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                                          V O L U M E      I I ,   I S S U E   5                                         J U N E    2 0 1 0

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                                   Talent management or talent liberation?                                          By Clive Wilson
twitter                           Talent Management has become the                           systematic way. Every organisation is different and
LinkedIn                          dominant workplace issue of this century.                  precise implementation will depend on what else is
                                                                                             going on, so the process can be moulded to your
Join our online forum:            The prevailing theme of talent management is the           particular needs.
releasing potential               establishment of processes through which sufficient
                                  talent can be sourced, developed and used for an           Your 8 Steps to Talent Liberation
And visit our partner site        organisation. Emphasis is placed on succession to
                                                                                             1. Confirm direction: Ensure clarity of vision in
globalleadershipalliance          key roles and development of key individuals.
                                                                                             your organisation and a good understanding of how
PrimeTalk is edited by            The focus of the discipline of Talent Liberation on the    value is added. Without it, people will not know how
Rachel Sorton-Hall. We            other hand is on releasing potential and making the        to add value through the best use of their talents
welcome your comments,            most of the talent that everyone brings to the work-
                                                                                             2. State philosophy: Establish your organisation's
so do get in touch, at            place.
                                                                                             philosophy on talent - does it buy into the Talent
rachel.sortonhall@ pri-                                                                      Liberation statement opposite? What else needs to
                                  It’s a progressive and emerging discipline and a
                                  subset of the positive psychology movement. The            be said to make it fit for purpose?
Of course, you can also email     underlying philosophy of talent liberation is outlined
                                                                                             3. Align processes: Do your organisation's
me if you wish to unsubscribe.    as:
                                                                                             performance management processes support the
                                                                                             philosophy? If not, what changes need to be made?
                                   “Organisations reach                                      4. Plan: What else does your organisation need to
                                    prime performance                                        do to support talent liberation? Take stock of all the
                                   when they recognise,                                      steps in this article.
                                    value, develop and
 INSIDE THIS                       use the unique talents                                    5. Communicate: Communicate the new
                                    of all their people in                                   philosophy and plan of action via your head of
 ISSUE:                                                                                      business. Then, establish a clear strategy to let
                                    the delivery of their
                                        objectives.”                                         people know how talent is being used to support
 Talent                    1                                                                 business needs on an ongoing basis.
 Management or                                                                         6. Develop leaders: Provide leadership
 Talent Liberation?                 Coaching
                                  Recognise, value and develop                         development for all your managers where they can
 Clive Wilson                     These words are key, individuals and organisations
                                    ‘Traditional’ one-to-one coaching with a qualified,recognise, value, develop and use their talents in
                                  must take deliberate steps to:                       the delivery of business objectives. When they have
                                    accredited coach to enhance performance, either personally or in the context of business ob-
 Meet the Team             1        jectives.the talent they bring to the workplace    made gains, equip them to do the same for their
 Clive Wilson                                                                          people.
                                  value them in terms of understanding how each
                                                                                       7. Build talented teams: Provide team
                                  talent adds value
 Do your Leaders   2                                                                   development where individuals can acknowledge
 Lead from Within?                develop talents into clear strengths rather than     each other's talents and commit as a team to
 Sarah Sharp                      focusing too much energy on weaknesses               improved ways of working that play to their
                                  use the unique talents they have, consciously, to
                                  deliver their shared objectives                      8. Review: Review, modify and repeat as required.
 How Good is your          3
 Succession                       For it to work properly, it must be led from the top       Good luck!
 Planning for                     and fed into the life blood of the organisation in a                       
 Retiring Baby
 Sue Jackson                                 About the Author - Clive Wilson
 Primeast Free             4                                                                viewed leading professionals on their philosophies
                                            Clive Wilson is deputy chairman at
 Learning Events                            Primeast and heads up the talent                and strategies in leadership and talent management.
                                            liberation specialism.                          Many of these recorded interviews can be viewed by
                                                                                            joining the Releasing Potential online forum.
                                 Clive specialises in helping organisations reach
                                 prime performance by recognising, valuing, develop-        Clive invites you to share your views and experi-
                                 ing and using the unique talents of all their people in    ences;
                                 the delivery of their objectives.
       In the next               As well as being a writer, speaker and business
                                                                                               Online, Releasing Potential is for anyone wishing
                                                                                               to release their potential or that of their team,
          issue                  coach, he hosts a number of online and face to face           organisation or community.
   Leadership                    forums where professionals can share challenges
                                                                                               Face-to-face events are on page 4
                                 and best practice. For the talent forum, Clive inter-

      t: +44 (0)1423 531083                       f: +44 (0)1423 520173                                     e:
         Primeast Ltd, 5 Greengate, Cardale Park, Harrogate, HG3 1GY United Kingdom                            w:
VOLUME       II,   ISSUE      5                                                                             PAGE         2

Do your leaders lead from within? By Sarah Sharp
                                        their own leadership styles and
D    o your leaders do as they
     tell others to do?
Middle managers often ask “Why
                                        work more effectively with others.
                                        This opens up other opportunities
                                                                                  a keen sense of who they are and
                                                                                  where they have come from.
                                        to help with their decision-making.
should we follow senior people                                                    Because they have this high level
when they don’t seem to practice                                                  of self-knowledge, they can tap into
what they preach?” It’s always a
question which makes me think –
not only about the answer but also
                                        W      hat next?
                                               There are numerous leader-
                                        ship development options avail-
                                                                                  their intuition to help them make
                                                                                  important choices. In fact they are
                                                                                  releasing their full potential and
about why this should be the case.      able. From working with emerging          “leading from within”.
                                        leaders to help them identify their
                                        goals and development needs, to

W      hat makes a great leader?
       Working with leaders in all
industries has shown us that good
                                        working with experienced leaders
                                        on an individual basis to help them
                                        progress a particular issue or need.
leadership starts with self-
knowledge. Great leaders, both          In this latter type of work, leaders
current and throughout history, are     are often challenged to change - to
very self-aware, they know;             move out of the “same old” routine
                                        and try something different.
♦   who they are                        Changing mind sets can be a pow-
♦   where they come from                erful way of unlocking new innova-
♦   and what beliefs and values         tive solutions which were so illusive
    shape their thinking                just moments before.

                                                                                  Often in this competitive business

                                        I ntuition - myth or skill?
                                          The use of ‘props’ can be a pow-
                                        erful way to help a leader who is
                                                                                  world, leaders are encouraged to
                                                                                  only apply logic to solve the prob-
                                                                                  lems they face. Spreadsheets,
                                        “stuck”, to think through their is-       formulae, tried and trusted meth-
                                        sues, or a particular problem they        ods of “working things out” are all
                                        are facing.                               employed, yet we still hear many
                                                                                  leaders saying things like
                                        Recently, when faced with a chal-
                                                                                  “Hindsight is a wonderful thing” and
It seems that the leaders who don’t     lenge of my own, I turned to one of
                                                                                  “My gut instinct told me that would-
practise what they preach are           my favourite ‘props’ – a pack of
                                                                                  n’t work”.
those who are less self-aware.          cards with random words, phrases
They don’t possess the knowledge        and questions on them. The card
of their own drivers, styles and        that caught my eye said:
preferences to be able to really
inspire others to follow.
                                                                                  T    rust your instincts
                                                                                       Experience tells us that great
                                                                                  leaders trust their instincts more
                                             “Don’t try to work it out …          often. It’s true that intuition is not a
                                                    sense it, feel it,
                                                                                  perfect science. It can be difficult
Y     ou can get that self-
All good leadership programmes
                                                   trust it, try it.”
                                                                                  to justify a decision based on in-
                                                                                  stinct and yet so often, our instincts
                                                                                  are right. But perhaps to be brave
should start with an examination of
                                                                                  enough to trust them, we really do
the person expected to lead the         Some of the best leaders I have
                                                                                  need to have the security that true
team or company. Diagnostic             met often appear to use intuition to
                                                                                  self-awareness brings first.
tools, coupled with one to one          make major decisions, but of
coaching, will ensure participants      course this can’t be the case – can                   Sarah Sharp is Head of
gain a thorough understanding of;       it? Surely, great leaders would not                   Leadership at Primeast.
                                        rely on such an unscientific method                   She will be running two
♦   themselves                          to shape the strategic direction of                   free People Builder events
♦   their motivators                    their organisation – or would they?                   about this topic in the UK
♦   values and beliefs                                                                        in July - see page 4 for
♦   and their vision for the future                                                           details.

The consequence of this is that
individuals are enabled to embrace
                                        R    elease potential
                                             These men and women have
                                                                                  t: +44 (0) 1423 531083

         t: +44 (0)1423 531083                       f: +44 (0)1423 520173                   e:
            Primeast Ltd, 5 Greengate, Cardale Park, Harrogate, HG3 1GY United Kingdom          w:
VOLUME         II,      ISSUE   5                                                                                   PAGE     3

   How good is your succession planning for retiring Baby Boomers?
   By Sue Jackson

 Will your company lose more               older workers approaching, and post          Support
 than just the familiar faces of           retirement will support the process of       Employers can support the transition
 its older employees when the              talent liberation and development            into retirement by providing retirees
 baby boomer generation                    and provide an evaluation and                with information and coaching.
                                           assessment platform.
                                                                                        The process of coaching is an
                                           Motivation                                   opportunity for older people to
 You can tap into retirees’ talents and    Mentors will be better motivated             consider what their ideal retirement
 knowledge in a way that serves            when there is a benefit exchange.            will look like, their feelings about
 everybody well and encourages the         This has many advantages. Skills             retirement and how they can move
 best of knowledge transfer.               and experience that were to be lost          forward to a rewarding, interesting
                                           can be retained and developed and            and sustaining chapter in their lives.
                                           the mentor if trained and given time
    Baby Boomer                            to develop mentoring skills, possibly
    “A person born                         with the assistance of external
            during a                       training, is given a sense of worth
temporary peak in                          and value at a time of significant
      the birth-rate,                      change in their life.
    specifically the
 one that occurred                         Inspire sharing
          in several                       So, in what other ways might older
 countries, notably                        workers be inspired to give their
  the USA and the                          information freely and completely?
       UK, between                         Baby boomers who have worked for
  1945 and 1965.”                          40+ years of their lives will view
                                           retirement in a variety of ways; for
                                           some it will be freeing and allow the
 As the acceleration in baby boomer        realisation of their aspirations and for
 retirement begins, these are issues       others it will be fraught with
 facing many employers. Baby               uncertainty.
 boomers are a defining generation.
                                           The years committed to work may be
                                           rewarded with time to pursue                 Coaching for retirement
 Changing times                                                                         Coaching for retirement provides the
                                           hobbies, see friends and family,
 Born between the years of optimism,                                                    retiree with a ‘space to evolve’, to be
                                           volunteer and perhaps take special
 reform and liberalisation, they have                                                   curious and challenged about their
                                           holidays. Others may develop their
 seen many changes over their life-                                                     future and to consider opportunities
                                           entrepreneurial side taking an idea or
 times, not least of which is their                                                     and constraints. If retirement coach-
                                           vision and turning it into a business
 increase in life expectancy.                                                           ing is provided by the employer, then
                                           either through financial need, the
                                           realisation of an ambition or a              the circle of knowledge transfer can
 Losing potential                                                                       be completed; individuals leave
                                           chance to change.
 These employees have picked up a                                                       feeling valued, respected and
 wealth of knowledge and gained                                                         empowered and those who remain
 much valuable insight from their                                                       benefit from the enrichment of their
 working life and experience. If they                                                   wisdom and mentoring while observ-
 leave with that knowledge and                                                          ing the values of the company and
 wisdom internalised it is lost to the                                                  therefore work to continue and
 company and the resource cannot                                                        develop the success of the company.
 easily be replaced.
 Providing a vehicle for comprehen-                                                             Guest writer, Sue Jackson is
 sive knowledge transfer from retirees                                                     Principal at Whitespace Coaching
 is therefore invaluable in maintaining    Income                                   
 your company’s status, financial          Older people are now forming a
 buoyancy and competitive edge.            larger proportion of the entrepreneu-         Warwick Abbott is head of Coaching
                                           rial population as demographic                       at Primeast, contact him on:
                                           change, improved health, altruism                             t: +44 (0) 1423 531083
 Harnessing talent
 Mentoring of younger and less             and the need to supplement income                e:
 experienced staff by these skilled        become more important.

        t: +44 (0)1423 531083                       f: +44 (0)1423 520173                     e:
           Primeast Ltd, 5 Greengate, Cardale Park, Harrogate, HG3 1GY United Kingdom            w:
VOLUME         II,   ISSUE       5                                                                                     PAGE      4

 Diary of Primeast Events and how you can join in
   Fri BOOKE 2010
       11 June                                                         What is People Builder?
  LYorkshire Talent Forum - Talent Challenge at                        We run People Builder learning and development events to
   Sunderland City Council                                             share our experience and expertise - apart from it being free,
   Primeast Harrogate, UK Offices, 9.30am to 12pm                      there are at least 3 other good reasons for you to come along!
   By Dave Rippon, Learning & Development Manager                      1. You have an interest in learning and development for your
   at Sunderland City Council                                             organisation
                                                                       2. You are interested in your own development
   Dave Rippon will update the Forum on progress to tap into
                                                                       3. ‘It’s inspiring, helpful, fun and a must-do!’ Comments from a
   back-office talent in support of customer facing operations.
                    Find out more and book this free learning event
                    Fri 10 September
                                    email:      Yorkshire Talent Forum - Talent Challenge tbc
                                                                       Primeast Harrogate, UK Offices, 9.30am to 12pm
  Fri LY BOO
      11 June                                                          Organised by Clive Wilson, Head of Talent Liberation
  London & South East Talent Forum                                     and Deputy Chairman, Primeast
   (ICSA) Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators          All Yorkshire Talent Forums feature a talent management chal-
   16 Park Crescent, London W1B 1AH, UK, 9.30am to 12.30pm             lenge presented by one of the Forum members. This is fol-
   By Gill Whensley of the ICSA                                        lowed by an action-learning-set style engagement with forum
   Face-to-face forum to share challenges and best practice in         members.
   talent management.                                                                   Find out more and book this free learning event
                    Find out more and book this free learning event                                     email:
                                    email:      Thu 16 September
                                                                       People Builder - Leading & Managing Change
   Thu 24 June - Prague (in English)                                   Primeast Harrogate, UK Offices, 8.30am to 10.30am
                                                                       Lead by Jo Murphy, Primeast
   People Builder - Developing Mental Toughness
   to Improve Individual & Organisational                                               Find out more and book this free learning event
   Performance                                                                                  email:
   Primeast Office, M.D. Rettigové 8/79, Prague, 9am to 11am                                                   tel: +44 (0)1423 531083
   Lead in English by Martin Carver, Head of OD &
   Change, Primeast UK                                                 Thu 4 to Fri 5 November 2010
   Explore this interesting concept—how it is measured, the impli-     Progressive Strategies in Talent Management—
   cations and benefits of greater awareness. Get an opportunity       CIPD Open Programme
   to do your own MTQ test (in Czech if you wish).                     Venue tbc, two days
                                                                       Organised with CIPD by Clive Wilson, Head of Talent
                                Find out more and book your place      Liberation and Deputy Chairman, Primeast
                         email:         The discipline of talent management has become established
                                              tel: +420 222 360 166    as an essential component of HR strategy. This course briefly
                                                                       takes account of the established best practice in talent manage-
   Thu 8 July                                                          ment.
   People Builder - Leading from Within                                                                 For fees and to book your place
   The Met Hotel, Leeds LS1 2HQ, UK, 8.30am to 10.30am                   
   and also on
                                                                       Fri 10 December 2010
   Wed 14 July                                                         Yorkshire Talent Forum - Talent Challenge tbc
   People Builder - Leading from Within                                Primeast Harrogate, UK Offices, 9.30am to 12pm
   Primeast Harrogate, UK Offices, 8.30am to 10.30am                   Organised by Clive Wilson, Head of Talent Liberation
   Lead by Sarah Sharp, Head of Leadership, Primeast                   and Deputy Chairman, Primeast
                                                                       All Yorkshire Talent Forums feature a talent management chal-
   An informative and fun session to explore what makes a great
                                                                       lenge presented by one of the Forum members. This is fol-
   leader and how you can acquire that knowledge to release your
                                                                       lowed by an action-learning-set style engagement with forum
                                                                                        Find out more and book this free learning event
       Find out more and book either of these free learning events
                                          tel: +44 (0)1423 531083

           t: +44 (0)1423 531083                       f: +44 (0)1423 520173                             e:
              Primeast Ltd, 5 Greengate, Cardale Park, Harrogate, HG3 1GY United Kingdom                    w:

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Prime Talk Volume Ii Issue 5 June 2010

  • 1. WELCOME! PrimeTalk V O L U M E I I , I S S U E 5 J U N E 2 0 1 0 If you like what you see here, you can follow us on: Talent management or talent liberation? By Clive Wilson twitter Talent Management has become the systematic way. Every organisation is different and LinkedIn dominant workplace issue of this century. precise implementation will depend on what else is going on, so the process can be moulded to your Join our online forum: The prevailing theme of talent management is the particular needs. releasing potential establishment of processes through which sufficient talent can be sourced, developed and used for an Your 8 Steps to Talent Liberation And visit our partner site organisation. Emphasis is placed on succession to 1. Confirm direction: Ensure clarity of vision in globalleadershipalliance key roles and development of key individuals. your organisation and a good understanding of how PrimeTalk is edited by The focus of the discipline of Talent Liberation on the value is added. Without it, people will not know how Rachel Sorton-Hall. We other hand is on releasing potential and making the to add value through the best use of their talents welcome your comments, most of the talent that everyone brings to the work- 2. State philosophy: Establish your organisation's so do get in touch, at place. philosophy on talent - does it buy into the Talent rachel.sortonhall@ pri- Liberation statement opposite? What else needs to It’s a progressive and emerging discipline and a subset of the positive psychology movement. The be said to make it fit for purpose? Of course, you can also email underlying philosophy of talent liberation is outlined 3. Align processes: Do your organisation's me if you wish to unsubscribe. as: performance management processes support the philosophy? If not, what changes need to be made? “Organisations reach 4. Plan: What else does your organisation need to prime performance do to support talent liberation? Take stock of all the when they recognise, steps in this article. value, develop and INSIDE THIS use the unique talents 5. Communicate: Communicate the new of all their people in philosophy and plan of action via your head of ISSUE: business. Then, establish a clear strategy to let the delivery of their objectives.” people know how talent is being used to support Talent 1 business needs on an ongoing basis. Management or 6. Develop leaders: Provide leadership Talent Liberation? Coaching Recognise, value and develop development for all your managers where they can Clive Wilson These words are key, individuals and organisations ‘Traditional’ one-to-one coaching with a qualified,recognise, value, develop and use their talents in must take deliberate steps to: the delivery of business objectives. When they have accredited coach to enhance performance, either personally or in the context of business ob- Meet the Team 1 jectives.the talent they bring to the workplace made gains, equip them to do the same for their recognise Clive Wilson people. value them in terms of understanding how each 7. Build talented teams: Provide team talent adds value Do your Leaders 2 development where individuals can acknowledge Lead from Within? develop talents into clear strengths rather than each other's talents and commit as a team to Sarah Sharp focusing too much energy on weaknesses improved ways of working that play to their strengths. use the unique talents they have, consciously, to deliver their shared objectives 8. Review: Review, modify and repeat as required. How Good is your 3 Succession For it to work properly, it must be led from the top Good luck! Planning for and fed into the life blood of the organisation in a Retiring Baby Boomers? Sue Jackson About the Author - Clive Wilson Primeast Free 4 viewed leading professionals on their philosophies Clive Wilson is deputy chairman at Learning Events Primeast and heads up the talent and strategies in leadership and talent management. liberation specialism. Many of these recorded interviews can be viewed by joining the Releasing Potential online forum. Clive specialises in helping organisations reach prime performance by recognising, valuing, develop- Clive invites you to share your views and experi- ing and using the unique talents of all their people in ences; the delivery of their objectives. In the next As well as being a writer, speaker and business Online, Releasing Potential is for anyone wishing to release their potential or that of their team, issue coach, he hosts a number of online and face to face organisation or community. Leadership forums where professionals can share challenges Face-to-face events are on page 4 and best practice. For the talent forum, Clive inter- t: +44 (0)1423 531083 f: +44 (0)1423 520173 e: Primeast Ltd, 5 Greengate, Cardale Park, Harrogate, HG3 1GY United Kingdom w:
  • 2. VOLUME II, ISSUE 5 PAGE 2 Do your leaders lead from within? By Sarah Sharp their own leadership styles and D o your leaders do as they tell others to do? Middle managers often ask “Why work more effectively with others. This opens up other opportunities a keen sense of who they are and where they have come from. to help with their decision-making. should we follow senior people Because they have this high level when they don’t seem to practice of self-knowledge, they can tap into what they preach?” It’s always a question which makes me think – not only about the answer but also W hat next? There are numerous leader- ship development options avail- their intuition to help them make important choices. In fact they are releasing their full potential and about why this should be the case. able. From working with emerging “leading from within”. leaders to help them identify their goals and development needs, to W hat makes a great leader? Working with leaders in all industries has shown us that good working with experienced leaders on an individual basis to help them progress a particular issue or need. leadership starts with self- knowledge. Great leaders, both In this latter type of work, leaders current and throughout history, are are often challenged to change - to very self-aware, they know; move out of the “same old” routine and try something different. ♦ who they are Changing mind sets can be a pow- ♦ where they come from erful way of unlocking new innova- ♦ and what beliefs and values tive solutions which were so illusive shape their thinking just moments before. Often in this competitive business I ntuition - myth or skill? The use of ‘props’ can be a pow- erful way to help a leader who is world, leaders are encouraged to only apply logic to solve the prob- lems they face. Spreadsheets, “stuck”, to think through their is- formulae, tried and trusted meth- sues, or a particular problem they ods of “working things out” are all are facing. employed, yet we still hear many leaders saying things like Recently, when faced with a chal- “Hindsight is a wonderful thing” and It seems that the leaders who don’t lenge of my own, I turned to one of “My gut instinct told me that would- practise what they preach are my favourite ‘props’ – a pack of n’t work”. those who are less self-aware. cards with random words, phrases They don’t possess the knowledge and questions on them. The card of their own drivers, styles and that caught my eye said: preferences to be able to really inspire others to follow. T rust your instincts Experience tells us that great leaders trust their instincts more “Don’t try to work it out … often. It’s true that intuition is not a sense it, feel it, perfect science. It can be difficult Y ou can get that self- knowledge All good leadership programmes trust it, try it.” to justify a decision based on in- stinct and yet so often, our instincts are right. But perhaps to be brave should start with an examination of enough to trust them, we really do the person expected to lead the Some of the best leaders I have need to have the security that true team or company. Diagnostic met often appear to use intuition to self-awareness brings first. tools, coupled with one to one make major decisions, but of coaching, will ensure participants course this can’t be the case – can Sarah Sharp is Head of gain a thorough understanding of; it? Surely, great leaders would not Leadership at Primeast. rely on such an unscientific method She will be running two ♦ themselves to shape the strategic direction of free People Builder events ♦ their motivators their organisation – or would they? about this topic in the UK ♦ values and beliefs in July - see page 4 for ♦ and their vision for the future details. The consequence of this is that individuals are enabled to embrace R elease potential These men and women have t: +44 (0) 1423 531083 e: t: +44 (0)1423 531083 f: +44 (0)1423 520173 e: Primeast Ltd, 5 Greengate, Cardale Park, Harrogate, HG3 1GY United Kingdom w:
  • 3. VOLUME II, ISSUE 5 PAGE 3 How good is your succession planning for retiring Baby Boomers? By Sue Jackson Will your company lose more older workers approaching, and post Support than just the familiar faces of retirement will support the process of Employers can support the transition its older employees when the talent liberation and development into retirement by providing retirees baby boomer generation and provide an evaluation and with information and coaching. assessment platform. retires? The process of coaching is an Motivation opportunity for older people to You can tap into retirees’ talents and Mentors will be better motivated consider what their ideal retirement knowledge in a way that serves when there is a benefit exchange. will look like, their feelings about everybody well and encourages the This has many advantages. Skills retirement and how they can move best of knowledge transfer. and experience that were to be lost forward to a rewarding, interesting can be retained and developed and and sustaining chapter in their lives. the mentor if trained and given time Baby Boomer to develop mentoring skills, possibly “A person born with the assistance of external during a training, is given a sense of worth temporary peak in and value at a time of significant the birth-rate, change in their life. specifically the one that occurred Inspire sharing in several So, in what other ways might older countries, notably workers be inspired to give their the USA and the information freely and completely? UK, between Baby boomers who have worked for 1945 and 1965.” 40+ years of their lives will view retirement in a variety of ways; for some it will be freeing and allow the As the acceleration in baby boomer realisation of their aspirations and for retirement begins, these are issues others it will be fraught with facing many employers. Baby uncertainty. boomers are a defining generation. The years committed to work may be rewarded with time to pursue Coaching for retirement Changing times Coaching for retirement provides the hobbies, see friends and family, Born between the years of optimism, retiree with a ‘space to evolve’, to be volunteer and perhaps take special reform and liberalisation, they have curious and challenged about their holidays. Others may develop their seen many changes over their life- future and to consider opportunities entrepreneurial side taking an idea or times, not least of which is their and constraints. If retirement coach- vision and turning it into a business increase in life expectancy. ing is provided by the employer, then either through financial need, the realisation of an ambition or a the circle of knowledge transfer can Losing potential be completed; individuals leave chance to change. These employees have picked up a feeling valued, respected and wealth of knowledge and gained empowered and those who remain much valuable insight from their benefit from the enrichment of their working life and experience. If they wisdom and mentoring while observ- leave with that knowledge and ing the values of the company and wisdom internalised it is lost to the therefore work to continue and company and the resource cannot develop the success of the company. easily be replaced. Providing a vehicle for comprehen- Guest writer, Sue Jackson is sive knowledge transfer from retirees Principal at Whitespace Coaching is therefore invaluable in maintaining Income your company’s status, financial Older people are now forming a buoyancy and competitive edge. larger proportion of the entrepreneu- Warwick Abbott is head of Coaching rial population as demographic at Primeast, contact him on: change, improved health, altruism t: +44 (0) 1423 531083 Harnessing talent Mentoring of younger and less and the need to supplement income e: experienced staff by these skilled become more important. t: +44 (0)1423 531083 f: +44 (0)1423 520173 e: Primeast Ltd, 5 Greengate, Cardale Park, Harrogate, HG3 1GY United Kingdom w:
  • 4. VOLUME II, ISSUE 5 PAGE 4 Diary of Primeast Events and how you can join in D Fri BOOKE 2010 11 June What is People Builder? LY LYorkshire Talent Forum - Talent Challenge at We run People Builder learning and development events to FU Sunderland City Council share our experience and expertise - apart from it being free, Primeast Harrogate, UK Offices, 9.30am to 12pm there are at least 3 other good reasons for you to come along! By Dave Rippon, Learning & Development Manager 1. You have an interest in learning and development for your at Sunderland City Council organisation 2. You are interested in your own development Dave Rippon will update the Forum on progress to tap into 3. ‘It’s inspiring, helpful, fun and a must-do!’ Comments from a back-office talent in support of customer facing operations. participant Find out more and book this free learning event Fri 10 September email: Yorkshire Talent Forum - Talent Challenge tbc Primeast Harrogate, UK Offices, 9.30am to 12pm KED Fri LY BOO 11 June Organised by Clive Wilson, Head of Talent Liberation FUL London & South East Talent Forum and Deputy Chairman, Primeast (ICSA) Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators All Yorkshire Talent Forums feature a talent management chal- 16 Park Crescent, London W1B 1AH, UK, 9.30am to 12.30pm lenge presented by one of the Forum members. This is fol- By Gill Whensley of the ICSA lowed by an action-learning-set style engagement with forum Face-to-face forum to share challenges and best practice in members. talent management. Find out more and book this free learning event Find out more and book this free learning event email: email: Thu 16 September People Builder - Leading & Managing Change Thu 24 June - Prague (in English) Primeast Harrogate, UK Offices, 8.30am to 10.30am Lead by Jo Murphy, Primeast People Builder - Developing Mental Toughness to Improve Individual & Organisational Find out more and book this free learning event Performance email: Primeast Office, M.D. Rettigové 8/79, Prague, 9am to 11am tel: +44 (0)1423 531083 Lead in English by Martin Carver, Head of OD & Change, Primeast UK Thu 4 to Fri 5 November 2010 Explore this interesting concept—how it is measured, the impli- Progressive Strategies in Talent Management— cations and benefits of greater awareness. Get an opportunity CIPD Open Programme to do your own MTQ test (in Czech if you wish). Venue tbc, two days Organised with CIPD by Clive Wilson, Head of Talent Find out more and book your place Liberation and Deputy Chairman, Primeast email: The discipline of talent management has become established tel: +420 222 360 166 as an essential component of HR strategy. This course briefly takes account of the established best practice in talent manage- Thu 8 July ment. People Builder - Leading from Within For fees and to book your place The Met Hotel, Leeds LS1 2HQ, UK, 8.30am to 10.30am email: and also on Fri 10 December 2010 Wed 14 July Yorkshire Talent Forum - Talent Challenge tbc People Builder - Leading from Within Primeast Harrogate, UK Offices, 9.30am to 12pm Primeast Harrogate, UK Offices, 8.30am to 10.30am Organised by Clive Wilson, Head of Talent Liberation Lead by Sarah Sharp, Head of Leadership, Primeast and Deputy Chairman, Primeast All Yorkshire Talent Forums feature a talent management chal- An informative and fun session to explore what makes a great lenge presented by one of the Forum members. This is fol- leader and how you can acquire that knowledge to release your lowed by an action-learning-set style engagement with forum potential. members. Find out more and book this free learning event Find out more and book either of these free learning events email: email: tel: +44 (0)1423 531083 t: +44 (0)1423 531083 f: +44 (0)1423 520173 e: Primeast Ltd, 5 Greengate, Cardale Park, Harrogate, HG3 1GY United Kingdom w: