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BTEC Creative Digital Media
Pre-Production Planning Materials
StopIT Anti-Cyber Bullying Campaign
StopIT is looking for ideas that meet its commission.
The charity has asked you to provide a rationale for your ideas in response to the commission you
have chosen. It would like to know how you have used the information it provided to form your
Use the space provided to write your rationale.
The anti-cyber bullying charity (StopIT) will have many people hoping to secure this commission.
You will need to convey your idea in a succinct and persuasive way through a written pitch. You will
need to ‘sell’ the idea to the client by including an overview of the content and style of your idea to
persuade them that it is worth considering. (max 500 words)
Type your response below this line. The box will expand as you type.
Good afternoon and thank you for inviting me to pitch my idea for a new short film to raise awareness for cyber
bullying. I know that you at, StopIT, strongly believe in this, therefore by believing in me I can help create the perfect
video to express this matter. By creating this video from my heart, I can sympathise and create the perfect moving video
for my targeted demographic. Along with assistance, I, as well as my team are planning to produce and create a truly
moving video. Within the video, we will incorporate plenty of conventions which makes my video instantly recognisable
as an anti-bullying campaign. If my target audience watch my video, my aim is within the first seconds of the video, the
audience will instantly engage and not lose this immersing behaviour throughout.
In today’s world, unfortunately online bullying is still prevalent despite the exponentially growing times where social
media is now becoming the norm for a majority of teens. These millennials now are becoming addicted to this craze,
meaning the chances of bullying are increasing rapidly. This addiction has no signs of ending with the increase in new
technologies every day entering our lives. I believe, as the director of my video, we need to help minimise the chances
of getting away with bullying. If individuals know their punishment after their horrible act, I strongly believe that
bullying will decrease. Within my research stage, I carried out primary and secondary research to enhance the chances
of me creating success within my targeted demographic. If I didn’t carry out this research, my idea along with used
statistics would be invalid and false. The use of statistics within the video, help creates an engaging meaning which my
audience can relate to.
Within my video, I will incorporate the use of enigmatic codes to leave suspense after watching the video. If my video
can stay within the viewers mind after the video, this will make the video maximised for effectiveness within the
industry. At the beginning of my video, the use of emotions amplifies the feelings felt by victims. These emotions are
not always obvious to the audience therefore by expressing these within the start of my video will create the deep
mood which I hope to portray throughout. I will use relatable sounds which will grab the audience’s attention. Also, I
will use a soundtrack of ‘Everglow’ which is relatable for my audience.
The plot of my video is short yet emerging meaning the effects of bullying are shown within an instant rather than a
long story which can possibly lose the attention of my audience. The plot aims to express the meaning of bullying and
showing that no matter how hard one person can try they feel excluded from society. Therefore, I am going to create a
video to show that there are not the only one being affected and that there is help out there. If a bully watches my
video, they will know that the abuse which they give will slowly become worthless.
Thank you for listening to my pitch, I hope I have persuaded you to allow me to create the perfect anti- bullying
campaign for you.
Activity 3 – Proposal
The proposal expands on the original idea in the pitch and gives further detail of how the media
product will be produced. The proposal requires details of:
o content overview
o technical considerations
o contributors, assets, locations and equipment
o legal and ethical considerations
o scheduling and planning considerations.
Please use the following pages to complete these sections of your proposal.
(Name) Title of Production Page 1/5
Daniel Bishun StopIT campaign:
 seeITstopITtellIT
Content Overview
Within my anti-bullying video, I hope to create a sense of attachment between the audience and the persona. I believe
in today’s exponentially growing times people will associate themselves more with common new technologies therefore
by using text message, used in an apple product, clearly portrays the meaning of my video. With more and more teens
using a smartphone and other electronical devices, the plea to prevent bullying online is become at risk. Suicide has
now become one of the most common reasons for death, although some people don’t commit suicide due to bullying.
However, a small percentage feel the need that by ending their lives will resolve their problem, this is not the case!
By creating this awareness video, I hope to show people that everyone needs to contribute to minimise the chances of
bullying online and off. Within my video, I will start with emotions which are normally felt by the victim. By expressing
this from the start, I hope to exemplify the fact that there is a plethora of feelings which the victim receives. Often these
emotions are hard to detect therefore by expressing them on paper will clearly state their feelings. Also, my video will
have a short yet powerful storyline highlighting the fact that no matter where you hide you can’t escape. I hope to show
the depth of their suffering therefore bullies know how much what they say/do affects an individual mentally and
possibly physically. The storyline along with the peaceful soundtrack will hopefully maximise the chances for success. If I
used an upbeat soundtrack, I feel my audience couldn’t engage with the plot. My song will have limited words therefore
the viewers can’t sing along and get distracted.
I also am aiming to create a cartoon like effect on some parts of my creation to again make it relatable for my audience.
Key conventions which our production company found from research indicate the use of relatable sounds and images
such a notification or a social media network logo can emphasise and act as a genre signifier. By making sure we have
enough of these signifiers can be the turning point for success.
Within my production company we have access to equipment and editorial software which enables us to create the best
possible product. The camera equipment as well as sound and lighting all contribute to success within the media .
Proposal Producer Title of Production Page 2/5
(Medium) (Name)
Daniel Bishun StopIT campaign:
 seeITstopITtellIT
Technical Considerations
The technical considerations which I have to take into account are vital within success. One of these considerations
which we have to take into account is the editorial stage. During this pivotal stage, we need to use professional
standard software to maximise our chances of success. Special effects and animations can be key if you want your video
to express the powerful meaning. When producers in industry begin to blueprint their ideas, they have a special team
which enables them to make sure they don’t miss any legal constraints. Further to these considerations, we, as the
producers, have to follow certain rules given by our clients. These rules need to be 100% followed if we want to make
sure our clients are happy with our final product.
More technical considerations which me and my team need to take into account are the lighting equipment. Lighting is
a technical code therefore we need to execute this to perfection in order to create the perfect atmosphere for my scene.
Lots of high key lighting signifies a bright and happy mood indicating peace and calmness. On the other hand, low key
lighting connotes an enigmatic mood which can great a myriad of gratifications for the audience. Some of these
gratifications include suspense and tension. By creating a sense of tension within my video allows the audience to never
lose concentration from the action.
Further thoughts which need to be accounted for are the camera equipment. The cameras which we need to use need
to be able to pick up the perfect light and shot of my original idea. During the filming stage, our idea may change
slightly but we hope to stick to our plan which will hopefully lead us to creating a perfect video for our client. With
expert cameras, we can create better quality footage meaning the emotions will be clearer. The peripherals which
support the camera are also fundamental to success. This equipment includes the tripod and microphone. Stability is
one of the most important tips for success when shooting a video. Therefore, by using a tripod we aim to keep the
camera completely still at all times.
Professional sound equipment is also crucial to success. As well as a microphone, to make sure my audio is industry
standard I will use a dead-cat audio muff in order to remove excess sound which we don’t want. This can be particularly
useful when we film outside in order to minimise wind noise. The audio footage needs to clean. However, during my
video, we won’t use any microphone sound however my backing track needs to be perfect quality.
For my backing track, I will use a Coldplay song. This song is reputable for my target audience therefore they can
instantly relate upon hearing it for the first time. If I was doing this in a professional stage I would buy the song and
make sure I proper legal licenses for me to publish within a national/global stage. For the song, I will need to select 30
seconds, I aim to use minimal speech therefore the audience can signify the video as a music video or an advert. If I
used a catch and dance themed music my audience would connate with a music themed advert. I aim to keep the
audience’s attention by showing a heart-warming story which is backed up by a smooth soundtrack.
Overall the technical side of my production plays a major role in order to reach my target. My demographic which I aim
to sell my video to will hopefully be able to know the main effects on victims. Some bullies don’t realise the effects on
others therefore carry on thinking they are not hurting the other. I aim to use cartoon along with text message effects
to connote a teenage friendly video. These animations are relatable for my target audience so can relate and engage.
Proposal Producer Title of Production Page 3/5
(Medium) (Name)
Daniel Bishun StopIT campaign:
 seeITstopITtellIT
Contributors, Locations, Assets and Equipment
For my production, I will use various locations to indicate the fact that the victims feel they can never escape. Although
we try to prevent bullying online, it is important to show the impacts on the bullying to their mental health. The victims
feel excluded from society and I aim to express this theme throughout. The topic of exclusion is important when it
comes to reporting the bullies. Therefore, I will need to use multiple locations to make this message clear. These
locations include a bedroom and a school environment. A bedroom has connotations of loneliness and segregation.
This is the ideal setting for the victim, however we need to make sure we are not promoting bullying by including lots of
conventions of an awareness video. The use of a school environment allows the persona to continually feel abuse,
meaning the audience continue to feel for him.
The contributors within the production stage need to be the perfect fit for my genre. I will use my friends as the actors
therefore I need to make sure they are clear of the plot so they can maximise the chances of professionality. If I had a
budget for my production I would hire actors, this would allow me to challenge the actors which lets me to create the
best production I can. Further contributors include the cameramen and lighting men which can help me to video whilst I
direct. This is important as my actors don’t want to keep re filming therefore they want to make sure it is correct. This is
why I, the director, am going to make sure the everything is perfect on set.
The assets which we will use are the editorial software. This software allows us to finalise our product and make sure we
meet our original brief and the directors aims. Adobe Creative Cloud is a reputable piece of software which is used by
the whole of the media industry for various of different things such as magazine creation to films. The creative cloud
also allows music producers to create music and this can be used within the film. Further intangible assets within my
production includes the website to coincide with my video for further support for the cause. I will be creating this site to
allow victims to feel included by seeing others who have experienced similar things. Within my site there will be a forum
(which will be closely monitored) for people to share experiences and who they spoke to. Also within my site I will have
a feature which means they can report it to us and we have experienced professionals who can deal with the issue. Our
USP of our website is the fact you can talk to the professionals by text, voice call or video call. This allows people to
express their thoughts in various ways. These professionals will know how to treat the victims. I feel by having this
feature linked to the video we can help create awareness for bullying especially cyber bullying.
Equipment is an important aspect to maximising success. If a production company used poor cameras like a phone
camera we possibly wouldn’t be able to communicate with the producers what they want us to feel. However, some
productions with a specific genre feel the use of a phone camera could be perfect. For my production, the use of
camera equipment is essential to success within the industry. We will use professional standard camera equipment as
well as expert lighting apparatus. Further paraphernalia which we will use include tripods to exploit the steadiness of the
film. I hope to maximise my chances of reaching my aim by using the best possible equipment. If I was creating this
product for a worldwide audience I would use more than one camera to pick up different shots. I would also
incorporate different lighting tones and a specifically designed set rather than a pre-made school environment; we
would build a precise set to that genre.
Proposal Producer Title of Production Page 4/5
(Medium) (Name)
Daniel Bishun StopIT campaign:
 seeITstopITtellIT
Legal and Ethical Considerations
The legal constraints which production companies have to undergo can be extremely complex and a long process.
However, this is fundamental to success because if a company doesn’t have the right licensing the industry leaders have
the right to shut down that production. Therefore, all that time and money would have been wasted due to a legalistic
error. During the pre- production stage, media firms have to undergo extensive research so they adhere to code of
practice and regulation that are given to them by the industry professionals. This comprehensive research is vital into
publishing your production within the legal requirements.
Major production companies hire specialists who lead the legal process for the production. One of the most common
licensing faults is copyright which involves one party using another’s product without significant permission. The use of
music in films in vital in order to portray the genre therefore if one track was copyrighted that means that whole
scene/s could be silent causing complete confusion or even worse they would shut down the whole film meaning the
production company wouldn’t create any profit and would infact lose a lot of money. Copyright is a law which gives the
creators of a specific media product security and exclusive rights to distribute this for a specific amount of time. For
example, if an artist creates a song but a film director also uses the same song, this act would need permission from the
industry government and the original creators of the song. If copyright was not in existence, the film directors could
gain a profitable value for a media product which they didn’t produce. Some films today create their own soundtrack to
eliminate the copyright procedure. Skyfall and Spectre, both reputable films used famous singers to create their
soundtrack meaning they wouldn’t have to go through extensive regulation documents.
Ethics within the media field now plays a major part for every medium. With today’s world becoming more cultural with
different religions, beliefs and sexualities being introduced everyday media producers must not discriminate to any of
these demographics. This abusive behaviour can also lead to it being shut down. Due to many different ethnic cultures,
the evolution of ethnic media has become more prominent in everyday media. The Black Enterprise Magazine and
Essence Magazine are some examples of print media which is aimed at the African American culture. Stereotypes within
the media are becoming life changing for certain individuals. The young black community have been demonised by
areas of the media and are all implied to be linked to violence and gangs.
Within my production I will only use one ethnic group therefore if I was publishing my product to a large-scale
audience I may have thought about using another ethnic group. I will use a male dominated actor’s due to the fact I feel
the male audience are involved in bullying or receiving harmful messages. Also within my production I will need to have
a proper license to broadcast my backing track of Ever glow by Coldplay. The notification sound will not need any
licensing clearances due to its length.
Title of Production Page 5/5
Daniel Bishun StopIT campaign:
 seeITstopITtellIT
Scheduling and Planning Considerations
A production company has to blueprint their schedule prior to filming. This plan has to be clear and stating when each
crew member including actors are needed. If a company didn’t plan when they needed each member, they could all
turn up every day when they are not needed. This leads to the company having to pay for them despite them doing
nothing productive all day. Planning increases efficiency especially if you have to follow strict deadlines. Companies
usually outsource some of their equipment as well as some technicians who help on set e.g. sound technicians. This
outsourcing needs to be booked many months prior to filming to make sure you can use the specific crew member/
equipment for the whole allocated time. If a company used one expert camera for half of the film and then a poor
unprofessional camera for the rest, this could possibly make the audience lose focus and would decrease final profits.
For my production, I will have a relatively small crew compared to any public or private sourced production firms. I will
have 3 actors with only one camera man. I will have to book my equipment early to avoid the perfect cameras from
being booked up. The lighting equipment is also important to maximise professionality. I plan to film on two days due
to having various locations. Another bonus of filming on two days, once you have filmed on the first day you can watch
the footage and if you haven’t got the perfect shot you can re film the next day. A contingency plan is essential in the
planning stage. A contingency plan is a backup plan if one of the actors or equipment is missing. Another feature of a
contingency plan is if the location isn’t perfect, for example if it is raining and dark for a light-hearted genre film it
would communicate the genre. My contingency plan will be to reschedule the filming days and to film at a later date. In
the meantime, I will edit what I can do minimise delay once I have all my footage.
If no plan is proposed there is a chance of the whole production becoming a failure. This is mainly due to the profits
lost to pay the staff’s wages. This can be extremely costly especially if they are a world-famous star. As a pro- bono
production company, planning still becomes a necessity in the pre-production stage. If there was no clear schedule,
there is a major possibility of the actors and cameramen not turning up to filming day as they were not clear of timings
and location. For my production, I will make sure all my actors know where to be and when. Furthermore, without a
schedule we could possibly break license laws and other requirements needed to make our production legal upon
A production company hires specialists who, with prior briefing, organise the crew and where they are meant to be and
when. This can be very time consuming considering most films are filmed in multiple locations with 100’s of staff
members required. This schedule then needs to be sent out and making sure everyone is clear on what to film.
Furthermore, the production company need to make sure their plot is realistic and not impossible once filming. A safety
reccee is also very important, which needs to be accounted for upon the pre-production planning. This safety
precaution minimises the chances of injury on set for both actors and technical staff.
Activity 4 – Treatment
StopIT wants a small sample of what your idea will look and/or sound like.
Using the templates provided (or any other appropriate template), give details of the style of your
proposed product. Use the accompanying justification sheets below to justify your ideas.
 Select the treatment below for your chosen commission.
 Complete the templates required for your chosen treatment.
 Ensure that your ideas are an expansion of your pitch and proposal.
Treatment 1 – Promotional Video
Create a storyboard that shows:
 Your short film (it should be around 30 seconds of footage)
You may submit a maximum of ten storyboard sheets.
Treatment 2 – Website
Create diagrams showing the navigation and page layouts of your website. You need to include:
 the navigation of the site
 the home page and one further linked page on the website
You may submit a maximum of three diagram / layout sheets plus three justification sheets.
Storyboard Producer Title Page Number
Image Audio Description
Storyboard Producer Title Page Number
Image Audio Description
Storyboard Producer Title Page Number
Image Audio Description
Template 2 – Website
Create diagrams showing the navigation and page layouts of your website that include:
 the home page and one further linked page on the website
 the navigation of the site.
You may submit a maximum of:
three diagrams / layout sheets (using these templates or any other appropriate template)
Webpage Layout Producer Title Page
Webpage Layout Producer Title Page
Pre-Preduction Planning Report
Pre-Preduction Planning Report

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Pre-Preduction Planning Report

  • 1. BTEC Creative Digital Media Pre-Production Planning Materials StopIT Anti-Cyber Bullying Campaign Name: DANIEL BISHUN
  • 2. Rationale StopIT is looking for ideas that meet its commission. The charity has asked you to provide a rationale for your ideas in response to the commission you have chosen. It would like to know how you have used the information it provided to form your ideas. Use the space provided to write your rationale.
  • 3. Pitch The anti-cyber bullying charity (StopIT) will have many people hoping to secure this commission. You will need to convey your idea in a succinct and persuasive way through a written pitch. You will need to ‘sell’ the idea to the client by including an overview of the content and style of your idea to persuade them that it is worth considering. (max 500 words) Type your response below this line. The box will expand as you type. Good afternoon and thank you for inviting me to pitch my idea for a new short film to raise awareness for cyber bullying. I know that you at, StopIT, strongly believe in this, therefore by believing in me I can help create the perfect video to express this matter. By creating this video from my heart, I can sympathise and create the perfect moving video for my targeted demographic. Along with assistance, I, as well as my team are planning to produce and create a truly moving video. Within the video, we will incorporate plenty of conventions which makes my video instantly recognisable as an anti-bullying campaign. If my target audience watch my video, my aim is within the first seconds of the video, the audience will instantly engage and not lose this immersing behaviour throughout. In today’s world, unfortunately online bullying is still prevalent despite the exponentially growing times where social media is now becoming the norm for a majority of teens. These millennials now are becoming addicted to this craze, meaning the chances of bullying are increasing rapidly. This addiction has no signs of ending with the increase in new technologies every day entering our lives. I believe, as the director of my video, we need to help minimise the chances of getting away with bullying. If individuals know their punishment after their horrible act, I strongly believe that bullying will decrease. Within my research stage, I carried out primary and secondary research to enhance the chances of me creating success within my targeted demographic. If I didn’t carry out this research, my idea along with used statistics would be invalid and false. The use of statistics within the video, help creates an engaging meaning which my audience can relate to. Within my video, I will incorporate the use of enigmatic codes to leave suspense after watching the video. If my video can stay within the viewers mind after the video, this will make the video maximised for effectiveness within the industry. At the beginning of my video, the use of emotions amplifies the feelings felt by victims. These emotions are not always obvious to the audience therefore by expressing these within the start of my video will create the deep mood which I hope to portray throughout. I will use relatable sounds which will grab the audience’s attention. Also, I will use a soundtrack of ‘Everglow’ which is relatable for my audience. The plot of my video is short yet emerging meaning the effects of bullying are shown within an instant rather than a long story which can possibly lose the attention of my audience. The plot aims to express the meaning of bullying and showing that no matter how hard one person can try they feel excluded from society. Therefore, I am going to create a video to show that there are not the only one being affected and that there is help out there. If a bully watches my video, they will know that the abuse which they give will slowly become worthless. Thank you for listening to my pitch, I hope I have persuaded you to allow me to create the perfect anti- bullying campaign for you.
  • 4. Activity 3 – Proposal The proposal expands on the original idea in the pitch and gives further detail of how the media product will be produced. The proposal requires details of: o content overview o technical considerations o contributors, assets, locations and equipment o legal and ethical considerations o scheduling and planning considerations. Please use the following pages to complete these sections of your proposal. (Medium) (Name) Title of Production Page 1/5 Anti-Cyberbullying Video Daniel Bishun StopIT campaign:  seeITstopITtellIT Content Overview Within my anti-bullying video, I hope to create a sense of attachment between the audience and the persona. I believe in today’s exponentially growing times people will associate themselves more with common new technologies therefore by using text message, used in an apple product, clearly portrays the meaning of my video. With more and more teens using a smartphone and other electronical devices, the plea to prevent bullying online is become at risk. Suicide has now become one of the most common reasons for death, although some people don’t commit suicide due to bullying. However, a small percentage feel the need that by ending their lives will resolve their problem, this is not the case! By creating this awareness video, I hope to show people that everyone needs to contribute to minimise the chances of bullying online and off. Within my video, I will start with emotions which are normally felt by the victim. By expressing this from the start, I hope to exemplify the fact that there is a plethora of feelings which the victim receives. Often these emotions are hard to detect therefore by expressing them on paper will clearly state their feelings. Also, my video will have a short yet powerful storyline highlighting the fact that no matter where you hide you can’t escape. I hope to show the depth of their suffering therefore bullies know how much what they say/do affects an individual mentally and possibly physically. The storyline along with the peaceful soundtrack will hopefully maximise the chances for success. If I used an upbeat soundtrack, I feel my audience couldn’t engage with the plot. My song will have limited words therefore the viewers can’t sing along and get distracted. I also am aiming to create a cartoon like effect on some parts of my creation to again make it relatable for my audience. Key conventions which our production company found from research indicate the use of relatable sounds and images such a notification or a social media network logo can emphasise and act as a genre signifier. By making sure we have enough of these signifiers can be the turning point for success. Within my production company we have access to equipment and editorial software which enables us to create the best possible product. The camera equipment as well as sound and lighting all contribute to success within the media . Proposal Producer Title of Production Page 2/5
  • 5. (Medium) (Name) Anti-Cyberbullying Video Daniel Bishun StopIT campaign:  seeITstopITtellIT Technical Considerations The technical considerations which I have to take into account are vital within success. One of these considerations which we have to take into account is the editorial stage. During this pivotal stage, we need to use professional standard software to maximise our chances of success. Special effects and animations can be key if you want your video to express the powerful meaning. When producers in industry begin to blueprint their ideas, they have a special team which enables them to make sure they don’t miss any legal constraints. Further to these considerations, we, as the producers, have to follow certain rules given by our clients. These rules need to be 100% followed if we want to make sure our clients are happy with our final product. More technical considerations which me and my team need to take into account are the lighting equipment. Lighting is a technical code therefore we need to execute this to perfection in order to create the perfect atmosphere for my scene. Lots of high key lighting signifies a bright and happy mood indicating peace and calmness. On the other hand, low key lighting connotes an enigmatic mood which can great a myriad of gratifications for the audience. Some of these gratifications include suspense and tension. By creating a sense of tension within my video allows the audience to never lose concentration from the action. Further thoughts which need to be accounted for are the camera equipment. The cameras which we need to use need to be able to pick up the perfect light and shot of my original idea. During the filming stage, our idea may change slightly but we hope to stick to our plan which will hopefully lead us to creating a perfect video for our client. With expert cameras, we can create better quality footage meaning the emotions will be clearer. The peripherals which support the camera are also fundamental to success. This equipment includes the tripod and microphone. Stability is one of the most important tips for success when shooting a video. Therefore, by using a tripod we aim to keep the camera completely still at all times. Professional sound equipment is also crucial to success. As well as a microphone, to make sure my audio is industry standard I will use a dead-cat audio muff in order to remove excess sound which we don’t want. This can be particularly useful when we film outside in order to minimise wind noise. The audio footage needs to clean. However, during my video, we won’t use any microphone sound however my backing track needs to be perfect quality. For my backing track, I will use a Coldplay song. This song is reputable for my target audience therefore they can instantly relate upon hearing it for the first time. If I was doing this in a professional stage I would buy the song and make sure I proper legal licenses for me to publish within a national/global stage. For the song, I will need to select 30 seconds, I aim to use minimal speech therefore the audience can signify the video as a music video or an advert. If I used a catch and dance themed music my audience would connate with a music themed advert. I aim to keep the audience’s attention by showing a heart-warming story which is backed up by a smooth soundtrack. Overall the technical side of my production plays a major role in order to reach my target. My demographic which I aim to sell my video to will hopefully be able to know the main effects on victims. Some bullies don’t realise the effects on others therefore carry on thinking they are not hurting the other. I aim to use cartoon along with text message effects to connote a teenage friendly video. These animations are relatable for my target audience so can relate and engage. Proposal Producer Title of Production Page 3/5
  • 6. (Medium) (Name) Anti-Cyberbullying Video Daniel Bishun StopIT campaign:  seeITstopITtellIT Contributors, Locations, Assets and Equipment For my production, I will use various locations to indicate the fact that the victims feel they can never escape. Although we try to prevent bullying online, it is important to show the impacts on the bullying to their mental health. The victims feel excluded from society and I aim to express this theme throughout. The topic of exclusion is important when it comes to reporting the bullies. Therefore, I will need to use multiple locations to make this message clear. These locations include a bedroom and a school environment. A bedroom has connotations of loneliness and segregation. This is the ideal setting for the victim, however we need to make sure we are not promoting bullying by including lots of conventions of an awareness video. The use of a school environment allows the persona to continually feel abuse, meaning the audience continue to feel for him. The contributors within the production stage need to be the perfect fit for my genre. I will use my friends as the actors therefore I need to make sure they are clear of the plot so they can maximise the chances of professionality. If I had a budget for my production I would hire actors, this would allow me to challenge the actors which lets me to create the best production I can. Further contributors include the cameramen and lighting men which can help me to video whilst I direct. This is important as my actors don’t want to keep re filming therefore they want to make sure it is correct. This is why I, the director, am going to make sure the everything is perfect on set. The assets which we will use are the editorial software. This software allows us to finalise our product and make sure we meet our original brief and the directors aims. Adobe Creative Cloud is a reputable piece of software which is used by the whole of the media industry for various of different things such as magazine creation to films. The creative cloud also allows music producers to create music and this can be used within the film. Further intangible assets within my production includes the website to coincide with my video for further support for the cause. I will be creating this site to allow victims to feel included by seeing others who have experienced similar things. Within my site there will be a forum (which will be closely monitored) for people to share experiences and who they spoke to. Also within my site I will have a feature which means they can report it to us and we have experienced professionals who can deal with the issue. Our USP of our website is the fact you can talk to the professionals by text, voice call or video call. This allows people to express their thoughts in various ways. These professionals will know how to treat the victims. I feel by having this feature linked to the video we can help create awareness for bullying especially cyber bullying. Equipment is an important aspect to maximising success. If a production company used poor cameras like a phone camera we possibly wouldn’t be able to communicate with the producers what they want us to feel. However, some productions with a specific genre feel the use of a phone camera could be perfect. For my production, the use of camera equipment is essential to success within the industry. We will use professional standard camera equipment as well as expert lighting apparatus. Further paraphernalia which we will use include tripods to exploit the steadiness of the film. I hope to maximise my chances of reaching my aim by using the best possible equipment. If I was creating this product for a worldwide audience I would use more than one camera to pick up different shots. I would also incorporate different lighting tones and a specifically designed set rather than a pre-made school environment; we would build a precise set to that genre. Proposal Producer Title of Production Page 4/5
  • 7. (Medium) (Name) Anti-Cyberbullying Video Daniel Bishun StopIT campaign:  seeITstopITtellIT Legal and Ethical Considerations The legal constraints which production companies have to undergo can be extremely complex and a long process. However, this is fundamental to success because if a company doesn’t have the right licensing the industry leaders have the right to shut down that production. Therefore, all that time and money would have been wasted due to a legalistic error. During the pre- production stage, media firms have to undergo extensive research so they adhere to code of practice and regulation that are given to them by the industry professionals. This comprehensive research is vital into publishing your production within the legal requirements. Major production companies hire specialists who lead the legal process for the production. One of the most common licensing faults is copyright which involves one party using another’s product without significant permission. The use of music in films in vital in order to portray the genre therefore if one track was copyrighted that means that whole scene/s could be silent causing complete confusion or even worse they would shut down the whole film meaning the production company wouldn’t create any profit and would infact lose a lot of money. Copyright is a law which gives the creators of a specific media product security and exclusive rights to distribute this for a specific amount of time. For example, if an artist creates a song but a film director also uses the same song, this act would need permission from the industry government and the original creators of the song. If copyright was not in existence, the film directors could gain a profitable value for a media product which they didn’t produce. Some films today create their own soundtrack to eliminate the copyright procedure. Skyfall and Spectre, both reputable films used famous singers to create their soundtrack meaning they wouldn’t have to go through extensive regulation documents. Ethics within the media field now plays a major part for every medium. With today’s world becoming more cultural with different religions, beliefs and sexualities being introduced everyday media producers must not discriminate to any of these demographics. This abusive behaviour can also lead to it being shut down. Due to many different ethnic cultures, the evolution of ethnic media has become more prominent in everyday media. The Black Enterprise Magazine and Essence Magazine are some examples of print media which is aimed at the African American culture. Stereotypes within the media are becoming life changing for certain individuals. The young black community have been demonised by areas of the media and are all implied to be linked to violence and gangs. Within my production I will only use one ethnic group therefore if I was publishing my product to a large-scale audience I may have thought about using another ethnic group. I will use a male dominated actor’s due to the fact I feel the male audience are involved in bullying or receiving harmful messages. Also within my production I will need to have a proper license to broadcast my backing track of Ever glow by Coldplay. The notification sound will not need any licensing clearances due to its length. Proposal (Medium) Producer (Name) Title of Production Page 5/5
  • 8. Anti-Cyberbullying Video Daniel Bishun StopIT campaign:  seeITstopITtellIT Scheduling and Planning Considerations A production company has to blueprint their schedule prior to filming. This plan has to be clear and stating when each crew member including actors are needed. If a company didn’t plan when they needed each member, they could all turn up every day when they are not needed. This leads to the company having to pay for them despite them doing nothing productive all day. Planning increases efficiency especially if you have to follow strict deadlines. Companies usually outsource some of their equipment as well as some technicians who help on set e.g. sound technicians. This outsourcing needs to be booked many months prior to filming to make sure you can use the specific crew member/ equipment for the whole allocated time. If a company used one expert camera for half of the film and then a poor unprofessional camera for the rest, this could possibly make the audience lose focus and would decrease final profits. For my production, I will have a relatively small crew compared to any public or private sourced production firms. I will have 3 actors with only one camera man. I will have to book my equipment early to avoid the perfect cameras from being booked up. The lighting equipment is also important to maximise professionality. I plan to film on two days due to having various locations. Another bonus of filming on two days, once you have filmed on the first day you can watch the footage and if you haven’t got the perfect shot you can re film the next day. A contingency plan is essential in the planning stage. A contingency plan is a backup plan if one of the actors or equipment is missing. Another feature of a contingency plan is if the location isn’t perfect, for example if it is raining and dark for a light-hearted genre film it would communicate the genre. My contingency plan will be to reschedule the filming days and to film at a later date. In the meantime, I will edit what I can do minimise delay once I have all my footage. If no plan is proposed there is a chance of the whole production becoming a failure. This is mainly due to the profits lost to pay the staff’s wages. This can be extremely costly especially if they are a world-famous star. As a pro- bono production company, planning still becomes a necessity in the pre-production stage. If there was no clear schedule, there is a major possibility of the actors and cameramen not turning up to filming day as they were not clear of timings and location. For my production, I will make sure all my actors know where to be and when. Furthermore, without a schedule we could possibly break license laws and other requirements needed to make our production legal upon release. A production company hires specialists who, with prior briefing, organise the crew and where they are meant to be and when. This can be very time consuming considering most films are filmed in multiple locations with 100’s of staff members required. This schedule then needs to be sent out and making sure everyone is clear on what to film. Furthermore, the production company need to make sure their plot is realistic and not impossible once filming. A safety reccee is also very important, which needs to be accounted for upon the pre-production planning. This safety precaution minimises the chances of injury on set for both actors and technical staff.
  • 9. Activity 4 – Treatment StopIT wants a small sample of what your idea will look and/or sound like. Using the templates provided (or any other appropriate template), give details of the style of your proposed product. Use the accompanying justification sheets below to justify your ideas.  Select the treatment below for your chosen commission.  Complete the templates required for your chosen treatment.  Ensure that your ideas are an expansion of your pitch and proposal. Treatment 1 – Promotional Video Create a storyboard that shows:  Your short film (it should be around 30 seconds of footage) You may submit a maximum of ten storyboard sheets. Treatment 2 – Website Create diagrams showing the navigation and page layouts of your website. You need to include:  the navigation of the site  the home page and one further linked page on the website You may submit a maximum of three diagram / layout sheets plus three justification sheets.
  • 10. Storyboard Producer Title Page Number 1/3 Image Audio Description edit: dur: edit: dur: edit: dur: edit: dur: edit: dur:
  • 11. Storyboard Producer Title Page Number 2/3 Image Audio Description edit: dur: edit: dur: edit: dur: edit: dur: edit:
  • 12. dur: Storyboard Producer Title Page Number 3/3 Image Audio Description edit: dur: edit: dur: edit: dur: edit: dur: edit:
  • 13. dur: Template 2 – Website Create diagrams showing the navigation and page layouts of your website that include:  the home page and one further linked page on the website  the navigation of the site. You may submit a maximum of: three diagrams / layout sheets (using these templates or any other appropriate template)
  • 14. Webpage Layout Producer Title Page 1/2
  • 15.
  • 16. Webpage Layout Producer Title Page 2/2