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1 LongBrand
Solving the Capitalist’s Dilemma
A Review of Clayton Christensen’s HBR Paper
July, 2014
“Just as abundant, cheap fast food helped create an epidemic in obesity and
diabetes, the popularity of spreadsheets has given rise to an unhealthy dependence on
metrics like return on invested capital and internal rate of return.
“Armed with this tool, a 26 year old Wall Street analyst could explain that ‘the market’
would punish the CEO and tell her how to run her company. Not only that, the analyst
could explain that ‘the market’ would punish the CEO if she did not follow the
orthodoxies of new finance.
2 LongBrand
Prof. Clayton Christensen
Kim B Clark Professor of Business
Harvard Business School
orthodoxies of new finance.
In a very real sense, too many executives have outsourced the job of managerial
judgement and decision making to the convenient- but ultimately unnutritious- tool.”
• Clayton Christensen’s paper reveals the systematic decline of meaning and context in modern
finance which perpetuates myopic investment and resource allocation processes. It is perhaps
the first major influential voice which lays bare the machinery of finance and its tyrannical
influence on business and capitalism at large..
• In our decade long journey, LongBrand has regularly observed similar symptoms inside
companies and systematically unraveled the knots with which management had tied themselves
with. Every engagement provided management with an alternative thesis of how capital can be
deployed behind intangible assets which in turn could drive Long-term Value.
• We couldn’t agree more with Prof Christensen that these orthodoxies which govern finance are
3 LongBrand
• We couldn’t agree more with Prof Christensen that these orthodoxies which govern finance are
deeply entrenched and hold back ‘market creating innovations’ . However, the waters run far
deeper. In almost every company we have assessed, the invisible reservoir of brand led
intangibles (human capability, stakeholder relationships, trust and IP) which represents the
bulwark of long-term value was unwittingly being sacrificed at the altar of short-term returns and
Quarterly Capitalism.
•These tendencies are so compelling when linked to management compensation/perks that it
becomes a fait accompli even if a well meaning manager chooses to raise a dissenting voice.
They have hardened into covert mental models which have taken over companies at a deep and
fundamental level. These unquestioned axioms represent the root cause of decline in great
institutions and implosions which fell successful firms.
• Professor Christensen’s Dilemma on Capitalism could be better characterized as a Crisis of
Wealth Durability. This is Capitalism’s moment of truth posing serious questions that could
undermine free society itself. There is a need to address these paradoxes with clarity and a
sense of urgency.
• Post 2008, many radical intellectuals and economists are advancing revolutionary theories
which claim that the Capitalistic system is broken beyond repair. Their views are akin to throwing
the baby out with the bathwater. Side by side, Capitalists seem to be in deep stupor incapacitated
by their own erroneous ways to launch a collective introspection and save themselves from self-
inflicted demise.
• In the ultimate analysis, the ability of each side to seize the imagination of the larger public
4 LongBrand
• In the ultimate analysis, the ability of each side to seize the imagination of the larger public
through their narrative and actions will have far reaching consequences for freedom &
• The stakes couldn’t be higher for Capitalists might care to imagine. It is up to right thinking
leaders and managers to retrieve the high ground of liberal arts and social value that
management of businesses once represented.
• The following is a series of LongBrand views expressed in the context of excerpts drawn from
Professor Christensen’s paper (in italics) which aims at highlighting potential solutions to
sharply identified paradoxes and challenges of Capitalism.
• The LongBrand solutions framework begins with reinterpreting and freeing ‘brand’ from its
orthodox meaning which lies fossilized in the ‘React’ & ‘Anticipate’ levels and immerse in its
deeper layers in the “Design’ & ‘Purpose’ levels. (Refer Ways to Understand ‘Brand’)
• Basis this understanding, we propose the ‘TotalBrand’ paradigm which acts as a central axis
to unite purpose with strategic opportunities and in turn with synchronized execution and long-
5 LongBrand
to unite purpose with strategic opportunities and in turn with synchronized execution and long-
term value. (Refer Singularity of the “TotalBrand”)
Ways to understand ‘Brand’
External Projection - Image, PR, Logo
Reactionary ‘Brand’
Analytics/Models – piecemeal measures of
satisfaction, equity, NPS etc
6 LongBrand
Anticipatory ‘Brand’ Intelligence
Systemic Structures – Central Organizing
Principle to synchronize intangibles
‘TotalBrand’ led Business Design
Collective Consciousness – Introspection
about leadership mental models which holds
true business potential hostage
Purposeful Wealth Creation
The Singularity of the ‘TotalBrand’
Quest for a
Higher Purpose
Coherence of
Piecing the
Added Value
Introspection Meaningful
Wealth Creation
Axis of
7 LongBrand
‘ We need new tools for managing the resources that are scarce and costly.’
LongBrand View – Businesses have been blind sided by the swift rise and increasing dominance of
brand led intangibles and their impact on wealth creation. In today’s world, soft assets like reputation,
human capabilities, intellectual property & stakeholder relationships are so scarce and potent, that they
drive efficient and effective use of capital.
8 LongBrand
Management has little or no visibility to direct investments into future value-producing activities driven
by brands and intangible assets. Consequently, they remain overbalanced towards short-term fire
fighting priorities . This has a debilitating effect on their ability to release the true business potential
through innovation and optimal use of established reputation and relationships.
The impact of Brand & Intangible assets on Long-term Value is virtually unknown in most boardrooms
save through intuition and gut feel of senior leaders/owners. This a significant governance gap
allowing short-term tendencies triggered by Quarterly Capitalism to take over the cognitive construct of
the firm.
‘We should no longer husband capital. It is abundant and cheap. We should use it
no hoard it’
LongBrand View –
One major reason why even senior managers do not, as a rule, understand the limits of financial capital
as a means to securing long-term value is their mistaken notion that conventional accounting data and
financial analysis/ratios gives them a strategic picture. They completely miss brand and intangible value
9 LongBrand
financial analysis/ratios gives them a strategic picture. They completely miss brand and intangible value
drivers and their implications from a long run risk/reward perspective.
By better appreciating the real value of these potent invisible assets, companies can deliver
significantly higher returns on capital both in the short-term as well the long run. Only then capital
can be given a worthy goal which is goes much farther than cost cutting or driving out efficiencies.
‘We need new ways to asses investments in innovation.’
LongBrand View - Too often tactical measures on intangibles are tracked by companies across
customer loyalty/employee morale/innovation/brand equity in the hope that such measures can provide
a guidance into the future. Our experiences show that no silver bullet piece meal measure can explain
causal pathways that drive the whole body of intangibles together. Further, conventional ‘brand and
intangible asset’ valuations produced for accounting and financial purposes have little strategic utility
10 LongBrand
intangible asset’ valuations produced for accounting and financial purposes have little strategic utility
beyond ascribing a static valuation.
It is critical to bear in mind that unlike tangible assets which work well as discrete entities, intangibles
require a very high degree of synchronisation to deliver their full potential. In other words, intangibles
need to be studied through a singular axis and mutually reinforcing coherence.
A purpose led intangibles architecture has the ability to piece the long-term value creation jigsaw
together. Without this lens, senior managers will find it next to impossible to visualise the fuzzy
interplay of customers, employees, innovation and IP inside firms. Studying them in isolation will lead to
erroneous and damaging conclusions however rigorous the piecemeal analysis is.
‘ Repurposing Capital – Capital itself is highly malleable in that certain policies can
convince capital that it wants to do thing differently. Today much of capital is what
we call migratory. It lacks a home’
LongBrand View –The flow of capital guided by special purpose gives a shape and form to the
intangible architecture of a firm can deliver extraordinary financial returns. Only Purpose driven
capital can break away from the gravitational pull exerted beyond the exigencies of short-term financial
metrics. Unless such a breakthrough argument is fully visualised and adopted, capital cannot
11 LongBrand
metrics. Unless such a breakthrough argument is fully visualised and adopted, capital cannot
meaningfully anchor into any enterprise.
The onus of creating that cogent argument around the true potential of a firm squarely rests on the
stewards of the company. There are no significant gains to be had in criticizing the migratory nature of
capital, invoking taxes or to that matter rewarding shareholders through voting powers.
The owners need to marshal their long-term value creation thesis which attracts the right kind of capital
and thereafter convince them about the merits to participate for the full potential from the purpose led
intangibles. There can be no greater argument which compels any right thinking capital provider than a
Purpose led Wealth Creation model.
‘Rebalancing Business Schools – Much as it pains us to say it, a lot of the blame for the
capitalist’s dilemma rests with our great schools of business including our own. In mapping
the terrain of business and management we have routinely separated disciplines that can only
be properly understood in terms of their interactions with one another and we have advanced
success metrics that are at best superficial and at worst harmful’
LongBrand View – The industrial age value creation logic which worked well with inanimate tangible
assets has cast a long shadow on how management is taught in business schools. It excelled in a
12 LongBrand
assets has cast a long shadow on how management is taught in business schools. It excelled in a
mechanistic world view of breaking problems down through Cartesian logic. Little wonder a Harvard
student invented the excel sheet, the epitome of linear value creation approaches.
The soft humanity based assets of companies behave in ways radically different , demanding less
command and control and more interconnectedness, meaning and purpose. They also tend to work
in tandem almost in harmony than merely standalone efficiency. Most importantly, their value
creation ‘models’ are fuzzy with non-linear characteristics.
Business schools will do well to start integrating philosophy, humanities and arts into their curriculum to
foster multidisciplinary capabilities. Linear analysis needs to be married with Non-linear holistic mental
‘Realigning Strategy & Resource Allocation – If we are realistic about the true cost of capital
investing in the long-term becomes easier’
LongBrand View - Enterprises are paid to create wealth from business assets, not simply control costs.
But that obvious fact is not reflected in financial and MIS systems available inside most companies today.
Due to the legacy from the tangible-asset-heavy era, information required to make informed judgments
about how brands, customers and innovation add economic value remains hazy at best.
Our experience shows that transparency of information to gain visibility into brand and intangible
economics can be significantly improved and requires three sets of diagnostic tools:
Foundational information: This is basic information pertaining to brands / products / stock keeping
13 LongBrand
Foundational information: This is basic information pertaining to brands / products / stock keeping
units (SKUs) /customer segments / innovation projects to construct a true and comprehensive financial
position of the economic value creating unit.
Productivity information: This is the business output information derived from foundational
information across brands / products / SKUs / customer segments / innovation projects.
Resource allocation sensitivity: This acts as a decision making tool for allocation of capital and
management resources, with better clarity as to where /to what extent long-term value is resident in
brands / products / SKUs / customer segments/ innovation projects.
‘Emancipating Management– Many managers yearn to focus on the long-term but don’t think
it is an option. The job of a manager is thus reduced to sourcing, assembling and shipping the
numbers that deliver short-term gains’
LongBrand View – Long-term Value in Intangibles (LTVI) is able to articulate future scenarios and
their drivers with economic rewards / penalties attached to them. Often, it is only when the true
potential at stake is completely understood and internalised that organisational functions galvanise
around a common axis for coherence and interconnectedness.
Boards need to have a deep engagement with these long-term value creation scenarios. Their deepest
14 LongBrand
Boards need to have a deep engagement with these long-term value creation scenarios. Their deepest
responsibility is to ensure that the company’s most valuable assets are held together by a well-tested
The next most important responsibility is to ensure that performance management systems and
compensation for the senior executive team are aligned to the long-term sustainable value of the
business, rather than just short-term financial results.
Boards are inescapably about risk management, and the risk to humanity based assets should surely
rise to the top of their agenda. Locating the stewardship of these precious assets to secure corporate
sustainability cannot and should not be postponed.
15 LongBrand
Management hinge assumptionshinge assumptionshinge assumptionshinge assumptions and mental modelsand mental modelsand mental modelsand mental models often lead
them to believe that more nearmore nearmore nearmore near---- term revenues/profits areterm revenues/profits areterm revenues/profits areterm revenues/profits are being made at less risk,less risk,less risk,less risk,
but in reality,but in reality,but in reality,but in reality,
16 LongBrand
but in reality,but in reality,but in reality,but in reality,
firms have disproportionately smaller longhave disproportionately smaller longhave disproportionately smaller longhave disproportionately smaller long----term revenues/profitsterm revenues/profitsterm revenues/profitsterm revenues/profits
at significantly larger riskssignificantly larger riskssignificantly larger riskssignificantly larger risks
• The whole firm does not function as a whole; it is a set of separate functions/fiefdoms
• Loss of unity leading to disintegration of culture, values
• Yawning coherence gaps through which ‘Vital Value’ of brand & intangibles bleeds out
• Short-termism, self deception, poor ‘bad news’ flow
17 LongBrand
• Owner, boards and management teams work in isolation
• No meta model to forge these connections to comprehend the whole problem
• Transition Generation – we are traveling through it now
• A real opportunity make a clean break and start afresh
• Significant value creation implications (risk/reward) for firms
• Complexity and change force us to go back to the drawing board
18 LongBrand
• Complexity and change force us to go back to the drawing board
Very interesting….Your proposal of Long- term wealth creation is
hitting the nail on its head.
A long time ago a ceo asked me the following question “what do you do if
you are far out on the sea in a rowing boat full of gold and it is
leaking with many holes….what should I do?”……..
Companies have to understand the difference of gold and real wealth.
Real wealth, is in the form of a water pump or small lifeboat
19 LongBrand
Geir Berthelsen
Real wealth, is in the form of a water pump or small lifeboat
outboard motor.
A shift from the gold standard/currency to the wealth standard is
a thought that makes sense now.
Christensen's paper has likely created a thought vacuum for many
business people and finance practitioners It is critical to quickly breathe
fresh new ideas into that vacuum.
I think your powerful ideas about brand and long-term wealth creation
are the very resonance needed to solve the capitalist's dilemma.
It is critical for businesses to have an axis around which all things
20 LongBrand
Jason Apollo Voss
Director, CFA Institute, NYC
It is critical for businesses to have an axis around which all things
revolve. This, of course, is the central identity, or brand.
21 LongBrand
Brand ledBrand led
Brand ledBrand led
Consciousness of Long-term Value
Brand led Intangible Architecture
Unity of Purpose for Coherent Enterprises
22 LongBrand
Unity of Purpose for Coherent Enterprises
The Conscience Keeper of a firm!

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Capitalist Dilemma

  • 1. 1 LongBrand Solving the Capitalist’s Dilemma A Review of Clayton Christensen’s HBR Paper July, 2014
  • 2. “Just as abundant, cheap fast food helped create an epidemic in obesity and diabetes, the popularity of spreadsheets has given rise to an unhealthy dependence on metrics like return on invested capital and internal rate of return. “Armed with this tool, a 26 year old Wall Street analyst could explain that ‘the market’ would punish the CEO and tell her how to run her company. Not only that, the analyst could explain that ‘the market’ would punish the CEO if she did not follow the orthodoxies of new finance. 2 LongBrand Prof. Clayton Christensen Kim B Clark Professor of Business Harvard Business School orthodoxies of new finance. In a very real sense, too many executives have outsourced the job of managerial judgement and decision making to the convenient- but ultimately unnutritious- tool.”
  • 3. • Clayton Christensen’s paper reveals the systematic decline of meaning and context in modern finance which perpetuates myopic investment and resource allocation processes. It is perhaps the first major influential voice which lays bare the machinery of finance and its tyrannical influence on business and capitalism at large.. • In our decade long journey, LongBrand has regularly observed similar symptoms inside companies and systematically unraveled the knots with which management had tied themselves with. Every engagement provided management with an alternative thesis of how capital can be deployed behind intangible assets which in turn could drive Long-term Value. • We couldn’t agree more with Prof Christensen that these orthodoxies which govern finance are 3 LongBrand • We couldn’t agree more with Prof Christensen that these orthodoxies which govern finance are deeply entrenched and hold back ‘market creating innovations’ . However, the waters run far deeper. In almost every company we have assessed, the invisible reservoir of brand led intangibles (human capability, stakeholder relationships, trust and IP) which represents the bulwark of long-term value was unwittingly being sacrificed at the altar of short-term returns and Quarterly Capitalism. •These tendencies are so compelling when linked to management compensation/perks that it becomes a fait accompli even if a well meaning manager chooses to raise a dissenting voice. They have hardened into covert mental models which have taken over companies at a deep and fundamental level. These unquestioned axioms represent the root cause of decline in great institutions and implosions which fell successful firms.
  • 4. • Professor Christensen’s Dilemma on Capitalism could be better characterized as a Crisis of Wealth Durability. This is Capitalism’s moment of truth posing serious questions that could undermine free society itself. There is a need to address these paradoxes with clarity and a sense of urgency. • Post 2008, many radical intellectuals and economists are advancing revolutionary theories which claim that the Capitalistic system is broken beyond repair. Their views are akin to throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Side by side, Capitalists seem to be in deep stupor incapacitated by their own erroneous ways to launch a collective introspection and save themselves from self- inflicted demise. • In the ultimate analysis, the ability of each side to seize the imagination of the larger public 4 LongBrand • In the ultimate analysis, the ability of each side to seize the imagination of the larger public through their narrative and actions will have far reaching consequences for freedom & democracy. • The stakes couldn’t be higher for Capitalists might care to imagine. It is up to right thinking leaders and managers to retrieve the high ground of liberal arts and social value that management of businesses once represented.
  • 5. • The following is a series of LongBrand views expressed in the context of excerpts drawn from Professor Christensen’s paper (in italics) which aims at highlighting potential solutions to sharply identified paradoxes and challenges of Capitalism. • The LongBrand solutions framework begins with reinterpreting and freeing ‘brand’ from its orthodox meaning which lies fossilized in the ‘React’ & ‘Anticipate’ levels and immerse in its deeper layers in the “Design’ & ‘Purpose’ levels. (Refer Ways to Understand ‘Brand’) • Basis this understanding, we propose the ‘TotalBrand’ paradigm which acts as a central axis to unite purpose with strategic opportunities and in turn with synchronized execution and long- 5 LongBrand to unite purpose with strategic opportunities and in turn with synchronized execution and long- term value. (Refer Singularity of the “TotalBrand”)
  • 6. Ways to understand ‘Brand’ External Projection - Image, PR, Logo Reactionary ‘Brand’ Analytics/Models – piecemeal measures of satisfaction, equity, NPS etc IncreasedLeverage&Opportunity termValuefrom‘Brand’ 6 LongBrand Anticipatory ‘Brand’ Intelligence Systemic Structures – Central Organizing Principle to synchronize intangibles ‘TotalBrand’ led Business Design Collective Consciousness – Introspection about leadership mental models which holds true business potential hostage Purposeful Wealth Creation IncreasedLeverage&Opportunity tocreateLong-termValuefrom‘Brand’
  • 7. The Singularity of the ‘TotalBrand’ Quest for a Higher Purpose Coherence of Intangibles Piecing the Added Value Jigsaw Non-Linear Finance Introspection Meaningful Opportunities Synchronized Execution Long-term Wealth Creation Axis of Unity 7 LongBrand Jigsaw
  • 8. ‘ We need new tools for managing the resources that are scarce and costly.’ LongBrand View – Businesses have been blind sided by the swift rise and increasing dominance of brand led intangibles and their impact on wealth creation. In today’s world, soft assets like reputation, human capabilities, intellectual property & stakeholder relationships are so scarce and potent, that they drive efficient and effective use of capital. 8 LongBrand Management has little or no visibility to direct investments into future value-producing activities driven by brands and intangible assets. Consequently, they remain overbalanced towards short-term fire fighting priorities . This has a debilitating effect on their ability to release the true business potential through innovation and optimal use of established reputation and relationships. The impact of Brand & Intangible assets on Long-term Value is virtually unknown in most boardrooms save through intuition and gut feel of senior leaders/owners. This a significant governance gap allowing short-term tendencies triggered by Quarterly Capitalism to take over the cognitive construct of the firm.
  • 9. ‘We should no longer husband capital. It is abundant and cheap. We should use it no hoard it’ LongBrand View – One major reason why even senior managers do not, as a rule, understand the limits of financial capital as a means to securing long-term value is their mistaken notion that conventional accounting data and financial analysis/ratios gives them a strategic picture. They completely miss brand and intangible value 9 LongBrand financial analysis/ratios gives them a strategic picture. They completely miss brand and intangible value drivers and their implications from a long run risk/reward perspective. By better appreciating the real value of these potent invisible assets, companies can deliver significantly higher returns on capital both in the short-term as well the long run. Only then capital can be given a worthy goal which is goes much farther than cost cutting or driving out efficiencies.
  • 10. ‘We need new ways to asses investments in innovation.’ LongBrand View - Too often tactical measures on intangibles are tracked by companies across customer loyalty/employee morale/innovation/brand equity in the hope that such measures can provide a guidance into the future. Our experiences show that no silver bullet piece meal measure can explain causal pathways that drive the whole body of intangibles together. Further, conventional ‘brand and intangible asset’ valuations produced for accounting and financial purposes have little strategic utility 10 LongBrand intangible asset’ valuations produced for accounting and financial purposes have little strategic utility beyond ascribing a static valuation. It is critical to bear in mind that unlike tangible assets which work well as discrete entities, intangibles require a very high degree of synchronisation to deliver their full potential. In other words, intangibles need to be studied through a singular axis and mutually reinforcing coherence. A purpose led intangibles architecture has the ability to piece the long-term value creation jigsaw together. Without this lens, senior managers will find it next to impossible to visualise the fuzzy interplay of customers, employees, innovation and IP inside firms. Studying them in isolation will lead to erroneous and damaging conclusions however rigorous the piecemeal analysis is.
  • 11. ‘ Repurposing Capital – Capital itself is highly malleable in that certain policies can convince capital that it wants to do thing differently. Today much of capital is what we call migratory. It lacks a home’ LongBrand View –The flow of capital guided by special purpose gives a shape and form to the intangible architecture of a firm can deliver extraordinary financial returns. Only Purpose driven capital can break away from the gravitational pull exerted beyond the exigencies of short-term financial metrics. Unless such a breakthrough argument is fully visualised and adopted, capital cannot 11 LongBrand metrics. Unless such a breakthrough argument is fully visualised and adopted, capital cannot meaningfully anchor into any enterprise. The onus of creating that cogent argument around the true potential of a firm squarely rests on the stewards of the company. There are no significant gains to be had in criticizing the migratory nature of capital, invoking taxes or to that matter rewarding shareholders through voting powers. The owners need to marshal their long-term value creation thesis which attracts the right kind of capital and thereafter convince them about the merits to participate for the full potential from the purpose led intangibles. There can be no greater argument which compels any right thinking capital provider than a Purpose led Wealth Creation model.
  • 12. ‘Rebalancing Business Schools – Much as it pains us to say it, a lot of the blame for the capitalist’s dilemma rests with our great schools of business including our own. In mapping the terrain of business and management we have routinely separated disciplines that can only be properly understood in terms of their interactions with one another and we have advanced success metrics that are at best superficial and at worst harmful’ LongBrand View – The industrial age value creation logic which worked well with inanimate tangible assets has cast a long shadow on how management is taught in business schools. It excelled in a 12 LongBrand assets has cast a long shadow on how management is taught in business schools. It excelled in a mechanistic world view of breaking problems down through Cartesian logic. Little wonder a Harvard student invented the excel sheet, the epitome of linear value creation approaches. The soft humanity based assets of companies behave in ways radically different , demanding less command and control and more interconnectedness, meaning and purpose. They also tend to work in tandem almost in harmony than merely standalone efficiency. Most importantly, their value creation ‘models’ are fuzzy with non-linear characteristics. Business schools will do well to start integrating philosophy, humanities and arts into their curriculum to foster multidisciplinary capabilities. Linear analysis needs to be married with Non-linear holistic mental frameworks.
  • 13. ‘Realigning Strategy & Resource Allocation – If we are realistic about the true cost of capital investing in the long-term becomes easier’ LongBrand View - Enterprises are paid to create wealth from business assets, not simply control costs. But that obvious fact is not reflected in financial and MIS systems available inside most companies today. Due to the legacy from the tangible-asset-heavy era, information required to make informed judgments about how brands, customers and innovation add economic value remains hazy at best. Our experience shows that transparency of information to gain visibility into brand and intangible economics can be significantly improved and requires three sets of diagnostic tools: Foundational information: This is basic information pertaining to brands / products / stock keeping 13 LongBrand Foundational information: This is basic information pertaining to brands / products / stock keeping units (SKUs) /customer segments / innovation projects to construct a true and comprehensive financial position of the economic value creating unit. Productivity information: This is the business output information derived from foundational information across brands / products / SKUs / customer segments / innovation projects. Resource allocation sensitivity: This acts as a decision making tool for allocation of capital and management resources, with better clarity as to where /to what extent long-term value is resident in brands / products / SKUs / customer segments/ innovation projects.
  • 14. ‘Emancipating Management– Many managers yearn to focus on the long-term but don’t think it is an option. The job of a manager is thus reduced to sourcing, assembling and shipping the numbers that deliver short-term gains’ LongBrand View – Long-term Value in Intangibles (LTVI) is able to articulate future scenarios and their drivers with economic rewards / penalties attached to them. Often, it is only when the true potential at stake is completely understood and internalised that organisational functions galvanise around a common axis for coherence and interconnectedness. Boards need to have a deep engagement with these long-term value creation scenarios. Their deepest 14 LongBrand Boards need to have a deep engagement with these long-term value creation scenarios. Their deepest responsibility is to ensure that the company’s most valuable assets are held together by a well-tested strategy. The next most important responsibility is to ensure that performance management systems and compensation for the senior executive team are aligned to the long-term sustainable value of the business, rather than just short-term financial results. Boards are inescapably about risk management, and the risk to humanity based assets should surely rise to the top of their agenda. Locating the stewardship of these precious assets to secure corporate sustainability cannot and should not be postponed.
  • 16. 16 Management hinge assumptionshinge assumptionshinge assumptionshinge assumptions and mental modelsand mental modelsand mental modelsand mental models often lead them to believe that more nearmore nearmore nearmore near---- term revenues/profits areterm revenues/profits areterm revenues/profits areterm revenues/profits are being made at less risk,less risk,less risk,less risk, but in reality,but in reality,but in reality,but in reality, 16 LongBrand but in reality,but in reality,but in reality,but in reality, firms have disproportionately smaller longhave disproportionately smaller longhave disproportionately smaller longhave disproportionately smaller long----term revenues/profitsterm revenues/profitsterm revenues/profitsterm revenues/profits at significantly larger riskssignificantly larger riskssignificantly larger riskssignificantly larger risks
  • 17. • The whole firm does not function as a whole; it is a set of separate functions/fiefdoms • Loss of unity leading to disintegration of culture, values • Yawning coherence gaps through which ‘Vital Value’ of brand & intangibles bleeds out • Short-termism, self deception, poor ‘bad news’ flow THE BODIES BURIED UNDER THE GROUND.. 17 LongBrand • Owner, boards and management teams work in isolation • No meta model to forge these connections to comprehend the whole problem
  • 18. • Transition Generation – we are traveling through it now • A real opportunity make a clean break and start afresh • Significant value creation implications (risk/reward) for firms • Complexity and change force us to go back to the drawing board NEVER WASTE A GOOD CRISIS! 18 LongBrand • Complexity and change force us to go back to the drawing board
  • 19. Very interesting….Your proposal of Long- term wealth creation is hitting the nail on its head. A long time ago a ceo asked me the following question “what do you do if you are far out on the sea in a rowing boat full of gold and it is leaking with many holes….what should I do?”…….. Companies have to understand the difference of gold and real wealth. Real wealth, is in the form of a water pump or small lifeboat 19 LongBrand Geir Berthelsen Founder Real wealth, is in the form of a water pump or small lifeboat outboard motor. A shift from the gold standard/currency to the wealth standard is a thought that makes sense now.
  • 20. Christensen's paper has likely created a thought vacuum for many business people and finance practitioners It is critical to quickly breathe fresh new ideas into that vacuum. I think your powerful ideas about brand and long-term wealth creation are the very resonance needed to solve the capitalist's dilemma. It is critical for businesses to have an axis around which all things 20 LongBrand Jason Apollo Voss Director, CFA Institute, NYC It is critical for businesses to have an axis around which all things revolve. This, of course, is the central identity, or brand.
  • 21. PurposefulPurposeful CapitalCapital PurposefulPurposeful CapitalCapital 21 LongBrand RETURNSRETURNSRETURNSRETURNS Brand ledBrand led IntangibleIntangible ArchitectureArchitecture Brand ledBrand led IntangibleIntangible ArchitectureArchitecture LongLong--termterm ValueValue LongLong--termterm ValueValue
  • 22. Consciousness of Long-term Value = Brand led Intangible Architecture = Unity of Purpose for Coherent Enterprises 22 LongBrand Unity of Purpose for Coherent Enterprises The Conscience Keeper of a firm!