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STUDENT ID: 0317749 
GROUP: MONDAY 8.00AM - 10.00AM 
Concept I: Classical Conditioning 
Few years ago, my parents promised to buy me a car if I 
managed to get good results for my SPM. However, my SPM 
result was not good enough to convince my dad to buy me the 
car. Two years after that, I got the chance to further my studies 
in Egypt. I took medicine course, which was probably one of the 
toughest course to do. Even though it was tough, I still 
managed to get good grades during my first year in Egypt. 
Even some of those ‘smart students’ who even got a lot better 
SPM results than me could not even pass the exam. Sadly, due 
to political issue in Egypt, my parents did not allow me to 
continue my studies there. Then I decided to continue my 
studies at Taylor’s University and changed course from taking 
Medicine to Architecture, since there were no place for me to 
take Medicine at other Universities anymore. Plus, the fee was 
too expensive in Malaysia. Since my results in Egypt was 
excellent, my parents finally bought me a car as a gift for my 
achievement. They even promised me to upgrade and modify 
my car if I managed to achieve good grades again. As a result, 
I continue to get better in my first semester. I could see the 
progress and improvement in myself considering almost all my 
projects and assignments are always excellent and frequently 
got praised by my friend and lecturers. What actually motivates
me to do better in every projects is actually knowing that my 
dad will upgrade my car if I can maintain good results. 
Hopefully I can improve and get good grades this semester so 
that I can make my parents happy and proud of me, as well as 
upgrading my car again.
Concept II: Operant Conditioning 
I have a cousin named Haqim, who used to be very fat 
and overweighed few years ago. He eats any kinds of food 
without feeling worried of his health. Either the food is healthy 
or not, he will just eat them without limits as long as the foods 
satisfied his hunger. One day, he got a very bad headache and 
was admitted to the hospital due to obesity. The doctor said 
that his blood sugar and cholesterol level were very high that 
he might get stroke or diagnosed with heart attack if he did not 
control his diet. However, he still could not control himself from 
eating unhealthy foods even though he already knows his 
health conditions. Luckily, his parents were concerned about 
this matter. They finally found a way to convince him from stop 
eating heavily and made him lose weight. What they did was, 
they made a promise to him that if he managed to lose his 
weight at least 5kg within a month, they will give a big amount 
of money to him. Yes, it really worked out. Since that, he 
started to go to gym and did some work out regularly and 
consistently. Besides, he also did some cardio and exercise 
that made him lost his weight really fast. From having a bad 
eating habits, he now knows how to eat right such as eating 
foods that contain high in vitamin, protein and etc. From an 
obese person who weights more than 100 kilos that I know, he 
is now very muscular and looking fit. He has no problem with 
his health anymore. When I asked him what actually makes him
become so motivated in losing his weight. He said, “ It’s all 
about the money! ”
Concept I: Self Efficacy 
In 2012, when I was in Egypt, I participated a 3 on 3 
basketball tournament which was organized by the University. 
We were considered as one of the youngest team to join the 
tournament. Other teams consist of senior players who 
represented for Mansoura University. Basically, most of the 
teams were all experienced players. Our team were 
underestimated since people were not really familiar with our 
team. I represented my team as a captain, so my job was 
basically to motivate my team in order to let them play with 
confidence. I believe in my own abilities, and I believe in my 
group mates as well. I just want to prove people wrong and 
made something out of this match. I take this as a challenge for 
myself. In group stage, we were lucky to be in the same group 
with teams that consists of ‘less experienced’ players. We won 
two games and lost one to a senior team called Mutants. 
However, we still managed to qualify to the next stage which is 
the semi-finals. We even beat a very good team during semi-finals 
by just only one point. It was such a tough match to play 
against a team, which almost everyone in the group had good 
shooting abilities. During the final match, we met team Mutant 
again, the only team that we failed to beat in group stage. One 
of my group mates got injured during semi-finals, but he kept
on playing since it was already finals. So it was like two against 
three. The only thing I knew that time was, I did not want to 
lose, especially in finals. Even if I lost, at least I knew that I tried 
my very best. I did not know how, thank god, we managed to 
find a way to beat Mutant. It was the best day of my life.
Concept II: Self-serving Biases 
I have a basketball team called Rangers. Almost everyone 
in this team is good and very talented with different abilities in 
our own ways. Some are good in shooting, some are good in 
defending, and some are just good in everything. Perhaps, we 
were arguably one of the best team in town. Our team-work 
rate was just beyond amazing. We did participated a lot of 
tournaments and won lots of matches. However, there was only 
one thing that we were all lacking, which is the attitude of some 
individual players, especially our own team captain, Azfeez. He 
was no doubt, a very good player, probably the best player in 
our team. He has a good height, good shooting abilities, strong 
in defending and very good tactically as well. However, having 
a good and talented captain like him did not guarantee us as a 
team to win all matches anyway. One day, there was a match 
with a team called Phantom, which was also considered as a 
good team in town. The match was so intense that some key 
players in our team got injured that cost us to lose the match 
by 8 points. Yes, it was one of those matches that we did not 
really want to remember. What makes the match even worse 
was that Azfeez kept on blaming everyone in the team for not 
defending properly during the game. Yes, he was the highest 
scorer in our team that day, but he did not really defending his 
own zone as well. The opponent team knew the weaknesses in 
our team, which obviously came from his zone. So basically
that was how they found a way to win the match against us. 
One thing for sure, Azfeez only took credit for himself when the 
team was winning, but when the team was losing, he did not 
take the responsibility.
Journal 3 
Concept I: Extrinsic Motivation 
Everyone dreams of having a nice, lean and muscular 
body. Well, so do I. As a guy, going to gym is vital in order to 
have that nice looking body, as well as preventing myself from 
getting health problems. It took me years to convince myself to 
go to gym constantly. I have been through so many ups and 
downs and have given up so many times throughout my 
journey of losing weight. I will get offended easily if anyone 
came to me and told me that I am fat. I could be upset, and 
annoyed sometimes. Well, basically, I started go to gym 
consistently and being serious in losing weight was about few 
months ago. To be honest, losing weight is not as easy as I first 
thought. It took me a lot of patience and determination to 
achieve my goal. For me, losing weight is not just about how 
often you go to gym. I can assure you, it is just way more than 
that. Work out is just not enough. You need to change your life 
style, change your eating habit, do more exercises and cardio 
as well. For me, the most challenging part is being consistent. If 
people ask me, do I enjoy doing this? I would say no. What 
actually motivates and keeps me going is actually when I see 
the results and progress on my body. You would not imagined 
how hard for me to lose weight even if 1kg. My body 
metabolism is very low, I guess. Even If people ask me weather
do I like to eat those healthy foods like vegetables, fruits or 
even chicken breast. Of course I don’t, but I still have to eat 
them for the sake of having a nice body or not, I will continue to 
gain weight again. Even if I look around at the gym, I can see 
some people run unhappily on the treadmill and keep on 
checking the screen to see if they have reached their desired 
time or calories burned with that sad looking on their faces.
Concept II: Intrinsic Motivation 
I remember the time when I was 13, it was my first time 
watching a live band on stage. It was actually during Teacher’s 
Day, where students are allowed to show off their talent and did 
their own performance on stage. There were students who did 
dramas, comedies, dancing and etc. What attracted me most 
was actually the live band performance. Those who performed 
that day were beyond amazing. The guitarist, drummer, 
keyboarder, singer and even the sound system itself were just 
truly amazing. From that moment, I started to listen and 
appreciate music that I ended up buying a cheap acoustic 
guitar to practice. I only learned music on Youtube. For me, 
learning music for the first time was not that easy. However, 
since I really want to become a guitarist, I finally managed to 
learn music by heart and became good at both rhythm and 
bass guitar without joining any music classes. Since that, I 
made some friends from different school who played music as 
well. From there, we shared the same music genre that we 
loved to listen and started to go jamming. Almost every day 
after school, going to studio was like a routine. We were so 
passionate about music. After few years of experience in 
playing music, we decided to create an official band and started 
to perform at some events and gigs. We enjoyed performing at 
some occasions very much. We had our own fan base who 
supported us everywhere we performed. So basically, we
enjoyed playing music because we loved and appreciated 
music. I always believe that if I do something that I love, I can 
achieve good things.
Concept I: Cognitive Sources 
I was a school prefect when I was 16 (Form 4). It was at 
the end of October, where senior prefects were very busy 
concentrating on their studies since SPM was just around the 
corner. So, they let my batch to lead everything. We had to take 
over the assembly every morning, lead the students, did some 
important tasks like reciting prayers and organized events like 
Prefect Annual Grand Dinner. That time, I was the one who got 
chosen to be the leader. Basically, I had to make sure 
everything was under control and organized. It took a while for 
me to adapt things and get used to having problems, especially 
when it came to dealing with students. Even in prefect 
ourselves, I had to deal with those juniors who did not really do 
their tasks at all. My job was to train and motivate them to be 
more confidence to speak on stage. It got me headache 
sometimes when even prefects came late to school, but I was 
the one to blame by the teachers. These such experience of 
becoming a leader actually made me who I am today. I now 
become more confident, knows how to cope with pressure, 
more experience and knows how to deal with different things. 
So basically, this is how I gain my leadership qualities that I use 
to lead my group until today.
Concept II: Ingroup Favouritism 
Few years ago, when I was 16, there were a friendly 
match between my school football team and a team called 
Alferd FC. They were such a good team, probably one of the 
toughest opponent I have ever played against . They had 
players with different qualities and abilities in the team. Even 
their team striker represented for state. During the match, 
within 15 minutes, they managed to score two goals against us 
easily. We just could not find the break through since their 
defence was also solid as well. I was playing as a left winger. 
They outplayed us and dominated the possession. The only 
thing that we could do was just defend as hard as we possibly 
could. They were all physically very strong that it seemed hard 
for us to play well as a team. After half time, we decided to 
change formation from 4-2-3-1 to 4-4-2 formation. It was hard 
to only play with one striker since their defence was so tight. So 
we decided to use two strikers up front. We even made some 
tactical change. What we did was, everyone in my team stayed 
inside the box and defend. They just could not score against us 
since there were like 10 players inside the box. When we got 
the ball, we counter-attacked and managed to score one. From 
the first goal, we realized that the tactical changed was actually 
working. Our fans started to cheer for us and never stopped 
giving support after the goal. So we did the same thing, 
defended inside our own box with 10 players. Thankfully, they
got frustrated and became physically and mentally tired. At the 
80th minute, we controlled the game and managed to score 
another goal. Thanks to our team captain with such a beautiful 
wonder goal from outside the box. During the additional time, 
penalty was awarded to our team because one of my team 
mate got tackled inside their box. I took the penalty and scored 
the goal. We won the match by 3-2 in the very last minute.
Concept I: Social Perception 
I have a friend named Faeiz, who was very well known 
with his friendly and kind attitude. He could get along with 
everyone, even with strangers. He always put a smile on his 
face, making other people comfortable, as well as making them 
approach him, especially girls. When it came to doing a favour, 
he would definitely be the one to be there. Basically, by smiling, 
people will always have good impressions towards you. Unlike 
one of his close friend, Irda who rarely smiled. Irda was actually 
a friendly guy too, only if you got to know him well. He loved to 
help people, just like Faeiz did as well. However, he did not 
have a lot of friends at all compared to Faeiz. Since he rarely 
smiled, most of the people in school did not really talk to him. 
Irda’s face was always serious, looked fierce. making other 
people afraid to approach him. What I knew was, a person’s 
smile or smirk towards someone can hugely influence another 
person’s opinion of it, whether positive or negative.
Concept II: Social Influence 
I remember the time when I first went out with my friends 
at night like few years ago. A day before that, my mom told me 
not to ride a car with someone who had been drinking. I was 
fine and agreed with what she said. I did not drink beer or any 
alcohol because I am a Muslim, but I still made friends with 
everyone. Even if my friend was a jerk, who always got drunk 
or smoked weed, I still made friend with them. It was Friday 
night, party night, where my parents were not around. As a 
teenager, that was probably the only time for me to get wild and 
free. My friends got in the car with a senior whose been 
drinking. They asked me if I want a ride. I replied "No" because 
of mom's advice. They assured me the senior who drove the 
car only had three beers and the party was only 4 blocks 
away. Besides, they even convinced me that I would be safe. 
From there, I changed my mind and started to think maybe 
mom’s over reacting. Three beers "does not mean drunk", after 
all he didn’t look drunk at all. So I ended up hopping in the car. 
On our way to the party, I realized the driver was actually drunk 
that we almost got an accident with a motorcycle. Luckily, he 
managed to avoid from it and arrived at the party safely. I was 
grateful that nothing happened to me that night.

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  • 2. JOURNAL 1 Concept I: Classical Conditioning Few years ago, my parents promised to buy me a car if I managed to get good results for my SPM. However, my SPM result was not good enough to convince my dad to buy me the car. Two years after that, I got the chance to further my studies in Egypt. I took medicine course, which was probably one of the toughest course to do. Even though it was tough, I still managed to get good grades during my first year in Egypt. Even some of those ‘smart students’ who even got a lot better SPM results than me could not even pass the exam. Sadly, due to political issue in Egypt, my parents did not allow me to continue my studies there. Then I decided to continue my studies at Taylor’s University and changed course from taking Medicine to Architecture, since there were no place for me to take Medicine at other Universities anymore. Plus, the fee was too expensive in Malaysia. Since my results in Egypt was excellent, my parents finally bought me a car as a gift for my achievement. They even promised me to upgrade and modify my car if I managed to achieve good grades again. As a result, I continue to get better in my first semester. I could see the progress and improvement in myself considering almost all my projects and assignments are always excellent and frequently got praised by my friend and lecturers. What actually motivates
  • 3. me to do better in every projects is actually knowing that my dad will upgrade my car if I can maintain good results. Hopefully I can improve and get good grades this semester so that I can make my parents happy and proud of me, as well as upgrading my car again.
  • 4. Concept II: Operant Conditioning I have a cousin named Haqim, who used to be very fat and overweighed few years ago. He eats any kinds of food without feeling worried of his health. Either the food is healthy or not, he will just eat them without limits as long as the foods satisfied his hunger. One day, he got a very bad headache and was admitted to the hospital due to obesity. The doctor said that his blood sugar and cholesterol level were very high that he might get stroke or diagnosed with heart attack if he did not control his diet. However, he still could not control himself from eating unhealthy foods even though he already knows his health conditions. Luckily, his parents were concerned about this matter. They finally found a way to convince him from stop eating heavily and made him lose weight. What they did was, they made a promise to him that if he managed to lose his weight at least 5kg within a month, they will give a big amount of money to him. Yes, it really worked out. Since that, he started to go to gym and did some work out regularly and consistently. Besides, he also did some cardio and exercise that made him lost his weight really fast. From having a bad eating habits, he now knows how to eat right such as eating foods that contain high in vitamin, protein and etc. From an obese person who weights more than 100 kilos that I know, he is now very muscular and looking fit. He has no problem with his health anymore. When I asked him what actually makes him
  • 5. become so motivated in losing his weight. He said, “ It’s all about the money! ”
  • 6. JOURNAL 2 Concept I: Self Efficacy In 2012, when I was in Egypt, I participated a 3 on 3 basketball tournament which was organized by the University. We were considered as one of the youngest team to join the tournament. Other teams consist of senior players who represented for Mansoura University. Basically, most of the teams were all experienced players. Our team were underestimated since people were not really familiar with our team. I represented my team as a captain, so my job was basically to motivate my team in order to let them play with confidence. I believe in my own abilities, and I believe in my group mates as well. I just want to prove people wrong and made something out of this match. I take this as a challenge for myself. In group stage, we were lucky to be in the same group with teams that consists of ‘less experienced’ players. We won two games and lost one to a senior team called Mutants. However, we still managed to qualify to the next stage which is the semi-finals. We even beat a very good team during semi-finals by just only one point. It was such a tough match to play against a team, which almost everyone in the group had good shooting abilities. During the final match, we met team Mutant again, the only team that we failed to beat in group stage. One of my group mates got injured during semi-finals, but he kept
  • 7. on playing since it was already finals. So it was like two against three. The only thing I knew that time was, I did not want to lose, especially in finals. Even if I lost, at least I knew that I tried my very best. I did not know how, thank god, we managed to find a way to beat Mutant. It was the best day of my life.
  • 8. Concept II: Self-serving Biases I have a basketball team called Rangers. Almost everyone in this team is good and very talented with different abilities in our own ways. Some are good in shooting, some are good in defending, and some are just good in everything. Perhaps, we were arguably one of the best team in town. Our team-work rate was just beyond amazing. We did participated a lot of tournaments and won lots of matches. However, there was only one thing that we were all lacking, which is the attitude of some individual players, especially our own team captain, Azfeez. He was no doubt, a very good player, probably the best player in our team. He has a good height, good shooting abilities, strong in defending and very good tactically as well. However, having a good and talented captain like him did not guarantee us as a team to win all matches anyway. One day, there was a match with a team called Phantom, which was also considered as a good team in town. The match was so intense that some key players in our team got injured that cost us to lose the match by 8 points. Yes, it was one of those matches that we did not really want to remember. What makes the match even worse was that Azfeez kept on blaming everyone in the team for not defending properly during the game. Yes, he was the highest scorer in our team that day, but he did not really defending his own zone as well. The opponent team knew the weaknesses in our team, which obviously came from his zone. So basically
  • 9. that was how they found a way to win the match against us. One thing for sure, Azfeez only took credit for himself when the team was winning, but when the team was losing, he did not take the responsibility.
  • 10. Journal 3 Concept I: Extrinsic Motivation Everyone dreams of having a nice, lean and muscular body. Well, so do I. As a guy, going to gym is vital in order to have that nice looking body, as well as preventing myself from getting health problems. It took me years to convince myself to go to gym constantly. I have been through so many ups and downs and have given up so many times throughout my journey of losing weight. I will get offended easily if anyone came to me and told me that I am fat. I could be upset, and annoyed sometimes. Well, basically, I started go to gym consistently and being serious in losing weight was about few months ago. To be honest, losing weight is not as easy as I first thought. It took me a lot of patience and determination to achieve my goal. For me, losing weight is not just about how often you go to gym. I can assure you, it is just way more than that. Work out is just not enough. You need to change your life style, change your eating habit, do more exercises and cardio as well. For me, the most challenging part is being consistent. If people ask me, do I enjoy doing this? I would say no. What actually motivates and keeps me going is actually when I see the results and progress on my body. You would not imagined how hard for me to lose weight even if 1kg. My body metabolism is very low, I guess. Even If people ask me weather
  • 11. do I like to eat those healthy foods like vegetables, fruits or even chicken breast. Of course I don’t, but I still have to eat them for the sake of having a nice body or not, I will continue to gain weight again. Even if I look around at the gym, I can see some people run unhappily on the treadmill and keep on checking the screen to see if they have reached their desired time or calories burned with that sad looking on their faces.
  • 12. Concept II: Intrinsic Motivation I remember the time when I was 13, it was my first time watching a live band on stage. It was actually during Teacher’s Day, where students are allowed to show off their talent and did their own performance on stage. There were students who did dramas, comedies, dancing and etc. What attracted me most was actually the live band performance. Those who performed that day were beyond amazing. The guitarist, drummer, keyboarder, singer and even the sound system itself were just truly amazing. From that moment, I started to listen and appreciate music that I ended up buying a cheap acoustic guitar to practice. I only learned music on Youtube. For me, learning music for the first time was not that easy. However, since I really want to become a guitarist, I finally managed to learn music by heart and became good at both rhythm and bass guitar without joining any music classes. Since that, I made some friends from different school who played music as well. From there, we shared the same music genre that we loved to listen and started to go jamming. Almost every day after school, going to studio was like a routine. We were so passionate about music. After few years of experience in playing music, we decided to create an official band and started to perform at some events and gigs. We enjoyed performing at some occasions very much. We had our own fan base who supported us everywhere we performed. So basically, we
  • 13. enjoyed playing music because we loved and appreciated music. I always believe that if I do something that I love, I can achieve good things.
  • 14. JOURNAL 4 Concept I: Cognitive Sources I was a school prefect when I was 16 (Form 4). It was at the end of October, where senior prefects were very busy concentrating on their studies since SPM was just around the corner. So, they let my batch to lead everything. We had to take over the assembly every morning, lead the students, did some important tasks like reciting prayers and organized events like Prefect Annual Grand Dinner. That time, I was the one who got chosen to be the leader. Basically, I had to make sure everything was under control and organized. It took a while for me to adapt things and get used to having problems, especially when it came to dealing with students. Even in prefect ourselves, I had to deal with those juniors who did not really do their tasks at all. My job was to train and motivate them to be more confidence to speak on stage. It got me headache sometimes when even prefects came late to school, but I was the one to blame by the teachers. These such experience of becoming a leader actually made me who I am today. I now become more confident, knows how to cope with pressure, more experience and knows how to deal with different things. So basically, this is how I gain my leadership qualities that I use to lead my group until today.
  • 15. Concept II: Ingroup Favouritism Few years ago, when I was 16, there were a friendly match between my school football team and a team called Alferd FC. They were such a good team, probably one of the toughest opponent I have ever played against . They had players with different qualities and abilities in the team. Even their team striker represented for state. During the match, within 15 minutes, they managed to score two goals against us easily. We just could not find the break through since their defence was also solid as well. I was playing as a left winger. They outplayed us and dominated the possession. The only thing that we could do was just defend as hard as we possibly could. They were all physically very strong that it seemed hard for us to play well as a team. After half time, we decided to change formation from 4-2-3-1 to 4-4-2 formation. It was hard to only play with one striker since their defence was so tight. So we decided to use two strikers up front. We even made some tactical change. What we did was, everyone in my team stayed inside the box and defend. They just could not score against us since there were like 10 players inside the box. When we got the ball, we counter-attacked and managed to score one. From the first goal, we realized that the tactical changed was actually working. Our fans started to cheer for us and never stopped giving support after the goal. So we did the same thing, defended inside our own box with 10 players. Thankfully, they
  • 16. got frustrated and became physically and mentally tired. At the 80th minute, we controlled the game and managed to score another goal. Thanks to our team captain with such a beautiful wonder goal from outside the box. During the additional time, penalty was awarded to our team because one of my team mate got tackled inside their box. I took the penalty and scored the goal. We won the match by 3-2 in the very last minute.
  • 17. JOURNAL 5 Concept I: Social Perception I have a friend named Faeiz, who was very well known with his friendly and kind attitude. He could get along with everyone, even with strangers. He always put a smile on his face, making other people comfortable, as well as making them approach him, especially girls. When it came to doing a favour, he would definitely be the one to be there. Basically, by smiling, people will always have good impressions towards you. Unlike one of his close friend, Irda who rarely smiled. Irda was actually a friendly guy too, only if you got to know him well. He loved to help people, just like Faeiz did as well. However, he did not have a lot of friends at all compared to Faeiz. Since he rarely smiled, most of the people in school did not really talk to him. Irda’s face was always serious, looked fierce. making other people afraid to approach him. What I knew was, a person’s smile or smirk towards someone can hugely influence another person’s opinion of it, whether positive or negative.
  • 18. Concept II: Social Influence I remember the time when I first went out with my friends at night like few years ago. A day before that, my mom told me not to ride a car with someone who had been drinking. I was fine and agreed with what she said. I did not drink beer or any alcohol because I am a Muslim, but I still made friends with everyone. Even if my friend was a jerk, who always got drunk or smoked weed, I still made friend with them. It was Friday night, party night, where my parents were not around. As a teenager, that was probably the only time for me to get wild and free. My friends got in the car with a senior whose been drinking. They asked me if I want a ride. I replied "No" because of mom's advice. They assured me the senior who drove the car only had three beers and the party was only 4 blocks away. Besides, they even convinced me that I would be safe. From there, I changed my mind and started to think maybe mom’s over reacting. Three beers "does not mean drunk", after all he didn’t look drunk at all. So I ended up hopping in the car. On our way to the party, I realized the driver was actually drunk that we almost got an accident with a motorcycle. Luckily, he managed to avoid from it and arrived at the party safely. I was grateful that nothing happened to me that night.