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Magazine Analysis
Product Research (3 Front Covers)
            Jack Liddle
The layout for Kerrang! Is very organised for a magazine with all these stories because it has the mainstream bands
                                          at the top and more at the bottom so the audience looks at it all to be thoroughly entertained for the music genre
 The font and colouring for this          they like which includes, rock, pop-punk and metal. The Splash image isn't obscured in any way which could mean
 particular issue is quite interesting    that the band and genre which is represented is boasted where the audience is a subject to cultural hegemony
 because of the woman (Hayley             because of all bands they have within their pages.
 Williams) on the cover. The sub-
 headings (good charlotte) are the
 same type of colour as her hair.                                                                           The woman on the cover (Hayley Williams) expresses
 This would be because the                                                                                  hegemonic masculinity because she’s a popular female
 company want to make this eye                                                                              singer in this genre of music who’d appeal to the men.
 catching towards the audience so                                                                           As well she’d be a role model for the people in bands
 they read the sub-headings to                                                                              who listen to the type of music she plays.
 make it eye catching for the                                                                                As well she's an aggressive pose which would compare
 audience.                                                                                                  with the `rebels` sub-heading. It could say that their
                                                                                                            type of music is rockish where it could be loud which
   Feature headlines are there for the big                                                                  conveys different messages for the issues that they write
   thing. By this I mean the latest story.                                                                  about. that could be political views, life, a special person
   For the audience this would create a                                                                     or just sticking it to the man etc.
   sense of knowing, they’d know up to                                                                      To contrast this she’s in a feminine view because of her
   the minute latest information. It                                                                        hair; she has it quite long which could say that she’s your
   reflects the readership for teens                                                                        all average teenage girl who’s audience are both male
   because of a stereotype of feeling they                                                                  and female. As well as this, her hair and makeup say
   need to know up to the minute                                                                            that she’s fine with the way she looks. It doesn’t look like
   information.                                                                                             she has too much to convey the confidence she has to
                                                                                                            transpire to her female audience.
Menu Strip with buzzwords.
This is here as a last attempt to get the reader to                                                         The pug (freebie) is there to make the audience think, if
buy the magazine. It lists well known bands                                                                 you buy a magazine just for the product it could be
who’re generally advertised more often because                                                              cheaper to buy it in the magazine . This tell us that not
the publishing company (Bauer media) knows the         A necessary feature for magazines is the             all the audience (working class) could be loyal to it if
target audience will buy the magazine if it            barcode where it can have the issue number to        they buy it for the one band.
features more mainstream bands. They have on           see how long it’s been published as well as          For the long-time buyers it’d be an added bonus to the
occasion, smaller or local bands that are similar to   ordering any that you may enjoy. It’s usually        weekly magazine because they’d feel that this is a one
bigger bands to get the audience to listen to          small so it’s the last things the audience see.      time offer to make them more interested in looking at
other music, sometimes genres they don’t enjoy,        This is because if they see the price first an       the magazine and buying it.
so they have another reason the working class will     expensive magazine will put them off buying it.      From the look of that it’s been painted on it tells that
listen. They generally have some artists similar to                                                         this type of magazine is quite messy and the audience
the feature headlines to tie into that specific                                                             may not be expecting something’s that may be included
genre. This reflects the readership because if they                                                         in the magazine that they’ll fully enjoy. It says that the
know the open minded target audience enjoy                                                                  audience could've done it themselves to tie into the
knowing about new artists then they’ll buy it again                                                         `rebels` sub-heading which ties into the stereotype of
if they’re likeable and within their genre of music.                                                        the teen audience which is the target audience
The masthead is the title kerrang! With a white background. The wearing away of the letters could mean that the
             amount of bands they have in the genre to say that it’s expanding but getting old.
             The smashed screen effect links to the sound a guitar makes when its really loud and plugged in. It adds to the fact
             that this type of music uses lots of guitars for the music every band makes which fits in with the emotion of the songs
             for example anger and rebels within the magazine for the stereotypes are aggressive teenagers, some of which who
             buy this publication so it reflects the readership of the target audience because it is teens that buy this magazine.
The subheading afflicts with a
secondary band that the magazine
covers, usually not in so much detail.
The reason for this is to acquire a
bigger audience so if they don’t
                                                                                                                       Buzzwords are there to attempt the reader
thoroughly enjoy one band they will
                                                                                                                       into buying the magazine. It says that you
another. As well they have the sub-
                                                                                                                       need to know these things if you have an
image to make the audience think the
                                                                                                                       interest in listening to these bands. These
story is bigger than they realise which
                                                                                                                       words afflict with `dirty little secrets`
could say they’re on the same amount
                                                                                                                       because it’s gossip and everyone secretly
of exposure but they wanted to have
                                                                                                                       does want to know about others secrets. This
the bigger fan base of Paramore’s band
                                                                                                                       reflects the target audience for the female
read this issue. It reflects the
                                                                                                                       gender because of a stereotype for the
readership because it’s saying that if
                                                                                                                       amount of gossip some women know of.
there's one band they don't particularly
enjoy then there’s many others which
                                                                                                                       Special is a buzzword because it gives an idea
they can.
                                                                                                                       that it wont be out ever again (this particular
                                                                                                                       issue). This says that its audience could be
                                                                                                                       desperate to get this issue, being the
                                                                                                                       audience is the working class this says they
                                                                                                                       do enjoy listening to bands like this (Panic at
                                                                                                                       the disco) because of a number of reasons;
                                                                                                                       emotions from the songs, the gender of
                                                                                                                       people in the band etc.

                                                                                                                       Young is a buzz word because it connects to
                                                                                                                       the target audience for the feeling that this
                                                                                                                       band is similar to the audience that read it so
                                                                                                                       it creates a connection between the two.
Metal hammer's masthead is black. This is to do           Menu strips are set all over the cover to spread out           For splash image; the man (Oli Sykes) is to the
with the type of music it writes about. Very hard,        the variety of bands that are being advertised to the          subject of cultural hegemony because not everyone
loud music .                                              audience. This is because there's always an audience           does like this type of music and not everyone will
 They have the title as metal hammer because a            for music so the company spreads out the bands                 enjoy it. This says that the target audience should
hammer is a working mans tool which says that the         around the cover and issue so that the viewer will read        be the defendants because if they enjoy his type of
readership is mainly male (64%) continued by the          every band name before making a decision to buy the            music then they’re getting in the way of the arrows
fact its a magazine aimed at the working class            issue and reading it in its full.                              and being accused to.
(CZDE) through the price (£3.50) as well as that this                                                                    According to his pose, tying in the idea of
type of music is dominated by the male population                                                                        accusation, I assume he’s looking at a judge and
of bands and singers such as the man on the front                                                                        awaiting his verdict. He looks quite laid back where
cover (Oil Sykes). As well the title has a bit of irony                                                                  the assumption is that he’s free to go because his
as a hammer is a metal object to tie into the fact                                                                       band’s music is everything that metal hammer
that the magazine represents hard and loud music.                                                                        stands for; i.e. for the working class people that
Feature headlines (bring me the horizon) covers the                                                                      make music for their fans who enjoy the hard
centre of the image. This could signify how                                                                              sound that comes from this type of genre.
mainstream the band is or how much they’ve grown                                                                         As well he’s a feminine view of desire because he’s
in the music industry. It signifies that the magazine                                                                    shirtless, quite well built and has tattoo's. A
knows what their target audience wants, which is                                                                         positive of this is that it will reach out better to the
loud heavy music in which anything can happen.                                                                           female audience (36%) because of the stereotype of
`accusers` inflicts that they’ve committed a crime.                                                                      women enjoying men like this, tall, who has
The word `Heretics` backed up by the magazine                                                                            dominance, not afraid of pain and has an artistic
signifies that they’re their defending them and they                                                                     side of things because of his tattoos.
will continue as long as they make this type of music                                                                    A stereotype of this genre of musician is he’ll have a
i.e. Metal backed by the target audience by both                                                                         tattoo to show that they’re not afraid of pain but as
genders which buy it. As well, you can say that even                                                                     well to show their fans they don’t back down easy.
though there’s dominance of the male gender,
there’s an influence because of the amount of
women reading the magazine (36%).
The font is interesting for this particular issue                                                                               There’s a lot of subheadings within the
because they start of with `Bring Me The Horizon`                                                                               front cover which suggests that this
really big and in a bold yellow font which is the fist                                                                          magazine is weekly because of the amount
thing the audience will see. This is to do with the                                                                             of information. This tells us that the
`accusers` statement and it could represent a light of                                                                          audience enjoy hearing about other bands
hope from the heavens; i.e. the fans) that let them                                                                             similar to the cover. They’re subject to
know they’re innocent.                                                                                                          cultural hegemony because they’re listing
                                                                        A necessary feature for magazines is the barcode        bands that are in the same genre to the
They use the different fonts to represent status for different bands
                                                                        where it can have the issue number to see how           band on the front cover (bring me the
and how mainstream they are within the world. ` a day to
                                                                        long it’s been published as well as ordering any        horizon)
remember, Matt Tuck` etc. ,are well known within this type of
                                                                        that you may enjoy. It’s usually small so it’s the
music; i.e. loud icons to tie into the main image with the convention
                                                                        last things the audience see. This is because if the
of rebellious where not everyone does enjoy the music. this tells us
                                                                        audience see the price first an expensive
that target audience of 18-19 year olds enjoys hearing more
                                                                        magazine will put them off buying it.
mainstream artists so we can say it represents one generation of
the audience within this specific magazine.
I feel that spin is different to other magazines on the market. This is because of the layout is has. It has lily Allen placed in the middle. I feel they do this to build the magazine around the
`cover star` (her) to get an idea of what the audience wants from the magazine. For Lily Allen its the fact that that she’s bold and artistic from the way she looks on the cover to her pose that
draws the reader in because It looks as if she’s staring at a hater and saying, listen to my music. This pose communicates herself as an artist because she's a mainstream artist to
communicate to the audience from different ages to ethnicities whom enjoy her music, being in this publication (Spin). As well they have her in front of the masthead to make the other parts
of the magazine stand out and let other bands have an identity. They’re not part of a collective genre, they’re their own artists so they’re not being compared to one another.

 I think that other magazines such as Kerrang! and Metal Hammer when doing photo shoots for their cover do theirs according to a pose for a specific place on their front cover but Spin does
theirs in a way for they have a crashing effect to make the audience look so see who they’re talking about if they cant fully see the name. This does make it seem more visually pleasing so the
audience. They’re intrigued into reading it with their favourite artists/bands included where cultural hegemony is inserted here because of the amount of artists named on this cover..

                                                                                                                                          Spin has lots of artists for its headline and subhead-
                                                                                                                                         lines on the cover to simply get people to buy the
For the magazine, the masthead’s big and bold so it sticks out
                                                                                                                                         magazine. People buy it because it has their favourite
and gives you the magazines identity straight away, where this
                                                                                                                                         artist so they’re up to date on the stories concerning
will usually be one of the first things the audience sees if
                                                                                                                                         them. An obvious choice would be Lily Allen simply
they’ve never seen it.
                                                                                                                                         because she’s a household name. (a well known
From the Red on the background of the masthead, it could
convey passion some songs have. This says that its audience
                                                                                                                                          They list many other and sometimes `different`
enjoy songs from lily Allen because her songs do have a
                                                                                                                                         artists/bands to attempt the reader to listen to them
passionate quality they find demanding ,for example, her
                                                                                                                                         with more mainstream and `known` artists/bands that
song; `smile`.
                                                                                                                                         have been in the industry for some time (cultural
                                                                                                                                         hegemony) . This includes Bruce Springsteen, Lady
                                                                                                                                         Hawke and the cover artist Lily Allen. The magazine
 For this issue, the splash image (Lily Allen) is in the view of the
                                                                                                                                         enjoy mixing with some `underground` talent from
male gaze because of a few things. Firstly because of her
                                                                                                                                         the current world. This would be from artists like
clothing. Its quite small which exposes her legs, arms and
                                                                                                                                         Charles Hamilton, Glasvega and king Kha.
breasts. They do this to get the message of sex to the older
                                                                                                                                         This would suggest that audience do look at the
target audience of 22- 34 year olds across because some
                                                                                                                                         articles with the many different artists/bands named
musicians don't care about it and some do. Lily Allen uses a
                                                                                                                                         so they may know who they are next time they’re in a
raunchier view of herself because she wants to get across better
                                                                                                                                         magazine such as this.
to a male audience in which if people think she’s like this then
her music would be. She advertises herself to get across to a
bigger fanbase so that more people know who she is. However
their opinion is they like her music or not.
Another is because of her makeup. With her being dolled up, she
does look good where she looks comfortable in her own skin.                                                                              Buzz words for spin include `Big in 09`. This would be
Because of this, she's being exposed in a feminine view. By this I                                                                       because it gives off a idea that all the bands listed as
mean the Females who read this magazine will look up to her                A necessary feature for magazines is the                      sub-headings are quite well known mainstream bands
and think this is the way they could look where some girls could           barcode where it can have the issue number                    and it gives off the music taste afflicted with this
steal her style like many do with different celebrities.                   to see how long it’s been published as well as                magazine. This tells us that the audience enjoy this type
                                                                           ordering any that you may enjoy. It’s usually                 of music because they enjoy the best, the biggest and
                                                                           small so it’s the last things the audience see.               sometimes the more relevant music within this genre.
                                                                           This is because if they see the price first an
                                                                           expensive magazine will put them off buying

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  • 1. Magazine Analysis Product Research (3 Front Covers) Jack Liddle
  • 2. The layout for Kerrang! Is very organised for a magazine with all these stories because it has the mainstream bands at the top and more at the bottom so the audience looks at it all to be thoroughly entertained for the music genre The font and colouring for this they like which includes, rock, pop-punk and metal. The Splash image isn't obscured in any way which could mean particular issue is quite interesting that the band and genre which is represented is boasted where the audience is a subject to cultural hegemony because of the woman (Hayley because of all bands they have within their pages. Williams) on the cover. The sub- headings (good charlotte) are the same type of colour as her hair. The woman on the cover (Hayley Williams) expresses This would be because the hegemonic masculinity because she’s a popular female company want to make this eye singer in this genre of music who’d appeal to the men. catching towards the audience so As well she’d be a role model for the people in bands they read the sub-headings to who listen to the type of music she plays. make it eye catching for the As well she's an aggressive pose which would compare audience. with the `rebels` sub-heading. It could say that their type of music is rockish where it could be loud which Feature headlines are there for the big conveys different messages for the issues that they write thing. By this I mean the latest story. about. that could be political views, life, a special person For the audience this would create a or just sticking it to the man etc. sense of knowing, they’d know up to To contrast this she’s in a feminine view because of her the minute latest information. It hair; she has it quite long which could say that she’s your reflects the readership for teens all average teenage girl who’s audience are both male because of a stereotype of feeling they and female. As well as this, her hair and makeup say need to know up to the minute that she’s fine with the way she looks. It doesn’t look like information. she has too much to convey the confidence she has to transpire to her female audience. Menu Strip with buzzwords. This is here as a last attempt to get the reader to The pug (freebie) is there to make the audience think, if buy the magazine. It lists well known bands you buy a magazine just for the product it could be who’re generally advertised more often because cheaper to buy it in the magazine . This tell us that not the publishing company (Bauer media) knows the A necessary feature for magazines is the all the audience (working class) could be loyal to it if target audience will buy the magazine if it barcode where it can have the issue number to they buy it for the one band. features more mainstream bands. They have on see how long it’s been published as well as For the long-time buyers it’d be an added bonus to the occasion, smaller or local bands that are similar to ordering any that you may enjoy. It’s usually weekly magazine because they’d feel that this is a one bigger bands to get the audience to listen to small so it’s the last things the audience see. time offer to make them more interested in looking at other music, sometimes genres they don’t enjoy, This is because if they see the price first an the magazine and buying it. so they have another reason the working class will expensive magazine will put them off buying it. From the look of that it’s been painted on it tells that listen. They generally have some artists similar to this type of magazine is quite messy and the audience the feature headlines to tie into that specific may not be expecting something’s that may be included genre. This reflects the readership because if they in the magazine that they’ll fully enjoy. It says that the know the open minded target audience enjoy audience could've done it themselves to tie into the knowing about new artists then they’ll buy it again `rebels` sub-heading which ties into the stereotype of if they’re likeable and within their genre of music. the teen audience which is the target audience
  • 3. The masthead is the title kerrang! With a white background. The wearing away of the letters could mean that the amount of bands they have in the genre to say that it’s expanding but getting old. The smashed screen effect links to the sound a guitar makes when its really loud and plugged in. It adds to the fact that this type of music uses lots of guitars for the music every band makes which fits in with the emotion of the songs for example anger and rebels within the magazine for the stereotypes are aggressive teenagers, some of which who buy this publication so it reflects the readership of the target audience because it is teens that buy this magazine. The subheading afflicts with a secondary band that the magazine covers, usually not in so much detail. The reason for this is to acquire a bigger audience so if they don’t Buzzwords are there to attempt the reader thoroughly enjoy one band they will into buying the magazine. It says that you another. As well they have the sub- need to know these things if you have an image to make the audience think the interest in listening to these bands. These story is bigger than they realise which words afflict with `dirty little secrets` could say they’re on the same amount because it’s gossip and everyone secretly of exposure but they wanted to have does want to know about others secrets. This the bigger fan base of Paramore’s band reflects the target audience for the female read this issue. It reflects the gender because of a stereotype for the readership because it’s saying that if amount of gossip some women know of. there's one band they don't particularly enjoy then there’s many others which Special is a buzzword because it gives an idea they can. that it wont be out ever again (this particular issue). This says that its audience could be desperate to get this issue, being the audience is the working class this says they do enjoy listening to bands like this (Panic at the disco) because of a number of reasons; emotions from the songs, the gender of people in the band etc. Young is a buzz word because it connects to the target audience for the feeling that this band is similar to the audience that read it so it creates a connection between the two.
  • 4. Metal hammer's masthead is black. This is to do Menu strips are set all over the cover to spread out For splash image; the man (Oli Sykes) is to the with the type of music it writes about. Very hard, the variety of bands that are being advertised to the subject of cultural hegemony because not everyone loud music . audience. This is because there's always an audience does like this type of music and not everyone will They have the title as metal hammer because a for music so the company spreads out the bands enjoy it. This says that the target audience should hammer is a working mans tool which says that the around the cover and issue so that the viewer will read be the defendants because if they enjoy his type of readership is mainly male (64%) continued by the every band name before making a decision to buy the music then they’re getting in the way of the arrows fact its a magazine aimed at the working class issue and reading it in its full. and being accused to. (CZDE) through the price (£3.50) as well as that this According to his pose, tying in the idea of type of music is dominated by the male population accusation, I assume he’s looking at a judge and of bands and singers such as the man on the front awaiting his verdict. He looks quite laid back where cover (Oil Sykes). As well the title has a bit of irony the assumption is that he’s free to go because his as a hammer is a metal object to tie into the fact band’s music is everything that metal hammer that the magazine represents hard and loud music. stands for; i.e. for the working class people that Feature headlines (bring me the horizon) covers the make music for their fans who enjoy the hard centre of the image. This could signify how sound that comes from this type of genre. mainstream the band is or how much they’ve grown As well he’s a feminine view of desire because he’s in the music industry. It signifies that the magazine shirtless, quite well built and has tattoo's. A knows what their target audience wants, which is positive of this is that it will reach out better to the loud heavy music in which anything can happen. female audience (36%) because of the stereotype of `accusers` inflicts that they’ve committed a crime. women enjoying men like this, tall, who has The word `Heretics` backed up by the magazine dominance, not afraid of pain and has an artistic signifies that they’re their defending them and they side of things because of his tattoos. will continue as long as they make this type of music A stereotype of this genre of musician is he’ll have a i.e. Metal backed by the target audience by both tattoo to show that they’re not afraid of pain but as genders which buy it. As well, you can say that even well to show their fans they don’t back down easy. though there’s dominance of the male gender, there’s an influence because of the amount of women reading the magazine (36%). The font is interesting for this particular issue There’s a lot of subheadings within the because they start of with `Bring Me The Horizon` front cover which suggests that this really big and in a bold yellow font which is the fist magazine is weekly because of the amount thing the audience will see. This is to do with the of information. This tells us that the `accusers` statement and it could represent a light of audience enjoy hearing about other bands hope from the heavens; i.e. the fans) that let them similar to the cover. They’re subject to know they’re innocent. cultural hegemony because they’re listing A necessary feature for magazines is the barcode bands that are in the same genre to the They use the different fonts to represent status for different bands where it can have the issue number to see how band on the front cover (bring me the and how mainstream they are within the world. ` a day to long it’s been published as well as ordering any horizon) remember, Matt Tuck` etc. ,are well known within this type of that you may enjoy. It’s usually small so it’s the music; i.e. loud icons to tie into the main image with the convention last things the audience see. This is because if the of rebellious where not everyone does enjoy the music. this tells us audience see the price first an expensive that target audience of 18-19 year olds enjoys hearing more magazine will put them off buying it. mainstream artists so we can say it represents one generation of the audience within this specific magazine.
  • 5. I feel that spin is different to other magazines on the market. This is because of the layout is has. It has lily Allen placed in the middle. I feel they do this to build the magazine around the `cover star` (her) to get an idea of what the audience wants from the magazine. For Lily Allen its the fact that that she’s bold and artistic from the way she looks on the cover to her pose that draws the reader in because It looks as if she’s staring at a hater and saying, listen to my music. This pose communicates herself as an artist because she's a mainstream artist to communicate to the audience from different ages to ethnicities whom enjoy her music, being in this publication (Spin). As well they have her in front of the masthead to make the other parts of the magazine stand out and let other bands have an identity. They’re not part of a collective genre, they’re their own artists so they’re not being compared to one another. I think that other magazines such as Kerrang! and Metal Hammer when doing photo shoots for their cover do theirs according to a pose for a specific place on their front cover but Spin does theirs in a way for they have a crashing effect to make the audience look so see who they’re talking about if they cant fully see the name. This does make it seem more visually pleasing so the audience. They’re intrigued into reading it with their favourite artists/bands included where cultural hegemony is inserted here because of the amount of artists named on this cover.. Spin has lots of artists for its headline and subhead- lines on the cover to simply get people to buy the For the magazine, the masthead’s big and bold so it sticks out magazine. People buy it because it has their favourite and gives you the magazines identity straight away, where this artist so they’re up to date on the stories concerning will usually be one of the first things the audience sees if them. An obvious choice would be Lily Allen simply they’ve never seen it. because she’s a household name. (a well known From the Red on the background of the masthead, it could artist). convey passion some songs have. This says that its audience They list many other and sometimes `different` enjoy songs from lily Allen because her songs do have a artists/bands to attempt the reader to listen to them passionate quality they find demanding ,for example, her with more mainstream and `known` artists/bands that song; `smile`. have been in the industry for some time (cultural hegemony) . This includes Bruce Springsteen, Lady Hawke and the cover artist Lily Allen. The magazine For this issue, the splash image (Lily Allen) is in the view of the enjoy mixing with some `underground` talent from male gaze because of a few things. Firstly because of her the current world. This would be from artists like clothing. Its quite small which exposes her legs, arms and Charles Hamilton, Glasvega and king Kha. breasts. They do this to get the message of sex to the older This would suggest that audience do look at the target audience of 22- 34 year olds across because some articles with the many different artists/bands named musicians don't care about it and some do. Lily Allen uses a so they may know who they are next time they’re in a raunchier view of herself because she wants to get across better magazine such as this. to a male audience in which if people think she’s like this then her music would be. She advertises herself to get across to a bigger fanbase so that more people know who she is. However their opinion is they like her music or not. Another is because of her makeup. With her being dolled up, she does look good where she looks comfortable in her own skin. Buzz words for spin include `Big in 09`. This would be Because of this, she's being exposed in a feminine view. By this I because it gives off a idea that all the bands listed as mean the Females who read this magazine will look up to her A necessary feature for magazines is the sub-headings are quite well known mainstream bands and think this is the way they could look where some girls could barcode where it can have the issue number and it gives off the music taste afflicted with this steal her style like many do with different celebrities. to see how long it’s been published as well as magazine. This tells us that the audience enjoy this type ordering any that you may enjoy. It’s usually of music because they enjoy the best, the biggest and small so it’s the last things the audience see. sometimes the more relevant music within this genre. This is because if they see the price first an expensive magazine will put them off buying it.