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Settings : 10 September 2010
Location : SJK (c) Shan Tao, Kota Kinabalu
Entry 1: Social Facilitation, Chapter 1
Social Facilitation is defined as an improvement in doing a simple task when
other people are watching you. Individual contributions can be identified in social
facilitation. Social Facilitation was first studied by Norman Triplett in 1898. He
noticed that the speed of cyclist in a racing is faster than the speed the cyclist alone
ride. Apart from that, Norman Triplett also doing an experiment on child and fishing
reels. Child are requested to wind in a given amount of fishing line alone and in pairs
but working alone. Norman Triplett conclude that children work faster in the presence
of partner than alone.
For example, I took part in a track running in his sport day of primary school
when I was 12. I wasn’t a good in running at all. I liked to play computer games or
sitting on the chair playing chess only rather than exercise or jogging. There were five
teams were participated in the sport day was according the class we studied in. As a
result, I was participated as yellow team. However, my class was an elite class, so all
people could said that we were book worms and also not good in sport. Our team
always got the “champion” in the five teams which mean always be the last team
because most of book worms didn’t stamina and potential in sport.
I still remember that our sport day was held two weeks before UPSR, so as we
didn’t have much time to focus on the sport day. However, each team was forced to
participate in the sport day. Four people were needed to participate in 4 x 100 relay
competition. My P.E teacher only asked the suggestions from us and started chose
those she thought were good in sport will had the chance to participate in sport
without any trail because lack of time. I was shock when I know that I was chose to
be the candidate in the relay competition because I couldn’t even run fast at all.
So, I decided to spend about half an hour for my training every weekend with
my friends since there was still left about 3 weeks before the sport day. I tried to push
myself with fastest speed in my training so that I will able to perform well in the
competition. But still not as quick as my friends. Then, I was thinking that I was just a
candidate of my team so I won’t have chance to participate unless there was special
incident happened. So, I just tried to jog and accompany my friends rather than using
my full stamina in this training.
However, on the sport day, I was informed that I will replaced one of my team
member who was injured in other competition. I was took part in 4 x 100 meters relay
competition as the third runner. I was nervous because I never thought I won’t really
participated in a competition in the sport day.
When the teacher pressed the starting pistol and race started, our team was
losing at beginning because previous two runner of our team weren’t faster than other
team members. We were behind almost 50 meter to other team. I was tense because
don’t want to pull back our team and also disappointed my team member. Before
relay baton was passed to me, our team was the slowest team. At that time, I just keep
thinking that I need to keep rushing. When the relay baton was passed to my hand, I
started to rush with my full speed and surpassed all teams one by one who were
leading in front of me. When I passed the relay baton to the fourth runner, I had
surpass four team. However, the fourth runner of my team was then lost to the red
team as their team got the fastest runner who participated in the relay competitions the
fourth runner. At the end, our team managed to become the first runner up.
My friends asked me how did I able to surpass other team even my teacher
also wondering after the competition but still don’t know how to answer them because
it was impossible for me to able to surpass other team member. Some of them were
basketball player or badminton player which mean they will had a stamina and faster
speed compared to me. During P.E class, every time the teacher asked us for jogging
for 100 meter, I wasn’t able to run quickly but only with average speed.
I think social facilitation occurred in this situation because I was performing
well in the presence of others. Besides that, my contributions can be identified in this
racing. This is because an extra competitiveness when I was running. My performance
was better in the racing competition compare to my training.
Settings : 21 – 27 October 2013
Location : Country garden miles YinTan in HuiZhou, China
Entry 2: Self efficacy, Chapter 2
Self – efficacy is defined as an individual belief in his or her ability to achieve
certain goals. Self – efficacy also can be described as extent of one’s ability to
complete a certain task by just belief his or her own self. Albert Bandura is a famous
psychologist who defined self-efficacy first in 1977. He classified self-efficacy as the
mind's self-regulatory function. The theory of self-efficacy lies at the centre of
Bandura’s social cognitive theory. Social cognitive theory is about the role of
observational learning and social experience in the process of development of
Self-efficacy drives our motivation. If we have high self-efficacy, we able to
handle a difficult task and also see those tasks as challenges, while if we have low
self-efficacy, we will probably try to avoid those hard tasks. For example, two boys
Charles and John are friend since they was young. Charles is a top student in the
class, he gets a high score in every test and exam. Besides that, Charles is also a good
basketball player and a runner. John always fails in his tests and exams because he
thinks study is hard for him. He doesn’t participate any activity in school but only stay
in front of the mobile screen and television. This show that Charles has a high self-
efficacy because he can handle his study and extracurricular activities but John can’t
handle either his study or his extracurricular activities because he has a low self-
efficacy who don’t belief his own self.
It remind me of my friend who play Chinese Chess has a high self-efficacy. I
knew him since we were classmate in primary one. He wasn’t a Chinese but a
Muslim. However, he started play Chinese chess when he was primary three. We
trained chess every time we were free. He was a chess addict. I still remember when
he was 11, he kept reading chess book and trained hard until he didn’t do his
homework and he always punished by teachers. He became most famous in school
because he didn’t do his homework. However after 3 years of training, he won the
champion in National Primary School Chinese Chess Competition in Selangor when
he was just 12.Then he became a player never underestimated by others since he won
the champion. He was continue his chess journey until now. He won a lot of
competition in not only in Sabah but also in other places.
But the most unforgettable competition that he had participated that in my
mind is his first time participate in the World Chinese Chess Championship. He was
just 16 when he participate in the World Chinese Chess Championship. He was the
youngest who represent Malaysia to participate this competition and also the youngest
among all contestant in this competition ever. The competition was combined of
Chinese and non-Chinese together to compete but they will separate the ranking of
Chinese and non-Chinese at the end of competition. Because of he was a Muslim, he
participated the non-Chinese group.
The competition is held in 5 days with 9 rounds of game. Almost all of the
contestant was master or grandmaster ranking came from all countries such as China,
Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and others, apart from those also have more than 20
years’ experience. Also, some non-Chinese contestants came from England, Japan
and others. However, he was the youngest and not much of experience compare to
others in the competition.
He won 1 game and draw 3 games after the 4th round. He told me that he was
in an inferior and disadvantage situation in every game he played but until the end he
managed to draw the game because the contestant were too professional. All
contestants won’t decide to draw with him easily because they think he was just a
teenage who didn’t have much experience than them. He also told me that he played
every game about 4 hours unlike the competition in Sabah which every game only one
and half hours only. Unfortunately he suffered a heavy headache and diarrhoea in the
middle of the 5th round game. He versus a grandmaster from Hong Kong. Although he
lost the game but he didn’t give up at all but still continue his competition. He still
believed himself that he will get top 5 in non-Chinese group although he lost 1 game.
Until the end, he won 3 rounds, draw 4 rounds and lose 2 rounds in 9 rounds
of game and able to get 2nd runner up in non – Chinese group of World Chinese Chess
Championship and won 10000 RMB. He became the youngest non-Chinese
contestant who able to get top 3 in the world. He also won the name of master in this
game and became the youngest who managed to earn the name of master.
This is because he was a high self-efficacy person, highly belief himself who
able to handle a difficult situation even he was in a poor condition. If he was a low
self-efficacy person, he would give up in the middle of the game facing lot of
professional even he wasn’t in a bad condition.
Settings : 5.00-6.00 P.M., 7 August 2015
Location : Sunway Pyramid, Petaling Jaya, Kuala Lumpur
Entry 3: Heuristic, Chapter 3
In psychology, heuristic is a mental shortcut and simple rules that reduce
mental effort. Heuristic allows us to judge or make a simple decision quickly without
using a lot of time to analysis and explore. For example, heuristic helps us think what
we eat for lunch, spaghetti or porridge. Heuristic can help us to speed up to find out a
solution but it can’t always give an accurate decision.
Availability heuristic was first studied by Amos Tversky and Daniel
Kahneman in 1973. Availability heuristic judges the probability of events by how
easily an example come out from your mind. Availability heuristic help us to make
decision quickly based on our experience that is available in our minds or recall an
example rather than exploring all the alternatives. For example, sharks or falling out
of beds are likely to kill us? Mostly all of us know that sharks are dangerous, and
heard news about people attacked by the sharks. In this situation, we probably will
feel that sharks are likely to kill us. However, according to research the rate of falling
out of bed kills 450 people annually in US.
Representativeness heuristic was first described by psychologists Tversky and
Kahneman in the 1970s. Representativeness heuristic is our assessment of how likely
an occurrence is based on how much it resembles our expectation for a model of that
event. For example, a kid play in the playground every day. He played and chased by
his friend. Unfortunately, he stepped in a small hole and he fell down. On the next
day, he probably will he will avoid from the hole because the representativeness
heuristic give him a previous event that there is a hole that will cause him fell down.
Recently, a woman, Xian Liu Jian has been crushed to death because of the
collapse of the escalator in order to save her child at department store in China. She
was crushed by the rolling mechanism of the escalator when she step on a metal
footplate covering the machinery. After research of this incident, they officially
announced that the incident was caused by shoddy construction and poor building
maintenance. The scene was then recorded by the security-camera video and uploaded
online. Soon after, a technical staff also shared a video of how to stop the escalator in
emergency and avoid stepping on the middle part of metal footplate covering the
machinery. People was starting aware of the dangerous of using escalator and avoid
the step on the middle part of metal footplate because of the incident in China.
There was an incident that show an example of heuristic that happened in
Sunway Pyramid. I took bus to Sunway Pyramid after EPC class to meet with my
sister who already reach there after her class. There was a group of teenage walking
slowly in front of me. I tried to bypass them but almost reach the escalator besides
Popular so I decided not to do.
When I was using the escalator on the way down to Popular, the escalator
suddenly stopped in the middle of transport me going down to next floor. Probably
cause by short circuit or some technical issue. This situation forced us to walk by our
own instead of continue waiting the technical staff to repair and reboot the escalator.
However, I heard a sound from a group of teenage in front of me. One of a girl said
that she was so scare and not dare to walk the escalator. I was so curious and
wondering that she never meet this situation in her life before. It was just malfunction
of the escalator and nothing to be afraid of. Then, the girl said that she recalled the
incident that happened in China. I guessed she was trying to talk about the girl using
the escalator crushed to death in China. Then, she hold her friend tightly and
continued to walk. Until she reached the end of the escalator, she managed to jump
over the metal footplate. At the moment, I was thinking that how could the metal plate
collapsed and escalator able to crushed her when the escalator was malfunction. Was
she acting too exaggeratedly or she was just a timid girl? After that, she recovered
herself and continued shopping with her friends while I continue to walk to popular to
meet with my sister.
Because of the heuristic, she didn’t even think wisely about the shock incident
that happen in front of her. She didn’t consider the malfunction of the escalator was
caused by other technical issues but she only thought and recalled the horrible
incident that happened in China which brought to the death of the victim.
Conclusion, heuristic is a mental shortcut that allow us to think quickly and
easier in a situation. However, if we over rely heuristic, we can’t judge anything
problem and situation with a same scene because heuristic may cause lot of mistakes.
Settings : 22 March 2014
Location : Kian Kok Middle School
Entry 4: Halo Effect, Chapter 4
Halo effect is a type of cognitive bias which the observer’s impression toward
a person and influences the observer’s feeling about the person’s characteristic. The
term of halo effect was named by Edward Thorndike. It defines that if the observer
likes an aspect of a person or object, the he will have a positive concept towards it,
while if the observer doesn’t like an aspect of a person or object, then he will have a
negative concept towards it. For example, when you first met a girl in a restaurant and
she was pretty and wore a beautiful dress, you probably think she will be a nice and
kind. There was an ugly guy had his dinner on the next table with a dirty clothes and
tattoos, you will think he was a bad guy.
Viviana, a classmate that was transferred to our class from China last year.
She was beautiful with delicate features. I remembered when she first came to school,
and my class monitor was the first knew and got the information from our form
teacher that there was a new classmate was going to join our class and he was so
excited. He even called his friend went downstair to see her when she still filling the
form at the secretariat. After that, they came back with exhilarate, and called another
group people went downstair to meet her and at the end almost half of the boys in the
class was totally lost their minds when they saw her.
Since I didn’t meet her purposely at the secretariat and I first saw her at the
classroom. She was really beautiful but not as exaggerate as those boys told us. She
was polite and nice when she tried to introduce herself in front of the class. I thought
she was a good student when I saw her.
Our history teacher, Mdm. Liew was the strictest teacher among other subject
teachers. Viviana didn’t get the books in her first day class because the stationery was
out of stock. One of my male friend initiavely went to another class to borrow history
textbook for her. Mdm. Liew came into the class and talked to her. History teacher
knew that she was not going to take the course history because she never learn
Melayu before in China and she was going to study for UEC only. However Mdm.
Liew saw a history textbook and wondering why she got it. After her explanation,
Mdm. Liew said “Chew Deang, why do you help her borrow the textbook? She not
going to take this subject. If you can study history initiavely like you went another
class borrowed the book then I’m very glad. ” Viviana became the famous person in
our school in that month.
Viviana told me that she had already learnt additional math, biology,
chemistry and physic in the SPM syllabus that the teachers were teaching when she
was 14 in China, which means she already knew everything that we going to learn and
she was nothing to learn but did it as revision only. She able to answer every
questions from our Chinese teacher even the Classical Chinese part, is the hardest part
in SPM syllabus. So I concluded that she will be the top student in our class and a
diligent student.
However I started to change my mind of her after several month. She didn’t do
her homework even Chinese subject which was easiest subject for her. She failed her
biology, chemistry and physic tests and exams. My biology teacher complaint her
during my tuition. She said that she needed to give a special biology question for her
with Chinese language as she said she don’t know how to answer those question in
English language so as she failed her test. However, when my biology teacher came
out a question with Chinese language, she still not able to answer those question and
also failed. My biology teacher told me that she already tired to give special question
with Chinese language for her because she said Viviana was lazy to study but not she
was stupid. My biology teacher also told us that Viviana already learnt all syllabus
when she was in China but she still failed her tests with D or E grades only.
Start from September, she kept escaped classes using she was sick as excuses
and couldn’t able went to class. She was stayed at the hostel but we saw her walking
around at school. She always slept during class and scold by the teacher. However she
didn’t change her attitude at the end.
In this society, we always assign positive traits from other people’s faces
which are more attractive. Good guy will always has a handsome face, kind-hearted
girl will always with a beautiful face. This cognitive bias causing a lot of
misunderstand and discrimination. I was wrong to determine that Viviana was a
diligent and nice student and also will be top student by judging her on the first day I
look at her.
Settings : May 2014
Location : Kian Kok Middle School
Entry 5: Classical Conditioning, Chapter 5
Classical conditioning involves learning a new behaviour via the process of
association. In simple words, classical conditioning happens when two stimuli are
paired together, they may come to elicit the same response. This was first discovered
by Ivan Pavlov when his salivating dog saw its food. He first gave his dog food and
his dog started salivating, then he whistled to his dog but the dog didn’t salivate. He
tried to blow the whistle and gave his dog food at the same time and the dog started
salivating. Next, he whistled and his dog will kept salivating. The food was an
unconditioned stimulus when the dog first saw it and the dog came out with an
unconditioned response. Then Ivan Pavlov blew the whistle, the whistle acted as a
neutral stimulus and the dog didn’t give any response. However, when the dog hear
the whistle and food together, it started giving an unconditioned response. After
conditioning, when Ivan Pavlov blew the whistle, the dog would think of its meals
and start salivating with a conditioned response. Another experiment was done by
Watson and Rayner using little Albert and a rat as experiment.
My history teacher, Mdm. Liew was the strictest teacher when I was studied in
Form 5. Although she was the strictest teacher but her class was so boring because of
the subject and her teaching style. She liked to read out the words from textbook only.
This cause lot of us were boring during her class and even some of us had fell asleep.
When she caught someone who didn’t pay attention during her class, and he or she
will deducted mark as a punishment. Since I don’t want to lose any of my mark, so I
decided to pay attention to her during history class. She also liked to call someone
came out and talked about things that she taught us that day after her teaching. If
someone unable to say it out, then we will be deducted marks.
During one of history class, she finished her teaching quicker than before. She
stood in front the class and started looked at us. I thought I was not sleeping during
her class so I had nothing to afraid from her to called me. When she scanned the
whole class, I accidently eye to eye contacted with her and she called me out. I was
afraid and shocked because the guy sitting besides me was sleeping the whole period
but she still called me out. I wasn’t fully understand what she had taught just now.
Then I slowly walked to in front and tried to delay as slow as possible. But when I
looked at my watch, it almost left 20 minutes and I thought I was doom. Every
questions she asked me I couldn’t answer because I was a vacuum cleaner that can
absorbed everything in a short period. She came out with five question but I still
unable to answer and I was scold by her with that 20 minutes left. I thought if I was
not eye to eye contacted with her then I won’t scold by her.
Almost 2 months later, same thing happened in her class again, she had told us
that she will finished with the last 3 pages to the next chapter. I tried not to eye to eye
contact with her so I was safe from being called out to answer her question. Suddenly,
she scold my friend next to me who slept during her class. She came out one question
from the textbook and my friend couldn’t able to answer it. Then she said “If you
don’t know the answer, then the person next to you will help you. If both of you also
don’t know then both of you will be deduct marks”. I was shocked and tried to find
the answer from the textbook but I was stopped by Mdm. Liew. She said if I paid
attention during her class I would know the answer. I was thinking in mind that how
could I remember the name of the Sultan if there was lot of Sultan in the same chapter
and you just taught us today. At the end, both of us were scold and deducted marks.
After that, I was so nervous during every of her class. It could be described as
lying on the floor but still killed by the assassin’s snapshot who try to kill others. This
situation can be defined as classical conditioning. Before she calling me out and
answer her question in front of the class, I was no conditioned response as I never
being nervous during her class. However the day after she called me out and another
incident that had been scold by her at the end were unconditioned stimulus causing
me afraid of her and her class. After all, during the history class, which acts as a
conditioned stimulus, I will kept thinking would be scold and deducted mark and this
would be the conditioned response.

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  • 1. Settings : 10 September 2010 Location : SJK (c) Shan Tao, Kota Kinabalu Entry 1: Social Facilitation, Chapter 1 Social Facilitation is defined as an improvement in doing a simple task when other people are watching you. Individual contributions can be identified in social facilitation. Social Facilitation was first studied by Norman Triplett in 1898. He noticed that the speed of cyclist in a racing is faster than the speed the cyclist alone ride. Apart from that, Norman Triplett also doing an experiment on child and fishing reels. Child are requested to wind in a given amount of fishing line alone and in pairs but working alone. Norman Triplett conclude that children work faster in the presence of partner than alone. For example, I took part in a track running in his sport day of primary school when I was 12. I wasn’t a good in running at all. I liked to play computer games or sitting on the chair playing chess only rather than exercise or jogging. There were five teams were participated in the sport day was according the class we studied in. As a result, I was participated as yellow team. However, my class was an elite class, so all people could said that we were book worms and also not good in sport. Our team always got the “champion” in the five teams which mean always be the last team because most of book worms didn’t stamina and potential in sport. I still remember that our sport day was held two weeks before UPSR, so as we didn’t have much time to focus on the sport day. However, each team was forced to participate in the sport day. Four people were needed to participate in 4 x 100 relay competition. My P.E teacher only asked the suggestions from us and started chose
  • 2. those she thought were good in sport will had the chance to participate in sport without any trail because lack of time. I was shock when I know that I was chose to be the candidate in the relay competition because I couldn’t even run fast at all. So, I decided to spend about half an hour for my training every weekend with my friends since there was still left about 3 weeks before the sport day. I tried to push myself with fastest speed in my training so that I will able to perform well in the competition. But still not as quick as my friends. Then, I was thinking that I was just a candidate of my team so I won’t have chance to participate unless there was special incident happened. So, I just tried to jog and accompany my friends rather than using my full stamina in this training. However, on the sport day, I was informed that I will replaced one of my team member who was injured in other competition. I was took part in 4 x 100 meters relay competition as the third runner. I was nervous because I never thought I won’t really participated in a competition in the sport day. When the teacher pressed the starting pistol and race started, our team was losing at beginning because previous two runner of our team weren’t faster than other team members. We were behind almost 50 meter to other team. I was tense because don’t want to pull back our team and also disappointed my team member. Before relay baton was passed to me, our team was the slowest team. At that time, I just keep thinking that I need to keep rushing. When the relay baton was passed to my hand, I started to rush with my full speed and surpassed all teams one by one who were leading in front of me. When I passed the relay baton to the fourth runner, I had surpass four team. However, the fourth runner of my team was then lost to the red
  • 3. team as their team got the fastest runner who participated in the relay competitions the fourth runner. At the end, our team managed to become the first runner up. My friends asked me how did I able to surpass other team even my teacher also wondering after the competition but still don’t know how to answer them because it was impossible for me to able to surpass other team member. Some of them were basketball player or badminton player which mean they will had a stamina and faster speed compared to me. During P.E class, every time the teacher asked us for jogging for 100 meter, I wasn’t able to run quickly but only with average speed. I think social facilitation occurred in this situation because I was performing well in the presence of others. Besides that, my contributions can be identified in this racing. This is because an extra competitiveness when I was running. My performance was better in the racing competition compare to my training.
  • 4. Settings : 21 – 27 October 2013 Location : Country garden miles YinTan in HuiZhou, China Entry 2: Self efficacy, Chapter 2 Self – efficacy is defined as an individual belief in his or her ability to achieve certain goals. Self – efficacy also can be described as extent of one’s ability to complete a certain task by just belief his or her own self. Albert Bandura is a famous psychologist who defined self-efficacy first in 1977. He classified self-efficacy as the mind's self-regulatory function. The theory of self-efficacy lies at the centre of Bandura’s social cognitive theory. Social cognitive theory is about the role of observational learning and social experience in the process of development of personality. Self-efficacy drives our motivation. If we have high self-efficacy, we able to handle a difficult task and also see those tasks as challenges, while if we have low self-efficacy, we will probably try to avoid those hard tasks. For example, two boys Charles and John are friend since they was young. Charles is a top student in the class, he gets a high score in every test and exam. Besides that, Charles is also a good basketball player and a runner. John always fails in his tests and exams because he thinks study is hard for him. He doesn’t participate any activity in school but only stay in front of the mobile screen and television. This show that Charles has a high self- efficacy because he can handle his study and extracurricular activities but John can’t handle either his study or his extracurricular activities because he has a low self- efficacy who don’t belief his own self.
  • 5. It remind me of my friend who play Chinese Chess has a high self-efficacy. I knew him since we were classmate in primary one. He wasn’t a Chinese but a Muslim. However, he started play Chinese chess when he was primary three. We trained chess every time we were free. He was a chess addict. I still remember when he was 11, he kept reading chess book and trained hard until he didn’t do his homework and he always punished by teachers. He became most famous in school because he didn’t do his homework. However after 3 years of training, he won the champion in National Primary School Chinese Chess Competition in Selangor when he was just 12.Then he became a player never underestimated by others since he won the champion. He was continue his chess journey until now. He won a lot of competition in not only in Sabah but also in other places. But the most unforgettable competition that he had participated that in my mind is his first time participate in the World Chinese Chess Championship. He was just 16 when he participate in the World Chinese Chess Championship. He was the youngest who represent Malaysia to participate this competition and also the youngest among all contestant in this competition ever. The competition was combined of Chinese and non-Chinese together to compete but they will separate the ranking of Chinese and non-Chinese at the end of competition. Because of he was a Muslim, he participated the non-Chinese group. The competition is held in 5 days with 9 rounds of game. Almost all of the contestant was master or grandmaster ranking came from all countries such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and others, apart from those also have more than 20 years’ experience. Also, some non-Chinese contestants came from England, Japan and others. However, he was the youngest and not much of experience compare to others in the competition.
  • 6. He won 1 game and draw 3 games after the 4th round. He told me that he was in an inferior and disadvantage situation in every game he played but until the end he managed to draw the game because the contestant were too professional. All contestants won’t decide to draw with him easily because they think he was just a teenage who didn’t have much experience than them. He also told me that he played every game about 4 hours unlike the competition in Sabah which every game only one and half hours only. Unfortunately he suffered a heavy headache and diarrhoea in the middle of the 5th round game. He versus a grandmaster from Hong Kong. Although he lost the game but he didn’t give up at all but still continue his competition. He still believed himself that he will get top 5 in non-Chinese group although he lost 1 game. Until the end, he won 3 rounds, draw 4 rounds and lose 2 rounds in 9 rounds of game and able to get 2nd runner up in non – Chinese group of World Chinese Chess Championship and won 10000 RMB. He became the youngest non-Chinese contestant who able to get top 3 in the world. He also won the name of master in this game and became the youngest who managed to earn the name of master. This is because he was a high self-efficacy person, highly belief himself who able to handle a difficult situation even he was in a poor condition. If he was a low self-efficacy person, he would give up in the middle of the game facing lot of professional even he wasn’t in a bad condition.
  • 7. Settings : 5.00-6.00 P.M., 7 August 2015 Location : Sunway Pyramid, Petaling Jaya, Kuala Lumpur Entry 3: Heuristic, Chapter 3 In psychology, heuristic is a mental shortcut and simple rules that reduce mental effort. Heuristic allows us to judge or make a simple decision quickly without using a lot of time to analysis and explore. For example, heuristic helps us think what we eat for lunch, spaghetti or porridge. Heuristic can help us to speed up to find out a solution but it can’t always give an accurate decision. Availability heuristic was first studied by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman in 1973. Availability heuristic judges the probability of events by how easily an example come out from your mind. Availability heuristic help us to make decision quickly based on our experience that is available in our minds or recall an example rather than exploring all the alternatives. For example, sharks or falling out of beds are likely to kill us? Mostly all of us know that sharks are dangerous, and heard news about people attacked by the sharks. In this situation, we probably will feel that sharks are likely to kill us. However, according to research the rate of falling out of bed kills 450 people annually in US. Representativeness heuristic was first described by psychologists Tversky and Kahneman in the 1970s. Representativeness heuristic is our assessment of how likely an occurrence is based on how much it resembles our expectation for a model of that event. For example, a kid play in the playground every day. He played and chased by his friend. Unfortunately, he stepped in a small hole and he fell down. On the next
  • 8. day, he probably will he will avoid from the hole because the representativeness heuristic give him a previous event that there is a hole that will cause him fell down. Recently, a woman, Xian Liu Jian has been crushed to death because of the collapse of the escalator in order to save her child at department store in China. She was crushed by the rolling mechanism of the escalator when she step on a metal footplate covering the machinery. After research of this incident, they officially announced that the incident was caused by shoddy construction and poor building maintenance. The scene was then recorded by the security-camera video and uploaded online. Soon after, a technical staff also shared a video of how to stop the escalator in emergency and avoid stepping on the middle part of metal footplate covering the machinery. People was starting aware of the dangerous of using escalator and avoid the step on the middle part of metal footplate because of the incident in China. There was an incident that show an example of heuristic that happened in Sunway Pyramid. I took bus to Sunway Pyramid after EPC class to meet with my sister who already reach there after her class. There was a group of teenage walking slowly in front of me. I tried to bypass them but almost reach the escalator besides Popular so I decided not to do. When I was using the escalator on the way down to Popular, the escalator suddenly stopped in the middle of transport me going down to next floor. Probably cause by short circuit or some technical issue. This situation forced us to walk by our own instead of continue waiting the technical staff to repair and reboot the escalator. However, I heard a sound from a group of teenage in front of me. One of a girl said that she was so scare and not dare to walk the escalator. I was so curious and wondering that she never meet this situation in her life before. It was just malfunction
  • 9. of the escalator and nothing to be afraid of. Then, the girl said that she recalled the incident that happened in China. I guessed she was trying to talk about the girl using the escalator crushed to death in China. Then, she hold her friend tightly and continued to walk. Until she reached the end of the escalator, she managed to jump over the metal footplate. At the moment, I was thinking that how could the metal plate collapsed and escalator able to crushed her when the escalator was malfunction. Was she acting too exaggeratedly or she was just a timid girl? After that, she recovered herself and continued shopping with her friends while I continue to walk to popular to meet with my sister. Because of the heuristic, she didn’t even think wisely about the shock incident that happen in front of her. She didn’t consider the malfunction of the escalator was caused by other technical issues but she only thought and recalled the horrible incident that happened in China which brought to the death of the victim. Conclusion, heuristic is a mental shortcut that allow us to think quickly and easier in a situation. However, if we over rely heuristic, we can’t judge anything problem and situation with a same scene because heuristic may cause lot of mistakes.
  • 10. Settings : 22 March 2014 Location : Kian Kok Middle School Entry 4: Halo Effect, Chapter 4 Halo effect is a type of cognitive bias which the observer’s impression toward a person and influences the observer’s feeling about the person’s characteristic. The term of halo effect was named by Edward Thorndike. It defines that if the observer likes an aspect of a person or object, the he will have a positive concept towards it, while if the observer doesn’t like an aspect of a person or object, then he will have a negative concept towards it. For example, when you first met a girl in a restaurant and she was pretty and wore a beautiful dress, you probably think she will be a nice and kind. There was an ugly guy had his dinner on the next table with a dirty clothes and tattoos, you will think he was a bad guy. Viviana, a classmate that was transferred to our class from China last year. She was beautiful with delicate features. I remembered when she first came to school, and my class monitor was the first knew and got the information from our form teacher that there was a new classmate was going to join our class and he was so excited. He even called his friend went downstair to see her when she still filling the form at the secretariat. After that, they came back with exhilarate, and called another group people went downstair to meet her and at the end almost half of the boys in the class was totally lost their minds when they saw her. Since I didn’t meet her purposely at the secretariat and I first saw her at the classroom. She was really beautiful but not as exaggerate as those boys told us. She
  • 11. was polite and nice when she tried to introduce herself in front of the class. I thought she was a good student when I saw her. Our history teacher, Mdm. Liew was the strictest teacher among other subject teachers. Viviana didn’t get the books in her first day class because the stationery was out of stock. One of my male friend initiavely went to another class to borrow history textbook for her. Mdm. Liew came into the class and talked to her. History teacher knew that she was not going to take the course history because she never learn Melayu before in China and she was going to study for UEC only. However Mdm. Liew saw a history textbook and wondering why she got it. After her explanation, Mdm. Liew said “Chew Deang, why do you help her borrow the textbook? She not going to take this subject. If you can study history initiavely like you went another class borrowed the book then I’m very glad. ” Viviana became the famous person in our school in that month. Viviana told me that she had already learnt additional math, biology, chemistry and physic in the SPM syllabus that the teachers were teaching when she was 14 in China, which means she already knew everything that we going to learn and she was nothing to learn but did it as revision only. She able to answer every questions from our Chinese teacher even the Classical Chinese part, is the hardest part in SPM syllabus. So I concluded that she will be the top student in our class and a diligent student. However I started to change my mind of her after several month. She didn’t do her homework even Chinese subject which was easiest subject for her. She failed her biology, chemistry and physic tests and exams. My biology teacher complaint her during my tuition. She said that she needed to give a special biology question for her
  • 12. with Chinese language as she said she don’t know how to answer those question in English language so as she failed her test. However, when my biology teacher came out a question with Chinese language, she still not able to answer those question and also failed. My biology teacher told me that she already tired to give special question with Chinese language for her because she said Viviana was lazy to study but not she was stupid. My biology teacher also told us that Viviana already learnt all syllabus when she was in China but she still failed her tests with D or E grades only. Start from September, she kept escaped classes using she was sick as excuses and couldn’t able went to class. She was stayed at the hostel but we saw her walking around at school. She always slept during class and scold by the teacher. However she didn’t change her attitude at the end. In this society, we always assign positive traits from other people’s faces which are more attractive. Good guy will always has a handsome face, kind-hearted girl will always with a beautiful face. This cognitive bias causing a lot of misunderstand and discrimination. I was wrong to determine that Viviana was a diligent and nice student and also will be top student by judging her on the first day I look at her.
  • 13. Settings : May 2014 Location : Kian Kok Middle School Entry 5: Classical Conditioning, Chapter 5 Classical conditioning involves learning a new behaviour via the process of association. In simple words, classical conditioning happens when two stimuli are paired together, they may come to elicit the same response. This was first discovered by Ivan Pavlov when his salivating dog saw its food. He first gave his dog food and his dog started salivating, then he whistled to his dog but the dog didn’t salivate. He tried to blow the whistle and gave his dog food at the same time and the dog started salivating. Next, he whistled and his dog will kept salivating. The food was an unconditioned stimulus when the dog first saw it and the dog came out with an unconditioned response. Then Ivan Pavlov blew the whistle, the whistle acted as a neutral stimulus and the dog didn’t give any response. However, when the dog hear the whistle and food together, it started giving an unconditioned response. After conditioning, when Ivan Pavlov blew the whistle, the dog would think of its meals and start salivating with a conditioned response. Another experiment was done by Watson and Rayner using little Albert and a rat as experiment. My history teacher, Mdm. Liew was the strictest teacher when I was studied in Form 5. Although she was the strictest teacher but her class was so boring because of the subject and her teaching style. She liked to read out the words from textbook only. This cause lot of us were boring during her class and even some of us had fell asleep. When she caught someone who didn’t pay attention during her class, and he or she will deducted mark as a punishment. Since I don’t want to lose any of my mark, so I decided to pay attention to her during history class. She also liked to call someone
  • 14. came out and talked about things that she taught us that day after her teaching. If someone unable to say it out, then we will be deducted marks. During one of history class, she finished her teaching quicker than before. She stood in front the class and started looked at us. I thought I was not sleeping during her class so I had nothing to afraid from her to called me. When she scanned the whole class, I accidently eye to eye contacted with her and she called me out. I was afraid and shocked because the guy sitting besides me was sleeping the whole period but she still called me out. I wasn’t fully understand what she had taught just now. Then I slowly walked to in front and tried to delay as slow as possible. But when I looked at my watch, it almost left 20 minutes and I thought I was doom. Every questions she asked me I couldn’t answer because I was a vacuum cleaner that can absorbed everything in a short period. She came out with five question but I still unable to answer and I was scold by her with that 20 minutes left. I thought if I was not eye to eye contacted with her then I won’t scold by her. Almost 2 months later, same thing happened in her class again, she had told us that she will finished with the last 3 pages to the next chapter. I tried not to eye to eye contact with her so I was safe from being called out to answer her question. Suddenly, she scold my friend next to me who slept during her class. She came out one question from the textbook and my friend couldn’t able to answer it. Then she said “If you don’t know the answer, then the person next to you will help you. If both of you also don’t know then both of you will be deduct marks”. I was shocked and tried to find the answer from the textbook but I was stopped by Mdm. Liew. She said if I paid attention during her class I would know the answer. I was thinking in mind that how could I remember the name of the Sultan if there was lot of Sultan in the same chapter and you just taught us today. At the end, both of us were scold and deducted marks.
  • 15. After that, I was so nervous during every of her class. It could be described as lying on the floor but still killed by the assassin’s snapshot who try to kill others. This situation can be defined as classical conditioning. Before she calling me out and answer her question in front of the class, I was no conditioned response as I never being nervous during her class. However the day after she called me out and another incident that had been scold by her at the end were unconditioned stimulus causing me afraid of her and her class. After all, during the history class, which acts as a conditioned stimulus, I will kept thinking would be scold and deducted mark and this would be the conditioned response.