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Predictive Response to Combat
Retail Shrink
By combining the statistical and mathematical rigor of advanced
analytics with established business acumen and domain experience,
retailers can ferret out and reduce shrinkage caused by fraud, non-
compliance, poor processes and organized crime.
Executive Summary
Shrink, the unaccounted for inventory or cash
lost in the retailer value chain, is among the key
sore points in the retail industry. Retailers have
used electronic article surveillance, reporting
systems and a plethora of processes and policies
to identify the biggest opportunities to control
shrink. Yet most of these methods are reactive
and tend to be inefficient, cost-wise. Rudimentary
methods of shrink management have led retailers
to consider or undertake more costly approaches.
At the same time, the sluggish economic recovery
has forced these businesses to reduce headcount
and do more with less. Not surprisingly, there is
a growing need to utilize available data assets
more effectively by building capabilities to more
accurately report, analyze and predict shrink.
Analytics can help augment retailers’ abilities to
interpret vast amounts of seemingly unrelated
data from various sources and transform it into
concise, actionable intelligence. This can enable
retailers to become more proactive in countering
shrink before it becomes a huge issue and dra-
matically impacts the bottom line. To take shrink-
reduction programs to the next level, retailers
must improve their business intelligence (BI)
capabilities and embrace predictive analytics.
An enterprise-wide information system that
analyzes data to uncover and predict trends can
help these companies increase revenue, reduce
costs, improve processes and make quicker and
more informed strategic decisions to detect and
prevent shrink. Analytics provides a fresh way
• Cognizant 20-20 Insights
cognizant 20-20 insights | july 2013
Quick Take
•	US$119 billion: Estimated global shrink.
•	1.45%: 2011 global shrink rate;
up 6.6% from 2010.
•	US$28.3 billion: Money spent globally
on loss prevention (LP) in 2011.
•	US$200: Global cost of shrink per family.
Source: Global Theft Barometer 2011
The Cost of Shrink
for retailers to effectively utilize available loss
prevention (LP) personnel and resources, and
help them do more without increasing costs.
Retailers have been “thinking” about using
analytics for effective shrink reduction for too
long; the time has come to use the gold mine
of data that exists within their organization and
explore the opportunities that it unravels.
The Old Adage: Increase Spending
to Reduce Shrink
In a 2011 report, RSR Research found that the
most common inhibitors to loss prevention (LP)
initiatives are cost and return on investment (ROI)
(see Figure 1). And according to a recent white
paper by Professor Joshua Bamfield, Director of
the Centre for Retail Research, retail shrink has
a very strong relationship with money spent to
counter it (see Figure 2).1
This is in line with one of
the common retail notions that shrink reduction
is a costly proposition. While this is true, retailers
need to start looking at ways to overcome this
Retailers are not just threatened by shrink alone;
they also face the exorbitant costs of countering
To avoid this double jeopardy, retailers
need to invest in better technologies that can help
reduce shrink while not undermining an organiza-
tion’s bottom line.
Current Challenges: Too Much to Do
Figure 3 (next page) illustrates the four broad
categories of retail shrink and the multitude of
challenges retailers face in identifying its root
cause and developing a plan for reducing it. Tradi-
tional strategies that retailers follow are what we
refer to as the “shrink cycle” (see Figure 4, next
page). The shrink cycle starts with identifying
potential shrink (typically conducted via periodic
physical counts); analyzing the data manually
to identify issues; further analyzing the issue
to identify the root causes; implementing the
measures to fix the root cause, then validating
the results until the next physical counts in hopes
of seeing positive results.
The time required to complete the whole shrink
cycle is typically three to six months, which in
today’s dynamic retail world is way too long. This
is also evident in the 2011 RSR Research, where
‘”lack of staff to review LP and audit data” was
cited by retailers as the third biggest inhibitor to
countering shrink.
How Analytics Can Help
Over the years, retailers have focused their
investments on gathering data for analysis
purposes; now, they face the increasingly difficult
challenge of analyzing data and putting it to good
use. By doing so, retailers can break the pattern
of increasing LP spend to combat ever-increasing
shrink dollars. Analytics can help retailers solve
this problem and benefit in many ways:
•	Reduce the time required to identify the root
causes of shrink.
•	Provide actionable data for preparing effective
remediation plans.
•	Provide factual data to develop effective
strategies for utilizing resources in an efficient
•	Use predictive analytics to track the effect of
remediation plans in near real time and react
much faster than previously possible.
cognizant 20-20 insights
Source: RSR Research, February 2011
Figure 1
Organizational Inhibitors
Can’t prove
the ROI
Lack of staff
to review LP
and audit data
 2011  2010
Source: Centre for Retail Research
Figure 2
LP Spending and Shrinkage
2001-2010 Europe
5500 6000 6500
LP Spending
7000 7500
Developing an Effective Analytical Response
Getting to the end state where retailers can
predict shrink is a long process; it requires a
change in thinking, as well as the focus and
support of senior management. We recommend
a four-phase approach to reach the end goal (see
Figure 5, next page).
•	Phase 1: Building the foundation. Today, most
retailers have started building the foundation
as they collect volumes of data about various
activities by customers, vendors or employees.
However, retailers face major challenges in
making sense of this data, which is critical
to predicting and combating shrink. A strong
foundation will include clean, consistent and
complete data from across the organiza-
tion, such as transactional data related to
inventory movement; financial data related to
inventory movement; master data associated
with product, location, employees and loss
prevention; and data elements like crime rates
and employee theft rates, for example. It’s
quite surprising that in today’s information
age, retailers still struggle with the challenges
posed by siloed information. To build a strong
foundation, retailers need to break down these
silos and bring all meaningful data onto a
common platform.
cognizant 20-20 insights
Figure 3
Categorizing Shrink
• Intentional malpractices committed
internally (by staff), externally (by
customers/suppliers) or collusions
between these entities.
• Each event accounting for a
small amount of money.
• Dishonesty at work.
• Administrative/operational
mistakes committed by the
retailer’s staff.
• Small amounts involved and
are mostly involuntary events.
• Actions performed by staff that does
not comply with the company’s rules
or best practices, resulting in loss for
the company.
• May result from lack of
knowledge/knowhow on the
rules established.
• Lack of standardization of policies.
• Professional activity to steal and sell
• Large amount, less frequent events,
typically in a short duration of time.
and Policies
Retail Crime
Figure 4
The Path To Shrinkage Foresight
Transactional Data
Reporting & KPI
Advance Analytics
• Develop linear regression models to predict shrink
• Enhance and improve the modeling tools by incorporating
additional shrink variables
Analytics and Exception Reporting
• Run standard analytics by slicing and dicing the data
• Gather intelligence around factors affecting shrink
• Use developed KPI’s to identify exceptions
• Generate exception reports
Reporting & KPI development
• Generate periodic reports based on the collected data
• Develop KPIs to measure the performance against acceptable standards
• Sample KPIs should include transaction voids, damage claims, unauthorized,
discounting, suspended transactions and price override
Capture Transactional Data
• Capture and maintain accurate inventory data
• Capture all exceptional events
• Define strong processes around all store transactions
Analytics &
cognizant 20-20 insights
•	Phase 2: Understanding data and developing
internal benchmarks. Over the last few years
retailers have begun to track and measure
key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are
a good way to aggregate data, and compare
and benchmark against industry standards.
KPIs provide retailers with a “data lens”
through which they can monitor processes in
an effective manner. Looking at processes in
this way gives retail organizations an initial
understanding of where the company stands,
which can then be used for establishing goals
and planning for the future.
However, planning based
on KPIs is fairly reactive in
Building KPIs is the first step
in reducing the time from
identification of shrink to
identifying the issues. KPIs
can easily help identify
the products, departments
and stores that are causing
more shrink than others. A
retailer trying to develop the
right KPIs should identify
the process that needs to be monitored, then
confirm specific KPIs to monitor. For example, to
monitor issues related to vendor credits, retailers
should look at KPIs such as credits-to-purchase
and credits-to-sales ratios for each vendor, at
each location, at each SKU level. These KPIs can
then be rolled up or down at different levels for
effective analysis.
•	Phase 3: Developing insight. The fact that
many retailers now use business intelli-
gence tools represents great progress for the
industry. For instance, retailers now use BI
tools and active monitoring of exceptions at
receiving and cash registers. These tools have
provided retailers with insights that can be
used to respond and control shrink.
However, the potential of these tools is still
not tapped completely. More often than not,
they are being used by retailers for creating
static reports with huge volumes of data. Our
experience has shown that there are many
better ways to utilize BI tools. Rather than
creating huge statistical reports listing various
activities and metrics, retailers can use BI
tools to build actionable dashboards. Such
dashboards can be built to utilize analytics for
spotting common trends across products and
stores, or to provide limited, actionable and
meaningful information for the field teams
For example, while researching issues related
to vendor credits, an analytical application can
easily compare credit rates across different
stores and vendors and create a list of outliers.
The LP analyst can then work with field teams
to identify specific issues and create an
action plan.
Using analytics reduces the time needed
to identify the occurrences of shrink and
the reasons behind them. However, a lag
remains in gathering data and then analyzing
To monitor issues
related to vendor
credits, retailers should
look at KPIs such as
and credits-to-sales
ratios for each vendor,
at each location, at
each SKU level.
Quick Take
•	Collect every data set related to
inventory and financial transactions
at the most granular level.
•	Document all processes which relate
directly or indirectly to shrink.
•	This data is of paramount importance,
no analysis or model can work on
incomplete or inaccurate data.
Shrink Cheat Sheet (Part I)
Quick Take
•	Connect data elements with various
•	Look at various processes through the
“data lens.”
•	Use collected data and process
mapping for developing benchmarks/
KPIs for each shrink-related process.
Understand data and develop the
right benchmarks to move to the next
level of developing insight.
Shrink Cheat Sheet (Part II)
cognizant 20-20 insights 5
it to compare outcomes with KPIs to identify
causation issues — making this approach an
inherently reactive model.
•	Phase 4: Advanced analytics and predictive
shrink. Predictive analytics is a branch of math-
ematics and statistics that looks for patterns in
data and makes inferences on future outcomes.
Predictive analytics in the framework of a
business intelligence application uncovers rela-
tionships and patterns within large volumes of
data that can be used to predict behaviors and
events. The core of predictive analytics relies
on capturing relationships between causal
factors and how they connect with data from
past occurrences, and exploiting it to predict
future outcomes.
Predictive analytics is the key to transitioning
from reactive reporting to proactive insight.
By applying statistical techniques, the drivers
of business outcomes can be identified more
clearly, along with more precise estimates of
how they affect those outcomes. Predictive
analytics can help retailers optimize existing
processes, better understand customer
behavior, identify unexpected opportunities
and anticipate problems before they happen.
The core of predictive analytics relies on
capturing relationships between explana-
tory variables such as sales-to-return ratios,
employee overrides, on-hand quantity
adjustments at different levels of product/
location hierarchy and the
predicted variables (i.e.,
shrink). These relation-
ships are then translated
into a predictive model
that “listens” for outcome
changes and patterns in
the explanatory variables
to forecast shrink at any
point in time. For example,
in the case of vendor
credits, a predictive model
will be able to identify increases in credits and
adjust the predicted shrink — giving an early
insight so the associated parties can react pro-
actively to control the damage.
Looking Ahead
Retailers can benefit substantially by adopting
a new competitive discipline in the form of
predictive analytics, which uses quantitative
methods to derive actionable insights from the
wealth of data they now have at their disposal.
In recent times, structured transactional data and
unstructured data such as police incident reports,
LP case documents and employee feedback
have increased the data available for analysis by
Quick Take
•	Ask critical questions, such as
threshold and acceptable value for
KPIs and benchmarks tracked.
•	Measure and analyze how the KPIs
relate to the cause of shrink.
•	Identify the outlier and conduct field
research to first validate the reasons
for the outlier, then collect feedback
on the exact causes and remedies for
the exceptions.
•	The need for predicting shrink is data
and also how that data connects with
the causes of shrink.
Shrink Cheat Sheet (Part III)
Quick Take
Use the understanding developed in
Phase 3 to start building predictive
•	Identify and use the data elements as
the dependent variables (causes) to
predict future outcomes (shrink).
•	Start with predicting small subsets;
continue to refine the models and
clean the underlying data. elements
to increase prediction accuracy.
Shrink Cheat Sheet (Part IV)
By applying statistical
techniques, the drivers
of business outcomes
can be identified more
clearly, along with
more precise estimates
of how they affect
those outcomes.
About Cognizant
Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process out-
sourcing services, dedicated to helping the world’s leading companies build stronger businesses. Headquartered in
Teaneck, New Jersey (U.S.), Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfaction, technology innovation, deep industry
and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative workforce that embodies the future of work. With over 50
delivery centers worldwide and approximately 162,700 employees as of March 31, 2013, Cognizant is a member of the
NASDAQ-100, the S&P 500, the Forbes Global 2000, and the Fortune 500 and is ranked among the top performing
and fastest growing companies in the world. Visit us online at or follow us on Twitter: Cognizant.
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About the Authors
Aashish Singh is a Consulting Manager in Cognizant Business Consulting’s Retail Practice. He has more
than ten years of experience in store operations, loss prevention and supply chain. Aashish has CSCP
accreditation and holds an MBA in strategy and operations from Schulich School of Business, York
University, Toronto, Canada. He can be reached at
Gautam Pradhan is a Consultant in Cognizant Business Consulting’s Retail Practice. He has nine years
of experience in supply chain, store operations and merchandising management. Gautam has CPIM and
CSCP accreditation, and holds an MBA in operations and IT from NMIMS School of Business Management,
Mumbai, India. He can be reached at
accessed February 8, 2013.
Global Theft Barometer 2011.
leaps and bounds. The immediate priority and
challenge for retailers is to manage and benefit
from the quantum of available data, and to devise
ways of delivering data-driven insights.
The power of analytics lies in a balanced
approach. This means combining statistical and
mathematical rigor with business acumen and,
most important, with domain experience. Very
few retailers have applied predictive analytics to
shrink reduction. Getting to the next stage won’t
be easy. It will require extensive process analysis
and time to achieve predictive accuracy. However,
retailers that exploit the opportunities presented
by advanced analytics will emerge stronger — with
a sustainable advantage.
Quick Take
Spending smart, and not more, is the key to
“doing more with less.”
•	Data and analytics-driven LP programs will
create competitive advantage for retailers.
•	Predictive analytics is the key to becoming
less reactive and more proactive in
countering shrink.
Words to the Wise

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Predictive Response to Combat Retail Shrink

  • 1. Predictive Response to Combat Retail Shrink By combining the statistical and mathematical rigor of advanced analytics with established business acumen and domain experience, retailers can ferret out and reduce shrinkage caused by fraud, non- compliance, poor processes and organized crime. Executive Summary Shrink, the unaccounted for inventory or cash lost in the retailer value chain, is among the key sore points in the retail industry. Retailers have used electronic article surveillance, reporting systems and a plethora of processes and policies to identify the biggest opportunities to control shrink. Yet most of these methods are reactive and tend to be inefficient, cost-wise. Rudimentary methods of shrink management have led retailers to consider or undertake more costly approaches. At the same time, the sluggish economic recovery has forced these businesses to reduce headcount and do more with less. Not surprisingly, there is a growing need to utilize available data assets more effectively by building capabilities to more accurately report, analyze and predict shrink. Analytics can help augment retailers’ abilities to interpret vast amounts of seemingly unrelated data from various sources and transform it into concise, actionable intelligence. This can enable retailers to become more proactive in countering shrink before it becomes a huge issue and dra- matically impacts the bottom line. To take shrink- reduction programs to the next level, retailers must improve their business intelligence (BI) capabilities and embrace predictive analytics. An enterprise-wide information system that analyzes data to uncover and predict trends can help these companies increase revenue, reduce costs, improve processes and make quicker and more informed strategic decisions to detect and prevent shrink. Analytics provides a fresh way • Cognizant 20-20 Insights cognizant 20-20 insights | july 2013 Quick Take • US$119 billion: Estimated global shrink. • 1.45%: 2011 global shrink rate; up 6.6% from 2010. • US$28.3 billion: Money spent globally on loss prevention (LP) in 2011. • US$200: Global cost of shrink per family. Source: Global Theft Barometer 2011 The Cost of Shrink
  • 2. 2 for retailers to effectively utilize available loss prevention (LP) personnel and resources, and help them do more without increasing costs. Retailers have been “thinking” about using analytics for effective shrink reduction for too long; the time has come to use the gold mine of data that exists within their organization and explore the opportunities that it unravels. The Old Adage: Increase Spending to Reduce Shrink In a 2011 report, RSR Research found that the most common inhibitors to loss prevention (LP) initiatives are cost and return on investment (ROI) (see Figure 1). And according to a recent white paper by Professor Joshua Bamfield, Director of the Centre for Retail Research, retail shrink has a very strong relationship with money spent to counter it (see Figure 2).1 This is in line with one of the common retail notions that shrink reduction is a costly proposition. While this is true, retailers need to start looking at ways to overcome this obstacle. Retailers are not just threatened by shrink alone; they also face the exorbitant costs of countering shrinking.2 To avoid this double jeopardy, retailers need to invest in better technologies that can help reduce shrink while not undermining an organiza- tion’s bottom line. Current Challenges: Too Much to Do Figure 3 (next page) illustrates the four broad categories of retail shrink and the multitude of challenges retailers face in identifying its root cause and developing a plan for reducing it. Tradi- tional strategies that retailers follow are what we refer to as the “shrink cycle” (see Figure 4, next page). The shrink cycle starts with identifying potential shrink (typically conducted via periodic physical counts); analyzing the data manually to identify issues; further analyzing the issue to identify the root causes; implementing the measures to fix the root cause, then validating the results until the next physical counts in hopes of seeing positive results. The time required to complete the whole shrink cycle is typically three to six months, which in today’s dynamic retail world is way too long. This is also evident in the 2011 RSR Research, where ‘”lack of staff to review LP and audit data” was cited by retailers as the third biggest inhibitor to countering shrink. How Analytics Can Help Over the years, retailers have focused their investments on gathering data for analysis purposes; now, they face the increasingly difficult challenge of analyzing data and putting it to good use. By doing so, retailers can break the pattern of increasing LP spend to combat ever-increasing shrink dollars. Analytics can help retailers solve this problem and benefit in many ways: • Reduce the time required to identify the root causes of shrink. • Provide actionable data for preparing effective remediation plans. • Provide factual data to develop effective strategies for utilizing resources in an efficient manner. • Use predictive analytics to track the effect of remediation plans in near real time and react much faster than previously possible. cognizant 20-20 insights Source: RSR Research, February 2011 Figure 1 Organizational Inhibitors Expense Can’t prove the ROI Lack of staff to review LP and audit data  2011  2010 79% 86% 66% 53% 54% 41% Source: Centre for Retail Research Figure 2 LP Spending and Shrinkage 2001-2010 Europe 31000 30000 29000 28000 27000 26000 25000 24000 23000 5500 6000 6500 LP Spending Shrinkage 7000 7500
  • 3. Developing an Effective Analytical Response Getting to the end state where retailers can predict shrink is a long process; it requires a change in thinking, as well as the focus and support of senior management. We recommend a four-phase approach to reach the end goal (see Figure 5, next page). • Phase 1: Building the foundation. Today, most retailers have started building the foundation as they collect volumes of data about various activities by customers, vendors or employees. However, retailers face major challenges in making sense of this data, which is critical to predicting and combating shrink. A strong foundation will include clean, consistent and complete data from across the organiza- tion, such as transactional data related to inventory movement; financial data related to inventory movement; master data associated with product, location, employees and loss prevention; and data elements like crime rates and employee theft rates, for example. It’s quite surprising that in today’s information age, retailers still struggle with the challenges posed by siloed information. To build a strong foundation, retailers need to break down these silos and bring all meaningful data onto a common platform. 3 cognizant 20-20 insights Figure 3 Categorizing Shrink • Intentional malpractices committed internally (by staff), externally (by customers/suppliers) or collusions between these entities. • Each event accounting for a small amount of money. • Dishonesty at work. • Administrative/operational mistakes committed by the retailer’s staff. • Small amounts involved and are mostly involuntary events. • Actions performed by staff that does not comply with the company’s rules or best practices, resulting in loss for the company. • May result from lack of knowledge/knowhow on the rules established. • Lack of standardization of policies. • Professional activity to steal and sell merchandize. • Large amount, less frequent events, typically in a short duration of time. Fraud Processes and Policies Organized Retail Crime Non- compliance Figure 4 The Path To Shrinkage Foresight Foundation Benchmark Advance Analytics Optimize P r o g r e s s i v e l y s h o r t e n i n g S h r i n k C y c l e Capture Transactional Data Reporting & KPI Development Advance Analytics • Develop linear regression models to predict shrink • Enhance and improve the modeling tools by incorporating additional shrink variables Analytics and Exception Reporting • Run standard analytics by slicing and dicing the data • Gather intelligence around factors affecting shrink • Use developed KPI’s to identify exceptions • Generate exception reports Reporting & KPI development • Generate periodic reports based on the collected data • Develop KPIs to measure the performance against acceptable standards • Sample KPIs should include transaction voids, damage claims, unauthorized, discounting, suspended transactions and price override Capture Transactional Data • Capture and maintain accurate inventory data • Capture all exceptional events • Define strong processes around all store transactions Predictive Shrink Analytics & Exception Reporting Develop Insight
  • 4. 4 cognizant 20-20 insights • Phase 2: Understanding data and developing internal benchmarks. Over the last few years retailers have begun to track and measure key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are a good way to aggregate data, and compare and benchmark against industry standards. KPIs provide retailers with a “data lens” through which they can monitor processes in an effective manner. Looking at processes in this way gives retail organizations an initial understanding of where the company stands, which can then be used for establishing goals and planning for the future. However, planning based on KPIs is fairly reactive in nature. Building KPIs is the first step in reducing the time from identification of shrink to identifying the issues. KPIs can easily help identify the products, departments and stores that are causing more shrink than others. A retailer trying to develop the right KPIs should identify the process that needs to be monitored, then confirm specific KPIs to monitor. For example, to monitor issues related to vendor credits, retailers should look at KPIs such as credits-to-purchase and credits-to-sales ratios for each vendor, at each location, at each SKU level. These KPIs can then be rolled up or down at different levels for effective analysis. • Phase 3: Developing insight. The fact that many retailers now use business intelli- gence tools represents great progress for the industry. For instance, retailers now use BI tools and active monitoring of exceptions at receiving and cash registers. These tools have provided retailers with insights that can be used to respond and control shrink. However, the potential of these tools is still not tapped completely. More often than not, they are being used by retailers for creating static reports with huge volumes of data. Our experience has shown that there are many better ways to utilize BI tools. Rather than creating huge statistical reports listing various activities and metrics, retailers can use BI tools to build actionable dashboards. Such dashboards can be built to utilize analytics for spotting common trends across products and stores, or to provide limited, actionable and meaningful information for the field teams For example, while researching issues related to vendor credits, an analytical application can easily compare credit rates across different stores and vendors and create a list of outliers. The LP analyst can then work with field teams to identify specific issues and create an action plan. Using analytics reduces the time needed to identify the occurrences of shrink and the reasons behind them. However, a lag remains in gathering data and then analyzing To monitor issues related to vendor credits, retailers should look at KPIs such as credits-to-purchase and credits-to-sales ratios for each vendor, at each location, at each SKU level. Quick Take • Collect every data set related to inventory and financial transactions at the most granular level. • Document all processes which relate directly or indirectly to shrink. • This data is of paramount importance, no analysis or model can work on incomplete or inaccurate data. Shrink Cheat Sheet (Part I) Quick Take • Connect data elements with various processes. • Look at various processes through the “data lens.” • Use collected data and process mapping for developing benchmarks/ KPIs for each shrink-related process. Understand data and develop the right benchmarks to move to the next level of developing insight. Shrink Cheat Sheet (Part II)
  • 5. cognizant 20-20 insights 5 it to compare outcomes with KPIs to identify causation issues — making this approach an inherently reactive model. • Phase 4: Advanced analytics and predictive shrink. Predictive analytics is a branch of math- ematics and statistics that looks for patterns in data and makes inferences on future outcomes. Predictive analytics in the framework of a business intelligence application uncovers rela- tionships and patterns within large volumes of data that can be used to predict behaviors and events. The core of predictive analytics relies on capturing relationships between causal factors and how they connect with data from past occurrences, and exploiting it to predict future outcomes. Predictive analytics is the key to transitioning from reactive reporting to proactive insight. By applying statistical techniques, the drivers of business outcomes can be identified more clearly, along with more precise estimates of how they affect those outcomes. Predictive analytics can help retailers optimize existing processes, better understand customer behavior, identify unexpected opportunities and anticipate problems before they happen. The core of predictive analytics relies on capturing relationships between explana- tory variables such as sales-to-return ratios, employee overrides, on-hand quantity adjustments at different levels of product/ location hierarchy and the predicted variables (i.e., shrink). These relation- ships are then translated into a predictive model that “listens” for outcome changes and patterns in the explanatory variables to forecast shrink at any point in time. For example, in the case of vendor credits, a predictive model will be able to identify increases in credits and adjust the predicted shrink — giving an early insight so the associated parties can react pro- actively to control the damage. Looking Ahead Retailers can benefit substantially by adopting a new competitive discipline in the form of predictive analytics, which uses quantitative methods to derive actionable insights from the wealth of data they now have at their disposal. In recent times, structured transactional data and unstructured data such as police incident reports, LP case documents and employee feedback have increased the data available for analysis by Quick Take • Ask critical questions, such as threshold and acceptable value for KPIs and benchmarks tracked. • Measure and analyze how the KPIs relate to the cause of shrink. • Identify the outlier and conduct field research to first validate the reasons for the outlier, then collect feedback on the exact causes and remedies for the exceptions. • The need for predicting shrink is data and also how that data connects with the causes of shrink. Shrink Cheat Sheet (Part III) Quick Take Use the understanding developed in Phase 3 to start building predictive models: • Identify and use the data elements as the dependent variables (causes) to predict future outcomes (shrink). • Start with predicting small subsets; continue to refine the models and clean the underlying data. elements to increase prediction accuracy. Shrink Cheat Sheet (Part IV) By applying statistical techniques, the drivers of business outcomes can be identified more clearly, along with more precise estimates of how they affect those outcomes.
  • 6. About Cognizant Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process out- sourcing services, dedicated to helping the world’s leading companies build stronger businesses. Headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey (U.S.), Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfaction, technology innovation, deep industry and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative workforce that embodies the future of work. With over 50 delivery centers worldwide and approximately 162,700 employees as of March 31, 2013, Cognizant is a member of the NASDAQ-100, the S&P 500, the Forbes Global 2000, and the Fortune 500 and is ranked among the top performing and fastest growing companies in the world. Visit us online at or follow us on Twitter: Cognizant. World Headquarters 500 Frank W. Burr Blvd. Teaneck, NJ 07666 USA Phone: +1 201 801 0233 Fax: +1 201 801 0243 Toll Free: +1 888 937 3277 Email: European Headquarters 1 Kingdom Street Paddington Central London W2 6BD Phone: +44 (0) 20 7297 7600 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7121 0102 Email: India Operations Headquarters #5/535, Old Mahabalipuram Road Okkiyam Pettai, Thoraipakkam Chennai, 600 096 India Phone: +91 (0) 44 4209 6000 Fax: +91 (0) 44 4209 6060 Email: ­­ © Copyright 2013, Cognizant. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission from Cognizant. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. About the Authors Aashish Singh is a Consulting Manager in Cognizant Business Consulting’s Retail Practice. He has more than ten years of experience in store operations, loss prevention and supply chain. Aashish has CSCP accreditation and holds an MBA in strategy and operations from Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada. He can be reached at Gautam Pradhan is a Consultant in Cognizant Business Consulting’s Retail Practice. He has nine years of experience in supply chain, store operations and merchandising management. Gautam has CPIM and CSCP accreditation, and holds an MBA in operations and IT from NMIMS School of Business Management, Mumbai, India. He can be reached at Footnotes 1 accessed February 8, 2013. 2 Global Theft Barometer 2011. leaps and bounds. The immediate priority and challenge for retailers is to manage and benefit from the quantum of available data, and to devise ways of delivering data-driven insights. The power of analytics lies in a balanced approach. This means combining statistical and mathematical rigor with business acumen and, most important, with domain experience. Very few retailers have applied predictive analytics to shrink reduction. Getting to the next stage won’t be easy. It will require extensive process analysis and time to achieve predictive accuracy. However, retailers that exploit the opportunities presented by advanced analytics will emerge stronger — with a sustainable advantage. Quick Take Spending smart, and not more, is the key to “doing more with less.” • Data and analytics-driven LP programs will create competitive advantage for retailers. • Predictive analytics is the key to becoming less reactive and more proactive in countering shrink. Words to the Wise