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PR6 the Hollywood Blockbuster
Audiences are narrowed down before they market a new product so they can get the
best result, target audience is what is most relevant and connected to the product
they are trying to sell this is called audience profiling. When they are trying to define
their target audience they must consider age, gender and also race, religion and
sexuality. Also the film producers would go off the type of genre for example an
animation would be aimed towards a younger audience especially if it’s Pixar or
DreamWorks animation. Categorize their audience by putting them into
demographics. They do this so they can gain as many people coming to see the film
and make it appeal to their specific audience as much as they can in the best way
possible. This would then create positive feedback for the film, different types of
research will have to be taken out like primary and secondary and also quantitative
and qualitative, this would help you find out the information needed to understand
your audience better.
Part 1: (Cinderella 2015)
Cinderella is about a young girl named Ella whose father remarries after her mother
passes away, Ella doesn’t want to let her father down and welcomes her new
stepmother into her home her step mother has two daughters Anastasia and
Drizella, Ella’s father unexpectedly passes away and she is now living just with her
step mother and step sisters, they treat her like a servant making her clean the
house and make them the meals, Ella wants to follow what her mother said to her
about always being kind so she does what her step mother tells her to do, Ella meets
a prince in the woods and ends up going to the ball that he’s hosting she has the
help of her fairy godmother who helps her make it to the ball with a time limit she
ends up having to leave the ball and the prince behind without letting him know her
name is and he ends up searching everywhere for her.
Cinderella’s target audience is strongly aimed towards the younger audience but
also towards older generation who know of the story Cinderella who has seen the
classic they will want to revisit their childhood with this newly updated version this
including all the parents taking their children they would be familiar with the story
from how popular the original film/story is, the target audience would be mostly
aimed towards 2-8 year olds who are just discovering Disney and princesses. The
target audience for this movie can also be girls and young teen girls. As this movie is
of a princess and a prince charming, which is usually viewed by this, demographic, it
would be suitable to say that the targeted audience would be them. It’s the film with
the happy ending which everyone wants and likes to see, also people who know the
story of the original Disney Cinderella will want to come and see a newer more
modern version.
The films genre is romantic fantasy and family the fantasy side to it is because it’s
like a fairy tale and there are magic and princesses the big obvious scene in the film
that makes the film under the fantasy genre is when the pumpkin changes into the
carriage and when the mice change into horses and the famous dress when she’s in
her ripped up dress the fairy godmother changes it into the magical blue dress which
draws everyone’s attention at the ball also the fairy godmother altogether can define
the genre because she’s magical, she has the powers to change Cinderella’s life for
the one night, she also communicates with the animals they seem to have a bond
which in real life isn’t really the case, the film has typical friendly animals like the
original animated Disney film, the family side to it is because its aimed toward
children and their parents who will be taking them to see the film, scenes like the
story of the prince and Cinderella starts off with them meeting in the forest and he
approaches her asking her name the scene is when they are both on horses in a
forest which can also relate to the fantasy in a magical forest, they then meet again
at the ball when Cinderella walks in everyone turn to look at her and so does the
prince she then walks down to him and they have the ‘dancing scene’ which is
always the typical love story part of the film where they don’t speak to each other but
its seen as romantic.
The year of production is 2015 and the director is Kenneth Branagh, the production
company is Walt Disney pictures and so is the distributor. The UK release date is
Friday 27th March and will be showing through Easter time when people will be
having the Easter break and want to take their kids somewhere there’s the
opportunity to take them to see Cinderella. The budget for the film is 95 million.
Part 2:
Cinderella started off marketing with just a tiny teaser trailer of the glass slipper
which gained interest of a lot of people when it was put onto the Disney YouTube
channel with just the little hint of the slipper the video was 1:16 long and only
featured the shoe, the video only mentioned a date there was no film title, the title of
the film wasn’t needed because of how popular the glass slipper is. This was to grip
an audience and make people curious for when the full trailers and cast were to be
announced. This was the first part of their marketing plan then out came the full
movie posters and posters with the cast on, they were placed all over onto billboards
and on the side of busses. YouTube is a good platform to advertise a new film they
can be placed before you watch a video and on the main homepage. Another big
attention grabber was putting a short film of frozen showing just before the film
because of how popular frozen was and how much attention it got anymore of the
frozen story would bring the attention of all frozen fans, people would come and see
Cinderella because if their children like frozen it’s the only place you can watch it
they made that clear in the advertisement saying it can’t be seen anywhere else.
Putting this in the frozen trailer telling people it’s only showing with Cinderella even
for the people who haven’t yet seen anything advertised about Cinderella now know
there’s a film coming out and they don’t have much of a choice to not watch it if they
really want to see Frozen.
Release for the film is scheduled for march 13th but on February 10th IMAX
corporation announced that they will be digitally re-master the film for IMAX cinema
and it will be in theatres globally this is a way of drawing more attention towards the
film because it’s such a good quality cinema and makes viewing the film a lot better.
Something for the papers and internet and TV to be talking about the film is the world
film premier which is a good marketing opportunity this is a chance to see all the cast
dressed up for the red carpet and a chance for them to get interviewed and talk
about the film the premiere was held at the 65th Berlin international film festival. Its
talked about a lot in the media about what the actors and actresses are wearing and
who’s seen with who this brings attention to the film once more, having such huge
names attend like Helena Bonham Carter will keep it in the media and obviously
what the main star will be wearing a lot of comparing it to her dress in the film is
made. Another film premier for the film was on in Hollywood again another lot of
outfits to be talked about in the media all film premiers are a great for marketing the
TV and internet play a big part in the advertisement of this film the first official trailer
was released in early may which was the minute long trailer only including the glass
slipper, then Disney released a second trailer this was a longer trailer which actually
had footage from the film which was first shown on a popular American TV show
called good morning America, this was in November of the same year, just before
there was a 15 second trailer, then the official movie posters were released the same
day which featured the actress Lily James who plays Cinderella in the famous blue
dress and blonde hair, in the first 24 hours of the trailer and poster release it raked in
a massive 4.2 million views on YouTube and 33 million on Facebook all from the one
poster and the longest trailer out of the lot released. They then put out the
international trailer a month later then another two trailers in January and February of
2015, the other posters for other characters included the famous fairy godmother
that is played by the popular Helena Bonham carter where she is stood with her
wand and a new look for the godmother she is in a white dress with white blonde
hair, the dress is the centre of the poster because it’s the first thing that draws you
into the image, she is holding the wand above her head and it has a trail of what
looks like glitter as if she’s casting a spell, the background is blue and cloudy so it
doesn’t take you away from the fairy godmother, she a lot more modern than the
usual look for the fairy godmother she’s younger and her dress it a lot more fancy,
Along the top the character’s name and along the bottom it ‘Disney’ and the name of
the film and the date it comes to cinema all in one poster in introduces you to a new
character states the name of the film and a date. The next poster they have is the
image of the prince and Cinderella, Ella has the famous blue dress on and the
signature blonde hair the two colours used in this poster is green which the prince is
wearing and the background which is also green is as if they wanted Cinderella and
her dress to be the thing you see first it’s the only blue against all the green, this is
also introducing the prince first glance at what he looks like and what outfit he has on
he’s clutching his sword he has by his side he has the typical pushed back hair and
the one strand in front of his face he’s the typical good looking prince character.
There was another poster which shows some more character which include the step
mother and the two step sisters, the title gives the stepmother the name ‘the wicked
stepmother’ she stands in the centre with the two step sisters by her side, they are
all dressed in dramatic patterned outfits already giving them character another
advertisement for Cinderella because the stepmother and the two ‘ugly’ step sisters
play a huge role in the film and are very familiar then again the film title Cinderella is
placed along the bottom and then the date of release.
Cinema will play a huge part in advertising; there will be several boards/stand ups in
cinemas across the world also before films they would advertise the trailer before
films of the same genre so people go see a fantasy/romantic film this shows they like
these sort of films they will then see the trailer for Cinderella and might make them
curious and want to go see this film, also it played to them whether they want to
watch it or not.
Magazines will set up interviews from the cast this not only helps the film but the
magazine itself, interviews would be held with the main cast like Lily James who
plays Cinderella and the prince who’s played by Richard Madden this interview is
from independent (
is-not-just-another-english-rose-10109165.html ) she talks about her own acting
career and how she came to get the lead role and also mentions other cast
members, she also talks about how much Disney films made an impact on her life
when she was younger, she talks a lot about previous acting and films she’s done, it
also has a quote from the director and why he chose her for the role.
It has its own Facebook page ( ) which gives
you film clips and a list of the cast, it also has games you can download and images
taken from the film this can appeal to the Facebook audience people who use
Facebook frequently are more likely to find out about the movie though people
sharing the page and liking it boosting it to reach larger audiences, it tells you that
13,755,094 people have liked this page giving you just a small percentage of people
who are interested in the movie also it provides you with a link to the website
The offical website instantly plays a continues video on a loop taken from the trialer
with audio over the top this is them surrounding this is links to their instagram page,
there twitter including a hashtag and a link to the trailer and a tumblr page and
lastley a pinterest page pretty much all social media sites again raking in more and
more peoples attention, it also gives you a link to buy tickets to see the film in
cinema and also mentions IMAX cinemas.
Along the top of the website is links to a videos, gallary, games, downloads
(wallpapers, gifs and facebook covers) theres a link to the soundtrack including a link
to where you can buy it, they also have a list of characters including discriptions
about them also an about page which gives you a brief sypnosis of the film, each of
these new pages plays a different clip which you can watch or choose the skip
button before you enter the page. This appeals more towards the younger audience
because of the content especially the games. All these features put together help
promote the film in different ways.
Part 3:
There are so many ways in which the producer has captured the audience just by
putting it on every possible media platform big social websties where it has been
advertised all over, doing this draws in the audience and with the very mixed ages
that use these platforms anyone who likes this sort of film wouldn’t miss out because
it such a largely marketed film. They use ancorage in the movie poster:
The primary optical area only includes
the dark moody sky this gives a
darkness to the film shows its not all
happy and up beat, shes running away
as you can see with her dress flowing
behind her this is all shown in the
centre of the poster (Axsis of
orientation). Down at the weak fallow
area and the terminal area there is a
list of the cast and the date the fim is
going to be released, also a big
important part of the poster which is
included in the terminal area is the
famous glass slipper this is a huge
part of the film and one of the big
things you see in the poster that gives
it away what movie your going to see
as the glass slipper is pretty much the
signiture for Cinderella anchorage in
this poster is obviously the blue dress
which stands out the most because of
the colour and the fact that the
previous big disney film which had just been top of discussion was Frozen which had
the main character wearing a blue dress this is a instant relation and would draw
peoples attention also the blonde haur which you could say was another relation to
Frozen, bearing in mind that showing before Cinderella in cinema is a short film of
Frozen so people could say that there is a big opportunity to get peoples attention
using the blue dress.
Finally ways they could find information about target audiences is that a way we did
research is create a poll with questions about what type of genre people like also
what films have they enjoyed in the past find out what type is most popular and take
of from their or even go opposite and create something not done before something
that is different, for example it looks like they have gone for the same target
audience Frozen had because of them both people disney films and fairy tales.
Part 1: (Focus 2015)
The film is about a con-man named Nicky Spurgeon played by Will Smith meets a
grifter names Jess Barrett played by Margot Robbie attempts to pretend to seduce
him and purposley gets caught by her husband to con Nicky he sees through what
they are trying to do he exposes their plan and tells them to never loose focus when
faced with the unexpected before leaving, Jess then finds Nicky again in another
nightclub and asks Nicky to become her mentor by telling him all the information she
has found out about him, like when his father forced Nicky to shoot his own
grandfather after a con goes wrong, Nick then takesw Jess to new orleans where he
tells her to preform minor cons as a test to prove that she is good enough when she
proves her worth she is introduced to Nickys gang, Nicky and Jess develop a
romantic relationship which upsets Nicky because his father told him to never
become emotionally involved with anyone in their line of buiessness, They end up
conning a compulsive gambler and get a huge amount of money Nick sends Jess off
with half which leaves her heartbroken, Three years later Nicky gets a job with a
billionair motorsports team only to tamper with the componets causing their cars to
slowdown he bumps into Jess again and he begns pursuing her they eventually end
up back together they end up being caught when they try and leave for america this
causes Nicky to get shot which makes him realise he can never loose focus.
The BBFC gives this a 15 the target audience is mainly men in the trailer there is a
lot of money, cars, weapons and women in revealing clothing this is normally what
would be aimed towards men with a actress like Margot Robbie who is the typical
blonde pretty actress with the short dresses ect, also the film is an action film with
violence, the trailer also shows alcohol and parties and fighting, this would normally
give it a age rage of about 15-25+ because of the 15 because its classification. Also
the action/dark romantic comedies a normally aimed at this demograhpic. It can also
appeal to women with the romance side with the tough guy falling for the girl if you
were to stereotype.
The genre is Romantic dark comedy/crime drama this refers to the two falling for
each other even though he has been told by his father that he shouldn’t the dark
comedy is about the dark humour in the film. Crime is a large part of this movie since
its based around a gang who con people for money the trailer alone shows the main
girl Jess pick pocketing people for watches and money/wallets this is obvious to the
crime genre also the guns used and the violence, you see a lot of money thrown
about in this trailer.
The film Is directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, its produced by Denise Di
Novi and the production company is ratpac-dune entertainment and its distributed by
Warner bros prictures, its release was feburary 27th 2015 the budget for the film was
50.1 million and the box office takings was 101.7 million.
Part 2:
Marketing for the film were things like interviews as myself saw the interview with
Will smith and Margot Robbie on the graham norton show this is mostly where actors
and actresses go to promote their film in the UK because its such a huge chat show
a lot of big stars have been on the show. The interview discussed the film give a
chance for both of them to talk about their role in the film and explain what its about.
Internet/youtube you can find several trailers including the warner bros channel they
have also clips from the film you can watch on there
This is just one of the trailers that have been put on youtube the tumbnail for this
video is an image of Will smith this would instantly make you curious and make you
click on the trailer having such a huge name and face to star in the film is a good use
of star theroy people expect good films from Will smith because of huge films like I
am legand and independence day, men in black and I robot, also many more have
all been huge films in the past, hes also known to play very different characters.
This video alone raked in a massive 14,262,672 views.
The film has its own website this features links to buy tickets
to go see the film in cinema and just like the cinderella website it has links to vidoes,
photos, gifs and a breif sypnosis of the film itself along with release date director and
cast, the video page has two versions of the trailer and a extended look at the film,
the page under photos has a long list of images with quotes from the film on them
along with the famous hastag they have used #focus it also included a countdown in
images until the films release. The website also has the links to all the social media
websites it includes twitter page, facebook page, google plus page intagram and the
offical youtube channel, this is a good chance to promote the film because of how
popular these websites are with all sorts of ages this can then capture a target
Several posters were used two separate posters for the main lead roles and one with
both both posters have the word focus standing out the text is also slightly out of
focus to match the name of the film, they make it clear who is staring in the film using
a close up shot of their faces, they also have that cool look with the sun glasses on
along with the tag line ‘never trust a thief’.
The use of Margot robbie can also attract a audience people who have seen the film
the wolf on wall street would know her from their as that film was hugely popular. I
personally havent seen the film but I know about it from seeing movie posters mostly
everywhere passing bus stops its plastered on the side of a buses what attracted me
most about the film was seeing that Will Smith was in it seeing him in the poster.
A interveiw in the gaurdian
smith-and-margot-robbie-focus-interview-video with Will smith and Margot Robbie
they are asked questions about their relationship and how they were on set when
The use of billboards is always a good marketing oportunity due to how many people
pass them in cars if they are placed at the side of busy roads the more chance it will
catch peoples eyes, also they can be placed anywhere as long as there is a billboard
also in the cinems its self on big carboard stand ups, other use of cinema is adverts
before films a film with the same genre as Focus there would be more of chance that
the Focus trailer would be played before, again giving people a chance to watch the
Part 3:
Ways in which the producer has captured an target audience is the use of ‘actions’
themes this is a anchor on its own, also the use of social media works to capture
attention because of how insanley popular twitter and facebook are nevermind the
use of instagram as well just promoting on twitter and facebook alone would build an
They use ancorage in the movie poster: The primary opitcal area has the word
‘never’ going into the strong fallow area, down through the axsis of orentation is
will smith and margot robbie which is
the main feature in the poster they are
dead centre the first thing you see is
them mainly will smith use of star thery
using such a huge actor to draw
attention from the audience, the
terminal area has the relase date and
both actors name which is another
important feature knowing who your
going to watch in a film is a big factor,
weak fallow area has the word focus
over all the poster has the words never
lose focus across top middle and
bottom, the word focus being in
different colour gives it away that it’s
the name of the film. Anchorage in this
poster is the use of cast having Will
smith and also to see the cool look
with the shades and the suit gives it a
classy look and can make it a lot more
This film didn’t have as much marketing as Cinderella did cinderella was on a much
larger scale their where more interviews and talk about what she will be wearing ect
with this film doesn’t have a large target audience like Disney films have this is rated
15 so it can only draw attention from people this age and above. The success of a
film is all down to how they market a film.
Pr6 the hollywood blockbuster

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Pr6 the hollywood blockbuster

  • 1. PR6 the Hollywood Blockbuster Introduction: Audiences are narrowed down before they market a new product so they can get the best result, target audience is what is most relevant and connected to the product they are trying to sell this is called audience profiling. When they are trying to define their target audience they must consider age, gender and also race, religion and sexuality. Also the film producers would go off the type of genre for example an animation would be aimed towards a younger audience especially if it’s Pixar or DreamWorks animation. Categorize their audience by putting them into demographics. They do this so they can gain as many people coming to see the film and make it appeal to their specific audience as much as they can in the best way possible. This would then create positive feedback for the film, different types of research will have to be taken out like primary and secondary and also quantitative and qualitative, this would help you find out the information needed to understand your audience better. Part 1: (Cinderella 2015) Cinderella is about a young girl named Ella whose father remarries after her mother passes away, Ella doesn’t want to let her father down and welcomes her new stepmother into her home her step mother has two daughters Anastasia and Drizella, Ella’s father unexpectedly passes away and she is now living just with her step mother and step sisters, they treat her like a servant making her clean the house and make them the meals, Ella wants to follow what her mother said to her about always being kind so she does what her step mother tells her to do, Ella meets a prince in the woods and ends up going to the ball that he’s hosting she has the help of her fairy godmother who helps her make it to the ball with a time limit she ends up having to leave the ball and the prince behind without letting him know her name is and he ends up searching everywhere for her. Cinderella’s target audience is strongly aimed towards the younger audience but also towards older generation who know of the story Cinderella who has seen the classic they will want to revisit their childhood with this newly updated version this including all the parents taking their children they would be familiar with the story from how popular the original film/story is, the target audience would be mostly aimed towards 2-8 year olds who are just discovering Disney and princesses. The target audience for this movie can also be girls and young teen girls. As this movie is of a princess and a prince charming, which is usually viewed by this, demographic, it would be suitable to say that the targeted audience would be them. It’s the film with the happy ending which everyone wants and likes to see, also people who know the story of the original Disney Cinderella will want to come and see a newer more modern version.
  • 2. The films genre is romantic fantasy and family the fantasy side to it is because it’s like a fairy tale and there are magic and princesses the big obvious scene in the film that makes the film under the fantasy genre is when the pumpkin changes into the carriage and when the mice change into horses and the famous dress when she’s in her ripped up dress the fairy godmother changes it into the magical blue dress which draws everyone’s attention at the ball also the fairy godmother altogether can define the genre because she’s magical, she has the powers to change Cinderella’s life for the one night, she also communicates with the animals they seem to have a bond which in real life isn’t really the case, the film has typical friendly animals like the original animated Disney film, the family side to it is because its aimed toward children and their parents who will be taking them to see the film, scenes like the story of the prince and Cinderella starts off with them meeting in the forest and he approaches her asking her name the scene is when they are both on horses in a forest which can also relate to the fantasy in a magical forest, they then meet again at the ball when Cinderella walks in everyone turn to look at her and so does the prince she then walks down to him and they have the ‘dancing scene’ which is always the typical love story part of the film where they don’t speak to each other but its seen as romantic. The year of production is 2015 and the director is Kenneth Branagh, the production company is Walt Disney pictures and so is the distributor. The UK release date is Friday 27th March and will be showing through Easter time when people will be having the Easter break and want to take their kids somewhere there’s the opportunity to take them to see Cinderella. The budget for the film is 95 million. Part 2: Cinderella started off marketing with just a tiny teaser trailer of the glass slipper which gained interest of a lot of people when it was put onto the Disney YouTube channel with just the little hint of the slipper the video was 1:16 long and only featured the shoe, the video only mentioned a date there was no film title, the title of the film wasn’t needed because of how popular the glass slipper is. This was to grip an audience and make people curious for when the full trailers and cast were to be announced. This was the first part of their marketing plan then out came the full movie posters and posters with the cast on, they were placed all over onto billboards and on the side of busses. YouTube is a good platform to advertise a new film they can be placed before you watch a video and on the main homepage. Another big attention grabber was putting a short film of frozen showing just before the film
  • 3. because of how popular frozen was and how much attention it got anymore of the frozen story would bring the attention of all frozen fans, people would come and see Cinderella because if their children like frozen it’s the only place you can watch it they made that clear in the advertisement saying it can’t be seen anywhere else. Putting this in the frozen trailer telling people it’s only showing with Cinderella even for the people who haven’t yet seen anything advertised about Cinderella now know there’s a film coming out and they don’t have much of a choice to not watch it if they really want to see Frozen. Release for the film is scheduled for march 13th but on February 10th IMAX corporation announced that they will be digitally re-master the film for IMAX cinema and it will be in theatres globally this is a way of drawing more attention towards the film because it’s such a good quality cinema and makes viewing the film a lot better. Something for the papers and internet and TV to be talking about the film is the world film premier which is a good marketing opportunity this is a chance to see all the cast dressed up for the red carpet and a chance for them to get interviewed and talk about the film the premiere was held at the 65th Berlin international film festival. Its talked about a lot in the media about what the actors and actresses are wearing and who’s seen with who this brings attention to the film once more, having such huge names attend like Helena Bonham Carter will keep it in the media and obviously what the main star will be wearing a lot of comparing it to her dress in the film is made. Another film premier for the film was on in Hollywood again another lot of outfits to be talked about in the media all film premiers are a great for marketing the film. TV and internet play a big part in the advertisement of this film the first official trailer was released in early may which was the minute long trailer only including the glass slipper, then Disney released a second trailer this was a longer trailer which actually had footage from the film which was first shown on a popular American TV show called good morning America, this was in November of the same year, just before there was a 15 second trailer, then the official movie posters were released the same day which featured the actress Lily James who plays Cinderella in the famous blue dress and blonde hair, in the first 24 hours of the trailer and poster release it raked in a massive 4.2 million views on YouTube and 33 million on Facebook all from the one poster and the longest trailer out of the lot released. They then put out the international trailer a month later then another two trailers in January and February of 2015, the other posters for other characters included the famous fairy godmother that is played by the popular Helena Bonham carter where she is stood with her wand and a new look for the godmother she is in a white dress with white blonde hair, the dress is the centre of the poster because it’s the first thing that draws you into the image, she is holding the wand above her head and it has a trail of what looks like glitter as if she’s casting a spell, the background is blue and cloudy so it doesn’t take you away from the fairy godmother, she a lot more modern than the usual look for the fairy godmother she’s younger and her dress it a lot more fancy,
  • 4. Along the top the character’s name and along the bottom it ‘Disney’ and the name of the film and the date it comes to cinema all in one poster in introduces you to a new character states the name of the film and a date. The next poster they have is the image of the prince and Cinderella, Ella has the famous blue dress on and the signature blonde hair the two colours used in this poster is green which the prince is wearing and the background which is also green is as if they wanted Cinderella and her dress to be the thing you see first it’s the only blue against all the green, this is also introducing the prince first glance at what he looks like and what outfit he has on he’s clutching his sword he has by his side he has the typical pushed back hair and the one strand in front of his face he’s the typical good looking prince character. There was another poster which shows some more character which include the step mother and the two step sisters, the title gives the stepmother the name ‘the wicked stepmother’ she stands in the centre with the two step sisters by her side, they are all dressed in dramatic patterned outfits already giving them character another advertisement for Cinderella because the stepmother and the two ‘ugly’ step sisters play a huge role in the film and are very familiar then again the film title Cinderella is placed along the bottom and then the date of release. Cinema will play a huge part in advertising; there will be several boards/stand ups in cinemas across the world also before films they would advertise the trailer before films of the same genre so people go see a fantasy/romantic film this shows they like these sort of films they will then see the trailer for Cinderella and might make them curious and want to go see this film, also it played to them whether they want to watch it or not.
  • 5. Magazines will set up interviews from the cast this not only helps the film but the magazine itself, interviews would be held with the main cast like Lily James who plays Cinderella and the prince who’s played by Richard Madden this interview is from independent ( entertainment/films/features/downton-abbey-star-lily-james-why-the-new-cinderella- is-not-just-another-english-rose-10109165.html ) she talks about her own acting career and how she came to get the lead role and also mentions other cast members, she also talks about how much Disney films made an impact on her life when she was younger, she talks a lot about previous acting and films she’s done, it also has a quote from the director and why he chose her for the role. It has its own Facebook page ( ) which gives you film clips and a list of the cast, it also has games you can download and images taken from the film this can appeal to the Facebook audience people who use Facebook frequently are more likely to find out about the movie though people sharing the page and liking it boosting it to reach larger audiences, it tells you that 13,755,094 people have liked this page giving you just a small percentage of people who are interested in the movie also it provides you with a link to the website The offical website instantly plays a continues video on a loop taken from the trialer with audio over the top this is them surrounding this is links to their instagram page, there twitter including a hashtag and a link to the trailer and a tumblr page and lastley a pinterest page pretty much all social media sites again raking in more and more peoples attention, it also gives you a link to buy tickets to see the film in cinema and also mentions IMAX cinemas. Along the top of the website is links to a videos, gallary, games, downloads (wallpapers, gifs and facebook covers) theres a link to the soundtrack including a link to where you can buy it, they also have a list of characters including discriptions about them also an about page which gives you a brief sypnosis of the film, each of these new pages plays a different clip which you can watch or choose the skip button before you enter the page. This appeals more towards the younger audience because of the content especially the games. All these features put together help promote the film in different ways.
  • 6. Part 3: There are so many ways in which the producer has captured the audience just by putting it on every possible media platform big social websties where it has been advertised all over, doing this draws in the audience and with the very mixed ages that use these platforms anyone who likes this sort of film wouldn’t miss out because it such a largely marketed film. They use ancorage in the movie poster: The primary optical area only includes the dark moody sky this gives a darkness to the film shows its not all happy and up beat, shes running away as you can see with her dress flowing behind her this is all shown in the centre of the poster (Axsis of orientation). Down at the weak fallow area and the terminal area there is a list of the cast and the date the fim is going to be released, also a big important part of the poster which is included in the terminal area is the famous glass slipper this is a huge part of the film and one of the big things you see in the poster that gives it away what movie your going to see as the glass slipper is pretty much the signiture for Cinderella anchorage in this poster is obviously the blue dress which stands out the most because of the colour and the fact that the previous big disney film which had just been top of discussion was Frozen which had the main character wearing a blue dress this is a instant relation and would draw peoples attention also the blonde haur which you could say was another relation to Frozen, bearing in mind that showing before Cinderella in cinema is a short film of Frozen so people could say that there is a big opportunity to get peoples attention using the blue dress. Finally ways they could find information about target audiences is that a way we did research is create a poll with questions about what type of genre people like also what films have they enjoyed in the past find out what type is most popular and take of from their or even go opposite and create something not done before something that is different, for example it looks like they have gone for the same target audience Frozen had because of them both people disney films and fairy tales.
  • 7. Part 1: (Focus 2015) The film is about a con-man named Nicky Spurgeon played by Will Smith meets a grifter names Jess Barrett played by Margot Robbie attempts to pretend to seduce him and purposley gets caught by her husband to con Nicky he sees through what they are trying to do he exposes their plan and tells them to never loose focus when faced with the unexpected before leaving, Jess then finds Nicky again in another nightclub and asks Nicky to become her mentor by telling him all the information she has found out about him, like when his father forced Nicky to shoot his own grandfather after a con goes wrong, Nick then takesw Jess to new orleans where he tells her to preform minor cons as a test to prove that she is good enough when she proves her worth she is introduced to Nickys gang, Nicky and Jess develop a romantic relationship which upsets Nicky because his father told him to never become emotionally involved with anyone in their line of buiessness, They end up conning a compulsive gambler and get a huge amount of money Nick sends Jess off with half which leaves her heartbroken, Three years later Nicky gets a job with a billionair motorsports team only to tamper with the componets causing their cars to slowdown he bumps into Jess again and he begns pursuing her they eventually end up back together they end up being caught when they try and leave for america this causes Nicky to get shot which makes him realise he can never loose focus. The BBFC gives this a 15 the target audience is mainly men in the trailer there is a lot of money, cars, weapons and women in revealing clothing this is normally what would be aimed towards men with a actress like Margot Robbie who is the typical blonde pretty actress with the short dresses ect, also the film is an action film with violence, the trailer also shows alcohol and parties and fighting, this would normally give it a age rage of about 15-25+ because of the 15 because its classification. Also the action/dark romantic comedies a normally aimed at this demograhpic. It can also appeal to women with the romance side with the tough guy falling for the girl if you were to stereotype. The genre is Romantic dark comedy/crime drama this refers to the two falling for each other even though he has been told by his father that he shouldn’t the dark comedy is about the dark humour in the film. Crime is a large part of this movie since its based around a gang who con people for money the trailer alone shows the main girl Jess pick pocketing people for watches and money/wallets this is obvious to the crime genre also the guns used and the violence, you see a lot of money thrown about in this trailer. The film Is directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, its produced by Denise Di Novi and the production company is ratpac-dune entertainment and its distributed by Warner bros prictures, its release was feburary 27th 2015 the budget for the film was 50.1 million and the box office takings was 101.7 million.
  • 8. Part 2: Marketing for the film were things like interviews as myself saw the interview with Will smith and Margot Robbie on the graham norton show this is mostly where actors and actresses go to promote their film in the UK because its such a huge chat show a lot of big stars have been on the show. The interview discussed the film give a chance for both of them to talk about their role in the film and explain what its about. Internet/youtube you can find several trailers including the warner bros channel they have also clips from the film you can watch on there This is just one of the trailers that have been put on youtube the tumbnail for this video is an image of Will smith this would instantly make you curious and make you click on the trailer having such a huge name and face to star in the film is a good use of star theroy people expect good films from Will smith because of huge films like I am legand and independence day, men in black and I robot, also many more have all been huge films in the past, hes also known to play very different characters. This video alone raked in a massive 14,262,672 views.
  • 9. The film has its own website this features links to buy tickets to go see the film in cinema and just like the cinderella website it has links to vidoes, photos, gifs and a breif sypnosis of the film itself along with release date director and cast, the video page has two versions of the trailer and a extended look at the film, the page under photos has a long list of images with quotes from the film on them along with the famous hastag they have used #focus it also included a countdown in images until the films release. The website also has the links to all the social media websites it includes twitter page, facebook page, google plus page intagram and the offical youtube channel, this is a good chance to promote the film because of how popular these websites are with all sorts of ages this can then capture a target audience. Several posters were used two separate posters for the main lead roles and one with both both posters have the word focus standing out the text is also slightly out of focus to match the name of the film, they make it clear who is staring in the film using a close up shot of their faces, they also have that cool look with the sun glasses on along with the tag line ‘never trust a thief’.
  • 10. The use of Margot robbie can also attract a audience people who have seen the film the wolf on wall street would know her from their as that film was hugely popular. I personally havent seen the film but I know about it from seeing movie posters mostly everywhere passing bus stops its plastered on the side of a buses what attracted me most about the film was seeing that Will Smith was in it seeing him in the poster. A interveiw in the gaurdian smith-and-margot-robbie-focus-interview-video with Will smith and Margot Robbie they are asked questions about their relationship and how they were on set when filming. The use of billboards is always a good marketing oportunity due to how many people pass them in cars if they are placed at the side of busy roads the more chance it will catch peoples eyes, also they can be placed anywhere as long as there is a billboard also in the cinems its self on big carboard stand ups, other use of cinema is adverts before films a film with the same genre as Focus there would be more of chance that the Focus trailer would be played before, again giving people a chance to watch the trailer.
  • 11. Part 3: Ways in which the producer has captured an target audience is the use of ‘actions’ themes this is a anchor on its own, also the use of social media works to capture attention because of how insanley popular twitter and facebook are nevermind the use of instagram as well just promoting on twitter and facebook alone would build an audience. They use ancorage in the movie poster: The primary opitcal area has the word ‘never’ going into the strong fallow area, down through the axsis of orentation is will smith and margot robbie which is the main feature in the poster they are dead centre the first thing you see is them mainly will smith use of star thery using such a huge actor to draw attention from the audience, the terminal area has the relase date and both actors name which is another important feature knowing who your going to watch in a film is a big factor, weak fallow area has the word focus over all the poster has the words never lose focus across top middle and bottom, the word focus being in different colour gives it away that it’s the name of the film. Anchorage in this poster is the use of cast having Will smith and also to see the cool look with the shades and the suit gives it a classy look and can make it a lot more attractive. This film didn’t have as much marketing as Cinderella did cinderella was on a much larger scale their where more interviews and talk about what she will be wearing ect with this film doesn’t have a large target audience like Disney films have this is rated 15 so it can only draw attention from people this age and above. The success of a film is all down to how they market a film.