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Hannah McNeill
• What are you making? (explain what you have been asked to
• For my final project I have been given the choice to make a video game, magazine, audio, or a music video/short film. I decided to create
a magazine, in the magazine project I have been asked to create multiple double page spreads with a front cover and contents page. For
the magazine I will have to include a range of different, interesting articles and I also want to include contemporary photoshoots. I have
chosen to create a magazine because it was the project that I think I was most successful in, I enjoyed planning the magazine and
choosing what different colour schemes to include in different pages and other details that would make the magazine look professional
and complete.
• Why? (What is the purpose of making your Film)
• My magazine is about bringing attention to feminism, so the purpose of creating my magazine is to bring awareness to everyday
feminism and to empower women. My magazine will include a range of different articles, and will also include different women
empowering photoshoots.
• Who is it for? (Audience)
• My magazine is created for young women, if I had to choose an age range for my audience it would be women from ages 16-30, but the
magazine will be relatable and enjoyable to read for any age women. The magazine will be targeted at young people because young
people re still impressionable and their opinions about feminism can be changed, however it is harder to shape older people’s opinions.
• Where will it appear/on what? (How will audience see it)
• My magazine will be sponsored on Instagram ads and through Facebook, this is because my magazine is trying to attract a young
audience so I need to adverise my magazine in places where my target audience look. I also will advertise
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I was researching which different colours go well together and what different colours carry different
subconscious messages that I can include in my magazine to represent different emotions. During
my research I discovered that analogous colour scheme means three colours that are next to each
other on the colour wheel, for example, green, green/blue and blue together. I like this colour
scheme the most because I think random bold colours next to each other, like a triadic colour
scheme, the three colours opposite each other, I think the colours look to random and stand alone,
looking in effective. I think if the colours have links then they can look effective together but,
personally I prefer colours that share the same tints and shades of colours.
I want my colour scheme to be thought through because if all the colours work together and
compliment each other then the pages will look more professional and work better together. For
example, the colours red/orange, red, and red/violet are analogous colours and, they smoothly
blend into each other. However, for my feminism magazine it might be a good idea to use bold,
statement colours to attract attention.
While researching I also thought it was important to learn the meanings of the colours so I could use
them appropriately. For example, Red is a courageous colour that carries connotations of energy,
danger, love and intensity. So I think red would be a good key colour to have in my magazine
because of it’s connotations.
After I researched which different colours worked well together I decided to research which colours
stereotypically worked with feminism. I know that with feminism pink is a colour that is overly used. I
want to include pink in my magazine to ’stand with’ women and unite using the same colour, but I also
want my magazine to rebel against stereotypical ‘girly’ colours. However, I do like the colour baby pink
with a black colour because the two aren’t usually seen together and the colours contradict each other.
Each of my pages contain a different colour scheme due to the different style of each page. And my
magazine follows the fanzine layout, therefore following my magazine will follow a more random and
stand alone colour scheme, I can analyze colours that I am interested in and will go well with my
magazine but my magazine will follow a wider range of different patterns and colours instead of a
specific repetitive colour scheme.
My magazine is going to have a section for photoshoots, I want to include photoshoots because I want a range of artwork as well as just articles.
This is because a lot of young people relate to artwork and find it easier to engage in information if there is a visual aid with article. Also, following
the quote ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ a powerful picture/photograph can evoke a lot of emotion, so it would be useful to include in my
magazine as a different, new way to raise awareness for feminism. As well as this introducing a chapter for photographs gives me a chance to show
more of my own skills, through this section I will be able to show that I can put together a successful photoshoot, choosing the right models,
creating the perfect scenery, and successfully using a camera.
My magazine is a modern and upcoming magazine so I think including photoshoots would modernize the magazine and make it interesting to the
audience because not many magazines include photoshoot sections so it would give the readers an opportunity to see something that they don’t
get to see everywhere. This would also open my audience up to a new group of people who were interested in photography. The photoshoots
would have small captions but no explaining articles because the photos would stand alone and be self explanatory, this would give the readers an
opportunity to look at the photos in detail and take the time to understand the photo.
It is important for me to think of all the resources I will need for the photoshoots. I will need models, it will be hard to find a range of different
models that are professional and will take the job seriously. For my photoshoots I need different age ranges, and both sexes. I have multiple friends
who I know from previous projects are trustworthy, and I also have a few friends who study in drama and photography so would be interested in
helping to gain personal experience from the project. Here is a list of people that I can use for my photoshoots, I have highlighted the models in
different colours depending on their realistic availability, orange is for models that I think might not be able to, and green is for models that are
• Anya Thomas, age 17, studying at All Saints Six form, Anya studies drama so would work well as a model because I know she isn’t camera shy and
she knows how to present herself on camera. However she is in the middle of A levels so might not have time to be involved in the photoshoots.
• Polly Barker, age 18, Polly is a close, trustworthy time with a part time job.
• Ella McNeill, age 18, Ella is my sister and therefore available most of the time
• Georgia McNeill, age 20, Georgia is my other sister and goes to university in Leeds, her link with Leeds could give me different and interesting
scenery for my photoshoots.
• Evie Wilkinson, age 18, a friend.
• Hannah Sevaratnam, age 17, a friend.
• Charlie Cook, age 17, a friend.
• Harry Hewitson, age 18, a friend.
• Callum Oliver, age 17, a friend.
• Julia Undro, age 16, a friend.
• Ciaran Roe, age 18, a friend.
• Ben Atkin, age 18, a friend.
For one of my double page spreads I want to re-create a page from Riot Grrrl, for this I need to
copy the style of a Riot Grrrl page, the pages will have to include black and white, abstract
images, with cut out-edgy pictures following a DIY aesthetic. Also, the articles will have to be
quite short with a hand written font to make it look amateur.
I also want my magazine to follow the style and layout of a fanzine, so I will have to plan my
magazine like a fanzine. I will use an edgy-urban approach to the magazine by including unique
and abstract photographs. I will make my magazine original and unique by including different
boarders and patterns to make different articles stand out. Here are some example pages of a
fanzine I found. I want to follow their style. The pages are slightly off-white, and the article
doesn’t start professionally at the the top of the page. I want some of my pages to follow this
style because it shows the amateur, self-published side, making the fanzine more relatable and
seem more down to earth for the readers.
I want some pages of my magazine to follow the style of fanzines, with random, un-relating
patterns on the pages, as boarders for the pages or articles. I thought it would be interesting to
include some medieval tapestry, with women at the center. Tapestry is a form of textile art,
traditionally woven by hand on a loom. Tapestry's were first created in 1467 England. I thought
by including old tapestries in some of my pages it would introduce the random, fanzine style
and also promote powerful women, because in a lot of old tapestries they usually feature
powerful men so to show women in charge would hopefully empower some women. I
researched different tapestries that I could use, I think if I found a way to incorporate these
into my magazine it would make the magazine more original and stand out to the readers.
And, if I wanted to make the photos my own I could use Photoshop to edit them. An idea I had
was to use tapestries centered around men, and then edit in a photo of a women from a
tapestry. I would create the edit so it was meant to look obvious that a women had been
edited in. This would help me to create a DIY, edgy aesthetic to my magazine making it more of
a fanzine.
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For my magazine a lot of my pages will have different styles, so through the magazine I will need different fonts. In past projects, and during
research I have used a lot of different websites that create different fonts. Some websites have been more successful then others, I found which
website contains the most useful fonts and which would suit best for my project. A website called ‘Dafonts’ contains over a hundred different
fonts and I found multiple that I can use for my magazine.
Firstly following the fanzine theme, I thought a font I could include was a typewriter font. I searched different typewriter fonts on the website and
found two that I could use.
The first font was called ‘mom’s typewriter’ font, I like this font because I like the
old, 80’s style it connotes, I also like it because I like the casual, beginner design,
the font looks effortless and relaxed. I also think that this type of font makes the
writing look more thought out. I think that the type writer font subconsciously
makes the writing look like someone has taken the time to sit and write each letter on the typewriter, making the writing look more
important. I like this font and I think the old-fashioned style would suit my fanzine approach to the magazine. I want to include it in some of
my pages, however I think I would only be appropriate as a heading, or sub-heading, because if I had a whole article with the font then I think
it would be too over powering and look immature. I also think the font is too bold for an article, I think it would take up too much space on the
page, making it look over cluttered.
The next font I found is called ‘cut it out’. I found this font on the same website and I
thought it would be good for my main heading on my front page. I thought it would look
effective as my front cover font because I think it is subtle enough to not look attention
seeking. I also think the font could work well because it is bold and firm which
contradicts a girly and feminine font that people would expect from a feminism
magazine. I also like the font because it is alternative and unique, it copies the style of
font from other fanzines. The letters look like they have been roughly cut out, with a
DIY effect.
The next font I found was through searching ‘fanzine’. I
think this font is similar to the last font that I found. It shares
the same roughly cut-out style. The specific letters are cut
out to create the same DIY aesthetic as the last font.
I also spoke earlier in my research about my second idea for a photoshoot about a range of different people wearing t-shirts with
their own phrases about feminism written on. This photoshoot would be my main photoshoot. I think this would be a good idea
because producing the photoshoot wouldn’t be overly complicated, all I would need is; plain t-shirts, which I can buy for a low price
in cheap shops, like Primark, although it would require a range of different models.
For the t-shirts I would have the models write their own thought, or phrase about feminism on their tops. This would give the
photoshoot a deeper meaning and make a more personal link for the readers. The quotes on the tops would be written on with a
permanent marker, this would introduce a DIY aesthetic which I think would work effectively with my DIY, unique theme of my
The photoshoot would be conducted around York, where it was most convenient to get my models together at the same time, with
the right amount of daylight.
For my third idea I want to do a photoshoot centred around the
contradiction of stereotypes, so I want to take a male model and re
create a photo of a famous women actress, with the same makeup,
clothes and the sexualised position. I think creating this will show
readers how we wouldn’t expect respected male models to be
sexualised and to put as much effort into a photoshoot as famous
women are expected to. Showing how different the standards are for
men and women. For example, here are two photoshoots, one of a
women and another of a man.
However, this is just an idea and I haven’t decided whether I will have
time to conduct this photoshoot for my magazine.
Both the song and the photo received a lot of positive feedback from
their fans and empowered different men and women all around, so I
think if I re-created a photoshoot like this but with anti-feminist words
then it could have the same powerful impact on people. I had different
ideas of themes that I could do for the writing, firstly I thought that I
could have all the words that a women is labelled in different social
situations, for example, in the work place, or in school. Or words that
are usually associated with young women, and as well as that I could
use the negative words that are stereotypically used for a feminist, for
example a ‘feminazi’ or ‘aggressive’.
My first idea for one of my photoshoots is taken from a photoshoot from band Little Mix. Little Mix posed together naked with insults
written on their skin in bold, black writing. The photo was published to help promote their new single, Strip. The photo has a blank
background, in a black and white effect and the group are naked to show that they have striped everything back with no filters and no
glamorous background or expensive clothes to show that they are natural and not pretending to be anything they are not.
There were words like ‘slutty’ and ‘talentless’ written on their bodies. The words written on their bodies are their bodies because they are
words that they have been labelled throughout their career, and now they are taking this opportunity to embrace these words and show
that these words don’t define them and they are stronger then what people call them. The most was created to show their fans that it
even if people are labelling and insulting you, you have the ability to ignore them and become powerful and successful. The photoshoot
and song were created to encourage and empower people to be who they are.
Here are some plans that I designed.
My magazine is going to be called ‘Identity’. This is because I wanted to use a name that linked with the magazine, and I
think that identity works perfectly with the idea of feminism, because being a feminist and believing in equal rights is a
part of your identity and what you believe. I also thought the name was short and easy for readers to remember, I think
the word is firm and carries a statement instead of being easily forgotten about. As well as this there isn’t another
magazine with the same name.
To suit the name I decided for my front cover I want to have a picture of a women, but with cut outs of different people’s
features, and depending on the edit I might apply different edits, for example the multiply tool on Photoshop that I used
in my practice research. I think this would be a good idea for my front page because the originality and boldness of the
photo would stand out against other magazines with simple, straight forward covers. Also, I like the idea because I think it
plays with the word ‘identity’ because, each person has only one identity, and by taking a range of people and putting
them together it takes away their own personal identities.
I also think that including a range of people on the front cover instead of just one eliminates the fashion magazine style,
which can be intimidating, so it creates a warmer and more welcoming page for the audience.
I want the background of the photo to be against something floral, with a big display. Firstly, because I think it will make
the photo look more effective and will engage the readers attention. Secondly, because flowers and earth symbolize
happiness, beauty, and good positive vibes. Which are all empowering traits which will have a positive reaction from my
For the photoshoot I would only include women as my target audience is aimed at women, and the theme of the
magazine being feminism and empowering women I want to have a range of strong, independent women on the cover.
For this photoshoot I want to include my models, Polly Barker, Evie Wilkinson and Ella McNeill. This is because they all
have different looks. Ella has ginger hair, Polly has long dark hair and Evie has short dyed grey hair. The different styles and
colours would promote diversity, instead of having three models with similar stereotypical blonde hair. I am also tempted
to have the models wear makeup for some of the photos and then in other shots have them with no makeup. I want to
introduce this idea because I think it would show that women aren’t expected to wear makeup on the front cover of
magazines, but as well as this if they want to wear makeup they can.
Another idea for one of my double page spreads is to have a page called ‘Feminist Thoughts’ and then write articles about
random thoughts about feminist issues. I like this idea because it is a casual way to approach serious issues. It successfully brings
attention to important issues regarding feminism and sexism but the ‘thoughts’ implies a casual and relaxed vibe. This allows the
reader to effortlessly read the article instead of skipping the pages because sometimes heavy articles will put off readers.
The style of the writing is going to be a casual and informal to make the reader feel welcome, and to make the reader read the
article and be able to relate to it instead of being intimidated and confused by unnecessarily complex language.
Some different ideas I had for the articles were; The Pay Gap, the amount of women writers published compared to male authors,
the headless women concept, anti-feminists, Man Hating, and Rape Culture. I can imagine writing short, successful articles about
all of these, it depends on which topics I find the most research about, it also depends on which articles are the most interesting.
For the positioning of the models I have two different ideas that
I am going to shoot and then choose the most effective shots.
My first idea, is to have them looking forward into the camera
with straight faces to create a real and raw feeling, I like this idea
because I think the eye contact with the camera and straight
face expressions would create a deeper and more intense link
with the readers. It would also make the pictures easier to edit
together if the models were all in the same position. Or, for my
second idea, I would position them looking away from the
camera and appreciating things around them to introduce a
more natural and relaxed photo.
The pictures aren’t all going to line up perfectly, the model’s
have different shaped faces, and their hair falls differently so the
editing will be rough around the edges and not exact, but that’s
the style that I am aiming for. I want the picture to follow the
same DIY aesthetic that a fanzine’s edit would follow. Here is a
design I created of the front cover.
Front Cover
Contents page ideas
One of my double page spreads is going to
be an article about Rupi Kaur. In my
magazine I am going to lay out this page
like it is a reoccurring page in all the
issues. The article on the page is ‘Author
Of The Issue’ and then I will write about a
successful author and her books. I think
this is an important double page spread to
include because it promotes different
women authors and shows women
reading the magazine important role
models and powerful women in the
writing industry. It is important to
promote women writers because studies
found that books written by women are
priced 45% lower, showing the inequality
in the industry. Also, by having a writer of
the month it encourages readers to read
more books. The decided writer wont be
decided just depending on her book but
also because of her position with
For my issue of my magazine the writer of
the issue will be Rupi Kaur. This is because
I can include her poems in the magazine,
which will give me a range of new art to
entice a new set of readers. Also, Rupi
Kaur’s upbringing and career is very
interesting and would create an
interesting article to write about. As well
as this Rupi Kaur is a well-known figure
and to include Kaur’s work and
information about her would potentially
introduce a wider audience.
Rupi Kaur double page spread
For my second double page spread I thought it would be interesting to do pages about the Salem Witches. I think it would be interesting to do an
article about witches because witches are powerful, women with an interesting history. I also think it is important to include an article like this
because it keeps the magazine light hearted and enjoyable to read. Because although the magazine is about feminism and empowering women it is
also something for women to read because they enjoy it. The magazine is about empowering women and by talking about dominant and magical
women it can show women another side of themselves.
The page will feature on a double page spread so I will need to have different photos for the articles and I will need to have a range of different
information about witches. I would include multiple, short articles about witches to keep a fast pace to the double page. The first article would be a
brief history on witches. Then the second would be include real witch stories. Then I would have a section with a ‘are you a witch’ quiz. I would also
include a short article about different powers that witches stereotypically have, including a different potion that witches used.
I would conduct my own short photoshoot for the article, my first photo is a picture of a women laid down in a wood, with witch styled make up on,
and the second picture would be a selection of candles in the woods. I then would take the photos to Photoshop to introduce some edits to make
the photos look darker and more mysterious. I would only need one model for these photoshoots and I would conduct them in The Museum
Gardens in York center, because the gardens has remains of old buildings that would fit in with the mysterious witch setting, or I could conduct
them at Knavesmire Woods.
Here are some different fonts that I found that would fit
in well with the theme of my page.
For my next double page spread I’m going to do a page about how feminism is presented in media. So I have decided for one page of the
double page spread I’m going to re-create different articles that I found from magazines about being dependent on relationships, and I'm
going to re-write them. For example, an article I found from an online magazine called meet mindful, an article called ‘7 sweet & simple
secrets for making your man feel loved’. So I will copy that article and instead have 7 sweet & simple secrets for making yourself feel loved,
and include real tips to create a happy lifestyle for yourself. Here are some more example articles that I could use.
The second page of my double page spread
on feminism in the media will be a row of
quotes from different celebrities about
feminism. Some of the quotes will be positive
and empowering and some of them will be
negative and offensive. Then next to the
quotes will be edited animations of the
celebrities who said the quotes. But the
celebrities and quotes wont line up, so there
will be a subheading saying ‘who said what?’
and this will give an opportunity for the
readers to be involved.
An idea I had for a
double page spread
was to create a
calendar/diary and
have important
events and their
date for the next
month for the
readers to look at, I
would have events
from different
places across the UK
to cater for all my
readers that might
not be from just
Feminist Calendar
To plan my next photoshoot/double page spread I started by looking online and researching different popular trends on social
media so I could see what I can do to attract my target audience. I learnt from different platforms of social media that flowers
photograph very effectively. The colours in flowers are all vibrant and pick up well on camera, and they symbolize happiness
and joyfulness which is a positive vibe that I want to include in my magazine. So, I needed to find a way to introduce flowers
into my photoshoot and have it link with feminism. I decided to have a woman stood with flowers growing out of her mouth.
I'm including different colored flowers and I'm setting it outside with a garden style background to support the natural and
earthy aesthetic. The meaning behind the photos is that the women's body is like the stem and the root of the flower and the
women is powerful and natural. The flowers represent happiness and health. The photos shoots are meant to be women
empowering but also promoting the edgy and unique style that I have running through my magazine. I have written a short
article explaining the photos and plan to conduct the photoshoots next week once I have chosen the model I'm going to use.
Flower-Power Photoshoot
Also, to make my magazine realistic and professional I
decided that I needed to include an advert, I wanted to
include an advert that was fun and exciting to in keep
with the rest of the magazine. I was interested in
making an advert that my audience would find
interesting. I thought about including a clothing or
makeup advert because I thought I could create some
interesting, effective photos from it, and I already have
clothes and makeup that I could’ve included therefore I
wouldn’t have to spend any extra costs. However, I
thought it would send the wrong message to readers if
the only magazine in a feminist magazine for women
was a makeup or clothing advert. Showing that all
women are bothered about is clothes and makeup.
Therefore I decided to choose a uni-sex topic for the
advert. After researching what kind of adverts other
magazines include and researching different poster ads
for inspiration, I decided to create an advert for a new
drink. I thought this would be effective because a drink
isn’t overly hard to create and using the correct camera
effects and editing in Photoshop, I can take an effective
photo and therefore create an interesting and
professional ad. Here is a flat plan of how I have roughly
planned what the ad would look like.
Another advert idea
Equipment/ Props/
Costume needed
Locations needed
Makeup, for the witch photoshoot Knavesmire Woods
Plain t-shirts Museum Gardens
Marker pens A white room, or white wall
Camera College
Tripod Lively background, streets in town
Black dress for witch shoot
5 different Eyeshadow colours
5 different types of Flowers
A earthy setting, my back garden
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue Solution
If a camera that I use from school stops working or breaks. I will end the photoshoot, make sure I keep the remains of the
camera safe, then I will take them to college so they can be fixed.
While this is happening I will be finding another way to get access to a
camera as fast as possible so my photoshoot doesn’t have to stop for
too long.
If my models are unreliable and on photoshoot day they cancel. I make sure that I am not reliant on one model for all of my
photoshoots and make sure that my model is trustworthy. However if
she is unable to come I will have other models that I can reach who
will be able to model in the photos
If on my shooting day the weather is bad. I will have looked at the weather forecast before and planned my
shoots accordingly, however if the weather changed unexpectedly I
will have to shoot some of the photos inside and then immediately
plan another day for the photoshoots.
Location accessibility, if I cant reach the locations I need for the
This shouldn’t be a problem because my locations are all available for
public access, however if this does happen I will have multiple
different places where I can conduct my photoshoots.
If during the writing of my articles I get writers block. If I get writers block and find it difficult to write the articles I will take
a break and read other articles for inspiration.
Health and Safety
Potential Issue How will the issue be
A potential issue is that by looking at the computer screen all day I
could get eye strain.
To avoid this I will make sure that I take breaks at appropriate times
to eliminate the risk of eye strain. This will also give me the
opportunity to take a break from the work so I can re-focus and re-
gage my thoughts.
If I am ill on a production day. If I am ill on a production day then I will make sure I stay at home and
rest. I wont conduct a photoshoot because I don’t want to make my
models ill because then I wont be able to conduct the photoshoots
when I am better. I will also make sure I rest so that I can feel better
as soon as possible.
If I get back ache from setting at the computer desk all day. To avoid the chance of me developing back ache I will make sure my
chair is at the right height, so I’m not crowded over my chair and my
posture is straight, eliminating the chances of back ache.
During my witch photoshoot I am conducting it in the woods.
Therefore there is a lot of sticks and branches on the floor which
could be a trip hazard.
I will make sure that my model is warning about the hazard and then
during the photoshoot I will make sure that there is nothing blocking
our way that could be dangerous.
Production Schedule
Day/Lesson Tasks
Week 1 1.1 Conduct research and planning so I can start writing my articles
for the double page spread. Making sure all the information I’m
including in the articles is correct. Start writing the articles, write up
to three and then start planning them on my pages. As well as
planning and writing articles, start planning photoshoots to conduct
later in the week. Book camera equipment I need and decide where
to conduct the photoshoots, also start collecting the props I need and
start contacting the models. Also, check the weather forecast for my
photoshoot days.
1.2 Later in the week once I have written a few articles and started to
structure my pages I will start conducting my photoshoots.
1.3 In the final days of the week I will sort out all my photos and then
take them into editing on photoshop.
Week 2 Week 2 .1will be spent carrying on writing
articles and editing my photoshoots.
2.2 I will still have a few photoshoots left to
conduct and they will be finished within the
second week of production
Week 3 Week 3.1 I will be starting to finish double page
Week 4 Week 4.1 I will be adding final touches to my
magazine making sure it is perfect with no

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4. pre production(1)

  • 2. Pre-production • What are you making? (explain what you have been asked to do) • For my final project I have been given the choice to make a video game, magazine, audio, or a music video/short film. I decided to create a magazine, in the magazine project I have been asked to create multiple double page spreads with a front cover and contents page. For the magazine I will have to include a range of different, interesting articles and I also want to include contemporary photoshoots. I have chosen to create a magazine because it was the project that I think I was most successful in, I enjoyed planning the magazine and choosing what different colour schemes to include in different pages and other details that would make the magazine look professional and complete. • Why? (What is the purpose of making your Film) • My magazine is about bringing attention to feminism, so the purpose of creating my magazine is to bring awareness to everyday feminism and to empower women. My magazine will include a range of different articles, and will also include different women empowering photoshoots. • Who is it for? (Audience) • My magazine is created for young women, if I had to choose an age range for my audience it would be women from ages 16-30, but the magazine will be relatable and enjoyable to read for any age women. The magazine will be targeted at young people because young people re still impressionable and their opinions about feminism can be changed, however it is harder to shape older people’s opinions. • Where will it appear/on what? (How will audience see it) • My magazine will be sponsored on Instagram ads and through Facebook, this is because my magazine is trying to attract a young audience so I need to adverise my magazine in places where my target audience look. I also will advertise Reflection:
  • 3. Pre-production: Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project. You will need to add more slides. Delete this advice once you don’t need it. I was researching which different colours go well together and what different colours carry different subconscious messages that I can include in my magazine to represent different emotions. During my research I discovered that analogous colour scheme means three colours that are next to each other on the colour wheel, for example, green, green/blue and blue together. I like this colour scheme the most because I think random bold colours next to each other, like a triadic colour scheme, the three colours opposite each other, I think the colours look to random and stand alone, looking in effective. I think if the colours have links then they can look effective together but, personally I prefer colours that share the same tints and shades of colours. I want my colour scheme to be thought through because if all the colours work together and compliment each other then the pages will look more professional and work better together. For example, the colours red/orange, red, and red/violet are analogous colours and, they smoothly blend into each other. However, for my feminism magazine it might be a good idea to use bold, statement colours to attract attention. While researching I also thought it was important to learn the meanings of the colours so I could use them appropriately. For example, Red is a courageous colour that carries connotations of energy, danger, love and intensity. So I think red would be a good key colour to have in my magazine because of it’s connotations. After I researched which different colours worked well together I decided to research which colours stereotypically worked with feminism. I know that with feminism pink is a colour that is overly used. I want to include pink in my magazine to ’stand with’ women and unite using the same colour, but I also want my magazine to rebel against stereotypical ‘girly’ colours. However, I do like the colour baby pink with a black colour because the two aren’t usually seen together and the colours contradict each other. Each of my pages contain a different colour scheme due to the different style of each page. And my magazine follows the fanzine layout, therefore following my magazine will follow a more random and stand alone colour scheme, I can analyze colours that I am interested in and will go well with my magazine but my magazine will follow a wider range of different patterns and colours instead of a specific repetitive colour scheme.
  • 4. My magazine is going to have a section for photoshoots, I want to include photoshoots because I want a range of artwork as well as just articles. This is because a lot of young people relate to artwork and find it easier to engage in information if there is a visual aid with article. Also, following the quote ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ a powerful picture/photograph can evoke a lot of emotion, so it would be useful to include in my magazine as a different, new way to raise awareness for feminism. As well as this introducing a chapter for photographs gives me a chance to show more of my own skills, through this section I will be able to show that I can put together a successful photoshoot, choosing the right models, creating the perfect scenery, and successfully using a camera. My magazine is a modern and upcoming magazine so I think including photoshoots would modernize the magazine and make it interesting to the audience because not many magazines include photoshoot sections so it would give the readers an opportunity to see something that they don’t get to see everywhere. This would also open my audience up to a new group of people who were interested in photography. The photoshoots would have small captions but no explaining articles because the photos would stand alone and be self explanatory, this would give the readers an opportunity to look at the photos in detail and take the time to understand the photo. It is important for me to think of all the resources I will need for the photoshoots. I will need models, it will be hard to find a range of different models that are professional and will take the job seriously. For my photoshoots I need different age ranges, and both sexes. I have multiple friends who I know from previous projects are trustworthy, and I also have a few friends who study in drama and photography so would be interested in helping to gain personal experience from the project. Here is a list of people that I can use for my photoshoots, I have highlighted the models in different colours depending on their realistic availability, orange is for models that I think might not be able to, and green is for models that are available; • Anya Thomas, age 17, studying at All Saints Six form, Anya studies drama so would work well as a model because I know she isn’t camera shy and she knows how to present herself on camera. However she is in the middle of A levels so might not have time to be involved in the photoshoots. • Polly Barker, age 18, Polly is a close, trustworthy time with a part time job. • Ella McNeill, age 18, Ella is my sister and therefore available most of the time • Georgia McNeill, age 20, Georgia is my other sister and goes to university in Leeds, her link with Leeds could give me different and interesting scenery for my photoshoots. • Evie Wilkinson, age 18, a friend. • Hannah Sevaratnam, age 17, a friend. • Charlie Cook, age 17, a friend. • Harry Hewitson, age 18, a friend. • Callum Oliver, age 17, a friend. • Julia Undro, age 16, a friend. • Ciaran Roe, age 18, a friend. • Ben Atkin, age 18, a friend.
  • 5. For one of my double page spreads I want to re-create a page from Riot Grrrl, for this I need to copy the style of a Riot Grrrl page, the pages will have to include black and white, abstract images, with cut out-edgy pictures following a DIY aesthetic. Also, the articles will have to be quite short with a hand written font to make it look amateur. I also want my magazine to follow the style and layout of a fanzine, so I will have to plan my magazine like a fanzine. I will use an edgy-urban approach to the magazine by including unique and abstract photographs. I will make my magazine original and unique by including different boarders and patterns to make different articles stand out. Here are some example pages of a fanzine I found. I want to follow their style. The pages are slightly off-white, and the article doesn’t start professionally at the the top of the page. I want some of my pages to follow this style because it shows the amateur, self-published side, making the fanzine more relatable and seem more down to earth for the readers. I want some pages of my magazine to follow the style of fanzines, with random, un-relating patterns on the pages, as boarders for the pages or articles. I thought it would be interesting to include some medieval tapestry, with women at the center. Tapestry is a form of textile art, traditionally woven by hand on a loom. Tapestry's were first created in 1467 England. I thought by including old tapestries in some of my pages it would introduce the random, fanzine style and also promote powerful women, because in a lot of old tapestries they usually feature powerful men so to show women in charge would hopefully empower some women. I researched different tapestries that I could use, I think if I found a way to incorporate these into my magazine it would make the magazine more original and stand out to the readers. And, if I wanted to make the photos my own I could use Photoshop to edit them. An idea I had was to use tapestries centered around men, and then edit in a photo of a women from a tapestry. I would create the edit so it was meant to look obvious that a women had been edited in. This would help me to create a DIY, edgy aesthetic to my magazine making it more of a fanzine. Style/Presentation
  • 6. Pre-production: Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project. You will need to add more slides. Delete this advice once you don’t need it. For my magazine a lot of my pages will have different styles, so through the magazine I will need different fonts. In past projects, and during research I have used a lot of different websites that create different fonts. Some websites have been more successful then others, I found which website contains the most useful fonts and which would suit best for my project. A website called ‘Dafonts’ contains over a hundred different fonts and I found multiple that I can use for my magazine. Firstly following the fanzine theme, I thought a font I could include was a typewriter font. I searched different typewriter fonts on the website and found two that I could use. The first font was called ‘mom’s typewriter’ font, I like this font because I like the old, 80’s style it connotes, I also like it because I like the casual, beginner design, the font looks effortless and relaxed. I also think that this type of font makes the writing look more thought out. I think that the type writer font subconsciously makes the writing look like someone has taken the time to sit and write each letter on the typewriter, making the writing look more important. I like this font and I think the old-fashioned style would suit my fanzine approach to the magazine. I want to include it in some of my pages, however I think I would only be appropriate as a heading, or sub-heading, because if I had a whole article with the font then I think it would be too over powering and look immature. I also think the font is too bold for an article, I think it would take up too much space on the page, making it look over cluttered. The next font I found is called ‘cut it out’. I found this font on the same website and I thought it would be good for my main heading on my front page. I thought it would look effective as my front cover font because I think it is subtle enough to not look attention seeking. I also think the font could work well because it is bold and firm which contradicts a girly and feminine font that people would expect from a feminism magazine. I also like the font because it is alternative and unique, it copies the style of font from other fanzines. The letters look like they have been roughly cut out, with a DIY effect. The next font I found was through searching ‘fanzine’. I think this font is similar to the last font that I found. It shares the same roughly cut-out style. The specific letters are cut out to create the same DIY aesthetic as the last font.
  • 7. I also spoke earlier in my research about my second idea for a photoshoot about a range of different people wearing t-shirts with their own phrases about feminism written on. This photoshoot would be my main photoshoot. I think this would be a good idea because producing the photoshoot wouldn’t be overly complicated, all I would need is; plain t-shirts, which I can buy for a low price in cheap shops, like Primark, although it would require a range of different models. For the t-shirts I would have the models write their own thought, or phrase about feminism on their tops. This would give the photoshoot a deeper meaning and make a more personal link for the readers. The quotes on the tops would be written on with a permanent marker, this would introduce a DIY aesthetic which I think would work effectively with my DIY, unique theme of my magazine. The photoshoot would be conducted around York, where it was most convenient to get my models together at the same time, with the right amount of daylight. For my third idea I want to do a photoshoot centred around the contradiction of stereotypes, so I want to take a male model and re create a photo of a famous women actress, with the same makeup, clothes and the sexualised position. I think creating this will show readers how we wouldn’t expect respected male models to be sexualised and to put as much effort into a photoshoot as famous women are expected to. Showing how different the standards are for men and women. For example, here are two photoshoots, one of a women and another of a man. However, this is just an idea and I haven’t decided whether I will have time to conduct this photoshoot for my magazine.
  • 8. Both the song and the photo received a lot of positive feedback from their fans and empowered different men and women all around, so I think if I re-created a photoshoot like this but with anti-feminist words then it could have the same powerful impact on people. I had different ideas of themes that I could do for the writing, firstly I thought that I could have all the words that a women is labelled in different social situations, for example, in the work place, or in school. Or words that are usually associated with young women, and as well as that I could use the negative words that are stereotypically used for a feminist, for example a ‘feminazi’ or ‘aggressive’. My first idea for one of my photoshoots is taken from a photoshoot from band Little Mix. Little Mix posed together naked with insults written on their skin in bold, black writing. The photo was published to help promote their new single, Strip. The photo has a blank background, in a black and white effect and the group are naked to show that they have striped everything back with no filters and no glamorous background or expensive clothes to show that they are natural and not pretending to be anything they are not. There were words like ‘slutty’ and ‘talentless’ written on their bodies. The words written on their bodies are their bodies because they are words that they have been labelled throughout their career, and now they are taking this opportunity to embrace these words and show that these words don’t define them and they are stronger then what people call them. The most was created to show their fans that it even if people are labelling and insulting you, you have the ability to ignore them and become powerful and successful. The photoshoot and song were created to encourage and empower people to be who they are. Here are some plans that I designed.
  • 9. My magazine is going to be called ‘Identity’. This is because I wanted to use a name that linked with the magazine, and I think that identity works perfectly with the idea of feminism, because being a feminist and believing in equal rights is a part of your identity and what you believe. I also thought the name was short and easy for readers to remember, I think the word is firm and carries a statement instead of being easily forgotten about. As well as this there isn’t another magazine with the same name. To suit the name I decided for my front cover I want to have a picture of a women, but with cut outs of different people’s features, and depending on the edit I might apply different edits, for example the multiply tool on Photoshop that I used in my practice research. I think this would be a good idea for my front page because the originality and boldness of the photo would stand out against other magazines with simple, straight forward covers. Also, I like the idea because I think it plays with the word ‘identity’ because, each person has only one identity, and by taking a range of people and putting them together it takes away their own personal identities. I also think that including a range of people on the front cover instead of just one eliminates the fashion magazine style, which can be intimidating, so it creates a warmer and more welcoming page for the audience. I want the background of the photo to be against something floral, with a big display. Firstly, because I think it will make the photo look more effective and will engage the readers attention. Secondly, because flowers and earth symbolize happiness, beauty, and good positive vibes. Which are all empowering traits which will have a positive reaction from my readers. For the photoshoot I would only include women as my target audience is aimed at women, and the theme of the magazine being feminism and empowering women I want to have a range of strong, independent women on the cover. For this photoshoot I want to include my models, Polly Barker, Evie Wilkinson and Ella McNeill. This is because they all have different looks. Ella has ginger hair, Polly has long dark hair and Evie has short dyed grey hair. The different styles and colours would promote diversity, instead of having three models with similar stereotypical blonde hair. I am also tempted to have the models wear makeup for some of the photos and then in other shots have them with no makeup. I want to introduce this idea because I think it would show that women aren’t expected to wear makeup on the front cover of magazines, but as well as this if they want to wear makeup they can.
  • 10. Another idea for one of my double page spreads is to have a page called ‘Feminist Thoughts’ and then write articles about random thoughts about feminist issues. I like this idea because it is a casual way to approach serious issues. It successfully brings attention to important issues regarding feminism and sexism but the ‘thoughts’ implies a casual and relaxed vibe. This allows the reader to effortlessly read the article instead of skipping the pages because sometimes heavy articles will put off readers. The style of the writing is going to be a casual and informal to make the reader feel welcome, and to make the reader read the article and be able to relate to it instead of being intimidated and confused by unnecessarily complex language. Some different ideas I had for the articles were; The Pay Gap, the amount of women writers published compared to male authors, the headless women concept, anti-feminists, Man Hating, and Rape Culture. I can imagine writing short, successful articles about all of these, it depends on which topics I find the most research about, it also depends on which articles are the most interesting. For the positioning of the models I have two different ideas that I am going to shoot and then choose the most effective shots. My first idea, is to have them looking forward into the camera with straight faces to create a real and raw feeling, I like this idea because I think the eye contact with the camera and straight face expressions would create a deeper and more intense link with the readers. It would also make the pictures easier to edit together if the models were all in the same position. Or, for my second idea, I would position them looking away from the camera and appreciating things around them to introduce a more natural and relaxed photo. The pictures aren’t all going to line up perfectly, the model’s have different shaped faces, and their hair falls differently so the editing will be rough around the edges and not exact, but that’s the style that I am aiming for. I want the picture to follow the same DIY aesthetic that a fanzine’s edit would follow. Here is a design I created of the front cover. Front Cover
  • 12. One of my double page spreads is going to be an article about Rupi Kaur. In my magazine I am going to lay out this page like it is a reoccurring page in all the issues. The article on the page is ‘Author Of The Issue’ and then I will write about a successful author and her books. I think this is an important double page spread to include because it promotes different women authors and shows women reading the magazine important role models and powerful women in the writing industry. It is important to promote women writers because studies found that books written by women are priced 45% lower, showing the inequality in the industry. Also, by having a writer of the month it encourages readers to read more books. The decided writer wont be decided just depending on her book but also because of her position with feminism. For my issue of my magazine the writer of the issue will be Rupi Kaur. This is because I can include her poems in the magazine, which will give me a range of new art to entice a new set of readers. Also, Rupi Kaur’s upbringing and career is very interesting and would create an interesting article to write about. As well as this Rupi Kaur is a well-known figure and to include Kaur’s work and information about her would potentially introduce a wider audience. Rupi Kaur double page spread
  • 13. For my second double page spread I thought it would be interesting to do pages about the Salem Witches. I think it would be interesting to do an article about witches because witches are powerful, women with an interesting history. I also think it is important to include an article like this because it keeps the magazine light hearted and enjoyable to read. Because although the magazine is about feminism and empowering women it is also something for women to read because they enjoy it. The magazine is about empowering women and by talking about dominant and magical women it can show women another side of themselves. The page will feature on a double page spread so I will need to have different photos for the articles and I will need to have a range of different information about witches. I would include multiple, short articles about witches to keep a fast pace to the double page. The first article would be a brief history on witches. Then the second would be include real witch stories. Then I would have a section with a ‘are you a witch’ quiz. I would also include a short article about different powers that witches stereotypically have, including a different potion that witches used. I would conduct my own short photoshoot for the article, my first photo is a picture of a women laid down in a wood, with witch styled make up on, and the second picture would be a selection of candles in the woods. I then would take the photos to Photoshop to introduce some edits to make the photos look darker and more mysterious. I would only need one model for these photoshoots and I would conduct them in The Museum Gardens in York center, because the gardens has remains of old buildings that would fit in with the mysterious witch setting, or I could conduct them at Knavesmire Woods. Here are some different fonts that I found that would fit in well with the theme of my page.
  • 14. For my next double page spread I’m going to do a page about how feminism is presented in media. So I have decided for one page of the double page spread I’m going to re-create different articles that I found from magazines about being dependent on relationships, and I'm going to re-write them. For example, an article I found from an online magazine called meet mindful, an article called ‘7 sweet & simple secrets for making your man feel loved’. So I will copy that article and instead have 7 sweet & simple secrets for making yourself feel loved, and include real tips to create a happy lifestyle for yourself. Here are some more example articles that I could use. The second page of my double page spread on feminism in the media will be a row of quotes from different celebrities about feminism. Some of the quotes will be positive and empowering and some of them will be negative and offensive. Then next to the quotes will be edited animations of the celebrities who said the quotes. But the celebrities and quotes wont line up, so there will be a subheading saying ‘who said what?’ and this will give an opportunity for the readers to be involved.
  • 15. An idea I had for a double page spread was to create a calendar/diary and have important events and their date for the next month for the readers to look at, I would have events from different places across the UK to cater for all my readers that might not be from just York. Feminist Calendar
  • 16. To plan my next photoshoot/double page spread I started by looking online and researching different popular trends on social media so I could see what I can do to attract my target audience. I learnt from different platforms of social media that flowers photograph very effectively. The colours in flowers are all vibrant and pick up well on camera, and they symbolize happiness and joyfulness which is a positive vibe that I want to include in my magazine. So, I needed to find a way to introduce flowers into my photoshoot and have it link with feminism. I decided to have a woman stood with flowers growing out of her mouth. I'm including different colored flowers and I'm setting it outside with a garden style background to support the natural and earthy aesthetic. The meaning behind the photos is that the women's body is like the stem and the root of the flower and the women is powerful and natural. The flowers represent happiness and health. The photos shoots are meant to be women empowering but also promoting the edgy and unique style that I have running through my magazine. I have written a short article explaining the photos and plan to conduct the photoshoots next week once I have chosen the model I'm going to use. Flower-Power Photoshoot
  • 17. Also, to make my magazine realistic and professional I decided that I needed to include an advert, I wanted to include an advert that was fun and exciting to in keep with the rest of the magazine. I was interested in making an advert that my audience would find interesting. I thought about including a clothing or makeup advert because I thought I could create some interesting, effective photos from it, and I already have clothes and makeup that I could’ve included therefore I wouldn’t have to spend any extra costs. However, I thought it would send the wrong message to readers if the only magazine in a feminist magazine for women was a makeup or clothing advert. Showing that all women are bothered about is clothes and makeup. Therefore I decided to choose a uni-sex topic for the advert. After researching what kind of adverts other magazines include and researching different poster ads for inspiration, I decided to create an advert for a new drink. I thought this would be effective because a drink isn’t overly hard to create and using the correct camera effects and editing in Photoshop, I can take an effective photo and therefore create an interesting and professional ad. Here is a flat plan of how I have roughly planned what the ad would look like. Advert
  • 19. Resources Equipment/ Props/ Costume needed Locations needed Makeup, for the witch photoshoot Knavesmire Woods Plain t-shirts Museum Gardens Marker pens A white room, or white wall Camera College Tripod Lively background, streets in town Paint Black dress for witch shoot 5 different Eyeshadow colours 5 different types of Flowers Models A earthy setting, my back garden
  • 20. Contingency Planning Potential Issue Solution If a camera that I use from school stops working or breaks. I will end the photoshoot, make sure I keep the remains of the camera safe, then I will take them to college so they can be fixed. While this is happening I will be finding another way to get access to a camera as fast as possible so my photoshoot doesn’t have to stop for too long. If my models are unreliable and on photoshoot day they cancel. I make sure that I am not reliant on one model for all of my photoshoots and make sure that my model is trustworthy. However if she is unable to come I will have other models that I can reach who will be able to model in the photos If on my shooting day the weather is bad. I will have looked at the weather forecast before and planned my shoots accordingly, however if the weather changed unexpectedly I will have to shoot some of the photos inside and then immediately plan another day for the photoshoots. Location accessibility, if I cant reach the locations I need for the photoshoots. This shouldn’t be a problem because my locations are all available for public access, however if this does happen I will have multiple different places where I can conduct my photoshoots. If during the writing of my articles I get writers block. If I get writers block and find it difficult to write the articles I will take a break and read other articles for inspiration.
  • 21. Health and Safety Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? A potential issue is that by looking at the computer screen all day I could get eye strain. To avoid this I will make sure that I take breaks at appropriate times to eliminate the risk of eye strain. This will also give me the opportunity to take a break from the work so I can re-focus and re- gage my thoughts. If I am ill on a production day. If I am ill on a production day then I will make sure I stay at home and rest. I wont conduct a photoshoot because I don’t want to make my models ill because then I wont be able to conduct the photoshoots when I am better. I will also make sure I rest so that I can feel better as soon as possible. If I get back ache from setting at the computer desk all day. To avoid the chance of me developing back ache I will make sure my chair is at the right height, so I’m not crowded over my chair and my posture is straight, eliminating the chances of back ache. During my witch photoshoot I am conducting it in the woods. Therefore there is a lot of sticks and branches on the floor which could be a trip hazard. I will make sure that my model is warning about the hazard and then during the photoshoot I will make sure that there is nothing blocking our way that could be dangerous.
  • 22. Production Schedule Day/Lesson Tasks Week 1 1.1 Conduct research and planning so I can start writing my articles for the double page spread. Making sure all the information I’m including in the articles is correct. Start writing the articles, write up to three and then start planning them on my pages. As well as planning and writing articles, start planning photoshoots to conduct later in the week. Book camera equipment I need and decide where to conduct the photoshoots, also start collecting the props I need and start contacting the models. Also, check the weather forecast for my photoshoot days. 1.2 Later in the week once I have written a few articles and started to structure my pages I will start conducting my photoshoots. 1.3 In the final days of the week I will sort out all my photos and then take them into editing on photoshop. Week 2 Week 2 .1will be spent carrying on writing articles and editing my photoshoots. 2.2 I will still have a few photoshoots left to conduct and they will be finished within the second week of production Week 3 Week 3.1 I will be starting to finish double page spreads Week 4 Week 4.1 I will be adding final touches to my magazine making sure it is perfect with no mistakes

Editor's Notes

  1. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.
  2. Use this space to document whatever pre-production work you did for your project. It will vary from person to person and project to project.