reflection analyzes it  Combination allows us to learn , think creatively & to build on past experience
  • 65. Creating an Integral culture  Business-as-usual forces that want to maintain the existing institutions & ways of doing things, and keep the world’s economic wealth in the hands of those who currently possess its  Nostalgic forces that want to go back to an earlier time & way of doing things to a simpler, less anarchic period characterized by traditional values & slower pace of change.  Insightful forces that recognize that neither of the above approaches are viable.  Making a small difference in the lives of others can bring unbounded joy.  Leading a life of service can bring righteous peace.  Sharing your heart with others can bring unlimited contentment from deep within.
  • 66. 9 Compassion ( The 2nd trait of Exceptional Leadership)
  • 67. What is Compassion  Compassion means  Feeling of unconditional concern  Love for others  With sense of responsibility  Irrespective of whether the other person is close friend or roe  Known or unknown  Compassion is  Tolerance, Generosity & humility  Emanates from positive thoughts & feelings within us that give rise to hope, courage & inner strength in others
  • 68. How do develop Compassion ?  Self-centeredness inhibits our love for others  For true happiness we need calm mind which is brought by a compassion attitude.  This attitude cannot be selective – applies equally to all beings  Important to lead a life of constant mindfulness & mental alertness  In Sanskrit compassion is called “ Karuna” –means sense of shared suffering, showing special kindness to those who suffer
  • 69. Four Faces of compassion
  • 70. Four-Step ladder of Compassion Fulfillment Of resolve and discovery of associated joys & hidden self-potential Realization That it is not difficult to be compassionate. Intents becomes resolve Recognition Of one’s inner feelings & developing the “ intent to be compassionate” Awareness Of compassion as default-trait in 2/3rd of human race Journey of Thought
  • 71. 10 Transparency ( The 3rd trait of Exceptional Leadership)
  • 72. Corruption Risks in Corporate Activity  Dominant obstacles to Transparency is the practice of corruption by Corporate Leaders to seek Special favors from the State or Central.  Corruption Risks  Insider trading & Corporate fraud – initiated by Management/ Board/Employees/ Owners.  Commercial Bribery – In connivance with suppliers & customers  Collusion & cartels- in complicity with competitors  Regulatory & policy capture – Impacting its role & relationship in society
  • 73. Infosys  Acknowledged as one of the best governed companies in the globe.  One most important reason – Their unflinching commitment to Transparency.  Company founded on certain inviolate principles  The soften pillow is clear conscience  When in doubt , disclose  Don’t use corporate resources for personal benefit  Put a long-term interests ahead of short-term ones  A small slice of a large pie is better than a large slice of small pie; the company’s growth depends on management’s sharing profits with all employees Transparency, Openness & Ethics are the 3 revolving points of the same circle Each supports the other & get strengthened by the other Together they signify the highest level of integrity & truthfulness This in turn leads to strong bonds of irrevocable trust between the company & its stakeholders
  • 75. Stone & Glass window  When the stone is thrown at a glass window – the glass breaks.  If the glass was strong, it would not break.  “ You have a much greater opportunity & potential to strengthen your own “ Glass” yourself & decrease in vulnerability to break “
  • 76. Fundamental Personal Value System  Wholeness, Compassion & Transparency  The faculty of choice imbibes a hitherto unknown conviction of strength & a benign, benevolent consciousness starts to influence our thoughts.  Radically different leaders emerge  Leaders who are at peace with themselves & at peace with the globe  Leaders who contribute & they make the world better  Leaders who look outwards for wholeness, Compassion  Leaders who find the balance & do that with TRANSPARENCY
  • 77. Steps to Fundamental Personal Value System Virtues Highest Aspiration for Humanity Internalization Acceptance
  • 78. The Challenges ( It is difficult , because it is not easy)  Move from Preparation to Action  It is Difficult  Because one has to realize this oneself , through oneself  It is Easy  Because it is so close.  It is already there- right within you  It is almost like touching the tip of the right hand finger with the tip of the left hand finger  What you need is conviction & determination
  • 79. You have a choice to make Traits relating to Strength within  Physical traits  Basic Intelligence ( grey matter)  Energy & Drive ( health & stamina)  Professional will ( ambition) Traits relating to interface with outside world  Mind traits  Pragmatic Visionary –Ability to spot & foresee ( dreaming what is feasible & envisioning how)  Transactional skills-Ability to build teams, set goals & motivate people to get results ( Human resource skills)  Perseverance – Ability to overcome obstacles & find workable solutions around the challenges
  • 80. What you do W-H Matrix Impact of Doing right things with Doing right things with Unconscious/ Doing Right things Low Efficiency high efficiency Conscious Slow Progress –SP Rapid Progress- RP Choices Doing wrong things Doing wrong things Doing wrong things with Low Efficiency with high Efficiency Slow Demise - SD Rapid Demise – RD How do you do it Low Efficiency High Efficiency
  • 81. What you do Where a company belongs in W-H Matrix Slow Progress –SP Rapid Progress- RP Doing Right things C-3 Exceptional Leader’s choice C-2 Status quo with caution Rapid Demise – RD Doing wrong things Slow Demise - SD C-1 Business as Usual How do you do it Low Efficiency High Efficiency
  • 82. Impact of your Choice- on the future of your organization
  • 83. If a leader thinks he has developed the traits of Wholeness and Compassion, then he shall have simultaneously developed the trait of Transparency. No further effort is necessary
  • 84.  Such leaders are at peace with themselves & at peace with the world.  They contribute; they make the world better.  They look outwards for wholeness.  They look inwards for compassion.  They find the balance, and do that with transparency
  • 85. Conclusion  Man’s aim is to move towards an integral perfection.  The Sadhna for this does not exclude the world.  He has first to be convinced of this in his mind and life.  He can then advance towards perfection through any work so long as that is done with inner sincerity.  One has to discover one’s inner truth and allow it as fully as possible to direct one’s whole life.  It is not an easy path.  But there is no other way.