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PostgreSQL: Up and Running
A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database
Regina O. Obe and Leo S. Hsu
Editor: Andy Oram
Production Editor: Melanie Yarbrough
Copyeditor: Kim Cofer
Proofreader: Christina Edwards
Indexer: Lucie Haskins
Interior Designer: David Futato
Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery
Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest
October 2017: Third Edition
Revision History for the Third Edition
2017-10-10: First Release
PostgreSQL: Up and Running
by Regina O. Obe and Leo S. Hsu
Copyright © 2018 Regina Obe, Leo Hsu. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
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PostgreSQL bills itself as the world’s most advanced open source database.
We couldn’t agree more.
What we hope to accomplish in this book is to give you a firm grounding in
the concepts and features that make PostgreSQL so impressive. Along the
way, we should convince you that PostgreSQL does indeed stand up to its
claim to fame. Because the database is advanced, no book short of the 3500
pages of documentation can bring out all its glory. But then again, most users
don’t need to delve into the most abstruse features that PostgreSQL has to
offer. So in our shorter 300-pager, we hope to get you, as the subtitle
proclaims, Up and Running.
Each topic is presented with some context so you understand when to use it
and what it offers. We assume you have prior experience with some other
database so that we can jump right to the key points of PostgreSQL. We
generously litter the pages of this book with links to references so you can
dig deeper into topics of interest. These links lead to sections in the manual,
to helpful articles, to blog posts of PostgreSQL vanguards. We also link to
our own site at Postgres OnLine Journal, where we have collected many
pieces that we have written on PostgreSQL and its interoperability with other
This book focuses on PostgreSQL versions 9.5, 9.6, and 10, but we will cover
some unique and advanced features that are also present in prior versions.
For migrants from other database engines, we’ll point out parallels that
PostgreSQL shares with other leading products. Perhaps more importantly,
we highlight feats you can achieve with PostgreSQL that are difficult or
impossible to do in other databases.
Planet PostgreSQL is an aggregator of PostgreSQL blogs. You’ll find
PostgreSQL core developers and general users showcasing new features,
novel ways to use existing ones, and reporting of bugs that have yet to be
PostgreSQL Wiki provides tips and tricks for managing various facets of
the database and migrating from other databases.
PostgreSQL Books is a list of books about PostgreSQL.
We stop short of teaching you SQL, as you’ll find many excellent sources for
that. SQL is much like chess—a few hours to learn, a lifetime to master. You
have wisely chosen PostgreSQL. You’ll be greatly rewarded.
If you’re currently a savvy PostgreSQL user or a weather-beaten DBA, much
of the material in this book should be familiar terrain, but you’ll be sure to
pick up some pointers and shortcuts introduced in newer versions of
PostgreSQL. Perhaps you’ll even find the hidden gem that eluded you. If
nothing else, this book is at least ten times lighter than the PostgreSQL
Not using PostgreSQL yet? This book is propaganda—the good kind. Each
day you continue to use a database with limited SQL capabilities, you
handicap yourself. Each day that you’re wedded to a proprietary system,
you’re bleeding dollars.
Finally, if your work has nothing to do with databases or IT, or if you’ve just
graduated from kindergarten, the cute picture of the elephant shrew on the
cover should be worthy of the price alone.
For More Information on PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL has a well-maintained set of online documentation: PostgreSQL
manuals. We encourage you to bookmark it. The manual is available both as
HTML and as a PDF. Hardcopy collector editions are available for purchase.
Other PostgreSQL resources include:
PostGIS in Action Books is the website for the books we’ve written on
PostGIS, the spatial extender for PostgreSQL, and more recently
pgRouting, another PostgreSQL extension that provides network routing
capabilities useful for building driving apps.
Code and Output Formatting
For elements in parentheses, we gravitate toward placing the open parenthesis
on the same line as the preceding element and the closing parenthesis on a
line by itself. This is a classic C formatting style that we like because it cuts
down on the number of blank lines:
Welcome to PostgreSQL
We also remove gratuitous spaces in screen output, so if the formatting of
your results doesn’t match ours exactly, don’t fret.
We omit the space after a serial comma for short elements. For example,
The SQL interpreter treats tabs, newlines, and carriage returns as whitespace.
In our code, we generally use whitespaces for indentation, not tabs. Make
sure that your editor doesn’t automatically remove tabs, newlines, and
carriage returns or convert them to something other than spaces.
After copying and pasting, if you find your code not working, check the
copied code to make sure it looks like what we have in the listing.
We use examples based on both Linux and Windows. Path notations differ
between the two, namely the use of solidus (/) versus reverse solidus ().
While on Windows, use the Linux solidus, always! /, not . You may see a
path such as /postgresql_book/somefile.csv. These are always relative to the
root of your server. If you are on Windows, you must include the drive letter:
Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file
Constant width
Used for program listings. Used within paragraphs, where needed for
clarity, to refer to programming elements such as variables, functions,
databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords.
Constant width bold
Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.
Constant width italic
Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values
determined by context.
This icon signifies a tip, suggestion, or general note.
This icon indicates a warning or caution.
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Chapter 1. The Basics
PostgreSQL is an extremely powerful piece of software that introduces
features you may not have seen before. Some of the features are also present
in other well-known database engines, but under different names. This
chapter lays out the main concepts you should know when starting to attack
PostgreSQL documentation, and mentions some related terms in other
We begin by pointing you to resources for downloading and installing
PostgreSQL. Next, we provide an overview of indispensable administration
tools followed by a review of PostgreSQL nomenclature. PostgreSQL 10 was
recently released. We’ll highlight some of the new features therein. We close
with resources to turn to when you need additional guidance and to submit
bug reports.
Why PostgreSQL?
PostgreSQL is an enterprise-class relational database management system, on
par with the very best proprietary database systems: Oracle, Microsoft SQL
Server, and IBM DB2, just to name a few. PostgreSQL is special because it’s
not just a database: it’s also an application platform, and an impressive one at
PostgreSQL is fast. In benchmarks, PostgreSQL either exceeds or matches
the performance of many other databases, both open source and proprietary.
PostgreSQL invites you to write stored procedures and functions in numerous
programming languages. In addition to the prepackaged languages of C,
SQL, and PL/pgSQL, you can easily enable support for additional languages
such as PL/Perl, PL/Python, PL/V8 (aka PL/JavaScript), PL/Ruby, and PL/R.
This support for a wide variety of languages allows you to choose the
language with constructs that can best solve the problem at hand. For
instance, use R for statistics and graphing, Python for calling web services,
the Python SciPy library for scientific computing, and PL/V8 for validating
data, processing strings, and wrangling with JSON data. Easier yet, find a
freely available function that you need, find out the language that it’s written
in, enable that specific language in PostgreSQL, and copy the code. No one
will think less of you.
Most database products limit you to a predefined set of data types: integers,
texts, Booleans, etc. Not only does PostgreSQL come with a larger built-in
set than most, but you can define additional data types to suit your needs.
Need complex numbers? Create a composite type made up of two floats.
Have a triangle fetish? Create a coordinate type, then create a triangle type
made up of three coordinate pairs. A dozenal activist? Create your own
duodecimal type. Innovative types are useful insofar as the operators and
functions that support them. So once you’ve created your special number
types, don’t forget to define basic arithmetic operations for them. Yes,
PostgreSQL will let you customize the meaning of the symbols (+,-,/,*).
Whenever you create a type, PostgreSQL automatically creates a companion
array type for you. If you created a complex number type, arrays of complex
numbers are available to you without additional work.
PostgreSQL also automatically creates types from any tables you define. For
instance, create a table of dogs with columns such as breed, cuteness, and
barkiness. Behind the scenes, PostgreSQL maintains a dogs data type for you.
This amazingly useful bridge between the relational world and the object
world means that you can treat data elements in a way that’s convenient for
the task at hand. You can create functions that work on one object at a time or
functions that work on sets of objects at a time. Many third-party extensions
for PostgreSQL leverage custom types to achieve performance gains, provide
domain-specific constructs for shorter and more maintainable code, and
accomplish feats you can only fantasize about with other database products.
Our principal advice is this: don’t treat databases as dumb storage. A
database such as PostgreSQL can be a full-fledged application platform. With
a robust database, everything else is eye candy. Once you’re versant in SQL,
you’ll be able to accomplish in seconds what would take a casual
programmer hours, both in coding and running time.
In recent years, we’ve witnessed an upsurge of NoSQL movements (though
much of it could be hype). Although PostgreSQL is fundamentally relational,
you’ll find plenty of facilities to handle nonrelational data. The ltree
extension to PostgreSQL has been around since time immemorial and
provides support for graphs. The hstore extensions let you store key-value
pairs. JSON and JSONB types allow storage of documents similar to
MongoDb. In many ways, PostgreSQL accommodated NoSQL before the
term was even coined!
PostgreSQL just celebrated its 20th birthday, dating from its christening to
PostgreSQL from Postgres95. The beginnings of the PostgreSQL code-base
began well before that in 1986. PostgreSQL is supported on all major
operating systems: Linux, Unix, Windows, and Mac. Every year brings a new
major release, offering enhanced performance along with features that push
the envelope of what’s possible in a database offering.
Finally, PostgreSQL is open source with a generous licensing policy.
PostgreSQL is supported by a community of developers and users where
profit maximization is not the ultimate pursuit. If you want features, you’re
free to contribute, or at least vocalize. If you want to customize and
experiment, no one is going to sue you. You, the mighty user, make
PostgreSQL what it is.
In the end, you will wonder why you ever used any other database, because
PostgreSQL does everything you could hope for and does it for free. No more
reading the licensing cost fineprint of those other databases to figure out how
many dollars you need to spend if you have eight cores on your virtualized
servers with X number of concurrent connections. No more fretting about
how much more the next upgrade will cost you.
Why Not PostgreSQL?
Given all the proselytizing thus far, it’s only fair that we point out situations
when PostgreSQL might not be suitable.
The typical installation size of PostgreSQL without any extensions is more
than 100 MB. This rules out PostgreSQL for a database on a small device or
as a simple cache store. Many lightweight databases abound that could better
serve your needs without the larger footprint.
Given its enterprise stature, PostgreSQL doesn’t take security lightly. If
you’re developing lightweight applications where you’re managing security
at the application level, PostgreSQL security with its sophisticated role and
permission management could be overkill. You might consider a single-user
database such as SQLite or a database such as Firebird that can be run either
as a client server or in single-user embedded mode.
All that said, it is a common practice to combine PostgreSQL with other
database types. One common combination you will find is using Redis or
Memcache to cache PostgreSQL query results. As another example, SQLite
can be used to store a disconnected set of data for offline querying when
PostgreSQL is the main database backend for an application.
Finally, many hosting companies don’t offer PostgreSQL on a shared hosting
environment, or they offer an outdated version. Most still gravitate toward the
impotent MySQL. To a web designer, for whom the database is an
afterthought, MySQL might suffice. But as soon as you learn to write any
SQL beyond a single-table select and simple joins, you’ll begin to sense the
shortcomings of MySQL. Since the first edition of this book, virtualization
has resown the landscape of commerical hosting, so having your own
dedicated server is no longer a luxury, but the norm. And when you have
your own server, you’re free to choose what you wish to have installed.
PostgreSQL bodes well with the popularity of cloud computing such as
Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Database as a Service (DbaaS). Most of the
major PaaS and DbaaS providers offer PostgreSQL, notably Heroku, Engine
Yard, Red Hat OpenShift, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, Google Cloud SQL
for PostgreSQL, Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL, and Microsoft Azure for
Where to Get PostgreSQL
Years ago, if you wanted PostgreSQL, you had to compile it from source.
Thankfully, those days are long gone. Granted, you can still compile from
source, but using packaged installers won’t make you any less cool. A few
clicks or keystrokes, and you’re on your way.
If you’re installing PostgreSQL for the first time and have no existing
database to upgrade, you should install the latest stable release version for
your OS. The downloads page for the PostgreSQL core distribution maintains
a listing of places where you can download PostgreSQL binaries for various
OSes. In Appendix A, you’ll find useful installation instructions and links to
additional custom distributions.
Administration Tools
Four tools widely used with PostgreSQL are psql, pgAdmin, phpPgAdmin,
and Adminer. PostgreSQL core developers actively maintain the first three;
therefore, they tend to stay in sync with PostgreSQL releases. Adminer, while
not specific to PostgreSQL, is useful if you also need to manage other
relational databases: SQLite, MySQL, SQL Server, or Oracle. Beyond the
four that we mentioned, you can find plenty of other excellent administration
tools, both open source and proprietary.
psql is a command-line interface for running queries and is included in all
distributions of PostgreSQL (see “psql Interactive Commands”). psql has
some unusual features, such as an import and export command for delimited
files (CSV or tab), and a minimalistic report writer that can generate HTML
output. psql has been around since the introduction of PostgreSQL and is the
tool of choice for many expert users, for people working in consoles without
a GUI, or for running common tasks in shell scripts. Newer converts favor
GUI tools and wonder why the older generation still clings to the command
pgAdmin is a popular, free GUI tool for PostgreSQL. Download it separately
from PostgreSQL if it isn’t already packaged with your installer. pgAdmin
runs on all OSes supported by PostgreSQL.
Even if your database lives on a console-only Linux server, go ahead and
install pgAdmin on your workstation, and you’ll find yourself armed with a
fantastic GUI tool.
pgAdmin recently entered its fourth release, dubbed pgAdmin4. pgAdmin4 is
a complete rewrite of pgAdmin3 that sports a desktop as well as a web server
application version utilizing Python. pgAdmin4 is currently at version 1.5. It
made its debut at the same time as PostgreSQL 9.6 and is available as part of
several PostgreSQL distributions. You can run pgAdmin4 as a desktop
application or via a browser interface.
An example of pgAdmin4 appears in Figure 1-1.
If you’re unfamiliar with PostgreSQL, you should definitely start with
pgAdmin. You’ll get a bird’s-eye view and appreciate the richness of
PostgreSQL just by exploring everything you see in the main interface. If
you’re deserting Microsoft SQL Server and are accustomed to Management
Studio, you’ll feel right at home.
pgAdmin4 still has a couple of pain points compared to pgAdmin3, but its
feature set is ramping up quickly and in some ways already surpasses
pgAdmin3. That said, if you are a long-time user of pgAdmin3, you might
want to go for the pgAdmin3 Long Time support (LTS) version supported
and distributed by BigSQL, and spend a little time test-driving pgAdmin4
before you fully commit to it. But keep in mind that the pgAdmin project is
fully committed to pgAdmin4 and no longer will make changes to
Figure 1-1. pgAdmin4 tree browser
phpPgAdmin, pictured in Figure 1-2, is a free, web-based administration tool
patterned after the popular phpMyAdmin. phpPgAdmin differs from
phpMyAdmin by including ways to manage PostgreSQL objects such as
schemas, procedural languages, casts, operators, and so on. If you’ve used
phpMyAdmin, you’ll find phpPgAdmin to have the same look and feel.
Figure 1-2. phpPgAdmin
If you manage other databases besides PostgreSQL and are looking for a
unified tool, Adminer might fit the bill. Adminer is a lightweight, open
source PHP application with options for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL
Server, and Oracle, all delivered through a single interface.
One unique feature of Adminer we’re impressed with is the relational
diagrammer that can produce a schematic layout of your database schema,
along with a linear representation of foreign key relationships. Another
hassle-reducing feature is that you can deploy Adminer as a single PHP file.
Figure 1-3 is a screenshot of the login screen and a snippet from the
diagrammer output. Many users stumble in the login screen of Adminer
Figure 1-3. Adminer
PostgreSQL Database Objects
So you installed PostgreSQL, fired up pgAdmin, and expanded its browse
tree. Before you is a bewildering display of database objects, some familiar
and some completely foreign. PostgreSQL has more database objects than
most other relational database products (and that’s before add-ons). You’ll
probably never touch many of these objects, but if you dream up something
new, more likely than not it’s already implemented using one of those
esoteric objects. This book is not even going to attempt to describe all that
you’ll find in a standard PostgreSQL install. With PostgreSQL churning out
because it doesn’t include a separate text box for indicating the port number.
If PostgreSQL is listening on the standard 5432 port, you need not worry. But
if you use some other port, append the port number to the server name with a
colon, as shown in Figure 1-3.
Adminer is sufficient for straightforward querying and editing, but because
it’s tailored to the lowest common denominator among database products,
you won’t find management applets that are specific to PostgreSQL for such
tasks as creating new users, granting rights, or displaying permissions.
Adminer also treats each schema as a separate database, which severely
reduces the usefulness of the relational diagrammer if your relationships
cross schema boundaries. If you’re a DBA, stick to pgAdmin or psql.
Schemas are part of the ANSI SQL standard. They are the immediate next
level of organization within each database. If you think of the database as
a country, schemas would be the individual states (or provinces,
prefectures, or departments, depending on the country). Most database
objects first belong to a schema, which belongs to a database. When you
create a new database, PostgreSQL automatically creates a schema named
public to store objects that you create. If you have few tables, using
public would be fine. But if you have thousands of tables, you should
organize them into different schemas.
Tables are the workhorses of any database. In PostgreSQL, tables are first
citizens of their respective schemas, which in turn are citizens of the
PostgreSQL tables have two remarkable talents: first, they are inheritable.
Table inheritance streamlines your database design and can save you
endless lines of looping code when querying tables with nearly identical
structures. Second, whenever you create a table, PostgreSQL
automatically creates an accompanying custom data type.
Almost all relational database products offer views as a level of
abstraction from tables. In a view, you can query multiple tables and
present additional derived columns based on complex calculations. Views
are generally read-only, but PostgreSQL allows you to update the
underlying data by updating the view, provided that the view draws from
features at breakneck speed, we can’t imagine any book that could possibly
do this. We limit our quick overview to those objects that you should be
familiar with:
Each PostgreSQL service houses many individual databases.
a single table. To update data from views that join multiple tables, you
need to create a trigger against the view. Version 9.3 introduced
materialized views, which cache data to speed up commonly used queries
at the sacrifice of having the most up-to-date data. See “Materialized
Extensions allow developers to package functions, data types, casts,
custom index types, tables, attribute variables, etc., for installation or
removal as a unit. Extensions are similar in concept to Oracle packages
and have been the preferred method for distributing add-ons since
PostgreSQL 9.1. You should follow the developer’s instructions on how
to install the extension files onto your server, which usually involves
copying binaries into your PostgreSQL installation folders and then
running a set of scripts. Once done, you must enable the extension for
each database separately. You shouldn’t enable an extension in your
database unless you need it. For example, if you need advanced text
search in only one database, enable fuzzystrmatch for that one only.
When you enable extensions, you choose the schemas where all
constituent objects will reside. Accepting the default will place everything
from the extension into the public schema, littering it with potentially
thousands of new objects. We recommend that you create a separate
schema that will house all extensions. For an extension with many
objects, we suggest that you create a separate schema devoted entirely to
it. Optionally, you can append the name of any schemas you add to the
search_path variable of the database so you can refer to the function
without having to prepend the schema name. Some extensions, especially
ones that install a new procedural language (PL), will dictate the
installation schema. For example, PL/V8 must be installed the pg_catalog
Extensions may depend on other extensions. Prior to PostgreSQL 9.6, you
had to know all dependent extensions and install them first. With 9.6, you
simply need to add the CASCADE option and PostgreSQL will take care of
the rest. For example:
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder CASCADE;
first installs the dependent extensions postgis and fuzzystrmatch, if not
You can program your own custom functions to handle data
manipulation, perform complex calculations, or wrap similar
functionality. Create functions using PLs. PostgreSQL comes stocked
with thousands of functions, which you can view in the postgres database
that is part of every install. PostgreSQL functions can return scalar
values, arrays, single records, or sets of records. Other database products
refer to functions that manipulate data as stored procedures. PostgreSQL
does not make this distinction.
Create functions using a PL. PostgreSQL installs three by default: SQL,
PL/pgSQL, and C. You can easily install additional languages using the
extension framework or the CREATE PRODCEDURAL LANGUAGE command.
Languages currently in vogue are PL/Python, PL/V8 (JavaScript), and
PL/R. We’ll show you plenty of examples in Chapter 8.
Operators are nothing more than symbolically named aliases such as = or
&& for functions. In PostgreSQL, you can invent your own. This is often
the case when you create custom data types. For example, if you create a
custom data type of complex numbers, you’d probably want to also create
addition operators (+,-,*,/) to handle arithmetic on them.
Foreign tables and foreign data wrappers
Foreign tables are virtual tables linked to data outside a PostgreSQL
database. Once you’ve configured the link, you can query them like any
other tables. Foreign tables can link to CSV files, a PostgreSQL table on
another server, a table in a different product such as SQL Server or
Oracle, a NoSQL database such as Redis, or even a web service such as
Twitter or Salesforce.
Foreign data wrappers (FDWs) facilitate the magic handshake between
PostgreSQL and external data sources. FDW implementations in
PostgreSQL follow the SQL/Management of External Data (MED)
Many charitable programmers have already developed FDWs for popular
data sources. You can try your hand at creating your own FDWs as well.
(Be sure to publicize your success so the community can reap the fruits of
your toil.) Install FDWs using the extension framework. Once installed,
pgAdmin lists them under a node called Foreign Data Wrappers.
Triggers and trigger functions
You will find triggers in all enterprise-level databases; triggers detect
data-change events. When PostgreSQL fires a trigger, you have the
opportunity to execute trigger functions in response. A trigger can run in
response to particular types of statements or in response to changes to
particular rows, and can fire before or after a data-change event.
In pgAdmin, to see which table triggers, drill down to the table level. Pick
the table of interest and look under triggers.
Create trigger functions to respond to firing of triggers. Trigger functions
differ from regular functions in that they have access to special variables
that store the data both before and after the triggering event. This allows
you to reverse data changes made by the event during the execution of the
trigger function. Because of this, trigger functions are often used to write
complex validation routines that are beyond what can be implemented
using check constraints.
Trigger technology is evolving rapidly in PostgreSQL. Starting in 9.0, a
WITH clause lets you specify a boolean WHEN condition, which is
tested to see whether the trigger should be fired. Version 9.0 also
introduced the UPDATE OF clause, which allows you to specify which
column(s) to monitor for changes. When data in monitored columns
changes, the trigger fires. In 9.1, a data change in a view can fire a trigger.
Since 9.3, data definition language (DDL) events can fire triggers. For a
list of triggerable DDL events, refer to the Event Trigger Firing Matrix.
pgAdmin lists DDL triggers under the Event Triggers branch. Finally, as
of version 9.4, you may place triggers against foreign tables.
Catalogs are system schemas that store PostgreSQL builtin functions and
metadata. Every database contains two catalogs: pg_catalog, which holds
all functions, tables, system views, casts, and types packaged with
PostgreSQL; and information_schema, which offers views exposing
metadata in a format dictated by the ANSI SQL standard.
PostgreSQL practices what it preaches. You will find that PostgreSQL
itself is built atop a self-replicating structure. All settings to finetune
servers are kept in system tables that you’re free to query and modify.
This gives PostgreSQL a level of extensibility (read hackability)
impossible to attain by proprietary database products. Go ahead and take
a close look inside the pg_catalog schema. You’ll get a sense of how
PostgreSQL is put together. If you have superuser privileges, you are at
liberty to make updates to the pg_catalog directly (and screw things up
The information_schema catalog is one you’ll find in MySQL and SQL
Server as well. The most commonly used views in the PostgreSQL
information_schema are columns, which list all table columns in a
database; tables, which list all tables (including views) in a database; and
views, which list all views and the associated SQL to rebuild the view.
Type is short for data type. Every database product and every
programming language has a set of types that it understands: integers,
characters, arrays, blobs, etc. PostgreSQL has composite types, which are
made up of other types. Think of complex numbers, polar coordinates,
vectors, or tensors as examples.
Whenever you create a new table, PostgreSQL automatically creates a
composite type based on the structure of the table. This allows you to
treat table rows as objects in their own right. You’ll appreciate this
automatic type creation when you write functions that loop through
tables. pgAdmin doesn’t make the automatic type creation obvious
because it does not list them under the types node, but rest assured that
they are there.
Full text search
Full text search (FTS) is a natural language–based search. This kind of
search has some “intelligence” built in. Unlike regular expression search,
FTS can match based on the semantics of an expression, not just its
syntactical makeup. For example, if you’re searching for the word
running in a long piece of text, you may end up with run, running, ran,
runner, jog, sprint, dash, and so on. Three objects in PostgreSQL together
support FTS: FTS configurations, FTS dictionaries, and FTS parsers.
These objects exist to support the built-in Full Text Search engine
packaged with PostgreSQL. For general use cases, the configurations,
dictionaries, and parsers packaged with PostgreSQL are sufficient. But
should you be working in a specific industry with specialized vocabulary
and syntax rules such as pharmacology or organized crime, you can swap
out the packaged FTS objects with your own. We cover FTS in detail in
“Full Text Search”.
Casts prescribe how to convert from one data type to another. They are
backed by functions that actually perform the conversion. In PostgreSQL,
you can create your own casts and override or enhance the default casting
behavior. For example, imagine you’re converting zip codes (which are
five digits long in the US) to character from integer. You can define a
custom cast that automatically prepends a zero when the zip is between
1000 and 9999.
Casting can be implicit or explicit. Implicit casts are automatic and
usually expand from a more specific to a more generic type. When an
implicit cast is not offered, you must cast explicitly.
A sequence controls the autoincrementation of a serial data type.
PostgresSQL automatically creates sequences when you define a serial
column, but you can easily change the initial value, step, and next
available value. Because sequences are objects in their own right, more
than one table can share the same sequence object. This allows you to
create a unique key value that can span tables. Both SQL Server and
Oracle have sequence objects, but you must create them manually.
Rules are instructions to rewrite an SQL prior to execution. We’re not
going to cover rules as they’ve fallen out of favor because triggers can
accomplish the same things.
For each object, PostgreSQL makes available many attribute variables that
you can set. You can set variables at the server level, at the database level, at
the function level, and so on. You may encounter the fancy term GUC, which
stands for grand unified configuration, but it means nothing more than
configuration settings in PostgreSQL.
What’s New in Latest Versions of PostgreSQL?
Every September a new PostgreSQL is released. With each new release
comes greater stability, heightened security, better performance—and avant-
garde features. The upgrade process itself gets easier with each new version.
The lesson here? Upgrade. Upgrade often. For a summary chart of key
features added in each release, refer to the PostgreSQL Feature Matrix.
Why Upgrade?
If you’re using PostgreSQL 9.1 or below, upgrade now! Version 9.1 retired to
There are new planner strategies for parallel queries: Parallel Bitmap
Heap Scan, Parallel Index Scan, and others. These changes allow a wider
range of queries to be parallelized for. See “Parallelized Queries”.
Logical replication
Prior versions of PostgreSQL had streaming replication that replicates the
whole server cluster. Slaves in streaming replication were read-only and
end-of-life (EOL) status in September 2016. Details about PostgreSQL EOL
policy can be found here: PostgreSQL Release Support Policy. EOL is not
where you want to be. New security updates and fixes to serious bugs will no
longer be available. You’ll need to hire specialized PostgreSQL core
consultants to patch problems or to implement workarounds—probably not a
cheap proposition, assuming you can even locate someone willing to
undertake the work.
Regardless of which major version you are running, you should always keep
up with the latest micro versions. An upgrade from say, 9.1.17 to 9.1.21,
requires no more than a file replacement and a restart. Micro versions only
patch bugs. Nothing will stop working after a micro upgrade. Performing a
micro upgrade can in fact save you much grief down the road.
Features Introduced in PostgreSQL 10
PostgreSQL 10 is the latest stable release and was released in October 2017.
Starting with PostgreSQL 10, the PostgreSQL project adopted a new
versioning convention. In prior versions, major versions got a minor version
number bump. For example, PostgreSQL 9.6 introduced some major new
features that were not in its PostgreSQL 9.5 predecessor. In contrast, starting
with PostgreSQL 10, major releases will have the first digit bumped. So
major changes to PostgreSQL 10 will be called PostgreSQL 11. This is more
in line with what other database vendors follow, such as SQLite, SQL Server,
and Oracle.
Here are the key new features in 10:
Query parallelization improvements
could be used only for queries that don’t change data. Nor could they
have tables of their own. Logical replication provides two features that
streaming replication did not have. You can now replicate just a table or a
database (no need for the whole cluster); since you are replicating only
part of the data, the slaves can have their own set of data that is not
involved in replication.
Full text support for JSON and JSONB
In prior versions, to_tsvector would work only with plain text when
generating a full text vector. Now to_tsvector can understand the json and
jsonb types, ignoring the keys in JSON and including only the values in
the vector. The ts_headline function for json and jsonb was also
introduced. It highlights matches in a json document during a tsquery.
Refer to “Full Text Support for JSON and JSONB”.
ANSI standard XMLTABLE construct
XMLTABLE provides a simpler way of deconstructing XML into a
standard table structure. This feature has existed for some time in Oracle
and IBM DB2 databases. Refer to Example 5-41.
FDW push down aggregates to remote servers
The FDW API can now run aggregations such as COUNT(*) or SUM(*)
on remote queries. postgres_fdw takes advantage of this new feature.
Prior to postgres_fdw, any aggregation would require the local server to
request all the data that needed aggregation and do the aggregation
Declarative table partitioning
In prior versions, if you had a table you needed to partition but query as a
single unit, you would utilize PostgreSQL table inheritance support.
Using inheritance was cumbersome in that you had to write triggers to
reroute data to a table PARTITION if adding to the parent table.
PostgreSQL 10 introduces the PARTITION BY construct. PARTITION
BY allows you to create a parent table with no data, but with a defined
PARTITION formula. Now you can insert data into the parent table
without the need to define triggers. Refer to “Partitioned Tables”.
Query execution
Various speedups have been added.
New construct for creating statistics on multiple columns. Refer to
Example 9-18.
A new IDENTITY qualifier in DDL table creation and ALTER
statements provides a more standards-compliant way to designate a table
column as an auto increment. Refer to Example 6-2.
Features Introduced in PostgreSQL 9.6
PostgreSQL 9.6 was released in September 2016. PostgreSQL 9.6 is the last
of the PostgreSQL 9+ series:
Query parallelization
Up to now, PostgreSQL could not take advantage of multiple processor
cores. In 9.6, the PostgreSQL engine can distribute certain types of
queries across multiple cores and processers. Qualified queries include
those with sequential scans, some joins, and some aggregates. However,
queries that involve changing data such as deletes, inserts, and updates
are not parallelizable. Parallelization is a work in progress with the
eventual hope that all queries will take advantage of multiple processor
cores. See “Parallelized Queries”.
Phrase full text search
Use the distance operator <-> in a full text search query to indicate how
far two words can be apart from each other and still be considered a
match. In prior versions you could indicate only which words should be
searched; now you can control the sequence of the words. See “Full Text
psql gexec options
These read an SQL statement from a query and execute it. See “Dynamic
SQL Execution”.
Updates, inserts, and deletes are all much faster for simple cases. See
Depesz: Directly Modify Foreign Table for details.
Pushed-down FDW joins
This is now supported by some FDWs. postgres_fdw supports this
feature. When you join foreign tables, instead of retrieving the data from
the foreign server and performing the join locally, FDW will perform the
join remotely if foreign tables involved in the join are from the same
foreign server and then retrieve the result set. This could lower the
number of rows that have to come over from the foreign server,
dramatically improving performance when joins eliminate many rows.
Features Introduced in PostgreSQL 9.5
Version 9.5 came out in January of 2016. Notable new features are as
Improvements to foreign table architecture
A new IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA command allows for bulk creation of
foreign tables from a foreign server. Foreign table inheritance means that
a local table can inherit from foreign tables; foreign tables can inherit
from local tables; and foreign tables can inherit from other foreign tables.
You can also add constraints to foreign tables. See “Foreign Data
Wrappers” and “Querying Other PostgreSQL Servers”.
Using unlogged tables as a fast way to populate new tables
The downside is that unlogged tables would get truncated during a crash.
In prior versions, promoting an unlogged table to a logged table could not
be done without creating a new table and repopulating the records. In 9.5,
just use the ALTER TABLE ... SET UNLOGGED command.
Arrays in array_agg
The array_agg function accepts a set of values and combines them into a
single array. Prior to 9.5, passing in arrays would throw an error. With
9.5, array_agg is smart enough to automatically construct
multidimensional arrays for you. See Example 5-17.
Block range indexes (BRIN)
A new kind of index with smaller footprint than B-Tree and GIN. Under
some circumstances BRIN can outperform the former two. See “Indexes”.
Grouping sets, ROLLUP, AND CUBE SQL predicates
This feature is used in conjunction with aggregate queries to return
additional subtotal rows. See “GROUPING SETS, CUBE, ROLLUP” for
Index-only scans
These now support GiST indexes.
Insert and update conflict handling
Prior to 9.5, any inserts or updates that conflicted with primary key and
check constraints would automatically fail. Now you have an opportunity
to catch the exception and offer an alternative course, or to skip the
records causing the conflict. See “UPSERTs: INSERT ON CONFLICT
Update lock failures
If you want to select and lock rows with the intent of updating the data,
you can use SELECT ... FOR UPDATE. If you’re unable to obtain the
lock, prior to 9.5, you’d receive an error. With 9.5, you can add the SKIP
LOCKED option to bypass rows for which you’re unable to obtain locks.
Row-level security
You now have the ability to set visibility and updatability on rows of a
table using policies. This is especially useful for multitenant databases or
situations where security cannot be easily isolated by segmenting data
into different tables.
Features Introduced in PostgreSQL 9.4
Version 9.4 came out in September 2014. Notable new features are as
Materialized view enhancements
In 9.3, materialized views are inaccessible during a refresh, which could
be a long time. This makes their deployment in a production undesirable.
9.4 eliminated the lock provided for materizalized views with a unique
New analytic functions to compute percentiles
percentile_disc (percentile discrete) and percentile_cont (percentile
continuous) were added. They must be used with the special WITHIN
GROUP (ORDER BY ...) construct. PostgreSQL vanguard Hubert
Lubaczewski described their use in Ordered Set Within Group
Aggregates. If you’ve ever looked for an aggregate median function in
PostgreSQL, you didn’t find it. Recall from your introduction to medians
that the algorithm has an extra tie-breaker step at the end, making it
difficult to program as an aggregate function. The new percentile
functions approximate the true median with a “fast” median. We cover
these two functions in more detail in “Percentiles and Mode”.
Protection against updates in views
WITH CHECK OPTION clause added to the CREATE VIEW statement will
block, update, or insert on the view if the resulting data would no longer
be visible in the view. We demonstrate this feature in Example 7-3.
A new data type, JSONB
The JavaScript object notation binary type allows you to index a full
JSON document and expedite retrieval of subelements. For details, see
“JSON” and check out these blog posts: Introduce jsonb: A Structured
Format for Storing JSON and JSONB: Wildcard Query.
Improved Generalized Inverted Index (GIN)
GIN was designed with FTS, trigrams, hstores, and JSONB in mind.
Under many circumstances, you may choose GIN with its smaller
footprint over B-Tree without loss in performance. Version 9.5 improved
its query speed. Check out GIN as a Substitute for Bitmap Indexes.
More JSON functions
These are json_build_array, json_build_object, json_object,
json_to_record, and json_to_recordset.
Expedited moves between tablespaces
You can now move all database objects from one tablespace to another by
using the syntax ALTER TABLESPACE old_space MOVE ALL TO
Row numbers in returned sets
You can add a row number for set-returning functions with the system
column ordinality. This is particularly handy when converting
denormalized data stored in arrays, hstores, and composite types to
records. Here is an example using hstore:
SELECT ordinality, key, value
FROM EACH('breed=>pug,cuteness=>high'::hstore) WITH ordinality;
Using SQL to alter system-configuration settings
The ALTER system SET ... construct allows you to set global system
settings without editing the postgresql.conf, as detailed in “The
postgresql.conf File”. This also means you can now programmatically
change system settings, but keep in mind that PostgreSQL may require a
restart for new settings to take effect.
Version 9.4 lets you place triggers on foreign tables.
Better handling of unnesting
The unnest function predictably allocates arrays of different sizes into
columns. Prior to 9.4, unnesting arrays of different sizes resulted in
shuffling of columns in unexpected ways.
This construct allows the use of multiple set-returning functions in a
series, even if they have an unbalanced number of elements in each set:
FROM ROWS FROM ( jsonb_each('{"a":"foo1","b":"bar"}'::jsonb),
x (a1,a1_val,a2,a2_val);
Dynamic background workers
You can code these in C to do work that is not available through SQL or
functions. A trivial example is available in the 9.4 source code in the
contrib/worker_spi directory.
Database Drivers
Chances are that you’re not using PostgreSQL in a vacuum. You need a
database driver to interact with applications and other databases. PostgreSQL
works with free drivers for many programming languages and tools.
Moreover, various commercial organizations provide drivers with extra bells
and whistles at modest prices. Here are some of the notable open source
PHP is a popular language for web development, and most PHP
distributions include at least one PostgreSQL driver: the old pgsql driver
or the newer pdo_pgsql. You may need to enable them in your php.ini.
For Java developers, the JDBC driver keeps up with latest PostgreSQL
versions. Download it from PostgreSQL.
For .NET (both Microsoft or Mono), you can use the Npgsql driver. Both
the source code and the binary are available for .NET Framework,
Microsoft Entity Framework, and Mono.NET.
If you need to connect from Microsoft Access, Excel, or any other
products that support Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), download
drivers from the PostgreSQL ODBC drivers site. You’ll have your choice
of 32-bit or 64-bit.
LibreOffice 3.5 and later comes packaged with a native PostgreSQL
driver. For OpenOffice and older versions of LibreOffice, you can use the
JDBC driver or the SDBC driver. Learn more details from our article OO
Base and PostgreSQL.
Python has support for PostgreSQL via many database drivers. At the
moment, psycopg2 is the most popular. Rich support for PostgreSQL is
also available in the Django web framework. If you are looking for an
object-relational mapper, SQL Alchemy is the most popular and is used
internally by the Multicorn Foreign Data Wrapper.
If you use Ruby, connect to PostgreSQL using rubygems pg.
You’ll find Perl’s connectivity to PostgreSQL in the DBI and the
DBD::Pg drivers. Alternatively, there’s the pure Perl DBD::PgPP driver
from CPAN.
Node.js is a JavaScript framework for running scalable network programs.
There are two PostgreSQL drivers currently: Node Postgres with optional
native libpq bindings and pure JS (no compilation required) and Node-
Where to Get Help
There will come a day when you need help. That day always arrives early; we
want to point you to some resources now rather than later. Our favorite is the
lively mailing list designed for helping new and old users with technical
issues. First, visit PostgreSQL Help Mailing Lists. If you are new to
PostgreSQL, the best list to start with is the PGSQL General Mailing List. If
you run into what appears to be a bug in PostgreSQL, report it at PostgreSQL
Bug Reporting.
Notable PostgreSQL Forks
The MIT/BSD-style licensing of PostgreSQL makes it a great candidate for
forking. Various groups have done exactly that over the years. Some have
contributed their changes back to the original project or funded PostgreSQL
work. For list of forks, refer to PostgreSQL-derived databases.
Many popular forks are proprietary and closed source. Netezza, a popular
database choice for data warehousing, was a PostgreSQL fork at inception.
Similarly, the Amazon Redshift data warehouse is a fork of a fork of
PostgreSQL. Amazon has two other offerings that are closer to standard
PostgreSQL: Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora for
PostgreSQL. These stay in line with PostgreSQL versions in SQL syntax but
with more management and speed features.
PostgreSQL Advanced Plus by EnterpriseDB is a fork that adds Oracle
syntax and compatibility features to woo Oracle users. EnterpriseDB ploughs
funding and development support back to the PostgreSQL community. For
this, we’re grateful. Its Postgres Plus Advanced Server is fairly close to the
most recent stable version of PostgreSQL.
Postgres-X2, Postgres-XL, and GreenPlum are three budding forks with open
source licensing (although GreenPlum was closed source for a period). These
three target large-scale data analytics and replication.
Part of the reason for forking is to advance ahead of the PostgreSQL release
cycle and try out new features that may or may not be of general interest.
Many of the new features developed this way do find their way back into a
later PostgreSQL core release. Such is the case with the multi-master bi-
directional replication (BDR) fork developed by 2nd Quadrant. Pieces of
BDR, such as the logical replication support, are beefing up the built-in
replication functionality in PostgreSQL proper. Some of the parallelization
work of Postgres-XL will also likely make it into future versions of
Citus is a project that started as a fork of PostgreSQL to support real-time big
data and parallel queries. It has since been incorporated back and can be
installed in PostgreSQL 9.5 as an extension.
Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL is a fairly recent addition by Google and
is currently in beta.
This chapter covers what we consider basic administration of a PostgreSQL
server: managing roles and permissions, creating databases, installing
extensions, and backing up and restoring data. Before continuing, you should
have already installed PostgreSQL and have administration tools at your
Configuration Files
Three main configuration files control operations of a PostgreSQL server:
Controls general settings, such as memory allocation, default storage
location for new databases, the IP addresses that PostgreSQL listens on,
location of logs, and plenty more.
Controls access to the server, dictating which users can log in to which
databases, which IP addresses can connect, and which authentication
scheme to accept.
If present, this file maps an authenticated OS login to a PostgreSQL user.
People sometimes map the OS root account to the PostgresSQL superuser
account, postgres.
PostgreSQL officially refers to users as roles. Not all roles need to have login
Chapter 2. Database
privileges. For example, group roles often do not. We use the term user to refer
to a role with login privileges.
If you accepted default installation options, you will find these configuration
files in the main PostgreSQL data folder. You can edit them using any text
editor or the Admin Pack in pgAdmin. Instructions for editing with pgAdmin
are in “Editing postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf from pgAdmin3”. If you are
unable to find the physical location of these files, run the Example 2-1 query
as a superuser while connected to any database.
Example 2-1. Location of configuration files
SELECT name, setting FROM pg_settings WHERE category = 'File Locations';
name | setting
config_file | /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/postgresql.conf
data_directory | /var/lib/postgresql/9.6/main
external_pid_file | /var/run/postgresql/
hba_file | /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf
ident_file | /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_ident.conf
(5 rows)
Making Configurations Take Effect
Some configuration changes require a PostgreSQL service restart, which
closes any active connections from clients. Other changes require just a
reload. New users connecting after a reload will receive the new setting.
Extant users with active connections will not be affected during a reload. If
you’re not sure whether a configuration change requires a reload or restart,
look under the context setting associated with a configuration. If the context
is postmaster, you’ll need a restart. If the context is user, a reload will
A reload can be done in several ways. One way is to open a console window
and run this command:
pg_ctl reload -D your_data_directory_here
If you have PostgreSQL installed as a service in RedHat Enterprise Linux,
CentOS, or Ubuntu, enter instead:
service postgresql-9.5 reload
postgresql-9.5 is the name of your service. (For older versions of
PostgreSQL, the service is sometimes called postgresql sans version
You can also log in as a superuser to any database and execute the following
SELECT pg_reload_conf();
Finally, you can reload from pgAdmin; see “Editing postgresql.conf and
pg_hba.conf from pgAdmin3”.
More fundamental configuration changes require a restart. You can perform a
restart by stopping and restarting the postgres service (daemon). Yes, power
cycling will do the trick as well.
You can’t restart with a PostgreSQL command, but you can trigger a restart
from the operating system shell. On Linux/Unix with a service, enter:
service postgresql-9.6 restart
For any PostgreSQL instance not installed as a service:
pg_ctl restart -D your_data_directory_here
On Windows you can also just click Restart on the PostgreSQL service in the
Services Manager.
context ,
unit ,
setting, boot_val, reset_val
FROM pg_settings
WHERE name IN ('listen_addresses','deadlock_timeout','shared_buffers',
ORDER BY context, name;
name | context | unit | setting | boot_val |
---------------------+------------+------+-------- +-----------+---------
listen_addresses | postmaster | | * | localhost | *
shared_buffers | postmaster | 8kB | 131584 | 1024 | 131584
deadlock_timeout | superuser | ms | 1000 | 1000 | 1000
effective_cache_size | user | 8kB | 16384 | 16384 | 16384
maintenance_work_mem | user | kB | 16384 | 16384 | 16384
work_mem | user | kB | 5120 | 1024 | 5120
The context is the scope of the setting. Some settings have a wider effect
than others, depending on their context.
The postgresql.conf File
postgresql.conf controls the life-sustaining settings of the PostgreSQL server.
You can override many settings at the database, role, session, and even
function levels. You’ll find many details on how to finetune your server by
tweaking settings in the article Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server.
Version 9.4 introduced an important change: instead of editing
postgresql.conf directly, you should override settings using an additional file
called We further recommend that you don’t touch the
postgresql.conf and place any custom settings in
Checking postgresql.conf settings
An easy way to read the current settings without opening the configuration
files is to query the view named pg_settings. We demonstrate in Example 2-
Example 2-2. Key settings
User settings can be changed by each user to affect just that user’s
sessions. If set by the superuser, the setting becomes a default for all users
who connect after a reload.
Superuser settings can be changed only by a superuser, and will apply to
all users who connect after a reload. Users cannot individually override
the setting.
Postmaster settings affect the entire server (postmaster represents the
PostgreSQL service) and take effect only after a restart.
Settings with user or superuser context can be set for a specific database,
user, session, and function level. For example, you might want to set
work_mem higher for an SQL guru-level user who writes mind-boggling
queries. Similarly, if you have one function that is sort-intensive, you
could raise work_mem just for it. Settings set at database, user, session,
and function levels do not require a reload. Settings set at the database
level take effect on the next connect to the database. Settings set for the
session or function take effect right away.
Be careful checking the units of measurement used for memory. As you
can see in Example 2-2, some are reported in 8-KB blocks and some just
in kilobytes. Regardless of how a setting displays, you can use any unit of
choice when setting; 128 MB is a versatile choice for most memory
Showing units as 8 KB is annoying at best and is destabilizing at worst.
The SHOW command in SQL offers display settings in labeled and more
intuitive units. For example, running:
SHOW shared_buffers;
returns 1028MB. Similarly, running:
SHOW deadlock_timeout;
returns 1s. If you want to see the units for all settings, enter SHOW ALL.
setting is the current setting; boot_val is the default setting;
reset_val is the new setting if you were to restart or reload the server.
Make sure that setting and reset_val match after you make a change.
If not, the server needs a restart or reload.
New in version 9.5 is a system view called pg_file_settings, which you can
use to query settings. Its output lists the source file where the settings can be
found. The applied tells you whether the setting is in effect; if the setting has
an f in that column you need to reload or restart to make it take effect. In
cases where a particular setting is present in both postgresql.conf and, the one will take precedent and
you’ll see the other files with applied set to false (f). The applied is shown in
Example 2-3.
Example 2-3. Querying pg_file_settings
SELECT name, sourcefile, sourceline, setting, applied
FROM pg_file_settings
WHERE name IN ('listen_addresses','deadlock_timeout','shared_buffers',
ORDER BY name;
name | sourcefile | sourceline |
setting | applied
effective_cache_size | E:/data96/| 11 | 8GB
| t
listen_addresses | E:/data96/postgresql.conf | 59 | *
| t
maintenance_work_mem | E:/data96/| 3 | 16MB
| t
shared_buffers | E:/data96/postgresql.conf | 115 | 128MB
| f
shared_buffers | E:/data96/| 5 |
131584 | t
Pay special attention to the following network settings in postgresql.conf or, because an incorrect entry here will prevent clients
from connecting. Changing their values requires a service restart:
Informs PostgreSQL which IP addresses to listen on. This usually
defaults to local (meaning a socket on the local system), or localhost,
meaning the IPv6 or IPv4 localhost IP address. But many people change
the setting to *, meaning all available IP addresses.
Defaults to 5432. You may wish to change this well-known port to
something else for security or if you are running multiple PostgreSQL
services on the same server.
The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed.
This setting is somewhat a misnomer. It specifies the format of the
logfiles rather than their physical location. The default is stderr. If you
intend to perform extensive analysis on your logs, we suggest changing it
to csvlog, which is easier to export to third-party analytic tools. Make
sure you have the logging_collection set to on if you want logging.
The following settings affect performance. Defaults are rarely the optimal
value for your installation. As soon as you gain enough confidence to tweak
configuration settings, you should tune these values:
Allocated amount of memory shared among all connections to store
recently accessed pages. This setting profoundly affects the speed of your
queries. You want this setting to be fairly high, probably as much as 25%
of your RAM. However, you’ll generally see diminishing returns after
more than 8 GB. Changes require a restart.
An estimate of how much memory PostgreSQL expects the operating
system to devote to it. This setting has no effect on actual allocation, but
the query planner figures in this setting to guess whether intermediate
steps and query output would fit in RAM. If you set this much lower than
available RAM, the planner may forgo using indexes. With a dedicated
server, setting the value to half of your RAM is a good starting point.
Changes require a reload.
Controls the maximum amount of memory allocated for each operation
such as sorting, hash join, and table scans. The optimal setting depends on
how you’re using the database, how much memory you have to spare, and
whether your server is dedicated to PostgreSQL. If you have many users
running simple queries, you want this setting to be relatively low to be
democratic; otherwise, the first user may hog all the memory. How high
you set this also depends on how much RAM you have to begin with. A
good article to read for guidance is Understanding work_mem. Changes
require a reload.
The total memory allocated for housekeeping activities such as
vacuuming (pruning records marked for deletion). You shouldn’t set it
higher than about 1 GB. Reload after changes.
This is a new setting introduced in 9.6 for parallelism. The setting
determines the maximum parallel worker threads that can be spawned for
each gather operation. The default setting is 0, which means parallelism is
completely turned off. If you have more than one CPU core, you will
want to elevate this. Parallel processing is new in version 9.6, so you may
have to experiment with this setting to find what works best for your
server. Also note that the number you have here should be less than
max_worker_processes, which defaults to 8 because the parallel
background worker processes are a subset of the maximum allowed
In version 10, there is an additional setting called
max_parallel_workers, which controls the subset of
max_worker_processes allocated for parallelization.
Changing the postgresql.conf settings
PostgreSQL 9.4 introduced the ability to change settings using the ALTER
SYSTEM SQL command. For example, to set the work_mem globally, enter
the following:
ALTER SYSTEM SET work_mem = '500MB';
This command is wise enough to not directly edit postgres.conf but will make
the change in
Depending on the particular setting changed, you may need to restart the
service. If you just need to reload it, here’s a convenient command:
SELECT pg_reload_conf();
If you have to track many settings, consider organizing them into multiple
configuration files and then linking them back using the include or
include_if_exists directive within the postgresql.conf. The exact syntax is as
include 'filename'
The filename argument can be an absolute path or a relative path from the
postgresql.conf file.
“I edited my postgresql.conf and now my server won’t
The easiest way to figure out what you screwed up is to look at the logfile,
located at the root of the data folder, or in the pg_log subfolder. Open the
latest file and read what the last line says. The error raised is usually self-
A common culprit is setting shared_buffers too high. Another suspect is an
old left over from a failed shutdown. You can safely delete
this file, located in the data cluster folder, and try restarting again.
The pg_hba.conf File
The pg_hba.conf file controls which IP addresses and users can connect to
the database. Furthermore, it dictates the authentication protocol that the
client must follow. Changes to the file require at least a reload to take effect.
A typical pg_hba.conf looks like Example 2-4.
Example 2-4. Sample pg_hba.conf
host all all ident
host all all ::1/128 trust
host all all md5
hostssl all all md5
# Allow replication connections from localhost,
# by a user with replication privilege.
#host replication postgres trust
#host replication postgres ::1/128 trust
Authentication method. The usual choices are ident, trust, md5, peer, and
IPv6 syntax for defining network range. This applies only to servers with
IPv6 support and may prevent pg_hba.conf from loading if you add this
section without actually having IPv6 networking enabled on the server.
IPv4 syntax for defining network range. The first part is the network
address followed by the bit mask; for instance:
PostgreSQL will accept connection requests from any IP address within
the range.
SSL connection rule. In our example, we allow anyone to connect to our
server outside of the allowed IP range as long as they can connect using
SSL configuration settings can be found in postgres.conf or ssl, ssl_cert_file, ssl_key_file. Once the server
confirms that the client is able to support SSL, it will honor the
connection request and all transmissions will be encrypted using the key
Range of IP addresses allowed to replicate with this server.
For each connection request, pg_hba.conf is checked from the top down. As
soon as a rule granting access is encountered, a connection is allowed and the
server reads no further in the file. As soon as a rule rejecting access is
encountered, the connection is denied and the server reads no further in the
file. If the end of the file is reached without any matching rules, the
connection is denied. A common mistake people make is to put the rules in
the wrong order. For example, if you added reject before trust, local users won’t be able to connect, even though a
rule is in place allowing them to.
New in version 10 is the pg_hba_file_rules system view that lists all the
contents of the pg_hba.conf file.
“I edited my pg_hba.conf and now my server is broken.”
Don’t worry. This happens quite often, but is easy to recover from. This error
is generally caused by typos or by adding an unavailable authentication
scheme. When the postgres service can’t parse pg_hba.conf, it blocks all
access just to be safe. Sometimes, it won’t even start up. The easiest way to
figure out what you did wrong is to read the logfile located in the root of the
data folder or in the pg_log subfolder. Open the latest file and read the last
line. The error message is usually self-explanatory. If you’re prone to
slippery fingers, back up the file prior to editing.
Authentication methods
PostgreSQL gives you many choices for authenticating users—probably
more than any other database product. Most people are content with the
popular ones: trust, peer, ident, md5, and password. And don’t forget about
reject, which immediately denies access. Also keep in mind that pg_hba.conf
offers settings at many other levels as the gatekeeper to the entire
PostgreSQL server. Users or devices must still satisfy role and database
This is the least secure authentication, essentially no password is needed.
As long as the user and database exist in the system and the request
comes from an IP within the allowed range, the user can connect. You
should implement trust only for local connections or private network
connections. Even then it’s possible for someone to spoof IP addresses, so
the more security-minded among us discourage its use entirely.
Nevertheless, it’s the most common for PostgreSQL installed on a
desktop for single-user local access where security is not a concern.
Very common, requires an md5-encrypted password to connect.
Uses clear-text password authentication.
Uses pg_ident.conf to check whether the OS account of the user trying to
connect has a mapping to a PostgreSQL account. The password is not
checked. ident is not available on Windows.
Uses the OS name of the user from the kernel. It is available only for
Linux, BSD, macOS, and Solaris, and only for local connections on these
Stipulates that connections use SSL. The client must have a registered
certificate. cert uses an ident file such as pg_ident to map the certificate to
a PostgreSQL user and is available on all platforms where SSL
connection is enabled.
access restrictions after being admitted by pg_hba.conf.
We describe the common authentication methods here:
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;
pg_stat_activity is a view that lists the last query running on each
connection, the connected user (usename), the database (datname) in use,
and the start times of the queries. Review the list to identify the PIDs of
connections you wish to terminate.
2. Cancel active queries on a connection with PID 1234:
SELECT pg_cancel_backend(1234);
More esoteric options abound, such as gss, radius, ldap, and pam. Some may
not always be installed by default.
You can elect more than one authentication method, even for the same
database. Keep in mind that pg_hba.conf is processed from top to bottom.
Managing Connections
More often than not, someone else (never you, of course) will execute an
inefficient query that ends up hogging resources. They could also run a query
that’s taking much longer than what they have patience for. Cancelling the
query, terminating the connection, or both will put an end to the offending
Cancelling and terminating are far from graceful and should be used
sparingly. Your client application should prevent queries from going haywire
in the first place. Out of politeness, you probably should alert the connected
role that you’re about to terminate its connection, or wait until after hours to
do the dirty deed.
There are few scenarios where you should cancel all active update queries:
before backing up the database and before restoring the database.
To cancel running queries and terminate connections, follow these steps:
1. Retrieve a listing of recent connections and process IDs (PIDs):
This does not terminate the connection itself, though.
3. Terminate the connection:
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(1234);
You may need to take the additional step of terminating the client
connection. This is especially important prior to a database restore. If you
don’t terminate the connection, the client may immediately reconnect after
restore and run the offending query anew. If you did not already cancel the
queries on the connection, terminating the connection will cancel all of its
PostgreSQL lets you embed functions within a regular SELECT statement.
Even though pg_terminate_backend and pg_cancel_backend act on only one
connection at a time, you can kill multiple connections by wrapping them in a
SELECT. For example, let’s suppose you want to kill all connections
belonging to a role with a single blow. Run this SQL command:
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE usename = 'some_role';
You can set certain operational parameters at the server, database, user,
session, or function level. Any queries that exceed the parameter will
automatically be cancelled by the server. Setting a parameter to 0 disables the
This is the amount of time a deadlocked query should wait before giving
up. This defaults to 1000 ms. If your application performs a lot of
updates, you may want to increase this value to minimize contention.
Instead of relying on this setting, you can include a NOWAIT clause in
The query will be automatically cancelled upon encountering a deadlock.
In PostgreSQL 9.5, you have another choice: SELECT FOR UPDATE SKIP
LOCKED will skip over locked rows.
This is the amount of time a query can run before it is forced to cancel.
This defaults to 0, meaning no time limit. If you have long-running
functions that you want cancelled if they exceed a certain time, set this
value in the definition of the function rather than globally. Cancelling a
function cancels the query and the transaction that’s calling it.
This is the amount of time a query should wait for a lock before giving
up, and is most applicable to update queries. Before data updates, the
query must obtain an exclusive lock on affected records. The default is 0,
meaning that the query will wait infinitely. This setting is generally used
at the function or session level. lock_timeout should be lower than
statement_timeout, otherwise statement_timeout will always occur first,
making lock_timeout irrelevant.
This is the amount of time a transaction can stay in an idle state before it
is terminated. This defaults to 0, meaning it can stay alive infinitely. This
setting is new in PostgreSQL 9.6. It’s useful for preventing queries from
holding on to locks on data indefinitely or eating up a connection.
Check for Queries Being Blocked
The pg_stat_activity view has changed considerably since version 9.1
with the renaming, dropping, and addition of new columns. Starting from
version 9.2, procpid was renamed to pid.
pg_stat_activity changed in PostgreSQL 9.6 to provide more detail about
waiting queries. In prior versions of PostgreSQL, there was a field called
waiting that could take the value true or false. true denoted a query that
Recent versions of PostgreSQL no longer use the terms users and groups. You
will still run into these terms; just know that they mean login roles and group
roles, respectively. For backward compatibility, CREATE USER and CREATE
GROUP still work in current versions, but shun them and use CREATE ROLE
Creating Login Roles
was being blocked waiting some resource, but the resource being waited for
was never stated. In PostgreSQL 9.6, waiting was removed and replaced
with wait_event_type and wait_event to provide more information about
what resource a query was waiting for. Therefore, prior to PostgreSQL 9.6,
use waiting = true to determine what queries are being blocked. In
PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher, use wait_event IS NOT NULL.
In addition to the change in structure, PostgreSQL 9.6 will now track
additional wait locks that did not get set to waiting=true in prior versions.
As a result, you may find lighter lock waits being listed for queries than you
saw in prior versions. For a list of different wait_event types, refer to
PostgreSQL Manual: wait_event names and types.
PostgreSQL handles credentialing using roles. Roles that can log in are called
login roles. Roles can also be members of other roles; the roles that contain
other roles are called group roles. (And yes, group roles can be members of
other group roles and so on, but don’t go there unless you have a knack for
hierarchical thinking.) Group roles that can log in are called group login
roles. However, for security, group roles generally cannot log in. A role can
be designated as a superuser. These roles have unfettered access to the
PostgreSQL service and should be assigned with discretion.
Specifying VALID UNTIL is optional. If omitted, the role remains active
indefinitely. CREATEDB grants database creation privilege to the new role.
To create a user with superuser privileges, follow Example 2-6. Naturally,
you must be a superuser to create other superusers.
Example 2-6. Creating superuser roles
CREATE ROLE regina LOGIN PASSWORD 'queen' VALID UNTIL '2020-1-1 00:00'
Both of the previous examples create roles that can log in. To create roles that
cannot log in, omit the LOGIN PASSWORD clause.
Creating Group Roles
Group roles generally cannot log in. Rather, they serve as containers for other
roles. This is merely a best-practice suggestion. Nothing stops you from
creating a role that can log in as well as contain other roles.
Create a group role using the following SQL:
Note the use of the modifier INHERIT. This means that any member of
royalty will automatically inherit privileges of the royalty role, except for the
superuser privilege. For security, PostgreSQL never passes down the
When you initialize the data cluster during setup, PostgreSQL creates a single
login role with the name postgres. (PostgreSQL also creates a namesake
database called postgres.) You can bypass the password setting by mapping
an OS root user to the new role and using ident, peer, or trust for
authentication. After you’ve installed PostgreSQL, before you do anything
else, you should log in as postgres and create other roles. pgAdmin has a
graphical section for creating user roles, but if you want to create one using
SQL, execute an SQL command like the one shown in Example 2-5.
Example 2-5. Creating login roles
GRANT royalty TO leo;
GRANT royalty TO regina;
Some privileges can’t be inherited. For example, although you can create a
group role that you mark as superuser, this doesn’t make its member roles
superusers. However, those users can impersonate their group role by using
the SET ROLE command, thereby gaining superuser privileges for the
duration of the session. For example:
Let’s give the royalty role superuser rights with the command:
Although leo is a member of the royalty group and he inherits most rights of
royalty, when he logs in, he still will not have superuser rights. He can gain
superuser rights by doing:
SET ROLE royalty;
His superuser rights will last only for his current session.
This feature, though peculiar, is useful if you want to prevent yourself from
unintentionally doing superuser things while you are logged in.
SET ROLE is a command available to all users, but a more powerful command
called SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION is available to people who log in as
superusers. In order to understand the differences, we’ll first introduce two
global variables that PostgreSQL has called: current_user and
session_user. You can see these values when you log in by running the
superuser privilege. INHERIT is the default, but we recommend that you
always include the modifier for clarity.
To refrain from passing privileges from the group to its members, create the
role with the NOINHERIT modifier.
To add members to a group role, you would do:
SQL statement:
SELECT session_user, current_user;
When you first log in, the values of these two variables are the same. SET
ROLE changes the current_user, while SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION
changes both the current_user and session_user variables.
Here are the salient properties of SET ROLE:
SET ROLE does not require superuser rights.
SET ROLE changes the current_user variable, but not the session_user
A session_user that has superuser rights can SET ROLE to any other role.
Nonsuperusers can SET ROLE only to the role the session_user is or the
roles the session_user belongs to.
When you do SET ROLE you gain all privileges of the impersonated user
A more powerful command, SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION, is available as
well. Key features of SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION are as follows:
Only a user that logs in as a superuser has permission to do SET
The SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION privilege is in effect for the life
of the session, meaning that even if you SET SESSION
AUTHORIZATION to a user that is not a superuser, you still have the
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION privilege for the life of your session.
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION changes the values of the
current_user and session_user variables to those of the user being
A session_user that has superuser rights can SET ROLE to any other role.
SELECT session_user, current_user;
session_user | current_user
leo | leo
(1 row)
ERROR: permission denied to set session authorization
SET ROLE regina;
ERROR: permission denied to set role "regina"
ERROR: must be superuser to alter superusers
SET ROLE royalty;
SELECT session_user, current_user;
session_user | current_user
leo | royalty
(1 row)
SET ROLE regina;
ERROR: permission denied to set role "regina"
SET ROLE regina;
SELECT session_user, current_user;
session_user | current_user
leo | regina
(1 row)
ERROR: permission denied to set session authorization
-- After ending session and logging back in as leo
SELECT session_user, current_user;
SELECT session_user, current_user;
session_user | current_user
leo | leo
(1 row)
We’ll do a set of exercises that illustrate the differences between SET ROLE
and SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION by first logging in as leo and then
running the code in Example 2-7.
This creates a copy of the template1 database. Any role with CREATEDB
privilege can create new databases.
Template Databases
A template database is, as the name suggests, a database that serves as a
skeleton for new databases. When you create a new database, PostgreSQL
copies all the database settings and data from the template database to the
new database.
The default PostgreSQL installation comes with two template databases:
template0 and template1. If you don’t specify a template database to follow
when you create a database, template1 is used.
session_user | current_user
regina | regina
(1 row)
In Example 2-7 leo was unable to use SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION
because he’s not a superuser. He was also unable to SET ROLE to regina
because he is not in the regina group. However, he was able to SET ROLE
royalty since he is a member of the royalty group (he’s a king consort).
Even though royalty has superuser rights, he still wasn’t able to impersonate
the queen, regina, because his SET ROLE abilities are still based on being the
powerless leo. Since royalty is a group that has superuser rights, he was able
to promote his own account leo to be a superuser. Once leo is promoted to
power, he can then impersonate regina. He is now able to completely take
over her session_user and current_user persona with SET SESSION
Database Creation
The minimum SQL command to create a database is:
You should never alter template0 because it is the immaculate model that you’ll
need to copy from if you screw up your templates. Make your customizations to
template1 or a new template database you create. You can’t change the
encoding and collation of a database you create from template1 or any other
template database you create. So if you need a different encoding or collation
from those in template1, create the database from template0.
The basic syntax to create a database modeled after a specific template is:
CREATE DATABASE my_db TEMPLATE my_template_db;
You can pick any database to serve as the template. This could come in quite
handy when making replicas. You can also mark any database as a template
database. Once you do, the database is no longer editable and deletable. Any
role with the CREATEDB privilege can use a template database. To make
any database a template, run the following SQL as a superuser:
UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = 'mydb';
If ever you need to edit or drop a template database, first set the datistemplate
attribute to FALSE. Don’t forget to change the value back after you’re done
with edits.
Using Schemas
Schemas organize your database into logical groups. If you have more than
two dozen tables in your database, consider cubbyholing them into schemas.
Objects must have unique names within a schema but need not be unique
across the database. If you cram all your tables into the default public
schema, you’ll run into name clashes sooner or later. It’s up to you how to
organize your schemas. For example, if you are an airline, you can place all
tables of planes you own and their maintenance records into a planes schema.
Place all your crew and staff into an employees schema and place all
CREATE SCHEMA customer1;
CREATE SCHEMA customer2;
You then move the dog records into the schema that corresponds with the
client. The final touch is to create different login roles for each schema with
the same name as the schema. Dogs are now completely isolated in their
respective schemas. When customers log in to your database to make
appointments, they will be able to access only information pertaining to their
own dogs.
Wait, it gets better. Because we named our roles to match their respective
schemas, we’re blessed with another useful technique. But we must first
introduce the search_path database variable.
As we mentioned earlier, object names must be unique within a schema, but
you can have same-named objects in different schemas. For example, you
have the same table called dogs in all 12 of your schemas. When you execute
something like SELECT * FROM dogs, how does PostgreSQL know which
schema you’re referring to? The simple answer is to always prepend the
schema name onto the table name with a dot, such as in SELECT * FROM
customer1.dogs. Another method is to set the search_path variable to be
something like customer1, public. When the query executes, the planner
searches for the dogs table first in the customer1 schema. If not found, it
passenger-related information into a passengers schema.
Another common way to organize schemas is by roles. We found this to be
particularly handy with applications that serve multiple clients whose data
must be kept separate.
Suppose that you started a dog beauty management business (doggie spa).
You start with a table in public called dogs to track all the dogs you hope to
groom. You convince your two best friends to become customers. Whimsical
government privacy regulation passes, and now you have to put in iron-clad
assurances that one customer cannot see dog information from another. To
comply, you set up one schema per customer and create the same dogs table
in each as follows:
search_path = "$user", public;
Now, if role customer1 logs in, all queries will first look in the customer1
schema for the tables before moving to public. Most importantly, the SQL
remains the same for all customers. Even if the business grows to have
thousands or hundreds of thousands of dog owners, none of the SQL scripts
need to change. Commonly shared tables such as common lookup tables can
be put in the public schema.
Another practice that we strongly encourage is to create schemas to house
extensions (“Step 2: Installing into a database”). When you install an
extension, new tables, functions, data types, and plenty of other relics join
your server. If they all swarm into the public schema, it gets cluttered. For
example, the entire PostGIS suite of extensions will together add thousands
of functions. If you’ve already created a few tables and functions of your own
in the public schema, imagine how maddening it would be to scan a list of
tables and functions trying to find your own among the thousands.
Before you install any extensions, create a new schema:
CREATE SCHEMA my_extensions;
Then add your new schema to the search path:
ALTER DATABASE mydb SET search_path='$user', public, my_extensions;
When you install extensions, be sure to indicate your new schema as their
continues to the public schema and stops there.
PostgreSQL has a little-known variable called user that retrieves the role
currently logged in. SELECT user returns this name. user is just an alias for
current_user, so you can use either.
Recall how we named our customers’ schemas to be the same as their login
roles. We did this so that we can take advantage of the default search path set
in postgresql.conf:
new home.
ALTER DATABASE .. SET search_path will not take effect for existing
connections. You’ll need to reconnect.
Privileges (often called permissions) can be tricky to administer in
PostgreSQL because of the granular control at your disposal. Security can
bore down to the column and row level. Yes! You can assign different
privileges to each data point of your table, if that ever becomes necessary.
Row-level security (RLS) first appeared in PostgreSQL 9.5. Although RLS is
available on all PostgreSQL installations, when used in SELinux, certain
advanced features are enabled.
Teaching you all there is to know about privileges could take a few chapters.
What we’ll aim for in this section instead is to give you enough information
to get up and running and to guide you around some of the more nonintuitive
land mines that could either lock you out completely or expose your server
Privilege management in PostgreSQL is no cakewalk. The pgAdmin
graphical administration tool can ease some of the tasks or, at the very least,
paint you a picture of your privilege settings. You can accomplish most, if
not all, of your privilege assignment tasks in pgAdmin. If you’re saddled with
the task of administering privileges and are new to PostgreSQL, start with
pgAdmin. Jump to “Creating Database Assets and Setting Privileges” if you
can’t wait.
Privileges in other database products might be called rights or permissions.
Getting Started
So you successfully installed PostgreSQL; you should have one superuser,
whose password you know by heart. Now you should take the following steps
to set up additional roles and assign privileges:
1. PostgreSQL creates one superuser and one database for you at installation,
both named postgres. Log in to your server as postgres.
2. Before creating your first database, create a role that will own the database
and can log in, such as:
CREATE ROLE mydb_admin LOGIN PASSWORD 'something';
3. Create the database and set the owner:
CREATE DATABASE mydb WITH owner = mydb_admin;
Types of Privileges
PostgreSQL has a few dozen privileges, some of which you may never need
to worry about. The more mundane privileges are SELECT, INSERT,
Most privileges must have a context. For example, a role having an ALTER
privilege is meaningless unless qualified with a database object such as
ALTER privilege on tables1, SELECT privilege on table2, EXECUTE
privilege on function1, and so on. Not all privileges apply to all objects: an
EXECUTE privilege for a table is nonsense.
Some privileges make sense without a context. CREATEDB and CREATE
ROLE are two privileges where context is irrelevant.
4. Now log in as the mydb_admin user and start setting up additional schemas
and tables.
The GRANT command is the primary means to assign privileges. Basic
usage is:
GRANT some_privilege TO some_role;
A few things to keep in mind when it comes to GRANT:
Obviously, you need to have the privilege you’re granting. And, you must
have the GRANT privilege yourself. You can’t give away what you don’t
Some privileges always remain with the owner of an object and can never
be granted away. These include DROP and ALTER.
The owner of an object retains all privileges. Granting an owner privilege
in what it already owns is unnecessary. Keep in mind, though, that
ownership does not drill down to child objects. For instance, if you own a
database, you may not necessarily own all the schemas within it.
When granting privileges, you can add WITH GRANT OPTION. This
means that the grantee can grant her own privileges to others, passing
them on:
To grant specific privileges on ALL objects of a specific type use ALL
instead of the specific object name, as in:
Note that ALL TABLES includes regular tables, foreign tables, and views.
To grant privileges to all roles, you can use the PUBLIC alias, as in:
The GRANT command is covered in detail in GRANT. We strongly
recommend that you take the time to study this document before you
inadvertently knock a big hole in your security wall.
Some privileges are, by default, granted to PUBLIC. These are CONNECT
and CREATE TEMP TABLE for databases and EXECUTE for functions. In
many cases you might consider revoking some of the defaults with the
REVOKE command, as in:
Default Privileges
Default privileges ease privilege management by letting you set privileges
before their creation.
Adding or changing default privileges won’t affect privilege settings on existing
Let’s suppose we want all users of our database to have EXECUTE and
SELECT privileges access to any future tables and functions in a particular
schema. We can define privileges as shown in Example 2-8. All roles of a
PostgreSQL server are members of the group PUBLIC.
Example 2-8. Defining default privileges on a schema
Allows all users that can connect to the database to also be able to use and
create objects in a schema if they have rights to those objects in the
schema. GRANT USAGE on a schema is the first step to granting access
to objects in the schema. If a user has rights to select from a table in a
schema but no USAGE on the schema, then he will not be able to query
the table.
Grant read and reference rights (the ability to create foreign key
constraints against columns in a table) for all future tables created in a
schema to all users that have USAGE of the schema.
GRANT ALL permissions on future tables to role mydb_admin. In
addition, allow members in mydb_admin to be able to grant a subset or
all privileges to other users to future tables in this schema. GRANT ALL
gives permission to add/update/delete/truncate rows, add triggers, and
create constraints on the tables.
GRANT permissions on future sequences, functions, and types.
To read more about default privileges, see ALTER DEFAULT
Privilege Idiosyncrasies
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PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
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PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
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PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
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PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
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PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
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PostgreSQL_ Up and Running_ A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf

  • 1.
  • 2. PostgreSQL: Up and Running THIRD EDITION A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database Regina O. Obe and Leo S. Hsu 2
  • 3. Editor: Andy Oram Production Editor: Melanie Yarbrough Copyeditor: Kim Cofer Proofreader: Christina Edwards Indexer: Lucie Haskins Interior Designer: David Futato Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest October 2017: Third Edition Revision History for the Third Edition 2017-10-10: First Release PostgreSQL: Up and Running by Regina O. Obe and Leo S. Hsu Copyright © 2018 Regina Obe, Leo Hsu. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles ( For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: 800-998-9938 or 3
  • 4. See for release details. The O’Reilly logo is a registered trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc. PostgreSQL: Up and Running, the cover image, and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. While the publisher and the authors have used good faith efforts to ensure that the information and instructions contained in this work are accurate, the publisher and the authors disclaim all responsibility for errors or omissions, including without limitation responsibility for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on this work. Use of the information and instructions contained in this work is at your own risk. If any code samples or other technology this work contains or describes is subject to open source licenses or the intellectual property rights of others, it is your responsibility to ensure that your use thereof complies with such licenses and/or rights. 978-1-491-96341-8 [LSI] 4
  • 5. Preface PostgreSQL bills itself as the world’s most advanced open source database. We couldn’t agree more. What we hope to accomplish in this book is to give you a firm grounding in the concepts and features that make PostgreSQL so impressive. Along the way, we should convince you that PostgreSQL does indeed stand up to its claim to fame. Because the database is advanced, no book short of the 3500 pages of documentation can bring out all its glory. But then again, most users don’t need to delve into the most abstruse features that PostgreSQL has to offer. So in our shorter 300-pager, we hope to get you, as the subtitle proclaims, Up and Running. Each topic is presented with some context so you understand when to use it and what it offers. We assume you have prior experience with some other database so that we can jump right to the key points of PostgreSQL. We generously litter the pages of this book with links to references so you can dig deeper into topics of interest. These links lead to sections in the manual, to helpful articles, to blog posts of PostgreSQL vanguards. We also link to our own site at Postgres OnLine Journal, where we have collected many pieces that we have written on PostgreSQL and its interoperability with other applications. This book focuses on PostgreSQL versions 9.5, 9.6, and 10, but we will cover some unique and advanced features that are also present in prior versions. Audience For migrants from other database engines, we’ll point out parallels that PostgreSQL shares with other leading products. Perhaps more importantly, we highlight feats you can achieve with PostgreSQL that are difficult or impossible to do in other databases. 5
  • 6. Planet PostgreSQL is an aggregator of PostgreSQL blogs. You’ll find PostgreSQL core developers and general users showcasing new features, novel ways to use existing ones, and reporting of bugs that have yet to be patched. PostgreSQL Wiki provides tips and tricks for managing various facets of the database and migrating from other databases. PostgreSQL Books is a list of books about PostgreSQL. We stop short of teaching you SQL, as you’ll find many excellent sources for that. SQL is much like chess—a few hours to learn, a lifetime to master. You have wisely chosen PostgreSQL. You’ll be greatly rewarded. If you’re currently a savvy PostgreSQL user or a weather-beaten DBA, much of the material in this book should be familiar terrain, but you’ll be sure to pick up some pointers and shortcuts introduced in newer versions of PostgreSQL. Perhaps you’ll even find the hidden gem that eluded you. If nothing else, this book is at least ten times lighter than the PostgreSQL manual. Not using PostgreSQL yet? This book is propaganda—the good kind. Each day you continue to use a database with limited SQL capabilities, you handicap yourself. Each day that you’re wedded to a proprietary system, you’re bleeding dollars. Finally, if your work has nothing to do with databases or IT, or if you’ve just graduated from kindergarten, the cute picture of the elephant shrew on the cover should be worthy of the price alone. For More Information on PostgreSQL PostgreSQL has a well-maintained set of online documentation: PostgreSQL manuals. We encourage you to bookmark it. The manual is available both as HTML and as a PDF. Hardcopy collector editions are available for purchase. Other PostgreSQL resources include: 6
  • 7. PostGIS in Action Books is the website for the books we’ve written on PostGIS, the spatial extender for PostgreSQL, and more recently pgRouting, another PostgreSQL extension that provides network routing capabilities useful for building driving apps. Code and Output Formatting For elements in parentheses, we gravitate toward placing the open parenthesis on the same line as the preceding element and the closing parenthesis on a line by itself. This is a classic C formatting style that we like because it cuts down on the number of blank lines: function( Welcome to PostgreSQL ); We also remove gratuitous spaces in screen output, so if the formatting of your results doesn’t match ours exactly, don’t fret. We omit the space after a serial comma for short elements. For example, ('a','b','c'). The SQL interpreter treats tabs, newlines, and carriage returns as whitespace. In our code, we generally use whitespaces for indentation, not tabs. Make sure that your editor doesn’t automatically remove tabs, newlines, and carriage returns or convert them to something other than spaces. After copying and pasting, if you find your code not working, check the copied code to make sure it looks like what we have in the listing. We use examples based on both Linux and Windows. Path notations differ between the two, namely the use of solidus (/) versus reverse solidus (). While on Windows, use the Linux solidus, always! /, not . You may see a path such as /postgresql_book/somefile.csv. These are always relative to the root of your server. If you are on Windows, you must include the drive letter: C:/postgresql_book/somefile.csv. 7
  • 8. Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions. Constant width Used for program listings. Used within paragraphs, where needed for clarity, to refer to programming elements such as variables, functions, databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords. Constant width bold Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user. Constant width italic Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values determined by context. TIP This icon signifies a tip, suggestion, or general note. WARNING This icon indicates a warning or caution. Using Code Examples Code and data examples are available for download at Conventions Used in This Book The following typographical conventions are used in this book: Italic 8
  • 9. This book is here to help you get your job done. In general, you may use the code in this book in your programs and documentation. You do not need to contact us for permission unless you’re reproducing a significant portion of the code. For example, writing a program that uses several chunks of code from this book does not require permission. Selling or distributing a CD- ROM of examples from O’Reilly books does require permission. Answering a question by citing this book and quoting example code does not require permission. Incorporating a significant amount of example code from this book into your product’s documentation does require permission. We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “PostgreSQL: Up and Running, Third Edition by Regina Obe and Leo Hsu (O’Reilly). Copyright 2018 Regina Obe and Leo Hsu, 978-1-491-96341-8.” If you feel your use of code examples falls outside fair use or the permission given above, feel free to contact us at O’Reilly Safari Safari (formerly Safari Books Online) is a membership-based training and reference platform for enterprise, government, educators, and individuals. Members have access to thousands of books, training videos, Learning Paths, interactive tutorials, and curated playlists from over 250 publishers, including O’Reilly Media, Harvard Business Review, Prentice Hall Professional, Addison-Wesley Professional, Microsoft Press, Sams, Que, Peachpit Press, Adobe, Focal Press, Cisco Press, John Wiley & Sons, Syngress, Morgan Kaufmann, IBM Redbooks, Packt, Adobe Press, FT Press, Apress, Manning, New Riders, McGraw-Hill, Jones & Bartlett, and Course Technology, among others. For more information, please visit How to Contact Us 9
  • 10. Please address comments and questions concerning this book to the publisher: O’Reilly Media, Inc. 1005 Gravenstein Highway North Sebastopol, CA 95472 800-998-9938 (in the United States or Canada) 707-829-0515 (international or local) 707-829-0104 (fax) Please submit errata using the book’s errata page. The companion site for this book is at running-3e. To contact the authors, send email to To comment or ask technical questions to the publisher, send email to For more information about our books, courses, conferences, and news, see our website at Find us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Watch us on YouTube: 10
  • 11. Chapter 1. The Basics PostgreSQL is an extremely powerful piece of software that introduces features you may not have seen before. Some of the features are also present in other well-known database engines, but under different names. This chapter lays out the main concepts you should know when starting to attack PostgreSQL documentation, and mentions some related terms in other databases. We begin by pointing you to resources for downloading and installing PostgreSQL. Next, we provide an overview of indispensable administration tools followed by a review of PostgreSQL nomenclature. PostgreSQL 10 was recently released. We’ll highlight some of the new features therein. We close with resources to turn to when you need additional guidance and to submit bug reports. Why PostgreSQL? PostgreSQL is an enterprise-class relational database management system, on par with the very best proprietary database systems: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM DB2, just to name a few. PostgreSQL is special because it’s not just a database: it’s also an application platform, and an impressive one at that. PostgreSQL is fast. In benchmarks, PostgreSQL either exceeds or matches the performance of many other databases, both open source and proprietary. PostgreSQL invites you to write stored procedures and functions in numerous programming languages. In addition to the prepackaged languages of C, SQL, and PL/pgSQL, you can easily enable support for additional languages such as PL/Perl, PL/Python, PL/V8 (aka PL/JavaScript), PL/Ruby, and PL/R. This support for a wide variety of languages allows you to choose the language with constructs that can best solve the problem at hand. For 11
  • 12. instance, use R for statistics and graphing, Python for calling web services, the Python SciPy library for scientific computing, and PL/V8 for validating data, processing strings, and wrangling with JSON data. Easier yet, find a freely available function that you need, find out the language that it’s written in, enable that specific language in PostgreSQL, and copy the code. No one will think less of you. Most database products limit you to a predefined set of data types: integers, texts, Booleans, etc. Not only does PostgreSQL come with a larger built-in set than most, but you can define additional data types to suit your needs. Need complex numbers? Create a composite type made up of two floats. Have a triangle fetish? Create a coordinate type, then create a triangle type made up of three coordinate pairs. A dozenal activist? Create your own duodecimal type. Innovative types are useful insofar as the operators and functions that support them. So once you’ve created your special number types, don’t forget to define basic arithmetic operations for them. Yes, PostgreSQL will let you customize the meaning of the symbols (+,-,/,*). Whenever you create a type, PostgreSQL automatically creates a companion array type for you. If you created a complex number type, arrays of complex numbers are available to you without additional work. PostgreSQL also automatically creates types from any tables you define. For instance, create a table of dogs with columns such as breed, cuteness, and barkiness. Behind the scenes, PostgreSQL maintains a dogs data type for you. This amazingly useful bridge between the relational world and the object world means that you can treat data elements in a way that’s convenient for the task at hand. You can create functions that work on one object at a time or functions that work on sets of objects at a time. Many third-party extensions for PostgreSQL leverage custom types to achieve performance gains, provide domain-specific constructs for shorter and more maintainable code, and accomplish feats you can only fantasize about with other database products. Our principal advice is this: don’t treat databases as dumb storage. A database such as PostgreSQL can be a full-fledged application platform. With a robust database, everything else is eye candy. Once you’re versant in SQL, you’ll be able to accomplish in seconds what would take a casual 12
  • 13. programmer hours, both in coding and running time. In recent years, we’ve witnessed an upsurge of NoSQL movements (though much of it could be hype). Although PostgreSQL is fundamentally relational, you’ll find plenty of facilities to handle nonrelational data. The ltree extension to PostgreSQL has been around since time immemorial and provides support for graphs. The hstore extensions let you store key-value pairs. JSON and JSONB types allow storage of documents similar to MongoDb. In many ways, PostgreSQL accommodated NoSQL before the term was even coined! PostgreSQL just celebrated its 20th birthday, dating from its christening to PostgreSQL from Postgres95. The beginnings of the PostgreSQL code-base began well before that in 1986. PostgreSQL is supported on all major operating systems: Linux, Unix, Windows, and Mac. Every year brings a new major release, offering enhanced performance along with features that push the envelope of what’s possible in a database offering. Finally, PostgreSQL is open source with a generous licensing policy. PostgreSQL is supported by a community of developers and users where profit maximization is not the ultimate pursuit. If you want features, you’re free to contribute, or at least vocalize. If you want to customize and experiment, no one is going to sue you. You, the mighty user, make PostgreSQL what it is. In the end, you will wonder why you ever used any other database, because PostgreSQL does everything you could hope for and does it for free. No more reading the licensing cost fineprint of those other databases to figure out how many dollars you need to spend if you have eight cores on your virtualized servers with X number of concurrent connections. No more fretting about how much more the next upgrade will cost you. Why Not PostgreSQL? Given all the proselytizing thus far, it’s only fair that we point out situations when PostgreSQL might not be suitable. 13
  • 14. The typical installation size of PostgreSQL without any extensions is more than 100 MB. This rules out PostgreSQL for a database on a small device or as a simple cache store. Many lightweight databases abound that could better serve your needs without the larger footprint. Given its enterprise stature, PostgreSQL doesn’t take security lightly. If you’re developing lightweight applications where you’re managing security at the application level, PostgreSQL security with its sophisticated role and permission management could be overkill. You might consider a single-user database such as SQLite or a database such as Firebird that can be run either as a client server or in single-user embedded mode. All that said, it is a common practice to combine PostgreSQL with other database types. One common combination you will find is using Redis or Memcache to cache PostgreSQL query results. As another example, SQLite can be used to store a disconnected set of data for offline querying when PostgreSQL is the main database backend for an application. Finally, many hosting companies don’t offer PostgreSQL on a shared hosting environment, or they offer an outdated version. Most still gravitate toward the impotent MySQL. To a web designer, for whom the database is an afterthought, MySQL might suffice. But as soon as you learn to write any SQL beyond a single-table select and simple joins, you’ll begin to sense the shortcomings of MySQL. Since the first edition of this book, virtualization has resown the landscape of commerical hosting, so having your own dedicated server is no longer a luxury, but the norm. And when you have your own server, you’re free to choose what you wish to have installed. PostgreSQL bodes well with the popularity of cloud computing such as Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Database as a Service (DbaaS). Most of the major PaaS and DbaaS providers offer PostgreSQL, notably Heroku, Engine Yard, Red Hat OpenShift, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL, and Microsoft Azure for PostgreSQL. Where to Get PostgreSQL 14
  • 15. Years ago, if you wanted PostgreSQL, you had to compile it from source. Thankfully, those days are long gone. Granted, you can still compile from source, but using packaged installers won’t make you any less cool. A few clicks or keystrokes, and you’re on your way. If you’re installing PostgreSQL for the first time and have no existing database to upgrade, you should install the latest stable release version for your OS. The downloads page for the PostgreSQL core distribution maintains a listing of places where you can download PostgreSQL binaries for various OSes. In Appendix A, you’ll find useful installation instructions and links to additional custom distributions. Administration Tools Four tools widely used with PostgreSQL are psql, pgAdmin, phpPgAdmin, and Adminer. PostgreSQL core developers actively maintain the first three; therefore, they tend to stay in sync with PostgreSQL releases. Adminer, while not specific to PostgreSQL, is useful if you also need to manage other relational databases: SQLite, MySQL, SQL Server, or Oracle. Beyond the four that we mentioned, you can find plenty of other excellent administration tools, both open source and proprietary. psql psql is a command-line interface for running queries and is included in all distributions of PostgreSQL (see “psql Interactive Commands”). psql has some unusual features, such as an import and export command for delimited files (CSV or tab), and a minimalistic report writer that can generate HTML output. psql has been around since the introduction of PostgreSQL and is the tool of choice for many expert users, for people working in consoles without a GUI, or for running common tasks in shell scripts. Newer converts favor GUI tools and wonder why the older generation still clings to the command line. 15
  • 16. pgAdmin pgAdmin is a popular, free GUI tool for PostgreSQL. Download it separately from PostgreSQL if it isn’t already packaged with your installer. pgAdmin runs on all OSes supported by PostgreSQL. Even if your database lives on a console-only Linux server, go ahead and install pgAdmin on your workstation, and you’ll find yourself armed with a fantastic GUI tool. pgAdmin recently entered its fourth release, dubbed pgAdmin4. pgAdmin4 is a complete rewrite of pgAdmin3 that sports a desktop as well as a web server application version utilizing Python. pgAdmin4 is currently at version 1.5. It made its debut at the same time as PostgreSQL 9.6 and is available as part of several PostgreSQL distributions. You can run pgAdmin4 as a desktop application or via a browser interface. An example of pgAdmin4 appears in Figure 1-1. If you’re unfamiliar with PostgreSQL, you should definitely start with pgAdmin. You’ll get a bird’s-eye view and appreciate the richness of PostgreSQL just by exploring everything you see in the main interface. If you’re deserting Microsoft SQL Server and are accustomed to Management Studio, you’ll feel right at home. pgAdmin4 still has a couple of pain points compared to pgAdmin3, but its feature set is ramping up quickly and in some ways already surpasses pgAdmin3. That said, if you are a long-time user of pgAdmin3, you might want to go for the pgAdmin3 Long Time support (LTS) version supported and distributed by BigSQL, and spend a little time test-driving pgAdmin4 before you fully commit to it. But keep in mind that the pgAdmin project is fully committed to pgAdmin4 and no longer will make changes to pgAdmin3. 16
  • 17. 17
  • 18. Figure 1-1. pgAdmin4 tree browser phpPgAdmin phpPgAdmin, pictured in Figure 1-2, is a free, web-based administration tool patterned after the popular phpMyAdmin. phpPgAdmin differs from phpMyAdmin by including ways to manage PostgreSQL objects such as schemas, procedural languages, casts, operators, and so on. If you’ve used phpMyAdmin, you’ll find phpPgAdmin to have the same look and feel. Figure 1-2. phpPgAdmin Adminer If you manage other databases besides PostgreSQL and are looking for a unified tool, Adminer might fit the bill. Adminer is a lightweight, open source PHP application with options for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, and Oracle, all delivered through a single interface. One unique feature of Adminer we’re impressed with is the relational diagrammer that can produce a schematic layout of your database schema, along with a linear representation of foreign key relationships. Another hassle-reducing feature is that you can deploy Adminer as a single PHP file. Figure 1-3 is a screenshot of the login screen and a snippet from the diagrammer output. Many users stumble in the login screen of Adminer 18
  • 19. Figure 1-3. Adminer PostgreSQL Database Objects So you installed PostgreSQL, fired up pgAdmin, and expanded its browse tree. Before you is a bewildering display of database objects, some familiar and some completely foreign. PostgreSQL has more database objects than most other relational database products (and that’s before add-ons). You’ll probably never touch many of these objects, but if you dream up something new, more likely than not it’s already implemented using one of those esoteric objects. This book is not even going to attempt to describe all that you’ll find in a standard PostgreSQL install. With PostgreSQL churning out because it doesn’t include a separate text box for indicating the port number. If PostgreSQL is listening on the standard 5432 port, you need not worry. But if you use some other port, append the port number to the server name with a colon, as shown in Figure 1-3. Adminer is sufficient for straightforward querying and editing, but because it’s tailored to the lowest common denominator among database products, you won’t find management applets that are specific to PostgreSQL for such tasks as creating new users, granting rights, or displaying permissions. Adminer also treats each schema as a separate database, which severely reduces the usefulness of the relational diagrammer if your relationships cross schema boundaries. If you’re a DBA, stick to pgAdmin or psql. 19
  • 20. Schemas are part of the ANSI SQL standard. They are the immediate next level of organization within each database. If you think of the database as a country, schemas would be the individual states (or provinces, prefectures, or departments, depending on the country). Most database objects first belong to a schema, which belongs to a database. When you create a new database, PostgreSQL automatically creates a schema named public to store objects that you create. If you have few tables, using public would be fine. But if you have thousands of tables, you should organize them into different schemas. Tables Tables are the workhorses of any database. In PostgreSQL, tables are first citizens of their respective schemas, which in turn are citizens of the database. PostgreSQL tables have two remarkable talents: first, they are inheritable. Table inheritance streamlines your database design and can save you endless lines of looping code when querying tables with nearly identical structures. Second, whenever you create a table, PostgreSQL automatically creates an accompanying custom data type. Views Almost all relational database products offer views as a level of abstraction from tables. In a view, you can query multiple tables and present additional derived columns based on complex calculations. Views are generally read-only, but PostgreSQL allows you to update the underlying data by updating the view, provided that the view draws from features at breakneck speed, we can’t imagine any book that could possibly do this. We limit our quick overview to those objects that you should be familiar with: Databases Each PostgreSQL service houses many individual databases. Schemas 20
  • 21. a single table. To update data from views that join multiple tables, you need to create a trigger against the view. Version 9.3 introduced materialized views, which cache data to speed up commonly used queries at the sacrifice of having the most up-to-date data. See “Materialized Views”. Extension Extensions allow developers to package functions, data types, casts, custom index types, tables, attribute variables, etc., for installation or removal as a unit. Extensions are similar in concept to Oracle packages and have been the preferred method for distributing add-ons since PostgreSQL 9.1. You should follow the developer’s instructions on how to install the extension files onto your server, which usually involves copying binaries into your PostgreSQL installation folders and then running a set of scripts. Once done, you must enable the extension for each database separately. You shouldn’t enable an extension in your database unless you need it. For example, if you need advanced text search in only one database, enable fuzzystrmatch for that one only. When you enable extensions, you choose the schemas where all constituent objects will reside. Accepting the default will place everything from the extension into the public schema, littering it with potentially thousands of new objects. We recommend that you create a separate schema that will house all extensions. For an extension with many objects, we suggest that you create a separate schema devoted entirely to it. Optionally, you can append the name of any schemas you add to the search_path variable of the database so you can refer to the function without having to prepend the schema name. Some extensions, especially ones that install a new procedural language (PL), will dictate the installation schema. For example, PL/V8 must be installed the pg_catalog schema. Extensions may depend on other extensions. Prior to PostgreSQL 9.6, you had to know all dependent extensions and install them first. With 9.6, you simply need to add the CASCADE option and PostgreSQL will take care of 21
  • 22. the rest. For example: CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder CASCADE; first installs the dependent extensions postgis and fuzzystrmatch, if not present. Functions You can program your own custom functions to handle data manipulation, perform complex calculations, or wrap similar functionality. Create functions using PLs. PostgreSQL comes stocked with thousands of functions, which you can view in the postgres database that is part of every install. PostgreSQL functions can return scalar values, arrays, single records, or sets of records. Other database products refer to functions that manipulate data as stored procedures. PostgreSQL does not make this distinction. Languages Create functions using a PL. PostgreSQL installs three by default: SQL, PL/pgSQL, and C. You can easily install additional languages using the extension framework or the CREATE PRODCEDURAL LANGUAGE command. Languages currently in vogue are PL/Python, PL/V8 (JavaScript), and PL/R. We’ll show you plenty of examples in Chapter 8. Operators Operators are nothing more than symbolically named aliases such as = or && for functions. In PostgreSQL, you can invent your own. This is often the case when you create custom data types. For example, if you create a custom data type of complex numbers, you’d probably want to also create addition operators (+,-,*,/) to handle arithmetic on them. Foreign tables and foreign data wrappers Foreign tables are virtual tables linked to data outside a PostgreSQL database. Once you’ve configured the link, you can query them like any 22
  • 23. other tables. Foreign tables can link to CSV files, a PostgreSQL table on another server, a table in a different product such as SQL Server or Oracle, a NoSQL database such as Redis, or even a web service such as Twitter or Salesforce. Foreign data wrappers (FDWs) facilitate the magic handshake between PostgreSQL and external data sources. FDW implementations in PostgreSQL follow the SQL/Management of External Data (MED) standard. Many charitable programmers have already developed FDWs for popular data sources. You can try your hand at creating your own FDWs as well. (Be sure to publicize your success so the community can reap the fruits of your toil.) Install FDWs using the extension framework. Once installed, pgAdmin lists them under a node called Foreign Data Wrappers. Triggers and trigger functions You will find triggers in all enterprise-level databases; triggers detect data-change events. When PostgreSQL fires a trigger, you have the opportunity to execute trigger functions in response. A trigger can run in response to particular types of statements or in response to changes to particular rows, and can fire before or after a data-change event. In pgAdmin, to see which table triggers, drill down to the table level. Pick the table of interest and look under triggers. Create trigger functions to respond to firing of triggers. Trigger functions differ from regular functions in that they have access to special variables that store the data both before and after the triggering event. This allows you to reverse data changes made by the event during the execution of the trigger function. Because of this, trigger functions are often used to write complex validation routines that are beyond what can be implemented using check constraints. Trigger technology is evolving rapidly in PostgreSQL. Starting in 9.0, a WITH clause lets you specify a boolean WHEN condition, which is tested to see whether the trigger should be fired. Version 9.0 also 23
  • 24. introduced the UPDATE OF clause, which allows you to specify which column(s) to monitor for changes. When data in monitored columns changes, the trigger fires. In 9.1, a data change in a view can fire a trigger. Since 9.3, data definition language (DDL) events can fire triggers. For a list of triggerable DDL events, refer to the Event Trigger Firing Matrix. pgAdmin lists DDL triggers under the Event Triggers branch. Finally, as of version 9.4, you may place triggers against foreign tables. Catalogs Catalogs are system schemas that store PostgreSQL builtin functions and metadata. Every database contains two catalogs: pg_catalog, which holds all functions, tables, system views, casts, and types packaged with PostgreSQL; and information_schema, which offers views exposing metadata in a format dictated by the ANSI SQL standard. PostgreSQL practices what it preaches. You will find that PostgreSQL itself is built atop a self-replicating structure. All settings to finetune servers are kept in system tables that you’re free to query and modify. This gives PostgreSQL a level of extensibility (read hackability) impossible to attain by proprietary database products. Go ahead and take a close look inside the pg_catalog schema. You’ll get a sense of how PostgreSQL is put together. If you have superuser privileges, you are at liberty to make updates to the pg_catalog directly (and screw things up royally). The information_schema catalog is one you’ll find in MySQL and SQL Server as well. The most commonly used views in the PostgreSQL information_schema are columns, which list all table columns in a database; tables, which list all tables (including views) in a database; and views, which list all views and the associated SQL to rebuild the view. Types Type is short for data type. Every database product and every programming language has a set of types that it understands: integers, characters, arrays, blobs, etc. PostgreSQL has composite types, which are 24
  • 25. made up of other types. Think of complex numbers, polar coordinates, vectors, or tensors as examples. Whenever you create a new table, PostgreSQL automatically creates a composite type based on the structure of the table. This allows you to treat table rows as objects in their own right. You’ll appreciate this automatic type creation when you write functions that loop through tables. pgAdmin doesn’t make the automatic type creation obvious because it does not list them under the types node, but rest assured that they are there. Full text search Full text search (FTS) is a natural language–based search. This kind of search has some “intelligence” built in. Unlike regular expression search, FTS can match based on the semantics of an expression, not just its syntactical makeup. For example, if you’re searching for the word running in a long piece of text, you may end up with run, running, ran, runner, jog, sprint, dash, and so on. Three objects in PostgreSQL together support FTS: FTS configurations, FTS dictionaries, and FTS parsers. These objects exist to support the built-in Full Text Search engine packaged with PostgreSQL. For general use cases, the configurations, dictionaries, and parsers packaged with PostgreSQL are sufficient. But should you be working in a specific industry with specialized vocabulary and syntax rules such as pharmacology or organized crime, you can swap out the packaged FTS objects with your own. We cover FTS in detail in “Full Text Search”. Casts Casts prescribe how to convert from one data type to another. They are backed by functions that actually perform the conversion. In PostgreSQL, you can create your own casts and override or enhance the default casting behavior. For example, imagine you’re converting zip codes (which are five digits long in the US) to character from integer. You can define a custom cast that automatically prepends a zero when the zip is between 1000 and 9999. 25
  • 26. Casting can be implicit or explicit. Implicit casts are automatic and usually expand from a more specific to a more generic type. When an implicit cast is not offered, you must cast explicitly. Sequences A sequence controls the autoincrementation of a serial data type. PostgresSQL automatically creates sequences when you define a serial column, but you can easily change the initial value, step, and next available value. Because sequences are objects in their own right, more than one table can share the same sequence object. This allows you to create a unique key value that can span tables. Both SQL Server and Oracle have sequence objects, but you must create them manually. Rules Rules are instructions to rewrite an SQL prior to execution. We’re not going to cover rules as they’ve fallen out of favor because triggers can accomplish the same things. For each object, PostgreSQL makes available many attribute variables that you can set. You can set variables at the server level, at the database level, at the function level, and so on. You may encounter the fancy term GUC, which stands for grand unified configuration, but it means nothing more than configuration settings in PostgreSQL. What’s New in Latest Versions of PostgreSQL? Every September a new PostgreSQL is released. With each new release comes greater stability, heightened security, better performance—and avant- garde features. The upgrade process itself gets easier with each new version. The lesson here? Upgrade. Upgrade often. For a summary chart of key features added in each release, refer to the PostgreSQL Feature Matrix. Why Upgrade? If you’re using PostgreSQL 9.1 or below, upgrade now! Version 9.1 retired to 26
  • 27. There are new planner strategies for parallel queries: Parallel Bitmap Heap Scan, Parallel Index Scan, and others. These changes allow a wider range of queries to be parallelized for. See “Parallelized Queries”. Logical replication Prior versions of PostgreSQL had streaming replication that replicates the whole server cluster. Slaves in streaming replication were read-only and end-of-life (EOL) status in September 2016. Details about PostgreSQL EOL policy can be found here: PostgreSQL Release Support Policy. EOL is not where you want to be. New security updates and fixes to serious bugs will no longer be available. You’ll need to hire specialized PostgreSQL core consultants to patch problems or to implement workarounds—probably not a cheap proposition, assuming you can even locate someone willing to undertake the work. Regardless of which major version you are running, you should always keep up with the latest micro versions. An upgrade from say, 9.1.17 to 9.1.21, requires no more than a file replacement and a restart. Micro versions only patch bugs. Nothing will stop working after a micro upgrade. Performing a micro upgrade can in fact save you much grief down the road. Features Introduced in PostgreSQL 10 PostgreSQL 10 is the latest stable release and was released in October 2017. Starting with PostgreSQL 10, the PostgreSQL project adopted a new versioning convention. In prior versions, major versions got a minor version number bump. For example, PostgreSQL 9.6 introduced some major new features that were not in its PostgreSQL 9.5 predecessor. In contrast, starting with PostgreSQL 10, major releases will have the first digit bumped. So major changes to PostgreSQL 10 will be called PostgreSQL 11. This is more in line with what other database vendors follow, such as SQLite, SQL Server, and Oracle. Here are the key new features in 10: Query parallelization improvements 27
  • 28. could be used only for queries that don’t change data. Nor could they have tables of their own. Logical replication provides two features that streaming replication did not have. You can now replicate just a table or a database (no need for the whole cluster); since you are replicating only part of the data, the slaves can have their own set of data that is not involved in replication. Full text support for JSON and JSONB In prior versions, to_tsvector would work only with plain text when generating a full text vector. Now to_tsvector can understand the json and jsonb types, ignoring the keys in JSON and including only the values in the vector. The ts_headline function for json and jsonb was also introduced. It highlights matches in a json document during a tsquery. Refer to “Full Text Support for JSON and JSONB”. ANSI standard XMLTABLE construct XMLTABLE provides a simpler way of deconstructing XML into a standard table structure. This feature has existed for some time in Oracle and IBM DB2 databases. Refer to Example 5-41. FDW push down aggregates to remote servers The FDW API can now run aggregations such as COUNT(*) or SUM(*) on remote queries. postgres_fdw takes advantage of this new feature. Prior to postgres_fdw, any aggregation would require the local server to request all the data that needed aggregation and do the aggregation locally. Declarative table partitioning In prior versions, if you had a table you needed to partition but query as a single unit, you would utilize PostgreSQL table inheritance support. Using inheritance was cumbersome in that you had to write triggers to reroute data to a table PARTITION if adding to the parent table. PostgreSQL 10 introduces the PARTITION BY construct. PARTITION BY allows you to create a parent table with no data, but with a defined 28
  • 29. PARTITION formula. Now you can insert data into the parent table without the need to define triggers. Refer to “Partitioned Tables”. Query execution Various speedups have been added. CREATE STATISTICS New construct for creating statistics on multiple columns. Refer to Example 9-18. IDENTITY A new IDENTITY qualifier in DDL table creation and ALTER statements provides a more standards-compliant way to designate a table column as an auto increment. Refer to Example 6-2. Features Introduced in PostgreSQL 9.6 PostgreSQL 9.6 was released in September 2016. PostgreSQL 9.6 is the last of the PostgreSQL 9+ series: Query parallelization Up to now, PostgreSQL could not take advantage of multiple processor cores. In 9.6, the PostgreSQL engine can distribute certain types of queries across multiple cores and processers. Qualified queries include those with sequential scans, some joins, and some aggregates. However, queries that involve changing data such as deletes, inserts, and updates are not parallelizable. Parallelization is a work in progress with the eventual hope that all queries will take advantage of multiple processor cores. See “Parallelized Queries”. Phrase full text search Use the distance operator <-> in a full text search query to indicate how far two words can be apart from each other and still be considered a match. In prior versions you could indicate only which words should be searched; now you can control the sequence of the words. See “Full Text 29
  • 30. Search”. psql gexec options These read an SQL statement from a query and execute it. See “Dynamic SQL Execution”. postgres_fdw Updates, inserts, and deletes are all much faster for simple cases. See Depesz: Directly Modify Foreign Table for details. Pushed-down FDW joins This is now supported by some FDWs. postgres_fdw supports this feature. When you join foreign tables, instead of retrieving the data from the foreign server and performing the join locally, FDW will perform the join remotely if foreign tables involved in the join are from the same foreign server and then retrieve the result set. This could lower the number of rows that have to come over from the foreign server, dramatically improving performance when joins eliminate many rows. Features Introduced in PostgreSQL 9.5 Version 9.5 came out in January of 2016. Notable new features are as follows: Improvements to foreign table architecture A new IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA command allows for bulk creation of foreign tables from a foreign server. Foreign table inheritance means that a local table can inherit from foreign tables; foreign tables can inherit from local tables; and foreign tables can inherit from other foreign tables. You can also add constraints to foreign tables. See “Foreign Data Wrappers” and “Querying Other PostgreSQL Servers”. Using unlogged tables as a fast way to populate new tables The downside is that unlogged tables would get truncated during a crash. 30
  • 31. In prior versions, promoting an unlogged table to a logged table could not be done without creating a new table and repopulating the records. In 9.5, just use the ALTER TABLE ... SET UNLOGGED command. Arrays in array_agg The array_agg function accepts a set of values and combines them into a single array. Prior to 9.5, passing in arrays would throw an error. With 9.5, array_agg is smart enough to automatically construct multidimensional arrays for you. See Example 5-17. Block range indexes (BRIN) A new kind of index with smaller footprint than B-Tree and GIN. Under some circumstances BRIN can outperform the former two. See “Indexes”. Grouping sets, ROLLUP, AND CUBE SQL predicates This feature is used in conjunction with aggregate queries to return additional subtotal rows. See “GROUPING SETS, CUBE, ROLLUP” for examples. Index-only scans These now support GiST indexes. Insert and update conflict handling Prior to 9.5, any inserts or updates that conflicted with primary key and check constraints would automatically fail. Now you have an opportunity to catch the exception and offer an alternative course, or to skip the records causing the conflict. See “UPSERTs: INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE”. Update lock failures If you want to select and lock rows with the intent of updating the data, you can use SELECT ... FOR UPDATE. If you’re unable to obtain the lock, prior to 9.5, you’d receive an error. With 9.5, you can add the SKIP LOCKED option to bypass rows for which you’re unable to obtain locks. 31
  • 32. Row-level security You now have the ability to set visibility and updatability on rows of a table using policies. This is especially useful for multitenant databases or situations where security cannot be easily isolated by segmenting data into different tables. Features Introduced in PostgreSQL 9.4 Version 9.4 came out in September 2014. Notable new features are as follows: Materialized view enhancements In 9.3, materialized views are inaccessible during a refresh, which could be a long time. This makes their deployment in a production undesirable. 9.4 eliminated the lock provided for materizalized views with a unique index. New analytic functions to compute percentiles percentile_disc (percentile discrete) and percentile_cont (percentile continuous) were added. They must be used with the special WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ...) construct. PostgreSQL vanguard Hubert Lubaczewski described their use in Ordered Set Within Group Aggregates. If you’ve ever looked for an aggregate median function in PostgreSQL, you didn’t find it. Recall from your introduction to medians that the algorithm has an extra tie-breaker step at the end, making it difficult to program as an aggregate function. The new percentile functions approximate the true median with a “fast” median. We cover these two functions in more detail in “Percentiles and Mode”. Protection against updates in views WITH CHECK OPTION clause added to the CREATE VIEW statement will block, update, or insert on the view if the resulting data would no longer be visible in the view. We demonstrate this feature in Example 7-3. 32
  • 33. A new data type, JSONB The JavaScript object notation binary type allows you to index a full JSON document and expedite retrieval of subelements. For details, see “JSON” and check out these blog posts: Introduce jsonb: A Structured Format for Storing JSON and JSONB: Wildcard Query. Improved Generalized Inverted Index (GIN) GIN was designed with FTS, trigrams, hstores, and JSONB in mind. Under many circumstances, you may choose GIN with its smaller footprint over B-Tree without loss in performance. Version 9.5 improved its query speed. Check out GIN as a Substitute for Bitmap Indexes. More JSON functions These are json_build_array, json_build_object, json_object, json_to_record, and json_to_recordset. Expedited moves between tablespaces You can now move all database objects from one tablespace to another by using the syntax ALTER TABLESPACE old_space MOVE ALL TO new_space;. Row numbers in returned sets You can add a row number for set-returning functions with the system column ordinality. This is particularly handy when converting denormalized data stored in arrays, hstores, and composite types to records. Here is an example using hstore: SELECT ordinality, key, value FROM EACH('breed=>pug,cuteness=>high'::hstore) WITH ordinality; Using SQL to alter system-configuration settings The ALTER system SET ... construct allows you to set global system settings without editing the postgresql.conf, as detailed in “The 33
  • 34. postgresql.conf File”. This also means you can now programmatically change system settings, but keep in mind that PostgreSQL may require a restart for new settings to take effect. Triggers Version 9.4 lets you place triggers on foreign tables. Better handling of unnesting The unnest function predictably allocates arrays of different sizes into columns. Prior to 9.4, unnesting arrays of different sizes resulted in shuffling of columns in unexpected ways. ROWS FROM This construct allows the use of multiple set-returning functions in a series, even if they have an unbalanced number of elements in each set: SELECT * FROM ROWS FROM ( jsonb_each('{"a":"foo1","b":"bar"}'::jsonb), jsonb_each('{"c":"foo2"}'::jsonb) ) x (a1,a1_val,a2,a2_val); Dynamic background workers You can code these in C to do work that is not available through SQL or functions. A trivial example is available in the 9.4 source code in the contrib/worker_spi directory. Database Drivers Chances are that you’re not using PostgreSQL in a vacuum. You need a database driver to interact with applications and other databases. PostgreSQL works with free drivers for many programming languages and tools. Moreover, various commercial organizations provide drivers with extra bells and whistles at modest prices. Here are some of the notable open source 34
  • 35. drivers: PHP is a popular language for web development, and most PHP distributions include at least one PostgreSQL driver: the old pgsql driver or the newer pdo_pgsql. You may need to enable them in your php.ini. For Java developers, the JDBC driver keeps up with latest PostgreSQL versions. Download it from PostgreSQL. For .NET (both Microsoft or Mono), you can use the Npgsql driver. Both the source code and the binary are available for .NET Framework, Microsoft Entity Framework, and Mono.NET. If you need to connect from Microsoft Access, Excel, or any other products that support Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), download drivers from the PostgreSQL ODBC drivers site. You’ll have your choice of 32-bit or 64-bit. LibreOffice 3.5 and later comes packaged with a native PostgreSQL driver. For OpenOffice and older versions of LibreOffice, you can use the JDBC driver or the SDBC driver. Learn more details from our article OO Base and PostgreSQL. Python has support for PostgreSQL via many database drivers. At the moment, psycopg2 is the most popular. Rich support for PostgreSQL is also available in the Django web framework. If you are looking for an object-relational mapper, SQL Alchemy is the most popular and is used internally by the Multicorn Foreign Data Wrapper. If you use Ruby, connect to PostgreSQL using rubygems pg. You’ll find Perl’s connectivity to PostgreSQL in the DBI and the DBD::Pg drivers. Alternatively, there’s the pure Perl DBD::PgPP driver from CPAN. Node.js is a JavaScript framework for running scalable network programs. There are two PostgreSQL drivers currently: Node Postgres with optional native libpq bindings and pure JS (no compilation required) and Node- 35
  • 36. DBI. Where to Get Help There will come a day when you need help. That day always arrives early; we want to point you to some resources now rather than later. Our favorite is the lively mailing list designed for helping new and old users with technical issues. First, visit PostgreSQL Help Mailing Lists. If you are new to PostgreSQL, the best list to start with is the PGSQL General Mailing List. If you run into what appears to be a bug in PostgreSQL, report it at PostgreSQL Bug Reporting. Notable PostgreSQL Forks The MIT/BSD-style licensing of PostgreSQL makes it a great candidate for forking. Various groups have done exactly that over the years. Some have contributed their changes back to the original project or funded PostgreSQL work. For list of forks, refer to PostgreSQL-derived databases. Many popular forks are proprietary and closed source. Netezza, a popular database choice for data warehousing, was a PostgreSQL fork at inception. Similarly, the Amazon Redshift data warehouse is a fork of a fork of PostgreSQL. Amazon has two other offerings that are closer to standard PostgreSQL: Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL. These stay in line with PostgreSQL versions in SQL syntax but with more management and speed features. PostgreSQL Advanced Plus by EnterpriseDB is a fork that adds Oracle syntax and compatibility features to woo Oracle users. EnterpriseDB ploughs funding and development support back to the PostgreSQL community. For this, we’re grateful. Its Postgres Plus Advanced Server is fairly close to the most recent stable version of PostgreSQL. Postgres-X2, Postgres-XL, and GreenPlum are three budding forks with open source licensing (although GreenPlum was closed source for a period). These 36
  • 37. three target large-scale data analytics and replication. Part of the reason for forking is to advance ahead of the PostgreSQL release cycle and try out new features that may or may not be of general interest. Many of the new features developed this way do find their way back into a later PostgreSQL core release. Such is the case with the multi-master bi- directional replication (BDR) fork developed by 2nd Quadrant. Pieces of BDR, such as the logical replication support, are beefing up the built-in replication functionality in PostgreSQL proper. Some of the parallelization work of Postgres-XL will also likely make it into future versions of PostgreSQL. Citus is a project that started as a fork of PostgreSQL to support real-time big data and parallel queries. It has since been incorporated back and can be installed in PostgreSQL 9.5 as an extension. Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL is a fairly recent addition by Google and is currently in beta. 37
  • 38. This chapter covers what we consider basic administration of a PostgreSQL server: managing roles and permissions, creating databases, installing extensions, and backing up and restoring data. Before continuing, you should have already installed PostgreSQL and have administration tools at your disposal. Configuration Files Three main configuration files control operations of a PostgreSQL server: postgresql.conf Controls general settings, such as memory allocation, default storage location for new databases, the IP addresses that PostgreSQL listens on, location of logs, and plenty more. pg_hba.conf Controls access to the server, dictating which users can log in to which databases, which IP addresses can connect, and which authentication scheme to accept. pg_ident.conf If present, this file maps an authenticated OS login to a PostgreSQL user. People sometimes map the OS root account to the PostgresSQL superuser account, postgres. NOTE PostgreSQL officially refers to users as roles. Not all roles need to have login Chapter 2. Database Administration 38
  • 39. privileges. For example, group roles often do not. We use the term user to refer to a role with login privileges. If you accepted default installation options, you will find these configuration files in the main PostgreSQL data folder. You can edit them using any text editor or the Admin Pack in pgAdmin. Instructions for editing with pgAdmin are in “Editing postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf from pgAdmin3”. If you are unable to find the physical location of these files, run the Example 2-1 query as a superuser while connected to any database. Example 2-1. Location of configuration files SELECT name, setting FROM pg_settings WHERE category = 'File Locations'; name | setting -------------------+------------------------------------------ config_file | /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/postgresql.conf data_directory | /var/lib/postgresql/9.6/main external_pid_file | /var/run/postgresql/ hba_file | /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf ident_file | /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_ident.conf (5 rows) Making Configurations Take Effect Some configuration changes require a PostgreSQL service restart, which closes any active connections from clients. Other changes require just a reload. New users connecting after a reload will receive the new setting. Extant users with active connections will not be affected during a reload. If you’re not sure whether a configuration change requires a reload or restart, look under the context setting associated with a configuration. If the context is postmaster, you’ll need a restart. If the context is user, a reload will suffice. Reloading A reload can be done in several ways. One way is to open a console window and run this command: 39
  • 40. pg_ctl reload -D your_data_directory_here If you have PostgreSQL installed as a service in RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, or Ubuntu, enter instead: service postgresql-9.5 reload postgresql-9.5 is the name of your service. (For older versions of PostgreSQL, the service is sometimes called postgresql sans version number.) You can also log in as a superuser to any database and execute the following SQL: SELECT pg_reload_conf(); Finally, you can reload from pgAdmin; see “Editing postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf from pgAdmin3”. Restarting More fundamental configuration changes require a restart. You can perform a restart by stopping and restarting the postgres service (daemon). Yes, power cycling will do the trick as well. You can’t restart with a PostgreSQL command, but you can trigger a restart from the operating system shell. On Linux/Unix with a service, enter: service postgresql-9.6 restart For any PostgreSQL instance not installed as a service: pg_ctl restart -D your_data_directory_here On Windows you can also just click Restart on the PostgreSQL service in the Services Manager. 40
  • 41. SELECT name, context , unit , setting, boot_val, reset_val FROM pg_settings WHERE name IN ('listen_addresses','deadlock_timeout','shared_buffers', 'effective_cache_size','work_mem','maintenance_work_mem') ORDER BY context, name; name | context | unit | setting | boot_val | reset_val ---------------------+------------+------+-------- +-----------+--------- - listen_addresses | postmaster | | * | localhost | * shared_buffers | postmaster | 8kB | 131584 | 1024 | 131584 deadlock_timeout | superuser | ms | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 effective_cache_size | user | 8kB | 16384 | 16384 | 16384 maintenance_work_mem | user | kB | 16384 | 16384 | 16384 work_mem | user | kB | 5120 | 1024 | 5120 The context is the scope of the setting. Some settings have a wider effect than others, depending on their context. The postgresql.conf File postgresql.conf controls the life-sustaining settings of the PostgreSQL server. You can override many settings at the database, role, session, and even function levels. You’ll find many details on how to finetune your server by tweaking settings in the article Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server. Version 9.4 introduced an important change: instead of editing postgresql.conf directly, you should override settings using an additional file called We further recommend that you don’t touch the postgresql.conf and place any custom settings in Checking postgresql.conf settings An easy way to read the current settings without opening the configuration files is to query the view named pg_settings. We demonstrate in Example 2- 2. Example 2-2. Key settings 41
  • 42. User settings can be changed by each user to affect just that user’s sessions. If set by the superuser, the setting becomes a default for all users who connect after a reload. Superuser settings can be changed only by a superuser, and will apply to all users who connect after a reload. Users cannot individually override the setting. Postmaster settings affect the entire server (postmaster represents the PostgreSQL service) and take effect only after a restart. Settings with user or superuser context can be set for a specific database, user, session, and function level. For example, you might want to set work_mem higher for an SQL guru-level user who writes mind-boggling queries. Similarly, if you have one function that is sort-intensive, you could raise work_mem just for it. Settings set at database, user, session, and function levels do not require a reload. Settings set at the database level take effect on the next connect to the database. Settings set for the session or function take effect right away. Be careful checking the units of measurement used for memory. As you can see in Example 2-2, some are reported in 8-KB blocks and some just in kilobytes. Regardless of how a setting displays, you can use any unit of choice when setting; 128 MB is a versatile choice for most memory settings. Showing units as 8 KB is annoying at best and is destabilizing at worst. The SHOW command in SQL offers display settings in labeled and more intuitive units. For example, running: SHOW shared_buffers; returns 1028MB. Similarly, running: SHOW deadlock_timeout; returns 1s. If you want to see the units for all settings, enter SHOW ALL. 42
  • 43. setting is the current setting; boot_val is the default setting; reset_val is the new setting if you were to restart or reload the server. Make sure that setting and reset_val match after you make a change. If not, the server needs a restart or reload. New in version 9.5 is a system view called pg_file_settings, which you can use to query settings. Its output lists the source file where the settings can be found. The applied tells you whether the setting is in effect; if the setting has an f in that column you need to reload or restart to make it take effect. In cases where a particular setting is present in both postgresql.conf and, the one will take precedent and you’ll see the other files with applied set to false (f). The applied is shown in Example 2-3. Example 2-3. Querying pg_file_settings SELECT name, sourcefile, sourceline, setting, applied FROM pg_file_settings WHERE name IN ('listen_addresses','deadlock_timeout','shared_buffers', 'effective_cache_size','work_mem','maintenance_work_mem') ORDER BY name; name | sourcefile | sourceline | setting | applied ---------------------+-------------------------------+------------+------ ---+-------- effective_cache_size | E:/data96/| 11 | 8GB | t listen_addresses | E:/data96/postgresql.conf | 59 | * | t maintenance_work_mem | E:/data96/| 3 | 16MB | t shared_buffers | E:/data96/postgresql.conf | 115 | 128MB | f shared_buffers | E:/data96/| 5 | 131584 | t Pay special attention to the following network settings in postgresql.conf or, because an incorrect entry here will prevent clients from connecting. Changing their values requires a service restart: listen_addresses 43
  • 44. Informs PostgreSQL which IP addresses to listen on. This usually defaults to local (meaning a socket on the local system), or localhost, meaning the IPv6 or IPv4 localhost IP address. But many people change the setting to *, meaning all available IP addresses. port Defaults to 5432. You may wish to change this well-known port to something else for security or if you are running multiple PostgreSQL services on the same server. max_connections The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed. log_destination This setting is somewhat a misnomer. It specifies the format of the logfiles rather than their physical location. The default is stderr. If you intend to perform extensive analysis on your logs, we suggest changing it to csvlog, which is easier to export to third-party analytic tools. Make sure you have the logging_collection set to on if you want logging. The following settings affect performance. Defaults are rarely the optimal value for your installation. As soon as you gain enough confidence to tweak configuration settings, you should tune these values: shared_buffers Allocated amount of memory shared among all connections to store recently accessed pages. This setting profoundly affects the speed of your queries. You want this setting to be fairly high, probably as much as 25% of your RAM. However, you’ll generally see diminishing returns after more than 8 GB. Changes require a restart. effective_cache_size An estimate of how much memory PostgreSQL expects the operating system to devote to it. This setting has no effect on actual allocation, but the query planner figures in this setting to guess whether intermediate 44
  • 45. steps and query output would fit in RAM. If you set this much lower than available RAM, the planner may forgo using indexes. With a dedicated server, setting the value to half of your RAM is a good starting point. Changes require a reload. work_mem Controls the maximum amount of memory allocated for each operation such as sorting, hash join, and table scans. The optimal setting depends on how you’re using the database, how much memory you have to spare, and whether your server is dedicated to PostgreSQL. If you have many users running simple queries, you want this setting to be relatively low to be democratic; otherwise, the first user may hog all the memory. How high you set this also depends on how much RAM you have to begin with. A good article to read for guidance is Understanding work_mem. Changes require a reload. maintenance_work_mem The total memory allocated for housekeeping activities such as vacuuming (pruning records marked for deletion). You shouldn’t set it higher than about 1 GB. Reload after changes. max_parallel_workers_per_gather This is a new setting introduced in 9.6 for parallelism. The setting determines the maximum parallel worker threads that can be spawned for each gather operation. The default setting is 0, which means parallelism is completely turned off. If you have more than one CPU core, you will want to elevate this. Parallel processing is new in version 9.6, so you may have to experiment with this setting to find what works best for your server. Also note that the number you have here should be less than max_worker_processes, which defaults to 8 because the parallel background worker processes are a subset of the maximum allowed processes. In version 10, there is an additional setting called max_parallel_workers, which controls the subset of 45
  • 46. max_worker_processes allocated for parallelization. Changing the postgresql.conf settings PostgreSQL 9.4 introduced the ability to change settings using the ALTER SYSTEM SQL command. For example, to set the work_mem globally, enter the following: ALTER SYSTEM SET work_mem = '500MB'; This command is wise enough to not directly edit postgres.conf but will make the change in Depending on the particular setting changed, you may need to restart the service. If you just need to reload it, here’s a convenient command: SELECT pg_reload_conf(); If you have to track many settings, consider organizing them into multiple configuration files and then linking them back using the include or include_if_exists directive within the postgresql.conf. The exact syntax is as follows: include 'filename' The filename argument can be an absolute path or a relative path from the postgresql.conf file. “I edited my postgresql.conf and now my server won’t start.” The easiest way to figure out what you screwed up is to look at the logfile, located at the root of the data folder, or in the pg_log subfolder. Open the latest file and read what the last line says. The error raised is usually self- explanatory. A common culprit is setting shared_buffers too high. Another suspect is an old left over from a failed shutdown. You can safely delete 46
  • 47. this file, located in the data cluster folder, and try restarting again. The pg_hba.conf File The pg_hba.conf file controls which IP addresses and users can connect to the database. Furthermore, it dictates the authentication protocol that the client must follow. Changes to the file require at least a reload to take effect. A typical pg_hba.conf looks like Example 2-4. Example 2-4. Sample pg_hba.conf # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD host all all ident host all all ::1/128 trust host all all md5 hostssl all all md5 # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD # Allow replication connections from localhost, # by a user with replication privilege. #host replication postgres trust #host replication postgres ::1/128 trust Authentication method. The usual choices are ident, trust, md5, peer, and password. IPv6 syntax for defining network range. This applies only to servers with IPv6 support and may prevent pg_hba.conf from loading if you add this section without actually having IPv6 networking enabled on the server. IPv4 syntax for defining network range. The first part is the network address followed by the bit mask; for instance: PostgreSQL will accept connection requests from any IP address within the range. SSL connection rule. In our example, we allow anyone to connect to our server outside of the allowed IP range as long as they can connect using SSL. SSL configuration settings can be found in postgres.conf or ssl, ssl_cert_file, ssl_key_file. Once the server confirms that the client is able to support SSL, it will honor the 47
  • 48. connection request and all transmissions will be encrypted using the key information. Range of IP addresses allowed to replicate with this server. For each connection request, pg_hba.conf is checked from the top down. As soon as a rule granting access is encountered, a connection is allowed and the server reads no further in the file. As soon as a rule rejecting access is encountered, the connection is denied and the server reads no further in the file. If the end of the file is reached without any matching rules, the connection is denied. A common mistake people make is to put the rules in the wrong order. For example, if you added reject before trust, local users won’t be able to connect, even though a rule is in place allowing them to. New in version 10 is the pg_hba_file_rules system view that lists all the contents of the pg_hba.conf file. “I edited my pg_hba.conf and now my server is broken.” Don’t worry. This happens quite often, but is easy to recover from. This error is generally caused by typos or by adding an unavailable authentication scheme. When the postgres service can’t parse pg_hba.conf, it blocks all access just to be safe. Sometimes, it won’t even start up. The easiest way to figure out what you did wrong is to read the logfile located in the root of the data folder or in the pg_log subfolder. Open the latest file and read the last line. The error message is usually self-explanatory. If you’re prone to slippery fingers, back up the file prior to editing. Authentication methods PostgreSQL gives you many choices for authenticating users—probably more than any other database product. Most people are content with the popular ones: trust, peer, ident, md5, and password. And don’t forget about reject, which immediately denies access. Also keep in mind that pg_hba.conf offers settings at many other levels as the gatekeeper to the entire PostgreSQL server. Users or devices must still satisfy role and database 48
  • 49. This is the least secure authentication, essentially no password is needed. As long as the user and database exist in the system and the request comes from an IP within the allowed range, the user can connect. You should implement trust only for local connections or private network connections. Even then it’s possible for someone to spoof IP addresses, so the more security-minded among us discourage its use entirely. Nevertheless, it’s the most common for PostgreSQL installed on a desktop for single-user local access where security is not a concern. md5 Very common, requires an md5-encrypted password to connect. password Uses clear-text password authentication. ident Uses pg_ident.conf to check whether the OS account of the user trying to connect has a mapping to a PostgreSQL account. The password is not checked. ident is not available on Windows. peer Uses the OS name of the user from the kernel. It is available only for Linux, BSD, macOS, and Solaris, and only for local connections on these systems. cert Stipulates that connections use SSL. The client must have a registered certificate. cert uses an ident file such as pg_ident to map the certificate to a PostgreSQL user and is available on all platforms where SSL connection is enabled. access restrictions after being admitted by pg_hba.conf. We describe the common authentication methods here: trust 49
  • 50. SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity; pg_stat_activity is a view that lists the last query running on each connection, the connected user (usename), the database (datname) in use, and the start times of the queries. Review the list to identify the PIDs of connections you wish to terminate. 2. Cancel active queries on a connection with PID 1234: SELECT pg_cancel_backend(1234); More esoteric options abound, such as gss, radius, ldap, and pam. Some may not always be installed by default. You can elect more than one authentication method, even for the same database. Keep in mind that pg_hba.conf is processed from top to bottom. Managing Connections More often than not, someone else (never you, of course) will execute an inefficient query that ends up hogging resources. They could also run a query that’s taking much longer than what they have patience for. Cancelling the query, terminating the connection, or both will put an end to the offending query. Cancelling and terminating are far from graceful and should be used sparingly. Your client application should prevent queries from going haywire in the first place. Out of politeness, you probably should alert the connected role that you’re about to terminate its connection, or wait until after hours to do the dirty deed. There are few scenarios where you should cancel all active update queries: before backing up the database and before restoring the database. To cancel running queries and terminate connections, follow these steps: 1. Retrieve a listing of recent connections and process IDs (PIDs): 50
  • 51. This does not terminate the connection itself, though. 3. Terminate the connection: SELECT pg_terminate_backend(1234); You may need to take the additional step of terminating the client connection. This is especially important prior to a database restore. If you don’t terminate the connection, the client may immediately reconnect after restore and run the offending query anew. If you did not already cancel the queries on the connection, terminating the connection will cancel all of its queries. PostgreSQL lets you embed functions within a regular SELECT statement. Even though pg_terminate_backend and pg_cancel_backend act on only one connection at a time, you can kill multiple connections by wrapping them in a SELECT. For example, let’s suppose you want to kill all connections belonging to a role with a single blow. Run this SQL command: SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE usename = 'some_role'; You can set certain operational parameters at the server, database, user, session, or function level. Any queries that exceed the parameter will automatically be cancelled by the server. Setting a parameter to 0 disables the parameter: deadlock_timeout This is the amount of time a deadlocked query should wait before giving up. This defaults to 1000 ms. If your application performs a lot of updates, you may want to increase this value to minimize contention. Instead of relying on this setting, you can include a NOWAIT clause in your update SQL: SELECT FOR UPDATE NOWAIT ... . The query will be automatically cancelled upon encountering a deadlock. 51
  • 52. In PostgreSQL 9.5, you have another choice: SELECT FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED will skip over locked rows. statement_timeout This is the amount of time a query can run before it is forced to cancel. This defaults to 0, meaning no time limit. If you have long-running functions that you want cancelled if they exceed a certain time, set this value in the definition of the function rather than globally. Cancelling a function cancels the query and the transaction that’s calling it. lock_timeout This is the amount of time a query should wait for a lock before giving up, and is most applicable to update queries. Before data updates, the query must obtain an exclusive lock on affected records. The default is 0, meaning that the query will wait infinitely. This setting is generally used at the function or session level. lock_timeout should be lower than statement_timeout, otherwise statement_timeout will always occur first, making lock_timeout irrelevant. idle_in_transaction_session_timeout This is the amount of time a transaction can stay in an idle state before it is terminated. This defaults to 0, meaning it can stay alive infinitely. This setting is new in PostgreSQL 9.6. It’s useful for preventing queries from holding on to locks on data indefinitely or eating up a connection. Check for Queries Being Blocked The pg_stat_activity view has changed considerably since version 9.1 with the renaming, dropping, and addition of new columns. Starting from version 9.2, procpid was renamed to pid. pg_stat_activity changed in PostgreSQL 9.6 to provide more detail about waiting queries. In prior versions of PostgreSQL, there was a field called waiting that could take the value true or false. true denoted a query that 52
  • 53. WARNING Recent versions of PostgreSQL no longer use the terms users and groups. You will still run into these terms; just know that they mean login roles and group roles, respectively. For backward compatibility, CREATE USER and CREATE GROUP still work in current versions, but shun them and use CREATE ROLE instead. Creating Login Roles was being blocked waiting some resource, but the resource being waited for was never stated. In PostgreSQL 9.6, waiting was removed and replaced with wait_event_type and wait_event to provide more information about what resource a query was waiting for. Therefore, prior to PostgreSQL 9.6, use waiting = true to determine what queries are being blocked. In PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher, use wait_event IS NOT NULL. In addition to the change in structure, PostgreSQL 9.6 will now track additional wait locks that did not get set to waiting=true in prior versions. As a result, you may find lighter lock waits being listed for queries than you saw in prior versions. For a list of different wait_event types, refer to PostgreSQL Manual: wait_event names and types. Roles PostgreSQL handles credentialing using roles. Roles that can log in are called login roles. Roles can also be members of other roles; the roles that contain other roles are called group roles. (And yes, group roles can be members of other group roles and so on, but don’t go there unless you have a knack for hierarchical thinking.) Group roles that can log in are called group login roles. However, for security, group roles generally cannot log in. A role can be designated as a superuser. These roles have unfettered access to the PostgreSQL service and should be assigned with discretion. 53
  • 54. CREATE ROLE leo LOGIN PASSWORD 'king' VALID UNTIL 'infinity' CREATEDB; Specifying VALID UNTIL is optional. If omitted, the role remains active indefinitely. CREATEDB grants database creation privilege to the new role. To create a user with superuser privileges, follow Example 2-6. Naturally, you must be a superuser to create other superusers. Example 2-6. Creating superuser roles CREATE ROLE regina LOGIN PASSWORD 'queen' VALID UNTIL '2020-1-1 00:00' SUPERUSER; Both of the previous examples create roles that can log in. To create roles that cannot log in, omit the LOGIN PASSWORD clause. Creating Group Roles Group roles generally cannot log in. Rather, they serve as containers for other roles. This is merely a best-practice suggestion. Nothing stops you from creating a role that can log in as well as contain other roles. Create a group role using the following SQL: CREATE ROLE royalty INHERIT; Note the use of the modifier INHERIT. This means that any member of royalty will automatically inherit privileges of the royalty role, except for the superuser privilege. For security, PostgreSQL never passes down the When you initialize the data cluster during setup, PostgreSQL creates a single login role with the name postgres. (PostgreSQL also creates a namesake database called postgres.) You can bypass the password setting by mapping an OS root user to the new role and using ident, peer, or trust for authentication. After you’ve installed PostgreSQL, before you do anything else, you should log in as postgres and create other roles. pgAdmin has a graphical section for creating user roles, but if you want to create one using SQL, execute an SQL command like the one shown in Example 2-5. Example 2-5. Creating login roles 54
  • 55. GRANT royalty TO leo; GRANT royalty TO regina; Some privileges can’t be inherited. For example, although you can create a group role that you mark as superuser, this doesn’t make its member roles superusers. However, those users can impersonate their group role by using the SET ROLE command, thereby gaining superuser privileges for the duration of the session. For example: Let’s give the royalty role superuser rights with the command: ALTER ROLE royalty SUPERUSER; Although leo is a member of the royalty group and he inherits most rights of royalty, when he logs in, he still will not have superuser rights. He can gain superuser rights by doing: SET ROLE royalty; His superuser rights will last only for his current session. This feature, though peculiar, is useful if you want to prevent yourself from unintentionally doing superuser things while you are logged in. SET ROLE is a command available to all users, but a more powerful command called SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION is available to people who log in as superusers. In order to understand the differences, we’ll first introduce two global variables that PostgreSQL has called: current_user and session_user. You can see these values when you log in by running the superuser privilege. INHERIT is the default, but we recommend that you always include the modifier for clarity. To refrain from passing privileges from the group to its members, create the role with the NOINHERIT modifier. To add members to a group role, you would do: 55
  • 56. SQL statement: SELECT session_user, current_user; When you first log in, the values of these two variables are the same. SET ROLE changes the current_user, while SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION changes both the current_user and session_user variables. Here are the salient properties of SET ROLE: SET ROLE does not require superuser rights. SET ROLE changes the current_user variable, but not the session_user variable. A session_user that has superuser rights can SET ROLE to any other role. Nonsuperusers can SET ROLE only to the role the session_user is or the roles the session_user belongs to. When you do SET ROLE you gain all privileges of the impersonated user except for SET SESSION_AUTHORIZATION and SET ROLE. A more powerful command, SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION, is available as well. Key features of SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION are as follows: Only a user that logs in as a superuser has permission to do SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION to another role. The SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION privilege is in effect for the life of the session, meaning that even if you SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION to a user that is not a superuser, you still have the SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION privilege for the life of your session. SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION changes the values of the current_user and session_user variables to those of the user being impersonated. A session_user that has superuser rights can SET ROLE to any other role. 56
  • 57. SELECT session_user, current_user; session_user | current_user --------------+-------------- leo | leo (1 row) SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regina; ERROR: permission denied to set session authorization SET ROLE regina; ERROR: permission denied to set role "regina" ALTER ROLE leo SUPERUSER; ERROR: must be superuser to alter superusers SET ROLE royalty; SELECT session_user, current_user; session_user | current_user --------------+-------------- leo | royalty (1 row) SET ROLE regina; ERROR: permission denied to set role "regina" ALTER ROLE leo SUPERUSER; SET ROLE regina; SELECT session_user, current_user; session_user | current_user --------------+-------------- leo | regina (1 row) SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regina; ERROR: permission denied to set session authorization -- After ending session and logging back in as leo SELECT session_user, current_user; SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regina; SELECT session_user, current_user; session_user | current_user --------------+-------------- leo | leo (1 row) SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION We’ll do a set of exercises that illustrate the differences between SET ROLE and SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION by first logging in as leo and then running the code in Example 2-7. Example 2-7. SET ROLE and SET AUTHORIZATION 57
  • 58. CREATE DATABASE mydb; This creates a copy of the template1 database. Any role with CREATEDB privilege can create new databases. Template Databases A template database is, as the name suggests, a database that serves as a skeleton for new databases. When you create a new database, PostgreSQL copies all the database settings and data from the template database to the new database. The default PostgreSQL installation comes with two template databases: template0 and template1. If you don’t specify a template database to follow when you create a database, template1 is used. session_user | current_user --------------+-------------- regina | regina (1 row) In Example 2-7 leo was unable to use SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION because he’s not a superuser. He was also unable to SET ROLE to regina because he is not in the regina group. However, he was able to SET ROLE royalty since he is a member of the royalty group (he’s a king consort). Even though royalty has superuser rights, he still wasn’t able to impersonate the queen, regina, because his SET ROLE abilities are still based on being the powerless leo. Since royalty is a group that has superuser rights, he was able to promote his own account leo to be a superuser. Once leo is promoted to power, he can then impersonate regina. He is now able to completely take over her session_user and current_user persona with SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION. Database Creation The minimum SQL command to create a database is: 58
  • 59. WARNING You should never alter template0 because it is the immaculate model that you’ll need to copy from if you screw up your templates. Make your customizations to template1 or a new template database you create. You can’t change the encoding and collation of a database you create from template1 or any other template database you create. So if you need a different encoding or collation from those in template1, create the database from template0. The basic syntax to create a database modeled after a specific template is: CREATE DATABASE my_db TEMPLATE my_template_db; You can pick any database to serve as the template. This could come in quite handy when making replicas. You can also mark any database as a template database. Once you do, the database is no longer editable and deletable. Any role with the CREATEDB privilege can use a template database. To make any database a template, run the following SQL as a superuser: UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = 'mydb'; If ever you need to edit or drop a template database, first set the datistemplate attribute to FALSE. Don’t forget to change the value back after you’re done with edits. Using Schemas Schemas organize your database into logical groups. If you have more than two dozen tables in your database, consider cubbyholing them into schemas. Objects must have unique names within a schema but need not be unique across the database. If you cram all your tables into the default public schema, you’ll run into name clashes sooner or later. It’s up to you how to organize your schemas. For example, if you are an airline, you can place all tables of planes you own and their maintenance records into a planes schema. Place all your crew and staff into an employees schema and place all 59
  • 60. CREATE SCHEMA customer1; CREATE SCHEMA customer2; You then move the dog records into the schema that corresponds with the client. The final touch is to create different login roles for each schema with the same name as the schema. Dogs are now completely isolated in their respective schemas. When customers log in to your database to make appointments, they will be able to access only information pertaining to their own dogs. Wait, it gets better. Because we named our roles to match their respective schemas, we’re blessed with another useful technique. But we must first introduce the search_path database variable. As we mentioned earlier, object names must be unique within a schema, but you can have same-named objects in different schemas. For example, you have the same table called dogs in all 12 of your schemas. When you execute something like SELECT * FROM dogs, how does PostgreSQL know which schema you’re referring to? The simple answer is to always prepend the schema name onto the table name with a dot, such as in SELECT * FROM customer1.dogs. Another method is to set the search_path variable to be something like customer1, public. When the query executes, the planner searches for the dogs table first in the customer1 schema. If not found, it passenger-related information into a passengers schema. Another common way to organize schemas is by roles. We found this to be particularly handy with applications that serve multiple clients whose data must be kept separate. Suppose that you started a dog beauty management business (doggie spa). You start with a table in public called dogs to track all the dogs you hope to groom. You convince your two best friends to become customers. Whimsical government privacy regulation passes, and now you have to put in iron-clad assurances that one customer cannot see dog information from another. To comply, you set up one schema per customer and create the same dogs table in each as follows: 60
  • 61. search_path = "$user", public; Now, if role customer1 logs in, all queries will first look in the customer1 schema for the tables before moving to public. Most importantly, the SQL remains the same for all customers. Even if the business grows to have thousands or hundreds of thousands of dog owners, none of the SQL scripts need to change. Commonly shared tables such as common lookup tables can be put in the public schema. Another practice that we strongly encourage is to create schemas to house extensions (“Step 2: Installing into a database”). When you install an extension, new tables, functions, data types, and plenty of other relics join your server. If they all swarm into the public schema, it gets cluttered. For example, the entire PostGIS suite of extensions will together add thousands of functions. If you’ve already created a few tables and functions of your own in the public schema, imagine how maddening it would be to scan a list of tables and functions trying to find your own among the thousands. Before you install any extensions, create a new schema: CREATE SCHEMA my_extensions; Then add your new schema to the search path: ALTER DATABASE mydb SET search_path='$user', public, my_extensions; When you install extensions, be sure to indicate your new schema as their continues to the public schema and stops there. PostgreSQL has a little-known variable called user that retrieves the role currently logged in. SELECT user returns this name. user is just an alias for current_user, so you can use either. Recall how we named our customers’ schemas to be the same as their login roles. We did this so that we can take advantage of the default search path set in postgresql.conf: 61
  • 62. new home. WARNING ALTER DATABASE .. SET search_path will not take effect for existing connections. You’ll need to reconnect. Privileges Privileges (often called permissions) can be tricky to administer in PostgreSQL because of the granular control at your disposal. Security can bore down to the column and row level. Yes! You can assign different privileges to each data point of your table, if that ever becomes necessary. NOTE Row-level security (RLS) first appeared in PostgreSQL 9.5. Although RLS is available on all PostgreSQL installations, when used in SELinux, certain advanced features are enabled. Teaching you all there is to know about privileges could take a few chapters. What we’ll aim for in this section instead is to give you enough information to get up and running and to guide you around some of the more nonintuitive land mines that could either lock you out completely or expose your server inappropriately. Privilege management in PostgreSQL is no cakewalk. The pgAdmin graphical administration tool can ease some of the tasks or, at the very least, paint you a picture of your privilege settings. You can accomplish most, if not all, of your privilege assignment tasks in pgAdmin. If you’re saddled with the task of administering privileges and are new to PostgreSQL, start with pgAdmin. Jump to “Creating Database Assets and Setting Privileges” if you can’t wait. 62
  • 63. NOTE Privileges in other database products might be called rights or permissions. Getting Started So you successfully installed PostgreSQL; you should have one superuser, whose password you know by heart. Now you should take the following steps to set up additional roles and assign privileges: 1. PostgreSQL creates one superuser and one database for you at installation, both named postgres. Log in to your server as postgres. 2. Before creating your first database, create a role that will own the database and can log in, such as: CREATE ROLE mydb_admin LOGIN PASSWORD 'something'; 3. Create the database and set the owner: CREATE DATABASE mydb WITH owner = mydb_admin; Types of Privileges PostgreSQL has a few dozen privileges, some of which you may never need to worry about. The more mundane privileges are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, ALTER, EXECUTE, DELETE, and TRUNCATE. Most privileges must have a context. For example, a role having an ALTER privilege is meaningless unless qualified with a database object such as ALTER privilege on tables1, SELECT privilege on table2, EXECUTE privilege on function1, and so on. Not all privileges apply to all objects: an EXECUTE privilege for a table is nonsense. Some privileges make sense without a context. CREATEDB and CREATE ROLE are two privileges where context is irrelevant. 63
  • 64. 4. Now log in as the mydb_admin user and start setting up additional schemas and tables. GRANT The GRANT command is the primary means to assign privileges. Basic usage is: GRANT some_privilege TO some_role; A few things to keep in mind when it comes to GRANT: Obviously, you need to have the privilege you’re granting. And, you must have the GRANT privilege yourself. You can’t give away what you don’t have. Some privileges always remain with the owner of an object and can never be granted away. These include DROP and ALTER. The owner of an object retains all privileges. Granting an owner privilege in what it already owns is unnecessary. Keep in mind, though, that ownership does not drill down to child objects. For instance, if you own a database, you may not necessarily own all the schemas within it. When granting privileges, you can add WITH GRANT OPTION. This means that the grantee can grant her own privileges to others, passing them on: GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO mydb_admin WITH GRANT OPTION; To grant specific privileges on ALL objects of a specific type use ALL instead of the specific object name, as in: GRANT SELECT, REFERENCES, TRIGGER ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA my_schema TO 64
  • 65. PUBLIC; Note that ALL TABLES includes regular tables, foreign tables, and views. To grant privileges to all roles, you can use the PUBLIC alias, as in: GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA my_schema TO PUBLIC; The GRANT command is covered in detail in GRANT. We strongly recommend that you take the time to study this document before you inadvertently knock a big hole in your security wall. Some privileges are, by default, granted to PUBLIC. These are CONNECT and CREATE TEMP TABLE for databases and EXECUTE for functions. In many cases you might consider revoking some of the defaults with the REVOKE command, as in: REVOKE EXECUTE ON ALL FUNCTIONS IN SCHEMA my_schema FROM PUBLIC; Default Privileges Default privileges ease privilege management by letting you set privileges before their creation. WARNING Adding or changing default privileges won’t affect privilege settings on existing objects. Let’s suppose we want all users of our database to have EXECUTE and SELECT privileges access to any future tables and functions in a particular schema. We can define privileges as shown in Example 2-8. All roles of a PostgreSQL server are members of the group PUBLIC. Example 2-8. Defining default privileges on a schema 65
  • 66. ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA my_schema GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON SEQUENCES TO public; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA my_schema GRANT ALL ON FUNCTIONS TO mydb_admin WITH GRANT OPTION; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA my_schema GRANT USAGE ON TYPES TO PUBLIC; Allows all users that can connect to the database to also be able to use and create objects in a schema if they have rights to those objects in the schema. GRANT USAGE on a schema is the first step to granting access to objects in the schema. If a user has rights to select from a table in a schema but no USAGE on the schema, then he will not be able to query the table. Grant read and reference rights (the ability to create foreign key constraints against columns in a table) for all future tables created in a schema to all users that have USAGE of the schema. GRANT ALL permissions on future tables to role mydb_admin. In addition, allow members in mydb_admin to be able to grant a subset or all privileges to other users to future tables in this schema. GRANT ALL gives permission to add/update/delete/truncate rows, add triggers, and create constraints on the tables. GRANT permissions on future sequences, functions, and types. To read more about default privileges, see ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES. Privilege Idiosyncrasies GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA my_schema TO PUBLIC; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA my_schema GRANT SELECT, REFERENCES ON TABLES TO PUBLIC; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA my_schema GRANT ALL ON TABLES TO mydb_admin WITH GRANT OPTION; 66