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The Puzzle
A method of communication
analysis that describes different
behavioural styles

               © Copyright Ensize

Why use this analysis instrument?	                  4

The DISC model	                                     5

The Puzzle	                                         6

Interpretation of the behavioural styles	

All behavioural styles contain the four colours	   8

You may view yourself in this way	                 9

Others may view you this way	                      9

Red behavioural style	                             10

Yellow behavioural style	                          12

Green behavioural style	                           14

Blue behavioural style	                            16

Attitudes associated with the various colours	     18

Description of the colours	                        19

Feelings associated with the various colours	      21

Communication between the colours

When Red communicates	                             23

When Yellow communicates	                          24

When Green communicates	                           25

When Blue communicates	                            26

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        have completed a Carrot analysis through           3
Why use this analysis instrument?
The problems currently facing the business community involves issues like recruiting the
right employees, creating effective working groups, improving the working atmosphere and
employee motivation, developingleaders and staff-members, resolving conflicts and other
similar issues.

    Psychology and behavioural science have          in different situations. Contexts in which
acquired increasing significance as sources of       behavioural style analysis is applicable:
knowledge. Classical psychological tests have
not always been capable of answering the
                                                     •	 Management team work
questions raised by the business community
in a simple, easily comprehensible manner,           •	 Projects
and also require special training in their
                                                     •	 Sales development
application. Consequently, a whole range
of more or less reliable instruments have            •	 Team development
appeared on the market.
                                                     •	 Personal development
    The Puzzle is a “DISC-based instru-
ment”. DISC is based on the research of              •	 Recruitment
William Moulton Marston in the 1930s
and is among the most thoroughly evalu-
ated and most widely used instruments. It is
not a psychological test and has nothing to
do with intelligence or values. On the other
hand, it can be called a method of analysis of
behavioural style. This means the instrument
provides information about the behaviour
and feelings a person will probably display

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The DISC model
The Marston DISC model was developed to understand and describe human behaviour.
It is important to understand that this is not a matter of measuring personality.

The Marston DISC model is based on two                     The second part of the Marston DISC
perceptions in the individual:                         model is the perception of oneself as stronger
1. 	The individual considers his or her social         or weaker than one’s social environment
    environment as friendly or unfriendly              – that is, how much control or influence the
2. 	The individual considers him- or herself           individual believes he or she has over the
    as stronger or weaker than the others in           situation, or the other people or the events.
    the same social environment                        People for whom D and/or I are prominent
                                                       in their behavioural style often see them-
When Marston speaks about the social envi-
                                                       selves as stronger than their environment.
ronment, he is referring to everything outside
                                                       They may believe they can achieve their
the individual. This includes other people,
                                                       goals by the strength of their will or through
events, circumstances and the demands of
                                                       friendly persuasion. People for whom S and/
the situation – even the weather. A person’s
                                                       or C are prominent in their behavioural style
perception of his or her social environment is
                                                       often see themselves as weaker than their
also influenced by genetic traits.
                                                       environment. They think they can achieve
     Personalities, being rooted in the person’s
                                                       their goals by cooperating with others or by
genetic heritage and early life experiences,
                                                       following the established rules. Neither of
are formed early. The entire individual,
                                                       these attitudes is more right or wrong than
including genetic traits and basic personal-
                                                       the other.
ity, reacts to his or her environment. The
responses can be described as Dominance,
Influence, Stability and Conformity. These re-                    D – dominance
sponses are often called “observable traits,”                     People with a high level of D will try to dominate the
as they can be observed by the individual                         situation, as they consider themselves stronger than
and other people.                                                 the challenges it holds. In order to achieve their goals
                                                                  they will try to change or control things. They are
What DISC describes
                                                                  forthright in manner and have an ability to see how
The DISC instrument describes how people                          challenges can be overcome.
behave when they react to their environment.
It provides valuable insight into one’s own
and other people’s behaviour.                               I – influence
    In the Marston DISC model, an
                                                            People with a high level of I feel strong in a friendly
individual sees his or her environment as
                                                            environment, and are keen to persuade others to
either friendly or unfriendly. People whose
                                                            share their opinions. Using friendly persuasion, they
behavioural style has strong D and/or C
elements often perceive their environment as                try to convince others that their opinions are correct.
unfriendly. They see challenges, impediments
and potential pitfalls in everything they
undertake. People with a lot of I and/or S
                                                                  S – stability
often perceive their environment as friendly.                     People with a high degree of S want to preserve
They see pleasant, warm relations between                         the environment they perceive as friendly and
people and a chance of success in their                           advantageous. They view themselves as less powerful,
undertakings. No attitude is right or wrong                       and therefore do not want to see too much change.
– they are simply different.
    Perception of one’s environment usually
occurs quickly and automatically. The dif-                      C – conformity
ference between people’s interpretations of                     People with a high level of K see themselves as less
their environment may be infinitesimal, but                     powerful in an unfriendly environment. Therefore,
they are there just the same. It’s a matter of                  they will try to carefully analyse the situation. They
different perspectives on the same situation.                   are careful to follow the established rules and
Each perspective adds nuances and impres-                       regulations, and strive to maintain a high quality
sions to the situation that would not be there
                                                                standard to achieve their goals.
is everyone had the same perspective.

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The Puzzle
The Puzzle is a further development of the DISC model.

It is based on typology and on William               The Puzzle Analysis
Moulton Marston’s DISC model. It                     The Puzzle Analysis is used to understand
describes a person’s natural behaviour               and describe different behavioural styles and
(basic behaviour) and how that person will           is based on two perceptions in the individual:
adapt to a certain environment (adapted              • 	The individual perceives his or her
behaviour).                                             surroundings as friendly or unfriendly
                                                     • 	The individual considers him- or herself
                                                        as stronger or weaker than others in the
                                                        same social environment

The Puzzle highlights different behavioural styles using puzzle pieces and colours.

D = Red                  I = Yellow                  S = Green                   C = Blue
How you approach          How you convey             How you respond             How you respond
weaknesses and            thoughts and ideas         to the pace of your         to the rules and
challenges.               to your social             social environment.         routines of your
                          environment.                                           social environment.

How does the Puzzle work?

			                 1.                                   The Puzzle Analysis
Recruiting the right employee                            1. 	A highly accurate analysis that
                                                             describes basic behaviour and adapted
			             2.                                           behaviour.
To improve communication skills
                                                         2. 	28 groups of four adjectives, in which
                                                             the respondent has to select the
                                                             description that is the best fit and the
To improve the working atmosphere and
                                                             description that is the worst fit.
employee motivation
                                                         3. 	The analysis is ipsative and self-
			             4.                                           estimating.
Developing managers and staff-members
                                                         4. 	The results are described in a report.
                                                             The report describes basic behaviour
			                 5.                                       and adapt ed behaviour, as well as
To resolve conflicts and cooperation
                                                             areas for development.

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    the various
behavioural styles

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All behavioural styles
contain the four colours
Colours are used in the Puzzle analysis as a simple way to clarify different behavioural
styles The four colours are found in all behavioural styles. The four colours vary in
strength from one behavioural style to another. The analysis clarifies basic behaviour
and adapted behaviour.

Basic behaviour                                       Adapted behaviour
The basic behaviour describes your natural            Adapted behaviour reflects the changes the
behaviour.It reflects your way of relating            person makes to fit in in certain situations
to your surroundings when you feel secure             – such as in the workplace. The adapted
and relaxed. The basic behaviour is partially         behaviour changes due to external factors, is
shaped by genetics, but also by early life            learned, and can therefore be “re-learned”.
experience. By about 18 years of age (i.e. the        We have many adapted behaviours.
onset of adulthood), a person’s basic behav-
iour is stable and very difficult to change.

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You may view yourself in this way:
Completing the Puzzle behavioural style analysis will give you a descriptionof how you
see yourself as well as an understanding of how other people see you. Which of the
descriptions do you think fits you best?

         Fact-seeking                                                Strong
       Knowledgeable                                                 Energetic
           Systematic                                                Innovative
           Diplomatic                                                Goal-oriented
            Reflective                                               Strong-willed

         Encouraging                                                 Content
         Co-operative                                                Assertive
       A good listener                                               Generous
                Calm                                                 Inspiring
                Loyal                                                Open

Others may view you this way:
The following are descriptions of how others may perceive you. Compare them with how
you see yourself and reflect on what it means.

             Pedantic                                                Confrontational
               Abrupt                                                Dominant
           Indecisive                                                Authoritarian
           Suspicious                                                Impatient
                 Cold                                                Controlling
           Restrained                                                Insensitive

              Passive                                                Unrealistic
        Long-winded                                                  Uninhibited
          Pig-headed                                                 Egotistical
           Despairing                                                Unreliable
       Change-averse                                                 Garrulous
            Stubborn                                                 Lacking in judgment

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Red behavioural style
       People with a lot of red in their behavioural style affect their environment by over-
       coming opposition to achieve success. They may sometimes break the rules in order to
       achieve their goals. They are up-front, flexible and often self-confident. They are good at
       getting projects off the ground, but perhaps not as good at completing them.

       A person with a lot of RED has a natural              A person with a lot of RED seeks
       flair for                                             • 	power and a position of clear authority
       • 	creating and achieving immediate results           • 	competitive situations and challenges
       • 	thinking quickly                                   • 	opportunities for personal success,
       • 	being action-oriented                              	 impressive personal performance
       • 	launching activities                               • 	freedom to act – minimal constraints
       • 	seeking out and taking on challenges               • 	clear, unambiguous and fast answers from
       • 	making quick decisions (often on a thin            	 those around him or her
          factual basis)                                     • 	continuous advancement
       • 	questioning decisions already made                 • 	little or no supervision and control
       • 	acquiring authority                                • 	many new events, projects and activities
       • 	imposing extremely high demands on
          others around them                                 A person with a lot of RED has to have
       • 	pushing obstacles out of the way and               people around him or her who
          solving problems (independently of other
                                                             • 	work with risk assessment
                                                             • 	can create a calmer work pace
                                                             • 	weigh the pros and the cons
                                                             • 	point out and appreciate the need for other
                                                             • 	create structure and integration
                                                             • 	ensure that facts are discussed before
                                                                decisions are made
                                                             • 	gather and investigate facts

                                                             In order to be more effective, a person
                                                             with a lot of RED needs
                                                             • 	difficult, challenging tasks
                                                             • 	to understand the need for other people
                                                             • 	to use techniques that are based practical
                                                             • 	the occasional shock or wake-up call
                                                             • 	to be part of a functioning group
                                                             • 	to take the necessary time to explain the
                                                                path leading to a decision or the reason
                                                                for a decision
                                                             • 	awareness of existing sanctions, to refrain
                                                                from breaking rules
                                                             • 	to adjust his or her pace to that of the
                                                                others in the group and relax a bit
                                                             •	 to rely on others

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10                                                                                    10
The following are descriptions of different puzzle profiles in which Red is noticeably
higher than the other colours.

Only HIGH RED                                       RED higher than GREEN
Red is the factor that stands for control           Action and activity are primary ingredientsin
and decisiveness. In the absence of counter­        a Puzzle profile in which RED is higher
balancing colours, these characteristics can        than GREEN. People with this characteris-
be extremely pronounced, even excessive             tics havea constant need to be active, and
in some cases. People with this behavioural         become impatient with others who prefer
style have a strong need to achieve results.        not, or are unable, to maintain such a high
Since they are often ambitious and com-             tempo. People with this behavioural style
petitive, they can seem aggressive in their         take personal responsibility for their actions.
determination to achieve their goals. They          For them, confrontation and high pressure
are dynamic and adaptable, and demonstrate          are part of everyday life. People with this
decisiveness and leadership ability.                tendency seek immediate results. Personal
                                                    success is important to them, and they seem
RED higher than YELLOW                              competitive by nature. Patience, long-term
A Puzzle profile in which RED is noticeably         planning and reflectively mulling over
higher than YELLOW describes people who             problems are not characteristic of this style.
are straight-forward and self-assertive. They       RED higher than BLUE
are not particularly interested in personal         A Puzzle profile in which RED is noticeably
issues, but rather prefer to focus on objec-        higher than BLUE indicates people who feel
tive facts. They are highly goal-oriented and       frustrated by rules and limitations – they
have a strong need to see results. They can         prefer to follow their own ideas and often
compromise on quality or details to achieve         work alone or in positions of power and
their goals.                                        authority. People with this trait are dynamic
    In the absence of counterbalancing              and forthright, competitive and goal-
colours, this often describes an entrepre-          oriented. How the trait appears in a person’s
neurial style. People with this behavioural         behaviour often has to do with the YELLOW
style often have an ability to focus on their       and GREEN positions in the person’s profile.
goals and make fast decisions without letting           YELLOW determines how socially moti-
themselves be distracted.                           vated the person is. When YELLOW is low,
                                                    we often find a self-assertive and dominant
                                                    manner, whereas when YELLOW is high, we
                                                    get independent paired with self-confidence,
                                                    and the result is a powerful and persuasive
                                                        GREEN is usually low in this type of
                                                    profile. A common trait for this style is
                                                    a short attention span and a tendency to
                                                    change focus quickly. High GREEN (less
                                                    common) give the trait a one-sided, more
                                                    stubborn aspect.

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Yellow behavioural style

       People with a lot of yellow in their behavioural style affect their environment by per-
       suading, influencing and inspiring others. They are extroverted, interested in other
       people, and good at engendering cooperation between different groups. They sometimes
       make decisions based on how they “feel” about something. They may find it difficult to
       give and take criticism, or communicate unpleasant news.

       A person with a lot of YELLOW has a                      A person with a lot of YELLOW has
       natural flair for                                        • 	popularity and social attention
       • 	creating and maintaining good relation-               • 	general esteem for his or her ability or
          ships with others                                        abilities
       • 	using too many words to describe things               • 	freedom of expression
          or events                                             • 	relationships built on democratic rules
       • 	being sociable and open-hearted                       • 	minimal control and detailed follow-up
       • 	wanting to avoid confrontations and                   • 	an atmosphere conducive to presenting
          clashes                                                  new suggestions
       • 	creating a motivated environment                      • 	close relationships
       • 	being a good communicator, winning over               • 	experiences and variety
          others to his or her own views, entertain-
          ing the group                                         A person with a lot of YELLOW needs to
       • 	breaking rules and routines if they are felt          be surrounded by people who
          to be unnecessary                                     • 	focus on the task at hand
                                                                • 	seek and find facts on which to base
                                                                • 	are honest and forthright
                                                                • 	are logical and deal with problems
                                                                • 	prefer to work with practical matters over
                                                                   relationships and
                                                                • 	follow up results on their own initiative

                                                                In order to be more effective, a person
                                                                with a lot of YELLOW needs
                                                                • 	to make objective decisions
                                                                • 	to feel involved and in on the decisions
                                                                • 	to be able to influence his or her own work
                                                                • 	to learn not to overestimate or overvalue
                                                                • 	to prioritise and set time constraints
                                                                • 	to be prepared to not have agreement from
                                                                • 	to be more decisive and stick to decisions
                                                                   made (particularly if red is low)
                                                                •	 to not take feedback as criticism
                                                                • 	to learn to understand that people have
                                                                   different views

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The following are descriptions of different puzzle profiles in which Yellow is
noticeably higher than the other colours.

Only High YELLOW                                      YELLOW higher than GREEN
High Yellow is a communication profile.               People with this lively style expressively
A puzzle profile with only High Yellow, and           demonstrate their interest in something and
no counterbalancing colours, represents a             their effusive nature can be a motivating
behavioural style of easy communication with          factor for others.
others. It describes self-assured, outgoing and           Just how this combination is expressed
sociable people who value contact with others         co-varies with the relative level of the
and want to develop good relationships.               RED colour in the profile. Where RED is
                                                      low, these people seem to use their expres-
YELLOW higher than RED                                sive style in situations in which they feel
                                                      comfortableand accepted – they do not like
This combination describes friendly people-
                                                      to express criticism or enter into arguments,
who like to talk – communication is the
                                                      and are sensitive to others’ opinions.
strongest trait in this style. They are out­
                                                          Where the RED colour is high, the
going but may have difficulty concentrating
                                                      person does not hesitate to clash with others.
on trivial, everyday tasks, and are easily
                                                      The expressive style is then more self-assertive.
distracted from such work when an opportu-
nity for social interaction arises.
                                                      YELLOW higher than BLUE
    This combination is a highly
positive(albeit not always so practical) trait.       This combination represents people who
People with this combination in their behav-          rarely doubt themselves and who feel at
iour are naturally warm, open and genuinely           home in almost all situations. They interact
interested in others. All High YELLOW                 easily with strangers and are not afraid to
profiles share the trait of liking to be the          initiate social contact. They can sometimes
centre of attention. In this particular case,         have too much self-confidence,which can then
however, they are also interested in other            cause them to act impulsively.
people’s thoughts and feelings, particularly if           Where RED is also high, the person’s
the profile contains GREEN.                           profile contains both self-assertiveness and
    People with this combination often                self-reliance. This powerful combination ena-
appear self-assured and secure, particularly          bles the person to deal with most situations
when they feel comfortable and accepted.              without fear. While they may prefer to keep
Despite this, they are not particularly self-         things on an open and friendly level, they
assertive: their low level of RED makes it            can also take a more confrontational stand
difficult for them to be effectivein stressful        when the situation so requires.
situations.                                               When RED is low, the combination is
                                                      only noticeable in advantageous, positive
                                                      environments. In challenging environments,
                                                      these people often feel uncomfortable and
                                                      become more subdued.

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Green behavioural style

       People with a lot of green in their behavioural style affect their environment by
       cooperatingwith others within established constraints to complete a task. They want to
       feel secure in their work situation, in terms of both relationships and work procedures.
       They are often well-organised and good at long-term planning.

       A person with a lot of GREEN has a                    A person with a lot of GREEN seeks
       natural flair for                                     • 	safety and security over new or unknown
       • 	unbroken concentration and task completion            situations
          according to established routines                  •	 a common point of view
       • 	seeking out a calm, secure workplace               • 	explanations, when he or she does not un-
       • 	avoiding sudden changes                               derstand why a particular change is needed
       • 	being loyal to others who support a stable         • 	appreciation for a job well done
          environment                                        • 	a restricted field of work or group affiliation
       • 	wanting to cooperate with other people,            • 	traditional work procedures
          not easy to say no, can take on impossible
          tasks                                              A person with a lot of GREEN needs
       • 	standing for stability in a working group          people around him or her who
       • 	making sure that others are loyal
                                                             • 	can react quickly to unexpected changes
       • 	being good at listening to other people
                                                             • 	can focus on more than one thing at a time
       •	 defusing tense situations
                                                             • 	are self-motivating and can take initiative.
                                                             •	 can activate others to support the project
                                                                or respond to the challenge
                                                             • 	can work under unpredictable conditions
                                                             • 	are flexible in relation to rules and routines

                                                             In order to be more effective, a person
                                                             with a lot of GREEN needs
                                                             • 	time to adapt before a change
                                                             • 	confirmation of his or her own worth
                                                             • 	help in implementing decisions
                                                             • 	to know how his or her work contributes
                                                                to the solution
                                                             • 	guidelines for carrying out tasks
                                                             • 	a clear understanding of when the job is to
                                                                be done
                                                             • to know when, how and with whom the
                                                                task is to be done

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The following are descriptions of different profiles in which Green is noticeably
higher than the other colours.

Only high GREEN                                         GREEN higher than GREEN
A profile with extreme GREEN, without                   This combination reveals a person who plans
counterbalancing factors, is relatively                 and considers his or her words and deeds
unfriendly, particularly in the Western work.           more than people of most other behavioural
Stability is the factor that stands for patience,       styles. Deadlines and time constraints are
calm and a friendly and open attitude. A                difficult for this type of personality. To their
behavioural style with a pure, high GREEN               credit, however, they bring reliabilityto their
reflects these qualities. People with this style        work. People with high GREEN in their
are usually friendly, warm-hearted, and                 profile often have a considerate trait in their
appreciate other people and their opinions              behavioural style.
and value positive interaction with others.                 Just how the combination is expressed
They are not particularly outgoing and rely             often depends on the level of BLUE in the
on more socially active people to take the              particular profile. If it is high, the individual
initiative.                                             will have a disciplined goal-conscious atti-
                                                        tude, involving diligent and careful planning.
GREEN higher than RED                                   Low BLUE often reinforces the resistance a
                                                        high GREEN feels to change or direct action.
People with this combination are not in
a rush and proceed at a slow pace, which
                                                        GREEN higher than BLUE
means they can function well in situations
                                                        People with this trait in their profile find it
that others would find monotonous or
                                                        particularly difficult to deal with change.
boring. They are compliant by nature and
                                                        Once they have developed routines, they find
ready to accept that there are things they
                                                        it extremely difficult to change them and adapt
cannot change.
                                                        to a new situation. They can become resist-
    People with this combination often
                                                        ant and do whatever they can to maintain
appear self-assured and secure, particularly
                                                        the status quo. They often feel great loyalty
when they feel comfortable and accepted.
                                                        to the current situation and to their social
They are not competitive and prefer to avoid
situations in which they may come into
                                                             People with this combination seem to
conflict. Therefore, they prefer to believe the
                                                        function best when they can focus on a
best of people. They enjoy developing warm,
                                                        particular task. They find it difficult to shift
friendly relationships with the people around
                                                        their attention from one thing to another.
them and usually do not look for hidden
                                                        It often takes time for them to adjust. Once
                                                        they have accepted a certain course of action,
    If YELLOW is also high, we find a more
                                                        on the other hand, they can be trusted to
open, outgoing attitude. A profile that also
                                                        carry it out.
has high BLUE gains a more practical aspect.
                                                             The combination is usually found in
The result is a behavioural style involving
                                                        passive, patient behavioural styles, but
high concentration on the details of a task.
                                                        can occur in a profile with high RED. In
                                                        such a case, the person can be expected to
                                                        demonstrate a noteworthy stubbornness and

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Blue behavioural style

       People with a lot of blue in their behavioural style affect their environment by ensuring
       quality and precision in the existing circumstances. They are keen to follow procedures
       and techniques that have previously been proven to work well. They prefer to avoid
       conflicts if possible. They make well-support decisions, and take action only after careful
       weighing of the alternatives.

       A person with a lot of BLUE has a natural              A person with a lot of BLUE seeks
       flair for                                              • 	assurance of security and safety
       •	keeping within the rules, instructions and           • 	clear unambiguous goals and rules
         standards.                                           • 	reassurance of his or her competence
       •	thinking systematically                              • 	fact-based workplace relationships
       •	compromising rather than fighting                    • 	personal interest in his or her work
       •	avoiding taking risks                                • 	quality assurance
       •	being a careful and consequently slow                • 	acknowledgement of results achieved
       •	being interested in details and precision            A person with a lot of BLUE needs to be
         work                                                 surrounded by people who
       •	seeing the value of consensus-based                  • 	want to exercise their authority
         solutions                                            • 	are willing to take risks
       •	thinking critically and being dissatisfied           • 	encourage group work
         with his or her own performance                      • 	delegate important assignments
       •	not questioning authority                            • 	can make quick decisions
                                                              • 	use instructions and established rules
                                                                 merely as “guidelines”

                                                              In order to be more effective, a person
                                                              with a lot of BLUE needs
                                                              • 	work that requires attention to detail
                                                              • 	opportunities to make detailed plans
                                                              • 	to be able to appreciate the person, not
                                                                 just the results achieved
                                                              • 	to learn to deal with conflict
                                                              • 	to understand the importance of sharing
                                                                 information about oneself
                                                              •	 receive appreciation and encouragement
                                                                 for his or her creativity

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The following are descriptions of different profiles in which Blue is noticeably higher
than the other colours.

Only high BLUE                                        BLUE higher than YELLOW
People with Blue as the dominant factor               People with this combination detest making
in their behavioural style are often quiet            mistakes and therefore check their work
and reserved. They can give an impression             again and again. They are also given to
of being cold and uninterested. Much                  correctingothers, whether or not they are
of this expressionless manner has to do               asked to do so. The need for security makes
with their need for control, which makes              them unwilling to take risks unless absolutely
them unwilling to share information                   necessary. They are also careful when
about themselves or their thoughts unless             communicating with others and rarely reveal
absolutely necessary. People with this                more than a minimum about themselves.
behavioural style are actually surprisingly               People with this combination would
ambitious and often have lofty goals. They            rather refrain from acting than risk an un-
have no need to assert themselves and prefer          favourable outcome. More active styles may
to avoid being drawn into confrontations if           see them as sullen and uninspired. In actual
possible. This makes it difficult for them to         fact, they are just as capable of originality
achieve their goals directly.                         and innovation as any other style, but tend to
    Instead, they use existing structures and         have difficulty translating their ideas into ac-
rules to get where they want to go. Com-              tion or communicating them to others, unless
pared with a person with a behavioural style          encouraged to do so.
of high Dominance who simply demands                      When the profile also contains high RED,
that others follow their instructions, some-          the insistence on precision and unwilling-
one with high Blue will refer to rules, author-       ness to take unnecessary risks isretains, but
ity and logical arguments to influence others.        now combined with the strength to demand
                                                      the same characteristics from others in the
BLUE higher than RED                                  group.
This combination describes people who
need to be absolutely sure of their position          BLUE higher than GREEN
and who prefer to use established rules and           People with this type of profile are extremely
procedures as the framework for their ideas.          aware of their surroundings and the changes
They also want the support of their super­            occurring there, to the extent that they often
visors, colleagues and friends, and there-            notice subtle changes that others miss or
fore care about maintaining good working              ignore. This in itself is a positive factor, but
relationships with others. People with this           its effect is that people with this style become
combinationcooperate well with others as              easily bored and distracted.
part of a behavioural strategy. This enables               Where the YELLOW factor is also high,
them to avoid individual risk-taking and              the profile describes individuals who are
distribute the responsibility. (This does not         socially aware and able to detect nuances in
imply a lack of social driving forces behind          communication. Such people can be so hyper-
the behaviour, but rather that is depends to          sensitive to others’ opinions that they mayread
a large extent on the positions as regards            in criticism or rejection when it does not ex-
YELLOW and GREEN.) Regardless of their                ist. Where YELLOW is low, the style is more
motivation, people with this combination are          practical and focused on facts and precision.
usually good team members. They can focus             Such a person focuses on careful attention to
on what is best for the group, over their own         detail and ensuring that no errors are made.
personal needs.                                       This in itself is a positive characteristic, but it
                                                      can sometimes be taken to the extreme.

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The attitudes of the colours
  The following describes the attitudes associated with the various colours to different situations.
  The presentation gives an overall picture of what the different colours prioritise.

                    Red                     Yellow                 Green                Blue

Personal goals      Having the              Being under-           Being seen as        Showing
                    situation under         stood, accepted        responsive           self-control
                    control                 and involved

                    Coping with             Pleasing others        Concern for          Minimising
                    challenges                                     others’ well-        risk

Time should         Doing something         Doing something        Supporting           Gathering and
be used for         concrete                fun                    other people         analysing facts

                    Completing old          Doing as               Resolving            Getting to
                    tasks, starting         many things as         conflicts            the bottom of
                    new ones                possible                                    something

                    Seeking                 Doing something        Creating             Creating and
                    responsibility          new                    relationships        maintaining

Time-sinks          Taking on               Having too             Waiting for          Demanding
                    too much                many irons in          other people         too much
                    responsibility          the fire               to show the          information

                    Treating                Inadequate             Giving too           Poor sense
                    everything as           prioritisation         much time            of how
                    top-priority                                   to too many          much time is
                                                                   people               required

Stress              Rushing to put          Changing               Avoiding re-         Unable to
symptoms            out fires               decisions              sponsibility         make

                    Impulsive               Burning him or         Getting              Endless
                    decisions               herself out in         irritated            discussion of
                                            order not to lose                           details
                                            other people’s         Staying in the
                                            acceptance             background

Stress              Pushing his or          Self-defence           Fleeing from         Going inside
response            her own agenda                                 responsibility       their head

                    “This is how it’s       “What did you          “Help me..”.         “Wait a bit..”.
                    going to be..”.         do then…?”

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Description of the colours
             Each behavioural style (colour) involves different characteristics and different ways of relating to
             the surrounding environment.

                                                Behavioural style – Red

Character traits	 Value to the                        Contentment               May be under           Possible
                  organisation                        factors	                  stress or              limitations
Adventurous               Focused on results          Freedom from              Demanding              Overusing his or her
                          Organiser                   control, supervision                             position
                                                      and details

Competitive               Looks ahead                 Allowed to be             Nervous	               Sets the bar too
Innovative                                            innovative and                                   high

Bold, fearless            Takes on challenges         Forum to discuss new Aggressive                  Lack of tact,
                                                      ideas freely                                     empathy and

Determined                Activates                   No or little routine      Egotistical            Takes on too much
Focused on results                                    work                                             responsibility and
                                                                                                       work, too early and
                                                                                                       too quickly

                                              Behavioural style – Yellow

Character traits	 Value to the                         Contentment              May be under            Possible
                  organisation                         factors	                 stress or               limitations
Charming                   Optimism and                Lots of interaction      Self-obsessed           Overlooks details
                           enthusiasm                  with people

Self-confidant             Creative and                Freedom from             Overly optimistic       Praises other people
                           a problem-solver            control, supervision                             excessively
                                                       and details

Persuasive                 Motivates others to         Freedom of               Talkative               Relies too much on
                           work toward the goal        movement                                         others

Enthusiastic               A team player               Forum in which           Unrealistic             Selective hearing
Inspiring                                              ideas are heard

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Behavioural style – Green

Character traits	 Value for the           Contentment                 May be under      Possible
                  organisation            factors	                    stress or         limitations
Well-liked         A dependable           Stable, predictable         Indecisive        Tries to avoid clashes
                   team player            environment

Friendly           Works for              Is happy where it is        Uninterested      Difficult to prioritise
                   a particular           okay to take time to
                   leader and for a       change things
                   particular goal or
A good listener    Patient and            Long-term teamwork          Prefers to wait   Dislikes change without
                   empathetic             with relationships          and see           assurance

Patient            Logical – a            Few interpersonal           Inflexible        Difficulty coping with
Relaxed            systematic thinker     conflicts                                     opposing circumstances
Honest             Service-oriented

                                         Behavioural style – Blue

Character traits Value to the             Contentment                 May be under Possible
                 organisation             factors	                    stress or    limitations
Right! Is rarely   Demands a high         When critical               Pessimistic       Defensive in the face of
wrong!             standard in the        thinking is required                          perceived criticism
                   work performed

Analytic           Stable and reliable    Technical, detailed         Picky             Tendency to get wrapped
                                          work                                          up in detailed work
                                          Specialist expertise

Consistent         Defines and            Close cooperation in        “Pedantic”        Overdone and unneces-
                   clarifies, gathers     a small team                                  sarily intense for the
                   information                                                          situation
                   and carries out
Discreet           The anchor in          A “familiar” work           Hypercritical     Difficult to cope with
Diplomatic         reality                atmosphere                                    opposing circumstances
Seeks facts

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Feelings associated with the various
 The following are descriptions of feelings associated with the various colours.

                   RED                                                        YELLOW
                 dominance                                                    influence

Patience                                  Rage            Pessimism                               Optimism

The more Dominance (Red) the profile con-                 The more influence (Yellow) in the profile,
tains, the more impatient the person is. He               the easier it is for the person to see the bright
or she can become angry quickly. Even if the              side of life. He or she prefers to believe the best
person usually manages to control his or her              ofother people.
rage, other people easily detect the underly-                 With a low influence factor, the person is
ing impatience and irritability.                          more pessimistic and suspicious.
    A low dominance factor means the
person in question is more patient.

                    GREEN                                                      BLUE
                   stability                                                 conformity

Shows feelings         Does not show feelings             Fearlessness                                  Fear

The more Stability (Green) the profile                    The more conformity (Blue) there is in the
contains, the less the person shows his or                profile, the more likely the person is to
her feelings. He or she prefers not to reveal             follow rulesand regulations, out of fear of
thoughts and feelings.                                    making a mistake or being punished.
    A low stability factor makes the person                   A low conformity factor means the
more likely to let others see and hear what               person is less afraid and more likely to
he or she feels.                                          see rules as guidelines that are there to be
                                                          broken, if he or she considers it necessary.

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 between the

     © Copyright Ensize      22
When Red communicates with red
  RED	                                                RED
  Focused on results	                                 Focused on results
  Willing to take risks	                              Willing to take risks
  Competitive	                                        Competitive
  Innovative	                                         Innovative
  Bold, fearless	                                     Bold, fearless
  Determined	                                         Determined
Two Reds can cooperate well once they have agreed on who is to decide what. Sometimes,
ideas can be translated into action a little too quickly, however. To become more effective, they
may need to stop and touch base with each other before they act.

When red communicates with yellow
  RED	                                                YELLOW
  Focused on results	                                 Focused on people and feelings
  Willing to take risks	                              Willing to take risks
  Competitive	                                        Persuasive
  Innovative	                                         Creative problem-solver
  Bold, fearless	                                     Enthusiastic, inspiring
  Determined	                                         Spontaneous
Red and Yellow understand each other well. Both are outgoing and creative. Red focuses on
results, whereas Yellow prioritises good relations. In order to cooperative more effectively, Red
should try to remember that Yellow appreciates humour and needs room to express him or

When Red communicates with green
  RED	                                                GREEN
  Focused on results	                                 Focused on people
  Willing to take risks	                              Prefers a secure, stable environment
  Competitive	                                        A team player
  Innovative	                                         Systematic procedure
  Bold, fearless	                                     Patient, empathetic, a good listener
  Determined	                                         Prefers to wait and see
Red is driving, quick-thinking and focused on results. Listening to others is not one of the
strong suits with this colour. Green, on the other hand, prefers a secure, stable environment, in
which change takes time. Good cooperation between them requires effort on the part of Red.
Listen more, give orders less.

When Red communicates with blue
  RED	                                                BLUE
  Focused on results	                                 Results of high quality
  Willing to take risks	                              Security
  Competitive	                                        Defines, clarifies, gathers information
  Innovative	                                         Right! Is rarely wrong!
  Bold, fearless	                                     The anchor in reality
  Determined	                                         Consistent, seeks facts
Red and Blue are in many ways each other’s opposite. Achieving good cooperation with Blue
is a real challenge for Red. A calmer pace, more information and a more methodicaland
systematic approach to tasks would be a good start.

                                          © Copyright Ensize
When yellow communicates with red
  YELLOW	                                              RED
  Focused on people and feelings	                      Focused on results
  Willing to take risks	                               Willing to take risks
  Persuasive	                                          Competitive
  Creative problem-solver	                             Innovative
  Enthusiastic, inspiring	                             Bold, fearless
  Spontaneous	                                         Determined
Both Yellow and Red are fairly visionary. Yellow is highly verbal and does not always think
things through, whereas Red is more straightforward, which can hurt Yellow’s feelings. To
achieve good cooperation, Yellow may need to challenge Red by asking more questions and
not giving in to Red’s domineering manner.

When yellow communicates with yellow
  YELLOW	                                              YELLOW
  Focused on people and feelings	                      Focused on people
  Willing to take risks	                               Willing to take risks
  Persuasive	                                          Persuasive
  Creative problem-solver	                             Creative problem-solver
  Enthusiastic, inspiring	                             Enthusiastic, inspiring
  Spontaneous	                                         Spontaneous
Two yellows can develop excellent cooperation. They are creative and innovative. Together
they can also have a lot of fun. The only problem is that they can have difficulty “delivering”.
Therefore, they need other behavioural styles that can help them keep within given time limits.

When yellow communicates with green
  YELLOW	                                              GREEN
  Focused on people and feelings	                      Focused on people
  Willing to take risks	                               Prefers a secure, stable environment
  Persuasive	                                          A team player
  Creative problem-solver	                             Systematic procedures
  Enthusiastic, inspiring	                             Patient, empathetic, a good listener
  Spontaneous	                                         Prefers to wait and see
Both Yellow and Green are focused on their relationships with other people. Whereas Yellow
is verbal, enthusiastic and even effusive, Green is more reserved and does not display feelings
outwardly. To achieve good cooperation, Yellow may need to dampen his or her display some-
what and encourage Green to formulate his or her thoughts aloud.

When yellow communicates with blue
  YELLOW	                                              BLUE
  Focused on people and feelings	                      Results of high quality
  Willing to take risks	                               Security
  Persuasive	                                          Defines, clarifies, gathers information
  Creative problem-solver	                             Right! Is rarely wrong!
  Enthusiastic, inspiring	                             The anchor in reality
  Spontaneous	                                         Consistent, seeks facts
In terms of achieving good cooperation, Yellow and Blue are perhaps the most difficult combina-
tion. Blue are a real challenge for Yellow. They are each other’s opposites on point after point. If
Yellow can restrain his or her feelings and provide Blue with the necessary data, however, they can
be a well functioning team.

                                           © Copyright Ensize
When green communicates with red
  GREEN	                                              RED
  Focused on people	                                  Focused on results
  Prefers a secure, stable environment	               Willing to take risks
  A team player	                                      Competitive
  Systematic procedures	                              Innovative
  Patient, empathetic, a good listener	               Bold, fearless
  Prefers to wait and see	                            Determined
Green prefers a calm pace and focuses on good relations. Red is driving, quick-thinking and
quick to act, and wants to see results. To achieve good cooperation, Green must stand up for
himself or herself more and communicate more clearly. Asking questions makes it easier for
Green to understand Red’s thinking.

When green communicates with yellow.
  GREEN	                                              YELLOW
  Focused on people	                                  Focused on people and feelings
  Prefers a secure, stable environment	               Willing to take risks
  A team player	                                      Persuasive
  Systematic procedures	                              Creative problem-solver
  Patient, empathetic, a good listener	               Enthusiastic, inspiring
  Prefers to wait and see	                            Spontaneous
Both Green and Yellow appreciate close relationships and friendly interaction. Their differences
in pace and willingness to take risks can interfere with their cooperation. Green may need
to step up the pace and allow a little humour and playfulness. Encouraging Yellow’s creative
ideas may also improve cooperation.

When green communicates with green
  GREEN	                                              GREEN
  Focused on people	                                  Focused on people
  Prefers a secure, stable environment	               Prefers a secure, stable environment
  A team player	                                      A team player
  Systematic procedures	                              Systematic procedures
  Patient, empathetic, a good listener	               Patient, empathetic, a good listener
  Prefers to wait and see	                            Prefers to wait and see
Two Greens cooperate very well. A potential limitation could be that both are cautious
and prefer not totake unnecessary risks. Their slow decision-making can also cause them to
forfeit opportunities, but they communicate very well with each other.

When green communicates with blue
  GREEN	                                              BLUE
  Focused on people	                                  Results of high quality
  Prefers a secure, stable environment	               Security
  A team player	                                      Defines, clarifies, gathers information
  Systematic procedures	                              Right! Is rarely wrong!
  Patient, empathetic, a good listener	               The anchor in reality
  Prefers to wait and see	                            Consistent, seeks facts
Both Green and Blue appreciate good cooperation with the people around them. They are
methodical and prefer to avoid taking risks. The difference between the two is that Green is
focused on relationships, whereas Blue focuses on tasks. When faced with change, Green wants to
feel sure that the change will reallyled to something better, whereas Blue requires “proof”.

                                          © Copyright Ensize
When Blue communicates with red
  BLUE	                                                  RED
  Results of high quality	                               Focused on results
  Security	                                              Willing to take risks
  Defines, clarifies, gathers information	               Competitive
  Right! Is rarely wrong!	                               Innovative
  The anchor in reality	                                 Bold, fearless
  Consistent, seeks facts	                               Determined
Red and Blue are both focused on results They are each other’s opposites, however, where
risk-takingand work pace are concerned. Blue can easily be critical of Red, which interferes
with their cooperation. If both are able to see the benefit of their differences, they can be an
unbeatable team.

When blue communicates with yellow
  BLUE	                                                  YELLOW
  Results of high quality	                               Focused on people and feelings
  Security	                                              Willing to take risks
  Defines, clarifies, gathers information	               Persuasive
  Right! Is rarely wrong!	                               Creative problem-solver
  The anchor in reality	                                 Enthusiastic, inspiring
  Consistent, seeks facts	                               Spontaneous
In terms of achieving good cooperation, Blue and Yellow are perhaps the most difficult combi-
nation. They are each other’s opposites in almost all respects. For Blue, meeting Yellow is a real
challenge. To succeed, Blue needs to focus on the emotional exchange with Yellow and allow
humour in their communication. Asking questions can be a way of encouraging Yellow to focus
on the relevant issues.

When blue communicates with green
  BLUE	                                                  GREEN
  Results of high quality	                               Focused on people
  Security	                                              Prefers a secure, stable environment
  Defines, clarifies, gathers information	               A team player
  Right! Is rarely wrong!	                               Systematic procedures
  The anchor in reality	                                 Patient, empathetic, a good listener
  Consistent, seeks facts	                               Prefers to wait and see
Blue and Green are similar in many respects. Both appreciate taking a systematic approach to
work and dislike ill-conceived changes and risk-taking. The difference between the two is that
Green is focusedon relationships, whereas Blue is focused on tasks. When faced with changes,
Green wants to feel sure that the change will really lead to something better, whereas Blue
needs “proof”.
When blue communicates with blue
  BLUE	                                                  BLUE
  Results of high quality	                               Results of high quality
  Security	                                              Security
  Defines, clarifies, gathers information	               Defines, clarifies, gathers information
  Right! Is rarely wrong!	                               Right! Is rarely wrong!
  The anchor in reality	                                 The anchor in reality
  Consistent, seeks facts	                               Consistent, seeks facts
Two Blues cooperate very well with each other. The both appreciate clearly defined rules and
structures they must follow. When faced with decisions, they dislike risk-taking and want a
thorough factual basis. One source of irritationcould be that both have a tendency toward

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   © Copyright Ensize      27

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Puzzle DISC participant mtrl English

  • 1. The Puzzle A method of communication analysis that describes different behavioural styles © Copyright Ensize 1
  • 2. Contents Introduction Why use this analysis instrument? 4 The DISC model 5 The Puzzle 6 Interpretation of the behavioural styles All behavioural styles contain the four colours 8 You may view yourself in this way 9 Others may view you this way 9 Red behavioural style 10 Yellow behavioural style 12 Green behavioural style 14 Blue behavioural style 16 Attitudes associated with the various colours 18 Description of the colours 19 Feelings associated with the various colours 21 Communication between the colours When Red communicates 23 When Yellow communicates 24 When Green communicates 25 When Blue communicates 26 © Copyright Ensize 2
  • 3. Introduction 1. Copyright Ensize® This booklet may only be © Copyright or printed out by participants who used, copied Ensize have completed a Carrot analysis through 3
  • 4. Why use this analysis instrument? The problems currently facing the business community involves issues like recruiting the right employees, creating effective working groups, improving the working atmosphere and employee motivation, developingleaders and staff-members, resolving conflicts and other similar issues. Psychology and behavioural science have in different situations. Contexts in which acquired increasing significance as sources of behavioural style analysis is applicable: knowledge. Classical psychological tests have not always been capable of answering the • Management team work questions raised by the business community in a simple, easily comprehensible manner, • Projects and also require special training in their • Sales development application. Consequently, a whole range of more or less reliable instruments have • Team development appeared on the market. • Personal development The Puzzle is a “DISC-based instru- ment”. DISC is based on the research of • Recruitment William Moulton Marston in the 1930s and is among the most thoroughly evalu- ated and most widely used instruments. It is not a psychological test and has nothing to do with intelligence or values. On the other hand, it can be called a method of analysis of behavioural style. This means the instrument provides information about the behaviour and feelings a person will probably display © Copyright Ensize 4
  • 5. The DISC model The Marston DISC model was developed to understand and describe human behaviour. It is important to understand that this is not a matter of measuring personality. The Marston DISC model is based on two The second part of the Marston DISC perceptions in the individual: model is the perception of oneself as stronger 1. The individual considers his or her social or weaker than one’s social environment environment as friendly or unfriendly – that is, how much control or influence the 2. The individual considers him- or herself individual believes he or she has over the as stronger or weaker than the others in situation, or the other people or the events. the same social environment People for whom D and/or I are prominent in their behavioural style often see them- When Marston speaks about the social envi- selves as stronger than their environment. ronment, he is referring to everything outside They may believe they can achieve their the individual. This includes other people, goals by the strength of their will or through events, circumstances and the demands of friendly persuasion. People for whom S and/ the situation – even the weather. A person’s or C are prominent in their behavioural style perception of his or her social environment is often see themselves as weaker than their also influenced by genetic traits. environment. They think they can achieve Personalities, being rooted in the person’s their goals by cooperating with others or by genetic heritage and early life experiences, following the established rules. Neither of are formed early. The entire individual, these attitudes is more right or wrong than including genetic traits and basic personal- the other. ity, reacts to his or her environment. The responses can be described as Dominance, Influence, Stability and Conformity. These re- D – dominance sponses are often called “observable traits,” People with a high level of D will try to dominate the as they can be observed by the individual situation, as they consider themselves stronger than and other people. the challenges it holds. In order to achieve their goals they will try to change or control things. They are What DISC describes forthright in manner and have an ability to see how The DISC instrument describes how people challenges can be overcome. behave when they react to their environment. It provides valuable insight into one’s own and other people’s behaviour. I – influence In the Marston DISC model, an People with a high level of I feel strong in a friendly individual sees his or her environment as environment, and are keen to persuade others to either friendly or unfriendly. People whose share their opinions. Using friendly persuasion, they behavioural style has strong D and/or C elements often perceive their environment as try to convince others that their opinions are correct. unfriendly. They see challenges, impediments and potential pitfalls in everything they undertake. People with a lot of I and/or S S – stability often perceive their environment as friendly. People with a high degree of S want to preserve They see pleasant, warm relations between the environment they perceive as friendly and people and a chance of success in their advantageous. They view themselves as less powerful, undertakings. No attitude is right or wrong and therefore do not want to see too much change. – they are simply different. Perception of one’s environment usually occurs quickly and automatically. The dif- C – conformity ference between people’s interpretations of People with a high level of K see themselves as less their environment may be infinitesimal, but powerful in an unfriendly environment. Therefore, they are there just the same. It’s a matter of they will try to carefully analyse the situation. They different perspectives on the same situation. are careful to follow the established rules and Each perspective adds nuances and impres- regulations, and strive to maintain a high quality sions to the situation that would not be there standard to achieve their goals. is everyone had the same perspective. © Copyright Ensize 5
  • 6. The Puzzle The Puzzle is a further development of the DISC model. It is based on typology and on William The Puzzle Analysis Moulton Marston’s DISC model. It The Puzzle Analysis is used to understand describes a person’s natural behaviour and describe different behavioural styles and (basic behaviour) and how that person will is based on two perceptions in the individual: adapt to a certain environment (adapted • The individual perceives his or her behaviour). surroundings as friendly or unfriendly • The individual considers him- or herself as stronger or weaker than others in the same social environment The Puzzle highlights different behavioural styles using puzzle pieces and colours. D = Red I = Yellow S = Green C = Blue How you approach How you convey How you respond How you respond weaknesses and thoughts and ideas to the pace of your to the rules and challenges. to your social social environment. routines of your environment. social environment. How does the Puzzle work? 1. The Puzzle Analysis Recruiting the right employee 1. A highly accurate analysis that describes basic behaviour and adapted 2. behaviour. To improve communication skills 2. 28 groups of four adjectives, in which the respondent has to select the 3. description that is the best fit and the To improve the working atmosphere and description that is the worst fit. employee motivation 3. The analysis is ipsative and self- 4. estimating. Developing managers and staff-members 4. The results are described in a report. The report describes basic behaviour 5. and adapt ed behaviour, as well as To resolve conflicts and cooperation areas for development. difficulties © Copyright Ensize 6
  • 7. Interpreting the various behavioural styles 2. © Copyright Ensize 7
  • 8. All behavioural styles contain the four colours Colours are used in the Puzzle analysis as a simple way to clarify different behavioural styles The four colours are found in all behavioural styles. The four colours vary in strength from one behavioural style to another. The analysis clarifies basic behaviour and adapted behaviour. Basic behaviour Adapted behaviour The basic behaviour describes your natural Adapted behaviour reflects the changes the behaviour.It reflects your way of relating person makes to fit in in certain situations to your surroundings when you feel secure – such as in the workplace. The adapted and relaxed. The basic behaviour is partially behaviour changes due to external factors, is shaped by genetics, but also by early life learned, and can therefore be “re-learned”. experience. By about 18 years of age (i.e. the We have many adapted behaviours. onset of adulthood), a person’s basic behav- iour is stable and very difficult to change. © Copyright Ensize 8
  • 9. You may view yourself in this way: Completing the Puzzle behavioural style analysis will give you a descriptionof how you see yourself as well as an understanding of how other people see you. Which of the descriptions do you think fits you best? Fact-seeking Strong Knowledgeable Energetic Systematic Innovative Diplomatic Goal-oriented Reflective Strong-willed Encouraging Content Co-operative Assertive A good listener Generous Calm Inspiring Loyal Open Others may view you this way: The following are descriptions of how others may perceive you. Compare them with how you see yourself and reflect on what it means. Pedantic Confrontational Abrupt Dominant Indecisive Authoritarian Suspicious Impatient Cold Controlling Restrained Insensitive Passive Unrealistic Long-winded Uninhibited Pig-headed Egotistical Despairing Unreliable Change-averse Garrulous Stubborn Lacking in judgment © Copyright Ensize 9
  • 10. Red behavioural style People with a lot of red in their behavioural style affect their environment by over- coming opposition to achieve success. They may sometimes break the rules in order to achieve their goals. They are up-front, flexible and often self-confident. They are good at getting projects off the ground, but perhaps not as good at completing them. A person with a lot of RED has a natural A person with a lot of RED seeks flair for • power and a position of clear authority • creating and achieving immediate results • competitive situations and challenges • thinking quickly • opportunities for personal success, • being action-oriented impressive personal performance • launching activities • freedom to act – minimal constraints • seeking out and taking on challenges • clear, unambiguous and fast answers from • making quick decisions (often on a thin those around him or her factual basis) • continuous advancement • questioning decisions already made • little or no supervision and control • acquiring authority • many new events, projects and activities • imposing extremely high demands on others around them A person with a lot of RED has to have • pushing obstacles out of the way and people around him or her who solving problems (independently of other • work with risk assessment people) • can create a calmer work pace • weigh the pros and the cons • point out and appreciate the need for other people • create structure and integration • ensure that facts are discussed before decisions are made • gather and investigate facts In order to be more effective, a person with a lot of RED needs • difficult, challenging tasks • to understand the need for other people • to use techniques that are based practical experience • the occasional shock or wake-up call • to be part of a functioning group • to take the necessary time to explain the path leading to a decision or the reason for a decision • awareness of existing sanctions, to refrain from breaking rules • to adjust his or her pace to that of the others in the group and relax a bit • to rely on others © Copyright Ensize 10 10
  • 11. The following are descriptions of different puzzle profiles in which Red is noticeably higher than the other colours. Only HIGH RED RED higher than GREEN Red is the factor that stands for control Action and activity are primary ingredientsin and decisiveness. In the absence of counter­ a Puzzle profile in which RED is higher balancing colours, these characteristics can than GREEN. People with this characteris- be extremely pronounced, even excessive tics havea constant need to be active, and in some cases. People with this behavioural become impatient with others who prefer style have a strong need to achieve results. not, or are unable, to maintain such a high Since they are often ambitious and com- tempo. People with this behavioural style petitive, they can seem aggressive in their take personal responsibility for their actions. determination to achieve their goals. They For them, confrontation and high pressure are dynamic and adaptable, and demonstrate are part of everyday life. People with this decisiveness and leadership ability. tendency seek immediate results. Personal success is important to them, and they seem RED higher than YELLOW competitive by nature. Patience, long-term A Puzzle profile in which RED is noticeably planning and reflectively mulling over higher than YELLOW describes people who problems are not characteristic of this style. are straight-forward and self-assertive. They RED higher than BLUE are not particularly interested in personal A Puzzle profile in which RED is noticeably issues, but rather prefer to focus on objec- higher than BLUE indicates people who feel tive facts. They are highly goal-oriented and frustrated by rules and limitations – they have a strong need to see results. They can prefer to follow their own ideas and often compromise on quality or details to achieve work alone or in positions of power and their goals. authority. People with this trait are dynamic In the absence of counterbalancing and forthright, competitive and goal- colours, this often describes an entrepre- oriented. How the trait appears in a person’s neurial style. People with this behavioural behaviour often has to do with the YELLOW style often have an ability to focus on their and GREEN positions in the person’s profile. goals and make fast decisions without letting YELLOW determines how socially moti- themselves be distracted. vated the person is. When YELLOW is low, we often find a self-assertive and dominant manner, whereas when YELLOW is high, we get independent paired with self-confidence, and the result is a powerful and persuasive style. GREEN is usually low in this type of profile. A common trait for this style is a short attention span and a tendency to change focus quickly. High GREEN (less common) give the trait a one-sided, more stubborn aspect. © Copyright Ensize 11
  • 12. Yellow behavioural style People with a lot of yellow in their behavioural style affect their environment by per- suading, influencing and inspiring others. They are extroverted, interested in other people, and good at engendering cooperation between different groups. They sometimes make decisions based on how they “feel” about something. They may find it difficult to give and take criticism, or communicate unpleasant news. A person with a lot of YELLOW has a A person with a lot of YELLOW has natural flair for • popularity and social attention • creating and maintaining good relation- • general esteem for his or her ability or ships with others abilities • using too many words to describe things • freedom of expression or events • relationships built on democratic rules • being sociable and open-hearted • minimal control and detailed follow-up • wanting to avoid confrontations and • an atmosphere conducive to presenting clashes new suggestions • creating a motivated environment • close relationships • being a good communicator, winning over • experiences and variety others to his or her own views, entertain- ing the group A person with a lot of YELLOW needs to • breaking rules and routines if they are felt be surrounded by people who to be unnecessary • focus on the task at hand • seek and find facts on which to base decisions • are honest and forthright • are logical and deal with problems systematically • prefer to work with practical matters over relationships and people • follow up results on their own initiative In order to be more effective, a person with a lot of YELLOW needs • to make objective decisions • to feel involved and in on the decisions • to be able to influence his or her own work schedule • to learn not to overestimate or overvalue others • to prioritise and set time constraints • to be prepared to not have agreement from everyone • to be more decisive and stick to decisions made (particularly if red is low) • to not take feedback as criticism • to learn to understand that people have different views © Copyright Ensize © Copyright Ensize 12 12
  • 13. The following are descriptions of different puzzle profiles in which Yellow is noticeably higher than the other colours. Only High YELLOW YELLOW higher than GREEN High Yellow is a communication profile. People with this lively style expressively A puzzle profile with only High Yellow, and demonstrate their interest in something and no counterbalancing colours, represents a their effusive nature can be a motivating behavioural style of easy communication with factor for others. others. It describes self-assured, outgoing and Just how this combination is expressed sociable people who value contact with others co-varies with the relative level of the and want to develop good relationships. RED colour in the profile. Where RED is low, these people seem to use their expres- YELLOW higher than RED sive style in situations in which they feel comfortableand accepted – they do not like This combination describes friendly people- to express criticism or enter into arguments, who like to talk – communication is the and are sensitive to others’ opinions. strongest trait in this style. They are out­ Where the RED colour is high, the going but may have difficulty concentrating person does not hesitate to clash with others. on trivial, everyday tasks, and are easily The expressive style is then more self-assertive. distracted from such work when an opportu- nity for social interaction arises. YELLOW higher than BLUE This combination is a highly positive(albeit not always so practical) trait. This combination represents people who People with this combination in their behav- rarely doubt themselves and who feel at iour are naturally warm, open and genuinely home in almost all situations. They interact interested in others. All High YELLOW easily with strangers and are not afraid to profiles share the trait of liking to be the initiate social contact. They can sometimes centre of attention. In this particular case, have too much self-confidence,which can then however, they are also interested in other cause them to act impulsively. people’s thoughts and feelings, particularly if Where RED is also high, the person’s the profile contains GREEN. profile contains both self-assertiveness and People with this combination often self-reliance. This powerful combination ena- appear self-assured and secure, particularly bles the person to deal with most situations when they feel comfortable and accepted. without fear. While they may prefer to keep Despite this, they are not particularly self- things on an open and friendly level, they assertive: their low level of RED makes it can also take a more confrontational stand difficult for them to be effectivein stressful when the situation so requires. situations. When RED is low, the combination is only noticeable in advantageous, positive environments. In challenging environments, these people often feel uncomfortable and become more subdued. © Copyright Ensize 13
  • 14. Green behavioural style People with a lot of green in their behavioural style affect their environment by cooperatingwith others within established constraints to complete a task. They want to feel secure in their work situation, in terms of both relationships and work procedures. They are often well-organised and good at long-term planning. A person with a lot of GREEN has a A person with a lot of GREEN seeks natural flair for • safety and security over new or unknown • unbroken concentration and task completion situations according to established routines • a common point of view • seeking out a calm, secure workplace • explanations, when he or she does not un- • avoiding sudden changes derstand why a particular change is needed • being loyal to others who support a stable • appreciation for a job well done environment • a restricted field of work or group affiliation • wanting to cooperate with other people, • traditional work procedures not easy to say no, can take on impossible tasks A person with a lot of GREEN needs • standing for stability in a working group people around him or her who • making sure that others are loyal • can react quickly to unexpected changes • being good at listening to other people • can focus on more than one thing at a time • defusing tense situations • are self-motivating and can take initiative. • can activate others to support the project or respond to the challenge • can work under unpredictable conditions • are flexible in relation to rules and routines In order to be more effective, a person with a lot of GREEN needs • time to adapt before a change • confirmation of his or her own worth • help in implementing decisions • to know how his or her work contributes to the solution • guidelines for carrying out tasks • a clear understanding of when the job is to be done • to know when, how and with whom the task is to be done © Copyright Ensize © Copyright Ensize 14 14
  • 15. The following are descriptions of different profiles in which Green is noticeably higher than the other colours. Only high GREEN GREEN higher than GREEN A profile with extreme GREEN, without This combination reveals a person who plans counterbalancing factors, is relatively and considers his or her words and deeds unfriendly, particularly in the Western work. more than people of most other behavioural Stability is the factor that stands for patience, styles. Deadlines and time constraints are calm and a friendly and open attitude. A difficult for this type of personality. To their behavioural style with a pure, high GREEN credit, however, they bring reliabilityto their reflects these qualities. People with this style work. People with high GREEN in their are usually friendly, warm-hearted, and profile often have a considerate trait in their appreciate other people and their opinions behavioural style. and value positive interaction with others. Just how the combination is expressed They are not particularly outgoing and rely often depends on the level of BLUE in the on more socially active people to take the particular profile. If it is high, the individual initiative. will have a disciplined goal-conscious atti- tude, involving diligent and careful planning. GREEN higher than RED Low BLUE often reinforces the resistance a high GREEN feels to change or direct action. People with this combination are not in a rush and proceed at a slow pace, which GREEN higher than BLUE means they can function well in situations People with this trait in their profile find it that others would find monotonous or particularly difficult to deal with change. boring. They are compliant by nature and Once they have developed routines, they find ready to accept that there are things they it extremely difficult to change them and adapt cannot change. to a new situation. They can become resist- People with this combination often ant and do whatever they can to maintain appear self-assured and secure, particularly the status quo. They often feel great loyalty when they feel comfortable and accepted. to the current situation and to their social They are not competitive and prefer to avoid circle. situations in which they may come into People with this combination seem to conflict. Therefore, they prefer to believe the function best when they can focus on a best of people. They enjoy developing warm, particular task. They find it difficult to shift friendly relationships with the people around their attention from one thing to another. them and usually do not look for hidden It often takes time for them to adjust. Once motives. they have accepted a certain course of action, If YELLOW is also high, we find a more on the other hand, they can be trusted to open, outgoing attitude. A profile that also carry it out. has high BLUE gains a more practical aspect. The combination is usually found in The result is a behavioural style involving passive, patient behavioural styles, but high concentration on the details of a task. can occur in a profile with high RED. In such a case, the person can be expected to demonstrate a noteworthy stubbornness and decisiveness. © Copyright Ensize 15
  • 16. Blue behavioural style People with a lot of blue in their behavioural style affect their environment by ensuring quality and precision in the existing circumstances. They are keen to follow procedures and techniques that have previously been proven to work well. They prefer to avoid conflicts if possible. They make well-support decisions, and take action only after careful weighing of the alternatives. A person with a lot of BLUE has a natural A person with a lot of BLUE seeks flair for • assurance of security and safety • keeping within the rules, instructions and • clear unambiguous goals and rules standards. • reassurance of his or her competence • thinking systematically • fact-based workplace relationships • compromising rather than fighting • personal interest in his or her work • avoiding taking risks • quality assurance • being a careful and consequently slow • acknowledgement of results achieved decision-maker • being interested in details and precision A person with a lot of BLUE needs to be work surrounded by people who • seeing the value of consensus-based • want to exercise their authority solutions • are willing to take risks • thinking critically and being dissatisfied • encourage group work with his or her own performance • delegate important assignments • not questioning authority • can make quick decisions • use instructions and established rules merely as “guidelines” In order to be more effective, a person with a lot of BLUE needs • work that requires attention to detail • opportunities to make detailed plans • to be able to appreciate the person, not just the results achieved • to learn to deal with conflict • to understand the importance of sharing information about oneself • receive appreciation and encouragement for his or her creativity © Copyright Ensize © Copyright Ensize 16 16
  • 17. The following are descriptions of different profiles in which Blue is noticeably higher than the other colours. Only high BLUE BLUE higher than YELLOW People with Blue as the dominant factor People with this combination detest making in their behavioural style are often quiet mistakes and therefore check their work and reserved. They can give an impression again and again. They are also given to of being cold and uninterested. Much correctingothers, whether or not they are of this expressionless manner has to do asked to do so. The need for security makes with their need for control, which makes them unwilling to take risks unless absolutely them unwilling to share information necessary. They are also careful when about themselves or their thoughts unless communicating with others and rarely reveal absolutely necessary. People with this more than a minimum about themselves. behavioural style are actually surprisingly People with this combination would ambitious and often have lofty goals. They rather refrain from acting than risk an un- have no need to assert themselves and prefer favourable outcome. More active styles may to avoid being drawn into confrontations if see them as sullen and uninspired. In actual possible. This makes it difficult for them to fact, they are just as capable of originality achieve their goals directly. and innovation as any other style, but tend to Instead, they use existing structures and have difficulty translating their ideas into ac- rules to get where they want to go. Com- tion or communicating them to others, unless pared with a person with a behavioural style encouraged to do so. of high Dominance who simply demands When the profile also contains high RED, that others follow their instructions, some- the insistence on precision and unwilling- one with high Blue will refer to rules, author- ness to take unnecessary risks isretains, but ity and logical arguments to influence others. now combined with the strength to demand the same characteristics from others in the BLUE higher than RED group. This combination describes people who need to be absolutely sure of their position BLUE higher than GREEN and who prefer to use established rules and People with this type of profile are extremely procedures as the framework for their ideas. aware of their surroundings and the changes They also want the support of their super­ occurring there, to the extent that they often visors, colleagues and friends, and there- notice subtle changes that others miss or fore care about maintaining good working ignore. This in itself is a positive factor, but relationships with others. People with this its effect is that people with this style become combinationcooperate well with others as easily bored and distracted. part of a behavioural strategy. This enables Where the YELLOW factor is also high, them to avoid individual risk-taking and the profile describes individuals who are distribute the responsibility. (This does not socially aware and able to detect nuances in imply a lack of social driving forces behind communication. Such people can be so hyper- the behaviour, but rather that is depends to sensitive to others’ opinions that they mayread a large extent on the positions as regards in criticism or rejection when it does not ex- YELLOW and GREEN.) Regardless of their ist. Where YELLOW is low, the style is more motivation, people with this combination are practical and focused on facts and precision. usually good team members. They can focus Such a person focuses on careful attention to on what is best for the group, over their own detail and ensuring that no errors are made. personal needs. This in itself is a positive characteristic, but it can sometimes be taken to the extreme. © Copyright Ensize 17
  • 18. The attitudes of the colours The following describes the attitudes associated with the various colours to different situations. The presentation gives an overall picture of what the different colours prioritise. Red Yellow Green Blue Personal goals Having the Being under- Being seen as Showing situation under stood, accepted responsive self-control control and involved Coping with Pleasing others Concern for Minimising challenges others’ well- risk being Time should Doing something Doing something Supporting Gathering and be used for concrete fun other people analysing facts Completing old Doing as Resolving Getting to tasks, starting many things as conflicts the bottom of new ones possible something Seeking Doing something Creating Creating and responsibility new relationships maintaining structure Time-sinks Taking on Having too Waiting for Demanding too much many irons in other people too much responsibility the fire to show the information way Treating Inadequate Giving too Poor sense everything as prioritisation much time of how top-priority to too many much time is people required Stress Rushing to put Changing Avoiding re- Unable to symptoms out fires decisions sponsibility make decisions Impulsive Burning him or Getting Endless decisions herself out in irritated discussion of order not to lose details other people’s Staying in the acceptance background Stress Pushing his or Self-defence Fleeing from Going inside response her own agenda responsibility their head “This is how it’s “What did you “Help me..”. “Wait a bit..”. going to be..”. do then…?” © Copyright Ensize 18
  • 19. Description of the colours Each behavioural style (colour) involves different characteristics and different ways of relating to the surrounding environment. Behavioural style – Red Character traits Value to the Contentment May be under Possible organisation factors stress or limitations pressure Adventurous Focused on results Freedom from Demanding Overusing his or her Organiser control, supervision position and details Competitive Looks ahead Allowed to be Nervous Sets the bar too Innovative innovative and high forward-looking Bold, fearless Takes on challenges Forum to discuss new Aggressive Lack of tact, ideas freely empathy and diplomacy Determined Activates No or little routine Egotistical Takes on too much Focused on results work responsibility and work, too early and Persistent too quickly Behavioural style – Yellow Character traits Value to the Contentment May be under Possible organisation factors stress or limitations pressure Charming Optimism and Lots of interaction Self-obsessed Overlooks details enthusiasm with people Self-confidant Creative and Freedom from Overly optimistic Praises other people a problem-solver control, supervision excessively and details Persuasive Motivates others to Freedom of Talkative Relies too much on work toward the goal movement others Enthusiastic A team player Forum in which Unrealistic Selective hearing Inspiring ideas are heard Optimistic © Copyright Ensize 19
  • 20. Behavioural style – Green Character traits Value for the Contentment May be under Possible organisation factors stress or limitations pressure Well-liked A dependable Stable, predictable Indecisive Tries to avoid clashes team player environment Friendly Works for Is happy where it is Uninterested Difficult to prioritise a particular okay to take time to leader and for a change things particular goal or cause A good listener Patient and Long-term teamwork Prefers to wait Dislikes change without empathetic with relationships and see assurance Patient Logical – a Few interpersonal Inflexible Difficulty coping with Relaxed systematic thinker conflicts opposing circumstances Honest Service-oriented Behavioural style – Blue Character traits Value to the Contentment May be under Possible organisation factors stress or limitations pressure Right! Is rarely Demands a high When critical Pessimistic Defensive in the face of wrong! standard in the thinking is required perceived criticism work performed Analytic Stable and reliable Technical, detailed Picky Tendency to get wrapped work up in detailed work Specialist expertise Consistent Defines and Close cooperation in “Pedantic” Overdone and unneces- clarifies, gathers a small team sarily intense for the information situation and carries out investigations Discreet The anchor in A “familiar” work Hypercritical Difficult to cope with Diplomatic reality atmosphere opposing circumstances Seeks facts © Copyright Ensize 20
  • 21. Feelings associated with the various colours The following are descriptions of feelings associated with the various colours. RED YELLOW dominance influence Patience Rage Pessimism Optimism The more Dominance (Red) the profile con- The more influence (Yellow) in the profile, tains, the more impatient the person is. He the easier it is for the person to see the bright or she can become angry quickly. Even if the side of life. He or she prefers to believe the best person usually manages to control his or her ofother people. rage, other people easily detect the underly- With a low influence factor, the person is ing impatience and irritability. more pessimistic and suspicious. A low dominance factor means the person in question is more patient. GREEN BLUE stability conformity Shows feelings Does not show feelings Fearlessness Fear The more Stability (Green) the profile The more conformity (Blue) there is in the contains, the less the person shows his or profile, the more likely the person is to her feelings. He or she prefers not to reveal follow rulesand regulations, out of fear of thoughts and feelings. making a mistake or being punished. A low stability factor makes the person A low conformity factor means the more likely to let others see and hear what person is less afraid and more likely to he or she feels. see rules as guidelines that are there to be broken, if he or she considers it necessary. © Copyright Ensize 21
  • 22. Communication between the colours 3. © Copyright Ensize 22
  • 23. When Red communicates with red RED RED Focused on results Focused on results Willing to take risks Willing to take risks Competitive Competitive Innovative Innovative Bold, fearless Bold, fearless Determined Determined Two Reds can cooperate well once they have agreed on who is to decide what. Sometimes, ideas can be translated into action a little too quickly, however. To become more effective, they may need to stop and touch base with each other before they act. When red communicates with yellow RED YELLOW Focused on results Focused on people and feelings Willing to take risks Willing to take risks Competitive Persuasive Innovative Creative problem-solver Bold, fearless Enthusiastic, inspiring Determined Spontaneous Red and Yellow understand each other well. Both are outgoing and creative. Red focuses on results, whereas Yellow prioritises good relations. In order to cooperative more effectively, Red should try to remember that Yellow appreciates humour and needs room to express him or herself. When Red communicates with green RED GREEN Focused on results Focused on people Willing to take risks Prefers a secure, stable environment Competitive A team player Innovative Systematic procedure Bold, fearless Patient, empathetic, a good listener Determined Prefers to wait and see Red is driving, quick-thinking and focused on results. Listening to others is not one of the strong suits with this colour. Green, on the other hand, prefers a secure, stable environment, in which change takes time. Good cooperation between them requires effort on the part of Red. Listen more, give orders less. When Red communicates with blue RED BLUE Focused on results Results of high quality Willing to take risks Security Competitive Defines, clarifies, gathers information Innovative Right! Is rarely wrong! Bold, fearless The anchor in reality Determined Consistent, seeks facts Red and Blue are in many ways each other’s opposite. Achieving good cooperation with Blue is a real challenge for Red. A calmer pace, more information and a more methodicaland systematic approach to tasks would be a good start. © Copyright Ensize 23
  • 24. When yellow communicates with red YELLOW RED Focused on people and feelings Focused on results Willing to take risks Willing to take risks Persuasive Competitive Creative problem-solver Innovative Enthusiastic, inspiring Bold, fearless Spontaneous Determined Both Yellow and Red are fairly visionary. Yellow is highly verbal and does not always think things through, whereas Red is more straightforward, which can hurt Yellow’s feelings. To achieve good cooperation, Yellow may need to challenge Red by asking more questions and not giving in to Red’s domineering manner. When yellow communicates with yellow YELLOW YELLOW Focused on people and feelings Focused on people Willing to take risks Willing to take risks Persuasive Persuasive Creative problem-solver Creative problem-solver Enthusiastic, inspiring Enthusiastic, inspiring Spontaneous Spontaneous Two yellows can develop excellent cooperation. They are creative and innovative. Together they can also have a lot of fun. The only problem is that they can have difficulty “delivering”. Therefore, they need other behavioural styles that can help them keep within given time limits. When yellow communicates with green YELLOW GREEN Focused on people and feelings Focused on people Willing to take risks Prefers a secure, stable environment Persuasive A team player Creative problem-solver Systematic procedures Enthusiastic, inspiring Patient, empathetic, a good listener Spontaneous Prefers to wait and see Both Yellow and Green are focused on their relationships with other people. Whereas Yellow is verbal, enthusiastic and even effusive, Green is more reserved and does not display feelings outwardly. To achieve good cooperation, Yellow may need to dampen his or her display some- what and encourage Green to formulate his or her thoughts aloud. When yellow communicates with blue YELLOW BLUE Focused on people and feelings Results of high quality Willing to take risks Security Persuasive Defines, clarifies, gathers information Creative problem-solver Right! Is rarely wrong! Enthusiastic, inspiring The anchor in reality Spontaneous Consistent, seeks facts In terms of achieving good cooperation, Yellow and Blue are perhaps the most difficult combina- tion. Blue are a real challenge for Yellow. They are each other’s opposites on point after point. If Yellow can restrain his or her feelings and provide Blue with the necessary data, however, they can be a well functioning team. © Copyright Ensize 24
  • 25. When green communicates with red GREEN RED Focused on people Focused on results Prefers a secure, stable environment Willing to take risks A team player Competitive Systematic procedures Innovative Patient, empathetic, a good listener Bold, fearless Prefers to wait and see Determined Green prefers a calm pace and focuses on good relations. Red is driving, quick-thinking and quick to act, and wants to see results. To achieve good cooperation, Green must stand up for himself or herself more and communicate more clearly. Asking questions makes it easier for Green to understand Red’s thinking. When green communicates with yellow. GREEN YELLOW Focused on people Focused on people and feelings Prefers a secure, stable environment Willing to take risks A team player Persuasive Systematic procedures Creative problem-solver Patient, empathetic, a good listener Enthusiastic, inspiring Prefers to wait and see Spontaneous Both Green and Yellow appreciate close relationships and friendly interaction. Their differences in pace and willingness to take risks can interfere with their cooperation. Green may need to step up the pace and allow a little humour and playfulness. Encouraging Yellow’s creative ideas may also improve cooperation. When green communicates with green GREEN GREEN Focused on people Focused on people Prefers a secure, stable environment Prefers a secure, stable environment A team player A team player Systematic procedures Systematic procedures Patient, empathetic, a good listener Patient, empathetic, a good listener Prefers to wait and see Prefers to wait and see Two Greens cooperate very well. A potential limitation could be that both are cautious and prefer not totake unnecessary risks. Their slow decision-making can also cause them to forfeit opportunities, but they communicate very well with each other. When green communicates with blue GREEN BLUE Focused on people Results of high quality Prefers a secure, stable environment Security A team player Defines, clarifies, gathers information Systematic procedures Right! Is rarely wrong! Patient, empathetic, a good listener The anchor in reality Prefers to wait and see Consistent, seeks facts Both Green and Blue appreciate good cooperation with the people around them. They are methodical and prefer to avoid taking risks. The difference between the two is that Green is focused on relationships, whereas Blue focuses on tasks. When faced with change, Green wants to feel sure that the change will reallyled to something better, whereas Blue requires “proof”. © Copyright Ensize 25
  • 26. When Blue communicates with red BLUE RED Results of high quality Focused on results Security Willing to take risks Defines, clarifies, gathers information Competitive Right! Is rarely wrong! Innovative The anchor in reality Bold, fearless Consistent, seeks facts Determined Red and Blue are both focused on results They are each other’s opposites, however, where risk-takingand work pace are concerned. Blue can easily be critical of Red, which interferes with their cooperation. If both are able to see the benefit of their differences, they can be an unbeatable team. When blue communicates with yellow BLUE YELLOW Results of high quality Focused on people and feelings Security Willing to take risks Defines, clarifies, gathers information Persuasive Right! Is rarely wrong! Creative problem-solver The anchor in reality Enthusiastic, inspiring Consistent, seeks facts Spontaneous In terms of achieving good cooperation, Blue and Yellow are perhaps the most difficult combi- nation. They are each other’s opposites in almost all respects. For Blue, meeting Yellow is a real challenge. To succeed, Blue needs to focus on the emotional exchange with Yellow and allow humour in their communication. Asking questions can be a way of encouraging Yellow to focus on the relevant issues. When blue communicates with green BLUE GREEN Results of high quality Focused on people Security Prefers a secure, stable environment Defines, clarifies, gathers information A team player Right! Is rarely wrong! Systematic procedures The anchor in reality Patient, empathetic, a good listener Consistent, seeks facts Prefers to wait and see Blue and Green are similar in many respects. Both appreciate taking a systematic approach to work and dislike ill-conceived changes and risk-taking. The difference between the two is that Green is focusedon relationships, whereas Blue is focused on tasks. When faced with changes, Green wants to feel sure that the change will really lead to something better, whereas Blue needs “proof”. When blue communicates with blue BLUE BLUE Results of high quality Results of high quality Security Security Defines, clarifies, gathers information Defines, clarifies, gathers information Right! Is rarely wrong! Right! Is rarely wrong! The anchor in reality The anchor in reality Consistent, seeks facts Consistent, seeks facts Two Blues cooperate very well with each other. The both appreciate clearly defined rules and structures they must follow. When faced with decisions, they dislike risk-taking and want a thorough factual basis. One source of irritationcould be that both have a tendency toward perfectionism. © Copyright Ensize 26
  • 27. © Copyright Ensize 27