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Materialized Views and
Secondary Indexes in Scylla:
They are finally here!
Piotr Sarna
Software Engineer @ScyllaDB
Presenter bio
Piotr is a software engineer very keen on open-source projects
and C++. He previously developed an open-source distributed
file system and had a brief adventure with Linux kernel during
an apprenticeship at Samsung Electronics. Piotr graduated from
University of Warsaw with MSc in Computer Science.
▪ Introduction
▪ Materialized Views
▪ Secondary Indexes
▪ Filtering
▪ Summary
Why finally?
▪ Materialized views
• experimental in 2.0
▪ Secondary indexes
• experimental in 2.1
▪ Filtering
Why finally?
▪ Materialized views
• experimental in 2.0, production-ready since 3.0
▪ Secondary indexes
• experimental in 2.1, production-ready since 3.0
▪ Filtering
• production-ready since 3.0
Materialized Views
Before Materialized Views
▪ How to query by something else other than primary key
Before Materialized Views
CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (p, c1, c2));
Before Materialized Views
CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (p, c1, c2));
▪ Querying for a regular column v:
• CREATE TABLE t2 (v int, p int, c1 int, c2 int, PRIMARY KEY(v, p, c1, c2));
• SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE v = 7;
▪ Querying for a non-prefix part of the primary key:
• CREATE TABLE t2 (c1 int, p int, c2 int, PRIMARY KEY(c1, p, c2));
• SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE c1 = 7;
Before Materialized Views
▪ Manual denormalization - problems
• updating the base table may require read-before-write
• there may be multiple denormalization tables for a table
• what if one of the writes fails?
• what if somebody forgets to write to one of the denormalized parts?
Read before write
CREATE TABLE base_table (
p int,
c int,
v int,
CREATE TABLE denormalized (
v int,
p int,
c int,
PRIMARY KEY (v, p, c)
Read before write
CREATE TABLE base_table (
p int,
c int,
v int,
p | c | v
0 | 1 | 8
CREATE TABLE denormalized (
v int,
p int,
c int,
PRIMARY KEY (v, p, c)
v | p | c
8 | 0 | 1
Read before write
CREATE TABLE base_table (
p int,
c int,
v int,
p | c | v
0 | 1 | 8
UPDATE TABLE base_table
SET v = 9
WHERE p = 0 AND c = 1;
CREATE TABLE denormalized (
v int,
p int,
c int,
PRIMARY KEY (v, p, c)
v | p | c
8 | 0 | 1
DELETE FROM denormalized
WHERE v = 8; -- how do we know it’s 8?
INSERT INTO denormalized (v, p, c)
VALUES (9, 0, 1);
Materialized Views
▪ Let Scylla denormalize a table for you
• view updates are generated automatically and transparently
• read-before-write is performed when needed
• useful statistics are exposed
Materialized Views
CREATE TABLE base_table (
p int,
c int,
v int,
p | c | v
0 | 1 | 8
view_table AS
SELECT * FROM base_table
PRIMARY KEY(v, p, c);
v | p | c
8 | 0 | 1
Materialized Views
▪ Materialized view’s partition key can be a subset of primary key
parts and/or a regular column
• currently limited to a single regular column
• the whole base primary key must be included in view’s primary key
• all primary key fields must be restricted with IS NOT NULL
▪ Each table is allowed to have multiple views
More examples
CREATE TABLE base_table (
p int,
c int,
v1 int,
v2 int,
v3 int,
v4 int,
v5 int,
p | c | v1 | v2 | v3 | v4 | v5
0 | 1 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
view_table AS
SELECT c, p FROM base_table
c | p
1 | 0
More examples
CREATE TABLE base_table (
p1 int,
p2 int,
c1 int,
c2 int,
v1 int,
v2 int,
v3 int,
PRIMARY KEY ((p1, p2), c1, c2)
p1 | p2 | c1 | c2 | v1 | v2 | v3
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 9 | 10
view_table AS
SELECT c2, p1, p2, c1, v2 FROM
PRIMARY KEY(c2, p1, p2, c1);
c2 | p1 | p2 | c1 | v2
3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 9
▪ View rows must be eventually consistent with their base counterparts
• all updates should be propagated - inserts, updates, deletes
• updates should not be lost in case of temporary failures/restarts
▪ Cluster must not be overloaded with mv updates - backpressure
• each base write may trigger multiple independent updates
• so can streaming
▪ Views created on an existing table should fill themselves
with existing base data - view building
Consistency - synchronous model
w(p: 1, v: 10)
d(v: 5)
w(v:10, p: 1)
r: Ok
r: Ok
Consistency - asynchronous model
w(p: 1, v: 10)
d(v: 5)
w(v:10, p: 1)
r: Ok
r: Ok
w(p: 1, v: 10)
d(v: 5)
w(v:10, p: 1)
r: Ok
r: Ok
w(p: 1, v: 10)
d(v: 5)
w(v:10, p: 1)
r: Ok
r: Ok
w(p: 1, v: 10)
d(v: 5)
w(v:10, p: 1)
r: Ok
r: Ok
solution: hinted handoff
Hinted handoff for materialized views
▪ Failed updates are stored on base node as hints
▪ They will be resent once the paired node is available
View building
▪ Views created on existing tables will be incrementally built from
existing data
▪ Progress can be tracked via system tables:
• system.views_builds_in_progress
• system.built_views
▪ a single user write can trigger multiple mv updates
▪ backpressure prevents overloading the cluster with them
• base replicas report their load to the coordinator
• coordinator is allowed to delay serving new user writes to lower the pressure
▪ there’s a whole presentation about the topic by Nadav Har’El
Public design document:
▪ Efficient way of sending data from one node to another
▪ Moves data directly to sstables of the target node,
bypassing the full write path
▪ Used under the hood of several cluster operations, e.g.:
• bootstrap
• repair
• rebuild
▪ In some cases, streamed data should generate materialized view
updates to ensure consistency
• unconditionally during node repair
• when the view is not yet completely built
▪ Affected sstables are stored and used to generate MV updates
Secondary Indexes
Before Secondary Indexes
▪ Searching on non-partition columns
• full table scan + client-side filtering
• schema redesign + manual denormalization
• using materialized views
Secondary Indexes
▪ based on materialized views
▪ reading - scalable
▪ writing - distributed
▪ low cardinality = wide partitions
▪ high cardinality = no problem
▪ require custom code
▪ reading - doesn’t scale
▪ writing - fast, local operation
▪ low cardinality = wide local
▪ high cardinality = too many lookups
Secondary Indexes
CREATE TABLE base_table (
p int,
c int,
v int,
p | c | v
0 | 1 | 8
CREATE INDEX ON base_table(v);
v | token | p | c
8 | 0x123 | 0 | 1
CREATE INDEX ON base_table(c);
c | token | p
8 | 0x123 | 0
Secondary Indexes
CREATE TABLE base_table (
p int,
c int,
v int,
p | c | v
0 | 1 | 8
SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE v = 8;
SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE c = 1;
CREATE INDEX ON base_table(v);
v | token | p | c
8 | 0x123 | 0 | 1
CREATE INDEX ON base_table(c);
c | token | p
8 | 0x123 | 0
Global Secondary Indexes
Global secondary indexes
▪ Receive a query that may need indexes
▪ Check whether a matching index exists
▪ Execute the index query, retrieve matching base primary keys
▪ Execute the base query using mentioned primary keys
▪ Return query results
Secondary index paging
▪ Rows in the index table are small
• only the indexed column, base primary keys and token are stored, all with size limits
• it’s near impossible for 100 index rows to hit the query size limit
▪ Base rows may be much bigger
• even a single row may exceed the query size limit
• not to mention 100 of them
100 rows
100 keys
Secondary Index Paging
3 rows
100 keys
Secondary Index Paging
Secondary Indexes vs Materialized Views
▪ transparent - the same table is
used for querying
▪ may be more efficient with
▪ creating/deleting them is easier
and more straightforward
▪ can cooperate with filtering
▪ uses 2-step query to join results
▪ querying doesn’t involve two steps,
which influences performance
▪ more flexible with primary keys
and complicated schemas
▪ denormalizes existing data
> SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE v = 8;
Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable
performance. If you want to execute this query despite the performance unpredictability, use
▪ Query restrictions that may need filtering
• non-key fields (WHERE v = 1)
• parts of primary keys that are not prefixes (WHERE pk = 1 and c2 = 3)
• partition keys with something other than an equality relation (WHERE pk >= 1)
• clustering keys with a range restriction and then by other conditions
(WHERE pk =1 and c1 > 2 and c2 = 3)
Coordinator-side filtering
▪ Coordinator node retrieves all data from nodes
▪ Filtering is applied
▪ Only matching rows are returned to the client
▪ Easily extensible with optimizations (pre-filtering on data nodes
can be implemented and added)
Query selectivity
Low selectivity queries:
▪ return almost all rows (e.g. 70%)
High selectivity queries:
▪ return only a few rows (e.g. 1)
Query selectivity
Low selectivity queries:
▪ return almost all rows (e.g. 70%)
▪ good candidate for filtering
High selectivity queries:
▪ return only a few rows (e.g. 1)
▪ bad candidate for filtering
Filtering alternatives
▪ Materialized views and their alternatives
▪ Secondary indexes and their alternatives
Filtering + indexes
Combining filtering with indexes
CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(p, c1, c2));
▪ SELECT * FROM t WHERE c2 = 3 and v1 = 1 and v2 = 3 ALLOW FILTERING;
Combining filtering with indexes
CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(p, c1, c2));
▪ SELECT * FROM t WHERE c2 = 3 and v1 = 1 and v2 = 3 ALLOW FILTERING;
• extract rows using index on c2
• filter rows that match (v1 == 1 and v2 == 3)
Multiple indexing
CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(p, c1, c2));
▪ SELECT * FROM t WHERE c2 = 3 and v1 = 1 and v2 = 3 ALLOW FILTERING;
Multiple indexing
CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(p, c1, c2));
▪ SELECT * FROM t WHERE c2 = 3 and v1 = 1 and v2 = 3 ALLOW FILTERING;
• extract rows using index on c2
• filter rows that match (v1 == 1 and v2 == 3)
Key prefix optimizations
CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(p, c1, c2));
▪ SELECT * FROM t WHERE p = 0 and c1 = 1 and v2 = 7 ALLOW FILTERING;
• extract rows only from partition p=0 and sliced by c1=1
• filter rows that match (v2 = 7)
Key prefix optimizations
CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(p, c1, c2));
▪ SELECT * FROM t WHERE p = 0 and c1 = 1 and v1 = 7 ALLOW FILTERING;
• extract rows from index v1, including p=0 and c1=1 in index query restrictions
• no filtering needed!
Future: selectivity statistics
Having selectivity statistics for every index would help with:
▪ identifying data model problems
• was indexing the right choice for the use case? Would filtering fit better?
▪ choosing the best index to query from in multiple index queries
• one index is used to retrieve results from the base replica
• remaining restrictions are filtered
• which combination is the best?
▪ As of 3.0, the following features are going GA:
• materialized views
• secondary indexes
• filtering support
Future plans
▪ MV repair
▪ optimized multi-index support
▪ add replica-side filtering optimizations
▪ as always - optimize even further
Thank You
Any Questions?
Please stay in touch

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Materialized Views and Secondary Indexes in Scylla: They Are finally here!

  • 1. Materialized Views and Secondary Indexes in Scylla: They are finally here! Piotr Sarna Software Engineer @ScyllaDB
  • 2. Presenter bio Piotr is a software engineer very keen on open-source projects and C++. He previously developed an open-source distributed file system and had a brief adventure with Linux kernel during an apprenticeship at Samsung Electronics. Piotr graduated from University of Warsaw with MSc in Computer Science.
  • 3. Agenda ▪ Introduction ▪ Materialized Views ▪ Secondary Indexes ▪ Filtering ▪ Summary
  • 5. Why finally? ▪ Materialized views • experimental in 2.0 ▪ Secondary indexes • experimental in 2.1 ▪ Filtering
  • 6. Why finally? ▪ Materialized views • experimental in 2.0, production-ready since 3.0 ▪ Secondary indexes • experimental in 2.1, production-ready since 3.0 ▪ Filtering • production-ready since 3.0
  • 8. Before Materialized Views ▪ How to query by something else other than primary key columns?
  • 9. Before Materialized Views CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (p, c1, c2));
  • 10. Before Materialized Views CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (p, c1, c2)); ▪ Querying for a regular column v: • CREATE TABLE t2 (v int, p int, c1 int, c2 int, PRIMARY KEY(v, p, c1, c2)); • SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE v = 7; ▪ Querying for a non-prefix part of the primary key: • CREATE TABLE t2 (c1 int, p int, c2 int, PRIMARY KEY(c1, p, c2)); • SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE c1 = 7;
  • 11. Before Materialized Views ▪ Manual denormalization - problems • updating the base table may require read-before-write • there may be multiple denormalization tables for a table • what if one of the writes fails? • what if somebody forgets to write to one of the denormalized parts?
  • 12. Read before write CREATE TABLE base_table ( p int, c int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (p, c) ); CREATE TABLE denormalized ( v int, p int, c int, PRIMARY KEY (v, p, c) );
  • 13. Read before write CREATE TABLE base_table ( p int, c int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (p, c) ); p | c | v ---+---+--- 0 | 1 | 8 CREATE TABLE denormalized ( v int, p int, c int, PRIMARY KEY (v, p, c) ); v | p | c ---+---+--- 8 | 0 | 1
  • 14. Read before write CREATE TABLE base_table ( p int, c int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (p, c) ); p | c | v ---+---+--- 0 | 1 | 8 UPDATE TABLE base_table SET v = 9 WHERE p = 0 AND c = 1; CREATE TABLE denormalized ( v int, p int, c int, PRIMARY KEY (v, p, c) ); v | p | c ---+---+--- 8 | 0 | 1 DELETE FROM denormalized WHERE v = 8; -- how do we know it’s 8? INSERT INTO denormalized (v, p, c) VALUES (9, 0, 1);
  • 15. Materialized Views ▪ Let Scylla denormalize a table for you • view updates are generated automatically and transparently • read-before-write is performed when needed • useful statistics are exposed
  • 16. Materialized Views CREATE TABLE base_table ( p int, c int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (p, c) ); p | c | v ---+---+--- 0 | 1 | 8 CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW view_table AS SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE v IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY(v, p, c); v | p | c ---+---+--- 8 | 0 | 1
  • 17. Materialized Views ▪ Materialized view’s partition key can be a subset of primary key parts and/or a regular column • currently limited to a single regular column • the whole base primary key must be included in view’s primary key • all primary key fields must be restricted with IS NOT NULL ▪ Each table is allowed to have multiple views
  • 18. More examples CREATE TABLE base_table ( p int, c int, v1 int, v2 int, v3 int, v4 int, v5 int, PRIMARY KEY (p, c) ); p | c | v1 | v2 | v3 | v4 | v5 ---+---+----+----+----+----+---- 0 | 1 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW view_table AS SELECT c, p FROM base_table WHERE c IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY(c, p); c | p ---+--- 1 | 0
  • 19. More examples CREATE TABLE base_table ( p1 int, p2 int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, v3 int, PRIMARY KEY ((p1, p2), c1, c2) ); p1 | p2 | c1 | c2 | v1 | v2 | v3 ----+----+----+----+----+----+---- 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 9 | 10 CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW view_table AS SELECT c2, p1, p2, c1, v2 FROM base_table WHERE c2 IS NOT NULL AND p1 IS NOT NULL AND p2 IS NOT NULL AND c1 IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY(c2, p1, p2, c1); c2 | p1 | p2 | c1 | v2 ----+----+----+----+---- 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 9
  • 20. Challenges ▪ View rows must be eventually consistent with their base counterparts • all updates should be propagated - inserts, updates, deletes • updates should not be lost in case of temporary failures/restarts ▪ Cluster must not be overloaded with mv updates - backpressure • each base write may trigger multiple independent updates • so can streaming ▪ Views created on an existing table should fill themselves with existing base data - view building
  • 21. Consistency - synchronous model C B V1 w(p: 1, v: 10) V2 d(v: 5) w(v:10, p: 1) r: Ok r: Ok
  • 22. Consistency - asynchronous model C B V1 w(p: 1, v: 10) V2 d(v: 5) w(v:10, p: 1) r: Ok r: Ok
  • 23. Consistency C B V1 w(p: 1, v: 10) V2 d(v: 5) w(v:10, p: 1) r: Ok r: Ok
  • 24. Consistency C B V1 w(p: 1, v: 10) V2 d(v: 5) w(v:10, p: 1) r: Ok r: Ok
  • 25. Consistency C B V1 w(p: 1, v: 10) V2 d(v: 5) w(v:10, p: 1) r: Ok r: Ok solution: hinted handoff
  • 26. Hinted handoff for materialized views ▪ Failed updates are stored on base node as hints ▪ They will be resent once the paired node is available
  • 27. View building ▪ Views created on existing tables will be incrementally built from existing data ▪ Progress can be tracked via system tables: • system.views_builds_in_progress • system.built_views
  • 28. Backpressure ▪ a single user write can trigger multiple mv updates ▪ backpressure prevents overloading the cluster with them • base replicas report their load to the coordinator • coordinator is allowed to delay serving new user writes to lower the pressure ▪ there’s a whole presentation about the topic by Nadav Har’El Public design document:
  • 29. Streaming ▪ Efficient way of sending data from one node to another ▪ Moves data directly to sstables of the target node, bypassing the full write path ▪ Used under the hood of several cluster operations, e.g.: • bootstrap • repair • rebuild
  • 30. ▪ In some cases, streamed data should generate materialized view updates to ensure consistency • unconditionally during node repair • when the view is not yet completely built ▪ Affected sstables are stored and used to generate MV updates Streaming
  • 32. Before Secondary Indexes ▪ Searching on non-partition columns • full table scan + client-side filtering • schema redesign + manual denormalization • using materialized views
  • 33. Secondary Indexes Global ▪ based on materialized views ▪ reading - scalable ▪ writing - distributed ▪ low cardinality = wide partitions ▪ high cardinality = no problem Local ▪ require custom code ▪ reading - doesn’t scale ▪ writing - fast, local operation ▪ low cardinality = wide local partitions ▪ high cardinality = too many lookups
  • 34. Secondary Indexes CREATE TABLE base_table ( p int, c int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (p, c) ); p | c | v ---+---+--- 0 | 1 | 8 CREATE INDEX ON base_table(v); v | token | p | c ---+-------+---+--- 8 | 0x123 | 0 | 1 CREATE INDEX ON base_table(c); c | token | p ---+-------+--- 8 | 0x123 | 0
  • 35. Secondary Indexes CREATE TABLE base_table ( p int, c int, v int, PRIMARY KEY (p, c) ); p | c | v ---+---+--- 0 | 1 | 8 SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE v = 8; SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE c = 1; CREATE INDEX ON base_table(v); v | token | p | c ---+-------+---+--- 8 | 0x123 | 0 | 1 CREATE INDEX ON base_table(c); c | token | p ---+-------+--- 8 | 0x123 | 0
  • 37. Global secondary indexes ▪ Receive a query that may need indexes ▪ Check whether a matching index exists ▪ Execute the index query, retrieve matching base primary keys ▪ Execute the base query using mentioned primary keys ▪ Return query results
  • 38. Secondary index paging ▪ Rows in the index table are small • only the indexed column, base primary keys and token are stored, all with size limits • it’s near impossible for 100 index rows to hit the query size limit ▪ Base rows may be much bigger • even a single row may exceed the query size limit • not to mention 100 of them
  • 41. Secondary Indexes vs Materialized Views ▪ transparent - the same table is used for querying ▪ may be more efficient with storage ▪ creating/deleting them is easier and more straightforward ▪ can cooperate with filtering ▪ uses 2-step query to join results ▪ querying doesn’t involve two steps, which influences performance ▪ more flexible with primary keys and complicated schemas ▪ denormalizes existing data
  • 43. Filtering > SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE v = 8; Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance. If you want to execute this query despite the performance unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING.
  • 44. Filtering ▪ Query restrictions that may need filtering • non-key fields (WHERE v = 1) • parts of primary keys that are not prefixes (WHERE pk = 1 and c2 = 3) • partition keys with something other than an equality relation (WHERE pk >= 1) • clustering keys with a range restriction and then by other conditions (WHERE pk =1 and c1 > 2 and c2 = 3)
  • 45. Coordinator-side filtering ▪ Coordinator node retrieves all data from nodes ▪ Filtering is applied ▪ Only matching rows are returned to the client ▪ Easily extensible with optimizations (pre-filtering on data nodes can be implemented and added)
  • 46. Query selectivity Low selectivity queries: ▪ return almost all rows (e.g. 70%) High selectivity queries: ▪ return only a few rows (e.g. 1)
  • 47. Query selectivity Low selectivity queries: ▪ return almost all rows (e.g. 70%) ▪ good candidate for filtering High selectivity queries: ▪ return only a few rows (e.g. 1) ▪ bad candidate for filtering
  • 48. Filtering alternatives ▪ Materialized views and their alternatives ▪ Secondary indexes and their alternatives
  • 50. Combining filtering with indexes CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(p, c1, c2)); CREATE INDEX ON t(c2); ▪ SELECT * FROM t WHERE c2 = 3 and v1 = 1 and v2 = 3 ALLOW FILTERING;
  • 51. Combining filtering with indexes CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(p, c1, c2)); CREATE INDEX ON t(c2); ▪ SELECT * FROM t WHERE c2 = 3 and v1 = 1 and v2 = 3 ALLOW FILTERING; • extract rows using index on c2 • filter rows that match (v1 == 1 and v2 == 3)
  • 52. Multiple indexing CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(p, c1, c2)); CREATE INDEX ON t(c2); CREATE INDEX ON t(v1); ▪ SELECT * FROM t WHERE c2 = 3 and v1 = 1 and v2 = 3 ALLOW FILTERING;
  • 53. Multiple indexing CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(p, c1, c2)); CREATE INDEX ON t(c2); CREATE INDEX ON t(v1); ▪ SELECT * FROM t WHERE c2 = 3 and v1 = 1 and v2 = 3 ALLOW FILTERING; • extract rows using index on c2 • filter rows that match (v1 == 1 and v2 == 3)
  • 54. Key prefix optimizations CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(p, c1, c2)); CREATE INDEX ON t(c2); CREATE INDEX ON t(v1); ▪ SELECT * FROM t WHERE p = 0 and c1 = 1 and v2 = 7 ALLOW FILTERING; • extract rows only from partition p=0 and sliced by c1=1 • filter rows that match (v2 = 7)
  • 55. Key prefix optimizations CREATE TABLE t (p int, c1 int, c2 int, v1 int, v2 int, PRIMARY KEY(p, c1, c2)); CREATE INDEX ON t(c2); CREATE INDEX ON t(v1); ▪ SELECT * FROM t WHERE p = 0 and c1 = 1 and v1 = 7 ALLOW FILTERING; • extract rows from index v1, including p=0 and c1=1 in index query restrictions • no filtering needed!
  • 56. Future: selectivity statistics Having selectivity statistics for every index would help with: ▪ identifying data model problems • was indexing the right choice for the use case? Would filtering fit better? ▪ choosing the best index to query from in multiple index queries • one index is used to retrieve results from the base replica • remaining restrictions are filtered • which combination is the best?
  • 58. Conclusions ▪ As of 3.0, the following features are going GA: • materialized views • secondary indexes • filtering support
  • 59. Future plans ▪ MV repair ▪ optimized multi-index support ▪ add replica-side filtering optimizations ▪ as always - optimize even further
  • 60. Thank You Any Questions? Please stay in touch