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Music Magazine Analysis
         •   Front Cover
         •   Contents Page
         •   Double Page Spread
The Masthead is on the left hand side of      The puff claims that Q magazine is the ‘UK’s biggest music magazine.’ This is used because it
the magazine, ensuring that the title will    will persuade the audience to buy the magazine; they will not want to miss out on the best
be seen even if the magazine is stacked;      music articles. It gives the magazine a lot of credibility so people will be confident that in
the audience will still be able to identify   buying it, they will be entertained by its stories.
Q. The colour red is the colour that
stands out the most to the human eye,                                                                The buzz word on the cover, ‘2010 preview’ is
so it will be sure to attract the attention                                                          a short, snappy phrase which is easily
of any browsers.                                                                                     identifiable near to the top of the page. This
                                                                                                     helps to attract the reader as they will want to
 The name of the magazine is covering a
                                                                                                     know the new year’s news before anyone else,
portion of Cheryl Cole’s head. This
                                                                                                     so they can feel like they are on top of all the
layout shows that the magazine is more
important then the artist featuring on                                                               music acts; who will be important in 2010.
the cover. Therefore suggesting that Q
could be helping to launch her solo                                                                 The plug is used here to draw the audience’s
career; helping to separate her from the                                                            attention to the fact that there will be an
pop group, Girls Aloud.                                                                             article on John Lennon. It looks like a sticker
                                                                                                    which stands out against the magazine, and
The price of the magazine is £3.50,                                                                 will appeal to any fans who will want to the
which seems like quite an average price,                                                            read about this Beatles star.
especially as it is only published once a                                                           In the splash image, Cheryl Cole’s dark red
month. This shows that the magazine is                                                              lipstick looks demonic, relating to the silver
aimed at many different groups, with                                                                ring that she is licking; symbolising fangs. This
many different disposable incomes. It                                                               shows that Cheryl is making a transition from
also seems more exclusive then some                                                                 the good girl pop queen to an edgy rock star.
other magazines; it isn’t published that
often, which could help persuade the                                                                This is reinforced by the anchorage on bottom
audience to buy every issue. It is also                                                             line which says ‘rocks’ in capital letters, also in
the smallest font on the page, so                                                                   a bright red colour. This word shows that she is
hopefully the audience will see this last,                                                          becoming a rock star, re-inventing her music
when they have already seen all the                                                                 and possibly changing her target audience. The
features.                                                                                           red also connotes danger, suggesting that she
Just above Headline comes the strapline ‘3 words.’ Although Cheryl Cole Rocks                       is not just the safe, innocent person that she is
is three words, it also happens to be the name of her debut album. This pun                         sometimes portrayed as in the media. The
and the intertextuality acts as a clever subliminal message to the reader; not                      address is quite informal, the word rocks
just to persuade them to buy the magazine to see why she rocks, but also to                         seems quite colloquial, suggesting that the
buy her new album so she can make a success of her solo career.                                     magazine is not too serious.
• This front cover uses this image of Cheryl Cole to represent women as
  being a subject of the male gaze; Laura Mulvey’s theory. This relates to
  the readership of the audience, as around 68% of the readers are male,
  therefore they are appealing to the majority. The mise-en-scene of the
  image is overtly sexual, the rain could represent the idea that she is
  wet, which makes her more desirable to men. This is reinforced by
  Cheryl licking her ring, which acts as a phallic symbol; working to
  sexualise women. Cheryl Cole is shown as an object of sexual desire,
  suggesting that all women are gorgeous and are just used to appeal to
  men. This also appeals to the 32% of women that read the magazine, as
  they can aspire to look like Cheryl Cole; she can be their role model.

• They have chosen to use a white, British female on the cover, therefore
  appealing to the majority of the UK; around 85%*of the population are
  white- British. This allows them to attract a grass roots audience and
  sell a large amount of magazines.

• The average age of Q readers is 29, quite a young age. The image of
  Cheryl Cole appeals to them as she is current, appears in the charts and
  a similar age to them; so she is relevant to their lives.

• The same font is used throughout the cover; a sharp, clean font all in
  capital letters. This appeals to a market as many are young
  professionals with a high disposable income, who would prefer a neat
  and tidy layout. They are a more sophisticated reader then some other
  music magazines. This stylistic font also makes all the headlines and
  cover lines stand out more, so they jump out at the audience and
  persuade them to buy the magazine.

The headline reads ‘Contents’, telling the audience the best things that will be featured     They have given the issue number, which tells the
in the magazine. The contents page allows browsers to see if the magazine will interest       audience that the magazine has been published
them, by showing the articles that include the biggest names or the artists that the most     for a long time. This shows that the magazine is
people will be interested in. It is the biggest word on the page so it stands out and it is   established and obviously very popular, to have
obvious what the page will be about.
                                                                                              survived this long in a heavily saturated market.
The masthead is at the top left hand
corner of the page, one of the first
                                                                                              The page number is enlarged in a bold font on the
things that the audience sees. This
                                                                                              image of Matt Bellamy, which allows the audience
helps to push the name of the
                                                                                              to see that this number corresponds to the article
magazine to the reader, all helping to
                                                                                              about Muse, therefore they can flick straight to
advertise the magazine.
                                                                                              the article quickly.
The sub-heading, ‘Features’, draws
the audience’s attention to the main                                                          The main image of Matt Bellamy is the most
articles that will be in this issue of Q;                                                     prominent on the page, showing that he is the
making them seem quite exciting and                                                           most important feature in the magazine; he is
special, as though they are delving                                                           probably the main reason why lots of the readers
into something that can’t be seen                                                             will buy the magazine. A long shot is used on Matt,
anywhere else. A red box highlights it,                                                       so we can see that he is wearing a silver suit,
which relates to the colour of the Q                                                          which has connotations of space. This could relate
logo, but also draws the eyes as red is                                                       to a lot of their songs as they are often space
a very bold colour.                                                                           themed and they always go above and beyond
                                                                                              with new musical techniques. It is a canted angle
The layout of the column down the
                                                                                              which suggested that the article could relate to
side is very neat and tidy, which could
                                                                                              something out of the ordinary.
represent the habits of the target
audience, who would like to be able to
read clearly what will be featured in                                                         The sub-image looks like a postcard that has been
the magazine. It does make it easier to                                                       stuck on the page; the use of this Mise-en-scene
read so any person who is in a hurry to                                                       makes it very bright and colourful, and the man
buy the magazine will be able to see                                                          appears to be on a tropical island. This differs to
what artists are featured in this issue.                                                      the rest of the colour scheme of the magazine,
This helps to sell the magazine as if it                                                      which shows that something exciting will be
was unclear what is featured inside,                                                          happening on this page. The man has his arms in
the audience might buy a different                                                            the air and seems quite happy, which entices the
brand.                                                                                        reader want to read this feature.
The banner at the top of the page is ‘Q Now.’       The sub-image shows Elbow sitting in the studio, presumably        The mini fact- file under the
Apart from bring a pun that has connotations        rehearsing. This makes the audience feel as though they are        headline about the band
of cue the music, it draws the readers              being given an exclusive sneak peek behind the scenes;             gives the audience some
attention; the word now suggesting that they        therefore they will feel special and be more likely to buy the     background knowledge
will be up to date with all the current news.       magazine. They are all playing their instruments, showing the      about Elbow. This is
The background colour is red which helps to         band in their natural element; making the audience focusing        effective as the audience
engage the reader, as it is the first colour that   on the fact that they play their own instruments, unlike many      may know nothing about
they see and it contrasts with the black and        bands out there. This suggests that bands that write their         them, or they may be more
white font colours.                                 own music and play their instruments are very important to         likely to want to read about
                                                    Q magazine.                                                        them if they know some of
The main image of Elbow                                                                                                their history. It gives some
covers more then half the                                                                                              short snappy information,
page, suggesting that the                                                                                              which allows the audience
images of the band are more                                                                                            to quickly pick and choose
important for the readers to                                                                                           the details that they want to
see then the actual writing.                                                                                           know about.
This layout shows that too                                                                                             There is also a caption
much writing on a page can be                                                                                          underneath the picture,
off putting to the audience,                                                                                           explaining to the audience
they are more likely to read                                                                                           who the band members are
the article properly if it is                                                                                          and where they are
spaced out. The picture relates                                                                                        rehearsing. This makes the
to the strapline, as they                                                                                              reader feel more involved
appear to be in a studio, which                                                                                        with the band, which could
gives the article a context.                                                                                           essentially persuade them
Using the mise-en-scene, the                                                                                           to buy any of their
band members are all smiling                                                                                           albums/singles.
and seem very happy,
suggesting that their career is                                     The By-Line here is in quite a    The pull-quote here uses a code of enigma to
a success and they are             The headline of the magazine     big font compared to the size     draw the reader in. This is effective because
enjoying the music business.       is highlighted by a red          in some magazines;                its suggest that the article will talk about
They are also wearing jeans        background. This ensures that    suggesting that he could be       Elbow’s inspiration for their song lyrics,
and shirts, depicting that they    the title stands out and does    quite a well known journalist.    which the audience will find interesting. It
are quite casual and               not blend in with the            This a convention of              also helps to break up the text, so there is
comfortable in themselves,         background picture; therefore    magazines so the writer gets      not so much copy that the audience will
and their music.                   the audience can easily tell     the credit for his work.          become disinterested and not bother to read
                                   who the article features.                                          the article.
Taylor’s head is covering the               Looking at the colour scheme, the colour red is used because it
masthead, showing that the magazine         the colour that the eye sees first, therefore it will stand out
is so well known the browser does not       against all the other magazines on the shelf, and people will be
need to see the title; they already         more likely to buy it. This colour red of the Rolling Stone magazine
know what magazine it is. This could        logo has also become quite an icon; it is recognised all over the
also be suggesting that Taylor Swift is a   world.                                                Similar to Q magazine, the price is the smallest
bigger star then the magazine; she is
                                                                                                element on the magazine and most likely to be
more important for the audience to
                                                                                                noticed last by the audience. This is because the
                                                                                                publisher will want the browser to have already
The layout of the left column of text                                                           been persuaded to buy the magazine because of
follows the shape of the image of                                                               the elements on the cover, so by the time they see
Taylor Swift; suggesting that she is a                                                          the price, it won’t be a factor as they will have
very important person and people will                                                           already want to buy it. It costs $4.50
do their best to fit themselves round                                                           (approximately £2.80) which seems like a very
her needs. There are not many cover                                                             reasonable price to pay every two weeks;
lines shown here, giving it quite a                                                             suggesting that this magazine is aimed at a generic
minimalist feel, depicting that they are                                                        grass roots audience, who do not need to have too
only highlighting the biggest articles in                                                       much spare money.
the issue.
                                                                                                The buzz word ‘hot’ is in a bold, bright red colour,
The splash image on the cover is the                                                            connoting passion and lust. This attracts the
photo of Taylor Swift; the first thing                                                          audience as they will want to see who has made it
that the audience sees. She is sitting in                                                       to the hottest celebrity list; seeing if their
quite a provocative position, which                                                             favourite celebrities are classed as hot by this
appeals to the Male Gaze, attracting                                                            popular magazine. This is quite an informal
them to the magazine, as well as the                                                            address to the audience, suggesting that it could
female fans. Her eyes are narrowed                                                              be aimed at teenagers and young adults; it will not
and she is staring straight into the                                                            take itself too seriously.
camera, drawing the reader and              The anchorage describes Taylor as being ‘the
enticing them to buy the magazine.          heart break kid.’ This draws the audience in        The headline, ‘Taylor Swift’, comes underneath
She is also pouting, and her hand is        as they will want to read all about Taylor          the ‘Hot List’, suggesting that Taylor Swift will
holding her hair away from her face, all    Swift’s personal life, and they will feel like      be one of the celebrities featured on the list.
actions which connote seductiveness         they are being let in to all her secrets.           This will attract her fans as they will want to see
and make Taylor seem like quite a sexy      Describing her as someone who breaks                where she ranks. She is obviously the main
figure in the music industry.               hearts makes her seem quite cool and                person featured in the magazine, due to her
                                            alluring; the reader could see her as an idol.      prominent positioning on the front cover.
•The image of Taylor Swift is used to sexualise women, similar to
Q magazine. Her hand is pushing her hair away from her face,
which gives the audience a covert sexual message, making her
seem quite inviting. She also has her hand between her legs,
making her sit in quite a provocative position; also reinforcing
Laura Mulvey’s idea of the male gaze. This also fits in with their
market, with 58% of the readers being male; so they are appealing
to the majority. 42% are women, so they could see Taylor as a role
model and an icon to aspire to.

•The average age of the reader is 32, 10 years older then Taylor
Swift’s being 22. This could suggest that Taylor is trying to re-
brand herself and appeal to an older age range, instead of just the
teenage market. This magazine has a huge demographic, and
older readers, therefore she can appeal to people who might not
have previously acknowledged her; hopefully this edition will
make them start to buy her music.

•Taylor Swift is a white American; using her on the front cover can
appeal to the majority of the population, with 65%* being white
American or European. Similar to Q, this helps them to appeal to a
grass roots audience.

•The sub-heading, ‘the heart break kid’ incorporates
intertextuality; recently Taylor Swift has been in the news for
having a string of very high profile boyfriends and break ups. This
attracts the audience as they will have seen this news on the TV
and in the newspapers, so they will want to pick up this magazine
to see if Taylor confirms the rumours, and what she has to say on
the subject.

•The font stays constant throughout, a bold font that uses serif.
This could reflect the personality of the reader, who are quite
sheek, and therefore prefer a more sophisticated font. It appears
quite simplistic, which also reinforces the idea that the magazine
is aimed at a more mature reader; especially compared to other        *
music magazines such as NME.
The headline on this page simply says ‘contents.’ The simplicity used here shows that the                The layout is very clean and simple, with
magazine is aimed at an older target audience, a more sophisticated reader. It is surrounded by a        two columns down each side; one for
red box which helps draws the reader’s eyes to the title; it is the first colour that the reader sees.   pictures, and one for the writing. This
It also fits in with the colour scheme of the magazine, as red is the main colour. The writing is in     again highlights the simplicity of the
white, which enables the word to stand out against the red background. The font is also quite            magazine; the do not need to add lots of
bold, so it is obvious to the reader what page they are on.                                              bright colours and wacky fonts for the
                                                                                                         magazine to be popular. A more
The sub-image is of a woman half hiding                                                                  sophisticated audience is still portrayed as
her face behind some sequins. The fact                                                                   they will like clean, simple layouts.
that her face is hidden could suggest
that she has some secrets; these could                                                                   Each of the articles come under a group of
possibly be revealed to the audience in                                                                  headings. This allows the audience to be
her article. This will attract the audience                                                              able to see quickly and easily the things
as they will want to know all the latest                                                                 that they are interested to read about in
news. The page that the article is on is                                                                 the magazine, so they can make a decision
written in a large front, so the reader                                                                  whether they want to buy it or not.
can quickly and easily flick through to
this article.                                                                                            The title of each feature is in a bold black
                                                                                                         font, which makes it stand out more then
The main image is of a singer performing
                                                                                                         the small writing underneath each one.
on the stage. There is no caption telling
                                                                                                         This grips the audience’s attention as it is
the reader who the artist is, suggesting
                                                                                                         more important for them to get a brief
that he is so well known that they will
                                                                                                         idea of what is in the magazine if they’re
already know who he is. The fact that he
                                                                                                         flicking through quickly.
is singing live on a stage conveys the
message that live performances are very
important to the magazine; not just
                                                                                                         This magazine is not just a music
pretty pictures.
                                                                                                         magazine; it incorporates other features
                                                                                                         which can make it appeal to a grass roots
Rolling Stone have only included the                                                                     audience. For example it includes political
best articles on the contents page. This                                                                 details that relate to each American and
is so the audience will only see the                                                                     other readers around the world.
most exciting features, and therefore
be more excited to read the magazine.
The sub-heading here is just Katy Perry’s         The splash image of Katy Perry covers the whole of          The Mise-en-scene of the image
name, which helps to draw the reader into         the second page, suggesting that the images are just        shows her standing in a kitchen,
the start of the article. Her name is quite       as important as the words in this article. The ratio of     which could relate to the
small compared to the size of the headline        text to images is pretty equal, so the magazine want        stereotypical images of women:
and the picture, suggesting that Katy Perry       to draw the audience in by the striking image, then         the domestic house wife.
is so famous that the audience will               they will be more likely to read the feature.               However, her items of clothing
recognise her from the photo; they do not                                                                     contrast this background and tell
need to be told.                                                                                              the audience that Katy Perry is
                                                                                                              not an ordinary girl. She is
 The headline                                                                                                 wearing very revealing clothing
‘underneath her                                                                                               which fits in with Laura Mulvey’s
brassiness’, is                                                                                               theory of the Male Gaze;
effective in drawing                                                                                          suggesting that Rolling Stone has
the audience in as                                                                                            a large male audience that they
they will want to                                                                                             like to appeal to. She is staring
know all about her                                                                                            right into the camera, which
personality and her                                                                                           intensely draws the reader in to
secrets that she will                                                                                         the article; she also looks quite
be revealing. This                                                                                            provocative, which appeals to
suggests that there is                                                                                        the male reader. Her top seems
a different side to                                                                                           too small for her and the strap is
Katy Perry that the                                                                                           coming down, helping to
audience are not                                                                                              accentuate her chest. This
aware of, tempting                                                                                            reinforces the idea of the Male
them to read the                                                                                              Gaze. She is also wearing a cross
magazine and see                                                                                              necklace, which has connotations
what is inside.                                                                                               of sac religion. This suggests that
                                                                                                              Katy Perry is a bad girl, who does
                                                                                                              not follow anyone's rules apart
The ‘Perry is a good girl’ creates a pun as it contrasts the image of Katy Perry, she does not appear to be   from her own; this could be
a good girl. This creates a code of enigma for the audience as they will want to know who the real Katy       appealing to a male audience.
Perry is, so they will be more likely to read the article. She also admits to taking mushrooms at a show,
which contrasts further the idea that she is ‘good girl.’ This makes her seem like a more interesting
character to read about, as she obviously has many different sides to her.
There are four buzz words above the                 The splash image is of Rihanna, relating to     The plug on this cover is the circle with the
Masthead, ‘gossip’, ‘fashion’, ‘boys’ and           the Headline. Her hair is perfectly styled      pictures of all the latest fashionable clothes. This
‘uncensored.’ This suggests that these are          and her make-up perfectly applied, yet she      edition was obviously brought out around
the elements that are the most important            still manages to look quite natural. She is     Summer (the pictures of shorts and sandals) so
to the audience, and these will be                  happy and smiling, which will appeal to the     this magazine is obviously looking to attract a
prominent inside the magazine.                      younger target audience, who can aspire         young audience who will want to look their best
                                                    to look and be like their musical idol.         for Summer. This will attract the browser who
The Masthead of the magazine is in a bold                                                           will want to make sure that they are wearing the
blank font; contrasting against the white                                                           latest trends for the season.
background, which is the first item that the
browser’s eyes are drawn to. The address of                                                        The barcode, a convention of every magazine, is
this is very informal, suggesting that the                                                         situated right at the bottom of the cover;
magazine is aimed at a young audience, and                                                         following the Z reading pattern. This ensure that
the ‘we’ includes the readers who will then feel                                                   the price is the last thing that the audience sees,
compelled to buy the magazine. A heart icon is                                                     and by this time the rest of the features will have
used instead of the word love; depicting that                                                      persuaded them to buy it. A new issue is released
the target audience would rather see pictures                                                      approximately every month, costing £2.99. This
then a lot of words. It also makes the title                                                       shows that it is aimed at an audience who
snappier, so it stands out more; it is easier to                                                   possibly do not have a lot of money to spare, so
recognise and remember. It is in a rounded                                                         they have made the price cheaper and number of
rectangle speech bubble which has                                                                  times that it is released less frequent so it is
connotations of MSN, Facebook and texting,                                                         accessible to them.
showing that this audience revolves around                                                         A pull-quote is shown from The Wanted, reading
technology, and probably all have a phone,                                                         ‘I weed on a hamster.’ This is quite a shocking
iPod or a laptop. The layout of the speech                                                         revelation, and will attract the audience as they
bubble is placed so it is next to One Direction’s                                                  will be intrigued to see why the band have done
picture. This makes it appear that it is the band                                                  this, so they will be more likely to buy the
who are saying ‘we love pop.’ This gives the                                                       magazine.
magazine credit in the audience’s eyes as they      The headline is in the biggest font on the
believe that this very popular boy band             cover, telling the audience that the main       The banner at the bottom uses the buzz word
approve of the magazine. The word ‘pop’ says        feature will be on Rihanna. It also follows the ‘exclusive.’ This appeals to the audience as they
straight away that it is a music magazine,          main colour scheme, the principle colouring feel like only they will be receiving the latest
because pop is a mainstream genre of music.         being pink. This shows that the target          gossip. A pun is also used which could sound
The strapline, ‘don’t bore us, get to the           audience of the magazine is younger girls,      rude, appealing to the audience who will find
chorus,’ (as well as being a pun) suggests that     possibly between age 13- 15. They will be       these kind of jokes quite amusing.
the magazine will be full of entertaining           interested to read about Rihanna as her music
articles that the audience will want to read.       is popular and she could be a role model.
•We Love Pop is a relatively new magazine in the market,
only celebrating it’s first birthday on the 25 th July, 2012. The
magazine’s target market is girls aged 13-15. Rihanna is a
successful pop artist and is used because all of the target
market will have heard her music. Age wise, she is very
young (only 24), so the younger market can relate to her;
she can act as a role model to inspire then. Rihanna is
portrayed as being very happy and laid back, as shown by
her wide smile and hands held behind her head. This
represents fun and confidence, so it will attract the younger
•The main colour on the cover is pink, which reflects the
market of the young girls; pink being a stereotypically
popular colour. Yellow is also used a lot because the bold,
bright colours stand out on the page and will attract the
target market. Neon style colours are very fashionable at
the moment.
•The fonts used on this cover are very simple and bold. This
appeals to a younger reader who would not want to be
bombarded with a lot of words, they would rather just be
shown a few of the main cover lines; too much writing
would just put them off. This is reinforced by the layout,
there are more pictures on the cover then text.
•Intertextuality is used to relate to other famous pop stars;
the subheading reading ‘on wild nights with Katy Perry and
why she’ll never go Gaga.’ This will further attract the
audience as these two names will be familiar to them and
they will want to buy the magazine to see how they feature
in the article. They will have read articles on the internet
that are about these other two readers, so they will also
have some previous knowledge about about the artists.
The plug on the front cover is at the top         The headline, ‘we love this’, relates to the        The main colour on the contents page is blue; with
left hand corner, reading ‘for your eyes          title of the magazine, being ‘we love pop.’         some of the writing in a yellow/orange colour. This
only.’ This attracts the audience as they         This is clever as it reinforces the magazine        is effective because these two colours are
will feel that they exclusively will be told      name to the reader, and they will be more           opposites, creating a clash which stands out
all of the celebrities secrets. It has a bright   likely to remember it. It is the biggest writing    brightly on the page. This will easily attract the
yellow/ orange background which                   on the page which ensures that this will be         reader’s attention. The colours are very bright,
contrasts with the black writing; making          the first thing that the audience sees.             which will appeal to the younger audience who
the plug stand out more.                                                                              stereotypically like bold colours.

                                                                                                      The main image on this page is the picture in the
The pull quote used underneath the                                                                    middle of Kelly and Tulisa. As well as breaking up
picture is quite an inspiring quote,                                                                  the text so there isn’t too much to read, it gives
giving the audience the idea that                                                                     the browser an idea of who will feature in this
nobody should every stop them                                                                         edition. There are two of them, suggesting that
dreaming. It suggests that the there                                                                  either one will talk about another in the interview
will be an interview of the X-factor                                                                  or they will both be interviewed. They both have
judges as the quote comes                                                                             perfectly applied make-up and hair, which is
underneath their picture. This will                                                                   something that the audience will aspire to be like.
appeal to the audience as The X-factor                                                                The page number is also in bold on the bottom
is a very popular TV show.                                                                            right hand corner of the picture, ensuring that the
                                                                                                      audience can quickly flick through to the correct
In relation to the layout, there are a lot                                                            page without a struggle.
more pictures on the page then there
                                                                                                      At the bottom of the page they have included the
are words. There is a column down the
                                                                                                      magazines website. This means that any readers
left hand side of writing, but it covers
                                                                                                      who want more gossip can log onto their website
less then ¼ of the page, and the writing
                                                                                                      and search through any other articles or galleries.
is tiny which suggests that it isn’t very
                                                                                                      The magazine is using multi-platforming to gain
important, and the audience will focus
                                                                                                      more business; more people can interact with the
on the pictures.
The page numbers are also given to
                                                    Similar to the top of the magazine, at the bottom there is another yellow sticker to advertise the
some of the articles. The magazine have
                                                    free posters included inside. This secondary plug helps to persuade browsers to buy the magazine
chosen to include the articles that will
                                                    as they will want the free posters of their idols to put on their bedroom walls. The banner along
have the most appeal, and the page
                                                    the bottom also gives a sample of every poster that will be included in the magazine. This will
numbers are in a large font so they can
                                                    attract the audience as they will be able to easily see if one of the artists that they like is featured
be easily scanned through by a browser.
                                                    inside, and with a wide range of artists covered there is bound to be at least one poster that will
                                                    apply to them.
This main picture has been
A pull quote is used as the          The plug tells the audience that   The headline actually takes up half of     taken in a studio, with just a
headline, giving the readers a       this story featured on the front   the page, before the interview             plain white background;
taste of what will be in the         cover of the magazine,             actually starts. This layout shows         making Cher look clean cut
magazine. This draws the             therefore it must be an            that the target audience do not want       and quite unnatural. Her hair
readers in as they chosen a          important story. This will make    to be phased by a lot of words; if         and make-up is perfect,
quote that creates lots of           more the audience want to          there was too much writing then            suggesting that she spent
questions for the reader; so         read it as they will not want to   they wouldn’t bother to read it.           many hours in hair and make-
they will want to know why           miss out on any gossip.            There is also a picture in the middle      up. This makes her seem
she was the girl who was                                                of the first page which breaks the         perfect, which relates to the
blamed.                                                                 text up: reinforcing this point.           target audience as the can
                                                                                                                   aspire to be like their idol.
Half of the article headline is                                                                                    She is also pulling a pose that
in the colour pink. This shows                                                                                     could seem like quite a
that the target audience is                                                                                        teenage style; especially
probably girls aged from 10-                                                                                       holding the fake camera
15, who are most likely to                                                                                         prop. This along with the
listen to the pop genre of                                                                                         shocked look she is pulling
music. This will attract them                                                                                      relates back to the sub-
to the read the article as it will                                                                                 heading suggesting the
probably be their favourite                                                                                        audience does not know
colour.                                                                                                            everything they think they do
                                                                                                                   about Cher Lloyd; her
Some of the main article is                                                                                        surprised face could also
highlighted in yellow, a bold                                                                                      show that there may be some
bright colour that makes                                                                                           shocking revelations in the
certain bits of the writing                                                                                        article, making the audience
stand out. The readers eyes                                                                                        more likely to want to read it.
will be drawn to the these
bits of text as they are      The Sub-heading suggests that the main article       The picture of Cher Lloyd takes up the whole of the
obviously quite important. will tell the audience something that they know
                                                                                   second page of the article, suggesting that the target
                              already; revealing a different side to the X-        audience are more interested in photographs then
                              factor runner up Cher Lloyd. This entices the        reading the words. This could also be a freebie to the
                              reader in as they will want to know all the          reader as a poster, which probably influenced their
                              exciting secrets that Cher Lloyd, it makes them      purchase of the magazine.
                              feel that their life is more exciting.

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Music Magazine Analysis

  • 1. Music Magazine Analysis • Front Cover • Contents Page • Double Page Spread
  • 2.
  • 3. The Masthead is on the left hand side of The puff claims that Q magazine is the ‘UK’s biggest music magazine.’ This is used because it the magazine, ensuring that the title will will persuade the audience to buy the magazine; they will not want to miss out on the best be seen even if the magazine is stacked; music articles. It gives the magazine a lot of credibility so people will be confident that in the audience will still be able to identify buying it, they will be entertained by its stories. Q. The colour red is the colour that stands out the most to the human eye, The buzz word on the cover, ‘2010 preview’ is so it will be sure to attract the attention a short, snappy phrase which is easily of any browsers. identifiable near to the top of the page. This helps to attract the reader as they will want to The name of the magazine is covering a know the new year’s news before anyone else, portion of Cheryl Cole’s head. This so they can feel like they are on top of all the layout shows that the magazine is more important then the artist featuring on music acts; who will be important in 2010. the cover. Therefore suggesting that Q could be helping to launch her solo The plug is used here to draw the audience’s career; helping to separate her from the attention to the fact that there will be an pop group, Girls Aloud. article on John Lennon. It looks like a sticker which stands out against the magazine, and The price of the magazine is £3.50, will appeal to any fans who will want to the which seems like quite an average price, read about this Beatles star. especially as it is only published once a In the splash image, Cheryl Cole’s dark red month. This shows that the magazine is lipstick looks demonic, relating to the silver aimed at many different groups, with ring that she is licking; symbolising fangs. This many different disposable incomes. It shows that Cheryl is making a transition from also seems more exclusive then some the good girl pop queen to an edgy rock star. other magazines; it isn’t published that often, which could help persuade the This is reinforced by the anchorage on bottom audience to buy every issue. It is also line which says ‘rocks’ in capital letters, also in the smallest font on the page, so a bright red colour. This word shows that she is hopefully the audience will see this last, becoming a rock star, re-inventing her music when they have already seen all the and possibly changing her target audience. The features. red also connotes danger, suggesting that she Just above Headline comes the strapline ‘3 words.’ Although Cheryl Cole Rocks is not just the safe, innocent person that she is is three words, it also happens to be the name of her debut album. This pun sometimes portrayed as in the media. The and the intertextuality acts as a clever subliminal message to the reader; not address is quite informal, the word rocks just to persuade them to buy the magazine to see why she rocks, but also to seems quite colloquial, suggesting that the buy her new album so she can make a success of her solo career. magazine is not too serious.
  • 4. • This front cover uses this image of Cheryl Cole to represent women as being a subject of the male gaze; Laura Mulvey’s theory. This relates to the readership of the audience, as around 68% of the readers are male, therefore they are appealing to the majority. The mise-en-scene of the image is overtly sexual, the rain could represent the idea that she is wet, which makes her more desirable to men. This is reinforced by Cheryl licking her ring, which acts as a phallic symbol; working to sexualise women. Cheryl Cole is shown as an object of sexual desire, suggesting that all women are gorgeous and are just used to appeal to men. This also appeals to the 32% of women that read the magazine, as they can aspire to look like Cheryl Cole; she can be their role model. • They have chosen to use a white, British female on the cover, therefore appealing to the majority of the UK; around 85%*of the population are white- British. This allows them to attract a grass roots audience and sell a large amount of magazines. • The average age of Q readers is 29, quite a young age. The image of Cheryl Cole appeals to them as she is current, appears in the charts and a similar age to them; so she is relevant to their lives. • The same font is used throughout the cover; a sharp, clean font all in capital letters. This appeals to a market as many are young professionals with a high disposable income, who would prefer a neat and tidy layout. They are a more sophisticated reader then some other music magazines. This stylistic font also makes all the headlines and cover lines stand out more, so they jump out at the audience and persuade them to buy the magazine. *
  • 5. The headline reads ‘Contents’, telling the audience the best things that will be featured They have given the issue number, which tells the in the magazine. The contents page allows browsers to see if the magazine will interest audience that the magazine has been published them, by showing the articles that include the biggest names or the artists that the most for a long time. This shows that the magazine is people will be interested in. It is the biggest word on the page so it stands out and it is established and obviously very popular, to have obvious what the page will be about. survived this long in a heavily saturated market. The masthead is at the top left hand corner of the page, one of the first The page number is enlarged in a bold font on the things that the audience sees. This image of Matt Bellamy, which allows the audience helps to push the name of the to see that this number corresponds to the article magazine to the reader, all helping to about Muse, therefore they can flick straight to advertise the magazine. the article quickly. The sub-heading, ‘Features’, draws the audience’s attention to the main The main image of Matt Bellamy is the most articles that will be in this issue of Q; prominent on the page, showing that he is the making them seem quite exciting and most important feature in the magazine; he is special, as though they are delving probably the main reason why lots of the readers into something that can’t be seen will buy the magazine. A long shot is used on Matt, anywhere else. A red box highlights it, so we can see that he is wearing a silver suit, which relates to the colour of the Q which has connotations of space. This could relate logo, but also draws the eyes as red is to a lot of their songs as they are often space a very bold colour. themed and they always go above and beyond with new musical techniques. It is a canted angle The layout of the column down the which suggested that the article could relate to side is very neat and tidy, which could something out of the ordinary. represent the habits of the target audience, who would like to be able to read clearly what will be featured in The sub-image looks like a postcard that has been the magazine. It does make it easier to stuck on the page; the use of this Mise-en-scene read so any person who is in a hurry to makes it very bright and colourful, and the man buy the magazine will be able to see appears to be on a tropical island. This differs to what artists are featured in this issue. the rest of the colour scheme of the magazine, This helps to sell the magazine as if it which shows that something exciting will be was unclear what is featured inside, happening on this page. The man has his arms in the audience might buy a different the air and seems quite happy, which entices the brand. reader want to read this feature.
  • 6. The banner at the top of the page is ‘Q Now.’ The sub-image shows Elbow sitting in the studio, presumably The mini fact- file under the Apart from bring a pun that has connotations rehearsing. This makes the audience feel as though they are headline about the band of cue the music, it draws the readers being given an exclusive sneak peek behind the scenes; gives the audience some attention; the word now suggesting that they therefore they will feel special and be more likely to buy the background knowledge will be up to date with all the current news. magazine. They are all playing their instruments, showing the about Elbow. This is The background colour is red which helps to band in their natural element; making the audience focusing effective as the audience engage the reader, as it is the first colour that on the fact that they play their own instruments, unlike many may know nothing about they see and it contrasts with the black and bands out there. This suggests that bands that write their them, or they may be more white font colours. own music and play their instruments are very important to likely to want to read about Q magazine. them if they know some of The main image of Elbow their history. It gives some covers more then half the short snappy information, page, suggesting that the which allows the audience images of the band are more to quickly pick and choose important for the readers to the details that they want to see then the actual writing. know about. This layout shows that too There is also a caption much writing on a page can be underneath the picture, off putting to the audience, explaining to the audience they are more likely to read who the band members are the article properly if it is and where they are spaced out. The picture relates rehearsing. This makes the to the strapline, as they reader feel more involved appear to be in a studio, which with the band, which could gives the article a context. essentially persuade them Using the mise-en-scene, the to buy any of their band members are all smiling albums/singles. and seem very happy, suggesting that their career is The By-Line here is in quite a The pull-quote here uses a code of enigma to a success and they are The headline of the magazine big font compared to the size draw the reader in. This is effective because enjoying the music business. is highlighted by a red in some magazines; its suggest that the article will talk about They are also wearing jeans background. This ensures that suggesting that he could be Elbow’s inspiration for their song lyrics, and shirts, depicting that they the title stands out and does quite a well known journalist. which the audience will find interesting. It are quite casual and not blend in with the This a convention of also helps to break up the text, so there is comfortable in themselves, background picture; therefore magazines so the writer gets not so much copy that the audience will and their music. the audience can easily tell the credit for his work. become disinterested and not bother to read who the article features. the article.
  • 7.
  • 8. Taylor’s head is covering the Looking at the colour scheme, the colour red is used because it masthead, showing that the magazine the colour that the eye sees first, therefore it will stand out is so well known the browser does not against all the other magazines on the shelf, and people will be need to see the title; they already more likely to buy it. This colour red of the Rolling Stone magazine know what magazine it is. This could logo has also become quite an icon; it is recognised all over the also be suggesting that Taylor Swift is a world. Similar to Q magazine, the price is the smallest bigger star then the magazine; she is element on the magazine and most likely to be more important for the audience to noticed last by the audience. This is because the see. publisher will want the browser to have already The layout of the left column of text been persuaded to buy the magazine because of follows the shape of the image of the elements on the cover, so by the time they see Taylor Swift; suggesting that she is a the price, it won’t be a factor as they will have very important person and people will already want to buy it. It costs $4.50 do their best to fit themselves round (approximately £2.80) which seems like a very her needs. There are not many cover reasonable price to pay every two weeks; lines shown here, giving it quite a suggesting that this magazine is aimed at a generic minimalist feel, depicting that they are grass roots audience, who do not need to have too only highlighting the biggest articles in much spare money. the issue. The buzz word ‘hot’ is in a bold, bright red colour, The splash image on the cover is the connoting passion and lust. This attracts the photo of Taylor Swift; the first thing audience as they will want to see who has made it that the audience sees. She is sitting in to the hottest celebrity list; seeing if their quite a provocative position, which favourite celebrities are classed as hot by this appeals to the Male Gaze, attracting popular magazine. This is quite an informal them to the magazine, as well as the address to the audience, suggesting that it could female fans. Her eyes are narrowed be aimed at teenagers and young adults; it will not and she is staring straight into the take itself too seriously. camera, drawing the reader and The anchorage describes Taylor as being ‘the enticing them to buy the magazine. heart break kid.’ This draws the audience in The headline, ‘Taylor Swift’, comes underneath She is also pouting, and her hand is as they will want to read all about Taylor the ‘Hot List’, suggesting that Taylor Swift will holding her hair away from her face, all Swift’s personal life, and they will feel like be one of the celebrities featured on the list. actions which connote seductiveness they are being let in to all her secrets. This will attract her fans as they will want to see and make Taylor seem like quite a sexy Describing her as someone who breaks where she ranks. She is obviously the main figure in the music industry. hearts makes her seem quite cool and person featured in the magazine, due to her alluring; the reader could see her as an idol. prominent positioning on the front cover.
  • 9. •The image of Taylor Swift is used to sexualise women, similar to Q magazine. Her hand is pushing her hair away from her face, which gives the audience a covert sexual message, making her seem quite inviting. She also has her hand between her legs, making her sit in quite a provocative position; also reinforcing Laura Mulvey’s idea of the male gaze. This also fits in with their market, with 58% of the readers being male; so they are appealing to the majority. 42% are women, so they could see Taylor as a role model and an icon to aspire to. •The average age of the reader is 32, 10 years older then Taylor Swift’s being 22. This could suggest that Taylor is trying to re- brand herself and appeal to an older age range, instead of just the teenage market. This magazine has a huge demographic, and older readers, therefore she can appeal to people who might not have previously acknowledged her; hopefully this edition will make them start to buy her music. •Taylor Swift is a white American; using her on the front cover can appeal to the majority of the population, with 65%* being white American or European. Similar to Q, this helps them to appeal to a grass roots audience. •The sub-heading, ‘the heart break kid’ incorporates intertextuality; recently Taylor Swift has been in the news for having a string of very high profile boyfriends and break ups. This attracts the audience as they will have seen this news on the TV and in the newspapers, so they will want to pick up this magazine to see if Taylor confirms the rumours, and what she has to say on the subject. •The font stays constant throughout, a bold font that uses serif. This could reflect the personality of the reader, who are quite sheek, and therefore prefer a more sophisticated font. It appears quite simplistic, which also reinforces the idea that the magazine is aimed at a more mature reader; especially compared to other * music magazines such as NME.
  • 10. The headline on this page simply says ‘contents.’ The simplicity used here shows that the The layout is very clean and simple, with magazine is aimed at an older target audience, a more sophisticated reader. It is surrounded by a two columns down each side; one for red box which helps draws the reader’s eyes to the title; it is the first colour that the reader sees. pictures, and one for the writing. This It also fits in with the colour scheme of the magazine, as red is the main colour. The writing is in again highlights the simplicity of the white, which enables the word to stand out against the red background. The font is also quite magazine; the do not need to add lots of bold, so it is obvious to the reader what page they are on. bright colours and wacky fonts for the magazine to be popular. A more The sub-image is of a woman half hiding sophisticated audience is still portrayed as her face behind some sequins. The fact they will like clean, simple layouts. that her face is hidden could suggest that she has some secrets; these could Each of the articles come under a group of possibly be revealed to the audience in headings. This allows the audience to be her article. This will attract the audience able to see quickly and easily the things as they will want to know all the latest that they are interested to read about in news. The page that the article is on is the magazine, so they can make a decision written in a large front, so the reader whether they want to buy it or not. can quickly and easily flick through to this article. The title of each feature is in a bold black font, which makes it stand out more then The main image is of a singer performing the small writing underneath each one. on the stage. There is no caption telling This grips the audience’s attention as it is the reader who the artist is, suggesting more important for them to get a brief that he is so well known that they will idea of what is in the magazine if they’re already know who he is. The fact that he flicking through quickly. is singing live on a stage conveys the message that live performances are very important to the magazine; not just This magazine is not just a music pretty pictures. magazine; it incorporates other features which can make it appeal to a grass roots Rolling Stone have only included the audience. For example it includes political best articles on the contents page. This details that relate to each American and is so the audience will only see the other readers around the world. most exciting features, and therefore be more excited to read the magazine.
  • 11. The sub-heading here is just Katy Perry’s The splash image of Katy Perry covers the whole of The Mise-en-scene of the image name, which helps to draw the reader into the second page, suggesting that the images are just shows her standing in a kitchen, the start of the article. Her name is quite as important as the words in this article. The ratio of which could relate to the small compared to the size of the headline text to images is pretty equal, so the magazine want stereotypical images of women: and the picture, suggesting that Katy Perry to draw the audience in by the striking image, then the domestic house wife. is so famous that the audience will they will be more likely to read the feature. However, her items of clothing recognise her from the photo; they do not contrast this background and tell need to be told. the audience that Katy Perry is not an ordinary girl. She is The headline wearing very revealing clothing ‘underneath her which fits in with Laura Mulvey’s brassiness’, is theory of the Male Gaze; effective in drawing suggesting that Rolling Stone has the audience in as a large male audience that they they will want to like to appeal to. She is staring know all about her right into the camera, which personality and her intensely draws the reader in to secrets that she will the article; she also looks quite be revealing. This provocative, which appeals to suggests that there is the male reader. Her top seems a different side to too small for her and the strap is Katy Perry that the coming down, helping to audience are not accentuate her chest. This aware of, tempting reinforces the idea of the Male them to read the Gaze. She is also wearing a cross magazine and see necklace, which has connotations what is inside. of sac religion. This suggests that Katy Perry is a bad girl, who does not follow anyone's rules apart The ‘Perry is a good girl’ creates a pun as it contrasts the image of Katy Perry, she does not appear to be from her own; this could be a good girl. This creates a code of enigma for the audience as they will want to know who the real Katy appealing to a male audience. Perry is, so they will be more likely to read the article. She also admits to taking mushrooms at a show, which contrasts further the idea that she is ‘good girl.’ This makes her seem like a more interesting character to read about, as she obviously has many different sides to her.
  • 12.
  • 13. There are four buzz words above the The splash image is of Rihanna, relating to The plug on this cover is the circle with the Masthead, ‘gossip’, ‘fashion’, ‘boys’ and the Headline. Her hair is perfectly styled pictures of all the latest fashionable clothes. This ‘uncensored.’ This suggests that these are and her make-up perfectly applied, yet she edition was obviously brought out around the elements that are the most important still manages to look quite natural. She is Summer (the pictures of shorts and sandals) so to the audience, and these will be happy and smiling, which will appeal to the this magazine is obviously looking to attract a prominent inside the magazine. younger target audience, who can aspire young audience who will want to look their best to look and be like their musical idol. for Summer. This will attract the browser who The Masthead of the magazine is in a bold will want to make sure that they are wearing the blank font; contrasting against the white latest trends for the season. background, which is the first item that the browser’s eyes are drawn to. The address of The barcode, a convention of every magazine, is this is very informal, suggesting that the situated right at the bottom of the cover; magazine is aimed at a young audience, and following the Z reading pattern. This ensure that the ‘we’ includes the readers who will then feel the price is the last thing that the audience sees, compelled to buy the magazine. A heart icon is and by this time the rest of the features will have used instead of the word love; depicting that persuaded them to buy it. A new issue is released the target audience would rather see pictures approximately every month, costing £2.99. This then a lot of words. It also makes the title shows that it is aimed at an audience who snappier, so it stands out more; it is easier to possibly do not have a lot of money to spare, so recognise and remember. It is in a rounded they have made the price cheaper and number of rectangle speech bubble which has times that it is released less frequent so it is connotations of MSN, Facebook and texting, accessible to them. showing that this audience revolves around A pull-quote is shown from The Wanted, reading technology, and probably all have a phone, ‘I weed on a hamster.’ This is quite a shocking iPod or a laptop. The layout of the speech revelation, and will attract the audience as they bubble is placed so it is next to One Direction’s will be intrigued to see why the band have done picture. This makes it appear that it is the band this, so they will be more likely to buy the who are saying ‘we love pop.’ This gives the magazine. magazine credit in the audience’s eyes as they The headline is in the biggest font on the believe that this very popular boy band cover, telling the audience that the main The banner at the bottom uses the buzz word approve of the magazine. The word ‘pop’ says feature will be on Rihanna. It also follows the ‘exclusive.’ This appeals to the audience as they straight away that it is a music magazine, main colour scheme, the principle colouring feel like only they will be receiving the latest because pop is a mainstream genre of music. being pink. This shows that the target gossip. A pun is also used which could sound The strapline, ‘don’t bore us, get to the audience of the magazine is younger girls, rude, appealing to the audience who will find chorus,’ (as well as being a pun) suggests that possibly between age 13- 15. They will be these kind of jokes quite amusing. the magazine will be full of entertaining interested to read about Rihanna as her music articles that the audience will want to read. is popular and she could be a role model.
  • 14. •We Love Pop is a relatively new magazine in the market, only celebrating it’s first birthday on the 25 th July, 2012. The magazine’s target market is girls aged 13-15. Rihanna is a successful pop artist and is used because all of the target market will have heard her music. Age wise, she is very young (only 24), so the younger market can relate to her; she can act as a role model to inspire then. Rihanna is portrayed as being very happy and laid back, as shown by her wide smile and hands held behind her head. This represents fun and confidence, so it will attract the younger audience. •The main colour on the cover is pink, which reflects the market of the young girls; pink being a stereotypically popular colour. Yellow is also used a lot because the bold, bright colours stand out on the page and will attract the target market. Neon style colours are very fashionable at the moment. •The fonts used on this cover are very simple and bold. This appeals to a younger reader who would not want to be bombarded with a lot of words, they would rather just be shown a few of the main cover lines; too much writing would just put them off. This is reinforced by the layout, there are more pictures on the cover then text. •Intertextuality is used to relate to other famous pop stars; the subheading reading ‘on wild nights with Katy Perry and why she’ll never go Gaga.’ This will further attract the audience as these two names will be familiar to them and they will want to buy the magazine to see how they feature in the article. They will have read articles on the internet that are about these other two readers, so they will also have some previous knowledge about about the artists.
  • 15. The plug on the front cover is at the top The headline, ‘we love this’, relates to the The main colour on the contents page is blue; with left hand corner, reading ‘for your eyes title of the magazine, being ‘we love pop.’ some of the writing in a yellow/orange colour. This only.’ This attracts the audience as they This is clever as it reinforces the magazine is effective because these two colours are will feel that they exclusively will be told name to the reader, and they will be more opposites, creating a clash which stands out all of the celebrities secrets. It has a bright likely to remember it. It is the biggest writing brightly on the page. This will easily attract the yellow/ orange background which on the page which ensures that this will be reader’s attention. The colours are very bright, contrasts with the black writing; making the first thing that the audience sees. which will appeal to the younger audience who the plug stand out more. stereotypically like bold colours. The main image on this page is the picture in the The pull quote used underneath the middle of Kelly and Tulisa. As well as breaking up picture is quite an inspiring quote, the text so there isn’t too much to read, it gives giving the audience the idea that the browser an idea of who will feature in this nobody should every stop them edition. There are two of them, suggesting that dreaming. It suggests that the there either one will talk about another in the interview will be an interview of the X-factor or they will both be interviewed. They both have judges as the quote comes perfectly applied make-up and hair, which is underneath their picture. This will something that the audience will aspire to be like. appeal to the audience as The X-factor The page number is also in bold on the bottom is a very popular TV show. right hand corner of the picture, ensuring that the audience can quickly flick through to the correct In relation to the layout, there are a lot page without a struggle. more pictures on the page then there At the bottom of the page they have included the are words. There is a column down the magazines website. This means that any readers left hand side of writing, but it covers who want more gossip can log onto their website less then ¼ of the page, and the writing and search through any other articles or galleries. is tiny which suggests that it isn’t very The magazine is using multi-platforming to gain important, and the audience will focus more business; more people can interact with the on the pictures. features. The page numbers are also given to Similar to the top of the magazine, at the bottom there is another yellow sticker to advertise the some of the articles. The magazine have free posters included inside. This secondary plug helps to persuade browsers to buy the magazine chosen to include the articles that will as they will want the free posters of their idols to put on their bedroom walls. The banner along have the most appeal, and the page the bottom also gives a sample of every poster that will be included in the magazine. This will numbers are in a large font so they can attract the audience as they will be able to easily see if one of the artists that they like is featured be easily scanned through by a browser. inside, and with a wide range of artists covered there is bound to be at least one poster that will apply to them.
  • 16. This main picture has been A pull quote is used as the The plug tells the audience that The headline actually takes up half of taken in a studio, with just a headline, giving the readers a this story featured on the front the page, before the interview plain white background; taste of what will be in the cover of the magazine, actually starts. This layout shows making Cher look clean cut magazine. This draws the therefore it must be an that the target audience do not want and quite unnatural. Her hair readers in as they chosen a important story. This will make to be phased by a lot of words; if and make-up is perfect, quote that creates lots of more the audience want to there was too much writing then suggesting that she spent questions for the reader; so read it as they will not want to they wouldn’t bother to read it. many hours in hair and make- they will want to know why miss out on any gossip. There is also a picture in the middle up. This makes her seem she was the girl who was of the first page which breaks the perfect, which relates to the blamed. text up: reinforcing this point. target audience as the can aspire to be like their idol. Half of the article headline is She is also pulling a pose that in the colour pink. This shows could seem like quite a that the target audience is teenage style; especially probably girls aged from 10- holding the fake camera 15, who are most likely to prop. This along with the listen to the pop genre of shocked look she is pulling music. This will attract them relates back to the sub- to the read the article as it will heading suggesting the probably be their favourite audience does not know colour. everything they think they do about Cher Lloyd; her Some of the main article is surprised face could also highlighted in yellow, a bold show that there may be some bright colour that makes shocking revelations in the certain bits of the writing article, making the audience stand out. The readers eyes more likely to want to read it. will be drawn to the these bits of text as they are The Sub-heading suggests that the main article The picture of Cher Lloyd takes up the whole of the obviously quite important. will tell the audience something that they know second page of the article, suggesting that the target already; revealing a different side to the X- audience are more interested in photographs then factor runner up Cher Lloyd. This entices the reading the words. This could also be a freebie to the reader in as they will want to know all the reader as a poster, which probably influenced their exciting secrets that Cher Lloyd, it makes them purchase of the magazine. feel that their life is more exciting.